We are Jade Falcon, great among the Clans. We are warriors who fight with the strength of the falcon's claws and ascend to the heavens on wings of the same. We remember with the clarity of falcon sight the words of Kerensky. Through the smoke of time he speaks to us, his chosen, and urges us onwards with the promise of Eden. We will retake what is ours by right: that shinning jewel Terra. Not the vastness of space, nor the Wolf's obstinate howl will stay us from our righteous goal. We are Crusaders and will trample all who stand in our way.
Nostalgia to the max. Watched all the cinematics and all the soundtrack videos. I can remember getting up sometimes as early as six in the morning to play this and Mercenaries when I was about six. That and Starcraft.
Mighty Nag Fair enough. One can only imagine how poor Gen. Kerensky would feel about how the descendants of the bulk of the old Star League Military that refused to fight the fracturing League's civil wars and fled with him into the Fringe have ultimately interpreted his Will were he alive today... ...better? :P
Well they way I look at it is like this. If your child had a loaded weapon, you would take it away from them would you not? the inner sphere has over 4 succession wars almost destroyed itself. The clans are simply removing the inner sphere tools to harm itself.
Mighty Nag And erradicating every House currently standing, placing themselves as the rulers of humanity. Because hey, they know best right? And to be fair, the WARDENS have actually tried to do what Kerensky wanted, it's just the CRUSADERS that most likely would have had him rolling over in his grave.
Those houses are the reason for 400 hundred years on non ending wars. There is nothing worse then monarchies and aristocracies. Removing them will only improve the inner sphere.
No disrespect to the guy who voiced the Clan Wolf intro, he did a solid job, but the lady who voiced this intro just knocked it out of the park. "We are Crusaders and will trample ALL who stand in our way!" Such amazing delivery.
Yeah, I remember watching this in the 90s, growing up every morning. I had read a few battleTech books in past, but until seeing this series, it really got me hooked on it.
I love it how in this game, the Jade Falcon (portrayed as a dark, sinister clan, as if they were the enemy) is actually the one that wins, while the wolves are portrayed as "the good ones" yet they are responsible for this war and loose against the Falcons. It's awesome.
"They (Clan Wolf) are responsible for this war." That's an interesting way to say that Jade Falcon knowingly lied to the Council, didn't correctly prepare for the invasion it wanted to launch, forced Clan Wolf to participate in an invasion of the Inner Sphere it had advised against, got angry that Clan Wolf - a Warden clan - were Crusading more effectively than them, intentionally sabotaged the Wolves because of this, agreed to a showdown on Tukayyid, got dumpstered on Tukayyid, blamed the Wolves - the only Clan that actually won on Tukayyid - for getting dumpstered on Tukayyid, allowed Loremaster Dalk Carns to lie to the Council, fabricated false charges of genocide and then rigged the trial.
@@dubuyajay9964 I play Mechwarrior Destiny with tabletop. When thevonly person who you could play loves anime and thinks chess is boring, that is the way to go.
Remember those events that brought us these fifteen years of shame. But remember also those who fell to restore the glorious Star League. Above all, remember the blood legacy of Aidan Pryde, child of Kerensky; He made the final sacrifice so that his Clan could continue. For eternity shall we praise him; In fifteen years shall we avenge him. -The Remembrance, Passage 417, Verse 29, Lines 74-79 (Clan Jade Falcon)
unless you have to get over a sheer cliff/fortress wall, move through 20 feet deep lava flow, bob up and down to fire over a hilltop, be able to traverse your weapons systems straight downwards to fire on someone below you, or go up a steep staircase.
madlarkin8 Problems 1 and potentially 2 are solvable by jump jets, which can be installed on tanks. Problem 3 is somewhat trivial, since the tank can just aim from the foot of the hill, where the ground isn't as steep. Problem 4 is somewhat trivial, since tanks have a low-profile design, anti-infantry weapons, and are unlikely to find a large target more than a few degrees below them unless they're on elevated terrain. Lastly, where the hell are you gonna find stairs large enough for a mech in an open battlefield?
