I'm Bulgarian , but I agree with that ... But WW2 is very different than the all previous wars and is normal little country like Bulgaria to be unable to fight to the end of the war...USSR and USA are great powers with great economies , so its normal for them to handle well...Only the loses of USSR in WW2 are bigger than the whole population of Bulgaria :D
In WW2 1. Bulgaria as part of Axis invaded Greece with Germany & Italy and occupied Northern Greece. 2. Bulgaria defeated Germans in 9 operations at the end of WW2 and pushed them till Austria. Read about the Drava Epic ! 120,000 Bulgarians vs 450,000 Germans ! 1,300 Bulgarians killed to 13,000 Germans !! result: Bulgarian victory The final battle was fought 1 day after the War WW2 was officially over. And it was German up against the Bulgarian army. After fierce bloody fighting from both sides, the German general surrendered and gave the Bulgarian general the golden cross as a sign of honour. He said.... "If Bulgaria had remained ally with Germany, we wouldn't have lost the War! Bulgarians once again showed why they are the bravest soldiers in the world " :)
***** it could be in the noth they mire white as in the south i think its because in bulgaria there the turkey has owned the land for a time but i think 75% are more looking like greek/turkish but i know that there are for sure looking people how are that "white" looking but i think its not charakterristic
Serb DNA itself isn't slavic. Neither there were mongols or turks when Bulgarians originated. Everything slavic about the serbs is that they were raped by Bulgarians for a long period of time in the Medieval ages and accepted our language because they were our colony for a long period of time.
Me as a Bulgarian appreciate this. We are one proud nation. And It's weird that almost nobody doesn't know after we've been through so much. I hope see how strong we have been
Bulgaria signed the Tripartite Pact and joined the Axis bloc in May, 1942. Maybe do a little basic research before spouting off next time. Here's a wikipedia article for you, since I'm not sure you're prepared for anything more advanced than that. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_Bulgaria_during_World_War_II
Gregory Eatroff I had history exams in uni you dumb fuck. Bulgaria never fought against the Allies. Boris III signed the pact in order to avoid invasion. And since you may be Jewish, Bulgaria never turned in their jews despite the political pressure. I can educate you on 20th century history whenever you are ready.
"Boris III signed the pact in order to avoid invasion." So you just admitted that you were lying when you said the Bulgarians never joined the Axis. Boom -- game over.
On top of that i am a lawyer in the field of international law you dumb fuck. A state may sign a treaty and never begin executing it, so signing by itself has no legal (and therefore historical) meaning except for guys like you who've read two sentences in wikipedia. Did Bulgaria fight alongside the Axis? They didn't. Did Bulgaria provide the Axis with any technological, military or personnel support? They didn't. That is actually a good lesson in life there for you - never take things as black and white.
bat svetlio Fashion follows through even communism, also they dressed like that from when the hippie movement formed and stayed that way longer, so they really skipped the punk and post punk(coined goth or mod now) movement
Когато напишеш в търсене: България, българи обикновено е потресаващо. Направили сте класна репрезентация, за което благодаря! Може ли да ми кажете каква е музиката от 2014?
So fascinating, I love it! I can't help but notice how so many of these decade snapshots included what men were doing in the time; whereas women, as always, pretty much remain purely decorative accessories whose only (noticed!) form of self expression is their attire. Kinda sad.
You are right, but actually in Bulgaria women and men always thought of each other kind of equally... Even though men say that a woman has to take care of the house and the kids - most man didn't see it as understatement... More so they actually respected this about her, because of the fact that they realize it takes a lot of efforts and strength to take care of absolutely everything especially when men were sent in the army... Women basically kept Bulgaria going, during all the wars our country has fought in.
Molly Major Honestly I, as a Bulgarian girl, can’t cope with the Westerner lifestyle at all! Men, I see, at totally lost and I understand why -> their women don’t take a good care of themselves; drink; course; don’t want children (and honestly if you’re going to be such a mother, who drinks and smokes and swears you better choose not to have kids, until you change your attitude), they don’t show respect towards their men (because they lack this respect) and to summarise- most Eastern women are feminine and their men are masculine, protective and brave- the reason why we are so attractive to Westerner people, who want stable families.
The resemblance to Robert Jack as *Czar Nicholas II* in the _The Last Czars_ on Netflix is amazing! I thought they were the same man but no... Still this is a nice presentation. *Looking sharp!!* at 2:36! Go Bulgaria!
