After seeing massive benefits from cutting out wheat from my food, I advised my now 64 year old mother to do the same. No more gluten. She had M.E. (muscle desease), went to the toilet 3-4x a day, was pretty much physically unable to do much at all. Depressed, especially in the morning, and was easy to upset. After being without gluten for 2 years now she's finished building her first house by herself. Yes, cement, stones, tiles, building a kitchen from scratch...everything. She has the physical energy of a 40-year old. No more stomach problems, no more depression, lots of life. She'll reach a 100 this happy to see her healthy!
That's AMAZING! I just started being free of it last week (with a brief relapse - Italian food - a couple days ago), and have already felt so many amazing benefits (and heavy realizations). Thank you for posting. That's incredibly inspirational. I'll tell this to my parents, and I mean to carry this on for at least a year to see what happens. Be well!
Wow. That's amazing. I've been having the same problems on both a keto and plant based diet. I might try cutting out all wheat and see if that works. Thank you for posting this comment!
Thank you. I have not eaten wheat since 9/3/2012. I was living on homemade whole wheat bread, made with honey and lots of other healthful ingredients (never sugar). I thought I was doing the best for my health, but wheat kept me fat. Since I was over 50 (post menopausal) I had come to accept my new body image- but I hid under jackets and loose-fitting tops to cover up my ROLLS OF FAT. I have dropped three dress sizes and have a waist again. I will share my story soon on my youtube channel.
I can not care less who is right or wrong! All I know is that since I quit wheat all my digestive problems of four years, went away OVERNIGHT! And I do NOT have celiac disease! ALL I KNOW IS WHAT WORKS FOR ME!! I quit wheat now my digestive system is back to normal!! That is ALL I know for real.
I am 65 years old and have recently start having intense should pain. All doctors..ALL doctors have addressed my "getting older", impingement, possible rotator cuff surgery, and lack of exercise. Who feels like exercising when you have sharp pains shooting through your shoulders. NOT ONE doctor ever asked me what I eat! Then I noticed a side bar on You Tube when I was seeing if anyone else was having pain and was directed to a gluten site. Gluten? That was something that affected "other" people and was probably one of those "weirdo" diet things. Reluctantly I "clicked" on your You Tube lecture and thankfully changed my heath! I had all the symptoms, so I decided to give it a try. No tests! No X-Rays! I just cut out wheat, sugars, and processed food. Two weeks later I have absolutely no shoulder pain, have lost over 10 pounds (two belt notches), and have started exercising again. I wish I could package this up and sell it but I can't. I added rice and quinoa into my diet, have limited protein to the generally accepted 10% of what I eat, and have even stopped the foot pain and gout attacks. I am a new man!
Almost all doctors have been trained right out of the books that Big Pharma & Big Agriculture supplies. Its very obvious that every doctor get basically the same education in science/medicine but only a very few will wake up from the trance that they endure while in med school. I wonder if you ever sought alternative forms of medicine before you ran into this gluten site? Maybe you should also broaden your medicinal spectrum the next time you run into problems. As I always to people, the answer to all your questions/problems stares you right in the face ever time you look into a mirror. Sadly, only a rare few will get it. ;-)
You started exercising and cut out processed foods for 2 weeks. How do you know it's the wheat responsible? And why is wheat responsible for your total over average caloric consumption for the past millennia, keeping you overweight?? Don't underestimate the placebo effect too, it's more powerful than you think
Weird you say foot pain, I also had awful foot pain (thought it was broken) and I am dealing with it in a similar way, through diet. It has worked, so far.
Christopher Connolly One year ago my toes started going numb. Went to my doc and they ran every test in the book. The numbness was spreading toward the heel and at night my feet would cramp up and hurt really bad. Someone told me I might have developed a wheat allergy. Went 'Gluten Free' and it helped a lot. If I screw up and eat bad I cannot sleep that night due to pain. I still have minor numbness but feel better, BP down etc. Well that is my story, good luck.
Good to hear your story glenlackey. An update on my situation is that my foot pain has been better for some time, since I quit wheat. I even lost some weight and took up running. Feel great.
I took a food sensitivity test and came back mildly sensitive to wheat, barley, rye. Amongst other things like chicken/eggs/pineapple/bell pepper/milk/chicken. I cut all of these foods out. My asthma got better, back pain and toe pain went away. I had a slip up at a family party and ate desserts packed with grains, sugar and eggs. The next day I needed my inhaler. I started craving sugar so bad I bought another dessert a few days later…the next day I needed my inhaler again and my back pain and toe pain came back severely. It’s so crazy. I cut out all grains again, fasted and ate only meat/veggies, pain gone and asthma back under control within 3 days. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.
Omg awwww really???? Oh wow that's really amazing.. I'm so happy and surprising to hear that... My dear u please tell me what is your age and Body weight now 🙏🏾❤️
Mine defined wheat, dairy, and eggs in a fairly high INTOLERANCE. I am thankfully not Celiac I recently decided to discontinue oat milk as it seems to build up phlegm for me as diary does. I now drink coffee black and eat my granola (wheat free) with a spoon. My protein source is a shake product that features fava/garbanzo beans. It is my go to for breakfast protein I never thought I could walk from rustic bread (never did eat bread in a plastic bag) but now waltz past the bakery without thought I read labels carefully, very carefully for all three foods which have the highest intolerance #s
Went gluten and dairy free 6 years ago...never looked back again. 10 years suffered from lower back pain, taking anti-inflammatory medicine to relieve the pain every time I had an episode. Now my back pain is gone and I can pick up things again without worrying about having a 3 day pain episode. Saved me from listening to doctors saying I need an operation ! Best diet change I ever made !
@@alextrezvy6889 Im very sorry to say But brother How is food related to back pain??? I think back pain occurs because there is a gap in the bones of our waist.
After watching this presentation back in February and eliminating Wheat from my diet I can say that this will improve your health. I had been suffering from low back pain for close to 4 years. I can say now that I no longer have the pain and have lost 15 lbs. I can actually go to the gym and workout, run on the treadmill, ride a bike, and even get on the dam StairMaster without pulling my back out. What started out as a 30 experiment for me and my Wife has turned into a life changing experience.
This is so true. I went gluten free and sugar free for weight loss, had protein like meat, eggs, chicken, etc./organic veggies and potato or rice for my carbs, lost a pound a week and my arthritis was practically gone after the first week! I also noticed I had a lot more energy and felt way better and healthier. Highly recommend EVERYONE go gluten free, just try for 1 week and see how you feel.
Well done, I intend watching this video again as well as there’s a lot to take in. Being Celiac and on a GF diet, there’s still heaps I can do to feel even better. This Dr is excellent.
Back in the early 90s I had horrible IBS. Medications did little to help. I stumbled upon the idea that maybe I had celiac disease, so I gave up all grains because I was so sick I would try anything. There were no "gluten free" junk foods back then, so I was basically eating zero grains. I was cured. Then one day my doc--a gastroenterologist --decided to "test" me for celiac and I didn't have it. Great! Bring on the grains. I was okay with it for a few years until I developed another mystery ailment Interstitial Cystitis and horrible blood sugar issues. This time, I gave up not only grains but sugar. Again, cured. I'm not going back.
@@jessn.3851 That’s so true, I suspected gluten was my problem I eliminated wheat barley and rye. I felt better, If I did have gluten I’d become very sick again. I was told eat gluten before testing for two weeks. 😩 I couldn’t do it, I’d be in such pain and wouldn’t be able to leave the house. This man makes a heap of sense, I’m following he’s advice. 😉
Ivor Cummins and David brought me here. Dr William Davis is wonderful. Grateful he decided to heal people instead of cashing in on conventional recommendations.
Well then are you sure that your results didn't come from cutting Dairy? Cause I received great results when I stopped dairy and meat. While still eating wheat.
This is the best complete presentation that I have seen about the subject. I experimented by myself and got the result before watching the video. And every slide is literary about me. Plus I would add disappearing pimples on my face and back - related to inflammation as I can relate. Thank you for your work!
For all of you who are going wheat/ bread free, let me warn you - I did it too. I was free for 6 MONTHS! I have lupus and so many things changed for me. I lost weight, I was less moody, just everything was great - and then I had a slice of pizza. The way he teases about the "just one" is so true. I thought, I will have this slice of pizza and then go back to my wheat/ bread free way of living. WRONG! Even knowing and understanding what is happening, it has been so hard to get back off the bread. I tell people all the time that it is addictive. I never knew about the different proteins and such that make it so, I just knew that it was. I am working harder to get back off of it, but I really wish there was a rehab center for this particular addiction. Good luck to all of you on your wheat free journey.