@a0classcriminal particularly when the Summoner was the choice of 'mech for Jade Falcon. Guess the crew thought that it was easier using the the same Timber Wolves as for Clan Wolf.
I think me and my friend started out Wolves, and then we decided that the Jade Falcons were cooler for some reason... this was before I read all the in-universe background. It's awesome watching this again and actually knowing what they're talking about...
The game took place during the Refusal War in 3057. All those mech you mentioned (except Black Lanner) didn't exist/weren't produced until after the end of the War. Pinion itself constructed in 3067.
When Timberwolf appeared in the inner sphere, mech computer identified it as MAD (Marauder) then CAT (Catapult) and this is where Inner Sphere called them Madcat. There are some stories about Daishi mech and other mechs like the Stone Rhino.
@Digi20 its like when you watch a horror flick. the ones that only give you a glimpse of the thing chasing you are much more terrifying than the ones that are straight up blood and guts in your face.
We are Weeb Falcon, sugoi among the clans. We are warriors who fight with the power of anime on our side. We remember with the clarity of the falcon's sight the words of Kerensky-kun. Through the smoke of time he tell us his keikakku of promised dakimakura. We will claim what is our waifu by right :That Kawaii loli Terra-chan. Not the UN nor the Wolf's obstinate FBI's will stay us from our keikakku. We are samoorhys and will katana all who stand on our tatami.
@Gallowell And afterwards the Great Refusal on Strana Mechty when the Inner Sphere forces fought a Trial of Refusal against the Clan Invasion to stop it for good. The Jade Falcons fought a ComGuard unit in the Trial of Refusal and won. That is how they got their revenge. The Clans lost the Trial of Refusal overall however and the threat of the Clans was gone. This Trial of Refusal became known as the Great Refusal.
We of the Star Adders are not swayed by the cry of the Falcon, nor the howl of the Wolf. We will one day take what is ours by right and fulfill Kerensky's vision of Unity, and we will crush all who dare oppose us!
Actually for a long time Clan Wolf stood for protecting the Inner Sphere, which is why they sent some of there best as secret agents into the IS and founded the Wolf's Dragoons. But in 3050 when so many of Clan's were pitted towards dominating the IS in the name of the Star Leauge that Clan Wolf was forced to yield. But now they are at war with the Falcons, to make sure they protect Terra as was intended by Kerensky when he founded the Exodus.
Clan Wolf actually won most of the battles in the Refusal War, the trouble was that most of its losses were in front line units whereas the Jade Falcons lost second line units. Also, the split in half and internal infighting over crusader/warden is what really weakened the wolves.... nevertheless the Wolves in Exile still wiped out 2 JF front line galaxies that chased them to Morges. Neither Clan really won the war.
Technically, the Wolf Clan is also crusader. But they were divided in their beliefs. Clan Wolf-in-Exile is the Warden half of Clan Wolf. The Current Clan Wolf is also a Crusader clan.
@Sake906 The Wolves started the Refusal War because the Jade Falcons threatened to denounce the Truce of Tukayyid and resume the invasion. Ulric's goal was not to annihilate the Jade Falcons, but to cripple them so they'd have to suspend any invasion and give the Inner Sphere the fifteen years needed to improve their tech and prepare to defend themselves against the Clans. The Jade Falcons won the Refusal War, no arguing that, but needed years to rebuild their strength.
I always loved them when I was little. They have such a kickass logo, especially that square oval motif. Any details you guys know of about their ideology?
They're the second most violently genocidal clan and they're willing to delete anyone between them and the conquering of Terra - including fellow their Clanners - as long as it brings them honor or something.
@DeltaAssaultGaming In 15 years they did not avenge him though. Operation Bulldog put a stop to the Clan Invasions. The only revenge the Jade Falcons got was they beat the ComGuards in the Great Refusal. In the end, the Wardens really did win. Star Colonel Aidan Pryde though was the best of Jade Falcon I believe, he left a legacy that others used to try to change the Clan for its better. Like Khan Marthe Pryde.
