God's got us all on the run.😂 The more we think we know, the more He shows us that all His works are beyond our understanding! "How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand...” (Psalms 139:17-18, KJV)Thanks!😊🙏📖
Dr. Hebert....THANK YOU for your way of engaging on these different issues. It is so refreshing to listen to someone who is so ready to humbly distinguish between what he is prepared to stand firmly on versus what he is unsure of. Your respect for all those who argue differently on issues of origins and your fair portrayal of their views is a shining example of how a Christian scientist should engage with the rest of the science world.
In my opinion, where did this "dark matter" ever even come from? They had to come up with some outrageous explanation for their fallen theory of the Big Bang. The math didn't work, so they pulled out the dark matter from their top hat of magic tricks.
yeah, i think i heard somewhere years ago from a theoretical physicist that the concept of dark energy is there because their models or calculations didn't have enough matter/energy in the universe for some other stuff. Mind you they also calculate the age of the universe based on their models they have devised to model how universe formed based on the big bang theory. So they believe there was big bang, and based on that assumption they create models and based on that model and observations they conclude universe is about 13.7 billion years old.... So much circular reasoning going on here.
@@hosannayeshua4446 it's ridiculous really. They can't get an accurate distance of the outer edge of the physical universe either, because of the tiny angle. We're just supposed to believe that the angle from one side of the sun to when the earth is on the opposite side is supposed to be large enough to make a reasonable trigonometric calculation. I'm less than convinced that they even know by any degree of certainty that the furthest galaxy is 13.7 light years away? I don't think so. Think about it, we have 186 million miles as the base of the triangle, then they are supposed to be able to calculate the distance from an 89.9° angle? How could that ever give us a distance with any degree of certainty?
@@travisbicklepopsicle "astronomer fritz" So they've had 90 years to show some sort of proof for dark matter yet nothing to show for the huge amounts of grant money they were given? Thats a welfare rort if i ever heard one.
@@travisbicklepopsicle "scientists do not consider themselves at war" I beg to differ, richard dawkins alone has made several assertions that declare war on God which means he is at war with Christians, so much so he took a sledge hammer to the polloxy river footprints but gave up smashing them as there were too many. Charles lyelle hated God so much he devised the geologic layers, he was an amateur though as his profession was lawyer not geologist. If secular science is not at war with God then i'd like to see what you call peace.
This was really fun to watch. I get frustrated when people present like this is all understood and nailed down. That approach leaves me with nothing more to learn but I feel the open endedness is more exciting and definitely more honest.
Are you daring to question the prophets of universal evolution! HEATHEN! Don't you know, it DOESN'T HAVE TO MAKE SENSE! Because it MUST be true! Thus saith the almighty science!
I can listen to the other Creation podcasts on my phone, but this Dark Matter podcast has no sound; it's just dark! BTW, I have learned a ton listening to these podcasts while walking my dog. Thank you all!
There is a clear explanation for "dark matter". In the 1939 journal "Annals of Mathematics" Einstein wrote - "The essential result of this investigation is a clear understanding as to why the Schwarzchild singularities (Schwarzchild was the first to raise the issue of General Relativity predicting singularities) do not exist in physical reality. Although the theory given here treats only clusters whose particles move along circular paths it does seem subject to reasonable doubt that more general cases will have analogous results. The Schwarzchild singularities do not appear for the reason that matter cannot be concentrated arbitrarily. And this is due to the fact that otherwise the constituting particles would reach the velocity of light." He was referring to the phenomenon of dilation (sometimes called gamma or y) mass that is dilated is smeared through spacetime relative to an outside observer. It's the phenomenon behind the phrase "mass becomes infinite at the speed of light". Time dilation is one aspect of dilation. General Relativity does not predict singularities when you factor in dilation. Dilation will occur wherever there is an astronomical quantity of mass because high mass means high momentum. Dilation is the original and correct explanation for why we cannot see light from the galactic center. It can be shown mathematically that the mass at the center of our own galaxy must be dilated. In other words that mass is all around us. This phenomenon does not occur in galaxies with very, very low mass because they do not have enough mass in their centers to achieve relativistic velocities. It has recently been confirmed in 5 very, very low mass galaxies to show no signs of dark matter. This is proof that dark matter is dilated mass. What we see in modern astronomy has been known since 1925. This is when the existence of galaxies was confirmed. It was clear that there should be an astronomical quantity of light emanating from our own galactic center. It wasn't until the 1960's that television and movies started to popularize black holes did they gradually become accepted. There was clarity in astronomy before idea of singularities took hold.
