Speaking of genetics… The historical record shows that everyone spread out from Mesopotamia. Ancient history is essential for everyone to know, especially the sixteen original civilizations… from the sixteen grandsons of Noah. It’s necessary to learn ancient history before trying to learn science. 1. The first inhabitants of Italy (K) Tubal 2. Thracians (L) Tiras 3. Siberians (N) Meshek 4. East Asians (O) Magog 5. Medes (PQ) Madai 6.. Western Europeans (R) Gomer 7. Mediterranean Greek sea people (T) Javan 8. Hebrews and Arabic (IJ) Arphaxad 9. Elamites (H) Elam 10. Assyrians (G) Asshur 11. Arameans (F1) Aram 12. Lydians (F2) Lud 13. Cushites (AB, C) Cush 14. Egyptians (E3) Mitzrayim 15. Canaanites (E2, D) Canaan 16. Original North African Phoenicians (E1) Phut The D haplogroup descendants of Canaan migrated east through Tibet all the way to Japan. The C haplogroup descendants of Nimrod migrated to South Asia, the Pacific, Mongolia, Australia and all the way to the Americas along with Q haplogroup descendants of Madai ancestor of the Medes. The A maternal mtDNA haplogroup belonging to the N lineage accompanied the Q paternal haplogroup in the Americas. The C&D maternal haplogroups belong to the M lineage. The B maternal haplogroup seems to have crossed the Pacific Ocean. The Mediterranean paternal R1b and the maternal X2a also found in Galilee represent an Atlantic crossing of the Phoenicians in the days of King Solomon considering also the Mediterranean paternal haplogroups of T, G, I1, I2, J1, J2, E and B in addition to the R1b in Native American Populations. J1 and J2 is Arabs and Jews. (I1 is Dan, I2 is Asher) Of course there is the Cohen modal haplotype of J1 P58 which identifies the IJ lineage of Hebrews and Arabs that are descended from Arphaxad. J2 M172 is the descendants of the House of David and Solomon. I have some more historical evidence and some new genetic evidence that no one can arguing with. The Q paternal haplogroup is the descendants of the Medes. Madai ancestor of the Medes asked to marry the daughter of Shem so the Semitic A maternal haplogroup followed the Q haplogroup to America while the X and W mtDNA followed the Medes into Europe. The Semitic B maternal haplogroup most likely arrived in America by crossing the Pacific Ocean. The C and D maternal haplogroups are Eurasian. The Semitic X2a maternal haplogroup is a European branch from the Semitic A maternal haplogroup which probably arrived in America with the R1b paternal haplogroup in the days of the Phoenicians mining the ancient copper mines of the Great Lakes. The big elephant in the room is the R1b in America as well as the X mtDNA. Besides the R1b there is also E B I1 I2 J1 J2 G and T Mediterranean paternal haplogroups as well as the X2a maternal haplogroup in America *AND* Galilee as well as the Q paternal hg which also make up the signature of the Phoenicians and Jews in the days of King Solomon and today. The C paternal haplogroup is the descendants of Nimrod the first and Hamitic king of Mesopotamia along with his sons who became the House of Nimrod. Their descendants went as far as the Americas. It’s the reason that the Olmecs C3 y-hg appear similar to Polynesians C2 y-hg since they share the same common ancestor, Nimrod the son of Cush the father of Cushite Africans. The C3 haplogroup of Nimrod is still there in the Americas such as the Kechuas Wayuu and Waorani …and now you know the rest of the story.
@@TheHelper-l9m I have many videos explaining the haplogroups. The Bible is the most reliable and accurate source of information on ancient history that there is. It’s also contemporaneous with all of the other sources of ancient history. There’s no good rational reason for your prejudice against Hebrews. That’s racist.
@user-rg7uh9se4c You are going to be very surprised when you die and find Jesus staring you in the face...remember I said this...I just pray that you find out before that happens because it will be to late my friend. GOD BLESS
@@TheHelper-l9m Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson ...a Harvard educated PhD in cell and developmental biology has charted the genetic dispersion of population groups around the globe. Take a look at his work on Answers in Genesis.
