Bad interviewer in my opinion. Put James Lipton on Hamill and it would have been awesome . This interviewer guy was sweet and kind and sort of respectful, but he was playing it by the book which anyone can do. He wasn't having fun and enjoying a great guest as much as he could have.
i dont know if Great Empathy is a characteristic of the Force , but he is a very empathetic person, he made his glances to all the angles in the room at one time or another, giving the audience the impression of being involved , which is Really great !!! shows how much he cares and understands people.
"Someone will point at a Taco Bell and say that building is 48 years old, like I'm going to be impressed. I have underwear older than that." -Mark Hamill
I like the specific mention of Taco Bell. I know I can make a full page easily, but here Taco Bells In the 70s and 80s were walk-up window type buildings. Their menu was like 8 things. When I was in High School, '87-'91, They built a free-standing Taco Bell in San Luis Obispo. It had a plaque that read "Largest Free-Standing Taco Bell in the world". There were large Taco Bells in airports and malls, hotels, but this was the largest purpose-built one. A couple of years later they built a bigger one across town. So, I know he just used Taco Bell as something everyone can recognize. Or Taco Bell re-used an old building. It just brought a memory to surface from my past. I should post this to him on twitter, but he gets so many of these.
Mark Hamill is so much fun that even if he completely ignores your question you don't care because he's so charming and engaging that he can tell a story instead of answering your question and still be amazing. yeah me too, if the greatest jedi in the galaxy talks, all you can do is hush and listen. seriously though, he could read whatever it says on the back of a sweet n low packet and make you believe he's given you the secret to destroying the death star.
If only there was an hour long video of Mark and Robin Williams doing different voices and having a conversation. would have been the greatest video ever.
Waited 39 years to meet him finally did at Celebration Europe a few days ago, even managed a short conversation while having photo.. if you get the chance go for it.. this guys a legend to me.
I interviewed him at the private Press Reception following the Scottish Star Wars Press Preview in 1977. I was merely my university newspaper film reviewer, 19 years old; Mark was aged 27, and noticing my youthful enthusiasm but nervousness, he generously sat with me and chatted for more than 30 minutes. I still have my cassette tape recording, during which he was funny, charming, generous and down-to-earth. He gave me two beautiful still photographs from the film, on which he drew funny cartoon messages for me. They remain to this day among my most treasured possessions.
+JP Kloess Yes - I think the beard looks VERY good on Mark; I like it much better than his clean-shaven look. Like fine wine, Mark Hamill has apparently gotten better with age! :-)
He looks great! Love Mark's beard, plus I think it was good they kinda made him get into shape xD. He looks better than he had for years. The wizened beard and losing some weight has been great for him I think.
There are a lot of famous people I get annoyed by in interviews because they have 15 minute answers to single questions. Mark Hamill is not one of those people. I absolutely love everything that he says.
+Geoff B I couldn't agree more. Far too many celebs (Alan Alda and Sean Penn come to mind) seem to think their acting skills entitle them to pose as experts on whatever subject they choose. Mark Hamill is 100% genuine.
My goodness, what a gracious, kind, energetic and open-hearted man. Sure he depreciates himself at the end with the I.Q. comment (having the lowest in the room); but not only is that NOT the case, obviously, but beyond that; it would be difficult to find a better, more complete, successful, erudite and earnest man in that room; A testament to the kind of character they can all aspire to, once they grab their high priced degrees and make their way in the world. Great talk, and guest for such a forum. Thank-you for inviting him and posting this gem of an interview.
If only Harrison Ford was this open to the fans. He always seems like he doesn't care. Hamill is always happy to talk about the work he's done. He's a class act. He better not die in any of the Star Wars films.
+HalfEatenMedia Yeah I think Harrison doesn't care about talking to fans because it's not part of his profession, he's an actor. Leonardo DiCaprio is a bit the same, he doesn't really do press tours because after he's done his job, acting, he's done.
Marketing is not part of being an actor. A lot of people do it because it's a nice plus but you can't blame someone for not caring about something that is not part of his job. Harrison cares a lot about his *actual* job: act in movies.
+HalfEatenMedia I agree, and apart from not caring so much about the films, Harrison can be kind of introverted and socially awkward when it comes to interviews and public speaking, which in contrast is clearly Mark's forte :P
+HalfEatenMedia If Luke is to be killed off, I'd rather Luke's character pass over through old age. Not during a lightsaber battle. Luke deserves some happiness since Rey showed up to meet him.