Yahweh Elohim is sovereign over the affairs of man, and He alone raises kings, and deposes them (of course He uses us to do the footsteps necessary to fulfill much of the prophetic utterances.)
@Vernon-Chitlen, it is a metaphor related to tent making. A tent maker stretches the part of the tent on top over the frame. God is rightly claiming credit for the heavens in that verse, not informing us about the stars' locations.
@@Hamann9631 Gen 1:14 Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs and the seasons, and for the days and years; Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. I recommend: Stars and their Purpose by Werner Gitt.
I have wondered for awhile now, if we know so little about black holes, how can we claim we know that dark matter cannot be explained by what we don't know about black holes?
Here is a quote from the stage play Axis of Beginning: “The only thing real about the Big Bang is that the theory acknowledges that the universe had a beginning. In my opinion, the Big Bang is based on data supported by probabilities, massive, burdensome lifesavers, full of what-ifs that need continuous maintenance, keeping the idea afloat. Such as the flatness problem, the horizon problem, and the mono-pole problem. All in all, that’s a lot of dark stuff to sweep under the cosmic rug and still call the universe clean. When did the Big Bang take place? Was it eons before or immediately after the spirit of God moved over the face of the waters? Or maybe it was on the fourth day? Or maybe there wasn't a Big Bang, only God speaking everything into existence just as it is written, one day at a time. To say that God needed millions or billions of years acknowledges a form of evolution and deception. God warns about adding to or taking away from His Word, and adding even one more hour to the six days of creation leads to deception. Is it written: “In the beginning, God?" However... . . . ?”
Good discussion, and it helps fine-tune my own understanding and discussions. Let me run this up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes it: Dark matter/energy, vestigial organs, junk DNA all evolved from a common ancestor. That ancestor is the thinking processes of scoffers. Assertions were made based on lack of understanding.
Seems like Einstein was so impressive, everyone concentrated on gravity and forgot all about electromagnetism. The Electric Sky (Donald Scott) is a cool book.
Where did I park my Dark Matter car, I can't find it. I don't mind speculation or hypothesizing, but invoking something as fact, (like evolution) without definite proof or a working model irritates me towards erudite scientists of the like. I have a deep respect for science, (search for truth) but secular or even creation scientists who say they have it figured out are irritating. Just admit we don't know. Thanks for being candid concerning what we do and do not know Dr. Hebert. For those who wish to be the first to go to Mars, I have just one thing to say; It was nice knowing you. Going to Mars is way more difficult and dangerous than people know. Read about the damage done to vehicles by a spec of paint that are in Earth's orbit for starters. SciFi is NOT reality. Truth and reality have taken a hit by dreamers in these modern times. It's okay to dream but you must have a grip on reality also.
In all of our physical exploration of our own solar system I don't recall any concerns or need to account for dark matter. In fact the precision with which we have been able to send out our exploratory spacecrafts would seem to totally debunk dark matter... of course it might only mean that dark matter is 85% of everywhere else in the universe, just not our solar system. (said tongue in cheek)
I’m trying to explain to scientists that since time and distance are not constant because of the amount of mass and gravity in the vicinity neither is the speed of light constant. 😂🤣😆 They don’t want to ruin their reputation by responding to me. I guess I don’t blame them. They are trying to survive too. They can’t afford to rock the boat as much as I can. I don’t need anyone to support me since I support myself. It gives me more freedom to tell the truth.
I think that if one is to believe in dark matter, then one has no choice other than to accept dark energy...the two ideas in visible energy and matter (if i could use that phrase) dictate the same must be applied to dark energy. AS a Christian i dont think it ultimately matters for me personally whether or not it exists, i dont think this kind of stuff really furthers the gospel by itself. I suppose i can accept that finding evidence in support of the biblical account is important, however, ultimately we are saved by grace through faith...not science interpretations.
