Honestly, he's such an expert that it's like watching an "expert in a field". Sure it's a video game, but its hypnotizing. I played WC3 for years, and I don't know even like an 8th of what Grubby does.
Are you still playing WOW? A lot of my friends ditched WC3 to play WOW back in the early 2000's. I was so annoyed because WOW took much less skill than WC3 and was more addictive. I didn't want to start WOW because I knew I'd get addicted!
Same haven't played WC3 since like 2005-6 (I don't count reforged, since I refunded after a few days) but recently started watching grubby videos and its huge nostalgia.
I enjoy these tier lists a lot because I'm quite new to the warcraft world (picked it up when reforged released) and I don't really know why we see some units more than others. Going unit by unit and explaining why they're good or bad vs a similar unit from another race is super helpful in understanding their usage
I usually watch these tierlists live or looking at the vod because i'm impatient, but i always pop by the real video to give it a like and a comment as tribute for my weakness :3 - good analysis as always grub ^-^
Side effects may include: dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, water retention, painful rectal itch, hallucination, dementia, psychosis, coma, death, and halitosis. Magic is not for everyone. Consult your doctor before use
You forgot some very important details about the Mortar Team. Unlike the long range siege units of other races who have 220 movement speed and 48 collision size Mortar teams have 270 movement speed and 32 collision size. This fact alone makes MT a good unit to mix in with your army as they wont disrupt its movement or be left for dead if you have to retreat from a fight.
Also they can be healed by pally and priests instead of having to have workers repairing them. Mortars are easy tier B+/A- tbh, they're getting used more and more as people realize how good they are.
I love this content grubby. I’ll watch anything you post on this channel. I have long commutes for work so you’re helping me get through the day. Appreciate it!!
Warcraft 3 race soundtracks replay over the duration of a long custom, campaign or PvP match if it lasts that long so it’s actually lore accurate for the music to repeat over the video
Haven't played W3 since... I can't even remember, but I recently got back into watching some competitive matches and Grubby videos and I just love it. Like SC1, this game should never die.
I love your insight and understanding to the games invest into. I havent checked your other videos but a tier list with Heroes of the Storm or SC2 would be awesome even if your insight isnt as deep as WC3 since you havent played them in a while
i remember being 16 and in awe of how good you played. so cool to see you are still around and more active than ever. it's also unfair how good you age, man. kudos for everything
Your Videos are done with such indepth explanations, that is great and I like how you are evalute every strength and weakness. The human is on average fits really well. Always had the feeling human was good on average, never the top never the bottom. Was there any human player that has won any major tournament? When I watched pro WC3 it was most likely night elfes, really rare an undead and you were the only bastion of orc.
I know the first warcraft originally began as a warhammer game, but I have to say that seeing the old names for some human WC3 units, the Warhammer comparisons start to make A LOT of sense. Also helps me understand what exactly the siege engine is meant to be, its a steam tank with a mortar instead of a cannon.
And now it's all gone full circle. Warhammer just got a new "Frost Wyrm" unit in their Total War DLC, and what is it? It's literally Warcraft 3's Alpha-build Frost Wyrms back when they were heavy ground units. Complete with a big white ice lizard look.
@@masansr this is not true at all. If you want to compare "Warhammer fantasy roleplaying" to D&D then sure, that's a lil more fair, but they are still very different. But regardless, the original Warhammer came out 3 years prior to the "roleplaying" version and was not a roleplay game at all. It was a miniature wargame. It shared very little with DND outside of using miniatures with statistics to represent units. DND is a cooperative roleplaying game where as Warhammer is a competitive head to head wargame. Saying "Warhammer is just DnD" is like saying "warcraft 3 is just the same as world of Warcraft" like it sounds legit to a laymen but people who are aware of both games will know they aren't even the same genre. Roleplaying games came out AFTER wargames were already established on the scene. In fact, roleplaying games like D&D would not even exist without wargames. D&D was basically a modded version of "Chainmail" which was a war game, also created by Gary Gygax.
elo? EDIT: k I am taking the piss a bit. But dang, didn't realize elo is named after a Physics Professor, Arpad Elo, who did a lot of math on the subject. More so with Chess than online multiplayer games.
