Brownies Tape Keju Ide Jualan Terbaru Laris Manis Tanpa SP

  • Опубліковано 6 жов 2024
  • Brownies Tape
    Bahan cair
    100gr dcc
    30gr mentega
    30gr minyak sayur
    10gr coklat bubuk
    Bahan kering
    40gr terigu protein rendah
    10gr maizena
    1/8 sdt garam
    Ayak, aduk rata, sisihkan
    Bahan utama
    1 telur utuh
    50gr gula pasir
    Mixer hingga gula cair dan berwarna pucat
    Lalu masukkan bahan cair, mixer kembali hingga rata
    Masukkan bahan kering, aduk rata
    50gr keju cheddar parut
    Loyang Sultan Daisy Pan atau loyang 26Cm
    4 telur ukuran besar
    3 kuning telur
    100gr gula pasir
    190gr butter atau margarin cair
    150gr terigu protein sedang
    30gr susu bubuk
    350gr tape singkong mentega
    40gr susu kental manis
    1/2 sdt garam
    1 sdt baking powder double acting
    Cara membuat
    Haluskan tape, masukkan susu kental manis, campur rata, sisihkan
    Ayak terigu, susu bubuk, garam dan baking powder, sisihkan
    Kocok telur dan gula hingga kental berjejak selama 15 menit
    Masukkan campuran terigu secara bertahap dan aduk perlahan dengan spatula
    Ambil sebagian adonan, campurkan ke adonan tape, aduk rata, lalu campurkan ke adonan telur, aduk perlahan
    Tuang mentega cair dan aduk rata dengan spatula
    Siapkan loyang Daisy Pan dari Signora atau loyang biasa ukuran 24-26Cm, olesi dengan minyak pengoles loyang
    Tuang adonan bolu tape secara acak
    Dengan sendok, tuang adonan brownies di tengahnya (diantara)
    Tutup seluruh permukaan dengan adonan bolu tape
    Dengan sendok tuang adonan brownies menempel diloyang, sisakan untuk di tuang mengelilingi loyang dan di aduk membentuk marmer
    Tutup dengan adonan bolu tape lalu panggang suhu 160C api atas 180C api bawah + kipas selama 15-20 menit
    Keluarkan beri topping keju
    Panggang kembali 20 menit api atas 160 api bawah 180C
    Suhu dan waktu disesuaikan dengan oven masing2, beda oven dan beda loyang beda suhu dan waktu
    keluarkan bolu dari loyang setelah bolu dingin suhu ruang
    Link buku:
    Brownie Tape
    Liquid material
    100gr dcc
    30g butter
    30g vegetable oil
    10g cocoa powder
    Dry ingredients
    40g low protein flour
    10g cornstarch
    1/8 tsp salt
    Sift, mix well, set aside
    The main ingredient
    1 whole egg
    50g granulated sugar
    Mixer until the sugar is liquid and pale in color
    Then add the liquid ingredients, mix again until smooth
    Add dry ingredients, mix well
    50g grated cheddar cheese
    Sultan Daisy Pan pan or 26cm baking pan
    4 large eggs
    3 egg yolks
    100g granulated sugar
    190g melted butter or margarine
    150g medium protein flour
    30g powdered milk
    350gr fermented cassava (Tape)
    40g sweetened condensed milk
    150g medium protein flour
    30g powdered milk
    1/2 tsp salt
    1 tsp double acting baking powder
    How to make
    Puree the tape, add sweetened condensed milk, mix well, set aside
    Sift flour, milk powder, salt and baking powder, set aside
    Beat the eggs and sugar until thick for 15 minutes
    Gradually add the flour mixture and stir gently with a spatula
    Take some of the mixture, mix it into the tape mixture, stir well, then mix it into the egg mixture, stir gently
    Pour in the melted butter and stir well with a spatula
    Prepare a Daisy Pan baking pan from Signora or a regular baking pan measuring 24-26cm, grease with baking oil.
    Pour the sponge cake mixture randomly
    With a spoon, pour the brownie mixture in the middle (in between)
    Cover the entire surface with sponge tape mixture
    With a spoon, pour the brownie mixture onto the pan, leaving the rest to pour around the pan and stir to form a marble
    Cover with sponge cake mixture then bake at 160C top fire 180C bottom fire + fan for 15-20 minutes
    Remove the cheese topping
    Bake again for 20 minutes over 160C over 180C
    Temperature and time are adjusted to each oven, different ovens and different baking sheets have different temperatures and times
    Remove the sponge cake from the pan after the sponge cake has cooled to room temperature