【洛天依·言和】Luo Tianyi, Yan He - 月下蝉 Cicadas Under the Moon

  • Опубліковано 27 жов 2024


  • @jasonnung2645
    @jasonnung2645 9 років тому +142

    I see that no one seems to have provided a translation of the song, so I have tried to provide one. My Chinese isn't the best, and I apologise in advance for any mistakes or misinterpretation. Any suggestions or corrections are welcome
    Cicadas Under the Moon
    薄纱锦袍 飘啊飘 春来花枝招
    Gauze and brocaded robes floating in the wind, like blooming flowers vying for attention
    坠铃步巧 摇啊摇 声似黄雀咲
    (With the horse’s) skilful steps, the ride bells ring, like the melodies of the yellow thrush
    纵使这一曲奏罢 舞步再妖娆
    By the song’s end, even if the dance is ever more seductive
    我却只迷 那淡抹的一笑
    I’m only captivated by your enigmatic smile
    浓眉细描 臊啊臊 画扇半遮腰
    Eyebrows carefully drawn, brush by brush, your fan half-obscures your (slender) waist
    琵琶玉箫 绕啊绕 直把心儿撩
    (The music) from the Pipa and jade flute, entwines around me, strumming my heartstrings
    飘红要掷出多少 我才能看到 你弯月般的眉梢
    How much flowers must shed their petals, before I can see your face, with your eyebrows like the crescent moon?
    酌一盅小烧 醉不过今朝 这愁借酒也难消
    Drinking a small bottle of warmed wine, (it) can hardly compare with my present (love) drunkenness; my troubles cannot be solved with wine
    想一世逍遥 敌不过烦恼 为红颜 折腰
    (Originally) intended for a carefree life, but instead ensnared by my troubled (heart), I have been enslaved by my beloved.
    谁路过 半开窗棂听树上七日夏蝉
    Who would pass by, and hear the summer cicada’s song from the half-open window?
    最难过 知知不停了了不歇声凄寒
    Singing to their heart’s content, incessantly without regard for the approaching frost?
    月愈圆 鸣声愈切 彻一夜 韶华已远
    The moon waxes, their song grows piercing (more desperate)*, the night ends, the bloom of youth fades.
    谁路过 半卷珠帘窥月下琼花一坛
    Who would pass by, and see the hydrangeas, peeking from half-closed bejewelled curtains?
    最难过 夜夜难眠日日挂念心不安
    Greatest is the pain, of losing sleep night after night, the heart in the throes of missing you
    月愈圆 瓣亦欲散
    The moon waxes, the petals begin to fall
    彻一夜 花期也远
    The night ends, the next spring is still far away.
    胭脂粉药 瞧啊瞧 浓淡妆正好
    Rouge and powder let’s have a look, your makeup is perfect
    锦囊香料 调啊调 弥漫烟稍薄
    Mixing perfume for an embroidered bag, their fragrant smoke dissipates
    这酒要斟下多少 醉一梦觅到 甩袖舞姿曼妙
    How much will I need to drink, before I can see your sleeves flutter as you dance, in my dreams?
    酌一盅小烧 醉不过今朝 这愁借酒也难消
    Drinking a small bottle of warmed wine, (it) can hardly compare with my present (love) drunkenness; my troubles cannot be solved with wine
    想一世逍遥 敌不过烦恼 为红颜 折腰
    (Originally) intended for a carefree life, but instead ensnared by my troubled (heart), I have been enslaved by my beloved.
    (Chorus repeat)
    点油灯半盏 照亮林间 伴夏蝉鸣愁怨
