13 SHOCKING Reasons To STOP Eating Plant-Based Diet | Diana Rogers, RD

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024


  • @jenfugo
    @jenfugo  8 місяців тому

    Looking for extra guidance on your diet + how to eat to support your skin? My virtual clinical practice can help - we work with clients all over the world! Learn more about working with me + my team here: www.skinterrupt.com/book-a-session/

  • @seronixgaming2365
    @seronixgaming2365 8 місяців тому +7

    My grandma is 109years old she's eating high raw vegan and she doesn't get sick at all, that's why I also follow her diet and her lifestyle including working out in the morning and afternoon.

  • @Rjvenu9911
    @Rjvenu9911 8 місяців тому +1

    Meanwhile Indians(world's one of oldest and advanced civilizations) made it to 2024 without meat.
    You can't survive on salads and fruits, your diet has to have variety.

  • @aoao3767
    @aoao3767 8 місяців тому +1

    I’ve enjoyed many episodes of this podcast but this particular episode includes a lot of misleading information.. emissions from cattle are a huge contributor to climate change! Anyone who studies earth systems science knows that methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than CO2, (about 30 times more potent) so even though there is less methane, the amount is still wreaking havoc on the environment. And as the guest mentioned methane breaks down into CO2 which will stay in the atmosphere for CENTURIES (as part of the greenhouse gas effect) before it gets taken up by a tree or the ocean. Furthermore, ruminant animals no longer live in natural grasslands. Anyone with a garden knows how hard it is to grow/maintain grass in an area that it’s not native to! We don’t raise cattle on grasslands because most parts of the world do not have that type of native plant ecosystem. Also grass takes too long to grow to feed the cows we have, that is why they’re often fed corn and soy which we could use to feed way more people than cows. So clearly the amount of cows we raise is very hard on the environment. That is just part of why agriculture and the methane it produces are the second leading cause of climate change and the #1 driver of deforestation. But this does not even count the fact that transporting meat requires a lot of fossil fuels. I’m not saying regenerative farming is bad or monocrops are good, but we cannot pretend that commercial animal agriculture is not as bad as it is. No one has to go 100% plant based to make a difference and I can see situations where it’s suitable for a persons health to consume slightly more meat, but there is consensus among GI doctors and researchers regarding the importance of fibre for the microbiome and this means consuming relatively more plants and less meat for health. Just because fake meat has problems doesn’t make real meat the only alternative for healthy protein. Vegans focus on raising awareness meat agriculture because frankly it has the most problems attached to it. That does not mean they don’t care about the human rights violations in other industries or the problems with pesticides and mono-crops. But again no one has to go vegan or 100% plant based to eat more ethically or have a positive impact on the environment. Also to the credit of this episode, we do need to pay more attention to soil quality as an environmental issue. B12 comes from healthy soil and is lacking today, that is why cows are fed b12 supplements that create the b12 rich steaks we eat.

    • @rizwan1983
      @rizwan1983 5 місяців тому

      do you know why greenhouses use generator exhaust to boost plant growth?

