Unhappy new year at the rate things are going! However there are many good blessings in this life. Currently I am reading up on the Borgias, something you would like ha ha!!!
Will watch later... I hope it isn't RACIST anti-Hispanic propaganda against the HISPANIC EMPIRE and the Hispanic people. Let us NOT forget, protestantism was created by House of Saxony to ATTACK the benevolent and magnanimous Hispanic people.
Of course this video is all about politics....the extreme righ Spaniards who call themselves 'hispanistas', now they make political propaganda for the USA citizens trying to convince them that the Spanish empire was a blessing which came down directly from heaven. They try to bleach the dirty face of their extict empire using lies, half-truths, hiding many facts, and making misleading claims. Using religion and 'civilization' as a justification to their robberies, rape, plain murder and enslavement of indians during 300 years, since they always hated to work by themselves. They don't mention that, as Christians, they were the worst hypocrites in the world, inclined to drink, to violate the ten commandments and to leave mixed-race children scattered throughout the earth. No to mention that their 'civilized' religious practices consisted in killing hundreds of thousands of Lutherans, Calvinists, Anglicans, etc.throughout Western and Central Europe, just because they were very Catholic., and they were sons of the Holy Inquisition, with the duty to eliminate all the 'heretics'. Also, they don´t mention their totalitarian practices, imposing their religion, culture, language, way of dressing and even names and surnames to the Indians. Stalin would have envied them. Their backwardness and fanaticism left their old colonies in poverty and underdevelopment. This people love the absolutist and despotic monarchy who ruled all the Spanish empire This is why they are hated in all their old possessions, from the Netherlands, to Argentina.
Hahaha I just ordered your comments by latest and then by best and found out that this comment is posted twice by different users. Someone is paying bots lol. That is backwards.
It lacks the visual beauty of the documentaries done nowadays, but the content is very well narrated. I can say it is the best documentary I saw in years regarding the history of the Spanish Empire. Condensing it in an hour documentary is an art, in which he superbly did it! Thumbs up! Keep up the good work, guys!
99% of the forces were Native Americans looking for freedom from the Aztec yoke; and 1% was a combination of Caribbeans, Spaniards, and Africa slaves. A conservative estimate is at least 120,000 Native Americans. After Native Americans and Hispanics put an end to the Aztec oppression, America was free of SATANIC human sacrifices... until the ILLEGAL coming of the protestantized Anglo-Saxons, who made the Aztec human farms look like paradise by comparison.
@@Souliban You're a clown. Spain NEVER got 80% of current USA, neither any part of Canada. The self-aggrandizement of the Spaniards is completely ridiculous.
@@herrero4270 You're right, large territories were claimed north of the viceroyalty of New Spain but did not effectively occupy them, and definitively renounced its sovereignty in 1819. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adams%E2%80%93On%C3%ADs_Treaty It is also true that during the second half of the 18th century Spain get Louisiana (1762-1800) and Florida (1513-1819), a considerable part what is now the United States. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Spain en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louisiana_(New_Spain) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_Florida
I just discovered this video and this channel. It's very detailed, I like it. Of course, there are even more details that had to be omitted, otherwise the video would be of 2 hours, so this is a great synthesis. And THANK YOU, at last, someone that tells history about my country as it should be, neutral tone, without propaganda of either side, without the typical jokes about bulls, tomatoes and laid-back people. And without the annoying North American and North European bias that they usually use when they speak about my country and southern Europe in general. They always use this superiority tone, like story telling made for entertainment, exalting their "better" ideals of civilization as they believe, to subtlety humiliate my past and indulge their inflated ego. Really annoying. So thank you.
Long live Spain, thank you for all your sacrifices, you have rescued Christianity for Europa and pushed back oppressors, thank you for RECONQUISTA, may god bless Spain forever for she have brought TRUE FAITH to the NEW WORLD, to the AMERICAS , her achievements are legendary and the source of envy to her enemies. May she prosper forever, we have always admired Spain.Greetings from SLOVAKIA
@@omkarchakraborty1739 genocide? I guess you tried to say British, Portuguese or French’s. Tell me about the “mestizos” in USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand?
A pesar de que el Imperio Español cayó, dejó un legado muy importante en América: cultura, religión e idioma, pilares que hacen que los países hispanohablantes no entremos en conflictos bélicos, puesto que tenemos una historia en comun que nos hace ser empáticos y tengamos una clase de hermandad, saludos desde Panamá. Por cierto la ciudad de Panamá (Panamá Viejo) fue invadida por el pirata ingles Henry Morgan en 1671, sin embargo la ciudad fue destruida por los españoles por la llegada de este, por lo que la ciudad fue trasladada a 10 km en 1673 en lo que hoy en día es el Casco Antiguo de Panamá
While it is true that there are cultural similarities because the same language is spoken, there are still significant indigenous and African influences that make Latin American cultures markedly different from those in Europe. It’d be like arguing that Nigerian, Jamaican, etc… cultures are more or less identical to British culture or Haitian culture to French culture just because they speak the same language. At least I’ve never come across anyone who has shared an opinion of that nature. Sure Latin American culture is an offshoot of Western culture but with its own regional flavours that are still heavily influenced by native American (Mexico, Peru, etc…) and African (Brazil, Cuba, etc…) cultures depending on the region.
Si, chucha, lo que tu digas. Solo que olvidas todas las guerras que han existido entre nosotros. La última que recuerdo, es la Guerra del Futbol, entre Honduras y El Salvador, en 1969. Lo que si es cierto, es que somos hermanos entre nosotros. Y los hermanos también se pelean. Los españoles no son precisamente un ejemplo de unidad. Solo recuerda los separatismos vasco y catalán.
Latin american culture is vastly spanish, and in a lesser way, portuguese. Not latin, not italian, not french, but spanish and portuguese. Apart from the indigen culture that was allowed to keep existing, unlike in the british and french colonies where they wiped out all non-white@@mitchduncan4842
Amazing accomplishment with the most detailed info on the world wide Spanish legacy without “La leyenda Negra” slant against her. SUBSCRIBED! ¡Mil gracias! ¡VivaLaHispanidad!#PlvsVltra 🇪🇸⚔️✝️🛡🇪🇸
@@JayzsMr No te sabría decir el minuto exacto, pero es en la parte del aperreamiento (que a estas alturas yo creo que es falso o al menos irrelevante, tomando en cuenta la manera cruel e irracional en la que las tribus antillanas se comportaban entre sí).
This is great. I just read a book on the Conquest of the Aztec and now I am reading one on the Conquest of the Inca. You did a great recap and helped solidify the series of events. These are long and detailed videos. I am surprised you do not have more followers with the quality you are producing. Keep it up, you'll get discovered and your channel will be a hit. It may take years but it will happen if you just keep making content! Thanks!
I recommend "Empirephobia and Black Legend" by Elvira Roca Barea. I also recommend looking into the Hispanic Incas (TL;DR: the Incas went to Europe and married into nobility).
@@IndigenistVoices Dont recommend spanish trash. Elvira Roca is only a far-righ Spanish propagandist, not a historian. Maybe some Inca noble married to some Spanish noble, because it gave legitimacy to the otherwise illegitime Spanish domination of America.
He haves a series of lately, from what I've seen and heard, no much "leyenda negra" (indigenist evil Spanish propaganda) and it's decently well made, just lacking enough extras. Then again most aren't expecting a Waterloo type film like me so it's probably even better than to what I described.
Well, Genghis Kahn did his journey along with all mongol horsemen, about 200,000 riders. His empire lasted less than 40 years. Hernán Cortés did it along with 480 soldiers, of which 30 were cavalry men. The Empire started by him, lasted for 300 years. We should again compare sizes, may be there were some bigger than the other. Incidentally, Pizarro accomplished an even more astonishing journey, just with the left hand and the eyes closed, with just 180 soldiers, of which 2o horsemen, a mountainous empire (the only one ever conquered by the force of the arms) and with no connection with the Spanish settlements on the Atlantic side.
@@AlfonsoSegundo791 No te flipes que genghis era el puto amo, una cosa es conquistar a cuatro indios en la edad de piedra y otra la mayor parte del mundo conocido, y duro 40 años pero los reinos descendientes duraron mucho mas
@@skyleonidas9270 Pues debían ser cinco, y según los indigestos "indigenistas" los "españoles" entre otros te consideran incluido a tí, mataron millones.
I have studied the history of the conquest of Mexico, and I have to say that u have made a great job in depicting it in a simple way, pretty objective and quite fast, I loved it
Some of the history I'd heard of it depicted the Spanish more critically... more greed, abuse and exploitation. This video does include some of those things, but also other considerations like how the structure of Spanish rule wasn't completely unfamiliar to the natives as they separated themselves off as nobels who extracted tribute. They had the benefit of a religion that didn't send out slave raids to capture and brutually execute hundreds and thousands of people from surrounding conquered tribes. They found protection and an advocate in the church. In those otheraccount, Pizarro was depicted as all greed, cruelty and deception, though this paints a bit more nuanced a depiction. Ultimately both Cortez and Pizarro were driven by desire for glory and riches, but even so, how different is that from any of history's conquerors, some of which we're allowed to venerate? I think they're a mix of these depictions, their actions caused devastation to these peoples, even if most second order effects through disease, collapse of order and the upturning of worldviews and orders with chaos ensuing. I wish they preserved more codices, artifacts, etc. and commissioned more manuscripts. Ultimately their legacy may be netter than the British whose NA colonies have much less of the descendants of the native peoples alive today.
@@RESTITVTOR_TOTIVS_HISPANIAE yeah, unfortunately within any country there's a tendency to be unforgiving to its competitors and more nuanced about its own sins.
@@RESTITVTOR_TOTIVS_HISPANIAE I didn't know it was referred to as "the black legend"... I was also thinking about how one nation's "intelligence/counter-intelliegence" operations would tend to exploit points of division in other nations they compete with, for example by spreading false, incomplete or biased information to raise tensions between groups, play up differences, etc. This stuff is rife, especially with internet amd social media
@@jtzoltan of course, every state and empire has it's "pink" and "black" legends. It is just that as the hegemonic powers for 3 centuries, the Anglo Saxon world and their academia managed to construct the two most all encompassing and well spread propagandist narratives of history against their two most prominent historical enemies. The Spanish empire and communism in general. The first to attack the empire itself and later to justify the Latin American wars of independence, stop the will for reunification in it's tracks, justify the poverty of Latin America as a consequence of Spanish rule and not the economic sacking and two centuries of humiliation under fist brittosh and then American political hegemony and foreign property of national resources. There is not much difference of nature between the lies and exaggerations made about Spanish conquest and rule in america and the last century of US red scare. The anti communist black legend accomplishes the same goals. Destruction of the image of the enemy and the painting of a better self image in comparison to that aberration of reality they created.
Leopoldo O'Donnell was a Spaniard of Irish descent who family fled from English persecution to France and Spain. He was an important soldier, minister and president of the council of ministers in the 19th century. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopoldo_O%27Donnell
A very good history of the period that relies heavily upon the record of eye witnesses, "History of the Conquest of Mexico" and "History of the Conquest of Peru" by William H. Prescott, Harper & Brothers, 1843
Como una consecuencia de Almagro...no me queda más que felicitarte por tu impresionante trabajo. Nosotros, los hijos no queridos de Castilla, pocas veces encontramos solaz en alguna parte de nuestra historia (rechazados por Godos e Indígenas en igual medida), pero tu documental hace mucho por dar perspectiva a la lucha del pequeño Extremeño que, a punta de tezón, porfía y coraje, se ganó un lugar en estas tierras....aún cuando tal lugar sea, comúnmente, difícil. Gracias, muy buen trabajo.
