The UK has No Future Outside The EU

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2024
  • It is now four years since the UK finally left the EU. The period since #brexit under an incompetent and corrupt #conservative government has brought economic decline, social division and poverty to millions. Every week brings more economic bad news. Under #rishisunak the Tories are deeply divided and the prime minister has resorted to regularly lying in order to defend his lamentable record of incompetence.
    #labour will inherit an economy in severe difficulty and decline and, even though it is widely accepted that Brexit is responsible for many of our problems #keirstarmer has repeatedly insisted that under his leadership the UK will never seek to rejoin the Single Market, the Customs Union of the #europeanunion or agree to Freedom of Movement or attempt to return to membership of the EU.
    Britain, however, has no future outside the EU and seems destined to continually decline.

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,3 тис.

  • @anthonypert574
    @anthonypert574 5 місяців тому +14

    Let's tax the rich for a start
    Close down the house of lords look how much money those two will save

  • @willumwhitmore9419
    @willumwhitmore9419 5 місяців тому +8

    California here we come... Sunaks

  • @davidbrisbane7206
    @davidbrisbane7206 5 місяців тому +7

    General strike

  • @ganrimmonim
    @ganrimmonim 5 місяців тому +9

    Even as a passionate Remainer, I never thought Brexit would be anything like as bad as this.

    • @walkingwithshadows
      @walkingwithshadows 5 місяців тому +1

      I knew Hard Brexit would be and it's got a long way to go yet, I just wasn't certain they would actually go through with it (until 2019, I guess the people needed to be taught a lesson about protest voting). Soft Brexit would have been fine, (retaining free movement of goods people and services). I am surprised however, that so few people used their free movement to protect themselves from it, and how many were totally unaware what the 2019 UK government had promised to do. (And they did it.)

    • @matthewrice3432
      @matthewrice3432 5 місяців тому

      @@-BY205 🤣🤣🤣

    • @lindalewis5787
      @lindalewis5787 5 місяців тому

      Brexit no causing the problems we have its the lousy goverment endless scrounging migrants and giving all our money to ukraine Pakistan China and endless other countries

  • @simonf2220
    @simonf2220 5 місяців тому +8

    Totally agree with you Michael.

  • @peterjaycocks114
    @peterjaycocks114 5 місяців тому +7

    Actually, Michael, you're spot on - as always. Brexit was the catalyst for all our woes.

  • @jonathanjeffreys3007
    @jonathanjeffreys3007 5 місяців тому +9

    I completely agree with everything you say - as always. I have just re-watched the UA-cam clip of Jeremy Hunt being "grilled" by the Treasury Committee (i.e.his fellow MPs) and the permanently self-satisfied smirk on his face made me want to throw up. If this is the kind of ludicrous nitwit that might very possibly get re-elected to Parliament, then there is indeed little hope of any improvement in the current situation. The phrase "hell in a handcart" leaps to mind. Even if the Conservatives lose the coming Election, they will still try to block every move to right all the wrongs they have committed, and will stir up as much popular opposition as they can.

  • @lesliewatts7537
    @lesliewatts7537 5 місяців тому +10

    Keep it coming Michael................ you talk so much sense.

  • @johnmorrison9424
    @johnmorrison9424 5 місяців тому +19

    I want an Independent 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿Scotland and back into the EU

    • @ichbinbluna3504
      @ichbinbluna3504 5 місяців тому

      Does Scotland fullil the Copenhagen criteria for an EU membership?

    • @RealMash
      @RealMash 5 місяців тому +4

      You will be welcomed, friend. We miss you. Some countries with an attiitude *aehm*not so much.

    • @davidmcintyre8145
      @davidmcintyre8145 5 місяців тому

      @@ichbinbluna3504 Yes it does

    • @DaveLongcock
      @DaveLongcock 5 місяців тому

      Never going to happen.

    • @ichbinbluna3504
      @ichbinbluna3504 5 місяців тому

      @@davidmcintyre8145No. You don't even know what the criteria are, do you?

  • @barbaraarndt5293
    @barbaraarndt5293 5 місяців тому +10

    Sunak will give us little people the date of GE day as soon as he has received his Green Card. 😅

  • @artistinbeziers7916
    @artistinbeziers7916 5 місяців тому +12

    I am (was) a life-long Labour voter, and erstwhile party member, but quite simply Labour and Tory are now, two sides of the same coin. For me brexit is a huge red line, and sadly Starmer has crossed that line. I just cannot, cannot vote for ANY party that doesn't have rejoining the EU as its main aim.

    • @gregstew6736
      @gregstew6736 5 місяців тому +1

      I cancelled my Labour subs too

    • @diggerman00007
      @diggerman00007 5 місяців тому +1

      I'm pro Palestinian so I couldn't vote for Kid Starver either... like the USA we are left with the choice of voting to eat a shit sandwich or one with sugar

    • @markgoestofrankfurt
      @markgoestofrankfurt 5 місяців тому +1

      Vote tactically to get rid of the tories. We can't do anything until the tories are gone. Not saying Starmer is the messiah, but if he does 2 or 3 positive things out of ten it's still better than the tories -5/10...

    • @oneworld1160
      @oneworld1160 5 місяців тому

      Rejoining is just a pipe dream and we in the EU will never allow it without democratic reforms. The main aim should be focusing on abolishing FPTP and starting PR. But traitor Starmer is allowed to go against his own party majority.

