As someone who does like 8 clears a week to help clanmates out, Id love a selectable contest mode. It would make it so I dont get bored mid Atraks with the insane amount of downtime, or some level of challenge throughout the raid.
@@fancyman4563 I don't even care about better loot(heck, 5 extra spoils for completion would be enough for me if anything). I just want another crack at beating contest mode - was one of the teams stuck, getting agonising close to finishing Atrack each attempt....for hours... I know we have the skill to beat it, just time was against us(we gave up after 16hr due disconnections of a clan mate)
@@theanomaloushendo4516 no they haven't. There are multiple tiers of AI, the low level ones are your patrols and such, the mid tier are typically strikes and raids, the high tiers were reserved for things like master and grandmaster activities until recently with prophecy. prophecy dungeon is an amazing example of high tier destiny AI the knights, acolytes, thrall and whatever if its an enemy thats in their can fuck your day up. You need to wipe in prophecy and it happens it .1 nanoseconds.
@@theanomaloushendo4516 Ya thats not true. Play Gambit or a Dungeon and then go into a patrol, you will notice a huge difference. Mobs in Prophecy hands down will keep firing at and around a player who goes invisible in front of them and they definitely track and pre emp fire at places players are heading to or hiding around. Raid mobs? They hit hard if underleveled but otherwise are dumber than a bag of bricks.
The shanks are actually oppressive. I know, I spent hours taking video in there alone for a video I made. They could smell you from a mile away and they rush over to you, spamming their attack.
Since I barely remember heroic mode for d1 raids (I'm assuming that's for d1) I cant speak on that but for prestige with the style of leviathan i believe they said they cant keep doing that for some reason i dont remember, maybe it takes up too much time, energy, and manpower and for the prestige raid lairs I'm blanking on saying something about it.
@@fierytepig155 D1 hard modes were different for two reasons: 1. Even at Max light you were under-leveled and 2. Hard modes where made before easy modes and easy modes where just hard mode with a mechanic or two thrown out. So bungie made hard modes first.
Yeah in gambit you cannot afford to be in the middle of enemies or they'll gang shoot you to death is very easy to get killed. But in DSC you can be standing there in middle emoting instead, they'll be hiding behind pillars and peek to empty half magazine and miss every 30 seconds.
@@reflexcoil9808 Adds in Gambit have a weird aggro loop where their aggression is turned up the more motes you're holding and your current HP. They also generally use the rate of fire they would if you're on your sparrow, which is why you'll rush an acolyte or a knight and be off by one shot and die. This leads to those awkward moments where you pick up a mote and suddenly the 3 minotaurs in the wave instantly teleport to you and attempt to slap you to death.
@@nicholaspaat7302 People only heard what they wanted to hear, too many in this community get their knickers twisted too easily. Gladds not gonna sit n make a 20 min vid when people will pick faults either way, some players seriously need to get a grip its a fucking video game.
@@mattyoblobber true, but when your message avenue is Twitter... you HAVE to pick your words right or at least go farther than just one tweet and then nopeing out when everyone disagrees to a message that is negative at face value.
@@nicholaspaat7302 nah this community has so many varying opinions it'll never be satisfied even if he had, simply put datto made the exact same point gladd did but because its datto it gets accepted. I trust gladd and the sheer amount of time playing this game to know what the f he's talking about in terms of destiny, and just because little johnny over here chose to go in with shit rolled gear and 10 levels under power making it harder compared to others, doesn't mean its difficult.
I haven't completed a raid since last wish because I can't muster the energy to lfg. This comment is the exact reason lol You usually find that the poster hasn't got the weapon or any clears also.
@@kizzgizz although these posts are a thing, in reality there’s lots of decent raid groups, just asking for chill people, these are the ones I go for, raiding is for fun, hate sweaty toxic raid groups
I miss Heroic raids. You got to have that 'Day One Raid' feeling twice per release because of the new mechanics, new challenges and new hardmode weapons & armor.
@@Achilles053 I’ll still never fully agree with Datto. I understand he likes challenges, but he also sometimes forgets about causal players. I do agree with selectable modes for raids. Master VOG was amazing in every way for me… Until I found out nobody listens on conflux challenge… people kept using anything
@@beholden84 while I somewhat agree with that, I still think that a skill-barrier in raids would not be unwelcome. I get it, raids are super fun and 100% I think even casual players should get to do them. But at the same time, you don't want to make them too easy because you're solely catering to the casual players. I think D1 raids actually toed (towed?) the line a lot better in terms of it being something both casual and non-casual players could do and have fun... but that's probably because there was an optional difficulty. For how it looks, I think Datto is probably pulling from games like World of Warcraft where the raids are anything but casual-friendly. And I can't exactly fault him for wanting that in Destiny.
@@trickytreyperfected1482 I mean I like harder raids… I wouldn’t call myself a one causal. Done all the master challenges in VOG. I have Div, 1K, Eyes, and Vex. I spend a total of 4d, 22 hours in DSC and 3d, 15h in VOG.(really I’m just flexing how much time I wasted with my life at this point.) While I understand Datto… I don’t like every piece of content to be as hard or close to GMs. GMs are fun… when they’re not GLASSWAY. Any motherfucker who says GLASSWAY is easy, is crazy. I’m only doing one corrupted GM clear this entire season. Maybe more if i decide to help people out.
I agree with most of this. I would just include myself that the final boss of Garden with an LFG team is, in my opinion, the hardest fight in the game.
yeah this is what i want, i think this is what everyone should want. the raid is too cool to lock it off to the top 5% of players, but man they really need to go back to giving that top 5% an optional challenge. the hardest pve content shouldn't be relegated to nightfalls, especially when they actually HAD a system for hard raids in the past.
@@shatteredakuma I disagree, for you and plenty of other people that may be the case but for other people a raid being hard doesn't make it memorable for them. It could be the experience, it could be simply doing the raid with friends, hell, it could even be the music that makes it memorable.
Atraks day one took me 16 hours, was absolutely insane. Had to lfg it after my first team gave up. I think datto is 100% right that Atraks was an anomaly and next raid you should definitely give it another go!
Atraks was easy, it's either you or your teammates who were just not good enough, I know cuz that's what happened to me, my teammates could not for the life of them stay alive
@@inventor4279 mine didn't want to switch to 4th Horseman, Falling Guillotine despite the fact we weren't outputting enough damage and that 4th and Guillotine had already been proven to work.
@@inventor4279 That is on a per-activity basis. Compare Patrol, Strike, Dungeon, Nightfall and Exotic Quest mobs and you'll see large variations in their health and damage output.
@@commentingchannel9776 yep, very few activities have them, which just makes leveling pointless since they do the same ammount of damage regardless of level
I unironically run wormgod's caress in taniks when I'm not operator to not have to worry about swapping weapons to double special because i can just run that all the time.