Quienes son esos hijos no queridos de Castilla si se puede saber?? castilla y la Corona siempre admitió a sus hijos como propios....las leyes eran de cumplir.
Hispania Gotorum est..... Se dice que la furia guerrera de los hispanos en general tiene su origen en los visigodos (Godos) que crearon al Reyno de España al final del Imperio Romano. Ya que has mencionado al pueblo GODO. Saludos.
The Spanish Empire was not a colonial empire such as the English, French or Dutch, but on the contrary, it was the last empire of the ancient type, closer to what Rome or Greece were. 300-400 years of domain based on miscegenation, alphabetization and conversion of different peoples; construction of universities, cathedrals and cities worldwide; a huge cultural and artistic explotion; deliberation of new phylisophic, teologic and juridic debates in human history (like f.e., if all humans were equal); discoverments that changed the conception of the world; opening of new shipping routes; creation of an undefeated infantry for 2 centuries; expansion of the Hispanic culture throughout the Atlantic and Pacific ocean (called "the spanish lake" at that time) as Rome did throughout the Mediterranean... All of this, in a world as big as the one we know today, but using a technology from 5 centuries ago. From there onward, european empires had a colonial model based on mercantilism, slavery, and large-scale production, creating factories or plantations in overseas possessions, instead of a civilizing reproduction of their society. The former were a global market, the latter a global kingdom. European empires shouldnt be generalized by the fact of having overseas territories, because not all of them were the same.
The Spanish Empire is the first modern empire. It lasted while the English, Dutch and French empire existed. It also expanded and made the hispanic ethnic group one of the largest in the world as of today.
The existence of several major cities around the globe and the country that is the United States kind of dashes that argument: cities, towns, colonies, outposts and forts that still exist today as some of the most important metropolitan areas in the world were founded by the French, Dutch, English, Swedes, and a few other European powers, as well as the Spanish. The first English and French empires were directly modeled off of Spanish success in Central and South America. The major difference was that the Spanish colonies were more easily exploited for precious metals, but every other point you make was shared by the other European colonial powers at the time whether they were able to exploit them or not. Of course even the Spanish Empire had changed considerably from the 16th century to the 19th century, but the obvious distinction between ancient empires and modern ones, including the Spanish, was that modern European empires were largely exploitative and extractive. One major difference is that, in the thousand years between the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Spanish, the field of economics came into being. The Romans had no concept of this at all, whereas mercantilism was one hell of a drug and the Spanish were loaded; in one famous instance, Sir Francis Drake attacked and seized Spanish treasure ships and presented their cargo to the court of Elizabeth I... with the value of metals exceeding the total annual revenue of the English crown. The Spanish extracted so much material wealth from the Americas that they literally crashed the European specie economy and drove devastating deflation that upended traditional European society. That's a lot of wealth extraction lol In short, tho Spain began its empire as a feudal, medieval society (which is radically distinct from how society was structured in antiquity, by the way, so there really is no similarity at all to the earlier Roman Republic or Empire to begin with) the establishment of the empire drastically changed not only Spanish but European culture as a whole and in the view of many historians began the modern era. Spain was not alone in this but rather served as a model for other powers in Europe to emulate, which they did. The legacy of colonialism still lives on around the world and former Spanish possessions are generally no more or less better off for having been part of the Spanish, rather than any other European, Empire.
Repating your comment? Here is my answer: Of course...it has to be a Spanish charlatan, telling so many lies and half-truths.... 1.- Misegenation: The Spanish crown, only at the beginnig of the conquest "authorized" misegenation (the fact it has to be authorized is a bad start), but later it tried to stop it. In fact, the Spanish conquerors had no woman and began to fornicate with the indians without authorization, because they were like animals. But the misegenation was not a policy of the crown since middle 16th century. 2.- Alphabetization: The indians WERE NOT alphabetized, but only some of the sons of the indian chiefs who colaborated with the Spaniards, in order to infiltrate their culture and religion among the indians. Even the Spaniards who arrived into America were mostly illiterate. 3.- Conversion: The indians didn't need a new religion or forced conversion, and they were not benefited from the infraestructure they made for the Spaniards, who only made it for the benefit of themselves. The indians were not allowed in the priesthood or in the universities, who required the requisite to prove "blood purity" (Spanish pure blood). In fact, the indians already had chuches, hospitals, schools, roads, acueducts and even zoos, but they were destroyed by the Spaniards. Also, the indians NEVER participate in academic discussions, since they were maintained in the ignorance. 4.- Mercantilism and Slavery: The Spanish empire was as mercantilist as others, and exploited indian and black slavery. It has been calculated that the Spanish empire had in América at least TWO MILLION african slaves in their plantations and mines, apart from the indian slaves. Even their royal house was involved in the infamous slave trade. Like the British, the Spanish crown forbade the production of goods which could compete with the Spanish's (olives, grapes, silk among others), sold their good overpriced and purchased American goods under the market price, since they had the monopoly of commerce. That's why the smuggling by the British florurished, to the dismay of the Spanish authorities. 5.- Civilizing: The indians of Mesoamerica and the Andes were highly civilized without the need of any Spaniard. "Civilizing" was always the pretext and justification of ALL colonial empires from Europe. 6.- It is true that all empires were different, but ALL WERE OPRESSORS. That's why the Spanish were kicked out from America in such a bad manner, and now are been repudiated in their pretentions over their old colonies.
Does anyone else find it fascinating that this occurred basically at the tail end of the European medieval period? Like there were dudes riding around dressed as knights in full plate with lances as the Earth was being circumnavigated. Amazing.
Another big difference between the British "empire" and the Spanish empire; The Spaniard creates an international treaty with Portugal respecting each other, in order to legally sail west; the British created the figure of the privateer, who are basically pirates paid by the British crown, to steal the fruit of Spanish labor. You won't see this in any movie either.
@@dennisweidner288 You are Ignorant! The economy of Puerto Rico was doing quite well From the 70's to 2000's. But Mr Bill Clinton removed the tax breaks for corporations operating on the island and the law took affect in 2003, that was sneaky. This caused the government of Puerto Rico to have to borrow from Wall Street to fund its government. The government of Puerto Rico did not know that a little law was passed in the '80s. This law was sneaked in. No one knew that this law was on the books, but the Law did not allow, Puerto Rico to file bankruptcy the way a state could. See have to remember, Puerto Rico is a colony and possession of the United States. And the only way to keep a people under control and it's government it's done by debt. It's the same thing that's happening to you and this country and you don't even know it. The debtor is slave to the lender. This was done on purpose, the United States is going to fall and they don't want any of their possessions to think that they can free themselves. So before you say the ignorant things that you just did, please learn history and know what you're talking about. Oh and then being hit by hurricane Maria did not help the situation.
@@dennisweidner288 oh by the way have you been to Puerto Rico, "A modern economy" !! There's Walmart, Costco, and every major retailer that you see in the United States is present on the island of Puerto Rico. You don't see this nowhere else in the Caribbean or Latin America. Their problem is public debt, which hinders the ability to work on infrastructure. It's the same thing that is happening to you in the United States. Our bridges are falling down, our roads look like hell, and our airports look old. Because we are in debt to the international bankers. Get it genius, they have a modern economy that is chained down by debt. Class is over.
@@Prone-Ski_BX Absolutely I have several times. I lived in Arecibo and the countryside near Lares. And I have a great affection toward Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans. But having a Wall Mart does not mean that Puerto Rico has a modern economy. Countries with a modern economy do not have a population drain. Much of the higher standing of living in Puerto Rico than the rest of the Caribbean is due to various Federal programs it is not because of income generated in Puerto Rico Now I agree that the debt program is very real. But Puerto Rico was not born with that debt. It was contracted by politicians elected by the Puerto Rican people. You recognize that. Does the Puerto Rican voter understand that? Are they now electing politicians committed to addressing the debt problem? And the graft and corruption that caused it? I agree with you about the debt issue in America. And it looks like voters here are willing to vote for politicians willing to contract more debt. I am struck by your hostile response. Why is it that you are angered by such an obviously important question. And if you really believe that having a Walmart and Costo proves a modern economy, I suggest you retake Econ 101. You might want to look at how much of the merchandise n those stores was made in Puerto Rico.
@@Prone-Ski_BX I will not stoop to calling you ignorant. That is now how educated people converse. It is easy to insult, a bit more difficult to have an informed discussion. But I will say that a modern, productive economy is NOT based on tax breaks. It is based on productive enterprises that create products and PAY taxes. Again I suggest you retake your Econ 101 course, perhaps this time without a Marxist professor.
Hernan Cortés es una de las figuras más fascinantes de todos los tiempos. Surge como de la nada, y se convierte en uno de los más grandes estrategas militares de la historia. Se convierte además en defensor de los Txacaltecas, y luego de los mexicas, casándose con la hija de Moctezuma, 500 años antes de que en USA se permitiera el matrimonio interracial. Recomiendo el libro de W. Prescott sobre la conquista de México para entender mejor la personalidad y vida de Cortés. Por cierto, hay que tener en cuenta la mentalidad de los exploradores y conquistadores ibéricos: para ellos explorar y conquistar tierras no iba solo sobre riqueza, sino sobre gloria y conversión. La península ibérica se había convertido en una tierra de cruzada, se había librado una batalla de 7 siglos, con la religión jugando un lugar muy importante, donde se hicieron muy populares las novelas de caballería (Amadis de Gaula, Palmerín, Tirante el blanco, etc etc), todo eso influyó mucho en las acciones posteriores de los conquistadores. Algunas de las exploraciones tenían como objetivo encontrar lugares de leyenda como El dorado, California, La fuente de la eterna juventud, la Amazonia (nombres y leyendas que surgen de esas novelas). A los demagogos hispanófobos, indigenistas y anti-católicos les vendría bien conocer todo esto.
Finally someone explains History as it was/ I am amazed how you have portrayed what Casa de America portrays with original documents and data., that Spaniards and natives mixed in America to produce what we are today.
They didn't mix "to produce", but to fornicate. Most of the mestizo and african mulatto were illegitmate, sons of non married couples, as attested by the catholic church.
What I've always loved about Pizarro's conquest is the sheer ease with which he subdued the Inca Empire. He just marched up to Cajamarca without any real plan, abducted Atahualpa, took out his army, and the rest is history..
Amazing video, incredibly well presented, great effects. Your channel is full of great videos, they deserve a lot more views, it is obvious a great amount of efforts go into them!
Amazing work, so well documented and instructive. America’s discovery by Spanish conquistadors is by far one of the most interesting episodes in human’s history. Never before so few achieved so much
the spanish was not discovered by the europeans, in America there were already civilizations and the spanish didnt conquest a shit, they invaded our land spreading the death and the devastation,
The soldiers of Spain had been bred in a 8 centuries Reconquista continuos war thus their ferocity.... They were born into It..... The huge Battle of Otumba clearly shows It.....Amazing Troops indeed.