Thank you for posting this message. I am a biologist with fibromyalgia not really convince about the weat gliadin paradigm dangers. Now it is proven, no grain no diseases. Life is tough.
Glyosphate used to dry wheat is the poison for us! Wheat is drenched with this round up for the drying process. Put pressure on the grain industry to not poision our food. People are not gluten intolerant just poison intolerant. It is the wheat with the added glyosphate that dries out the GMO wheat and non-organic wheat for processing. Glyosphate kills around 70% of the needed stomach flora and causes inflammation in the body especially the gut and brain.
Plus you get into a routine with eating bread as it's easy to make a quick sandwich or grab a piece of toast. I never thought i would go a day without not eating bread and now i don't think about it. I make my own gluten and yeast free bread if i need sandwiches but don't eat it every day.
@H D I developed chronic candida, leaky gut, Reverse T3 (Hypothyroidism Type 2), Low vitamin levels in iron, zinc, Vit D, and probably selenium, iodine and magnesium as we are low in these anyway! I thought how the hell did i get so sick at a young age of 14 and for many years until i was diagnosed. I do think gluten was the starting point for all these issues as i never took antibiotics that are supposed to cause candida and i think because i also had a leaky gut that gluten may have led to this and for the candida to get around the body. Low Zinc and selenium are vital for hormone conversion from T4 into T3 and i got low in these as Dr William Davis states that gluten adds to low vitamin absorption. Low zinc and selenium led to my Reverse T3 and hypo symptoms with negative Underactive Thyroid results.
I can say from experience. I’m currently keto and intermittent fasting. The first week was hard but now I feel great. No more cravings, abdominal pain, heart pain, healthy hair and I only get hungry once a day. I’m 31 years old and feel better than I ever have.
I noticed after giving up the wheat and sugar my food absessions went away. When I ate bread and pasta I noticed I would be hungry still after eating. Late night hunger. Couldn't get satisfied. I was gaining weight and pre diabetic. Since quitting wheat and sugar I've also lost over 20 pnds so far .
@@ashleycerullo1456 Fruit, with all the fibre and nutrients, is absolutely fine to eat. Studies have even found that when the entire fruit is eaten it doesn't cause a spike in blood sugar and is a perfectly good food for diabetics. It's the fructose which is extracted from corn, and made into high fructose corn syrup, and used to sweeten so many products on our supermarket shelves, which is the problem. Eat fruit. It's very healthy.
I have read your book three years ago, I am without bread & Rice for the last 4 years, from diabetic to non diabetic, ED solved, Lipids corrected, all pills gone which I was taking for the last 14 years, I am 55 this year, feeling like n 30s. Loving to live like this, I am spreading your message in my circle since than, although very hard to convince people , I deliberated searched your oldest video and watch it with keen interest.
had joint and muscle pain in 7 years, took 4 meds and couldnt walk because of stiffness...listened to him on another site about wheat...2 weeks No wheat today feel great no pain no meds
Simply no wheat ... starches and added sugar and you are home and dry .....I have lost over 50 lb blood pressure perfect ... cholesterol HDL great now ... eat one great meal a day ....I never feel hungry ... loads of good fats, protein and vegs and fruit and nuts.. I'm 64 and feel I've got my youth back .. Snacks and treats are nuts, dark choc and a great red wine ... Thanks's great to hear someone spreading the word about the poison of wheat, sugar and starches . . I've been taking anti inflammatory drugs, antibiotics for acne and pain killers all my adult life and I'm off the lot ... The doctors have been useless ...I've healed myself thanks to UA-cam and people like you and your help ...... Keep spreading the word ... you're a saint ...and I never even read your book ....can't wait after watching this video .... Keith ...UK.
I've never been overweight but I got very sick last year with tummy troubles, inflammation, rashes, and tinnitus in my right ear. Well, after eliminating wheat, coffee, lactose, and cutting down on sugar my symptoms have virtually vanished! However, if I have something with wheat in it the tinnitus comes rushing back nearly instantly. Its shocking. Since quitting these foods my belly is flat for the first time in my life. I'm reading your book and it is very informative. Thank you!
@@sarahthomas6335 Hi Sarah - ironically - I JUST had my first cup of coffee again after 5 or so years - just yesterday. Seeing if I can add it back in...
Hubby and I have been wheatfree, grainfree, sugarfree, etc for two years now. No more arthritis problems, no sinus infections, husband is almost entirely off bp medicines and mine is fine. Our cholesterol (we have lipid test recommended) is great too! Thanks for all you do. I am hearing more and more people following you.
Most of the audience's questions proved the lecture went right over their heads. The world is in imminent peril from diabetes and all most could ask was, "Can't I have this or that...?"
Good morning, Dr William Davis. A thousand thanks for being a straightforward informer about diet and health. I watched this very video five years ago, today. I forwarded it to all my contacts. I shall do it again as I still think in the same manner as then. I recovered from T2D by following you and others like you who tell us about how to get better by eating well and properly. I am in my 77th year and enjoy life thoroughly. I practice intermittent fasting, eating a mostly ketogenic diet. Thank you, again.
I can testify that after not touching wheat for 2 weeks, i dropped 7 kilos. And when im hungry the feeling of famish is quite mild compared to those days when i was on wheat - the feeling of hunger is so unbearable that i could eat many plates of food or a horse. Im now easily feel satiated after eating just mouthfuls of food.
Wheat makes me tired and achy all over, as flu like symptoms. I stay in bed 24 hours before I recoup. My gastro and colonic scopes shows that I am normal. I avoid all wheat products and I am not celiac. Constipation has disappeared too. I am slim too.
balukkful Really? for a start off I don't drink while I'm eating. My gastric reflux was so bad I would wake up in the middle of the night vomiting and choking. This wasn't the nice gastric reflux that can be cured with a little mylanta, this was extreme pain, ulcer forming stuff that was only cured with medication or surgery. So yeah, not drinking during meals doesn't cut it.
My doctor gave me tons of medicines for my stomach problems. I still felt bad sometimes. But, as soon as I ditched wheat I became so healthy and my stomach feels great now.
Imo - this is some of the most groundbreaking research in recent history. We all know, at least those of us that study this stuff, that gmo is bad but so few people know about the real history of the modification of wheat. I hope that Dr Davis continues speaking on this.
Glyosphate used to dry wheat is the poison for us! Wheat is drenched with this round up for the drying process. Put pressure on the grain industry to not poision our food. People are not gluten intolerant just poison intolerant. It is the wheat with the added glyosphate that dries out the GMO wheat and non-organic wheat for processing. Glyosphate kills around 70% of the needed stomach flora and causes inflammation in the body especially the gut and brain.
***** I have. My body just feels better. If I stray from my paleo diet, I can tell the difference in my body real quick. Grain free and paleo just work for me.
Went full keto after stumbling on this. Frucotse-free three years- that helped, then just quit the minefield modern carbs are altogether. I am never going back. You couldn't pay me to go back. The first week I had such powerful carb cravings. I was dreaming of carbs. I have zero doubt they are addictive, especially wheat.
A series of blunders my azz! Big pharma was preparing for their financial stability. And didn't they do a great job! This is excellent research and information! Thank u Doc!
I'm at a bit of a loss here to understand your comment. How is Big Pharma to blame for the development of new strains of wheat? Pharmaceutical companies develop new drugs, not foods. It was the government of America that conducted agricultural research to develop new strains of wheat which had higher yields for the growing population.
Big pharma are like vultures waiting for their prey to get sick so they can jump on them and sell them a “cure”. They love to exploit the illnesses big food creates.
I went keto and now I feel great and am the slenderest I have ever been since becoming a teenager !! No sugar, No starch, nothing low-fat, no polyunsaturated "vegetable" oils - really made from seeds - and the weight simply melts away. Yes, bacon and eggs !!
Well, I can understand the damage done by wheat, but why ditch fruits? Keto diet is so restrictive that you can't eat most fruits and even some veggies like carrots or peas on it.
@@sonalpurohit5673 My daughter is on Keto and made a terrific breakfast biscuit from almond flower topped with peaches and a dab of whipped cream. Try it, you'll like it.