Brandon Brown he can run that on any class and be fine. Next run dunemarchers and see what I mean. He didn’t even try in that encounter. That was the point of the clip
Ain't that the truth...working at an Amazon warehouse means I'm essential. Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset at being employed still in these trying times, but for me life hasn't really changed outside of having to wear a mask to work and stay far apart from my coworkers. And I can't request any vacation time right now due to this month being our busiest of the year and its all hands on deck to get work done
Haha. I had someone say if you "don't work" in Destiny you "don't deserve" gear, etc. Here I am working 50+ hours a week in medical during a pandemic and this neckbeard says I need to "work harder" in a video game.
It depends on the LFG team you get. Sometimes you get solid teams that stomp the raid out in an hour. Others it takes you more than 5 tries to do crypt security.
Hey bud heres an idea, be picky with your lfg teams. I have 12 clears with all lfg teams and only 2 have been hell. Its your fault for staying with a sub par team instead of finding a new one
The thing is, Datto's main point was regarding the combat difficulty and how the raids are too easy from a combat perspective. LFG is bad primarily from people not understanding mechanics or general bad teamwork/communication. Making a more challenging raid, from a combat perspective, should affect both 'streamers and plebs' alike up to a point where skill is actually a factor. Skill requirement is non-existent in the standard 6-man raid as they are now
It seems that most ppl outside of the raid community, think raids are this super endgame try hard thing, when in reality it's just a bunch of guardians memeing around and t-bagging bosses.
Basically yeah lmao. My funniest raid experience ever was chaos method on crypt third encounter where my clan mates never picked up scanner and never deactivated a core, so we just guessed where to put in the nukes. Regular raids shouldn’t need to be sweaty but I would like an option for a different difficulty for some extra loot or emblem.
@@pandie_6 so like d1? I agree btw lol Having those extra items in the hard mode pool motivated us to run them every week. I would like to see set rolls for raid gear back again though. It gives them more character, even if the random rolls give it the illusion of "replay value"
That's the point tho, for bulls who raid repeatedly this becomes easier. For those trying to get in inconsistently it's difficult trying to learn and perform same time.
@@feircy honestly I would take some glowy ornaments for my time LOL. Curated rolls would be cool but if thats too much some unique universal ornaments would be nice.
@@Blackronin357 I get that tbh. Before I ever even tried raids I was doing solo challenges and stuff so I was pretty prepared in the "combat difficulty" portion of raids, I just needed to learn mechanics. My best advice is to just try and find a clan or consistent group of people to play with and just try your best. Help each other out without being dicks about it so everyone can improve. Ik its a 4head thing to just say practice but its really all you can do.
They should just double down on it and give us a Weekly Master Raid with all the goodies that come with it. And ffs, REVIVES ON TIMERS AND NONE OF THIS SHARED FATE BS
This is really the only option to make hardcore raiders and casuals happy. I guess maybe buff up the enemy AI to make it harder. Hated the idea of no rezzes in d1 tho (basically had to flawless each encounter) and not a huge fan of token system in the d2 prestige raids. But if they kept tokens the same as NM and upped difficulty or maybe even added mechanics I’d be all for it.
Unpopular opinion, stop labeling it as "Weekly Heroic". Weekly Heroic was an "End of a game" feature knowing most people reached level cap before it was released and only there to introduce reprised weapons and new armor. And it only lasted several months before D2 came out. It was never a 'weekly' thing throughout D1's run. If you ask me, it wouldn't make people happy, specifically because DSC being D2's newest raid wouldn't drop pinnacle level loot if it wasn't the featured raid, and I can only assume Bungie would /NOT/ allow it to be an exception if they brought weekly raids back. Heroics should come back but weekly raids should not be a main thing due too people not realizing how bad it would be implemented.
I really loved dsc. We wiped due to a teammate blocking our way to the safe room after nukes but even after that, we were laughing because it was an enjoyable experience. I was 20-30 light below and i had a great time
Honestly, I feel you; but I like the raids like this; I don’t raid much because I don’t have good luck finding *patient* people who are willing to give me the time of day to learn and grow into a competent raider. I didn’t even do the other raids because of it.
I remember the oryx fight when you jump on the plates a sniper spawns opposite if you forcing you to focus on the deadly snipers while doing call outs this mix of enemy lethality during mechanic phases is whats missing from d2
The bigger core of the issue is what I call the 'accomplishment gap', where veteran players who have vaults full of powerful gear, mods, and the capacity to create very powerful builds are so much more powerful than others. Contrast that with what is available to a new player starting at Beyond Light - with subpar weapons from Variks, Crow, and destinations, along with rare exotics and no way to get mods apart from one-a-day from Banshee, limited masterwork materials, etc, etc. I think if players went into the raid at the appropriate power level, but only with weapons and mods available from the current expansion, then the difficulty would be in a better spot. Same thing with Garden, where if you rolled in with Moon weapons, Deathbringer and Xenophage you would have a tougher time than if you had optimal gear. I just don't see a way for Bungie to create difficulty for the player who gets the gear they have access to versus the veteran with optimal builds, unless they use a 'bandage' solution such as contest mode to force players under level. I personally prefer a raid scenario where the gear to effectively clear the raid comes from pre-raid content in an expansion and eventually the raid itself.
Yeah I dislike peoples argument about the day 1 clears so I’m glad you cleared it off the bat for example here in the Uk we were in a national lockdown at the launch of beyond light and we’re still in it when the raid came out so a lot of us had a lot of time to prepare which we wouldn’t of normally had
Definitely understandable but he makes the point that the mechanics of the raids are what depend heavily on experience in raiding and that as far as the mechanics are concerned he liked them and was fine with them. The large point he was trying to make is simply summed up with the raid enemies feel like patrol enemies and I'm more afraid of enemies in Gambit
They used to in D1 but took them out because people cried about not being able to do them. So now we're left with these single difficulty easy mode "look ma I did it" raids
On day one raids being the best experience: i literally found a lfg group as a solo player for the calus raid day one, and I still had the best experiences in the game
Prob won’t ever see hard modes or prestige modes in D2 raids ever again. That requires more development from Bungie to flesh out hard mode raid encounters and create a second loot pool of prestige gear. And since the split from Activision, Bungie is effectively an indie developer now with limited resources.
@@bretthollingshead5645 they're not even an indie dev, they're a private contractor for devs are this point. They have like 3 or 4 games they've sent out their employees to work on that other companies hired them for. This is why there's so little content, not enough devs in the first place for more
Tbh for deep stone crypt if contest mode was the normal mode, it would be wrong, too difficult. 20 light under is fine for day one. After that i feel like capping 5-10 light below would be a good compromise.
@@giovanniquargentan6198 just make 20 under (contest) the Hard/Prestige Mode, and stick a glowing shader and Raid armor set with minor cosmetic differences behind it. Ez. D1 formula and it worked great.
Yes. End of story. Add contest mode as a permanent mode and make adept raid weapons with a cool adept shader. And a cool emblem different from the day 1 one. This is not a long-term-solution, obviously. I think this would help though.
@@noman1122 because in gambit you go right in to get these motes and that's why you are ending up caught in crossfire or surrounded by five mobs and two powerful enemies. And that's because you are under time pressure and a continuous threat of being invaded. There is only ONE encounter in all the raids where you are really racing against the clock.
