"it pays to be a bully, looks like" maybe, but in a few years his income will be $0. His doctorate is likely going to be striped because of plagiarism, and his name is now mud.
so true i didnt know what a narcissist was until i looked it up and compared it to my dad and thats exactly what he is i often catch his narcissism during our conversations about anything. its a very rough relationship
Assholes like that are so Goddamned stupid and stubborn that the only way to get an apology out of him is to beat it out of him. And in HIS case, you might actually end up beating him to death before you ever heard the words "I'm sorry".
This could've been avoided if he just sincerely apologized and showed that he has indeed "grown up". But he didn't, he laughed at the bullied man instead.
Sometimes, they do change. Got to remember that some of the bullies are just caught up with the wrong groups and are influenced because they're lacking sense. However, for the most cases, I don't think many of them change
And this is the history of our country...the undeserving gets the treasure on earth and the good only get to hope that the place they've all been praying to make is real. Sad times bro sad times😟
@@iverysmith6874 - This is why our forefathers wanted a small government. Both the left and the right want a strong, big, powerful government. Come over to the Libertarian party. We have liberty, accountability, and cake.
That's what narcissist fucks always do: they blame others for their own actions and evils. Prisons are filled with the "innocent" for this very reason.
Greg didn't even want lance to resign, he just wanted an apology and for bullying to be fixed. Obviously Lance is still too egotistical and is blaming a 'hate campaign' for his resign. Purely pathetic.
+no no So why did he decide to play the victim himself then? He wants some of that victim pie himself. Bullies love to gaslight, which is what he's doing here. Wahhh it's everyone's fault but mine!
Bullshit. He is still a pompous ass. He laughed probably because he remembered how much fun it was. Like a lot of bullying scum he can't admit when he is wrong.
Paul T you are absolutely correct. If he would of went into a remorseful stance and withdrew within himself and showed even an ounce of sadness for what he did this would be a different story. His reaction just showed he had zero remorse for what he did and actually thought it was still funny to this day.
For anyone wondering: Two witnesses of his bullying came forward, one now a sitting judge. It came out that as an adult, he beat someone so badly that he broke bones, and put his victim in a coma and needed brain surgery because he was called out for speeding his car near children. It was then proven that his doctorate dissertation was plagiarized, and was permanently removed. The school board did pay him around $750k, but that year they were punished and had $500k of their budget cut.
@@DingoXBX When the bullied guy tells the story he starts to laught and joke about them. So no, he didn't change. Still been the same shit he was used to be.
So the bully doesn't like being bullied and never offers any apology. What a horrible monster. Karma exists. It can be slow, but its always unavoidable.
I mean, I wouldn't call this a win for the poor soul that got bullied. According to the pinned comment above, this man got a $750k settlement deal... That's a lot of money
@@trevbarlow9719 This is exactly why I have been reluctant to make my mind up because there really is no evidence and I cannot come to peace with calling a person something because someone else did.
@@trevbarlow9719 maybe he is, but as an adult, if another fellow human being is telling you that he doesn't doubt for a second that it actually was him, and that what he did drove him to a suicide attempt... You don't just laugh at his face... You can't dismiss something like that with a laugh. That is horrendous, and truly appalling. Personally, I wouldn't wish for anyone to be pushed to suicide, and if it was somehow, even remotely my fault, I wouldn't just laugh...
For those who think this might be a case of mistaken identity, when you have been bullied so severely, you NEVER forget the people who do it. There was no mistake and a bully would respond this way trying to play the victim and accuse others of being malicious for calling him out. Once a bully, always a bully, nothing changes except the façade they wear on the outside
Yes, when I was little I was super skinny and because my dad wouldn’t let me get my hair cut it was long, thin and stringy. From first through fourth Johnny Thomas and his friend Martin chased me home every day. Most days taking my shoes and throwing them over a wall that I had to go and ask the nice lady there if I could go in her back yard and get my shoes. The good days were when I was able to get far enough ahead of them to outrun them. They both died fairly young and I don’t have any guilt that I prayed every night for that to happen. That was 55 years ago and I remember every horrible minute of it.
I agree. I have never forgotten this persons face. The more I think about it the more it feels like it was yesterday. All it took was one year dealing with this. Every single year until I graduated I hoped I didn’t get this person in class with me. God is good and god is powerful. I never saw him the next 4 years until I graduated.
You are 100% correct you never forget the face of the ones who bullied you, i was bullied in elementary by one kid and i never forgot his face, saw him again years later in highschool when i saw him i immediately recognized his face we had the same P.E class and one time we locked eyes for a few seconds, don’t know if he remembered me or not but i think he did but by this time around i had put on some size and was bigger than him, nothing happened we didn’t interact at all and paid no attention to eachother, but karma came to him eventually he failed high-school didn’t graduate with the rest of us, sweet sweet karma i tell you.
For anyone to say mistaken identify is outrageous to me. A bullied person, a *ape, assault in any form will NEVER FORGET a person name, face or voice. 01/01/2024. Happy New Year
Just a Guy who’s a Mistur Jostur It means you have a high sense of self importance resulting in a lack of empathy for others as you try to satisfy your own ego.
I mean none of us really know what happened. The guy that said he was a bully could have been pulling that all out of his ass and the guy laughed because he was uncomfortable or that he knew he was innocent. Not saying that's what probably happened just saying we shouldn't just assume that he is a bad person.
Honestly that makes it better. This was clearly a pre planned speech meaning he was so arrogant he wasnt expecting to have his announcement getting a cheer.
@@alliedseawindvoilier2394 lmfao funny how that sounds A LOT LIKE BIDEN! 🤣🤣 “oh I couldn’t get covid under control because of Trump”- Joe Biden when TRUMPS VACCINE doesn’t completely wipe out a pandemic caused specifically because of Obama and Biden funding Chinese labs 🤡🤡🤡 just get back to crying about people chanting let’s go brandon Mr 36% approval rating won’t make it 2 years
In all fairness, kids can be mean and do horrible things. However, the fact that he did not apologize for what he did shows that, even as an adult, he has the same bully mentality. He still thinks that he did not do anything wrong.
That's a very common trait of narcissists. He is so proud of everything that he accomplished, at expense of all the good people's souls that he crushed all along the way.
@@nudiggity2395 - truth!! So many people have to live with, are ripped off by narcissists, lose jobs over, get maimed by, almost killed by, and forever disabled, physically, emotionally and mentally. I feel for anyone who has to deal with these types of individuals - get as far away from them as you possibly can!!
@@masonwiltrout7437 Yeah i agree. I still think it would be kinda random to bring up something that happened 30+ years ago…But yes, when he was confronted about it he was an a** hole and laughed it off
@@noahjackson8685 Not something that was so traumatizing for him. I couldn’t ever imagine that happening to me or to anyone tbh. To think that guy had to deal with that daily must’ve been extremely painful. The guy obviously didn’t know that he was going to kill himself because of his actions, but still
Lance attacked a man and put him in the hospital and in a coma for five days. He is a thug. Paying him 750k is an insult and Greg should be compensated.
@@johnwhite5485 - It's uncommon since he chose to resign, and wasn't forced out by the board. It's uncommon enough that the state is withholding over half a million in public school funding to the district because of it.
@@NETBotic Yep. Guy gets to retire with $750,000 and spend his time with his family in his own home. He obviously doesn't think he did anything wrong either because he didn't apologise and even accused it all as being "ruthless attacks" on him. He'll live a comfortable life from here on out surrounded by those who love him and will probably pass with feeling of no wrongdoing because this world is cruel and unjust.
People like that doesn't know anything about humiliation ! In fact , since the cat is out of the bag and he already got his school pension ! He wanted to let the world know that a true bully stand his ground with no apology !
@@ambrewski7940 Yes. I am doing much better now. My previous therapist recommended to a hospital that they should take me in. Stayed there for about a week. During my stay I got on much better medication. As well as a much better and more empathetic therapist. Life's been much better since then. Thanks for expressing ur genuine concern. 👍🏻👍🏻 I hope u're doing well too.
He grew and learned what he did was wrong. He probably never forgives himself for what he did and still loses sleep because of it. He was most likely happy to get the chance to apologize. Good for him.
It is wise that we examine the facts before we rush to judgment. I found myself wanting to condemn him but the truth is I saw one 2 minute clip and then judged this man's life. He doesn't seem like the kind of person that would do that kind of thing. All I'm saying is let's not rush to judgement.
Test Channel All I am saying about this man: Apologize! If you now know how horrible bullying is. Apologize! Stop patting yourself on the back and for the love of God, apologize! But from this mans actions, nothing is better. Maybe he will understand one day what he did. Sad that he must learn on the expens of his loved ones. They don't deserve that. Apologize!