And, though I may be panned by some for bringing up Dark Age (I like it, somewhat, myself), the Falcons are the only clan poised to invade the Inner Sphere again.
You can play Titanium on XP with a patch. I have a copy with the patch and it plays, just without any music. I just play the soundtrack on iTunes or something in the background XD
It's something of a religious metaphor. Both wolf and falcon follow Kerrensky, but differences in the subtleties of their ideologies make them enemies.
to this day I still feel so much animosity toward Jade Falcon. I never liked them when I was a kid playing the MechWarrior games and I still don't to this day.
I just found that there was always something sinister about Jade Falcon, unlike Clan Wolf. Even though, both of them were Clans, pitted against the Inner Sphere.
Ulric won completely. His goal was two fold. To greatly wound the crusader faction within Clan Wolf and to prevent the Clans from attempting another invasion of the Inner Sphere.To this day the clans haven't tried a full scale reinvasion of the Innner Sphere. In death, Ulric won.
Jade Falcon: Ulrich Kerensky you stand accused of treason and sabotage. By exerting your forces you compelled the invasion too far and ruined Operate Revival. Ulric: Wait am I on trail for being good at my job?
@CWScott24 Me and my dad were 'obstinate Wolves.' I played the Jade Falcon campaign just to 100% the game, but had to replay Wolf again to wash away the filthy feeling.
@@unnamednewbie13 Of you play tabletop you may like it. Search "battletech catalog". Before the videogames the tabletop existed. But in 2018 they revamped it to make materials of boxset to be very cool.
the falcons use and favor the thor alot, thats an omnimech. Plus most of the clans use the mad cat. Samething with the IS, they share or steal each other's tech.
I know of course they aren't the only crusaders, some Clan changed point of view after the invasion, anyway i thought we were talking about Falcons (do you know, this is their intro .. :) ) .. I see you're very into Jade Falcons but what do you think about their will to conquest the Inner Sphere to "save it from itself"? And about their low tolerance of freebirths?
At least they got their arses handed to them in the Wars of Reaving by the Snake Alliance, and, apart from a few holdings in the Inner Sphere, are essentially a dead Clan.
***** If by dead clan you mean holding one of the largest Inner Sphere OZs... Honestly, the snake alliance and the other "pure" clans in the homeworlds are kind of a joke to the 6 inner sphere clans.
Well, of course- who else would be better to dominate the Inner Sphere as it currently stands in the Dark Age? Clan Wolf's fractured beyond repair, and Sea Fox can't hope to succeed in a foray towards the Inner Sphere. The Falcons are the only ones who're trying, aside from Anastasia's Wolf Hunters.
Jade Falcon maybe have been the leader of the Crusader Clans, but it always wanted the Kerensky Bloodname and always felt cheated that it went to Clan Wolf. Both Wolf and Jade Falcon are the two strongest clans, but while Clan Wolf is more open, Wardens. Clan Jade Falcon is always far to closed off and Crusader. The Jade Falcons could not even see that the Refusal War for what it really was and that is why, even though they won, at the same time they lost.
Oh wait. There's also some bug with allegiances in Trials of Grievance. The game only allows you to play as (undoubtedly Warden) Wolf against Jade Faclon. I HATE playing as Wolf, much less any Warden. I'd only admire Wolf for their open-minded tactics and military success.
Do the Snow Ravens even exist in the Dark Age? The only Clans I'm aware of that survive are Ghost Bear (as Rasalhague), Sea Fox, Jade Falcon and the broken remnants of Wolf.
Not quite. Certain clans are KNOWN for certain mechs, but in Clan Society, you fight for keeps. Enemies develop a better mech? Trial of possession for the plans. The Timberwolf's a mech that's been around for a while. Most of the clans produce them. However, it's a "signiture" mech for clan wolf, that built it in the first place.
