The whole society is actually a system of modern slaves. I know this may sound uncomfortable to a lot of people, but the truth is that the modern exploitative system is just a more sophisticated version of slavery.
I think the saddest thing is that even a simple life costs money now. Like, the LAND costs money. So if you wanna go live in the middle of nowhere in a little hut you built yourself and live off the vegetables you grow in your garden and completely detach yourself from capitalist life, you STILL need a ton of money to do that. You can't even just buy the land once and be done with it, because you need to continue making money so you can pay taxes on that land for the rest of your life.
This is sad. I was really talking to myself and god how he gave us humans earth. No one owns anything. A land should not be charged to others. He gave us earth and all these resources to live a sustainable lifestyle. But no capitalism took over now.
100%. I wish I would've covered this some more in this video - even without buying into consumerism etc, our system is designed for us to have to work to survive
@@LynetteAdkins Absolutely. And that sucks. I mean, I happily participate in capitalism and consumerism, but I feel like I would be happier if I'd never been exposed to all this stuff in the first place. Anyways, just wanna say thanks for replying I love your videos! I've been silently watching a lot of them lately and find them really inspiring and helpful ❤️
@Jordan Alexander Me? I already do live abroad. I'm Romanian, lived there until I was 3, then I grew up living in China from age 3 to 20, and I've been in Germany with my family for the past 3 years.
@Jordan Alexander I mean, I'm only 23 so up until now it's been my family's choices bringing me from place to place. I definitely have considered it. I wouldn't necessarily pick southeast Asia though (China is more far east than southeast), I feel like it's great for holidays but not that safe/the infrastructure is a little behind and it's harder to get around. If I secured a solid online income, I would definitely consider moving back to Romania. It's still not as safe as western Europe, but the food is good, rent is cheap, and you could have a pretty solid lifestyle there, or in Eastern Europe in general, for a lot less money. Southeast Asia has gained a LOT of popularity with "digital nomads" so life there is getting increasingly more expensive, and if you want to live in the city (because rural life in Asia or anywhere else gets really boring really fast), it's just as expensive in Asia as in the US.
I hate that school teaches “you need good grades to get a good job”. How about “you need to STAY being creative so that you can create your OWN job” We need to go back to simple living and true freedom not this consumerism crap some of us have awoken from.
I find it funny how teachers say that, because it's not always the case. Great jobs and money is something anyone can reach with HARD WORK, type of degree, creativity, one of the things to prioritize. I think it's a common misconception.
There are plenty of rural areas and towns in all of the US - apply yourself and find out how others live outside the concrete jungle. Among the urban kids hiking in the wild, a village boy is a magician. At the age of 28, I know that living in a village is way above me.
yep.. I've found that some of the worst students- class misfits even- have gone on and ended up in better careers than some who were top students.. it was because of their personalities being very strong and non-conforming.. they created different paths which in turn created a good life path for them.. you can make A's all your life, but if you don't know how to talk to people and market yourself and "finesse" your own way, you've been set up to get caught up..
I love how the younger generations are challenging the system. Yes, help us older folks unlearn these harmful beliefs because even traditionally successful people aren’t happy.
As a Boomer (1961) I agree! Happiness always should be the goal. There has to be practicality of course, but most jobs suck the life out of your soul. All for the sake of profit.
Just had a fight with my wifes grandmother (~90) because she thinks that you can only be successful in life if you learn from a young age to shut up and focus on your work / follow orders without questioning. Not gonna bring my kid up believing that...
I almost feel that being aware makes it more difficult to live this life... to live this lie... because what if you find out that everything you do in your life you don’t really want to do
I know this feeling.That's where I started to feel the need to know myself. Fortunately, even when we've been brainwashed into liking and living through all this things, constructs and structures, we still have our authentic-self, even though it might be probably be buried at the moment. You can get some clues as how your authentic-self is by looking as how you were as a child, before any traumas and heavy social conditioning. Sometimes it can be hard pinpointing who you really are or what you really want but when you are honest to yourself and do self-reflection things really become clear. I would reccomend for you to look more into shadow-work (which is self-reflection but it is more focused onto ehaling trauma, but you can also use it to get to know yourself and what you really like). Hope this helps, and my best wishes for finding what you like :)
@@perzonne6302 Community college for your first 2 years of college or trade schools are far better options. Deep debt is more than a financial struggle, it's a mental struggle.
@@GreenEnvy. Definitely community college, trades and what ever you do find how to get certificates!!! Its faster cheaper and you probably learn more because you up having to self teach quite a lot. People really do sleep on associates degrees though....
@@GreenEnvy. I think though if someone is fortunate enough to get into college for free that they should but also get certs and make investments that pay off after college so it doesn't feel like all you get is some knowledge and a degree.
@@perzonne6302 Remove certificates that in no way shape or form show any kind of proper qualification, skill and knowledge, but rely on the lobbying that universities do and their heritage. You need 10x more knowledge and skill than 20 years of education will give you, which goes to show that they are wasting time. We can produce experts in almost any field in the 12 years of school alone.
omg stop, I just wrote an entire think piece for my social psychology course on how the minute we enter the school system we're being shaped to conform into a 9-5 work environment. We're rewarded for being the best and feel humiliated / belittled when we aren't. Loved this videeo
Yup, college although it's not for everyone is more like how "school" should be structured. Start teaching people what's really going and how the economy uses tools such school and social media to brainwash people... crazy. Thanks for sharing and best wishes to you on your college journey 💛
*"Your salary is the bribe they give you to forget your dreams." - Kevin O'Leary* // What is worth more, helping someone else build their empire or building your own?
@@FutureBusinessTech He prides himself in being crass. And he knows he is exploitative, wears it like a badge. I hope his employees are working on their side hustle cause I know I would hate getting up every day to clock in for him.
I accepted a job that went against everything I believed in for money and it was the first time I was not proud to be me. It was so toxic and they justified it through money. Luckily, I left. Many get stuck and accept toxic environments.
That's why I'm not actually spending all the money I'm earning right now. I don't want to be dependent on a bulshit job, so I ain't going to be buying no house or a car or even start a family untill I feel like I'm in my sweet spot, maybe not doing what I love, but actually loving what I do, doesn't matter if it's frying burgers as long as I'm happy.
I am probably about 20 years older than you and I just wanna say, that I'm so thankful for the younger generation, showing the older generation that you don't have to live a life of monotony and one you hate and to not be afraid to go after your dreams.🙏🏾 Thank you for showing us how to be fearless!
This was my thought, exactly. I am 40 years old and just now realizing it's okay to be happy, even if it's not what we were raised to believe happiness looks like. I am so glad to so that so many young people are realizing this before throwing away decades being miserable.
Money money money. I'm getting SICK of it. EVERYTHING is about money. People always say: "well good luck on buying your family food, shelter blablabla". I always say to people, stuff is temporary happiness. Memories not.
I had that same mentality and anger when I was young. Let’s turn it around, focus on what you want, then figure out how much it will cost. Money is just a tool. Don’t let others tell you that money is everything.
Food, clean water and shelter are necessities in order to survive though to be fair. However, I do agree that we put too much emphasis on “stuff” in society.
@@nte2336 What Rockefeller really meant by this quote, and his involvement in the education system was "I don't want Americans to have the resources or opportunities to become another Einstein, I don't want to see another Edison or Tesla. Give me work drones who will not question authority" You're not much of a "thinker" yourself, if you think what he really meant by that was passive idealists, or people sitting around playing videogames all day. Have we had another great mind come out of the U.S. since then? and I don't mean another "successful" businessman of the upper elites who pulled himself up by the bootstraps of his parents wealth. I mean another game changing mind like Einstein or Tesla who was CONTROVERISAL in their own time because they always challenged the status quo, especially of the elites.
@@mylifeasjessio True, but it depends where you live. Those in smaller communities where it isn’t that expensive would be happier based on the size of the community and close knit culture. Huge cities it would be difficult to find that connection, although it’s easier for younger people to be happier because they have a close circle of friends that have not yet succumbed to the mind numbing belief systems of corporations, politics, and other extreme cultural issues like homelessness. Privilege also plays a part. I’m privileged to live in a fancy townhouse because my mother owns it, but I pay rent. I’m comfortable and happy, and my income goes up and down based on my job and investments.
I choose to live in my vehicle and teach private art lessons to people. All my money is mine and I have no ties or responsibilities. I'm almost 60 years old. I spent a lifetime of working a regular job. I got a college degree and after years of sitting in artificial light and being chained to a desk, I escaped. I made it over the fence. Now I wake up when I want and do what I want. Yes, there are major sacrifices but It's my choice. My home is on 4 wheels and I'm rent and mortgage free.
Also you freed yourself, that results in you helping to others to free themselves to learn. I am sure your art lessons are of the most memorable and useful of any art lesson they will every receive.
can't even own a car here without having an address... can't get a PO box or anything so you need to RENT a place... no way to escape the system here :-/
It‘a so sad that we’ve been programmed to think that work is meant to be strenuous and tough and that if you’re having fun it can’t be classified as working😒 We shouldn’t feel bad about wanting to have fun and ‘play’ instead of work
exactly. i’m 14 and i hatw this damn school system why can’t we talk to our friends in school? why do we have to sit for 7 hours at a desk doing work? what are we gaining, are we gaining knowledge, are we happy, is this counting towards the future? when we were babies 👶 and learnt how to WALK were we being tested? or did we learn from trial and error!!!!! 🙁
I went to university because it was pushed and seemed like the correct thing to do. I ended up hating the 3 years I spent on a degree that is useless without experience. I’ve also ended up having to change career paths completely. It would be amazing to not have to do a 9-5 but I want to own my a house, travel and not become homeless. I feel unless you’re financially stable or have an amazing talent/skill, you have to go with the grain to survive.
What do you even mean with "go with the grain" ? Obviously you must work regardless if it's a boring or a fun job. Back in the day, c.a 2000 years ago in europe people were hunting every day to survive, they hadn't even started keeping animals and breeding them. They walked c.a 20km on foot a day and didn't have permanent villages. But, then they started to keep animals in captivity and breeding them, meaning an unlimited source of food. Anyone could survive, even the ones who were stupid enough to not be able to outsmart an animal while hunting. Those who were dumb enough to not be able to survive the harsh winters. This was the start of the degeneration of the human species, starting c.a 2000 years ago. Everything since then has only been a constant slope downwards into degeneration. We are merely shells of our former ancestors. Don't believe me? What if I dropped you off in the middle of the wilderness, in the middle of the winter, with no clothes exept for a bear hide? Good luck surviving! Almost nobody would be able to do it, even if you managed to do it for a week, imagine living years like that. Humans have simply become stupid enough not to know how to survive without all of these artificial, human-created things. Thus, you have no choice if you feel like all this modernity is stupid. You are literally not capable of it, me neither, it's far past that point already. Human-created things, the very things we rely on for survival, farmers, grocery stores, metal, etc. all require money to buy, unless you wanna outright steal them ofcourse. But this means that the only option left is getting a job. I know. It's sad. It's boring. It's unnatural. I wish we could live free in nature like back in the day, but even if we wanted to, it would be impossible. Not to mention how tainted nature has become by cities, houses, roads, etc. To destroy it all again would be too much work. The human species will go extinct before anything has improved, infact it will just all get worse instead. It will get progressively worse and worse, because it becomes eaiser and eaiser for those who shouldn't survive, to actually survive and thus it will eventually reach a point where the cost of keeping these people alive is too great and the whole bubble will burst, which will be a massive society-collapse and it's going to be like the wild west of USA round 2, but way worse as the longer people are starving, the more desperate they will become until they blatantly start murdering eachother over a small loaf of bread. Your neighbour that you have known for 30+ years? He's going to be the one trying to break into your house to murder you over your food. Your best childhood friends? they are going to be the ones who will sell out your own family to whoever demands it, just so that they themselves can escape unscathed. Every modern day city will become a ghost city, because everyone will kill eachother and the streets will be filled with blood running down every direction. this probably won't happen in our lifetime though. I say, give it another 200 years and we will all be facing our doom.
@@siegpasta For something that seems so cleanly written, I'm suprised at your blatantly inaccurate facts. 2000 years ago folks only hunted in Europe and didn't even keep or breed animals? Are you daft? Trolling? Or just miss a zero at the end of your 2000 on more than one occasion? 2000 years ago the Roman Empire was well established in Europe. They definitely had agriculture and domestication a long time before that. Thousands of years before that in fact. In Europe specifically there was also Celtic culture, and a Celtic empire I'm led to believe, with agriculture and metal working etc long before the Romans, although they didn't write as much despite having a writing system. The salt mine in Salzburg Austria predates the Romans by 1500 years. That's nearly double the time frame you claimed. Supposedly the Illiad and the Oddessy are accounts first written around 600 BC from oral tradition inspired by real events around 1200 BC (3200 years ago), by which time they not only had agriculture and large walled cities, but relatively large scale international warfare that spanned the Mediterranean. I don't know if you are trolling or what. The idea Europe was still in hunter gather mode 2k years ago is preposterous. Perhaps 20k years ago, but unless my memory fails me, the content was covered entirely with ice in between that time and now. I am less knowledgeable about evidence for human activity that far back, but there is evidence of advanced stonework that predates the last ice age which would almost certainly have required advanced agriculture at a minimum to support in development. In fact geologists claim water erosion on the Sphinx in Egypt would date it to around 15,000 years ago, before the last ice age. Granted that's northern Africa rather than Europe, but in that case the point is that human development is generally a lot older than you are crediting. Otherwise your point, so far as I read if it, seems correct. Or participation in trade and the economy is a survival method that evolved because it worked better than hunting and gathering, or agriculture without irrigation, etc etc down through time.
Even in the way we're conditioned as kids that the goal is to go to college and that trade schools (plumber, electrician, etc) / community college is for the kids who couldn't make it at a four year college/ university. When in reality so many people with Bachelor's degrees struggle to find jobs to maintain themselves and many people in the trades make BANK and get a real return on their time/money invested in their education. Just make the best choice for YOU and don't feel bad if you have to start over in life or take a detour, everyone's path is different.
Hi! When you say trades do you mean trading school! I completely agree with your point about bachelor degrees and it makes me question whether or not all this time I'm investing is even worth it and what am i working towards at the end of the day. Is learning it fulfillment in itself or knowing the career its 'supposed' to lead me to?
@@nardosscott9929 Hey so I was just speaking on what I've seen thus far... I think if you're currently looking at college, maybe look at what community colleges in your area have to offer. Nothing wrong with getting an Associates degree and then going into a Bachelor's program, or starting with a trade program (plumber, electrician, mechanic, etc) and then going back to school later down the line if you want a more advanced degree OR taking a gap year between high school and college to work and figure out your options before rushing into college. Put some serious thought into if the money/ student loan debt is worth it after looking at what you will be making down the line in that career. Also, some careers allow you to work your way up even if you don't have a degree in that particular field.
Honestly trade school is great. The teachers help you out and the material is concrete. Universities are just the opposite. Everyone is rude and conniving. The professors talk down to you. The tuition is outrageously high and what you learn is just garbage really.
This!! I have a learning disability and struggled severely to get good grades, and teachers would genuinely bully me fr they had beef with a child because I wasn't successful like everyone else. For years they made up this narrative that I was lazy and not trying hard enough. Now I'm out of school and I feel this has leaked into the work world and I am constantly scared. I worry that I will be fired because I can't pick up information as fast as everyone else. The system is telling me and people like me that because the way we were born we aren't "convenient and efficient" so we don't deserve money...don't deserve to live.
Teachers can be ruthless. I was also in your situation because I suffered from having an undiagnosed mental disabilities. I've been heavily scrutinized by my parents to do better and teacher openly criticize my works because I couldn't keep up with my classmates.
You have ptsd from those teachers, I went through the same thing. I would get As in some classes and fail others. That created a narrative of me being lazy or unable to focus. Sometimes I pick things up quickly, sometimes I need more time and more information than others. There’s nothing wrong with that and if anyone at your workplace makes you feel bad I think you should try to find a different job if at all possible.
That’s what happened to music. Everybody is always trying to prove something in middle school and high school. Like.. that’s not what music is supposed to be about but okay I guess.. ya’ll are cool and shit.. thanks for ruining the fun of it.. 🙃
damn it was middle school for you are you a female? just wondering but I would say for me it started in 2nd grade as soon as we had fitness test I remember noticing the most athletics kids were the most popular boys tend to try to start ranking each other early who the fastest/strongest/height/weight etc...