Marguerite21 I agree that he deserves happines after all that's happened to him over the years but Luke was never that lucky of a character - his life has basically become a string of familial tragedies that he's always somehow in the centre of. Also he's not like Yoda, his enemies still know and believe he's alive and won't rest until they've killed him. Not to mention "fading away" like Yoda did sort of worked for that character but in the case of Luke I think not only will Ryan Johnson want to give him an EPIC send-off, worthy of the character and his place within the SW universe, but also I'm sure Mark would much rather for his character to end in a semi-tragic kind of way. Say he sacrifices himself in some way for the greater good, much like Obi-Wan did in IV, but he does so willingly and he knows his legacy has already been passed on to the next generation, meaning Rey.
I would love to be at a dinner party with Mark, just sit there and gently get sozzled whilst listening to this very obvious gentle, kind man with the best stories
Clicked on this for a quick check...and strangely watched the entire program. Mark was rambling a lot, but for the most part, he always got back to the original point. I found this , surprisingly, .. entertaining.
+Dan Maginnis Yea he has had a wealth of experience in the entertainment industry and has such a humble approach compared to others in similar situations. I think it is great for him, though, that he isn't just defined by the Luke Skywalker role but is lauded for his Joker voice work as well.
I would say Mark Hamill is the heart and soul of the Star Wars Movies today.... i really hope they wont kill him in Ep. 8 or 9 .... why always everybody has to die...
I seriously doubt they would have the guts to kill Luke off. Luke is too much of a beloved and iconic character and if they are smart they will know that killing him off would anger the fans so much it would totally kill a legendary franchise. The franchise can survive losing Han and Leia, but not the pivotal character of Jedi master Luke. Luke is the prime hero in the saga and was set up to be the most powerful character in the franchise, so seeing him die would be a major let down to the fans of the original trilogy.
I love Mark Hamill for a couple of things especially: (1) His honesty; (2) His generosity to his audience, particularly in letting them look over his shoulder via his anecdotes. He knows how the audience thinks, knows that THE AUDIENCE IS EVERYTHING, and he meets them more than halfway.
Mark can talk all day, and its GREAT that the interviewer lets him talk! So many other interviews i've seen with Mark had the interviewer cut him off too abruptly.
+kald0rei Indeed, too many people seem to think their questions are more important than the answers. MH goes way off point and it is great to hear stuff come up that no one would have even known to ask about.
This guy is a legend .. I feel somehow the Star Wars thing doesn't do justice to what his true potential is because if you watch the other stuff he has done he truly is remarkable and I've developed a massive respect for him over the decades .. outside of the acting realm he seems really really cool as well .. almost makes me kinda like Americans :)
@@balthazarasquith our constitution is one of the best ever, I think it’s the best but I’m biased. Our government has problems but is better then 80 perfect of all governments on earth, at least. Big mistake to dismiss us as “sucks”. Our political and cultural ideas permeate the world for the better.
@@1984isnotamanual no the average American person is great, you seem to get stuck with the worst presidents. Come on George dubya Bush one of the biggest war criminals to walk this planet. And Biden is a joke a really badly written unfunny joke
I always considered Mark Hamill as an incredible actor and a wonderful human being, since I first saw him in a galaxy far far away as Luke Skywalker. His performance made the character so true and relatable. A real legend of film history.
I also would love to meet him, he deserves the attention he is finally getting, such a talented man his joker is classic and his impressions are so good he could just do that lol, he is always the same whenever you see him, always thoughtful of others and he can be really funny. It must have been so hard for him watching Harrison do so well when really he was the real talent , bless you Mark
roxygurl202 that is so true Luke has always been my favorite character and I think he has the best personality of the entire cast (john is very good too) but I really like him and he should be known more than he is even though yes everyone knows who Luke is and everyone can point him out easiest next to Leia when she has her buns but anyways he should be more respected and as known as Harrison bc he is great
His description of the Batman Animated Series script quality reminds me of when my Mom would rush home from work to watch it with me when I was a kid. She used to tell people it was her favorite TV show and they'd treat her like she was an idiot for liking a cartoon.
Mr. Hammil comes across as very grounded. He has accepted that he had an iconic role. He has a wonderful way to present his perspective on his career changing role. God bless you 🙏 for being open about how your life as "Luke Skywalker" evolved and letting everyone in on it.
Wow.. I have a feeling that Mark Hamill is the type of a guy I'd really love to have a conversation with. I mean, he really enjoys telling stories and talks about deep stuffs. Man, what a nice guy!
Luke Skywalker has to be one of my favourite movie heroes ever. He was such an iconic figure, especially in Return of the Jedi when the character had grown a bit more.