@@madgringo9263 yes basically generations of men who didn't have much to do except war and pig farming . It created a war like society who after they expanded all over the Spanish continent pushed into America
@@JayzsMr the Spanish expanded the world over.....Not just in the Américas....also in Europe,Africá and Asiá.It was The First Global Empíre and one of the longest ever lasting. (Over 400 years).
Great summary. Nero-ox5tw and Aegiskare already wrote what I wanted to. Most documenarys would waste our time with boring but policially pragmatic sidenotes. Thanks for this!
@@Ericson-vk6bx The United States kill off the Spanish language in the Philippines and also tried to kill Tagalog, with Spain you were much better off, you even had many more rights and they were considered Spanish citizens as well, please investigate before commenting, saludos anglolover
@@Ericson-vk6bx lol the US? The same country that "helped" filipinos fight the spanish to later basically steal the land from them? There's a great spanish movie where they show that "Los últimos de Filipinas"
This was REALLY good. In fact this was better than all the history lectures on this subject I had to listen to back when I was in Middle and High School.
This documentary is amazing. Wow. Thank you. This puts into perspective how confident and brave the Spaniards must have been to face such immense opposing forces. While some blame the Spanish for bringing disease to the natives, this seems to be a rather supercilious position. They did not intentionally infect the native population.
Well yes. Not that they were above using chemical warfare once it was clear that disease was lethal, but noone has ever been afraid of using that. Blaming a natural process of cross continental racial first time relations on someone is being blatantly ignorant, blind or that you just want to blame them for something that is clearly not their fault and that would have happened anyway, conquerors or not.
@@GwyndolinSimp you are talking in general. I am referring to the judgemental criticism of the Spanish explorers spreading disease that one finds in literature.
@@fedevida1951 He is refering to angloamerican "glorious" Hollywood film propaganda conquest aka extermination of natives. Cortes and the spanish conquistadores werent Jeffrey Amherst and his anglo counterparts at all.
Marvellous documentary. I love how in depth the conquest is explained. I’d suggest that perhaps in the future you could expand a bit more on the 18th and 19th centuries specifically, perhaps as separate videos that could be combined later. While Spain was not as relevant anymore, its history is nevertheless quite unique.
@ Alvaro Gomez Vivas Cultural patterns can persist long after political ties are cut. The success of the United States, for example, is In large measure based on our English heritage--political and economic freedom.
@@pikeshotBattles Bravo. I enjoyed this video. I hope you will address the issue as to why Iberian Latin America and British North America fared so differently.
@@dennisweidner288 When the Spanish Empire broke into pieces, felt in a total chaos, as it happened with the Roman Empire. Yet it is important to notice that the poorest countries in America are Haiti, Suriname and Guyana, that were not Spanish territories. Still, Spanish territories in America did much better that territories from the British, French, Dutch, German and Belgian in Africa and Asia.
I was also taught at school that Pizarro went from illiterate swine herder to conqueror of a great empire. This does a great disservice not only to the Conquistador but to those conquered by someone with poor to none military education. He spent his youth as a soldier in the Tercios under Gonzalo Fernández de Cordoba (the great Captain) fighting the French in Naples which became along with Milan part of the Spanish Empire for two centuries. I believe that experience would be more relevant for the conquest of a great empire than taking care of pigs. Just saying…
So you support bloody conquest and call for the colonizers to be respected? Do you also then favor Russia taking over Ukraine? Don’t be a hypocrite now..
@@leonxl I’m not a hypocrite so please try to argue without being a jerk. I’m just making a correction to a misleading proposition that doesn’t benefit everyone. I’m sure by reading your comment that if somebody studied your behavior, if you lived at that time you would’ve been a much better person than Pizarro and lived against the tenets of the time facing all the institutions that enforced them. Not only that, but you would’ve confronted them with the same bravery you are confronting me. Sure, I’m the hypocrite here.
Pizarro's experience was Italy, fighting France. It was a great experience. 99% of the soldiers in the world's armies have never had and never will have military experience. Armies are made up of people in their 20s or 30s who have been pizza makers, plumbers, long-term unemployed, farmers...
Well, the Pizarro's beginnings were as illiterate swine herder. And always was a illiterate. Genghis Khan began as a horse herder, and conquered an empire bigger than the Spanish one. It is not a disservice to nobody, since it doesn't exclude their political and military genius.
Its really shocking how North America gets all the colonial history while New Spain/New Andalusia/Viceroy of Indies/Peru is hardly covered. Its a really great opportunity to go into comparative history
@ Kyle W. By who? If you study history the people and societies that are the most impactful get the most attention. There is a focus on Greece and Rome because they were so impactful. Just how does the Kymer Empire or New Anndalussia impact your or my lives? Actually al Andalus was an impressive place, but what made it great was rejected by Spain as the Reconquista unfolded.
@@koiue.g8709 It depends on what metrics you use. The Spanish Empire included vast territory. They exploited vast silver mines that provided much of the coin base sed in colonial America. They had large cities. There were vast estates with fabulous mansions. There was a highly educated elite. But the land ownership pattern was based on the encomienda. The intellectual tradition was harmed by the Inquisition. The working class consisted of a vast oppressed and illiterate campesino population. Governance was based on appointed governors with little tradition of local, democratic self-rule. The American colonies had no large cities. They used Spanish silver coins. There was no impressive navy. Most of the population lived on modest family farms with rustic homes. But they were the best fed and housed peopl on earth. Here I m talking about the common man, not the elites. Land ownership (the primary source of wealth) was widespread. There was a tradition of democratic self-rule. A system of public schools hich educated everyone was developing as well as public libraries. Religious toleration was developing as well as an intellectual tradition of free thought. There was an important merchant marine and shipbuilding industry. The legal system protected not oppressed the common man. All of this did not look impressive, but it laid the foundation for a great nation.
@@dennisweidner288 From the moment you say "The legal system protected not oppressed the common man" it already makes me understand that you are talking about history seen through partially Anglo-Saxon eyes. The thirteen colonies and then the United States for a large part of their existence based and sustained their economy and society by having half the population enslaved, which is not that they ate badly as you say supposedly happened in the Spanish viceroyalties (the chronicles say the opposite ), they directly died of hunger. because the other half of the nation had them working from sunup to sundown with hardly any food, let alone allowing them to study, at a time when the natives and blacks were even university professors in those "backward Spanish colonies"...
@@juansgreccia8178 You ask a fair question, but then insert demonstrably inaccurate assertions. If your opinions are valid, why do you have to manufacture falsehoods? 1. The most obvious was "having half the population enslaved". This is simply not true. The African-American population has never exceeded 15 percent at any time in American history. 2. And the laws did not privilege Anglo-Saxons. You seem to have missed the fact that Europeans of all denominations flooded into America, including millions from Eastern and Southern Europe. In fact, two of the largest groups were Jews and Italians. 3. Slavery was only important in the southern states. Now it is true the northern free states benefitted from cotton exports, but the economy in the North was not based on nor did it sustain slavery. 4. The economy of the North until the mid-19th century was primarily based on agriculture and because of the laws passed, the land was divided largely among family farms and the VAST majority had no slaves. 5. You ignore the fact that the Constitutional provisions were so anemical to slavery, that the Southern slave owners decided they had to leave the Union. Now let me point out that while African Americans were never half the population, they were a substantial and important minority, And they were treated abominably. But your assessment compares America to Utopia. Just what actual country got everything right all at once? America got it right for most average working people. Getting it right for 85 percent of the population, while not perfect was a good first start and far beyond what ALL other actual countries were doing. I challenge you to name a country that did better. Now I agree it took far too long to end slavery and even longer to address racism, but we finally have made huge process. And I would be glad to compare America's record with that of any other actual country rather than Utopia. I would begin that discussion, by asking you to name a country with a white majority population that has elected a black president. I would be glad to go into more detail using actual FACTS if you would like. Now I am not sure if you want a factual discussion or just want to spew out woke nonsense. I would be more than happy to explain the errors in your description of Latin America if you really want to discuss the facts. I would start by asking you to look at the southern border and note the number of Latin Americans who are voting with their feet about where they can find social justice. It is Latin Americans headed north toward El Norte. Notice we do not see African Americans moving south toward Latin America.
Gracias por hacer todo este gran documental de mi madre patria y gracias por subirlo todo en un solo vídeo! Deberías hacer uno del Imperio Británico también.
El imperio británico no existió bajo mi punto de vista es puro marketing y propaganda, ya que para consolidar un imperio tienes que mantener tus posesiones por siglos cosa que sí hizo españa, y no pudo hacer el Reino Unido, repito bajo mi punto de vista, saludos y buen trabajo por el documental.
I think the Spanish were very good concidering the Discoveries and things and people they were encountering ! The Spanish and the Catholic Church helped the Native Peoples much better than anyone else would have !!!
@ Marian Barootian Just how did they help the Amer-Indians? Their land was stolen and the ones not killed lived miserable dirt-poor lives working for the hacenados well into the 20th century.
What? Ask the Aztecs, The Caribbean islands. Argentina, Paraguay ect. Not Every tribe was strong like Yaquis, mixton, Chichimecs, Mayans. Those who did get conquered were slaves or wiped out. Even the Arabs were much nicer to Spain allowing them to keep their language and religion, becoming the most wealthy and influential place in all Europe at the time.
There´s a well known book about the discovery of the world by the Europeans, written by an Englishman. In the chapter about America, it is stressed the terrible diseases that the Spanish introduced, never mentioning the ones they picked up. Anyone knows where Siphilis comes from? America, that´s right. And when this author tackles the exploration of Africa, time and again he tells us how the brave Englishmen were victims of the tropical diseases; not mentioning -not even once- the virus that they might have introduced in the so-called Black Continent.
The English and others were kept well away by the spanish.... Only losing Jamaica and a few other carabbian islands in their long lived Spanish Empired which lasted 4 centuries in all. It's Demise occurred when Francés Napoleón invaded Spain.
The Spanish Empire was not a colonial empire such as the English, French or Dutch, but on the contrary, it was the last empire of the ancient type, closer to what Rome or Greece were. 300-400 years of domain based on miscegenation, alphabetization and conversion of different peoples; construction of universities, cathedrals and cities worldwide; a huge cultural and artistic explotion; deliberation of new phylisophic, teologic and juridic debates in human history (like f.e., if all humans were equal); discoverments that changed the conception of the world; opening of new shipping routes; creation of an undefeated infantry for 2 centuries; expansion of the Hispanic culture throughout the Atlantic and Pacific ocean (called "the spanish lake" at that time) as Rome did throughout the Mediterranean... All of this, in a world as big as the one we know today, but using a technology from 5 centuries ago. From there onward, european empires had a colonial model based on mercantilism, slavery, and large-scale production, creating factories or plantations in overseas possessions, instead of a civilizing reproduction of their society. The former were a global market, the latter a global kingdom. European empires shouldnt be generalized by the fact of having overseas territories, because not all of them were the same.
Well those hooligans you say were hidalgos, low Nobility ranks trained in war and use of weapons since children, more than 90% of Cortes men knew writing and some were poets, those guys were elite in Europe. For the hidalgos most important thing was honour.
You will find that the majority of these history buffs have no intellectual muscle at all...especially when it comes to snyde comments about location origins...
@@whatsahandle897 Dont be a naïve child. What constituted honour in Japan did not marry up to Western Ideals of honour, hence the clash of both civilisations in WWII. Just one small example of the difference of honour between cultures.
Awesome video. Wish it dug more into activities in the American Southwest as this is the history im looking for at this time. Any recommended videos for more in depth Spanish history in the southwest?
