So I'm making this the pinned comment since I know more of you read these than the description. Firstly before anyone points it out 'Defence' is spelled correctly, that's the British spelling and last I checked I am British. Secondly I'm a little rusty at doing these so when you watch this one you might notice it's a bit more stream-of-consciousnessy and less structured than usual (or maybe that's just me) and that there's actually a fair bit I didn't cover such as Rey's parentage reveal (which I loved), the scene with a certain old character with lightning hitting a tree (which I liked, but have some issues with) and I barely touch on fanboy culture anywhere near as much as I wanted to. This is because I was writing this one it just kept going and going and going and I realised if I didn't just cap it off at some point then I would never finish the thing. Having said that I feel like the stuff I did manage to cover is the more often discussed stuff and I feel like I make some valid points so I hope you enjoy it all the same. I'm glad to finally be back and I hope you're all looking forward to more videos. Thanks for sticking with me this long. Love you fam.
Hay GGTV glad to see your back. Glad you liked the movie. I really liked your video. I do have one criticism though. The canto bight seen wasn't a wast of time. It served as character development for Finn. Think about it. In TFA Finn Just wants to escape The First Order. Then he meets Rey who he comes to care for. But he still wants to escape The First Order.Then Rey gets taken by Kylo to Death Star mark 3. Finn goes with Han to Death Star 3 under the pretence that he can shut down the shield but it was a lie He only went to save Rey. Now in TLJ after leia is taken to the infirmary, Finn having picked up the homing beacon to Rey. He proceeds to leave the Resistance because he doesn't want it to be found by the First Order. He doesn't care about The Resistance that much at all. Then at the casino he sees the gluttony and greed of the elite and this motivates him to stop running and fight for something bigger than himself. I suppose it could have been done beater. The binocular moment was a bit silly.
GeekyGlassesTV Late, but loved this video and the movie. Sucks that some fans have gone totally toxic (even in this comments section) but thank you for standing your ground, I promise lots of us out here share your love. Also, welcome back! I missed your videos, and can't wait to see more 😄
Y i moosh kak.... Great video dude I haven't had the chance to see star wars yet so I haven't watch your video yet.. But I believe you have kept me waiting long enough for the justice league review as I feel your opinion and video's are fucking fun and helps me get past another bag of shit movie that I can't my head around... Anyway fella keep up the good work and stop pissing off to America haha 😂
I actually thought Rose was cool after watching the film several times. She had just lost her sister so she was crying in that room of the ship when Finn came in who was trying to run away to rescue Rey. Finn who still had the eyes of a man who wanted to run, as maz had put it. She then stopped him from running away even though she had a fan girl moment over him. She helped look past the surface of the bright and shiny casino and ultimately showed him what was being fought for. She also ultimately helped him finally develop into a person who could claim that he was rebel scum. I thought that was pretty cool. She did it in her own way though. She did it in a very humble way. The look past the surface level stuff was a little on the nose with her but the rest of what she did was really cool. She also stopped him from killing himself at the end of the movie which I really appreciate because he’s a great and compelling character. I never understood why people thought he had no development in the movie.
My man Geeky: “Isn’t it great that now we have Kylo as a trilogy villain instead of a boring one like Palpatine?” Abrams: *brings back Palpatine in Episode IX” Me: *facepalm*
@Christobanistan you have to be looking at the mirror for that statement to be true, and before you say it I'm exaggerating to show you how far low you've gone.
@@cdagyekybcrpaa IKR? I don't want to judge no one who disliked the movie, because is perfectly valid to dislike whatever you want, but it seems that most of the people (not everyone) who disliked the movie are just, assholes! They are adsholes not only with the people who made the movie, but also with normal people!
I'm sure the comments section of this video will be full of civil, respectful people with well-reasoned arguments, and will not be toxic in any way at all!
Sooo if they agree with you they're good right? lolol. The toxicity starts with the video condescending to people who don't agree with him. You can't expect a civil discourse when the tone has already been set. You are being disingenuous and backing the toxic conversations with this bullshit. Kinda stupid to think you can be a dick head to people and if they react, they are the problem lol. Just look at these replies, they're bitter and defensive. You like a bad movie, that's ok. Next time try and add to the conversation and not just posture so you can feel "above it all" ya dork. lol.
Not sure if you read comments here after so long, but hey... just thought to point out Rose stops Finn from his sacrifice, because it would not help anyone. The movie vaguely hints at it, with people telling Finn to stop, not because they'd hate to see him go in flames, but because it would do no good. It's another way the movie subverts acts of heroism.
I mean, they're also _directly above a planet_ at approximately the same height as the ISS. Where you still have ~0.9g. The astronauts aboard the ISS just don't feel that because it's orbiting the Earth at some ridiculous speed to keep the whole thing from crashing down within a week or so. So even if the bombers don't have gravity generators, the planet's gravity is still more than enough for a traditional drop bomber to work.
With more rewatches of TLJ Canto Bight actually has a real purpose and flows nicely with the themes of the movie. On first watch it seems really random, but it actually is really important to the story and not random at all
I totally agree with every point, TLJ is a great SW movie and I really enjoyed every screening. It did feel strange to see Luke's character act the way he does, but ultimately it is coherent with the story and characters should evolve, always. His conclusion is satisfying and brings his character full circle. If only the fans could see the OT as the middle of a bigger tale - of which the first 2 episodes are admittedly less impressive to most of us - in which the characters evolve. It is no big deal, we're not kids any more, no toy was broken, in my opinion R. Johnson sincerely tried to imagine a faithful continuation to our belived saga, and in my opinion he succeeded in most areas. Thanks for the review, it is great and articulate.
@@tremon3688 sort of like how Anakin did in the Prequels, Luke was instinctively using it in The OT, or if you want deep cuts, like Darth Bane in his trilogy of novels?
@@daleludtke7803 its not the same. Look struggled to rise a x-wing, rey makes a ton of rocks levitate effortless... And look never beated Darth Vader the same way rey did with kylo
@@tremon3688 the fact you cannot even spend the time to spell Luke right speaks heavily on your actual investment in his character. As for the scale of the Move Object Power. "Size Matters not." Yoda said that clear as day to Luke in Empire Strikes back. His character was conflicted and unfocused. Rey was not, in that part of her story she had already had her moment to decide "who" she was. Luke had not yet. As for the fight against Vader. Luke never stood a chance, and normally Rey would never either. Apparently you missed all the shots showing what happens to people when a Bowcaster hit them when they were being launched dozens of feet through the air, and Ben had taken one of those to the stomach not long before. Ben was physically and emotionally compromised (from killing his father, something that was heavily implied in the movie, and directly laid out in the novelization). Basically a crippled Kylo Ren was beat up by someone who was not crippled.