@@scirazzbrehh i was going to say high school but was definitely earlier and yes, as a girl. I think boys have it worse bc sports is a big part of their identity so I can see that
In my opinion, one of the things that keeps people from leaving their jobs is health insurance. There’s an expectation that we must do something we hate in order to have it. I’ve heard people say that insurance was their only reason for keeping a 9 to 5. So they surrender to that unspoken norm and remain stuck in that dead-end situation until retirement. It’s really sad how much we’ve been conditioned to think that that’s the only way to live.
Ya tough for some ppl I would prefer doing part time and working on my side hustles on the things I like to do. However not going full time at some jobs means no health care and benefits or even the good retirement for working many hours. A type of law would have to pass where all part time jobs offer health care and the benefits. A person can still do full time and work on the things they want to do but its not much time compared to part time on the things you want to do. Sometimes sacrifices need to be made to get into the things you want to do.
@@danielletaylor6602 buying land 50 km from the nearest city, building a house on it, investing in solar panels and a 100 meter deep water pump, growing my own food and pickling/conserving whatever is left over from the season 🌞 it’s so much hard work but definitely worth it!
I was raised by a successful entrepreneur who genuinely loves her job everyday and has a lot of flexibility. I was always taught to find your passion and to love what you do. I think it’s family “conditioning” and lessons can bypass the societal pressures.
It is 100% through the family...if you want your kids to be healthy and non materialistic/ go against the grain, it starts with the parents and it needs to start from a young age.
I been out of that 9-5 mindset for about 3 years now. It feels so much better doing what you REALLY want to do and making money and not just settling for any job/career just to have something going on or to look productive
Such an important message Lynette ! I had a similar epiphany (more hit by a brick wall) at 28 at the peak of my corporate career, once again solely focused on the “big” paycheque and feeling stuck yet realizing I didn’t want this anymore and it literally made me sick spiritually, physically and emotionally. In fact our current education system is called a “factory education” that came into effect during the industrial revolution. Large scale factories needed workers who could stand the pressure of doing the same repetitive job for a long period of time. To fill this need the modern education system/learning was born. A school system was developed that could build/shape these modern workers. It would teach children to sit at their desk, 8h or so per day, 5 days a week, preparing them for a life in the factory. It’s amazing how ppl are waking up to this realization that this “system” from the beginning was not meant for the highest good of the individual or collective. And again nothing against education but it’s clear it’s time for a revolution.
I feel like I started questioning everything, because I feel like there is some underlying thing to everything and once you start to really think about it you understand how much everything is connected in a weird way 😅I’m 14 btw
I’m super proud of you bby girl! Thinking like this is where it starts. Keep this in mind and do what you can to have a future full of abundance ❤️ wish I thought like this at 14!!!!
I was also around 14 years old (25 now) when I noticed things aren't clicking and I started questioning the system. I wrote it down to remind myself to not be consumed by it. Keep it up girl I support youu
I stumbled upon this... and I have to say I felt this way 25+ years ago. I distinctly remember talking to my parents about it, raging at the lies we were told. Lies that continue to this day and only get worse. Truth is...its not about your job or career, its about redefining what "successful" is to you personally and how you spend the limited time you have in this world. I used to have all the things, I used to care about having more things and then life happened and you learn real quick what really matters - over and over again. I havent worked a 9-5 in a decade and though I dont have all the things I also dont care because I do something I love which makes me a much happier human. Seeing you talk about this gives me hope that one day the system will break. Much love.
It doesn’t make sense we are supposed to work 40 hrs, 5 days a week until we are what 60 ... and we are supposed to enjoy our life the rest of that and retire ?! It’s a no for me. Find something for yourself, create a business anything where you don’t slave away for capitalist America
Kinda ironic to put the words "create a business" and "slave away for capitalist America" in the same sentence. What that heck do you think you're doing if you create a business? You'll be using....(wait for it)....CAPITALISM. That evil capitalism that you clearly deride so much. Start a business and you're a capitalist. You'll need...(you guessed it)...some money to start that business. CAPITAL. You'll put the capital in...and create the business...and get money out. Just like all the other capitalists you look down on do.
@@malachi8678 - there is no 'escape'. Honestly...I don't know why people get upset that people have to work. Talk about 1st world problems. Our ancestors would have just been over-the-moon happy with the kind of life we have in western nations. They'd be like, " think you have it hard? Because you work a lot of hours? In an air conditioned building? How about working even MORE hours slaving away in the field just waiting for the next flood or drought to wipe out your entire year's effort and set you up for starvation in the coming winter. I don't want to hear any more of your complaining." Seriously. Does anyone think that you'd work LESS hard by "going off into the wilderness"? There's a reason why people don't do that. Because deep down...they KNOW that that would be far FAR harder than anything they are dealing with now. If people cry about how hard life is in an advanced economy nation...they are completely unfit to survive even for a month without the benefits of society.
@@GrimdarkKing it’s obvious that you’ve been conditioned my society my friend. Modern conveniences doesn’t necessarily make life more easily in fact a lot of that which is modern is more harmful to us if anything. Slaving away your life in a 9-5 will always be worse than living self sufficient. Many people who live self sufficient even to this day have lots of time to themselves.
I’m over this way of living and constant feeling of being trapped into a corner. Last year I suffered burn out really badly and was suicidal. I’m scared that I’m entering that headspace again...the culture at my work is not good. Working 12-14 hour days is normal for most and it’s impossible to stay on top of anything without working over time every single day. If I died tomorrow my employer wouldn’t give a shit. I’m just tired man. The thing is I feel guilty for not being able to do long hours anymore. I can’t put myself into that space where I feel extremely burnt out, heart palpitations all day and unable to sleep due to stress. I’m doing what my psych told me to do by taking it easy this year but I’m falling extremely behind by doing so...
I was in a very similar boat a couple of years ago. It got bad. I was working to pay off my student loans and I just felt so defeated. I had a horrible manager. The pay was a joke and the work was hard with unrealistic expectations. I was working a job I hated for a boss that I could never please and would constantly belittle the entire team for a small paycheck that I would put toward school debt. I would think so I went to school for this? And I felt trapped. My family kept telling me to hang in there, but I got to the point where I was thinking of just ending my life. I worked so hard to put myself through school and get good grades and I did everything I was supposed to and look where it got me. So one day my manager said something to me and I just said that's it. I went to the HR office to quit. Well after a couple of days another manager in another department offered me a job and I took that one. And I've never looked back since. I know if I hadn't of stood up for myself and essentially put my foot down, then I would still be there. I was willing to lose it all. But honestly I had prayed and prayed and begged God throughout that whole 3 year experience of being in that department. And I know he lined everything up for me. I think my only wish was that I had quit sooner. But I learned a lot about myself through that experience and I also grew a lot as a person through that experience. I don't take crap from anybody now. I don't care what title they have. I look after myself. And I learned that's not selfish or lazy to say no to someone. I hope you don't let them smother the light in you. Keep it burning. I hope you value yourself and learn from where you are, but one day take a step to grow into what you can be.
Falling extremely behind what? Walk the F away. Ounce you walk away, you will find ways to do without it and live much more pleasant. It's a con! Keeps you locked in to not knowing what's out there. Run as fast as you can!
Your idea of "falling behind" is based on external values. Let go of the outside world and focus on your inside world. That's the world that truly matters. Work from the inside out. Not the outside in. The world will not offer you peace. You must create that peace for yourself.
@@chelbella5025 Amen! So happy for you. I hate when ppl say hang in there yet they'll claim to be shocked when someone feels so stuck they do end their life.
It so nice to see young people waking up and smelling the coffee! I found all this out a little to late in life. I am older and I actually hate working a regular job. It sucks being there all day. No freedom, taking a break and going on vacation when they say so. Oh yes no doubt we have been lied too. Great video!
Absofreakinglutely. I was never a good fit in the “system” but for most of my life I tried to be part of it, and never did well. My life finally changed for the better after I quit everything. Not immediately, took a couple years of being broke, but quitting the system allowed me to encounter opportunities that I couldn’t have imagined. Appreciate this video.
Totally agree! It does seem like, from a young age, we're coerced into labour with "carrot on a stick" rewards. _Perhaps_ that was necessary to build the civilisation we have today, but something tells me that's not going to last much longer. The "I don't dream of labour" crowd aren't having it. And rightly so.
Right sometimes I think what if everyone just didn't go to work even for just one day. I feel like this will happen soon I'm so happy ppl are voicing this opinion bc I've been feeling like this since highschool
I'm telling you guys, you are right. I'm 66yrs old, worked hard, had my own business, the whole shitball. It's all fake. Created by society. Turn it off and learn about the real world.
I wish I didn't go to college, but you have so much time and flexibility. I currently have less money than I did at age 18 because I spent it all keeping up.
Do what you think is best for you. You can always go to college later when you're sure. There's no rush, and if you take your time to do it right, you may save yourself a lot of money too.
I was literally you 4 years ago. I quit my job and thought i would go viral for my content creation and have fulltime income from yt. But i did it on a whim. At least you have income coming in and real engagement and you found your niches. I didnt realize that i cant buy love and engagement and force things to a certain extent. and sometimes things dont work out. But i love social media and marketing so i started doing it for startups. Now i landed an amazing digital marketing role at a great company after years of unemployment, freelancing, and set backs. I still dont think 9-5 is the end all be all. But i love that im doing work i love and i can accomplish some grown up goals i want to complete. I still love creating content but thats part of my life and if its a hobby or part time then im ok with that. But my end all is creating businesses and charities. I have my whole life. I dont need the pressure to rush into all of that now.
I love your comment. But please be careful. The years can pass, insidiously, and before you know it, some company has lapped up all of your light, energy, potential and dreams and you’ll start to feel, “Why bother?” You’ll start to see others in yourself and you’ll be miserable about it, just hoping to retire, at least 30 minutes before you’re dead.
I have always questioned the systems by which we live under. It started with the religion in which I was raised and then moved on to many other areas. I knew innately that school could be a harmful conditioning and just downright miserable for the masses. As a result, I allowed 5 of my 6 sons to "drop out" of school and pursue what interested them and uniquely moved them. They are all doing great for which I am thankful. I abhor the Capitalist "free market" that brings with it so much damage and suffering as well as a terminal poverty that is eating away at the masses of folks who are laboring their lives away at the behest of a system that is imposed upon us. I am so grateful for our youth, who are not settling for the stats-quo and are questioning the system that we have been programmed into thinking will provide us liberty, democracy, freedom, blah, blah, blah. Big change needs to happen and it starts with awareness. Lynette Adkins, thank you for your brilliant video. We need to hear this.
"Nobody's forcing you to work" doesn't properly capture the very real coercive nature of capitalism. Yeah, I do technically have the choice to not work or do whatever I want, but when I lose my job because of it and can't afford to pay for rent, student debt, food, goods, services, etc., that has EXTREME consequences for me (hunger, homelessness, prison, MORE debt, etc.). It's like saying to the indentured servant of old "well why don't you just leave?" as if they won't send authorities after you (whether police, debt collectors, court notice servers, etc.) to make sure that you suffer the consequences of avoiding work. At a low-level, it's an individual choice between working or not and accepting those consequences. But at a high-level, it's an ever-looming systemic threat that if you do not continue being a good little worker, you will be stripped of your most basic rights and needs.
You’re saying you want to take things from people without paying. That it is your right. That has been tried and it results in people with your mindset starving.
@@kendalljohnson9172that is the very definition of social security, unemployment and disability lol. And many European countries have an even broader social safety net yet still manage to be functional societies in which people choose to work for a living. Because it’s often more fulfilling than the alternative if you have the choice.
You totally just brought up a repressed memory of watching the “smart kids” come back into class like a parade. That shit fucked with my self esteem FOR YEARS.
I thought this way 15 years ago and just left the corporate world. My spirit couldn't take it because I knew better! Every morning, as I got ready for work and looked at myself in the mirror, my reflection looking back at me would say... "You're a sucker!" "You are betraying yourself AND GOD!" "You know better so DO BETTER!" At the same time, my external life was encouraging me to stay through fear of loss and I wrestled with these feelings daily. It made me look forward to drinking on the weekends to drown out the guilt for betraying myself in order to follow the status quo! Finally, I quit and never looked back. As a result, everything from that life has gone... All the family, all the friends, but that's great because they have been replaced with people that are more suited to me and the more appropriate life I've created for myself and I am totally happy. I eat healthily and I don't drink or smoke at all... LIFE IS GRAND!
bestie last week i quit my job recently sorta based off of what you talk about on your channel. i’m 19 the job was just over minimum wage so the stakes were low but 10/10 it was worth it. so glad i sat down to evaluate what i was getting out of the job compared to what i put in and avoided a miserable summer. i hope adult me can do the same and hopefully escape the 9-5 altogether
@@alexmedina8016 i got a job at a coffee shop! i’ve always wanted to work at one so i finally shot my shot and applied and somehow got the job! as for the rest of my life who knows. i wanna graduate with a college degree and we where life takes me from there and how i can incorporate my interests into my future and avoid a miserable 40 hr work week :)
being a gifted kid really messed me up lol. i like my brain but being told i was smart really gave me a complex and I wish that the point was not "these kids are smarter" and instead was "these kids need accommodations, but it doesnt make them any better" (plus, my gifted program in elem wasnt even enriching so it was sorta just pointless!)
I soooo relate to this I feel like always being told that I was smart at one point made me feel like I was better than others but eventually I learned my lesson and got over that a while ago but yeah
@Aly We are sisters in that regard. I had a similar kind of education. I think what is so strange is that there are so many of us from "Gifted" programmes who are speaking out. The nature of the system is that they have to educate SOME of us to continue the operation OF the system as older people retire/die out. SOME of us HAVE to be taught to think AND know the true nature of the system. If they put us in positions of power and wealth, as they trained us to be, so many of us wouldn't be speaking out. What happened to the system? Something must be wrong because too many of the people who they trained to RUN the system are alienated and actively questioning and fighting it.
Work is a soul sucking dreadful experience for most working class people. Your advice about doing what you love is great if you have skills you can market to employers for the jobs that you want. I wanted to be a pilot once but reality hit me in the face and I could not afford it and also certain health conditions made piloting a bad carrier idea. I've spent the better part of my adult life going through the misery of employment to the misery of unemployment. I thought I wanted to work in Tech, but my first help desk job gave me stomach aches from the stress. Everything I've done for work made me suffer for one reason or another. This is a normal experience for many working class people because It takes allot of privilege to be able to just follow your passions. Real economic conditions will dictate the fact that when you get an offer that pays the bills, you take it. You can't just be like "OMG UwU I'm going to be like #positive about my carrier and do what I love". If you're going to criticize the capitalist system don't act like you can just undo capitalist schooling and magically you're life is going to get better. Because no matter what economic philosophy you follow, or what things you value, the rent is still due.
Currently my major isn't what i truly want because music was frowned upon and in middle school they basically told me i wouldn't make any money as a musician. They push jobs that make bank not to follow your dream (at least in my school).
I left nursing after 12 years and teach African dance now - best decision ever! There are soooo many ways to go about it. I'm leaving in August to tour thr entire West coast of Africa researching the griot West African dance culture. It's gonna be amazing!
I have been conscious of this my entire life being born to conscious & Buddhist parents, to hear this being spoken of so beautifully, finally, is beyond refreshing to my soul. I have been exiting the matrix since childhood through being an entrepreneur in my passions with my first business being in 2nd grade. I am now 30 and nearly entirely free, creating my homestead to be an organic and sustainable ecosystem, doing the most for where I am at before I take on more worldly healing endeavors & broader expansions of energy. To beat the system we must play chess with life, not checkers- strategy. Think ahead. Plan as much as you can while considering how spontaneous life can be so be flexible and focused- a strong current that can waiver but is always flowing on the path. Be gentle with yourself and make the process enjoyable. It’s the journey that creates and fulfills the destination. ❤️ Infinite blessings & well wishes to you ❤️
It’s because of bills. I NEVER wanted to spend all day sitting at some desk. It’s why I’ve been sleep deprived, for years, making up for wasted time. Part of the reason I’m overweight is because of eating crap, to keep me awake and half-interested. I’m even a chatty introvert, because I’m trying to keep myself and coworkers interesting to be with, until the workday ends. Then, I run TF outta there.