As a lifelong technician who has maintained everything from M-60 battle tanks to learjets, I know systems. I can testify to Dr. Tomkin's reasoning of why God did it in six days. the whole creation is interdependent and cannot properly operate as a fraction of the whole. Living things are interdependent. I've heard it said, that a person has more bacteria cells in their body than self. Thats amazing. we can't survive without bacteria. A rational person must come to the conclusion; that It's all engineered to work together. Different parts of the whole.
Everywhere we look we see evidence of design and youth. There can be no doubt when we look at all the evidence that God's word is true! God bless ICR and thank you 😊🙏✝️
Can you talk about the ancient canoes that were found in Lake Mendota underwater that have been in some news stories lately? I find it interesting that scientists dated some around 4500 years ago, (around time of flood.) I also find it odd that others found in that same area were dated as being 2000 years old. So they just happen to find multiple ancient canoes at the bottom of a lake, that were coincidentally there thousands of years apart yet still preserved?
We can prove a young created world which would then prove there is a God. The prophecy of the Bible proves that the God of the Bible is the true God. In His love, He had left plenty of evidence that He exists and that He is love.
Powerful evidence of a created world at least to be sure. Bible has incredible scientific accuracy like round Earth and jet streams and the hydrologic cycle and much more! Age of Earth under a tenth of a million years certainly. Not even a tenth of a million but I am sure it is under ten thousand years!
‘The prophecy of the bible’ If saw a number of yt video’s where parts of Daniel and Isaiah seems to been written after the facts happened. No I doubt what is true and what is not. Maybe someone can guide me to ‘proof’ that the bible is Gods word.
@user-yd1xw5ud3r - Study the history of the Dead sea scrolls. Also, Daniel has prophecies that are still cubing true today and that can't be after the fact.
@@pietpiraat-x1x Well user, the prophecy of the Greeks rising up was written about 200 years before the Greeks did rise up, we know this because Daniel was a slave in Babylon about 586 he was taken by the Babylonians and the book of Daniel was written around 50 years later. Well before the Greeks began to conquer.
Well done. I was looking for the link to the article Dr. Jeff Tomkins mentioned and discussed and it was said it would be posted below. I didn't find it.
The Appalachian and Atlas Mountains would probably be the only pre flood mountains. They span North America and Morocco, and they are much more eroded than the other mountain ranges.
Everything in this world is interdependent because God made it that way. There is a purpose for everything. That is not something that naturalism cannot reasonably explain.
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters." - Genesis 1:1-2 (NKJV) When was the beginning when God created Earth? No man truly knows. However, Genesis seems to indicate Earth was already there when the Spirit of God was hovering over it, and the Earth's surface was water and without form and void of life. Then God began forming the Earth as per His design as described in Geneses 1:3 onward, which is when our timeclock of life on Earth began. Since we know God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, we know God has always been, is, and will continue to be a Creator. So it may be possible, or even likely, that Earth was created long before God changed it, and put life on it, as described in Genesis. If that were true, then the formless Earth that the Spirit of God was hovering over, might be thousands, or millions, or even billions of years old before the LORD made man in His image. In this video "Uncovering the Secrets of Earth's Oceans" at the 36:00 minute mark, Dr. Jeff Tomkins describes how the Earth was much different before the "Great Flood" and how the Earth's crust shifted, cracked, and formed vast mountain ranges and deep ocean trenches. If this occurred suddenly and violently the waters beneath the vast land masses would have been spewed into the sky and come down as extreme rain for 40-days flooding the entire planet. The new mountains would have endured this rain and subsequent waves as the water receded causing extreme erosion. It just a theory, not a doctrine, and it doesn't contradict the creation of life on Earth or the Biblical timeline. IMHO
I've always thought that the answer that trillions of comets hit the world bringing every drop of water we have is a HUGE leap of faith for evolution. It's taught as fact, with zero evidence.