And because he got to resign and retire at the top district in Houston. He's probably pulling in $150k a year in retirement benefits until the day he dies.
The fact that he laughed at the man’s story just proves his guilt. If he was innocent, he would’ve said something along the lines of “I’m sorry that happened to you sir, but I had no part in it.” But no, he just laughs after he heard a man confess he was going to end his life because of HIS actions. This wasn’t a smear campaign. This was him being called out for being a miserable, pathetic excuse for a man.
This chump is STILL a bully. HE cant even say " sorry " Instead he acts the victim? The cheers at the beginning were epic! Goodbye Mr. Bully... You WIL NOT be missed!
Bla bla bla bla bla. It's super clear. This guy's laughter after the victim's testimony is basically a proof of guilt (I know, not in legal sence, but whatever). If he didn't do it, he would have reacted completely differently.
ikr this dude has been wiggling his shoulder like a pig himself as if this is not hurting him at all. What a piece of trash. I am surprised how he even got this job before.
The guy should’ve just gave a sincere apology to the guy. We’ve all been kids before and dumbasses. A lot of kids including myself experienced bullying and or maybe a lot even bully some in some ways ( most are not bullying to that extent luckily and I wasn’t either) I was bullied in a school where I was one of the tallest kids in the middle school. Bullying shouldn’t be tolerated at all and I don’t know why it is but the guy should’ve gave a real apology. That would’ve been much more respectable than him just laughing and pretending like it never happened and it would’ve shown how he grew as an adult
"Ruthless attacks"... wow I'm sure being reminded of your past and people being against you hurts "WAY MORE" than the suffering of the man you bullied to near-suicide
sorrybadbeat nah, if wolf in sheep then bastard would have apologized lol. He does not even care to speak of has he ever or not being a bully and go straight to call people who accuse him of his glorious bully records as liars and hurting his family. He is just a disgusting garbage. Even wolf have code of conduct 😂 which he doesn’t have one
Test Channel It is nice to find the occasional person who thinks about the validity of these stories before jumping to conclusions, despite myself being guilt of doing so more than I should. So your comment prompted me to look further and I found some comments that (to me) appear to support the victims story. coveringkaty.com/local-news/hindt-writes-letter-to-katy-isd-staff/ This 'news' site claims to show a copy of a letter written by Lance and addressed to members of the school board. Personally, I thought that opening with 'I found religion which washed my past away' implied an around-about acknowledgement of past wrong-doings. I get that we all have things we want to 'wash away' perhaps, but it's like he's offering more information that he actually needs to, maybe in an effort to have people believe? He doesn't really come out and say he didn't do it, just that they 'lack context' etc. I believe if the claims were not true he would feel confident in addressing them and the people making them rather than try to point out what a good guy he is now. Some other crappy news sites have quoted another former classmate (Judge David Carpenter) as corroborating the victims claims, saying "He was physically threatening some of my teammates, just menacing them, standing over them and eventually started throwing weight plates at them, 25-pound weight plates at them," Carpenter told Fox 26. "He liked to brag about beating up other people and at one point he even bragged about beating up a police officer." That's all I could be bothered finding right now on my crappy Internet, but yeah, cheers for reminding me to question :)
OMG yes! I confronted the girl that bullied me in 4th grade after I found her on Facebook. I sent her a private message basically calling her out. She never responded to me, but went on her timeline playing the victim and getting all of her friends/family feeling sorry for her. That "poor little me" attitude. She never mentioned my name and I really didn't care if she did, but the denial! Oh wow! "I was just a kid!" "Kids do horrible things but I'm changed now that I'm grown!" "She doesn't know what a good Christian person I've become!" ETC. ETC. I never contacted her again because you can't get people like that to see the wrong in their actions....Oh and by the way, she didn't offer an apology and you'd expect a person like her who's in church EVERY Sunday to at least say they're sorry NOT
@@QueenAlexis556It has nothing to do with wheter a person goes to Church or is a believer whatsoever. Some of the worst people on this earth are Christians, Muslims, Hindus..
Christians believe if you are saved and accept Jesus as your savior there are no acts you can commit to be unsaved. But, this is why there's a seperation of church and state.
HeyImSnappy You’re going to curse someone for asking a question about your fake ass religion? Pardon me, but I believe you are the dumb fuck in this scenario🖤
He is only trying to salvage the only people that could possible excuse his reprehensible depraved indifference and sociopathic behavior... a battered wife and kids.
@@lightafluident.9950 Unbelievable. Just unbelievable. These preposterous allegations against me are simply not true. There are rapists, murderers, and terrible, terrible gang members out there that want to say horrible things about me, that just simply are not true. But all that will change once we build this wall. Make my ego great again!
4:53 “I look forward to what god has in store for me” Dude you bullied a guy into near suicide and then laughed at him when he confronted you about it. Why are you looking forward to hell exactly?
@@sissyrayself7508 He is an immoral human being for laughing even if wrongly accused. Sure the guy could be wrongly accused but why would you laugh at a confession from a suicidal person. Is the hill your dying on that you believe that that is defendable.
Hindt denied the charge, saying bullying was wrong then and is wrong now. But then another witness stepped forward. David Carpenter is now a criminal court judge in Alabama. “He was a vicious bully. He was a thug ... who bragged about beating up people.” The judge added, “I thought he might be in prison somewhere based on the way he behaved in high school"
Nathan Kelly Why the hell are you defending a monster? You’re also a bully yourself, aren’t you? Even if the story wasn’t true, WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU LAUGH AT SOMEONE WHO WAS GOING TO SUICIDE?!!!???
He probably didn't want to retire. His higher ups probably gave him the option of resigning, or being fired. They were probably fine with whatever bullshit sob story he wanted to tell, as long as he cleared his desk.
Only if they are all the way, -narcissism exists on a spectrum. However denial of refusal to acknowledge past wrongs is by no means limited to narcissists or those who think they did no wrong. By the way this guy sounds I suspect he very well knows he was wrong (assuming it wasn't a false accusation, which is always possible even if unlikely) but his ego and need to save face to avoid (potentially) loosing his own family got the better of him... Shame is a powerful emotion, but in reality it often backfires badly rather then leading to contrition. His actions and lack of apology is till totally inexcusable and just sad!
I am glad the victim came here came forward and did not take his own life. And what an entitled attitude! I really think the issue is not so much narcissism itself but a fundamental attitude of class based entitlement and lack of support for any accountability for those in power! It is actually an attitude of collective lack of empathy towards those seen as "lesser" individuals (not just groups) and a collective sense of social superiority or supremacism (those involved may be perfectly kind towards one another including remorseful when appropriate) that is the biggest issue that leads to this sort of thing!
I had taken bullying for two years by the class bully. I was the smallest boy in the school and he thought I was an easy target. I was an easy target until one day in science class the teacher told him:" if he (meaning myself) turns around and punches you - do not come crying to anyone in the school; most of the class laughed at the thought of me hitting him. The very same day after school, at least half the students were around waiting for buses home. The bully started on me again, but I had enough of him; I spun around and launched a left fist onto his right jaw. The bully flew backwards, landed flat on his back on the pavement totally shocked and said "I'll get my big brother for you". Next day in class the same teacher asked him why there was a huge lump on his jaw - he didn't answer: but I said " I hit him yesterday in front of half the school". Teacher replied - "I told you yesterday what would happen - serves you right - you had it coming".
As a long term sub for a 6th grade class in the hood, one morning I was sitting next to a kid who got picked on often. He was my student and when another one of my students came up talking smack to the kid, the kid told him to STFU. The smartass turned to me and yelled, "Did you hear what he said to me!?!?!! I looked at him and said, "I'd take his advice." The student's jaw dropped and I could feel the bullied kid sit a little higher. The perks of being a sub.
I'm surprised that you weren't labeled the "bad guy" for standing up to that bully piece of 💩. Most victims get of bullies are usually to blame if they stand up to the bully. I was verbally bullied in 4th grade by a girl who came from money. She never spoke to me directly, but to the kids in school. Usually she made fun of my clothes because I didn't come from a well off family like she did. I ignored her totally and pretended like I didn't hear her degrading remarks. Finally my mother enrolled me in another school and that situation never happened again
Who laughs after someone explaining an explicit, traumatic story ending in them putting a 45 in their mouth. A soulless monster. EVEN if Lance didn’t bully the guy, you DO NOT laugh at a near suicide story.
Yeah, that tends to get you cancelled in this day and age! I was bullied at school and molested at home, thoughts of suicide were a daily struggle from the time I was 7. This asshat laughing at the person he tormented was disgraceful and unforgivable.
