New Channel Personality, ALL my lessons learned... Start-Up Company?



  • @charliebognar5276
    @charliebognar5276 2 місяці тому +21

    Kuz when it didnt go your way, you started hating on others.

  • @joegrochowski669
    @joegrochowski669 2 місяці тому +15

    gotta say it,, casey after many years we have grown apart, scandalous talk spent on people you do not like but wish to be part of their world is useless. set your sights on what your audience can work with. exp. inexpensive fun cars especially if self maintenance is doable. you have been great , as for now your content is out of my financial reach. take care of your family

  • @user-pf6sn8rd2l
    @user-pf6sn8rd2l 2 місяці тому +10

    30 years ago I shaved my head. No reason; It was just something I wanted to do. I discovered that people, even close friends, were suddenly uncomfortable around me. Just because my hair was two inches shorter!
    A couple years later, my pastor was diagnosed with lymphoma and preemptively shaved his head. So I shaved mine in support. I was suddenly a wonderful person for supporting my pastor!
    If you do something outside the norm, you have to have a good, simple reason, or the herd gets nervous and runs off. That's not a bad thing, but it may get lonely. Which is where you're at right now. Formulate a good cover story, and then be yourself. We have faith in you, but you've chosen a rough path. That's the only road to greatness. Hang in there!

  • @toad0720
    @toad0720 2 місяці тому +14

    Everyone has times where you have to sit back and reevaluate priorities. You have a family with a young child who is now more important. Enjoy being with your child when she's young because it goes by so fast.

  • @diggingattycho7908
    @diggingattycho7908 2 місяці тому +7

    Try growing up right after Apollo, everybody was dreaming of a moonshot. There was amazing things going on all over the place. Then the years kept passing by, my cynicism grew. Eventually I got to the point where nothing in space interested me. When I learned what the space shuttle was really for. I was bummed for a week. Today, I could care less what what's his name is doing. I know nothing will come of it. That's how things go, the US used to do amazing things. Today it looks like a a bunch of people going through the pockets of a dying man. Only getting what they can for themselves. While telling themselves they are doing so much good.
    I tried to work with others at one time, but that didn't pan out either. There is a give and take with that process, if people only take. Nothing will come of it.
    Right now I have potential situation that's truly remarkable, we are slowly working to find a place where we fit together.
    For you, your family comes first. That's what's most important. Your going to blink, next thing you know your kid will be grown.

  • @MikePhilbin1966
    @MikePhilbin1966 Місяць тому +4

    Man... you got it. Find the right mindset. Good luck. :)

  • @blacksheep4000
    @blacksheep4000 2 місяці тому +9

    I started my channel in 2017 my car channel. I learned that unless you do ridiculous things and have a clownish personality nobody cares. That's not me so I slowly started putting the camera down spent time with family. In 4 years I hit 460 subscriber's and averaged 1000 views. It's not Worth the effort and social media doesn't like real honesty. I enjoy every video you post and I know my comment won't matter but I've learned a lot in life from you, kind of like your a big brother if that makes sense. I don't know man the world is a hard place these days and there is so little appreciation for what people do these days. I'd love to work with you but my lack of knowledge and skills plus the distance doesn't help.
    Keep doing what makes you happy and mentally well.
    Thank you for years of entertainment abs learning. See you on the next video.

    • @heatshield
      @heatshield 2 місяці тому +1

      You nailed it regarding what sells out here.
      I had a pretty successful gaming channel a bunch of years ago, but just dedicated to one game. My content was clearly more important and useful to people who needed good solid information about new strategies and exploits and upcoming changes. My team was the best. We were actually very highly ranked worldwide. We knew what we were doing.
      But! . . . We were simply and calmly reporting facts and showing strategy. We weren’t flashy “UA-camrs” with five thousand dollars of stupid bullsht displayed on lighted shelves in the background, screaming at the top of our lungs for no reason during the intro and making thumbnail images where you could see down our throats.
      The channel was absolutely lost in the dust of other clown channels willing to play all those algorithm mind games, so eventually we just packed it up.

