The Casual Player Struggle: Core Fundamental Issue #1

  • Опубліковано 12 січ 2024
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  • @ZealousVidya
    @ZealousVidya  6 місяців тому

    This video is relisted with the caveat that there are many other 'fundamental issues' with Planetside. The Casual & New player experience being subpar is just one issue of many. I failed to mention that in the video and so in the comments below you'll see some pushback.

  • @narcolepticmarshmallow9012
    @narcolepticmarshmallow9012 6 місяців тому +5

    One thing that's been really sad for me is lately trying to run public platoons and try recreate some actual in game community but no one talks anymore, I haven't heard someone in proximity chat that isn't me in years, in squad chat you only hear the occasional person bitching about the team, or someone complaining about that person talking. There's just been such a cultural shift across all of gaming in the last decade or so that has just killed off in game interaction, and multiplayer gaming has never felt like such a singleplayer experience.
    I don't know if it was the rise of things like discord killing in games chat and community or if discord's popularity is more a symptom that a cause, but almost every game that used to have active chat years ago is just dead now. I think natural selection 2 is the only game from that era that still has people chatting in game to this day, and god bless them for keeping the tradition of human interaction alive.

    • @ZealousVidya
      @ZealousVidya  6 місяців тому +2

      Totally agree but I'm no better. Almost all the voice comms are on Emerald now.

  • @Vendetta_lolo
    @Vendetta_lolo 6 місяців тому +7

    Main issue not enough UwU in game

  • @josephjohnson5415
    @josephjohnson5415 6 місяців тому +7

    I've played since PS1 and with a sandbox mmo skill differential is always going to be THE core issue in the game. In fact, it will always KILL the game no matter what, a slow long death of population decline. In a pvp environment this is inevitable because other people are "mor gud" than you, and when it's too many people are too good, you walk away. This is what I call churn and burn zone. You look at game population and you can see the peaks around additions or changes but immediate die-offs.
    Planetside can not be a game for casual players, it would be like staying in a toxic relationship where you are berated everyday and told to "git gud scrub". So eventually your left with only the highest quality players but even their skill differential are leagues apart. This is why the churn and burn zone always has fuel until it truly runs out of players.
    In the end you only have sadistic high quality players purposely trying to hurt and ruin the experience of others. And masochistic casual players that consistently take their degradation on the nose. I will always love the game even though I don't play very often anymore.

    • @DadZoneGMNG
      @DadZoneGMNG 6 місяців тому

      Yeah PS1 vet here as well, Used to play PS2 when it first came out and the experience was amazing when it was fresh but i had a family, life did its thing and i had a huge break for many years.
      When i came back to PS2, i lasted two months. I was getting completely destroyed, the game i adored became the game i hated within 2 months and that was it. Never went back.
      I absolutely love "The Finals" now though and it caters for casual players.

  • @Drake-ef1mg
    @Drake-ef1mg 4 дні тому

    What i enjoy about planetside 2 is that there is a main goal of capturing the continents. And then you can go about in whatever way you want to do that. I am a casual player who struggles to get good but keeps trying new things from time to time. I'm lacking in the game theory, map knowledge, firing patterns, vehicle movement

  • @CyclesMcHurtz
    @CyclesMcHurtz 6 місяців тому +3

    I really love the passion and thought you put into each one of your videos.

  • @Karpata1
    @Karpata1 6 місяців тому +4

    Skill based matchmaking is the worst.
    I used to be really good at Destiny 1 PvP. When I first started playing there would often be a player on the other team that was just absolutely farming everybody. It motivated me to get better. I wanted to be that guy and I became that guy. At some point though they introduced skill based matchmaking and for the top players this meant anything off meta was basically off the table. N fun allowed because everybody you were matched against was also used the best of the best. Sometimes you don't want to sweat and just have fun but that's a no go with this system.
    Anyways every now and then there was an event called "Iron banner" which awarded really good items for PvM which incentivized a lot of my clan mates that don't PvP much to play PvP. We'd join as a premade of maybe 4 people and our mmr or whatever hidden metric they used would average out. The result: I was having an absolute blast just chilling and having fun and they were absolutely getting destroyed. No fun at all just a painful grind they had to suffer though for PvM gear.
    I really dislike this system being implemented in all games across all game modes.