+gary wood I totally agree. I know many SW fans think that being a Sith Lord is cool, and I can understand that, but I think Luke represents every thing good in the SW films. I like how he went from a farm boy to a Jedi while facing his inner demons linked to the dark side. Now I am going to be conflicted because will Luke be killed off in Epi VIII or IX and if so, will he be killed off (and if that is the case, who will kill him off, a very powerful sith, because Luke survived Darth Vader and Emperor) or will he sacarfice his life a la Obi Wan did in EpiIV or will he die of old age like Yoda? Or will he head off into the sunset and retire? Luke was whingy teen in Epi IV Of course he was, every male teen is,"I wanna go to the autoshop and get parts for may car"
+hawkeye pierce Luke is everything good about Star Wars. the weirdos that like the Sith are either dealing with inferiority or daddy issues or lack of control in their lives.
+hawkeye pierce NO NO NOPE NOPOPE NO I honestly don't think they will be brave enough to kill him of in VIII not to mention people what to see him now as an older character, maybe in IX though, which will properly kill me internally if it where to happen
+gary wood In the end, he grew up to be a better person than yoda or Obi-Wan have ever been. They asked him to kill his own father and eventhough the dark side was trying to get hold of him, he refused. In a way, he is more Jedi than a lot of previous ones who were capable and willing to break their no-killing moral rule. He saw another way, there always is another way.
This video was awesome for many reasons, for one the guy interviewing was an actual good interviewer, his guest was speaking and he just let him flow.. seems to be a rarity now days. Also Mark Hamil seems like such a great person, very humble and knows his place. The arrogance of Harrison Ford (despite loving his work as an actor) is very off putting but Mark really plays into both the heroic Luke Skywalker character and the crazy joker character simultaneously. That was a great watch!
+aliensarerealancient Harrison Ford is not arrogant. If you see some/many of his interviews you will also come to that realization. He is extremely shy, awkward and he is intimidated by crowded places. The interesting part is that, being an actor, he is supposed to be extremely expressive, yet as a person he is not. Not at all. He is very polite, decent, modest and kind, but he can never express his thoughts nor his emotions. Notice how long it takes to form a sentence when he is asked a question. You might also observe he is very hesitant to open himself up. Some people are lonely and a bit/a lot nervous. Others are anti-social. He is one of them. He does not avoid interaction with his fans, because he is arrogant or anti-professional, or even unappreciative of their support... He does so, because, just like, say, Peter Sellers, he is incapable of showing his true self. Another example is Michael Bay. He was summoned in front of a huge audience to advertise a product, you can actually search youtube to see that video and he was so afraid of the people around him, that he took off. He immediately stopped the presentation and run away..
I agree with you, after reading your post and thinking about it again I see where you're coming from. I guess I just misinterpreted his mannerisms as arrogant but you're right they're actually not.
mark's answers are like this: Inteviewer: What was the inspiration for the Joker's laugh? Mark: It reminds me of a tale... but seriously, this guy is my damn HERO!!!!!
I would say for a guy who was typecast as "Luke" his Joker work is good enough to stand and imo rise him above that type cast. Hell in general his voice over work imo is right up there with the greats like Frank Welker.
I had seen the original Star Wars movies when I was a kid, but it wasn't until episode 7 that I realized. "Wait, Luke Skywalker is played by the Joker?" haha. I knew him more by his Joker work than his Star Wars work.
Once I realized that Mark voiced the Joker that became my favorite role of his, even so that even to this day the voices from the original animated series still voicing years later in the video games.
He was awesome. Very articulate and entertaining at the same time. Also he came across as genuinely enjoying the experience. That's a sincere guy who isn't putting on a sort of persona.
I love how he never actually answers a question, he always gets carried away and rambles on forever about something entirely else and far more interesting and funny :D
Thought I'd have a quick check on this. And couldn't stop watching. Mark Hamill is one of very few, who can hold my attention for this long. The hour flew by. :)
This interview is simply my favorite of all time. Mark Hamill is just a genuinely great, Witty, and altogether funny guy. I just love him and everything that he said in this interview
Got my daughter to watch Star Wars (OK, 'A New Hope' if you insist) a little while ago, and she was amazed when I told her how old it is - she thought it was made about 10 years ago.
Mark loves acting and interacting with fans, it's refreshing to see someone who is so genuinely about their craft and joy it brings people. At nearly 70, he still has that spark of life that made us love Luke Skywalker.
Mark Hamill is the only person who can keep a conversation going with himself for an hour, this is awesome!
Thought the same damn thing...
Bad interviewer in my opinion. Put James Lipton on Hamill and it would have been awesome . This interviewer guy was sweet and kind and sort of respectful, but he was playing it by the book which anyone can do. He wasn't having fun and enjoying a great guest as much as he could have.