    • @heatshield
      @heatshield 2 місяці тому +1

      P.s. just reading back through what I typed above, it seems like I was bragging and maybe a bit overly proud at some points but we legitimately had inside information before other UA-cam channels which had a hundred times our subscriber numbers. These larger channels would contact us for technical data and sources often. We legit were the best and most dedicated to that side of the larger picture.
      Also when I say “my team” or “us”, I didn’t have anyone involved with the channel other than die-hard game teammates, so we didn’t have specialized editors or anyone hired to do anything with the UA-cam channel. Just some trusted “family” all doing what we loved and showing the world.
      I guess to be completely honest, we did have one younger brother of a teammate. He didn’t play the game with us but he was better than any of the rest of us at one specific task which was necessary for obtaining certain information at the time and he enjoyed doing that. So I considered him a trustworthy part of the team and he helped a lot.
      Anyway, thank you for reminding me of that so I could have a little nostalgia trip. Hope you enjoyed listening. Cya around here sometime maybe. 🤘

    • @blacksheep4000
      @blacksheep4000 2 місяці тому

      @heatshield not sure if you were replying to my message but I didn't see anything as bragging. That's another problem these days you do anything of good or gain and say anything it's bragging.
      For example yesterday I had a dipshit say I have nothing and my job doesn't pay well when I explained hauling pallets does pay as in the last year (when I got my cdl Feb 14th 2023) I went from basically homeless driving a 16 year old high mileage car to owning a 2024 nissan and buying a house.
      I wasn't bragging I was making the point that hauling pallets does pay enough to at least for my needs. And I don't need bunch of trucks and toys and a big house to prove anything. I am me and my small accomplishments made me feel good about myself considering I'm 37 and finally got my life on track. Again not bragging just saying it's possible just have to take it one baby step at a time and do what needs to be done.
      No I'm not where I want to be in life but choices led me to not having that so I get to start late and try and live my best life.

  • @jamescoutris1508
    @jamescoutris1508 16 днів тому +1

    Hi Casey, i know this video is about a month old but i just wanted to say god has a time and purpose for everyone keep pushing forward. I remember watching you restore your old 944 with the pasha fabric and it inspired me to get into an 80s car and I’ve been restoring a bmw e30 since then which is now almost complete, your projects even though you never got them to the point you wanted them to be are not failures, they inspire people to work on vintage cars and learn more about them and working on cars in general. My wife and i loved the lancia car series and it even got her interested in cars. I think your ability to inspire people to create and do awesome things is the greatest success there is. From one Ohioan to another cheers!

    • @CaseyPutsch
      @CaseyPutsch  16 днів тому +1

      Thank you kindly. Means a lot.

  • @TheSine1991
    @TheSine1991 2 місяці тому +4

    An honest man. Rare on UA-cam these days

  • @canamscott
    @canamscott 2 місяці тому +5

    I am excited to see more Omega Car. You are a man of great skill and great thoughts. Keep dreaming and keep speaking truth and seeking truth.

  • @akslr8
    @akslr8 2 місяці тому +4

    We have a winner takes all system. Most people love it because they think of themselves as the exceptions that will beat the system, so they will enjoy outsized rewards. This collective attitude reinforces the continuance of the system even as it grinds its true believers. It will continue until it collapses under its own weight. In the meantime, actors with clear eyes will have to be content with finding niches that our overlords don't know about or care about. Everyone else, blinded by fear and/or greed, is just a happy marionette.

  • @ianwiinamaki4770
    @ianwiinamaki4770 2 місяці тому +2

    This was a good video, I am looking forward to seeing more about the omega car

  • @jimcolangelo7003
    @jimcolangelo7003 2 місяці тому +1

    I for one always enjoy your content no matter the subject! Grappling with life's disappointments, whether self-induced or from outside (i.e. being disappointed in people or groups over and over..) is one of life's biggest challenges and we all go through it. You're in a healthy place! Keep on keepin' on as they say.. :)

  • @Tclans
    @Tclans 18 днів тому +1

    A Rob co lab would be insanely cool, can you imagine one or more of the students working on his vehicles.
    But in the geist of feasibility a channel akin to Matt's offroad recovery would be more suiting in my opinion.
    Lots of building and testing, besides Matt is a great teacher. That's definitely great for potential students.