    • @jounik
      @jounik 5 місяців тому

      If you can only vote for a party that lies to you about what it can deliver, you might just as well not vote at all. It would take decades to reshape the UK so it'd even meet the membership criteria and a manifesto only covers half a decade's worth of action.
      Brexit is a huge red line, but it's also a line in the past. Everything relating to the EU Single Market already got decided four years ago when the Withdrawal Agreement didn't include staying in the SM.

  • @davidbrisbane7206
    @davidbrisbane7206 5 місяців тому +8

    I'm glad I live in Australia now.

    • @ichbinbluna3504
      @ichbinbluna3504 5 місяців тому

      The climate change heat will burn Australia in a few years.

    • @williamroberts7919
      @williamroberts7919 5 місяців тому

      @@ichbinbluna3504 now now greta

  • @bereal6590
    @bereal6590 5 місяців тому +7

    Rude and aggressive and arrogant sums up Kemi very well 👏👏✊

  • @jimheron007
    @jimheron007 5 місяців тому +17

    Stalmer simply recognises the reality that the EU cannot risk having the UK back until there is huge political reforms. First past the post must be replaced with PR or the door will be permanently shut.

    • @indricotherium4802
      @indricotherium4802 5 місяців тому +2

      Stall-mer understands that very well which is why he rejects PR. Someone's converted him to faith in the illusion of a born-again Britannia (of which he's boss) with a glorious future outside the EU .

    • @jounik
      @jounik 5 місяців тому

      @@indricotherium4802 The UK either has a future outside the EU or it has no future as the UK. There is no third option to choose from.

    • @indricotherium4802
      @indricotherium4802 5 місяців тому

      @@jounik : well, I agree in a way. Leaving the EU was inspired by a certain type of English person, the type who would quite like to see Scotland and NI leave the UK so that they can, holding hands with Wales, go forward as a kind of born-again Britannia.

    • @colinsmith1288
      @colinsmith1288 5 місяців тому

      @@indricotherium4802 Love Wales. They have the best tssting lamb in the world.

  • @davidbrisbane7206
    @davidbrisbane7206 5 місяців тому +12

    Labour will win the next election, but won't be able to move the needle much and then the loathsome Tories will get back into power and the cycle will repeat and repeat.

    • @harveybrown37
      @harveybrown37 5 місяців тому

      No. The cycle is broken. After 14 years of Tory terror I doubt anyone below the age of 50 will vote Tory and most Leave Voters were over 50 so many are already in their Great Brexit in the Sky

    • @colinsmith1288
      @colinsmith1288 5 місяців тому +1

      The main objective of labour is to save the NHS and stop the non doms avoiding paying tax to the treasury. Labour will start eu alignment on trade.

  • @MaybeLater82
    @MaybeLater82 5 місяців тому +8

    The lunacy of fining homeless people is beyond astounding. We're paying these clowns for ideas like this

  • @bhupindergoindi8754
    @bhupindergoindi8754 5 місяців тому +6

    Michael I totally agree with you!

  • @richardjames6690
    @richardjames6690 5 місяців тому +8

    If there is ever an Olympics for Sarcasm Michael will win every Gold. As ever, superb work!

  • @plumduff3303
    @plumduff3303 5 місяців тому +7

    Brilliant work Michael 👏

  • @Sat-Man-Alpha
    @Sat-Man-Alpha 5 місяців тому +14

    We here in Germany and throughout the EU are suffering so much and can no longer get the UK to envy its great Brexit success .... 😂

    • @BarnOwl61
      @BarnOwl61 5 місяців тому +1

      Schadenfreude? 😅

    • @Sat-Man-Alpha
      @Sat-Man-Alpha 5 місяців тому +3

      Die rumpfuscherei ist einfach nicht mehr auszuhalten….😢

    • @walkingwithshadows
      @walkingwithshadows 5 місяців тому +4

      Yes, and it was so well delivered. (Sadly though, I suspect there will be viewers who miss the irony.)

    • @augustiner3821
      @augustiner3821 5 місяців тому

      get over it, solutions are required. And this is not at all a playing field for Schadenfreude. Our own right wing populists are currently working to get Germany in a similar position.

    • @ichbinbluna3504
      @ichbinbluna3504 5 місяців тому +4

      @@augustiner3821Die Umfragezahlen für die Rechtsfaschisten der AfD gehen rapide zurück. Heute aktuell um 3 Prozentpunkte gegenüber vor 2 Wochen.
      The poll figures for the right-wing fascists of the AfD are falling rapidly. Today by 3 percentage points compared to 2 weeks ago.

  • @pojuantsalo3475
    @pojuantsalo3475 5 місяців тому +7

    Most people are politically clueless. Never underestimate people's will to vote against their own interests.

  • @AliG-iq4gd
    @AliG-iq4gd 5 місяців тому +11

    Sadly - I fear the UK has slipped below 'criticality' and as such cannot recover. Less and less in employment, less tax paid, less funds for councils, councils' financial collapse. Add in the mental despair of the population, and there is no way out.

    • @appstratum9747
      @appstratum9747 5 місяців тому +4

      On the current trajectory I think that's the most likely scenario. From Europe it's gutting to see the UK so dysfunctional and in such disarray.
      Populists still have a lot of political clout, ordinary people have for the most part completely lost faith in politicians, nobody is offering any hope and there is a complete lack of inspiring leadership.
      Inspiring leaders offer a persuasive vision of a better future. They lead from the front and people follow them.
      What such leaders don't do is formulate policy based upon prejudices vented in social media sewers like Twitter. Unfortunately, most British politicians do little more than that.
      Is it any wonder people have lost hope.

