In addition to nitpick city, the pedestrians no longer have ANY character. One of my favorite parts of SR2 was the random personalities the player can come across. Barbershop quartets, cheerleaders, pimps & hos, skateboarders, skaters, the elderly, joggers, hobos, druggies, college students, beachgoers, construction workers and MORE; it felt so ALIVE and INTERESTING, not to mention the dialogue people had with you and the jokes they muttered alongside the Easter eggs they put randomly with encounters, it made just walking around worth it. Near NO REASON for me to explore Steelport. Just depression and weird mechanics. I HATED THIS GAME
Not to mention, your actions in the campaign and even your hygiene, was reflected by the NPC pedestrians. After you burn down Shivington in the Sons of Samedi drug lab mission, all random pedestrians start commenting on it and being upset at you for what you did. Once you clear out an entire gang in the campaign, the pedestrians would comment thanking you for it. If you went more than two in-game days without changing your clothes, the pedestrians would start telling you you stink and need to take a shower, etc. This was a game *FROM 2008!* In Saints Row the Third, we couldn't even get a damn day/night cycle and Steelport is SO DAMN UGLY at night! I had to reload the game so many times just so it'd spawn me during the day. I hated it!
This game is when Saints Row really lost it's luster. It was surreal with the change up in story direction, especially with the direction the DLC's in SR2 we're pointing in with going after Dex "eventually". Great breakdown of this game! Hit every note perfectly
I spent some time as a tester at Volition during SR2 and Red Faction Guerrilla. There was an inside joke amongst us that we were the quality "awareness" team because the havok engine made SR2 insanely unstable and is probably why they axed it in later games. The core dev team that found ways to make it work were making their exits shortly after the game released and is where you can see the content shit the bed. I was on the PS3, and yes, the PC team. The PC port of SR2 was an early build of the 360 version and didn't get any love or optimization because it was outsourced to CD Projekt in Poland (who were working opposite hours than we did so just communicating with them was insufferable) and all Volition's in house resources were dedicated to the console expansions and starting SR3. Their goal was to simply get a digital version for PC up on the awesome new Steam platform.
I think it's because the Boss and Gat are the only ones truly combat capabale. Like force-of-nature levels. The rest are mostly administrative, Shaundi, Pierce, Kinzie, etc. And your goons even less of both. Maybe Oleg, but he's too big a target, i guess? And Angel, is absolutely useles. I cant for a moment remeber where he was "good" in combat, even in his own ring. I still dont remember why was he even a character. Thought he'd be the one to 1v1 Killbane, but no....
@@emytzu All of the new SR3 characters were so bland except for Kinzie. Oleg was reliable, but meant to be quiet, intelligent, and stoic. And Matt Miller was a character so annoying, fans loved hating him. But Angel, Zimos, Viola, and Killbane... Almost no one even remembers them. Carlos from SR2 is remembered more than they are.
At first SR3 was a fun game but when you go back to SR2 and you compare both games you can see how this was the start of the downfall of this franchise.
Yeah in my opinion i dont really find the wackiness to be the problem, the problem simply because it lacked more content than saints row 2, like steelport sucks ass, and most of the main missions are filler
As many times as I've played this it never occurred to me that Stillwater was close enough to steelport to drive to so the whole story is unnecessary they could've just went back to Stillwater problem solved
But if you leave Steelport, Boss gets possessed with an intrusive thought telling them “The Saints need you in Steelport” and the Boss is compelled to return to their eternal prison. 😢
@mauricehamilton4025 Stilwater is supposed to be Chicago, an island in Lake Michigan. Steelport is Pittsburgh/Cleveland/Detroit, an island in Lake Erie. The two cities would really only be like two hours apart from each other, realistically.
Johnny is a really hard death to do. I think they just wrote themself into a corner (this is from the view that they didn’t know they were gonna bring him back) in a similar way to gojo where there’s not a believable death to give him. Johnny (and the boss) is by all accounts unkillable stabbed multiple times, shot in the knee point blank and recovered immediately, hit by a car and barely affected, among other things, while also being one of the best innate fighters in fiction. On top of that Johnny is barely given any emotion other than chill except for when Aisha died so giving him a death like tai wouldn’t even really work and would reaaally anger fans so they went a safe route and just didn’t show it.
One of the biggest problems with SR3 comes from the fact they ditched handling each gang individually to a linear story. They tried to get rid of the need to do activities to do missions, but ended up doing it in the worst way possible In SR1/2 you did activities to do missions. This was semi-annoying on a first time playthrough but is great when replaying the game because activities are how you unlock all of the most broken weapons in the game. More importantly you get to pick which activities you wanna do. If you don't wanna do racing missions or mayhem the game doesn't force you to. All the missions are great and each gang has their own completely separate arc that tells a mini story from beginning to end. Then you have a post game arc and then the game's ending By removing this structure they instead force you to do activities you don't get to choose, and made it so instead of the Boss plotting to take each gang down individually by exploiting their weaknesses and then finally facing off against their boss. Now the Boss just gets told what to do and where to go and occasionally you fight one of the villains and it's usually a letdown. It also removes an enormous amount of worldbuilding SR1/2 had. Because each gang had their own exclusive mission structure in SR1/2 you get to also find out about how the gang makes money and how they're all different. (IE: The Sons of Samedi make money from selling drugs, The Brotherhood makes money from stealing and reselling cars, the Ronin make money from gambling). Instead the only difference between each gang is just what color their outfit is and which overpowered bullet sponge enemy you have to deal with. This extends to Steelport in general. In Stilwater every district had npcs that fit a particular socio-economic class and would even have unique animations when walking around. Whereas Steelport is just a generic Detroit-like city and the only places that stand out are the Boss's crib and that one bar a lot of missions start in. SR4 handled this a bit better by just having 1 villain and ditching the idea of fighting gangs but that game is it's own can of worms.
I understand..but the activities being pretty much the same three things get tiring and boring fast, so I'm glad it was optional in the newer ones. But they could've handle the story better.
@@atomic747 I might be the only one who prefers SR3 over SR1,2 simply because it was my first Saints Row game. I tired to play SR1,2 most recently just didn't like how I was forced to do boring mini games when I just wanted to the story, I honestly didn't even noticed it was the most hated in the series until I started to using the internet around 2011
@@MalikATLAt least in SR2 you have the option of getting clothing, accessories, and tattoos that give you a Respect multiplier that makes it so you don't have to play AS MANY side activities unless you're looking to make more money.