  • @TheLotroNerd
    @TheLotroNerd Місяць тому

    Thanks for sharing this! i think there are a lot of us out there with similar thoughts!

  • @zipgunII
    @zipgunII 2 місяці тому +2

    Thanks for this. You articulate what many of us are feeling. As someone from the outside, looking in, I can tell you this. You have your guiding star. It's your Daughter. Your family. They are what you should be focusing on. Family is what gave our parents the focus to do some of the most boring, unrewarding work, simply to keep a roof over our heads, and food in our bellies. That's far more world changing than anything that they might have done. Every child is a world of possibility. I did find that mention of a material science company interesting. The thing that makes exotic materials like carbon fiber composites interesting, is that they have "good marketing". What do I mean? Well, the use engineering measures like Weight, Strength, etc. and par those terms with words that accentuate a positive aspect of those measurements. I'm thinking, to make "sustainable" or "natural" composites have "better marketing", The trick is to find measurements that accentuates the material's properties in a positive way. Carbon fiber has ugly measurements like costs being high, or like compressive strength being low. But those are not talked about. The Climate change crowd have developed measures to use to promote what they're doing, things line "Carbon Neutrality". But those are not the only measurements. You could come up with your own, and use them to positively market your composites. Heck, IF your composites can come within striking distance of say, carbon fiber, and com in with either lower coast or lower/higher (put your made up measurement here) you might have a chance at suplanting carbon fiber, for example. Good luck Casey. G-d is with you.

  • @anatolyyakubov1176
    @anatolyyakubov1176 2 місяці тому +3

    All bored, but by the minute three - "naval warfare meets chess / racing" .. Do it for yourself. Even for the child - you have to be you. Best of luck and thank you for the video.

  • @andysorensen3474
    @andysorensen3474 2 місяці тому +1

    I am 60 now and have spent a lifetime on sometimes crazy, sometimes 'swing for the fences' ideas that range from automotive and machinery trades and related small business ownership to mechanical inventions, tech start-ups and art; the list is too long to recount here but suffice it to say I can relate. I have made and lost money several times with a kind of volatility most people (including myself to some degree) could never stomach and yet, despite the at times sole crushing stress of it, I do not think the 'tape' could ever be or have been played any other way. Embrace who you are in the world, honor the fact that you are good to the people in your life, in the end that is all that matters.
    One of my current unfinished projects (that I will work on after typing this) is a prototype for a cost efficient, somewhat 'stealth' adventure truck built on a second hand light commercial delivery truck (Fuso) chassis. There is a commercial opportunity here to discuss if you are ever interested in such a concept. Anyway, enjoy the day and keep on keep'n on my brother from another mother.

  • @kennypatrick430
    @kennypatrick430 2 місяці тому +3

    You seem like a genuinely good and passionate guy Casey. I really hope you can find that spark again!
    If I may, I'd love to give some candid feedback. I admit, I haven't watched a video in a while... Mostly though, it's because.. i seem to walk away from your videos more hopeless and depressed than when i started watching...The things you say are true, real, they need to be said. The villainy and douche-bagery of the wealthy elite needs to be brought to light. But man, it's a depressing subject...It doesn't really have mass entertainment appeal. I come to youtube to have fun and watch car stuff. And Honestly, I just kind of stopped having fun on your channel..
    Maybe that's just me though...
    Keep up the good fight friend. You have a lot to offer and a lot more to keep teaching!

  • @joecro15
    @joecro15 2 місяці тому +1

    We all have more than one calling man, theres a lot of things outside of the car world that might just scratch that itch you have. Hope you find something that satisfies the kid in you and makes you look back thinking you had a good time

  • @camaroguy2919
    @camaroguy2919 Місяць тому

    I'm sorry to hear the heart reaching truth about your solo gig at the moment. Casey if I were around your area I would love to volunteer my time to help out. What ever you do I will always keep tuned in .keep your chin uo.