Oh one thing - I LOVE Mark Hamills stories and love it that he was able to talk so much :)
ASF Slaughter mark is like the grandfather you always wanted that just talks for hours
Cool guy. I've been around people high on speed who talked less. haha
Mark Hamill shows up and literally just talks to the audience like he's known them his whole life. So fucking cool
Smoking Jacket I love that about him! He seems so down to Earth and really cares about the fans!
Stop swearing
NO again
One of a kind yeah.
i dont know if Great Empathy is a characteristic of the Force , but he is a very empathetic person, he made his glances to all the angles in the room at one time or another, giving the audience the impression of being involved , which is Really great !!! shows how much he cares and understands people.
hes just like _fuck your questions I'm just gonna talk about more interesting things_ what a lad.
William Glen
😂 yes
He isn't wrong.
Stop swearing
TO be honest I could sit there and listen to Mark ramble on and on, and I would still smile :)
Hamill is officially one of the nicest people in the galaxy, he's so good at telling stores.
'Chump at Oxford' degree worthy statement.
In a galaxy far far away
JK I love Mark Hamil
@@Tombr4mb4 😅😅😅
I could listen to Mark Hamill tell stories for hours. He's just the best
Carsten I second that.
Alright Space Ponies ,
please watch SNARK WARTZ: A Star Wars Parody
How so? He's an average actor who lucked into a great role.
average hahaha, you've obviously never seen his Joker
@@wingitprod Nah pretty boring
Mark Hamill can do interviews without an interviewer.
@hypoxide You're mistaking him for Carrie Fisher
lotta snobs
thats called being a boomer lmao, he just does it in a much nicer way than most
@@AlexKeyes299 people aren't nice because they are part of a certain generation he happens to be nice while being apart of that generation
Yeah, 12 minutes in and waiting for him to shut up and answer some questions...
He is a storyteller through and through. Could listen to this man all day long.
Brendan McCallion
That’s why Star Wars worked, both he and George Lucas are story tellers.
Some directors make other peoples stories, directors like George Lucas write their own stories.
Mark Hamill holding court is a thing to behold, so talented at holding a crowd's attention.
"Someone will point at a Taco Bell and say that building is 48 years old, like I'm going to be impressed. I have underwear older than that."
-Mark Hamill
best quote xD
I like the specific mention of Taco Bell. I know I can make a full page easily, but here
Taco Bells In the 70s and 80s were walk-up window type buildings. Their menu was like 8 things. When I was in High School, '87-'91, They built a free-standing Taco Bell in San Luis Obispo. It had a plaque that read "Largest Free-Standing Taco Bell in the world". There were large Taco Bells in airports and malls, hotels, but this was the largest purpose-built one. A couple of years later they built a bigger one across town.
So, I know he just used Taco Bell as something everyone can recognize. Or Taco Bell re-used an old building. It just brought a memory to surface from my past. I should post this to him on twitter, but he gets so many of these.
From the movie L.A. STORY: "Some of these buildings are over 20 years old!"
But unfortunately he didn't show his bloomers . . .
@Jason Rowe, so it's been a year, if you haven't yet, do it, edit down if you can, but do it
Mark Hamill is so much fun that even if he completely ignores your question you don't care because he's so charming and engaging that he can tell a story instead of answering your question and still be amazing.
I can listen to Mark Hamill all day. What a sweetheart and pleasure to be around. yeah me too, if the greatest jedi in the galaxy talks, all you can do is hush and listen. seriously though, he could read whatever it says on the back of a sweet n low packet and make you believe he's given you the secret to destroying the death star.
+wilton carter Truth
I did too
so true
I agree, he's an amazing person and mind IMO.
The world is a better place with Mark Hamill in it.
It's fascinating how his mind works through a stream of consciousness without really being asked many questions.
And he loops back around and answer your question with a quick 6 words sentence....
But he always circles back and answers the question. Even with all those digressions, he keeps the audience in mind.
If only there was an hour long video of Mark and Robin Williams doing different voices and having a conversation. would have been the greatest video ever.
In another life, maybe.
Nikhil M Mark has made me realize how underappreciated voice actors really are! They are sooo talented, but few people know who they are!
Omfg that's a win!! Bloody hell it's a shame it never happened..
Mark Hamill is the best thing in the whole starwars universe.
Gonzalo Navas it's the best thing in our universe
Gonzalo Navas agreed.
Tell that to kanjiklub
But what about Natalie ?
I agree, but technically he isn’t part of the “Star Wars universe.” He is part of ours.
And he’s certainly one of the best things about ours.