Yeah, I remember being so hyped for this game and playing through it just waiting for the disappointment to end lol. Not only the idea of "we'll make it so epic and badass and super hehe haha hilarious" flanderization, but the boring new characters, activities, and making me feel like "okay Gat's coming back in this mission right?" just to never do it 😂the first time I was hugely disappointed by a game (also they fr made a "Gat is back!" SR4 trailer. zero shame). Gotdamn Steelport is boring. Anyone who says SR3 is the best Saints Row just hasn't played SR2 for long enough
man,i completed all of the saints row series like 6-8 times,i dont really know english but man im addicted to your videos,seriously,theyre so god damn GOOD
The first part reminded me of my own genius solution to buying mature games. My father wouldn’t buy me mature games but I learned there was no age verification on buying digital games on PS3 so I would buy gift cards instead. Sorry dad, I had to play GTA IV.
Yeah the world and penthouses feel so empty, like what purpose do they really serve? I have a lot of fun memories and nostalgia with this game, but there's defo an emptyness in the open world
Johnny Gat was an amazing character in Saint Row 2 and seeing him die like that in Saints Row 3 was is angering, I mean the entire game lost the actual personality of Saints Row and it felt awful that I could call him later and a zombie would show up, no respect for such an amazing character. I mean the entire game was just annoying to play through because Saints Row 3 was Saints Row stopped being Saints Row
I started with saints row 3 since my older sister was a fan of the series at the time and I liked it but I played saints row 2 after since she also had a copy of the 2nd game and man my younger mind quickly fell in love with the 2nd game its a shame they wont be like that ever because of how ahead the 2nd was and how brutal the saints used to be but it was also funny since it was a balance
Loved the game when it came out, but played the switch version and thought they cut out vital cinematic scenes. Turns out the story doesnt explain shit on its way to present you with Wacky Mission #5. Things just *happen*
According to the Homie conversations she and Oleg had, his backstory is that he’s a former KGB agent. And in a SR4 Audio Log, her being in TV shows so much that she didn’t have time to smoke is why her personality change.
Yes, but they never show us Shaundi's changes. And in SR2, Shaundi and Gat were NEVER close; Gat was dealing with the death of Aisha in that game, so the two are almost never in a scene together (only two; when the Boss makes his "Let's Get This Started" speech he stole from Julius - who stole it from Ben King of The Vice Kings - and after The Boss gets attacked by the Ultor Masako Team and they all meet at a bar and plan to go into their research facility.) So this Shaundi/Gat mentor relationship comes out of nowhere. Besides that, Shaundi has a completely different voice, personality, chest size, and even height (going from about 5'1"-5'2", to 5'6"-5'7" in heels) in SR3; nothing about them is even remotely similar. SR3 Shaundi was so hated by everyone, they even comment on it in SR4, and how everyone likes "Fun Shaundi" (from SR2) better. That's cause Fun Shaundi isn't an angry bitch all the time and didn't get kidnapped as much; she was even angry in the opening mission before Gat died. Speaking of kidnapping, SR3 Shaundi literally does nothing to help you the entire game and gets kidnapped _three_ times! SR2 Shaundi may have come off like a dumb stoner, but was actually pretty helpful due to her networking and computer skills and played a vital role in taking down the Sons of Samedi, even if she has no combat experience. SR3 Shaundi is not only angry and bitter, but useless too!
@@MarvinPowell1 SR3 takes place 5 years after the events of the second game. While you can say it's a shame that it happened off-screen, it's absolutely believeable that Johnny and Shaundi (and the rest of the crew for that matter) grew closer in that time. I liked Shaundi in SR3. She went from a pothead college student to someone who wanted to desperately prove herself and she is reckless in doing so. It's called a character flaw. I also find it funny how people criticize SR3 Shaundi for being reckless and angry all the time yet that's basically how the boss in SR2 was which you could argue is where she got that attitude from..
When l played SR 3 for the 1st time, one of the things l hated the most about it was the fact that my favorite character from SR 2 was nothing like the way it was presented in SR 3 in terms of characterization. 0bviously, l'm referring to SHAUNDl. Later, SR 4 confirmed this to me by showing how SHAUNDl from SR 2 really didn't like the version of herself in SR 3. That to me was really funny & also fitting regarding this topic.
not to mention steelport fucking sucks. it just looks like liberty city all the way through. stilwater had trailer parks, college campuses, downtown, modern Ultor city, the arts area, the boardwalk, the mall, the cemetery, an entire underground cave network. stilwater had VARIETY in its map. you could drop me in a random spot in stilwater and one 360 camera turn after, i could tell you exactly where i am. not as easy with steelport.
Immagine if... somwhere in 2022, Voilition would reboot this franchise but it would be so bad, that it would make SR3 look like a masterpiece... that would be crazy and luckily that will NEVER HAPPEN!
The biggest the problem with SR3 is the awful map, especially since SR2's map is the goat makes it even worse. SR3 is inferior to SR2 in every way when it's about content.
Kia - "If you don't come here, Shaundi will die" Boss - "It's Saints Row 3 Shaundi, I'm going for Killbane." Kia - "And Burt Reynolds will die with her" Boss - "I'M COMING TO SAVE YOU, BURT!"
One of the most understated critiques is how they butchered Shaundi and Johnny Gat. With Shaundi's appearance in SR 2 it was a joke when you got introduced to her, you're expecting a black chick with that name but she's about as pale as they come, they even gave her dreads to drive the joke even further. They should have kept her like that in SR 3. The same goes for Johnny Gat, look at SR 2 and 3, they are completely different people
@@justjoe5373Mf went from looking badass to some typical greaser mixed in with a pimp. It’s like they whitewashed him completely from being of an Asian decent and removing his hair and facial features like you said
@justjoe5373 I'm not seeing the race aspects, but Gat was supposed to be 22-25 in Saints Row 1, then 27-30 in Saints Row 2 as it takes place five years later, but him (and everyone else) looks 10-20 years older in that game. And in Saints Row the Third, which takes place three years after SR2, Gat is back to looking like he's 30, instead of looking even older. Plus, they got rid of his shoulder/chest tattoos. And Shaundi... I think Volition just hated SR2 Shaundi, or maybe they had "white guilt" or something for making her a white Rastafarian, but SR3 Shaundi SUCKS. So much so, they even acknowledge it in SR4 how "everyone likes Fun Shaundi better."
@@MarvinPowell1Shits so weird, SR2 shaundi was such a better look bc she was just a cool hippie/rasta looking badass and then totally made her lame af for no reason lol idk what happened to the company between SR2 to SR3 for them to drop the ball on all the characters so hard
Glad you said second. I agree with Angry Joe on how thought SR3 is worse than SR4. At least SR4 fully adopted the wacky and understands it and we know what we were getting into and is at least very different from the series. SR3 is just a pale imitation of SR2 with less content and less hours to beat.
