And there were two! It was more ammo, but it meant that each team got one, rather than one team dominating with all the heavy, so they were up against each other.
Before I watch it I’ll see if we share the same points and points I think are pretty unanimous. Supers should be less frequent, roaming supers should have less armor, and heavy should spawn less frequently. Will report if I guessed right.
Ive played with content creators before, but i always end up on their team. its nice that with people in supers distracted, i can hit them tho. Once played with Drewsky on my team and i melted down a hammers that literally ignored me to go get him. BTW love your content.
Dude, I like your channel, but this game has serious PvP issues. You ever heard of competitive Diablo? No, because when you bring your own randomized loot into PvP, one team immediately has an advantage over the other, not because of genuine skill, but because of loadouts acquired through either grinding or luck. It sucks, and it especially sucks for new players. I don’t know who exactly you’re playin with, but almost everyone I end up playing with tells me the same thing, “Crucible is terrible and we don’t like playing it.” This game NEEDS changes in order to garner praise that it COULD have and reach the potential it genuinely has!
Warpriest was such a fantastic encounter. King's Fall was arguably my least favorite D1 raid if I'm being honest, but damn if that encounter wasn't damn near perfect, in my opinion.
I would kill for a guns only mode, no supers. And as much as i find it amusing running from spawn to spawn in titan shock super, it needs to be fixed ASAP. Lots of fixes are needed for pvp thought. I still enjoy it most the time
I know This comment was out in a year ago, but I have an idea. A game mode where all abilities heal really slowly, and it is possible to get a super in the game out really hard. No power ammo
I heard TrueVanguard say it too - the first few minutes of a PVP game are actually a really fun test of weapon skill, but once supers start yeah it's over. Also power spawns WAY too early and too often
Power also only spawning in one (or two?) locations is just dense. In D1 the system for heavy was much better. Clash for example now, is just king of the hill.
Cammycakes is always mentioning how he wishes it was a bit easier to challenge a roaming super cause in order to do it you need way too many players to focus it and they all need to hit their shots.
Yea, having only 1-2 instances a game for heavy, but everyone gets it was always fun Cuz either the whole team gets heavy and it gets chaos for like, a minute or two Or; you super the whole team in one swoop Was always a mind game too A lot of fun Also miss waving heavy to have it not spawn, was a cool addition
I like playing pvp, but on Xbox it’s just horrible I tried going for recluse but I think I have gave up at this point as I get put against players using lord of wolves, they leech off power ammo and just panic super as soon as they realise oh wait these guys have skill unlike us. Annoyingly it works meaning I just go down in points. And then worse again even when I go in quick play it’s filled with people who have grabbed pinnacle weapons and just gone into quickplay
@Pure This! in Year 1 the raid bosses were challenging to some extent, even if you cleared the raid dozens of times already. It felt good to dps the boss. Now its a no-brainer.
That's bullshit. I've never seen 9 hund. Thou or 9 mill dmg numbs pop up (Xbox console). Not saying it's not real, but not easily doable. Mind you I rock rando raids and even w/ good coop it's not a thing. Stop nerfing shit. Let us be God's giving the fade to these cuck ass monsters. Its like ya'll don't know what real struggle is and video games are supposed to give you that. I face too much real struggle to want to face it in video games as fun. FoH my people.
Blackronin357 your weapons suck then because a lot of weapons do a minimum 2,000 for pve, if your talking about pvp with damage number then I agree but this thread is talking about well, celestial can also do 999,999 dmg in pve
@@tato300 As a Warlock main, I'm not sure what setup would have my weapon dmg at the cap even being 50 lvls above the raid and stacking buffs. I don't see how it can be done. If other player types can cool. Would like to know the setup tho.
Joshua Madrid That's always my biggest side eye when it comes to these complaints. Everyone whined during D2Y1 about how underpowered we were and how they wanted their oh so precious power fantasy fulfilled. Now look. The balancing for this game is a damn joke at this point and we, the community, are the biggest reason it is.
Iron banner has become the quickest way of farming mercy rules or be mercied. Solo queue in comp is tough, but in Iron banner, if I see myself against a full stack . I'll try my best but if I see a 60 point gap, I'll might as well just be afk. 9/10 times, the people are good on their own and wouldn't even need a team to win, yet here they are, making sure that literally nobody else enjoys Iron Banner. Its either you join them by getting a team together or you surf twitter while you're playing in solo queue. You'll be in orbit fast enough and I hate it. Shouldn't be that hard to actually make stacks play against stacks when it is so god damn common. :(
1. PVE and PVP need separate balancing for both weapons and supers. Weapons and supers shouldn't be nerfed in PVE just because they're OP in PVP and vise versa. 2. PVP should have one Heavy Ammo round, one chest spawns, anyone who stands next to it as it opens gets heavy, just like D1.
They're separate to a point, but they usually buff/nerf the same things with bigger adjustments in PVE. So for example, a balance patch might say "fusion rifle damage increased by 15% in PVP, and 35% in PVE" As far as supers go, they do the same thing, where spectral blades/gwisin vest was nerfed, it got nerfed harder in PVP because you had to get 3+ quick kills to get a lot of super regen, so it still could last a bit longer in PVE. Bottom tree striker, which was really broken in S5, was able to run as long as there were ads to kill. I could clear out two sides in gambit before the super ran out. When they nerfed it a while back, they gave it diminishing returns, so after ~15 kills, the energy you get back is less and less. However, this change didn't affect PVP at all, because you can't realistically get 15 kills in one super (although I've seen 9 or 10) So they have separate balances because if they change something, they can adjust it by a different percentage in PVE/PVP, and some changes they make affect one mode more than the other.
No supers shouldn't be this overwhelming but they should be a way to tip the scale like in a competitive game if ur about to lose but close then and super should be able to allow a chance to win a game not like overpowering the whole game
@@TheForgottenBlackMan I disagree. The constant Wardcliff Coils is a big issue as well. That thing with the catalyst is essentially a single-use super in and of itself.
@@DoodleObv Don't need to buff bubble. Buff the game. In D1 it was about not dying. In D2 it's about how many damage buffing abilities can we stack. Give people a reason to hide inside a bubble and they will hide inside a bubble.
So much yes. At least fist of panic in d1 wasn't 5 to 8 kills every use, at best you could get maybe 4 if you were playing control because you got them trying to cap a zone. Roaming supers need a nerf, to at least the point where a "nuke" type super (nova bomb, spectral blades, thundercrash??) could counter someone roaming around getting kills galore. Also bring back weapons of light for a titan ward of dawn; literally nobody uses ward of dawn. Nobody.
@@McNinjaDr I preferred when Fist of Havoc was a one time use slam as it made it feel much more rewarding and a lot less OP than being able to run across the map and kill people again with the same super charge as now it feels so cheap
Try killing an invader in Gambit Prime who brings in his Full Invader Set with a godroll LMG and knows how to dodge Truth and Jotünn rockets and melts you even when you are in your super.
TBF people have complained about this for ages. Bungie won't listen till someone popular acknowledges the problem. PvP was it's best pre forsaken. It's been super bad and getting worse since :/
@@chaosprime1982 though forsaken was hands down better for everything else other then pvp no hate though I actually agree but to sacrifice everything else for pvp is just not worth it I just hope bungi can fix it without breaking everything else
Funnily enough, I made a Bungie post about this same topic a month or two ago. The amount of hate i got was unreal. Despite the upvotes i got, i got many more downvotes, because most of the people that troll online forums are there because they're upset about the game, and instead of formulating valid arguments and talking about what's wrong with the game and how to fix it, they just wanna take out their angst on someone through a computer screen. But when ___________ insert famous youtuber here talks about it, people agree.
@@WiseSam95 probably didn't word it the say way or talk about it in a constructive way tho I wouldn't know those are just two things that'd probably be responsible for it and what you said but that's not the whole story
I mean I guess, I honestly feel like if you understand how to play PvP it's good. Trials was awful and toxic to the game and Datto thinks it's good? Hell I actually enjoy Comp.
When I play comp and see that whole enemy team has supers at the end of the round I just take my hands from the keyboard, next round starts and 10 seconds laters I see and hear super popping and me and my whole team dying in blink of an eye. It's fcking ridiculous.
For some reason this still holds true to some extent even after shadowkeep and all the adjustments given to supers. One guy pops a super, gets a few no brainer kills, few orbs spawn, and from here its just a snowball most of the time and its rarely ever a close match nowadays.
I've been ranting about this for months. Roaming supers are non-sense. That's why I run Chaos Reach or Nova Bomb. You want to run my team over with your striker super? That's cute. Suck on this laser beam and burn in hell. Shotgun ape titans, and roaming supers. I'd take getting sniped at every corner over those two. Watching a titan miss both shotgun shots, then run at you and one hit you with a melee is the most saddening thing in the world.
And i'm tired of people complaining about snipers when THEY. CAN'T. MOVE. PROPERLY. Did you know that by pressing crouch after sprinting for even a split second you could slide? and 99% of snipers below 3000 glory can't hit someone who even thinks about strafing? Don't worry my clan leader is like this too. The only problem i see is with quickplay where matchmaking is horrific. Seems like they are trying some kind of SBMM at the moment, but it works so well that I, who painfully got 3000 glory at best, get matched against 3 unbrokens per game, thank you bungo. But this is not a game balancing issue, snipers are fine (except the bullet hitbox that's kinda overtuned on PC, having your target's head intersecting with the edge of your crosshair should not result in a headshot), but double scavengers are fine, because only getting 2 shots per ammo brick you pickup would starve you of ammo fairly quickly, because you'd be out of ammo before being able to frag out. They could be adjusted to give less ammo if you're above half the reserves but that's all. Thanks for reading my rant about people who whine about snipers, and matchmaking, and a bit of balance, this has clearly gone away from its original goal but i'm fine with it
@@fly1ing891 The problem with special ammo is shotguns. They get ammo back as soon as they kill you, which means they are always topped off. With snipers, you shoot a guy off in the distance and there's no brick near you so you run out. People can still run shotgun for a whole game without having to switch to anything else. That's absolutely crazy in my opinion.