  • @trsdglobal
    @trsdglobal 2 місяці тому +1

    Failure is just a step toward success and somtimes it takes a few!

  • @SoloRenegade
    @SoloRenegade 2 місяці тому +1

    keep in mind that when 2+ people work together on the same thing, one of them will ALWAYS work harder than the other. That's a reality of physics/nature. One of you is going to know more, or have more passion for the project, etc. Just have to accept that and find people who work hard enough to contribute.
    I get it, I have tons of ideas to help the economy and make people's lives better, but it sometimes feels like everyone is fighting to keep you down simply for making them look bad or some other petty issue. But you have to fight back anyways. The more successful you are/become, the more enemies you'll gain/encounter. You have to accept that and ignore it and just keep on anyways. And know that people will target you for your success.

  • @williamking200
    @williamking200 Місяць тому +2

    2500 views, your channel is fading away

  • @jeffkoch8612
    @jeffkoch8612 2 місяці тому +2

    Casey, the only thing that changed is YOU..
    Not bad, or good, but that’s what changed..

  • @TheHawkeye50317
    @TheHawkeye50317 2 місяці тому

    The tone perceived, honest. That's what we expect from you. The "star" to shoot for, sometimes you just have to wait for a better time. Otherwise you can say goodbye to your sanity and not even realize when that happened. Get ignored long enough, even when others consider it to be a good idea, or a star worth shooting for, and no one steps forward... Try something different, same result. Let it be for a while, same result. Before you know it, the wall you've been banging your head into now seems to feel like there are sharp serrated steel spikes drilling into your head as if to pose the question; "when will you get the hint?". Ten years of that... A fresh new idea on how to proceed would be nice. Still hoping. Good luck on your professional "star" to shoot for. On a much lighter note; I just finished Jim Cantrell's' book, "Breaking All The Rules". Thank you for recommending it despite the lost bet. LOL.

  • @seanmurphy9114
    @seanmurphy9114 2 місяці тому

    Thanks for being so honest. I've had similar times where I was struggling to know what to do next and to get excited about it. You've got so much experience with cars and racing, even if not as professional paid driver. It would be great to still use that. You've got so much to give though you've given so much already. I wish someone would fix amateur racing where it's not just a way to keep the tire companies in money. I know people who can absolutely afford the cars, the fuel and even the high entry fees but the tire cost is crazy because the organizations make it a "win by putting on a new set of tires for every session" game. How did we get to a world where amateur PCA racing is a drop 9k on tires a weekend game. Maybe it's always been like that. Crazy though IMO. Maybe a new SVRA where it's back to being about vintage racing again. I know you're not looking to start another charity but maybe there's a business there where you're doing it for the right reasons. It's probably something you could find like minded racers to partner with you on. You know that world better than I do though.

  • @RD-io6sm
    @RD-io6sm 2 місяці тому +1

    Yeah. I'm at that point too where I feel like I don't have any wind in my sails. I can get over the side and grab a stubby paddle and row as hard as I can. I end up just going in circles not going anywhere. Professionally and financially. Society isn't working together like we should be... for a multitude of reasons.
    We're the states but these days being united is overlooked.

    • @sarahdell4042
      @sarahdell4042 2 місяці тому +1

      We’ve all been there. You’re basically describing depression.
      Ignore the noise. Find what truly makes you happy and keep striving towards it.

  • @andrekemp5059
    @andrekemp5059 12 днів тому

    I feel the same way as you.
    2 Thimothy 1-13
    That in the last days Perilous times shall come.

  • @Eletric7
    @Eletric7 Місяць тому

    26:20 reminds me of Ecclesiastes 3:1-9.
    I feel you through a lot of this; from social media woes, to a desire for constructive direction.