But the discovery of the spaniard Vasco Nuñez De Balboa was better!,, because the whole pacific ocean was a "spanish lake" a lot of centuries. 150 million of km2 only for 1 empire.
I subbed. As a great fan of European History including ⛪🔔Catholic Spanish history , I really appreciate such a documentary without the usual one-sided whining against the Spainish Conquistadores🤺🏇🐎 who Conquered so much with so little that many other nations became jealous of her. Not even Alexander and Caesar dared and conquered ⚔🗡🛡🏹so much with so little. Spain's reconquista was amazing stopping muslim advance into further Europe, won back all Spanish lost territory, and saved Europe. Spain also fought and helped much to save Europe from the Ottomans. During the Great siege of Malta 1565 my country , facing an ottoman invasion👳♂☪ of 200 ships, 48000 men, reinforced by 1000s more muslim volunteers on the way, and also more from Algiers and tripoli and barbary corsairs of Dragut during the siege, with plenty of artillery. Apart from 500 knights hospitallers ✠, some 1,500 mix of Spanish and Papal-sent Italian knights, gentlemen, some Greeks, mercenaries, Catholic volunteers and 3-5000 Maltese militia, totalling about 7000 men🤺🏇, No other country sent help, Only The Spanish Empire reinforced twice , brought much needed men🤺🐎, weapons ⚔🛡 and ammunition💣 and helped greatly for the victory ✌we achieved on the feast of the nativity of Our Lady 8th September. Thanks to God and Our Blessed Virgin✝. Long Live Catholic Spain ☧ ♰
Spain was the USA of the past,, people of around the world has worked for the glory of Spain, like the Genoese Columbus, the Germanic John of Austria, the Parmese Alexander of Farnesio or the Portuguese Magellan, but real Spaniards has doing great works also, like: Vasco nuñez de balboa (Discover of the Pacific Ocean), Ponce de Leon (Discover of Florida), Hernando de Soto (Discover of Mississippi river) or Francisco de Orellana (Discover of The Amazonas)
Yes, they could make money printer go brrrr even back in those days... Until they started loosing a war or two. After that poverty and insignificance followed.
@@r32guy85 yes, every spanish frigate was full of silver, gold and emeralds. the spanish treasure fleet was so famous and popular, today you can have many spanish gold coins in florida and dominicana.
The Encomienda is a system to teach and care workers while grow up and christianize, this is the meaning of the spanish word " encomendar " It is like a mission. Never the less this mission was done very bad at the firts decades...later midle 16th century It will be too much better with the rise of the Spanish theories of Human Rights, the Natural Law and so on, such Hospitals, Schools, Cities, local governments and New Indian Laws.
The greastest and the first global empire. All the spanish, from Mexico to Argentina, discovered the world, completed the sphere, the planet. Viva la Hispanidad. Unión Hispana ya!!
@@Tekashiixine-bm8oc so what. You can't pretend a country to be a superpower for all of its existance, and Spain didn't exist before the Muslim conquest, the Visigothic Kingdom did, Spain emerges after the "Reconquista". And everyone stole gunpowder, but Europeans developed it to create more efficient weapons. For example, the musket, invented in Spain.
Wow, pretty good summary. Can't wine about how simplified it is since you put in a 1hour video more than 400 years of history, very good source to get a general grasp of what went on and specially I apreciate the lack of anti hispanic bullshit that normally plagues this videos. Thanks a lot, it helped me to remember some things and to learn some others (mainly Pizarro's adventures).
Durimg the Napoleonic war, the british attempted an invasion to Rio de la Plata, current Argentina and Uruguay. That triggered the South American revolution.
Loving the whole video! It's been a blast watching through it. One thing though. At 57:08, Atahualpa was most certainly not burned at the stake. Courtesy of Wikipedia for simplicity's sake: "Pizarro staged a mock trial and found Atahualpa guilty of revolting against the Spanish, practicing idolatry, and murdering Huáscar, his brother. Atahualpa was sentenced to death by burning at the stake. He was horrified, since the Inca believed that the soul would not be able to go on to the afterlife if the body were burned. Friar Vincente de Valverde, who had earlier offered his breviary to Atahualpa, intervened, telling Atahualpa that, if he agreed to convert to Catholicism, the friar could convince Pizarro to commute the sentence. Atahualpa agreed to be baptized into the Catholic faith. He was given the name Francisco Atahualpa in honor of Francisco Pizarro. In accordance with his request, he was executed by strangling with a garrote on 26 July 1533. His clothes and some of his skin were burned, and his remains were given a Christian burial." So, his whole body was not burned. Only his clothes and some of his skin. His corpse was seemingly left intact otherwise.
The tribe who killed magellan are called pintados tribe in the Visayas region of the Philippines and pintados are known by their tattoos because their tattoos are like war trophy and the more tattoo you have you are considered the strongest and the person who killed magellan is Lapu-Lapu he is the leader of that tribe according to the history but my understanding is that one of Lapu-Lapu's men killed magellan not Lapu-Lapu and other one the specific location of their battle is in Mactan, Cebu City in the Philippines
Spain did not have "colonies"! that is a very common misunderstanding. As well as the Roman Empire, the Spanish integrated these territories into his culture, language and religion. It is as wrong as saying that the Roman provinces were "colonies". Also, it is a gross reduction to limit the Spanish presence in America to gold and silver extraction. Hundreds of cities were funded, with universities, hospitals, and infrastructures. That is why all those territories share today the same culture. Then again, it is a common error to describe the Empire as economically weak, when the Salamanca School created modern economy and Spain was not worse than other European powers. Finally, Spain was not a "second rate power" until well into the 19th century. Still, Spain was among the 10 richest countries until 1970s
Spain, like the Byzantine Empire before it, was a second-rate power. They held a great empire but they were constantly on the defensive against better organized states.
All 78 minutes of it. Happy New Year guys!
Unhappy new year at the rate things are going! However there are many good blessings in this life. Currently I am reading up on the Borgias, something you would like ha ha!!!
happy New Year, It's Crazy to See how much the Quality has improved since your first few videos, Great Work on the Channel :)
@@doncolasanti9487 Due, if you think this is good just wait to see what I'm planning next. Production values will soon go through the roof ;)
Conquered madeira and azores? From who, the birds?
Will watch later... I hope it isn't RACIST anti-Hispanic propaganda against the HISPANIC EMPIRE and the Hispanic people.
Let us NOT forget, protestantism was created by House of Saxony to ATTACK the benevolent and magnanimous Hispanic people.
What a great video. No rambling, silly jokes, or politics. Just a condensed history with clear and helpful graphics.
Can't understand his thick accent.
@@anypercentdeathless I perfectly understood, and there's people with worse accents
como no va a haber política en un video de historia loco?
Of course this video is all about politics....the extreme righ Spaniards who call themselves 'hispanistas', now they make political propaganda for the USA citizens trying to convince them that the Spanish empire was a blessing which came down directly from heaven. They try to bleach the dirty face of their extict empire using lies, half-truths, hiding many facts, and making misleading claims. Using religion and 'civilization' as a justification to their robberies, rape, plain murder and enslavement of indians during 300 years, since they always hated to work by themselves. They don't mention that, as Christians, they were the worst hypocrites in the world, inclined to drink, to violate the ten commandments and to leave mixed-race children scattered throughout the earth. No to mention that their 'civilized' religious practices consisted in killing hundreds of thousands of Lutherans, Calvinists, Anglicans, etc.throughout Western and Central Europe, just because they were very Catholic., and they were sons of the Holy Inquisition, with the duty to eliminate all the 'heretics'. Also, they don´t mention their totalitarian practices, imposing their religion, culture, language, way of dressing and even names and surnames to the Indians. Stalin would have envied them. Their backwardness and fanaticism left their old colonies in poverty and underdevelopment. This people love the absolutist and despotic monarchy who ruled all the Spanish empire
This is why they are hated in all their old possessions, from the Netherlands, to Argentina.
Hahaha I just ordered your comments by latest and then by best and found out that this comment is posted twice by different users. Someone is paying bots lol. That is backwards.
It lacks the visual beauty of the documentaries done nowadays, but the content is very well narrated. I can say it is the best documentary I saw in years regarding the history of the Spanish Empire. Condensing it in an hour documentary is an art, in which he superbly did it! Thumbs up! Keep up the good work, guys!
Plus Ultra intensifies
Yes but “PLVS VLTRA” to be even more Latin proud
It’s Plvs Vltra
Never heard any video explain the siege of Tenochtitlan so well. Most sources do not go into this much detail.
Majority of sources say it was destroyed by Spaniards when literally it was destroyed by Spaniards and natives
99% of the forces were Native Americans looking for freedom from the Aztec yoke; and 1% was a combination of Caribbeans, Spaniards, and Africa slaves. A conservative estimate is at least 120,000 Native Americans.
After Native Americans and Hispanics put an end to the Aztec oppression, America was free of SATANIC human sacrifices... until the ILLEGAL coming of the protestantized Anglo-Saxons, who made the Aztec human farms look like paradise by comparison.
@@angelasmr8818 so it was half right
@@danskrr wdym
Just have to say that this channel deserves WAY more subscribers. Deserves to be up there with channels like Kings and Generals and Invicta.
The conquest of New Spain (Mexico) is absolutely fascinating.
New Spain was The current Mexico, the 80 % of the current USA and parts of the current Canada.
@@Souliban and The Caribbean
@@Souliban You're a clown. Spain NEVER got 80% of current USA, neither any part of Canada. The self-aggrandizement of the Spaniards is completely ridiculous.
@@herrero4270 You're right, large territories were claimed north of the viceroyalty of New Spain but did not effectively occupy them, and definitively renounced its sovereignty in 1819.
It is also true that during the second half of the 18th century Spain get Louisiana (1762-1800) and Florida (1513-1819), a considerable part what is now the United States.
Et l'ocean Pacifique
I just discovered this video and this channel. It's very detailed, I like it. Of course, there are even more details that had to be omitted, otherwise the video would be of 2 hours, so this is a great synthesis.
And THANK YOU, at last, someone that tells history about my country as it should be, neutral tone, without propaganda of either side, without the typical jokes about bulls, tomatoes and laid-back people. And without the annoying North American and North European bias that they usually use when they speak about my country and southern Europe in general. They always use this superiority tone, like story telling made for entertainment, exalting their "better" ideals of civilization as they believe, to subtlety humiliate my past and indulge their inflated ego. Really annoying. So thank you.
Long live Spain, thank you for all your sacrifices, you have rescued Christianity for Europa and pushed back oppressors, thank you for RECONQUISTA, may god bless Spain forever for she have brought TRUE FAITH to the NEW WORLD, to the AMERICAS , her achievements are legendary and the source of envy to her enemies. May she prosper forever, we have always admired Spain.Greetings from SLOVAKIA
Genocide in the Americas? Hardly commendable.
@@omkarchakraborty1739 yes Latin America is basically uninhabited today. Very intelligent observation.
@@omkarchakraborty1739 genocide? I guess you tried to say British, Portuguese or French’s. Tell me about the “mestizos” in USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand?
Thanks friend! Long live the Catholic world and Slovakia and Spain! ✌
@@omkarchakraborty1739 Genocide in Spanish territories? My ass.