I would pay just to sit there and listen to Mark Hamill just ramble on and on about anything, this man is absolutely amazing!
He's just so down to earth, he's one of these guys that I can just listen to forever.
Met him once, he's a genuine character.
Mark is just a really nice guy.
I dream to meet him in person someday... he so awsome! one man show, he don't even need an interviewer!
Waited 39 years to meet him finally did at Celebration Europe a few days ago, even managed a short conversation while having photo.. if you get the chance go for it.. this guys a legend to me.
Katia Barga the amount of stories this man can tell, i would just sit and listen all day. What a wonderful person.
I interviewed him at the private Press Reception following the Scottish Star Wars Press Preview in 1977. I was merely my university newspaper film reviewer, 19 years old; Mark was aged 27, and noticing my youthful enthusiasm but nervousness, he generously sat with me and chatted for more than 30 minutes. I still have my cassette tape recording, during which he was funny, charming, generous and down-to-earth. He gave me two beautiful still photographs from the film, on which he drew funny cartoon messages for me. They remain to this day among my most treasured possessions.
@@kennymi51 you're a lucky man! 😄
Mark Hamill is nerd royalty, love him.
I thought he's just a farm boy?
Well said.
I know Mark Hamill hates his beard, but he looks so much more dignified with that thing - it's a cool look.
When did he say he hates it? How can one hate such a majestic thing
InvalidWaffle98 He said he does in at least one interview.
+JP Kloess Yes - I think the beard looks VERY good on Mark; I like it much better than his clean-shaven look. Like fine wine, Mark Hamill has apparently gotten better with age! :-)
They could probably cast Hamil as old Ben Kenobi at this rate.
He looks great! Love Mark's beard, plus I think it was good they kinda made him get into shape xD. He looks better than he had for years. The wizened beard and losing some weight has been great for him I think.
Wow. He's amazing.
A proper living legend, and gentleman.
There are a lot of famous people I get annoyed by in interviews because they have 15 minute answers to single questions.
Mark Hamill is not one of those people. I absolutely love everything that he says.
+Geoff B
I couldn't agree more. Far too many celebs (Alan Alda and Sean Penn come to mind) seem to think their acting skills entitle them to pose as experts on whatever subject they choose.
Mark Hamill is 100% genuine.
Geoff B wow glad you approve..
*not gonna lie, they got us in the first half*
He meanders everywhere else except the question and you're just fixated on him regardless. It's just so interesting.
My goodness, what a gracious, kind, energetic and open-hearted man. Sure he depreciates himself at the end with the I.Q. comment (having the lowest in the room); but not only is that NOT the case, obviously, but beyond that; it would be difficult to find a better, more complete, successful, erudite and earnest man in that room; A testament to the kind of character they can all aspire to, once they grab their high priced degrees and make their way in the world. Great talk, and guest for such a forum. Thank-you for inviting him and posting this gem of an interview.
If only Harrison Ford was this open to the fans. He always seems like he doesn't care. Hamill is always happy to talk about the work he's done. He's a class act. He better not die in any of the Star Wars films.
+HalfEatenMedia Yeah I think Harrison doesn't care about talking to fans because it's not part of his profession, he's an actor. Leonardo DiCaprio is a bit the same, he doesn't really do press tours because after he's done his job, acting, he's done.
Marketing is not part of being an actor. A lot of people do it because it's a nice plus but you can't blame someone for not caring about something that is not part of his job. Harrison cares a lot about his *actual* job: act in movies.
+HalfEatenMedia I agree, and apart from not caring so much about the films, Harrison can be kind of introverted and socially awkward when it comes to interviews and public speaking, which in contrast is clearly Mark's forte :P
+HalfEatenMedia If Luke is to be killed off, I'd rather Luke's character pass over through old age. Not during a lightsaber battle. Luke deserves some happiness since Rey showed up to meet him.
Marguerite21 I agree that he deserves happines after all that's happened to him over the years but Luke was never that lucky of a character - his life has basically become a string of familial tragedies that he's always somehow in the centre of.
Also he's not like Yoda, his enemies still know and believe he's alive and won't rest until they've killed him. Not to mention "fading away" like Yoda did sort of worked for that character but in the case of Luke I think not only will Ryan Johnson want to give him an EPIC send-off, worthy of the character and his place within the SW universe, but also I'm sure Mark would much rather for his character to end in a semi-tragic kind of way. Say he sacrifices himself in some way for the greater good, much like Obi-Wan did in IV, but he does so willingly and he knows his legacy has already been passed on to the next generation, meaning Rey.