@@b.d.a.8719 agreed for the most part but what you’re missing is the pros use rifles literally all the time lol. Watch any pro human stream. It’s just not super well used in tournaments because they’re playing prepared routes/strats that aren’t immediately solved
As many others said, havent played the game for like 15 years but as a kid i loved and played only with humans so of course i had to watch Grubby's tier list on them My inner child is sad seeing so much units reasonably being put in tier B. At least in my heart they will all remain together in S tier ❤🔥 I remember having the game fully voiced in czech language which I will always feel like it was done better than in english. Maybe not better, but the units and everything felt more alive, especially the orc raiders
@@MrGrandiot I think the biggest part played the czech language and I felt back then that they had an easy answer for anything that enemy threw at me and I remember thinking that the overall design of human units and buildings was like "made just for me" I knew that they werent the strongest race but it just hit diferent having group of priests, riflemen, knights, mortar teams and gryphon riders led by Arthas/Uther in cold and uneasy missions + that northrend campaign is a cheffs kiss, nothing in the whole game couldnt top that for me🥲
While I agree the summons should be featured here, to be fair he did already talk about them both a bit in the heros tierlist. Besides we already know they are both tier S lol.
Militia also summon a full Paladin's beard in their splash art from peasants! Imagine being called to war and growing a Viking's beard for putting on a helm and getting a shortsword. They should totally be S tier due to the beard summon mechanic.
I have my copy of the files someone brought into my highshool tech room from over a decade ago lol so I still have it. You could still pirate the game if you want the old version.
58:20 Siege Tanks are not being used to fight armies. Instead, they being used to eliminate your base when you are away from your base. The problem is is takes ages to kill a single siege unit.
SEs don't even need to be sneaky: just roll them in with your army, engage with your BreakerKnightRifleGryffinPriestSorcEtc and just steamroll 'em buildings like they're nuthin' A single SE is enough to take down an expo (provided the enemy's army is away and is busy)
Love these tier list videos. I'm about the same age as you so these games were my childhood growing up. Between my career, marriage and overall stress as an adult, contents like these give me a glimpse of the happiness and carelessness I used to feel.
I love hearing you play Warcraft 3 but the problem is is usually I'm not anywhere near my computer. I just listen to your commentary anyway. I also don't play Warcraft 3 :P You have a great personality and I look for UA-camrs that I can enjoy just listening to and I like the video component as well cuz I can just come back to get some reference on where you're at and then I can go back to doing whatever. Keep it up! I would listen to you. Do lists like this for any game really
Your 1v1 spectator stories remind me of those (1v1 with Obs) in custom lobbies. I used to join those and spectate people actually playing the game after a day of playing DotA. It was really chill, just spectating and chatting with other observers. Good times.
Can't wait for my Night Elves. I remember always feeling like the underdog back in 2005. Need the Grubster's opinion on the faction and the units (Watched your plays back then too)
Grubby! This was great! What would be awesome would be to get a Unit combo ranking list now - I.e unit strategies ranked from best to worse per race - and for what situations they work best in
I feel like Mortars should be tier B. They're the only siege unit that feels solid. I'm never sad to have 2-4 mortar teams in the back shooting at the enemy in most fights. signed, low tier player
I find it virtually impossible to believe blizzard considered not releasing an expansion for W3; and I'm sure they started preproduction on it before RoCh went gold.
Grubby is wrong on this one. Back then, every single Blizzard game had an expansion pack in mind. Probably long before the release of the original game. Unless, of course he heard it from one of the old Blizzard employees.
There was an unit in undead campaign for elves of QuelThalas which was visually very similar to dragonhawk rider and one of it's line was something like "I will have even greater role in expansion". So they planned Frozen throne together with RoC.
@@brohemian CD Project Red did know about DLC and passes and still made the greatest DLC (Blood and Wine) ever which could be a standalone game by itself :P
Siege Engine is currently the only counter unit against Mass Banshee although in an indirect way. Mass banshee with enough number is so strong against human, that the only way to fight them is to avoid any direct engagement. This happens a lot in Happy vs Fortitude
@@sitrilkospell breakers get wrecked by t3 ghouls which is almost always an easy switch for undead. It’s why you almost never see them in human VS undead.