@@noman1122 Ok, I forgot about Queenswalk but that one is really simple. All you have do to is run. The blob does have a "timer" but it's fairly generous. I've never perceived that encounter as putting me under time pressure. Shuro Chi is different - you traverse 3 levels, fight and solve puzzles under a strict time limit.
My daughter was born 3 days before the raid came out. I wanted to experience it but that wasn’t going to happen. Just wanted to say thank you for being around and playing the game. I was able to experience the raid on your stream. I appreciate it man. Great video as well.
I really just like DSC cause it feels like I'm doing something. Kings fall? Stand on a plate. Leviathan? Stand on a plate. Spire? Stand on a plate. Last wish? Stand on a lot of plates but not the same plate. The fact that your either standing in a plate or clearing ads kinda gets boring to be after a while but with DSC, everyone leads a role or it's a wipe. It feels alive and like I'm doing something. Definitely a top 3 for me
That’s not even true though lol, you don’t even need to teach rolls in half the encounters and scanner is completely useless on the final boss. The entire raid is literally just killing ads, hell if you got anarchy suppressor is brain dead easy. This raid poses no mechanical challenge even close to other raids
@@cheatledurp3587 unless you are deciding to skip to just Taniks phase 2, phase 1 basically as everyone do a job. It feels like a better take on CoS first encounter with more stuff to do than just sit around shoot crystals and wait for the slow guy to get to mid. I'm not saying DSC is the most challenging, once you get the basics it's a breeze, but it's fun and that's why I prefer it to something like Last Wish, where in like 4 of the 6 encounters your standing on plates with slight variations
@Lunatic41521 hey your opinion and mine can differ. I never really cared for Last Wish besides that Shuro Chi puzzle, and Queenswalk where communication is key. Everything else seems kind of stiff which is of course my opinion. Kalli is just stand on a plate, kill a knight, shoot her and get into a door. Morgeth is grab orbs but not more than 3, kill ads and then mow him down. Vault can be exciting to do but it loses its charm after you finally beat it the first time. And Riven is just getting bullied at this point with Lament or Fallen Guillotine one phasing her after you walk into a wall. I personally prefer having fun in raids with high action which is why Wrath is probably my favorite. DSC just reminded me of it
That’s what they did in D1 with their raids. age of triumph raids added new emblems, another hard mode version of the raids, and armor set glows you could only get from running those hard raids. To this day age of triumph King’s fall armor is my favorite armor set in Destiny 1 and 2
You're spot on with the ads. When you don't want to die they're aggressive as hell but god forbid you sit still in front of them and they lose all sense of hostility. Reseting as we tried to figure out the Red Rover challenge was a joke cause if you didnt have something you could blow yourself up with you weren't going to die by mobs unless a captain was up.
I mean me and 1 of my friends literally 2 manned almost the entire raid with relative ease and like minimal glitches. We just haven’t done Taniks, and while the raid is great and enjoyable, it’s probably the easiest raid that’s left in the game. I do really enjoy it tho
I was never able to complete GoS due to incompetent groups. Then DSC I've been doing nonstop and legitimately helping/playing it just for fun because I think its a great and fun raid. So I guess that speaks volumes
6:02 It's when you want the mobs to kill you that they become glue-sniffing incompetent enemies, I swear. There have been many times where "alright guys let's wipe, we screwed up on something and wiping will save time", so I will just stand in front of a group of fallen vandals, sit down with an emote, and watch as 3 or 4 vandals surround me, getting in my face, and.... doing nothing. With their knives and guns in hand, they suddenly forget that they are supposed to be killing me, and eventually a sniper sees this going on and makes up for their coworkers' incompetence by ending my misery. But then there are times where I swear every single mob in the entire encounter wants me and my entire family dead, and drop everything they're doing to come slap their meat in my face.
Better titles: "Is the difficulty ceiling for raids too low?" OR "Are raids over-reliant on Mechanical Difficulty"? When you have a consistent, all-star team, I can see the frustration. As a mediocre player finding LFG teams, raids are frustrating for very different reasons. I actually agree with all the points raised, but also think that raids need more work than just at the top end, and it's worth highlighting the distinction
That wouldn't be raid difficulty. Getting a shitty team doesn't mean the raid is any harder. I had shit teams through Lfg for 2 years trying to do leviathan. While it killed the raid for me, the raid itself wasn't hard, my teams were just incompetent
I lfg quite often and I find people overblow the lfg experience. You can use third party apps to find people with more experience and be picky or just leave bad teams.
@@BiggaMyMan last time I raided I found myself stuck in between two groups: the people who raided regularly - to whom I was minorly inconvenient because I didn't know the latest strats, didn't have all the god-rolls or BiS gear, and couldn't run encounters with my eyes closed; and the people who barely knew which end of the gun went where - who were grateful that someone semi-competent wasn't just ditching them, but really extended how long the raid should take. I'll happily take "mediocre", and frankly I don't enjoy LFG raiding enough to 'git gud'. I agree with Datto's criticisms of the high end of raiding, even if I haven't quite been there personally, but I do think raids in their present form have more issues than the difficulty ceiling and I think it's relevant to highlight it as such
Raids are just fine as they are. If you want to stop them from being too easy, stop leaving cheeses and glitches in them. Make people actually do Riven or actually do the first encounter of DSC. Can’t call them easy when there are ways to just blow by the encounters anyways. Bungie should start there
Difficulty aside, DSC has been the most fun I've had in any raid. It's rewarding, allows me to enjoy several runs with my clanmates and all with the right amount of difficulty. I'd like to see more of these moving forward!
This take and Gladds I fully agree with, while his was a more blanket (and thus much more heated take), this in depth look actually highlights and confirms the aspects of Gladds I agreed with. Well said.
I personally like that DSC was easier, it’s provided a gateway for me to get into raiding. I was always too scared to attempt it before (none of my friends play destiny so I’d have to LFG), but being able to understand the mechanics of this raid has allowed me to get into raiding as a whole
i always listen to datto as i’m working and i listen to the video almost like a podcast. and this couldn’t be a more perfect timing. thanks datto! and yes i think the raids are getting easy
Would a hard mode version/playlist solve both issues? Allowing players like you to have the challenge, while also letting casuals like me have access (in terms of skill minimum) to raid-level content?
Bungie: “Understandable, Vault of Glass will only have Overload minotaurs and now unstoppable Wyverns.”
Those wyverns do be dangerous tho
Those harpys with legs will make me mald beyond belief
There should be a modifier where if you die, your game uninstalls.
@@aki-sid or you console just dies
@@wooders2206 your console uninstalls destiny 2, turns off forever and then it launches into the air and blows up killing u.
"I am once again asking for Contest Mode to be a selectable mode"
It ain't rocket science.
As someone who does like 8 clears a week to help clanmates out, Id love a selectable contest mode. It would make it so I dont get bored mid Atraks with the insane amount of downtime, or some level of challenge throughout the raid.
yeah that would work maybe make it where you get more or better loot from the contest mode
@@walthawk1492 even day one i was emoting next to my scanner buddy waiting for the buff to be passed down....that was contest mode ffs!