It seems that a lot of people "have faith" in dark matter and big bang theory etc. things they can't see or prove but they think I shouldn't have faith in God. Strange!
Dark matter is the spiritual realm, the heavens (plural) in Genesis 1:1. It can't be seen or interacted with from the physical realm because it exists on a different plane. At least one of it's dimensions is different. I think that time is different there. When Satan is cast down to the earth, he suddenly becomes aware of time and that he doesn't have much left before Jesus returns.
God is spirit and his dwelling is in heaven, so the spiritual realm being so much more massive makes sense. And isn't it great that God solves this mystery with one sentence. 😊
If there is dark matter then why does its force of gravity not bend and distort the light waves we see from distant galaxies? We see distant light crystal clear.
You don’t need dark matter/energy if you replace the vacuum with plasma and call it an electric universe. A bi section of a bichland current is a galaxy.
I prefer plasma and/or electric universe theories. No need for dark stuff. Also it'd be nice if anyone could have a look the work of Pierre Robitaille (Sky Scholar) on the sun and the (non-existence of the) cosmic microwave background.
For those interested in leaving our solar system, I'm sure you can book a flight on Elon's Starship. I hear the tickets are pretty expensive though. Maybe the one-way tickets are discounted.
@@travisbicklepopsicle What I've been told is that it can't be detected on a small local scale, it has to be detected on a much larger scale. This does not seem to be a valid explanation. Instead it suggests that since galaxies rotate faster than expected that it must exist, but galaxy rotation is the only way to detect it. It ignores the idea that there may be normal matter out there that we just can't see. After all, we can't see distant planets directly either, excepting for some rare instances where they can be seen when traversing in front if their star.
Explore the solar system in glorified bodies??? Isn't the entire universe as we know it going to be uncreated in an instant, per 2 Peter 3? _"... the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved ..."_ An excerpt from 2 Peter 3.10 (ESV)
We don’t exactly know what it will be like. God will create anew. “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.” -Revelation 21:1
Tell me honestly how you can project our rate of time and our measure of distance into outer space between galaxies.??? No wonder they are getting results of Superluminal motion seven times the speed of light. It’s because time runs faster and the measure of distance is larger the farther away it is from the center of the galaxy since gravity falls off exponentially outside of the galaxy. The distances are not as far as they appear to us to be and there is no slowing down of time. Time runs faster while the distance is less. This literally changes the speed of light. Light literally travels faster between galaxies compared to where we are inside of a galaxy. This means that the universe is both billions of years old and thousands of years old in the same universe at the same time. Why is this fact such a big problem? You don’t need dark matter when general relativity explains everything. It explains the faster movement of the outer spiral arms. It explains Superluminal motion.
Jesus Christ has been resurrected in spirit, he will never return in body, he was doing service to Earth as a spiritual being since that moment, anyone who is willing are free to experience Presence of his - this is not hard, your ignorance and your fear are the only ones standing on your way.
If dark matter was “something” how can astronomers “see” through something, to describe something, 18,410.28 trillion miles away? KOI-8047.01 and describe a super habitable planet?
Maybe Jesus is what some see as dark Matter: Col. 1:17 And He Himself existed and is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. [His is the controlling, cohesive force of the universe.] (Amplified)
God's got us all on the run.😂 The more we think we know, the more He shows us that all His works are beyond our understanding! "How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand...” (Psalms 139:17-18, KJV)Thanks!😊🙏📖
Dr. Hebert....THANK YOU for your way of engaging on these different issues. It is so refreshing to listen to someone who is so ready to humbly distinguish between what he is prepared to stand firmly on versus what he is unsure of. Your respect for all those who argue differently on issues of origins and your fair portrayal of their views is a shining example of how a Christian scientist should engage with the rest of the science world.
In my opinion, where did this "dark matter" ever even come from? They had to come up with some outrageous explanation for their fallen theory of the Big Bang. The math didn't work, so they pulled out the dark matter from their top hat of magic tricks.
yeah, i think i heard somewhere years ago from a theoretical physicist that the concept of dark energy is there because their models or calculations didn't have enough matter/energy in the universe for some other stuff. Mind you they also calculate the age of the universe based on their models they have devised to model how universe formed based on the big bang theory. So they believe there was big bang, and based on that assumption they create models and based on that model and observations they conclude universe is about 13.7 billion years old.... So much circular reasoning going on here.