    A single oil lamp, it’s light twinkle between the trees, serenading their sorrows with the summer cicadas
    浇一壶白月 黑一夜眼圈 赏昙花一现
    A jug of pale moonlight pours (across the land), black rings grow around the eyes, so I can see you once upon a blue moon.
    天依/言和: (Chorus with both male and female parts)
    谁路过 半开窗棂听树上七日夏蝉
    Who would pass by, and hear the summer cicada’s song from the half-open window?
    只不过 知知不停了了不歇声渐暖
    Singing to their heart’s content, incessantly heralding the arrival of summer?
    月愈圆 鸣声愈悦
    The moon waxes, their song grows more jubilant
    彻一夜 无悔无怨
    The night ends, without regrets or lament
    谁路过 半卷珠帘窥月下琼花一坛
    Who would pass by, and see the hydrangeas, peeking from half-closed bejewelled curtains?
    只不过 夜夜难眠日日挂念惹花怜
    I’m losing sleep night after night, from admiring these beautiful blossoms
    月愈圆 瓣亦欲散
    The moon waxes, the petals begin to fall
    彻一夜 与君(卿)共眠
    The night ends, with (me) asleep with m: you (f: you) **
    月愈圆 琴声已灭
    The moon waxes, the zither grows silent
    彻一夜 无悔无怨
    The night ends, without regrets or lament
    * The word 切 can mean both piercing or desperate, depending on context. In this line the context was purposefully eliminated so the double meaning could be expressed.
    ** 君 - an intimate form of “you” reserved for males, 卿 - an intimate form of “you” reserved for close females
    Translation Notes:
    (1) “花枝招” is an abbreviated form of the expression “花枝招展”, which is meant to describe someone beautifully dressed. A literal translation would be “(to be dressed like) boughs of waving flowers, attracting attention”. The expression carries a double meaning, being both as a metaphor, but also a literate expression of tree branches filled with blossoms waving in the wind, like a person waving.
    (2) “坠铃步巧” is a literary allusion. Saddles decorated with precious metals or bells often associated with handsome and wealthy young men. E.g. “五陵年少金市东,银鞍白马度春风. 落花踏尽游何处,笑入胡姬酒肆中.” - 李白, 少年行
    (3) Drunkenness is often used in Chinese poetry to describe the feeling of elation, despair and general mania associated with being in love. E.g. “对酒当歌,强乐还无味。衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴.”- 柳永, 蝶恋花
    (4) This song includes numerous descriptions of putting on makeup, preparing perfume and the like. Male writers often use descriptions of the male taking part in these domestic activities to indicate their closeness to the female, and to express and sense of “feminine” sentimentality. E.g. “小轩窗,正梳妆,相顾无言,唯有泪千行”
    (5) “赏昙花一现”- Here I have used “once upon a blue moon” as I believe this expression best expresses the underlying meaning of this literary allusion. This expression directly translates as “like the appearance of an Epiphyllum in bloom”, and is a reference to the ancient Chinese belief that the plant only flowers once every few hundred years, to describe something both rare and beautiful.