I would love to be at a dinner party with Mark, just sit there and gently get sozzled whilst listening to this very obvious gentle, kind man with the best stories
Clicked on this for a quick check...and strangely watched the entire program. Mark was rambling a lot, but for the most part, he always got back to the original point. I found this , surprisingly, .. entertaining.
Exactly my thoughts.
I found it more entertaining than all the Disney star wars movies combined.
@@bthompson661 Exactly!
I'm so glad I stumbled across this interview. Impeccable timing, wit, humour and a top guy as well. Wonderful.
Well said!
Man he has the most humorous and respectful way of NOT answering any questions about the plot of the new movies. He is so good and very clever!
I love how completely oblivious he can be to his stardom. He's so down to earth and genuine.
this guy is a living legend.
"Judge Luke by his character, not by who he loves"
Wow...we needed Hamill in the UK these past few months...heck, we need him for PM!
As, he said Carrison and Harry. He didn't even notice then he lost his thought. I love him.
I could listen to him speaking for hours, such a cool guy. Everything he says is interesting!
+Dan Maginnis Yea he has had a wealth of experience in the entertainment industry and has such a humble approach compared to others in similar situations. I think it is great for him, though, that he isn't just defined by the Luke Skywalker role but is lauded for his Joker voice work as well.
I was stunned when I realized he did the Joker.
I could listen to mark for hours
I would say Mark Hamill is the heart and soul of the Star Wars Movies today.... i really hope they wont kill him in Ep. 8 or 9 .... why always everybody has to die...
Harrison wanted Han to be killed off. I'll be surprised if Luke dies, he still has a lot to contribute to the franchise.
The J-Man this is from the future. Leia is still alive....but Carrie Fisher isn't....
I seriously doubt they would have the guts to kill Luke off. Luke is too much of a beloved and iconic character and if they are smart they will know that killing him off would anger the fans so much it would totally kill a legendary franchise. The franchise can survive losing Han and Leia, but not the pivotal character of Jedi master Luke. Luke is the prime hero in the saga and was set up to be the most powerful character in the franchise, so seeing him die would be a major let down to the fans of the original trilogy.
And Obi-Wan's the spirit.
Thank u beardy uncle you are a legend and we love you
I love Mark Hamill for a couple of things especially: (1) His honesty; (2) His generosity to his audience, particularly in letting them look over his shoulder via his anecdotes. He knows how the audience thinks, knows that THE AUDIENCE IS EVERYTHING, and he meets them more than halfway.
What I love about this is, he'll answer in the first few lines then talk for ages, his stories are so mesmerizing
Mark Hamill is the only actor who I can listen to for an hour and be thoroughly entertained for all of that hour. He's so interesting. And so funny!
What an amazing man.
And clever! He dodges most questions with charming anecdotes.
Mark can talk all day, and its GREAT that the interviewer lets him talk! So many other interviews i've seen with Mark had the interviewer cut him off too abruptly.
+kald0rei mark has it down to a routine
+kald0rei Indeed, too many people seem to think their questions are more important than the answers. MH goes way off point and it is great to hear stuff come up that no one would have even known to ask about.
Mark Hamill is such an eccentric and fun character... Who else viewed the video in it's entirety?
I like how talkative, honest and down to earth Mark Hamill is. I could listen to him with hours.
This guy is a legend .. I feel somehow the Star Wars thing doesn't do justice to what his true potential is because if you watch the other stuff he has done he truly is remarkable and I've developed a massive respect for him over the decades .. outside of the acting realm he seems really really cool as well .. almost makes me kinda like Americans :)
Good thing you said almost. ;)
Nothing wrong with Americans, salt of the earth. Its their government that sucks
@@balthazarasquith our constitution is one of the best ever, I think it’s the best but I’m biased. Our government has problems but is better then 80 perfect of all governments on earth, at least. Big mistake to dismiss us as “sucks”. Our political and cultural ideas permeate the world for the better.
@@1984isnotamanual no the average American person is great, you seem to get stuck with the worst presidents. Come on George dubya Bush one of the biggest war criminals to walk this planet. And Biden is a joke a really badly written unfunny joke
"I... know what's it's like to be associated with one role."
Then he does the Joker laugh.
lieutenantkettch timestamp?
lieutenantkettch That's his actual laugh
@@NJDMashups I know it's probaly too late, you moved on with your life and everything but: 9:25.
@@KillahBeez94 I haven't! Ty lol
@@KillahBeez94 thanks champ
If you watch his earliest interviews he comes off as such a fun-loving kid. It's nice to see that nothing has changed this far on. :)
Mark seems like a really fun and down to earth guy.
