What Made You Realize There Was Something "OFF" About Your Friend's SIGNIFICANT OTHER?

  • Опубліковано 19 бер 2024
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  • @MimikyuCookie
    @MimikyuCookie 4 місяці тому +65

    The girl in the third story made me irrationally angry because of how much food she was wasting. If you know you can only eat so much food, why the fuck would get like four times as much just to throw it away?!

    • @irishjoy.vlogger
      @irishjoy.vlogger 4 місяці тому +6

      Same here like such a waste of food there.

    • @averycheesypotato
      @averycheesypotato 4 місяці тому +7

      Sounds like my youngest sister.
      She would always be served first at mealtimes when we were kids, so it was a power trip to take what she knew us older kids would want. Just never grew out of the habit.
      She went to an all-you-can-eat sushi place a while back, brought home a huge box of “leftovers” that she had ordered but not finished. Offered to give it to me as a “gift.” Tried explaining she had been pretty rude to do this at the restaurant, but she just shrugged me off.
      I just don’t eat out with her anywhere

    • @khaleesireyna731
      @khaleesireyna731 3 місяці тому +1

      Girl would've gotten a passive aggressive dig as a warning shot and then just called tf out from there. Would've straight up thrown the money she paid for the Xbox right in her greedy little face and said "there. Now I bought it and I say he can play as long as he wants. Go be a c*nt somewhere else".

    • @taylorslade961
      @taylorslade961 3 місяці тому +2

      It was a power play. She was asserting her dominance as the Girlfriend. Sucks that dude stayed so long.

  • @calebfielding6352
    @calebfielding6352 4 місяці тому +41

    It is always creepy when someone treats their SO like a 6 year old. By that I mean they have to control their SO like they are 6. Why date or marry someone who is so incompetent you have to micromanage their entire life? If someone is that incompetent then you should not have physical relations with that person.

  • @Protagonistinfluence
    @Protagonistinfluence 4 місяці тому +23

    The lady who helped herself to obscene amounts of food, know why she does that? Because no one ever fucking says anything. Awful person and I hate her already, but all the people just letting her and not saying shit is infuriating. Have a spine.

    • @khaleesireyna731
      @khaleesireyna731 3 місяці тому

      Bet you she gets real butt hurt when anyone DOES say anything.
      I'm always hyper aware of everyone getting enough food that I triple and quadruple check if I can have a second helping. That girl's gluttony is just disgusting.

    • @JumbaFan
      @JumbaFan 3 місяці тому +1

      Oh, I would have said something. I wouldn't have been able to help myself. "You DO know that food is for everyone, and not just you, right?" Or something, anything other than watching someone hog all the food. And then WASTE most of what they took! Hell, no. Food is expensive, you work hard to provide a nice meal for your friends and/or family.

  • @rachelmoore1974
    @rachelmoore1974 4 місяці тому +28

    So a guy uses his best female friend as a barometer of whether a girl is gonna be cool to date, yet when he gets a crazy one he KEEPS HER AND MAREIED HER? Based on OP's description of the dude giving up every relationship he had with all his friends I'm sure he's super happy. Poor guy.

  • @DollarDuds
    @DollarDuds 4 місяці тому +9

    Gotta lo e how almost every story with a person pulling away from friends and family the OP is like " oh well" do people not realize the biggest red flag of an abusive relationship is when the friends/ sibblings/ whoever starts pulling awy from everyone and has all different personality?

    • @doll9340
      @doll9340 3 місяці тому +2

      It's because they get manipulated and brainwashed or are too scared. Or they think love will change a person

    @TRAILLER 4 місяці тому +7

    you had me sold on "this girl be a beach" at "take a lot of food on her plate and throw to the trash what she does not eat."

  • @yukiutaware1064
    @yukiutaware1064 4 місяці тому +7

    That Thanksgiving and turkey soup lady offends me deeply. Having been seriously deprived of nutrition at various points in my life and once very recently for a good 5-6 months, I cannot stand food was. I was eat even things I don't like if it's put in front of me. And add to stealing fair portions from others?

  • @bigboispyro
    @bigboispyro 4 місяці тому +16

    Damn. I want turkey soup now.

  • @CaptainHillyan
    @CaptainHillyan 4 місяці тому +12

    My brother's the SO who was 'off'.
    Became real obvious when every videocall they had in the house turned into him shouting and berating her.
    They split luckily, after he drove her into the arms of another of their friend group which he then all promptly drove off as well.
    Still acts as if he's never at fault, makes snide remarks at everyone and goes out of his way to antagonize our father.
    He's moved out but if it hadn't been for our mother he would've been kicked out years earlier.