I disagree, SR3 was the first one I've played and I had a blast! It wasn't just a gta copycat cuz it added so many layers of humor and sideactivities, I also had a blast completing the story in co-op. But SR4 was literally the same map only it's nighttime 24/7 cuz yeah aliens. Which made the environment feel so bland and shitty. The superpowers made cars irrelevant and the game kept crashing all the time I never even bothered to complete it.
I remember liking this game in 2011-2012 but every time I was trying to do it again in coop, the magic was just lost. The wow effect on 1st play through still exists though. Still, now it's my least favorite game in the series
it really didn't help that they cut 3 in half and made 4 from the scraps they cut out of 3. I feel like 3 and 4 put together would be a start of a decent follow up, but it still needs more of the stuff they cut out of sr2
Saints row 2 Saints row 1 Saints row 3 Saints row 4 Saints row gat out of hell (when I was a Christian I hated it because it was satanic now that I’m skeptical about our existence I still hate it!
Its kinda weird how I much prefer the forth game over the third many times. It's probably due to the writing an such being nothing but sex jokes In SR3, while SR4 brings back the sharp writing SR2 had and Is a nostalgic throwback to SR2. Plus Johnny Gat Is in it, that makes it already better then SR3
In one play through I chose to blew up syn tower because saving it was pointless so blowing it up was the best option three way was pointless to say shaundi returned in the fourth game it would have been impactful if they had the bad ending as canon so shaundi has an funeral at the beginning of the fourth game and still being invaded and could have made stag as the main villain of the game instead of cartoon aliens with corny British accents and no powers lastly took the game darker then it would have been better received.
The controls didn’t age well either. Compared to the other saints row games you can easily avoid crashing into other vehicles but when you play 3 and 4 it feels like you drift all over the place. Combat doesn’t feel great either
part of me feels having gat be “revived” in this game by revealing him to have been sold to genki in a dlc who also made the double for loren since hes a super fan of mass murders. Hell this could of been the prize revealed in the dlc and the reason we go thru it all
it's so confusing how the game drives you to take the saints back to their roots by avenging gat but volition shoves it down your throat that the saints are sellouts by making save shaundi canon :////
To be fair, suddenly being nekkid in a mission wasn't weird for me, because I just ran around nekkid most of the time. Well, nekkid with high heels or shoes, for realism. Can't be burning my feet on the hot asphalt. Lol I went from 1 all those years ago to the remaster of 3. So I didn't experience the tonal whiplash and just felt it was a stupid fun time. Only Just recently played 2 on PSnow, and I see how people would or could be disappointed or not liking 3 and 4. 2 is definitely better in terms of just wondering around the city. It feels more like a city populated with real, but exaggerated people. It feels a little more janky, but it's hard to tell if it is just streaming the game. For the most part it's fine to stream though. So I can't really say that playing 2 retroactively took away the fun of three when I first played it. And since I experienced it in the order I did and part one was a faint memory upon playing three, I can still have mindless fun with it. But nothing about the story was engaging. It's purely an intentionally stupid thing I can d!ck around in and have some fun. So I can totally understand how going from two to this after waiting years could be disappointing or worse. But, unlike the new game, which thinks it's irreverent, hip, and cool, and funny, while just wiping it's a$$ with every single aspect, I'd argue 3 and 4 didn't kill the irreverant soul soul of SR, just leaned too hard into it, but was still present in the first two. The gameplay and tone can still be fun in 3 and 4 even if I don't care about anything going on in the story. The new game fails on literally every front. It's kinda of fun in the way beholding how something so colossally disaterous can be fun to observe. Like how could human beings of supposedly sound mind f$&k up so bad, yet, genuinely not understanding how they f$$ked up. Like not one person during development ever said "Hey maybe we shouldn't do this." LMAO It's the vidya games equivalent of the creepy middle aged dude busting up in the school hallway going "Hey there, you young hip fly kiddos, I'm down with it. I'm funky fly fresh to tha macdaddy. You cool cats are down with the communism, right? I'm funky with that jive turkey, myself. Ever been to Epstein island?" NOOOOOO!!!! NO, SAINTS ROW!!!! DON'T BRING US THERE!!!! WE DON'T LIKE IT THERE!!! I NEED AN ADULT!!! Saints Row 2022 leans down, grins menacingly, and says in a creepy, deep, raspy voice: I am an adult LMAO
fire rate needs to be increased but fire mod, can’t wait to download when i have time. also if anyone is interested in a slightly less immersion breaking full auto gun. i made the already in game mauser full auto (on nexus). 1930s vs 1947 here, so a little closer to in game time
Wish the purchasable properties actually changed when you bought them. What if the Planet Saints' were other generic brands that get decked out in purple when you buy them?
I liked this game, but only because I was like 14 when I first played it. And boy I played the shit out of this game. 100% and everything, it was awesome. I tried playing it again many years later and I couldn’t even be bothered to finish the past the mansion mission
I think Volition got what either Bioware/DICE or Visceral games had. Either all veteran developers who understood the series quit like the 1st, or got heavy Publsiher meddling like Visceral during Dead Space 3 development
I saw the writing on the wall when they released the sr3 customization demo. It was an odd choice since there was no actual gameplay, but what was even more damming was the lack of clothing options and how the in depth clothing system of previous games was neutered. Gone were layered clothing options etc. This to me was an early warning sign of things to come and I skipped sr3 entirely as someone who played the hell out of sr1 and 2. And from the looks of it I was right. To me it looks like Volition were making a Postal game, rather than somewhat serious gangster drama with some humor on the side and wacky side activities separate from the actual campaign story. I mean Postal is known for gimps, toilet humor, dildos and crude humor, not Saints Row. Plus it seems like a lot of the characters got crapped on, including the Boss. It's amazing how they managed to make a sad death scene for Carlos in sr2, but completely shat on one of the fan favorite characters in sr3. I got nothing against killing off Gat, but man that's a really poor way to do it.
I understand why SR3 came complete 360 over saints row 2... They dont want to be GTA clone... Yes SR2 has this gang distinct flavor, but so does GTA SA... Tbh at first glance, i thought Saints Row as another GTA clone but when I played it, I have fun... And SR3 really make the franchise popular... Many of us gamers started at SR3 and never heard SR2 or 1... And at that time, many of the games released along with sr3 are quite serious and story driven... Darksiders 2, company of heroes, skyrim, all of them are enjoyable but not funny... SR3 made a difference to the gaming experience at that time, thus cemented its popularity among the other games released Nope it isnt the second worst... sr gat on hell sidequel game and sr 4 is far worse... More like sr3 dlc than a standalone game
"This is my city! I am its Ceaser! And i'll get to fiddle while it burns..." It was Nero that fiddled while Rome burned, not Ceaser. That always bugged me.