    • @walkingwithshadows
      @walkingwithshadows 5 місяців тому

      @@appstratum9747 The UK did get what it voted for. (Sadly).

    • @jmortier71
      @jmortier71 5 місяців тому +1

      @@walkingwithshadows that's the problem, they didn't vote for this scenario

    • @kloffus3
      @kloffus3 5 місяців тому +1

      @@appstratum9747 I think you are quite right. Very depressing . It saps one's energy for anger and action. But I'm. 82 and so it really has to be much younger people to turn this arround . I think we will eventually creep back into the EU but as a much smaller and humbler nation. Whether then we recover the zest to build ourselves back to the strong position we once held I very much doubt. I won't be here to see it anyway.

    • @vullings1968
      @vullings1968 5 місяців тому +1

      @@jmortier71 They did, because it was almost inevitable with the govt they voted in. The British (predominantly English) electorate had 2 chances to avoid this scenario... In 2016 and 2019. And maybe even before by rejecting PR via referendum. Chances gone and chancers in....

  • @bereal6590
    @bereal6590 5 місяців тому +11

    Sunak is to blame because he wrote off the fraud! Now some of those businesses have disappeared.

  • @keithsunderland8839
    @keithsunderland8839 5 місяців тому +7

    Michael Lambert is a brave national hero!...One point that was never breached in the debate to Brexit that perplexes me...There are 28? separate countries in the EU co-operating in an economic union and they all have sovereignties but accept a mutually co-operative union, that seems progressive and advantageous BUT THE UK (NIGEL FARAGE) PUT UP TWO FINGERS (to get. 'our sovereignty back')...So the UK cannot co-operate, thats the message that Brexit sends to the World!

    • @MrsGardiner
      @MrsGardiner 5 місяців тому +3

      The actual message is possibly even worse. EU is borne out of the devastation of WWII. Based on 'never again' (The rapturous applause to Churchill's Zurich speech about the United States of Europe, tells you all you need to know about the feeling of the population). The EU was about forgiveness, peace, solidarity, helping and levelling each other up, considering each others citizens as equals. Just look at the joint massive EU PPE purchases to keep everybody supplied at the lowest cost. No country was left behind. Ditto vaccine distribution.
      Easy trading relations are a means to an end, the end being greater togetherness to stave off any ideas of further wars. Britain on the whole seems more concerned about its own economic growth, considers itself in a class of its own, its people superior and therefore entitled to all sorts of benefits (just look at the expat versus immigrant nomenclature). Considers itself as punching above its weight, not as teamworking. 'What's in it for us?' (which Johnson said numerous times), is the British view, not 'what's in it for a l l of us!' It may come as a surprise to find out that Britain's economic well-being is not one of the stated EU aims.
      Britain generally is very adversarial and competitive, cooperation and solidarity are rather alien ideas, often considered as deplorable socialism. The 'winner takes all' attitude in Britain is predominant, just think of the first past the post voting system, rather than electing those in power by a majority of voters. In the EU the consideration is far more one of 'how can we all be winners here? Not just one country'. An ever more close knit team and leaving nobody behind.
      It is a clash of differing philosophies which ultimately manifested itself in Brexit. Papering over the cracks won't solve it.

    • @SJG-nr8uj
      @SJG-nr8uj 5 місяців тому

      @@MrsGardinerPlease tell us what you know about EU fiscal union, EU economic union, EU political union, the unification of member states’ armed forces under command of the European Council, the reckless expansionism of the EU across Eastern Europe, and the unfettered migration into the EU from North Africa and the Middle East, at the EU’s open invitation. It shouldn’t take you long!

    • @geertstroy
      @geertstroy 2 місяці тому

      Great categoric assessment. The reasons are just in front of thou eyes.....

    • @SJG-nr8uj
      @SJG-nr8uj 2 місяці тому

      @@geertstroy But it's blatantly not true, not any of it. There are 27 member states and they are currently having their sovereignty systematically stolen by Brussels, as it goes about the political conquest by stealth of its member states, from fiscal union to economic union to political union. Exactly the stuff the Dutch voted against in 2005. But you've got it anyway.

  • @marksaunders5325
    @marksaunders5325 5 місяців тому +5

    The U.K will never be fully open for business outside of the EU / Single Market . Greetings from Germany

  • @user-fj9vh2ms5g
    @user-fj9vh2ms5g 5 місяців тому +6

    corrupt tories......get them out

  • @danpictish5457
    @danpictish5457 5 місяців тому +5

    You are absolutely correct Michael. Blessings from Scotland and the Highlands!

  • @EamonCoyle
    @EamonCoyle 5 місяців тому +7

    I had thought my biggest problem with Starmer was not finding him believable due to his not sticking to anything that he has said as leader of the opposition, the man has had more rollback's than Asda lol. Now the one time he has stuck firmly with his stance is on the side of Israel in the current middle east massacring against the people of Gaza and not only is he clearly on the wrong side of it, the measures taken against Labour members who speak up have just alienated him even further from the working class people his party claim to represent. Added to that, he has also demonstrated a severe lack of backbone in falling behind the US policy which the last Labour leader made many families in the UK pay for with their kin !!

  • @michaelgoss9606
    @michaelgoss9606 5 місяців тому +3

    Thank you Michael. A good talk.