@@cathleenmckay389 I got bullied in the past too. They even went so far to urinate on my bicycle. Now i regret it so much for not standing up against my bullies since i probably had a chance against them.
Yep.. I felt the same way. He shows no humility for the way he treated others and looks to feel all too comfortable playing the role of the victim. How he leaves with “a clear heart and humbled spirit” is nothing but the self delusional lip service of a narcissist.
To be expected from a lowlife like that. Take comfort in the facts that his past came back to haunt him spectacularly and that his victim is a decent human being with a heart.
Watching this again four years later. The guy didn't learn a single thing, didn't change, remained a bully until the day he left. Just a despicable statement. He had a chance to show contrition for his past behavior, and instead he chose to be defiant and take some shots at people on the way out. What a punk.
Isn't it funny how the offenders always try to turn it around to make themselves the "victim". A real man would have apologized and sincerely asked his victim for forgiveness. If Lance Hindt did what he is accused of and this is his response, then what a disgrace he is to his own family.
@K Maxx I didn't convict anyone. If you notice I qualified my statement with IF - "IF he did what he is accused of...". Also, from all the reports I've seen in the news, there were numerous allegations against him, not one. Granted, 35 years is a long time. Many (probably most) of us did stupid things when we were younger that we regret. That isn't the point. The point is, if you're confronted about it, AND IF IT IS TRUE, then don't you think a simple, sincere apology would be in order?
In his position he was probably making 200,000 plus a year for a job he could of had his whole life plus his reputation is ruined you google this man's name and only nad things come up but he shouldn't have gotten any money
its amazing to me when bullies are confronted and given a taste of their own medicine, they typically dont like it and crumble. as someone who dealt with this my whole life growing up, it brings a small bit of peace that the bully FINALLY gets what he deserves.
@@zk8706 You really gonna bank on the likelihood that a random guy for a random reason wanted to randomly accuse the superintendent of bullying? C'mon, a little common sense can go a long way
@@zk8706 No, you’re literally an idiot if you think this guy didnt bully the man. Why not sue him for defamation then? Since it took a heavy toll on his rep?
His past came back to haunt him, and he didn't deal with it well. Instead of apologizing to the victim, he tried to make himself a victim of a smear campaign. He acts like he's accepting a Grammy award by thinking everyone. This guy is a lunatic . What a dangerous, dangerous man.
Surprised he didn't offer an apology to those he bullied, or say "I was wrong, I made a mistake 30 years ago, let me show you I can do better." But nothing?
@@brianfinn4105 Uh huh. Wasn’t it Biden who said we shouldn’t go after Bin Laden? Or Biden that recently said “my butts been wiped.” I’ll take a guy who puts America first and isn’t apologetic over a guy who can’t even remember peoples names.
Maybe he laughed because he thought the accusation was ridiculous, if someone accuse me of something I didn't do of this magnitude, I would probably laugh.
I myself as someone being bullied a lot as well. It is his reaction after it, that man said what he said that makes me think he should get lost. No growth, still the same person. if he apologized it would have been at least a right step.
@@rosylagoon3600 he's referring to the unfair attacks on his wife and child not him he would rather have them treat him like shit and leave his family out of it because they did nothing wrong he is the one who is in the wrong so he doesn't want his family to suffer for his mistakes
His wife chose to marry a bully and have kids with him. It takes a split second to see he's a bully and a very evil person from his vibes. He almost certainly abuses his kids, at least emotionally if not physically, and that's his wife's fault. Every one who let him get to where he is in the school system is also at fault.
Unfair attacks to you Lance? You still after all these years haven't learned your lesson. Nice to see a bully being bullied out and get a dose of his own medicine!
I think he means against his family, in which case I'm sure his family doesn't deserve any threats for being affiliated with him unless his wife would condone such actions.
This is so true. It's literally the majority of cops these days, and why they are drawn to positions of authority. This guy was drawn to power in politics, vs the morons who can't string a sentence together so they become cops.
@Joe Biden BuildHarrisBack Same mentality and the positions of authority they seek. This clown could have been a teacher, but he has an aversion to actually helping anyone but himself.
@Joe Biden BuildHarrisBack I know the type... not with absolute certainty, but he's clearly a POS so I' comfortable with the lack-of-character profile of his type. I profiled people as a certified Interrogator and HumInt ector for a degade with have a psych degree, so there's that.
Narcissism A disorder in which a person has an inflated sense of self-importance. Symptoms include an excessive need for admiration, disregard for others' feelings, an inability to handle any criticism, and a sense of entitlement.
People make mistakes, but they have to grow from those mistakes. The fact that this man could never even bother to apologize, to admit that he had done wrong, is astonishing. He is a narcissist and a monster.
If he could at least admit he did wrong, then I could be a tiny bit willing to give leeway for him. If people change and are willing to try to make amends and repair their actions, I don't think they should be written off for that, but if you can't even acknowledge that (and assuming it's true of course) I don't see how you can feel like you're the one who's been wronged.
Legal liability. An apology is a de facto admission of guilt which would leave both Hindt and the school district open to lawsuits. Clearly he met with the school board lawyer beforehand.
@@TPBass1224: I can understand Hindt getting personal lawsuits, but for clarification why would the school board that hired him be liable? Maybe they might be trying to play it safe, or I’m just missing something obvious(!)
YesIlift bro the confident kids can always be brought down . Maybe your heads too far up your ass to believe that a child is a pussy for getting bullied .
@@deaddead3699 You sound arrogant, not confident. Arrogance is one of the most disgusting quality to have in my opinion. Why do you lift? Aren't you confident in yourself already, bro?
Jadin, were you there? you know he was wrong? what if they were lying about him, would you think the same then? know the whole story before talking, thats the best lesten you could ever learn/
I had a former boss who got absolutely no reaction when he announced he was retiring after 30 years. Noone walked up to him to shake his hand and wish him well. Noone sat at his table to talk to him.
well, if you see that, then don't act surprised when your kids grow up to be part pf the LGBT spectrum and constantly apologizing for being white. this is what they teach in schools these days, and these are the ones doing it, and i bet they have a good laugh while doing it too.
@Gritty Guard He wouldn't get to that position in the first place. Black people in the professional field have to be squeaky clean throughout their entire lives. Because the sphere of influence lies with white America, they cover their own. A black bully would be outcast in a white privileged setting. You never hear of professional black guys in primarily white settings getting away with gross misconduct for that long. That's how you know that Barack Obama was squeaky clean; no one in his professional life, either in public or behind the scenes, has ever said anything negative about his character.
@Not Me Kids bullied often grow up not being able to "get over it". Look at the correlation between school shootings and bullied kids. Its astoundingly high. The trauma it inflicts has been recorded to be life long in many cases. Its not something as a society we should "get over it".
@Not Me justice will help the victim recover, even if it was long ago. Been a kid is no excuse, not all kids are theese evil, i woudnt trust someone who was that cruel in his childhood... clearly a psico.
Details on Dr. Hindt's $750,000 resignation settlement: ua-cam.com/video/XzHCdIhL6BU/v-deo.html
ABC13 Houston it's sad if he would have apologized in stead of laughing he wouldn't have been bullied out of his job
They're going to give that piece of shit $750k????
Bad Karma exactly what I was thinking
it pays to be a bully, looks like
"it pays to be a bully, looks like" maybe, but in a few years his income will be $0. His doctorate is likely going to be striped because of plagiarism, and his name is now mud.
Only a narcissist would sit there talking about achievements over an apology.
Yea, sounds like our former president.
Stone cold fact.
so true i didnt know what a narcissist was until i looked it up and compared it to my dad and thats exactly what he is i often catch his narcissism during our conversations about anything. its a very rough relationship
Only a narcissist
Damn, this dude has probably never said "I'm sorry" in his entire life
Assholes like that are so Goddamned stupid and stubborn that the only way to get an apology out of him is to beat it out of him. And in HIS case, you might actually end up beating him to death before you ever heard the words "I'm sorry".
@@No-vm7go Just think, some idiotic woman chooses to stay with this evil man.
Bitches say sorry
When he is old and trying to get into heaven all you will hear is ‘I’m sorry’
@@bigbert6435 dickheads don't
This could've been avoided if he just sincerely apologized and showed that he has indeed "grown up". But he didn't, he laughed at the bullied man instead.
People can still change
BadMonkey yes, but not him😂 when the man said his story, and just simply laughed. This man almost made him kill himself
Some people never learn
Nobody killed him yet?
"This malicious campaign against me-- these unfair attacks"
He NEVER said that he didn't do it.
Let that be a lesson: BULLIES NEVER CHANGE.