  • @TheDubiousGamer
    @TheDubiousGamer 6 місяців тому +7

    1:25 Okay. I am compelled to interject here, as someone who actually was playing the game back in its infancy, because what you are saying is incorrect.
    Nov '12 specifically, hard for me to say since I didn't really pick up planetmans until January. But 2013 and beyond, this statement that "people weren't really min-maxing the game" is entirely baseless - people absolutely *were* min-maxing the fuck out of the game, and worked out fairly quickly what the optimal way to capture a base was (eg NUC, as just one prevalent example). And much of the "meta-game" that followed developed almost entirely around, and partly out of a direct response to, people min-maxing the fuck out of the game and to great success on their part. I know this because I worked directly with, and under, the founding members of 3GIS before murmurings of "point lockdown squads/platoons" were even a thing yet - they had entire libraries of spreadsheets compiled in 2013 alone, looking at the effectiveness of running different suit slots, the effectiveness of running multiple rez nades vs single well-placed rez nades, optimal placement of engy turrets for cover, etc. To then say that they were not actively researching and collecting data for the more optimal plays and loadouts to run is just patently false! I was also intimately involved in the inter-outfit drama that broke out during their outfit's founding. (You'd have to talk to Lemgarr about that, I'm sure he has his own version of events - tl;dr there was a mini in-faction TK'ing war that broke out, bc a then in-charge Kushmeister got blasted in the face by a magrider and decided to be a butthurt shitter over it and call it "an attack on the entire VREV outfit".) (I'm so glad I don't deal with that shit anymore.)
    And hotdropping/back-hacking bases/redeployside? The founder of VULT, after himself breaking off from 3GIS with others (which, upon learning, I joined to help build and eventually went on to be a co-leader in), stated unambiguously that he and others had been doing that for most of 2013 while a member of VHOT. And then of course there's outfits like TIW, which I was not associated with in any way but, as someone who was there, I can attest that they had incredibly talented players at the time, and to assume they weren't/hadn't already worked out many of the fine mechanical details of how the game works and how to win 1v1's, is...well, it would be highly presumptuous to assume that. And then of course there was the Emerald merge in 2014, when we were introduced to the outfits of players from Mattherson, some of which themselves proved highly competent in playing "the meta-game", and in a manner that suggested that these game strategies were deeply instilled into their playstyles, meaning they likewise also had the "optimal way to play" figured out for a while already...
    So, no - this statement is patently false. Players were not "disinterested in min-maxing at the game" back in (the game's infancy, at least for the year of 2013 alone) - far from it in fact, they broke the game down to a science at a breakneck pace before the year was even over. Here, we witness the stunning lack of any insight to the game's actual history by a "history-only-started-with-me" Escalation Baby named ZealousPS2, where he vastly underestimates just how autistic some players used to be, and incorrectly assumes that people were too caught-up and rosey-eyed over the honeymoon phase to try actually winning fights. Believe me, the novelty of getting skull-fucked by overpop at every other base wore off *fast,* for everyone.

  • @roger3292
    @roger3292 6 місяців тому +1

    There’s more sweats in any game then there was 8 years ago

  • @ceiserchief
    @ceiserchief 6 місяців тому

    Nice video, looking forward to the next.

  • @bigmango202
    @bigmango202 6 місяців тому +2

    im no farmer and i mostly ignore the farming aspect of the game in favor of having as much fun as i can get since having a massive ego/hard focusing on skillmaxxing sounds like cbt especially with how the game works