@@fancyman4563 I don't even care about better loot(heck, 5 extra spoils for completion would be enough for me if anything). I just want another crack at beating contest mode - was one of the teams stuck, getting agonising close to finishing Atrack each attempt....for hours...
I know we have the skill to beat it, just time was against us(we gave up after 16hr due disconnections of a clan mate)
the real difficulty of raids is having 5 friends to play with
this hit very close to home base
What platform do you play on?
@@brandonflys668 playstation
Omg, that's deep.
"Why are enemies in Gambit more of a threat than enemies in the raid" aight thats it I'm sold
Did you notice the flinch 😂😂😂😂
He’s not wrong, though.
Why are enemies in Gambit more of a threat than enemies in... well... every other activity.
The mob intelligence thing was spot on. My team struggles to wipe to ads when we mess up a mechanic.
Tbh trash mobs have always been shitters, even in the first encounter of levi, because they're AI, they expect you to do something to react to
@@theanomaloushendo4516 no they haven't. There are multiple tiers of AI, the low level ones are your patrols and such, the mid tier are typically strikes and raids, the high tiers were reserved for things like master and grandmaster activities until recently with prophecy. prophecy dungeon is an amazing example of high tier destiny AI the knights, acolytes, thrall and whatever if its an enemy thats in their can fuck your day up. You need to wipe in prophecy and it happens it .1 nanoseconds.
nothing that a nade launcher cant solve....
@@Vaultyboi22 I think they got harder this season. Prophesy is cool, but cheap.
@@theanomaloushendo4516 Ya thats not true. Play Gambit or a Dungeon and then go into a patrol, you will notice a huge difference. Mobs in Prophecy hands down will keep firing at and around a player who goes invisible in front of them and they definitely track and pre emp fire at places players are heading to or hiding around. Raid mobs? They hit hard if underleveled but otherwise are dumber than a bag of bricks.
“We’re in a pandemic no one is going anywhere”. Me: *cries at work*
me: virtual school that takes from 7-2, so yeah half my day wasted from this, how bad is the length of your work
Yeah I hate when people say this. I still go to work every day. Must be nice having nothing to do Datto.
Same. I’m “essential” and have to go to work
@@syluxassassin To be fair there is a large majority (?) staying at home, due to elderly people that live with them, or other circumstances.
I wish I could go back to work...
The shanks + vandals during the jumping puzzle transition are more aggressive than literally every other trash mob in the raid.
Facts. More aggressive than the overloads.
The shanks are actually oppressive.
I know, I spent hours taking video in there alone for a video I made. They could smell you from a mile away and they rush over to you, spamming their attack.
Whats amazing is how there were no brigs in the actual encounters, I legit thought they would spam them cause their the new toys but nope
No jokes, those shanks are literally piranhas
I don't know the shanks in the 2 encounter kill my teammates with easy
I love the full minute of just punching in crypt security. Made my watching experience better.
Kind of makes his point for him, doesn't it?
@@ZPM7 oh 100%
Titan things
@@ZPM7 that was exactly my thought too. Sure, titan do smash, but he wasn't even slightly contested lol
I haven't run a primary in security in weeks. Dunemarchers, Necrotic Grips, or liars handshake plus a sword are all you need for ad clear.
Literally the only thing Bungie needs to do is bring prestige/heroic mode back
Since I barely remember heroic mode for d1 raids (I'm assuming that's for d1) I cant speak on that but for prestige with the style of leviathan i believe they said they cant keep doing that for some reason i dont remember, maybe it takes up too much time, energy, and manpower and for the prestige raid lairs I'm blanking on saying something about it.
@@fierytepig155 D1 hard modes were different for two reasons: 1. Even at Max light you were under-leveled and 2. Hard modes where made before easy modes and easy modes where just hard mode with a mechanic or two thrown out. So bungie made hard modes first.
@@fierytepig155 8
That is correct
I love how you casually did the entire raid in the background
Not just the entire raid, a flawless run.
@@vex6213 Alright, calm down. Didn't say it was impressive.
@@vex6213 in a video talking about how easy the raids are. Mate, you're literally making the same point as me.
@@vex6213 ok dude, a flawless run is more impressive than not a flawless run. doesn't mean it's like the most impressive thing ever.
"Why are the enemies in GAMBIT more of a threat than in the raid?" I literally had the same thought the other day I'm so glad someone brought that up
The enemies in gambit have their aggression turned up to 11. I am very afraid.
@@leodagher2139 i Fucking swear to god they buffed the hell out of the majors this expansion, they one tap me sometimes
Gambit ads are basically Master Nightfall ads. They're nuts.
Yeah in gambit you cannot afford to be in the middle of enemies or they'll gang shoot you to death is very easy to get killed. But in DSC you can be standing there in middle emoting instead, they'll be hiding behind pillars and peek to empty half magazine and miss every 30 seconds.
@@reflexcoil9808 Adds in Gambit have a weird aggro loop where their aggression is turned up the more motes you're holding and your current HP. They also generally use the rate of fire they would if you're on your sparrow, which is why you'll rush an acolyte or a knight and be off by one shot and die.
This leads to those awkward moments where you pick up a mote and suddenly the 3 minotaurs in the wave instantly teleport to you and attempt to slap you to death.
Unbelievable. This guy wouldn’t stop blabbering and flapping his trap during the Deep Stone Lullaby. Unsubbed.
I mean if I need to run 25-times raids better not be painful like crown of sorrow
Maybe if you thought out your original statement or wrote something with more explanation, it wouldn't have blown up in your face :/
@@nicholaspaat7302 People only heard what they wanted to hear, too many in this community get their knickers twisted too easily. Gladds not gonna sit n make a 20 min vid when people will pick faults either way, some players seriously need to get a grip its a fucking video game.
@@mattyoblobber true, but when your message avenue is Twitter... you HAVE to pick your words right or at least go farther than just one tweet and then nopeing out when everyone disagrees to a message that is negative at face value.
@@nicholaspaat7302 nah this community has so many varying opinions it'll never be satisfied even if he had, simply put datto made the exact same point gladd did but because its datto it gets accepted.
I trust gladd and the sheer amount of time playing this game to know what the f he's talking about in terms of destiny, and just because little johnny over here chose to go in with shit rolled gear and 10 levels under power making it harder compared to others, doesn't mean its difficult.
Datto opinion video LETS GOOOOO
o h y e a
oh yes big boy evan in the club😎😎😎
Please do a garden vid!!! Plz
“How hard is it to throw a ball,swap a buff ,make a callout”
Given some of the LFG groups I’ve been in ,Extremely Hard apparently
Communication is the real entry barrier.
Yup have you tried spire god I still get ptsd from that raid
Unless you have half a millisecond to do all in that order, before you screw the whole team over, then get shit on by everyone... then yea
exactly what i was thinking.
LFG: Must have Eyes of Tomorrow and 50 Taniks clears
Me: I thought Datto said this was easy...
Are people really doing this? The fuck. 2 of my closest friends and I 3 man this raid
the requirements on the discord are hilarious lmao this is spot on
I haven't completed a raid since last wish because I can't muster the energy to lfg. This comment is the exact reason lol
You usually find that the poster hasn't got the weapon or any clears also.