My problem when ppl say just buff everything to it’s level, it’s flawed balancing I rather learn new Loadouts then be pissed off every game bc I only get killed by a sweaty last word user
I was ready to get annoyed when you move onto the PvE is too easy section but I actually agree with you, I miss boss fights that last more than 1 second.
My team got upset when we had to 3 phase insurrection... and we were cheesing it with Joining Allies. I've had people get upset that we had to 2 phase Calus. Riven? Okay, admittedly, I haven't made it to Riven yet.
Smack Daddy, Yeah it does, makes me want to throw it in the trash because the tracking on mine seems to want to piss me off all the time. I see people side step my shot all the time with the tracking going “Oh wait!” then try to curve to the target when it passes them. I went back to using normal fusion rifles.
@LegionnaireFrog Not reliably because it has travel time and the tracking SUCKS to the point where it might honestly be easier to use if it had no tracking at all.
Played iron banner about 3 hours yesterday and literally every game i played was infested with jotuns..its so scrubby and new to destiny 2 so I'm still trying to get a feel for the crucible but so far all i see is ppl just jumping around using the most cheesey one shot weapons all the time..
I miss being able to win a game through shooting my gun and effectively using my super once or twice a game, now it’s stick to my teammates for orbs and camp heavy.
T H I S. I keep saying that i miss D1-style pvp to my clanmates because of all the teamshoot and other stuff (orb gen, always run or make enemies run..) but they say D2 is better
Sorry but if it's camp heavy then why are apes more prevalent than ever? Why is the number one tip from pro players, "master your movement"? I get it there are people who suck at PvP and refuse to adapt, but why should the game change for you just because you don't want to change how you play? I get a majority of my kills with guns, I get a majority of my kills by myself or with one other person. I team up when pushing points or when I know the team has more skilled players. If we lose to supers it's because we didn't plan correctly, got baited into using one of ours early, etc. Iron Banner has been a blast for me even when you get paired with teamates who have no idea how to halt the enemy. A lot of tactics from D1 work in D2, snipers are extremely effective in the right hands. If you want to fix supers then do what Bungie did to hunters make it so that roaming supers require an exotic slot in order to extend their duration, make sure they are durable but not so durable that a coordinated response can't stop them. And take one shot melees out of the game OR give one to each class.
Me: pops a well of radiance to shoot one trinity ghoul lightning arrow and kill the whole team Every enemy combatant with a super ready to go: *teleports behind me* L1 R1
I mean nova warp is mostly unavoidable compared to literally any other roaming super except daybreak. Bottom tree striker might last too long but all you need to do to avoid it is jump in the air, literally just press and hold jump.
Yeah, I saw that, and as a hunter I basically was just like, "Wait Bungie is willing to throw that much shade?", but that's gotta be just infuriating to OG titans. My sympathy, Defender was mistreated.
@@ayo4345 "Hey, did you here about Well?" "It's a disgrace to every Titan, I tell you!" "Apparently it's stopped working properly. Doesn't do as much anymore." "So? What do we have? Nothing. Living relics of a bygone era." "Oh no, my friend. It stopped working... Because *I* have *this*!"
10:40 datto: talks about how one phasing warpriest is hard and how everything must be perfect for it to happen *looks at recommended videos and sees the Hodor challenge*
Now bubble is uselss with the expection of 3 specific encounters. Reckoning, Heroic menagerie, countdown comp. There's no reason to use this over the regular super.
As a warlock main, in D1 I always thought about how my raid life would be so much easier as a titan, always having that bubble at my disposal. Comes D2 Y2: Me: alright guys, shuro chi, I'm running stormcaller to clean it-- Teammates: well of radiance. Me: but why not-- Teammates: you're the only warlock. Well of radiance. Me: ah shit, here we go again.
Paulo Henrique Lima dame feeling love bottom tree voidwalker never get to use in the raids cause well exist, I’ve used well so much that I actual hate the super and only use it if I have to
Not sure why I went with this analogy, but let me break it down: Destiny 1 crucible: Butterfly Room from Toy Story 3 Destiny 2 crucible: Caterpillar Room from Toy Story 3
It's refreshing to see Bungie specifically mention and link this video in their Director's Cut, knowing that they fully take in community feedback and doesn't feel like the community is just shouting into the void about what they feel is a problem. Not that Bungie hasn't always been good about listening to their community, it's just some solid affirmation that they constantly do
It's true but now I've been seeing an influx of hate for Datto coming from this video because of the nerf planned for Well of Radiance. A lot of people are pointing the finger on Datto cause of what he said about how Warlocks are utilized in raids as support classes to melt a boss in one phase. Maybe if the bosses weren't stationary or had different mechanics to them during the actual fight then maybe the nerf wouldn't be needed. This whole thing to some people is proving how the top-tier players are ruining the game for others just because they don't like what the game is now. It's not good for them but for everyone else it's fine.
I just recently returned to D2 and this is really accurate. I don't even want to play crucible anymore, and it used to be my favorite. Now I just get smashed to hell by strikers then shotgunned turning corners and thats the game.
Try rumble, it's better than QP since there's not as many supers. You'll still find a ton of tryhards crutching meta loadouts, but you get a lot more 1v1 duels and I feel like I can slay out a lot more on a good day
I'm just hearing a bunch of winers who don't know how to combat a meta. Literally get a decent pulse or a god roll scout and the recluse/shotgun rushers can't do shit
Adam Idk. I’m a titan and even I’m not blind enough to think for even a second that Striker isn’t the strongest class in the game rn. Spectral blade’s are annoying, but no where near the level of strikers. Same goes for Dawnblade.
Remember when Destiny 2 came out and people were using primarily primary's? And everyone complained that there weren't enough supers, grenades, and special ammo? Thanks for starting us down this hell hole.
@RadTheLad celestial only takes care of one of the big ones and u can yrself take care of them by having acricus or mountain top or a spike gl and the tether makes the take down quicker and easier
Remember when we needed to hit our snipes instead of spamming the hell out of every raidboss with our noobtubes? Edit: Whisper has never been the best option for every situation because IT IS harder to use at something like Kali than other things. Also my comment is to point out the Meta-change going forward from D1Y2+ to D2Y2
Bungie: we have removed weapons and blessings of light from ward of dawn because we didn’t want a must have super in raid Also bungie: we added a super to warlocks which has the equivalent of both armour and weapons of light AND reloads your weapon with an exotic equipped
This is hilarious because theres lore in the game thats a conversation between two Titans talking shit about the warlocks copying there old moves and they bring up Well as a prime example.
That's him showing the best clips he can come up with. Imagine the hundreds of hours he might have recorded where all he's doing is dying to supers or getting out-sniped.
Same, mostly because the maps are to small for 6 ppl... im always fighting 1 guy and in the other moment im getting shot from the side and as datto mentioned if the super phase kicks in its run or die xD
I hate comp because it took me 2 months to get recluse. But... I suck at PvP, so that's why. I enjoy QP, though. But once the supers start popping off I hate it.
Pick your fights, end them quick or bail, that was how2quickplay in a nutshell. About supers proper positioning and aiming can outplay them, but i agree mayhem o'clock is the time to stop playing aggro
I've been playing nonstop Comp just to get away from the glaring issues with map sizes in Quickplay. And even then the game is just a superfest and when you don't have super you always have a heavy weapon.
The difference between console and PC is what I fear most right now. Bungie will either balance the game based on console or PC performances for weapons and I know which it will be and which will suffer most... Lord of wolves, mostly used on PC. Nerfed. Recluse, laser beam on PC, not quite as overused on console because of recoil, etc, it will be nerfed. Etc. In D3 the sandbox between PC and console MUST be separated or PvP will suffer one way or the other. It's not fair to nerf weapons based on recoil or lack thereof when the other platform had the opposite and said weapons are affected differently.
Robert Palmer Do you have your pc is bad glasses on? The whole game is literally designed from, for and of console. The vastly majority of players is on console, the majority of bungies money comes from the console players. The decision to wait 6/7weeks to nerf lord of wolves? Done because, the pc community isn‘t that huge and on console it‘s not that op. Recluse not getting an instant nerf? Mostly bungies hotfixing problem but console too. Why nerf something that only maybe 2% of the playerbase has problems with. (I‘d argue even less) The only thing that gives bungie an incentive to even look at pc is the amount of destiny streamers and content creators with their massive impact on active player counts which are mostly on pc, because on there destiny is the game it is supposed to be.
Yeah... I don’t know how your playing but just get a nice consistent hand cannon like duke, austringer, waking, Luna’s, ace, the allegro( it’s a blue) there are a bunch of goodnhand cannons that don’t have ghost bullets l( I understand the last word has them) but stop whining so much I play on console and have had no problems with hitting hand cannon shots
does truth need 3 rockets and then someone dying with one left in the mag and then someone picks it up that has rocket scavenger and now they have three...pls tell me how this is balanced
@@knavenformed9436 why are players ALWAYS complaining about PvP in Destiny. Bungie tried addressing all these complaints in D2 Y1 and player numbers plummeted.
@TheRedHood everyone's accustomed to raids being easier ever since the riven cheese. Most people playing destiny don't care about being challenged in a raid. They just want it to be easier and easier. But that's a bad thing if Bungie actually listens to us there. No one complained about raids in d1 either, doesn't mean both games are on equal footing. D1 raids rewarded perfect execution in the mechanics, while d2 raids just reward you if everyone has a god rolled swarm with a Luna warlock. I agree about the complaint for well of radiance, the same thing occured in d1 with bubble Titans. There is no choice. You have to use Luna well or else you're at a disadvantage. The raid is literally designed around you using Luna well. But what if I want to play devour warlock? Or banner shield Titan? Nope, you don't get to one phase. I hope I answer some qns here
@TheRedHood Ah... actually yes. Everyone knows well is like a cheat code for easy mode. Even worse is the fact that it IS the bubble from D1 but on super steroids: it gives you both the bonuses of weapons and blessing of light at the same time and you can "shoot through it" lmao. They took away one of the TWO useful things Titans had back in D1 (the other one being, of course, melting point) just to give it back to Warlocks like it was nothing. It's honestly pretty stupid, and this is coming from a Warlock. I like that we Warlocks are finally needed for once after being the class nobody wanted in their groups during the entirety of D1, but this was a terrible solution to that problem.
