Responding to my biggest hater... | Planetside 2

  • Опубліковано 27 лип 2024
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  • @ZealousVidya
    @ZealousVidya  Рік тому +4

    Subscribe for more
    Edit: I formatted all my descriptions so I'll just put the link here:

    • @zangcheye
      @zangcheye Рік тому

      Don't tell me what to do. I'm already subbed and can't subscribe any more. :)

  • @ChopSueyyy
    @ChopSueyyy Рік тому +29

    KOTV, CHMP and so on is literally tryharding alerts by making the fights as annoying as possible so that nobody wants to fight them. They show up with 96+ at a 24 man fight, cap the base, instantly leave so that any possible fight just doesnt happen and if you try to recap, enjoy sitting on point till 30 seconds before cap where they again drop in with 96+ killing any possibility of a fight. These zergfits are more toxic to the gameplay than any sweaty tryhard or tryhard outfit himself could ever be.

    • @ZealousVidya
      @ZealousVidya  Рік тому +4

      I can make a seperate video on that type of meta game, part of it is to do with trying to find a fight, without having to start your own(which is often met with no response).
      I don't personally see 96+ suddenly on a 24 player fight but certainly a 60% overpop against a tryhard outfit is common and arguably a valid response, given the skill disparity.

    • @Shatteredstarful
      @Shatteredstarful Рік тому +5

      I mean, on Emerald SKL, VKTZ, NFFN especially do the same. Its actually a problem imo with the current population of the game as well and the groups take advantage of it. If we had the populations of days gone by, pulling off a full platoon or two from a fight would just make the general 'zerg' take and get footholds in places, but the fact there aren't multiple large scale 48-96 or 96+ fights between two factions means they can pop dump a lot of places.
      Its a metagame of "lol we have pop and we win the fight that way", funny enough the spawn system changes would've worked better with higher pops across the board as well too but eh.

    • @ZealousVidya
      @ZealousVidya  Рік тому +1

      @@Shatteredstarful The fact that there aren't large sustained fights means one has to popdump(it's not that they want to), or stare at a spawnroom with no response.
      IMHO it's something for the devs to figure out and it's been a problem for a long time now.

    • @Scyborg832
      @Scyborg832 Рік тому +3

      ​@Shatteredstarful SKL doesn't do it on purpose. Whenever there's an ops night people just kinda hop on and they want to roll deep with their platoon. What's the other option? Consciously dictating where each person goes according to the current defending pop on the cap?
      Like these casual outfits aren't consciously playing meta pop abuse. They're just going where their team is because thats the point.

    • @necroLAN
      @necroLAN Рік тому +1

      Ehh worst thing on miller and zerging are the servers tbh , server latency just flies out the window , but all in all i find zerging realistic , war is never fair , if i see myself getting zerged i either instantly redeploy to take another base so i could make up for the one im gonna lose or take crucial fights instead of just farming the overpop , like ambusher c4ing chokeholds , pressuring sundies and tanks .....etc

  • @SergeantBambionYoutube
    @SergeantBambionYoutube Рік тому +9

    I think Lex's points come from a place as a solo player, as one I don't care about how much territory each faction has i just want a decent fight / farm. I like the A point being in a tower as it gives me the opportunity to punch above my weight against two to one or even 3 to 1 pop with it being nearby,
    As a sandbox game platoons and squads have galaxy's, valk's, beacons, routers, bail esf's and light assaults to attack tower points. Don't complain people get farmed in towers when they have an arsenal of ways to circumvent an "uphill battle".
    The most fun i have tends to be attacking towers or defending them. Zealous half of your background gameplay is farming people in towers, you valk drop onto them with sensor shield and avoidance and go on a massacre. Its fun. The ascent could be improved by adding a 4th point in the tower to give an objective other than just farming kills when i land or beacon onto it.
    I'll drop a vid eventually on how i would tackle Zerging, but i have to agree it is hurting the game. If i want to stand still and shoot BR4's stupid enough to stand still infront of a spawn shield i'll go to VR training. I believe the ultimate problem is there's no true incentive for spreading out squads nor any penalty for stacking them on one base.
    And unfortunately I will call Wrel incompetent. Understand he was a Chef. A Chef. who created content on a game and was invited to be lead designer. The mistake was hiring him as he had no relevant industry experience. But we need to move on. Turn a new leaf and establish a more positive community relationship with Devs.
    Light Assaults are extremely powerful, you fail to mention the Hip-fire mechanics, drifters, Icarus jets, adren pump, survivalist, athelete or impulse grenades that allow you to fully exploit movement meta. Doing the event directive i had aerial combatant 5 on with a GD7F with drifters and i didnt touch the ground it was hilariously broken. People couldn't track me and the short barrel and laser with LA changes meant i had the Hip-fire accuracy of a crouched heavy whilst flying. I'm not an LA main but im happy to show you the leagues of broken shit LA can get away with and why someone like Lex would put it on the same pedestal as HA.
    Finally they're are many things that need fixing but the Headshot multiplier shouldn't be touched, Lowering the skill ceiling of the game isn't a good idea. It's a terrible idea. Its not why battlebit works and its no silver bullet to planeside's issues. There is no silver bullet.