Sometimes, they do change. Got to remember that some of the bullies are just caught up with the wrong groups and are influenced because they're lacking sense. However, for the most cases, I don't think many of them change
@@Underwoodwins7173yet when he was exposed, he laughed, he mocked the bullied, and never apologized
His laughter at the guy he bullied wrecked his reputation; who’s laughing now?
Well, he gets to retire, and he never apologized. So he got off pretty light.
And this is the history of our country...the undeserving gets the treasure on earth and the good only get to hope that the place they've all been praying to make is real. Sad times bro sad times😟
@@iverysmith6874 - This is why our forefathers wanted a small government. Both the left and the right want a strong, big, powerful government. Come over to the Libertarian party. We have liberty, accountability, and cake.
ua-cam.com/video/XzHCdIhL6BU/v-deo.html he still laughin, except 750k richer
Never apologized for bullying. Then blamed the reason he’s resigning on his family like 10 times. Twisted logic lol.
A Hitch he still refuses to get off his high horse, and it further makes me angry
How do you know he never apologized?
Ken Edwards I watched the video
He should’ve been fired
That's what narcissist fucks always do: they blame others for their own actions and evils. Prisons are filled with the "innocent" for this very reason.
Greg didn't even want lance to resign, he just wanted an apology and for bullying to be fixed. Obviously Lance is still too egotistical and is blaming a 'hate campaign' for his resign. Purely pathetic.
Many of us who are victims.. that's all that we do want. An apology.. and the promise to become a better person.
Karma's a bitch
+no no So why did he decide to play the victim himself then? He wants some of that victim pie himself.
Bullies love to gaslight, which is what he's doing here. Wahhh it's everyone's fault but mine!
Bullshit. He is still a pompous ass. He laughed probably because he remembered how much fun it was. Like a lot of bullying scum he can't admit when he is wrong.
Paul T you are absolutely correct. If he would of went into a remorseful stance and withdrew within himself and showed even an ounce of sadness for what he did this would be a different story. His reaction just showed he had zero remorse for what he did and actually thought it was still funny to this day.
For anyone wondering:
Two witnesses of his bullying came forward, one now a sitting judge.
It came out that as an adult, he beat someone so badly that he broke bones, and put his victim in a coma and needed brain surgery because he was called out for speeding his car near children.
It was then proven that his doctorate dissertation was plagiarized, and was permanently removed.
The school board did pay him around $750k, but that year they were punished and had $500k of their budget cut.
He put some guy in a coma really? Did it go to trial or did he serve time for it?
@@davetherave1729 if I remember they settled out of court. It was in another video I saw a while back
Can you point us to that info?
@@unstablesyn1306 he should have been jailed for that
He should have put the barrel of that .45 in Lance's mouth instead.
He was EXPOSED not defamed. Seems like a horrible man
he look likes like a knock-off dmv worker
Because he is a horrible man
typical politician-type.
He was just a kid when he did that. People change, he practically isn't that school bully he was when he was a kid. If only he apologized
When the bullied guy tells the story he starts to laught and joke about them. So no, he didn't change. Still been the same shit he was used to be.
Typical bully. He severely bullied people but he thinks he is the victim.
What a horrible person
Sounds like my dad.
He should be partially forgiven I mean he did this as a kid
@Realist yea Serbia took so much
So the bully doesn't like being bullied and never offers any apology. What a horrible monster. Karma exists. It can be slow, but its always unavoidable.
I mean, I wouldn't call this a win for the poor soul that got bullied. According to the pinned comment above, this man got a $750k settlement deal... That's a lot of money
What if he is innocent? But no, you saw a UA-cam video of a guy saying he's a bully, so that's all the evidence you need.
@@trevbarlow9719 This is exactly why I have been reluctant to make my mind up because there really is no evidence and I cannot come to peace with calling a person something because someone else did.
Trev Barlow that is calumny against the victim who himself said he doesn’t wish for him to lose his job.
@@trevbarlow9719 maybe he is, but as an adult, if another fellow human being is telling you that he doesn't doubt for a second that it actually was him, and that what he did drove him to a suicide attempt... You don't just laugh at his face... You can't dismiss something like that with a laugh. That is horrendous, and truly appalling. Personally, I wouldn't wish for anyone to be pushed to suicide, and if it was somehow, even remotely my fault, I wouldn't just laugh...
For those who think this might be a case of mistaken identity, when you have been bullied so severely, you NEVER forget the people who do it. There was no mistake and a bully would respond this way trying to play the victim and accuse others of being malicious for calling him out. Once a bully, always a bully, nothing changes except the façade they wear on the outside
Truth. At age 70+, Veronica's face and nasally voice are as fresh in my eyes and ears as they were those decades ago.
Yes, when I was little I was super skinny and because my dad wouldn’t let me get my hair cut it was long, thin and stringy. From first through fourth Johnny Thomas and his friend Martin chased me home every day. Most days taking my shoes and throwing them over a wall that I had to go and ask the nice lady there if I could go in her back yard and get my shoes. The good days were when I was able to get far enough ahead of them to outrun them. They both died fairly young and I don’t have any guilt that I prayed every night for that to happen. That was 55 years ago and I remember every horrible minute of it.
I agree. I have never forgotten this persons face. The more I think about it the more it feels like it was yesterday. All it took was one year dealing with this. Every single year until I graduated I hoped I didn’t get this person in class with me. God is good and god is powerful. I never saw him the next 4 years until I graduated.
You are 100% correct you never forget the face of the ones who bullied you, i was bullied in elementary by one kid and i never forgot his face, saw him again years later in highschool when i saw him i immediately recognized his face we had the same P.E class and one time we locked eyes for a few seconds, don’t know if he remembered me or not but i think he did but by this time around i had put on some size and was bigger than him, nothing happened we didn’t interact at all and paid no attention to eachother, but karma came to him eventually he failed high-school didn’t graduate with the rest of us, sweet sweet karma i tell you.
For anyone to say mistaken identify is outrageous to me. A bullied person, a *ape, assault in any form will NEVER FORGET a person name, face or voice. 01/01/2024. Happy New Year
Whoever shouted “merry Christmas!!” When he announced his resignation is an absolute hero
😂😂😂 it was clent clark superman
@@bombtubejamz739 A woman said that so maybe Lois Lane.
This horrible bully couldn’t even apologize to his victim, but instead laughed at him when he confronted him with his bullying.
He's a narcissist
What does narcissist mean?
Just a Guy who’s a Mistur Jostur It means you have a high sense of self importance resulting in a lack of empathy for others as you try to satisfy your own ego.
I mean none of us really know what happened. The guy that said he was a bully could have been pulling that all out of his ass and the guy laughed because he was uncomfortable or that he knew he was innocent. Not saying that's what probably happened just saying we shouldn't just assume that he is a bad person.
Dude literally laughs at the shit he’s done, that is psychopathic
Never do you want people to cheer when you say the words "I will resign."
Especially the woman who shouted, "Merry Christmas!" Lmao
It must have been killing him inside, realizing nobody likes him, he deserves it tho for laughing at a bully victim who almost committed suicide
Someone should’ve said you’re fired
@@MALIRIPPA I don't think he realizes as he's so full of himself that he can't even stand for his own actions and apologise to the man he bullied.
do none of you realize that they were praising him? i wish they weren’t but they were
He attacked someone years ago and pays no mind on the damage he did, but when he gets "attacked" Oh lordy I m the victim, poor me.
Reminds me of Israel
Wow people cheered as you resigned that’s a slam dunk on face
He had what he deserved
"Merry Christmas!" 😂
Clearly you dont know what he did to one of his classmates when he used to go to that school
@@danielc1241 No he didn't, he got 750000 dollars for resigning.
Hayley Stark any evidence at all?
"My family is now my number one priority."
When exactly did they become second!?
Great point.
You know those people who say god is number one priority he might of had that thought in his head
CHili_420 _ yeah those people are fucking morons.
thomas murphy lol
I'm not suprised at this response at all. He makes himself the victim. What a coward
Damn right!
Wish he’d been booed throughout his self glorifying speech!!
Also what a shthead
I’ve seen many bullies and at least they started to change for the better unlike this dickhead.
classic narcistic, like all politicians
I detest people like this
He knew exactly what the man was talking about. Even laughed. Disgusting narcissist 🤬
He only speaks about his achievements. Disgusting. He doesn’t feel sorry at all. Horrible person
Honestly that makes it better. This was clearly a pre planned speech meaning he was so arrogant he wasnt expecting to have his announcement getting a cheer.
He sound just like trump himself and only himself and if he might be wrong, it’s somebody else fault !