"We are Crusaders, and will trample all who stand in our way!" By "trample" the Jade Falcons more mean "Brutally peck to death all who stand in our way!"
Something like that. It'd be more a case of "I'm Mechwarrior Ted of the Wolves, we claim your mech deign. Who's going to stop me?" "I will, mechwarrior Steven of the Jade Falcons. You suck Ted, you risk nothing!". "Well, I'll offer this nice matching table set, and what remains of my mech if you win". "Well, alright. Winner gets the prize".
Oh, my... As a little girl, I never realized that the Jade falcon was holding a Katana...
I always thought of it as a parrot.
All hail the green parakeet!
Jade Parrot clan? Kids' thoughts are amusing.
Perfect voice acting.
It really captures the ruthlessness and righteousness of not just the Falcons, but of the best and fiercest of the Crusaders.
We are Jade Falcon, great among the Clans. We are warriors who fight with the strength of the falcon's claws and ascend to the heavens on wings of the same. We remember with the clarity of falcon sight the words of Kerensky. Through the smoke of time he speaks to us, his chosen, and urges us onwards with the promise of Eden. We will retake what is ours by right: that shinning jewel Terra. Not the vastness of space, nor the Wolf's obstinate howl will stay us from our righteous goal. We are Crusaders and will trample all who stand in our way.
Thank you, as a brazilian it´s not very easy to understand it.
"We will retake what is ours by right: that shining jewel Terra!"
Boy, why don't we have as many badass monologues as these in today's games?
10 years later and it hasn’t got better
@@AlternativePractice The games from ten years ago feel epic compared to now.
MechWarriors 5: Clans just came out and you play as Smoked Jaguar
Nostalgia to the max. Watched all the cinematics and all the soundtrack videos. I can remember getting up sometimes as early as six in the morning to play this and Mercenaries when I was about six. That and Starcraft.
"Battletech fan" channel has videos to install mechwarrior 2 trilogy in modern systems. Everything you need is in the description of these videos.
It's still amazing after all this time. Her delivery was on pointe
One can only imagine how poor Gen. Kerensky would feel about how the various clans have interpreted his will were he alive today.
+Anony Mous Good thing it was his SON who formed the clans and not general kerensky...
Mighty Nag
Fair enough.
One can only imagine how poor Gen. Kerensky would feel about how the descendants of the bulk of the old Star League Military that refused to fight the fracturing League's civil wars and fled with him into the Fringe have ultimately interpreted his Will were he alive today...
Well they way I look at it is like this. If your child had a loaded weapon, you would take it away from them would you not? the inner sphere has over 4 succession wars almost destroyed itself. The clans are simply removing the inner sphere tools to harm itself.
Mighty Nag
And erradicating every House currently standing, placing themselves as the rulers of humanity. Because hey, they know best right?
And to be fair, the WARDENS have actually tried to do what Kerensky wanted, it's just the CRUSADERS that most likely would have had him rolling over in his grave.
Those houses are the reason for 400 hundred years on non ending wars. There is nothing worse then monarchies and aristocracies. Removing them will only improve the inner sphere.
No disrespect to the guy who voiced the Clan Wolf intro, he did a solid job, but the lady who voiced this intro just knocked it out of the park.
"We are Crusaders and will trample ALL who stand in our way!" Such amazing delivery.
It is the same voice of betty computer of mechs.
Goosebumps even today.
Yeah, I remember watching this in the 90s, growing up every morning. I had read a few battleTech books in past, but until seeing this series, it really got me hooked on it.
***** If you liked it you should check out Mechwarrior Online, it's been out for years, has a strong community and works on a "Free to play" model.
I love it how in this game, the Jade Falcon (portrayed as a dark, sinister clan, as if they were the enemy) is actually the one that wins, while the wolves are portrayed as "the good ones" yet they are responsible for this war and loose against the Falcons. It's awesome.
"They (Clan Wolf) are responsible for this war."