Комунисти, комсомолски, пионери! ------------------- Куплет 1: Комунистите родината изграждат, комсомолците със тях строят. Пионери, пионери! Славен път ни чака - трудов път. Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери сме в един и същи строй. Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери! заедно във труд и в бой. Припев 1: Комунисти(комунисти), комсомолци(комсомолци), пионери(пионери) сме в един и същи строй. сме в един и същи строй. и един в труд и бой! Куплет 2: Комунистите щурмуват небесата, комсомолците след тях летят. Пионери, пионери! Славен път ни чака - звезден път! Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери сме в един и същи строй. Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери! заедно във труд и бой. Припев 2: Комунисти(комунисти), комсомолци(комсомолци), пионери(пионери) сме в един и същи строй. сме в един и същи строй. и един в труд и бой! Куплет 3: Комунистите воюват със войната, комсомолците на стража бдят. Пионери, пионери! Славен път ни чака - трудов път! Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери сме в един и същи строй. Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери! заедно във труд и бой. Припев 3: Комунисти(комунисти), комсомолци(комсомолци), пионери(пионери) сме в един и същи строй. сме в един и същи строй. и един в труд и бой! в труд и бой! в труд и бой!
@@marysama7292 You did nothing wrong just some boy thinks he is strong and powerfull. He probably listen 1 time to BG national anthem and thinks he is a rebel hahahah apologises from BG
Аз съм Българче обичам, нашите планини зелени, Българин да се наричам, първа радост е за мене😊💖🇧🇬 I am Bulgarian I love, our mountains green, Bulgarian to be called, first joy is for me😊💖🇧🇬
meh as a Bulgarian i am actually really proud to see some videos about our country , just bcs we are not that famous as England USA Russia China and stuff. And im glad to be from a country which isnt so popular but still takes love from other.And as Bulgarian pun ,,God was giving place to everyone and bcs we were late so we took from heaven'' ^_^ БЪЛГАРИ ЮНАЦИ!!!!
2:04 😂😂😂😆😆☺обичам тази песен. Комунисти, комсомолски, пионери! ------------------- Куплет 1: Комунистите родината изграждат, комсомолците със тях строят. Пионери, пионери! Славен път ни чака - трудов път. Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери сме в един и същи строй. Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери! заедно във труд и в бой. Припев 1: Комунисти(комунисти), комсомолци(комсомолци), пионери(пионери) сме в един и същи строй. сме в един и същи строй. и един в труд и бой! Куплет 2: Комунистите щурмуват небесата, комсомолците след тях летят. Пионери, пионери! Славен път ни чака - звезден път! Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери сме в един и същи строй. Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери! заедно във труд и бой. Припев 2: Комунисти(комунисти), комсомолци(комсомолци), пионери(пионери) сме в един и същи строй. сме в един и същи строй. и един в труд и бой! Куплет 3: Комунистите воюват със войната, комсомолците на стража бдят. Пионери, пионери! Славен път ни чака - трудов път! Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери сме в един и същи строй. Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери! заедно във труд и бой. Припев 3: Комунисти(комунисти), комсомолци(комсомолци), пионери(пионери) сме в един и същи строй. сме в един и същи строй. и един в труд и бой! в труд и бой! в труд и бой!
I hope the man is Bulgarian, because only a Bulgarian person can hold the Bulgarian inscription - СВОБОДА или СМЪРТЪ . You know, it kinda makes me angry.
He looked a bit like Hristo Botev in the first one. My favorite was the 2nd. I don’t think the one from 1944 was very accurate though... that one would have been either the balkan wars or World War I, but last time I checked we didn’t fight in World War II.
Прес ВСВ, българската армия всъщност участва в сражения срещу германците от 1944-та(септември) нататък, в Югославия, Унгария и Австрия рамо до рамо със Червената армия. До 1944г.(септември), армията и полицията са предимно заети във вътрешната сигурност - да се борят предимно срещу партизани.
My grandpa would have been appalled at what you said 😁. And joke aside, he fought in WWII and lost a lot of friends. Like someone else said, despite trying to stay neutral until 41 and not participating in any combat until 44. Three entire Bulgarian armies fought against the Germans in what became Yugoslavia, then Hungary and Austria, together with the Third Ukrainian Front and Serbian resistance. Almost 20000 people lost their lives in just that short period and it was a huge part of the post-war reality of the communist regime.