Im not an expert but I use these siege engines as frontlines body blockers... because goddamn only siege unit is a massive body blocker in Humans, a body blocker and air defense against that mass gyro/wyvern batrider/gargoyles sneak attack? I have a siege engine for that. (Just one though)
I actually think 'Wind Rider' makes a lot more sense than 'Wyvern'. The unit in control and the one that's attacking is the orc riding the Wyvern, after all. Same with Gryphon Rider (rather than Gryphon), Dragonhawk Rider (rather than Dragonhawk), Troll Batrider (rather than Bat), Hippogryph Rider (rather than Hippogryph), Raider (rather than Wolf) and Knight (rather than Horse). I guess Wyvern Rider would be more in line with the rest, but either way: naming the unit and not the mount just makes sense. Really, the odd one out is the Kodo Beast.
In all these, it is arguably the rider who possesses the most utility and not the mount - Gryphon Rider throws his hammer, Dragonhawk Rider swings his spear and casts spells, Troll Batrider hurls napalm and triggers the esplosion, Hippogryph Rider shoots her bow (I dunno if the Hippogryph can still perform its basic attack), Raider raids and Knight knights. Kodo Beast by itself has the important utility of swallowing an enemy unit, though I take it it is primarily bought because of its rider's drums aura.
I massed dragonhawks like 20 years ago. There wasn't many options against UD, as it cost so much wood to make copters or tanks, and you'd lose if you made too few or too many of them. Not that mass dragonhawks was better, but it was an alternative strategy that was a bit easier to put into motion.
Haven't played online Vs WC3 in a long time, but back when I was playing ROC, I loved mass steam tanks in 4v4. Let me team engage the enemy while I sneak around with steam tanks and melt enemy bases. So satisfying!
33:15 Piercing used to have a 50% bonus against Heavy armour (and a 25% reduction against Light armour) which meant cheap T1 ranged could massacre T3 heavy units. Shaman used to be insanely OP for a few months after release. Even their totems had a load of health.
I'd like to have a summary at the end. Like - human has lots of staple units which makes them adaptable, but weak at direct fights (I'm just making this up, but that's the idea).
One footy with defend can also creep a lvl 6 Dragon at the fountain. You have to pull the dragon just outside the healing range while the footy stays next to the fountain. Takes a while though.
oh, that's why the first time I heard Grubby mentioned Flying Machine, I thought it was so weird. Was it a meme, I asked myself? It turns out they officially changed the names. Indeed I have not been playing this game for 20 years, lol
One of my favorite matchups was Human vs Night Elf. I would open with Mountain King followed by Paladin support, and mass Mortar to storm bolt and insta kill literally anything...lol
Human seems to have a plethora of anti air options, with rifle, gyros, tanks and dragonhawk rider. Dragonhawk rider seems especially superfluous given all of the options. When would you build him?
dragonhawks are meant to counter mass higher suply/cost air units 1 dragonhawk disables 1 frostwyrm is pretty good, 6 disable 6 is amazing, but who builds 6 frostwyrms? Into human who could have dragonhawks? Unfortunately better players will just kill that dragonhawk
You didn't say that the Dragonhawk Riders have the ability to make towers and Necropolis stop shooting. Which is the reason I usually decide to build them in the first place.
Just one small suggestion Grubby. I think it'd be better if you ranked the workers as they compare to the workers of other races. I totally get what you mean by "S" means you can't play a game without it but just for the sake of comparison, I think it'd be cool.
oh man 2:58 / 2:59 so. many... memories seeing that screenshot of the OG log in screen. i miss it so badly. now we can't whisper opponents or try to meet friends i don't know ANYONE on reforged or any clans.... can't make multiple accounts.... it sucks...
Dragonhawks are usefull in siege battles when they can use Cloud on buildings (including towers) to block their functionality. So I'd put them on Tier B at least.
... did not played the game since... yeah wow release. But damn I love to see a competent, and more important eloquent, guy talk about something he loves. Good job pal
Rifle MK is a viable playstyle for all I know Stormbolt + 3(4 vs Str heroes) Rifle barrages is enough to take down a hero in the early-mid game which is bloody hilarious
Dragonhawk Riders reminds me that Blizzard was pushing naval and island maps so hard during TFT's development and release, hence why it has a channeling cloud ability that disrupted towers. Course as we all know, those plans never panned out and nowadays Dragonhawk Riders have a cloud ability that nobody every uses.
I remember being able to load riflemen in siege engines and it worked like a mobile burrow during War3 beta. I thought that was the coolest thing and then got sad when they changed
this human race has 3 human units, 4 elves and 5 dwarves
Lord Garithos will be pissed
cuz most of the human population are my undead slaves, notice how there are no women? I have 25000 banshee wives. read and weep.