That's an interesting way to say that Jade Falcon knowingly lied to the Council, didn't correctly prepare for the invasion it wanted to launch, forced Clan Wolf to participate in an invasion of the Inner Sphere it had advised against, got angry that Clan Wolf - a Warden clan - were Crusading more effectively than them, intentionally sabotaged the Wolves because of this, agreed to a showdown on Tukayyid, got dumpstered on Tukayyid, blamed the Wolves - the only Clan that actually won on Tukayyid - for getting dumpstered on Tukayyid, allowed Loremaster Dalk Carns to lie to the Council, fabricated false charges of genocide and then rigged the trial.
@@VexWerewolfscrew the limey chickens.
I would say the refusal war was more a pyrrhic victory for the Jade Falcons, it prevented them from reinstating the invasion
"But they made one big mistake! They attacked MY HOME PLANET!!!"
Alright Major Schoolboy
And did you play the battletech tabletop game?
@@aquarius5719 Of course.
@@dubuyajay9964 I play Mechwarrior Destiny with tabletop. When thevonly person who you could play loves anime and thinks chess is boring, that is the way to go.
Steiner freebirth scum😂
Jade Falcon: Hey, we're not as nuts as Smoke Jaguar...that's something right?
Hey Smoke Jaguar! Remember when you had a clan? AAAAAHAHAHAHA
Then Malvina Hazen and her Mongol Doctrine Falcons arrived and went far more overboard than Smoke Jaguars ever did.
I guess the Smoke Jaguars were clinically insane after all...
Obviously smoking a jaguar takes you to whole new levels... I guess...
3060: The Year of the Smoked Jaguar.
Man...I remember playing this 9 years ago. Is it sad that I still remember it word for word? Lol....JADE FALCON! WOOT WOOT!
Jade Falcon, the most ruthless of the Crusaders Clans.
Loved playing as them.
Still sends a shiver down my spine. Maximum score.
I remember when I played this game with my brother, he was loyal to jade falcon, while I was a true wolf. talk about sibling rivalry! lol
That's actually pretty awesome because people grow most from rivalries.
"You dare refuse my BATCHALL?!"
"your what?"
Actually the Warden Wolves and the Dragoons were known to be very wily, very tactically flexible. Very few Crusaders are like that except us Adders.
This was the better of the 2 intros, i loved cland jade falcon!
These intros go so hard.
It's high treason that this video doesn't have more views and likes.
This brings me back. I always loved the sound that mechs make when they walk. JADE FALCON FOR THE WIN!!!
Remember those events that brought us these fifteen years of shame.
But remember also those who fell to restore the glorious Star League.
Above all, remember the blood legacy of Aidan Pryde, child of Kerensky;
He made the final sacrifice so that his Clan could continue.
For eternity shall we praise him;
In fifteen years shall we avenge him.
-The Remembrance, Passage 417, Verse 29, Lines 74-79 (Clan Jade Falcon)
Where can I find the verses? I freaking love that the both clans (clan wolf and clan Jade falcon) dedication and loyalty.
That's an understatement, considering she even used her own Jump Jets as weapons.
Finally someone reposted this! =)
Love the sound design for both the falcon and wolf.
You made one big mistake you attacked my home planet!!!
I highly doubt any other world would be able to produce anything that fast, plus, why legs, tracks are still so much better.
death to freebirth filth
unless you have to get over a sheer cliff/fortress wall, move through 20 feet deep lava flow, bob up and down to fire over a hilltop, be able to traverse your weapons systems straight downwards to fire on someone below you, or go up a steep staircase.
We are the descendants of Kerensky, Freebirth!
madlarkin8 Problems 1 and potentially 2 are solvable by jump jets, which can be installed on tanks. Problem 3 is somewhat trivial, since the tank can just aim from the foot of the hill, where the ground isn't as steep. Problem 4 is somewhat trivial, since tanks have a low-profile design, anti-infantry weapons, and are unlikely to find a large target more than a few degrees below them unless they're on elevated terrain. Lastly, where the hell are you gonna find stairs large enough for a mech in an open battlefield?