@@huskytail you’re telling me we fought against our Allie’s in WWII? That doesn’t add up. I know during WWI we fought against Serbia. What you’re describing sounds like WWI not WWII.
Bulgaria is oldest country in Europe. Bulgaria is first national state in Europe which adopt Christianity and Bulgarian church became first national independent church in Europe in year 927. Bulgarians created Bulgarian Civilization with Bulgarian language, Bulgarian alphabet Cyrillic and Orthodox Christianity. Bulgarians spread Christianity and the Bible, translated into Bulgarian language and written in Cyrillic, among the so-called "Slavs" and incorporated most of the "Slavs" into Bulgarian civilization, including the Russians. All so-called "Slavic" languages are created on the basis of Bulgarian language. Russian language and so-called "Slavic" languages on the Balkans are dialects of Bulgarian language. Today about 300 million people in Eurasia including Russia use Bulgarian writing system Cyrillic as the official alphabet. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Bulgarian_Empire en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simeon_I_of_Bulgaria en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrillic_script en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Bulgarian_Empire
Barbarella Hurdas at least they caught up what do you think it was like yay communism let's do whatever we want or we could try not to get arrested but after all of this is over we have to think about fashion only
Creative Star Just because their was communism does not mean that people do not follow fashion trends. Plenty of countries are communist yet they are still updated with fashion trends. so why are you so hurt by comment? I don't need your sarcasm just like you didn't get mine
***** no you dont understand .. There was the soviet regime as well . You could not travel .. there was no free exchange of information .. you could not buy " western clothers " and so on like Imagine north Korea .. (that level of isolation ) but for like most of EAstern Europe People would go to jail for listening to Rock music or having their hair long .There was one set of acceptable behavior and that was it . No freedom of expression waht so ever .
1800s Mozart 1912 English citizen 1919 World war 1 1930 Great depression 1944 World war 2 1956 Communism 1969 Beatles 1975 Rock bands 1986 Modernism 1995 Boybands 2004 Kanye west 2010 Neymar 2017 BTS
Не се е получило добре, повечето от нещата не схващаш веднага ( а за това какво чужденците разбират е съвсем загадка), този мъж нито веднъж не го променихте малко в лице едно друго все с тази брада си стоя (а не през цялото време е било модерно това (когато правите тези неща избирайте модел, по който да може да правите промени) ) и общо взето последните две десетилетия бяха пълна простотия. С момичето ви се получи, но тук не. Мойте искрени извинения и разочарования.
С момичето ви се получи много по-добре, тук подборът на визии е отвратителен, а да не говорим, че брадата му не мръдна през всичките 100 години, докато на нея й сменяхте и прическите. По-добре вземете някой без брада и му слагайте изкуствено лицево окосмение, подходящо за всеки период.
Greetings from Poland to my strong Bulgarian brothers)) Wieczna sława wam!
You too bro
tbh I like Poland
Slava brat!
Ziemomysł love for Poland from Bulgaria!Slava!!!❤❤❤
Ziemomysł slava brat :) !
The bravest men! ;) Bulgarians were one of the bravest warriors! Respect!
Yeah that's right
I'm Bulgarian , but I agree with that ... But WW2 is very different than the all previous wars and is normal little country like Bulgaria to be unable to fight to the end of the war...USSR and USA are great powers with great economies , so its normal for them to handle well...Only the loses of USSR in WW2 are bigger than the whole population of Bulgaria :D
Bulgaria is not a small ignoramus.Shameful is when the Bulgarians do not know the size of their own country.
stans64 at the time Bulgaria had lost a lot of land in ww1 and the 2nd Balkan war so it wasn't a big and mighty country as Germany or Russia
In WW2
1. Bulgaria as part of Axis invaded Greece with Germany & Italy and occupied Northern Greece.
2. Bulgaria defeated Germans in 9 operations at the end of WW2 and pushed them till Austria. Read about the Drava Epic !
120,000 Bulgarians vs 450,000 Germans !
1,300 Bulgarians killed to 13,000 Germans !!
result: Bulgarian victory
The final battle was fought 1 day after the War WW2 was officially over. And it was German up against the Bulgarian army.
After fierce bloody fighting from both sides, the German general surrendered and gave the Bulgarian general the golden cross as a sign of honour. He said....
"If Bulgaria had remained ally with Germany, we wouldn't have lost the War! Bulgarians once again showed why they are the bravest soldiers in the world " :)
1870 Много прилича на Христо Ботев!!!