A pesar de que el Imperio Español cayó, dejó un legado muy importante en América: cultura, religión e idioma, pilares que hacen que los países hispanohablantes no entremos en conflictos bélicos, puesto que tenemos una historia en comun que nos hace ser empáticos y tengamos una clase de hermandad, saludos desde Panamá.
Por cierto la ciudad de Panamá (Panamá Viejo) fue invadida por el pirata ingles Henry Morgan en 1671, sin embargo la ciudad fue destruida por los españoles por la llegada de este, por lo que la ciudad fue trasladada a 10 km en 1673 en lo que hoy en día es el Casco Antiguo de Panamá
While it is true that there are cultural similarities because the same language is spoken, there are still significant indigenous and African influences that make Latin American cultures markedly different from those in Europe.
It’d be like arguing that Nigerian, Jamaican, etc… cultures are more or less identical to British culture or Haitian culture to French culture just because they speak the same language. At least I’ve never come across anyone who has shared an opinion of that nature.
Sure Latin American culture is an offshoot of Western culture but with its own regional flavours that are still heavily influenced by native American (Mexico, Peru, etc…) and African (Brazil, Cuba, etc…) cultures depending on the region.
@@mitchduncan4842 Only Native and Spanish, but the African did have not culture, only that because of Africans is the color
@@mitchduncan4842 Bueno, así como Estados unidos tiene gran influencia alemana y aún así es considerado de "cultura occidental".
Si, chucha, lo que tu digas. Solo que olvidas todas las guerras que han existido entre nosotros. La última que recuerdo, es la Guerra del Futbol, entre Honduras y El Salvador, en 1969. Lo que si es cierto, es que somos hermanos entre nosotros. Y los hermanos también se pelean. Los españoles no son precisamente un ejemplo de unidad. Solo recuerda los separatismos vasco y catalán.
Latin american culture is vastly spanish, and in a lesser way, portuguese. Not latin, not italian, not french, but spanish and portuguese. Apart from the indigen culture that was allowed to keep existing, unlike in the british and french colonies where they wiped out all non-white@@mitchduncan4842
Amazing accomplishment with the most detailed info on the world wide Spanish legacy without “La leyenda Negra” slant against her. SUBSCRIBED! ¡Mil gracias! ¡VivaLaHispanidad!#PlvsVltra 🇪🇸⚔️✝️🛡🇪🇸
Saludos desde Hispanoamérica y que viva la madre patria España y abajo la leyenda negra 🇪🇸
Por desgracia el dueño / locutor de este canal también cayó en leyenda negra (no necesariamente por mala fe, pero si por falta de información).
@@pavelm.gonzalez8608 en que parte de este vídeo?
Mágnum eres puertorriqueño verdad ?
Que viva Puerto Rico, territorio de ultramar
@@JayzsMr No te sabría decir el minuto exacto, pero es en la parte del aperreamiento (que a estas alturas yo creo que es falso o al menos irrelevante, tomando en cuenta la manera cruel e irracional en la que las tribus antillanas se comportaban entre sí).
This is great. I just read a book on the Conquest of the Aztec and now I am reading one on the Conquest of the Inca. You did a great recap and helped solidify the series of events. These are long and detailed videos. I am surprised you do not have more followers with the quality you are producing. Keep it up, you'll get discovered and your channel will be a hit. It may take years but it will happen if you just keep making content! Thanks!
I recommend "Empirephobia and Black Legend" by Elvira Roca Barea. I also recommend looking into the Hispanic Incas (TL;DR: the Incas went to Europe and married into nobility).
@@IndigenistVoices Dont recommend spanish trash. Elvira Roca is only a far-righ Spanish propagandist, not a historian. Maybe some Inca noble married to some Spanish noble, because it gave legitimacy to the otherwise illegitime Spanish domination of America.
This is one of the best documentaries I have ever seen
Hernan Cortes is the man with the biggest balls since genhis kahn, a pitty there is no movie
He haves a series of lately, from what I've seen and heard, no much "leyenda negra" (indigenist evil Spanish propaganda) and it's decently well made, just lacking enough extras. Then again most aren't expecting a Waterloo type film like me so it's probably even better than to what I described.
Well, Genghis Kahn did his journey along with all mongol horsemen, about 200,000 riders. His empire lasted less than 40 years.
Hernán Cortés did it along with 480 soldiers, of which 30 were cavalry men. The Empire started by him, lasted for 300 years.
We should again compare sizes, may be there were some bigger than the other.
Incidentally, Pizarro accomplished an even more astonishing journey, just with the left hand and the eyes closed, with just 180 soldiers, of which 2o horsemen, a mountainous empire (the only one ever conquered by the force of the arms) and with no connection with the Spanish settlements on the Atlantic side.
@@AlfonsoSegundo791 No te flipes que genghis era el puto amo, una cosa es conquistar a cuatro indios en la edad de piedra y otra la mayor parte del mundo conocido, y duro 40 años pero los reinos descendientes duraron mucho mas
@@skyleonidas9270 Pues debían ser cinco, y según los indigestos "indigenistas" los "españoles" entre otros te consideran incluido a tí, mataron millones.
@@AlfonsoSegundo791 Bueno, ya sabemos que el tonto dira tonterias pero no por agrandar las hazañas de uno habra que tirar por tierra las de otros
I have studied the history of the conquest of Mexico, and I have to say that u have made a great job in depicting it in a simple way, pretty objective and quite fast, I loved it
Some of the history I'd heard of it depicted the Spanish more critically... more greed, abuse and exploitation. This video does include some of those things, but also other considerations like how the structure of Spanish rule wasn't completely unfamiliar to the natives as they separated themselves off as nobels who extracted tribute. They had the benefit of a religion that didn't send out slave raids to capture and brutually execute hundreds and thousands of people from surrounding conquered tribes. They found protection and an advocate in the church.
In those otheraccount, Pizarro was depicted as all greed, cruelty and deception, though this paints a bit more nuanced a depiction. Ultimately both Cortez and Pizarro were driven by desire for glory and riches, but even so, how different is that from any of history's conquerors, some of which we're allowed to venerate? I think they're a mix of these depictions, their actions caused devastation to these peoples, even if most second order effects through disease, collapse of order and the upturning of worldviews and orders with chaos ensuing. I wish they preserved more codices, artifacts, etc. and commissioned more manuscripts.
Ultimately their legacy may be netter than the British whose NA colonies have much less of the descendants of the native peoples alive today.
@@jtzoltanyes, the black legend is quite well spread in the Anglo-Saxon world
@@RESTITVTOR_TOTIVS_HISPANIAE yeah, unfortunately within any country there's a tendency to be unforgiving to its competitors and more nuanced about its own sins.
@@RESTITVTOR_TOTIVS_HISPANIAE I didn't know it was referred to as "the black legend"...
I was also thinking about how one nation's "intelligence/counter-intelliegence" operations would tend to exploit points of division in other nations they compete with, for example by spreading false, incomplete or biased information to raise tensions between groups, play up differences, etc. This stuff is rife, especially with internet amd social media
@@jtzoltan of course, every state and empire has it's "pink" and "black" legends. It is just that as the hegemonic powers for 3 centuries, the Anglo Saxon world and their academia managed to construct the two most all encompassing and well spread propagandist narratives of history against their two most prominent historical enemies. The Spanish empire and communism in general. The first to attack the empire itself and later to justify the Latin American wars of independence, stop the will for reunification in it's tracks, justify the poverty of Latin America as a consequence of Spanish rule and not the economic sacking and two centuries of humiliation under fist brittosh and then American political hegemony and foreign property of national resources.
There is not much difference of nature between the lies and exaggerations made about Spanish conquest and rule in america and the last century of US red scare. The anti communist black legend accomplishes the same goals. Destruction of the image of the enemy and the painting of a better self image in comparison to that aberration of reality they created.
Long live Ireland and Spain always united.. 🇮🇪 💚 🇪🇸
Celtic brothers
Brothers of blood, Primitive irish came from North Spain.We love you
@@Ericson-vk6bx Yes, you are the one who said USA is Mother country of philipines , you are so stupid
Leopoldo O'Donnell was a Spaniard of Irish descent who family fled from English persecution to France and Spain. He was an important soldier, minister and president of the council of ministers in the 19th century.
Interesting that most of the locals in central America had already had enough of the Aztecs and were more than happy to help Cortez get rid of them.
Same. Every book I’ve read was the Aztecs were peaceful and Cortez came in and destroyed everything
@@constantinekorkousky3363 What? Literally no one says that about the Aztecs
@@constantinekorkousky3363 aztecs was everything, but not a pacific people
Yet history gives ALL THE CREDIT TO CORTEZ and zero to the thousands of natives that did most of the work
A very good history of the period that relies heavily upon the record of eye witnesses, "History of the Conquest of Mexico" and "History of the Conquest of Peru" by William H. Prescott, Harper & Brothers, 1843
Como una consecuencia de Almagro...no me queda más que felicitarte por tu impresionante trabajo. Nosotros, los hijos no queridos de Castilla, pocas veces encontramos solaz en alguna parte de nuestra historia (rechazados por Godos e Indígenas en igual medida), pero tu documental hace mucho por dar perspectiva a la lucha del pequeño Extremeño que, a punta de tezón, porfía y coraje, se ganó un lugar en estas tierras....aún cuando tal lugar sea, comúnmente, difícil. Gracias, muy buen trabajo.
Fijate que mi apellido es extremeño.
Suena un poco como Leyenda Negra, que fue articulada por el protestantismo, lo cual fue fabricado por la Casa de Sajonia para atacar y MATAR Hispanos.
Quienes son esos hijos no queridos de Castilla si se puede saber??
castilla y la Corona siempre admitió a sus hijos como propios....las leyes eran de cumplir.
Hispania Gotorum est.....
Se dice que la furia guerrera de los hispanos en general tiene su origen en los visigodos (Godos) que crearon al Reyno de España al final del Imperio Romano.
Ya que has mencionado al pueblo GODO.
@@madgringo9263 De hecho va mas atras con Viriato, el terror de los Romanos.
The Spanish Empire was not a colonial empire such as the English, French or Dutch, but on the contrary, it was the last empire of the ancient type, closer to what Rome or Greece were. 300-400 years of domain based on miscegenation, alphabetization and conversion of different peoples; construction of universities, cathedrals and cities worldwide; a huge cultural and artistic explotion; deliberation of new phylisophic, teologic and juridic debates in human history (like f.e., if all humans were equal); discoverments that changed the conception of the world; opening of new shipping routes; creation of an undefeated infantry for 2 centuries; expansion of the Hispanic culture throughout the Atlantic and Pacific ocean (called "the spanish lake" at that time) as Rome did throughout the Mediterranean... All of this, in a world as big as the one we know today, but using a technology from 5 centuries ago.
From there onward, european empires had a colonial model based on mercantilism, slavery, and large-scale production, creating factories or plantations in overseas possessions, instead of a civilizing reproduction of their society. The former were a global market, the latter a global kingdom. European empires shouldnt be generalized by the fact of having overseas territories, because not all of them were the same.
The Spanish Empire is the first modern empire. It lasted while the English, Dutch and French empire existed. It also expanded and made the hispanic ethnic group one of the largest in the world as of today.