Yeah I was hoping he went up there an just completely shitted on himself cause that’s what everyone does when they resign
@@alliedseawindvoilier2394 lmfao funny how that sounds A LOT LIKE BIDEN! 🤣🤣 “oh I couldn’t get covid under control because of Trump”- Joe Biden when TRUMPS VACCINE doesn’t completely wipe out a pandemic caused specifically because of Obama and Biden funding Chinese labs 🤡🤡🤡 just get back to crying about people chanting let’s go brandon Mr 36% approval rating won’t make it 2 years
Do you even know him?
In all fairness, kids can be mean and do horrible things.
However, the fact that he did not apologize for what he did shows that, even as an adult, he has the same bully mentality.
He still thinks that he did not do anything wrong.
He knows he did something wrong he knew it was wrong when he was doing it he just doesn't care.
@@samot4100 You are so right. full On Bullies like that Never change. I'm Not talking about hitting or calling Names What He did was criminal.
That's a very common trait of narcissists. He is so proud of everything that he accomplished, at expense of all the good people's souls that he crushed all along the way.
@@nudiggity2395 - truth!! So many people have to live with, are ripped off by narcissists, lose jobs over, get maimed by, almost killed by, and forever disabled, physically, emotionally and mentally. I feel for anyone who has to deal with these types of individuals - get as far away from them as you possibly can!!
He literally apologized throughout the entire video.
He wouldn’t have resigned if that guy didn’t speak up. Evil people like this are hiding in plain sight and we have to hold them accountable
Lmao why would he. Most likely didn’t remember
Even then, he could’ve said he was sorry
@@masonwiltrout7437 Yeah i agree. I still think it would be kinda random to bring up something that happened 30+ years ago…But yes, when he was confronted about it he was an a** hole and laughed it off
@@noahjackson8685 Not something that was so traumatizing for him. I couldn’t ever imagine that happening to me or to anyone tbh. To think that guy had to deal with that daily must’ve been extremely painful. The guy obviously didn’t know that he was going to kill himself because of his actions, but still
@@masonwiltrout7437 Yeah my heart dropped when he said he put the gun in his mouth. It’s scary thinking about how bad bullying used to be.
Lance attacked a man and put him in the hospital and in a coma for five days. He is a thug. Paying him 750k is an insult and Greg should be compensated.
He gets that a year???
From what I understand, it was a one-time severance payout, something not uncommon for a position like that.
@@johnwhite5485 - It's uncommon since he chose to resign, and wasn't forced out by the board. It's uncommon enough that the state is withholding over half a million in public school funding to the district because of it.
The fact he laughed after that man poured his heart out is just awful.
He laughed because the guy resigning bullied someone nearly into suicide
And he acted like he was the victim
@@malxire7084 I'm pretty sure that's who the person is referring to. The other video, not people laughing at this guy
@@malxire7084 I'm talking about when the guy poured his heart out, and firs tmade the accusation directly to the superintendant.
@@PBMS123 other Video mate
That applause should be the most humiliating experience of his life.
Hell will be the next step
He is laughing all the way to the bank. This guy is incapable of feeling humility.
@@NETBotic Yep. Guy gets to retire with $750,000 and spend his time with his family in his own home. He obviously doesn't think he did anything wrong either because he didn't apologise and even accused it all as being "ruthless attacks" on him. He'll live a comfortable life from here on out surrounded by those who love him and will probably pass with feeling of no wrongdoing because this world is cruel and unjust.
It won’t be. His type never sees what he does is wrong and never sees that he is a pathetic little boy.
People like that doesn't know anything about humiliation ! In fact , since the cat is out of the bag and he already got his school pension ! He wanted to let the world know that a true bully stand his ground with no apology !
I'm so glad the gentleman who got bullied did not follow thru with suicide .
I almost did.
@@kratosgodofwar4582 okay
@@kratosgodofwar4582 hey man I hope ur alright it ain’t gunna be like this forever
Yes. I am doing much better now. My previous therapist recommended to a hospital that they should take me in. Stayed there for about a week. During my stay I got on much better medication. As well as a much better and more empathetic therapist. Life's been much better since then. Thanks for expressing ur genuine concern. 👍🏻👍🏻 I hope u're doing well too.
@@teendoll that’s cold
Embarrassment is the best karma.
I confronted my school bully as an adult, he shook my hand and sincerely apologized.
That's really heartwarming😊
He grew and learned what he did was wrong. He probably never forgives himself for what he did and still loses sleep because of it. He was most likely happy to get the chance to apologize. Good for him.
That’s probably an insane amount of weight off of your shoulders. That’s courage. That’s how healing works.
nah, your bully was scared by the time you confronted him and apologized out of fear as he was no longer that powerful but a meek little pipsqueak.
@@MajinTrev no one cares that much shut up
He didn't apologize and laughed at the victim, still a bully
People don't change, they only become more of who they really are.
@@vgamesgaming1165 I love your comment.
Mr rupees did you ever get your 100 rupees hahahh
@@vgamesgaming1165 environment plays a big role in shaping you as a person, if a person stays in the same environment they aint gonna change
Shows that evil people dont change.
He didn’t “defame” him. He exposed him.
Someone teach this fella that it's not defamation if it's the truth and especially if eye witnesses come forward and confirm it. 🤦
The fact that he hasn't said he was sorry for what he has done, is disgusting...
well he's obviously an atrocious human being, so nothing surprising there.
Fuck this guy
It is wise that we examine the facts before we rush to judgment. I found myself wanting to condemn him but the truth is I saw one 2 minute clip and then judged this man's life. He doesn't seem like the kind of person that would do that kind of thing. All I'm saying is let's not rush to judgement.
I mean it was pretty funny.
Test Channel All I am saying about this man: Apologize! If you now know how horrible bullying is. Apologize!
Stop patting yourself on the back and for the love of God, apologize!
But from this mans actions, nothing is better. Maybe he will understand one day what he did.
Sad that he must learn on the expens of his loved ones. They don't deserve that. Apologize!
horrible bully couldn’t even apologize to his victim,
@Chad Mower lol right!
He spent all the time bragging.
And because he got to resign and retire at the top district in Houston. He's probably pulling in $150k a year in retirement benefits until the day he dies.
Legit, not even a real apology
Evidently bullying at school is ok with him. We don't need that kind of person in charge of our schools.
He’s still praising himself in a resignation letter/apology
It's justified
@@kelvinmalidom5901 crock of shit is more like it! 🖕
@@jeffstanfield9408 he also got a $700k cheque after resigning 😂
@@kelvinmalidom5901 hes going broke in covid definitely
@@ytali2323 he has over 20 years experience, so he'll get another job
The “Merry Christmas” when everyone clapped was the cherry on top😂
The fact that he laughed at the man’s story just proves his guilt. If he was innocent, he would’ve said something along the lines of “I’m sorry that happened to you sir, but I had no part in it.” But no, he just laughs after he heard a man confess he was going to end his life because of HIS actions.
This wasn’t a smear campaign. This was him being called out for being a miserable, pathetic excuse for a man.
Or.., he would have been convicted and said , I’m so incredibly sorry that I did that to you, please forgive me… it was inexcusable and horrible
Had he just been a kid who didn't know better he would have owned up to it -- but the laugh really cements that fact he hasn't changed.
Not guilty lol
@@steflondon88 "i have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement-"
I bullied people when I was a kid in grade 5 but I never knew it was wrong. If ever got confronted I would immediately appologise.
So a bully thats still laughing is crying bout getting bullied over his job?
The irony
@@Michael-hz2pl Karma? He got a 750k + pay out
Karma is a bitch.
This chump is STILL a bully. HE cant even say " sorry " Instead he acts the victim?
The cheers at the beginning were epic! Goodbye Mr. Bully... You WIL NOT be missed!
@MoBitz 'Love & Relax Mix' yes the victim of bullying spoke out and this is why he is retiring
Bla bla bla bla bla. It's super clear. This guy's laughter after the victim's testimony is basically a proof of guilt (I know, not in legal sence, but whatever). If he didn't do it, he would have reacted completely differently.
This guys a punk
He has to put on this whole act so he can get his massive settlment and save face. He has to live in shame now
My bully turned around and accused me as I was a bully ! LMAO 🤣
As a substitute teacher for years, our school system is doomed.
I became a substitute teacher in my school district this fall, and you are so right.
I’m curious what district, I’m in LAUSD it’s like 3rd world education at this point here
Lance: “I will resi-“
Audience: *Waves of applaud* WOOOO! YEAH! YEAH!
I thought new years ball dropped
you could tell that hurt him
@@walterlippmann6292 good
@Frosty Azurez And the school board lost 500K in funding.
“Unfair attacks” pfft. What a joke.
You can hear the fake attitude in his voice.
ikr this dude has been wiggling his shoulder like a pig himself as if this is not hurting him at all. What a piece of trash. I am surprised how he even got this job before.