How about Bungie makes Raif encounters have mechanics to damage the boss instead of having us just stand and team shot the boss while the boss stands there and watches us shoot them. Crota had the sword and Oryx had the bomb blights that did the most damage to them. More raid boss encounters like that would be much more enjoyable in my opinion.
Exactly why King's Fall was one of the best raids. Riven would be a competitor if they didn't let this stand and shoot her mouth to win stay as a strat. Like Datto says, where you drop down and shoot her weak spots, no one does her legit cause its pointless to actual do the boss encounter the "right" way
Theres so much opportunity there! Randomised loadout modes or one where it's a full suppression and have them cycle weekly or bi weekly. Or just Bring back a combat variant of SRL once a month please God holy shit I'm begging. I'll even take just SRL. Make sparrows matter again
As a warlock main last wish sorta sucks. Aside from vault my job is to run well and lunafaction, activate super, and my team is unkillable for the next 30 seconds. And then the encounters over (excluding shuro chi)
Red Glory yeah. On shuro chi I tried running phoenix protocol for well spam, but got called out for not using lunas despite having a well every 15 seconds.
@@Alex-xq6ju you get your well back before the next dmg phase in shuro chi. people require warlocks with luna because luna insures that the most dmg is being put out without being hindered by reload speed in the quickest amount of time.
I remember in destiny 1 when vrota came out everyone was like you need to have G-horn I was allowed in because i had red death and didnt need chalice .... Hopefully people will know what im on about xD
Vodrin 1210 seriously. While Spectral was broken and still is good, it has literally the lowest damage resistance of all roaming supers. Dawnblade, fist of havoc, and even arcstrider last way too long and are too difficult to kill.
@@c0mplex564 I'd say you're wrong because Golden Gun has less resistance, but I suppose having no damage resistance in super technically disqualifies it from that list.
I need that gif right now of Michael from the office just screaming THANKYOU! Cause like damn, I literally agreed with everything you said in the video
@Cheese Boi At least with top tree stormcaller (tickle fingers), you can usually kill them pretty easily. Striker is like a freight train, and arc staff can block your damage.
TWICE! By the same bloke! Why. Does. It. Last. So. Long! *With no exotic* holy moly. I am CONVINCED, no one seriously play tested this in PVP. If they had, and still let this through, it's way more damning. That coupled with the fact that we literally can't do anything but hold our shutdown supers is really frustrating.
@@patricksmurf9370 The fact that my team can get wiped by the /same/ Striker titan 2-3 times in a row depending on the map/spawns & then consequently have the entire team pop their supers back to back to back & get their supers back almost immediately is just straight up ridiculous. It's not even about gunplay as soon as you hit the 2 minute mark, it's "who has 5 super mods on + pump action/remote connection/light reactor."
@@slingybingy219 the thing is is that jutton is a really fun weapon in PvE I think they should just give only it only one shot and disable Scavenger effects for it inside PvP
@@patricksmurf9370 I came here to say that. That I was killed by the same Titan super 3 times. I played a game the other day with 5 striker titans all wearing one eyed mask. Was like wtf.
Goddamn 4, almost 5 years out and the 2nd half of this video is still as relevant as ever. Sure, we don't have autoreloading and buff stacking anymore, but our weapons are so strong that it doesn't matter, we're still doing more damage. Well on the other hand has been largely unchanged and is still the single strongest super in PvE by a country mile. Bungie is hinted at a nerf for a while now, but outside of the overshield shifting to DR and the cooldown being nerfed (which isn't even a factor in PvE due to the pointlessness of intelect) it is still a 30 second invincibility button with a free damage bonus on top. Why run anything else literally ever, holy shit its insane what passes for balance in PvE.
Even more insane is that Datto has been preaching for a Well nerf before Shadowkeep, but now when someone else, aka Saltagreppo, calls for the same nerfs, he gets hate for it. The majority of PvE activities has been designed with Well of Radiance in mind. If Bungie wants to hit Well hard, the activities would probably also need some adjustments too.
Yeah but Destiny 1 raid bosses like Oryx also had the issue that they didn't feel like you needed to get better in a significant way. Maybe that's just me, but as time went on, I kinda started to dislike how the skill ceiling for the Oryx fight was set so low because of the restrictions build within the encounter. You always had to do 4 rounds of the entire thing. You always had to collect the 16 dark orbs in a specific manner. There was not enough wiggle room for players to get better and defeat him faster. that being said, credit where its due. Oryx AND Crota raid bosses had this great advantage that the choice of weapons you were using didn't matter that much, because you had to use the Raid specific relic or some floaty balls to cause damage. All you had to bring to the table was something that can kill the regular enemies quick and efficient, which were most weapons. For D2 though, I think there are some of Destinys greatest individual encounters. The best examples of well designed boss fights are Shuro Chi and Insurrection Prime. Shuro for having the segmented parts of her health. and IP for having a boss that is actually mobile, in need to be taken care of and be full of mechanics that reward you for utilizing them instead of finding some cheese to ignore them and get more out of it that way. Shuro just has a small amount that you need to destroy quickly. You can use whatever you want in this encounter as long as it can just do enough to trigger the next phase. The only restriction you have to clear the trash mobs quick enough. That's it. I think more raids should be designed like these two.
The big distinction, I think, is that in D1, getting to 1 damage phase usually wasn't as complicated or very long, depending on the encounter. In D2, encounters are becoming more and more complicated and obnoxious, increasing the desire to 1 phase to avoid having to do it all over again.
@@coldcalculum4926 I'm not talking about 1 phasing, just getting to the damage phase in general, which was less obnoxious in D1, due to having fewer mechanics to juggle.
Yeah grinding this Iron Banner has crushed my soul. Imma get the last two triumphs after Solstice, get my title and take a long ass break from D2 till Shadowkeep
I loved D1 (post Taken King) to death but I think a lot of the issues with Crucible arent gameplay mechanic issues (besides anything Titan related). All of it stems from the majority CHOOSING to do the same annoying things. We just need more Crucible gamemodes, like a Weapons-only mode, a permanent Mayhem mode, and more specific rule set modes like Halo PVP modes. And for PVE (which i have no issue with currently) more difficulty settings like how you had Hard and Heroic on nearly all activities in D1.
Agree with this tbh. I missed getting heroic versions of raids. And in terms of PvP, I've always said most of the problems with Destiny are it's player base. Refuse to use anything but crutch or purposely choose to play in ways that are overall quite damaging for the rest of the player base. That ain't on Bungie
That won't fix it at all, because some of the issues in the game, are weapons. Saying that the issue is the people abusing the broken system, and not the broken system, just causes more harm then good.
John Domino heavy PvE player here. I played all of the raid and their challenges back in D1 and avidly play raids in D2. I love the synergy with teammates and the amount of communication and difficulty that goes into killing a raid boss, the stuff that isn’t in the other PvE content. It’s really disappointing to me to see these raid designers work hard to make fun, unique, interesting encounters that mean nothing because they can be skipped by simply firing enough rockets/grenades into a boss’s mouth with nothing holding you back. It feels powerful, sure, but not rewarding. I’ve yet to fight Riven legit, but I’ve seen the mechanics and it honestly looks like a blast. I like using well of radiance and lunafaction as a support mechanism, but I wouldn’t mind seeing adjustments to make endgame content difficult again (like it’s supposed to be)
Let em have it Datto!! Fully agree with this hot take! PvP has been a shit storm throughout Destiny 2. Its why I completely avoid it and hate being forced in by quests.
Someone somewhere thought it'd be a good idea to force PvP into a lot of exotic quests for some reason. Also, if you want the best PvE weapons? Better get ready to wrestle with sweaty stacked teams all day because you've got to do PvP for that too.
Iron banner was just crucible with a wolf sticker slapped on it, nothing changed and the “quest”line was just a petty grind for nothing really special.
In my opinion, from a comp player pov, energy ammo, heavy ammo, and supers should be Map pickups. Randomly losing because of snowball supers, or random heavy pickups is annoying af
star burns we also didn’t have issues like that in destiny 1. In D1 special ammo spawned occasionally in boxes and you didn’t spawn with any. Heavy ammo spawned once per game (twice if the game goes for a really long time).
PvP ( I play on Console ) consist of sliding and shotguns , hunters running around in invisible supers, broken 2 shot pinnacle weapons. And exotics don’t feel that exotic like they did on D1 bungie needs A big weapons balance to make the weapon playing field spread out evenly instead of seeing the same loadouts on every character.
Taylor Sanders they ain’t nothing but crackheads with flammable swords running around cutting everybody and everything up from one side of the map to the other
@Malex Gaming only a grenade launcher? What about redrix claymore, or lunas howl, or recluse, or revoker? They are all pinnacle pvp weapons too. You need to do some research
I think the stability of the weapons on the consoles should be buffed to match the PCs, so Luna Howl and Not Forgotten would not be so superior to other weapons.
I'm tired of the ability spam. I barely touch crucible anymore because no matter how skilled you are, if you don't have the meta weapons and super mods you're kinda fucked. I just want a vanilla mode. No abilities, no shield/recovery/mobility differences: just nice and simple PvP.
bb Bungie tried that stale ass mode when D2 launched u know double primaries, slow ass charge rate on ur abilities and u might get 1 super per match. Then what happened? The community said that mode was boring and they wanted things sped up and that they wanted power ammo to spawn more so that more than 1 person could get power ammo per match, so Bungie released the GO FAST update and everyone was singing their praises. Now people wanna complain about to many supers and power ammo, people need to make their mind up on what they really want instead of always doing the trendy thing of complaining about whatever their favorite content creator complains about. That mode u want that’s what they have private matches for good luck trying to find people who actually want to play that mode with u....learn to adapt instead of always complaining.