It's because all the things you take for granted like running hot water,easy cheap food on the table,a safe bed to sleep in, hygiene and healthcare and tons of other things,requires of us to sustain it through specific jobs and careers
@@fs5866 true, but a lot of it also has to do with structure, which is often poorly handled by management. While I really feel bad that not all work can be done remotely, after WFH for a year, I know a lot of people have little interest in returning to the workplace. I know I don’t. Just about breaking out in hives. I’d bet my employer has some ignorant feeling that work will go more smoothly, with people in the office. No Fools! It’ll go more smoothly, when you get projects to workers, in decent enough time to complete them, without sacrificing their health! In some industries, where people are paid well, musical chairs will start. You can’t offer flexible remote work? Bye. An example is Google. They want people to return this Fall. FB and Twitter, no. As, these people might switch tech companies often, due to interchangeability anyway, I can just see the applications flooding into FB and Twitter, while people just shop the best deal.
Thank you so much for this video. I was in the TAG program in elementary too. When middle school hit, my effort plummeted. I could never put my finger on why I was so different. I felt crazy. Kids would ask me why I'm so lazy, why I never do anything if it's so easy. I knew it was easy, but giving in to the lies was hard. Thank you for recognizing those lies. This video eases my heart. It makes me believe that from a young age, I actually had some idea of why this system was so fucked up. I never wanted to fit in. I could never sell my soul. I wish we could revert to the simplicities. But as you've said, we have been sold things from the youngest age possible. I would never blame anyone for trying to be good. They prey on our innocence and worm their way in our heads. That's not our fault. They push us to break ourselves. They never appreciate how much of their weight most of us carry. And there are so many of us willing to fight to survive and be the happy they sold us, that the thought sells itself, in the forms of our parents, teachers, and peers. They never even have to bat an eye. I'm glad more people are trying to question this system now. We've been needing this energy for a long time. I have hope for us. We can break this cycle!
You said everything I have thought for years. Most people do not enjoy their jobs, they work just to survive and it shouldn’t have to be that way. That’s why so many people quit their jobs during the pandemic. They saw their mortality in front of them and decided to live. That 9-5 programming we’ve been under for so long needs to end.
What you're doing here is thinking beyond, (others say outside), the box. But what you're doing - as awesome as it is - is also representative of a thinker's curse. What happens once we enter into, beyond the norm thinking, is, a huge thought pops into our heads, we're already always prompted to speak outside of our minds, but most of our friends and family members DO NOT think in the same manner or use the same thought processes. Thus ultimately we tend to feel a need to be silent, why? Because, "they just don't get it". Great video!☝🏿👴🏿
There’s an abundance but this all sounds like it comes back to loving what you do. With our current system, there’s not enough jobs where everyone can love what they’re doing. For example, many will have to keep this website running for us to enjoy contents like this. We need infrastructure workers so our transportation system keeps the country running, etc… these jobs aren’t all fun and game, there’s sometimes no passion in it. I think it comes back to striking a harmony of work and life, and the toxic mindset of your output being your measure of success. I wanna hear y’all thoughts on this.
The problem is they shut down the common reserves everybody used to be able to legally live on during the enclosure acts in the 1700s and 1800s. All the convicts were people who had their land taken away. Its now illegal to be anywhere unless you buy the land, which you need somebody to give you a job to be able to even do. Its also possible to enforce that in practice without killing people because a biological organism's functions involves existing on a piece of planet Earth. Even if the government says its illegal, nature says that a biological organism needs to exist somewhere unless you kill them.
I don’t know how many times I said to myself today how much I hate my life and self…I can’t escape this cycle. I don’t know how. I know I should feel grateful and at times I am. I repeat in my head how lucky I am with the life I lead compared to some others….but there’s just something missing in me that I can’t stop but notice every time I feel like this. I’m stuck. I’m lost. And I have no solution on how to move my life forward…..
I definitely had a conversation similar to this topic with a good friend of mine. I love how you just go for these types of topics where no one else will. At least I don’t see to many UA-camrs talking about this now a days.
I really appreciate this video. I dropped out of college this winter for the SECOND TIME. Since then I've been struggling to accept that maybe a bachelor's degree just isn't right for me because it could mean that I won't make as much money. Watching this video and your others on the subject has been a really validating experience. Wishing you love, rest and freedom xoxo
The early childhood conditioning is indeed a real thing and goes unnoticed for the majority of everyone's life. Very difficult to break the cycle let alone realize we've been programmed that way. Great post, look forward to more.
It’s crazy watching all this play out as an older person (born in 1968). We have seen this idea of competition having a negative effect on self esteem in things like school sports events and prizes being given to all participants in order that they all feel ‘equal’, and yet, under the radar, the glorification of competition has been ramped up in attainment of grades. We forget that the real reason for this is because state funding for schools has come to be determined based on exam results (the infuriating SATS tests in the U.K. for example). It is good to see young people figuring this out for themselves and I hope this means there is a chance for positive change to attitudes towards education/work and lifestyles in the future. Good video, sensible and intelligent person.
I don't typically comment on people's videos but, Lynette, you are doing something so incredible and I just wanted to give you some extra encouragement. I really look up to you for following your dreams and posting content that shows your authentic thoughts on a system that tends to feed off of people's fears and insecurities. I can just tell that you leaving your 9-5 will happen so soon and that you will be able to build a life you truly love. Sending you so so much love and support and thanking you for all of this wonderful, authentic content. I hope it reaches everyone who needs to hear it. You truly are spreading love with your honesty, and every one of us is grateful.
there is so much growth from when I first started watching you omg. the one thing that really helped me get out of this habit at a younger age than most is researching ikigai and career options for a year straight after high school instead of hopping into college. now I'm 20 and I've realized I want to bartend and university is a goal but not immediately, I want to live my early 20 socializing and being of service and a career can wait. school is always there. The push for people to dive headfirst into a career and school is why I think people are 1) dissatisfied and 2) in debt. A part of me feels like it's morally wrong to have a 17 y/o choose what they want to be and choose the best college only for them to just be hit in the face later on. Capitalism is always gonna be there but I think at this point I'd rather make 50k doing something I love than 100k doing something I hate. Money comes and goes but time is something you can't ever get back.
I did not even think about it this way before ... thank you !!! I needed to hear this, especially trying to pursue my own passion. I never felt like school was for me but I had to do it because it was the only thing that was perceived successful in my family. And now I am doing what I love (not monetised yet, but it just feels right to me doing what I love doing)
Very well expressed. I especially relate to your point about visibly segregating children by ability. At my daughter's primary school they were put on different tables which were given the names of shapes. Hexagons were the smart kids, then squares, triangles etc. My daughter (only half-jokingly) tells me she was traumatised by being put on the 'circles' table. Even at the age of 9, she knew that meant dumbest.
That's absolutely insane. There's enough studies out there to show how that kind of treatment effect's kids confidence/performance for that to end by now!
As a society we've moved to a place of actualization because our fore-parents did things they didn't care for. The most important thing is for a person to feel as though they are making money in a way that they control and that they feel valued by the person giving them money. That's what makes a fulfilling financial life.
Very nice analysis on how our education system has influenced us to keep the status quo for something that is not beneficial for our personal well-being. I honestly hated school until college when I had the opportunity to take courses with professors with more unorthodox ways of teaching. My Business Law professor told us “One of his students who graduated with straight As has a nice office job that pays him $80,000 salary a year.” Everyone reacted as if that’s what they hope to be but then he added “He had a student who just got mostly Cs and is now a millionaire who owns an expanding business.” the students were shocked and he said “rich people are smart enough because they don’t over do things and know how to do enough!” Another professor I had for Geography told us that “When working for an employer you will never be rich because organizations have to under pay you for your work in order to remain profitable!” So it’s really hard to benefit from your labor when you are not getting compensated close to the value you actually contribute.
Thank you for posting this love. I totally get it...Another thing I’ve realized too is these companies we strive to work for, give us benefits for health care and insurance as incentives to stay in the job! The fear of losing these benefits and security is what holds so many people hostage to stay in jobs they don’t like or make them unhappy. When you start to wake up and talk to others about it, some will get it others will think you’re “crazy”. Thank you... this is awesome content 🤍
This is very important. I’m from a family that never lived for consumerism, so this was a new eye opening thing to see how people are zombified to buy just because they were told, marketed and even taught. It also explains why I feel like an outsider so I thank you for giving me encouragement to try things I love. 💕
Real talk seeing this come from a black woman hits different than a similar message from privileged. For those of us who are black and in the inner city we are still stuck on autopilot getting out of poverty and rarely take time for self-development. It's a reminder that it's not a luxury that only others can afford.
I mean, she's still privileged. She has videos about going to Europe and studying abroad, lives in a nice apartment in a city, and follows a somewhat luxurious lifestyle... it's a privilege to be able to afford those things. I don't know what her upbringing was like apart from the comment about being a top-of-the-class type of student, I don't know if her family was well off or if they were poor, but clearly she's currently living a privileged lifestyle now and in the last several years, so _shrug?_
A wise man told me, early on, that the secret to success was to find something that you would gladly do for free, then figure out how to get paid for it. And this approach, throughout most of my life, worked for me. I won't lie, part of figuring out how to get paid for it involved compromising some of the loftier details, but overall, I enjoyed a fulfilling & reasonably lucrative career for over 20 years. But with technology progressing at an ever-increasing speed, many càreer paths of 30 years ago are no longer viable. As these changes were really starting to amp up, I found the "powers that be" in my particular industry desperately grasping at straws, trying to make up for revenue streams which had dried up with the advent of the internet, & doing so in illogical, counterintuitive ways which placed an excess of responsibility for making innovations to our product in an impossibly short period of time, & promised little in terms of a payoff. They wanted a product so fresh & new & vital that it would be irresistible to the sources of revenue we had lost to the internet & they would come back (which displayed a profound lack of understanding on their part of just HOW revolutionary, what a complete & utter game changer it was). They were so focused on regaining what they had lost, they completely missed out on the whole new set of revenue streams being created by the broader picture of our new Digital World. I knew that what they were asking me to do was an exercise in futility, that they needed to rethink their whole business model, not just put a new skin on an old product. Understand, though, that this was all presented to me as a "do or die" scenario. If my retooling of the product didn't bring the money back from the internet (which I knew it would not, could not) then the staff in Los Angeles, a group of 8 people who had worked together, with no turnover, for over 8 years, people whom I considered my friends, dare I say verging on "family," would be laid off & our work outsourced to staff working in a different branch of the company in Florida, because that would significantly reduce overhead. My supervisor & I were the only ones privy to this "plan b" in Florida, & were told not to leak the information to the others. Knowing what the outcome would be, I could not, in good conscience, have my staff breaking their backs to implement these changes, only to be laid off once the task was complete & the hoped-for result not attained. So I did all the work myself, putting in 16-18 hours days, 7 days/week, for 3 months straight, during which time, the woman who raised me from infancy, my grandmother, the only mother I ever knew, fell gravely ill in another State. Every day I got a call from a family member who was there with her at the hospital, telling me I had to come soon, that she would not live for much longer. And every day I told them I could not leave my desk until this work was done. And I sat at my desk, working this brutal schedule, executing the misguided wishes of a bunch of rich, old, white men in suits, in their desperate attempt to fatten their wallets just a little more, to preserve the system which had made them rich just a little while longer, until the woman who rocked me to sleep, taught me to tie my shoes, nursed my through the measles & the chicken pox, bought me my first car, the only mother I ever had, died, surrounded by all of her children, except one, me, because I was too busy trying to preserve these rich, old, white men in suits' way of life for them. We failed to meet our revenue goals. The staff was laid off. It had been for nothing. I was supposed to be laid off with everyone else, but at the very last moment, my supervisor, not wanting to be the only person working in the LA office, remotely managing a staff in Florida, the members of which possessed but a fraction of the skills & experience of the people who had been laid off, convinced "the powers that be" to keep me on as well. I continued to work the same brutal schedule for the next 7 months, finding it easier to do the work which previously had been done by 8 people, than to try to teach the incompetent Florida staff how to do the work, until finally, mercifully, our product was discontinued & I was finally set free. During the first of those 7 months, I did not receive a paycheck. I mean, ultimately I was paid for that time, but not until two pay periods had passed. My supervisor persuaded them to keep me on, but they forgot to put my salary back into the Excel spreadsheet that was the budget. A terrible realization overwhelmed me at this point. I had failed to be at the woman who raised me from infancy's bedside when she died because I was too busy working for a bunch of rich, old, white guys in suits who weren't even sure if I still worked there or not. I had sacrificed something really important for some utterly meaningless, pointless, & thankless bulls**t. In fact, it gave me a new perspective on my entire 20+year "fulfilling & reasonably lucrative career. Those "loftier details" I had compromised in pursuit of the security of a steady paycheck, suddenly seemed like more than just "details." They were my true hopes & dreams & aspirations. I had given them up so that I could waste over 20 years of my life increasing profits for a bunch of rich, old, white men in suits, to whom I was nothing more than a forgotten line item on a spreadsheet. They were unaware of all the hard work I had put in, & the fact that I had sacrificed everything that meant something to me, the genuinely important things in life, to increase their profits by a few percent. My supervisor offered to find me another position within the company when our product was discontinued, but I told him, "no." Once I realized that the people who benefitted the most from my YEARS of hard work & sacrifice, not only didn't appreciate it, they aren't even AWARE of it, didn't even know that I was employed by them, I simply could not continue working there, or anywhere for that matter. They destroyed my once-vigorous work ethic. They took away over 20 years of feeling fulfilled by my career. No salary, however big, could put me at my grandmother's bedside before she died. No paycheck could restore the passion I once felt for my hopes & dreams. I just couldn't do it anymore. I could not make myself get out of bed to go & waste one more day, not another MINUTE doing something that didn't matter to anyone. Don't waste 20 years of your life before you figure it out like I did. Don't participate in a system that doesn't even know that you exist. Capitalism is based on exploitation & deception. Profit only comes in two ways: Either they are not paying the guy below them what his work is worth, or they are charging the guy above too much. Don't let a bunch of rich, old, white men profit from your work. Contract your work out & pay yourself what you are worth, give yourself ample vacation time, & spend your time doing what you love, & being with the people you love. At the end of your life, you're not going to look back & remember those clothes, those shoes, that expensive gadget they've convinced you that you "need." You're going to remember the happy times & meaningful relationships you formed during your journey. The products they market to you will not make you happy. The lifestyle they're trying to sell you is just something they made up in a meeting. It's hollow & vacant & has nothing to do with real life. Learn to find happiness where it actually is. Backpack across Europe this summer. Buy a plane ticket to India & go with nothing but $200 & a change of clothes. Spend a year sleeping on a tropical beach, smoking marijuana & eating fruit from the trees & fish from the sea. Talk to strangers. Pick some flowers. Look at that sunset! Follow your own path. Don't worry about what anyone thinks. Don't postpone your dreams. Don't sacrifice your happiness for anyone or anything. It's not a fair trade-off. Nothing is worth as much as your happiness, not even close. It's the only worthwhile pursuit in life. Always listen to your gut. Your brain will lie to you, rationalize, justify, sugar-coat. Your heart is too sentimental & emotional. Just go with your gut. It's the most trustworthy & accurate organ you've got, when it comes to making decisions. Plan less, do more. Drink seldom & drink deep. Don't believe the hype. Get out of your head, stop clicking on videos, & go out there & experience what REAL life has to offer. DO NOT BE PART OF THE ANT FARM!!! You'll die in there, moving pieces of gravel around, not ever knowing why (clue: it's for the benefit of the Queen, not you). Go! Go! GO!!! The day's already started without you. Life is not going to come to your door looking for you. You gotta go out & get it while you can. Don't be so serious. None of this matters one little bit anyhow. The Universe is self-balancing, regardless of what you do. Have fun with it!