At least it has two human heroes and one dorf/elgi each
Youre right about that!
More inhumans than humans!!!!!
dwarves are just 5'0 humans tho
Wasn't it called an "Alliance" rather than "Human"?
Haven't played it for over a decade, memory is hazy...
Here I am, having not played WC3/TFT since 2009 and I am to watch another Grubby ranking.
Honestly, he's such an expert that it's like watching an "expert in a field". Sure it's a video game, but its hypnotizing. I played WC3 for years, and I don't know even like an 8th of what Grubby does.
Just wanted to say that maybe ranking humans isnt necessary, we're all equal brothers
@@JohnWeaku Wait, wh... oh, no! Grubby!!!!!!!
Same! And when I played last was just a few years of custom maps
Human was my go to back in the day. Haven't played WC3 since WoW released. Am I still gonna spend an entire hour watching this? Absolutely.
Make it 30 minutes and watch him in 2.0 speed just as I just did.
same, didnt play like 20 year, first wow release
congratulations for the most original comment ever
Are you still playing WOW? A lot of my friends ditched WC3 to play WOW back in the early 2000's. I was so annoyed because WOW took much less skill than WC3 and was more addictive. I didn't want to start WOW because I knew I'd get addicted!
Same haven't played WC3 since like 2005-6 (I don't count reforged, since I refunded after a few days) but recently started watching grubby videos and its huge nostalgia.
Ah, yes Humans. My favorite fantasy race. I wish they were real.
Only AI and users. There is no such thing as human no more
The second my first footmen walked out of that barracks, I was sold.
I mean they have dwarves and elves in the human faction too
Your content is killing it dude. Honestly loving the huge uptick in WC3 stuff here. Sure, I love playing DOTA 2, but... WC3 just hits different!
Yeah its definitely nice and nostalgic having not played wc3 for years
@@friskydrinklunkybank1108honestly, if they’d fix their ranking system I’d play more. But it’s almost always a 1 sided stomp and that’s no fun.
@@AOLAmericaOnline There seems to be a good deal of fanfare for the W3Champions ladder.
Imagine if Valve used DOTA 2 assets to make a new 'Warcraft' RTS in source. That would be the biggest kick in the nuts to Blizzard.
The commentary about footmen was crazy insightful. 9 year old me playing wc3 in early 2000s wouldve had my mind blown
Same. I could have never imagined there were so many things to be said about such a simple unit.
I enjoy these tier lists a lot because I'm quite new to the warcraft world (picked it up when reforged released) and I don't really know why we see some units more than others. Going unit by unit and explaining why they're good or bad vs a similar unit from another race is super helpful in understanding their usage
Washing dishes and watching grubby tierlists - my favorite passtime for the past 2 weeks
i feel seen
I usually watch these tierlists live or looking at the vod because i'm impatient, but i always pop by the real video to give it a like and a comment as tribute for my weakness :3 - good analysis as always grub ^-^
Side effects may include: dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, water retention, painful rectal itch, hallucination, dementia, psychosis, coma, death, and halitosis. Magic is not for everyone. Consult your doctor before use
The funny quotes from units are peak Blizzard. Small, unnecessary touches that are semi-hidden, well thought out and implemented.
@@RemoteEars I like how they kinda kept the tradition in HotS. Too Blizzard forgot about that game
Not a single Barrack will be built, not a single gold coin will be mined without the implicit permission of the working (peasant) class.
You forgot some very important details about the Mortar Team. Unlike the long range siege units of other races who have 220 movement speed and 48 collision size Mortar teams have 270 movement speed and 32 collision size. This fact alone makes MT a good unit to mix in with your army as they wont disrupt its movement or be left for dead if you have to retreat from a fight.
Very true. Thats why they feel a lot better
They must must be mixed with the army just like in Myth: The Fallen Lords. Amazing unit.
Also they can be healed by pally and priests instead of having to have workers repairing them. Mortars are easy tier B+/A- tbh, they're getting used more and more as people realize how good they are.
But they can be nuked with aoe
@@zxbc1 Only B. Unit sucks on so many fields.
I love this content grubby. I’ll watch anything you post on this channel. I have long commutes for work so you’re helping me get through the day. Appreciate it!!
Getting back into the game recently. These vids are really fun to watch. Never realized how good this game was when I was young.