Unfair attacks my ass, dude you shoved a guy into the urinal you dipshit
@@tinyrabbit3645 Don't forget laughing about it 35 years later.
The guy should’ve just gave a sincere apology to the guy. We’ve all been kids before and dumbasses. A lot of kids including myself experienced bullying and or maybe a lot even bully some in some ways ( most are not bullying to that extent luckily and I wasn’t either)
I was bullied in a school where I was one of the tallest kids in the middle school. Bullying shouldn’t be tolerated at all and I don’t know why it is but the guy should’ve gave a real apology. That would’ve been much more respectable than him just laughing and pretending like it never happened and it would’ve shown how he grew as an adult
"Ruthless attacks"... wow I'm sure being reminded of your past and people being against you hurts "WAY MORE" than the suffering of the man you bullied to near-suicide
Wow, won't apologize. That is a wolf in sheep's clothing right there.
sorrybadbeat nah, if wolf in sheep then bastard would have apologized lol. He does not even care to speak of has he ever or not being a bully and go straight to call people who accuse him of his glorious bully records as liars and hurting his family. He is just a disgusting garbage. Even wolf have code of conduct 😂 which he doesn’t have one
a pussy to be exact
sorrybadbeat Giving him a bit too much credit in my opinion
And you know who's telling the truth exactly how? Because your internet mob who rousted him out of his life says so?
Test Channel
It is nice to find the occasional person who thinks about the validity of these stories before jumping to conclusions, despite myself being guilt of doing so more than I should. So your comment prompted me to look further and I found some comments that (to me) appear to support the victims story.
This 'news' site claims to show a copy of a letter written by Lance and addressed to members of the school board. Personally, I thought that opening with 'I found religion which washed my past away' implied an around-about acknowledgement of past wrong-doings. I get that we all have things we want to 'wash away' perhaps, but it's like he's offering more information that he actually needs to, maybe in an effort to have people believe? He doesn't really come out and say he didn't do it, just that they 'lack context' etc. I believe if the claims were not true he would feel confident in addressing them and the people making them rather than try to point out what a good guy he is now.
Some other crappy news sites have quoted another former classmate (Judge David Carpenter) as corroborating the victims claims, saying "He was physically threatening some of my teammates, just menacing them, standing over them and eventually started throwing weight plates at them, 25-pound weight plates at them," Carpenter told Fox 26. "He liked to brag about beating up other people and at one point he even bragged about beating up a police officer."
That's all I could be bothered finding right now on my crappy Internet, but yeah, cheers for reminding me to question :)
Classic case of a Bully playing the Victim.
OMG yes! I confronted the girl that bullied me in 4th grade after I found her on Facebook. I sent her a private message basically calling her out. She never responded to me, but went on her timeline playing the victim and getting all of her friends/family feeling sorry for her. That "poor little me" attitude. She never mentioned my name and I really didn't care if she did, but the denial! Oh wow! "I was just a kid!" "Kids do horrible things but I'm changed now that I'm grown!" "She doesn't know what a good Christian person I've become!" ETC. ETC. I never contacted her again because you can't get people like that to see the wrong in their actions....Oh and by the way, she didn't offer an apology and you'd expect a person like her who's in church EVERY Sunday to at least say they're sorry NOT
@@QueenAlexis556It has nothing to do with wheter a person goes to Church or is a believer whatsoever. Some of the worst people on this earth are Christians, Muslims, Hindus..
The poor guy that got bullied wasn’t lying. When he spoke about going home and getting his 45 broke my heart.
Sorry, but what does 45 mean? No comments in that video explained.
@@maegankewl2597 It's a pistol or handgun
@@maegankewl2597 his father.
@@maegankewl2597 0.45cm is the size of the bullet used for the handgun he held in his mouth
@@maegankewl2597 .45 caliber
Mind you when he called him out for bullying him almost to death he “laughed” there’s a special place in hell for people like him
That's right!
Yes exactly right
Christians believe if you are saved and accept Jesus as your savior there are no acts you can commit to be unsaved. But, this is why there's a seperation of church and state.
@Swedish Meatball, I don't worry of an afterlife. I worry how I can make life better.
You’re going to curse someone for asking a question about your fake ass religion?
Pardon me, but I believe you are the dumb fuck in this scenario🖤
This man didn’t apologise, nor own up to his actions. His ego clearly hasn’t changed from when he was a school bully
I wish I could fill his yard with urinals
And he got a 1.7 million dollar resignation
He changed outwardly not inwardly.
He still looks like a damn bully. I wouldn't waste a word on him...
He is only trying to salvage the only people that could possible excuse his reprehensible depraved indifference and sociopathic behavior... a battered wife and kids.
Bullies should never be over children's schools!
"This malicious campaign against me." That sounds so narcissistic.
why must you insult him!! he’s ALREADY BEING BULLIED 😂
@@avacadomangobanana2588 Good, he is 35 years overdue on a taste of his own medicine.
He must be related to Trump.
@@lightafluident.9950 Unbelievable. Just unbelievable. These preposterous allegations against me are simply not true. There are rapists, murderers, and terrible, terrible gang members out there that want to say horrible things about me, that just simply are not true. But all that will change once we build this wall. Make my ego great again!
@@lightafluident.9950 trump has nothing to do with this go back to twitter
"BREAKING NEWS: Loser dishes it but can't take it, crowd cheers as he resigns."
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
Yep blah blah, step down and walk out, no one cares, ppl stopped listening after the eruption of joy when you said you were leaving..
Absolutely beautiful
@K Maxx And his name is ruined forever, I would take a clean name over a pension any day.
“I look forward to what god has in store for me”
Dude you bullied a guy into near suicide and then laughed at him when he confronted you about it.
Why are you looking forward to hell exactly?
According to this one guys WORD how are you so sure that guy was telling the truth?
Sissy Ray Self Why are you defending a monster?
@@sissyrayself7508 He is an immoral human being for laughing even if wrongly accused. Sure the guy could be wrongly accused but why would you laugh at a confession from a suicidal person. Is the hill your dying on that you believe that that is defendable.
It happened 35 years ago, people laugh when they get nervous and embarrassed its normal
pingaz so you would laugh if that happened to you 35 years ago?
Hindt denied the charge, saying bullying was wrong then and is wrong now.
But then another witness stepped forward. David Carpenter is now a criminal court judge in Alabama.
“He was a vicious bully. He was a thug ... who bragged about beating up people.”
The judge added, “I thought he might be in prison somewhere based on the way he behaved in high school"
He almost drove the dude to suicide, he laughed, he basically had to force him self to retire. Now that’s a lot of damage.
His attitude when confronted with what he did proves the truth of it all.
Nathan Kelly the guy said that there were witnesses to corroborate
Daniel Di Carlo but there wasn’t.
Nathan Kelly Why the hell are you defending a monster? You’re also a bully yourself, aren’t you? Even if the story wasn’t true, WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU LAUGH AT SOMEONE WHO WAS GOING TO SUICIDE?!!!???
He probably didn't want to retire. His higher ups probably gave him the option of resigning, or being fired. They were probably fine with whatever bullshit sob story he wanted to tell, as long as he cleared his desk.
A narcissist will never admit their wrongs…they maneuver, fabricate and focus on themselves
My wife
Only if they are all the way, -narcissism exists on a spectrum. However denial of refusal to acknowledge past wrongs is by no means limited to narcissists or those who think they did no wrong. By the way this guy sounds I suspect he very well knows he was wrong (assuming it wasn't a false accusation, which is always possible even if unlikely) but his ego and need to save face to avoid (potentially) loosing his own family got the better of him... Shame is a powerful emotion, but in reality it often backfires badly rather then leading to contrition. His actions and lack of apology is till totally inexcusable and just sad!
I am glad the victim came here came forward and did not take his own life. And what an entitled attitude! I really think the issue is not so much narcissism itself but a fundamental attitude of class based entitlement and lack of support for any accountability for those in power! It is actually an attitude of collective lack of empathy towards those seen as "lesser" individuals (not just groups) and a collective sense of social superiority or supremacism (those involved may be perfectly kind towards one another including remorseful when appropriate) that is the biggest issue that leads to this sort of thing!
Well worded. Well worded
Well said
Even a simple word ”I’m sorry” he can't even say it at loud.
I bet his wife is having a good time
He didnt like him when they were kids so thats probably why. The things you can do to get away with being a kid.