My friend has stopped eating wheat. She was finding it hard to breathe. Her health has improved! Both my daughter and I have asthma, I am going to see if I can cure it but cutting out wheat. Will keep you posted. Thanks for this really important video, we both have a WHEAT BELLY, which needs to GO! Funny things is last week we did research on what cereals have the most FIBRE and less sugar. NO MORE CEREALS FOR US!
Wow and I eat tons of multi grain bread .wheat products etc. Truly shocking news god bless you Dr.davis and all those who come out and say what the people need to hear !!! Love
The problem is not the gluten is the highly processed thing that we call bread 🥖. We lived with , eating really wholesome bread until WWII after that the industry took over and then the bread is gone......
@@franciscogomes4416 since when we have a UA-cam doctor who contradict doctors and scientific findings? Apparently you have never read any of the doctor's research. Read Dr. Perlmutter books.
@@franciscogomes4416 The wheat we have today has a higher content of gluten than the wheat used in the past. Apparently about 5 percent of the proteins found in hybridized wheat are new proteins that were not found in the original plants, and these are what are causing the problems. Btw, "brain fog" may not be scientific, but it's a pretty apt description of what some people experience as a result of consuming certain foods. Why would it have to be scientific? Saying you have a bellyache, or a headache isn't scientific either. Neither is "heartburn" as a description of indigestion, but nobody argues with that.
I had Plantars fasciitis (heel pain) in my left heel for months trying all kinds of natural therapies to no avail. 1 week off of wheat and my heel pain was 95 percent better and eventually went away. Also my psoriasis on my feet is slowly clearing. I’ve had psoriasis on my feet for 30 years and I have never seen such positive change in my condition as I have recently going off of gluten.
This is absolutely true! I did a 30 day paleo reset (which I recommend EVERYONE should do) and ended up losing 30 pounds in just over two months because I used the paleo diet as a template and changed my eating habits.
@@bassplayercliff1961 Why are you asking the same question over and over on everybodys comments? You eat what you want. Just don't eat anything with wheat in it. Lots of wheat free options, look into chaffles. They are egg and cheese and a little almond flour mixed together and cooked in a mini waffle maker or similar device. They taste really good and can be used as a "bread". Blessings and be well!
In 1961 the Chorleywood bread process was developed, which used the intense mechanical working of dough to dramatically reduce the fermentation period WHICH MEANS MORE GLUTEN and the time taken to produce a loaf. The process, whose high-energy mixing allows for the use of lower protein grain, is now widely used around the world in large factories. As a result, bread can be produced very quickly and at low costs to the manufacturer and the consumer.
Over the course of five months early last year, my weight dropped on the Wheat Belly lifestyle diet to a healthy 175 lb. from 200 lb., and my total cholesterol dropped from 212 to 174. After the first two weeks or so I felt better, lost my craving for wheat products and yummy snack foods. Definitely a good choice for me as a lifestyle diet.
My health improved massively when I cut out wheat. Its annoying all the misinformation we've had for years about healthy foods when in fact they are anything but.
It's often misleading regarding certain types of foods and their supposed benefits. Whole wheat was pushed SUPER hard as the "better" kind of bread, but it has nothing to do with the glycemic index, etc, as we've seen. It's about the slightly higher fiber content, which supposedly helps clean your colon. Things that are "fat free" (but full of carbs), "low carb" (but full of salt), "high fiber" (but a diabetic nightmare) and so on. In general, if it needs marketing, you should be suspicious.
1 week off wheat and the difference is huge , I'm not constantly craving food, my aches and pains are gone , I think I have lost weight and I haven't been dieting , absolutely know for a fact that the Doctor is right , my heart burn indigestion gone , having slight withdrawal symptoms but worth it for the good feeling
He points out, in the first pages of his book, that the glycemic index of wheat is 72, while the glycemic index of sugar is 59. While sugar is empty calories, wheat is worse. I wondered why so many people report celiac disease these days, when it was considered a rarity when I was young. I wondered why one vegetarian friend had a child with diabetes AND rheumatoid while another vegetarian friend, a runner, had a diastolic BP of 140. Dr. Atkins was reporting on the ballooning of diabetes , even in juveniles, since the FDA came out with their food pyramid, (the broadest part made up of carbs) in the 1970's. The food pyramid, by the way, was supposed to have been developed by two lawyers! Dr. Atkins, fat or not, reversed diabetes and metabolic syndrome in his patients. (Caregivers frequently do not get cared for themselves). Dr. Davis claims also, that hundreds of his patients have been freed from everything from rashes to diabetes. He is a cardiologist. He deals with real people. His ideas are not merely academic.
She was fortunate. The disease must have been confined to her bowel. The Gluten-free diet has been around many years - since the time when people ate more meat and fat and ate less wheat flour products. The explosion of fast food restaurants seems to have occurred concurrently with the popularity of the 1972 FDA Food Pyramid
I am from Belgium, Europe. It is just the last 6 years, i have problems with weatproducts. Before i never had weight problems,now I lost my figure, have craivings and being to heavy! I just started this morning with the weatless lifestyle!
I'm 68, 152 lbs., and feel Totally wonderful because your video and presentation has touched my heart to say, finally! Common Sense has begun BEING Common. Health is ALL we have of True Value! Thank You William! Savo G Litvinov
Was wheat free then couldn't get my alternatives due to pandemic. Feeling lousy...put on weight. Disabled, over 65, no longer drive. Depend on delivery services for just about everything. Glad this popped up in my feed. Followed years ago but fell out of touch. Subscribed now. Easier than following by email.
i tested myself by eating just wheat products for 3 days and to my amazment, my hands nearly seazed with arteritis, my wrist, elbows, shoulders, feet, and knees ached me, i had upsetting fusrtating dreams, my mind was like i had attention problems, my skin on my back aches (ive allways wondered what that was in the past) i was tired in the mornings, and on the 4th morning of my test i was completly fateged, now i am still in pain after testing this wheat claims out and its has blown my mind.
UNTIL I have listened to this man, I have struggled with this addiction... and TIS TIME now.. after having a mild stroke due to my RA, autoimmune disease.. thankfully I was able to have carotid surgery and saved my life..tis time to GET SERIOUS..this is deadly.. I want to see my grandchildren grow up IF POSSIBLE.
Wow. At 13 minutes it didn't take me long to realize that what he was talking about genetic modification. This is actually something for many to take heed. Very direct and to the point.
I came across this video in the summer of 2015 and decided to give it a try. I am 5’9” and I was 257lbs. I was unhealthy with back pain, leg and foot pain, and my A1C was over 9. I started this life style and within 9 months I weighed 148 lbs and my blood work always perfect with an A1C of 4.1. It’s been 9 years and I have never wavered from the wheat belly diet lifestyle. I weight a steady 178 and my blood work is still perfect. This works.
I've been gluten free for years out of health necessity. this is great information. I have long been dissatisfied w/ the lack of nutrition found in the store bought gluten free products and this video has got me reevaluating those choices as well. wheat is definitely toxic. I know this all too well. now I'm seeing a 3rd option that goes beyond wheat free/ gluten free
I stopped eating wheat last December on advice of my M.D. IBS went away, rashes went away, less pain, etc. I will now stop eating all starch's and sugars. I have been sick for 30 years, undiagnosed.
The healthiest diet I have lived is Raw Vegan, but when I moved to live in a cold climate, it was difficult to maintain in winter. So I added some cooked food including wheat and rice. From my personal experience Dr Davis is right about wheat but rice is fine. I gain weight eating wheat but never with rice. So I eliminated all wheat and maintain a vegan lifestyle. In a cold climate, rice, potatoes, all veggies, coconut milk , all fruits, keep me feeling good and no weight gain.
Off wheat for two weeks now . No withdrawals whatever , belly getting smaller , mind clearer , more energy with less sleep needed , digestive system working better . I look forward to the next few months and more changes to come .
5-31-13 The European Union is urging its 27 member states to test wheat shipments from the United States after unauthorized genetically modified grains were found in Japan. Tokyo on Thursday halted imports of certain types of wheat from the U.S. following the discovery of an experimental strain that was tested by Monsanto but never approved. The EU’s consumer protection office said Friday that shipments which test positive should not be sold in line with the bloc’s “zero tolerance” for GM crops.