The existence of several major cities around the globe and the country that is the United States kind of dashes that argument: cities, towns, colonies, outposts and forts that still exist today as some of the most important metropolitan areas in the world were founded by the French, Dutch, English, Swedes, and a few other European powers, as well as the Spanish. The first English and French empires were directly modeled off of Spanish success in Central and South America. The major difference was that the Spanish colonies were more easily exploited for precious metals, but every other point you make was shared by the other European colonial powers at the time whether they were able to exploit them or not.
Of course even the Spanish Empire had changed considerably from the 16th century to the 19th century, but the obvious distinction between ancient empires and modern ones, including the Spanish, was that modern European empires were largely exploitative and extractive. One major difference is that, in the thousand years between the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Spanish, the field of economics came into being. The Romans had no concept of this at all, whereas mercantilism was one hell of a drug and the Spanish were loaded; in one famous instance, Sir Francis Drake attacked and seized Spanish treasure ships and presented their cargo to the court of Elizabeth I... with the value of metals exceeding the total annual revenue of the English crown. The Spanish extracted so much material wealth from the Americas that they literally crashed the European specie economy and drove devastating deflation that upended traditional European society. That's a lot of wealth extraction lol
In short, tho Spain began its empire as a feudal, medieval society (which is radically distinct from how society was structured in antiquity, by the way, so there really is no similarity at all to the earlier Roman Republic or Empire to begin with) the establishment of the empire drastically changed not only Spanish but European culture as a whole and in the view of many historians began the modern era. Spain was not alone in this but rather served as a model for other powers in Europe to emulate, which they did. The legacy of colonialism still lives on around the world and former Spanish possessions are generally no more or less better off for having been part of the Spanish, rather than any other European, Empire.
The only true Hispanic group are the Spaniards, & their direct descendants.@@Trancymind
The miscegenation part of this history is unfortunate in lieu of confused identities.
Repating your comment? Here is my answer:
Of course...it has to be a Spanish charlatan, telling so many lies and half-truths....
1.- Misegenation: The Spanish crown, only at the beginnig of the conquest "authorized" misegenation (the fact it has to be authorized is a bad start), but later it tried to stop it. In fact, the Spanish conquerors had no woman and began to fornicate with the indians without authorization, because they were like animals. But the misegenation was not a policy of the crown since middle 16th century.
2.- Alphabetization: The indians WERE NOT alphabetized, but only some of the sons of the indian chiefs who colaborated with the Spaniards, in order to infiltrate their culture and religion among the indians. Even the Spaniards who arrived into America were mostly illiterate.
3.- Conversion: The indians didn't need a new religion or forced conversion, and they were not benefited from the infraestructure they made for the Spaniards, who only made it for the benefit of themselves. The indians were not allowed in the priesthood or in the universities, who required the requisite to prove "blood purity" (Spanish pure blood). In fact, the indians already had chuches, hospitals, schools, roads, acueducts and even zoos, but they were destroyed by the Spaniards. Also, the indians NEVER participate in academic discussions, since they were maintained in the ignorance.
4.- Mercantilism and Slavery: The Spanish empire was as mercantilist as others, and exploited indian and black slavery. It has been calculated that the Spanish empire had in América at least TWO MILLION african slaves in their plantations and mines, apart from the indian slaves. Even their royal house was involved in the infamous slave trade. Like the British, the Spanish crown forbade the production of goods which could compete with the Spanish's (olives, grapes, silk among others), sold their good overpriced and purchased American goods under the market price, since they had the monopoly of commerce. That's why the smuggling by the British florurished, to the dismay of the Spanish authorities.
5.- Civilizing: The indians of Mesoamerica and the Andes were highly civilized without the need of any Spaniard. "Civilizing" was always the pretext and justification of ALL colonial empires from Europe.
6.- It is true that all empires were different, but ALL WERE OPRESSORS. That's why the Spanish were kicked out from America in such a bad manner, and now are been repudiated in their pretentions over their old colonies.
Does anyone else find it fascinating that this occurred basically at the tail end of the European medieval period?
Like there were dudes riding around dressed as knights in full plate with lances as the Earth was being circumnavigated. Amazing.
Another big difference between the British "empire" and the Spanish empire; The Spaniard creates an international treaty with Portugal respecting each other, in order to legally sail west; the British created the figure of the privateer, who are basically pirates paid by the British crown, to steal the fruit of Spanish labor. You won't see this in any movie either.
Tampoco verás que los piratas, cada vez que veían un barco de guerra español, salían corriendo.
Yes, I a proud British person.
But yes Drake and Raleigh etc were basically pirates!
Wow this is very informative. As a Puerto Rican I really enjoy what's being said here. And my last name is Pizarro.
I would be interested in knowing what Puerto Ricans think as to why the island has failed to develop a modern, prosperous economy.
@@dennisweidner288 You are Ignorant!
The economy of Puerto Rico was doing quite well From the 70's to 2000's. But Mr Bill Clinton removed the tax breaks for corporations operating on the island and the law took affect in 2003, that was sneaky. This caused the government of Puerto Rico to have to borrow from Wall Street to fund its government. The government of Puerto Rico did not know that a little law was passed in the '80s. This law was sneaked in. No one knew that this law was on the books, but the Law did not allow, Puerto Rico to file bankruptcy the way a state could. See have to remember, Puerto Rico is a colony and possession of the United States. And the only way to keep a people under control and it's government it's done by debt. It's the same thing that's happening to you and this country and you don't even know it. The debtor is slave to the lender. This was done on purpose, the United States is going to fall and they don't want any of their possessions to think that they can free themselves. So before you say the ignorant things that you just did, please learn history and know what you're talking about. Oh and then being hit by hurricane Maria did not help the situation.
@@dennisweidner288 oh by the way have you been to Puerto Rico, "A modern economy" !! There's Walmart, Costco, and every major retailer that you see in the United States is present on the island of Puerto Rico. You don't see this nowhere else in the Caribbean or Latin America. Their problem is public debt, which hinders the ability to work on infrastructure. It's the same thing that is happening to you in the United States. Our bridges are falling down, our roads look like hell, and our airports look old. Because we are in debt to the international bankers. Get it genius, they have a modern economy that is chained down by debt. Class is over.
@@Prone-Ski_BX Absolutely I have several times. I lived in Arecibo and the countryside near Lares. And I have a great affection toward Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans. But having a Wall Mart does not mean that Puerto Rico has a modern economy. Countries with a modern economy do not have a population drain. Much of the higher standing of living in Puerto Rico than the rest of the Caribbean is due to various Federal programs it is not because of income generated in Puerto Rico
Now I agree that the debt program is very real. But Puerto Rico was not born with that debt. It was contracted by politicians elected by the Puerto Rican people. You recognize that. Does the Puerto Rican voter understand that? Are they now electing politicians committed to addressing the debt problem? And the graft and corruption that caused it?
I agree with you about the debt issue in America. And it looks like voters here are willing to vote for politicians willing to contract more debt.
I am struck by your hostile response. Why is it that you are angered by such an obviously important question. And if you really believe that having a Walmart and Costo proves a modern economy, I suggest you retake Econ 101. You might want to look at how much of the merchandise n those stores was made in Puerto Rico.
@@Prone-Ski_BX I will not stoop to calling you ignorant. That is now how educated people converse. It is easy to insult, a bit more difficult to have an informed discussion. But I will say that a modern, productive economy is NOT based on tax breaks. It is based on productive enterprises that create products and PAY taxes. Again I suggest you retake your Econ 101 course, perhaps this time without a Marxist professor.
Hernan Cortés es una de las figuras más fascinantes de todos los tiempos. Surge como de la nada, y se convierte en uno de los más grandes estrategas militares de la historia. Se convierte además en defensor de los Txacaltecas, y luego de los mexicas, casándose con la hija de Moctezuma, 500 años antes de que en USA se permitiera el matrimonio interracial. Recomiendo el libro de W. Prescott sobre la conquista de México para entender mejor la personalidad y vida de Cortés.
Por cierto, hay que tener en cuenta la mentalidad de los exploradores y conquistadores ibéricos: para ellos explorar y conquistar tierras no iba solo sobre riqueza, sino sobre gloria y conversión. La península ibérica se había convertido en una tierra de cruzada, se había librado una batalla de 7 siglos, con la religión jugando un lugar muy importante, donde se hicieron muy populares las novelas de caballería (Amadis de Gaula, Palmerín, Tirante el blanco, etc etc), todo eso influyó mucho en las acciones posteriores de los conquistadores. Algunas de las exploraciones tenían como objetivo encontrar lugares de leyenda como El dorado, California, La fuente de la eterna juventud, la Amazonia (nombres y leyendas que surgen de esas novelas).
A los demagogos hispanófobos, indigenistas y anti-católicos les vendría bien conocer todo esto.
Finally someone explains History as it was/ I am amazed how you have portrayed what Casa de America portrays with original documents and data., that Spaniards and natives mixed in America to produce what we are today.
They didn't mix "to produce", but to fornicate. Most of the mestizo and african mulatto were illegitmate, sons of non married couples, as attested by the catholic church.
What I've always loved about Pizarro's conquest is the sheer ease with which he subdued the Inca Empire. He just marched up to Cajamarca without any real plan, abducted Atahualpa, took out his army, and the rest is history..
Hidden gem documentaries.
That should be the channel's new name! :)))
Amazing video, incredibly well presented, great effects.
Your channel is full of great videos, they deserve a lot more views, it is obvious a great amount of efforts go into them!
This is the best documentary on the spanksh empire I've ever seen!! Ive learned so much
Amazing work, so well documented and instructive. America’s discovery by Spanish conquistadors is by far one of the most interesting episodes in human’s history. Never before so few achieved so much
the spanish was not discovered by the europeans, in America there were already civilizations and the spanish didnt conquest a shit, they invaded our land spreading the death and the devastation,
@@mexicoxv2236 hahaha cry more
The soldiers of Spain had been bred in a 8 centuries Reconquista continuos war thus their ferocity....
They were born into It.....
The huge Battle of Otumba clearly shows It.....Amazing Troops indeed.
@@madgringo9263 yes basically generations of men who didn't have much to do except war and pig farming .
It created a war like society who after they expanded all over the Spanish continent pushed into America
@@JayzsMr the Spanish expanded the world over.....Not just in the Américas....also in Europe,Africá and
Asiá.It was The First Global Empíre and one of the longest ever lasting.
(Over 400 years).
Great summary. Nero-ox5tw and Aegiskare already wrote what I wanted to. Most documenarys would waste our time with boring but policially pragmatic sidenotes. Thanks for this!
saludos, desde Filipinas 🇵🇭
This is amazing! Comment, liked, & favorited for the most underrated channel on UA-cam!
The most objective and best narrated video on the Spanish empire I have seen.
Thank you! Please keep going good Content on UA-cam is rare these days
This series is so good, really liked it
Is there any movies depicting the creation of Spain? Wanted to know more about Spain. From the Philippines. 🇵🇭
Nope, but if there are several from the United States, I invite you to see it so that you know a little more about the mother country 🇺🇸
@@Ericson-vk6bx I hope you're kidding...
@@Ericson-vk6bx The United States kill off the Spanish language in the Philippines and also tried to kill Tagalog, with Spain you were much better off, you even had many more rights and they were considered Spanish citizens as well, please investigate before commenting, saludos anglolover
@@Ericson-vk6bx lol the US? The same country that "helped" filipinos fight the spanish to later basically steal the land from them? There's a great spanish movie where they show that "Los últimos de Filipinas"
The best documentary i have ever seen about Spanish empire
Uruguay is Spanish colonization right
@@familyandfriends3519 i guess all south america except brazil were Spanish
@@ibrasal704 didn't parts of Brazil used to part of the Spanish empire
@@familyandfriends3519 Portuguese
@@ibrasal704 no I mean the amazons we're part of the Spanish empire and part's of Brazil used to be part of the Peru Colombia and Bolivia
Please more Spanish- latin history because we know nothing about it
Nice! I assume you will do the same with Portugal? No matter what, Happy New Year!