Most of us arent working unfulfilling jobs to buy into consumerism, we are working to buy into survivalism. What I gathered from this video is that people go to college and get unfulfilling jobs out of fear from society, and your solution is to *not* do that? How are we supposed to make money? What ultra fulfilling job can I grab out of HS, no college degree that will earn me 70k a year and give me a comfortable lifestyle? The thing is, this SHOULD exist but it does not. The problem isn't most of us not questioning our choices, the problem is most of us not questioning the society we live in and not demanding a better system from our government. (This took me moving out of America to figure out that no one struggles harder than a high earning American that has a mediocre lifestyle at best) I find it interesting that this perspective seems to shame people who work for a larger income, instead of shaming the system so much. The actual issue is that in America to even afford a mediocre lifestyle, you need to make these sacrifices. You almost can't have basic first-world things like healthcare, a home, affordable college for your kids, good schools in your neighborhood, etc etc UNLESS you sacrifice your time for a high-earning job. Again, it SHOULD be different, but its not. It's almost as if your suggested solution is that people will be happier by not taking "socially constructed" careers and paths that offer financial stability for them. Like yes, most work is fake and unnecessary but at the same time, America does not give those who choose other an easy path to survival.
If u want 70k a year without going to college u dont have many options. Maybe making a business or whatnot. I dont think it is impossible but there are risks and whatnot. I think people should look into growing their food to be happier and it also safe money. One day we are going to need that skill to survive. Everything about this system is unsustainable and it is based on coersion. U gotta work for someone else and government by paying taxes if not u dont have access to food, shelter, etc. If we want a free and just society we gotta know the problems we have right now.
Everything you said is so trueeee. This is what I be thinking. I’m a recent college grad and all I keep thinking now is how all of the systems we have in place is not beneficial or conducive for us as society as a whole. I really believe that all of the systems we have in place is really working against us.
Yea I’m currently at a pivotal point where I just graduated with my BS degree in IT but it’s definitely not my passion. I haven’t found work yet but when I do it’ll definitely be a means to an end. I’m looking into starting a business so I’m exploring my options with that. I refuse to be miserable in a job the rest of my life! Lol Thanks for the video! It definitely reinforces my thoughts.
Your monologue reminds me of a book I read years ago: Mimicking Happiness ( That was the subject. I believe that was the title) . We've been trained like Pavlovian dogs to accept certain lifestyles as emblematic of success. The problem is the cost of pursuing higher education -- which we're ALL conditioned to think is of paramount importance - has become increasingly more expensive.
I’m a GenXer & this is valuable information you just graciously expressed. It took me until my late 40’s to understand this. My son will be 26 in a couple of days and he’s way ahead with life as you are than I was in regards to questioning every and not living life according to how others live theirs. I was caught up in society’s norm for a longggg time. I’m so grateful for my awakening. I love your content. Let me continue to go thru your vids. Have a great day, on purpose! 💫✨
You really hit the nail on the head. As a kid I always felt like we were divided in school by academic success or lack thereof and were told that academic success was directly related to success as an adult. I always struggled with personal self worth because of this. I've always been fed the idea that there's no success in life without a college education.
I've definitely done this myself. I am so happy i have broken away from this kind of thinking. There are so many ways to make money that brings you more joy than stress.
I am tired of working for someone else. I have a short attention span and was considered a student with ADD/ADHD. I tried drafting (architecture) but I failed in computers (CADD) dropped out and gotta second job. As far as what I like doing, I do draw floor plans on graph paper, write and love researching religion and where the concept of “god” came from. My spare time, I go to the lake (OKC) and write whatever comes to mind…..”today I am feeling good being ME”… “I am frustrated over my lover not treating me fair in a long distance relationship”…, “I will write Father/Mother Divine a love letter” (gratitude)……and the list goes on. I don’t care having lots of friends. Most seem scared/fears or different engrained beliefs which I will respect but choose not to be complacent or stagnant in my spiritual journey. I thank you for your videos Lynn and you’re right down to the “T” in a lot of areas in my life. Blessings coming your way!! Namaste🙏🏾🌈💫💫💫.
I am currently at this position and it literally got me insane. I am 19 years old, currently studying psychology. Psychology itself is so interesting but to be honest I mainly study it because I didn’t know what else to do and when others ask what I do, it “sounds good”. I am currently looking for ways out of this because I feel like it is not the thing that I should ultimately do in life... but I don’t know what this thing yet is. I literally couldn’t sleep, eat or do anything for college.. I am also unfortunately money driven and “scared” that I can’t afford my lifestyle later in life. It’s not easy but I have faith and hope that I will find my way out...
The fear that society has instilled in us to have everything figured out at such a young age can be so debilitating...I'm so sorry you're going through that. I encourage you to take a gap year if you can and give yourself time to just be and learn about you
That’s the problem that many college students face. This situation is so common -it actually happened to me as well. We fear that we’re missing a big opportunity or that our future is ruined if we don’t attend college. But if we attend college and “just go with the flow” to feel like we’re at least doing something, we are setting ourselves up for failure. Because if we’re truly not passionate about what we’re studying, we’re definitely not going to have the motivation to finish. So I would take her advice and take a gap year and really work on yourself internally so you could get to know yourself better. But also be careful because you can easily lose yourself if you don’t keep yourself busy or stimulated. This is where self discipline comes into play. Wish you the best.
You are still young. Start with acquiring all the digital skills you can. There are people living in 3rd world countries making U.S. wages. They can also afford to live anywhere in the world.
It is so true that we need to stop acting out of fear. There is so much more to life than just a 9-5 job. We can change anything , anything we hate. We can change the job which ruins our mental health and consumes too much energy and time. We just need to have the courage to start and take steps towards bettering ourselves and the way we live. Thank you for this video, Lynette ♥️ ! You are so young and so wise at the same time. You are such an inspiration for many of us.
For me, I've been stressing about my teeth not being super white and not being super straight. They are completely functional, why have I been stressing out and wanting to spend $3k on 'fixing' them to a random aesthetic that is supposed to be cute
I relate and trust me it’s not worth the money. Save it for something important or an emergency❤️ aesthetics don’t actually matter and people make money selling insecurities.
Crooked teeth can be really cute! As for whitening there are tons of really affordable white strips, or even whitening toothpaste/mouthwashes now!! Self improvement can be great, just make sure you are doing it because that's what you want, not what everyone is supposed to want.
I was shocked to find out that people spent money to close their gap tooth in the US when I got here several years ago. There's the secret thing popping in Nigeria and other parts of West Africa were I grew up. It's crazy what societies condition people to accept as stabdards.
I am thrilled to see these type of videos popping up now. I am twice your age and I've been fighting a battle to live a life of my choice for many years but when you do that you've always been considered of less worth ie: worthless and that is a terrible thing... but clearly this younger generation is waking up and I'm so grateful. Keep up the good work. Thank you.
Having graduated from an alternative high school over 30 years ago, I realize that while that school taught me how to be a successful student, it also meant that I had fundamental differences in how I learned from other college students. The school I went to did not have grades or credits, and so learning had to be of valuable interest to you, which motivated you to learn, but this is not how the rest of the world works. When I was an undergraduate student in college taking an upper division course in my major, which was English literature, the instructor of the course did not want to meet with students during office hours, nor did she want to answer questions about comments she wrote on my paper. Other students in the course were saying they also had problems, yet when I confronted the instructor in class about this issue, nobody else said anything. After class, the instructor wanted for me to stay after class and asked me if this was about my grade in the class, and I told her it wasn’t. The biggest problem with grades in school is it causes students to focus on getting a letter grade instead of learning.
i’m graduating college this month and it’s crazy how desperate u become for a job like needing that feeling of security. and the way that it looks “bad” on ur resume when you switch jobs or don’t stay for many years.
Well, and it's a pride thing too... what is usually the first question a person asks you when you meet them? I have a B.S. in psychology and I have had family members ask me why am I still in the service industry? Like they are ashamed of what I do because it's not prestigious enough! Family will often strongly influence their children to be in certain fields because it makes them look good. Sometimes parents with money will hold that over the child's head on which choices they make in life. I recently quit a management job where not only I didn't have a life, my salary was barely sustainable so screw it! I am not dedicating my life to an uncaring, cheap, greedy corporation who doesn't take care of those who help them make scads of money!!!!!
The first half of your video touches on the difference between goal-orientation and process-orientation. The former strives more towards outcomes and results, the latter is more about optimizing the steps you take daily (whether you're optimizing happiness or efficiency or whatever, the point is that it's less about where you go and more about what and how you're going about getting there). Like you said, awareness is key and you should know where your intent is. What's your aim? Throw everything else away and focus solely on hitting your target. You want to be rich? Pursue money and the philosophies that lead to it. You want to be emotionally fulfilled? Pursue the things that bring you emotional fulfillment, and study the Psychology behind that. But understand... things in life have costs that match their value. You'll have to pay and sacrifice for your greatest treasures. Don't shy away from that. Embrace sacrifice and discipline as part and parcel of a life worth living. And then live.
I am in my second year of University and I've been thinking about what is more valuable to me. Like most ppl here and you, Lynette, I want to have luxuries, but at the same time, I want the freedom of living my life the way I want. I guess it's better to start trying as many things as possible while we r young.
This really what I needed. Honestly I am so grateful for the job I have. Been 10 years in the same place and since 2 years ago I feel I the need to leave. The fear is huge and I really need to fully trust the unknown to decide to leave the job that don't allow me to be best version of me. I hope I will come here again to comment that I finally free after leaving my job and doing what I love. Make a living doing what I love. Above all, Thank you so much.
I dropped out of college after a year cause it was depressing, I went to community college after high school and I wasnt a great student in high school but I wasnt bad either, I was a b and c average, and I loved school, I loved learning new things, I love using the internet and I read so much in high school like I read for fun, but college happened and I was NOT happy, i was depressed, felt stuck, felt pressured so i failed college lost financial aid eligibility and ended up having to work, and it sucks cause i live in nowhere nebraska, right now I have an ok job as an overnight baker, it's kinda fun but manual labor and I dont have to deal with customers but I only have one day off and dont have a set time I get off cause its production work and I dont have any benefits and I make $11 an hour and have been there for two years and counting, it's better than all the other jobs I've had but I wish I could go to college get an artsy degree (specifically painting or print making) cause that's my passion that is pulling me, but it's not stable, and it sucks, all the jobs or careers I want arent stable, and i dont want to go into healthcare or stem jobs, and deal with the BS of college again so I'm at the job i am now, and i wanna live in a certain place and have a certain lifestyle and I'm not really super materialistic but i want certain things that fit my personality so idk, it sucks, if I were rich I could do whatever I wanted but I dont have that luxury
There are lots of good art jobs you can get!! You can do graphic design, teach, you can work in or run galleries, and the BEST part of getting an art degree? You are in school everyday for your passion, your love!!! TRUST ME!!! I am a senior Fine Art major at the University of Las Vegas, and the best way to make your life count for something is to pursue higher education in a subject you love. I'm almost 37 and I have gone to college before, and tried other careers but I finally have a good fit. If you stick with art in college long enough to get a Masters degree, then it's even more likely that you can just be a straight up Artist for a living. I think it's more unstable to NOT pursue your dreams. You don't want to live with regret. Please let me know if you have any questions. I'd love to give you some answers or advice or guidance. I am really big on inspiring people to do what they love!!
It’s crazy how many people need to hear this. I realized how the school system conditions us to be workers and decided years ago to teach my kids the important of entrepreneurship. Great video 👌🏽 and always a pleasure listening to your insight.
@@3jay22 he is right, wokeness is a mental disease. It's endorsed by big corporations to fuel more consumerism and obedience and have less critical thinkers and independent individuals.
I notice its incredibly common to generalize our point of view and experience. Its common to switch I with we and you. This really says I noticed for myself I stay in jobs because I am attached to my lifestyle and consumerism and a lot of other people feel that way too. Its just good to acknowledge these "we's" and "you's" are really about the person speaking in some case.
This is actually so sad, I’ve been told that bullshit too, honestly in the country I live if you don’t go to college you can’t even find a good job or have a “good life”. So we are told since we are young that we go to school so we can go to college and then find a good job. But basically I realized that we literally live to work, we have to go to work to get even the basic stuff. And like, we don’t have time to do what we actually like. And at the end of your life when you already worked a lot, then you have a chance to rest, that’s so sad. Also people can’t even do what they actually enjoy because they might not make any money out of it. Anyways, I’m currently thinking what I wanna do with my life, I need to go to college next year but I’m super confused.
I am impressed how young people come to the conclusions at such young age while it took me 36 years to realize the same. It's truly "another' souls that won't allow system to 'swallow' them. ❤
I don’t strive to work, I don’t strive to have side hustles, I just want to live that’s all.
Nothing wrong with work as long as it's on your own terms
Yeah, I work to live. But, it’s like you have to keep it to yourself, lest the live to work sheeple call you out, like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Me f*cking too
this just made me feel better not working, especially during a pandemic.
🤨 u want to live on air? Your food and electricity has to come from somewhere.
The whole society is actually a system of modern slaves. I know this may sound uncomfortable to a lot of people, but the truth is that the modern exploitative system is just a more sophisticated version of slavery.
I think the saddest thing is that even a simple life costs money now. Like, the LAND costs money. So if you wanna go live in the middle of nowhere in a little hut you built yourself and live off the vegetables you grow in your garden and completely detach yourself from capitalist life, you STILL need a ton of money to do that. You can't even just buy the land once and be done with it, because you need to continue making money so you can pay taxes on that land for the rest of your life.
This is sad. I was really talking to myself and god how he gave us humans earth. No one owns anything. A land should not be charged to others. He gave us earth and all these resources to live a sustainable lifestyle. But no capitalism took over now.
100%. I wish I would've covered this some more in this video - even without buying into consumerism etc, our system is designed for us to have to work to survive
@@LynetteAdkins Absolutely. And that sucks. I mean, I happily participate in capitalism and consumerism, but I feel like I would be happier if I'd never been exposed to all this stuff in the first place. Anyways, just wanna say thanks for replying I love your videos! I've been silently watching a lot of them lately and find them really inspiring and helpful ❤️
@Jordan Alexander Me? I already do live abroad. I'm Romanian, lived there until I was 3, then I grew up living in China from age 3 to 20, and I've been in Germany with my family for the past 3 years.
@Jordan Alexander I mean, I'm only 23 so up until now it's been my family's choices bringing me from place to place. I definitely have considered it. I wouldn't necessarily pick southeast Asia though (China is more far east than southeast), I feel like it's great for holidays but not that safe/the infrastructure is a little behind and it's harder to get around. If I secured a solid online income, I would definitely consider moving back to Romania. It's still not as safe as western Europe, but the food is good, rent is cheap, and you could have a pretty solid lifestyle there, or in Eastern Europe in general, for a lot less money. Southeast Asia has gained a LOT of popularity with "digital nomads" so life there is getting increasingly more expensive, and if you want to live in the city (because rural life in Asia or anywhere else gets really boring really fast), it's just as expensive in Asia as in the US.
I hate that school teaches “you need good grades to get a good job”. How about “you need to STAY being creative so that you can create your OWN job” We need to go back to simple living and true freedom not this consumerism crap some of us have awoken from.
I find it funny how teachers say that, because it's not always the case. Great jobs and money is something anyone can reach with HARD WORK, type of degree, creativity, one of the things to prioritize. I think it's a common misconception.
There are plenty of rural areas and towns in all of the US - apply yourself and find out how others live outside the concrete jungle.
Among the urban kids hiking in the wild, a village boy is a magician.
At the age of 28, I know that living in a village is way above me.
yep.. I've found that some of the worst students- class misfits even- have gone on and ended up in better careers than some who were top students.. it was because of their personalities being very strong and non-conforming.. they created different paths which in turn created a good life path for them.. you can make A's all your life, but if you don't know how to talk to people and market yourself and "finesse" your own way, you've been set up to get caught up..
This is a good point. Schools need to emphasize self discipline. A lot of people would be self employed if they had the self discipline.
You’d have too much power on the individual and that breaks the entire delicate, strictly measured system lol
when you stop using social media you realize how much of what you consume influences what you think you want
seriously. sometimes I wonder, what would I want if I had no external influence?
A wider net of influence is much better than the 2-5 people closest to you.
You could also use social media to find what you do want. It is a neutral tool; it's up to us to use it positively (or not at all).
@@refillwithlife same
Straight facts
I love how the younger generations are challenging the system. Yes, help us older folks unlearn these harmful beliefs because even traditionally successful people aren’t happy.