  • @sneakyguy4444
    @sneakyguy4444 Місяць тому

    There are several improper arguments here. New players not helpless: I have made new characters and even a new account with someone. Most stock guns or cheap variant are very good. Certs early on are easy to obtain and invest. The 1st thing to invest certs into is is a medic or engineer. Heavy is "good to go" except to upgrade their over-shield and gun attachments. The exception is implants, it takes a fairly long time to get decent ones, like Survivalist 5 and Sensor shield 4. Yes, public platoons are inferior to coordinated platoons, but that is something players can aspire to or be in awe of (seeing or being on the receiving end of). That door is always open to anybody who wants to play that way.
    Public platoon leads understand they are effectively "herding cats", but generally steer people in the right direction and give general advice, with enough vets interspersed to make up for gaps.
    Sometimes, its also worth overpopping a fight 60-40, if it means capping the base decisively. "Concentration of force" and "defeat in detail" are good Napoleon tactics for PL's to remember.
    Recently, I ran a public platoon on Esamir (SW warpgate). On alert, I led 1 public to fight 2 squads at frostfall overlook. I gave orders for vehicles, sunderers, squad leads and setting up positions. 2 minutes later, it was 50-50. Last 30 seconds, it was 60-40 against us. We won.
    We later captured Terran BL-4, but the TR went for us. We held out against double our forces, and held that base for 20 minutes until overwhelmed by 35 vs 65% pop The TR beat us back to Elli Forest, where we made our stand. We beat them convincingly, despite only having 40% pop to their 60%. Many TR left. I ordered an armor column to BL-4, set up, and won 50-50%. We made a new armored column, flanked Frostfall overpass and won, with enough time to recapture Ymir, that became cut off. We barely won with 35% map control.
    We ended up winning the alert. While our platoon didn't win the alert on our own, I know we created value against a greater force, and had a good time. Platoon and squad leaders who know when to leave fights, when to initiate fights, and set up for a fight (+ good beacon placements) is good enough for me.

  • @jwkerr007
    @jwkerr007 6 місяців тому

    I haven't played the game in a while for one reason or another so a numbered series on what is going on is really helpful. Thank you. I hope the game improves.

    • @DadZoneGMNG
      @DadZoneGMNG 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@theIcemankidd "Alive and well" come on man, we used to see multiple large scale battles back in 2020. Now not even 2k people play worldwide. And you need to log into the game at certain times or its dead.

  • @agentraptor63
    @agentraptor63 6 місяців тому +6

    I honestly agree with the points you have made, it's a shame to see the fps industry go the way it is going while leaving planetside on its own its massive skill difference between players. For me it's made even worse though because I play planetside on PlayStation and we've been stuck on the 2021 integration update for years with no hope of something new. Its sad to see my favourite fps game ever go out in such a way for me.

    • @MrTima999
      @MrTima999 6 місяців тому +1

      Buy a PC instead of being a console peasant. There isn't even a big possible skill difference on console since you are all using aim assist. The ability to improve and become good at a game is a core reason people stick around on ANY game. The ability to improve is even less on console. Punishing good players and lowering skill ceilings only kill the population of games.

  • @Immortal-lh3ew
    @Immortal-lh3ew 6 місяців тому +2

    what i loved about planetside, no matter how good you are at some things. there was always someone better. plenty of ways to improve yourself and have fun in the game

  • @theDemolisher13
    @theDemolisher13 6 місяців тому

    Always good to see your content zealous. Also good for you to be talking about these issues. Honestly I would've never met my best friend on any other game as PS2 you get to see the same faces over and over and it builds community, you'll never get that in other shooters sadly. Finally I have no problem with bots so long as the bots are either equal or slightly better then players but if they're there just to be bullet bate then nah get rid of them as that just dilutes the reward of success whether it be for kills or taking the objective.

    • @ZealousVidya
      @ZealousVidya  6 місяців тому

      Yeah I think adding bots would obviously be a terrible idea however it's clear what the lowest common denominator wants: easy wins and to feel like they're doing well, even if they are not.

    • @theDemolisher13
      @theDemolisher13 6 місяців тому

      @@ZealousVidya We'll I'm not the lowest common denominator if I wanted easy wins I wouldn't push myself to learn new skills or even trail blaze new paths for construction or blue print scripting (factorio in that second one) And many other talented individuals are the same. Basically we need a healthy mix of games that don't hold your hand and others that do so people at all levels can engage where they feel comfortable or want.

  • @Goodgu3963
    @Goodgu3963 6 місяців тому +1

    I can't wait for the rest of your series about this. Though I don't understand your view on match making being a coddling tool. Especially in match based competitive games like CS, or COD. You talked about the massive skill disparity being a problem in PS2, and I agree, however matchmaking is a tool that lowers disparity gaps since it forces everyone, even high skill players, to actually fighter, rather than just walk around seal clubbing. One of your comment I found was "In a competitive format matches shouldn't be one sided stomps. They are boring and a waste of everyone's time."
    While this definitely isn't a tool that can be used in planetside, I don't understand why you think it's been a negative to the gaming community overall? I pose the same question for other viewers who think it's been a negative to the community. Why do you see matchmaking (in general not just poor implementations in specific games) as a negative?