    • @bioxeon5307
      @bioxeon5307 9 років тому +4

      +Jason Nung 谢谢翻译!

    • @mingsun147
      @mingsun147 9 років тому +4

      +Jason Nung Wow, good job man. I do like your translation!

    • @zhiqiyeoh8375
      @zhiqiyeoh8375 7 років тому +6

      Jason Nung I am Chinese, and I doubt that I'll ever make such accurate a translation. You rock. Really.

    • @kitsune0251
      @kitsune0251 7 років тому +1

      thank yoy

    • @karenrosero3627
      @karenrosero3627 6 років тому +1

      Man, you are so great. I wish I knew chinese.

  • @上官雨殤
    @上官雨殤 10 років тому +37

    薄纱锦袍 飘啊飘 春来花枝招
    坠铃步巧 摇啊摇 声似黄雀咲
    纵使这一曲奏罢 舞步再妖娆
    我却只迷 那淡抹的一笑
    浓眉细描 臊啊臊 画扇半遮腰
    琵琶玉箫 绕啊绕 直把心儿撩
    飘红要掷出多少 我 才能看到 你弯月般的眉梢
    酌一盅小烧 醉不过今朝 这愁借酒也难消
    想一世逍遥 敌不过烦恼 为红颜 折腰
    谁路过 半开窗棂听树上七日夏蝉
    最难过 知知不停了了不歇声凄寒
    月愈圆 鸣声愈切 彻一夜 韶华已远
    谁路过 半卷珠帘窥月下琼花一坛
    最难过 夜夜难眠日日挂念心不安
    月愈圆 瓣亦欲散 彻一夜 花期也远
    胭脂粉药 瞧啊瞧 浓淡妆正好
    锦囊香料 调啊调 弥漫烟稍薄
    这酒要斟下多少 醉一梦觅到 甩袖舞姿曼妙
    酌一盅小烧 醉不过今朝 这愁借酒也难消
    想一世逍遥 敌不过烦恼 为红颜 折腰
    谁路过 半开窗棂听树上七日夏蝉
    最难过 知知不停了了不歇声凄寒
    月愈圆 鸣声愈切 彻一夜 韶华已远
    谁路过 半卷珠帘窥月下琼花一坛
    最难过 夜夜难眠日日挂念心不安
    月愈圆 瓣亦欲散 彻一夜 花期也远
    点油灯半盏 照亮林间 伴夏蝉鸣愁怨
    浇一壶白月 黑一夜眼圈 赏昙花一现
    谁路过 半开窗棂听树上七日夏蝉
    只不过 知知不停了了不歇声渐暖
    月愈圆 鸣声愈悦 彻一夜 无悔无怨
    谁路过 半卷珠帘窥月下琼花一坛
    只不过 夜夜难眠日日挂念惹花怜
    月愈圆 瓣亦欲散 彻一夜 与君(卿)共眠
    月愈圆 琴声已灭 彻一夜 无悔无怨

    • @Naychikayabun
      @Naychikayabun 10 років тому +2

      Thank you So much!! I've been finding for the lyrics for a long time!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!

  • @篠-b8s
    @篠-b8s 8 років тому +18

    薄紗錦袍 飄啊飄 春來花枝招
    墜鈴步巧 搖啊搖 聲似黃雀咲
    縱使這一曲奏罷 舞步再妖嬈
    我卻只迷 那淡抹的一笑
    濃眉細描 臊啊臊 畫扇半遮腰
    琵琶玉簫 繞啊繞 直把心兒撩
    飄紅要擲出多少 我 才能看到 你彎月般的眉梢
    酌一盅小燒 醉不過今朝 這愁借酒也難消
    想一世逍遙 敵不過煩惱 為紅顏 折腰
    誰路過 半開窗櫺聽樹上七日夏蟬
    最難過 知知不停了了不歇聲淒寒
    月愈圓 鳴聲愈切 徹一夜 韶華已遠
    誰路過 半卷珠簾窺月下瓊花一壇
    最難過 夜夜難眠日日掛念心不安
    月愈圓 瓣亦欲散 徹一夜 花期也遠
    胭脂粉藥 瞧啊瞧 濃淡妝正好
    錦囊香料 調啊調 瀰漫煙稍薄
    這酒要斟下多少 醉一夢覓到 甩袖舞姿曼妙
    酌一盅小燒 醉不過今朝 這愁借酒也難消
    想一世逍遙 敵不過煩惱 為紅顏 折腰
    誰路過 半開窗櫺聽樹上七日夏蟬
    最難過 知知不停了了不歇聲淒寒
    月愈圓 鳴聲愈切 徹一夜 韶華已遠
    誰路過 半卷珠簾窺月下瓊花一壇
    最難過 夜夜難眠日日掛念心不安
    月愈圓 瓣亦欲散 徹一夜 花期也遠
    點油燈半盞 照亮林間 伴夏蟬鳴愁怨
    澆一壺白月 黑一夜眼圈 賞曇花一現
    誰路過 半開窗櫺聽樹上七日夏蟬
    只不過 知知不停了了不歇聲漸暖
    月愈圓 鳴聲愈悅 徹一夜 無悔無怨
    誰路過 半卷珠簾窺月下瓊花一壇
    只不過 夜夜難眠日日掛念惹花憐
    月愈圓 瓣亦欲散 徹一夜 與君(卿)共眠
    月愈圓 琴聲已滅 徹一夜 無悔無怨