  • @cinuk
    @cinuk 8 місяців тому +3

    I'm 47 and I've been vegan for 14 years. One thing that helped me a lot was with my periods - ALL my period cramps and discomfort ceased when I became vegan (eating mostly whole foods - no soft drinks, avoiding sugar and ultra-processed food). I NEVER have headaches, I don't even have painkillers at home. I have a lot of energy. I walk around 10km a day and I'm now practicing capoeira (brazilian martial arts). I don't have any health issues, no allergy, no intolerance and my thyroid is functioning normally - I just feel so lucky not having to rely on docs and meds. However, I eat tons of plant, at least 30 types per week. My everyday breakfast is tofu, hummus, avocado, nutritional yeast, a mix of seeds and nuts on brown or rye bread and a cup of black coffee no sugar. I make sure I'm eating a variety of everything. I'm now going into perimenopause and apart from some irregular periods and a bit of hot flush (which doesn't bother me), I'm feeling good - still lot of energy and loving life. In relation to my facial skin health, I have static wrinkles between brows due to repetitive facial expression (a bad habit I developed when I was teen) and a few fine lines under eyes. My décolletage still look young and smooth - better than a lot of 30s old women, but my face has melted - it looks like an inverted triangle - but there's still a bit of definition on my face contour, nothing is hanging. I attribute my face aging to over 20 years of smoking (I started smoking when I was 13). I also did a lot of sunbathing until my 30s without or very little sunscreen. I travel a lot to developing countries and I walk all day - so being exposure to pollution is another problem (and never re-applying sunscreen). On the top of that - I had 4 teeth extracted for braces in my early 30s, which changed my face shape straight away - my lips became thinner, I started having those smile expression lines and darker under the eye circles. But with regarding the diet, If anything, I can only say a Plant based diet has saved me from developing many health issues I'd probably have by now due to sun, smoke, alchool and drugs abuse when I was young. Keep in mind most farmed animals are given GROWTH HORMONES and ANTIBIOTICS. Did you know nearly 70% of the antibiotics produced in the world are given to farmed animals? Shocking, right? And how much the hormones and antibiotics found on animal products can affect our health?

  • @VeganowledgeJJ
    @VeganowledgeJJ 7 місяців тому

    If you look at our digestive physiology it’s really simple to see what we are meant to eat. We are not carnivores. It’s really not an opinion. Look around at people you know how many are on medications and how many of them eat dairy and meat? If it doesn’t belong in our body it causes autoimmune reactions High saturated fat causes insulin resistance, heart disease and many other chronic pain and illness. When people eat what they are designed to eat with the right nutrients and possible supplementation that we can not get in modern day food because of the depleted soils then they thrive prevent and reverse disease. People can “decide” they want to eat like a carnivore or herbivore however your digestive physiology is frugivore high consumption of fruit, smaller percentage of leaves nuts and seeds Every animal on the planet was designed to eat a certain way based on the length of their digestive system, their eyesight whether they can see color what they are naturally attracted to. I don’t think either of you ladies are running to take a bite of a live animal however if you saw a tree of fruit in a field that might entice you. That’s not even going into the ethical reasons like doing less harm to animals and why we care for cats and dogs yet don’t give any thought to breeding other farm animals for food that have the same personalities and life as pets. I have lots of people I love that aren’t vegan however I am here to tell you that you can make the choice however when it comes to facts, we are not meat eaters, we may have evolved to eat it, for survival in history and people made it a common practice. It’s like alcohol people drink it however it’s not good for you, you can find nutrients in anything you look at however outweigh the benefits. You can see what the fat and grease does in a pan, what do you think it does in our arteries I appreciate your show and no disrespect to your channel however this is a very passionate subject for me that I have seen many people clear disease and become emotionally and sprotually healed and I feel giving misinformation that can make people ok with eating things that are not healthy is not helping the overall health of the world thank you

  • @MakeupAuthority
    @MakeupAuthority 8 місяців тому +4

    Very interesting discussion!! It’s all about balance imo but it is certainly not a one size fits all. I find that if I’m completely vegan, my gut health suffers and I become very deficient in a lot of things but if I eat mostly meat, it flares my asthma and it just feels like there’s a fire in my stomach from all of the fat no matter what enzymes or supplements I take or adjusting the ratios of fat/protein. I also experience histamine issues even if I consume unprocessed/unaged fresh meat. However, if I balance everything, I feel a lot better.

    • @jenfugo
      @jenfugo  8 місяців тому +3

      Thanks for leaving a comment and sharing your thoughts -- I'm glad you enjoyed the conversation as it's a complex topic.
      I understand what you're saying as I too am a big fan of balance. I personally eat a mix of plants and animal products - true omnivore. We're all different and we have to find a balance that considers a variety of factors that also includes our health and wellness. It sounds like you might have something going on in the gut that could be worth exploring though based on what you shared!