It's more than one word though
@@cuchuloholic nah she takes a lot of out of town "vacations"
It’s a phrase not a word 😂😂😂
I had taken bullying for two years by the class bully. I was the smallest boy in the school and he thought I was an easy target. I was an easy target until one day in science class the teacher told him:" if he (meaning myself) turns around and punches you - do not come crying to anyone in the school; most of the class laughed at the thought of me hitting him. The very same day after school, at least half the students were around waiting for buses home. The bully started on me again, but I had enough of him; I spun around and launched a left fist onto his right jaw. The bully flew backwards, landed flat on his back on the pavement totally shocked and said "I'll get my big brother for you".
Next day in class the same teacher asked him why there was a huge lump on his jaw - he didn't answer: but I said " I hit him yesterday in front of half the school". Teacher replied - "I told you yesterday what would happen - serves you right - you had it coming".
As a long term sub for a 6th grade class in the hood, one morning I was sitting next to a kid who got picked on often. He was my student and when another one of my students came up talking smack to the kid, the kid told him to STFU. The smartass turned to me and yelled, "Did you hear what he said to me!?!?!! I looked at him and said, "I'd take his advice." The student's jaw dropped and I could feel the bullied kid sit a little higher. The perks of being a sub.
I'm surprised that you weren't labeled the "bad guy" for standing up to that bully piece of 💩. Most victims get of bullies are usually to blame if they stand up to the bully. I was verbally bullied in 4th grade by a girl who came from money. She never spoke to me directly, but to the kids in school. Usually she made fun of my clothes because I didn't come from a well off family like she did. I ignored her totally and pretended like I didn't hear her degrading remarks. Finally my mother enrolled me in another school and that situation never happened again
He's not an educator. He's a bully.
Many of them are
Get over it human nature survival of the fittest, if he would he wouldn’t pass easily bullied kids sad but true
@@neongalaxyzz4297 lol I can tell you are part of the problem....
@@TheRealdeel73 I ain’t no bully or nun wym I only fight people actually fighting me and I don’t prey on the weak but it’s true
Yep 👍🏻
Who laughs after someone explaining an explicit, traumatic story ending in them putting a 45 in their mouth. A soulless monster.
EVEN if Lance didn’t bully the guy, you DO NOT laugh at a near suicide story.
Yeah, that tends to get you cancelled in this day and age! I was bullied at school and molested at home, thoughts of suicide were a daily struggle from the time I was 7. This asshat laughing at the person he tormented was disgraceful and unforgivable.
@@cathleenmckay389 I'm sorry you had to go through that
@@cathleenmckay389 hope you are okay now
@@cathleenmckay389 omg :(
@@cathleenmckay389 I got bullied in the past too. They even went so far to urinate on my bicycle. Now i regret it so much for not standing up against my bullies since i probably had a chance against them.
Felt sick watching, he has learnt nothing. Only sorry for himself.
Yep.. I felt the same way. He shows no humility for the way he treated others and looks to feel all too comfortable playing the role of the victim. How he leaves with “a clear heart and humbled spirit” is nothing but the self delusional lip service of a narcissist.
To be expected from a lowlife like that. Take comfort in the facts that his past came back to haunt him spectacularly and that his victim is a decent human being with a heart.
Ps, nice dog 😃
@@ID-pw8zb Thanks :) She is a bit old but still cute
this guy is a loser he couldnt leave highschool lmao
Watching this again four years later. The guy didn't learn a single thing, didn't change, remained a bully until the day he left. Just a despicable statement. He had a chance to show contrition for his past behavior, and instead he chose to be defiant and take some shots at people on the way out. What a punk.
Isn't it funny how the offenders always try to turn it around to make themselves the "victim". A real man would have apologized and sincerely asked his victim for forgiveness. If Lance Hindt did what he is accused of and this is his response, then what a disgrace he is to his own family.
i hope his wife and kid disowned him
He seems like he’s already miserable. Which would be deserved.
@K Maxx I didn't convict anyone. If you notice I qualified my statement with IF - "IF he did what he is accused of...". Also, from all the reports I've seen in the news, there were numerous allegations against him, not one. Granted, 35 years is a long time. Many (probably most) of us did stupid things when we were younger that we regret. That isn't the point. The point is, if you're confronted about it, AND IF IT IS TRUE, then don't you think a simple, sincere apology would be in order?
Your first sentence pretty much describes BLM
George Jetson and you’re the reason that people are still a part of the movement
Lance: “I will resi-“
Audience: *applause
A lady in the back: “merry christmas”
Wrong time, but still acceptable.
👑 she dropped this
Lol that was good
@@CrookestHellfire if you did and it was cought on camera oh dam
That would be amazing
@@CrookestHellfire 💀
2:46 He uses the word "endure". You have no idea what "endure" means. Ask the guy you bullied.
👆👆 Savage
he also said the "relentness" a few seconds beforehand
And he still didn’t apologize. What a coward!!!
"unfair attacks". Is this man serious?
Does he not realize how much of a HYPOCRITE he is?
He has no place in any education system.
Because you’re an idiot.
Time mark 0:24 someone says, "Merry Christmas" after Lance announces he's leaving.
That's the Oddest But still Satisfying way of cheering Up I ever heard.. 😂😂
Because he's getting 750k for resigning lol, fuck this prick, he basically got rewarded for being an asshole
In his position he was probably making 200,000 plus a year for a job he could of had his whole life plus his reputation is ruined you google this man's name and only nad things come up but he shouldn't have gotten any money
Noah Christensen I’m pretty sure he wasn’t making 200k+ dollars a year as a superintendent of that district.
"This malicious campaign is hurting them severely." Aww are you being bullied???
Fucking bastard, still refuse to apologize, Big piece of shit
He said that as soon as I saw this comment
its amazing to me when bullies are confronted and given a taste of their own medicine, they typically dont like it and crumble. as someone who dealt with this my whole life growing up, it brings a small bit of peace that the bully FINALLY gets what he deserves.
@@ericbonacci8200 hundreds of thousands of dollars
This guy still needs to apologize
He won't
"I will resign" crowd cheers loudly. best moment
and the "Merry Christmas" shortly after that!
@@jackson5116 I know right! Beautiful
It’s crazy how people like him get into power positions.
@@The_secondbattalion Donald Trump comes to mind! if he can get into power then any one can by the looks of it.
They need to ventilate the "bully" out of his cranium with a nice 32 grain hollow point speedy projectile.
Is he really using his wife and children as excuses how pathetic
Disgrace of a mam
hes playin the victim card
@Popeye Saavedra Y'all as in Indians? I never heard that stereotype yet in all my +30 years but thanks for the info!🖖
@Popeye Saavedra Please do tell. And elaborate.
This little man actually tried to hide his wrongdoings behind his "accomplishments" and wife & kids. Some people never grow up.
“Hide” no he’s showing that he isn’t the man they think he is. How do you know that dude didn’t make up the story about him bullying????
@@zk8706 why would he make up that he got his face pushed into a urinal? Are you okay???
@@zk8706 You really gonna bank on the likelihood that a random guy for a random reason wanted to randomly accuse the superintendent of bullying? C'mon, a little common sense can go a long way
@@zk8706 No, you’re literally an idiot if you think this guy didnt bully the man. Why not sue him for defamation then? Since it took a heavy toll on his rep?
Z K the guy said himself there were witnesses
His past came back to haunt him, and he didn't deal with it well. Instead of apologizing to the victim, he tried to make himself a victim of a smear campaign. He acts like he's accepting a Grammy award by thinking everyone. This guy is a lunatic . What a dangerous, dangerous man.
He´s not laughing this time...
why would he when he gets nearly a million bucks in resign
@@NixonRexzile-xz4sq laughing all the way to the bank
I was your 666 like
supergeten2 he can laugh all the way to collect unemployment
Surprised he didn't offer an apology to those he bullied, or say "I was wrong, I made a mistake 30 years ago, let me show you I can do better." But nothing?
His lawsuit wouldn't go too well if he apologized..
You’re right.
Sociopaths don’t apologize. They never admit they did something wrong; they accept no blame. See “Trump, Donald”
Uh huh. Wasn’t it Biden who said we shouldn’t go after Bin Laden? Or Biden that recently said “my butts been wiped.” I’ll take a guy who puts America first and isn’t apologetic over a guy who can’t even remember peoples names.
He was a bully then, he's a bully now. Bullys do not apologize.
His fate was sealed when he laughed when confronted by his bullying..
"Yeah, I remember that. That was awesome!"
Seriously the guy said you almost pushed him to take his own life and you find that funny?!
Maybe he laughed because he thought the accusation was ridiculous, if someone accuse me of something I didn't do of this magnitude, I would probably laugh.
@@philmickey7247 totally different situation, that example have no correlation with what I said.
He's a sociopath.
Resignation is not enough. He deserves jail time for that laugh.
Did he ever apologize? That's where redemption begins.
No. Instead he sued for defamation. Lmao classic.