  • @dastrayer63
    @dastrayer63 2 місяці тому +1

    I'm guessing UA-cam , as a whole, isn't getting the views that it got in 2020. I don't have the time to spend watching videos as I did in the "slow down years".
    Enjoy your family and be happy to wake up this morning. Look for hope...It's usually right there under your nose, where you're overlooking it.

  • @zeezlebops
    @zeezlebops 2 місяці тому +1

    I thought it said New Channel Personality…. Stand Up Comedy? And I thought yes.

  • @lknanml
    @lknanml 2 місяці тому +1

    Yea well all my failures since 2020 have my GPS saying recalculating. Make a U turn in 200 ft. Recalculating. Make a U turn in 200ft. After my last failure is said the GPS you are trying to reach is not hear right now. Please leave a message at the sound of the beep and it went to a busy signal.......

  • @reuphtop9135
    @reuphtop9135 Місяць тому +1

    needed this!

  • @odnamsrazor2364
    @odnamsrazor2364 2 місяці тому

    you're right, it's ( UA-cam / social media ) not human nature. but TV is even worse.
    at least in the social media sphere, there is some sort of feedback from real people ( for now ). what happens in front of a TV? hours and hours of, what your social mind percieves as, conversations and social interactions upon which nothing you do makes any impact whatsoever.
    and children are being raised by this.

  • @0Heeroyuy01
    @0Heeroyuy01 Місяць тому +1

    This video is what/ how I've seen the world for the past 20 years (I 30 now)
    I've always heard this saying "the more you understand the world, the more you begin to hate it"
    I think this saying is true, the more I know the more I hate it and the less time I want to spend in society or around others.
    the less we act like sheep the harder life becomes and you are then left with 2 options
    1 grit your teeth and keep living
    2 💀☠👻
    I'm sure there are more options but iv only ever seen 2 and being raised by Christian parents the 2nd option isn't really an option if you believe in GOD.
    Its been so long that I've had this mind set that now I see everything as "what's the point?"
    want a new car? what's the point
    want a " insert item, event, or other idea here" my brain just says what's the point.
    I see no point in doing anything in this world, in the end it's all meaning less unless you achieve something like creating Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, etc etc other wise you're nothing not even a foot note in history, at least with something like UA-cam that you created and Genius Garage you build a legacy of sorts but for every success like yours millions more never succeed.
    It's a bit of a negative comment, but that's how I see the world always have since I was about 10 or so.
    We might not agree on much but best of luck Casey on what ever it is you decide to do going forward, I'll stick around and see what you do should you make anymore post b/c while there are things we disagree on such as marriage in the modern era we have similar thinking on other things such as respect and being a little Prideful in what you do and say such as being a man of your word.

  • @yourlocaljoshua
    @yourlocaljoshua 2 місяці тому

    Life has many chapters,think you will start another. You never know what the next chapter will bring.

  • @holycrossgleam777
    @holycrossgleam777 18 годин тому

    Its a little depressing
    I hope you find the way

  • @Xocolatben
    @Xocolatben 2 місяці тому +1

    Gymmie Jordan needs to be convicted for his failure to protect children under his supervision when he was a coach in Ohio. That is his biggest crime. Why is he allowed to get away with that?

  • @marilynwheeler8887
    @marilynwheeler8887 2 місяці тому

    i found house building gratifying

  • @TGreg104
    @TGreg104 Місяць тому +1

    At some point, you have to look in the mirror and stop blaming everyone else. People don't want to work with you because you're hard to work with. Skill and intelligence only get you so far, because at the end of the day we're all human and no one wants to work with a prick if they don't have to.

