What is a Gorn Ship?

  • Опубліковано 24 бер 2021
  • while being one of the most famous Aliens in Star Trek Synonymous with the original series. our favorite outer space reptiles have seen a variety of incarnations from intelligent Velociraptors, to humanoid crocodiles. similarly their ships have seen numerous interpretations.
    In todays video i break down the different incaranations of Gorn ship and see if they are vessels befitting their scaly creators.
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  • @davebignell773
    @davebignell773 3 роки тому +53

    From Starfleet Command Orion Pirates
    "Huge and ponderous, Gorn ships are the least manoeuvrable vessels known to travel space. Many captains have been tempted to sneak up on a Gorn starship, and many have tried; but these immense, slow vessels are also heavily armed with Plasma Torpedoes and Phasers - pointing in just about every direction. The Gorn ship may not be able to turn quickly, but it seldom needs to; its generally already got something very frightening pointing at you."
    Now that is how I picture a Gorn ship!

    • @gavinjoth5347
      @gavinjoth5347 3 роки тому +7

      also nicely outfitted with rapid deployment shuttle pads to mass launch Gorn marines and ground attack shuttles against any interloping planets

    • @taraswertelecki3786
      @taraswertelecki3786 3 роки тому +3

      That is much like the large, probably fairly slow moving dinosaurs that were both heavily armored, and armed. I see no reason why a reptilian creature that is sentient could not exist somewhere in the Milky Way that achieved spaceflight.

    • @invader54
      @invader54 3 роки тому +2

      Those are my favorite Gorn designs.

    • @davebignell773
      @davebignell773 3 роки тому +2

      @@taraswertelecki3786 Slow to turn doesn’t necessarily equate to slow in a straight line.
      There’s a scenario in the SFC:Orion Pirates game which pits a lone Gorn Heavy Cruiser against a Romulan Light Cruiser and 6 Romulan Frigates. The key to winning as the Gorn is speed - hit the Light Cruiser as hard as possible with the first salvo to slow it down and wreck its plasma torpedo armament, then draw the Frigates into a chase where they can just about hold station at the expense of not being able to charge their plasma torpedoes and phasers - whilst the Gorn Cruisers higher energy output allows you to recharge all of your weapons.

    • @_BLACKSTAR_
      @_BLACKSTAR_ Рік тому +3

      In SFC OP
      The Gorn ships were VERY tough with ample firing arcs & if you went slowly, you could dump so much power into your front shield, that no one could penetrate it without getting close enough for you to very seriously damage their hull.Their was a thing called BPV (basic point value) which was an overall rating of the ship taking into consideration manuverability defense & firepower.
      So I would offer players in the chat to come face me 2v1 giving them 500 BPV to my 400.They thought it was crazy as this puts me at a disadvantage, however the Gorn Battleship cost 396 BPV.I would get that hulking monster, they would get a Battlecruiser each for around 250 BPV.Then I would just sit there & keep my reinforced forward shield pointed at them.
      It was fun watching them whine in chat about how frustrating it was to not be able to damage me at all.Everyone would try to split up with one attcking head on & the other flanking, but still, they just couldnt get close enough without risking a steady diet of plasma R & plasma S torps along with a shit ton of phaser 1's.
      God I miss that game.

  • @CZ350tuner
    @CZ350tuner 3 роки тому +11

    They dropped the TOS Gorn compound eye for the ENT Gorn.
    I think that the original TOS compound eye evolutionary trait of Gorns made them more interesting and allowed for more story writing angles regarding how Gorns perceive their surroundings.

    • @thethirdchimpanzee
      @thethirdchimpanzee 2 роки тому +3

      I agree. A reptile with a compound eye says "Very different evolutionary tree."

    • @thethirdchimpanzee
      @thethirdchimpanzee 2 роки тому +2

      Of course in the Remastered TOS, they had the Gorn *blink*, which a creature with a compound eye would not do here on Earth at least - no need for eyelids.

  • @ryank5424
    @ryank5424 3 роки тому +25

    I personally like how the gorn appear in the episode 'in a mirror darkly'. Makes sense as an updated look from TOS and they seem more dangerous.

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  3 роки тому +13

      Definitely although the proportions do look strange it has a very thick head

    • @minicle426
      @minicle426 3 роки тому +9

      @@venomgeekmedia9886 I'm not happy with the fact they removed the insect eyes. It's a detail that I feel seperates them from other lizardmen. Plus I actually find the cgi model more fake looking then the suit.
      I'd really like to see a proper Jim Henson/Stan Winston style animatronic puppet used to portray a Gorn.
      In the Starfleet Academy Mission "Cry from the Dark" , they did a pretty good job with Zashar using a similiar method.

  • @juancholo7502
    @juancholo7502 2 роки тому +7

    One of the things I liked about the Star Fleet Battles game is that the Gorn were friendly & willing to trade once proper communication was set up. The incident in the episode "The Arena" was a misunderstanding. The Gorn had been fighting the Romulans off and on for awhile & they initially saw the Federation outpost as another unanounced invasion. Enterprise & later things using the Gorn went for the low hanging fruit of Evil Lizard Aliens.