Orrrr the solution lies with making multiple game modes. Have fast game modes. Have slow game modes. Have medium game modes. Choice is always better. Like the quickplay playlist still needs to be separated. There are other things they can do other than turning the entire game in one direction.
Well Datto, I greatly appreciated this video. You described all the major pain points I've experienced the past year. The biggest problem I see is Bungie's lack of response to big problems, like supers, exotics, or QoL issues. Things I can't imagine someone not being able to adjust a few numbers in a week or two. IE orb generation per super, super duration.
Thank you,thank you so much for this video!Bungie needs to know how important these issues are if they don't already and what better way than to hear it from your
i realy hope that bungie at least listens to the PvP portion and gambit. i'm also 100% with you on the PvE part. The game basically doesn't give a flying f about your teamcomb or macro anymore
See white light? Put some space between y'all, put a hc shot in their head, and then return fire with a shotgun at a range that will kill them but leave you alive or body them with a sniper. If you are using a fusion they shouldn't have gotten close enough to kill you.
Datto does self character assassination by sharing his “elitist” opinion that’s really just being realistic and wanting the game to actually have a difficulty curve.
I think I preferred it when Shaxx announced heavy ammo inbound and it was like twice a game
And there were two! It was more ammo, but it meant that each team got one, rather than one team dominating with all the heavy, so they were up against each other.
I agree. However, all the non rocket +machine gun power weapons would get shit on and barely used.
especially in comp, when survival gamemode = take control of mid with heavy and youve won the round, you dont do that, youve lost the round
Either that, or wardcliff gets a nerf. God knows that thing needs to dissapear.
Video is 360p at the moment, not sure why it still hasn't gone 1080 by now, just give it a few minutes and it should hopefully be in 1080p.
I love you daddo
Competitive makes me want to die because I get countdown at least 90% of the time and countdown is probably the worst game mode destiny has ever had
360p DansGame
Before I watch it I’ll see if we share the same points and points I think are pretty unanimous. Supers should be less frequent, roaming supers should have less armor, and heavy should spawn less frequently. Will report if I guessed right.
“Oh sh*t a content creator!!!”
*immediately supers*
CammyCakes Gaming 😂😂
It finna do be like dat sometimes.
Exactly lol
Ive played with content creators before, but i always end up on their team. its nice that with people in supers distracted, i can hit them tho. Once played with Drewsky on my team and i melted down a hammers that literally ignored me to go get him. BTW love your content.
Dude, I like your channel, but this game has serious PvP issues. You ever heard of competitive Diablo? No, because when you bring your own randomized loot into PvP, one team immediately has an advantage over the other, not because of genuine skill, but because of loadouts acquired through either grinding or luck. It sucks, and it especially sucks for new players. I don’t know who exactly you’re playin with, but almost everyone I end up playing with tells me the same thing, “Crucible is terrible and we don’t like playing it.” This game NEEDS changes in order to garner praise that it COULD have and reach the potential it genuinely has!
Thunderlord is my favorite primary in Gambit.
I heard the Hammerhead sidearm is pretty cool too
TUDO lmao
My truth special weapon is pretty cool.
My 900 rpm Thorn is a nice heavy weapon
“I haven’t really payed attention to pvp” don’t worry neither has bungie
Holy fuck this is underrated.
I felt the burn through my computer screen.
Cool beans not really a burn tbh it’s fact. Whoever play tests the changes at bungie needs to get fired immediately.
Tbh Destiny’s PvP is cheeks, you would have never guessed that this exact same company created Halo 🤷🏿♂️
@@aczeos Like all of the old guard have probably left at this point.
Seeing Warpriest almost made me shed a tear :(
I absolutely loved King’s Fall and remains alongside VoG to be my favorite raid ever.
Warpriest was such a fantastic encounter. King's Fall was arguably my least favorite D1 raid if I'm being honest, but damn if that encounter wasn't damn near perfect, in my opinion.
KF is the weekly after reset today!
I miss Warpriest as well, he was a trusty companion of mine •:(
King’s Fall was one of my favourite raids. Killing Oryx made me feel genuinely powerful.
Warpriest and golgoroth were amazing boss fights. Daughters and Oryx, not so much.
"When everyone's super, no one is."
-Syndrome, The Incredibles
Well said
Philip Mathew Respectful
I used that quote in an essay about performance enhancing drugs for school once lmfao
Only Titans really are so....
The incredibly gay...
I would kill for a guns only mode, no supers. And as much as i find it amusing running from spawn to spawn in titan shock super, it needs to be fixed ASAP. Lots of fixes are needed for pvp thought. I still enjoy it most the time
Critx this!
yes! with dawnblade top tree being ass as it is right now. I'd kill for that mode
I know This comment was out in a year ago, but I have an idea. A game mode where all abilities heal really slowly, and it is possible to get a super in the game out really hard. No power ammo
"Gonna start with PvP.."
"10 hours of iron banner.."
I feel you, is all I'm gonna say.
you can do the q in like 5, 6 h.
@@madilen4you90 good for you
@@madilen4you90 👏
I heard TrueVanguard say it too - the first few minutes of a PVP game are actually a really fun test of weapon skill, but once supers start yeah it's over. Also power spawns WAY too early and too often
Power also only spawning in one (or two?) locations is just dense.
In D1 the system for heavy was much better. Clash for example now, is just king of the hill.
Cammycakes is always mentioning how he wishes it was a bit easier to challenge a roaming super cause in order to do it you need way too many players to focus it and they all need to hit their shots.
@@Haydskempster Yea I think the D1 heavy system would be much better right now
Yea, having only 1-2 instances a game for heavy, but everyone gets it was always fun
Cuz either the whole team gets heavy and it gets chaos for like, a minute or two
Or; you super the whole team in one swoop
Was always a mind game too
A lot of fun
Also miss waving heavy to have it not spawn, was a cool addition
I’d say power ammo is fine the way it is. Well that’s coming from someone who really wants mountaintop...
Even tho I'm a pvp only console player, this video might be the most accurate representation of how i feel in pvp
im a pvp only pc player and this video might be the most accurate representation of how I feel about pvp and pve.
PvE main PC player. Feels the same way when i get in there to grab powerful rewards.
I play lots of PVP too... just not on Destiny 2 XD
I like playing pvp, but on Xbox it’s just horrible I tried going for recluse but I think I have gave up at this point as I get put against players using lord of wolves, they leech off power ammo and just panic super as soon as they realise oh wait these guys have skill unlike us. Annoyingly it works meaning I just go down in points. And then worse again even when I go in quick play it’s filled with people who have grabbed pinnacle weapons and just gone into quickplay
Rockfire I’m surprised you even stick to just PvP.
Remember when you would see your team did half the boss' health and you would be "hell yeah Bois that's some good damage"
@Pure Hang on guys let me equip my Celestial Nighthawk that lets me get 9,999,999 damage!
@Pure This! in Year 1 the raid bosses were challenging to some extent, even if you cleared the raid dozens of times already. It felt good to dps the boss. Now its a no-brainer.
That's bullshit. I've never seen 9 hund. Thou or 9 mill dmg numbs pop up (Xbox console). Not saying it's not real, but not easily doable. Mind you I rock rando raids and even w/ good coop it's not a thing.
Stop nerfing shit. Let us be God's giving the fade to these cuck ass monsters.
Its like ya'll don't know what real struggle is and video games are supposed to give you that. I face too much real struggle to want to face it in video games as fun. FoH my people.
Blackronin357 your weapons suck then because a lot of weapons do a minimum 2,000 for pve, if your talking about pvp with damage number then I agree but this thread is talking about well, celestial can also do 999,999 dmg in pve
@@tato300 As a Warlock main, I'm not sure what setup would have my weapon dmg at the cap even being 50 lvls above the raid and stacking buffs. I don't see how it can be done. If other player types can cool. Would like to know the setup tho.
I saw your frustration with iron banner on Jez’s stream and video 😭
Shade Tech
Striker: *appears*
Shade Tech You should watch his latest stream video
Shade Tech dude same lol
My guy has just explained everything that’s has been on my mind about this fucking game in 13 minutes
Although i have a question though, isnt it true that we have been asking for all of this over destiny's 2 lifecycle
Oh wait nevermind
@LegionnaireFrog Welp this kind of backfierd
Joshua Madrid That's always my biggest side eye when it comes to these complaints. Everyone whined during D2Y1 about how underpowered we were and how they wanted their oh so precious power fantasy fulfilled. Now look. The balancing for this game is a damn joke at this point and we, the community, are the biggest reason it is.
Iron banner has just become Running From Supers: The game. hell, that basically sums up PVP in D2 now.
Iron banner has become the quickest way of farming mercy rules or be mercied.
Solo queue in comp is tough, but in Iron banner, if I see myself against a full stack . I'll try my best but if I see a 60 point gap, I'll might as well just be afk. 9/10 times, the people are good on their own and wouldn't even need a team to win, yet here they are, making sure that literally nobody else enjoys Iron Banner. Its either you join them by getting a team together or you surf twitter while you're playing in solo queue. You'll be in orbit fast enough and I hate it.
Shouldn't be that hard to actually make stacks play against stacks when it is so god damn common. :(
guessing you play on console, because on pc its more like running away from LoW
Thekilleroftanks or Recluse.
Yup. I have way more fun playing PVP in Far Cry 5
@@daddyangelo5472 i mean recluse is pretty fucking stupid, but it can solo a super at hand cannon ranges.
or multiple supers...
"Does Truth need 3 rockets?"
I've never heard more true words in my life.
Hipposplatamus this is the truth
MeanestBeanestMachinist fuck you took my joke
Truth for truth
"Is this gonna be toxic?"
_"P R O B A B L Y"_
Daddo ain't sugarcoating today
Dell As long as the recordings are good quality and hes got a good mic setup. Ok. I got time.
1. PVE and PVP need separate balancing for both weapons and supers. Weapons and supers shouldn't be nerfed in PVE just because they're OP in PVP and vise versa.
2. PVP should have one Heavy Ammo round, one chest spawns, anyone who stands next to it as it opens gets heavy, just like D1.
They are separate now, and have been for a long while.