@a0classcriminal particularly when the Summoner was the choice of 'mech for Jade Falcon. Guess the crew thought that it was easier using the the same Timber Wolves as for Clan Wolf.
Oh my God, why don't they make cool intros like this anymore?
I think me and my friend started out Wolves, and then we decided that the Jade Falcons were cooler for some reason... this was before I read all the in-universe background. It's awesome watching this again and actually knowing what they're talking about...
The game took place during the Refusal War in 3057. All those mech you mentioned (except Black Lanner) didn't exist/weren't produced until after the end of the War. Pinion itself constructed in 3067.
Legendary videogame stuff👍🕶
I think Robert Thurston wrote Jade Falcon 2 trilogies.
Mad Cat is the Inner Sphere designation for what the Clans called the Timber Wolf. They aren't separate variants per se.
Chris Rogers why is Mad Cat a clan mech in MWO?
When Timberwolf appeared in the inner sphere, mech computer identified it as MAD (Marauder) then CAT (Catapult) and this is where Inner Sphere called them Madcat. There are some stories about Daishi mech and other mechs like the Stone Rhino.
This was a game... great.... I really loved it.
@Digi20 its like when you watch a horror flick. the ones that only give you a glimpse of the thing chasing you are much more terrifying than the ones that are straight up blood and guts in your face.
I know right?
It's so awesome
We are Weeb Falcon, sugoi among the clans. We are warriors who fight with the power of anime on our side. We remember with the clarity of the falcon's sight the words of Kerensky-kun. Through the smoke of time he tell us his keikakku of promised dakimakura. We will claim what is our waifu by right :That Kawaii loli Terra-chan. Not the UN nor the Wolf's obstinate FBI's will stay us from our keikakku. We are samoorhys and will katana all who stand on our tatami.
I am drunk
You are based
@Gallowell And afterwards the Great Refusal on Strana Mechty when the Inner Sphere forces fought a Trial of Refusal against the Clan Invasion to stop it for good. The Jade Falcons fought a ComGuard unit in the Trial of Refusal and won. That is how they got their revenge. The Clans lost the Trial of Refusal overall however and the threat of the Clans was gone. This Trial of Refusal became known as the Great Refusal.
We of the Star Adders are not swayed by the cry of the Falcon, nor the howl of the Wolf. We will one day take what is ours by right and fulfill Kerensky's vision of Unity, and we will crush all who dare oppose us!
Actually for a long time Clan Wolf stood for protecting the Inner Sphere, which is why they sent some of there best as secret agents into the IS and founded the Wolf's Dragoons.
But in 3050 when so many of Clan's were pitted towards dominating the IS in the name of the Star Leauge that Clan Wolf was forced to yield. But now they are at war with the Falcons, to make sure they protect Terra as was intended by Kerensky when he founded the Exodus.
Great old school game and Awesome intro
wow this takes me back.
Clan Wolf actually won most of the battles in the Refusal War, the trouble was that most of its losses were in front line units whereas the Jade Falcons lost second line units. Also, the split in half and internal infighting over crusader/warden is what really weakened the wolves.... nevertheless the Wolves in Exile still wiped out 2 JF front line galaxies that chased them to Morges. Neither Clan really won the war.
I still see it as such. Glad I'm not the only one. :P
Technically, the Wolf Clan is also crusader. But they were divided in their beliefs. Clan Wolf-in-Exile is the Warden half of Clan Wolf. The Current Clan Wolf is also a Crusader clan.
wow I don't remember the compression being this insane
The good old days as a kid!
Poet warriors, this is what makes us Clanners so unique that some would call us...alien.
Like the Inner Sphere of course.
@wolfleader17 haha, By you saying this, You have passage to join us in Eve Online. I have restarted Clan Wolf in there. Enlightenment is our gift.