    @MUSTAVATUG 5 місяців тому

    So, just throw my 2 cents in. I am the casual player. I first played this on PS4 between 2015-2017 and started about 2 months ago on PC and i must say i am struggling to find reasons to stick around. The game i remember is kind of gone. Its become this redeploy run around thats really not that fun, especially as a fight is lasting about 5 minutes. What happened to the giant dead locks? Those 4 hour meat grinders? Thats what made this game fun! You could log on for a couple of hours, experience absolute satisfying carnage and then put the pipe down and be done.
    This game on PS4 lost players for two reasons - Not the meat grinder itself but the fact it was always in the same place. Running up that hill from TI Alloys - Crown is only fun for so long. I imagine the PC suffered the same but they didnt need the map re-design, all they needed to do was disable the central bases every now and then and send the fight down the flanks. Hell they could've put the latices any number of ways just to send the fight into bases that dont get much action.
    Second reason was the mouse and keyboard players and the enormous advantage it gave people over those using a controller. The casual player won't stick around for this. The casual player likely doesn't even know there is a mouse and keyboard for the PS and thus will cry cheat when he gets the jump on someone but gets annilihated even with aim assist. Now put an outfit of them together and you've got people saying fuck this and heading over to Cod/BF. They could've solved this by either buffing the aim assist on the controller to balance out the mouse and keyboard advantage. Or they could've just disabled the mouse and keyboard and they would've retained alot of casual players. Casual players don't give a shit about major changes. They're still playing Team death match on Rust😂 They just want fair fight.
    Similarly though, i think the controller might help boost the planetside population. Case and point - the casual player wants to sit back. Not at the desk trying hard. The gaming controller is what we use. I have actually been using one to play planetside on PC. But its real hard. There are lots of people like me on PC but they're all playing Cod/BF because they have controller support. Add it to this and you'll get the blueberries to fill the battle.
    They should also get rid of that Oshur map. I play on SolTech and there is literally a mass exodus everytime that opens. That map was a waste of tine and resources. They could've spent that time and money on improving the construction thing, which is a good idea but badly implemented and the bastion and collossus thing, which is also a good idea but you could do so much more with it having quarter bastions or half bastions. Then have some mega maxes to counter them.
    Also, they had it right with Koltyr, it was a great intro to the game. It just needed more information being told in it and extended to BR 20.

  • @R1po
    @R1po 6 місяців тому

    Core! Issues? As I see it: 1. Basedesign / Map design 2. Infantry vs Vehicle balancing (ground and air) 3. Fight creation and perpetuation 4. Nanites 5. Certain assets (pocket OS, carrier, citadel shield) 6. OW
    I could go more into detail, but this would fill a page.
    I'm more curious about your pov on this topic and looking forward hearing your ideas.

  • @KanyonMerriam
    @KanyonMerriam 6 місяців тому

    If they can somehow pull off this update and gain a big player base again we might have hope for planetside 3

  • @senorspicyboi
    @senorspicyboi 6 місяців тому

    What gun is that? GD-22S?

  • @tiggunner9231
    @tiggunner9231 6 місяців тому

    Thoughts on ranked ps2 like 1 or 1base fights?

    • @gat1gigs782
      @gat1gigs782 2 місяці тому

      A blank smaller map with a building phase would be sick

  • @milsimprodigy
    @milsimprodigy 6 місяців тому +8

    Did you miss the last 8 years of development or something? I know it's incredibly hard for you to see this but we've run an 8 year skill gap compression experiment that has achieved exactly....nothing.
    Skill gap compression addresses exactly nothing to do with why the game sucks and is a failure.
    Labeling it as a "core fundamental issue", given the context/history of this game specifically is exactly why nothing relevant ever gets addressed. Wrel spent 8 years chasing his tail on this exact notion and pissed away countless opportunities to do anything remotely useful. Hence why we have the current iteration of the game.
    Doing the "good players BAD" thing is so boring/lazy and panders to people that lack any relevant critical thinking skills.
    Do better.