The typical asteroids or comets brought the water to earth argument😂. The frozen ice crystals melted and earth got its water😂. Typical atheists “although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” Romans 1:21.
Also as you move away from the continents to the deep ocean the Tejas (flood run-off) sediments get thinner which points to a continental origin and run-off event as narrated in the bible. Evolutionists don't have rational answers for almost anything we observe. The Big one is abiogenesis. They have not a clue, how life got started, but evolution is a fact, right. If evolution was an airplane, it would never leave the ground! The data overwhelmingly fits the creation model. Case closed, for me! I follow the data, not the scientists. The data, my intellect, and my spirit, all point to GOD. So I follow Jesus Christ. thanks to these creationists for the courage to follow the truth, the way, and the life. the rewards will be many.
Why do only theists and specifically creationists use the term “evolutionists”? Define what it means. Do you also call people gravitationalists? SCIENTISTS admit we don’t have all the answers. You don’t have a gotcha with abiogenesis. Evolution is a scientific theory. Tell me what that means….
@@therick363, The Evolutionary paradigm doesn't really give any of the answers. It definitely takes more faith to believe in naturalistic Evolution than it does to believe in special Creation. Abiogenesis has got to be a deal breaker. Evolutionary theory cannot get off the ground until life begins. Do you really just expect us to concede origin of life to you? No, you gotta earn that one.
What if somehow the Earth expanded? Water under the crust explodes out of faults. the crust breaks up into continent sized pieces. the ocean basins form. water drains from the land into the newly formed basins. But what might be the mechanism responsible for the expansion?
The sediment that constantly washes into the oceans has still not reached out to the far areas of the ocean. This was not clearly brought out in this video. Another reason we know the earth is young is from yearly erosion. The cliffs of Dover on the west coast of England is a good example. From the amount of erosion since Roman times, historically verified from the records, if the earth were millions of years old, the entire Island would be eroded away.
The Ocean is young, compared to what? The earth is young, ney, the universe is young. The ocean might be what, 1500-2000 years "younger" looking than the Earth, right? But, the earth itself was "washed" so should appear the same "age" as the ocean.
Thanks. So "high" post-flood level of salt now is an aberration. What's it for? The ante-diluvian level was lower, but there was salt. What for? Another result of the mechanism causing the flood was the mountains... beautiful high snowy mountains. If there had not been sin bringing about the Flood, no lovely mountains, skiiing, etc. Theology of that please.
It’s all on Noah’s CELL PHONE! We’re going to find out so many things WHEN we move beyond this perplexing world. Kids will need to UN-LEARN so much when they get an adult “scientific mind” Truth is on God’s side
As to radiometric dating: "Techniques for radioactive dating have been tested and fine tuned for the past 50+ years. Forty or so different dating techniques are utilized to date a wide variety of materials, and dates for the same sample using these techniques are in very close agreement on the age of the material. Possible contamination problems do exist, but they have been studied and dealt with by careful investigation, leading to sample preparation procedures being minimized to limit the chance of contamination. Hundreds to thousands of measurements are done daily with excellent precision and accurate results. Even so, research continues to refine and improve radiometric dating to this day."
If that were true, why do they still cite contamination as the cause for anomalous C14 in diamonds, arguably the most difficult material in the world to contaminate?
And yet we find soft tissue, blood cells, blood vessels, collagen, protein, etc in dinosaur bones allegedly 60-70 million years old. This kind of material cannot persist for millions of years.
I am curious how they know that the dating results in “excellent precision”. Unless they have invented a time machine, it is necessary for them to make a clear, simple, rational argument to support such an outrageous assertion.
Nevertheless, we have many samples of fossilized dinosaur bone with blood vessels, collagen, blood cells, osteocytes in good condition, yet dated with the bone at 10s of millions of years or older. Current science says that's impossible. If you want to say there may be mysteries concerning preservation we don't understand, then you admit the current science is in error. How many other times, and in how many other areas of science is the current science wrong?