Hello, I have a problem with these doctors who say it's good to eat like our ancestors because our ancestors lived a non-stop active life, ate different species of vegetables, the animals ate differently that 99% of the animals killed for meat nowadays, etc... Completely different lifestyles. Is my logic wrong?
This guy knows his stuff. Some of us are so fortunate to live in these times when tests are available for all these food related intolerances. My wheat zoomer test from vibrant came back that I’m intolerant to all major types of gliadin I.e. alpha, gamma, and omega. Surprisingly, I’m not intolerant to glutenin or wheat germ agglutinin(WGA) which was the reason I had limited my wheat intake only to occasional restaurant visits and to sprouted wheat only. No more wheat beer, bread anymore.
As a Hispanic, it wasn't too difficult for me to drop the wheat being that our diet is mostly corn based. I did notice the instant effects it had on my body (not having to worry about what I ate and still being able to keep the weight off).But in case anybody knows, I was wondering if wheat in other countries, for example, European countries has been modified to the same extent that American wheat has been? I have no problem eating wheat overseas and actually lose weight when there.
All I know is that when I have quit grains, I have became much prettuer. My face have became much more beautiful and skinny. And I are healthy, whole grains, gluten free grains as well!
Wheat is closer to being an opiate inducing "medicine" forced upon people than a drug, in the since that the effects are not physically detectable, but instead causes long term changes to that persons overall health as time progresses. Such as developing wheat belly. I find this topic extremely fascinating. Like the Meat industry, it just goes to show the problems the world is facing presently in Agricultural. Generations from now will look back, and see this as a mistake.
So, everyone heard him talk about how bad wheat actually is for you, and the only question in their minds is: "But I can still eat bread, ¿riiiiiight?" Facedesk .___.
I shop the perimeter of a grocery store for the most part. That's where you find your whole foods. And I don't eat out but maybe once a month. A whole food diet without wheat has change my life.
I read this when it first came out. I didn't really have a weight problem but did have high LDL cholesterol. After giving up wheat, my LDL dropped 40 points within a couple of months. Amazes me that some of my friends don't believe me or just don't care and keep eating wheat. I also got my cat off wheat. Cats do need grain, so she now eats really nice Nutro organic crunchies made with chicken and brown rice. She loves them.
My cats-only vet said cats in the wild eat mice, and mice eat grain. Plus, even cats need roughage. Therefore, we buy non-GMO Nutro brown rice and chicken crunchies. My cat loves it. @@pmiller4110
Word. I've been wheat free since the 90's. Bravo to all those commenters who are trying it! I currently live in L.A. and it's super easy to find GF friendly restaurants..... but I found the bast sorghum beer: New Planet, Off Grid Pale Ale. Actually tastes like beer (at least, how I remember beer tasted).
Thanks Byron. I did not know that about good beer. Even low amounts affect me unfortunately. I just found out my local gelato place uses "trace amounts" of gluten for the texture. I wish it was easier to see into a product to know. I might look into the beer thing further. Thanks again. : )
Thank you, I really enjoyed this presentation and will be making some serious changes in my diet as a result. FYI, for anyone concerned with the inflammatory effect of grain products you may be interested to know that our immunizations have two forms of aluminum and mercury in the form of thimerosal as adjuvants. Each of these substances are neurotoxins. Pharmaceutical companies stirred these substancesq into the broth to cause an inflammatory response at the time of immunization. The purpose of creating an inflammatory response is their belief that it provides a greater immunity from the viral fragments in the immunization. The amount of virus present in each immunization can differ a great deal. The basis or result of auto immune disorders is inflammation. My daughter had respiratory distress after her first flu shot then spent the day in the emergency department receiving IV steroids, Benadryl, IV epinephrine and inhalation therapy. She now has asthma. She also has MTHFR gene defect & cannot metabolize folate and other B vitamins. Synthetic B vitamins are in every enriched grain product.
I dropped nearly two inches from my waist just by dropping bread from my diet. I actually eat more calories now and my body fat percentage is down to 20.5% from 26% (2.5 years ago). My goal next year is to get it under 18%. In the meantime, my weight has gone up slightly as the weights I push in the gym have gone up as well.
Minor point, but for the record, while bananas don't grow on trees, neither do they grow on vines, as the good doctor asserts in passing. They grow on a herbaceous flowering plant, which is about as far from a vine as one can get.
After seeing massive benefits from cutting out wheat from my food, I advised my now 64 year old mother to do the same. No more gluten. She had M.E. (muscle desease), went to the toilet 3-4x a day, was pretty much physically unable to do much at all. Depressed, especially in the morning, and was easy to upset. After being without gluten for 2 years now she's finished building her first house by herself. Yes, cement, stones, tiles, building a kitchen from scratch...everything. She has the physical energy of a 40-year old. No more stomach problems, no more depression, lots of life. She'll reach a 100 this happy to see her healthy!
That's AMAZING! I just started being free of it last week (with a brief relapse - Italian food - a couple days ago), and have already felt so many amazing benefits (and heavy realizations). Thank you for posting. That's incredibly inspirational. I'll tell this to my parents, and I mean to carry this on for at least a year to see what happens. Be well!
Wow. That's amazing. I've been having the same problems on both a keto and plant based diet. I might try cutting out all wheat and see if that works. Thank you for posting this comment!
Have you ruled out celiac disease?
Many thanks for sharing about your mother.
Thank you. I have not eaten wheat since 9/3/2012. I was living on homemade whole wheat bread, made with honey and lots of other healthful ingredients (never sugar). I thought I was doing the best for my health, but wheat kept me fat. Since I was over 50 (post menopausal) I had come to accept my new body image- but I hid under jackets and loose-fitting tops to cover up my ROLLS OF FAT. I have dropped three dress sizes and have a waist again. I will share my story soon on my youtube channel.
Very good my dear I'm very happy to hear that and I'm very proud of u, and you please tell me your UA-cam channel link i wanaa see please 🙏🏾❤️
Thank you Dr Davis you changed my husbands and my life 4 years ago . We are so healthy now . Thank you a million times over.
I can not care less who is right or wrong! All I know is that since I quit wheat all my digestive problems of four years, went away OVERNIGHT! And I do NOT have celiac disease!
ALL I KNOW IS WHAT WORKS FOR ME!! I quit wheat now my digestive system is back to normal!! That is ALL I know for real.
+Jose Martinez same thing happened to me!
+Jose Martinez Me too!
+Jose Martinez
But maybe you have "just" gluten sensitivity?
+Gaia Seraphina Most likely he just cut crap out of his diet that happened to have gluten in it.
Did you know Gluten makes your penis fly off?
I am 65 years old and have recently start having intense should pain. All doctors..ALL doctors have addressed my "getting older", impingement, possible rotator cuff surgery, and lack of exercise. Who feels like exercising when you have sharp pains shooting through your shoulders. NOT ONE doctor ever asked me what I eat! Then I noticed a side bar on You Tube when I was seeing if anyone else was having pain and was directed to a gluten site. Gluten? That was something that affected "other" people and was probably one of those "weirdo" diet things. Reluctantly I "clicked" on your You Tube lecture and thankfully changed my heath! I had all the symptoms, so I decided to give it a try. No tests! No X-Rays! I just cut out wheat, sugars, and processed food. Two weeks later I have absolutely no shoulder pain, have lost over 10 pounds (two belt notches), and have started exercising again. I wish I could package this up and sell it but I can't. I added rice and quinoa into my diet, have limited protein to the generally accepted 10% of what I eat, and have even stopped the foot pain and gout attacks. I am a new man!
Almost all doctors have been trained right out of the books that Big Pharma & Big Agriculture supplies. Its very obvious that every doctor get basically the same education in science/medicine but only a very few will wake up from the trance that they endure while in med school. I wonder if you ever sought alternative forms of medicine before you ran into this gluten site? Maybe you should also broaden your medicinal spectrum the next time you run into problems. As I always to people, the answer to all your questions/problems stares you right in the face ever time you look into a mirror. Sadly, only a rare few will get it. ;-)
You started exercising and cut out processed foods for 2 weeks. How do you know it's the wheat responsible? And why is wheat responsible for your total over average caloric consumption for the past millennia, keeping you overweight?? Don't underestimate the placebo effect too, it's more powerful than you think
Weird you say foot pain, I also had awful foot pain (thought it was broken) and I am dealing with it in a similar way, through diet. It has worked, so far.