@@The_Novelo_Podcast Even TROS had some head-scratching threads that I, a supporter of the sequel trilogy, had noticed. These are very good films, and I think the legacy of the sequels will soon rival the legacy of the originals and prequels in the eyes of many more. It just takes time.
You're wrong about Rose, Finn will not blow up the cannon but will be destroyed by it, so it is a pointless sacrifice. What guarantee the cannon will be destroyed by a junk? Rose also bring Finn into reality, Finn was a soldier of the First Order who never know what real life means, Rose who show him that
I agree. It's fans that ruin Star Wars, not the movies. They complain when it's too similar to the old films, and they complain when it's too different.
I really like the last jedi personally, especially cause it put to rest my fears the sequel trilogy would just be a retread of the original trilogy. I liked TFA but if I wanted to watch a new hope I would just watch a new hope.
There are just as many callbacks, and it's not an awful sinful thing, Star Wars has been rhyming with itself and has not been wholy original since Empire. It's not a big fucking deal. TFA is still great and TLJ is brilliant, despite flaws in both.
Jake Skywalker thank you you fucking legend atleast im not the only one who saw empire and return in this unoriginal unsipired parody shit garbage that’s empire vs rebels 2.0 and makes the ot seen pointless and shits all over it at the same Time especially the ot characters the last Jedi was he only movie of Star Wars I’ve ever hated
Nd4spd I disagree I thought both movies were unoriginal unsipired parody garbage shit that copied the ot ripped off the Eu and added fuck all to the amazing Star Wars universe whilst shitting on the ot and it’s characters at the same time. The prequels whilst many flaws added new stuff new story respected the ot and added slot as whole to the Star Wars universe
Look, it’s as simple as this. Star Wars is a HUGE franchise. It’s been a major part of people’s lives for over THIRTY YEARS. Hell, I wouldn’t be the same person without Star Wars. I’ve had my Star Wars themed birthdays, written my own Star Wars books, etc. People have grown up with this series, so the next Star Wars is more than just the next big action blockbuster. If the next big action blockbuster has some faults, the faults won’t be absolutely blown out of proportion. So blown out that it doesn’t seem like there are any pros. That’s because there’s not a fan base that has been accumulated for thirty plus years on the next big action blockbuster. Star Wars: The Last Jedi is not a perfect film, but to say it’s an awful film is just ignorant. To say Rian Johnson is a terrible director doesn’t make sense. What that shows is obvious bias because the film didn’t live up to a fan’s expectations. If we had a film from a different franchise that was just as high quality as this film, it wouldn’t be getting such an outstanding ratio of hate among the fans. It’s because it’s Star Wars. The fans expect more, therefore they blow this shit all out of proportion and deem the movie awful because it has flaws just like many other movies do. P.S. I also believe that most people did enjoy this film. Cinemascore, which takes into account even the casual audiences, gives it an A. As for longtime fans of the series, I think it’s much more split. But still, anyone saying most people hated the movie don’t know what they’re talking about.
The cinemascore rating was something I wanted to cover but I didn't want the video to get bloated so thanks for bringing that up. It's important to know that cinemascore actually verifies if the viewer has seen the film with their polls too.
GeekyGlassesTV The second reason for luke to force project himself was to give Kylo an outlet for his rage and feelings of betrayal. He ends the movie, in the last shot, by what is called the ‘Penitent Position’. This position is used to express not only regret, but acceptance. Luke gave Kylo, with his actions and the dice; a sense of freedom from His heavy burdens, and essentially gave him permission to accept his ‘fathers heart’. Kylo, as the last skywalker, is going to surprise you all: he will be a benevolent leader. And as Anakin gave up love for power, Ben will give up power for love. It’s poetry. And star wars always rhymes. I would love to know your thoughts on this. Also, lucasfilm has came out with the fact that Rey’s force powers come from Kylo- they are stuck. It’s like Neo from the matrix- she downloads his mind. In return, he receives her memories (not sure it’s an even trade This will be important. And no Luke cannot save him- but he can put him on a path towards someone who can...himself. And then a path towards balance- he and Rey.
I 1000% agree. THANK YOU!!!! I think after a while of trying to defend or even say you like TLJ on some sites, it can actually be bad for your mental health. While always remaining polite, I have been called every name in the book and received actual threats. It's insane.
I enjoy the video mostly but I'm dick of people legit lying about Rey in TFA especially in her battle with Kylo. She largely gets schooled and only gets a good hit in when he's distracted and more hurt than when they started. Even if she DID match or even best him, HE TOOK A BOECASTER SHOT TO THE STOMACH that we saw LAUNCH and kill s heavily-armored trooper earlier in the movie, AND is super fucking emptional
For me it's one of the best star wars movies ever made. In my eyes star wars is fun, exciting and unexpected again. And I'm totally on board, and superexcited about both episode 9 and rians new trilogy. Though I'm not excited for the solo story nor was I impressed by rogue one. But episodes 7 & 8 have been mostly stellar in my opinion
It was supposed to be a one-sided relationship. When they kissed, Finn didn’t kiss her back. It goes with the theme of heroes not being who you want them to be.
Oh you loved The Last Jedi? That means you're an SJW who hates White men! That's the simplistic viewpoint of 50% of TLJ Haters...oh who am I kidding, 70%! I liked the movie but Love the outrage of angry fans whining about it even more lol!
But I hate the last Jedi and I’m a racist sexist fanboy who can’t handle an apparent different film even though I know how copied unrogibal it was it goes both ways you dumb cunts you pricks probably have Jake Lloyd and Hayden the same shit that Kelly Marie has been getting and I’ve given her nothing because the actress has no part on the character when it’s written so badly just thrown in their for the sake of getting a female Asian in rather than writing a good chcrater for her. You guys are just as bad as the pole you’re talking sbout you delusional social media sheep fanboy cretins
Apart from your assessment of Canto Bight, I 100% agree with you. To be fair my first go around I didn't really enjoy the Canto Bight subplot, but after a few viewings I came to realize how it is rather integral to the film, and also appreciate how it brings a bit of fun action adventure element at a place in the story where there is a chasm of non-action in the other two main plots. Think about it, it's sort of necessary to escape the Raddus and Ach-To Island for a while and I think Canto Bight breaks up the monotony, and I simply applaud the design, direction, and practical effects feats achieved in the casino. Cheers!