Saints row 4 could've brought everyone back if that's what they wanted to do. At this point, I want a saints row 1 & 2 remaster so I can let the game die in peace. Johny could have died later in the game and it would've been way better. He should've pushed the boss to be more like saints 2 and died as a consequence of the boss's hubris as a gang leader. That would make saving shaundi over being a bad ass gangster make more sense.
4:31 yeah we could have dex as a main villain and go back to the sr2 routes but no volition does not give a fuck instead they went into the goofy ass route and instead in gat out of hell they just put a purple visor on a npc thinking it's dex
Watched all of your Saints Row videos and thank you for all the effort. I really appreciated your critique of the third game even though I was hesitant at first. When I played it the first time, I really enjoyed the game, but when I came back to it years later, I remember having some critical thoughts about it and you really nailed it in this video. They replaced the subtle (if you can call it that) aspects of the previous games and went for flat out silliness. This was at the expense of making missions fun for gameplay sake, focusing on the "shock value" of it all.
@VideoGameFools SR3 is incomplete and could be fixed with a ton of mods. SR Reboot is irredeemable and literally gets _everything_ wrong. You'd have to make an entire brand new game to fix the reboot.
@@MalikATLWhich game in the series did you play first? Because if your first was SR3 then that explains a lot. My first experience was SR4 and I enjoyed that game but I've gone back and played SR2 and SR3 and, I have to say, I much prefer SR2 and SR4 to SR3. I've never played SR1 or even Gat Out of Hell so I don't have an opinion on those. I know SR4 is pretty hit or miss for the wider fanbase, and I know it has problems and is way too wacky for its own good, but I enjoy it. I still prefer SR2 though, especially since I find the missions to be more fun, the side activities are more varied and less repetitive, and there are actual stakes with better characterization, development, and more. Although being able to dick around with superpowers in SR4 is pretty fun in my opinion, especially since it makes traversing the city really enjoyable in my opinion.
@@MalikATL Saints Row the Third isn't a bad game, gameplay wise, but it's a big downgrade from Saints Row 2 in almost every metric. If you played SR3 first, you'd probably like it. If you played SR1/SR2 first, you'd understand why it gets as much justified hate as it does. And SR4 is fun, but shouldn't have been called Saints Row at all; it should've been a spinoff or new IP.
This video was fun, but honestly I think you were asking too much to a series that was all about fun over realism, loved these games as a kid because of it I guess
Remember seeing some kids in a group home I was in at the time, play SR2 and thought it was dope. Coming home from CPS , I got SR3. It’s crazy you think SR3 is the second worst considering SR4 Re-Elected exists. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I was like 13 when this came out and loved it. I played it again when they did the “remake” and it’s trash. It’s just open world crap, none of the personality of the first 2 but just overdid the wacky elements
I think the best way to play this game is to loosely associate it with the previous games. It’s a soft reboot, that they wanted to attract a broader new audience with and to also lose the “gta clone” shit. That’s the only way I can actually like this game. I play saints row 1 and 2 as their own stories, ending with 2. And 3 and 4 as the goofy wacky cousin. Honestly I think they messed up by calling the games 3 and 4, which I can see they slightly tried to change the name but it would’ve been better just to call it saints row with a letters name or just as saints row. The problem is it was released so soon after the last games that I think they didn’t think that calling it 1 would’ve been a good move. Saints row 2 is a great fucking game, one of my favorites. But Saints row the third is a game that I can relax and just have fun with and not pay attention to much, which I think was the point. None of this justifies it, that’s just my way of thinking. P.S. I also punch the window to get out the penthouse 😂
Killing Gat didn't make me hate the Syndicate, it made me hate the writers.
Especially when it makes Shaundi also unlikable. Her angst and anger made me really miss Hippie Shaundi.
In addition to nitpick city, the pedestrians no longer have ANY character.
One of my favorite parts of SR2 was the random personalities the player can come across.
Barbershop quartets, cheerleaders, pimps & hos, skateboarders, skaters, the elderly, joggers, hobos, druggies, college students, beachgoers, construction workers and MORE; it felt so ALIVE and INTERESTING, not to mention the dialogue people had with you and the jokes they muttered alongside the Easter eggs they put randomly with encounters, it made just walking around worth it.
Near NO REASON for me to explore Steelport. Just depression and weird mechanics.
Each area had its own unique peds i loved the first 2 games for that
Not to mention, your actions in the campaign and even your hygiene, was reflected by the NPC pedestrians. After you burn down Shivington in the Sons of Samedi drug lab mission, all random pedestrians start commenting on it and being upset at you for what you did. Once you clear out an entire gang in the campaign, the pedestrians would comment thanking you for it. If you went more than two in-game days without changing your clothes, the pedestrians would start telling you you stink and need to take a shower, etc. This was a game *FROM 2008!*
In Saints Row the Third, we couldn't even get a damn day/night cycle and Steelport is SO DAMN UGLY at night! I had to reload the game so many times just so it'd spawn me during the day. I hated it!
Some of the remastered Models and locations genuinely look worse than the OG
This game is when Saints Row really lost it's luster. It was surreal with the change up in story direction, especially with the direction the DLC's in SR2 we're pointing in with going after Dex "eventually". Great breakdown of this game! Hit every note perfectly
I spent some time as a tester at Volition during SR2 and Red Faction Guerrilla. There was an inside joke amongst us that we were the quality "awareness" team because the havok engine made SR2 insanely unstable and is probably why they axed it in later games. The core dev team that found ways to make it work were making their exits shortly after the game released and is where you can see the content shit the bed. I was on the PS3, and yes, the PC team. The PC port of SR2 was an early build of the 360 version and didn't get any love or optimization because it was outsourced to CD Projekt in Poland (who were working opposite hours than we did so just communicating with them was insufferable) and all Volition's in house resources were dedicated to the console expansions and starting SR3. Their goal was to simply get a digital version for PC up on the awesome new Steam platform.
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing this stuff!
I dont understand the logic of NOT SENDING YOUR GUYS TO SAVE SHAUNDI AND BURT while you snap killbane's neck.
I think it's because the Boss and Gat are the only ones truly combat capabale. Like force-of-nature levels. The rest are mostly administrative, Shaundi, Pierce, Kinzie, etc. And your goons even less of both.