    • @randallsherman1309
      @randallsherman1309 11 місяців тому +2

      I always took it that the outpost on Cestus III was populated with a large contingent of Vulcan scientists - which the Gorn mistook for Romulans (with the humans among them being taken by the Gorn to be a slave race). Given their ongoing and nearly continuous hostilities with the Romulans, this would qualify as a logical, if mistaken, conclusion for the Gorn to make.

  • @jamesboucher5964
    @jamesboucher5964 3 роки тому +29

    I liked the ships from the starfleet command game, it was set it TOS, I also really liked the Hydran and Lyran ships.

    • @aerialballet1990
      @aerialballet1990 3 роки тому +2

      yes, i enjoy that game very much, having a fun time replaying it again on steam, although i didnt care to play as any of the major three, or the Lyran's that much. I did love playing the Gorn and Hydran.

    • @bookishjungle7553
      @bookishjungle7553 3 роки тому +3

      The romulan dreadnought was an amazing ship too.

    • @jamesboucher5964
      @jamesboucher5964 3 роки тому

      @@bookishjungle7553 yes it was, allot of she ships looked good.

    • @bookishjungle7553
      @bookishjungle7553 3 роки тому +3

      I really wish they would remaster that game

    • @minicle426
      @minicle426 3 роки тому +4

      I wish they'd use the Hydran and Lyran in a tv series.

  • @Sephiroth144
    @Sephiroth144 3 роки тому +4

    And, even with the different Gorn-types (Crocodilian, Velociraptorian, etc), they could be different races/ethnicities among the Gorn- which could also be reflected in some ship designs.

  • @occultatumquaestio5226
    @occultatumquaestio5226 3 роки тому +14

    I have often found the Gorn to be an interesting species. They are a secondary middle power like the Orions, Nausicaans, and Tzenkethi; but their civilization is quite a mystery but not because they are secretive like the Romulans or Breen, but just because they writers have never really explored them. As for their designs; yeah the do seem to go back and forth be crocodilian and raptor. As for this ships my conclusion are rather similar to your. Over all, many of the later designs are quite fitting. Would be nice to see them more in live actions.

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  3 роки тому +2

      definitely. i was thinking the reason that they are a regional power is because of their reptilian Metabolism which would make them appear lazy by our standards.

    • @occultatumquaestio5226
      @occultatumquaestio5226 3 роки тому +3

      @@venomgeekmedia9886 ; I can see that as a possibility. Other factors could be: slower rate of tech development, lack of desire to expand due to biology and/or culture, population size/growth (or rather lack there of), scarcity of necessary strategic resources for expansion, etc., A combination of these possibilities.

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  3 роки тому +2

      yeah its quite possible that the gorn homeworld is resource rich and has a symmetrical orbit creating a very consistent eco-system that could favour reptiles.

  • @MrTom2058
    @MrTom2058 3 роки тому +2

    There was a Star Trek tabletop wargame using hex grid (late 70's) were you simulated battles by controlling resources. They had a couple of Gorn ships. I don't recall exactly what they looked like but I remember they functioned much like the TOS character in the show in that they were slow to maneuver but packed a huge punch.

  • @dontdrunkimshoot8220
    @dontdrunkimshoot8220 3 роки тому +6

    My favorite gorn designs are those super low res ships from the old star fleet command games. The STO take on their ships fits them very well too, but they where all stat clones of freebee fed sci ships of all things, and had no synergy on the early to mid KDF PVP play style.

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 3 роки тому

      And Klingon Academy (like the King Snake, and the Euromastyx, and the Grendel dreadnought)

    • @bettyswunghole3310
      @bettyswunghole3310 Рік тому

      I'm not as think as you drunk I am...

  • @jimbeam4736
    @jimbeam4736 3 роки тому +3

    Fantastic and rare content! One could compare ships between mammals and cold blooded creatures like reptiles and insects and in this instance the latter should be distinguishable because these species are very different from humans, klingons, romulans etc. I feel like Star Trek Enterprise did a great, maybe even the best, job in portraying these design differences within the different Xindi species. The insectoids and reptilians had distinct ship designs that didn´t look like Federation or Klingon vessels. The Gorn to me seem a bit like less evolved Voth and maybe on par with the reptilians of the Xindi, so the ship designs of these species could give us a sense for an "authentic" reptiloid ship design. What we see is bulkiness and huge mass of the Voth city ship and a more animalistic smaller and sleeker ship design for the Xindi reptilians. So I have to say that the existing ship designs for the Gorn do indeed match the nature of that species. The bulky design fits and the sleeker version at 7:15 fits too. I don´t think it´s a contradiction that the Gorn can be slow/tanky and sleek/fast at the same time. Both characteristics fit with reptilian species in Star Trek and the real world (simulation).

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  3 роки тому +1

      Yeah I think the xindi aquatics insectiods and reptilian have very distinctive looks. I agree all work although I have to say the enterprise one hasn't aged well

  • @sortuhretard7990
    @sortuhretard7990 3 роки тому +1

    The Gorn are one of my favorite Star Trek species!

