New Look 6728: my make & pattern review

  • Опубліковано 16 лип 2024
  • My measurements:
    Bust: 41”
    Waist: 35”
    Hips: 47”
    Patterns mentioned:
    New Look 6728
    I have an e-mail! If you’d like to share your recent makes, please send pictures to
    If you’d like to financially support my channel directly, I do have a Ko-Fi account. All donations go directly back into the channel.
    00:00-03:15 Pattern Overview
    03:16-06:40 Toile & Adjustments
    06:40-12:59 Dress Overview
    13:00-21:30 Root Cause
    21:30-23:28 Conclusion


  • @sewlovelywithgrace
    @sewlovelywithgrace Місяць тому

    Erin, Congratulations to your husband for his promotion and congratulations to YOU for making such a beautiful dress! When we sew we see our flaws but no one else does. I could not see any flaws in your dress. Unless you pointed them out, I would never know. I think it looked just perfect. I have that pattern. Thanks for the thorough detailed analysis of this pattern. It seems very complicated and now I am better prepared if I get to sew it sometime. The problem is that I haven't found the right fabric. I don't think you should hang this one in the back of your closet. Take it out and wear it. It is beautiful! 🥰

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому

      The frustration of seeing the errors but not managing to fix them definitely got me in this project. I was really proud to wear the dress to celebrate Adam’s accomplishment 🤗 Thank you for your kind words toward both of us!
      The pattern isn’t too complicated, but I would definitely recommend a more stable fabric. I got so sucked in by the look the model has on, that I had trouble visualizing it in anything else!

  • @dizzyquiltsandsews
    @dizzyquiltsandsews Місяць тому +4

    To be honest, I think the dress is fine, but I can totally understand you being a little nit-picky about it. 😉 I made a top in a double-gauze last year, a very simple top, and it was a nightmare. Which led to me classifying double gauze as evil fabric I will never sew with again 🤣 The dress looks amazing on you though.

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому

      Thank you Izzy- for both complimenting the dress and understanding the nit-pickiness. It’s so aggravating to see the errors, try to fix them, and not be able to 😠 It all starts with the cutting, and this project really highlighted that for me.
      I will also be classifying double gauze as a naughty fabric and taking a decently long break from it. I love wearing it, but it’s not worth the heartbreak and hassle right now.

  • @TodayinJensSewingRoom
    @TodayinJensSewingRoom Місяць тому +3

    Ok here's the thing - I think you did a fabulous job despite that fabric. And you do not work in a foreign country for low wages along with other people in a factory where it would turn out perfect. The fabric works in your favor when it comes to matching up seams - because I don't know how anyone would notice.
    I've worked with crinkle rayon twice and both times wanted to set it on fire. I have one more piece that's really pretty and I'm kind of scared of it.
    In the end, go you! You wore it and looked great and it fits. Well done.

    • @jammymommy
      @jammymommy Місяць тому

      Whoa! That dress pattern looks like a real stinker!! Thanks for the heads-up😮 You learned a lot, though!😊 Sew on! xxoo

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому

      Very true- I probably have done a perfect job if I was forced to sew the same seam all day every day. The frustration definitely stems from seeing the errors, trying to fix them, and not being able to 😫
      Yeah I don’t know if I’ll take another shot at crinkle rayon for a longgggg time. There are some beautiful pieces out there, but so finicky to work with.
      I am proud of the dress, and will wear it again. I’ll take a break from bubble gauze for a good while though 😬 Thank you for the kind words and wonderful cheerleading!

  • @craftymystic4868
    @craftymystic4868 Місяць тому

    The dress turned out fine, funny we both didn’t particularly like our respective outfits for our respective big events this past weekend. I don’t mind cotton gauze, but does remind me of the diapers for my younger brothers back in the day. Cotton gauze. I have a few pieces, not sure what I’ll do them, but I have sewn with it anyway, a simple top and skirt, can’t make mistakes, and there are plenty in mine too. Fortunately the texture outweighs the details you pointed out, so the eye isn’t seeing the errors until you pointed to them. And you did get a few compliments,that’s pretty cool. Again, kudos to Adam and all the work he did to get this far in his career.