  • @charlie01546
    @charlie01546 5 місяців тому +7

    Feel sorry for young people who just missed out on the Brexit vote and are now suffering like the rest of the public in this country. Country has hit rock bottom and where Labour are going to get the money from who knows?

    • @RealMash
      @RealMash 5 місяців тому

      Too many young could not be arsed to go vote in the referendum. They share the blame.

    • @jounik
      @jounik 5 місяців тому

      @@RealMash Young people today would've been too young to vote in the referendum. It's been a bit, you know.

  • @anthonysmith8800
    @anthonysmith8800 5 місяців тому +16

    Sunak saying "The UK's place is outside the EU" is as optimistic as saying "a drowning person's place is outside the dinghy" !

    • @RealMash
      @RealMash 5 місяців тому +2

      Well, if he is known to create holes in the floor, I would accept that...

    • @ichbinbluna3504
      @ichbinbluna3504 5 місяців тому +4

      The drowning person:
      "Freedom and sovereignty is the only thing that matters."
      Then he went under.

    • @appstratum9747
      @appstratum9747 5 місяців тому +3

      Yours is such a simple and powerful metaphor. You sum it up so succinctly. 👍

    • @oneworld1160
      @oneworld1160 5 місяців тому

      @politics392 Your spelling is so bad that I am actually tempted to believe that you are an English white male…

    • @simondavies6270
      @simondavies6270 5 місяців тому

      @politics392 I am British English Black: parents [poor africans from the empire] came here 80 years ago and despite everything this is my home as it was their promised land. Brexit is a shame. This country isn't.

  • @pierrebuffiere5923
    @pierrebuffiere5923 5 місяців тому +7

    Great video as usual, I agree with just about everything. However, as a Brit with dual nationality living in the EU, the last thing I want is for the UK to rejoin. We have enough problems of our own without having to rescue an almost bankrupt UK.

  • @kultone9990
    @kultone9990 5 місяців тому +9

    Dear Michael, certainly you, do not upset me. I'm afraid you are 100% right. Anyone who has a bit of brain knows that.

  • @xrayfish2020
    @xrayfish2020 5 місяців тому +5

    Good day Michael your on point as usual 👍

  • @helenweston425
    @helenweston425 5 місяців тому +5

    As always Michael my thanks you tell it as it really is. The Tories have broken this country _ they have to go.

  • @romansUK
    @romansUK 5 місяців тому +7

    "Going for growth so invest in UK". What businesses? Barriers are in place with EU so trade services to Far East? Good luck.

  • @brachiator1
    @brachiator1 5 місяців тому +4

    Excellent video essay. I agree that deceiving voters is a terrible strategy that will backfire on Starmer and Labour.

  • @susanmorgan3104
    @susanmorgan3104 5 місяців тому +7

    I too have the same reservations as you Michael. I very much want to see the back of the Tories, however Labour is not the Labour I have supported in the past. I am outraged by the rhetoric of Wes Streeting Labour's Health Minister. His aim is to continue using Private Companies within the NHS. These private companies are extremely costly & poor value. At 68years old I have always voted Labour, this time it will be with a heavy heart, that's if I vote at all. Many people are feeling the same 😢

    • @8.5gc-liber
      @8.5gc-liber 5 місяців тому +2

      Vote to ensure tories are out. Independent if any are standing in your zone.

    • @amcc5887
      @amcc5887 5 місяців тому +1

      It's baby steps at the moment sir,however watever u deside to do ,do not vote torie there a bunch of liars,right wing hardliners,out of the trump camp,,

    • @Frank75288
      @Frank75288 5 місяців тому

      Don't be a sheep , why vote if you don't like any of them

  • @davidbrisbane7206
    @davidbrisbane7206 5 місяців тому +7

    If I lived in North Korean, I think I'd eventually try to escape even at the cost of my own life as I'd surely believe living their is no life at all. It not that bad in the UK of course, but young educated people will leave the UK in ever greater numbers as the years roll by due to politicians being unable to point to a brighter future.

    • @cws2355
      @cws2355 5 місяців тому +3

      Unfortunately their escape routes to Europe have been cut off 😢

    • @ichbinbluna3504
      @ichbinbluna3504 5 місяців тому +1

      @@cws2355No, workers with good education or Experience are welcome in many areas. We welcome educated Brits - so not Brexiteers but Remainers.

  • @anpj2006
    @anpj2006 5 місяців тому +4

    Michael - I agreed with 99% of what you said apart from one, Brexit has gotten us into this mess. Brexit poured petrol onto the fire but that fire was already well alight. We are seeing the effect of Cameron and Osbourne's 2010 austerity policies coming home to roost.

  • @williamcuddy6614
    @williamcuddy6614 5 місяців тому +6

    Thank you for your weekly update. Looking forward to next Saturday !.

  • @lemongrabloids3103
    @lemongrabloids3103 5 місяців тому +8

    I have the same reservations as you Michael, I desperately want the Tories out and I will be voting Labour, but HOW are they going to fix the mess they’ve been left with?

    • @BrianV-ie4mw
      @BrianV-ie4mw 5 місяців тому

      It will clearly take more than one term. Will the electorate give them the two or three or more victories needed? Or will voters go for the false but easy "we can fix it all tomorrow" promises again? Those messages supported by press barons and the echo-chamber algorithms.