  • @Uriel77200
    @Uriel77200 2 роки тому

    I played the Fasa Star Fleet Command map/role tactical role playing game. (Not computer). Gorn ships were incredibly shielded and had massive super structure. Weapons wise, they had phasers comparable to Romulans after years of exposure to battling Romulans and plasma torpedoes. The Romulans shared a border with the Gorn and had a long war. This is where the Romulans got plasma weapons from. They quickly adapted the plasma torpedoes to fit perfectly with their cloaking ships. Romulan use of plasma weapons lasted for the length of my fascination of this gaming franchise. Romulans conquered much of Gorn territory and used their captured technology. The Gorn eventually came to peace with and even traded with the federation but I don't think they ever joined. Several years of war with the Romulans decimated to Gorn and left them a minot power. Gorn: Super solid, heavy shields, not very mobile, limited weapons ports but the weapons they have do tremendous damage once charged which takes a bit. Strategy wise, they would absorb tons of damage moving in slowly and close, then unleash plasma weapons thar fried systems and lowered shields of enemies. Once that's was done they would tractor in and start boarding. 1 Gorn marine was worth 6 defenders.

  • @CZ350tuner
    @CZ350tuner 3 роки тому +1

    From a Star Fleet Battles and Star Fleet Command aspect, attempting to board a Gorn starship (or being boarded by one) is extremely costly in Federation red shirts, Klingon warriors, Romulan marines, etc. often requiring 3 to 1 odd in one's favour to be sure of defeating the Gorns.

  • @Messametti
    @Messametti 3 роки тому +2

    You missed the Gorn ships from Star Trek Klingon Academy, they had a nice design, especially their cruiser and battleship.

  • @casbot71
    @casbot71 3 роки тому +5

    They should have a Gorn crewmember on *Lower Decks* … the animated nature of the show makes including a Gorn simple, perhaps even simpler than having to do a Human with all the complicated facial expressions and distinctiveness from all the other Human characters. 🦖
    If they had ever gone ahead with a Sulu show (too old now…) with him as Captain of the Excelsior, having a Gorn crewman would have been a good idea.
    As long as they could have done the effects without looking silly, perhaps a mix of CGI and animatronic puppetry for the head and arms… and not blowing the budget.
    Or they could still do a animated Sulu show, but they may need a backup voice for George Takei… in case of ⚰️.
    He or she (Gorn females [at least in SFB] are just as big and tough) could be a cultural explorer, as part of Gorn culture (even in canon, I think?) is sending out envoys to live among other species in order to understand them and develop relations.
    And the ship that has as Captain one of the crew from the first ever encounter would make sense … and the Gorn and Sulu could have a interesting complicated relationship - with both under orders to get on, no matter what their personal feelings are.
    One of the ongoing plotlines could be diplomatic incidents they need to defuse for the sake of the Gorn and the Federation
    …Romulans again!! or even Klingon radicals that want to weaken the Federation so they can then break the peace treaty without the Empire being squished - it could even foreshadow the later Klingon civil war arc in TNG … Duras family and Neruda Three and all that shenanigans.
    And just to subvert expectations, the big terrifying dinosaur is *not* the security/combat officer, but is sensors or something similar (communications would probably be out though…).

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  3 роки тому +3

      Could be interesting story wise. I think lower decks would be great to do that. You could have all sorts of running gags. I don't think it would have worked for the sulu show with the effects of the time

    • @minicle426
      @minicle426 3 роки тому +1

      @@venomgeekmedia9886 I'm amused by the idea of a Gorn being some well spoken and cultured Medical Officer.

  • @manuelbrunner299
    @manuelbrunner299 3 роки тому +5

    I hope that we will see more of the Gorn and the Gorn Hegemony in the upcoming Star Trek series. To answer the question: I like the design from Arena best. It would be great if we would see an updated design of this one anytime soon in the Star Trek Universe.

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  3 роки тому +2

      Yeah I think modern effects could really do them justice

  • @mikedowd6015
    @mikedowd6015 3 роки тому +3

    Regarding the SFB version of the Gorn: The ships may *look* too sleek, but in actual gameplay, with their terrible turn modes, they are *indeed* lumbering beasts that have a hard time turning, when compared to Romulan or Klingon ships. They also eschew fighter craft, having to hire mercs to fly them due to their bulk. The *DO* excel at ground and boarding party combat, and the use of seeking plasma offsets their ships' poor turning performance. The ships are actually quite durable with balanced fore and aft hulls, enabling them to take more damage than a similar ship from another empire.

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  3 роки тому

      interesting. i like that in gameplay there's continuity. and while it is one of the sleeker designs i can see why they aren't as agile as their federation and klingon counterparts.

    • @mikedowd6015
      @mikedowd6015 3 роки тому +1

      @@venomgeekmedia9886 The Feds may steer like a cow, but the Gorn steer like a Komodo dragon... (aka, barely, and only with a LOT of force.) Klingons are the most nimble, as their heavy weapons (disruptors) are single turn arming, meaning that they fire at the highest rate possible. The maneuverability of them allows them to get into firing position more often than the Federation, who have 2-turn arming photons, and really only need to get a single good shot to crush shields. Gorn plasma are 3-turn weapons (for full effect), but are seeking and have a much wider tracking arc that either the Federation of Klingon heavy weapons (and do a shedload more damage).
      Interesting to note, the SFB universe is, by license, restricted to TOS and borrows a little bit from TAS, plus the Franz Joseph Star Fleet Technical Manual. Sadly, the velociraptor Gorn are not represented, even though in the SFU (Starfleet Universe), there are 3 species of Gorn on adjacent systems, seeded by an ancient race. In my headcanon, one of them is the velociraptor version....