The scene where Rose stops Finn from committing suicide for no reason is great. The idea that Finn should have killed himself is weird. Lots of people seem to think Finn should have died here. Sure they could have written it that way, but it wouldn't work. Why would Luke show up if Finn sacrifices himself. And, would he even have made it. The movie shows that his ship would disintegrate and he would have sacrificed himself for nothing. The movie did it right here. It was a surprising moment that works because you are kind of wanting Finn to sacrifice himself as it's happening. But think about, do you really?? He's going to be crucial for next episode. Genius writing that people don't get.
@Christobanistan - rey is just as op as Anakin and luke, luke used the force in empire way before meeting Yoda - luke is much older, and feels responsible for Kylo ren, if you think him having a passing thought to kill his nephew is out of character, he almost killed his father with anger before stopping, realising what he was doing
Christobanistan as this video explains nicely, there was no inconsistency with Luke’s character from the OT. None. It was a completely reasonable character arc. Watch the video, I’m not typing it all out for you. Also, with regard to Rey, one could argue that the Jedi’s hidebound traditions had slowed Force training to the point that Anakin’s years of training was unnatural and part of the frustration he felt was being “pushed” by the Force while being simultaneously held back by Jedi tradition. Being caught between a rock and a hard place. The conditions of Luke’s training would then be naturally explained as the middle ground where Jedi tradition is still being implemented, but has been broken to allow a more free flow of the Force. The natural progression then is what seems like accelerated training, but is in fact a natural effect of the Balance Anakin achieved.
Sorry, not getting the Rose hate, especially when Finn's death would have been pointless and Rose stopping him is the best thing she could have done for both story and the character. So... yeah, not getting why Rose saving someone is from a meaningless death is a bad thing. But I forgot Star Wars fans are weird.
I have to disagree, somewhat, with the Rose/Cansino hate from everyone. I agree that narratively, those scenes bungle up the pacing but on the whole I don't think she nor the subplot are nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I enjoyed the world building of Canto Bight. That's a major reason people love SW - the world building. Canto Bight showed a side of the Galaxy Far, Far Away that was previously unexplored - the elite. We've seen the poor farmers boys and scavengers, the military, the politics, the city life and now we have a look at the rich and untouchable. This was something TFA lacked - a new peak at the galaxy. Rose as a character is a little boring and goody-goody (but I DO think her and Finn share chemistry) but as a plot device to further Finn's character, I feel she works. Finn, like everyone else, is grappling with his nature and how it effects him and others. Rose was there to guide him and to show that he can matter and find a purpose. One could argue that the script didn't need Rose to get this across and that it could have been accomplished differently and I can't argue that. But the end result is satisfying enough, imo. I liked that see knocked Finn out of the way at the last minute. Sure, you could make the argument that she theoretically fucked everyone over by stopping him. But whose to say that him ramming the ultra death laser machine would have stopped anything or matter in the end? The entire First Order was breaking down their proverbial door. The whole point was, I felt, that his sacrifice would have been fruitless and ill thought out due to his anger.
We'd already seen the elites in the prequels. The casino fits the universe about as well as the 50's diner from Ep2, the pop act Lucas added to Jabba's Palace, or your momma jokes.
Mr Maws So a casino is world building in a Galaxy far far away. Waaht? We have seen casinos before in the SW universe. Anyway, instead of this casino scene, they could have used the time to show something about Rey's past, how the Jedi Academy got destroyed? Kylo Ren's training, which doesn't sound more interesting? That way you can also incorporate world building of planets and cities.
First, learn how to spell "casino". Second, Rey's past isn't the story. Kylo Ren's training isn't the story. Star Wars has never been about excessive exposition and over-explaining (well, the prequels are a different tale). It tells its story and informs its characters in the present, through action (not just pow-pow action but character's actions) and propelling the plot forward. I don't need to see Rey's parent's being shits to her or Luke training Ben as a child. I already know this is what happened. It's what they do in the present that informs the past. I don't need shit spelled out for me.
Mr Maws. I guess you have low expectations, and "keep it simple". There is nothing wrong with that. "It tells its story and informs its characters in the present, through action" This is what it should do, the issue is that the actions they are committing are weird, make no basic sense in terms of the universe of star wars. Yes it doesn't have to be over explained (No complicated plot was asked at all), but some basic information has to be given so that you can build the action on. The originals did explain things. e.g You got to know what the Force is.
Totally subbing, not just because I’m a dumb American who finds accents from Scotland, Ireland, and the UK entirely intoxicating (I know, it’s like finding a Brit who thinks the same about accents not his own, but I digress...) but also because I enjoy how you expressed your opinions on the flaws of TLJ without devolving into straight up bashing. You made it clear that you enjoyed the film while expressing where you thought it could do better, kinda like how we expect film critics to do instead of how they typically act.
I loved the Last Jedi :) Seen it around 7 times now, lol. I'm 40 years old, I remember watching Return of the Jedi in the theater when it came out, and this one was very special. Let the past die... kill it, if you have to.
It was one of my favorite SW movies...but somehow throughout the movie I knew that it's going to be divisive. Well whatever, I loved the F out of it, glad you did too. And hell, I missed you man.