Christopher Connolly One year ago my toes started going numb. Went to my doc and they ran every test in the book. The numbness was spreading toward the heel and at night my feet would cramp up and hurt really bad. Someone told me I might have developed a wheat allergy. Went 'Gluten Free' and it helped a lot. If I screw up and eat bad I cannot sleep that night due to pain. I still have minor numbness but feel better, BP down etc. Well that is my story, good luck.
Good to hear your story glenlackey. An update on my situation is that my foot pain has been better for some time, since I quit wheat. I even lost some weight and took up running. Feel great.
I took a food sensitivity test and came back mildly sensitive to wheat, barley, rye. Amongst other things like chicken/eggs/pineapple/bell pepper/milk/chicken. I cut all of these foods out. My asthma got better, back pain and toe pain went away. I had a slip up at a family party and ate desserts packed with grains, sugar and eggs. The next day I needed my inhaler. I started craving sugar so bad I bought another dessert a few days later…the next day I needed my inhaler again and my back pain and toe pain came back severely. It’s so crazy. I cut out all grains again, fasted and ate only meat/veggies, pain gone and asthma back under control within 3 days. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.
Omg awwww really???? Oh wow that's really amazing.. I'm so happy and surprising to hear that... My dear u please tell me what is your age and Body weight now 🙏🏾❤️
I agree Lindsay, simply getting rid of bread 🍞 🍰 and donuts and jams from my diet, my blood sugar plumetted and type 2 Diabetes is under control now 😊
Mine defined wheat, dairy, and eggs in a fairly high INTOLERANCE. I am thankfully not Celiac
I recently decided to discontinue oat milk as it seems to build up phlegm
for me as diary does.
I now drink coffee black and eat my granola (wheat free) with a spoon. My protein source is a shake product that features fava/garbanzo beans. It is my go to for breakfast protein
I never thought I could walk from rustic bread (never did eat bread in a plastic bag) but now waltz past the bakery without thought
I read labels carefully, very carefully for all three foods which have the highest
intolerance #s
Lindsay that’s so impressive, It makes a heap of sense to me. ✅
Went gluten and dairy free 6 years ago...never looked back again. 10 years suffered from lower back pain, taking anti-inflammatory medicine to relieve the pain every time I had an episode. Now my back pain is gone and I can pick up things again without worrying about having a 3 day pain episode. Saved me from listening to doctors saying I need an operation ! Best diet change I ever made !
Rene Starink
"Now my back pain is gone and I can pick up things again without worrying" // Thanx for your experience!
Im very sorry to say
But brother How is food related to back pain???
I think back pain occurs because there is a gap in the bones of our waist.
@@alextrezvy6889 Im very sorry to say
But brother How is food related to back pain???
I think back pain occurs because there is a gap in the bones of our waist.
After watching this presentation back in February and eliminating Wheat from my diet I can say that this will improve your health. I had been suffering from low back pain for close to 4 years. I can say now that I no longer have the pain and have lost 15 lbs. I can actually go to the gym and workout, run on the treadmill, ride a bike, and even get on the dam StairMaster without pulling my back out. What started out as a 30 experiment for me and my Wife has turned into a life changing experience.
This is so true. I went gluten free and sugar free for weight loss, had protein like meat, eggs, chicken, etc./organic veggies and potato or rice for my carbs, lost a pound a week and my arthritis was practically gone after the first week! I also noticed I had a lot more energy and felt way better and healthier. Highly recommend EVERYONE go gluten free, just try for 1 week and see how you feel.
Same for me!
I've been wheat free for two months. I'm losing weight and feeling better. No more hypoglycemia.
Funny, I would have thought that wheat would be more likely to give you hyperglycemia rather than hypoglycemia.
@@judylloyd7901 I think @Rotrex L. means "the feeling of hypoglycemia".
I watched this video three times. For the last three days, I haven't consumed any wheat and feel better!!!
Still going strong...currently doing a 30 day fast.
@@bedroomeyezz494 Are you still fasting? JK😁
Well done, I intend watching this video again as well as there’s a lot to take in. Being Celiac and on a GF diet, there’s still heaps I can do to feel even better. This Dr is excellent.
Back in the early 90s I had horrible IBS. Medications did little to help. I stumbled upon the idea that maybe I had celiac disease, so I gave up all grains because I was so sick I would try anything. There were no "gluten free" junk foods back then, so I was basically eating zero grains. I was cured. Then one day my doc--a gastroenterologist --decided to "test" me for celiac and I didn't have it. Great! Bring on the grains. I was okay with it for a few years until I developed another mystery ailment Interstitial Cystitis and horrible blood sugar issues. This time, I gave up not only grains but sugar. Again, cured. I'm not going back.
If you're not eating wheat for weeks before being tested, it will be a false negative.
@@jessn.3851 That’s so true, I suspected gluten was my problem I eliminated wheat barley and rye. I felt better, If I did have gluten I’d become very sick again. I was told eat gluten before testing for two weeks. 😩 I couldn’t do it, I’d be in such pain and wouldn’t be able to leave the house. This man makes a heap of sense, I’m following he’s advice. 😉
Ivor Cummins and David brought me here. Dr William Davis is wonderful. Grateful he decided to heal people instead of cashing in on conventional recommendations.
I tested it for one week without wheat, grain and dairy products. Viola! My dandruff was gone as well as my acne.
Well then are you sure that your results didn't come from cutting Dairy? Cause I received great results when I stopped dairy and meat. While still eating wheat.
Yeah, dairy can cause skin problems such as acne and dandruff.
I can also say that my persistent acne has disappeared when literally nothing else would work. Have tried it all. I cut all grains btw
This is the best complete presentation that I have seen about the subject. I experimented by myself and got the result before watching the video. And every slide is literary about me. Plus I would add disappearing pimples on my face and back - related to inflammation as I can relate. Thank you for your work!
Add corn to that. In the US, the big three, corn, wheat, and soy (which by the way are highly subsidized) and in everything today.
Yes and thank you!
@Viktor M I'm eating more potatoes, but they are high in glyphosate (round up), so organic is best.
For all of you who are going wheat/ bread free, let me warn you - I did it too. I was free for 6 MONTHS! I have lupus and so many things changed for me. I lost weight, I was less moody, just everything was great - and then I had a slice of pizza. The way he teases about the "just one" is so true. I thought, I will have this slice of pizza and then go back to my wheat/ bread free way of living. WRONG! Even knowing and understanding what is happening, it has been so hard to get back off the bread. I tell people all the time that it is addictive. I never knew about the different proteins and such that make it so, I just knew that it was. I am working harder to get back off of it, but I really wish there was a rehab center for this particular addiction. Good luck to all of you on your wheat free journey.
Thank you for posting this message. I am a biologist with fibromyalgia not really convince about the weat gliadin paradigm dangers. Now it is proven, no grain no diseases. Life is tough.
Glyosphate used to dry wheat is the poison for us! Wheat is drenched with this round up for the drying process. Put pressure on the grain industry to not poision our food. People are not gluten intolerant just poison intolerant. It is the wheat with the added glyosphate that dries out the GMO wheat and non-organic wheat for processing. Glyosphate kills around 70% of the needed stomach flora and causes inflammation in the body especially the gut and brain.
jolorraine27 hi my name is Annika...... and I’m a carboholic 👋....
Plus you get into a routine with eating bread as it's easy to make a quick sandwich or grab a piece of toast. I never thought i would go a day without not eating bread and now i don't think about it. I make my own gluten and yeast free bread if i need sandwiches but don't eat it every day.
@H D I developed chronic candida, leaky gut, Reverse T3 (Hypothyroidism Type 2), Low vitamin levels in iron, zinc, Vit D, and probably selenium, iodine and magnesium as we are low in these anyway! I thought how the hell did i get so sick at a young age of 14 and for many years until i was diagnosed. I do think gluten was the starting point for all these issues as i never took antibiotics that are supposed to cause candida and i think because i also had a leaky gut that gluten may have led to this and for the candida to get around the body. Low Zinc and selenium are vital for hormone conversion from T4 into T3 and i got low in these as Dr William Davis states that gluten adds to low vitamin absorption. Low zinc and selenium led to my Reverse T3 and hypo symptoms with negative Underactive Thyroid results.
I can say from experience. I’m currently keto and intermittent fasting. The first week was hard but now I feel great. No more cravings, abdominal pain, heart pain, healthy hair and I only get hungry once a day. I’m 31 years old and feel better than I ever have.