Малко докарва неговия чар, но е далеко от това да прилича
@@theworldofmandom7227 да
Who is this awsome guy? Bulgaria for the best :)
I AM FREEK he definitely doesn't look bulgarian
***** lol i dont think so but if you think so its crazy because I am bulgarian and thats not the ussual look for an bulgarian i think
***** it could be in the noth they mire white as in the south i think its because in bulgaria there the turkey has owned the land for a time but i think 75% are more looking like greek/turkish but i know that there are for sure looking people how are that "white" looking but i think its not charakterristic
Serb DNA itself isn't slavic. Neither there were mongols or turks when Bulgarians originated. Everything slavic about the serbs is that they were raped by Bulgarians for a long period of time in the Medieval ages and accepted our language because they were our colony for a long period of time.
For greek/turks we look pretty slavic.
Къде са нацепените батки?
Смях на хоризонта Шшш ние не говорим за тях.
Смях на хоризонта тука са :D
Не всички хора могат да си позволят нацепин
Adidas hardbass
Ха ,1990-типичен Бай Ганьо(слава на А.Константинов)!
Божидара Борисова 😂😂
Божидара Борисова пхахахаа нали хД
1900 по-скоро
Me as a Bulgarian appreciate this. We are one proud nation. And It's weird that almost nobody doesn't know after we've been through so much. I hope see how strong we have been
Nobody in Bulgaria has dresses like this 1980. but really like the fact that you added 1994, every bulgarian is proud of it
Thats real Bulgarian men
Тъй е, бе баце!!!! Така трябва да е и сега.😃🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬
The 60s didn't happen until the 80s in Bulgaria :P
Yeah we're pretty slow.
What was the 1970 attire about? The toga and candle.
It's from the oath-taking scene from the cult movie Vchera/Yesterday.
OMG his eyes are green 😎😎😎
proud to be bulgarian 🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬
Gabriela Naydenova my eyes are green too!
@@Msciwoj-j4x Pozdravi😊🇧🇬
my eyes are green and I'm Bulgarian and Russian
@@sofiaivanova1249 Страхотно😀🇧🇬🇷🇺
He kinda looks like Hristo Botev...
On 1870 is a freedom or death
In from turkey but ı love bulgaria 🇧🇬❤️🇹🇷
Брат, то хубаво, ама там имаше едни 5 века, в които много не си допадахме.
He is really really hot ,guys.....
congrats for the amazing video! :)
his name is Alex Petrenco
+Сибелина Магаминия Petrenko*
+Сибелина Магаминия thank u so much!!!
Greetings to Bulgaria from England
What is the song for the 1960 ?
1994 с екипа на националния отбор, а се чува Канари Юнаци. Скрита реклама на Ботев Пловдив
чува се Българи Юнаци, а не Канари Юнаци.
😂😂*Българи юнаци
I notice both the male and Female Bulgarian videos go to 1944, when the country changed sides, and skip over that whole "part of the Axis" thing.
Bulgaria was never part of the Axis you dumb fuck
Bulgaria signed the Tripartite Pact and joined the Axis bloc in May, 1942. Maybe do a little basic research before spouting off next time. Here's a wikipedia article for you, since I'm not sure you're prepared for anything more advanced than that.
Gregory Eatroff I had history exams in uni you dumb fuck. Bulgaria never fought against the Allies. Boris III signed the pact in order to avoid invasion. And since you may be Jewish, Bulgaria never turned in their jews despite the political pressure. I can educate you on 20th century history whenever you are ready.
"Boris III signed the pact in order to avoid invasion."
So you just admitted that you were lying when you said the Bulgarians never joined the Axis.
Boom -- game over.
On top of that i am a lawyer in the field of international law you dumb fuck. A state may sign a treaty and never begin executing it, so signing by itself has no legal (and therefore historical) meaning except for guys like you who've read two sentences in wikipedia. Did Bulgaria fight alongside the Axis? They didn't. Did Bulgaria provide the Axis with any technological, military or personnel support? They didn't. That is actually a good lesson in life there for you - never take things as black and white.
What's the name of the model?
There is no way Bulgarian men dressed like american hippies during communism.
bat svetlio Fashion follows through even communism, also they dressed like that from when the hippie movement formed and stayed that way longer, so they really skipped the punk and post punk(coined goth or mod now) movement
bat svetlio well they did and were punished for it
bat svetlio yeah! 😤
yep, the hippie beard is disgusting and wrong for the time period
bat svetlio actually they really dressed like that ( even my grandma did it
what is the song during the 1960s?