As a Boomer (1961) I agree! Happiness always should be the goal. There has to be practicality of course, but most jobs suck the life out of your soul. All for the sake of profit.
Just had a fight with my wifes grandmother (~90) because she thinks that you can only be successful in life if you learn from a young age to shut up and focus on your work / follow orders without questioning.
Not gonna bring my kid up believing that...
As a boomer, I remember many people challenging the system, they were referred to as hippies.
Screaming I agree!!!!
Simply said.But well said.
I almost feel that being aware makes it more difficult to live this life... to live this lie... because what if you find out that everything you do in your life you don’t really want to do
I know this feeling.That's where I started to feel the need to know myself. Fortunately, even when we've been brainwashed into liking and living through all this things, constructs and structures, we still have our authentic-self, even though it might be probably be buried at the moment. You can get some clues as how your authentic-self is by looking as how you were as a child, before any traumas and heavy social conditioning. Sometimes it can be hard pinpointing who you really are or what you really want but when you are honest to yourself and do self-reflection things really become clear. I would reccomend for you to look more into shadow-work (which is self-reflection but it is more focused onto ehaling trauma, but you can also use it to get to know yourself and what you really like).
Hope this helps, and my best wishes for finding what you like :)
@@Karla-jf3cq thanks so much for this insight I’ll look into shadow- work
well you suffer
Wow so trueee
it’s nice to know there are others who think the same as me
As a millennial, please do not get conned into going $50,000 in debt for a useless degree. Our whole generation was conned.
what are you gonna do instead
@@perzonne6302 Community college for your first 2 years of college or trade schools are far better options. Deep debt is more than a financial struggle, it's a mental struggle.
@@GreenEnvy. Definitely community college, trades and what ever you do find how to get certificates!!! Its faster cheaper and you probably learn more because you up having to self teach quite a lot. People really do sleep on associates degrees though....
@@GreenEnvy. I think though if someone is fortunate enough to get into college for free that they should but also get certs and make investments that pay off after college so it doesn't feel like all you get is some knowledge and a degree.
@@perzonne6302 Remove certificates that in no way shape or form show any kind of proper qualification, skill and knowledge, but rely on the lobbying that universities do and their heritage.
You need 10x more knowledge and skill than 20 years of education will give you, which goes to show that they are wasting time.
We can produce experts in almost any field in the 12 years of school alone.
omg stop, I just wrote an entire think piece for my social psychology course on how the minute we enter the school system we're being shaped to conform into a 9-5 work environment. We're rewarded for being the best and feel humiliated / belittled when we aren't. Loved this videeo
Wow, it's crazy how many of us are realizing this! Thank you for watching.
wait I would love to read it!!! or if u have recs for other sources/similar pieces i'd love to learn more ty :)
Send us the link!!!!
This is so true. It's crazy how people don't even question it
Yup, college although it's not for everyone is more like how "school" should be structured. Start teaching people what's really going and how the economy uses tools such school and social media to brainwash people... crazy. Thanks for sharing and best wishes to you on your college journey 💛
*"Your salary is the bribe they give you to forget your dreams." - Kevin O'Leary* // What is worth more, helping someone else build their empire or building your own?
Interesting that Mr .Burns himself said that! Lol
@@litawi7869 He's always been pretty blunt with his statements. And I wonder how his employees must feel when they see that quote.
Do not listen to Oleary. Research who he is and you will see the spoon feed he gave the internet and any fool that will listen.
@@FutureBusinessTech He prides himself in being crass. And he knows he is exploitative, wears it like a badge. I hope his employees are working on their side hustle cause I know I would hate getting up every day to clock in for him.
I accepted a job that went against everything I believed in for money and it was the first time I was not proud to be me. It was so toxic and they justified it through money. Luckily, I left. Many get stuck and accept toxic environments.
I think that's where I'm at right now. 100% not worth it
That's why I'm not actually spending all the money I'm earning right now. I don't want to be dependent on a bulshit job, so I ain't going to be buying no house or a car or even start a family untill I feel like I'm in my sweet spot, maybe not doing what I love, but actually loving what I do, doesn't matter if it's frying burgers as long as I'm happy.
Yes...I left a "great career" due to toxicity..others are stuck there & miserable for pay & benefits sad...
That is where I am right now in this annoying af IT field
she was a stripper
I am probably about 20 years older than you and I just wanna say, that I'm so thankful for the younger generation, showing the older generation that you don't have to live a life of monotony and one you hate and to not be afraid to go after your dreams.🙏🏾 Thank you for showing us how to be fearless!
This was my thought, exactly. I am 40 years old and just now realizing it's okay to be happy, even if it's not what we were raised to believe happiness looks like. I am so glad to so that so many young people are realizing this before throwing away decades being miserable.
Exactly my thoughts!!!! I felt like a proud auntie l 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽I’m here for all of it …
Money money money. I'm getting SICK of it. EVERYTHING is about money. People always say: "well good luck on buying your family food, shelter blablabla". I always say to people, stuff is temporary happiness. Memories not.
I had that same mentality and anger when I was young. Let’s turn it around, focus on what you want, then figure out how much it will cost. Money is just a tool. Don’t let others tell you that money is everything.
So sickkkk off ittt
I feel you :(
Food, clean water and shelter are necessities in order to survive though to be fair. However, I do agree that we put too much emphasis on “stuff” in society.
I swear !!!
"I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers"
-John D Rockefeller, who created the General Education Board in 1903
well if you only think, no work would be done
@@bbelh3643 i know what you mean. some people still needs to be workers. Not everyone can be business owner. not until we can automate everything.
@@nte2336 that is legitimately the stupidest rebuttal I have ever heard in response to anything ever.
@@cosmicllama6910 or you just don't understand it because you probably never run a business
@@nte2336 What Rockefeller really meant by this quote, and his involvement in the education system was
"I don't want Americans to have the resources or opportunities to become another Einstein, I don't want to see another Edison or Tesla. Give me work drones who will not question authority"
You're not much of a "thinker" yourself, if you think what he really meant by that was passive idealists, or people sitting around playing videogames all day.
Have we had another great mind come out of the U.S. since then? and I don't mean another "successful" businessman of the upper elites who pulled himself up by the bootstraps of his parents wealth. I mean another game changing mind like Einstein or Tesla who was CONTROVERISAL in their own time because they always challenged the status quo, especially of the elites.
It is sad that people are taught to chase money instead of happiness. Last year, I decided to focus on what brings me joy.
the American dream, right?
Money is a tool. Use it to maximize your happiness.
@@taoist32 i think her point is that it is a tool because capitalism has made it that way. many people are beyond happy and they have little money
How do you do that without money?
@@mylifeasjessio True, but it depends where you live. Those in smaller communities where it isn’t that expensive would be happier based on the size of the community and close knit culture. Huge cities it would be difficult to find that connection, although it’s easier for younger people to be happier because they have a close circle of friends that have not yet succumbed to the mind numbing belief systems of corporations, politics, and other extreme cultural issues like homelessness. Privilege also plays a part. I’m privileged to live in a fancy townhouse because my mother owns it, but I pay rent. I’m comfortable and happy, and my income goes up and down based on my job and investments.
I choose to live in my vehicle and teach private art lessons to people. All my money is mine and I have no ties or responsibilities. I'm almost 60 years old. I spent a lifetime of working a regular job. I got a college degree and after years of sitting in artificial light and being chained to a desk, I escaped. I made it over the fence. Now I wake up when I want and do what I want. Yes, there are major sacrifices but It's my choice. My home is on 4 wheels and I'm rent and mortgage free.
This is amazing, thank you for sharing❤️
“The only title to place or privilege that any man enjoys in the community is ultimately based on the service that he performs”
― Booker T. Washington
Also you freed yourself, that results in you helping to others to free themselves to learn. I am sure your art lessons are of the most memorable and useful of any art lesson they will every receive.
Best life ever!
can't even own a car here without having an address... can't get a PO box or anything so you need to RENT a place... no way to escape the system here :-/
It‘a so sad that we’ve been programmed to think that work is meant to be strenuous and tough and that if you’re having fun it can’t be classified as working😒 We shouldn’t feel bad about wanting to have fun and ‘play’ instead of work
Amen!!! I want to have fun I don’t want to do paperwork 😞
exactly. i’m 14 and i hatw this damn school system why can’t we talk to our friends in school? why do we have to sit for 7 hours at a desk doing work? what are we gaining, are we gaining knowledge, are we happy, is this counting towards the future? when we were babies 👶 and learnt how to WALK were we being tested? or did we learn from trial and error!!!!! 🙁
Slavery never ended, it just became less inhumane.
I went to university because it was pushed and seemed like the correct thing to do. I ended up hating the 3 years I spent on a degree that is useless without experience. I’ve also ended up having to change career paths completely. It would be amazing to not have to do a 9-5 but I want to own my a house, travel and not become homeless. I feel unless you’re financially stable or have an amazing talent/skill, you have to go with the grain to survive.
What do you even mean with "go with the grain" ? Obviously you must work regardless if it's a boring or a fun job.
Back in the day, c.a 2000 years ago in europe people were hunting every day to survive, they hadn't even started keeping animals and breeding them. They walked c.a 20km on foot a day and didn't have permanent villages.
But, then they started to keep animals in captivity and breeding them, meaning an unlimited source of food. Anyone could survive, even the ones who were stupid enough to not be able to outsmart an animal while hunting. Those who were dumb enough to not be able to survive the harsh winters.
This was the start of the degeneration of the human species, starting c.a 2000 years ago. Everything since then has only been a constant slope downwards into degeneration. We are merely shells of our former ancestors.
Don't believe me? What if I dropped you off in the middle of the wilderness, in the middle of the winter, with no clothes exept for a bear hide? Good luck surviving!
Almost nobody would be able to do it, even if you managed to do it for a week, imagine living years like that. Humans have simply become stupid enough not to know how to survive without all of these artificial, human-created things.
Thus, you have no choice if you feel like all this modernity is stupid. You are literally not capable of it, me neither, it's far past that point already. Human-created things, the very things we rely on for survival, farmers, grocery stores, metal, etc. all require money to buy, unless you wanna outright steal them ofcourse.
But this means that the only option left is getting a job. I know. It's sad. It's boring. It's unnatural. I wish we could live free in nature like back in the day, but even if we wanted to, it would be impossible. Not to mention how tainted nature has become by cities, houses, roads, etc. To destroy it all again would be too much work.
The human species will go extinct before anything has improved, infact it will just all get worse instead. It will get progressively worse and worse, because it becomes eaiser and eaiser for those who shouldn't survive, to actually survive and thus it will eventually reach a point where the cost of keeping these people alive is too great and the whole bubble will burst, which will be a massive society-collapse and it's going to be like the wild west of USA round 2, but way worse as the longer people are starving, the more desperate they will become until they blatantly start murdering eachother over a small loaf of bread.
Your neighbour that you have known for 30+ years? He's going to be the one trying to break into your house to murder you over your food.
Your best childhood friends? they are going to be the ones who will sell out your own family to whoever demands it, just so that they themselves can escape unscathed.
Every modern day city will become a ghost city, because everyone will kill eachother and the streets will be filled with blood running down every direction.
this probably won't happen in our lifetime though. I say, give it another 200 years and we will all be facing our doom.
@@siegpasta That’s dark 👀
@@siegpasta For something that seems so cleanly written, I'm suprised at your blatantly inaccurate facts.
2000 years ago folks only hunted in Europe and didn't even keep or breed animals? Are you daft? Trolling? Or just miss a zero at the end of your 2000 on more than one occasion?
2000 years ago the Roman Empire was well established in Europe. They definitely had agriculture and domestication a long time before that. Thousands of years before that in fact.
In Europe specifically there was also Celtic culture, and a Celtic empire I'm led to believe, with agriculture and metal working etc long before the Romans, although they didn't write as much despite having a writing system. The salt mine in Salzburg Austria predates the Romans by 1500 years. That's nearly double the time frame you claimed.
Supposedly the Illiad and the Oddessy are accounts first written around 600 BC from oral tradition inspired by real events around 1200 BC (3200 years ago), by which time they not only had agriculture and large walled cities, but relatively large scale international warfare that spanned the Mediterranean.
I don't know if you are trolling or what. The idea Europe was still in hunter gather mode 2k years ago is preposterous. Perhaps 20k years ago, but unless my memory fails me, the content was covered entirely with ice in between that time and now. I am less knowledgeable about evidence for human activity that far back, but there is evidence of advanced stonework that predates the last ice age which would almost certainly have required advanced agriculture at a minimum to support in development. In fact geologists claim water erosion on the Sphinx in Egypt would date it to around 15,000 years ago, before the last ice age. Granted that's northern Africa rather than Europe, but in that case the point is that human development is generally a lot older than you are crediting.
Otherwise your point, so far as I read if it, seems correct. Or participation in trade and the economy is a survival method that evolved because it worked better than hunting and gathering, or agriculture without irrigation, etc etc down through time.
Please leave the country
Please leave the country
Even in the way we're conditioned as kids that the goal is to go to college and that trade schools (plumber, electrician, etc) / community college is for the kids who couldn't make it at a four year college/ university. When in reality so many people with Bachelor's degrees struggle to find jobs to maintain themselves and many people in the trades make BANK and get a real return on their time/money invested in their education. Just make the best choice for YOU and don't feel bad if you have to start over in life or take a detour, everyone's path is different.
Hi! When you say trades do you mean trading school! I completely agree with your point about bachelor degrees and it makes me question whether or not all this time I'm investing is even worth it and what am i working towards at the end of the day. Is learning it fulfillment in itself or knowing the career its 'supposed' to lead me to?
@@nardosscott9929 Hey so I was just speaking on what I've seen thus far... I think if you're currently looking at college, maybe look at what community colleges in your area have to offer. Nothing wrong with getting an Associates degree and then going into a Bachelor's program, or starting with a trade program (plumber, electrician, mechanic, etc) and then going back to school later down the line if you want a more advanced degree OR taking a gap year between high school and college to work and figure out your options before rushing into college. Put some serious thought into if the money/ student loan debt is worth it after looking at what you will be making down the line in that career. Also, some careers allow you to work your way up even if you don't have a degree in that particular field.
OMG YES!!!!!
Honestly trade school is great. The teachers help you out and the material is concrete. Universities are just the opposite. Everyone is rude and conniving. The professors talk down to you. The tuition is outrageously high and what you learn is just garbage really.
This!! I have a learning disability and struggled severely to get good grades, and teachers would genuinely bully me fr they had beef with a child because I wasn't successful like everyone else. For years they made up this narrative that I was lazy and not trying hard enough. Now I'm out of school and I feel this has leaked into the work world and I am constantly scared. I worry that I will be fired because I can't pick up information as fast as everyone else. The system is telling me and people like me that because the way we were born we aren't "convenient and efficient" so we don't deserve money...don't deserve to live.
Other people are out there that DO support people just like you!! Including ME ❤️
Teachers can be ruthless. I was also in your situation because I suffered from having an undiagnosed mental disabilities. I've been heavily scrutinized by my parents to do better and teacher openly criticize my works because I couldn't keep up with my classmates.
You have ptsd from those teachers, I went through the same thing. I would get As in some classes and fail others. That created a narrative of me being lazy or unable to focus. Sometimes I pick things up quickly, sometimes I need more time and more information than others. There’s nothing wrong with that and if anyone at your workplace makes you feel bad I think you should try to find a different job if at all possible.
School and life is tough because they only prioritize the best.
"convenient and efficient" that's so true man.
And don't forget sports. When you're a little kid sports are just about having fun for most of us but at middle school it becomes about who's better
Great point, I stopped wanting to play tennis because it became less fun
That’s what happened to music. Everybody is always trying to prove something in middle school and high school. Like.. that’s not what music is supposed to be about but okay I guess.. ya’ll are cool and shit.. thanks for ruining the fun of it.. 🙃
I stopped sprinting because it gave me panic attacks in high school...and I used to be the best in middle school because it was funnnn then
damn it was middle school for you are you a female? just wondering but I would say for me it started in 2nd grade as soon as we had fitness test I remember noticing the most athletics kids were the most popular boys tend to try to start ranking each other early who the fastest/strongest/height/weight etc...