    • @lindalewis5787
      @lindalewis5787 5 місяців тому

      Good. God you voting the Islamic party in reform stuff it both the undesirables

  • @cdansmith9753
    @cdansmith9753 5 місяців тому +7

    The country is on its knees - what we need is a radical change but we all know that won’t happen - Labour will be allowed only to tinker with a few things spend a little more on the NHS schools, public services but that’s it. Labour is every bit a member of the establishment as the Tories.
    We select between the lesser of two evils which is a shocking state of affairs.
    I will be voting labour whilst holding my nose.
    Brexshit is an unmitigated disaster and until we face that elephant in the room we can never move the country forward.
    Trust you are still having a wonderful time with the family.

  • @derekmulready1523
    @derekmulready1523 5 місяців тому +5

    July 1961. An application was made by the British Government to join the EEC. The United Kingdom of Great Britain eventually entered on the 1st of January 1973. The first brexit referendum took place in 1975. The remain Electorate won by 350,000+ votes.
    The rest as they say is History.

  • @pierremartini2229
    @pierremartini2229 5 місяців тому +13

    Good stuff as usual Michael, and keep on upsetting the delusional brexiteers.

  • @christopherbussell8714
    @christopherbussell8714 5 місяців тому +8

    Never Ever Trust A Tory!

  • @andygillett9999
    @andygillett9999 5 місяців тому +5

    Michael thank you for making sense out of this shambles of a situation. I think your explanation is bang on unfortunately. As a 71 year old I didn’t think my ‘twilight years’ would be anything like this!! Never known such blatant corruption!!!

  • @lloydbelle3406
    @lloydbelle3406 5 місяців тому +6

    I still want Starmer to win, but only last week I realised I cannot argue against the complaint that Starmer is a Tory.
    I am well and truly politically homeless.

  • @user-dp7xy6ru6d
    @user-dp7xy6ru6d 5 місяців тому +5

    Good man.

  • @wayneford2481
    @wayneford2481 5 місяців тому +6

    Lying to the public must be prosecuted, telling a partial truth for your benefit is a scam, and if this done in parliament, the truth must be published, and the punishment greater .

  • @alanbrown1848
    @alanbrown1848 5 місяців тому +5

    I will be voting Labour as I have always done but very reluctantly through gritted teeth, although disliking Starmer, as the better of two evils. Under our present voting system, unfortunately, there is no alternative.

    • @russmarkham2197
      @russmarkham2197 5 місяців тому

      Do the Lib Dems still exist? I would vote for them., if I still had the vote in the UK. I left some time ago.

  • @oskarh5060
    @oskarh5060 5 місяців тому +14

    Rishi could fix the cost of living crisis if he wanted. He could just borrow his wifes' credit card.

  • @lesleyrobertson5465
    @lesleyrobertson5465 5 місяців тому +6

    At least when we build up Ukrain we can all claim asylum there if they’ll have us

  • @margaretbloomer9001
    @margaretbloomer9001 5 місяців тому +6

    I totally agree Michael. I too will be voting Labour with gritted teeth as I live in Westminster, a Tory safe seat, but I don't have much faith in Starmer. He made a massive mistake when he declared that a Labour government would not contemplate rejoining. He should have kept his counsel. I normally vote Green, but in the last two GEs, I been compelled to vote tactically (sorry Caroline) 💚 💔

    • @walkingwithshadows
      @walkingwithshadows 5 місяців тому

      How is voting for something you don't believe in tactical? All you are doing is endorsing what you don't believe in. (Even Farage knows this). You can vote tactically for a policy. You would be better off staying at home than voting for what you don't believe in, if they don't at least have the flagship policies you believe in. Especially when it isn't a marginal. Vote for who you believe in.

    • @AlexGys9
      @AlexGys9 5 місяців тому

      Imo, when you live in a Tory safe seat, tactical voting is not only useless but contra productive. You believe in Green yet you make people believe the Greens are less relevant (and Labour more relevant) than they actually are.

  • @paulwilson7234
    @paulwilson7234 5 місяців тому +7

    Another in a nutshell video.

  • @peterdollins3610
    @peterdollins3610 5 місяців тому +5

    Sunak is the most corrupt & inept PM we have had in my 81 years or in my Father's years from 1914. Keir's policy is to get as close to the EU as possible. His tactic of disengaging from the EU Quitters has worked spectacularly well. It is now 16 million voters against Quitting 14 million for. As that shift continues it will become possible to rejoin at some level. The EURO has torn the EU apart & always needed to be a parallel currency. If that can be overcome I do not know but everything else can be.

  • @phonepower66
    @phonepower66 5 місяців тому +5

    Thanks Michael, it’s depressing but labour have to try and win . My concern,I think we will see some of dirtiest tactics ever used in this election. Brexit is a disaster.

  • @tonyausten6839
    @tonyausten6839 5 місяців тому +4

    I like it....the Dull Little Robot.

  • @keithhardy8513
    @keithhardy8513 5 місяців тому +7

    Why not fine rough sleepers £2,500, when according to Braverman it is a "lifestyle" choice ? 😂😂😂😂 I wish the authorities the best of luck getting a rough sleeper to cough up £2,500 😂😂😂😂

    • @davidbrisbane7206
      @davidbrisbane7206 5 місяців тому +1

      Just think. It probably cost about £3,000 to get the homeless person convicted in the first place.

    • @keithhardy8513
      @keithhardy8513 5 місяців тому +1

      ​@@davidbrisbane7206 Indeed ! 👍

  • @iano239
    @iano239 5 місяців тому +3

    Great, as always. I know it takes effort to write and record these pieces. People are listening.