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому +1

      We are definitely our own worst critics. I’ll sew with double gauze again, but definitely something simple, and not any time soon. I enjoy wearing it, especially in the summer, but I’m not in any rush to buy more.
      Thank you again for your congratulations- we both appreciate it 😊

  • @tammymasson2343
    @tammymasson2343 Місяць тому +2

    I am really grateful for this detailed and honest review. I have this pattern, so I found this super helpful. I also agree that your blips, as I call them, are not noticeable enough to detract from the lovliness of the dress on you. The blips would big me if I had made it, but like other viewers, I think it looks just fine!
    I agree that double gauze would be a challenging fabric choice for this pattern. I am quite new to sewing with it, too. I can see why you were drawn to using it based on seeing the photo modeled on the pattern envelope. I still choose patterns with fewer seam details when I sew with double gauze.
    Knowing your waist measurement would be a helpful reference, if you don't mind. Thank you for making such good content for us!! And congrats to your hubby!!

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому +1

      I’m glad you found the review helpful Tammy! The dress the model is wearing 100% influenced my fabric choice. I actually have a really hard time visualizing it in anything else. The blips (great word choice) are just so frustrating in your own makes when it feels like you *should* have the ability to fix them but just can’t make it work. Overall, I do really like the dress.
      Oh yes! So sorry, I meant to include my measurements in the description box but forgot to do so (it’s updated now). My waist is 35.”
      Thank you for the kind words and congratulations to my husband! We both appreciate it 🤗

  • @LaraSchiffbauer
    @LaraSchiffbauer Місяць тому

    I know what that shirt is!! :D It looks great, and I imagine was a perfect palate cleanser! I think your dress looks so cute, but I totally get the kind of balloon deflating feeling when a thing we are so excited to make doesn't measure up to our (very high) expectations. However, the next time you make the dress, or the next time you use bubble gauze, you'll be a pro!! Sewing is definitely a journey. :D I'm glad you (and Adam) had a great time with family and friends during the promotion. Congrats to you all again!

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому

      I don’t think it’s the exact same pattern you’re thinking of but it’s VERY similar to the egg shirt you made!
      It is a great dress overall but YES those flaws are so frustrating! I should be able to control those things since I’m the one making them happen, right?! That’s how it feels at least. A little lack of control I guess lol.
      Thank you! It’s a busy time of year with celebrations but it’s so fun 🤗

  • @ebudny7
    @ebudny7 Місяць тому

    I think the dress looks so much better on! Good job! Thanks

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому +1

      Thank you! It definitely looks better on when all of the gathering can really come to life. It also masks the flaws a little better when it’s on 😂

  • @lynngates1662
    @lynngates1662 Місяць тому

    I love your eensy weensy spider gesture! 😁 You really shine in your dress! I'm sure some of the alignment issues are possibly only noticeable from close up. Congrats for the promotee 🎉 and his lovely family! 🥰
    I have worked with two kinds of double gauze before. I've only ever made PJs from the bubble double ( 😉not the gum haha) gauze, though I have some now that I would like to use for a top or shirt. I don't find it a very stable fabric, it does rather behave like a knit. I made a Wiksten top and a dress, both from flat double gauze, and it was very easy to sew.

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому +1

      Thank you again! We appreciate your kindness and congratulations!
      The most glaring alignment issue to me is the bands on the back, but I think it’s not super duper noticeable unless I’m standing still and someone is starting straight at it. My mom taught me a lot growing up about how to tell the quality of clothing and alignment across a was a big one (along with pattern matching) so I think that’s why it’s such a big deal to me.
      Double bubble gum would make for an…interesting garment 😂 I expected it to be a lot more stable, I guess because it’s woven and not silky? You’re right though, it was much more finicky than I figured it would be.
      I’m hoping the eensy weensy spider movement illustrates the construction method well 😂

    • @lynngates1662
      @lynngates1662 Місяць тому

      @@ErinSews I have now realized that I didn't look at garments in stores much growing up .🤔 My mom sewed nearly all our clothes, and ordered the rest (Yay, J C Penney catalogue!). And though I intuitively knew to match big plaids, etc. I didn't hear the term pattern matching until I started watching other people talking about it. 2018 or so. Gotta love an eensy weensy spider! 😘 Stay cool!