@@scirazzbrehh i was going to say high school but was definitely earlier and yes, as a girl. I think boys have it worse bc sports is a big part of their identity so I can see that
In my opinion, one of the things that keeps people from leaving their jobs is health insurance. There’s an expectation that we must do something we hate in order to have it. I’ve heard people say that insurance was their only reason for keeping a 9 to 5. So they surrender to that unspoken norm and remain stuck in that dead-end situation until retirement. It’s really sad how much we’ve been conditioned to think that that’s the only way to live.
The fact that this is a thing breaks my heart. Universal healthcare should not be something we're still trying to figure out in this country like wtf!
@@LynetteAdkins Seriously! 😔
This is literally the only reason why I'll look for a 9 to 5 after my degree🥴💀
Every family deserves a herbalist!
Ya tough for some ppl I would prefer doing part time and working on my side hustles on the things I like to do. However not going full time at some jobs means no health care and benefits or even the good retirement for working many hours. A type of law would have to pass where all part time jobs offer health care and the benefits. A person can still do full time and work on the things they want to do but its not much time compared to part time on the things you want to do. Sometimes sacrifices need to be made to get into the things you want to do.
I’m doing everything I can currently to be self-sustainable and escape the system
You got this!
like what?
@@danielletaylor6602 buying land 50 km from the nearest city, building a house on it, investing in solar panels and a 100 meter deep water pump, growing my own food and pickling/conserving whatever is left over from the season 🌞 it’s so much hard work but definitely worth it!
@@danielletaylor6602 Gwt involved with trading
@@LynetteAdkins Please look at your Instagram DM @pr3ttygirl_va3h it would be the 🌍 if you DM me back.👏🏽
I was raised by a successful entrepreneur who genuinely loves her job everyday and has a lot of flexibility. I was always taught to find your passion and to love what you do. I think it’s family “conditioning” and lessons can bypass the societal pressures.
This is such a nice perspective to have because not many people come from those backgrounds, thank you for sharing❤️
Same my family are all six figure "smart" tech people and just don't understand why I'm not able to do the same :(
It is 100% through the family...if you want your kids to be healthy and non materialistic/ go against the grain, it starts with the parents and it needs to start from a young age.
I’m definitely going to college just for a job that will pay a good amount of money and I already know that’s not what I want to do.
What are you going to major in?
As long as your future self’s okay with your midlife crisis
when i was 12 i started thinking at school: damn im really in a farm for children
Ee ii ee ii ooh
Watch The Promised Neverland 😂
I been out of that 9-5 mindset for about 3 years now. It feels so much better doing what you REALLY want to do and making money and not just settling for any job/career just to have something going on or to look productive
How did you end up doing this? What do you do for work now?
That's amazinggg, go you❤️
May you give some advice please!!
Everything we're taught just feels so incredibly absurd.
Such an important message Lynette ! I had a similar epiphany (more hit by a brick wall) at 28 at the peak of my corporate career, once again solely focused on the “big” paycheque and feeling stuck yet realizing I didn’t want this anymore and it literally made me sick spiritually, physically and emotionally. In fact our current education system is called a “factory education” that came into effect during the industrial revolution. Large scale factories needed workers who could stand the pressure of doing the same repetitive job for a long period of time. To fill this need the modern education system/learning was born. A school system was developed that could build/shape these modern workers. It would teach children to sit at their desk, 8h or so per day, 5 days a week, preparing them for a life in the factory. It’s amazing how ppl are waking up to this realization that this “system” from the beginning was not meant for the highest good of the individual or collective. And again nothing against education but it’s clear it’s time for a revolution.
They lied to us they said if we go to college we would be able to find a good job that could afford us a house, car, etc.
College= debt slave, Job= just over broke. Self-made= you your own boss.
I feel like I started questioning everything, because I feel like there is some underlying thing to everything and once you start to really think about it you understand how much everything is connected in a weird way 😅I’m 14 btw
I’m super proud of you bby girl! Thinking like this is where it starts. Keep this in mind and do what you can to have a future full of abundance ❤️ wish I thought like this at 14!!!!
@@abbivanessa thank you
Good job u are ahead of the rest keep it up
@@bashbarti02 thanks
I was also around 14 years old (25 now) when I noticed things aren't clicking and I started questioning the system. I wrote it down to remind myself to not be consumed by it. Keep it up girl I support youu
I stumbled upon this... and I have to say I felt this way 25+ years ago. I distinctly remember talking to my parents about it, raging at the lies we were told. Lies that continue to this day and only get worse. Truth is...its not about your job or career, its about redefining what "successful" is to you personally and how you spend the limited time you have in this world. I used to have all the things, I used to care about having more things and then life happened and you learn real quick what really matters - over and over again. I havent worked a 9-5 in a decade and though I dont have all the things I also dont care because I do something I love which makes me a much happier human. Seeing you talk about this gives me hope that one day the system will break. Much love.
It doesn’t make sense we are supposed to work 40 hrs, 5 days a week until we are what 60 ... and we are supposed to enjoy our life the rest of that and retire ?! It’s a no for me. Find something for yourself, create a business anything where you don’t slave away for capitalist America
right, retire and "chill" now that you're old and tired (or sick) after working/wasting yourself away during your prime.. it's a crazy setup..
Kinda ironic to put the words "create a business" and "slave away for capitalist America" in the same sentence. What that heck do you think you're doing if you create a business? You'll be using....(wait for it)....CAPITALISM. That evil capitalism that you clearly deride so much. Start a business and you're a capitalist. You'll need...(you guessed it)...some money to start that business. CAPITAL. You'll put the capital in...and create the business...and get money out. Just like all the other capitalists you look down on do.
@@GrimdarkKing I was thinking the same thing? So what's the real escape besides death? going off into the wilderness?
@@malachi8678 - there is no 'escape'. Honestly...I don't know why people get upset that people have to work. Talk about 1st world problems. Our ancestors would have just been over-the-moon happy with the kind of life we have in western nations. They'd be like,
" think you have it hard? Because you work a lot of hours? In an air conditioned building? How about working even MORE hours slaving away in the field just waiting for the next flood or drought to wipe out your entire year's effort and set you up for starvation in the coming winter. I don't want to hear any more of your complaining."
Seriously. Does anyone think that you'd work LESS hard by "going off into the wilderness"? There's a reason why people don't do that. Because deep down...they KNOW that that would be far FAR harder than anything they are dealing with now. If people cry about how hard life is in an advanced economy nation...they are completely unfit to survive even for a month without the benefits of society.
@@GrimdarkKing it’s obvious that you’ve been conditioned my society my friend. Modern conveniences doesn’t necessarily make life more easily in fact a lot of that which is modern is more harmful to us if anything. Slaving away your life in a 9-5 will always be worse than living self sufficient. Many people who live self sufficient even to this day have lots of time to themselves.
I’m over this way of living and constant feeling of being trapped into a corner. Last year I suffered burn out really badly and was suicidal. I’m scared that I’m entering that headspace again...the culture at my work is not good. Working 12-14 hour days is normal for most and it’s impossible to stay on top of anything without working over time every single day. If I died tomorrow my employer wouldn’t give a shit. I’m just tired man. The thing is I feel guilty for not being able to do long hours anymore. I can’t put myself into that space where I feel extremely burnt out, heart palpitations all day and unable to sleep due to stress. I’m doing what my psych told me to do by taking it easy this year but I’m falling extremely behind by doing so...
I was in a very similar boat a couple of years ago. It got bad. I was working to pay off my student loans and I just felt so defeated. I had a horrible manager. The pay was a joke and the work was hard with unrealistic expectations. I was working a job I hated for a boss that I could never please and would constantly belittle the entire team for a small paycheck that I would put toward school debt. I would think so I went to school for this? And I felt trapped. My family kept telling me to hang in there, but I got to the point where I was thinking of just ending my life. I worked so hard to put myself through school and get good grades and I did everything I was supposed to and look where it got me. So one day my manager said something to me and I just said that's it. I went to the HR office to quit. Well after a couple of days another manager in another department offered me a job and I took that one. And I've never looked back since. I know if I hadn't of stood up for myself and essentially put my foot down, then I would still be there. I was willing to lose it all. But honestly I had prayed and prayed and begged God throughout that whole 3 year experience of being in that department. And I know he lined everything up for me. I think my only wish was that I had quit sooner. But I learned a lot about myself through that experience and I also grew a lot as a person through that experience. I don't take crap from anybody now. I don't care what title they have. I look after myself. And I learned that's not selfish or lazy to say no to someone. I hope you don't let them smother the light in you. Keep it burning. I hope you value yourself and learn from where you are, but one day take a step to grow into what you can be.
Falling extremely behind what? Walk the F away. Ounce you walk away, you will find ways to do without it and live much more pleasant. It's a con! Keeps you locked in to not knowing what's out there. Run as fast as you can!
Your idea of "falling behind" is based on external values. Let go of the outside world and focus on your inside world. That's the world that truly matters. Work from the inside out. Not the outside in. The world will not offer you peace. You must create that peace for yourself.
@@chelbella5025 Amen! So happy for you. I hate when ppl say hang in there yet they'll claim to be shocked when someone feels so stuck they do end their life.
It so nice to see young people waking up and smelling the coffee! I found all this out a little to late in life. I am older and I actually hate working a regular job. It sucks being there all day. No freedom, taking a break and going on vacation when they say so. Oh yes no doubt we have been lied too. Great video!
Absofreakinglutely. I was never a good fit in the “system” but for most of my life I tried to be part of it, and never did well. My life finally changed for the better after I quit everything. Not immediately, took a couple years of being broke, but quitting the system allowed me to encounter opportunities that I couldn’t have imagined. Appreciate this video.
Totally agree! It does seem like, from a young age, we're coerced into labour with "carrot on a stick" rewards. _Perhaps_ that was necessary to build the civilisation we have today, but something tells me that's not going to last much longer. The "I don't dream of labour" crowd aren't having it. And rightly so.
Right sometimes I think what if everyone just didn't go to work even for just one day. I feel like this will happen soon I'm so happy ppl are voicing this opinion bc I've been feeling like this since highschool
Hell yeah
hell yeah x2
you are very smart and right!
I'm telling you guys, you are right. I'm 66yrs old, worked hard, had my own business, the whole shitball. It's all fake. Created by society. Turn it off and learn about the real world.
i just turned 18 and looks like everybody wants to me get a job and go to college but me wtf
Make sure the loudest voice is your own advice is not more important than your own thoughts
I wish I didn't go to college, but you have so much time and flexibility. I currently have less money than I did at age 18 because I spent it all keeping up.
Do what you think is best for you. You can always go to college later when you're sure. There's no rush, and if you take your time to do it right, you may save yourself a lot of money too.
I was literally you 4 years ago. I quit my job and thought i would go viral for my content creation and have fulltime income from yt. But i did it on a whim.
At least you have income coming in and real engagement and you found your niches.
I didnt realize that i cant buy love and engagement and force things to a certain extent. and sometimes things dont work out.
But i love social media and marketing so i started doing it for startups. Now i landed an amazing digital marketing role at a great company after years of unemployment, freelancing, and set backs. I still dont think 9-5 is the end all be all. But i love that im doing work i love and i can accomplish some grown up goals i want to complete. I still love creating content but thats part of my life and if its a hobby or part time then im ok with that. But my end all is creating businesses and charities. I have my whole life. I dont need the pressure to rush into all of that now.
Subcirbed to you!
I love your comment. But please be careful. The years can pass, insidiously, and before you know it, some company has lapped up all of your light, energy, potential and dreams and you’ll start to feel, “Why bother?” You’ll start to see others in yourself and you’ll be miserable about it, just hoping to retire, at least 30 minutes before you’re dead.
@@privateprivate8366 Years can pass, but we're all on different paths and if its meant to be it will. Hope all is well
@@Jasmillmelisa and if it isn’t, I know no one will be telling me about any “opportunities to give back”. Barely feigning interest, as it is.
@@KarmaLoves98 THANKS!!!
I have always questioned the systems by which we live under. It started with the religion in which I was raised and then moved on to many other areas. I knew innately that school could be a harmful conditioning and just downright miserable for the masses. As a result, I allowed 5 of my 6 sons to "drop out" of school and pursue what interested them and uniquely moved them. They are all doing great for which I am thankful. I abhor the Capitalist "free market" that brings with it so much damage and suffering as well as a terminal poverty that is eating away at the masses of folks who are laboring their lives away at the behest of a system that is imposed upon us. I am so grateful for our youth, who are not settling for the stats-quo and are questioning the system that we have been programmed into thinking will provide us liberty, democracy, freedom, blah, blah, blah. Big change needs to happen and it starts with awareness. Lynette Adkins, thank you for your brilliant video. We need to hear this.
Sometimes we have to do hard things to get what you want. The problem is when you are working hard for something you don't even know you want!
"Nobody's forcing you to work" doesn't properly capture the very real coercive nature of capitalism. Yeah, I do technically have the choice to not work or do whatever I want, but when I lose my job because of it and can't afford to pay for rent, student debt, food, goods, services, etc., that has EXTREME consequences for me (hunger, homelessness, prison, MORE debt, etc.). It's like saying to the indentured servant of old "well why don't you just leave?" as if they won't send authorities after you (whether police, debt collectors, court notice servers, etc.) to make sure that you suffer the consequences of avoiding work. At a low-level, it's an individual choice between working or not and accepting those consequences. But at a high-level, it's an ever-looming systemic threat that if you do not continue being a good little worker, you will be stripped of your most basic rights and needs.
You’re saying you want to take things from people without paying. That it is your right. That has been tried and it results in people with your mindset starving.
idk at what point in history you think you could just “not work” and still get housing, food, etc….
@@kendalljohnson9172that is the very definition of social security, unemployment and disability lol. And many European countries have an even broader social safety net yet still manage to be functional societies in which people choose to work for a living. Because it’s often more fulfilling than the alternative if you have the choice.
You totally just brought up a repressed memory of watching the “smart kids” come back into class like a parade. That shit fucked with my self esteem FOR YEARS.
not fun
I thought this way 15 years ago and just left the corporate world. My spirit couldn't take it because I knew better! Every morning, as I got ready for work and looked at myself in the mirror, my reflection looking back at me would say...
"You're a sucker!" "You are betraying yourself AND GOD!" "You know better so DO BETTER!"
At the same time, my external life was encouraging me to stay through fear of loss and I wrestled with these feelings daily. It made me look forward to drinking on the weekends to drown out the guilt for betraying myself in order to follow the status quo!
Finally, I quit and never looked back. As a result, everything from that life has gone... All the family, all the friends, but that's great because they have been replaced with people that are more suited to me and the more appropriate life I've created for myself and I am totally happy. I eat healthily and I don't drink or smoke at all...
bestie last week i quit my job recently sorta based off of what you talk about on your channel. i’m 19 the job was just over minimum wage so the stakes were low but 10/10 it was worth it. so glad i sat down to evaluate what i was getting out of the job compared to what i put in and avoided a miserable summer. i hope adult me can do the same and hopefully escape the 9-5 altogether
LOL I just did the same too.... such a relief
@@colibribri yesssssss way to go!!!
@@alexmedina8016 i got a job at a coffee shop! i’ve always wanted to work at one so i finally shot my shot and applied and somehow got the job! as for the rest of my life who knows. i wanna graduate with a college degree and we where life takes me from there and how i can incorporate my interests into my future and avoid a miserable 40 hr work week :)
being a gifted kid really messed me up lol. i like my brain but being told i was smart really gave me a complex and I wish that the point was not "these kids are smarter" and instead was "these kids need accommodations, but it doesnt make them any better" (plus, my gifted program in elem wasnt even enriching so it was sorta just pointless!)
I soooo relate to this I feel like always being told that I was smart at one point made me feel like I was better than others but eventually I learned my lesson and got over that a while ago but yeah
"Genius is a common as dirt" Gato (2009) "Weapons of Mass Instruction"
We are sisters in that regard. I had a similar kind of education.
I think what is so strange is that there are so many of us from "Gifted" programmes who are speaking out.
The nature of the system is that they have to educate SOME of us to continue the operation OF the system as older people retire/die out. SOME of us HAVE to be taught to think AND know the true nature of the system.
If they put us in positions of power and wealth, as they trained us to be, so many of us wouldn't be speaking out.