Okay, so I'm not one of those people that will unsubscribe for a disagreeable opinion of one movie (I stuck with you after your Colossal review after all), but I definitely feel the need to rebut a lot of this. Feel free to ignore it and sorry if it gets long, but I'm compelled to speak. Firstly, let me address the only thing I was actually personally insulted by. This idea that the fans don't own star wars. Well, I don't think anyone is suggesting that SW nerds have ownership rights over the IP. But if someone is passionate enough to loyaly see all the movies, read the books, buy the games, fanatically argue over the minutiae of the lore with friends, it's that passion that drove Star Wars to be the cultural icon it is today. I'd say that the creaters behind the movie do actually have a vested interest in AT LEAST crafting a story that runs parallel to the established lore and characterisation these fans expected to see. I'd never suggest pandering to fans, that's one of the many reasons why I didn't like Rogue One, but in the face of what we got and the reaction of the progressive press calling half the fans toxic, I'd say a lot of the reactions were understandable. We have every right to tweet at the director with criticism or express our feelings about how he ravaged SW cannon for us. But of coarse I think threats and personal insults are beyond the pale. This brings me to the next bit where I applaud you for bringing up a fair argument. That is, Luke not being a perfect paragon. Yes he was tempted to kill his father and I respect you for using lore to support your opinion. But Vader was the second most evil man in the galaxy who verbally threatened his friends and sister, and whom he was currently in a life and death battle with. I don't know how that's really comparable to his, innocent sleeping teenage nephew and just a vision driving him to hold a weapon in over him in the middle of the night. I agree people who criticized this scene over exaggerated and even lied about what happened in it, with Luke not actually going through with the assassination. But the mere implication that he even considered it is a total regression of Luke's character that seemed to be written into the script only to have Rey, YET AGAIN, save another established male character. We have three films that establish Luke as a good but naive boy that had to progress to become a hero and was, at the end, finally tempted to join the dark side and resisted. This goes back on all that... because he had a vision. Rey, do you honestly believe she had great characterisation? Again, she defeated Luke, she defeated Snoke's elite guard, she lifted the avalanche all without training and even knew who her parents were without having to be told. How did she grow in this film? What has been added to her character? The fact that she couldn't defeat the most powerful sith in the galaxy? Well we don't have to worry about that now. Which brings us to Snoke and another thing we have some agreement on. Knowing his back story would have changed nothing. I think what most people who are mad about this development mean to say, but can't quite articulate, is that it was red hearing that made no sense. It was almost laughable how he died. Don't get me wrong, I'm okay with his death and Kylo is definitely a great villain, but the setup to his death, with him bragging how powerful he was and how he could sense everything, it was like an actual comedy skit. This sith Lord, who could create force portals across the galaxy, who easily overpowered Rey (the character that overpowered Kylo), and was at that very moment reading Kylo's feelings, couldn't see what was coming? Yes, it's reminiscent of Vader's betrayal of the emporer, except Vader didn't have a history of being conflicted and wasn't having his thoughts read at the moment of betrayal. Which brings me to my last major objection to your review. You seem to regard subversion in of itself quite highly. Subversion, when used properly, is the backbone of comedy and great plot twists. But if the twist comes and it's totally out of sync with the parameters the film/lore had established then it feels like a cheap and lazy plot device. I would assert that many of the important developments in this film fall into that cheap category. Snoke's death, Luke's hologram, Yoda burning the books, Leia's flight, etc. Other minor disagreements: -The resistance isn't a formal military organization. I mean Leia slapped Po. Why not just tell your most talented, heroic pilot the plan when he seems that desperate and in need of hope? -The titty juice itself was fine but that scene was pointless. If he were milking it while delivering exposition that'd be fine, but it was pointless and weird. Anyway, that's it. If you read through, I really appreciate it and still love you. If not, I understand.
heavydny86 Hey dude! Some great points. I don't have time right now to reply to you properly but one thing I will comment on (and wish I'd made way clearer in my review now sorry about that) is when I said "Star Wars is not yours" I meant specifically that it was no one individual fanboys. I think in retrospect what I had wished I had written would have been "Star Wars is not yours, it's everybodies." I agree that the world has some ownership of Star Wars, it's part of pop culture in a way I feel like no other thing is, what I take issue with is this kind of individual ownership. This whole "I didn't like this and only my opinion matters. Everyone else is an idiot and the director ruined Star Wars." Rubs me the wrong way. I just want to be clear that the "You" in that line is referring specifically to this kind of mental ownership. As for your other criticisms of I had more time I could argue some disagreements but they really do just boil down to subjective tastes (e.g. the subversions feeling cheap, you think they do, I think they don't, I can go more in depth with reasons as to why but ultimately it just boils to taste at that point) Thanks for taking the time to write up such an in-depth comment though, more importantly thanks for being the kind of person who doesn't unsubscribe when someone doesn't share your opinion.
heavydny86 Wait, why are you people acting like Luke went into that shack to kill Ben? That wasn't his intention, he wanted to see what's going on, when he pulls lightsaber it was irrational reflex. He just saw terrible things, and for a moment he thought that - "Damn, I built so much, it can all go down in a minute", but once he had realization of what he's doing (you can see that he looks at lightsaber in a subtle and starts contemplating), it was too late. Hell, Luke even says that it was "moment of weakness". Seriously, how the is it so hard to understand? He didn't want to kill Ben, it was just a reflex, a quick thought. That happens to anyone. Rey defeated Luke? I'm sorry, but this point is the dumbest I've seen in years. Fucking when? When did she defeat Luke? Luke was obliterating her throughout the entire fight, he disarms her, she pulls a lightsaber, he didn't expect that and trips, but catches himself with the force and lets himself fall. Wtf kind of "defeat" you are talking about? Seriously, did you people even watch the movie? She was barely handling Snoke's guards one by one, while Kylo was freaking fighting 5 at once. She learned what Force is, how it moves along, how it connects with her, that's how she lifted all those rocks. Her growth was about her letting past finally go. She was obsessed with her parents, she couldn't leave her planet because of it. During the training, she goes right into the Dark, and even when Luke warns her, she still goes in. Her obsession with the past makes her more and more vulnerable, she goes to save Ben because she believes that she can fix him just like Luke helped Vader. When Ben tells her about her parents, she actually starts contemplating about joining him. You can see that she is actually thinking about it, there's a moment of silence there. She has to choose, and in the end she chooses a Rebellion. Her middle arc is done, now she has to live with the consequences of her choice. The problem with these 2 points is that you are looking only at the surface, and criticizing thing that are actually presented without exposition, in a lot more subtle way. Movie doesn't need to explain how characters feel, you have to analyze it. That's the best part about movies.
The Jedi aren't just "anyone", they're warrior monks that learn to hone their senses and control their emotions. That's kind of their thing, they don't have moments of weakness where they HOLD AN EXTREMELY DANGEROUS WEAPON OVER A DEFENSELESS CHILD! Oh, okay... Rey didn't "defeat" Luke... she was just able to get the best of him in a fight where he was eventually cornered and then tripped like a punk and was pinned with no defense. Totally different from being defeated. There's certainly no consistent pattern of her being over powered. I mean, yeah... she was only a day 2 trainee... but to be fair she had kind of a rough time defeating 20 of Snoke's ELITE GUARD. And she "learned what the force is" so OF COARSE after that one lesson she could move a whole landslide with ease. It's not because she's an over powered mary sue. Thanks for clearing that up.