This was REALLY good. In fact this was better than all the history lectures on this subject I had to listen to back when I was in Middle and High School.
@ Rul Soto I doubt if 1 percent of American students ever listened to a history lecture on the Spanish Empire.
I went to school in Puerto Rico, we had to learn all this stuff in History. Not as well explained as this video.
@@RaulSoto21 Now Puerto Rico I understand.
This documentary is amazing. Wow. Thank you. This puts into perspective how confident and brave the Spaniards must have been to face such immense opposing forces. While some blame the Spanish for bringing disease to the natives, this seems to be a rather supercilious position. They did not intentionally infect the native population.
Well yes. Not that they were above using chemical warfare once it was clear that disease was lethal, but noone has ever been afraid of using that.
Blaming a natural process of cross continental racial first time relations on someone is being blatantly ignorant, blind or that you just want to blame them for something that is clearly not their fault and that would have happened anyway, conquerors or not.
They did once they knew what it did :)
@@GwyndolinSimp you are talking in general. I am referring to the judgemental criticism of the Spanish explorers spreading disease that one finds in literature.
@@whitlatch1999 Nope..Fake News buddy..:)
@@fedevida1951 He is refering to angloamerican "glorious" Hollywood film propaganda conquest aka extermination of natives. Cortes and the spanish conquistadores werent Jeffrey Amherst and his anglo counterparts at all.
Spain: The first giant of history 🇪🇸❤
Força Espanha com muito amor de Portugal
Glory to Portugal as well, an Iberian brother of Spain. 🇵🇹🇪🇸
Cuando se unieron España y Portugal .por así decirlo el imperio iberico fue el más grande.
Proud of the millions Spain killed and enslaved?
@@AB-et6nj skill issue
Did you ever heard of the Roman Empire or the Mongol Empire?
Marvellous documentary. I love how in depth the conquest is explained. I’d suggest that perhaps in the future you could expand a bit more on the 18th and 19th centuries specifically, perhaps as separate videos that could be combined later. While Spain was not as relevant anymore, its history is nevertheless quite unique.
I will if I do the British Empire.
@ Alvaro Gomez Vivas Cultural patterns can persist long after political ties are cut. The success of the United States, for example, is In large measure based on our English heritage--political and economic freedom.
@@pikeshotBattles Bravo. I enjoyed this video. I hope you will address the issue as to why Iberian Latin America and British North America fared so differently.
@@dennisweidner288 I'd rather not. I'd have to mention "naughty" concepts the censors wouldn't like.
@@dennisweidner288 When the Spanish Empire broke into pieces, felt in a total chaos, as it happened with the Roman Empire. Yet it is important to notice that the poorest countries in America are Haiti, Suriname and Guyana, that were not Spanish territories. Still, Spanish territories in America did much better that territories from the British, French, Dutch, German and Belgian in Africa and Asia.
thanks from Mexico, i like specially the description of the siege of the city... blessings :D
A fabulous re telling of this fantastic true history. ✔️
I was also taught at school that Pizarro went from illiterate swine herder to conqueror of a great empire. This does a great disservice not only to the Conquistador but to those conquered by someone with poor to none military education. He spent his youth as a soldier in the Tercios under Gonzalo Fernández de Cordoba (the great Captain) fighting the French in Naples which became along with Milan part of the Spanish Empire for two centuries. I believe that experience would be more relevant for the conquest of a great empire than taking care of pigs. Just saying…
So you support bloody conquest and call for the colonizers to be respected? Do you also then favor Russia taking over Ukraine? Don’t be a hypocrite now..
@@leonxl I’m not a hypocrite so please try to argue without being a jerk. I’m just making a correction to a misleading proposition that doesn’t benefit everyone. I’m sure by reading your comment that if somebody studied your behavior, if you lived at that time you would’ve been a much better person than Pizarro and lived against the tenets of the time facing all the institutions that enforced them. Not only that, but you would’ve confronted them with the same bravery you are confronting me. Sure, I’m the hypocrite here.
Pizarro's experience was Italy, fighting France. It was a great experience. 99% of the soldiers in the world's armies have never had and never will have military experience. Armies are made up of people in their 20s or 30s who have been pizza makers, plumbers, long-term unemployed, farmers...
Well, the Pizarro's beginnings were as illiterate swine herder. And always was a illiterate. Genghis Khan began as a horse herder, and conquered an empire bigger than the Spanish one. It is not a disservice to nobody, since it doesn't exclude their political and military genius.
Tienes envidia
Its really shocking how North America gets all the colonial history while New Spain/New Andalusia/Viceroy of Indies/Peru is hardly covered. Its a really great opportunity to go into comparative history
@ Kyle W. By who? If you study history the people and societies that are the most impactful get the most attention. There is a focus on Greece and Rome because they were so impactful. Just how does the Kymer Empire or New Anndalussia impact your or my lives? Actually al Andalus was an impressive place, but what made it great was rejected by Spain as the Reconquista unfolded.
@@dennisweidner288 colonial North America was nothing of worth, the real deal started after American independence
@@koiue.g8709 It depends on what metrics you use. The Spanish Empire included vast territory. They exploited vast silver mines that provided much of the coin base sed in colonial America. They had large cities. There were vast estates with fabulous mansions. There was a highly educated elite. But the land ownership pattern was based on the encomienda. The intellectual tradition was harmed by the Inquisition. The working class consisted of a vast oppressed and illiterate campesino population. Governance was based on appointed governors with little tradition of local, democratic self-rule.
The American colonies had no large cities. They used Spanish silver coins. There was no impressive navy. Most of the population lived on modest family farms with rustic homes. But they were the best fed and housed peopl on earth. Here I m talking about the common man, not the elites. Land ownership (the primary source of wealth) was widespread. There was a tradition of democratic self-rule. A system of public schools hich educated everyone was developing as well as public libraries. Religious toleration was developing as well as an intellectual tradition of free thought. There was an important merchant marine and shipbuilding industry. The legal system protected not oppressed the common man. All of this did not look impressive, but it laid the foundation for a great nation.
@@dennisweidner288 From the moment you say "The legal system protected not oppressed the common man" it already makes me understand that you are talking about history seen through partially Anglo-Saxon eyes.
The thirteen colonies and then the United States for a large part of their existence based and sustained their economy and society by having half the population enslaved, which is not that they ate badly as you say supposedly happened in the Spanish viceroyalties (the chronicles say the opposite ), they directly died of hunger. because the other half of the nation had them working from sunup to sundown with hardly any food, let alone allowing them to study, at a time when the natives and blacks were even university professors in those "backward Spanish colonies"...
You ask a fair question, but then insert demonstrably inaccurate assertions. If your opinions are valid, why do you have to manufacture falsehoods?
1. The most obvious was "having half the population enslaved". This is simply not true. The African-American population has never exceeded 15 percent at any time in American history.
2. And the laws did not privilege Anglo-Saxons. You seem to have missed the fact that Europeans of all denominations flooded into America, including millions from Eastern and Southern Europe. In fact, two of the largest groups were Jews and Italians.
3. Slavery was only important in the southern states. Now it is true the northern free states benefitted from cotton exports, but the economy in the North was not based on nor did it sustain slavery.
4. The economy of the North until the mid-19th century was primarily based on agriculture and because of the laws passed, the land was divided largely among family farms and the VAST majority had no slaves.
5. You ignore the fact that the Constitutional provisions were so anemical to slavery, that the Southern slave owners decided they had to leave the Union.
Now let me point out that while African Americans were never half the population, they were a substantial and important minority, And they were treated abominably. But your assessment compares America to Utopia. Just what actual country got everything right all at once? America got it right for most average working people. Getting it right for 85 percent of the population, while not perfect was a good first start and far beyond what ALL other actual countries were doing. I challenge you to name a country that did better. Now I agree it took far too long to end slavery and even longer to address racism, but we finally have made huge process. And I would be glad to compare America's record with that of any other actual country rather than Utopia. I would begin that discussion, by asking you to name a country with a white majority population that has elected a black president. I would be glad to go into more detail using actual FACTS if you would like.
Now I am not sure if you want a factual discussion or just want to spew out woke nonsense. I would be more than happy to explain the errors in your description of Latin America if you really want to discuss the facts. I would start by asking you to look at the southern border and note the number of Latin Americans who are voting with their feet about where they can find social justice. It is Latin Americans headed north toward El Norte. Notice we do not see African Americans moving south toward Latin America.
Amazing video!!! Loved every second of it. Please do more empires
Gracias por hacer todo este gran documental de mi madre patria y gracias por subirlo todo en un solo vídeo! Deberías hacer uno del Imperio Británico también.
Gusto es mio! Gratias.
Nuestra Madre Patria...
@@pikeshotBattles Gracias* jeje
El imperio británico no existió bajo mi punto de vista es puro marketing y propaganda, ya que para consolidar un imperio tienes que mantener tus posesiones por siglos cosa que sí hizo españa, y no pudo hacer el Reino Unido, repito bajo mi punto de vista, saludos y buen trabajo por el documental.
@@israelsanchez4433 exacto, de hecho el control portugues sobre goa india tuvo mayor duración que el british raj
This is a brilliant documentary account! Well done!👍
I am happy to be spanish and born in Spain.
amazing work . i love history but this episode here is wow , dont have words
Thank you for your video. Greetings from Spain
Love finding channels like this 🏴✌🏻
Excellent historical rendering very well done very well explained. Thank you for your Channel
Really great video, I learned a ton. Thanks for making this!
Really enjoying the depth and easily digestible information in your productions - many thanks for putting this together !
Cheers 🍻👍
I think the Spanish were very good concidering the Discoveries and things and people they were encountering ! The Spanish and the Catholic Church helped the Native Peoples much better than anyone else would have !!!
@ Marian Barootian Just how did they help the Amer-Indians? Their land was stolen and the ones not killed lived miserable dirt-poor lives working for the hacenados well into the 20th century.
Yeah no, if mass murder and taking away culture is help than lets see that happen to your land. The catholic church is complete shit too.
What? Ask the Aztecs, The Caribbean islands. Argentina, Paraguay ect. Not Every tribe was strong like Yaquis, mixton, Chichimecs, Mayans. Those who did get conquered were slaves or wiped out. Even the Arabs were much nicer to Spain allowing them to keep their language and religion, becoming the most wealthy and influential place in all Europe at the time.
Yes too many native in guatemala and mexico cet wiped theres not brown people there only white people
@@cuahtemoc7642 Black legend. Guess who wrote the first grammar of nahuatl.
There´s a well known book about the discovery of the world by the Europeans, written by an Englishman. In the chapter about America, it is stressed the terrible diseases that the Spanish introduced, never mentioning the ones they picked up. Anyone knows where Siphilis comes from? America, that´s right. And when this author tackles the exploration of Africa, time and again he tells us how the brave Englishmen were victims of the tropical diseases; not mentioning -not even once- the virus that they might have introduced in the so-called Black Continent.
