God bless you JC Hermit, I’m so appreciative of your videos you are such a great teacher (naturally and without even trying). The Lord has answered so many of my questions through some of the things you have mentioned in your many videos, even in some very small and seemingly insignificant remarks you may have made here and there. I am so appreciative and encourage you to keep going and keep soldiering on as long as possible and as long as the Lord Jesus asks you to do this. Love to suffer and suffer to love as you have taught me! I am trying my best with ‘God is pure love’ and trying to love those who challenge me in my life. It has not been easy but I am trying to let go with humility and let the Holy Spirit work through me if I can only manage to manoeuvre my self out of the way! So that I do not spend as much time in resentments but more time in compassion. I thank you for your help and encouragement on here. What an amazing legacy you are leaving here with your videos. I prayed earnestly to the Lord a while ago to send somebody to help me and He lead me straight back to your videos again. So much in your videos that relates directly to my own life. So glad that the Lord has given us a fellow believer here and there as way markers! ❤❤ God bless you!
Thank you, Cherry Blossom Lane Catholic! I do pray and hope that my yammering, rambling sharings are helpful in any little way to anyone at all. Please pray that I do a far better job of being prudent as I did a video last night that I then deleted. Seems I am not doing well with delving into examples that could be too risky with those who may see themselves in the examples! So I need to focus better--right when the headache (constant since Aug. 22, 1984) has notched up quite a bit--I'm slower at adaptation in elder years. But I know God will help me adapt. The specialist today mentioned another injection--this time using steroid as I mentioned lidocaine does nothing, but my pain doctor had injected a couple or more months ago with steroid and it helped! But just recently he did both occipitol lobes with lidocaine when I assumed steroid, until he finished and was so surprised the lidoderm had not immediately helped! Somehow lidodoerm does not at all help. So I'm dealing with morning and ngiht the headache even worse than the constant increase. I will try some BC powder tonight; I have muscle relaxamt but will drowse very much. "So, I need my mind as clear as feasible as I really do want to be more prudent--and of course more concise. I repeat and repeat. Then, however, I condiser as long as I am praying for Jesus' guidance and inspiration, I must have faith that at least I am striving to please His Real Presence by trying to do something of anything to share all the ways His Real Presence has been so good to me and will to everyone even when we make errors or like me, squander opportunities to serve and love Him, to even appreciate the beautiful gift that this life is--such an opportunity to come closer and closer to Christ and learn HIs Pure Love which will uplift those around us! So we keep striiving,and we strive to encouragee one another even if I come off too critical at times or too over-eager or way too intense. But your encouraging me is absolutely lovely and sweet, and is helping me to have confidence to jsut keep trying to do my best for that is where we all are in our attempts--doing our best. I used to enjoy when I was out such as in parish and someone would give a complikment of some outer garmnet or my mask of some un-pale cheeks,eye-circles covered, lips rosy and even a smail instead of the cross-etched and pale , tight lines. I'd say, "Just trying to do the best with what I've got left!" I do like to get people to laughing, and I knew full well that in my situation and condition, compliments of my appearance are truly pushing it! ha ha ha! So was fun to get the complimentter/s to laugh at the whole effort. It was lovely for the person/s to want to compliment my outer shell, but I've always been partial to I Samuel 9:16: Man looks at the outer appearance, and the Lord looks at the heart. Of course, it is encouraging to receive compliments for we know most of the time the complimenter sees something of God's touch and creation in us. All praises to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit! You are so dear, and I appreciate your encouraging me to keep striving to do my best for God, and more so, I must come to a faith that God Who Is in each and all of us, is doing all in wanting us to succeed in HIs Will! His Real Presence truly Is through, with, and IN us! His Real Presence IS motivating and inspiring us, is helping and above all LOVING US. ALWAYS in EVERY PRESENT MOMENT! Christ wants to use our tired (and in such as my case very old) "mortal frames".to redound to Christ's glory yet on earth by praying, saying, doing, hoping, believing, loving God above all things and others and ourselves as God LOVES! Let me know insights you will receive on God Is Pure Love. I consider even though not anything specific that I know--in actuality God Is Love is a spiritual element of some similartiy to an energy, perhaps. But we are dealing with the numinous, so God Is Pure Love has to do with our becoming so close IN God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit--and I also want to get to KNOW Mary who is so loving through her life on earth and her life in Heaven but among us as are all the souls. So Love has many attributes that we know listed in ! Cor 13, but there is more. We will know more the more we practice even very imperfectly, God's Pure Love as best we can. We can only do our best, try our best and pray God carry us along~