Warcraft 3 race soundtracks replay over the duration of a long custom, campaign or PvP match if it lasts that long so it’s actually lore accurate for the music to repeat over the video
I started watching u 1/2 years ago on and off and i was stunned not seeing a tier list of races from uyou glad u finaly did it👍
Love your tier lists, please continue making them.
A lot of useful information for causal players here. Some of these uses I never even heard of. Good video
Haven't played W3 since... I can't even remember, but I recently got back into watching some competitive matches and Grubby videos and I just love it. Like SC1, this game should never die.
Really enjoy listening to these kinds of videos while I'm at work as I can put them on and listen passively.
I love your insight and understanding to the games invest into.
I havent checked your other videos but a tier list with Heroes of the Storm or SC2 would be awesome even if your insight isnt as deep as WC3 since you havent played them in a while
i remember being 16 and in awe of how good you played. so cool to see you are still around and more active than ever. it's also unfair how good you age, man. kudos for everything
Your Videos are done with such indepth explanations, that is great and I like how you are evalute every strength and weakness.
The human is on average fits really well. Always had the feeling human was good on average, never the top never the bottom. Was there any human player that has won any major tournament?
When I watched pro WC3 it was most likely night elfes, really rare an undead and you were the only bastion of orc.
Glad you like them!
I know the first warcraft originally began as a warhammer game, but I have to say that seeing the old names for some human WC3 units, the Warhammer comparisons start to make A LOT of sense.
Also helps me understand what exactly the siege engine is meant to be, its a steam tank with a mortar instead of a cannon.
And Warhammer was literally 90% D&D 3.5. The other 10% was D&D 2.
Yes, things take inspiration from other things. Shocking, I know
And now it's all gone full circle. Warhammer just got a new "Frost Wyrm" unit in their Total War DLC, and what is it? It's literally Warcraft 3's Alpha-build Frost Wyrms back when they were heavy ground units. Complete with a big white ice lizard look.
@@masansrThat explains alot.
@@masansr this is not true at all. If you want to compare "Warhammer fantasy roleplaying" to D&D then sure, that's a lil more fair, but they are still very different. But regardless, the original Warhammer came out 3 years prior to the "roleplaying" version and was not a roleplay game at all. It was a miniature wargame. It shared very little with DND outside of using miniatures with statistics to represent units. DND is a cooperative roleplaying game where as Warhammer is a competitive head to head wargame.
Saying "Warhammer is just DnD" is like saying "warcraft 3 is just the same as world of Warcraft" like it sounds legit to a laymen but people who are aware of both games will know they aren't even the same genre.
Roleplaying games came out AFTER wargames were already established on the scene. In fact, roleplaying games like D&D would not even exist without wargames. D&D was basically a modded version of "Chainmail" which was a war game, also created by Gary Gygax.
Love the content Grubby, you got me back into warcraft 3 for the first time since 2010! Keep up the good work :)
Can't wait to see the Orc unit tier list. These lists have gotten me to play this game again. First time in years lol.
You undervalued rifles by a considerable amount. Long barrels tier 2 push is incredibly hard and works in 2k+ elo all the time…
@@b.d.a.8719 HU pros on ladder still use rifles regularly
EDIT: k I am taking the piss a bit.
But dang, didn't realize elo is named after a Physics Professor, Arpad Elo, who did a lot of math on the subject. More so with Chess than online multiplayer games.
@@b.d.a.8719 agreed for the most part but what you’re missing is the pros use rifles literally all the time lol. Watch any pro human stream. It’s just not super well used in tournaments because they’re playing prepared routes/strats that aren’t immediately solved
As many others said, havent played the game for like 15 years but as a kid i loved and played only with humans so of course i had to watch Grubby's tier list on them
My inner child is sad seeing so much units reasonably being put in tier B. At least in my heart they will all remain together in S tier ❤🔥
I remember having the game fully voiced in czech language which I will always feel like it was done better than in english. Maybe not better, but the units and everything felt more alive, especially the orc raiders
Weird question but I got curious why you only played with humans
@@MrGrandiot I think the biggest part played the czech language and I felt back then that they had an easy answer for anything that enemy threw at me and I remember thinking that the overall design of human units and buildings was like "made just for me"
I knew that they werent the strongest race but it just hit diferent having group of priests, riflemen, knights, mortar teams and gryphon riders led by Arthas/Uther in cold and uneasy missions
+ that northrend campaign is a cheffs kiss, nothing in the whole game couldnt top that for me🥲
"By the holy light, burn!" The priest was talking to his ally about Inner Fire xD
Another absolutely necessary tier list
The undead tier list had their summons, where’s water elemental and phoenix?!