  • @Uriel77200
    @Uriel77200 2 роки тому

    I played the Fasa Star Fleet Command map/role tactical role playing game. (Not computer). Gorn ships were incredibly shielded and had massive super structure. Weapons wise, they had phasers comparable to Romulans and plasma torpedoes. The Romulans shared a border with the Gorn and had a long war. This is where the Romulans got plasma weapons from. They quickly adapted the plasma torpedoes to fit perfectly with their cloaking ships. Romulan use plasma weapons lasted for the length of my fascination of this gaming franchise.

  • @jeremycaufield8605
    @jeremycaufield8605 2 роки тому +1

    The Gorn design in Star Fleet Battles is supposed to be a mix of Federation and Romulan influences, since they border both.

  • @vaeloreonari7516
    @vaeloreonari7516 3 роки тому +6

    When I think of the Gorn I picture them to be more like the Kilrathi from Wing Commander, living in a different hotter environment, cold blooded, in environmental suits to keep themselves hot, when in EVA, or away missions.

    • @weldonwin
      @weldonwin 3 роки тому +1

      And when having the option, would much rather fight their enemies in person, where they can kill them with their own claws, just like Sivaar intended

    • @seankane8628
      @seankane8628 3 роки тому

      You are assuming they're cold blooded

  • @eriklundstrom1336
    @eriklundstrom1336 Рік тому

    The Gorn ships in the Starfleet Academy / Klingon Academy / Stargleet Commane era of games were really cool.

  • @jefferyyoung2580
    @jefferyyoung2580 3 роки тому +1

    I love seeing more gorn

  • @wolframvoneschenbach1174
    @wolframvoneschenbach1174 2 роки тому +1

    In SFB the Gorn are three species closely related species so them having several wildly different design families would make sense.

  • @ryanthompson5761
    @ryanthompson5761 3 роки тому +10

    I watched Gorn in 60 seconds on Gorn hub!!!!

  • @smileygabe22
    @smileygabe22 Рік тому

    Gorn ships in Klingon Academy are awesome to look at!

  • @minicle426
    @minicle426 3 роки тому +2

    I'm personally quite fond of the fan made designs by Unusualsuspex. They're loosley based on the SFB ships, that mix in a nice Aztec like colour scheme. You can find them by a quick google search.
    On a similiar note, what are your thoughts on the Hydran? They're one of my favourite minor Trek species, and very alien. I would really like to see them make the cross into televized canon. Maybe with a redesign?
    I'd like to see you do a vid on them at some point.

  • @jeffhallam2004
    @jeffhallam2004 3 роки тому +2

    I love how somehow you read my mind! Again! Every video you make makes me so happy!
    Also I’m ready to become a “Sub Commander”
    Are the Tholians next? Lol Love the Gorn!

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  3 роки тому +1

      interesting idea. although they have remained consistent, im kind of hoping we can see them in DISCO or lower decks with modern FX

    • @jeffhallam2004
      @jeffhallam2004 3 роки тому

      @@venomgeekmedia9886 me too but you flesh out the back story much better! 👍
      Thanks for keeping us sane during Covid. You and other talented Artists keep us distracted and entertained!

  • @ericdavid8915
    @ericdavid8915 Рік тому +1

    In Star Fleet Battlesthe Gorn are made out to be Feceration allies and early game miniatures were very simplistic.

  • @lordmortos979
    @lordmortos979 2 роки тому

    The tos ship looks the best over all. It's definitely the most striking and unique. The best part about it is that it is so different and unexpected.

  • @hallanfrost2998
    @hallanfrost2998 3 роки тому +7

    What do you think of the xindi reptilian ship then. Do you think it is reptilian? Its definitely not human.

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  3 роки тому +2

      I like it a lot and it looks very different to the gorn very agile. I feel like the reptilians were more based on desert reptilians

    • @jeffhallam2004
      @jeffhallam2004 3 роки тому +1

      I think they did a great job with the Xindi and the reptilians were super cool.

  • @gavinjoth5347
    @gavinjoth5347 3 роки тому +1

    for the awesome Star Trek game Starfleet Command, fans made up 3d models for the SFB ships, but with shiny blue metallic hull plating that looks like scales. Those are very cool and do give a 'big lizard in space' feel to them.

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  3 роки тому

      i saw them when i was researching. very nice. i have a real soft spot for gold plated ships.

  • @johnrettig1880
    @johnrettig1880 3 роки тому

    A long time ago I got a hold of a Sci-Fi magazine and the back story of " The Arena " .
    The actor who played the Gorn was told by the special effects team that they were not sure about the Gorn Head staying on
    So the director agreed and simply told the actor to move slowly .
    According to the story the Gorn Head still had problems with the connection between the head and shoulders in the closeups .
    So ... Don't underestimate the power and speed of persons of the Gorn Race .
    I live out in the desert and the 3 or 4 kinds of lizards there are around my property move very fast and that the little chubby ones too

  • @canisblack
    @canisblack 3 роки тому

    A possible explanation for the Starfleet Battles ship design(s) is that it was farmed out to another species. The Gorn were either unable to design or perhaps build their own ships and farmed it out to an ally during that time period before restoring or updating their knowledge of ship building to make it competitive with the other powers of the time.