@@williameldridge9382 no they're not...
William Eldridge they’re definitely not separate.
Finally someone that makes sense!! Ive been saying the exact same thing since D1!!! WTF BUNGIE!!!???
They're separate to a point, but they usually buff/nerf the same things with bigger adjustments in PVE. So for example, a balance patch might say "fusion rifle damage increased by 15% in PVP, and 35% in PVE"
As far as supers go, they do the same thing, where spectral blades/gwisin vest was nerfed, it got nerfed harder in PVP because you had to get 3+ quick kills to get a lot of super regen, so it still could last a bit longer in PVE.
Bottom tree striker, which was really broken in S5, was able to run as long as there were ads to kill. I could clear out two sides in gambit before the super ran out. When they nerfed it a while back, they gave it diminishing returns, so after ~15 kills, the energy you get back is less and less. However, this change didn't affect PVP at all, because you can't realistically get 15 kills in one super (although I've seen 9 or 10)
So they have separate balances because if they change something, they can adjust it by a different percentage in PVE/PVP, and some changes they make affect one mode more than the other.
Rant by datto, self question and response jez style never click so fast
"Well is close to bubble titans from d1'
Bungie 2019: weapons of light is back lol
Weapons of Light being back is probably just a bandaid for Titans' lack of utility aside from Melting Point.
Weapons of light is back and well is being nerfed.
Trying to balance out the classes use in pve
Camaroni1000 by making warlocks literally fucking useless
@@Virixas_ My friend, we lost our utility back in the release of d2.
Most accurate vid title in the history of D2 content creation
Just add a no super playlist. Problem solved.
No supers shouldn't be this overwhelming but they should be a way to tip the scale like in a competitive game if ur about to lose but close then and super should be able to allow a chance to win a game not like overpowering the whole game
@@TheForgottenBlackMan I disagree. The constant Wardcliff Coils is a big issue as well. That thing with the catalyst is essentially a single-use super in and of itself.
Yikes, this comment did NOT age well.
Anyone else think that bubble should have a timer to when it goes away like well does?
Yes. It’s 30 seconds so why not just show a timer.
Also buff bubble lol
Ay that's a great idea. 👍🙌
Aaannnnndddd you should be able to shoot through the bubble. The new Well 2.0 lol
@@DoodleObv Don't need to buff bubble. Buff the game. In D1 it was about not dying. In D2 it's about how many damage buffing abilities can we stack. Give people a reason to hide inside a bubble and they will hide inside a bubble.
Viktoriya Serebryakov they won’t his inside a bubble when you got broken wells that every team stacks already
Preach Datto! Hate supers, in D1 I pop a super 1-3 kills is what I gun for, in D2 the baseline is 3 kills, anything less is a waste so overpowered.
So much yes. At least fist of panic in d1 wasn't 5 to 8 kills every use, at best you could get maybe 4 if you were playing control because you got them trying to cap a zone. Roaming supers need a nerf, to at least the point where a "nuke" type super (nova bomb, spectral blades, thundercrash??) could counter someone roaming around getting kills galore. Also bring back weapons of light for a titan ward of dawn; literally nobody uses ward of dawn. Nobody.
@@McNinjaDr I preferred when Fist of Havoc was a one time use slam as it made it feel much more rewarding and a lot less OP than being able to run across the map and kill people again with the same super charge as now it feels so cheap
Nothing better than a Gambit match where some how an invader is able to level your entire team over & over by Truth in what feels like every 20secs 🙄
Erik Crossley smack him with a toaster.
Try killing an invader in Gambit Prime who brings in his Full Invader Set with a godroll LMG and knows how to dodge Truth and Jotünn rockets and melts you even when you are in your super.
@@damiansmith5294 exactly just use toaster or twin tail fox
Straight up it was a mistake to bring Truth back without considering how it’s balanced in gambit.
@@CarronBarboza yea, like just aim at them then look in the sky really quickly then shoot
love him or hate him this man is spitting strait facts here.
TBF people have complained about this for ages. Bungie won't listen till someone popular acknowledges the problem. PvP was it's best pre forsaken. It's been super bad and getting worse since :/
@@chaosprime1982 though forsaken was hands down better for everything else other then pvp no hate though I actually agree but to sacrifice everything else for pvp is just not worth it I just hope bungi can fix it without breaking everything else
Funnily enough, I made a Bungie post about this same topic a month or two ago. The amount of hate i got was unreal. Despite the upvotes i got, i got many more downvotes, because most of the people that troll online forums are there because they're upset about the game, and instead of formulating valid arguments and talking about what's wrong with the game and how to fix it, they just wanna take out their angst on someone through a computer screen. But when ___________ insert famous youtuber here talks about it, people agree.
@@WiseSam95 probably didn't word it the say way or talk about it in a constructive way tho I wouldn't know those are just two things that'd probably be responsible for it and what you said but that's not the whole story
I mean I guess, I honestly feel like if you understand how to play PvP it's good. Trials was awful and toxic to the game and Datto thinks it's good? Hell I actually enjoy Comp.
I remember when he would say things like “if Bungie is watching...”
Now it’s “Whaddaya got?”
The 10 hours he played with Jez really brought out the tilt in datto lol
I rarely see Datto emulate my own levels of saltiness but holy shit this man got it going
I could not agree more with the super comments. As soon as they start popping, the rest of the match is no longer enjoyable...
When I play comp and see that whole enemy team has supers at the end of the round I just take my hands from the keyboard, next round starts and 10 seconds laters I see and hear super popping and me and my whole team dying in blink of an eye. It's fcking ridiculous.
For some reason this still holds true to some extent even after shadowkeep and all the adjustments given to supers. One guy pops a super, gets a few no brainer kills, few orbs spawn, and from here its just a snowball most of the time and its rarely ever a close match nowadays.
"Cool that dude has truth." "Wait, he has heavy too, it's been 34 seconds, how TF do they both have heavy?" "
Then you reasons and 3 roaming supers pop at the same time and you die. Pvp in a nutshell right now.
@@LlamasIlamas i think you meant striker titans
I have been screaming these things alone in my room forever now. THANK YOU DATTO!
I know!! It feels so fucking refreshing to hear someone else say it.
Honestly, toxic Datto is a whole vibe
I’m a pvp guy and I completely agree with pretty much everything he’s saying
no your not lol
Remember when energy weapons did 10% more damage on supers bring that back please.
Wait, that got taken out? But why?
We also need to bring back snipers being able to 1 hit roaming supers
It’s actually still there lol, it’s just so pathetically worthless.
@@pluto3194 can only do it with Goldy I found...
Goldy has no armour though
Why you gotta call your son Jez like that daddo...
He does slay Titans
Hahah I love the jez, but man does his playstyle give me cancer
I agree 100% w/ everything you've said here. Lol I was actually just ranting about this stuff earlier today.
I've been ranting about this for months. Roaming supers are non-sense. That's why I run Chaos Reach or Nova Bomb. You want to run my team over with your striker super? That's cute. Suck on this laser beam and burn in hell.
Shotgun ape titans, and roaming supers. I'd take getting sniped at every corner over those two. Watching a titan miss both shotgun shots, then run at you and one hit you with a melee is the most saddening thing in the world.
And i'm tired of people complaining about snipers when THEY. CAN'T. MOVE. PROPERLY. Did you know that by pressing crouch after sprinting for even a split second you could slide? and 99% of snipers below 3000 glory can't hit someone who even thinks about strafing? Don't worry my clan leader is like this too. The only problem i see is with quickplay where matchmaking is horrific. Seems like they are trying some kind of SBMM at the moment, but it works so well that I, who painfully got 3000 glory at best, get matched against 3 unbrokens per game, thank you bungo. But this is not a game balancing issue, snipers are fine (except the bullet hitbox that's kinda overtuned on PC, having your target's head intersecting with the edge of your crosshair should not result in a headshot), but double scavengers are fine, because only getting 2 shots per ammo brick you pickup would starve you of ammo fairly quickly, because you'd be out of ammo before being able to frag out. They could be adjusted to give less ammo if you're above half the reserves but that's all.
Thanks for reading my rant about people who whine about snipers, and matchmaking, and a bit of balance, this has clearly gone away from its original goal but i'm fine with it
This community is so stupid... they think fun = everything is broken
@@fly1ing891 The problem with special ammo is shotguns. They get ammo back as soon as they kill you, which means they are always topped off. With snipers, you shoot a guy off in the distance and there's no brick near you so you run out. People can still run shotgun for a whole game without having to switch to anything else. That's absolutely crazy in my opinion.
My problem when ppl say just buff everything to it’s level, it’s flawed balancing I rather learn new Loadouts then be pissed off every game bc I only get killed by a sweaty last word user
I was ready to get annoyed when you move onto the PvE is too easy section but I actually agree with you, I miss boss fights that last more than 1 second.
My team got upset when we had to 3 phase insurrection... and we were cheesing it with Joining Allies. I've had people get upset that we had to 2 phase Calus. Riven? Okay, admittedly, I haven't made it to Riven yet.
Brings out the worst in people
Me: Equips Jotunn
Smack Daddy, Yeah it does, makes me want to throw it in the trash because the tracking on mine seems to want to piss me off all the time. I see people side step my shot all the time with the tracking going “Oh wait!” then try to curve to the target when it passes them. I went back to using normal fusion rifles.
@@LockeWick exactly. Jotunn is no OP at all. Very easy to avoid and a very fun learning curve if you get really good with it.
@LegionnaireFrog Not reliably because it has travel time and the tracking SUCKS to the point where it might honestly be easier to use if it had no tracking at all.
Why put on Jotunn when you can just put on Recluse and ape people.
Played iron banner about 3 hours yesterday and literally every game i played was infested with jotuns..its so scrubby and new to destiny 2 so I'm still trying to get a feel for the crucible but so far all i see is ppl just jumping around using the most cheesey one shot weapons all the time..
Bungie need to be updating PVP weekly, not by season.
The whole LoW situation showed how bad the update cycle is..