heavydny86 where the hell does that come from lol? Jedi, despite their trainings still have emotions and feelings. You are acting like Jedi are some kind of robots who are so well trained that they never get emotionally compromised, which is not true at all. Almost every Jedi master had that moment. . That was reflex, it's something you have little control over. Aren't you people love criticising Mary Sue thing, but when they humanize a character, show that he has flaws and can fall into MOMENTARY emotional trap, it's bad? What's so bad about making character complex and relatable? Luke lost a lot, and I mean a lot. His family, his friends, Yoda, Obi Wan, his father. After so many goddamn losses he managed to build something good, and all of it was compromised because of Ben. He had one spontaneous moment where he let his feelings get better of him, just one moment, and he lost everything again. Luke was never perfect, and I mean fucking never. Since the start he joins the fight because of revenge. When Yoda tells him to leave lightsaber during the training, he doesn't listen. His first instinct after Emperor taunts him about his friends? He pulls a lightsaber. Once his father threatens his sister - he lashes on to him like maniac. Luke always had a dark side in him, he always had a conflict in him. And considering that after so many losses he faced, after years of war, just a thought of it happening again made him pull a lightsaber without thinking, just showcases that he is still flawed person. And that is much better than goody goody two shoes, who is the nicest guy in the universe, that's just not Luke. Did you even read what I wrote? She didn't "best" him, she was getting her ass kicked lol. She just pulled lightsaber and Luke just tripped backwards because he didn't expect that she would freaking do that, but ONCE AGAIN, he catches himself with the force and lets himself fall. Seriously, wtf kind of besting is this? Is it me or it seems like you just nitpicking now and seeing things that just aren't there? Luke wasn't trying to hurt her, he was trying to calm her down. Still, there are freaking videos on UA-cam that leaked this scene, go and rewatch it cause your memory seems shit. During their fight, Rey wasn't even able to hit him once, Luke was beating her throughout the fight, he freaking disarms her for a God's sake, she only managed to hit him before the fight started from behind. You're just interpreting scene in a way to fit your hate of the movie. You should learn what Mary Sue means mate: Mary Sue is character who has abilities that can't be explained whatsoever, who doesn't have a flaw, who never makes a mistake. Now does Rey fit in this bullcrap? I would say no, not at all. Her skills were all explained multiple times, she lived in the dangerous desert planet with different alien species for years and absolutely by herself, she would be retarded if she couldn't learn some stuff along the way in that kind of situation. From her flaws, she nearly crashes Millenium Falcon first time she flies it and gets surprised by tricks she pulls out, which were clearly guided by the force. Plus she explains her ability to fly right after saying that she flew ships before, but she was never able to pull that off. Some say that she understands Millennium Falcon better than Han does. No, she only knows it because of modifications that were installed, which Han wasn't aware of. Plus Han was pretty ignorant in understanding Falcon's mechanics to begin with, watch Empire Strikes Back when C3PO schools him about how to fix the ship. She is very much obsessed with the past and can't accept the fact that her parents won't come back, which in TFA makes her run away and get captured. People say that she defeated Ben and all that, but TLJ pretty much explained how. Ben was wounded and unbalanced after killing his father, and during praetorian guards battle you can easily see how she is barely handling them one by one, while Ben is taking down like 5 at once. And No, there weren't 20 guards. There were like 8-10, and most of them were killed by Ben. Gets her ass beat easily by Luke, and yeah, that's a fact. Has a really huge temptation to the dark side, as she goes straight in to that hole even after Luke's warnings, and she actually thinks about joining Kylo Ren after learning about her parents, but decides not to. The only problem I have is her learning mind melting thing pretty quickly, but to be honest I have no idea how hard learning this ability is. Considering that no one taught Luke how to do it, and he was able to pull it off in Return of the Jedi. And Luke also talked about raw power thing, which I'm sure would be explored in Episode 9. The only fitting category for her in being Mary Sue is learning force quickly, and that's fucking it. We saw Luke fighting Vader and even managing to slash his arm a bit, with what? Two-three days of training with Yoda?
I find it hilarious that this fandom can get so worked up over a family-oriented sci-fi series that they will said some truly unhinged shit about it. XD And Really? Complaining about SJWs in Star Wars? I've seen people complain about Star Wars being "feminist" now simply because Rey is the main protagonist of the sequel trilogy who is exceptional with the Force. Under the very same logic, the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy are officially Pro-Male Propaganda because of their strong male characters.
Yes! Exactly how I felt about it. The best part of your review: It's flaws don't spoil the good parts. This has been my way of watching Star Wars since the prequels, and the flaws of the new movies aren't nearly as bad as those of the prequels. With such a big franchise, these films can never be everything you always wanted them to be, so you might as well take the bad with the good and enjoy it.
Love it! I agree with every single point, especially the end. The toxic fans spouting recycled vitriolic criticisms they read on someone’s blog post and sending death threats to people need to shut up. If you’re done with Star Wars, fine, go away. More room for me on opening night
This is probably the best review of the Last Jedi on UA-cam (I type this with full knowledge many will disagree because you don't complain about how "terrible" it is)
MinecraftandMore That comment of yours brings me more questions than answers and definitely doesn't help the matter at hand. "Could have" is not a satisfactory answer.
Rose helped finn to became a rebel for real and despite all the suffering she had to pass through she wasn't consumed by hate and loss she overcame it and despite not being someone "awesome" or powerful she has the heart of a rebel. And the tiny ass ship finn was gonna trough out to that gigantic cannon oh god that was the most stupid idea ever not even poe wanted to go do it so Rose saved Fin there. The saving animals was lame but it's a kids and adults movie so what do you expect?, lamer things were in the original trilogy honestly. But for real, Fin is the naive one here thinking he can get away from the war and nobody thinks he's annoying because he is the "hero" istg
Daniel, I have desperately missed your reviews and take on film. I also loved Last Jedi, while accepting the flaws in it (that giant McGuffin of a same-speed chase made absolutely no sense, but if you went with it, the movie was way better than if you pushed back). I especially appreciate your exploration of fandom in videos, both the good and the (very) bad. Keep it up, and can't wait to see The August Club!
Glad to have you back, mate. I have a lot of problems with this movie, and I'm not even a Star Wars fan. Most of it comes from the way the writer/director blatantly didn't care about anything that was set up in TFA. For all of its faults, TFA sets up mysteries, dramatic situations, character arcs... all of which are dropped in TLJ. It retroactively makes TFA worse, proving the dumbest complaints against it right. The whole "Rey is a Mary Sue" thing from TFA? I never read it like that back then. To me it was clear that her force skills were a hint at her past, possibly having been trained as a child before being abandoned. She didn't need to be anyone's daughter, just a former student of Luke that was left behind for some reason, possibly in relation to whatever happened at the Jedi Temple. Characters discussed her identity secretly offscreen, Kylo seemed affected at the mention of "a girl" in Jakku, Leia seemed to feel very strongly for her the very first time she saw her, as if she knew her from before. All of these hints, dropped. So if Rey is no one daughter of no one, and has no background to speak of, then yeah, she's a Mary Sue after all. Similarly, Finn gets injured into a coma in a dramatic scene, leaving him with an uncertain fate, and wide possible ramifications for his relationship with Rey. Will he recover? To what extent? Will Rey be there? If not, will she feel guilty for abandoning her friend? Will Finn resent her for it? Nah, he wakes up in a comical scene, then goes off with his new GF he just met on the shitty subplot you yourself described to a T. There's tons of other things like that, as well as problems with the movie's own internal consistency. Is heroic sacrifice right or wrong? Because it's apparently right when Purple Hair Lady does it, but wrong when Finn tries to do it, and then right again when Luke does it. This is just scratching the surface. I mean, it's not the prequels, but it's still just bad writing.