What happened to the system? Something must be wrong because too many of the people who they trained to RUN the system are alienated and actively questioning and fighting it.
You seem to be awakening to reality and how it’s falsely sold to us, I’m glad you are sharing your journey with others along the way💚
Work is a soul sucking dreadful experience for most working class people. Your advice about doing what you love is great if you have skills you can market to employers for the jobs that you want. I wanted to be a pilot once but reality hit me in the face and I could not afford it and also certain health conditions made piloting a bad carrier idea. I've spent the better part of my adult life going through the misery of employment to the misery of unemployment. I thought I wanted to work in Tech, but my first help desk job gave me stomach aches from the stress. Everything I've done for work made me suffer for one reason or another. This is a normal experience for many working class people because It takes allot of privilege to be able to just follow your passions. Real economic conditions will dictate the fact that when you get an offer that pays the bills, you take it. You can't just be like "OMG UwU I'm going to be like #positive about my carrier and do what I love". If you're going to criticize the capitalist system don't act like you can just undo capitalist schooling and magically you're life is going to get better. Because no matter what economic philosophy you follow, or what things you value, the rent is still due.
Sis this hits sooooo hard 🥲 my dream is to be a professional dancer but IM scared to be broke so I went to grad school and am doing a 9-5 smh
Dance on UA-cam!
Currently my major isn't what i truly want because music was frowned upon and in middle school they basically told me i wouldn't make any money as a musician. They push jobs that make bank not to follow your dream (at least in my school).
I left nursing after 12 years and teach African dance now - best decision ever! There are soooo many ways to go about it. I'm leaving in August to tour thr entire West coast of Africa researching the griot West African dance culture. It's gonna be amazing!
I have been conscious of this my entire life being born to conscious & Buddhist parents, to hear this being spoken of so beautifully, finally, is beyond refreshing to my soul.
I have been exiting the matrix since childhood through being an entrepreneur in my passions with my first business being in 2nd grade.
I am now 30 and nearly entirely free, creating my homestead to be an organic and sustainable ecosystem, doing the most for where I am at before I take on more worldly healing endeavors & broader expansions of energy.
To beat the system we must play chess with life, not checkers- strategy.
Think ahead.
Plan as much as you can while considering how spontaneous life can be so be flexible and focused- a strong current that can waiver but is always flowing on the path.
Be gentle with yourself and make the process enjoyable.
It’s the journey that creates and fulfills the destination.
❤️ Infinite blessings & well wishes to you ❤️
We need to get to the why: is it because you want to? Or because society says you should?
It’s because of bills. I NEVER wanted to spend all day sitting at some desk. It’s why I’ve been sleep deprived, for years, making up for wasted time. Part of the reason I’m overweight is because of eating crap, to keep me awake and half-interested. I’m even a chatty introvert, because I’m trying to keep myself and coworkers interesting to be with, until the workday ends. Then, I run TF outta there.
It's because all the things you take for granted like running hot water,easy cheap food on the table,a safe bed to sleep in, hygiene and healthcare and tons of other things,requires of us to sustain it through specific jobs and careers
@@fs5866 true, but a lot of it also has to do with structure, which is often poorly handled by management. While I really feel bad that not all work can be done remotely, after WFH for a year, I know a lot of people have little interest in returning to the workplace. I know I don’t. Just about breaking out in hives. I’d bet my employer has some ignorant feeling that work will go more smoothly, with people in the office. No Fools! It’ll go more smoothly, when you get projects to workers, in decent enough time to complete them, without sacrificing their health!
In some industries, where people are paid well, musical chairs will start. You can’t offer flexible remote work? Bye. An example is Google. They want people to return this Fall. FB and Twitter, no. As, these people might switch tech companies often, due to interchangeability anyway, I can just see the applications flooding into FB and Twitter, while people just shop the best deal.
Thank you so much for this video. I was in the TAG program in elementary too.
When middle school hit, my effort plummeted. I could never put my finger on why I was so different. I felt crazy. Kids would ask me why I'm so lazy, why I never do anything if it's so easy.
I knew it was easy, but giving in to the lies was hard. Thank you for recognizing those lies.
This video eases my heart. It makes me believe that from a young age, I actually had some idea of why this system was so fucked up. I never wanted to fit in. I could never sell my soul.
I wish we could revert to the simplicities. But as you've said, we have been sold things from the youngest age possible.
I would never blame anyone for trying to be good. They prey on our innocence and worm their way in our heads. That's not our fault.
They push us to break ourselves. They never appreciate how much of their weight most of us carry. And there are so many of us willing to fight to survive and be the happy they sold us, that the thought sells itself, in the forms of our parents, teachers, and peers. They never even have to bat an eye.
I'm glad more people are trying to question this system now.
We've been needing this energy for a long time. I have hope for us. We can break this cycle!
Waking up to wtf is going on can make you feel crazy but I'm glad so many of us are coming together to talk about this! I have hope for us too!
You said everything I have thought for years. Most people do not enjoy their jobs, they work just to survive and it shouldn’t have to be that way. That’s why so many people quit their jobs during the pandemic. They saw their mortality in front of them and decided to live. That 9-5 programming we’ve been under for so long needs to end.
What you're doing here is thinking beyond, (others say outside), the box.
But what you're doing - as awesome as it is - is also representative of a thinker's curse.
What happens once we enter into, beyond the norm thinking, is, a huge thought pops into our heads, we're already always prompted to speak outside of our minds, but most of our friends and family members DO NOT think in the same manner or use the same thought processes.
Thus ultimately we tend to feel a need to be silent, why? Because, "they just don't get it".
Great video!☝🏿👴🏿
There’s an abundance but this all sounds like it comes back to loving what you do. With our current system, there’s not enough jobs where everyone can love what they’re doing. For example, many will have to keep this website running for us to enjoy contents like this. We need infrastructure workers so our transportation system keeps the country running, etc… these jobs aren’t all fun and game, there’s sometimes no passion in it. I think it comes back to striking a harmony of work and life, and the toxic mindset of your output being your measure of success. I wanna hear y’all thoughts on this.
@Jordan Alexander They are not unsatisfied because of the job itself but because there is little to no work life balance.
The problem is they shut down the common reserves everybody used to be able to legally live on during the enclosure acts in the 1700s and 1800s. All the convicts were people who had their land taken away. Its now illegal to be anywhere unless you buy the land, which you need somebody to give you a job to be able to even do. Its also possible to enforce that in practice without killing people because a biological organism's functions involves existing on a piece of planet Earth. Even if the government says its illegal, nature says that a biological organism needs to exist somewhere unless you kill them.
I think either we need to alternate peoples' roles in those jobs or like Jordan suggested get automation to do them for us.
Boredom is a fate worse than death.
I don’t know how many times I said to myself today how much I hate my life and self…I can’t escape this cycle. I don’t know how. I know I should feel grateful and at times I am. I repeat in my head how lucky I am with the life I lead compared to some others….but there’s just something missing in me that I can’t stop but notice every time I feel like this. I’m stuck. I’m lost. And I have no solution on how to move my life forward…..
I definitely had a conversation similar to this topic with a good friend of mine. I love how you just go for these types of topics where no one else will. At least I don’t see to many UA-camrs talking about this now a days.
So true
I really appreciate this video. I dropped out of college this winter for the SECOND TIME. Since then I've been struggling to accept that maybe a bachelor's degree just isn't right for me because it could mean that I won't make as much money. Watching this video and your others on the subject has been a really validating experience. Wishing you love, rest and freedom xoxo
The early childhood conditioning is indeed a real thing and goes unnoticed for the majority of everyone's life. Very difficult to break the cycle let alone realize we've been programmed that way. Great post, look forward to more.
It’s crazy watching all this play out as an older person (born in 1968). We have seen this idea of competition having a negative effect on self esteem in things like school sports events and prizes being given to all participants in order that they all feel ‘equal’, and yet, under the radar, the glorification of competition has been ramped up in attainment of grades. We forget that the real reason for this is because state funding for schools has come to be determined based on exam results (the infuriating SATS tests in the U.K. for example).
It is good to see young people figuring this out for themselves and I hope this means there is a chance for positive change to attitudes towards education/work and lifestyles in the future. Good video, sensible and intelligent person.
I don't typically comment on people's videos but, Lynette, you are doing something so incredible and I just wanted to give you some extra encouragement. I really look up to you for following your dreams and posting content that shows your authentic thoughts on a system that tends to feed off of people's fears and insecurities. I can just tell that you leaving your 9-5 will happen so soon and that you will be able to build a life you truly love. Sending you so so much love and support and thanking you for all of this wonderful, authentic content. I hope it reaches everyone who needs to hear it. You truly are spreading love with your honesty, and every one of us is grateful.
there is so much growth from when I first started watching you omg. the one thing that really helped me get out of this habit at a younger age than most is researching ikigai and career options for a year straight after high school instead of hopping into college. now I'm 20 and I've realized I want to bartend and university is a goal but not immediately, I want to live my early 20 socializing and being of service and a career can wait. school is always there. The push for people to dive headfirst into a career and school is why I think people are 1) dissatisfied and 2) in debt. A part of me feels like it's morally wrong to have a 17 y/o choose what they want to be and choose the best college only for them to just be hit in the face later on. Capitalism is always gonna be there but I think at this point I'd rather make 50k doing something I love than 100k doing something I hate. Money comes and goes but time is something you can't ever get back.
I did not even think about it this way before ... thank you !!! I needed to hear this, especially trying to pursue my own passion. I never felt like school was for me but I had to do it because it was the only thing that was perceived successful in my family. And now I am doing what I love (not monetised yet, but it just feels right to me doing what I love doing)
Very well expressed. I especially relate to your point about visibly segregating children by ability. At my daughter's primary school they were put on different tables which were given the names of shapes. Hexagons were the smart kids, then squares, triangles etc. My daughter (only half-jokingly) tells me she was traumatised by being put on the 'circles' table. Even at the age of 9, she knew that meant dumbest.
That's absolutely insane. There's enough studies out there to show how that kind of treatment effect's kids confidence/performance for that to end by now!
As a society we've moved to a place of actualization because our fore-parents did things they didn't care for. The most important thing is for a person to feel as though they are making money in a way that they control and that they feel valued by the person giving them money. That's what makes a fulfilling financial life.
Very nice analysis on how our education system has influenced us to keep the status quo for something that is not beneficial for our personal well-being. I honestly hated school until college when I had the opportunity to take courses with professors with more unorthodox ways of teaching. My Business Law professor told us “One of his students who graduated with straight As has a nice office job that pays him $80,000 salary a year.” Everyone reacted as if that’s what they hope to be but then he added “He had a student who just got mostly Cs and is now a millionaire who owns an expanding business.” the students were shocked and he said “rich people are smart enough because they don’t over do things and know how to do enough!” Another professor I had for Geography told us that “When working for an employer you will never be rich because organizations have to under pay you for your work in order to remain profitable!” So it’s really hard to benefit from your labor when you are not getting compensated close to the value you actually contribute.
Thank you for posting this love. I totally get it...Another thing I’ve realized too is these companies we strive to work for, give us benefits for health care and insurance as incentives to stay in the job! The fear of losing these benefits and security is what holds so many people hostage to stay in jobs they don’t like or make them unhappy. When you start to wake up and talk to others about it, some will get it others will think you’re “crazy”. Thank you... this is awesome content 🤍
This is very important. I’m from a family that never lived for consumerism, so this was a new eye opening thing to see how people are zombified to buy just because they were told, marketed and even taught. It also explains why I feel like an outsider so I thank you for giving me encouragement to try things I love. 💕
Real talk seeing this come from a black woman hits different than a similar message from privileged. For those of us who are black and in the inner city we are still stuck on autopilot getting out of poverty and rarely take time for self-development. It's a reminder that it's not a luxury that only others can afford.
I mean, she's still privileged. She has videos about going to Europe and studying abroad, lives in a nice apartment in a city, and follows a somewhat luxurious lifestyle... it's a privilege to be able to afford those things. I don't know what her upbringing was like apart from the comment about being a top-of-the-class type of student, I don't know if her family was well off or if they were poor, but clearly she's currently living a privileged lifestyle now and in the last several years, so _shrug?_
A wise man told me, early on, that the secret to success was to find something that you would gladly do for free, then figure out how to get paid for it. And this approach, throughout most of my life, worked for me. I won't lie, part of figuring out how to get paid for it involved compromising some of the loftier details, but overall, I enjoyed a fulfilling & reasonably lucrative career for over 20 years. But with technology progressing at an ever-increasing speed, many càreer paths of 30 years ago are no longer viable. As these changes were really starting to amp up, I found the "powers that be" in my particular industry desperately grasping at straws, trying to make up for revenue streams which had dried up with the advent of the internet, & doing so in illogical, counterintuitive ways which placed an excess of responsibility for making innovations to our product in an impossibly short period of time, & promised little in terms of a payoff. They wanted a product so fresh & new & vital that it would be irresistible to the sources of revenue we had lost to the internet & they would come back (which displayed a profound lack of understanding on their part of just HOW revolutionary, what a complete & utter game changer it was). They were so focused on regaining what they had lost, they completely missed out on the whole new set of revenue streams being created by the broader picture of our new Digital World. I knew that what they were asking me to do was an exercise in futility, that they needed to rethink their whole business model, not just put a new skin on an old product. Understand, though, that this was all presented to me as a "do or die" scenario. If my retooling of the product didn't bring the money back from the internet (which I knew it would not, could not) then the staff in Los Angeles, a group of 8 people who had worked together, with no turnover, for over 8 years, people whom I considered my friends, dare I say verging on "family," would be laid off & our work outsourced to staff working in a different branch of the company in Florida, because that would significantly reduce overhead. My supervisor & I were the only ones privy to this "plan b" in Florida, & were told not to leak the information to the others. Knowing what the outcome would be, I could not, in good conscience, have my staff breaking their backs to implement these changes, only to be laid off once the task was complete & the hoped-for result not attained. So I did all the work myself, putting in 16-18 hours days, 7 days/week, for 3 months straight, during which time, the woman who raised me from infancy, my grandmother, the only mother I ever knew, fell gravely ill in another State. Every day I got a call from a family member who was there with her at the hospital, telling me I had to come soon, that she would not live for much longer. And every day I told them I could not leave my desk until this work was done. And I sat at my desk, working this brutal schedule, executing the misguided wishes of a bunch of rich, old, white men in suits, in their desperate attempt to fatten their wallets just a little more, to preserve the system which had made them rich just a little while longer, until the woman who rocked me to sleep, taught me to tie my shoes, nursed my through the measles & the chicken pox, bought me my first car, the only mother I ever had, died, surrounded by all of her children, except one, me, because I was too busy trying to preserve these rich, old, white men in suits' way of life for them. We failed to meet our revenue goals. The staff was laid off. It had been for nothing.
I was supposed to be laid off with everyone else, but at the very last moment, my supervisor, not wanting to be the only person working in the LA office, remotely managing a staff in Florida, the members of which possessed but a fraction of the skills & experience of the people who had been laid off, convinced "the powers that be" to keep me on as well. I continued to work the same brutal schedule for the next 7 months, finding it easier to do the work which previously had been done by 8 people, than to try to teach the incompetent Florida staff how to do the work, until finally, mercifully, our product was discontinued & I was finally set free. During the first of those 7 months, I did not receive a paycheck. I mean, ultimately I was paid for that time, but not until two pay periods had passed. My supervisor persuaded them to keep me on, but they forgot to put my salary back into the Excel spreadsheet that was the budget. A terrible realization overwhelmed me at this point. I had failed to be at the woman who raised me from infancy's bedside when she died because I was too busy working for a bunch of rich, old, white guys in suits who weren't even sure if I still worked there or not. I had sacrificed something really important for some utterly meaningless, pointless, & thankless bulls**t. In fact, it gave me a new perspective on my entire 20+year "fulfilling & reasonably lucrative career. Those "loftier details" I had compromised in pursuit of the security of a steady paycheck, suddenly seemed like more than just "details." They were my true hopes & dreams & aspirations. I had given them up so that I could waste over 20 years of my life increasing profits for a bunch of rich, old, white men in suits, to whom I was nothing more than a forgotten line item on a spreadsheet. They were unaware of all the hard work I had put in, & the fact that I had sacrificed everything that meant something to me, the genuinely important things in life, to increase their profits by a few percent.