Maybe Oleg, but he's too big a target, i guess?
And Angel, is absolutely useles. I cant for a moment remeber where he was "good" in combat, even in his own ring.
I still dont remember why was he even a character. Thought he'd be the one to 1v1 Killbane, but no....
@@emytzu Understandable, but you didn't build a huge gang (again.) just to not USE them for SOMETHING
All of the new SR3 characters were so bland except for Kinzie. Oleg was reliable, but meant to be quiet, intelligent, and stoic. And Matt Miller was a character so annoying, fans loved hating him. But Angel, Zimos, Viola, and Killbane... Almost no one even remembers them. Carlos from SR2 is remembered more than they are.
@@MarvinPowell1 Killbane was a fantastic villain. That scene where you kill him on the airport runway is literally a cutscene straight out of SR2.
At first SR3 was a fun game but when you go back to SR2 and you compare both games you can see how this was the start of the downfall of this franchise.
Yeah in my opinion i dont really find the wackiness to be the problem, the problem simply because it lacked more content than saints row 2, like steelport sucks ass, and most of the main missions are filler
For a while after playing SR2, I didn’t want to play 3. But after the reboot came out, straight up went back to 3 and would play that over that.
The whole series of your SR vids is both entertaining and funny, great work!
It's okay game, it just feels incomplete and lacking
As many times as I've played this it never occurred to me that Stillwater was close enough to steelport to drive to so the whole story is unnecessary they could've just went back to Stillwater problem solved
But if you leave Steelport, Boss gets possessed with an intrusive thought telling them “The Saints need you in Steelport” and the Boss is compelled to return to their eternal prison. 😢
Stilwater is supposed to be Chicago, an island in Lake Michigan.
Steelport is Pittsburgh/Cleveland/Detroit, an island in Lake Erie.
The two cities would really only be like two hours apart from each other, realistically.
Johnny is a really hard death to do. I think they just wrote themself into a corner (this is from the view that they didn’t know they were gonna bring him back) in a similar way to gojo where there’s not a believable death to give him. Johnny (and the boss) is by all accounts unkillable stabbed multiple times, shot in the knee point blank and recovered immediately, hit by a car and barely affected, among other things, while also being one of the best innate fighters in fiction. On top of that Johnny is barely given any emotion other than chill except for when Aisha died so giving him a death like tai wouldn’t even really work and would reaaally anger fans so they went a safe route and just didn’t show it.
One of the biggest problems with SR3 comes from the fact they ditched handling each gang individually to a linear story. They tried to get rid of the need to do activities to do missions, but ended up doing it in the worst way possible
In SR1/2 you did activities to do missions. This was semi-annoying on a first time playthrough but is great when replaying the game because activities are how you unlock all of the most broken weapons in the game. More importantly you get to pick which activities you wanna do. If you don't wanna do racing missions or mayhem the game doesn't force you to. All the missions are great and each gang has their own completely separate arc that tells a mini story from beginning to end. Then you have a post game arc and then the game's ending
By removing this structure they instead force you to do activities you don't get to choose, and made it so instead of the Boss plotting to take each gang down individually by exploiting their weaknesses and then finally facing off against their boss. Now the Boss just gets told what to do and where to go and occasionally you fight one of the villains and it's usually a letdown. It also removes an enormous amount of worldbuilding SR1/2 had. Because each gang had their own exclusive mission structure in SR1/2 you get to also find out about how the gang makes money and how they're all different. (IE: The Sons of Samedi make money from selling drugs, The Brotherhood makes money from stealing and reselling cars, the Ronin make money from gambling). Instead the only difference between each gang is just what color their outfit is and which overpowered bullet sponge enemy you have to deal with. This extends to Steelport in general. In Stilwater every district had npcs that fit a particular socio-economic class and would even have unique animations when walking around. Whereas Steelport is just a generic Detroit-like city and the only places that stand out are the Boss's crib and that one bar a lot of missions start in.
SR4 handled this a bit better by just having 1 villain and ditching the idea of fighting gangs but that game is it's own can of worms.
I understand..but the activities being pretty much the same three things get tiring and boring fast, so I'm glad it was optional in the newer ones. But they could've handle the story better.
@@atomic747 I might be the only one who prefers SR3 over SR1,2 simply because it was my first Saints Row game. I tired to play SR1,2 most recently just didn't like how I was forced to do boring mini games when I just wanted to the story, I honestly didn't even noticed it was the most hated in the series until I started to using the internet around 2011
@@MalikATLAt least in SR2 you have the option of getting clothing, accessories, and tattoos that give you a Respect multiplier that makes it so you don't have to play AS MANY side activities unless you're looking to make more money.
bruh why did you make your character look like the great-value version of james charles? lmao
that part caught me off guard
James charles kinda look cute doe but too bad hes irritating and oh yeah a groomer
GTA IV went serious so saints row 3 went Goofy. Holding up for a hero at the end was definitely a musical highlight in gaming
Also the penthouse mission with "Power" in the background
Yeah, I remember being so hyped for this game and playing through it just waiting for the disappointment to end lol. Not only the idea of "we'll make it so epic and badass and super hehe haha hilarious" flanderization, but the boring new characters, activities, and making me feel like "okay Gat's coming back in this mission right?" just to never do it 😂the first time I was hugely disappointed by a game (also they fr made a "Gat is back!" SR4 trailer. zero shame). Gotdamn Steelport is boring. Anyone who says SR3 is the best Saints Row just hasn't played SR2 for long enough
I spit my drink at Cholo Mike Pence. That was fucking gold!
man,i completed all of the saints row series like 6-8 times,i dont really know english but man
im addicted to your videos,seriously,theyre so god damn GOOD
The first part reminded me of my own genius solution to buying mature games. My father wouldn’t buy me mature games but I learned there was no age verification on buying digital games on PS3 so I would buy gift cards instead. Sorry dad, I had to play GTA IV.
The game just feels half finished.
Got a nice new hideout that can be upgraded and then is never used for anything
Yeah the world and penthouses feel so empty, like what purpose do they really serve? I have a lot of fun memories and nostalgia with this game, but there's defo an emptyness in the open world
Johnny Gat was an amazing character in Saint Row 2 and seeing him die like that in Saints Row 3 was is angering, I mean the entire game lost the actual personality of Saints Row and it felt awful that I could call him later and a zombie would show up, no respect for such an amazing character. I mean the entire game was just annoying to play through because Saints Row 3 was Saints Row stopped being Saints Row
I started with saints row 3 since my older sister was a fan of the series at the time and I liked it but I played saints row 2 after since she also had a copy of the 2nd game and man my younger mind quickly fell in love with the 2nd game its a shame they wont be like that ever because of how ahead the 2nd was and how brutal the saints used to be but it was also funny since it was a balance
Loved the game when it came out, but played the switch version and thought they cut out vital cinematic scenes. Turns out the story doesnt explain shit on its way to present you with Wacky Mission #5. Things just *happen*
I could handle some of the dumber things they did like the Deckers, but the EXACT moment S.T.A.G popped up, I knew this was the beginning of the end.