I think Justin means heart burn. Well done for the intermittent fasting and keto diet. I’m hoping to do that 😉
Lying trash
Hi there. Can you give us an update on your progress please?
Hey Justin, how’s it going now?
Still healthy
I noticed after giving up the wheat and sugar my food absessions went away. When I ate bread and pasta I noticed I would be hungry still after eating. Late night hunger. Couldn't get satisfied. I was gaining weight and pre diabetic. Since quitting wheat and sugar I've also lost over 20 pnds so far .
How about an update ?
What about things like lentils and brown rice? Do you still eat them or not?
I'm in agreement with the wheat problem, but we must also be aware of the damage caused by fructose.
Yeah don't eat fruit!!
Don’t eat fruit and don’t eat bread?? What the heck lol so what do I live on?
@@ashleycerullo1456 Fruit, with all the fibre and nutrients, is absolutely fine to eat. Studies have even found that when the entire fruit is eaten it doesn't cause a spike in blood sugar and is a perfectly good food for diabetics.
It's the fructose which is extracted from corn, and made into high fructose corn syrup, and used to sweeten so many products on our supermarket shelves, which is the problem.
Eat fruit. It's very healthy.
@@cwstars Some fruits are more rich in sugar than others. Look up fruits recommended in moderation.
@@judylloyd7901 Yes. I eat many fruits daily, and they make me feel absolutely wonderful. People, don't be afraid of fruit we are born to eat them!
I have read your book three years ago, I am without bread & Rice for the last 4 years, from diabetic to non diabetic, ED solved, Lipids corrected, all pills gone which I was taking for the last 14 years, I am 55 this year, feeling like n 30s. Loving to live like this, I am spreading your message in my circle since than, although very hard to convince people , I deliberated searched your oldest video and watch it with keen interest.
had joint and muscle pain in 7 years, took 4 meds and couldnt walk because of stiffness...listened to him on another site about wheat...2 weeks No wheat today feel great no pain no meds
This encourages me. I have chronic pain.
Simply no wheat ... starches and added sugar and you are home and dry .....I have lost over 50 lb blood pressure perfect ... cholesterol HDL great now ... eat one great meal a day ....I never feel hungry ... loads of good fats, protein and vegs and fruit and nuts.. I'm 64 and feel I've got my youth back ..
Snacks and treats are nuts, dark choc and a great red wine ...
Thanks's great to hear someone spreading the word about the poison of wheat, sugar and starches . .
I've been taking anti inflammatory drugs, antibiotics for acne and pain killers all my adult life and I'm off the lot ...
The doctors have been useless ...I've healed myself thanks to UA-cam and people like you and your help ......
Keep spreading the word ... you're a saint ...and I never even read your book ....can't wait after watching this video .... Keith ...UK.
I've never been overweight but I got very sick last year with tummy troubles, inflammation, rashes, and tinnitus in my right ear. Well, after eliminating wheat, coffee, lactose, and cutting down on sugar my symptoms have virtually vanished! However, if I have something with wheat in it the tinnitus comes rushing back nearly instantly. Its shocking. Since quitting these foods my belly is flat for the first time in my life. I'm reading your book and it is very informative. Thank you!
Wendys loving life so was it the wheat or the coffee or the lactose or the sugar?
Coffee may be next for me.😔
@@sarahthomas6335 Hi Sarah - ironically - I JUST had my first cup of coffee again after 5 or so years - just yesterday. Seeing if I can add it back in...
@@Wendys_lovinglife How did that go?
@@gilessteve Great! I'm also doing intermittent fasting now and am at my lowest weight since I was in my 20's.
Thank you Dr. Davis. I've been sharing with my patients, many who are diabetic, the information from your book and recommending the book. :)
Hubby and I have been wheatfree, grainfree, sugarfree, etc for two years now. No more arthritis problems, no sinus infections, husband is almost entirely off bp medicines and mine is fine. Our cholesterol (we have lipid test recommended) is great too! Thanks for all you do. I am hearing more and more people following you.
Most of the audience's questions proved the lecture went right over their heads. The world is in imminent peril from diabetes and all most could ask was, "Can't I have this or that...?"
Good morning, Dr William Davis. A thousand thanks for being a straightforward informer about diet and health. I watched this very video five years ago, today. I forwarded it to all my contacts. I shall do it again as I still think in the same manner as then. I recovered from T2D by following you and others like you who tell us about how to get better by eating well and properly. I am in my 77th year and enjoy life thoroughly. I practice intermittent fasting, eating a mostly ketogenic diet. Thank you, again.
This Video is a Gem! Also the Q&A part at the end is valuable to me. Thank you for all the filming effort ❤
This wheat free diet works. I'm a believer
I’ve just been diagnosed with celiac disease, I had no idea about anything like this it’s mind blowing
How are u now??
I can testify that after not touching wheat for 2 weeks, i dropped 7 kilos. And when im hungry the feeling of famish is quite mild compared to those days when i was on wheat - the feeling of hunger is so unbearable that i could eat many plates of food or a horse. Im now easily feel satiated after eating just mouthfuls of food.
Wheat makes me tired and achy all over, as flu like symptoms. I stay in bed 24 hours before I recoup. My gastro and colonic scopes shows that I am normal. I avoid all wheat products and I am not celiac. Constipation has disappeared too. I am slim too.
Do u avoid gluten or just wheat? I ache all over too
Ever since I removed wheat from my diet my Acid reflux that I have had for 20 years has disappeared. So glad I'm off the meds for it.
I wanted to say something about how much seeing this lecture means to me. Fortunately however, your genuine comment here is great to see and eajoy!
Todd Sloan Thank you, your welcome
to stop Acid reflux it would have been enough not to drink while eating, Just wait an hour after meal before drinking,
balukkful Really? for a start off I don't drink while I'm eating. My gastric reflux was so bad I would wake up in the middle of the night vomiting and choking. This wasn't the nice gastric reflux that can be cured with a little mylanta, this was extreme pain, ulcer forming stuff that was only cured with medication or surgery. So yeah, not drinking during meals doesn't cut it.
My doctor gave me tons of medicines for my stomach problems. I still felt bad sometimes. But, as soon as I ditched wheat I became so healthy and my stomach feels great now.
Imo - this is some of the most groundbreaking research in recent history. We all know, at least those of us that study this stuff, that gmo is bad but so few people know about the real history of the modification of wheat. I hope that Dr Davis continues speaking on this.
One of my colleagues at my office has done wonderfully eliminating wheat. Inspired me! I started today. Picked up the book and I'm in motion :)
since coming off wheat my arthritic pain has reduced remarkably, quite astounding reduction in pain
dave11282 fggjjc
Glyosphate used to dry wheat is the poison for us! Wheat is drenched with this round up for the drying process. Put pressure on the grain industry to not poision our food. People are not gluten intolerant just poison intolerant. It is the wheat with the added glyosphate that dries out the GMO wheat and non-organic wheat for processing. Glyosphate kills around 70% of the needed stomach flora and causes inflammation in the body especially the gut and brain.
Grain free for a month now. My body feels amazing! :)
***** I have. My body just feels better. If I stray from my paleo diet, I can tell the difference in my body real quick. Grain free and paleo just work for me.
Went full keto after stumbling on this. Frucotse-free three years- that helped, then just quit the minefield modern carbs are altogether.
I am never going back. You couldn't pay me to go back.
The first week I had such powerful carb cravings. I was dreaming of carbs. I have zero doubt they are addictive, especially wheat.
A series of blunders my azz! Big pharma was preparing for their financial stability. And didn't they do a great job! This is excellent research and information! Thank u Doc!
I'm at a bit of a loss here to understand your comment.
How is Big Pharma to blame for the development of new strains of wheat? Pharmaceutical companies develop new drugs, not foods.
It was the government of America that conducted agricultural research to develop new strains of wheat which had higher yields for the growing population.
@@judylloyd7901 pharma and the agrochemical labs are the same.
Big pharma are like vultures waiting for their prey to get sick so they can jump on them and sell them a “cure”. They love to exploit the illnesses big food creates.
I went keto and now I feel great and am the slenderest I have ever been since becoming a teenager !!
No sugar, No starch, nothing low-fat, no polyunsaturated "vegetable" oils - really made from seeds - and the weight simply melts away. Yes, bacon and eggs !!