  • @xinsu1312
    @xinsu1312 9 років тому +23


  • @melodyhatsune8835
    @melodyhatsune8835 9 років тому +15

    This song and the mv are literally perfection even if i can't understand a single word.

  • @doesyouthso7300
    @doesyouthso7300 9 років тому +9


  • @CielMustang
    @CielMustang 10 років тому +54


  • @白白-j9f
    @白白-j9f 7 років тому +3

    what a wonderful song 這歌好好聽哦

  • @Cynthia23231
    @Cynthia23231 10 років тому +3

    好喜歡這視頻 圖片搭得太好了啊真是

  • @yanshinchoo4946
    @yanshinchoo4946 8 років тому +1


  • @妏-o4d
    @妏-o4d 8 років тому +1


  • @NaikaDAYO
    @NaikaDAYO 7 років тому +1


  • @akaruyusa8658
    @akaruyusa8658 7 років тому +6

    Omg Tianyi is so pretty I'm dying

  • @CarolineisJam
    @CarolineisJam 9 років тому +5

    God I just discovered chinese vocaloids it's just so beautiful

  • @xin8217
    @xin8217 9 років тому +6

    表示言和的声音好好听~ 第一次听他的歌声

  • @saberbutterfly
    @saberbutterfly  10 років тому +15

    +Monet Malone Mandarin speaking, brush written simplified Chinese, music with some traditional elements. Not sure if this answered your question :)

    • @luotianyi5157
      @luotianyi5157 9 років тому +1

      Mind if I ask whether the composer of this song is u?

    • @LeafShine917
      @LeafShine917 9 років тому

      Luo TianYi The composer is JUSF. ( ^-^)/

    • @Yza79P
      @Yza79P 9 років тому +1

      +Koude コウデ Yeah please make this one, the song have a .. special rhythm, i love ur work.

    • @Yza79P
      @Yza79P 8 років тому

      lool that's lucky ! XD

  • @emeliwong1715
    @emeliwong1715 10 років тому


  • @poppyraeverwoods2427
    @poppyraeverwoods2427 10 років тому +3

    Love this song the moment I listen to it XD

  • @joellefrye9834
    @joellefrye9834 9 років тому

    So gorgeous Yan He is definitely one of my favorite new vocaloid!

  • @tenshihinanawi8551
    @tenshihinanawi8551 11 років тому +5

    Love this song , so beautiful... Lyrics please :'(

  • @gravityrain4683
    @gravityrain4683 8 років тому

    Wow the lyrics are clearer for this one finally I can understand the other Luo Tianyi one's are not this clear

  • @rtip8153
    @rtip8153 5 років тому +1


  • @miachoo5024
    @miachoo5024 8 років тому +1


  • @岳阳-r8q
    @岳阳-r8q 5 років тому +1


  • @StromerFox
    @StromerFox 11 років тому

    Both song and PV are so beautiful ;A;

  • @dchen8874
    @dchen8874 10 років тому +15

    Sounds beautiful! Is this original or a cover of a Chinese song?

    • @saberbutterfly
      @saberbutterfly  10 років тому +13

      It's original. Unless I mentioned in the title or description, they are all original.

  • @kurogama
    @kurogama 10 років тому +1

    好き ^^

  • @雨乔-h3c
    @雨乔-h3c 11 років тому


  • @melodiouslotus1685
    @melodiouslotus1685 9 років тому +2

    Pretty ~

  • @AkaneTaicho
    @AkaneTaicho 9 років тому +1


  • @angieshark2533
    @angieshark2533 10 років тому +6

    Argh! Trying to listen to the song without looking at it, so I can revise for my Chinese listening test tmr, but it's basically impossible, I suck at Chinese (English should be my mother language T^T)... Q.Q Great song BTW!!!!! I need to listen more...