+MuruMuri I have exactly the same question! Bulgarian friends, help :)
+MuruMuri Комунисти, Комсомолци, Пионери - Communists, Komsomols, Pioneers. Famous comunist song. :)
MetalHead 333 спокойно, само питах песента каква е
Благодаря , че сте се сетили за нас
Когато напишеш в търсене: България, българи обикновено е потресаващо. Направили сте класна репрезентация, за което благодаря! Може ли да ми кажете каква е музиката от 2014?
So fascinating, I love it! I can't help but notice how so many of these decade snapshots included what men were doing in the time; whereas women, as always, pretty much remain purely decorative accessories whose only (noticed!) form of self expression is their attire. Kinda sad.
Kinda great. women are not men.
You are right, but actually in Bulgaria women and men always thought of each other kind of equally... Even though men say that a woman has to take care of the house and the kids - most man didn't see it as understatement... More so they actually respected this about her, because of the fact that they realize it takes a lot of efforts and strength to take care of absolutely everything especially when men were sent in the army... Women basically kept Bulgaria going, during all the wars our country has fought in.
Saving/ me ye, some want to be equal to men.
Molly Major Honestly I, as a Bulgarian girl, can’t cope with the Westerner lifestyle at all! Men, I see, at totally lost and I understand why -> their women don’t take a good care of themselves; drink; course; don’t want children (and honestly if you’re going to be such a mother, who drinks and smokes and swears you better choose not to have kids, until you change your attitude), they don’t show respect towards their men (because they lack this respect) and to summarise- most Eastern women are feminine and their men are masculine, protective and brave- the reason why we are so attractive to Westerner people, who want stable families.
The resemblance to Robert Jack as *Czar Nicholas II* in the _The Last Czars_
on Netflix is amazing! I thought they were the same man but no...
Still this is a nice presentation. *Looking sharp!!* at 2:36!
Go Bulgaria!
1:10 that's not a Balkan war uniform, it's a Bulgarian ww2 commanders uniform. Balkan war uniforms looked more Russian.
Bro dressed up like all my ancestors LMAO
It was fun to watch
What is the song at 02:06 (in the 1960s)?
Комунисти, комсомолски, пионери!
Куплет 1:
Комунистите родината изграждат,
комсомолците със тях строят.
Пионери, пионери!
Славен път ни чака - трудов път.
Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери
сме в един и същи строй.
Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери!
заедно във труд и в бой.
Припев 1:
Комунисти(комунисти), комсомолци(комсомолци), пионери(пионери)
сме в един и същи строй.
сме в един и същи строй.
и един в труд и бой!
Куплет 2:
Комунистите щурмуват небесата,
комсомолците след тях летят.
Пионери, пионери!
Славен път ни чака - звезден път!
Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери
сме в един и същи строй.
Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери!
заедно във труд и бой.
Припев 2:
Комунисти(комунисти), комсомолци(комсомолци), пионери(пионери)
сме в един и същи строй.
сме в един и същи строй.
и един в труд и бой!
Куплет 3:
Комунистите воюват със войната,
комсомолците на стража бдят.
Пионери, пионери!
Славен път ни чака - трудов път!
Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери
сме в един и същи строй.
Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери!
заедно във труд и бой.
Припев 3:
Комунисти(комунисти), комсомолци(комсомолци), пионери(пионери)
сме в един и същи строй.
сме в един и същи строй.
и един в труд и бой!
в труд и бой!
в труд и бой!
Warm greetings from your northern neighbour!
1980s was the hippy movement there? They seemed to be delayed by 12 years at least...
+Top50Reviews iron curtain
What is that flag he's holding in the beginning say?
Latte Punch
The flag says: "Liberty or death" This was the flag of the Bulgarian revolutionaries during the April Uprising.
Freedom or death
Loves from turkey 🇹🇷❤🇧🇬
@@younghefner8343 why are you swearing at me did i say something wrong?
@@marysama7292 You did nothing wrong just some boy thinks he is strong and powerfull. He probably listen 1 time to BG national anthem and thinks he is a rebel hahahah apologises from BG
@@younghefner8343 Защо така отговори бе брат?
What's the song at 02:05 ?