The fool says in his heart. There is no God. Pslams 53 So don't argue with fools. The heavens declare the glory of God. And the firmament showeth His handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech and night unto night showeth knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Psalms 19.
It's probably just geological cycles moving things around. We have tectonic plates pushing up mountains today. Why would it be some mystery why salt and mud levels might increase or decrease?
Can any of the Doctors talk about the origin of women according to the Bible? This is a question that my atheist friends frequently ask me and I don't know how to explain it.
He say that creationist believe in Pangea then kinda laughes and says “so do evolutionists “. Kinda true but science is what found Pangea to be true not creationist. Bible believers thought earth was created as is but evidence showed the continents where together even tho bible people at time said that’s not true cause god made everything as is. So if not for science then bible believers would not believe in Pangea. But Pangea is not the only one. There has been severel supercontinent over geologic time. Please look up what these people say. look up what everyone says. Don’t just repeat
You aren't thinking straight. We all know the flood changed the earth. Not all Christians believe in pangea. The earth is still connected under the seas rivers and lakes.
@@ianmonk6211oooo so you cherry pick science!! Thanks for letting me know you’re one of those. If you’re going to say “science proves you wrong”….then it proves you wrong. There is no scientific evidence for a global flood. Fossils and rock layers show evolution and deep time.
Creation science is real science! Praise the Lord 🙏🇺🇸🙏
Speaking of genetics… The historical record shows that everyone spread out from Mesopotamia. Ancient history is essential for everyone to know, especially the sixteen original civilizations… from the sixteen grandsons of Noah. It’s necessary to learn ancient history before trying to learn science.
1. The first inhabitants of Italy (K) Tubal
2. Thracians (L) Tiras
3. Siberians (N) Meshek
4. East Asians (O) Magog
5. Medes (PQ) Madai
6.. Western Europeans (R) Gomer
7. Mediterranean Greek sea people (T) Javan
8. Hebrews and Arabic (IJ) Arphaxad
9. Elamites (H) Elam
10. Assyrians (G) Asshur
11. Arameans (F1) Aram
12. Lydians (F2) Lud
13. Cushites (AB, C) Cush
14. Egyptians (E3) Mitzrayim
15. Canaanites (E2, D) Canaan
16. Original North African Phoenicians (E1) Phut
The D haplogroup descendants of Canaan migrated east through Tibet all the way to Japan. The C haplogroup descendants of Nimrod migrated to South Asia, the Pacific, Mongolia, Australia and all the way to the Americas along with Q haplogroup descendants of Madai ancestor of the Medes.
The A maternal mtDNA haplogroup belonging to the N lineage accompanied the Q paternal haplogroup in the Americas. The C&D maternal haplogroups belong to the M lineage. The B maternal haplogroup seems to have crossed the Pacific Ocean.
The Mediterranean paternal R1b and the maternal X2a also found in Galilee represent an Atlantic crossing of the Phoenicians in the days of King Solomon considering also the Mediterranean paternal haplogroups of T, G, I1, I2, J1, J2, E and B in addition to the R1b in Native American Populations. J1 and J2 is Arabs and Jews. (I1 is Dan, I2 is Asher)
Of course there is the Cohen modal haplotype of J1 P58 which identifies the IJ lineage of Hebrews and Arabs that are descended from Arphaxad. J2 M172 is the descendants of the House of David and Solomon.
I have some more historical evidence and some new genetic evidence that no one can arguing with. The Q paternal haplogroup is the descendants of the Medes. Madai ancestor of the Medes asked to marry the daughter of Shem so the Semitic A maternal haplogroup followed the Q haplogroup to America while the X and W mtDNA followed the Medes into Europe. The Semitic B maternal haplogroup most likely arrived in America by crossing the Pacific Ocean. The C and D maternal haplogroups are Eurasian.
The Semitic X2a maternal haplogroup is a European branch from the Semitic A maternal haplogroup which probably arrived in America with the R1b paternal haplogroup in the days of the Phoenicians mining the ancient copper mines of the Great Lakes. The big elephant in the room is the R1b in America as well as the X mtDNA. Besides the R1b there is also E B I1 I2 J1 J2 G and T Mediterranean paternal haplogroups as well as the X2a maternal haplogroup in America *AND* Galilee as well as the Q paternal hg which also make up the signature of the Phoenicians and Jews in the days of King Solomon and today.