@@kizzgizz although these posts are a thing, in reality there’s lots of decent raid groups, just asking for chill people, these are the ones I go for, raiding is for fun, hate sweaty toxic raid groups
@nnif yeksud Honestly, it's a good thing they post things like that. Helps to easily spot the no-lifes that you want to steer clear of.
Datto's Video Title: Are raids getting to easy?
Datto's background clip: Haha titan go punch
these comments aremt funny anymore man
@@pwoswald I found it amusing
@@pwoswald funny not, hilarious
@@pwoswald sorry, squire. I did not make a small joke in a big youtuber's comment section that entertained you. I beg for your forgiveness
I miss Heroic raids. You got to have that 'Day One Raid' feeling twice per release because of the new mechanics, new challenges and new hardmode weapons & armor.
"I don’t want the raids to turn into scout rifle, plink-plunk, 27-shots-to-kill-a-dreg-because-I’m-too-scared-to-move fest 2020"
aka every Grandmaster
They need to change mechanics then to make the whole gameplay faster and more chaotic, therefore harder to master
@@Achilles053 I’ll still never fully agree with Datto. I understand he likes challenges, but he also sometimes forgets about causal players. I do agree with selectable modes for raids.
Master VOG was amazing in every way for me…
Until I found out nobody listens on conflux challenge… people kept using anything
@@beholden84 while I somewhat agree with that, I still think that a skill-barrier in raids would not be unwelcome. I get it, raids are super fun and 100% I think even casual players should get to do them. But at the same time, you don't want to make them too easy because you're solely catering to the casual players. I think D1 raids actually toed (towed?) the line a lot better in terms of it being something both casual and non-casual players could do and have fun... but that's probably because there was an optional difficulty.
For how it looks, I think Datto is probably pulling from games like World of Warcraft where the raids are anything but casual-friendly. And I can't exactly fault him for wanting that in Destiny.
@@trickytreyperfected1482 I mean I like harder raids… I wouldn’t call myself a one causal. Done all the master challenges in VOG. I have Div, 1K, Eyes, and Vex. I spend a total of 4d, 22 hours in DSC and 3d, 15h in VOG.(really I’m just flexing how much time I wasted with my life at this point.)
While I understand Datto… I don’t like every piece of content to be as hard or close to GMs. GMs are fun… when they’re not GLASSWAY. Any motherfucker who says GLASSWAY is easy, is crazy. I’m only doing one corrupted GM clear this entire season. Maybe more if i decide to help people out.
Are Raids too easy?:
Datto: Yes
Everyone who uses LFG: No
you need a clan that will run with you?
@@babyyodaforpresident5373 I'm in a clan but we never do anything ever
I use LFG all the time and I stopped doing DSC after the first week. It was so easy to the point I got bored of doing the raid, so I stopped.
people use LFG. and ask for multiple clears
@@inferno769 need people who are actually active? if you’re on ps4, tell me your username and i can invite you to the clan
I agree with most of this. I would just include myself that the final boss of Garden with an LFG team is, in my opinion, the hardest fight in the game.
Laughs in riven legit...
I would only argue that is because of how buggy the tethers are. If you get a no bug fight, it’s really not difficult
@@adrianpickel1482 laughs about doing riven legit lol
This comment i felt in my soul
Maybe for you, laughs in spite of stars... the whole thing... the first encounter is harder then that fight
This has new meaning after RoN 2023
I’m glad that it’s easier, a lot of my friends that haven’t raided in years are running DSC now.
If they want to make it harder add a prestige mode.
they get bored in a month
With more ease comes less memorability. You sacrifice fun for accessibility. Thats the case in Every. Single. Game. On. The. Planet.
yeah this is what i want, i think this is what everyone should want. the raid is too cool to lock it off to the top 5% of players, but man they really need to go back to giving that top 5% an optional challenge. the hardest pve content shouldn't be relegated to nightfalls, especially when they actually HAD a system for hard raids in the past.
@@shatteredakuma exactly i remeber my first time beating hollow knight bosses cause they were a challenge
@@shatteredakuma I disagree, for you and plenty of other people that may be the case but for other people a raid being hard doesn't make it memorable for them. It could be the experience, it could be simply doing the raid with friends, hell, it could even be the music that makes it memorable.
My team got hung up on Atraks and gave up at hour 12... I told myself I wouldn't do a day 1 again, but Datto, damnit you're making me wanna...
Atraks day one took me 16 hours, was absolutely insane. Had to lfg it after my first team gave up. I think datto is 100% right that Atraks was an anomaly and next raid you should definitely give it another go!
Atraks was easy, it's either you or your teammates who were just not good enough, I know cuz that's what happened to me, my teammates could not for the life of them stay alive
@@inventor4279 mine didn't want to switch to 4th Horseman, Falling Guillotine despite the fact we weren't outputting enough damage and that 4th and Guillotine had already been proven to work.
@@trickytreyperfected1482 mine spent like an hour on the sparrow part and insulted me when I told them what we needed to do
Dude looks like your team is so bad sorry but 12h is to much I was in LFG team and we got it in 5h
The real difficulty is the friends we found along the way (LFG).
Or lack thereof
Gambit enemies are really on crack though
Fr, put those in raids
they have a hidden modifier where they flat out do more damage
@@inventor4279 That is on a per-activity basis. Compare Patrol, Strike, Dungeon, Nightfall and Exotic Quest mobs and you'll see large variations in their health and damage output.
@@commentingchannel9776 yep, very few activities have them, which just makes leveling pointless since they do the same ammount of damage regardless of level
Datto is the definition of a TITAN. Don’t need a weapon. Just need my FIST
But he makes videos that are good and smart
He did that to show that he’s playing aggressively and not being punished at all.
@@kobek8069 Counterpoint, he's playing top-tree Sentinel, where playing aggressively IS the defensive option.
I unironically run wormgod's caress in taniks when I'm not operator to not have to worry about swapping weapons to double special because i can just run that all the time.
Brandon Brown he can run that on any class and be fine. Next run dunemarchers and see what I mean. He didn’t even try in that encounter. That was the point of the clip
The endless punching in first part of vid was the most Titan thing ever
Since we only get guaranteed 1 raid a year, I wish they had a prestige mode
"We're in a pandemic, no one's going anywhere you have plenty of time to play video games" cries in "essential worker"
same tho... apparently coffee and donuts are "essential" so idk
@@ktribe2381 I’m hungry
Ain't that the truth...working at an Amazon warehouse means I'm essential. Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset at being employed still in these trying times, but for me life hasn't really changed outside of having to wear a mask to work and stay far apart from my coworkers.
And I can't request any vacation time right now due to this month being our busiest of the year and its all hands on deck to get work done
@@ktribe2381 and someone has got to flip burgers. I probably wouldn't play Destiny a whole ton more if I wasn't working anyway tbh. lol
Haha. I had someone say if you "don't work" in Destiny you "don't deserve" gear, etc. Here I am working 50+ hours a week in medical during a pandemic and this neckbeard says I need to "work harder" in a video game.