Damien Cole so truuuue
Last time we got any updates in pvp was season of the Forsaken lol
I miss being able to win a game through shooting my gun and effectively using my super once or twice a game, now it’s stick to my teammates for orbs and camp heavy.
T H I S. I keep saying that i miss D1-style pvp to my clanmates because of all the teamshoot and other stuff (orb gen, always run or make enemies run..) but they say D2 is better
@@YsterYuki because you have COMPLETELY forgotten what D1 was like. Datto was moaning about supers, abilities and heavy in D1 aswell
@Shadow That's cute.
Sorry but if it's camp heavy then why are apes more prevalent than ever? Why is the number one tip from pro players, "master your movement"? I get it there are people who suck at PvP and refuse to adapt, but why should the game change for you just because you don't want to change how you play?
I get a majority of my kills with guns, I get a majority of my kills by myself or with one other person. I team up when pushing points or when I know the team has more skilled players. If we lose to supers it's because we didn't plan correctly, got baited into using one of ours early, etc. Iron Banner has been a blast for me even when you get paired with teamates who have no idea how to halt the enemy.
A lot of tactics from D1 work in D2, snipers are extremely effective in the right hands. If you want to fix supers then do what Bungie did to hunters make it so that roaming supers require an exotic slot in order to extend their duration, make sure they are durable but not so durable that a coordinated response can't stop them. And take one shot melees out of the game OR give one to each class.
@Shadow oh no it's not. The COMPLAINTS that meta got was unbelievable. Do you have to wait ages for matches. What's your GT?
Me: pops a well of radiance to shoot one trinity ghoul lightning arrow and kill the whole team
Every enemy combatant with a super ready to go: *teleports behind me* L1 R1
Nothing like killing a fist of havoc titan with your melee while on your well of radiance
@@TorinAst Did that 😉
It's okay Datto, they'll just nerf Nova Warp again, it's clearly the issue.
i bet 10$ that when Bungie lower resilience to supers they wiil destroy NW again XD
Yea they will nerf my baby warpy again cus they hate on warlocks
IKR bottom tree striker needs a serious buff right now
I mean nova warp is mostly unavoidable compared to literally any other roaming super except daybreak. Bottom tree striker might last too long but all you need to do to avoid it is jump in the air, literally just press and hold jump.
I think this is the most angry I have ever seen Datto. On a happier note, only 40k more till you hit 1 mil!!!
Satan: *sees Destiny 2 PvP*
"Huh, so humans are trying to create another Hell?"
At this moment in time, Datto states only 17 people will miss Comp, and only 17 have disliked the video. P R I C E L E S S
Do you have a screenshot of it? Talk about priceless
marcus vela You watched this 2 hours after my comment. If you watched when I did, you’d have seen
What's frustrating is the Phoenix Protocol lore tab is *literally* just laughing at Defender. As a subclass.
That's all it says.
Yeah, I saw that, and as a hunter I basically was just like, "Wait Bungie is willing to throw that much shade?", but that's gotta be just infuriating to OG titans. My sympathy, Defender was mistreated.
As a day 1 d1 Titan main it hurts to read that tab
DeaserMk2 I didn’t even play d1 and it hurts
SteveHeist hopefully when they do nerf well titans will get a bubble exotic and it’s lore tab will be laughing back
"Hey, did you here about Well?"
"It's a disgrace to every Titan, I tell you!"
"Apparently it's stopped working properly. Doesn't do as much anymore."
"So? What do we have? Nothing. Living relics of a bygone era."
"Oh no, my friend. It stopped working... Because *I* have *this*!"
datto: talks about how one phasing warpriest is hard and how everything must be perfect for it to happen
*looks at recommended videos and sees the Hodor challenge*
Hodorr Hodorr...
Hes not wrong super and raid bosses used to be challenging and using a super was impactfull d2 is way to easy for casual players
This is one of my top Datto videos. Sometimes I’ll just watch it to watch it and giggle.
daily reminder that bubble lost weapons of light because bungie didn’t wanna make it mandatory like in d1
also bungie: makes well of radiance
Now bubble is uselss with the expection of 3 specific encounters. Reckoning, Heroic menagerie, countdown comp. There's no reason to use this over the regular super.
As a warlock main, in D1 I always thought about how my raid life would be so much easier as a titan, always having that bubble at my disposal. Comes D2 Y2:
Me: alright guys, shuro chi, I'm running stormcaller to clean it--
Teammates: well of radiance.
Me: but why not--
Teammates: you're the only warlock. Well of radiance.
Me: ah shit, here we go again.
I miss my mid boss strafing to rebuff where everyone looks like their stick only goes forward and backwards
Paulo Henrique Lima dame feeling love bottom tree voidwalker never get to use in the raids cause well exist, I’ve used well so much that I actual hate the super and only use it if I have to
Not sure why I went with this analogy, but let me break it down:
Destiny 1 crucible: Butterfly Room from Toy Story 3
Destiny 2 crucible: Caterpillar Room from Toy Story 3
Would be refreshing to have a PvP mode with no supers or heavy please Bungie
What comp should be
@@ClydesTrampsAndCamps Imagine that but being able to ADS
Only primaries if you ask me
At0mic you mean halo?
I can't count the number of times I've started to build up some glory only to lose all of it to a losing streak
It's refreshing to see Bungie specifically mention and link this video in their Director's Cut, knowing that they fully take in community feedback and doesn't feel like the community is just shouting into the void about what they feel is a problem. Not that Bungie hasn't always been good about listening to their community, it's just some solid affirmation that they constantly do
It's true but now I've been seeing an influx of hate for Datto coming from this video because of the nerf planned for Well of Radiance. A lot of people are pointing the finger on Datto cause of what he said about how Warlocks are utilized in raids as support classes to melt a boss in one phase. Maybe if the bosses weren't stationary or had different mechanics to them during the actual fight then maybe the nerf wouldn't be needed. This whole thing to some people is proving how the top-tier players are ruining the game for others just because they don't like what the game is now. It's not good for them but for everyone else it's fine.
@@OmarLocke36 That is true, but you notice how bungie only seems to take feedback from them ore than people on the subreddits or the Bungie forums?
I just recently returned to D2 and this is really accurate. I don't even want to play crucible anymore, and it used to be my favorite. Now I just get smashed to hell by strikers then shotgunned turning corners and thats the game.
don’t forget getting reclused every corner
Try rumble, it's better than QP since there's not as many supers. You'll still find a ton of tryhards crutching meta loadouts, but you get a lot more 1v1 duels and I feel like I can slay out a lot more on a good day
@@ClydesTrampsAndCamps We all wish it was that simple.
I'm just hearing a bunch of winers who don't know how to combat a meta. Literally get a decent pulse or a god roll scout and the recluse/shotgun rushers can't do shit
@@ClydesTrampsAndCamps I see a prob last word recluse combo noob get gud
“I should not be dying to the same super twice”
*cough* *cough* Striker Titans *cough*
Cough “spectral blades and Dawnblade” cough
Adam Idk. I’m a titan and even I’m not blind enough to think for even a second that Striker isn’t the strongest class in the game rn. Spectral blade’s are annoying, but no where near the level of strikers. Same goes for Dawnblade.
Steroid Sausage I never said they were, but they both last way too long.
Adam ok, I thought you were trying to say they were as op as strikers. I do think they need a slight nerf.
Steroid Sausage nah, striker bottom tree is broken, although Dawnblade should get hit real hard, Spectral just needs to lose more energy on swipe
Toxic Datto is the best and funniest Datto, watch Jez's video if you don't believe me
Remember when Destiny 2 came out and people were using primarily primary's? And everyone complained that there weren't enough supers, grenades, and special ammo? Thanks for starting us down this hell hole.
“Hey, can I run celestial nighthawk? I know its arc singe and prism but”
“No, you need to run orpheus rig or I leave.”
That's just poor planning on your part.
are you quoting datto when he wasn't able to get world's first....again?
US reckoning in a nutshell
@RadTheLad celestial only takes care of one of the big ones and u can yrself take care of them by having acricus or mountain top or a spike gl and the tether makes the take down quicker and easier
@@obsidianmind8606 tether doesnt buff heavy. And theres better weapons for ad clearing. Celestial AND arc strider over tether any day in my opinion.
Remember when we needed to hit our snipes instead of spamming the hell out of every raidboss with our noobtubes?
Edit: Whisper has never been the best option for every situation because IT IS harder to use at something like Kali than other things. Also my comment is to point out the Meta-change going forward from D1Y2+ to D2Y2
I remember
Pepperidge farm remembers
No. I remember people cheesing vog, crota, and spamming touch of malice in kingsfall
Wait are you saying that Whisper wasn't overpowered because you just had to aim at a big target?
I remember when we didn't need Mountaintop for raids :3
Bungie: we have removed weapons and blessings of light from ward of dawn because we didn’t want a must have super in raid
Also bungie: we added a super to warlocks which has the equivalent of both armour and weapons of light AND reloads your weapon with an exotic equipped
And you can shoot while standing in it!!!!
ViC oh yeah that too
This is hilarious because theres lore in the game thats a conversation between two Titans talking shit about the warlocks copying there old moves and they bring up Well as a prime example.
@@GuadalupeF.Arredondo Omg can you point me to the lore item? Please? That sounds fantastic!
DrBrainsqueeze it’s the Phoenix protocol lore tab
Datto: Crucible isn't fun.
Also Datto: *Proceeds to take out 2 people in supers and then snipes 4 people in a row*
That's him showing the best clips he can come up with. Imagine the hundreds of hours he might have recorded where all he's doing is dying to supers or getting out-sniped.
Datto: Actually becomes Toxic
Veer Guda jez: TOXIIC BOII
I've been enjoying comp more than quickplay.
And I hate comp.
Same, mostly because the maps are to small for 6 ppl... im always fighting 1 guy and in the other moment im getting shot from the side and as datto mentioned if the super phase kicks in its run or die xD
I hate comp because it took me 2 months to get recluse. But... I suck at PvP, so that's why. I enjoy QP, though. But once the supers start popping off I hate it.