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  3 роки тому

      i like that idea. again i think they work really well as 'Background' ships of the era. and the idea of independent Shipwrights is not one we've really seen.

  • @stevenewman1393
    @stevenewman1393 9 місяців тому +1

    🖖😎👍Very nicely well done and very well executed and informatively explained in every detail way shape and form and format on this subject matter provided when it comes to the Gorns, A very good job well done in every way indeed!,👌.

  • @shornk
    @shornk Рік тому

    Nice video, thanks. I agree with just about everything you said. My preferences for the Gorn themselves is the rubber suit designed and created by Wah Ming Chang. My favorite ships are more to do with ship modles differing from other factions on a game board. I love the FASA Gorn MA-12 Light Cruiser, BH-2 Battleship and the Starfleet Command Gorn Heavy Cruiser . All of these allow for variance while remaining big heavy armored and potentially sluggish. The Okuda's remastered and Taskforce Games ships are also fine looking ships, but I felt the saucers being part of the config didn't help enough to differentiate from the Federation on a game board.

  • @justinwallace269
    @justinwallace269 2 роки тому

    Starfleet Command Volume 2 had the most loyal and artistically sound Gorn ship designs by far. The ships are slow yet extremely tanky and packed with firepower in all directions. In that game, the Gorn actually invented the plasma torpedo, which the Romulans then stole via espionage. The two races absolutely loath each other, and much of the Gorn's xenophobia stems from their early encounters. They're more of a tyrannosaurus type race, and were described as 9feet tall and over 400 pounds. I feel that Star Trek Online and all other sources got them wrong. If anything they'd be slow moving behemoths with massive ranged firepower. They're extremely powerful at range and up close - the trick to beating them would be to outflank and surround them, maintaining a medium distance and take advantage of their lack of mobility. Their weapons are plasma based, so they'd inflict massive AoE damage. The weakness of this is that they can be harmed by their own splash damage up close.

  • @TheKruz-ox6fo
    @TheKruz-ox6fo 3 роки тому +3

    What about the Gorn ships from the 1990s Starfleet Academy game? I think they fit with the "crocodilian" aesthetic pretty well.

    • @kevsha6797
      @kevsha6797 3 роки тому

      I think you mean Klingon Academy? I don't remember any in the starfleet academy game

    • @TheKruz-ox6fo
      @TheKruz-ox6fo 3 роки тому

      ​@@kevsha6797 I never played Klingon Academy, but I do remember them in a few of the missions. I don't think they were particularly featured but they were in there.

    • @richjordan6461
      @richjordan6461 3 роки тому

      @@kevsha6797 I also only played Starfleet Academy but still remember them distinctly

    • @richjordan6461
      @richjordan6461 3 роки тому

      Thanks for being another voice. And I agree they're not terribly different than the other croc type looks

  • @nathanielmeade5731
    @nathanielmeade5731 3 роки тому

    I like the STO gorn but the Vertical nacelled ships for the Gorn the most

  • @miamijules2149
    @miamijules2149 3 роки тому +1

    I don’t see a Join button anywhere.... is UA-cam messing with me or something?! lol it’s possible! In any event, great video as always Venom

  • @louisalectube
    @louisalectube Рік тому

    My favorite version of the Gorn are the ones in Star Trek Online. I think that design captures the spirit of what they're supposed to be, rather than the JJ Trek version. My only complaint with the STO version is that some of them are hulk sized and way too big.

  • @garycleveland6410
    @garycleveland6410 Рік тому

    The Gorn used energy weapons called Blasters. These were crude yet quite powerful weapons.

  • @jasonmontgomery7410
    @jasonmontgomery7410 3 роки тому +1

    Why did you not mention any of the Starfleet Command games, specifically one or two?

  • @andrewm3210
    @andrewm3210 2 роки тому

    I have to say, I like Okuda's design. Perhaps it was just a scout ship, the Sabre class of the Gorn fleet. A big scary Gorn battleship could be a whole other thing and could be as different as a Sabre and a Sovereign. Enterprise-E

  • @richjordan6461
    @richjordan6461 3 роки тому

    I'd like to make another vote you look into and compare the Gorn ships in Starfleet Academy (and Klingon Academy)

  • @smileygabe22
    @smileygabe22 3 роки тому +1

    Venom you should look into the Ships of Star Trek Klingon Academy. Gorn ships look way better!

  • @jorgedavila4920
    @jorgedavila4920 2 роки тому

    Crazy idea, what if they're all Gorn just different variants of the same species

  • @SPatrickRoss
    @SPatrickRoss Рік тому

    I tended towards the Mirror Darkly Gorns, but the FASA ships. In the Arena, the Gorn ship has equivalent weapons to the Enterprise and was at least as fast at Warp.

  • @jinsetayinsei4146
    @jinsetayinsei4146 3 роки тому

    The Enterprise iteration of the Gorn is my favorite. No real reason as to why, but I'd prefer they continue to display cunning and intelligence.
    I preface my second response by defining the Gorn by how they were described in Arena, and also why I'm sad we don't see more of them. The Gorn are warriors, but also very suspicious of other races to the point where I believe they might have a decent capacity for espionage. I'd bet they could have interesting conversations with Cardassians or Romulans concerning their respective societies. I'd wager they've designed their fleet based on what they've learned from their neighbors, so I'd prefer unusualsuspex's orthos on TOS Gorn ships as they reflect this with balance and STO for the TNG era looks good enough for me.
    I'd love to have the Gorn in a ST game. Their civilization is not so large that they could wage war on an AQ power, but their ships could match any major power's vessel pound for pound.