"there's a pandemic no one's going anywhere there is a lot more time to play video games"
Me: *cries in retail*
Me: *cries at work*
In-person school is still a thing in Japan and was during the entirety of the raid prep, feelsbad
Trying to wipe in the security room is a joke, the orange bars literally run away from u 🙈
It took 7 boss stomps for me to die with high recovery/concussive dampener.
It's literally quicker to swap out your heavy for a GL then swap back (even on old gen consoles)
not with blueberries.....
"I'm arrogant, I'm so arrogant"
Oh my God, he's self aware!
Lol Truth
No, he really still isn't.
Nerd innit
Finally. Someone said gambit mobs are stronger than raid mobs.
I feel like my resilience is at 0 whenever I fight gambit ads 😭
“We’re in a pandemic, no one is going out”
*cries in restaurant worker*
Cries in retail worker
cries in manufacturing
@@xzmanxdiex cries in Costco employee
Got lucky here. Run a kitchen in Louisiana and we never really slowed down even through phase 1. We did nearly 32k in sales this past friday night.
aww poor babies. Must be nice to have a job
If you have a team you regularly raid with: yes
If you have to use LFG: no this is awful
It depends on the LFG team you get. Sometimes you get solid teams that stomp the raid out in an hour.
Others it takes you more than 5 tries to do crypt security.
Hey bud heres an idea, be picky with your lfg teams. I have 12 clears with all lfg teams and only 2 have been hell. Its your fault for staying with a sub par team instead of finding a new one
@Gay Kwon not ever god plyers just a good regular team
As someone who lfgs every week that’s not true at all. I usually clear it in less than an hour unless someone is completely new to the raisd
The thing is, Datto's main point was regarding the combat difficulty and how the raids are too easy from a combat perspective.
LFG is bad primarily from people not understanding mechanics or general bad teamwork/communication.
Making a more challenging raid, from a combat perspective, should affect both 'streamers and plebs' alike up to a point where skill is actually a factor.
Skill requirement is non-existent in the standard 6-man raid as they are now
Here a day after World's First Solo Flawless Root of Nightmares (w/ Challenge).
It seems that most ppl outside of the raid community, think raids are this super endgame try hard thing, when in reality it's just a bunch of guardians memeing around and t-bagging bosses.
Basically yeah lmao. My funniest raid experience ever was chaos method on crypt third encounter where my clan mates never picked up scanner and never deactivated a core, so we just guessed where to put in the nukes. Regular raids shouldn’t need to be sweaty but I would like an option for a different difficulty for some extra loot or emblem.
@@pandie_6 so like d1? I agree btw lol
Having those extra items in the hard mode pool motivated us to run them every week. I would like to see set rolls for raid gear back again though. It gives them more character, even if the random rolls give it the illusion of "replay value"
That's the point tho, for bulls who raid repeatedly this becomes easier. For those trying to get in inconsistently it's difficult trying to learn and perform same time.
@@feircy honestly I would take some glowy ornaments for my time LOL. Curated rolls would be cool but if thats too much some unique universal ornaments would be nice.
@@Blackronin357 I get that tbh. Before I ever even tried raids I was doing solo challenges and stuff so I was pretty prepared in the "combat difficulty" portion of raids, I just needed to learn mechanics. My best advice is to just try and find a clan or consistent group of people to play with and just try your best. Help each other out without being dicks about it so everyone can improve. Ik its a 4head thing to just say practice but its really all you can do.
I would love to see the return of the Weekly Heroic Raid from D1. They really felt challenging and you could get those nice rewards.
They should just double down on it and give us a Weekly Master Raid with all the goodies that come with it. And ffs, REVIVES ON TIMERS AND NONE OF THIS SHARED FATE BS
This is really the only option to make hardcore raiders and casuals happy. I guess maybe buff up the enemy AI to make it harder. Hated the idea of no rezzes in d1 tho (basically had to flawless each encounter) and not a huge fan of token system in the d2 prestige raids. But if they kept tokens the same as NM and upped difficulty or maybe even added mechanics I’d be all for it.
@@WillieG1016 I like the idea of a bleed out timer when a guardian dies or a pool of revives like in legendary lost sectors.
Unpopular opinion, stop labeling it as "Weekly Heroic". Weekly Heroic was an "End of a game" feature knowing most people reached level cap before it was released and only there to introduce reprised weapons and new armor. And it only lasted several months before D2 came out.
It was never a 'weekly' thing throughout D1's run. If you ask me, it wouldn't make people happy, specifically because DSC being D2's newest raid wouldn't drop pinnacle level loot if it wasn't the featured raid, and I can only assume Bungie would /NOT/ allow it to be an exception if they brought weekly raids back. Heroics should come back but weekly raids should not be a main thing due too people not realizing how bad it would be implemented.
In D1 heroic raids were stupidly easy.
Need mythic raids or something...
i love the way he said “SlayerAge SOLOED A BOSS”
I really loved dsc. We wiped due to a teammate blocking our way to the safe room after nukes but even after that, we were laughing because it was an enjoyable experience. I was 20-30 light below and i had a great time
dattos pure aura was so intimidating that those vandals were so frightened that they couldn't even pull the trigger
crypt status: active
orbital status: standby
I’M OUTRAGED that this is such a nuanced, understandable take. Would love to see combat prowess matter more
Datto: I have done every raid race on day one
Last Wish: *Are you sure about that*
He said raid race. Not “beaten every raid day one”
@@Briccv1 its a joke my guy
He was referencing to doing them. Experiencing all the raid had to offer with contest mode.
Not completing them from start to finish.
Honestly, I feel you; but I like the raids like this; I don’t raid much because I don’t have good luck finding *patient* people who are willing to give me the time of day to learn and grow into a competent raider. I didn’t even do the other raids because of it.
When nightfalls are harder content than a raid.
Well at least for GM they say that they did design them to basically be the hardest content in the game
@@petervalvo1186 should be a "gm" mode of the raid
Nightfalls are some BS sado masochistic BS
They always were though. Nightfalls in Destiny 1 were always more difficult than the raids.
Prepare to hear everyone complain about difficulty in the most difficult content in the game, called Deep Stone Ordeal
I remember the oryx fight when you jump on the plates a sniper spawns opposite if you forcing you to focus on the deadly snipers while doing call outs this mix of enemy lethality during mechanic phases is whats missing from d2
Theres isnt any wire rifle vandals throughout the raid and barely any shrapnel launchers either
joeyno137 Which honestly I’m glad about.
The bigger core of the issue is what I call the 'accomplishment gap', where veteran players who have vaults full of powerful gear, mods, and the capacity to create very powerful builds are so much more powerful than others. Contrast that with what is available to a new player starting at Beyond Light - with subpar weapons from Variks, Crow, and destinations, along with rare exotics and no way to get mods apart from one-a-day from Banshee, limited masterwork materials, etc, etc. I think if players went into the raid at the appropriate power level, but only with weapons and mods available from the current expansion, then the difficulty would be in a better spot. Same thing with Garden, where if you rolled in with Moon weapons, Deathbringer and Xenophage you would have a tougher time than if you had optimal gear. I just don't see a way for Bungie to create difficulty for the player who gets the gear they have access to versus the veteran with optimal builds, unless they use a 'bandage' solution such as contest mode to force players under level. I personally prefer a raid scenario where the gear to effectively clear the raid comes from pre-raid content in an expansion and eventually the raid itself.