@ the only insight I have had at the moment is trying to move my ego out of the way when people offend me and trying to love my enemies as Jesus said, rather than getting angry. This is something I’ve struggled with a lot (anger and resentment) but I’m trying to shift my ego enough to let Gods love flow through me so that I am not sat at home ruminating about when ‘so and so’ said this or that the day before that threatened me etc. I think it’s a challenge to trust in the Lord when these attacks come and to remember that all things come through Him and that God is sovereign. I can (and often do) go into fear about the devil is doing this or that to try and hurt or ruin me. Instead I have to remember that all things come from God or through God and nothing that happens, happens without His Will or His consent and for me too accept Gods Will as a form of love. And I have to remind myself about the passage in Isiah 45 verses 6, 7, 9….. where it says ‘I alone am God, I form the light and make the dark, I send good times and bad. I God am He who does these things. Woe to the man who fights with His creator. Does the pot argue with its maker? Does the clay dispute with Him who forms it saying stop you’re doing it wrong’. That’s a verse I have to meditate upon when I am feeling threatened. I know God brings good out of ALL things big and tiny and I know that as an example of His pure love. That good eventually comes out of all moments, but I know we have to wait sometimes to see that. I know when we can accept all things in His love that we are building great riches for ourselves in heaven. I’ve also known God that if someone has attacked me that He sometimes moves the blessing that was meant to be for that person to me!! Honestly I’ve seen it played out in my life! Anyway, got to go because got to go out to work today but sending love across the ocean to you ❤️. I prayed for you when you said you were having the injection in your head, you are very brave and I’m sorry that it hasn’t worked. I’m confident with all this suffering that you will be a billionaire in heaven hahaha. ❤️
@CherryBlossomLaneCatholic What you have written here is richness from His Real Presence. I pray we all read your comment as it is filled with wisdom and truth of the crux of what matters and how God's Divinity has us all well taken care of--so we need not fear nor have concerns. What you write also brings out the beauty of God's masterful yet mysterious interplay of love and suffering. Suffering always leads into more love, and more love unfolds more suffering; they become as One in His Real Presence. All riches of soul flow from love with its incumbent suffering. Thank you for what you have shared from inspiration of His Real Presence poured into you. All of this that you have expressed of HRP is truth, beauty, goodness; all expressed clearly, succinctly, understandably for any of us. Advent gift!
@CherryBlossomLaneCatholic Just writing the truth. I find this immensely helpful, right-on, and spiritually beautiful in depth and breadth. Truth! Thank you for sharing your insights, again, as they help me. Please pray for me, for God's will and also in casting away or even keeping away demonic influences/interferences. Thanks!
God bless you JC Hermit, I’m so appreciative of your videos you are such a great teacher (naturally and without even trying). The Lord has answered so many of my questions through some of the things you have mentioned in your many videos, even in some very small and seemingly insignificant remarks you may have made here and there. I am so appreciative and encourage you to keep going and keep soldiering on as long as possible and as long as the Lord Jesus asks you to do this. Love to suffer and suffer to love as you have taught me! I am trying my best with ‘God is pure love’ and trying to love those who challenge me in my life. It has not been easy but I am trying to let go with humility and let the Holy Spirit work through me if I can only manage to manoeuvre my self out of the way! So that I do not spend as much time in resentments but more time in compassion. I thank you for your help and encouragement on here. What an amazing legacy you are leaving here with your videos. I prayed earnestly to the Lord a while ago to send somebody to help me and He lead me straight back to your videos again. So much in your videos that relates directly to my own life. So glad that the Lord has given us a fellow believer here and there as way markers! ❤❤ God bless you!
Thank you, Cherry Blossom Lane Catholic! I do pray and hope that my yammering, rambling sharings are helpful in any little way to anyone at all. Please pray that I do a far better job of being prudent as I did a video last night that I then deleted. Seems I am not doing well with delving into examples that could be too risky with those who may see themselves in the examples! So I need to focus better--right when the headache (constant since Aug. 22, 1984) has notched up quite a bit--I'm slower at adaptation in elder years. But I know God will help me adapt. The specialist today mentioned another injection--this time using steroid as I mentioned lidocaine does nothing, but my pain doctor had injected a couple or more months ago with steroid and it helped! But just recently he did both occipitol lobes with lidocaine when I assumed steroid, until he finished and was so surprised the lidoderm had not immediately helped! Somehow lidodoerm does not at all help. So I'm dealing with morning and ngiht the headache even worse than the constant increase. I will try some BC powder tonight; I have muscle relaxamt but will drowse very much. "So, I need my mind as clear as feasible as I really do want to be more prudent--and of course more concise. I repeat and repeat. Then, however, I condiser as long as I am praying for Jesus' guidance and inspiration, I must have faith that at least I am striving to please His Real Presence by trying to do something of anything to share all the ways His Real Presence has been so good to me and will to everyone even when we make errors or like me, squander opportunities to serve and love Him, to even appreciate the beautiful gift that this life is--such an opportunity to come closer and closer to