  • @ISAF_Ace
    @ISAF_Ace 3 роки тому +1

    As A star fleet player I can only say they all blow up the same

  • @justinwallace269
    @justinwallace269 8 місяців тому

    The Gorn have subject to so many botched attempts at modernization. The absolute best and most loyal iteration was in Starfleet Command 1 and 2. They drew them faithfully and created a series of fantastic ships that suited their species. Star Trek Online actually did a fantastic job bringing in the 23rd century versions of the Gorn themselves, which is the only Gorn I'll play as. It's a pity they didn't allow us to use the 23rd century Gorn ship. Unfortunately, the Gorn ships that are available are extremely limited and mixed up with the Orions. The ships labeled Orion in STO are clearly Gorn ships, and vice versa. Orions are the ones who had the sleek silver ships with yellow lighting, while the Gorn use the more monsterous looking designs and heavy plasma torpedoes.

  • @sodiorne2
    @sodiorne2 3 роки тому

    TOS Gorn! Well,, if I take my glasses off to watch it!

  • @DooMandGlooM86
    @DooMandGlooM86 3 роки тому

    I like the alligator Gorn ship the best. It would be fun if you did a series on them. I'm reaching here but if I remember correctly the federation had some sort of conflict or war with the Gorn before TOS and after the romulan war.

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  3 роки тому

      i've never heard of one. but that doesn't rule it out, i always got the impression 'Arena' was their first encounter.

  • @CZ350tuner
    @CZ350tuner 3 роки тому

    You missed out the Star Fleet Command ugly slabby wedge shaped Gorn starships.
    In my personal version of the SFC game, I downloaded all the models to change them to SFB versions. I reassigned the stock game wedge Gorn starship models as belonging to the TNG era fleet.

  • @pyrielrising4338
    @pyrielrising4338 Рік тому

    I thought that the fleet that was presented in the Star Trek Starfleet Command video game series was very good, a bit utilitarian in design but very, very effective. The ships were presented as very large, heavily shielded, and very slow moving with poor turning radii. Interesting decision by the game designers to base heavy weaponry off of Romulan influence with plasma torpedoes. For those that have never played STSFC it is based off the Star Fleet Battles board game in came in four editions covering ToS all the way through TNG.

  • @kakkrotto
    @kakkrotto 3 роки тому +2

    The first Gorn ships look like a human/Cardassian hybrid to me
    Also, i think you might want to look into Star Trek: Starfleet Command. Its an old game, which i believe is based on a table top game? Anyway, it was an amazing game and it featured the Gorn and has lots of ships:
    here is an example: ua-cam.com/video/LYOSl3QDqwc/v-deo.html

  • @tra-viskaiser8737
    @tra-viskaiser8737 2 роки тому

    I got my first look at a gorn ship was from starfleet academy first on snes(which I loved the romulan phoenix class, such a good design), then on pc.. the snes one was the best.

  • @patrickginther8527
    @patrickginther8527 2 роки тому

    What I see when I look at the Gorn from "Arena" is a heavy worlder. I would explain the strength but would also explain the noisy breathing and lack of coordination. The Gorn may have been used to a thicker atmosphere and may have been suffering from altitude sickness. That may seem unfair of the Metrons until you remember how hot and dry it was for Kirk. An environment of equal hostility.
    Gorns being heavy worlders might also explain why they are so rarely seen. Gorn environments may be uncomfortable to humans and human environments may be uncomfortable for Gorns.

  • @MultiTomcat67
    @MultiTomcat67 3 роки тому

    @ 7:14 the newer Gorn ship looked cobra-like. Before seeing the other examples I was expecting their ships to look blocky... tank-like.

  • @AnonYmous-fv1de
    @AnonYmous-fv1de Рік тому

    Fed ships don't look anything like human bodies. Klingon ships don't look anything like Klingon (Russian) bodies. I don't see any need for Gorn ships to look reptilian. By the way, crocodiles are in fact very agile and faster than human beings. But I do agree with you that every interpretation of the Gorns is equally valid. I designed them for SFB just to be "different" in that they had the ships above/below the hulls. Great video. I really enjoyed it and some of my customers posted a link on the SFB site.--Stephen V Cole, Professional Engineer, designer of SFB (and several other SFU games).

  • @sagesheahan6732
    @sagesheahan6732 3 роки тому

    Everything you said about the FASA Gorn ships...
    Da. Roger, roger. That. Aye, Admiral. 😆👍

  • @lynngreen7978
    @lynngreen7978 Рік тому

    The STO designs compare to the FASA like STO Fed ships compare to 23rd century Fed ships. It looks like an evolution of the same navy.

  • @patrickmccarty6953
    @patrickmccarty6953 3 роки тому

    I personally like the Gorn ships from the game Klingon Academy. They were the fastest and most sturdiest ships and you can ram enemy ships without damaging your own.

  • @QalOrt
    @QalOrt 3 роки тому +2

    Wonder how the Gorn and Voth would get a long

    • @kamenwaticlients
      @kamenwaticlients 3 роки тому +1

      The Voth might see them and other reptile species as a sub species like how we see apes and monkeys.