    • @saberbutterfly
      @saberbutterfly  10 років тому +2

      Wow, that's impressed. The lyrics is quite difficult even for a native speaker since it's written in classical style with a condesed grammar, I reckon no one would understand it thoroughly without looking at the lyrics unless you are master of Chinese...I mean this is probably too hard for a listening test XD you should pick some easier one haha

    • @Icemask1230
      @Icemask1230 10 років тому

      that's so true, but I understand it.

    • @angieshark2533
      @angieshark2533 10 років тому

      saberbutterfly Q.Q I was close to failing it in the end...Well, if I DON'T master Chinese, I doubt how I'll be able to get a decent grade in the future...

    • @Icemask1230
      @Icemask1230 10 років тому


    • @维杰严
      @维杰严 9 років тому

      you can hear luotianyi's song.the lyrics are good.

  • @haileefriedrichsmeyer5504
    @haileefriedrichsmeyer5504 6 років тому

    So relaxing

  • @alice_wonderland9039
    @alice_wonderland9039 10 років тому

    Yes plz do post a translated version

  • @boruru4688
    @boruru4688 10 років тому


  • @mayryu
    @mayryu 9 років тому


  • @nahlohkoknah858
    @nahlohkoknah858 11 років тому

    love it so much

  • @zijunli9261
    @zijunli9261 10 років тому

    Great lyrics! Love it!

  • @haileefriedrichsmeyer5504
    @haileefriedrichsmeyer5504 6 років тому

    This is so relaxing. You have a great channel saberbutterfly

  • @erickkat3603
    @erickkat3603 11 років тому

    可爱 :3

  • @jmdraw1723
    @jmdraw1723 11 років тому


  • @Ultracrepidarian
    @Ultracrepidarian 9 років тому +5

    a request for a translation please.

  • @MEKIMichiyo
    @MEKIMichiyo 10 років тому


    • @童話-d4p
      @童話-d4p 10 років тому +6


    • @WinterSakuraBlossom
      @WinterSakuraBlossom 10 років тому +1


    • @黃鈺媗-n4f
      @黃鈺媗-n4f 9 років тому


    • @y_yue02
      @y_yue02 6 років тому


  • @lilbabydemon
    @lilbabydemon 6 років тому +3

    Are you still willing to provide the lyrics? I would really love them!

  • @bael2773
    @bael2773 7 років тому +2


  • @moonlightray8493
    @moonlightray8493 10 років тому

    Yes, please, translate it!

  •  10 років тому +1

    I love Yan He!!!!

  • @heristhename
    @heristhename 8 років тому +1

    yo 1.5 speed i was getting turned up. -dabs-

  • @沈砺寒
    @沈砺寒 6 років тому

    我正好是第2000个赞 !

  • @GreenLightPalkia1
    @GreenLightPalkia1 9 років тому +1

    This song has a really similar melody rhythm to qing hua ci

    • @AtarashiNOhi
      @AtarashiNOhi 8 років тому +1

      +Kakurei カクレイ Yeah, it really does sound similar to Qing Hua Ci.

  • @mishokiwa8548
    @mishokiwa8548 7 років тому


  • @thucuyentran4594
    @thucuyentran4594 9 років тому +5

    Chinese vocaloid?

    • @LeafShine917
      @LeafShine917 9 років тому

      Thục Uyên Trần Luo Tianyi and YANHE.

  • @onlybonjour
    @onlybonjour 7 років тому +1

    is Yan he a boy?????? someone help me I don't know,me and my sister debate weither Yan he is a boy or girl

  • @tommasozacchia2988
    @tommasozacchia2988 10 років тому

    Where can I find the musical notes for this song? I want to play it on my mandolin!