Christ and learn HIs Pure Love which will uplift those around us! So we keep striiving,and we strive to encouragee one another even if I come off too critical at times or too over-eager or way too intense. But your encouraging me is absolutely lovely and sweet, and is helping me to have confidence to jsut keep trying to do my best for that is where we all are in our attempts--doing our best. I used to enjoy when I was out such as in parish and someone would give a complikment of some outer garmnet or my mask of some un-pale cheeks,eye-circles covered, lips rosy and even a smail instead of the cross-etched and pale , tight lines. I'd say, "Just trying to do the best with what I've got left!" I do like to get people to laughing, and I knew full well that in my situation and condition, compliments of my appearance are truly pushing it! ha ha ha! So was fun to get the complimentter/s to laugh at the whole effort. It was lovely for the person/s to want to compliment my outer shell, but I've always been partial to I Samuel 9:16: Man looks at the outer appearance, and the Lord looks at the heart. Of course, it is encouraging to receive compliments for we know most of the time the complimenter sees something of God's touch and creation in us. All praises to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit! You are so dear, and I appreciate your encouraging me to keep striving to do my best for God, and more so, I must come to a faith that God Who Is in each and all of us, is doing all in wanting us to succeed in HIs Will! His Real Presence truly Is through, with, and IN us! His Real Presence IS motivating and inspiring us, is helping and above all LOVING US. ALWAYS in EVERY PRESENT MOMENT! Christ wants to use our tired (and in such as my case very old) "mortal frames".to redound to Christ's glory yet on earth by praying, saying, doing, hoping, believing, loving God above all things and others and ourselves as God LOVES! Let me know insights you will receive on God Is Pure Love. I consider even though not anything specific that I know--in actuality God Is Love is a spiritual element of some similartiy to an energy, perhaps. But we are dealing with the numinous, so God Is Pure Love has to do with our becoming so close IN God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit--and I also want to get to KNOW Mary who is so loving through her life on earth and her life in Heaven but among us as are all the souls. So Love has many attributes that we know listed in ! Cor 13, but there is more. We will know more the more we practice even very imperfectly, God's Pure Love as best we can. We can only do our best, try our best and pray God carry us along~
@ the only insight I have had at the moment is trying to move my ego out of the way when people offend me and trying to love my enemies as Jesus said, rather than getting angry. This is something I’ve struggled with a lot (anger and resentment) but I’m trying to shift my ego enough to let Gods love flow through me so that I am not sat at home ruminating about when ‘so and so’ said this or that the day before that threatened me etc.
I think it’s a challenge to trust in the Lord when these attacks come and to remember that all things come through Him and that God is sovereign.
I can (and often do) go into fear about the devil is doing this or that to try and hurt or ruin me. Instead I have to remember that all things come from God or through God and nothing that happens, happens without His Will or His consent and for me too accept Gods Will as a form of love. And I have to remind myself about the passage in Isiah 45 verses 6, 7, 9….. where it says ‘I alone am God, I form the light and make the dark, I send good times and bad. I God am He who does these things. Woe to the man who fights with His creator. Does the pot argue with its maker? Does the clay dispute with Him who forms it saying stop you’re doing it wrong’.
That’s a verse I have to meditate upon when I am feeling threatened. I know God brings good out of ALL things big and tiny and I know that as an example of His pure love. That good eventually comes out of all moments, but I know we have to wait sometimes to see that.
I know when we can accept all things in His love that we are building great riches for ourselves in heaven. I’ve also known God that if someone has attacked me that He sometimes moves the blessing that was meant to be for that person to me!! Honestly I’ve seen it played out in my life!
Anyway, got to go because got to go out to work today but sending love across the ocean to you ❤️. I prayed for you when you said you were having the injection in your head, you are very brave and I’m sorry that it hasn’t worked. I’m confident with all this suffering that you will be a billionaire in heaven hahaha. ❤️
@CherryBlossomLaneCatholic What you have written here is richness from His Real Presence. I pray we all read your comment as it is filled with wisdom and truth of the crux of what matters and how God's Divinity has us all well taken care of--so we need not fear nor have concerns. What you write also brings out the beauty of God's masterful yet mysterious interplay of love and suffering. Suffering always leads into more love, and more love unfolds more suffering; they become as One in His Real Presence. All riches of soul flow from love with its incumbent suffering. Thank you for what you have shared from inspiration of His Real Presence poured into you. All of this that you have expressed of HRP is truth, beauty, goodness; all expressed clearly, succinctly, understandably for any of us. Advent gift!
@ God bless you so much for your kindness ☺️☺️🩷🩷
@CherryBlossomLaneCatholic Just writing the truth. I find this immensely helpful, right-on, and spiritually beautiful in depth and breadth. Truth! Thank you for sharing your insights, again, as they help me. Please pray for me, for God's will and also in casting away or even keeping away demonic influences/interferences. Thanks!