Maybe, but the issue is that Rose stops Finn's sacrifice (nearly killing both in the process; and everyone else would have died as well, were it not for the Luke Ex Machina) simply because her sister also self-sacrificed and she didn't want her new crush to die. It's completely selfish and stupid, and yet we're supposed to agree with her.
Great commentary. However, in defense of Rose, her only purpose in this film is to further Finn's character arc, which is why I don't mind so much that she's a goody-two-shoes. And I actually agree with the decision of her saving Finn; because if Finn had died in that run, it would've been a futile death, as it wouldn't have destroyed the drill (his vehicle would've burned off right as he reached it), and for me that would've been one tragedy too many after all the Resistance had lost throughout the film. Overall though, great video, good job 👍👍
Luke even considering killing Kylo is what people are taking issue with. It doesn't matter if he doesn't do it in the end, he had that intention within him and THAT is what ruins the character. He goes to Kylo, in the night when he's sleeping, and stands over him with an ignited lightsaber. We see him do this before seeing him even try to bring Kylo back to the light. This also opens up more plot holes. Luke says "Snoke got to him first" which makes no sense because how did Snoke get to Ben while he was still with Luke at the temple? If he knows Snoke was manipulating Ben, why didn't he try to stop it or why did he do nothing until Ben was too far gone? Why was hiding away on an island better than doing ANYTHING helpful? Vader was an already established evil villainous monster, who was outright threatening his sister. Luke's reaction to that is not akin to killing your padawan/nephew in his sleep because of a force vision. Luke also was under a lot of pressure in that moment as well because he had seen the rebels getting killed and was told by the emperor that the plan with Leia was found out and hopeless. Fast forward to peacetimes at his Jedi Temple and his very first reaction to encountering the dark side is EXACTLY THE SAME as in ESB, further establishing that his character in this movie is weak and doesn't learn from past mistakes. And Luke acting heroic would not be fan service, it would ACTUALLY be within his character to do so because Luke Skywalker is a hero. Doing nothing on an island when you've set the events of the galaxy's ruin into motion is the most cowardly thing that I can think of. He doesn't face his friend and sister to rightfully accept responsibility. He doesn't try to help or repair any damage that he caused. And even when someone follows the map he left to his location and BEGS him to help he still does nothing Is that why this movie is genius? Because nothing happens at all? Nothing gets built, nothing gets expanded on, nothing even remotely resembling and idea for a story get presented? Yeah, it's real easy to (((((SUBVERT.....EXPECTATIONS!!!!!!)))))) when you do nothing at all. "Snoke's backstory does not matter. He has nothing to do with the main story" Well I'm done then. When you tell me that the man isn't important, then you might as well state these movies don't matter. If this man, the man who corrupted Ben solo, who created the First Order that has all but expunged the Resistance and New Republic, who is the sole reason why there was any conflict in this or the previous movie, DOESN'T MATTER, then nothing does. 17:18-17:42 Oh yeah, I'm done here.
One of the greatest things of the original trilogy was Luke's growth and his balls to refuse to give in to the emperor even though it meant death. It was that transition from small time boy on Tatooine to an actual Jedi. The arc was complete after he attacked Vader and yielded to harm him any further. The problem is this movie just backtracks Luke's development without any real reason. I mean if you want to deconstruct characters like Zack Snyder did that's fine, but you need to make it work. Don't just go 0 to 100. All the subversions in the movie kind of just felt cheap. I get what Johnson was going for but it felt like all the deconstruction was there for the sake of shock value. I think the Ultimate Edition of Batman v Superman [OHHHHH YES I'm going there ;) ] actually succeeds in breaking down the characters and make them advance into something more.
To me rey wasnt shown as perfect in the force awakens she was able to pilot the falcon yes but she crashed it into things alot she was able to fix the falcon because there was a problem with a modification to it installed after han lost the falcon so he didnt know about it. Finally during the lightsaber fight she was swinging wildly almost flailing and kylo was both injured and was not trying to kill her
Honestly the Holdo & Po subplot doesn't work imo for the same reason Rose's subplot didn't work: the solution didn't work. Po's whole reasoning for calling the plan cowardly turned out to be right, so that whole subplot leading to the mutiny feels pointless.
Rose and Finn’s subplot ain’t pointless tho. They get the Resistance transport ships revealed, leading to many deaths and the battle on Crait. Far from a pointless subplot. Holdo and Poe’s plot leads to crucial character development for Poe, which we see at the end when he calls off the attack.
+drmuffin1080 What Canto Bight / DJ achieved could have done if one of the the First Order's officers looked through a window. And Holdo and Poe's major problem is that Poe was right all along while Holdo was wrong all along, and yet the movie doesn't seem to notice: Just ask yourself what would have happened if the dreadnought Poe destroyed in the beginning of the movie would have followed the resistance through light speed? Boom, everyone dead. Plus, if General Leia would have wanted the bombers back, why wouldn't she make the call to the bomberes herself instead of letting Poe do whatever he considered right? This movie is so bad done that it falls to pieces if you stare too hard at it. Litteraly.
SmilingRhino1 Looking out the window would defeat a major theme of failure throughout this film. The ships were far enough away that it would’ve taken more than just looking out the window. As for Finn and Holdo, I guess he was right about taking out the dreadnought bc it would’ve bit them in the ass later on (or maybe not they maybe still could’ve kept out of range), but he wouldn’t have been if it wasn’t for hyperspace tracking. He still deserved that demotion bc he disobeyed orders and while he may have been right in the end, he wasn’t right at the time bc he couldn’t possibly know about the hyperspace technology. He’s reckless. That’s that. As for Leia calling off the others, sure that’s a flaw. I can say that it’s bc she only has a direct com to Poe, but that’d be half assed. The thing is, many movies that are considered amazing have plot holes. Citizen Kane, the film that is considered the greatest of all time? It has a HUGE plot hole that kinda breaks the story. Who heard the guy say rosebud before he died? No one. Yet the whole movie is dedicated to finding out why he said rosebud. Why then is the movie praised? Because the positives outweigh the negatives. The overall product is of quality. I swear to god, y’all The Last Jedi haters are the most glass half empty people.