Yeah! Where are the human summons???
Unacceptable lack of professionalism!
While I agree the summons should be featured here, to be fair he did already talk about them both a bit in the heros tierlist. Besides we already know they are both tier S lol.
Militia also summon a full Paladin's beard in their splash art from peasants! Imagine being called to war and growing a Viking's beard for putting on a helm and getting a shortsword. They should totally be S tier due to the beard summon mechanic.
@@cenglish7240 lmao true
Footman owning a Windrider is mindblowing. Damn I wanna play TFT again. If only it still existed.
It does, if you sail the high seas. I have an old copy that I just move between computers.
I have my copy of the files someone brought into my highshool tech room from over a decade ago lol so I still have it.
You could still pirate the game if you want the old version.
Can't you purchase it from Blizzard? If it's the same thing like Diablo 2, it's simply hidden away.
@@goransekulic3671 Nah, IIRC when reforged launched they completely removed all traces of OG WCIII RoC and TFT from storefronts.
Loving the content spread atm, dubsi 3 high level play and tier lists, slay the spire, and elden ring. What a time to be alive
yay! ^^
58:20 Siege Tanks are not being used to fight armies. Instead, they being used to eliminate your base when you are away from your base. The problem is is takes ages to kill a single siege unit.
SEs don't even need to be sneaky: just roll them in with your army, engage with your BreakerKnightRifleGryffinPriestSorcEtc and just steamroll 'em buildings like they're nuthin'
A single SE is enough to take down an expo (provided the enemy's army is away and is busy)
@@The-jy3yq exactly…Grubby has been extremely biased here. I guess because he is an Orc player and siege tanks are not used against orcs?
After we are done with the units, please do an item tier list (mabye separate between buyable and dropped items)
Love these tier list videos. I'm about the same age as you so these games were my childhood growing up. Between my career, marriage and overall stress as an adult, contents like these give me a glimpse of the happiness and carelessness I used to feel.
I love hearing you play Warcraft 3 but the problem is is usually I'm not anywhere near my computer. I just listen to your commentary anyway. I also don't play Warcraft 3 :P
You have a great personality and I look for UA-camrs that I can enjoy just listening to and I like the video component as well cuz I can just come back to get some reference on where you're at and then I can go back to doing whatever. Keep it up! I would listen to you. Do lists like this for any game really
Love ya brother especially your WC 3 content.
Easy sub 🗿❤️
Your 1v1 spectator stories remind me of those (1v1 with Obs) in custom lobbies. I used to join those and spectate people actually playing the game after a day of playing DotA. It was really chill, just spectating and chatting with other observers. Good times.
Can't wait for my Night Elves. I remember always feeling like the underdog back in 2005. Need the Grubster's opinion on the faction and the units (Watched your plays back then too)
Loving these tier lists Keep them coming
Love the story with Insomnia, thank you for sharing. Those days were magical, gaming as a whole back then in early and mid 2000s...
Way to go Grubby, FTL! I listen to the FTL soundtrack at work a lot
Thanks Grubby for another amazing tier list to bring back the nostalgia! Looking forward to Night elf, orc, starceaft 2, dota tiers haha
Grubby! This was great! What would be awesome would be to get a Unit combo ranking list now - I.e unit strategies ranked from best to worse per race - and for what situations they work best in
I feel like Mortars should be tier B. They're the only siege unit that feels solid.
I'm never sad to have 2-4 mortar teams in the back shooting at the enemy in most fights.
signed, low tier player
1v1 and 4v4 meta is totally different
I find it virtually impossible to believe blizzard considered not releasing an expansion for W3; and I'm sure they started preproduction on it before RoCh went gold.
Grubby is wrong on this one. Back then, every single Blizzard game had an expansion pack in mind. Probably long before the release of the original game. Unless, of course he heard it from one of the old Blizzard employees.
There was an unit in undead campaign for elves of QuelThalas which was visually very similar to dragonhawk rider and one of it's line was something like "I will have even greater role in expansion". So they planned Frozen throne together with RoC.
@@R3stor Back then expansion packs were ez profit. Little did they know about dlc and season passes...