  • @peterjhillier7659
    @peterjhillier7659 5 місяців тому +4

    Dear Michael, many Thanks for your truthful Critique of these very unsettling Times in Brexit Britain.

  • @paulinegibson7010
    @paulinegibson7010 5 місяців тому +2

    You are right about Starmer, Michael. Unfortunately he is our only hope of getting rid of the Tories !

  • @davidbrisbane7206
    @davidbrisbane7206 5 місяців тому +6

    If a UK political leader were honest, he'd say, "I intend to make life in the UK a little less shite than it has been in the past few years and this will take a lot of effort and much luck to achieve."

  • @padraigohooligan8363
    @padraigohooligan8363 5 місяців тому +5

    You could talk about the relative economic position of Germany compared with the UK.
    Whilst Germany's economic growth position is difficult at the moment, when one compares the relative quality of their facilities for Housing, Transport, Infrastructure, Education, Health (GPs, hospitals, dentists, etc), etc, the UK is in a much lower "division"!
    One could say that virtually everything is better in Germany than the UK.

  • @davidbrisbane7206
    @davidbrisbane7206 5 місяців тому +15

    Thing will get so bad in the UK that eventually Ukraine will feel compelled to help it economically.

    • @ducati916SPS
      @ducati916SPS 5 місяців тому

      "Eventually"....why wait? Go and live in the utopia that is the EU, or move to Ukraine they need an extra pair of hands.

    • @davidbrisbane7206
      @davidbrisbane7206 5 місяців тому

      I left decades ago 🤣😂🤣😂

  • @allancurrie9472
    @allancurrie9472 5 місяців тому +4

    Thank you Michael you have covered almost everything, but throw in the msm , and the so called journalists, all complicit, in my opinion

  • @dub604
    @dub604 5 місяців тому +6

    I'm tempted to say the UK looks like a developing country but it's not developing so I can't.... 😂😂😂

    • @terencefield3204
      @terencefield3204 5 місяців тому

      It is officially described as an emerging economy which means a dirt poor third world horror rapidly on the way to collapse

    • @johngamble967
      @johngamble967 5 місяців тому

      Well I think it is developing, not the way I would like but it is developing into 💩🇬🇧💩🇬🇧💩

    • @johngamble967
      @johngamble967 5 місяців тому

      It's such a shame the labour party has such a large chance of winning the next election. Unless they make a complete about u turn on there stance on Europe little will change.

  • @starmersbarber
    @starmersbarber 5 місяців тому +4

    "He's just a dull robot"...a perfect summing up of Sunak.

  • @cliffe02
    @cliffe02 5 місяців тому +4

    Hi Micheal, I too share your thoughts on Starmer’s stance over Brexit. I will be voting Labour, but it’s not because I like their policies, rather that they are the least worse option to get rid of the Tory incompetence and corruption. Thanks to our outdated FPTP system. Thanks for your video and stay safe.

  • @appstratum9747
    @appstratum9747 5 місяців тому +4

    All true, sadly. It's like watching a very tired circus full of grubby, talentless performers and emaciated half dead animals under a torn and leaking big top. The kiddies in the audience were told by mum and dad that this would be so EXCITING but now look around in confusion because the utter crappiness is self-evident. This is a spectacle for all the wrong reasons.
    Mum and dad are still desperately trying to convince the kids that the best acts are yet to come, trying to find something to celebrate the occasion. Some other mums and dads are getting annoyed with the kiddies for not appreciating this treat.
    Some of those children will grow up with these unhappy memories of cruelty, decay and squalor and vow to prevent them ever happening again and never want a return to the circus. They will rightly hold mum and dad to account for buying those tickets in the first place and not giving them a choice but to stay and watch the entire show rather than leave in disgust and (quite rightly) demand their money back.
    Keir Starmer and Labour are telling us that there'll never be a refund and you can't leave the show. Ever. But that Labour will fix the lighting and at least shovel up the worst of the dung so you have a better chance of enjoying seeing exhausted creatures prodded to perform uncomfortable tricks and tired have-beens with gaudy makeup make grandiose gestures for the crowd.
    Labour expect us to be inspired by holding out the promise of a career in the circus. Go figure.

    • @peterswires8439
      @peterswires8439 5 місяців тому +1

      Sunak and Starmer in a clown car - top of the bill.

  • @springchicken893
    @springchicken893 5 місяців тому +4

    You are firing on all cylinders again.🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

  • @user-pf2vg2mp8r
    @user-pf2vg2mp8r 5 місяців тому +4

    I agree with every word, Starmer hasn't learnt that brexit is now very unpopular and also if nothing changes without PR the Tories will be back in 5 years time. He's what Tony Benn called a weather vane not a signpost. I'm an ex Labour Party member who will vote for this Blair clone with a heavy heart,I'm that desperate. We need a government with a vision like we had in 1945 when the country was also bankrupt but just look at what it achieved.

    • @walkingwithshadows
      @walkingwithshadows 5 місяців тому

      I remember hating Thatcher, but this shower (and opposition) have undone the one good thing she did, and now all the other crap that happened at the time was for nothing, and the UK will be going through much the same again.

    • @jounik
      @jounik 5 місяців тому

      Just because Brexit is unpopular that doesn't mean it can be undone. Sometimes the damage caused by doing a stupid thing is permanent - you can't undemolish a house just because demolishing it turned out to be a daft way to stop the roof from getting wet when it rains.