    • @ZealousVidya
      @ZealousVidya  6 місяців тому +1

      Having a wide* skill disparity between casuals and skilled players is a 'core' issue because it fucks up retention.
      Conversely it's also important that the game is fun for people which make it to lategame.
      As I'll address in a different video in the series, Planetside has addressed the new player issue in a ways which works for other games but is terrible when you have 50-100 people trapped in one building.

    • @milsimprodigy
      @milsimprodigy 6 місяців тому +3

      @@ZealousVidya The framing that today's skill disparity is somehow wider than it was at the beginning of the game and the game's early years 13', 14', 15' is strictly non-factual. The balance in the game ALONE has brought the top much further down to the mean than it ever was in the past. Have you reached out and talked to literally any of the top tier infantry players from this era, because if you had, they would all to a man tell you that the floor in the current game is as close to the ceiling as it's ever been in the history of the game.
      I understand you think it's a core issue. The problem is that it's just not. If you come to an FPS game and have a problem with there being a relatively healthy skill gap, that's not the developer's problem and it's not the game's problem either. My problem with the framing of this entire thing is that you've taken the whole load of casual/bad player inadequacy problems, and dumped that onto a small minority of the players playing the game, and then demanded that the developers "fix" the problem you guys created for yourselves.
      What the fuck are you talking about "lategame"? This isn't World of Warcraft. There isn't any endgame when you hit level 60+. The game exists in it's available state to you from level 0 to whatever you quit the game as. The only thing that changes is your accrual of options to deal with specific situations, and your experience as a player. You don't by definition gain any power by leveling up like you do in real MMO games and I see casuals/poor players of the game confuse this all of the time. The "RPG" aspects of this game have always been the weakest aspect of the entire experience.
      You spent a fair bit of time talking about "being coddled" like it's entirely negative but somehow still fail to realize that's the exact mindset and type of player you fundamentally represent.

  • @bloozytoozy8800
    @bloozytoozy8800 6 місяців тому

    Just to counter the doom and gloom.
    There is something magical about coming face to face with a player that seems invincible. The fear inspired by the sight of their distinct cosmetics and clan tag. All heightening the elation and satisfaction of the eventual kill.
    Never lose sight of inspiratin. Facing adversity drives humanity to fulfilment.

    • @SolarPhantom
      @SolarPhantom 5 місяців тому

      no its just annoying because he is running around as infiltrator 2 tapping me from behind

  • @vanDummy45
    @vanDummy45 2 місяці тому

    Not an issue for me. Ofc there is a guy who spent thousands of hours playing infantry. He's going to take you down 1 on 1 most of the time in any situation. Well, find another way to be useful. Eventually things work out and you'll be able to wipe your enemies out of the point. If not, it's also fine. You don't need to have k/d more than 1.0 to enjoy your gameplay.

  • @youdontknowme3935
    @youdontknowme3935 6 місяців тому

    2018 to 2021 was peak planetside 2 it was downhill after that

  • @user-fm8ng1ek3q
    @user-fm8ng1ek3q 5 місяців тому

    You talked about the issue without addressing it. What you said was true but not really making any progress to find a middleground. Matchmaking allows for much better player retention and more often than not it is fundamentally flawed as an algorithm so you still get uneven games, albeit much less than in a title with no matchmaking.
    There is a place for both approaches. The question is whether these should be completely different games or if we could possibly tweak the rules to make an enjoyable alternative mixing approaches. New player continent was an attempt at this.

  • @patlecat
    @patlecat 6 місяців тому

    If only the devs would play PS2 themselves and listen to all players instead of just the loud ones.

    • @ZealousVidya
      @ZealousVidya  6 місяців тому +1

      That's the whole reason I started doing this; I would make suggestion threads on Reddit and they would get buried by memes and shitpost threads.