  • @StarshipEternity
    @StarshipEternity Рік тому

    Don't know a favorite goen ship style, thinking the TOS-R version does. Though the Kelvin timeline gorn ships were massive but fit that universe well enough. The SNW version, I'm not even sure where to begin and from what I can find it's like early gorn used fragments of something as ships before starting to refine stuff in TOS I guess.

  • @carlousmagus5387
    @carlousmagus5387 3 роки тому

    They were a Playable Faction in Star Trek: Star Fleet Command.

  • @Shaden0040
    @Shaden0040 3 роки тому

    I liked the gorn hsips from the game Starfleet command.

  • @jefferydaniels6717
    @jefferydaniels6717 Рік тому

    As much as I hate what "modern Trek" writing has done to STO, I do wish the game would add some of the other Gorn designs. Especially the Starfleet Battles / Starfleet Command ones

  • @jenniferstewarts4851
    @jenniferstewarts4851 2 роки тому

    The Reptilian ships from Enterprise, do have a very raptor feels to them, complete with the long tail, the fin on top, its a very dinosaur feel.

  • @philosophicalgardner5609
    @philosophicalgardner5609 3 роки тому

    Cool designs are cool designs, but I think the interiors of the ships should say more about their creators than the exteriors. Think muggy, hot corridors. Maybe concave buttons to be used by individuals with claws.

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  3 роки тому

      Definitely we saw a little of that with the xindi reptilian ship

  • @ussvoyager8650
    @ussvoyager8650 3 роки тому

    The Gorn ships look really cool & I like the look of the Gorn ship in the Remastered TOS episode Arena & I've got a model of that Gorn ship

  • @captainsquarters1030
    @captainsquarters1030 3 роки тому

    I prefer the TOS remaster Gorn ships myself. They used them in Star Trek Attack Wing as well. That game has some nice miniatures of the ship.

    @VHVDRAGON Рік тому

    You did not mention Star fleet command computer game. The Gorn ships were brick like with extended weapons Arcs. Very tough, but not as maneuverable . I think klingon academy also had gorn ships...

  • @darwinxavier3516
    @darwinxavier3516 3 роки тому

    Don't forget the Gorn ships from Starfleet Command.

  • @DeadFilmsINC
    @DeadFilmsINC 9 місяців тому

    I have two fave Gorn ship's the TOS Gorn ship & the Gorn Pilot Raider that's in Star Trek Online the one from Star Trek Strange New Worlds. 🖖💜👌

  • @45580677
    @45580677 3 роки тому +1

    I wonder any chance for a Battle of Vulcan from the 2009 movie as Narada wipes out the Vulcan Security Vessels and first responders with a emergency Fleet deployment and then Narada clear the orbitals prevent anyone from escaping and Enterprise can only save so many
    Billions dead, a Federation Shipyard destroyed and the 2nd Fleet leaderless and a founding world lost. Starfleet and the UFP vowed never again and Section 31 went from reactive to preactive but I doubt Marcus working with Section 31 and stole the ship from them for what he did
    Starfleet vessels able to boost to Warp 10 TOS speed like the Dreadnought class Battleship
    As for the Gorn in that so much more could have been done as say a what if Admiral Spock and the 2nd Fleet a good chance for Lt Commander Kirk and Admiral Spock to fight for New Vulcan

  • @stewart7521
    @stewart7521 3 роки тому

    The best depiction of a Gorn is in Star Trek: Lower Decks.

  • @SuperGamefreak18
    @SuperGamefreak18 3 роки тому +2

    call it a bias but I like the STO versions of the gorn and their ships the most though having variant spieces inspired by the stos (Gecko/lizard) and the JJtrek gorn (snakes) would be interesting as well...if the ip was in compendent hands...

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  3 роки тому

      Yeah I like both maybe you could have both. Divergent evolution?

  • @shanenolan8252
    @shanenolan8252 3 роки тому

    I remember the trailer for the game . And another dark mirror game after

  • @sjsobota
    @sjsobota 3 роки тому +1

    What about the PC version of Star Fleet Battles Gorn ships?

    • @sovietdominion
      @sovietdominion 3 роки тому

      I could be wrong but don't they use the Fasa Desgins?

  • @ginholic1658
    @ginholic1658 3 роки тому +1

    Gorn ships from the old PC game Klingon Academy where the best

  • @ApsalusSigma
    @ApsalusSigma 3 роки тому

    With a lot of things concerning Star Trek, I personally have 'Dr. Frankenstein like 'pick the best parts and chop off and ignore that parts I don't like or care for' approach to my head canon, or at least my ideal version of Star Trek that useful for brainstorming crossover FanFic potentials. That being said, I like Star Trek Online, so I give that a notable amount of weight for stuff.
    As interesting and pretty the TOS Arena Gorn ship is, we see only one of that, and it simply doesn't fit with other Gorn ship designs, regardless of their 'Beta Canon' specificity. There is simply far too many of the 'brick wedge' form of Gorn ship, which conditions my bias to say that the TOS Arena is not a 'NORMAL' Gorn ship. I would love to see some sort of artwork that evenly mixes both that frontal quad warp nacelles and tail of the TOS Arena version, with the 'Wedge shaped brick' of other Gorn ships.
    Despite that, it is still more of a Gorn starship than most, if not all, of the (so-called) "Klingon" starships of Discovery - regardless of the fact of interesting those are in of themselves, and how much fun the are to pilot in STO.
    On an end note, Just because I contently consider the simplistic 'brick wedge' style to be the defining feature of Gorn Engineering, doesn't mean I want to look at them any longer than I have to.