  • @kroies
    @kroies 9 років тому +1


  • @chacha_zemisei
    @chacha_zemisei 9 років тому

    Hey could you do the translated version? PLEASE????? ^w^

  • @carnotrankine
    @carnotrankine 9 років тому

    I am just beginning to understand the difficulties of doing translations. But if you do do a translation, please post it.

  • @林阿硯
    @林阿硯 8 років тому

    覺得虐虐der QAQ

  • @yuenngalaw432
    @yuenngalaw432 7 років тому +2


  • @haileefriedrichsmeyer5504
    @haileefriedrichsmeyer5504 6 років тому +2

    Yan He is a girl. Idk if you knew, but I'm just letting you know just in case.

  • @firespirit646
    @firespirit646 7 років тому

    can you translate it please?

  • @nikkup4745
    @nikkup4745 8 років тому

    Need translation.

  • @mytueton5204
    @mytueton5204 7 років тому

    xin cho hỏi bài này tên gì vậy ạ ?

  • @thaoning98
    @thaoning98 10 років тому

    Can u translate it to englis (eng sub i mean)???

  • @yunuozhang8815
    @yunuozhang8815 10 років тому +1


  • @warpstarr
    @warpstarr 6 років тому

    did you write this?

  • @Vi-ln7ym
    @Vi-ln7ym 10 років тому

    Can someone give me pixiv id of the Mastering/Illustration: 阿雀? I'll love you alottttttt. Sorry for my bad English ; v ;

  • @다양해라다양해라
    @다양해라다양해라 8 років тому

    이 이거 제목 뭐에요?

  • @吃肉
    @吃肉 8 років тому +1


  • @haileefriedrichsmeyer5504
    @haileefriedrichsmeyer5504 6 років тому

    Please do a sub

  • @seabreezebreezy9651
    @seabreezebreezy9651 7 років тому


  • @sheFEISTY.43110
    @sheFEISTY.43110 10 років тому +1

    It would be better if there is a different version with an actual person singing.

  • @leedracor6652
    @leedracor6652 8 років тому

    一颗赛艇= ̄ω ̄=

  • @gogowen5917
    @gogowen5917 10 років тому

    帅哥你谁Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

  • @amychang897
    @amychang897 10 років тому

    言和變成了男的? 可是這樣也不錯吧!

    • @Moka94156
      @Moka94156 10 років тому +3


  • @YaoJun0905
    @YaoJun0905 8 років тому +2


  • @村瀬ナモ
    @村瀬ナモ 9 років тому


    • @cwt8358
      @cwt8358 8 років тому


  • @wanliangkok2751
    @wanliangkok2751 8 років тому


  • @phamquocchinh8136
    @phamquocchinh8136 10 років тому


  • @hildaedithcarmonavillagome846
    @hildaedithcarmonavillagome846 5 років тому

    員工 實驗農場貓咪還沒似乎哦恩賜

  • @maxizipang
    @maxizipang 10 років тому


    • @和雲-d1h
      @和雲-d1h 9 років тому

      夏絃 カリグラフィー

    • @maxizipang
      @maxizipang 9 років тому


  • @snowpearl5908
    @snowpearl5908 10 років тому

    Yan He turned into a man?!

    • @Thackerman777
      @Thackerman777 9 років тому

      Quick question have I, before I answer this more thourghly. Where are you from?

    • @snowpearl5908
      @snowpearl5908 9 років тому

      Thackerman777 America

    • @Thackerman777
      @Thackerman777 9 років тому

      Snow Pearl Yan He was made to harmonize with Luo Tianyi, so to prevent Tianyi from looking homosexual the creator of the video most likely drew Yan He to look androgynous to prevent an inflamation of opinions. This is my opinion and my view on the video.

  • @Miuchin
    @Miuchin 8 років тому +1

    do you have any ideas for the off vocal? :'(