"Looking out the window would defeat a major theme of failure throughout this film." So, you are saying that if the characters involved act logically, then the movie doesn't work? Can't they rather write the movie better so the characters can act logically and yet deliver the message? "(Poe) He still deserved that demotion" I agree on that. But I also think that Holdo deserved a scold for how her secrecy ended up. That scld doesn't happen, the movie keeps on holding her as a heroine, when her stubborness caused the death of a lot of people for no reason (at least Poe took a ship down, what did Holdo achieved with her silence?) "The thing is, many movies that are considered amazing have plot holes" Nobody is saying that TLJ is the only movie with plot holes. " Because the positives outweigh the negatives. " "The overall product is of quality" Isn't that just, you know, your opinion? " I swear to god, y’all The Last Jedi haters are the most glass half empty people. " So, for you, everyone who doesn't agree with your opinion is a half empty hater, and your opinion is universal rule about quality? I think I'm giving arguments about why I think the movie is not tha good. You are just saying is good because you liked it, dismissing any mistakes because everyone makes them, and pretty much insulting me for not agreeing with you. Is not very constructive, you know? Perhaps you'd want to review that attitude?
SmilingRhino1 It’s just that you said the movie is “so bad done that it literally falls to pieces.” I take that as meaning the movie is awful, which is isn’t. Disliking the movie is fine, I’ve told that to multiple people (not you, sorry for not clarifying), and even having a terrible time when watching the movie is okay, but that doesn’t make it an objectively terrible movie. I hate Furious 7. Like, REALLY hate it. I think it’s terrible. However, is it a terrible movie, a terrible blockbuster? Nope. It ain’t. So when I say TLJ haters, I mean people who think TLJ is AWFUL and TRULY awful. Objectively awful. As for the logic on the transports. I already said it. The naked eye couldn’t have seen it. Snoke used his magnifier, which is how we were able to. As for Holdo, I don’t really know when and how she would’ve been scolded. It really wouldn’t have made any sense for Poe or anyone really to pull her aside and say, “Her Holdo, why in the hell did you...?” It would’ve been very needless to the overall plot, especially since everyone was trying to escape. Then we have Citizen Kane. I know that you said that you weren’t denying other movies having plot holes, but you still kind of ignored my point. My example is used because even when a movie has breaks in logic, it doesn’t mean the whole movie is broken. That’s because of the positives outweighing the negatives. My final sentence in that last paragraph is when you point out something that I hadn’t really thought of. The positives outweighing the negatives is my opinion. I feel like TLJ is better than the average blockbuster, but then again, my opinion. However, I still want to turn this all back around to one point that I want to get out to a lot of people. You may not think it, but your one statement made it seem like you did. The Last Jedi is not an objectively awful film. One can hate the film (like how I despise the Scarlet Johansson film, Lucy), but it’s not awful. Awful is Razzie level. Awful is Jack and Jill, Bucky Larson, etc. People are way too harsh on this movie because it’s Star Wars. If it was San Andreas level of quality, the hate would be even more insane. But it’s not, so many fans go batshit. I’ve said to a lot of people (and one friend who hates so much of this movie), thinking this movie is bad is okay, that’s your opinion, but objectively awful makes no sense.
I Think you missed the Rose story completely. She was the Angel on Finns' shoulder. Remember Finn has been brainwashed by The First Order since a child. His worldview is childlike. What child wouldn't get a kick out of Canto Bight. She lost her sister to a mission a day earlier so when the skimmers were called off by Poe she wasn't about to loose him. Especially since the film goes out of its way to show that his suicide would have been in vain. The skimmer was falling apart etc. Especially since it was her who gave him a cause worth fighting for (On Canto Bight) rather than running off to the Outer Rim. She also inspired the next generation of Rebels, during that waste of time scene on Canto Bight. Her arc took her from someone staring at pipes all day to a leader of the resistance. And she did it with heart, loyalty and dare I say compassion. A great new and inspiring character. Such a shame that the writers of TROS listened to the crying 'Fans' who think they know better. And look how that turned out.
the reason luke died after force projecting himself over light years is actually explained by kylo when he talked to rey the first time. he was all, "how are you doing this? it's not you, the effort would kill you" and that's why luke died.
Having watched the movie twice, the Finn/Rose Canto Bight sequence actually worked for me. Mostly because I was ready for it. Initially, and came and went so fast and I was like wth was that? I loved the film.
Why is Rose even serving in a guerrilla force? It's clear the Resistance only recruited the most able-bodied persons, as you literally never see anyone as pudgy and non-athletic as Rose. It's as if Ho Chi Minh had recruited pudgy, unfit Vietnamese men to fight the French and Americans. Also, the way Paige was discarded like if she was just a piece of trash was obscene to me, and being replaced by Rose just hits the obscenity nail even harder.
I think it makes sense for the resistance to accept as many people as possible. It doesn't seem like they have an infinite supply of people to choose from, much less an infinite supply of able-bodied persons. Also I got a similar vibe from Holdo as well.
You compared Luke's fleeting thought of murdering his nephew while he slept with attacking Darth Vader. Darth Vader was actively trying to kill Luke and threatened his sister. That is such an immature equilvalence. The fact that Luke considered assassinating his nephew is what has people upset. It doesn't matter how "fleeting" the thought was. If you fleetingly consider killing someone in their sleep and draw a weapon to do so, you are evil. Your point that Luke could see the future and knew that Ben had already been turned to the Dark Side is wrong also. Did you miss Luke's conversion with Rey? She said that Luke was mistaken, and Ben's choice hadn't been made yet. If anything, Luke completed Ben's turn to the Dark Side and created Kylo Ren.
Yeah, that's a good point. But it's out of character for a guy that we watched throw his lightsaber down at the Emperor's feet in RotJ. That's the heartburn that folks like me have with Luke's character in this movie. The way he dealt with Kylo ignores his entire character arc that we sat through for 3 movies and takes him right back to where he was in TESB. And, again, Rey has to tell Luke that his vision was completely wrong, and Kylo hadn't made his choice yet when Luke entered his bedroom that night. TLJ rewinds Luke's character back to 3 movies ago and makes him that dumb, impulsive kid from TESB (in mine and a lot of other fans' view anyway).
Just a quick comment on the bombs at the beginning. The bombing run actually is very accurate. There is artificial gravity on the ship pulling everything down. So when they are released they continue to move in that direction. Almost like being shot from a gun. An object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.
