You ever wonder what it is about your online habits that would make an algorithmjj select a particular video to offer up as a suggestion? Once again, finding myself in some random corner of the internet, bemusedly thinking "Now how in the world did I get HERE?"😂
You ever wonder what it is about your online habits that would make an algorithmjj select a particular video to offer up as a suggestion?
Once again, finding myself in some random corner of the internet, bemusedly thinking "Now how in the world did I get HERE?"😂
That's all of us, as for me, it's expected I'd end up here.
future looks a little bit brighter with these ai songs
"No no...he's got a point..."
Couldn't you pick a less startling combination of two words as a title.
No. Not an option.
Spot... fuckin'... ON... ;)
whew i first read inflamation
😮 haha
Oh boy.
Oh my 😂
Eehhhaaaaa !