@unnamednewbie13 Totally agreed there. Playing the Falcon half made me feel dirty. *shiver*
@Sake906 The Wolves started the Refusal War because the Jade Falcons threatened to denounce the Truce of Tukayyid and resume the invasion. Ulric's goal was not to annihilate the Jade Falcons, but to cripple them so they'd have to suspend any invasion and give the Inner Sphere the fifteen years needed to improve their tech and prepare to defend themselves against the Clans. The Jade Falcons won the Refusal War, no arguing that, but needed years to rebuild their strength.
Jade Falcon - the greatest clan.
The most powerful and invincible.
and get crushed by the expert Clan Wolf. nice going xD
is that why in the invasion jade falcon suffered heaviest losses? maybe they should say death to us when they oppose.?
This was a pretty cool game, bought it with the Sidewinder Joystick. But I was glad to fight for the Inner Sphere in MW3.
I miss the background music from these older games. Wish they would acquire the rights and put the same theme music in the newer titles.
I do miss these old style CG cutscenes.
I see 4 members of Clan Wolf were here
4 cowardly wolf cubs
I always loved them when I was little. They have such a kickass logo, especially that square oval motif.
Any details you guys know of about their ideology?
They're the second most violently genocidal clan and they're willing to delete anyone between them and the conquering of Terra - including fellow their Clanners - as long as it brings them honor or something.
Well, he's Clan. ^^
In retrospect, now that I know more of the culture, it made perfect sense.
You, uh, do realize that the Timberwolf and Mad Dog are incredibly widespread designs used by several Clans?
“You dare to refuse my Batchall?!”
"Of course I do! That is a contraction and you will deliver your Battle Challenge in proper Star League English Sir!"
well bargained and DONE
@DeltaAssaultGaming In 15 years they did not avenge him though. Operation Bulldog put a stop to the Clan Invasions. The only revenge the Jade Falcons got was they beat the ComGuards in the Great Refusal. In the end, the Wardens really did win. Star Colonel Aidan Pryde though was the best of Jade Falcon I believe, he left a legacy that others used to try to change the Clan for its better. Like Khan Marthe Pryde.
And, though I may be panned by some for bringing up Dark Age (I like it, somewhat, myself), the Falcons are the only clan poised to invade the Inner Sphere again.
Yes from Mech3, but back then it was Timberwolf variant. ^_^
good memories...
You can play Titanium on XP with a patch.
I have a copy with the patch and it plays, just without any music.
I just play the soundtrack on iTunes or something in the background XD
I am loyal to the Ghost Bear, striking silently and swiftly annihilating all in our path.
We are jade falcons. Seyla!
They're about as good as parrots,
Clan Wolf, Sons of Kerensky forever.
Alongside the Cougar, the Turkina and Jupiter are particularly well known.
Jade Falcon 4 lyfe
The faclons are quite glorious, but I believe the wolfs truly hold the power to all the clans.
Wow I BARELY remember this compared to the Clan Wolf intro. Lol I guess you know where my loyalties lay when I was playing...
It's something of a religious metaphor. Both wolf and falcon follow Kerrensky, but differences in the subtleties of their ideologies make them enemies.
to this day I still feel so much animosity toward Jade Falcon. I never liked them when I was a kid playing the MechWarrior games and I still don't to this day.
I just found that there was always something sinister about Jade Falcon, unlike Clan Wolf. Even though, both of them were Clans, pitted against the Inner Sphere.
What is that sinister?
Ulric won completely. His goal was two fold. To greatly wound the crusader faction within Clan Wolf and to prevent the Clans from attempting another invasion of the Inner Sphere.To this day the clans haven't tried a full scale reinvasion of the Innner Sphere. In death, Ulric won.
Jade Falcon: Ulrich Kerensky you stand accused of treason and sabotage. By exerting your forces you compelled the invasion too far and ruined Operate Revival.
Ulric: Wait am I on trail for being good at my job?
One who touches the forbidden treasure? No that not it, Damn you Aladdin!