@@brohemian CD Project Red did know about DLC and passes and still made the greatest DLC (Blood and Wine) ever which could be a standalone game by itself :P
I love these tier lists because you give some tips and situations were you should build the unit and how to use it... can't wait for the other races.
Underrated part is the accurate and funny voice lines. Thanks Grubby!
Siege Engine is currently the only counter unit against Mass Banshee although in an indirect way. Mass banshee with enough number is so strong against human, that the only way to fight them is to avoid any direct engagement. This happens a lot in Happy vs Fortitude
Cant you just make Spell Breakers and laugh at them?
@@sitrilkospell breakers get wrecked by t3 ghouls which is almost always an easy switch for undead. It’s why you almost never see them in human VS undead.
Im not an expert but I use these siege engines as frontlines body blockers... because goddamn only siege unit is a massive body blocker in Humans, a body blocker and air defense against that mass gyro/wyvern batrider/gargoyles sneak attack?
I have a siege engine for that. (Just one though)
That's wild, I had no idea banshee was so potent; I'm guessing curse and AMS?
@@CaptainVickeYup, curse against physical damage and AMS against magical. And if you try to go for Knights, they have possession.
i love this grub still learning so much about WC3. :)
Love this, thanks Grubby. I MISSED YOU! Gruntapults everywhere 😊
I actually think 'Wind Rider' makes a lot more sense than 'Wyvern'.
The unit in control and the one that's attacking is the orc riding the Wyvern, after all.
Same with Gryphon Rider (rather than Gryphon), Dragonhawk Rider (rather than Dragonhawk), Troll Batrider (rather than Bat), Hippogryph Rider (rather than Hippogryph), Raider (rather than Wolf) and Knight (rather than Horse).
I guess Wyvern Rider would be more in line with the rest, but either way: naming the unit and not the mount just makes sense.
Really, the odd one out is the Kodo Beast.
In all these, it is arguably the rider who possesses the most utility and not the mount - Gryphon Rider throws his hammer, Dragonhawk Rider swings his spear and casts spells, Troll Batrider hurls napalm and triggers the esplosion, Hippogryph Rider shoots her bow (I dunno if the Hippogryph can still perform its basic attack), Raider raids and Knight knights. Kodo Beast by itself has the important utility of swallowing an enemy unit, though I take it it is primarily bought because of its rider's drums aura.
Great thought exercise for every single unit in this video!
Awesome stuff man
I massed dragonhawks like 20 years ago. There wasn't many options against UD, as it cost so much wood to make copters or tanks, and you'd lose if you made too few or too many of them. Not that mass dragonhawks was better, but it was an alternative strategy that was a bit easier to put into motion.
Wasnt Insomnia bulgarian? I remember him quite good. He was one of the most skilled players in the dusk of WC III.
wow, so many views, love to see this content man
the views of the new ranklist videos of grubby are very high! so nice to see he can even make it better than gaming
Haven't played online Vs WC3 in a long time, but back when I was playing ROC, I loved mass steam tanks in 4v4. Let me team engage the enemy while I sneak around with steam tanks and melt enemy bases. So satisfying!
UA-cam recommend me this vod. Does not regret for a single sec even tho I haven't touch the game for 20 years.. am I missing out?
Welcome back to wc3 ;)
Grubbys loveletter to the footman was beautiful. Another cultured man of the 🦶🏻 😩😩
33:15 Piercing used to have a 50% bonus against Heavy armour (and a 25% reduction against Light armour) which meant cheap T1 ranged could massacre T3 heavy units.
Shaman used to be insanely OP for a few months after release. Even their totems had a load of health.
Loved this game as a kid... Beat the whole thing...but that was about it... Never got super skilled in it
Bats aren't cost effective against Gryphons, especially if they are inner fired. Their advantage is that they don't feed XP to the human hero.
Love these tierlists
Love the content. Is it possible to make a tier list for 4v4 specifically?
Makes me feel like the game recently released and we're back in the good ol terrifying but cool days
I'd like to have a summary at the end. Like - human has lots of staple units which makes them adaptable, but weak at direct fights (I'm just making this up, but that's the idea).
One footy with defend can also creep a lvl 6 Dragon at the fountain. You have to pull the dragon just outside the healing range while the footy stays next to the fountain. Takes a while though.
I do remember Warcraft 3 Tutorial Book saying: "Humans is the most balanced race of all"
Logically most units are Tier B so, job's done I'd say!