@@hosannayeshua4446 it's ridiculous really. They can't get an accurate distance of the outer edge of the physical universe either, because of the tiny angle. We're just supposed to believe that the angle from one side of the sun to when the earth is on the opposite side is supposed to be large enough to make a reasonable trigonometric calculation. I'm less than convinced that they even know by any degree of certainty that the furthest galaxy is 13.7 light years away? I don't think so. Think about it, we have 186 million miles as the base of the triangle, then they are supposed to be able to calculate the distance from an 89.9° angle? How could that ever give us a distance with any degree of certainty?
"astronomer fritz"
So they've had 90 years to show some sort of proof for dark matter yet nothing to show for the huge amounts of grant money they were given? Thats a welfare rort if i ever heard one.
"scientists do not consider themselves at war"
I beg to differ, richard dawkins alone has made several assertions that declare war on God which means he is at war with Christians, so much so he took a sledge hammer to the polloxy river footprints but gave up smashing them as there were too many. Charles lyelle hated God so much he devised the geologic layers, he was an amateur though as his profession was lawyer not geologist. If secular science is not at war with God then i'd like to see what you call peace.
This was really fun to watch. I get frustrated when people present like this is all understood and nailed down. That approach leaves me with nothing more to learn but I feel the open endedness is more exciting and definitely more honest.
Great presentation of the subject...
Great video! Followers of Christ accept observable science and documented history. Scripture deniers grasp at imaginary straws.
Colossians 1:17 by Him are all things held together.
Are you daring to question the prophets of universal evolution!
HEATHEN! Don't you know, it DOESN'T HAVE TO MAKE SENSE! Because it MUST be true!
Thus saith the almighty science!
I can listen to the other Creation podcasts on my phone, but this Dark Matter podcast has no sound; it's just dark! BTW, I have learned a ton listening to these podcasts while walking my dog. Thank you all!
In my opinion, "dark matter" is simply a rescuing device.
Right on.
It makes more sense that way. 😂😂
I’m going to say it again, I absolutely *_love_* ❤️ the opening and closing music. Where can I get that?
"How can you incorporate something into your model when you don't even know what it is"........🙏✝️
There is a clear explanation for "dark matter". In the 1939 journal "Annals of Mathematics" Einstein wrote -
"The essential result of this investigation is a clear understanding as to why the Schwarzchild singularities (Schwarzchild was the first to raise the issue of General Relativity predicting singularities) do not exist in physical reality. Although the theory given here treats only clusters whose particles move along circular paths it does seem subject to reasonable doubt that more general cases will have analogous results. The Schwarzchild singularities do not appear for the reason that matter cannot be concentrated arbitrarily. And this is due to the fact that otherwise the constituting particles would reach the velocity of light."
He was referring to the phenomenon of dilation (sometimes called gamma or y) mass that is dilated is smeared through spacetime relative to an outside observer. It's the phenomenon behind the phrase "mass becomes infinite at the speed of light". Time dilation is one aspect of dilation. General Relativity does not predict singularities when you factor in dilation. Dilation will occur wherever there is an astronomical quantity of mass because high mass means high momentum. Dilation is the original and correct explanation for why we cannot see light from the galactic center.
It can be shown mathematically that the mass at the center of our own galaxy must be dilated. In other words that mass is all around us. This phenomenon does not occur in galaxies with very, very low mass because they do not have enough mass in their centers to achieve relativistic velocities. It has recently been confirmed in 5 very, very low mass galaxies to show no signs of dark matter. This is proof that dark matter is dilated mass.
What we see in modern astronomy has been known since 1925. This is when the existence of galaxies was confirmed. It was clear that there should be an astronomical quantity of light emanating from our own galactic center. It wasn't until the 1960's that television and movies started to popularize black holes did they gradually become accepted. There was clarity in astronomy before idea of singularities took hold.
As far as the expanding universe? The term, Who (God) stretches out the heavens is found here. Isa 40:22,44. Zec 12:1
Yahweh Elohim is sovereign over the affairs of man, and He alone raises kings, and deposes them (of course He uses us to do the footsteps necessary to fulfill much of the prophetic utterances.)