    • @hckr_-gh7se
      @hckr_-gh7se Рік тому

      im curious how are icarus jets to be used?

    • @TeRRm0s
      @TeRRm0s Рік тому +1

      @@hckr_-gh7se just press space and keep firing from the hip (with any carbine that has good hip accuracy) and you will win 90% of 1v1 against heavy assaults even the most skilled ones. Most players don't expect you to just do a rocket jump while they shoot at you. It's extremely powerful 1v1, but also very dependent on the type of a base if you play in a highly organized squad/platoon

    • @hckr_-gh7se
      @hckr_-gh7se Рік тому

      @@TeRRm0s thanks, ive been using a really crappy gun for that purpose and havent bothered thinking lol

  • @zangcheye
    @zangcheye Рік тому +1

    I'm an officer of a zergfit. Sometimes it's about the fun - we do shenanigans like harasser races, or walking max crashes for entertainment. Other times, we do storm across the map capturing bases, but it's not because it's easy, it's because we want an enemy zergfit of any size to come face us. Sometimes it works and we get great fights on our hands, and other times the other two factions avoid us. No one likes sitting at a base waiting for 4+ minutes to cap with nothing to shoot at. It's like back in OG WoW when our guild would invade Southshore to get a bunch of alliance to show up and defend. When it works, it's awesome.

  • @theDemolisher13
    @theDemolisher13 Рік тому +4

    Who's Lex? Never heard of them before.

  • @FoMScratch
    @FoMScratch Рік тому +4

    A lot of the things discussed require quite a bit of PS2 play time to give worthwhile feedback or a worthwhile opinion. The time to kill on the other hand just from a fundamental understanding of the networking clearly needs to be looked at if PS2 wants to attempt to retain new players. Imagine the following: Clicking heads makes you average. Clicking heads while having map knowledge as well as building prefab knowledge makes you good. Here's the kicker though. To actually be "skilled" at Planetside you need to be able to click heads, have extended map knowledge, finally you need to be CONSCIOUS of and EXPLOIT your player controller's location 1-2 seconds in the past. Because the TTK in this game is about the same as the amount of time your desync'd player is located at on other peoples monitors and if they're landing chain headshots then then that time is significantly shorter.
    While we're down here lemme throw another opinion into the mix. I'd bet all my certs that a vast majority of the new players that actually stick around long term do it strictly because they enjoy the Sci-Fi appeal of this game. Not because this is some hardcore high skill ceiling "free" battlefield clone.

  • @namelesknight7840
    @namelesknight7840 Рік тому +2

    Devs should prepare for the worst and make low pop actually fun unstable warpgates suck being stuck on a continent for 5 hours is brutal my advice for the devs to do this is they could add some new koltyr like islands to fight on during low pop

  • @theDemolisher13
    @theDemolisher13 Рік тому +7

    you mentioned that we shouldn't just put all the blame on Wrel alone which you're not wrong but do take note the devs started getting more active and actually started using the PTS correctly only after Wrel left them. So there is some logic in saying that Wrel was holding the devs back from doing their job correctly.