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  3 роки тому +1

      yeah risking going into a rant about DISCO but the klingon ships basically look like unfinished concept art. they are flat and unintresting. and unnecessarily huge which is bizarre because klingon ships are almost always smaller than the federation ships.
      like i say i think the Brick wedge can work with good texturing and greeballing and does stand out compared to others.

  • @OldJerzyDevil
    @OldJerzyDevil 3 роки тому

    The Gorn pollitical structure henever it's mentiod AFAIK is called a hegenomy. So I think it would be fair to say there vcould be quite a bit of variety in their ships; how they built or aquired them. Following the definition of hegenomy there could be many different species working together or competing for dominance.

  • @gallendugall8913
    @gallendugall8913 3 роки тому

    This channel has Gorn askew in it's subject matter.

  • @Earthstar_Review
    @Earthstar_Review Рік тому

    My favorite version of the Gorn are the TOS, and I feel torn between the four-nacelle design and the big chunky ships in terms of preference. I really don't like the new lore for them from SNW, since it contradicts the mysterious nature of the Gorn Empire being far beyond any Federation world, resulting in zero human contact. I also don't see how you could develop a civilization and interstellar industry with that very specific lifecycle.

  • @warrenreid6109
    @warrenreid6109 3 роки тому

    I like the gorn from enterprise but like the ships from star fleet battles.

  • @timshen6516
    @timshen6516 3 роки тому

    Hey I enjoyed STAR TREK - 2013. Play it two player. Pretty fun. I didn't like there take on Gorns though still fun.

  • @patrickginther8527
    @patrickginther8527 9 місяців тому

    I'm not sure why a reptile would come up with radically different engineering solutions than a mammal. They are dealing with the same problems using the same laws of physics. Some convergence of design seems logical to me. Round wheels work best for pretty much everyone.

  • @rochedl
    @rochedl 3 роки тому

    For me it is the Fasa era of ship design. But of course most of my Head Cannon is FASA based :).
    On a different subject, with all the videos that you have done are there any non Enterprise ships and captains that have become famous or infamous in YOUR headcannon? and have you ever thought of doing a alternate reality series where you treat the time line line a wargamming campaign?

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  3 роки тому

      yeah i have thought about wargaming A klingon invasion during the TMP era or a Romulan one in the TNG era.

  • @gavinjoth5347
    @gavinjoth5347 3 роки тому

    The designer of the SFB ships was an engineer. Nuff said.

    • @seankane8628
      @seankane8628 3 роки тому +1

      Which is why you need a PHD in engineering to play it

  • @terriblecertainity
    @terriblecertainity 3 роки тому

    starfleet command also had gorn ships, if I remember correctly

  • @davidwright1577
    @davidwright1577 Рік тому

    off, that hurts, i've long had a love for teh Gorn Tos ships, though i always imagne them a cardassian style orange for tsome reason

    @GRIGGINS1 3 роки тому +1

    All versions of the Gorn can be found at Gornhub.

  • @OmegablueWolf
    @OmegablueWolf Рік тому

    the TOS remaster/STO TOS mission Gorn ships are great, i like the physical look of the Enterprise ones but the attiude of TOS: 'I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!.....wait hang on you didnt come to fight ? wanna start a mining colony togeather? AWESOME!' i am not a fan of their new portrayal but i am hopeful that is just some weird offshoot since the Gorn are said to have several subspecies.

  • @frankowalker4662
    @frankowalker4662 2 роки тому

    In TOS we only see the Constitution class starship, but that does'nt mean there are'nt others out there. It could be the same with the Gorn.

  • @trekman8188
    @trekman8188 3 роки тому

    I always thought the gorn was made up of different size and types of reptiles.

  • @siriax1691
    @siriax1691 Рік тому

    May be wise to revisit this video post SNW.

  • @OdeeOz
    @OdeeOz 3 роки тому

    FASA, aka the _Fredonian Air & Space Administration,_ Never did do canon alien vehicles for the Gorn. Probably because there really is no Canon information out there to build on.

  • @kingdomofvinland8827
    @kingdomofvinland8827 3 роки тому

    I am likley one of the few Trekkies who have heard of the Star Trek 2012 game.

  • @nachtwaya8721
    @nachtwaya8721 3 роки тому

    I actually prefer the Starfleet Battles ships, but I played the game all the time back in the day, so...

  • @JaredLS10
    @JaredLS10 3 роки тому

    The ship for the remaster of Arena doesn't feel Gorn to me, it gives me a TOS era Cardassian feel based on the design. I have made it my own head canon that the Gorn are made up of a couple of species similar to the Xindi. A crocodile, alligator and raptor groups all performing unique rolls.

    • @venomgeekmedia9886
      @venomgeekmedia9886  3 роки тому

      Cardassian? intresting. having researched the cardies thoroughly i can assure you they had nothing that intresting in the TOS era.
      i do like the idea of a composite species especially if they have been a space-faring civilization for a long time we might see divergent evolution.