Wayne Mcquillan - « I love you, Mr. Hamill ! »
- « Because Luke is your childhood hero ? »
- « No, because you're an amazing person to be around »
NoelistAvenger huh?! Lmao Triggered
How anyone of Mark's stature could be this geniune, humble and kind of a person is just beyond me........what a LEGEND
The highly gifted, professional and most humble legend in the galaxy.
I always considered Mark Hamill as an incredible actor and a wonderful human being, since I first saw him in a galaxy far far away as Luke Skywalker. His performance made the character so true and relatable. A real legend of film history.
I also would love to meet him, he deserves the attention he is finally getting, such a talented man his joker is classic and his impressions are so good he could just do that lol, he is always the same whenever you see him, always thoughtful of others and he can be really funny. It must have been so hard for him watching Harrison do so well when really he was the real talent , bless you Mark
U took the words out of my mouth!
I believe he is so underrated.. he was always in the shadow of Harrison and Carrie (may she RIP)
roxygurl202 that is so true Luke has always been my favorite character and I think he has the best personality of the entire cast (john is very good too) but I really like him and he should be known more than he is even though yes everyone knows who Luke is and everyone can point him out easiest next to Leia when she has her buns but anyways he should be more respected and as known as Harrison bc he is great
His description of the Batman Animated Series script quality reminds me of when my Mom would rush home from work to watch it with me when I was a kid. She used to tell people it was her favorite TV show and they'd treat her like she was an idiot for liking a cartoon.
Your Mom is awesome.
Fuckin A. Your mom is indeed awesome.
I wish my mom was like that.
+Daniel Craig They were the dumb ones for missing out.
it was that good,no doubt
Mr. Hammil comes across as very grounded. He has accepted that he had an iconic role. He has a wonderful way to present his perspective on his career changing role. God bless you 🙏 for being open about how your life as "Luke Skywalker" evolved and letting everyone in on it.
His Harrison Ford impression at 18:25 is so good its scary
+Anita Sam I know that was even better than the George Lucas impression.
+Anita Sam the one at 53:50 is on spot too ;]
Well, he is a respectable voice actor. So impression other people is easy for him.
Jackie M. Where in the video is the George Lucas one?
Wow.. I have a feeling that Mark Hamill is the type of a guy I'd really love to have a conversation with. I mean, he really enjoys telling stories and talks about deep stuffs. Man, what a nice guy!
I love him. He's so nice, such a great person.
Luke Skywalker has to be one of my favourite movie heroes ever. He was such an iconic figure, especially in Return of the Jedi when the character had grown a bit more.
+gary wood I totally agree. I know many SW fans think that being a Sith Lord is cool, and I can understand that, but I think Luke represents every thing good in the SW films. I like how he went from a farm boy to a Jedi while facing his inner demons linked to the dark side.
Now I am going to be conflicted because will Luke be killed off in Epi VIII or IX and if so, will he be killed off (and if that is the case, who will kill him off, a very powerful sith, because Luke survived Darth Vader and Emperor) or will he sacarfice his life a la Obi Wan did in EpiIV or will he die of old age like Yoda? Or will he head off into the sunset and retire?
Luke was whingy teen in Epi IV Of course he was, every male teen is,"I wanna go to the autoshop and get parts for may car"
How do you know he'll be killed?
+hawkeye pierce Luke is everything good about Star Wars. the weirdos that like the Sith are either dealing with inferiority or daddy issues or lack of control in their lives.
+hawkeye pierce NO NO NOPE NOPOPE NO I honestly don't think they will be brave enough to kill him of in VIII not to mention people what to see him now as an older character, maybe in IX though, which will properly kill me internally if it where to happen
+gary wood In the end, he grew up to be a better person than yoda or Obi-Wan have ever been. They asked him to kill his own father and eventhough the dark side was trying to get hold of him, he refused. In a way, he is more Jedi than a lot of previous ones who were capable and willing to break their no-killing moral rule. He saw another way, there always is another way.
What a cool guy! Never got bored. In fact, I wanted more.
Wow. He is SUCH an entertainer!! Charasmatic, funny, intelligent, humble, witty...the whole package.
I could genuinely listen to him talk all day, bless Mark
What a cool dude and he is pretty funny.
What a pleasure to listen to Mark talk. He's a wonderful storyteller and so humble.
This video was awesome for many reasons, for one the guy interviewing was an actual good interviewer, his guest was speaking and he just let him flow.. seems to be a rarity now days.
Also Mark Hamil seems like such a great person, very humble and knows his place. The arrogance of Harrison Ford (despite loving his work as an actor) is very off putting but Mark really plays into both the heroic Luke Skywalker character and the crazy joker character simultaneously.
That was a great watch!