  • @-.bc254t
    @-.bc254t 5 місяців тому +5

    almost comical, what went wrong 😅

  • @ulicadluga
    @ulicadluga 5 місяців тому +6

    If there's one hope the Tories believe they have, it's that, after one or two Parliaments, the Labour Party will have led the UK further down the Brexit path, and the Tories will be able to claim that the damage caused by this will be attributable to Labour policies and not to Brexit.

    • @walkingwithshadows
      @walkingwithshadows 5 місяців тому +2

      And they will be right, and be able to get elected due to the lack of PR (and long term memory).

    • @ulicadluga
      @ulicadluga 5 місяців тому +2

      @@walkingwithshadows Too bad Sunak can't see that PR would save his party from the worst election defeat in history.

    • @walkingwithshadows
      @walkingwithshadows 5 місяців тому +1

      @@ulicadluga I don't think that will bother them that much, it will allow them a chance to clear out the idiots. And labour are reaching for the poisoned chalice with both hands, so unless Starmer has some cunning plan to do a 180 before he commits to drinking it, they are pretty much guaranteed to return after 5 years.

  • @springchicken893
    @springchicken893 5 місяців тому +4

    Thank you for a brilliant video.

  • @davidbrisbane7206
    @davidbrisbane7206 5 місяців тому +13

    The UK is a country mostly living off of its current assets. Like a pension, it will eventially run out.

    • @paulstone9667
      @paulstone9667 5 місяців тому

      I think that is more like the EU as the Germans can no longer finance the EU, time for all the freeloaders to put their hands in their pockets, and I can't wait to see Irelands tears when they get the bill for their share!

  • @Keyboardnut99
    @Keyboardnut99 5 місяців тому +4

    We are so screwed with this bunch of grifters, and I share your view who on earth do we vote for!

    • @walkingwithshadows
      @walkingwithshadows 5 місяців тому

      Do what Farage did, vote for what you actually want, and don't make both sides of the Duopoly think they are offering it by endorsing either of them. (There is nothing fundament to make it only work for one viewpoint)

  • @janelockwood347
    @janelockwood347 5 місяців тому +2

    Trouble is Michael- Sunak won’t go till he’s finished lining his pockets, he is ruthless in that sense. Utterly despicable.

  • @andrewturnbull6144
    @andrewturnbull6144 5 місяців тому +5

    I find the tories offensive, and they are loitering around Westminster. When can we start issuing these £2000 fines?

  • @PaulZazzi
    @PaulZazzi 5 місяців тому +2

    Thanks for your insightful reality check

  • @sallywest5634
    @sallywest5634 5 місяців тому +4

    Surely if it's a strategy to get votes then he will be starting off on the same footing as the tories by lying and we are fed up with the lies.
    I don't understand enough about politics, and to be honest never followed what was going on until Brexit. I have never voted and never will for the tories, always gone with Labour.
    However I don't think they will solve this mess.
    My vote this time will be purely to get rid of the tories.
    Thanks Michael for keeping us informed as always.

    • @walkingwithshadows
      @walkingwithshadows 5 місяців тому +1

      Which I believe a lot of people will do, and which is why I believe the likelihood is that Labour will leave the economy deflating by sticking to what they promised and the Tories will (genuinely for once) blame them and get re-elected, because there is still no PR.

  • @neorich59
    @neorich59 5 місяців тому +4

    Leadsom's comment, saying that businesses will have to "absorb," the costs of the coming import controls, is about as revealing regarding what they're about as Coffey's assertion that people about to lose their £80 U.C. uplift will just have to work a few more hours.
    They're utterly clueless, or couldn't care less, or both!

  • @danielcraig4974
    @danielcraig4974 5 місяців тому +5

    Some nice sarcasm in this week's video Michael, informative as usual 👍

  • @TheEvertw
    @TheEvertw 5 місяців тому +12

    "Everything is going badly"
    It is almost like Project Fear has turned out to be an accurate prediction of what would happen to the UK in case Brexit was carried out.

    • @russmarkham2197
      @russmarkham2197 5 місяців тому +1

      Project Fear was actually Project Reality

    • @paulstone9667
      @paulstone9667 5 місяців тому

      You are kidding yourself! I love the destruction I see in the EU at the moment. The EU moving to the right makes it even less likely the young will want to join the fascist EU.

  • @tonyking2030
    @tonyking2030 5 місяців тому +3

    Absolutely spot on with your comments here 10/10 ✅

  • @ulicadluga
    @ulicadluga 5 місяців тому +6

    17:47 - Yes, and "honest" is the operative word. We've had enough of Tory lies - but we don't need Starmer's pretences either. I'd be happier with a Labour Leader who fully embraced "rejoin". The growing number of those who are rejecting Brexit proves Starmer wrong.

    • @wayneford2481
      @wayneford2481 5 місяців тому

      What do you think the tory press will do if he says we will rejoin.

    • @ulicadluga
      @ulicadluga 5 місяців тому +1

      @@wayneford2481 Who really cares the Tory press?. They're becoming less relevant by the minute. Attitudes to Brexit have massively changed. Everyone knows the Tories lied about Brexit - and the Tory press supported those lies. Starmer is making a massive mistake by supporting Brexit in any way. It will be the "Albatross" around his neck - and though he'll likely win the next GE, the burden of Brexit will drag the Party down, and a single term government achieves even less.