  • @gat1gigs782
    @gat1gigs782 2 місяці тому

    We need more new players

  • @MrJML18
    @MrJML18 6 місяців тому

    The hate i get from newer players or even some veterans for just being a better sniper then they are LMG's or Carbine or even SMG's users. I made a new character on miller like 3 weeks ago, and i got my rams 50 like with in the first 2 hours of the game. It was an instantly change of experience for a huge number of players. When i land on a tree top or mountain top and i sitt there and snipe people from up to 600 meters distance. They truely dont want me to "ruined" their fun. They call me out for no lifer, if my parents droped me when i was a baby, or even try to "fake" ban me by simpley send me a private message with "system detection confirmed, a tricket has been sent" I noticed that on miller their are fewer sniper players and so it alows me to farm other infanteri players for free. Which makes me even more hated among newer/amature players over all. I noticed that Miller is more team oriented then cobolt, and cobolt players are more individually skilled. So yeah, it is true. People dont want overwhelmingly skilled players to ruined their version of "fun" game play. When some one like me shows up out of no where and start droping entire squads of players like flys near the electric lamp

  • @roger3292
    @roger3292 6 місяців тому

    The issue is that mid maxing made its way into Planetside 2 with meta gaming 😂

  • @nostalgia5269
    @nostalgia5269 6 місяців тому

    I dont disagree that there are changed that need to be made however everyone in the commuinity keeps only talking about the bad of the game it is going to end up shutting down.

  • @1roxyfan491
    @1roxyfan491 6 місяців тому +3

    The main issues with Planetside, is it's community and the devs who are listening to the reddit.

    • @AniketBaniket
      @AniketBaniket 6 місяців тому

      what is reddit saying?

    • @1roxyfan491
      @1roxyfan491 6 місяців тому +1

      @@AniketBaniket To get rid of things and nerf stuff to the ground because they lack the skill to counter them. They're also beatlegeuss mains, so there's that.

  • @bumblebeeisfree
    @bumblebeeisfree 5 місяців тому

    7:29 they want equity of outcome? Got it so they dont want a war, they want a super sweaty f ing play style so that you can try hard 100% of the time to have a fighting chance.... in that instance all those people can go play COD 🙄🙄🙄 at its core this is not what PS2 is, ps2 is an arcade fps combined arms mmo, that simulates the chaos and sandbox of war. HOW TF are you going to make equality of outcome in PS2. 🙄🙄🙄

  • @NotASith_
    @NotASith_ 6 місяців тому +5

    biggest problem in this game so far is the lack of support the community gives the devs, instead of bashing them those words could be spent telling them what we want.

    • @noble_lemon
      @noble_lemon 6 місяців тому +1

      It's very difficult to determine what people want and what will be good for them. Any devs move can kill PS2 more than its dead now.

    • @hckr_-gh7se
      @hckr_-gh7se 6 місяців тому +1

      only certain people within the community ever have good takes on what should be added - almost anyone can point to things they dislike however... communities suck at providing viable solutions to problems.

  • @RolandTechnicalDesigner
    @RolandTechnicalDesigner 6 місяців тому +1

    I would recommend trying to upload to youtube as 30fps not 60, since the gameplay is recorded at 30 I think it makes it look even more laggy

    • @ZealousVidya
      @ZealousVidya  6 місяців тому

      Yeah not totally sure what the issue is yet. The raw footage is 60fps and the frames ingame are usually 100fps+.

    • @RolandTechnicalDesigner
      @RolandTechnicalDesigner 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@@ZealousVidya Very weird, all your ps2 videos seem to be like this where gameplay itself is 30 or 24 fps. Maybe something with the import options on your editing software

    • @Brevokh
      @Brevokh 6 місяців тому

      @@ZealousVidya are you using cheap editing software? I do and that's what it does, I find.

    • @ZealousVidya
      @ZealousVidya  6 місяців тому

      I'm using Adobe Premire. @@Brevokh

  • @BuzzCutPsycho
    @BuzzCutPsycho 6 місяців тому +1

    I think I accurately covered the issues with PlanetSide 2 over 10 years ago.

    • @Kangaroofan15
      @Kangaroofan15 6 місяців тому +2

      nobody cares

    • @BuzzCutPsycho
      @BuzzCutPsycho 6 місяців тому

      @@Kangaroofan15 you cared enough to respond

    • @ZealousVidya
      @ZealousVidya  6 місяців тому

      Can't find that video / post

    • @BuzzCutPsycho
      @BuzzCutPsycho 6 місяців тому

      I deleted all my PS2 content and remade my channel. I'm sure the video where Mandalore Gaming spoke to me about it is still around. As are some old posts and re-uploads of my content. If you care, which I am sure you don't I would be happy to talk to you about how it all was 10 years ago. I was also briefly involved in PS2 development and and left before Daybreak took over.
      But when I quit I left the game as the #1 player in the world and criticized the game heavily. I was also featured in PC Gamer because of my critiques. A lot of what you said is but one of many reasons why the game was an absolute failure. It was doomed from the start and I as well as several others did everything we could to save it.
      Either way great video. You deserve more notoriety. I hopped onto your discord to let you know too.