+aliensarerealancient Harrison Ford is not arrogant. If you see some/many of his interviews you will also come to that realization. He is extremely shy, awkward and he is intimidated by crowded places. The interesting part is that, being an actor, he is supposed to be extremely expressive, yet as a person he is not. Not at all. He is very polite, decent, modest and kind, but he can never express his thoughts nor his emotions. Notice how long it takes to form a sentence when he is asked a question. You might also observe he is very hesitant to open himself up. Some people are lonely and a bit/a lot nervous. Others are anti-social. He is one of them. He does not avoid interaction with his fans, because he is arrogant or anti-professional, or even unappreciative of their support... He does so, because, just like, say, Peter Sellers, he is incapable of showing his true self. Another example is Michael Bay. He was summoned in front of a huge audience to advertise a product, you can actually search youtube to see that video and he was so afraid of the people around him, that he took off. He immediately stopped the presentation and run away..
I agree with you, after reading your post and thinking about it again I see where you're coming from. I guess I just misinterpreted his mannerisms as arrogant but you're right they're actually not.
What a fantastic man! A terrific storyteller, and so down-to-earth, I could listen to him all day!
Mark Hamill is the coolest person on the planet, hands down.
mark's answers are like this:
Inteviewer: What was the inspiration for the Joker's laugh?
Mark: It reminds me of a tale...
but seriously, this guy is my damn HERO!!!!!
What a wonderful, humble, inspiring, funny guy. True kindness.
god i could listen to him all day
I love this man. Such an engaging, frank, honest, open guy, he deserves more recognition for that over being the characters he portrays.
I could listen to Mark Hamil all day. He's full of stories from watching this.
I would say for a guy who was typecast as "Luke" his Joker work is good enough to stand and imo rise him above that type cast. Hell in general his voice over work imo is right up there with the greats like Frank Welker.
I had seen the original Star Wars movies when I was a kid, but it wasn't until episode 7 that I realized. "Wait, Luke Skywalker is played by the Joker?" haha. I knew him more by his Joker work than his Star Wars work.
If you listen to the interview with no video, I'ts like a Joker monologue.... fucking loved it
Once I realized that Mark voiced the Joker that became my favorite role of his, even so that even to this day the voices from the original animated series still voicing years later in the video games.
He’s done a lot of dubbing work on quite a few Miyazaki Classics ,too!
Mark is like the most down to earth guy in the world
I could just watch him talk forever
He's told these stories a million times and he still loves it! Champ.
He was awesome. Very articulate and entertaining at the same time. Also he came across as genuinely enjoying the experience. That's a sincere guy who isn't putting on a sort of persona.
Mark Hamill, you sir are a GREAT storyteller. We love you.
I'd love to see Mark Hamill be a teacher.
I love how he never actually answers a question, he always gets carried away and rambles on forever about something entirely else and far more interesting and funny :D
I love how explosive he is right off the bat, then settles in once he feels comfortable. I know that feel.
I could listen to him talk all day and I won't get bored. Mark is just incredible. I love him so much
Hamill is such a decent, sweet guy. He deserves more success than he has acheived.
Mark should have his own podcast. He is so captivating and interesting.
He is the sweetest person on earth!
Mark Hamill is just such a nice, personable guy. It’s so entertaining to listen to his stories
Mark Hamill is a wonderful, wonderful human being. If I had the opportunity to, I would like to hug him & thank him for being so compassionate.
Mark is an international treasure!
He is such an engaging man that despite not really answering any of the questions that 1hr11m flew by! Brilliant!
one of the best mark hamil interviews
Could listen to Mark all day long.
Yeah same i totally agree
This guy is the heart and soul of Star Wars for me.
Thought I'd have a quick check on this. And couldn't stop watching. Mark Hamill is one of very few, who can hold my attention for this long. The hour flew by. :)
Credit to the young interviewer for not interrupting Mark during the interview. I could listen to him all day.
This interview is simply my favorite of all time. Mark Hamill is just a genuinely great, Witty, and altogether funny guy. I just love him and everything that he said in this interview
18:25 Holy crap that impression! I was looking away for a second and swear I though Harrison Ford said that.
Same here!
Got my daughter to watch Star Wars (OK, 'A New Hope' if you insist) a little while ago, and she was amazed when I told her how old it is - she thought it was made about 10 years ago.
Mark loves acting and interacting with fans, it's refreshing to see someone who is so genuinely about their craft and joy it brings people. At nearly 70, he still has that spark of life that made us love Luke Skywalker.
Mark Hamill has transcended questions. It is amazing.
Mark Hamilton is a most excellent speaker and looks like he us very appreciative of his fans!