According to the Homie conversations she and Oleg had, his backstory is that he’s a former KGB agent.
And in a SR4 Audio Log, her being in TV shows so much that she didn’t have time to smoke is why her personality change.
Yes, but they never show us Shaundi's changes. And in SR2, Shaundi and Gat were NEVER close; Gat was dealing with the death of Aisha in that game, so the two are almost never in a scene together (only two; when the Boss makes his "Let's Get This Started" speech he stole from Julius - who stole it from Ben King of The Vice Kings - and after The Boss gets attacked by the Ultor Masako Team and they all meet at a bar and plan to go into their research facility.) So this Shaundi/Gat mentor relationship comes out of nowhere.
Besides that, Shaundi has a completely different voice, personality, chest size, and even height (going from about 5'1"-5'2", to 5'6"-5'7" in heels) in SR3; nothing about them is even remotely similar. SR3 Shaundi was so hated by everyone, they even comment on it in SR4, and how everyone likes "Fun Shaundi" (from SR2) better. That's cause Fun Shaundi isn't an angry bitch all the time and didn't get kidnapped as much; she was even angry in the opening mission before Gat died.
Speaking of kidnapping, SR3 Shaundi literally does nothing to help you the entire game and gets kidnapped _three_ times! SR2 Shaundi may have come off like a dumb stoner, but was actually pretty helpful due to her networking and computer skills and played a vital role in taking down the Sons of Samedi, even if she has no combat experience. SR3 Shaundi is not only angry and bitter, but useless too!
@@MarvinPowell1 SR3 takes place 5 years after the events of the second game. While you can say it's a shame that it happened off-screen, it's absolutely believeable that Johnny and Shaundi (and the rest of the crew for that matter) grew closer in that time. I liked Shaundi in SR3. She went from a pothead college student to someone who wanted to desperately prove herself and she is reckless in doing so. It's called a character flaw.
I also find it funny how people criticize SR3 Shaundi for being reckless and angry all the time yet that's basically how the boss in SR2 was which you could argue is where she got that attitude from..
Extremely well made, I'm glad I stumbled across your channel :)
When l played SR 3 for the 1st time, one of the things l hated the most about it was the fact that my favorite character from SR 2 was nothing like the way it was presented in SR 3 in terms of characterization. 0bviously, l'm referring to SHAUNDl. Later, SR 4 confirmed this to me by showing how SHAUNDl from SR 2 really didn't like the version of herself in SR 3. That to me was really funny & also fitting regarding this topic.
8:48 “Timbs, denim shorts, and a leather jacket with the fur”that’s literally a New York nigga 😂
not to mention steelport fucking sucks. it just looks like liberty city all the way through. stilwater had trailer parks, college campuses, downtown, modern Ultor city, the arts area, the boardwalk, the mall, the cemetery, an entire underground cave network. stilwater had VARIETY in its map.
you could drop me in a random spot in stilwater and one 360 camera turn after, i could tell you exactly where i am. not as easy with steelport.
I think this video made me realize that Killbane has more in common with our SR2 Character than our SR3 character does.
underrated, gold mine of a channel man, subbed.
I think the correct term is
Saints Row Reboot 1st Worst
Saints Row 4 2nd Worst
Saints town undercover 3rd worse
Whoa whoa was NERO who fiddled while Rome burned, wasn't it?
Yup. Julius Caesar's great, great grandson.
I will agree the story isn't the best written. The game to me was still a lot of fun though. I was a bigger fan of Saints Row IV.
Immagine if... somwhere in 2022, Voilition would reboot this franchise but it would be so bad, that it would make SR3 look like a masterpiece... that would be crazy and luckily that will NEVER HAPPEN!
Def punch the windows too💀😂
Video was tuff gang 🔥 bout to binge watch ya channel
The biggest the problem with SR3 is the awful map, especially since SR2's map is the goat makes it even worse. SR3 is inferior to SR2 in every way when it's about content.
Kia - "If you don't come here, Shaundi will die"
Boss - "It's Saints Row 3 Shaundi, I'm going for Killbane."
Kia - "And Burt Reynolds will die with her"
I still consider this one the worst simply because the others would exist without it.
One of the most understated critiques is how they butchered Shaundi and Johnny Gat. With Shaundi's appearance in SR 2 it was a joke when you got introduced to her, you're expecting a black chick with that name but she's about as pale as they come, they even gave her dreads to drive the joke even further. They should have kept her like that in SR 3. The same goes for Johnny Gat, look at SR 2 and 3, they are completely different people
The real shock was seeing Johnny Gat in Agents of Mayhem. They made dude just straight up White.
@@Cakebattered Even in 3 he kinda looks white. And they got rid of the blonde hair too, one of Johnny's most recognisable features
@@justjoe5373Mf went from looking badass to some typical greaser mixed in with a pimp. It’s like they whitewashed him completely from being of an Asian decent and removing his hair and facial features like you said
I'm not seeing the race aspects, but Gat was supposed to be 22-25 in Saints Row 1, then 27-30 in Saints Row 2 as it takes place five years later, but him (and everyone else) looks 10-20 years older in that game. And in Saints Row the Third, which takes place three years after SR2, Gat is back to looking like he's 30, instead of looking even older. Plus, they got rid of his shoulder/chest tattoos. And Shaundi... I think Volition just hated SR2 Shaundi, or maybe they had "white guilt" or something for making her a white Rastafarian, but SR3 Shaundi SUCKS. So much so, they even acknowledge it in SR4 how "everyone likes Fun Shaundi better."
@@MarvinPowell1Shits so weird, SR2 shaundi was such a better look bc she was just a cool hippie/rasta looking badass and then totally made her lame af for no reason lol idk what happened to the company between SR2 to SR3 for them to drop the ball on all the characters so hard
Glad you said second. I agree with Angry Joe on how thought SR3 is worse than SR4. At least SR4 fully adopted the wacky and understands it and we know what we were getting into and is at least very different from the series. SR3 is just a pale imitation of SR2 with less content and less hours to beat.