@Vernon-Chitlen, it is a metaphor related to tent making. A tent maker stretches the part of the tent on top over the frame. God is rightly claiming credit for the heavens in that verse, not informing us about the stars' locations.
@@Hamann9631 Gen 1:14 Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs and the seasons, and for the days and years;
Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. I recommend: Stars and their Purpose by Werner Gitt.
@@Hamann9631 Gen 1:14-16 Psalm 19:1-4
I recommend the book: Stars and their Purpose by Werner Gitt
I wrote the scriptures out, but the grey smiley face showed up and it got deleted
I have wondered for awhile now, if we know so little about black holes, how can we claim we know that dark matter cannot be explained by what we don't know about black holes?
What do you think of elictric universe ideas
Lately, the podcasts won’t download on Apple Podcasts. I would prefer that over UA-cam, so I can listen at work. They used to download properly.
Thanks for letting us know. We'll look into it!
Here is a quote from the stage play Axis of Beginning: “The only thing real about the Big Bang is that the theory acknowledges that the universe had a beginning. In my opinion, the Big Bang is based on data supported by probabilities, massive, burdensome lifesavers, full of what-ifs that need continuous maintenance, keeping the idea afloat. Such as the flatness problem, the horizon problem, and the mono-pole problem. All in all, that’s a lot of dark stuff to sweep under the cosmic rug and still call the universe clean. When did the Big Bang take place? Was it eons before or immediately after the spirit of God moved over the face of the waters? Or maybe it was on the fourth day? Or maybe there wasn't a Big Bang, only God speaking everything into existence just as it is written, one day at a time. To say that God needed millions or billions of years acknowledges a form of evolution and deception. God warns about adding to or taking away from His Word, and adding even one more hour to the six days of creation leads to deception. Is it written: “In the beginning, God?" However... . . . ?”
Is it the "dark matter of the gaps"?
Good discussion, and it helps fine-tune my own understanding and discussions. Let me run this up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes it: Dark matter/energy, vestigial organs, junk DNA all evolved from a common ancestor. That ancestor is the thinking processes of scoffers. Assertions were made based on lack of understanding.
Dark matter is, I think, misunderstood because matter becomes energy and vice versa more often than we know (not just during fission).
Seems like Einstein was so impressive, everyone concentrated on gravity and forgot all about electromagnetism. The Electric Sky (Donald Scott) is a cool book.
Where did I park my Dark Matter car, I can't find it. I don't mind speculation or hypothesizing, but invoking something as fact, (like evolution) without definite proof or a working model irritates me towards erudite scientists of the like. I have a deep respect for science, (search for truth) but secular or even creation scientists who say they have it figured out are irritating. Just admit we don't know. Thanks for being candid concerning what we do and do not know Dr. Hebert. For those who wish to be the first to go to Mars, I have just one thing to say; It was nice knowing you. Going to Mars is way more difficult and dangerous than people know. Read about the damage done to vehicles by a spec of paint that are in Earth's orbit for starters. SciFi is NOT reality. Truth and reality have taken a hit by dreamers in these modern times. It's okay to dream but you must have a grip on reality also.
Even if deep time, big bang, evolution is proven wrong and this has not happened if does not make creation 6000 years ago and the Noah story true.
Whats the difference between dark matter and anti matter?
That's a good question! Let me get an answer from one of our scientists and I'll let you know.
In all of our physical exploration of our own solar system I don't recall any concerns or need to account for dark matter. In fact the precision with which we have been able to send out our exploratory spacecrafts would seem to totally debunk dark matter... of course it might only mean that dark matter is 85% of everywhere else in the universe, just not our solar system. (said tongue in cheek)
Dark matter is a cool camo
I’m trying to explain to scientists that since time and distance are not constant because of the amount of mass and gravity in the vicinity neither is the speed of light constant. 😂🤣😆 They don’t want to ruin their reputation by responding to me. I guess I don’t blame them. They are trying to survive too. They can’t afford to rock the boat as much as I can. I don’t need anyone to support me since I support myself. It gives me more freedom to tell the truth.
It doesn't matter. :)
Shouldn't it be "It doesn't antimatter to me. It it did, it would matter"?