@@lefthandedjesus6971 😂
@@lefthandedjesus6971 do you know the result of the case?
Bro I need updates
@@lefthandedjesus6971 Wow, just goes to show the kind of person he is.
"unfair attacks"? You ruined someone's life. What's unfair is you're not in jail.
Archit Dutta “ruined someone’s life” links please
@@doomernova3911 www.plagiarismtoday.com/2020/02/04/the-strange-case-of-lance-hindt/
@@doomernova3911 www.dallasnews.com/news/watchdog/2020/02/27/after-the-allen-isd-superintendent-left-to-lead-his-hometown-district-the-wheels-came-off-his-career/
Interesting read
I myself as someone being bullied a lot as well. It is his reaction after it, that man said what he said that makes me think he should get lost. No growth, still the same person.
if he apologized it would have been at least a right step.
I agree
I disagree he bullied him into near suicide he deserves a lot more then an apology
a sincere apology at the very least too
@@paulennis5096although kids are different when they are young
@@alex__825 true you need to look at all aspects to the story
Always remember, a bully's instinct is to bully, and instincts never change.......
This monster’s apology: “I’m the victim of a malicious attack”. My god.
Classic Republican response
Not An Apology. An ApLOLogy it was.
@@mattheww7804 Sounds like a narcissistic liberal response.
@@MikeWhiskyTango more on par with a republican deflecting guilt. Pretty common
Be honest this is a white mans way and I know your white not being racist but it’s what I see and I’m being honest
Bro ‘unfair attacks?’ Sooo bullying the dude and almost making him commit suicide wasn’t an unfair attack on him?
Saiki! is that you??
Timothy ÙwÚ
@@rosylagoon3600 he's referring to the unfair attacks on his wife and child not him he would rather have them treat him like shit and leave his family out of it because they did nothing wrong he is the one who is in the wrong so he doesn't want his family to suffer for his mistakes
ZodiacKiler - hmm good point
Nice profile pic favorite anime 👍
He deflected by mentioning his family 50 times. His family has nothing to do with it, and it was a weak attempt at looking "noble" for leaving.
Yes. The so called smear campaign is against him and no one else.
Underrated post.
Throws his family under the bus instead of taking accountability. What a "fantastic" superintendent. Good riddance.
I don't think vin diesel will be happy with this guy..is that how you treat FAMILY
His wife chose to marry a bully and have kids with him. It takes a split second to see he's a bully and a very evil person from his vibes. He almost certainly abuses his kids, at least emotionally if not physically, and that's his wife's fault. Every one who let him get to where he is in the school system is also at fault.
What a horrible human being-playing the victim and refusing to take accountability.
Unfair attacks to you Lance? You still after all these years haven't learned your lesson. Nice to see a bully being bullied out and get a dose of his own medicine!
I think he means against his family, in which case I'm sure his family doesn't deserve any threats for being affiliated with him unless his wife would condone such actions.
@@Isntmal you reap what you sow.
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
Can't be just one person either. Let them all come forward
The lesson came too late. He got away with it for decades, so why should he care if he's outted now?
And so the law of nature still rules: The childhood bully is the adult coward.
This is so true. It's literally the majority of cops these days, and why they are drawn to positions of authority. This guy was drawn to power in politics, vs the morons who can't string a sentence together so they become cops.
@Joe Biden BuildHarrisBack Same mentality and the positions of authority they seek. This clown could have been a teacher, but he has an aversion to actually helping anyone but himself.
@Joe Biden BuildHarrisBack I know the type... not with absolute certainty, but he's clearly a POS so I' comfortable with the lack-of-character profile of his type. I profiled people as a certified Interrogator and HumInt ector for a degade with have a psych degree, so there's that.
A disorder in which a person has an inflated sense of self-importance.
Symptoms include an excessive need for admiration, disregard for others' feelings, an inability to handle any criticism, and a sense of entitlement.
coopsida textbook narcissism
That's me
jon lane facts
@@jourdan9538 wholly factual.
Holy shit that's me too, how did i F'ng get this way.
he has no self accountability, and would rather lose his job than apologize.
People make mistakes, but they have to grow from those mistakes. The fact that this man could never even bother to apologize, to admit that he had done wrong, is astonishing. He is a narcissist and a monster.
Yeah bro he is a monster in coat and tie
If he could at least admit he did wrong, then I could be a tiny bit willing to give leeway for him. If people change and are willing to try to make amends and repair their actions, I don't think they should be written off for that, but if you can't even acknowledge that (and assuming it's true of course) I don't see how you can feel like you're the one who's been wronged.
He's lucky that karma is a bit kind to him
Legal liability. An apology is a de facto admission of guilt which would leave both Hindt and the school district open to lawsuits. Clearly he met with the school board lawyer beforehand.
@@TPBass1224: I can understand Hindt getting personal lawsuits, but for clarification why would the school board that hired him be liable? Maybe they might be trying to play it safe, or I’m just missing something obvious(!)
I was bullied in middle school. I have nightmares about it. This man is a Scumbag.
I'm sorry you went through that.
YesIlift bro the confident kids can always be brought down . Maybe your heads too far up your ass to believe that a child is a pussy for getting bullied .
@@deaddead3699 you're a special kind of douchebag aren't you?
@@deaddead3699 You sound arrogant, not confident. Arrogance is one of the most disgusting quality to have in my opinion. Why do you lift? Aren't you confident in yourself already, bro?
@@deaddead3699 if you have to tell everyone that you lift then clearly you have no personality other than weight lifting.
He's basically playing the victim card.
Jadin Andrews yeap
I was gonna say that too, starting to cry, talking about his achievements, smear campaign, etc whatever
Jadin Andrews for ones its not a crazy feminist
Jadin, were you there? you know he was wrong? what if they were lying about him, would you think the same then? know the whole story before talking, thats the best lesten you could ever learn/
@@folgargrimm6811 so what are you saying? he's not playing the victim card?
It just hit me 😳 now he'll go home and bully his wife and children full time
You know you're a horrible human being when people cheer for your resignation like they just found Heaven.
I laughed out loud at it just like he laughed at the guys traumatic experience that caused this
Yeah, I laughed at that part lmaoo 😂
He isn't HUMAN!!
I had a former boss who got absolutely no reaction when he announced he was retiring after 30 years. Noone walked up to him to shake his hand and wish him well. Noone sat at his table to talk to him.
It's insane, he didn't just laugh, the rest of the board kinda snickered as well. Just shows how the whole board acts
it was probably nervous laughter that is impulsive in touch situations
@@oofoof6762 say what now?
@@vasilismetallinos2234 it’s actually true some people laugh when they’re nervous it’s like a tic
They were probably with the guy when he bullied that por man 35 years ago. Shows how they didn't change....
well, if you see that, then don't act surprised when your kids grow up to be part pf the LGBT spectrum and constantly apologizing for being white. this is what they teach in schools these days, and these are the ones doing it, and i bet they have a good laugh while doing it too.
Lance: “I look forward to what God has in store for me.”
God: “No I don’t think you do.”
69 likes. Nobody touch it.
They touched it :(((
@@ok-wq5ir 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Noooooooo :((((
@@フアン-f6e you cannot stop me :)))))))))))))))
a heart attack?
"I am going to reti-"
**crowd goes nuts**
That kind of tells you everything you need to know about the guy.
What do you mean
@@vasilismetallinos2234 having people cheer as you announce your resignation is not exactly a sign of being popular.
@Gritty Guard man, gtfo
That seems a bit naive -- popular sure doesn't mean right.
@Gritty Guard He wouldn't get to that position in the first place. Black people in the professional field have to be squeaky clean throughout their entire lives. Because the sphere of influence lies with white America, they cover their own. A black bully would be outcast in a white privileged setting. You never hear of professional black guys in primarily white settings getting away with gross misconduct for that long. That's how you know that Barack Obama was squeaky clean; no one in his professional life, either in public or behind the scenes, has ever said anything negative about his character.
When you're quitting and people cheer, ugh. Probably shoulda left sooner.
yup... probably shouldnt be there to begin with...
So, a bully does not like to face consequences of his actions.
@Not Me The victim could have easily offed himself - I would not take it that lightly.
@Not Me Kids bullied often grow up not being able to "get over it". Look at the correlation between school shootings and bullied kids. Its astoundingly high. The trauma it inflicts has been recorded to be life long in many cases. Its not something as a society we should "get over it".
@Not Me justice will help the victim recover, even if it was long ago. Been a kid is no excuse, not all kids are theese evil, i woudnt trust someone who was that cruel in his childhood... clearly a psico.
@Not Me karma’s a b
@Not Me no u
Audience clapping and celebrating for him resigning is just amazing ☺️