@CWScott24 Me and my dad were 'obstinate Wolves.' I played the Jade Falcon campaign just to 100% the game, but had to replay Wolf again to wash away the filthy feeling.
Why such feeling?
@@unnamednewbie13 Of you play tabletop you may like it. Search "battletech catalog". Before the videogames the tabletop existed. But in 2018 they revamped it to make materials of boxset to be very cool.
God damn goosebumps.
the falcons use and favor the thor alot, thats an omnimech. Plus most of the clans use the mad cat. Samething with the IS, they share or steal each other's tech.
I know of course they aren't the only crusaders, some Clan changed point of view after the invasion, anyway i thought we were talking about Falcons (do you know, this is their intro .. :) ) .. I see you're very into Jade Falcons but what do you think about their will to conquest the Inner Sphere to "save it from itself"? And about their low tolerance of freebirths?
Never noticed that in the past.
But would the Jadefalcons really use 2 TimberWOLFs to guard their monument?
Jade Falcons are so full of themselves!
At least they got their arses handed to them in the Wars of Reaving by the Snake Alliance, and, apart from a few holdings in the Inner Sphere, are essentially a dead Clan.
True but the clan I really lament they wiped out was Clan Blood Spirit by those mewling Star Adders!
***** If by dead clan you mean holding one of the largest Inner Sphere OZs... Honestly, the snake alliance and the other "pure" clans in the homeworlds are kind of a joke to the 6 inner sphere clans.
But with constant rebellions to put down.
As much as I hate to say it, Jade falcon is far from dead. Still they are in pretty bad shape.
Anyone else imagining Falconer Joanna narrating the intro?
Neg, not nearly angry enough
Neg I always thought it was Marthe Pryde, seeing as how she became Khan in the aftermath of the refusal war.
I love Joanna.
Well, of course- who else would be better to dominate the Inner Sphere as it currently stands in the Dark Age? Clan Wolf's fractured beyond repair, and Sea Fox can't hope to succeed in a foray towards the Inner Sphere. The Falcons are the only ones who're trying, aside from Anastasia's Wolf Hunters.
Jade Falcon maybe have been the leader of the Crusader Clans, but it always wanted the Kerensky Bloodname and always felt cheated that it went to Clan Wolf. Both Wolf and Jade Falcon are the two strongest clans, but while Clan Wolf is more open, Wardens. Clan Jade Falcon is always far to closed off and Crusader. The Jade Falcons could not even see that the Refusal War for what it really was and that is why, even though they won, at the same time they lost.
definitely true, this was the better intro. but i think that clan wolf had the better outro.
naw, wish they had an updated version of mech 2 so i can play in on my pc though
Clan Wolf never died :)
Oh wait.
There's also some bug with allegiances in Trials of Grievance. The game only allows you to play as (undoubtedly Warden) Wolf against Jade Faclon.
I HATE playing as Wolf, much less any Warden.
I'd only admire Wolf for their open-minded tactics and military success.
Do the Snow Ravens even exist in the Dark Age? The only Clans I'm aware of that survive are Ghost Bear (as Rasalhague), Sea Fox, Jade Falcon and the broken remnants of Wolf.
the clan is still here... what are you doing?
Not quite. Certain clans are KNOWN for certain mechs, but in Clan Society, you fight for keeps. Enemies develop a better mech? Trial of possession for the plans. The Timberwolf's a mech that's been around for a while. Most of the clans produce them. However, it's a "signiture" mech for clan wolf, that built it in the first place.
"We are Crusaders, and will trample all who stand in our way!"
By "trample" the Jade Falcons more mean "Brutally peck to death all who stand in our way!"
Something like that.
It'd be more a case of "I'm Mechwarrior Ted of the Wolves, we claim your mech deign. Who's going to stop me?"
"I will, mechwarrior Steven of the Jade Falcons. You suck Ted, you risk nothing!".
"Well, I'll offer this nice matching table set, and what remains of my mech if you win".
"Well, alright. Winner gets the prize".