  • @michelle.z
    @michelle.z Місяць тому

    Hi Erin! This is my third time commenting on this video! The previous two disappeared 😒
    It is hard for us to unsee “mistakes” (not the right word but you know what I mean) in our makes. Truly, if you had not pointed out the problem areas I would not have noticed! It is super frustrating though to know something is not “right”, especially after taking your time and being extra careful.
    I used double gauze from Joann before for M7969 (on my Instagram). It mostly went ok, but there is a warbly seam where the back bodice and back skirt are sewn together, most likely due to the fabric.
    I have 5 more cuts of this type of fabric (different colors/stripe patterns) that I had decided a couple weeks ago were going to be the next thing I sew up. They are poofy and taking up too much room in my fabric storage! I have been looking over my simple patterns for summer dresses, skirts, and tank tops to use.

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому +1

      Booooo UA-cam! I’ve had that happen before too, and I appreciate your perseverance to finally get the comment posted!
      You hit the nail on the head with how I feel about the mistakes. Those things “shouldn’t” happen when I’m literally controlling everything that’s happening with the garment. If only that’s actually how it worked….
      I’ll have to go check out the dress on your instagram. It’s a wonderful fabric to wear and I think I’ll get brave enough to make more in the future. Maybe your summer makes this year will inspire me to get back on the horse!

  • @velvetvert9431
    @velvetvert9431 26 днів тому

    You are indeed being overcritical of how everything on the back matches up. It looks fine! Thank you for your discussion of working with double gauze, that was really helpful.

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  25 днів тому

      You're totally right. It's just so frustrating to be the one "making" the problem, and be able to see it, but not be able to fix it. I am really happy with the dress overall though!
      I'll get the gumption to work with double gauze again one day 😂

  • @kgflcreations
    @kgflcreations Місяць тому

    Hi Erin, your dress is really pretty, don’t be too hard on yourself 😊. I never worked with gauze, and I am truly afraid of it. Thank you for sharing your experience with crinkle gauze 😀😀

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому +1

      Thank you! I wish I could make the fabric behave exactly as I want it to 😬
      Some people have commented that they’ve used smooth double gauze that is much easier to work with. That’s what I’ll be looking for next time I get up the nerve to use double gauze!

  • @dianewilliams7931
    @dianewilliams7931 Місяць тому

    That crinkly double gauze is not a fun fabric to work with! I've made two pairs of pants and a top out of it. The top was a very basic design so it was no problem but the pants, though also very simple, grow like crazy during wearing. Where you sit on it or bend a knee or elbow, the crinkly gets flattened out over time. My pants both get baggy seats and knees. Those crinkles make it hard to get a smooth cut. I think all my pieces had wobbly edges! I won't be working with this fabric again. I do, however, have a double gauze that is a lovely, smooth fabric, almost like a cotton lawn. I don't think it will be a troublesome as that crinkly stuff.
    Congratulations to you on your dress. You persevered and the fit is lovely. I don't think the imperfections are that noticeable to the average person. And congratulations to Adam on his promotion.

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому

      Ugh that sounds awful! (The growing of the plants). It’s such a lovely fabric to wear but it’s definitely very malleable. The smooth double gauze sounds lovely though! I need to keep my eyes out for that. I’d like more of it in my wardrobe for these hot southern summers. Do you remember where you found it?
      Thank you Diane 🤗 we’re so happy and I’m very proud of him! And was proud to wear the dress for his ceremony!

  • @Heyreneesews
    @Heyreneesews Місяць тому

    I’m afraid of making this dress that looks cute on you. It’s nice to know the pattern is not that difficult. Thanks!

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому

      It’s not too difficult at all as long as you’re accurate with your start and stop points when joining the front bodice pieces, midriff, and upper band. That was the most challenging bit in my opinion, but definitely not impossible!

  • @angiemcconnell9070
    @angiemcconnell9070 Місяць тому

    Hi Erin! Your dress does look nice. I am sorry that you had such struggles with the fabric. I have a partial bolt of bubble gauze that I bought to make pants not haven’t felt confident enough to sew it up. I’m glad I know to pick a simple pattern with not a lot of detail. Thank you. Unfortunately we always feel a little more self conscious when we know what’s “wrong “ with something. This is why my daughter and her “big” sister from college neither one wanted to make their wedding dresses even though they are both professional seamstresses and have experience in formal wear. They knew they would be focusing on the flaw that no one else would really even notice. I’m glad you enjoyed the ceremony and that all went well! Congratulations again to Adam. Did Brady wear her adorable dress? Have a great weekend!