Well, I can understand the damage done by wheat, but why ditch fruits? Keto diet is so restrictive that you can't eat most fruits and even some veggies like carrots or peas on it.
@@sonalpurohit5673 My daughter is on Keto and made a terrific breakfast biscuit from almond flower topped with peaches and a dab of whipped cream. Try it, you'll like it.
Bacon and Eggs every day no Veg oils low sugar and I lost weight 35 lb..not avoiding anything else.
Lost 12 lbs in 5 weeks after cutting out all wheats and grains. Acne has also disappeared. Thanks Doc!
My friend has stopped eating wheat. She was finding it hard to breathe. Her health has improved! Both my daughter and I have asthma, I am going to see if I can cure it but cutting out wheat. Will keep you posted. Thanks for this really important video, we both have a WHEAT BELLY, which needs to GO! Funny things is last week we did research on what cereals have the most FIBRE and less sugar. NO MORE CEREALS FOR US!
so, how are u doing 7 years later?
David Perlmutter also advice no more bread, gluten, etc
You tube " bread brain
Wow and I eat tons of multi grain bread .wheat products etc. Truly shocking news god bless you Dr.davis and all those who come out and say what the people need to hear !!! Love
Since I quit grains, my brain fog went away, depression went away, anxiety went away, arthritis is slowing down at a tremendous rate.
Going to try it as I have what you use to have x
Define brain fog, please. how can one measure it? if there’s no way to measure it, it’s not scientific.
The problem is not the gluten is the highly processed thing that we call bread 🥖. We lived with , eating really wholesome bread until WWII after that the industry took over and then the bread is gone......
@@franciscogomes4416 since when we have a UA-cam doctor who contradict doctors and scientific findings? Apparently you have never read any of the doctor's research. Read Dr. Perlmutter books.
@@franciscogomes4416 The wheat we have today has a higher content of gluten than the wheat used in the past. Apparently about 5 percent of the proteins found in hybridized wheat are new proteins that were not found in the original plants, and these are what are causing the problems.
Btw, "brain fog" may not be scientific, but it's a pretty apt description of what some people experience as a result of consuming certain foods.
Why would it have to be scientific? Saying you have a bellyache, or a headache isn't scientific either. Neither is "heartburn" as a description of indigestion, but nobody argues with that.
I had Plantars fasciitis (heel pain) in my left heel for months trying all kinds of natural therapies to no avail. 1 week off of wheat and my heel pain was 95 percent better and eventually went away. Also my psoriasis on my feet is slowly clearing. I’ve had psoriasis on my feet for 30 years and I have never seen such positive change in my condition as I have recently going off of gluten.
Do you have problems with brown rice? Do you think brown rice is better than wheat?
This is absolutely true! I did a 30 day paleo reset (which I recommend EVERYONE should do) and ended up losing 30 pounds in just over two months because I used the paleo diet as a template and changed my eating habits.
Gluten free (sugar free) since July 2013. Lost 35lbs.
what do I eat?
@@bassplayercliff1961 Why are you asking the same question over and over on everybodys comments? You eat what you want. Just don't eat anything with wheat in it. Lots of wheat free options, look into chaffles. They are egg and cheese and a little almond flour mixed together and cooked in a mini waffle maker or similar device. They taste really good and can be used as a "bread". Blessings and be well!
You can see how people are addicted to this stuff the way they herd up like sheep at bakeries, bagel shops, and delis (stuff to put on bread)
In 1961 the Chorleywood bread process was developed, which used the intense mechanical working of dough to dramatically reduce the fermentation period WHICH MEANS MORE GLUTEN and the time taken to produce a loaf. The process, whose high-energy mixing allows for the use of lower protein grain, is now widely used around the world in large factories. As a result, bread can be produced very quickly and at low costs to the manufacturer and the consumer.
I loved this so much!! Extremely informative. Can’t wait to grab his books and try some recipes.
Over the course of five months early last year, my weight dropped on the Wheat Belly lifestyle diet to a healthy 175 lb. from 200 lb., and my total cholesterol dropped from 212 to 174. After the first two weeks or so I felt better, lost my craving for wheat products and yummy snack foods. Definitely a good choice for me as a lifestyle diet.
Me too it’ll be a good read, he’s a smart man, he knows he’s stuff.😉
My health improved massively when I cut out wheat. Its annoying all the misinformation we've had for years about healthy foods when in fact they are anything but.
It's often misleading regarding certain types of foods and their supposed benefits. Whole wheat was pushed SUPER hard as the "better" kind of bread, but it has nothing to do with the glycemic index, etc, as we've seen. It's about the slightly higher fiber content, which supposedly helps clean your colon. Things that are "fat free" (but full of carbs), "low carb" (but full of salt), "high fiber" (but a diabetic nightmare) and so on. In general, if it needs marketing, you should be suspicious.
I am 45 YO, have lost 24 kg. My fater lost 20 kg and Mother lost 12 kg. We feel great. Gluten&sugar free life is great...
1 week off wheat and the difference is huge , I'm not constantly craving food, my aches and pains are gone , I think I have lost weight and I haven't been dieting , absolutely know for a fact that the Doctor is right , my heart burn indigestion gone , having slight withdrawal symptoms but worth it for the good feeling
He points out, in the first pages of his book, that the glycemic index of wheat is 72, while the glycemic index of sugar is 59. While sugar is empty calories, wheat is worse. I wondered why so many people report celiac disease these days, when it was considered a rarity when I was young. I wondered why one vegetarian friend had a child with diabetes AND rheumatoid while another vegetarian friend, a runner, had a diastolic BP of 140. Dr. Atkins was reporting on the ballooning of diabetes , even in juveniles, since the FDA came out with their food pyramid, (the broadest part made up of carbs) in the 1970's. The food pyramid, by the way, was supposed to have been developed by two lawyers! Dr. Atkins, fat or not, reversed diabetes and metabolic syndrome in his patients. (Caregivers frequently do not get cared for themselves). Dr. Davis claims also, that hundreds of his patients have been freed from everything from rashes to diabetes. He is a cardiologist. He deals with real people. His ideas are not merely academic.
True. I had an aunt who had celiac disease. No one had ever heard of it back then. She was thin, more energy than a kid and lived well into her 80's.
She was fortunate. The disease must have been confined to her bowel. The Gluten-free diet has been around many years - since the time when people ate more meat and fat and ate less wheat flour products. The explosion of fast food restaurants seems to have occurred concurrently with the popularity of the 1972 FDA Food Pyramid
I am from Belgium, Europe. It is just the last 6 years, i have problems with weatproducts. Before i never had weight problems,now I lost my figure, have craivings and being to heavy! I just started this morning with the weatless lifestyle!
A very good talk.
I'm 68, 152 lbs., and feel Totally wonderful because your video and presentation has touched my heart to say, finally!
Common Sense has begun BEING Common. Health is ALL we have of True Value!
Thank You William!
Savo G Litvinov
Was wheat free then couldn't get my alternatives due to pandemic. Feeling lousy...put on weight. Disabled, over 65, no longer drive. Depend on delivery services for just about everything. Glad this popped up in my feed. Followed years ago but fell out of touch. Subscribed now. Easier than following by email.
i tested myself by eating just wheat products for 3 days and to my amazment, my hands nearly seazed with arteritis, my wrist, elbows, shoulders, feet, and knees ached me, i had upsetting fusrtating dreams, my mind was like i had attention problems, my skin on my back aches (ive allways wondered what that was in the past) i was tired in the mornings, and on the 4th morning of my test i was completly fateged, now i am still in pain after testing this wheat claims out and its has blown my mind.
UNTIL I have listened to this man, I have struggled with this addiction... and TIS TIME now.. after having a mild stroke due to my RA, autoimmune disease.. thankfully I was able to have carotid surgery and saved my life..tis time to GET SERIOUS..this is deadly.. I want to see my grandchildren grow up IF POSSIBLE.
William Davis has hit the nail on the head: modern life is killing us!
tell that to the millions of children that died before the age of 5 in Europe and the US in the 1800s...
Modern processed food is killing us !!!
How can tell them if their dead duh
Correction: modern food!!!
Absolutely brilliant information for better health
Wow. At 13 minutes it didn't take me long to realize that what he was talking about genetic modification. This is actually something for many to take heed. Very direct and to the point.
I was wheat free for a few years and was super slim. Now back on wheat and gained so much weight. Going to quit for good.