I think that if one is to believe in dark matter, then one has no choice other than to accept dark energy...the two ideas in visible energy and matter (if i could use that phrase) dictate the same must be applied to dark energy. AS a Christian i dont think it ultimately matters for me personally whether or not it exists, i dont think this kind of stuff really furthers the gospel by itself. I suppose i can accept that finding evidence in support of the biblical account is important, however, ultimately we are saved by grace through faith...not science interpretations.
It seems that a lot of people "have faith" in dark matter and big bang theory etc. things they can't see or prove but they think I shouldn't have faith in God. Strange!
Truly the point to be made in this whole discussion... faith in one or the other seems to be necessary... one way or another lolo
The dark matter could be the spiritual realm
Dark matter is the spiritual realm, the heavens (plural) in Genesis 1:1. It can't be seen or interacted with from the physical realm because it exists on a different plane. At least one of it's dimensions is different. I think that time is different there. When Satan is cast down to the earth, he suddenly becomes aware of time and that he doesn't have much left before Jesus returns.
God is spirit and his dwelling is in heaven, so the spiritual realm being so much more massive makes sense. And isn't it great that God solves this mystery with one sentence. 😊
If there is dark matter then why does its force of gravity not bend and distort the light waves we see from distant galaxies? We see distant light crystal clear.
You don’t need dark matter/energy if you replace the vacuum with plasma and call it an electric universe. A bi section of a bichland current is a galaxy.
Smoke and mirrors
Quite possible!
I prefer plasma and/or electric universe theories. No need for dark stuff.
Also it'd be nice if anyone could have a look the work of Pierre Robitaille (Sky Scholar) on the sun and the (non-existence of the) cosmic microwave background.
In one ear and out the other. Find something else to be concerned about…but not so dark…
For those interested in leaving our solar system, I'm sure you can book a flight on Elon's Starship. I hear the tickets are pretty expensive though. Maybe the one-way tickets are discounted.
Dark matter is thier "God of the Gaps", that they so often fallaciously claim we make.
He was funnier on Seinfeld. 😕
One might ask why we don't have any of this dark matter right here in our own solar system...
What I've been told is that it can't be detected on a small local scale, it has to be detected on a much larger scale.
This does not seem to be a valid explanation. Instead it suggests that since galaxies rotate faster than expected that it must exist, but galaxy rotation is the only way to detect it. It ignores the idea that there may be normal matter out there that we just can't see. After all, we can't see distant planets directly either, excepting for some rare instances where they can be seen when traversing in front if their star.
If you understand dust and plasma, this dark matter nonsense goes away. Not everything is gravitation and kinetics.
Explore the solar system in glorified bodies??? Isn't the entire universe as we know it going to be uncreated in an instant, per 2 Peter 3?
_"... the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved ..."_
An excerpt from 2 Peter 3.10 (ESV)
We don’t exactly know what it will be like. God will create anew.
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.”
-Revelation 21:1
God said that He created the earth before the stars so maybe the universe revolves around the earth.
Tell me honestly how you can project our rate of time and our measure of distance into outer space between galaxies.??? No wonder they are getting results of Superluminal motion seven times the speed of light. It’s because time runs faster and the measure of distance is larger the farther away it is from the center of the galaxy since gravity falls off exponentially outside of the galaxy. The distances are not as far as they appear to us to be and there is no slowing down of time. Time runs faster while the distance is less. This literally changes the speed of light. Light literally travels faster between galaxies compared to where we are inside of a galaxy. This means that the universe is both billions of years old and thousands of years old in the same universe at the same time. Why is this fact such a big problem? You don’t need dark matter when general relativity explains everything. It explains the faster movement of the outer spiral arms. It explains Superluminal motion.
Jesus Christ has been resurrected in spirit, he will never return in body, he was doing service to Earth as a spiritual being since that moment, anyone who is willing are free to experience Presence of his - this is not hard, your ignorance and your fear are the only ones standing on your way.
If dark matter was “something” how can astronomers “see” through something, to describe something, 18,410.28 trillion miles away? KOI-8047.01 and describe a super habitable planet?
A VERY good question.
Maybe Jesus is what some see as dark Matter: Col. 1:17 And He Himself existed and is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. [His is the controlling, cohesive force of the universe.] (Amplified)
richard head and richard head