  • @Sarlaka
    @Sarlaka Рік тому +5

    I'm pretty new at planet side 2. I did play it back around when it released but never really got into it as I was mostly on console and didn't really have a gaming computer like I do now. So just couple months ago I got back into playing it. I mostly play casual, and just have fun. I don't know a lot about anything on planet side 2, but I do like when your faction has been getting beat back a lot and then you start taking the fight back to them and start pushing them out and taking back territories feels so satisfying. One thing as a new player it always feels like with me I'm not able to kill players as fast as they are able to kill me. You could say might be my load out and skill but some how I put more rounds in them than they do me and I barley are able to kill them when they put just few rounds in me and I'm dead. Only thing I don't like. But that's just me.

    • @michaelleza3291
      @michaelleza3291 Рік тому +3

      That feeling of having mag dumped someone and they turn around and two tap you is familiar lol. Sometimes it's cheats, sometimes it's just learning how movement is effecting your shots. Bullets mostly inherit velocity so if you are moving and shooting you have to account for it. There are also a ton of other factors (weapon dmg and rate of fire, shields, implants, etc). This game requires a lot of experience to get a feel for how it plays. When you do, though, it's very rewarding.

    • @falloutwizard1361
      @falloutwizard1361 Рік тому +1

      i played this game for awhile and had the same problem, try downloading a crosshair

    • @zangcheye
      @zangcheye Рік тому +1

      As @falloutwizard1361 said, get a crosshair. I cannot imagine playing PS2 without Recursion Tracker. I like all the bells and whistles but the crosshair seals the deal. And not just for shooting. It's an incredible asset when driving as well, even without a gun like in a harasser.

    • @falloutwizard1361
      @falloutwizard1361 Рік тому +1

      @@zangcheye yes it helps with so much vehicle gunning is a peice of cake now. I was so bad then watched UA-cam videos and realized that I'm one of the only ppl with no cross hair it definitely solves alot

    • @Luluchan00
      @Luluchan00 Рік тому

      ​@@michaelleza3291 "Sometimes it's cheats." It's almost never cheats unless the guy is flying through air no clip or in the ground. Your mag dump is subject to cone of fire bloom. The longer you shoot, the less accurate you are. You are simply missing because shooting on the move both increases your cone of fire and is in general harder to aim with. There are a ton of factors but the main one is literally just player skill. It's not feel. It's not simply just play the game long enough. There are people with 4x the playtime yet 1/4 of the kill potential. You need to learn from the right people and develop the mechanical skills. I have a 500 hour friend who plays valorant. Teach him the right mechanics, and most of the hackusaters are accusing him of hacking now. His aim is already there. His positioning needs work because again, he's still pretty new to the game. A lot of people mention crosshair. Yes, it helps. But raw mechanical ability and putting into practice different quirks of the game requires lots of focused, well-informed play-time. Something you will not get from anyone in a zerg.
      The real truth is that the distance between you and that guy who turned around and killed you instantly is the similar to the difference between the 10th man on the bench of a lottery team and a super star in his prime.

  • @soyayourpantsgamer5819
    @soyayourpantsgamer5819 8 місяців тому

    @zealous I was disconnected from the server , when I tried to join back in on my Chacter it said server un available , and I have waited a few hours server is still not up , do you know what I should do ?

  • @LanzerYT
    @LanzerYT Рік тому

    I agree with 3:56 comment. 666 isn't playing like a large outfit anymore. We don't have the playerbase to zerg. We're a midfit now, maybe even lower than that

  • @benburns9505
    @benburns9505 Рік тому

    Alot of the time you're at the mercy of your internet speed. 2 people line each other up with basically the same gun. Similar skills. Get shots off at the same time, land equal hits. The fastest internet wins. If anything they should stop taking nanites with each death. When you're getting zerged and half your allies either run away or switch to the winning team. You get killed alot if you actually try to defend. Loosing nanites makes pulling vehicles almost impossible

  • @zakadams762
    @zakadams762 Рік тому +2

    It's VKTZ on emerald zerging off hours. I really respect them but recent the server has been bad for other outfits on non prime time

  • @arcLerris
    @arcLerris Рік тому +2

    why would you lower skill ceiling even more in ps2? There should be reason to improve in the game and you need to have some space for it.
    Fortnite and CoD can get away with lower HS multiplier because jenre is battleroyale and it is much more about positioning and other BR stuff. also these games have more movement than planetside does, in fortnite you can litterally jump while shooting? and same with apex it is even more about hitting the person and not HSing.
    So imo if you lower HS multiplier in planetside and lower skill ceiling even more it will only make advantages for people zerging, since there will be less space to outplay and when it comes to 1v1 good player against new one, it will be still the same.