My supervisor offered to find me another position within the company when our product was discontinued, but I told him, "no." Once I realized that the people who benefitted the most from my YEARS of hard work & sacrifice, not only didn't appreciate it, they aren't even AWARE of it, didn't even know that I was employed by them, I simply could not continue working there, or anywhere for that matter. They destroyed my once-vigorous work ethic. They took away over 20 years of feeling fulfilled by my career. No salary, however big, could put me at my grandmother's bedside before she died. No paycheck could restore the passion I once felt for my hopes & dreams. I just couldn't do it anymore. I could not make myself get out of bed to go & waste one more day, not another MINUTE doing something that didn't matter to anyone.
Don't waste 20 years of your life before you figure it out like I did. Don't participate in a system that doesn't even know that you exist.
Capitalism is based on exploitation & deception. Profit only comes in two ways: Either they are not paying the guy below them what his work is worth, or they are charging the guy above too much. Don't let a bunch of rich, old, white men profit from your work. Contract your work out & pay yourself what you are worth, give yourself ample vacation time, & spend your time doing what you love, & being with the people you love.
At the end of your life, you're not going to look back & remember those clothes, those shoes, that expensive gadget they've convinced you that you "need." You're going to remember the happy times & meaningful relationships you formed during your journey. The products they market to you will not make you happy. The lifestyle they're trying to sell you is just something they made up in a meeting. It's hollow & vacant & has nothing to do with real life. Learn to find happiness where it actually is. Backpack across Europe this summer. Buy a plane ticket to India & go with nothing but $200 & a change of clothes. Spend a year sleeping on a tropical beach, smoking marijuana & eating fruit from the trees & fish from the sea. Talk to strangers. Pick some flowers. Look at that sunset! Follow your own path. Don't worry about what anyone thinks. Don't postpone your dreams. Don't sacrifice your happiness for anyone or anything. It's not a fair trade-off. Nothing is worth as much as your happiness, not even close. It's the only worthwhile pursuit in life. Always listen to your gut. Your brain will lie to you, rationalize, justify, sugar-coat. Your heart is too sentimental & emotional. Just go with your gut. It's the most trustworthy & accurate organ you've got, when it comes to making decisions. Plan less, do more. Drink seldom & drink deep. Don't believe the hype. Get out of your head, stop clicking on videos, & go out there & experience what REAL life has to offer. DO NOT BE PART OF THE ANT FARM!!! You'll die in there, moving pieces of gravel around, not ever knowing why (clue: it's for the benefit of the Queen, not you). Go! Go! GO!!! The day's already started without you. Life is not going to come to your door looking for you. You gotta go out & get it while you can. Don't be so serious. None of this matters one little bit anyhow. The Universe is self-balancing, regardless of what you do. Have fun with it!
Most of us arent working unfulfilling jobs to buy into consumerism, we are working to buy into survivalism. What I gathered from this video is that people go to college and get unfulfilling jobs out of fear from society, and your solution is to *not* do that? How are we supposed to make money? What ultra fulfilling job can I grab out of HS, no college degree that will earn me 70k a year and give me a comfortable lifestyle? The thing is, this SHOULD exist but it does not. The problem isn't most of us not questioning our choices, the problem is most of us not questioning the society we live in and not demanding a better system from our government. (This took me moving out of America to figure out that no one struggles harder than a high earning American that has a mediocre lifestyle at best)
I find it interesting that this perspective seems to shame people who work for a larger income, instead of shaming the system so much. The actual issue is that in America to even afford a mediocre lifestyle, you need to make these sacrifices. You almost can't have basic first-world things like healthcare, a home, affordable college for your kids, good schools in your neighborhood, etc etc UNLESS you sacrifice your time for a high-earning job. Again, it SHOULD be different, but its not.
It's almost as if your suggested solution is that people will be happier by not taking "socially constructed" careers and paths that offer financial stability for them. Like yes, most work is fake and unnecessary but at the same time, America does not give those who choose other an easy path to survival.
If u want 70k a year without going to college u dont have many options. Maybe making a business or whatnot. I dont think it is impossible but there are risks and whatnot. I think people should look into growing their food to be happier and it also safe money. One day we are going to need that skill to survive. Everything about this system is unsustainable and it is based on coersion. U gotta work for someone else and government by paying taxes if not u dont have access to food, shelter, etc. If we want a free and just society we gotta know the problems we have right now.
Everything you said is so trueeee. This is what I be thinking. I’m a recent college grad and all I keep thinking now is how all of the systems we have in place is not beneficial or conducive for us as society as a whole. I really believe that all of the systems we have in place is really working against us.
Yea I’m currently at a pivotal point where I just graduated with my BS degree in IT but it’s definitely not my passion. I haven’t found work yet but when I do it’ll definitely be a means to an end. I’m looking into starting a business so I’m exploring my options with that. I refuse to be miserable in a job the rest of my life! Lol Thanks for the video! It definitely reinforces my thoughts.
Your monologue reminds me of a book I read years ago: Mimicking Happiness ( That was the subject. I believe that was the title) . We've been trained like Pavlovian dogs to accept certain lifestyles as emblematic of success. The problem is the cost of pursuing higher education -- which we're ALL conditioned to think is of paramount importance - has become increasingly more expensive.
I’m a GenXer & this is valuable information you just graciously expressed. It took me until my late 40’s to understand this. My son will be 26 in a couple of days and he’s way ahead with life as you are than I was in regards to questioning every and not living life according to how others live theirs. I was caught up in society’s norm for a longggg time. I’m so grateful for my awakening.
I love your content. Let me continue to go thru your vids. Have a great day, on purpose! 💫✨
I thought about this, after having a kid. Now I'm like, "What did I sign her up for?"
So did I 😭😭 this happened me too and now I only have one !
You really hit the nail on the head. As a kid I always felt like we were divided in school by academic success or lack thereof and were told that academic success was directly related to success as an adult. I always struggled with personal self worth because of this. I've always been fed the idea that there's no success in life without a college education.
I've definitely done this myself. I am so happy i have broken away from this kind of thinking. There are so many ways to make money that brings you more joy than stress.
I am tired of working for someone else. I have a short attention span and was considered a student with ADD/ADHD. I tried drafting (architecture) but I failed in computers (CADD) dropped out and gotta second job. As far as what I like doing, I do draw floor plans on graph paper, write and love researching religion and where the concept of “god” came from. My spare time, I go to the lake (OKC) and write whatever comes to mind…..”today I am feeling good being ME”… “I am frustrated over my lover not treating me fair in a long distance relationship”…, “I will write Father/Mother Divine a love letter” (gratitude)……and the list goes on. I don’t care having lots of friends. Most seem scared/fears or different engrained beliefs which I will respect but choose not to be complacent or stagnant in my spiritual journey. I thank you for your videos Lynn and you’re right down to the “T” in a lot of areas in my life. Blessings coming your way!! Namaste🙏🏾🌈💫💫💫.
I am currently at this position and it literally got me insane. I am 19 years old, currently studying psychology. Psychology itself is so interesting but to be honest I mainly study it because I didn’t know what else to do and when others ask what I do, it “sounds good”. I am currently looking for ways out of this because I feel like it is not the thing that I should ultimately do in life... but I don’t know what this thing yet is. I literally couldn’t sleep, eat or do anything for college.. I am also unfortunately money driven and “scared” that I can’t afford my lifestyle later in life. It’s not easy but I have faith and hope that I will find my way out...
The fear that society has instilled in us to have everything figured out at such a young age can be so debilitating...I'm so sorry you're going through that. I encourage you to take a gap year if you can and give yourself time to just be and learn about you
That’s the problem that many college students face. This situation is so common -it actually happened to me as well. We fear that we’re missing a big opportunity or that our future is ruined if we don’t attend college. But if we attend college and “just go with the flow” to feel like we’re at least doing something, we are setting ourselves up for failure. Because if we’re truly not passionate about what we’re studying, we’re definitely not going to have the motivation to finish. So I would take her advice and take a gap year and really work on yourself internally so you could get to know yourself better. But also be careful because you can easily lose yourself if you don’t keep yourself busy or stimulated. This is where self discipline comes into play. Wish you the best.
You are still young. Start with acquiring all the digital skills you can. There are people living in 3rd world countries making U.S. wages. They can also afford to live anywhere in the world.
It is so true that we need to stop acting out of fear. There is so much more to life than just a 9-5 job. We can change anything , anything we hate. We can change the job which ruins our mental health and consumes too much energy and time. We just need to have the courage to start and take steps towards bettering ourselves and the way we live. Thank you for this video, Lynette ♥️ ! You are so young and so wise at the same time. You are such an inspiration for many of us.
For me, I've been stressing about my teeth not being super white and not being super straight. They are completely functional, why have I been stressing out and wanting to spend $3k on 'fixing' them to a random aesthetic that is supposed to be cute
I relate and trust me it’s not worth the money. Save it for something important or an emergency❤️ aesthetics don’t actually matter and people make money selling insecurities.
Omg u read my mind
@@Lifeishard237 i agree
Crooked teeth can be really cute! As for whitening there are tons of really affordable white strips, or even whitening toothpaste/mouthwashes now!! Self improvement can be great, just make sure you are doing it because that's what you want, not what everyone is supposed to want.
I was shocked to find out that people spent money to close their gap tooth in the US when I got here several years ago. There's the secret thing popping in Nigeria and other parts of West Africa were I grew up. It's crazy what societies condition people to accept as stabdards.
I am thrilled to see these type of videos popping up now. I am twice your age and I've been fighting a battle to live a life of my choice for many years but when you do that you've always been considered of less worth ie: worthless and that is a terrible thing... but clearly this younger generation is waking up and I'm so grateful. Keep up the good work. Thank you.
Yess this is where we are taught to compare ourselves and where we feel we aren’t good enough!!!
Having graduated from an alternative high school over 30 years ago, I realize that while that school taught me how to be a successful student, it also meant that I had fundamental differences in how I learned from other college students. The school I went to did not have grades or credits, and so learning had to be of valuable interest to you, which motivated you to learn, but this is not how the rest of the world works.
When I was an undergraduate student in college taking an upper division course in my major, which was English literature, the instructor of the course did not want to meet with students during office hours, nor did she want to answer questions about comments she wrote on my paper. Other students in the course were saying they also had problems, yet when I confronted the instructor in class about this issue, nobody else said anything. After class, the instructor wanted for me to stay after class and asked me if this was about my grade in the class, and I told her it wasn’t. The biggest problem with grades in school is it causes students to focus on getting a letter grade instead of learning.
i’m graduating college this month and it’s crazy how desperate u become for a job like needing that feeling of security. and the way that it looks “bad” on ur resume when you switch jobs or don’t stay for many years.
Well, and it's a pride thing too... what is usually the first question a person asks you when you meet them? I have a B.S. in psychology and I have had family members ask me why am I still in the service industry? Like they are ashamed of what I do because it's not prestigious enough! Family will often strongly influence their children to be in certain fields because it makes them look good. Sometimes parents with money will hold that over the child's head on which choices they make in life. I recently quit a management job where not only I didn't have a life, my salary was barely sustainable so screw it! I am not dedicating my life to an uncaring, cheap, greedy corporation who doesn't take care of those who help them make scads of money!!!!!
I used the system to save up to become an entrepreneur. Sometimes u have to do stuff you don’t wanna do to get where you wanna be in life.
The first half of your video touches on the difference between goal-orientation and process-orientation. The former strives more towards outcomes and results, the latter is more about optimizing the steps you take daily (whether you're optimizing happiness or efficiency or whatever, the point is that it's less about where you go and more about what and how you're going about getting there).
Like you said, awareness is key and you should know where your intent is. What's your aim? Throw everything else away and focus solely on hitting your target.
You want to be rich? Pursue money and the philosophies that lead to it. You want to be emotionally fulfilled? Pursue the things that bring you emotional fulfillment, and study the Psychology behind that. But understand... things in life have costs that match their value. You'll have to pay and sacrifice for your greatest treasures. Don't shy away from that. Embrace sacrifice and discipline as part and parcel of a life worth living.
And then live.
I am in my second year of University and I've been thinking about what is more valuable to me. Like most ppl here and you, Lynette, I want to have luxuries, but at the same time, I want the freedom of living my life the way I want. I guess it's better to start trying as many things as possible while we r young.
This really what I needed. Honestly I am so grateful for the job I have. Been 10 years in the same place and since 2 years ago I feel I the need to leave. The fear is huge and I really need to fully trust the unknown to decide to leave the job that don't allow me to be best version of me. I hope I will come here again to comment that I finally free after leaving my job and doing what I love. Make a living doing what I love. Above all, Thank you so much.
I dropped out of college after a year cause it was depressing, I went to community college after high school and I wasnt a great student in high school but I wasnt bad either, I was a b and c average, and I loved school, I loved learning new things, I love using the internet and I read so much in high school like I read for fun, but college happened and I was NOT happy, i was depressed, felt stuck, felt pressured so i failed college lost financial aid eligibility and ended up having to work, and it sucks cause i live in nowhere nebraska, right now I have an ok job as an overnight baker, it's kinda fun but manual labor and I dont have to deal with customers but I only have one day off and dont have a set time I get off cause its production work and I dont have any benefits and I make $11 an hour and have been there for two years and counting, it's better than all the other jobs I've had but I wish I could go to college get an artsy degree (specifically painting or print making) cause that's my passion that is pulling me, but it's not stable, and it sucks, all the jobs or careers I want arent stable, and i dont want to go into healthcare or stem jobs, and deal with the BS of college again so I'm at the job i am now, and i wanna live in a certain place and have a certain lifestyle and I'm not really super materialistic but i want certain things that fit my personality so idk, it sucks, if I were rich I could do whatever I wanted but I dont have that luxury
Can you paint already?
There are lots of good art jobs you can get!! You can do graphic design, teach, you can work in or run galleries, and the BEST part of getting an art degree? You are in school everyday for your passion, your love!!! TRUST ME!!! I am a senior Fine Art major at the University of Las Vegas, and the best way to make your life count for something is to pursue higher education in a subject you love. I'm almost 37 and I have gone to college before, and tried other careers but I finally have a good fit. If you stick with art in college long enough to get a Masters degree, then it's even more likely that you can just be a straight up Artist for a living. I think it's more unstable to NOT pursue your dreams. You don't want to live with regret. Please let me know if you have any questions. I'd love to give you some answers or advice or guidance. I am really big on inspiring people to do what they love!!
If you want to learn painting an artelier school is the way to go. College is quite expensive
It’s crazy how many people need to hear this. I realized how the school system conditions us to be workers and decided years ago to teach my kids the important of entrepreneurship. Great video 👌🏽 and always a pleasure listening to your insight.
Me hearing "question everything" while watching a footage of a city - "Is this really a city?"
Stumbled on your channel during a total workplace burnout and toxic workplace/management. Thank you
wow my algorithm is thriving in woke-ness today
@Mark Park my definition for woke doesn’t fit your narrative
@@3jay22 he is right, wokeness is a mental disease. It's endorsed by big corporations to fuel more consumerism and obedience and have less critical thinkers and independent individuals.
@@realsemig I understand, please refer to my prior comment addressed to Mark. we’re all on the same page here.
I notice its incredibly common to generalize our point of view and experience. Its common to switch I with we and you. This really says I noticed for myself I stay in jobs because I am attached to my lifestyle and consumerism and a lot of other people feel that way too. Its just good to acknowledge these "we's" and "you's" are really about the person speaking in some case.
This is actually so sad, I’ve been told that bullshit too, honestly in the country I live if you don’t go to college you can’t even find a good job or have a “good life”. So we are told since we are young that we go to school so we can go to college and then find a good job. But basically I realized that we literally live to work, we have to go to work to get even the basic stuff. And like, we don’t have time to do what we actually like. And at the end of your life when you already worked a lot, then you have a chance to rest, that’s so sad. Also people can’t even do what they actually enjoy because they might not make any money out of it. Anyways, I’m currently thinking what I wanna do with my life, I need to go to college next year but I’m super confused.
I am impressed how young people come to the conclusions at such young age while it took me 36 years to realize the same. It's truly "another' souls that won't allow system to 'swallow' them. ❤