I enjoy low-level comp the best because it isn't sweaty and is still 4v4
Pick your fights, end them quick or bail, that was how2quickplay in a nutshell. About supers proper positioning and aiming can outplay them, but i agree mayhem o'clock is the time to stop playing aggro
for some reason the 4 man teams is more attractive than having to deal with 6 supers
"The 17 people will miss it." OOF
@@fotisthomos5939 did you watch the video? Lol
@@donniepierce2293 yeah, comp is bad
comp is actually a great place once you have the weapons,you either carry and help people out,or get stomped but doesn't care
@@victoralves7887 I've been playing comp sicne season 2 i hate it
I've been playing nonstop Comp just to get away from the glaring issues with map sizes in Quickplay. And even then the game is just a superfest and when you don't have super you always have a heavy weapon.
At least your hand cannons hit what you aim at.
Cries in console.
*pulls 180 hand cannon out*
This is a cursed artifact, it actually hits what you're aiming at and has good in-air accuracy. Use it wisely, my child.
The difference between console and PC is what I fear most right now. Bungie will either balance the game based on console or PC performances for weapons and I know which it will be and which will suffer most...
Lord of wolves, mostly used on PC. Nerfed.
Recluse, laser beam on PC, not quite as overused on console because of recoil, etc, it will be nerfed.
In D3 the sandbox between PC and console MUST be separated or PvP will suffer one way or the other. It's not fair to nerf weapons based on recoil or lack thereof when the other platform had the opposite and said weapons are affected differently.
Robert Palmer Do you have your pc is bad glasses on? The whole game is literally designed from, for and of console. The vastly majority of players is on console, the majority of bungies money comes from the console players.
The decision to wait 6/7weeks to nerf lord of wolves? Done because, the pc community isn‘t that huge and on console it‘s not that op. Recluse not getting an instant nerf? Mostly bungies hotfixing problem but console too. Why nerf something that only maybe 2% of the playerbase has problems with. (I‘d argue even less)
The only thing that gives bungie an incentive to even look at pc is the amount of destiny streamers and content creators with their massive impact on active player counts which are mostly on pc, because on there destiny is the game it is supposed to be.
Yeah... I don’t know how your playing but just get a nice consistent hand cannon like duke, austringer, waking, Luna’s, ace, the allegro( it’s a blue) there are a bunch of goodnhand cannons that don’t have ghost bullets l( I understand the last word has them) but stop whining so much I play on console and have had no problems with hitting hand cannon shots
Nobody can take a joke in this comment section
does truth need 3 rockets and then someone dying with one left in the mag and then someone picks it up that has rocket scavenger and now they have three...pls tell me how this is balanced
Don't die with heavy then. It's a reward for beating the fool with heavy derp.
Relax, truth is an exotic and the only rocket launcher that has 3. No one fucking used it once it was nerfed in D1
Or you could just make it disappear upon death.. like in D1
Why must it be the only exception? What makes Truth so bad that it deserves one more shot?
Literally nothing.
@@knavenformed9436 why are players ALWAYS complaining about PvP in Destiny. Bungie tried addressing all these complaints in D2 Y1 and player numbers plummeted.
I mean... This is just what we have all been thinking for Months. The truth isn't toxic. We are tired of a lot of this to the point of tilt
@TheRedHood everyone's accustomed to raids being easier ever since the riven cheese. Most people playing destiny don't care about being challenged in a raid. They just want it to be easier and easier. But that's a bad thing if Bungie actually listens to us there.
No one complained about raids in d1 either, doesn't mean both games are on equal footing. D1 raids rewarded perfect execution in the mechanics, while d2 raids just reward you if everyone has a god rolled swarm with a Luna warlock.
I agree about the complaint for well of radiance, the same thing occured in d1 with bubble Titans. There is no choice. You have to use Luna well or else you're at a disadvantage. The raid is literally designed around you using Luna well. But what if I want to play devour warlock? Or banner shield Titan? Nope, you don't get to one phase. I hope I answer some qns here
Thinking, but not really saying much. I've Heard True Vanguard talk about the second half of a match being mayhem, but not really anyone else.
@TheRedHood Ah... actually yes. Everyone knows well is like a cheat code for easy mode. Even worse is the fact that it IS the bubble from D1 but on super steroids: it gives you both the bonuses of weapons and blessing of light at the same time and you can "shoot through it" lmao.
They took away one of the TWO useful things Titans had back in D1 (the other one being, of course, melting point) just to give it back to Warlocks like it was nothing. It's honestly pretty stupid, and this is coming from a Warlock.
I like that we Warlocks are finally needed for once after being the class nobody wanted in their groups during the entirety of D1, but this was a terrible solution to that problem.
almost 2 years later and i've honestly forgotten that auto-reload effects existed at one point
How about Bungie makes Raif encounters have mechanics to damage the boss instead of having us just stand and team shot the boss while the boss stands there and watches us shoot them. Crota had the sword and Oryx had the bomb blights that did the most damage to them. More raid boss encounters like that would be much more enjoyable in my opinion.
Exactly why King's Fall was one of the best raids. Riven would be a competitor if they didn't let this stand and shoot her mouth to win stay as a strat. Like Datto says, where you drop down and shoot her weak spots, no one does her legit cause its pointless to actual do the boss encounter the "right" way
why can't we have more PVP game modes? Sidearms only, no heavy, no supers. SWAT like in Halo with snipers and side arms?
Swat won't work, everyone would spam a double sidearm or just spam them in general
Reason we dont have a variety is so it can funnel players into a single playlist. Really wish that Elimination was a separate game mode again.
Theres so much opportunity there! Randomised loadout modes or one where it's a full suppression and have them cycle weekly or bi weekly. Or just Bring back a combat variant of SRL once a month please God holy shit I'm begging. I'll even take just SRL. Make sparrows matter again
SpaceMonkey-1 Scorched should be added in weekly rotation
No heavy and no supers sounds nice!
As a warlock main last wish sorta sucks. Aside from vault my job is to run well and lunafaction, activate super, and my team is unkillable for the next 30 seconds. And then the encounters over (excluding shuro chi)
Red Glory yeah. On shuro chi I tried running phoenix protocol for well spam, but got called out for not using lunas despite having a well every 15 seconds.
@@Alex-xq6ju you get your well back before the next dmg phase in shuro chi. people require warlocks with luna because luna insures that the most dmg is being put out without being hindered by reload speed in the quickest amount of time.
I never wanted Well of Radiance because I KNEW it would be all I was allowed to wear.
I remember when top tree with starfire was the strat back in calus. Those were the days.
just tell your team you dont got them lunas, bam problem solved
I remember in destiny 1 when vrota came out everyone was like you need to have G-horn
I was allowed in because i had red death and didnt need chalice .... Hopefully people will know what im on about xD
Sorry all I want in Destiny 2 is those RARE BLUE QUALITY SPARROWS
I'd be okay with scavenger perks not stacking in PvP, and I would love to see shorter duration with less resists on roaming supers
Vodrin 1210 seriously. While Spectral was broken and still is good, it has literally the lowest damage resistance of all roaming supers. Dawnblade, fist of havoc, and even arcstrider last way too long and are too difficult to kill.
@@c0mplex564 There should be duration caps on supers. Anything more than 14-15 seconds is a super that's on the field for too long.
Vodrin 1210 They're already deceasing the amount of extra armor that supers get.
@@ready1player31 Source? Because I haven't seen that.
@@c0mplex564 I'd say you're wrong because Golden Gun has less resistance, but I suppose having no damage resistance in super technically disqualifies it from that list.
I need that gif right now of Michael from the office just screaming THANKYOU! Cause like damn, I literally agreed with everything you said in the video
"I miss the part in Riven where you have to drop down and shoot the weak spots" me too. I can never get a group that does riven legit
PoseidonWarrior I wonder why
Wait is this literally a actually complaint. I dont because 65 last wish raids later I don't have 1 k voices
You got killed by a bottom tree striker super?
We all share that pain.
Legends say that bottom tree Striker is still getting kills to this day.
Leta be honest its not the super its the sholder charge
As someone who uses bottom tree striker, I also think it is stupid. If I don't get instakilled out of it, I will get 5-10 kills per super
@Cheese Boi At least with top tree stormcaller (tickle fingers), you can usually kill them pretty easily. Striker is like a freight train, and arc staff can block your damage.
TWICE! By the same bloke! Why. Does. It. Last. So. Long! *With no exotic* holy moly. I am CONVINCED, no one seriously play tested this in PVP. If they had, and still let this through, it's way more damning. That coupled with the fact that we literally can't do anything but hold our shutdown supers is really frustrating.
Yeah broken PvP with zero new maps since September. Getting spawn supered by invisible supers🤗
I love when you see someone killing you without you even spawning. Like how the fuck did you know i was going to spawn there?
@@longingIy sure
I read the title as "pant" so I genuinely thought this was gonna be a video of datto stream compilations of each sigh he's had in the crucible
Austin Trigg this needs to happen now
Love him or hate him he's speaking facts
*dubstep plays*
I must have said "Right" about 15 times while watching this video.
For real 😂
Jokes on you Datto I can literally do this all day because I absolutely hate almost everything about PvP
I love PvP and can do the same
Forcer yeah
Well you can but they'll just say your k/d is too low so your opinion is invalid
I've literally spawned into 4+ supers in a row, back to back, in Iron Banner. It's genuinely ridiculous.
Nothing like getting spawn killed by the same Striker titan 3 times in a row. Or spawning into a tracking-around-a-corner Dawnblade missle.
@@patricksmurf9370 you mean the Jottun? Dawnblade is terrible without the tracking.
@@patricksmurf9370 The fact that my team can get wiped by the /same/ Striker titan 2-3 times in a row depending on the map/spawns & then consequently have the entire team pop their supers back to back to back & get their supers back almost immediately is just straight up ridiculous. It's not even about gunplay as soon as you hit the 2 minute mark, it's "who has 5 super mods on + pump action/remote connection/light reactor."