I disagree, SR3 was the first one I've played and I had a blast! It wasn't just a gta copycat cuz it added so many layers of humor and sideactivities, I also had a blast completing the story in co-op. But SR4 was literally the same map only it's nighttime 24/7 cuz yeah aliens. Which made the environment feel so bland and shitty. The superpowers made cars irrelevant and the game kept crashing all the time I never even bothered to complete it.
I remember liking this game in 2011-2012 but every time I was trying to do it again in coop, the magic was just lost. The wow effect on 1st play through still exists though. Still, now it's my least favorite game in the series
Personally I give it a 6
Dis video pretty good surprise your channel ain't more popular
Funny that you completely missed the fact that Cyrus was Jessica's dad. He was pretty much a massive missed opportunity.
Ha funny
Uh, no. He said her full name was "Jessica Parish." His name is "Cyrus Temple."
it really didn't help that they cut 3 in half and made 4 from the scraps they cut out of 3. I feel like 3 and 4 put together would be a start of a decent follow up, but it still needs more of the stuff they cut out of sr2
I didn’t even know you could use your guns in the naked mission I went in melee the entire time because it just felt like what you’re supposed to do
Pretty sure Saints Row 4 is the 2nd worse game
Saints Row 2022 has entered the chat
@@JaysonTarantino*saints row fans have left the chat*
Saints row 2
Saints row 1
Saints row 3
Saints row 4
Saints row gat out of hell (when I was a Christian I hated it because it was satanic now that I’m skeptical about our existence I still hate it!
@@TheTiredhermityou are braindead
@TiredHomosapien-_- Religion making you hate a game is Crazy and says alot
These videos are so good bro
Saints Row the Third wasn't bad when the 4th came out it when it got messed up
"I am this city's Caesar, and I get to fiddle while it burns."
... That was Nero, not Caesar.
Its kinda weird how I much prefer the forth game over the third many times.
It's probably due to the writing an such being nothing but sex jokes In SR3, while SR4 brings back the sharp writing SR2 had and Is a nostalgic throwback to SR2.
Plus Johnny Gat Is in it, that makes it already better then SR3
In one play through I chose to blew up syn tower because saving it was pointless so blowing it up was the best option three way was pointless to say shaundi returned in the fourth game it would have been impactful if they had the bad ending as canon so shaundi has an funeral at the beginning of the fourth game and still being invaded and could have made stag as the main villain of the game instead of cartoon aliens with corny British accents and no powers lastly took the game darker then it would have been better received.
The controls didn’t age well either. Compared to the other saints row games you can easily avoid crashing into other vehicles but when you play 3 and 4 it feels like you drift all over the place. Combat doesn’t feel great either
part of me feels having gat be “revived” in this game by revealing him to have been sold to genki in a dlc who also made the double for loren since hes a super fan of mass murders. Hell this could of been the prize revealed in the dlc and the reason we go thru it all
Excellent content sir. You deserve more subscribers. Hoping for a meteoric rise. Def cover more classic 360 titles if you can.
it's so confusing how the game drives you to take the saints back to their roots by avenging gat but volition shoves it down your throat that the saints are sellouts by making save shaundi canon :////
SR4> SR3
This is the weakest one from the OG games
The new one doesn't exist to me so when I rank them I pretend the 2022 one doesn't exist.
Bro really had to spell it out for the mfs I’m weak
25:13 I never noticed the reference before
When I first played this game, I strongly believed Kenzie to be the worst character. Then Taints Row happened.
To be fair, suddenly being nekkid in a mission wasn't weird for me, because I just ran around nekkid most of the time. Well, nekkid with high heels or shoes, for realism. Can't be burning my feet on the hot asphalt. Lol
I went from 1 all those years ago to the remaster of 3. So I didn't experience the tonal whiplash and just felt it was a stupid fun time.
Only Just recently played 2 on PSnow, and I see how people would or could be disappointed or not liking 3 and 4. 2 is definitely better in terms of just wondering around the city. It feels more like a city populated with real, but exaggerated people. It feels a little more janky, but it's hard to tell if it is just streaming the game. For the most part it's fine to stream though.
So I can't really say that playing 2 retroactively took away the fun of three when I first played it.
And since I experienced it in the order I did and part one was a faint memory upon playing three, I can still have mindless fun with it. But nothing about the story was engaging. It's purely an intentionally stupid thing I can d!ck around in and have some fun.
So I can totally understand how going from two to this after waiting years could be disappointing or worse.
But, unlike the new game, which thinks it's irreverent, hip, and cool, and funny, while just wiping it's a$$ with every single aspect, I'd argue 3 and 4 didn't kill the irreverant soul soul of SR, just leaned too hard into it, but was still present in the first two. The gameplay and tone can still be fun in 3 and 4 even if I don't care about anything going on in the story.
The new game fails on literally every front. It's kinda of fun in the way beholding how something so colossally disaterous can be fun to observe. Like how could human beings of supposedly sound mind f$&k up so bad, yet, genuinely not understanding how they f$$ked up. Like not one person during development ever said "Hey maybe we shouldn't do this." LMAO It's the vidya games equivalent of the creepy middle aged dude busting up in the school hallway going "Hey there, you young hip fly kiddos, I'm down with it. I'm funky fly fresh to tha macdaddy. You cool cats are down with the communism, right? I'm funky with that jive turkey, myself. Ever been to Epstein island?"
Saints Row 2022 leans down, grins menacingly, and says in a creepy, deep, raspy voice: I am an adult
fire rate needs to be increased but fire mod, can’t wait to download when i have time. also if anyone is interested in a slightly less immersion breaking full auto gun. i made the already in game mauser full auto (on nexus). 1930s vs 1947 here, so a little closer to in game time
New jayson? as we stan.
Wish the purchasable properties actually changed when you bought them. What if the Planet Saints' were other generic brands that get decked out in purple when you buy them?
I liked this game, but only because I was like 14 when I first played it. And boy I played the shit out of this game. 100% and everything, it was awesome. I tried playing it again many years later and I couldn’t even be bothered to finish the past the mansion mission
I think Volition got what either Bioware/DICE or Visceral games had. Either all veteran developers who understood the series quit like the 1st, or got heavy Publsiher meddling like Visceral during Dead Space 3 development
I saw the writing on the wall when they released the sr3 customization demo. It was an odd choice since there was no actual gameplay, but what was even more damming was the lack of clothing options and how the in depth clothing system of previous games was neutered. Gone were layered clothing options etc.
This to me was an early warning sign of things to come and I skipped sr3 entirely as someone who played the hell out of sr1 and 2.
And from the looks of it I was right.
