Why I Don't Call Myself Conservative | Feat. Noelle Fitchett

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @thepokingstick
    @thepokingstick  Місяць тому

    Buy my newest coffee!☕️🧙🏻‍♂️

  • @illinoisan
    @illinoisan Місяць тому +5

    Political conservatism is very simply defined. It’s the conservation of traditional power. Traditionally power was held by kings, the church and the aristocracy. In America power has traditionally been held by white men who own a lot of property. You are conservative if you believe that these traditional powers deserve to hold sway. A lot of people like to call themselves conservative thinking it refers to cautious personal behavior but that’s not political conservatism.

    • @Ferrari308-GTSi
      @Ferrari308-GTSi Місяць тому

      No. That is absolutely not what conservatism is. Conservatism in the United States of America stands for small government. That means that conservatives want a government that does a few things very effectively as opposed to trying to do everything and be terrible at it. Conservatives In the US also want government to largely stay out of the lives of Americans on a daily basis. Small government and individual liberty. That is what conservatism is in the United States of America. Any other description to the contrary is inaccurate.

    • @shawnmurphy282
      @shawnmurphy282 Місяць тому +3

      @@Ferrari308-GTSi A small government of "white men who own alot of property".

    • @Ferrari308-GTSi
      @Ferrari308-GTSi Місяць тому

      @@shawnmurphy282 Western society has been in the hands of leftist secularism for decades. Leftist secularism holds most of the institutions of power in Western society. In the United States of America, it is the leftists that control the mainstream press. In the US, it is the leftists that control the entertainment industry. In the US, it is the leftists that control academia in both the schools of lower and higher learning. In the US, it is the leftists that control most of the major population centers. And of course, when you look at countries like Canada and Australia and the UK and France and Germany, which constitute the other major countries of Western society, you see these same types of people being in control of the same types of institutions. The Hallmark of leftist secularism is that government is god. The secular leftist wants highly centralized power consolidated at the top. This of course requires a lot of wealth and money to make that happen. So there is active cooperation between those with fabulous amounts of money and those who sit at the heads of these institutions that I have mentioned, which are only to name a few by the way.
      Conservatism has been relegated to only a few corners of influence in Western society. So these tired cliches of anti-whitism and white privilege and the power of the wealthy being tied to conservatism is a joke. You really need to put more thought into your opinions on this kind of thing and base them in reality. Individual liberty cannot be achieved in a world where leftist secularism rules. And the path that these people put us on leads to Marxism and communism, but that is the ultimate goal of at least some of those secular leftists. After all the chaos has subsided in a world where these people are allowed to have their way, then people like myself who are conservatives have to come in and clean up their mess. It's a vicious cycle, but it's people like you and your logic that perpetuates it.

    • @Ferrari308-GTSi
      @Ferrari308-GTSi Місяць тому

      @@shawnmurphy282 @shawnmurphy282 Western society has been in the hands of leftist secularism for decades. Leftist secularism holds most of the institutions of power in Western society. In the United States of America, it is the leftists that control the mainstream press. In the US, it is the leftists that control the entertainment industry. In the US, it is the leftists that control academia in both the schools of lower and higher learning. In the US, it is the leftists that control most of the major population centers. And of course, when you look at countries like Canada and Australia and the UK and France and Germany, which constitute the other major countries of Western society, you see these same types of people being in control of the same types of institutions. The Hallmark of leftist secularism is that government is god. The secular leftist wants highly centralized power consolidated at the top. This of course requires a lot of wealth and money to make that happen. So there is active cooperation between those with fabulous amounts of money and those who sit at the heads of these institutions that I have mentioned, which are only to name a few by the way.
      Conservatism has been relegated to only a few corners of influence in Western society. So these tired cliches of anti-whitism and white privilege and the power of the wealthy being tied to conservatism is a joke. You really need to put more thought into your opinions on this kind of thing and base them in reality. Individual liberty cannot be achieved in a world where leftist secularism rules. And the path that these people put us on leads to Marxism and communism, but that is the ultimate goal of at least some of those secular leftists. After all the chaos has subsided in a world where these people are allowed to have their way, then people like myself who are conservatives have to come in and clean up their mess. It's a vicious cycle, but it's people like you and your logic that perpetuates it.

    • @Ferrari308-GTSi
      @Ferrari308-GTSi Місяць тому

      @@shawnmurphy282 What a cliche reply to make. Just ask yourself. Who controls most of the institutions of power in Western society? I've tried replying with a detailed explanation a couple of times now, but YT doesn't allow that kind of thought process on their platform. So I simply try replying this way to see if it hangs around.
      In a country that espouses conservative values which are indicative of individual liberty, then that kind of sensorious behavior is not what the citizenry would feel. They would be allowed to speak openly about these kinds of topics, even on a platform like this. But that's not the kind of world we live in.

  • @Ferrari308-GTSi
    @Ferrari308-GTSi Місяць тому

    You have to ask yourself, as a citizen of any Western country..... Who controls most of the institutions of power in these countries? Who controls the mainstream press? Who controls the entertainment industry? Who controls academia in both the schools of higher and lower learning? Who controls most of the population centers? When you look at the reality of things across Western society, and I'm not just talking about the US, then you realize that conservatives are a very marginalized group. There is a particular kind of ideology that is taking hold in all of these institutions of power, and it's been this way for decades. Conservatism is the underdog and has been for some time. Most of the countries in Western society aren't indicative of small government and individual liberty. They have large, top down, centralized power in the style of governments that they have. And all these other institutions of power have seemingly lined up in some sort of support of that ideology. There's a name for that kind of cooperation between government and other institutions. It starts with an f and rhymes with ash and ends with ism. There's the delusional aspect of the opinions expressed here, and then there's reality. You people need to live in reality. You don't have to like conservatism, but you need to understand the world that we live in with a bit more of a clear lens.

    • @marzipan2555
      @marzipan2555 Місяць тому +3

      But how many billionaires and lobbying groups are conservative?the people with money are the only ones that matter

    • @Ferrari308-GTSi
      @Ferrari308-GTSi Місяць тому +1

      @@marzipan2555 I think you're confusing what is conservative with Republican or Democrat for that matter. Lobbying groups will donate to one party or the other in an attempt to project or expand whatever cause it is they stand for. Because of the uni-Party control of the governmental processes in the United States, then that donation goes to either the Republicans or the Democrats. There are fabulously wealthy people that are donating billions of dollars to both the Republican and Democratic parties. To say that lobbying groups might be conservative would be a minority of them at best.

    • @benshatpiro83
      @benshatpiro83 Місяць тому

      Who would you say controls most of these institutions?

    • @Ferrari308-GTSi
      @Ferrari308-GTSi Місяць тому

      @@benshatpiro83 The majority of institutions of power in Western society are controlled by the secular left. Who controls The mainstream press? It certainly isn't conservatives. Who controls the education system in both the schools of lower and higher learning. That again isn't conservatives. Who controls the entertainment industry in all forms of entertainment? That certainly isn't conservatives. Who controls most of the major population centers in the United States in cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles and Chicago and New York City and Seattle and Portland and so on? Of course, we know that's not in any way shape or form, conservatives. Secular leftism has been the dogma of Western society for decades. They have political and institutional power in the US and Canada and Australia and the UK and France and Germany and so on.
      You didn't read my original post. Shame on you fella. Do your homework before replying to me again.