  • @zakadams762
    @zakadams762 Рік тому +2

    Right about wrel

  • @Djrealfake
    @Djrealfake Рік тому +2

    This is the deadest PlanetSide 2 I have seen in a long time, maybe ever. Second thing to say is literally everyone has a different opinion about this game at this point it's pretty clear we're all wrong PlanetSide 2 just ain't it chief. For example of an opinion not everyone will agree with, in my opinion the time to kill in this game is the most frustratingly long experience I've ever experienced in a first-person shooter, right up until you shoot someone in the head and then you're playing rainbow six siege all of a sudden. It's a weird game with a bunch of nuances that used to attract the milsim tactical kind of guys for the absolute combined arms tactical perfection this game can be. Now all those people have been run out by the 1% of sweatlords still playing the game. So now I'm sitting waiting for the servers to turn off because basically we're at the point where there's no one playing this game but good players and all we do is sit and bicker about how great it could be even though it's 10 years old and this ship has set sail 8,000 times before.

  • @H0Z1809
    @H0Z1809 Рік тому

    I mean good content creator*

  • @machinech183
    @machinech183 Рік тому +3

    I'm sorry but no. This dancing around truth to salve feelings is repulsive. If you've made a "chain of bad decisions" that is incompetent and the person doing it is in fact incompetent. Whether or not someone gets "hackles up" has nothing to do with facts. If you're putting your feelings before fact you have larger issues to contend with. Not everyone that plays basketball is a pro player. Not every developer is a good developer just because they develop. Aside from that mess you're fairly straight on everything else.

  • @amantohugnkiss
    @amantohugnkiss Рік тому

    DX11 was in 2019, which the API, certain this was after was a bit hit & miss
    PUBG was about a year before that and to add to the insult, PS:A was released in 2019.

  • @WarDaddie
    @WarDaddie Рік тому

    U hit them 15 times they don't die they hit u 3 times ur almost dead what the hel

  • @zakadams762
    @zakadams762 Рік тому

    Very few players on LA can meet Lex's point and im one of about 12 in the game. I can prove it but most of you know who I am already

  • @yourdemiseishere
    @yourdemiseishere Рік тому

    A lot of aim is based on half hidden mechanics and mouse settings tbh, that and physical health, mouse accel in windows or high dpi rather then turning it up on windows because windows is just pixel skipping and not actual dpi and so on.
    And even still aim at high skills are basically assumed, can be learned so your body sorta does it really fast so its more about hours in the game then anything, the game should reward positioning timing and teamplay first and foremost.
    But i think the headshot TTK is fine, its the netcode that makes it feel shitty and the amount of wiggling you can do and everything to react is like, giving them more time.

  • @beanorod-zt2nl
    @beanorod-zt2nl Рік тому

    We need poplocks for factions so people are forced to play other factions instead of it being so onesided like on Emerald being dominated by VS so much, you know the people that bounce back and forth. When back in PS1 during busy large fights there was time penalites for switching factions to join the popular faction atm.

  • @bojcio
    @bojcio 11 місяців тому +1

    I'm a casual player. I literally don't care about ANY of this, I just want a big ass fight, I wanna shoot, or revive or a big ass fight... I wanna ride shotgun in a tank or an air a big ass fight. All I want is a big ass fight with stuff flying all over, explosions and tracer rounds. That's the whole point of PS2 and that's literally the only thing PS2 has over other games, its a true MMO. If I want nuanced gameplay I'll go play something purist like CS.

  • @DaSanni1986
    @DaSanni1986 Рік тому +2

    hate? you are a nice guy :D and i kill you a lot :D :D we play on the same server *g*

  • @ethandye8764
    @ethandye8764 Рік тому +2

    covid 19 probablyrevived planetside 2 and is likely the only reason it still has any real player count... steam charts ONLY track steam activity the cannot track the launcher if steam doesnt launch it. i think i have 2 accounts because of the steam client

    • @milsimprodigy
      @milsimprodigy Рік тому

      FISU exists and is a thing. Steam charts haven't been relevant in years. Where they are relevant is general population trends and swings. If you're seeing negative or positive swings either direction on steam, it is very likely indicative of what is going on in general and while the raw numbers will be off, the trends in population aren't in a vacuum.