The C paternal haplogroup is the descendants of Nimrod the first and Hamitic king of Mesopotamia along with his sons who became the House of Nimrod. Their descendants went as far as the Americas. It’s the reason that the Olmecs C3 y-hg appear similar to Polynesians C2 y-hg since they share the same common ancestor, Nimrod the son of Cush the father of Cushite Africans. The C3 haplogroup of Nimrod is still there in the Americas such as the Kechuas Wayuu and Waorani …and now you know the rest of the story.
JJ, would you mind quoting your sources for the genetic proof of all that you described. Do not say The Holy Bible!
@@TheHelper-l9m I have many videos explaining the haplogroups. The Bible is the most reliable and accurate source of information on ancient history that there is. It’s also contemporaneous with all of the other sources of ancient history. There’s no good rational reason for your prejudice against Hebrews. That’s racist.
How about you show me how you know George Washington was president. But dont use History books.@user-rg7uh9se4c
@user-rg7uh9se4c You are going to be very surprised when you die and find Jesus staring you in the face...remember I said this...I just pray that you find out before that happens because it will be to late my friend. GOD BLESS
@@TheHelper-l9m Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson ...a Harvard educated PhD in cell and developmental biology has charted the genetic dispersion of population groups around the globe. Take a look at his work on Answers in Genesis.
As a lifelong technician who has maintained everything from M-60 battle tanks to learjets, I know systems. I can testify to Dr. Tomkin's reasoning of why God did it in six days. the whole creation is interdependent and cannot properly operate as a fraction of the whole. Living things are interdependent. I've heard it said, that a person has more bacteria cells in their body than self. Thats amazing. we can't survive without bacteria. A rational person must come to the conclusion; that It's all engineered to work together. Different parts of the whole.
Everywhere we look we see evidence of design and youth. There can be no doubt when we look at all the evidence that God's word is true!
God bless ICR and thank you 😊🙏✝️
That would be my dream to be part of ICR
Can you talk about the ancient canoes that were found in Lake Mendota underwater that have been in some news stories lately? I find it interesting that scientists dated some around 4500 years ago, (around time of flood.) I also find it odd that others found in that same area were dated as being 2000 years old. So they just happen to find multiple ancient canoes at the bottom of a lake, that were coincidentally there thousands of years apart yet still preserved?
6:09 Its mentioned John Baumgardner gave a talk recently would that happen to have been uploaded any where?
We can prove a young created world which would then prove there is a God. The prophecy of the Bible proves that the God of the Bible is the true God. In His love, He had left plenty of evidence that He exists and that He is love.
Powerful evidence of a created world at least to be sure. Bible has incredible scientific accuracy like round Earth and jet streams and the hydrologic cycle and much more!
Age of Earth under a tenth of a million years certainly. Not even a tenth of a million but I am sure it is under ten thousand years!
‘The prophecy of the bible’ If saw a number of yt video’s where parts of Daniel and Isaiah seems to been written after the facts happened. No I doubt what is true and what is not. Maybe someone can guide me to ‘proof’ that the bible is Gods word.
@user-yd1xw5ud3r - Study the history of the Dead sea scrolls.
Also, Daniel has prophecies that are still cubing true today and that can't be after the fact.
Well user, the prophecy of the Greeks rising up was written about 200 years before the Greeks did rise up, we know this because Daniel was a slave in Babylon about 586 he was taken by the Babylonians and the book of Daniel was written around 50 years later. Well before the Greeks began to conquer.
Exactly, like the Euphrates river drying up.
Well done. I was looking for the link to the article Dr. Jeff Tomkins mentioned and discussed and it was said it would be posted below. I didn't find it.
Here you go! www.icr.org/article/oceans-young-earth
Where the link for the article?
