Robin James so I have the same hair type as hair, fine hair but a lot of it, and I’m finding it hard to find a good clay that won’t weigh my hair down and give me some volume with a good hold. What products would you recommend?
I have learned so much from you. I am just now really diving into the hair world and found it overwhelming. You really are the perfect teacher on products I was looking for.
I love the intro music, very calming. Also I just graduated as a hairdresser in sweden, I usually don't cut my male clients just straight in a line because a lot of them do not know what they want when they explain they want their hair to look more lively, so I point cut and they love it. Just ask your hairdresser to point cut your hair if you have a short or medium length hair and want a style similar to Robins!
Would it be a good idea to use Aveda thickening tonic alongside it's texture tonic to create the mixed cocktail? Or would it be best to stick the thickening tonic alongside a sea salt spray
Hey Robin! I love watching all of your videos because you've got such an amazing content but I wanna know that Is there any chance of you releasing your hair care brand.?
One thing I’ve started using is Cremo Thickening shampoo. Use to have super thin low volume hair. Started using this and ever since then the barber takes note on his full and thick my hair is. Love that shampoo. Also really cool 1910-1920 bottle theme
One of the things that i really love about your videos is i get to see a lot of products for different options. Many of them arent even available in my country but its very informative for me and i enjoy how you offer a lot of options for people to try out 😁😁
Hi Robin 💞 Can you make a video on how to get healthier hair that isn't dry or damaged and make it look smooth, silky and shiny 😍 Thanks 😌 Love the vid btw 🔥
Thanks, man. Bunch of useful tips in here. Since you ask for suggestions - I have treated myself to a traditional shaving set and was thinking the other day to ask you to review some after shave and/or whole face moisturizers and mattening products.
tell me which shampo and conditioner best for my hair se time i face dandruf problem also i want my hair become healthy and soft and want my hair tip to root in balance my fate volume base looking good and also tell about cleansing and scrub also i like u follow ur all tips it’s realy good help me a lot i text u before also no response from ur side plz this time answer me
So I live in a tropical region, after styling my hair and going outdoors sometimes in hot and high humidity my hair gets in a mess , looks greasy and falls flat , my scalp is sweating . Any suggestions ?
You need to review old spice pomades, putty’s, and other styling products they have. I know they are kind of cheap but I want to know if they are good!
Dev Daiya then i think ur hair is kinda straight that can be thr reason for ur flat hair also try to shampoo and condition ur hair only one time in a week to have that volume body in ur hair and use a good prestyler in ur styling stage to prevent flat hair
Have you checked out the Products pages on MFH?
Robin James so I have the same hair type as hair, fine hair but a lot of it, and I’m finding it hard to find a good clay that won’t weigh my hair down and give me some volume with a good hold. What products would you recommend?
What do you think is the best product/pomade to style a slicked back pomp in EXTREMELY thick hair?
Easter Brooks I would say clutch by thesalonguy. Haven’t used it for myself yet but they say it’s a pretty good water based clay
Would you recommend a hairspray after this routine for someone who’s hair has trouble staying up?
Best hair channel on UA-cam, easily.
I have learned so much from you. I am just now really diving into the hair world and found it overwhelming. You really are the perfect teacher on products I was looking for.
I love the intro music, very calming.
Also I just graduated as a hairdresser in sweden, I usually don't cut my male clients just straight in a line because a lot of them do not know what they want when they explain they want their hair to look more lively, so I point cut and they love it. Just ask your hairdresser to point cut your hair if you have a short or medium length hair and want a style similar to Robins!
I find that leaving in some tea tree oil overnight and washing my hair with just water the next day provides sooo much texture in my hair.
Hanz de fuko quicksand is a great product which can be used as a prestyler for great texture.
Would it be a good idea to use Aveda thickening tonic alongside it's texture tonic to create the mixed cocktail? Or would it be best to stick the thickening tonic alongside a sea salt spray
Another great video Robin!!! 💯💯💯
Hi Robin! A quick tip!
Use black castor oil to thicken your hair! It really does work!
Hi Robin, I was wondering how damaging products with sulfates are? particularly sodium laureth sulfate. I’ve heard a lot of mixed messages about them.
Robin between kevin murphy rough rough rider and aveda grooming clay .. which one you ll prefer ?
Hey Robin! I love watching all of your videos because you've got such an amazing content but I wanna know that Is there any chance of you releasing your hair care brand.?
Just like every other UA-camr? Ugh. Please don't, Robin.
Please do Robin. Make product for thick hair especially with humidity resistant
One thing I’ve started using is Cremo Thickening shampoo. Use to have super thin low volume hair. Started using this and ever since then the barber takes note on his full and thick my hair is. Love that shampoo. Also really cool 1910-1920 bottle theme
You still use it and works just as well?