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому +1

      Thank you Angie! Thankfully the front turned out less flawed than the back, so my eyes don’t immediately find the “wrong” spots in our pictures lol. I think it’s so interesting that both your daughter and her Big didn’t make their own dresses! Wise move on their parts honestly.
      Someone else commented that they’ve made pants from double gauze and the knees and seat grow a lot during the day. I’m not sure if that’ll be the case for your gauze too, but just *another* thing to bear in mind as you pick your pattern.
      She did wear the dress! And cute little sandals, and a bow for about 20 minutes. I felt like a UN delegate brokering a peace treaty when I was persuading her into it all 😂 I hope your busy week(s) went well and things have calmed down for you at work!

  • @loribarton7480
    @loribarton7480 Місяць тому

    Congratulations Adam! The dress is very cute on you. I totally understand though how you feel about it. I just made a dress for my great nephew’s graduation and there are just things I don’t love about it

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому

      I’ll be sure to pass along your congratulations! Thank you 🤗
      I’m glad you understand! I’m sure your dress is absolutely beautiful, and flawless to everyone else’s eye. It’s just so frustrating when it feels like we *should* be able to control every aspect of a make and have the perfect garment

  • @moniquedawn5252
    @moniquedawn5252 Місяць тому

    Thank you for this review! I struggled with this pattern too, using recommended fabric gauze, finally gave up and trashed it. I may revisit with another fabric, not sure. Kind of one of those patterns that sounds good in "theory". I think I would almost like some type of string that channels through to "cinch in' vs using a zipper, if that makes sense? Anyway, you did way better than me. Great job!!

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому +1

      There were a lot of moments when I heavily considered trashing it…the gauze isn’t a great option, even though the dress on the model is beautiful.
      I totally agree about the string! I was thinking some elastic in the lower band and then a functional tie in the top? The slope of the top might make it funky though.
      I admire you for even attempting the pattern! Especially in the gauze…

  • @elywolf9825
    @elywolf9825 Місяць тому

    I think you did a great job on the dress, just the fabric, is not the right match for all the bands and intricate work. They might have Starched all the fabric. That is the way I sew Crinkle Rayon, before cutting. But I think you are being to critical of yourself, I think all Sewist do that at times. That was a challenge make with a tricky fabric. Love watching your Vlogs 😎🌴☀️

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому

      Thank you 🤗 I was totally sucked in by the dress the model is wearing on the envelope, and I can’t picture it in anything else.
      Thank you for the tip about using starch! I always forget that’s a tool at my disposal. I do like the dress overall- I just wish I could make it behave *exactly* how I’d like 😬
      Thank you for watching! 🤗

  • @AvrilBrown-ld6gm
    @AvrilBrown-ld6gm Місяць тому

    I think you're being too hard on yourself. To be honest the dress looks lovely and it looks lovely on you. Nobody would ever notice the imperfections that you see - I haven't worked with double gauze yet though I do have some to make up into a shirt - wish me luck 🤞. But honestly you did a great job despite all the difficulties you found. Give yourself a pat on the back girl!❤️

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому +1

      Thank you Avril! I do like the dress, and I’ll wear it again, but it’s hard to not see the flaws when I feel like I should have been able to fix them (but just couldn’t, ugh!).
      A shirt with simple lines and not a lot of seams would be my recommendation after this experience 😂 Let me know how it turns out when you get to make it!

  • @helengilbert541
    @helengilbert541 Місяць тому +1

    You are being way too hard on yourself! The dress looks fab and you looked great in it, you should totally make that pattern again, maybe in viscose. 😊

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому

      Thank you Helen! It’s just so frustrating when you can *see* the errors, but can’t seem to fix it. I will definitely wear the dress again, and will consider the pattern again in the future. The pattern itself is a good one!

  • @Avotts
    @Avotts Місяць тому

    Erin. It is a cute dress. Do not be embarrased. I think that double gause was not the best choice. I think the fabric had more to do with the slight not matching seams. It almost looks like the model was wearing a flat material for the bands. Maybe not. I really like the dress and the color is good on you. Just wear it, a lot and hold your head high. Finish the sheet version. See if fabric makes a difference.

    • @ErinSews
      @ErinSews  Місяць тому

      I do really like the dress over all! It’s hard not to see the flaws when it feels like it should be in my power to fix them but I agree that the bubble double gauze is not a great choice for this pattern. At. All.