God left the world we see to speak FOR Him. He wrote on YOUR heart to speak as well- witnesses among many.
The Appalachian and Atlas Mountains would probably be the only pre flood mountains. They span North America and Morocco, and they are much more eroded than the other mountain ranges.
Everything in this world is interdependent because God made it that way. There is a purpose for everything. That is not something that naturalism cannot reasonably explain.
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters." - Genesis 1:1-2 (NKJV) When was the beginning when God created Earth? No man truly knows. However, Genesis seems to indicate Earth was already there when the Spirit of God was hovering over it, and the Earth's surface was water and without form and void of life. Then God began forming the Earth as per His design as described in Geneses 1:3 onward, which is when our timeclock of life on Earth began. Since we know God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, we know God has always been, is, and will continue to be a Creator. So it may be possible, or even likely, that Earth was created long before God changed it, and put life on it, as described in Genesis. If that were true, then the formless Earth that the Spirit of God was hovering over, might be thousands, or millions, or even billions of years old before the LORD made man in His image. In this video "Uncovering the Secrets of Earth's Oceans" at the 36:00 minute mark, Dr. Jeff Tomkins describes how the Earth was much different before the "Great Flood" and how the Earth's crust shifted, cracked, and formed vast mountain ranges and deep ocean trenches. If this occurred suddenly and violently the waters beneath the vast land masses would have been spewed into the sky and come down as extreme rain for 40-days flooding the entire planet. The new mountains would have endured this rain and subsequent waves as the water receded causing extreme erosion. It just a theory, not a doctrine, and it doesn't contradict the creation of life on Earth or the Biblical timeline. IMHO
Evolutionists also cannot tell where all the earths water came from.
I've always thought that the answer that trillions of comets hit the world bringing every drop of water we have is a HUGE leap of faith for evolution. It's taught as fact, with zero evidence.
The typical asteroids or comets brought the water to earth argument😂. The frozen ice crystals melted and earth got its water😂. Typical atheists
“although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.”
Romans 1:21.
And it is known scientifically that all (or almost all) of Earth was at one time covered by water.
That's a lot of comets, but were they salty as well? 😂😂🤣🤣😂 🙏🙏🙏
Beta still lying
What would the level of be in the oceans body, if they were billions of years old?
Also as you move away from the continents to the deep ocean the Tejas (flood run-off) sediments get thinner which points to a continental origin and run-off event as narrated in the bible.
Evolutionists don't have rational answers for almost anything we observe. The Big one is abiogenesis. They have not a clue, how life got started, but evolution is a fact, right. If evolution was an airplane, it would never leave the ground! The data overwhelmingly fits the creation model. Case closed, for me! I follow the data, not the scientists. The data, my intellect, and my spirit, all point to GOD. So I follow Jesus Christ. thanks to these creationists for the courage to follow the truth, the way, and the life. the rewards will be many.
Why do only theists and specifically creationists use the term “evolutionists”? Define what it means. Do you also call people gravitationalists?
SCIENTISTS admit we don’t have all the answers. You don’t have a gotcha with abiogenesis.
Evolution is a scientific theory. Tell me what that means….
@@therick363, The Evolutionary paradigm doesn't really give any of the answers. It definitely takes more faith to believe in naturalistic Evolution than it does to believe in special Creation.
Abiogenesis has got to be a deal breaker. Evolutionary theory cannot get off the ground until life begins. Do you really just expect us to concede origin of life to you? No, you gotta earn that one.
What if somehow the Earth expanded? Water under the crust explodes out of faults. the crust breaks up into continent sized pieces. the ocean basins form. water drains from the land into the newly formed basins.
But what might be the mechanism responsible for the expansion?
2:04 where did all the water go? We live on islands. Duh.
The sediment that constantly washes into the oceans has still not reached out to the far areas of the ocean. This was not clearly brought out in this video. Another reason we know the earth is young is from yearly erosion. The cliffs of Dover on the west coast of England is a good example. From the amount of erosion since Roman times, historically verified from the records, if the earth were millions of years old, the entire Island would be eroded away.