  • @user-yc5fq9bv3u
    @user-yc5fq9bv3u 2 місяці тому

    My starting point in understanding the society is that human civilization spurred from natural selection, knowledge preservation, production and cooperation and that was gradually hijacked in various ways.
    You say that you failed at significant projects you started. You say maybe it's because you aimed too high. I disagree. IMO you failed because your projects have a lot to do with society but you don't respect the principles of how it works (however wrong they are compared to the ideals you have).
    The area of production you specialize in is clearly damaged by society to the point it does not serve the utilitarian (human) interests. Clearly you must address that before you start any significant projects. If you do not then it's very logical to stop trying what's clearly impossible and move on to the ideas you mentioned (family, travelling, personal production projects).
    It's undeniably possible to improve society but you must understand it's mechanics and engineer it to implement ideals which you admire and which are essential and stop demotivating yourself by reminding yourself that those ideals are being vanished.
    Maybe you should cooperate not with automotive creators but with science creators like AlphaPhoenix, SmarterEveryDay, Cody's Lab and many others I can't recall right now. I do not have any specific suggestions, just saying.
    21:50 "we do not know how to deal with this"
    I do know. I do have rational suggestions but it's complicated and rooted very deep in culture.

  • @forresttm
    @forresttm 2 місяці тому +1

    You and hoovie dropped videos at a similar time.
    I'm watching you 1st.
    Just saying 😂

    • @forresttm
      @forresttm 2 місяці тому

      Take a camera with you on adventures. But don't take the whole youtibe thing to heart.
      Us (watchers) don't matter and neither does our opinion.😊

  • @196hendrik
    @196hendrik 23 дні тому +2

    Bro its easy. You stopped making any content. You had the lykan. It was cool. U made your own car. Never finished it. Then you stopped. You bought a Lamborghini and that was it. Then you started hating on other people. U became political. Your channel nose dived then.

  • @Mark6Ironman
    @Mark6Ironman Місяць тому

    I think it was good to get that off your chest and for us to see a real person on UA-cam.

  • @user-427.commodore
    @user-427.commodore 27 днів тому

    Nice guy doesn't sell..

  • @williamsouth6345
    @williamsouth6345 2 місяці тому

    Don't be too messed up about it I'm lost my drive to I'm almost 60 and I just don't want I'm not interested in no more

  • @AoiKaze2000
    @AoiKaze2000 2 місяці тому

    Maybe try reaching out to the Questionable Garage for a collab?
    On a different note, I think part of the issue may be that (in a way) you're here on UA-cam too late, and the machine has been set up to favor the idiots, clowns, and other hard R's doing dumb and/or destructive stuff. Maybe the issue to the lack of success is that you're trying to make something work in a hostile market where the machine is going to force a failure when you really need to branch out to other markets because things have changed.

  • @dwade277
    @dwade277 2 місяці тому +2

    I’ve always like the way you work on cars and your approach. Seasons change. Really thought you were going to say you encountered Christ. Cars, bikes… all great. Real life long adventure starts and never end with Christ and brothers and sisters in Christ. You are blessed to be where you are. Stay were you are but invite Christ to walk along side you. Your life and adventure will never be the same!!!

    • @dwade277
      @dwade277 2 місяці тому +1

      The tall ship is Christ and the star is God. Freedom, purpose, direction… At your fingertips. Start in the book of Mathew.

  • @Cars_R_cool
    @Cars_R_cool 2 місяці тому

    Hey Casey I’m a 27 year old and I am a car mechanic but I wish to be a car UA-camr like you could you give me a shout out if you can’t that is ok but I’m just looking for some help and advice

    • @CaseyPutsch
      @CaseyPutsch  2 місяці тому

      Why do you want to be a car UA-camr, first?

    • @Cars_R_cool
      @Cars_R_cool 2 місяці тому

      @@CaseyPutsch because it seems like a fun profession or hobby to do full time or in my spare time

  • @andrewmunczenski3632
    @andrewmunczenski3632 2 місяці тому +1

    All the money has made motorsports not for the average guy anymore. It’s a sad state.

  • @TheSawdustChronicles
    @TheSawdustChronicles 2 місяці тому

    You sound really tired my man...

  • @Globalx59
    @Globalx59 2 місяці тому +1

    KYLE.ENGINEERS would be a good collab hes a young ex mercedes aerodynamicist with similar amount of followers, and quit to pursue personal goals. A lot of his videos is of him breaking down new changes with f1 cars. He an aerodynamics consulting firm. He also built a cross cart himself as he enjoys racing and made a video about fiberglass types vs carbon fiber.