Awesome video, keep it up!
oh, that's why the first time I heard Grubby mentioned Flying Machine, I thought it was so weird. Was it a meme, I asked myself? It turns out they officially changed the names. Indeed I have not been playing this game for 20 years, lol
This makes me understand game better, thank you
I have never played a single 1v1 pvp game in classic warcraft 3, but im gonna watch this regardless.
in my 21 years of Warcraft 3 and 300-400 human matches, I may have researched Defend... but I never actually PRESSED the button to use it in combat :D
Something about Grubby saying "footies" is adorable.
EL MEJOR CANAL DE TUTORIAL DEL WRC3 DEL MUNDO! JAJA todo lo que habla es sabiduría pura.!
One of my favorite matchups was Human vs Night Elf. I would open with Mountain King followed by Paladin support, and mass Mortar to storm bolt and insta kill literally anything...lol
Hi Grub!
Can confirm: workers underpin all of society. Our labor should be our own!
Human seems to have a plethora of anti air options, with rifle, gyros, tanks and dragonhawk rider. Dragonhawk rider seems especially superfluous given all of the options. When would you build him?
For cloud against massed towers
dragonhawks are meant to counter mass higher suply/cost air units
1 dragonhawk disables 1 frostwyrm is pretty good, 6 disable 6 is amazing, but who builds 6 frostwyrms? Into human who could have dragonhawks?
Unfortunately better players will just kill that dragonhawk
Rifles: "Not what peak human performance looks like."
So you're saying, they came up a little... short?
@@GrubbyTalks :D
This comment goes to book 📚 of Grudges
these tier lists are awesome, I'm learning a lot about troop synergies and counters, are you planning to do lists for night elf and orc troops also?
Yes! Already did Night Elf, it's coming soon. Orc will be last!
@@GrubbyTalks Much appreciated!
You didn't say that the Dragonhawk Riders have the ability to make towers and Necropolis stop shooting. Which is the reason I usually decide to build them in the first place.
“I want to tell you all about what are the best humans, in the human race” dang this some heavy ass topic.
Wow. I actually forgot dragonhawk riders existed. I guess you learn something old every day!
Cant think of any D-tier hu units. Maybe dragonhawks, knights, sorcs a bit lower. But no D.
Top spot my guess, militias, mortar, priests
Just one small suggestion Grubby. I think it'd be better if you ranked the workers as they compare to the workers of other races. I totally get what you mean by "S" means you can't play a game without it but just for the sake of comparison, I think it'd be cool.
oh man 2:58 / 2:59 so. many... memories seeing that screenshot of the OG log in screen.
i miss it so badly.
now we can't whisper opponents or try to meet friends
i don't know ANYONE on reforged or any clans....
can't make multiple accounts.... it sucks...
No water elemental or phoenix? :( I really liked having the summoned units on the undead list.
Don't forget mechanical critters!
Dragonhawks are usefull in siege battles when they can use Cloud on buildings (including towers) to block their functionality. So I'd put them on Tier B at least.
Grubby about to rank a Spellbreaker:
"So anyways, in the late 20th century, people invented this thing called computer..."
I would love to hear you rank units by the quality of their voice acting
Man what a great idea I hope he does that, just a tierlist for favorite lines
thats a tough call
... did not played the game since... yeah wow release. But damn I love to see a competent, and more important eloquent, guy talk about something he loves.
Good job pal
The algorithm is strong with this one. We will be watching your career with great interest.
the original battlenet image at the start of the video made me a lot more emotional than it should have :(
Rifles has the fastest attack animation and their projectile instant DMG as to say archer takes a few moments for the arrow to land.
Rifle MK is a viable playstyle for all I know
Stormbolt + 3(4 vs Str heroes) Rifle barrages is enough to take down a hero in the early-mid game
which is bloody hilarious
Dragonhawk Riders reminds me that Blizzard was pushing naval and island maps so hard during TFT's development and release, hence why it has a channeling cloud ability that disrupted towers. Course as we all know, those plans never panned out and nowadays Dragonhawk Riders have a cloud ability that nobody every uses.
I remember being able to load riflemen in siege engines and it worked like a mobile burrow during War3 beta. I thought that was the coolest thing and then got sad when they changed
Probably directly inspired by the "war wagon" unit from Warhammer Fantasy tabletop. I mean, the steam tank already was.
Next video: winning with human with only tier D units