    • @khaleesireyna731
      @khaleesireyna731 3 місяці тому

      You should've told your mom that he's a grown a$$ man and enabling his bs helps no one. Can't stand parents thar blindly enable their kids bad behavior and then wring their hands like "where did I go wrong???", like um, would you care for a list or would a PowerPoint presentation help you better?

  • @ryangooseling
    @ryangooseling 4 місяці тому +9

    Greedy gf..... food agression, ya, it happens in people too.
    She needs help with her eating disorder

  • @KJxxoo
    @KJxxoo 3 місяці тому +4

    I have a friend who I offered tickets to a show that I had bought for myself and my son but didn’t feel like going to. She had a son similar in age so thought she would be thrilled to take him. Her response at my offer was “I’ll have to ask my husband”… um what? You need permission from your husband to take your son to a show with tickets you don’t have to pay for? Weird. There’s been other little things like she’s mentioned she’s not allowed to do any online shopping, he does it for her if she can’t source something locally. None of it sits right with me.

  • @elephantheart9988
    @elephantheart9988 4 місяці тому +5

    My brother's ex from quite a few years ago. He was at work and I was hanging out with her, at one point she said she had to go take her meds and walks into her room. After a minute or so she walks back out, and the moment she's around the corner into where she knows I can see her, that's when she pops the pills into her mouth. It immediately struck a weird cord. Like, why wouldn't it have been done earlier? Why wait for me to see you do it?
    It was insignificant, but she did turn out to be super crazy and a hypochondriac. That was just the moment I'm like, "okay idk what, but something about her is off"

  • @GreatScottch
    @GreatScottch 4 місяці тому +6

    Let me just say that while my best friend is not the most intelligent person in existence, he's also not the brightest. His (thankfully now) ex-wife still insisted on talking down to him every chance she got. And it wasn't just him, she couldn't stand it if she was not the smartest person in the room. Hence why me and her didn't get along, because I refused to pull my punches if she was incorrect. But...the two most notable instances is when me and her (goddamnit) got lumped together on a game night and she ragequit solely because when I tried to argue against her incorrect answers she got pissed because they were incorrect. Second one which I feel is far more grievous was when in a conversation she looked right at him with "I'm just going to ignore that because I know you're wrong" to say I was unsurprised by him filing for divorce...well, I think with as smart as she believed she was she should have seen that coming.

  • @twiceshy9773
    @twiceshy9773 3 місяці тому +3

    Somebody should have told off this Lauren chick a LOT sooner- was she abused with food as a kid?? Had a huge family and it was first come, first serve?? Or was she just selfish and greedy??

  • @taylorslade961
    @taylorslade961 3 місяці тому +2

    Story 2: I hope typing all that out prompted OP to reach out because her friend is in an abusive relationship.

  • @adelaideemiliem2772
    @adelaideemiliem2772 4 місяці тому +3

    “Making kissy faces at her” Is he 7?

  • @cupcakesrgreat78
    @cupcakesrgreat78 4 місяці тому +1

    My bestie dated a guy once that seemed nice but there was just something about him that I was always suspicious of....he was too quiet. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a quiet person too unless I'm angry or really excited about something, but this was a different kind of quiet. One day while she was at work he stole like $1500 from her and her mom's car, which her mom was nice enough to let him use so he could get to and from work, and left the state! And this wasn't a new relationship. They had been together about a year and living together for about 6 months. Smh. It's a shame how little u really know someone sometimes.

  • @areformingamadon
    @areformingamadon 3 місяці тому +1

    Story 9: "She could change him" made me cringe so badly.

  • @cathyshepard253
    @cathyshepard253 Місяць тому +1

    Story 2 sounds like that woman has been systematically isolating the guy. Considering them mentioning her jealousy issues, this sounds like a classic controlling tactic and she's just been cutting him off from everyone. Hope they either find a healthy place in their relationship, or that fella is able to leave and find something more healthy for him.

  • @gamer-jm6my
    @gamer-jm6my 4 місяці тому +2

    oh my goodness im so slow iv been watching these story from reddit channels for a while now and some slang i did not know nore had i thought to ask but i just realised s.o means significant other ugh i hate myself sometimes haha

  • @stuffedninja1337
    @stuffedninja1337 4 місяці тому +4

    Hot and fresh video, yay!

  • @kmbaldwin5325
    @kmbaldwin5325 4 місяці тому +1

    A double cheeseburger to dunk in Turkey soup???

  • @caliborn65
    @caliborn65 4 місяці тому +2

    Loved that Spongebob video game in the background. Played that for hours on my Wii.

  • @DaZebraffe
    @DaZebraffe 4 місяці тому +5

    0:15 "Sockrot?" Really? The "sauer" part rhymes with what lemons and Warheads are: Sour. The kraut part rhymes with drought.

  • @SleeplessUndead
    @SleeplessUndead 4 місяці тому +3