Аз съм Българче обичам, нашите планини зелени, Българин да се наричам, първа радост е за мене😊💖🇧🇬
I am Bulgarian I love, our mountains green, Bulgarian to be called, first joy is for me😊💖🇧🇬
What is the song starts at 2:05
I didn't see
Thanks @@rjkp7407
meh as a Bulgarian i am actually really proud to see some videos about our country , just bcs we are not that famous as England USA Russia China and stuff. And im glad to be from a country which isnt so popular but still takes love from other.And as Bulgarian pun ,,God was giving place to everyone and bcs we were late so we took from heaven'' ^_^ БЪЛГАРИ ЮНАЦИ!!!!
References, please
bai ganyo - my favourite ♡♡♡
2:04 😂😂😂😆😆☺обичам тази песен.
Комунисти, комсомолски, пионери!
Куплет 1:
Комунистите родината изграждат,
комсомолците със тях строят.
Пионери, пионери!
Славен път ни чака - трудов път.
Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери
сме в един и същи строй.
Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери!
заедно във труд и в бой.
Припев 1:
Комунисти(комунисти), комсомолци(комсомолци), пионери(пионери)
сме в един и същи строй.
сме в един и същи строй.
и един в труд и бой!
Куплет 2:
Комунистите щурмуват небесата,
комсомолците след тях летят.
Пионери, пионери!
Славен път ни чака - звезден път!
Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери
сме в един и същи строй.
Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери!
заедно във труд и бой.
Припев 2:
Комунисти(комунисти), комсомолци(комсомолци), пионери(пионери)
сме в един и същи строй.
сме в един и същи строй.
и един в труд и бой!
Куплет 3:
Комунистите воюват със войната,
комсомолците на стража бдят.
Пионери, пионери!
Славен път ни чака - трудов път!
Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери
сме в един и същи строй.
Комунисти, комсомолци, пионери!
заедно във труд и бой.
Припев 3:
Комунисти(комунисти), комсомолци(комсомолци), пионери(пионери)
сме в един и същи строй.
сме в един и същи строй.
и един в труд и бой!
в труд и бой!
в труд и бой!
He is do handsome. He could be an actor
The 2000 version looks like Rick Astley ngl
Once we have been a great BULGARIAN nation, but now we suck
Arno Dorian no why you dare to say that's it's sad really sad that this came out of an Bulgarian mouth
Nah. Bulgaria is just fine.
When we have people like you, of course we "suck"
wow he's soo handsome... :) where can i find me a handsome bulgarian like that :P
I hope the man is Bulgarian, because only a Bulgarian person can hold the Bulgarian inscription - СВОБОДА или СМЪРТЪ . You know, it kinda makes me angry.
Look at the descripiton. Looks like all Bulgarian.
He looked a bit like Hristo Botev in the first one. My favorite was the 2nd. I don’t think the one from 1944 was very accurate though... that one would have been either the balkan wars or World War I, but last time I checked we didn’t fight in World War II.
Гледа като Христо Ботев, ЗАЩОТО ТОВА Е БИЛО ИДЕЯТА!
Прес ВСВ, българската армия всъщност участва в сражения срещу германците от 1944-та(септември) нататък, в Югославия, Унгария и Австрия рамо до рамо със Червената армия. До 1944г.(септември), армията и полицията са предимно заети във вътрешната сигурност - да се борят предимно срещу партизани.
My grandpa would have been appalled at what you said 😁. And joke aside, he fought in WWII and lost a lot of friends. Like someone else said, despite trying to stay neutral until 41 and not participating in any combat until 44. Three entire Bulgarian armies fought against the Germans in what became Yugoslavia, then Hungary and Austria, together with the Third Ukrainian Front and Serbian resistance. Almost 20000 people lost their lives in just that short period and it was a huge part of the post-war reality of the communist regime.
@@huskytail you’re telling me we fought against our Allie’s in WWII? That doesn’t add up. I know during WWI we fought against Serbia. What you’re describing sounds like WWI not WWII.
@@Annatomova7 Jesus, just Google it. We fought against Germany in WWII, yes.
I love them!!!
I am from Bulgaria
Откъде взехте униформите ;((
you skiped 2 decads come on
handsome man.
song at 2:08
toasty ua-cam.com/video/pD38cBsTl9c/v-deo.html
He's a bae
maika ti e muj
1:53 Великая отечественная война
Втората световна война
oh freedom or death flag at the beginning. hmm :)
I'am from bulgarien 🇧🇬 ☺️❤
Bulgaria is oldest country in Europe. Bulgaria is first national state in Europe which adopt Christianity and Bulgarian church became first national independent church in Europe in year 927.