To me it looks like Volition were making a Postal game, rather than somewhat serious gangster drama with some humor on the side and wacky side activities separate from the actual campaign story. I mean Postal is known for gimps, toilet humor, dildos and crude humor, not Saints Row.
Plus it seems like a lot of the characters got crapped on, including the Boss. It's amazing how they managed to make a sad death scene for Carlos in sr2, but completely shat on one of the fan favorite characters in sr3. I got nothing against killing off Gat, but man that's a really poor way to do it.
I understand why SR3 came complete 360 over saints row 2... They dont want to be GTA clone... Yes SR2 has this gang distinct flavor, but so does GTA SA... Tbh at first glance, i thought Saints Row as another GTA clone but when I played it, I have fun... And SR3 really make the franchise popular... Many of us gamers started at SR3 and never heard SR2 or 1... And at that time, many of the games released along with sr3 are quite serious and story driven... Darksiders 2, company of heroes, skyrim, all of them are enjoyable but not funny... SR3 made a difference to the gaming experience at that time, thus cemented its popularity among the other games released
Nope it isnt the second worst... sr gat on hell sidequel game and sr 4 is far worse... More like sr3 dlc than a standalone game
Just as durable as the Tomb Raider remake.
"This is my city! I am its Ceaser! And i'll get to fiddle while it burns..."
It was Nero that fiddled while Rome burned, not Ceaser. That always bugged me.
getting games through xbox store was my way around id for games when i was younger
Honestly.I liked standing in Saints Row 3 mostly cause I liked the fact she was no longer a stoner
Bro's avatar is James Charles 💀
Slick editing for such a small youtuber.
Saints row 4 could've brought everyone back if that's what they wanted to do.
At this point, I want a saints row 1 & 2 remaster so I can let the game die in peace.
Johny could have died later in the game and it would've been way better. He should've pushed the boss to be more like saints 2 and died as a consequence of the boss's hubris as a gang leader.
That would make saving shaundi over being a bad ass gangster make more sense.
Both battles with respective villains is actually a nod to the battle with Veteran Child and Lopez. Still a terrible endings.
All they needed to do was a remake of 1 and 2 and they would of made bank
4:31 yeah we could have dex as a main villain and go back to the sr2 routes but no volition does not give a fuck instead they went into the goofy ass route and instead in gat out of hell they just put a purple visor on a npc thinking it's dex
Shooting/aiming with both eyes open is def a thing and in a lot of cases, its preferred. I've never fired an RPG tho.
this aged like milk
Watched all of your Saints Row videos and thank you for all the effort. I really appreciated your critique of the third game even though I was hesitant at first. When I played it the first time, I really enjoyed the game, but when I came back to it years later, I remember having some critical thoughts about it and you really nailed it in this video. They replaced the subtle (if you can call it that) aspects of the previous games and went for flat out silliness. This was at the expense of making missions fun for gameplay sake, focusing on the "shock value" of it all.
6 MONTHS LATE SQUAD WHERE YOU AT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
It’s now the third… no pun intended
Oooh that’s a good video right there!
This video makes me want to play saints row 2
The minute i saw Josh Burke, i knew SR3 was a downgrade
They didn't bring G.K. Bowes back as a boss voice. She's easily my favorite in SR2.
Thank you! To me SR3 is nearly as bad as the new game for different reasons.
Nah not that bad
Reboot is on a diffrent level of trash
SR3 is incomplete and could be fixed with a ton of mods.
SR Reboot is irredeemable and literally gets _everything_ wrong. You'd have to make an entire brand new game to fix the reboot.
Everyone says sr4 was the worst out of them, but I've always thought sr3 was.
feels like i'm the only who likes SR3 the most
@@MalikATLWhich game in the series did you play first? Because if your first was SR3 then that explains a lot. My first experience was SR4 and I enjoyed that game but I've gone back and played SR2 and SR3 and, I have to say, I much prefer SR2 and SR4 to SR3. I've never played SR1 or even Gat Out of Hell so I don't have an opinion on those.
I know SR4 is pretty hit or miss for the wider fanbase, and I know it has problems and is way too wacky for its own good, but I enjoy it. I still prefer SR2 though, especially since I find the missions to be more fun, the side activities are more varied and less repetitive, and there are actual stakes with better characterization, development, and more. Although being able to dick around with superpowers in SR4 is pretty fun in my opinion, especially since it makes traversing the city really enjoyable in my opinion.
Saints Row the Third isn't a bad game, gameplay wise, but it's a big downgrade from Saints Row 2 in almost every metric.
If you played SR3 first, you'd probably like it. If you played SR1/SR2 first, you'd understand why it gets as much justified hate as it does.
And SR4 is fun, but shouldn't have been called Saints Row at all; it should've been a spinoff or new IP.
This video was fun, but honestly I think you were asking too much to a series that was all about fun over realism, loved these games as a kid because of it I guess
Yea people expect ghost of Tsushima type story out of a comedy game
This is the hardest one out of all of them right next to 2
the activities being forced as story missions makes this game very boring and burns you out if you wanna beat it multiple times.
Remember seeing some kids in a group home I was in at the time, play SR2 and thought it was dope. Coming home from CPS , I got SR3. It’s crazy you think SR3 is the second worst considering SR4 Re-Elected exists. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Saints Row 3 was actually my favourite but I guess it’s because It was my first ever experience of a saints row game
This is the second worst? Your telling me the fourth game isn’t worse?
this is my favorite saint row i play it a lot since forever
I was like 13 when this came out and loved it. I played it again when they did the “remake” and it’s trash. It’s just open world crap, none of the personality of the first 2 but just overdid the wacky elements
I saw the name and just popped in and left a like haven’t even watched yet and thought I was going crazy for hating SR3
I think the best way to play this game is to loosely associate it with the previous games. It’s a soft reboot, that they wanted to attract a broader new audience with and to also lose the “gta clone” shit. That’s the only way I can actually like this game. I play saints row 1 and 2 as their own stories, ending with 2. And 3 and 4 as the goofy wacky cousin. Honestly I think they messed up by calling the games 3 and 4, which I can see they slightly tried to change the name but it would’ve been better just to call it saints row with a letters name or just as saints row. The problem is it was released so soon after the last games that I think they didn’t think that calling it 1 would’ve been a good move. Saints row 2 is a great fucking game, one of my favorites. But Saints row the third is a game that I can relax and just have fun with and not pay attention to much, which I think was the point. None of this justifies it, that’s just my way of thinking.
P.S. I also punch the window to get out the penthouse 😂
23:59 they really changed that line from the original? Why?