    • @ZealousVidya
      @ZealousVidya  Рік тому +1

      I'm confused if the 2019 voidwell numbers are so low because the API is broken, or it was actually like that.
      Steamdb or whatever in 2019 doesn't look anywhere near as bad.

    • @ethandye8764
      @ethandye8764 Рік тому

      @@ZealousVidya I wasn't playing super often then, but it did feel kinda empty in 2018-2019 at non peak hours

  • @Andrew-up7sf
    @Andrew-up7sf Рік тому +1

    I don’t think lex is out to get you. He’s just critical. Don’t take it too seriously

    • @milsimprodigy
      @milsimprodigy Рік тому +9

      I just make videos on people who say stupid things. This community has no shortage of those players. When you set out to make yourself the voice of ignorant players and do it in the manner you do it in, don't be surprised when others respond to it. And no, trying to do the whole "it's just an opinion" disclaimer in order to try and weasel out of any critique or criticism at the outset isn't how it works. Some opinions are just wrong or ignorant.

    • @ZealousVidya
      @ZealousVidya  Рік тому +2

      Oh I don't think he's actually out to get me tbqh, I didn't watch his video until yesterday but decided to challenge myself because.. why not ^^
      Title is simply a way to get people through the door.

    • @Andrew-up7sf
      @Andrew-up7sf Рік тому

      @@milsimprodigyYeah. You are pretty critical though, but nothing wrong with that. I agree with most of what you say in your videos and have valid points from facts and experience

    • @Andrew-up7sf
      @Andrew-up7sf Рік тому

      @@ZealousVidya The title worked

  • @vectorlord8486
    @vectorlord8486 Рік тому +4

    Each class has their own "op" abilities you can learn and master with the high skill ceiling in this game. nerfing classes so noobs last .5 seconds longer only punishes skilled loyal players. Wrel nerfed vehicles and forced people to play construction and cater to crackhead heavy assaults and then dipped. Every silly "balance" update has destroyed the playerbass. We have seen constant small and large nerfs to classes and vehicles throughout the years yet player count continues to dwindle. You like playing a sub class? sorry but the brainlets on reddit have made a ten page essay with API data showing it "outperforms" other playstyles. A nerf comes out and you can no longer enjoy that playstyle. example infiltrator power knives, why tf did we nerf power knives? Ok i guess it was just for AlbatrossofTime, sorry Albatross but we can't have you running around the map killing noobs with zero spatial awareness. Rinse and repeat for 8 years, wtf do i log on to planetside to play a certain way only to be punished by brainlets on reddit that eventually bullied wrel into nerfing things they don't like being killed by.

    • @ethandye8764
      @ethandye8764 Рік тому +2

      I'm stealing brainlets as a mild slur, thanks

    • @dxhunter9170
      @dxhunter9170 Рік тому +1

      Wrel catering to heavy assault players is just wrong, he never did that. He gutted heavy

  • @reap3rofd00m3
    @reap3rofd00m3 Рік тому

    HOUR Member here. I want to chime in about the point being made around the 13 minute mark about Heavy Assault. I do think that Heavy is the best flat ground 1v1 class due to all the factors you've mentioned. I think all the classes have their strengths. Light assault's strength is flanking and positioning, if you don't learn proper positioning you will lose to a heavy assault. It just takes practice

    • @Shatteredstarful
      @Shatteredstarful Рік тому +1

      I mean, given the people in HOUR I'd be hard pressed to take anything said with any weight. The fact had a known cheater and even gave them an in game rank and the level of toxicity displayed by the leadership etc...even if this comment was right I'd question the validity.

    • @crochetcocoking4275
      @crochetcocoking4275 Рік тому

      Zealous said it, LA mobility doesn't matter when HA get pretty much the same mobility through wall climbing & drop pod.

  • @roger3292
    @roger3292 Рік тому

    I think routers being allowed on point is a big problem

    • @beanorod-zt2nl
      @beanorod-zt2nl Рік тому

      Why is it a problem when everyone spams OS 3 or 4 times in a row constantly?

  • @keksmlg
    @keksmlg Рік тому +3

    The fact that the previous video is a "hot takes" video doesn't make the takes less "hot bullshit" at times. Bullshit should be criticized regardless, because the less mentally abled always take it at face value and this in turn prolongs degeneracy.