    • @bloozytoozy8800
      @bloozytoozy8800 6 місяців тому +1

      Zealous! Get this man on!

  • @curedapathy
    @curedapathy 6 місяців тому +3

    Its not too late to unlist this.
    I feel like you genuinely suffer from some of the same things Wrel did. You are incapable of putting any effort into self improvement when it comes to first person shooters then you sit around and make excuses and intuition pump that anyone who does and does it well is somehow the problem with this game. Only difference was Wrel was in a position to take out his frustrations with being dogshit at the game directly on the community through development. Nice job he did tho yea?
    Your whole "trip down memory lane" - What in the world do you know about planetside 2 in 2012. There has always been good players on this game. Your evidence for recollection is random yt videos from the time period poorly made likely because it was 2012. There were still insanely tough groups to fight at this time. I really dont know how else to explain to you that no matter what game you go to, minus the weird milsimmy indie games you likely gravitate towards, will always have players bent on being the best they can and shitty players who dont care getting diddled by them. If id have to guess id say you likely fall on the side pulling it away from being the solid arcade shooter that it is trying to create something a group of 45 yr old Arma milsimmers could be "effective" in. I could be wrong admittedly though.
    I would genuinely like to see the receipts for some time played early on in the game. Even the beginning of my play I did the typical progression of likely most players on ps2. Boot up > Run around endlessly looking for direction > Join an open Outfit hellbent on Zerging Everything > Assume im winning the game and spend 400 hours winning the game > Never Improve mechanically at the "FUND "A" MENTALS" > bitch about every other faction being OP and creating some passionate enemy out of them. This is where some people end and spend the next 1k hours before they quit. Some people get lucky though and > See a good player or a video or a stat that sparks interest (In my experience it was Lex calling my outfit Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as we were "winning" a bio lab with 75% overpop) > Run into Visigodo and think hes cheating > Ask for videos > Become inspired > Join a midfit bent on personal improvement and point-holding and transcending the whole "i only play one faction" (JOKE/JOKU/BAX) > Arax the betel with a 4.8 kd and a 68% Hsr and carry the "FUNDAMENTALS" pertaining to FPS' I learned into other popular titles and genuinely enjoy games more.
    I will never forget listening to you talk about sitting out of Outfit Wars and making excuses for not being able to win. Whats even crazier is there is an entire community still on this game that do nothing but skrim and try to improve and help players do that and you are talking about reducing headshot multipliers and bolting like you figured something out. Overpop is the most predominant cushion for worse off players against the best on Live. We bridge that gap by aiming at your face. Some of the best players ever to touch this game dont even play it anymore and if they all still did I really cant imagine how cope filled your videos would be.
    You just are not the person anyone needs to be taking any advice from when changing this game. You are quite literally the type of player that would put the last nail in the coffin.

    • @ZealousVidya
      @ZealousVidya  6 місяців тому

      First paragraph:
      Classic character assassination with no substance so you don't have to argue things logically.
      Second para:
      Are you unironically trying to make the argument the skill disparity hasn't widened over time? Has your memory faltered?
      I hate milsim games with a passion.
      Third para:
      Fourth para:
      You are strawmanning my stance on OW, which I still stand by. In a competitive format matches shouldn't be one sided stomps. They are boring and a waste of everyone's time.
      My proposed headshot multiplier change wouldn't lower hs multiplier any worse than what it is now, as a percentage. You understand that right?
      *Obviously that's in hindsight though; I'm saying that's what should have happened during arsenal update to not have to deal with things 1KO'ing players.