Bulgarians created Bulgarian Civilization with Bulgarian language, Bulgarian alphabet Cyrillic and Orthodox Christianity.
Bulgarians spread Christianity and the Bible, translated into Bulgarian language and written in Cyrillic, among the so-called "Slavs" and incorporated most of the "Slavs" into Bulgarian civilization, including the Russians.
All so-called "Slavic" languages are created on the basis of Bulgarian language. Russian language and so-called "Slavic" languages on the Balkans are dialects of Bulgarian language.
Today about 300 million people in Eurasia including Russia use Bulgarian writing system Cyrillic as the official alphabet.
Bulgaria was create before 1336 years.
Bulgaria lose the fight but win the WAR !!!!
seems like they were behind in the 80s
I know, but at least they caught up lol.
Barbarella Hurdas at least they caught up what do you think it was like yay communism let's do whatever we want or we could try not to get arrested but after all of this is over we have to think about fashion only
Creative Star Just because their was communism does not mean that people do not follow fashion trends. Plenty of countries are communist yet they are still updated with fashion trends. so why are you so hurt by comment? I don't need your sarcasm just like you didn't get mine
***** no you dont understand .. There was the soviet regime as well . You could not travel .. there was no free exchange of information .. you could not buy " western clothers " and so on
like Imagine north Korea .. (that level of isolation ) but for like most of EAstern Europe
People would go to jail for listening to Rock music or having their hair long .There was one set of acceptable behavior and that was it . No freedom of expression waht so ever .
Интересно видео
1994- най-великата година в българската история! :ДД Българи- юнаци!!
We never lost any battle in the wars but it is cool
1800s Mozart
1912 English citizen
1919 World war 1
1930 Great depression
1944 World war 2
1956 Communism
1969 Beatles
1975 Rock bands
1986 Modernism
1995 Boybands
2004 Kanye west
2010 Neymar
2017 BTS
България над всичко!!! 😃 👑🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬
you mean 130 years
Uhhhh ааа знам това знаме!
Greetings from China🇨🇳
Ebaam se Jorko ot Lom e ;)
В какво сме се превърнали...
Драсти уе :D
🙏 colombiana colombiana 🙌🙏🙏🙏😸
azis is the only Bulgarian celebrity i know so i was waiting for him the whole video😅
oh please no! he is not even Bulgarian he is a gypsy :D and he sings worse than shot cow
Endless Pancake i actually like his songs and i like that he's proud of his gypsiness
Are you gypsy?
***** im moroccan.
azis is the worst creature living in bulgaria. he sing in genere called chalga
Не се е получило добре, повечето от нещата не схващаш веднага ( а за това какво чужденците разбират е съвсем загадка), този мъж нито веднъж не го променихте малко в лице едно друго все с тази брада си стоя (а не през цялото време е било модерно това (когато правите тези неща избирайте модел, по който да може да правите промени) ) и общо взето последните две десетилетия бяха пълна простотия. С момичето ви се получи, но тук не. Мойте искрени извинения и разочарования.
2:17 this photo is last communist minister and best good minister and leder of bulgaria 1991
С момичето ви се получи много по-добре, тук подборът на визии е отвратителен, а да не говорим, че брадата му не мръдна през всичките 100 години, докато на нея й сменяхте и прическите. По-добре вземете някой без брада и му слагайте изкуствено лицево окосмение, подходящо за всеки период.
Pov: Ти си българин и идваш в коментарите да видиш дали някой българин е коментирал
1994 looks like he is playing volleyball not soccer
Football. It was added because in that particular year Bulgaria finished fourth at the World football championship.
Try a Serbian
I think that they are the same, with small differences :).
but the beard is always the same :D
Arno dorian you are right ): .
wtf! what did just happened in 1970
Nostrils though :D
early 1870s to 1900s
Златно знаме
Bat svetilo there is a way.
totatly wrong 3:07
Страшно е хубаво момчето и всичко му отива.
#ipainPOP #DoYouHaveTheNerveToBe Heard #NERVEmber #PaintTheWorldOrange #HOPEISTRUE
Българи U nazi 😃😃😃
Георги Григоров This is not bad
I AM bugariab. I am nazi.
Where does Azis fit in this? ;) haha
И на турците.