Yeah I dislike peoples argument about the day 1 clears so I’m glad you cleared it off the bat for example here in the Uk we were in a national lockdown at the launch of beyond light and we’re still in it when the raid came out so a lot of us had a lot of time to prepare which we wouldn’t of normally had
Everytime I did Kings Fall, it felt like a new raid. I need that feeling back.
Kings Fall felt like a journey!
Not for me. Felt like any other raid. Do it a few times then you just burn through it
@@PaulFurn89 sounds like u were the guy who had everyone else do the mechanics and you took the shooter role
thought i’d come back to this video after Root of Nightmares, damn this day 1 was so much better than RoN.
Datto raiding since Destiny 1 "this is too easy"
Me rarely doing any raids *chuckles* "I'm in danger"
You can do it!
Definitely understandable but he makes the point that the mechanics of the raids are what depend heavily on experience in raiding and that as far as the mechanics are concerned he liked them and was fine with them. The large point he was trying to make is simply summed up with the raid enemies feel like patrol enemies and I'm more afraid of enemies in Gambit
0:45 literally my titan every second of my destiny career
My RB is just screaming in pain just watching that 🤣🤣
I backed it up to see what you were talking about. Yep! 💯
felt worth coming back to this video with how many raids we can just do without coms now assuming ppl just understand the encounter
You can always have different difficulties/light level options before starting the raid and reward accordingly, everybody's happy
They used to in D1 but took them out because people cried about not being able to do them. So now we're left with these single difficulty easy mode "look ma I did it" raids
@@mtbarnes1 Well they're worse now. They're WAY the fuck too hard.
@@mtbarnes1 I’ve never heard anyone criticize D1 for having difficulty settings if anything D2 needs difficulty settings more so than D1
@@SpurnOfHumanity uh, bait?
Brian Angel back in year 1 the community hated the hard mode raids, remember? Then they never came back
On day one raids being the best experience: i literally found a lfg group as a solo player for the calus raid day one, and I still had the best experiences in the game
Really enjoyed this talk. He puts emphasis on specific words very effectively, makes the speech fun to listen to.
Literally all we need for raids and some other activities is some sort of Prestige mode that is harder and gives more rewards.
Literally we did that and litrally went away for a literally reasonthat being it literally broke LFG.
Edit: Litrally
Prob won’t ever see hard modes or prestige modes in D2 raids ever again.
That requires more development from Bungie to flesh out hard mode raid encounters and create a second loot pool of prestige gear.
And since the split from Activision, Bungie is effectively an indie developer now with limited resources.
Highly agree
Gives more rewards? Bungie doesn’t like the idea of that lmao
@@bretthollingshead5645 they're not even an indie dev, they're a private contractor for devs are this point. They have like 3 or 4 games they've sent out their employees to work on that other companies hired them for. This is why there's so little content, not enough devs in the first place for more
6:10 This! The enemies in Gambit are hella agro in comparison to DSC enemies. I’m perfectly fine with a buff to there aggression.
I want every weapon to fire on me, EVERY SINGE ONE
AimbotArrow5 YES! The only threat ads wise are the captains and Overload Captains.
Elitist Datto was not ready for Root of Nightmares.
Community: raids are too easy
Me: Flashbacks to hard mode challenge wotm :/
Managed to finish that with my fireteam... somehow. Last boss took us about 2.5 hours given we had to slam each cycle!!
That really isn't that hard
@@EthanTheRedHead teammates make it hard :/
@@EthanTheRedHead sorry superstar!
Deep stone lullaby: the raid
Thats without a doubt the best part of the raid, and im pretty sure a lot of people can agree on this one
@@AndresGomez-rx6cj It is, but that's not to say that the rest of the raid is bad. The raid as a whole is the best in destiny history in my opinion.
2 and a half years later: Yes, raids are too easy. Root of Nightmares? More like Snooze or Nightmares with how effin snoozy I be when running it.
Destiny Community 2016: Raids are too hard
Destiny Community 2020: are to easy
Destiny Community 2024: raids are too hard👏😌
yeah, after contest mode, raids go from endgame to "lol, difficulty, what difficulty?"
Tbh for deep stone crypt if contest mode was the normal mode, it would be wrong, too difficult. 20 light under is fine for day one. After that i feel like capping 5-10 light below would be a good compromise.
@@giovanniquargentan6198 just make 20 under (contest) the Hard/Prestige Mode, and stick a glowing shader and Raid armor set with minor cosmetic differences behind it. Ez. D1 formula and it worked great.
@@zeromythosver. ye agreed
@@giovanniquargentan6198 or they could do what D1 did and add difficulty’s to their raids?
@@GradietPanda12345 They stopped with hard raids in D2 because they weren’t popular
Datto: are raids too easy?
Me in the first encounter: I'm literally fighting for my fucking life
"See you on Reddit everybody"... LMFAO!! I agree with you 100% Datto
Reddit 😬
Bigga *reddit 🤢🤮
FUNNIEST SHIT EVER LMFAO!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yes. End of story.
Add contest mode as a permanent mode and make adept raid weapons with a cool adept shader. And a cool emblem different from the day 1 one.
This is not a long-term-solution, obviously. I think this would help though.
I wish you worked at bungee lmao.
13:58 this aged incredibly well
“why are enemies in GAMBIT more of a threat than enemies in the raid?!” man i felt that pain so hard
Yep same. I die to random adds in gambit more often than actually in a raid. Most deaths are either during jumping puzzles or fuck ups of a mechanic.
@@noman1122 because in gambit you go right in to get these motes and that's why you are ending up caught in crossfire or surrounded by five mobs and two powerful enemies. And that's because you are under time pressure and a continuous threat of being invaded. There is only ONE encounter in all the raids where you are really racing against the clock.
@@cehaem2 three of the last wish encounters are race against the clock, wdym?
@@noman1122 Ok, I forgot about Queenswalk but that one is really simple. All you have do to is run. The blob does have a "timer" but it's fairly generous. I've never perceived that encounter as putting me under time pressure. Shuro Chi is different - you traverse 3 levels, fight and solve puzzles under a strict time limit.
@@cehaem2 vault is also a race against time.
Difficulty options really are the perfect solution imo, at least for helping the longevity of the raid.
Seriously impressed with how well you managed to word this without TRIGGERING EVERYONE. Good shit, the effort in your videos really shows
I love how he did a full clear of the raid in less than 20 mins as he's saying it's too easy
All I want is Contest modifier to be a selected option.
Basically hard mode
My daughter was born 3 days before the raid came out. I wanted to experience it but that wasn’t going to happen. Just wanted to say thank you for being around and playing the game. I was able to experience the raid on your stream. I appreciate it man. Great video as well.