@@C0rnern been working for a while for me? So yeah
Robin, I think this type of (scruffy) stubble looks great on you. Have you tried to keep it even longer, maybe half an inch even?
best products for a modern slick back
Hey Robin, what’s the best sea salt spray for fine/thin hair?
Is there any difference with the Toni & Guy sea salt spray and the men version?
This was incredibly informative. Thanks.
Hey Robin what do you think about Arcadian Clay for this kind of texture? Too much or just right perhaps?
Love these kinda vids they’re addicting. Btw can you do a review on Morrocanoil Texture Clay? Thanks.
One of the things that i really love about your videos is i get to see a lot of products for different options. Many of them arent even available in my country but its very informative for me and i enjoy how you offer a lot of options for people to try out 😁😁
Hi Robin 💞 Can you make a video on how to get healthier hair that isn't dry or damaged and make it look smooth, silky and shiny 😍 Thanks 😌
Love the vid btw 🔥
Awesome robin, that was super informative. Wish I found you earlier. This is just what guys need! Grooming tips! A thousand thanks 😃
As always these videos are informative and fun!
Great video bro ! Keep it up 👍🏻
Night rider is great! Been using it for a while now!
Thanks, man. Bunch of useful tips in here. Since you ask for suggestions - I have treated myself to a traditional shaving set and was thinking the other day to ask you to review some after shave and/or whole face moisturizers and mattening products.
Hey robin ! I love your recommendations!
I always listen to you and like it 😊
Thanks Anthony. Much appreciated.
Good video. If you can, please review Kevin Murphy UNDRESSED for textured natural 'surfer' look. Curious to hear your thoughts. Thanks!!!
Aveda thickening tonic FTW 🙌🏻🙌🏻
Informative great videos
You are awesome man!!thank you from India
Thank you. Love right back!
Hey Robin! Just want to know if you still use nioxin shampoo, as im considering using it. And if there is any long term effects? Thank you.
What should I tell or ask my barber so he can down like you mentioned in the video
Love your videos *subscribed *
What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use?
Can u please do a video review on muk dry paste cuz i literally can't find any video on youtube about this brand !would be helpful
When my hair grows into medium length it becomes flat, smooth and quite dry. Would this technique work on hair like this?
I’m a bit late, but using a hairdryer after your prestyler really helps build volume
@@blackstar5052 thank you, but I find that make my hair more dry unfortunately. Definitely builds volume though
How do u style with it the joico product? Like a tutorial
Robin James I have been asking you to try mister pomadour beeswax.. I am your big fan I want you to do that video for me please
Do a review of stickmore
Hey Robin...i love the brand battles. Are they going to make a come back?
His voice is twins with Graham Norton.
any product por smooth your hair? also want to know if there any product with high/medium shine but with bentonite
tell me which shampo and conditioner best for my hair se time i face dandruf problem also i want my hair become healthy and soft and want my hair tip to root in balance my fate volume base looking good and also tell about cleansing and scrub also i like u follow ur all tips it’s realy good help me a lot i text u before also no response from ur side plz this time answer me
What do you think of Kevin Murphy Hair Resort Spray? AFAIK that one uses sugar instead of sea salt to avoid hair dehydration
Need to try it! Have you used it?
At the moment I'm using a volumizing shampoo and conditioner by Kevin Murphy 😁👍 love it! ❤️
and u r comenting on this video while using a shampoo????
When I watch James playing with his hair, he reminds me of what I used to be like. It's kinda funny. ☺
So I live in a tropical region, after styling my hair and going outdoors sometimes in hot and high humidity my hair gets in a mess , looks greasy and falls flat , my scalp is sweating . Any suggestions ?
Make sure you pre style and use hairspray. Use dry shampoo if hair goes too greasy
If I have understood you correctly Bumble Sumo Tech is THE best product for texture for you?
You need to review old spice pomades, putty’s, and other styling products they have. I know they are kind of cheap but I want to know if they are good!
You look like Kenneth Branagh in hamlet
Do your everyday haircut tutorial means how you get this haircut...
My hairs stay flat after shampooing and it feels a lot thinner .
Dev Daiya yeah fine and straight hair mate
@@prateekpujara5742 myhairs aren't that fine its somewhere in middle
Dev Daiya then i think ur hair is kinda straight that can be thr reason for ur flat hair also try to shampoo and condition ur hair only one time in a week to have that volume body in ur hair and use a good prestyler in ur styling stage to prevent flat hair
@@prateekpujara5742 alright
You don't have "fine" hair anymore sir. You have thick hair. Great informative video as always.
You can have fine thick hair. Fine is to coarse as thin is to thick.
His hair doesn’t change
Fine hair never changes
Man you really can't escape the "first" comments can you
Haha... no. But it's nice to read!
@@ManForHimself welp while you're here, I gotta say, I'm loving the hair as always 👌
Nailed it.
Robin your hair is not thin , your hair density is very low