    • @thenothinguploader
      @thenothinguploader 6 місяців тому +1

      lmao u got some issues with that giant wall of hate and even telling someone to unlist. maybe take a chill pill

    • @curedapathy
      @curedapathy 6 місяців тому +1

      @@ZealousVidya There are examples in this video and past ones of you making off-handed comments towards players that farm other players. The fact you get as much attention as you do means people are taking in what you are saying. In my opinion i really do think thats bad. It doesnt have to be classic character assassination my man it just is what it is. I disagree with you is all. Again this game has ALWAYS had a pretty massive skill gap. To say its larger than before is crazy. What is larger is the odds of you running into those better more mechanically nice players due to the pops being so low which in a way could support your arguments but its clearly not what you were thinking.
      You dont have to debate bro when it comes to your comments and stance on outfit wars. Its for competitive outfits. It definitely wasnt geared to let zergfits from live dominate in some skill based match made bracket. If you sign up and get diddled by recursion then thats all there is to it. Signing up then saying you were going to no show THEN on top of that make a video halfway encouraging others by saying other people were likely to do the same was wild and you know that.
      You can say cool but my whole contention can be boiled down to, you aint the next wrel and you wont be. You wanna make videos about how shitty the game is like alright man but I really think you are out of your depth when it comes to critical analysis on ps2.
      Also I will admit you gave me the milsim vibe and i was wrong but dont take the rest as just character assassination. The unlist comment was more of a reaction to you doing it in the past when farting into the wind lol.

    • @curedapathy
      @curedapathy 6 місяців тому

      @@thenothinguploader you good bro?

    • @frosty848
      @frosty848 4 дні тому

      Are you triggered?

  • @speedyazi5029
    @speedyazi5029 6 місяців тому +2

    Implants have also really hurt the gameplay of PS2. I’m still not sure why it was ever added or thought of as a good idea. Especially since it is RNG. It’s just bloating the game with more mechanics and is also very grindy in comparison to other components of the game.

  • @castoli44
    @castoli44 6 місяців тому

    10:35 DUDE THAT'S ME :D

    • @antonmelnyk3225
      @antonmelnyk3225 6 місяців тому

      Did u unlocked your Raijin? ;)

    • @castoli44
      @castoli44 6 місяців тому

      @@antonmelnyk3225 that will come after i unlock The shuriken (pun intended)

  • @martinm5747
    @martinm5747 6 місяців тому +2

    you want skillbased matchmaking in planetside 2? hahaha :D

  • @PainProjection
    @PainProjection 6 місяців тому +2

    The only fundamental flaw this game has is it's selling point - the "open world". Open world causes pop disbalance in fights, it allows you to bring your entire platoon of sub 1k/d shitters to sit afk on capturing points or spawn camp at 25:75 pop ratio and beyond. Spawn restriction won't work, because you always can redeploy on warpgate and assemble yet another fucking gal drop. Or just use spawn beacon since they are not restricted by any means. Open world allows to form massive vehicle blob and just roll around the map, destroying every spawn point and ruining every fight. Game would be better if it has every facility as separate map, with limits on vehicles and hard pop balance, but hey, then it would be just another battlefield!!!!!11 But does being unique game is a good thing in this case? What i can see is that planetside proven that concept of open world simply doesn't work and was the most shittiest, degenerate concept ever made it's way live in to multiplayer shooter game.
    And lack of matchmaking is precisely the main reason why i still play planetside. I've been here, just as everyone else, casual shitter, but i evolved, endured and here i am, farming peasants. I become the "salty" vet. But i'm so fucking tired of MMR and matchmaking bullshit in other games. It just doesn't feel rewarding anymore, i don't feel incentivised to "get gud", because no matter what i do, matchmaking would always make sure i hover around conditional 1 k/d. And even if i get to the top of the top, all i got as reward is insane matching times, literally forced to play zuma while game tries to find worthy opponents for me. Fuck babysitting and tutorials, fuck handholding and all those kindergarden bullshit. This industry is rotten to the core with all these casuals whining and moaning and you get what you deserved. Planetside is the shard of different gaming age, remnant of the past, it's our legacy. Planetside isn't perfect, but it shows us what we truly lost after decades of wiping the ass of newbies and dadgamers.
    What have we become? The damage remains and cannot be undone...

  • @cosmokramer9139
    @cosmokramer9139 6 місяців тому

    sounds like the best way to get around something like this wouldn't be to implement PvP matchmaking, but a PvE element... like Metalcore is doing.

    • @cosmokramer9139
      @cosmokramer9139 6 місяців тому

      Or have handpicked players selected for certain areas like Planetside 1 had.