  • @Kicklighter.A
    @Kicklighter.A 5 місяців тому +5

    The county needs PR, media reform and an end to lobbying by business, shadowy think tanks and powerful individuals. Which ever party you support from Reform to the Greens, it is in the country’s and your own best interests to reclaim our democratic system and make it work in the way in which it was intended.

  • @TheEvertw
    @TheEvertw 5 місяців тому +5

    Tories have very such fragile egos, acknowledging the negative consequences of any of their policies would cause them to shatter. Or even acknowledging the hardship of many of their citizens. They rather laugh in their face.

  • @adeko8578
    @adeko8578 5 місяців тому +5

    Michael, come on, how can you say Starmer is an honest individual. Far from it, I am afraid.

    • @Gary-le7dz
      @Gary-le7dz 5 місяців тому +2

      Evidence !! Or just a sound bite shite

    • @sososoprano1
      @sososoprano1 5 місяців тому

      @@Gary-le7dz- if you were paying any attention at all, the evidence is all around you, easily seen.

  • @carolynwestlake7670
    @carolynwestlake7670 5 місяців тому +3

    Thank you for making me smile in these dark times Michael

  • @leeallen463
    @leeallen463 5 місяців тому +5

    I agree our future would be better inside the EU and I expect we'll rejoin at some point but tbh I've never expected it to happen in one term so I really don't care what Labour are saying on it at the moment and, as long as they're ahead in the polls I can only assume the public are in favour of the current approach. As for borrowing, I'm pretty sure Labour aren't planning on it for day to day spending but the NHS would be an investment, so I'd expect that and social care to improve.

    • @amcc5887
      @amcc5887 5 місяців тому

      Will the EU allow you back in?Will Scotland get ter indo,will Ireland unite???big problems for little england me thinks going forward, ever changing demographic demographics, brexit will destroy the uk,

    • @user-qd2hl9lu3h
      @user-qd2hl9lu3h 5 місяців тому

      It is no longer the UK's choice on whether to rejoin the EU. Other member states have to agree to it too.

    • @leeallen463
      @leeallen463 5 місяців тому

      Hard to say for sure but I expect it depends what's in in for them.@@amcc5887

  • @scoates9910
    @scoates9910 5 місяців тому +2

    Well.....that sums it up exactly, many thanks ❤

  • @davidbrisbane7206
    @davidbrisbane7206 5 місяців тому +3

    Sunak calling for a general election is akin to turkeys voting for Christmas.

  • @mikeymoo1291
    @mikeymoo1291 5 місяців тому +3

    I think we will step by step re-join the EU but by another name. I also think the Labour party will hit the rich but they've got no reason at the moment to say so.

  • @dfishpool7052
    @dfishpool7052 5 місяців тому +3

    Thank you, Michael for your analysis of the Brexshit and all the negative consequences that have followed. I find myself in exactly the same situatioin as you in having to vote Labour to oust the hated tories BUT Labour is just going to continue the tory trend but perhaps without the extreme corruption. Starmer is wrong to hold up the march of democracy by refusing to ditch the First Past the Post system of elections - that is a fundamental change that is needed if the UK is ever to become a credible country.

  • @plumduff3303
    @plumduff3303 5 місяців тому +2

    Great work Michael

  • @markslowen1411
    @markslowen1411 5 місяців тому +5

    100,000 hospital beds costing £4000 each have just been sold for £25 each by a company called RAMCO UK not to mention 100s of millions in other medical equipment bought for covid and never used.

    • @BrianV-ie4mw
      @BrianV-ie4mw 5 місяців тому

      Obviously better to save them for installation in the 40 new hospitals we are getti----- Oh!

  • @audreymcgready4329
    @audreymcgready4329 5 місяців тому +3

    So sorry Michael. I am having to catch up. But as always thank you for what you do to bring us these posts. Appreciated very much.

  • @DogsRAwesome-lx5pz
    @DogsRAwesome-lx5pz 5 місяців тому +4

    The Tories are playing the long game with a scorched Earth policy, knowing their days are numbered they calculate that if they leave a big enough mess behind no other party can fix it in one term and the Tories will then use that to say 'See what a mess they made without us and our good work blah blah' - I'm not a massive Starmer fan either, but agree he's at least honest and that's a starting point after the past 14 years of misery. I can't see any other party other than Labour making any kind of impact at the next election despite what the likes of former UKIP-ers like Reform might say and the Lib Dems blew it a few years ago when Joanne Swinson bottled it. On the plus side it'll be good to see the Tories turning on each other more and more and maybe have a mud wrestling challenge with Lee Anderson and Rees-Mogg, winner faces off against Nigel Farage... .now that's something I would vote for!

    • @ichbinbluna3504
      @ichbinbluna3504 5 місяців тому +1

      Starmer can tell the voters that the Tory politicians are doing this manoeuvre and he can say:
      "If you become dissatisfied after 4 years, you don't need to vote for me (my party) in the first place. It will take 20 years to eradicate the crimes of the Tory gangsters."
      Even though I am an atheist, I was told the story of the wandering of the Jews through the deserts for 40 years at school. And I saw the film with Charlton Heston. Do you remember the scene where Moses climbs the mountain and stays away for a long time. And down in the valley, his adversary stirs up "the people".
      The Tory gangsters will do nothing else.

  • @Emdep17213
    @Emdep17213 5 місяців тому +2

    I wish you good health to continue reporting Brexit news. And thank you for the video. Take care of yourself !