@@slingybingy219 the thing is is that jutton is a really fun weapon in PvE
I think they should just give only it only one shot and disable Scavenger effects for it inside PvP
@@patricksmurf9370 I came here to say that. That I was killed by the same Titan super 3 times. I played a game the other day with 5 striker titans all wearing one eyed mask. Was like wtf.
Goddamn 4, almost 5 years out and the 2nd half of this video is still as relevant as ever. Sure, we don't have autoreloading and buff stacking anymore, but our weapons are so strong that it doesn't matter, we're still doing more damage. Well on the other hand has been largely unchanged and is still the single strongest super in PvE by a country mile. Bungie is hinted at a nerf for a while now, but outside of the overshield shifting to DR and the cooldown being nerfed (which isn't even a factor in PvE due to the pointlessness of intelect) it is still a 30 second invincibility button with a free damage bonus on top.
Why run anything else literally ever, holy shit its insane what passes for balance in PvE.
Even more insane is that Datto has been preaching for a Well nerf before Shadowkeep, but now when someone else, aka Saltagreppo, calls for the same nerfs, he gets hate for it.
The majority of PvE activities has been designed with Well of Radiance in mind. If Bungie wants to hit Well hard, the activities would probably also need some adjustments too.
You talking about DPS phases for raid bosses just made me appreciate D1 that much more.
Ikr? I miss those D1 raids...
Yeah but Destiny 1 raid bosses like Oryx also had the issue that they didn't feel like you needed to get better in a significant way. Maybe that's just me, but as time went on, I kinda started to dislike how the skill ceiling for the Oryx fight was set so low because of the restrictions build within the encounter. You always had to do 4 rounds of the entire thing. You always had to collect the 16 dark orbs in a specific manner. There was not enough wiggle room for players to get better and defeat him faster.
that being said, credit where its due. Oryx AND Crota raid bosses had this great advantage that the choice of weapons you were using didn't matter that much, because you had to use the Raid specific relic or some floaty balls to cause damage. All you had to bring to the table was something that can kill the regular enemies quick and efficient, which were most weapons.
For D2 though, I think there are some of Destinys greatest individual encounters. The best examples of well designed boss fights are Shuro Chi and Insurrection Prime. Shuro for having the segmented parts of her health. and IP for having a boss that is actually mobile, in need to be taken care of and be full of mechanics that reward you for utilizing them instead of finding some cheese to ignore them and get more out of it that way. Shuro just has a small amount that you need to destroy quickly. You can use whatever you want in this encounter as long as it can just do enough to trigger the next phase. The only restriction you have to clear the trash mobs quick enough. That's it. I think more raids should be designed like these two.
The big distinction, I think, is that in D1, getting to 1 damage phase usually wasn't as complicated or very long, depending on the encounter. In D2, encounters are becoming more and more complicated and obnoxious, increasing the desire to 1 phase to avoid having to do it all over again.
They haven’t really changed... people still use the same basic set ups all time, just now 1 Warlock is required in D2 were 2 Titans were needed in D1.
@@coldcalculum4926 I'm not talking about 1 phasing, just getting to the damage phase in general, which was less obnoxious in D1, due to having fewer mechanics to juggle.
Playing IB while watching this... I feel your pain 😑
Yeah grinding this Iron Banner has crushed my soul. Imma get the last two triumphs after Solstice, get my title and take a long ass break from D2 till Shadowkeep
I loved D1 (post Taken King) to death but I think a lot of the issues with Crucible arent gameplay mechanic issues (besides anything Titan related). All of it stems from the majority CHOOSING to do the same annoying things. We just need more Crucible gamemodes, like a Weapons-only mode, a permanent Mayhem mode, and more specific rule set modes like Halo PVP modes.
And for PVE (which i have no issue with currently) more difficulty settings like how you had Hard and Heroic on nearly all activities in D1.
Having a hard mode won't fix the well issues. Making enemies that one
Shot more easily is not the solution.
Agree with this tbh. I missed getting heroic versions of raids. And in terms of PvP, I've always said most of the problems with Destiny are it's player base. Refuse to use anything but crutch or purposely choose to play in ways that are overall quite damaging for the rest of the player base. That ain't on Bungie
That won't fix it at all, because some of the issues in the game, are weapons.
Saying that the issue is the people abusing the broken system, and not the broken system, just causes more harm then good.
CaptainOhWow I want to see a laser tag game mode no hvy no supers or abilities
Big map modes with vehicles
I stopped playing PvP when Guitar error got me banned from comp four times in a row.
Every word about PVP was spot on. I’m a solo player so I haven’t played any new raids or heroic menagerie so I’ll hold you to the PVE stuff
John Domino heavy PvE player here.
I played all of the raid and their challenges back in D1 and avidly play raids in D2. I love the synergy with teammates and the amount of communication and difficulty that goes into killing a raid boss, the stuff that isn’t in the other PvE content.
It’s really disappointing to me to see these raid designers work hard to make fun, unique, interesting encounters that mean nothing because they can be skipped by simply firing enough rockets/grenades into a boss’s mouth with nothing holding you back. It feels powerful, sure, but not rewarding. I’ve yet to fight Riven legit, but I’ve seen the mechanics and it honestly looks like a blast.
I like using well of radiance and lunafaction as a support mechanism, but I wouldn’t mind seeing adjustments to make endgame content difficult again (like it’s supposed to be)
Let em have it Datto!! Fully agree with this hot take! PvP has been a shit storm throughout Destiny 2. Its why I completely avoid it and hate being forced in by quests.
Someone somewhere thought it'd be a good idea to force PvP into a lot of exotic quests for some reason. Also, if you want the best PvE weapons? Better get ready to wrestle with sweaty stacked teams all day because you've got to do PvP for that too.
Iron banner was just crucible with a wolf sticker slapped on it, nothing changed and the “quest”line was just a petty grind for nothing really special.
It was a grind to give you back stuff you already earned.
Congrats, senpai (bungle) has noticed your video
In my opinion, from a comp player pov, energy ammo, heavy ammo, and supers should be Map pickups. Randomly losing because of snowball supers, or random heavy pickups is annoying af
Doom/Quake style weapon pickup mode please!
Yes I couldn't agree more
@star burns I disagree. We didn't have issues like that issue in games like Halo
star burns we also didn’t have issues like that in destiny 1. In D1 special ammo spawned occasionally in boxes and you didn’t spawn with any.
Heavy ammo spawned once per game (twice if the game goes for a really long time).
yes. i couldn't agree more. that would be such an easy fix and you know your gonna have crazy firefights around those pickups like in halo
PvP ( I play on Console ) consist of sliding and shotguns , hunters running around in invisible supers, broken 2 shot pinnacle weapons. And exotics don’t feel that exotic like they did on D1 bungie needs A big weapons balance to make the weapon playing field spread out evenly instead of seeing the same loadouts on every character.
thog bottom tree striker is all high level pvp consists of. Its too much to handle Bungo
Taylor Sanders they ain’t nothing but crackheads with flammable swords running around cutting everybody and everything up from one side of the map to the other
Malex Gaming lol I was just scratching the surface grenade launchers are the worst I agree everybody jumping around killing everything
@Malex Gaming only a grenade launcher? What about redrix claymore, or lunas howl, or recluse, or revoker? They are all pinnacle pvp weapons too. You need to do some research
I think the stability of the weapons on the consoles should be buffed to match the PCs, so Luna Howl and Not Forgotten would not be so superior to other weapons.
Exactly. Power Ammo and Supers are a cancer. My group always asks for a gamemode where its just classic weapons vs weapons.
I'm tired of the ability spam. I barely touch crucible anymore because no matter how skilled you are, if you don't have the meta weapons and super mods you're kinda fucked. I just want a vanilla mode. No abilities, no shield/recovery/mobility differences: just nice and simple PvP.
PvP makes me so fucking mad it's not even funny. I hate it
bb Bungie tried that stale ass mode when D2 launched u know double primaries, slow ass charge rate on ur abilities and u might get 1 super per match. Then what happened? The community said that mode was boring and they wanted things sped up and that they wanted power ammo to spawn more so that more than 1 person could get power ammo per match, so Bungie released the GO FAST update and everyone was singing their praises. Now people wanna complain about to many supers and power ammo, people need to make their mind up on what they really want instead of always doing the trendy thing of complaining about whatever their favorite content creator complains about. That mode u want that’s what they have private matches for good luck trying to find people who actually want to play that mode with u....learn to adapt instead of always complaining.
Supers and abilities are part of the game, you don't complain just adapt.
Orrrr the solution lies with making multiple game modes. Have fast game modes. Have slow game modes. Have medium game modes. Choice is always better.
Like the quickplay playlist still needs to be separated. There are other things they can do other than turning the entire game in one direction.
Well Datto, I greatly appreciated this video. You described all the major pain points I've experienced the past year. The biggest problem I see is Bungie's lack of response to big problems, like supers, exotics, or QoL issues. Things I can't imagine someone not being able to adjust a few numbers in a week or two. IE orb generation per super, super duration.
Thank you,thank you so much for this video!Bungie needs to know how important these issues are if they don't already and what better way than to hear it from your
i realy hope that bungie at least listens to the PvP portion and gambit.
i'm also 100% with you on the PvE part. The game basically doesn't give a flying f about your teamcomb or macro anymore
I’m so done with shotgun apes every time I play rumble
Same it feels like comp, but rumble edition
erentil is way more anoying,trust me
Victor Alves at least u can hide from it unlike getting pounced in the house by a mindbenders
See white light? Put some space between y'all, put a hc shot in their head, and then return fire with a shotgun at a range that will kill them but leave you alive or body them with a sniper. If you are using a fusion they shouldn't have gotten close enough to kill you.
Logan M Nah, after I body them they’ll just panic super me and start bagging
One punch titans
Long range melee hunters
Spectral Blades
Any titan super
All things in pvp I adore as a warlock
Dawnblade is most bs
@@hashashin7286 Just run away lmao, at least you can see them, unlike shadow blade hunters
Can’t agree mire warlocks got the short end of the PVP stick, but atleast we got PVE
Datto does self character assassination by sharing his “elitist” opinion that’s really just being realistic and wanting the game to actually have a difficulty curve.