I stopped eating wheat and lost about 10lbs in 2 weeks..not to mention I feel amazing - less moody, more energy
I came across this video in the summer of 2015 and decided to give it a try. I am 5’9” and I was 257lbs. I was unhealthy with back pain, leg and foot pain, and my A1C was over 9. I started this life style and within 9 months I weighed 148 lbs and my blood work always perfect with an A1C of 4.1. It’s been 9 years and I have never wavered from the wheat belly diet lifestyle. I weight a steady 178 and my blood work is still perfect. This works.
I've been gluten free for years out of health necessity. this is great information. I have long been dissatisfied w/ the lack of nutrition found in the store bought gluten free products and this video has got me reevaluating those choices as well. wheat is definitely toxic. I know this all too well. now I'm seeing a 3rd option that goes beyond wheat free/ gluten free
What’s the Third option include
Good job
I stopped eating wheat last December on advice of my M.D. IBS went away, rashes went away, less pain, etc. I will now stop eating all starch's and sugars. I have been sick for 30 years, undiagnosed.
This should go viral. WOW!
The healthiest diet I have lived is Raw Vegan, but when I moved to live in a cold climate, it was difficult to maintain in winter. So I added some cooked food including wheat and rice. From my personal experience Dr Davis is right about wheat but rice is fine. I gain weight eating wheat but never with rice. So I eliminated all wheat and maintain a vegan lifestyle. In a cold climate, rice, potatoes, all veggies, coconut milk , all fruits, keep me feeling good and no weight gain.
Raw vegan is far from healthy! Deficient is so many nutrients that you don't absorb or the plants just do not have. Watch Dr Paul Mason explain this.
Rice concentrates arsenic.
Off wheat for two weeks now . No withdrawals whatever , belly getting smaller , mind clearer , more energy with less sleep needed , digestive system working better . I look forward to the next few months and more changes to come .
Brilliant presentation. Thank you Dr Davis😁
This was a really good presentation. I will be sharing it with my family. Essentially he advocates a Paleo/Primal diet.
"Wheat is in the Bible". So is Satan.
Yeah and he too exist
Reading that book when I was young made me an atheist. Maybe I should have stopped eating the wheat too!
The wheat in the Bible was not genetically modified.
@@susanpage9758 right and no bread improvement, E500, E600 ..... were not there :))
The type of wheat in the Bible is NOT the kind of Wheat we have today!!!! Thank you Monsanto you Globalist, Luciferian company!!!!
Eye-opening.Ordered this book. Great info
5-31-13 The European Union is urging its 27 member states to test wheat shipments from the United States after unauthorized genetically modified grains were found in Japan. Tokyo on Thursday halted imports of certain types of wheat from the U.S. following the discovery of an experimental strain that was tested by Monsanto but never approved. The EU’s consumer protection office said Friday that shipments which test positive should not be sold in line with the bloc’s “zero tolerance” for GM crops.
I so gree.
Following his advice would essentially cure most of the World's health problems.
Hello, I have a problem with these doctors who say it's good to eat like our ancestors because our ancestors lived a non-stop active life, ate different species of vegetables, the animals ate differently that 99% of the animals killed for meat nowadays, etc... Completely different lifestyles. Is my logic wrong?
Then eat more wheat
This guy knows his stuff. Some of us are so fortunate to live in these times when tests are available for all these food related intolerances. My wheat zoomer test from vibrant came back that I’m intolerant to all major types of gliadin I.e. alpha, gamma, and omega. Surprisingly, I’m not intolerant to glutenin or wheat germ agglutinin(WGA) which was the reason I had limited my wheat intake only to occasional restaurant visits and to sprouted wheat only. No more wheat beer, bread anymore.
As a Hispanic, it wasn't too difficult for me to drop the wheat being that our diet is mostly corn based. I did notice the instant effects it had on my body (not having to worry about what I ate and still being able to keep the weight off).But in case anybody knows, I was wondering if wheat in other countries, for example, European countries has been modified to the same extent that American wheat has been? I have no problem eating wheat overseas and actually lose weight when there.
I have given up eating as much wheat as much as possible and I have felt better ever since , mentally clearer
All I know is that when I have quit grains, I have became much prettuer. My face have became much more beautiful and skinny. And I are healthy, whole grains, gluten free grains as well!
Wheat is closer to being an opiate inducing "medicine" forced upon people than a drug, in the since that the effects are not physically detectable, but instead causes long term changes to that persons overall health as time progresses. Such as developing wheat belly. I find this topic extremely fascinating. Like the Meat industry, it just goes to show the problems the world is facing presently in Agricultural. Generations from now will look back, and see this as a mistake.
So, everyone heard him talk about how bad wheat actually is for you, and the only question in their minds is:
"But I can still eat bread, ¿riiiiiight?"
Facedesk .___.
I shop the perimeter of a grocery store for the most part. That's where you find your whole foods. And I don't eat out but maybe once a month. A whole food diet without wheat has change my life.
I read this when it first came out. I didn't really have a weight problem but did have high LDL cholesterol. After giving up wheat, my LDL dropped 40 points within a couple of months. Amazes me that some of my friends don't believe me or just don't care and keep eating wheat. I also got my cat off wheat. Cats do need grain, so she now eats really nice Nutro organic crunchies made with chicken and brown rice. She loves them.
Why would a cat need grain? Lol
My cats-only vet said cats in the wild eat mice, and mice eat grain. Plus, even cats need roughage. Therefore, we buy non-GMO Nutro brown rice and chicken crunchies. My cat loves it. @@pmiller4110
@@AdellAstare I guess that makes sense. But technically they could just eat the chicken who eat grain
People don't believe till they do it.
@@pmiller4110 My cat's vet explained: Cats in the wild eat mice and mice eat grain.
Great info.
I've been following this eating plan since last Wednesday and I feel so great!
great information, from an obviously wonderful soul, many thanks for sharing
Word. I've been wheat free since the 90's. Bravo to all those commenters who are trying it! I currently live in L.A. and it's super easy to find GF friendly restaurants..... but I found the bast sorghum beer: New Planet, Off Grid Pale Ale. Actually tastes like beer (at least, how I remember beer tasted).
Most good beer is made from barley and is naturally very low in gluten.
Thanks Byron. I did not know that about good beer. Even low amounts affect me unfortunately. I just found out my local gelato place uses "trace amounts" of gluten for the texture. I wish it was easier to see into a product to know. I might look into the beer thing further. Thanks again. : )
Bryon Lape
But it still has enough gluten to cause some of us major problems.
I have stped eathing wheat and i feel much bether after 20-ish days, ty for greath lecture :) Peace and love
Thank you, I really enjoyed this presentation and will be making some serious changes in my diet as a result. FYI, for anyone concerned with the inflammatory effect of grain products you may be interested to know that our immunizations have two forms of aluminum and mercury in the form of thimerosal as adjuvants. Each of these substances are neurotoxins. Pharmaceutical companies stirred these substancesq into the broth to cause an inflammatory response at the time of immunization. The purpose of creating an inflammatory response is their belief that it provides a greater immunity from the viral fragments in the immunization. The amount of virus present in each immunization can differ a great deal. The basis or result of auto immune disorders is inflammation. My daughter had respiratory distress after her first flu shot then spent the day in the emergency department receiving IV steroids, Benadryl, IV epinephrine and inhalation therapy. She now has asthma. She also has MTHFR gene defect & cannot metabolize folate and other B vitamins. Synthetic B vitamins are in every enriched grain product.
So sorry for your daughter. But the good far outweighs the bad. Polio anyone? Small pox, MMR, Shingles, Covid ICU ward? No thanks.
Gave up wheat and I dropped 17.5kg in 2 months
Just made so much sense from a biochemistry angle! A Real Eye Opener!
I dropped nearly two inches from my waist just by dropping bread from my diet. I actually eat more calories now and my body fat percentage is down to 20.5% from 26% (2.5 years ago). My goal next year is to get it under 18%. In the meantime, my weight has gone up slightly as the weights I push in the gym have gone up as well.
Tq doctor Wlliam for the lecture ...LOVES FROM MALAYSIA.....AMAZING INFO.. GOD BLESS YOU DOCTOR ...AMEN
Minor point, but for the record, while bananas don't grow on trees, neither do they grow on vines, as the good doctor asserts in passing. They grow on a herbaceous flowering plant, which is about as far from a vine as one can get.