"we're in a pandamic, no one's going anywhere, we have time to play videogames", me: cries over my books bc exams
Honestly with the amount of punching I was seeing, I expected you to punch the Bosses/Crypt Security. Very Titan like
This aged well
I really just like DSC cause it feels like I'm doing something. Kings fall? Stand on a plate. Leviathan? Stand on a plate. Spire? Stand on a plate. Last wish? Stand on a lot of plates but not the same plate. The fact that your either standing in a plate or clearing ads kinda gets boring to be after a while but with DSC, everyone leads a role or it's a wipe. It feels alive and like I'm doing something. Definitely a top 3 for me
That’s not even true though lol, you don’t even need to teach rolls in half the encounters and scanner is completely useless on the final boss. The entire raid is literally just killing ads, hell if you got anarchy suppressor is brain dead easy. This raid poses no mechanical challenge even close to other raids
@@cheatledurp3587 unless you are deciding to skip to just Taniks phase 2, phase 1 basically as everyone do a job. It feels like a better take on CoS first encounter with more stuff to do than just sit around shoot crystals and wait for the slow guy to get to mid. I'm not saying DSC is the most challenging, once you get the basics it's a breeze, but it's fun and that's why I prefer it to something like Last Wish, where in like 4 of the 6 encounters your standing on plates with slight variations
@Lunatic41521 hey your opinion and mine can differ. I never really cared for Last Wish besides that Shuro Chi puzzle, and Queenswalk where communication is key. Everything else seems kind of stiff which is of course my opinion. Kalli is just stand on a plate, kill a knight, shoot her and get into a door. Morgeth is grab orbs but not more than 3, kill ads and then mow him down. Vault can be exciting to do but it loses its charm after you finally beat it the first time. And Riven is just getting bullied at this point with Lament or Fallen Guillotine one phasing her after you walk into a wall. I personally prefer having fun in raids with high action which is why Wrath is probably my favorite. DSC just reminded me of it
So in short. We need a Heroic Raid similar to grandmaster nightfall?
Could even add extra encounters to the Heroic version if they're feeling really frisky.
That’s what they did in D1 with their raids. age of triumph raids added new emblems, another hard mode version of the raids, and armor set glows you could only get from running those hard raids. To this day age of triumph King’s fall armor is my favorite armor set in Destiny 1 and 2
No we just need destiny 1 system like everything else wrong with d2
You're spot on with the ads. When you don't want to die they're aggressive as hell but god forbid you sit still in front of them and they lose all sense of hostility. Reseting as we tried to figure out the Red Rover challenge was a joke cause if you didnt have something you could blow yourself up with you weren't going to die by mobs unless a captain was up.
Funny how relevant this is after doing day 1 RoN lol
I mean me and 1 of my friends literally 2 manned almost the entire raid with relative ease and like minimal glitches. We just haven’t done Taniks, and while the raid is great and enjoyable, it’s probably the easiest raid that’s left in the game. I do really enjoy it tho
Alright Datto, the effin' elitest rage sh** Lord, are you doing well? I really enjoyed the video and wanted to say keep up the cahn-tent!
little did he know
6:20 Gambit's the pinnacle PvE activity confirmed :p
You and your gambit
ah yes, complete 3 matches for the pinnacle reward!
I was never able to complete GoS due to incompetent groups. Then DSC I've been doing nonstop and legitimately helping/playing it just for fun because I think its a great and fun raid. So I guess that speaks volumes
6:02 It's when you want the mobs to kill you that they become glue-sniffing incompetent enemies, I swear. There have been many times where "alright guys let's wipe, we screwed up on something and wiping will save time", so I will just stand in front of a group of fallen vandals, sit down with an emote, and watch as 3 or 4 vandals surround me, getting in my face, and.... doing nothing. With their knives and guns in hand, they suddenly forget that they are supposed to be killing me, and eventually a sniper sees this going on and makes up for their coworkers' incompetence by ending my misery. But then there are times where I swear every single mob in the entire encounter wants me and my entire family dead, and drop everything they're doing to come slap their meat in my face.
“It’s not typical for teams to get hung up on the second encounter of the raid, and I encourage people to try for the next raid” *Caretaker arrives
Our team got stuck on the final encounter. Was super disappointing not to clear it, but we're all stoked to try it again next year.
Better titles:
"Is the difficulty ceiling for raids too low?"
"Are raids over-reliant on Mechanical Difficulty"?
When you have a consistent, all-star team, I can see the frustration. As a mediocre player finding LFG teams, raids are frustrating for very different reasons.
I actually agree with all the points raised, but also think that raids need more work than just at the top end, and it's worth highlighting the distinction
That wouldn't be raid difficulty. Getting a shitty team doesn't mean the raid is any harder. I had shit teams through Lfg for 2 years trying to do leviathan. While it killed the raid for me, the raid itself wasn't hard, my teams were just incompetent
I lfg quite often and I find people overblow the lfg experience. You can use third party apps to find people with more experience and be picky or just leave bad teams.
"Mediocre player"
Up your confidence and get good kid
@@BiggaMyMan last time I raided I found myself stuck in between two groups: the people who raided regularly - to whom I was minorly inconvenient because I didn't know the latest strats, didn't have all the god-rolls or BiS gear, and couldn't run encounters with my eyes closed; and the people who barely knew which end of the gun went where - who were grateful that someone semi-competent wasn't just ditching them, but really extended how long the raid should take. I'll happily take "mediocre", and frankly I don't enjoy LFG raiding enough to 'git gud'.
I agree with Datto's criticisms of the high end of raiding, even if I haven't quite been there personally, but I do think raids in their present form have more issues than the difficulty ceiling and I think it's relevant to highlight it as such
A bad team being the reason you can’t beat a raid means your team is hard, not the raid itself
Scout rifle slug fest 27 shots to kill a dreg because I can’t move 2020 lmao had me dead
Raids are just fine as they are. If you want to stop them from being too easy, stop leaving cheeses and glitches in them. Make people actually do Riven or actually do the first encounter of DSC. Can’t call them easy when there are ways to just blow by the encounters anyways. Bungie should start there
Imagine having friends to raid. Then imagine they're so good the raids are easy. Tldr I'm lonely 😭
Difficulty aside, DSC has been the most fun I've had in any raid. It's rewarding, allows me to enjoy several runs with my clanmates and all with the right amount of difficulty. I'd like to see more of these moving forward!
This take and Gladds I fully agree with, while his was a more blanket (and thus much more heated take), this in depth look actually highlights and confirms the aspects of Gladds I agreed with. Well said.
I personally like that DSC was easier, it’s provided a gateway for me to get into raiding. I was always too scared to attempt it before (none of my friends play destiny so I’d have to LFG), but being able to understand the mechanics of this raid has allowed me to get into raiding as a whole
i always listen to datto as i’m working and i listen to the video almost like a podcast. and this couldn’t be a more perfect timing. thanks datto! and yes i think the raids are getting easy
Would a hard mode version/playlist solve both issues?
Allowing players like you to have the challenge, while also letting casuals like me have access (in terms of skill minimum) to raid-level content?
The Closest i got to killing Atraks was Half to final stand before my team ran out of fatigue.