It’s called the rock cycle. Explains why everything hasn’t eroded away.
GOD created the heavens and earth
154 to 157 differs..
The ultimate truth can only be found within the Holy Bible.
The Ocean is young, compared to what? The earth is young, ney, the universe is young. The ocean might be what, 1500-2000 years "younger" looking than the Earth, right? But, the earth itself was "washed" so should appear the same "age" as the ocean.
Thanks. So "high" post-flood level of salt now is an aberration. What's it for? The ante-diluvian level was lower, but there was salt. What for? Another result of the mechanism causing the flood was the mountains... beautiful high snowy mountains. If there had not been sin bringing about the Flood, no lovely mountains, skiiing, etc. Theology of that please.
It’s all on Noah’s CELL PHONE!
We’re going to find out so many things WHEN we move beyond this perplexing world. Kids will need to UN-LEARN so much when they get an adult “scientific mind” Truth is on God’s side
As to radiometric dating: "Techniques for radioactive dating have been tested and fine tuned for the past 50+ years. Forty or so different dating techniques are utilized to date a wide variety of materials, and dates for the same sample using these techniques are in very close agreement on the age of the material. Possible contamination problems do exist, but they have been studied and dealt with by careful investigation, leading to sample preparation procedures being minimized to limit the chance of
contamination. Hundreds to thousands of measurements are done daily with excellent precision and
accurate results. Even so, research continues to refine and improve radiometric dating to this day."
If that were true, why do they still cite contamination as the cause for anomalous C14 in diamonds, arguably the most difficult material in the world to contaminate?
And yet we find soft tissue, blood cells, blood vessels, collagen, protein, etc in dinosaur bones allegedly 60-70 million years old. This kind of material cannot persist for millions of years.
I am curious how they know that the dating results in “excellent precision”. Unless they have invented a time machine, it is necessary for them to make a clear, simple, rational argument to support such an outrageous assertion.
Nevertheless, we have many samples of fossilized dinosaur bone with blood vessels, collagen, blood cells, osteocytes in good condition, yet dated with the bone at 10s of millions of years or older.
Current science says that's impossible. If you want to say there may be mysteries concerning preservation we don't understand, then you admit the current science is in error. How many other times, and in how many other areas of science is the current science wrong?
The fool says in his heart. There is no God. Pslams 53 So don't argue with fools.
The heavens declare the glory of God. And the firmament showeth His handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech and night unto night showeth knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Psalms 19.
It's probably just geological cycles moving things around. We have tectonic plates pushing up mountains today. Why would it be some mystery why salt and mud levels might increase or decrease?
Can any of the Doctors talk about the origin of women according to the Bible?
This is a question that my atheist friends frequently ask me and I don't know how to explain it.
It’s in the first couple chapters of B’reishit/Genesis. God formed Havah/Eve from Adams rib on day six of creation.
He say that creationist believe in Pangea then kinda laughes and says “so do evolutionists “. Kinda true but science is what found Pangea to be true not creationist. Bible believers thought earth was created as is but evidence showed the continents where together even tho bible people at time said that’s not true cause god made everything as is. So if not for science then bible believers would not believe in Pangea. But Pangea is not the only one. There has been severel supercontinent over geologic time. Please look up what these people say. look up what everyone says. Don’t just repeat
You aren't thinking straight. We all know the flood changed the earth. Not all Christians believe in pangea. The earth is still connected under the seas rivers and lakes.
@@ianmonk6211there was no world wide flood
@@therick363 science proves you wrong . They found the Ark the rock layers prove it the fossil record proves it
@@ianmonk6211oooo so you cherry pick science!! Thanks for letting me know you’re one of those.
If you’re going to say “science proves you wrong”….then it proves you wrong. There is no scientific evidence for a global flood.
Fossils and rock layers show evolution and deep time.
You're going to need to back up your claims.
What all lived, and was life like on the earth before the flood of Noah's day ? What things like when the devil was cast down to the earth ?