He’s English, of course he’s going to be biased..
The English and others were kept well away by the spanish....
Only losing Jamaica and a few other carabbian islands in their long lived Spanish Empired which lasted 4 centuries in all.
It's Demise occurred when Francés Napoleón invaded Spain.
The Spanish Empire was not a colonial empire such as the English, French or Dutch, but on the contrary, it was the last empire of the ancient type, closer to what Rome or Greece were. 300-400 years of domain based on miscegenation, alphabetization and conversion of different peoples; construction of universities, cathedrals and cities worldwide; a huge cultural and artistic explotion; deliberation of new phylisophic, teologic and juridic debates in human history (like f.e., if all humans were equal); discoverments that changed the conception of the world; opening of new shipping routes; creation of an undefeated infantry for 2 centuries; expansion of the Hispanic culture throughout the Atlantic and Pacific ocean (called "the spanish lake" at that time) as Rome did throughout the Mediterranean... All of this, in a world as big as the one we know today, but using a technology from 5 centuries ago.
From there onward, european empires had a colonial model based on mercantilism, slavery, and large-scale production, creating factories or plantations in overseas possessions, instead of a civilizing reproduction of their society. The former were a global market, the latter a global kingdom. European empires shouldnt be generalized by the fact of having overseas territories, because not all of them were the same.
Englismen always racists, you know.
Siphilis already existed in Europe since the Roman times. You nedd an update..
This was a very good and in depth video about the spanish empire! Thank you so much! 😊
Excellent job of telling facts about history without a lot of political opinions! Thank you!
@ George King I agree, a rare phenomenon today.
Well those hooligans you say were hidalgos, low Nobility ranks trained in war and use of weapons since children, more than 90% of Cortes men knew writing and some were poets, those guys were elite in Europe. For the hidalgos most important thing was honour.
You will find that the majority of these history buffs have no intellectual muscle at all...especially when it comes to snyde comments about location origins...
@@casanaveusbottlemycyp8244 Not for those guys.
Honor is subjective.
@@aussiemilitant4486 It's not. You're probably not honorable and simply don't want to get busted
@@whatsahandle897 Dont be a naïve child. What constituted honour in Japan did not marry up to Western Ideals of honour, hence the clash of both civilisations in WWII. Just one small example of the difference of honour between cultures.
Very rich historical piece. Keep it up.
Just one correction: Equatorial Guinea had their independence in 1970 and not 1960.
So Uruguay was colonized by the Spanish
Awesome video. Wish it dug more into activities in the American Southwest as this is the history im looking for at this time. Any recommended videos for more in depth Spanish history in the southwest?
I know some in Spanish
13:50 Magellan heads to Spain, and subsequently designs a fantastic streaming platform, and now a word from our sponsors.
But the discovery of the spaniard Vasco Nuñez De Balboa was better!,, because the whole pacific ocean was a "spanish lake" a lot of centuries. 150 million of km2 only for 1 empire.
Happy to be Spanish Puerto Rican.
I saw your channel name and I instantly subscribed, so happy someone is finally covering this setting.
I'm happy to deliver!
Sandrhoman has made Pike&Shot era videos for a long time.
@@MrCmon113 He focused on battles though generally, which he is great at and I appreciate; but that is only a small part of a given history.
Great my friend! 🇬🇹🇸🇻🇪🇸
This was soooo awesome!
This is excellent 👌
I subbed. As a great fan of European History including ⛪🔔Catholic Spanish history , I really appreciate such a documentary without the usual one-sided whining against the Spainish Conquistadores🤺🏇🐎 who Conquered so much with so little that many other nations became jealous of her. Not even Alexander and Caesar dared and conquered ⚔🗡🛡🏹so much with so little.
Spain's reconquista was amazing stopping muslim advance into further Europe, won back all Spanish lost territory, and saved Europe. Spain also fought and helped much to save Europe from the Ottomans.
During the Great siege of Malta 1565 my country , facing an ottoman invasion👳♂☪ of 200 ships, 48000 men, reinforced by 1000s more muslim volunteers on the way, and also more from Algiers and tripoli and barbary corsairs of Dragut during the siege, with plenty of artillery. Apart from 500 knights hospitallers ✠, some 1,500 mix of Spanish and Papal-sent Italian knights, gentlemen, some Greeks, mercenaries, Catholic volunteers and 3-5000 Maltese militia, totalling about 7000 men🤺🏇, No other country sent help, Only The Spanish Empire reinforced twice , brought much needed men🤺🐎, weapons ⚔🛡 and ammunition💣 and helped greatly for the victory ✌we achieved on the feast of the nativity of Our Lady 8th September. Thanks to God and Our Blessed Virgin✝.
Long Live Catholic Spain ☧ ♰
This video is a masterpiece thank you
I will soon have an improved version. Be sure to check that out too!
Why doesn't this have more views? Love it
@ Hunter P. Good question. I find the Spanish colonial empire poorly studied among English-language sources.
Great video! 👍😀
such a great video! you deserve more subs for sure!
Great series, thanks for sharing!
Spain was the USA of the past,, people of around the world has worked for the glory of Spain, like the Genoese Columbus, the Germanic John of Austria, the Parmese Alexander of Farnesio or the Portuguese Magellan, but real Spaniards has doing great works also, like: Vasco nuñez de balboa (Discover of the Pacific Ocean), Ponce de Leon (Discover of Florida), Hernando de Soto (Discover of Mississippi river) or Francisco de Orellana (Discover of The Amazonas)
Yes, they could make money printer go brrrr even back in those days... Until they started loosing a war or two. After that poverty and insignificance followed.
Rip thick spain 1580 -1821 ad 😢😢
@@pikeshotBattles it was inflation because of too much silver
@@r32guy85 yes, every spanish frigate was full of silver, gold and emeralds. the spanish treasure fleet was so famous and popular, today you can have many spanish gold coins in florida and dominicana.
Pedro Páez discovered the Nilo/Nile River in 1618.
Great videos I am subscribing thanks for creating.
The Encomienda is a system to teach and care workers while grow up and christianize, this is the meaning of the spanish word " encomendar " It is like a mission. Never the less this mission was done very bad at the firts decades...later midle 16th century It will be too much better with the rise of the Spanish theories of Human Rights, the Natural Law and so on, such Hospitals, Schools, Cities, local governments and New Indian Laws.
One of the best videos discussing Spain in the Americas I think the only one that's just as good quality was done by the UA-cam channel Invicta
Deserves wayyy more views and likes
came back to watch this again. this is some of your best work!
One of the greatest Empires in all History,Viva la Hispanidad!
The greastest and the first global empire. All the spanish, from Mexico to Argentina, discovered the world, completed the sphere, the planet. Viva la Hispanidad. Unión Hispana ya!!
@@jaquemate7254 Union Hispana ya!
@@FakeGallego69 Unión hispana ya!
They were mitches for 800 years before they stole gunpowder warfare from the Chinese
@@Tekashiixine-bm8oc so what. You can't pretend a country to be a superpower for all of its existance, and Spain didn't exist before the Muslim conquest, the Visigothic Kingdom did, Spain emerges after the "Reconquista". And everyone stole gunpowder, but Europeans developed it to create more efficient weapons. For example, the musket, invented in Spain.
Love your video & subscribed ❤️
Wow, pretty good summary. Can't wine about how simplified it is since you put in a 1hour video more than 400 years of history, very good source to get a general grasp of what went on and specially I apreciate the lack of anti hispanic bullshit that normally plagues this videos.
Thanks a lot, it helped me to remember some things and to learn some others (mainly Pizarro's adventures).
fantastic video, extremely educational, created a moving picture of the spanish empire - I learned a lot, thank you 🙂
Informative documentary. This would have required a lot of work. Thanks.
Absolutely fascinating and objectively portrayed video on the conquest of America. Bravo.
This seems to have some changes from the earlier version. Not just a merging of videos.
This is how it will be from now on. The full version will have improvements.
@@pikeshotBattles Your dones are gorgeous, keep the good work, God bless
Despite the changes it continue to have mistakes as the reason of Magellan's entering in the conflict in the Philippines
Thanks for making this awesome video. I learned a few things today.
Thanks for the video!
For those who enjoy to watch history about Hernán Cortes, I recommend the tv show from 2019, Hernan.
26:30 the balls on this Cortéz man. Sunk his own ship, and told his men only way is forward. Just, wow dude.
Great content! Watched the whole thing, never got bored 👌
Durimg the Napoleonic war, the british attempted an invasion to Rio de la Plata, current Argentina and Uruguay. That triggered the South American revolution.
Uruguay is Spanish colonization right
Congratulations.. great vid... I didn´t think it was going to be so good...
Loving the whole video! It's been a blast watching through it. One thing though. At 57:08, Atahualpa was most certainly not burned at the stake. Courtesy of Wikipedia for simplicity's sake:
"Pizarro staged a mock trial and found Atahualpa guilty of revolting against the Spanish, practicing idolatry, and murdering Huáscar, his brother. Atahualpa was sentenced to death by burning at the stake. He was horrified, since the Inca believed that the soul would not be able to go on to the afterlife if the body were burned. Friar Vincente de Valverde, who had earlier offered his breviary to Atahualpa, intervened, telling Atahualpa that, if he agreed to convert to Catholicism, the friar could convince Pizarro to commute the sentence. Atahualpa agreed to be baptized into the Catholic faith. He was given the name Francisco Atahualpa in honor of Francisco Pizarro. In accordance with his request, he was executed by strangling with a garrote on 26 July 1533. His clothes and some of his skin were burned, and his remains were given a Christian burial."
So, his whole body was not burned. Only his clothes and some of his skin. His corpse was seemingly left intact otherwise.
Thank you for uploading
The tribe who killed magellan are called pintados tribe in the Visayas region of the Philippines and pintados are known by their tattoos because their tattoos are like war trophy and the more tattoo you have you are considered the strongest and the person who killed magellan is Lapu-Lapu he is the leader of that tribe according to the history but my understanding is that one of Lapu-Lapu's men killed magellan not Lapu-Lapu and other one the specific location of their battle is in Mactan, Cebu City in the Philippines
is it possible that at some point one of those pintados got a tattoo alluding to killing europeans? that would be bad-ass!
@@sargentocapitao9668 yeah that's possible
Yo vivir en Ciudad de Cebu en Mactan Ciudad de Lapu-lapu, Filipinas.🇵🇭
Excellent documentary. Well narrated
Spain did not have "colonies"! that is a very common misunderstanding. As well as the Roman Empire, the Spanish integrated these territories into his culture, language and religion. It is as wrong as saying that the Roman provinces were "colonies". Also, it is a gross reduction to limit the Spanish presence in America to gold and silver extraction. Hundreds of cities were funded, with universities, hospitals, and infrastructures. That is why all those territories share today the same culture. Then again, it is a common error to describe the Empire as economically weak, when the Salamanca School created modern economy and Spain was not worse than other European powers. Finally, Spain was not a "second rate power" until well into the 19th century. Still, Spain was among the 10 richest countries until 1970s
Spain, like the Byzantine Empire before it, was a second-rate power.
They held a great empire but they were constantly on the defensive against better organized states.
Still had colonies, though
If they're not colonies, what the f*** do you call them?
Lol so the 13 colonies of Britain in America weren’t colonies as well
@@JawnBoyd-rt9gd I wouldn't even waste my time with this stupidity