I don't really understand peoples problem with the bomber ships in the beginning of The Last Jedi. As far as I have understood and read, most spaceships in the Star Wars universe has some type of artificial gravity generators to make space travel as comfortable as being on a planet. When the bombs are released in the bomber the artificial gravity makes them accelerate downwards out of the bomber. According to Newton's first law, an object that is not affected by any external forces will move in a straight line with a constant velocity. This means that the moment the bombs have left the ship and the artificial gravity field, they will keep moving in the direction the gravity field pulled them towards. In the movie, however, there was an external force as the battle happened near a planet that was kind of below and a bit to the right (direction seen from the eyes of a pilot in the bombers). If you look very closely closely at the scene, you can see that the bombs actually start turning towards the direction of the planet before hitting the dreadnought, exactly as you would expect under the present physical conditions. Here is the scene in a UA-cam video (the link is set to skip to the moment I am talking about. If I have forgotten some fact that makes this entire argument wrong, please tell me. I'm not perfect. I am neither an expert on Star Wars lore or physics. Also, sorry for the "wall of text" comment.
The Last Jedi : Is a Movie where a woman expresses her shock and grief at the death of Han Solo and struggles to understand how this Man in a vision before her could murder his own father. Then she see's he doesn't have his shirt on and blushes and forgets all about it. --- The Last Jedi : I a Movie where a woman falls down a deep hole and into a bottomless pit and then it cuts away and we have no idea how she got out of there - despite being shown that it is a big Hole in the ground where the only way in is a hole in the ceiling - I guess she just force jumped 60 foot up in the air to escape then ? --- The Last Jedi is a Movie about a woman who has never flow a real space ship and at best might have been allowed to be on one were one was moved to another birth (if even that) and yet she can fly a freighter after only ever playing with a simulator she found on a wreck. Perhaps this is why Chewie does most of the flying now like a furry Uber driver. As Rey stops flying Finn suddenly starts flying things when a few days ago he was incapable of it. --- The last Jedi is a Movie where A woman raised on a desert planet knows how to swim. ------- I could go on like that indefinitely. (But I really should be able to find so many things like that - that I can go one about).
I didn't get why Rose stopped Finn either until I saw a video that pointed out that there are multiple clues put in that his suicide mission isn't going to work (eg. the visible disintegration of his ship, & explicit warnings from Poe). That said, the clunky dialog and the kiss distract from what was otherwise a clear link to Poe's arc: learning that impulsive, blind heroism isn't always the right move. In theory, Rose is rather an interesting character. She fills a different social role than other Star Wars main characters (not a fighter - at least until there are almost no fighters left- but a mechanic) and, perhaps as a result, clearly thinks more about the economic/class dynamics of this world than others. Which is something I'd be down to see more of. Moreover, Rose's sister died very recently sacrificing herself in an attack that probably wasn't worth it, so it is reasonable that she wouldn't want to see that happen to Finn. But something about the execution doesn't quite work - that is, it doesn't make those interesting aspects apparent on a first casual viewing - and I'm not sure what it is.
My problems are: is it possible to breath is space as in the start or not as with Leia? Do bombs actully drop in space? And why doesn't some imp ships jump ahead and corner the rebels?
Aw,so I’m a bellend. Whatever shall I do?My life is over.Despair awaits me.How can I go on?I’m a bellend.I can’t bear it . What is there to do?I have brought shame and disgrace down upon myself and my parents,for I am but a mere bellend.My parents told me”Son,whatever you do don,t ever become a bellend,yet here I am doing just that.Truly shameful
Thank you sir. Nice video and I agree with most points. Now, for all those thinking that fans have some right to determine that story progression: where were you in 1997 when Lucas vandalized the Original Trilogy? Where was your rage when Lucas ignored every single speck of lore set up in the OT and created midichlorians, changed the entire plot of the clone wars from what he’d approved for the Thrawn trilogy, ignored Obiwans description of Anakins personality and events of that time, and so on.
Disney: Here is a new Star Wars Fandom: THIS IS JUST EP 4 AGAIN Disney: Here is a Star Wars spin-off Fandom: THIS IS NOT A STAR WARS MOVIE IT SUCKS Disney: Here is yet another Star Wars Fandom: I JUST TURNED INTO A FILM EXPERT AND THIS SUX BCZ ITS NOT WHAT I WANTED!!!
Wow. I saw the notification of this review and quickly clicked to watch. GGTV, I...I don't know who you are anymore...your Last Jedi review has just torn me apart!
Oh yeah I'm a big fan of The Last Jedi too and I am a firm believer in the chemistry between Finn and Rose. Not a believer in the chemistry between Anakin and Padme.
Newcomer to the channel - thanks for the honest thoughts in this video. I liked TLJ a lot too. Also, love the unapologetic Geordie-ness. Good on you, fella (from way down South in Derby) 😎
Wait..... Rose did the most naive and stupid thing you've ever seen in a block buster by stopping Finn from killing himself for no reason???? Wtf..... if Finn sacrificed himself right there for no reason THAT would have been naive and stupid. Her saving him wad literally the EXACT opposite... do you know what naive means??? Him being overly confident and thinking he'd somehow make a difference even though that thing was tearing his ship apart is the very definition of naive. Her saving him from his own stupidity and naive need to prove his new found rebellious ways to be real.....was the OPPOSITE of naive...
Huzzah!! Looks like those innocent people who just wanted to see a film won’t have to have their ashes covered in flaming rubble and piss. If you know you know. Thanks for posting again ggtv , love it
Finn's sacrifice would have saved everyone?? You sure? They don't have a spare ram for the door to call in? Like the dreadnought, good job Poe. Got so many bombers killed but can you replace those pilots? The crews? The bombers themselves? What are you people talking about??
I like Rose. She's a mechanic, not a soldier. She's completely dedicated to the resistance but is naive to the reality of front-line fighting. She's a great catalyst for Finn's arc from trying to run away to becoming a true believer. And she goes from idolizing the "heros of the resistance" to realizing that you don't have to be on the front lines to fight for what you believe in (she totally recruited the force sensitive slave boy) I admit that the execution was kinda clanky at times, but that subplot was far from irrelevant. And she stopped Finn because everyone was screeming that there was no point, ramming that thing couldn't have stopped it, his death would've been for nothing. He thought all was lost and she wasn't willing to lose someone else. The line after was super cheesy though...
There's quite a difference between Luke trying to kill Vader and Luke trying to kill Ben. He met and got to know Vader as an enemy and a dangerous villain, only learning later that he's his father and could possibly be turned. With Kylo it is exactly the opposite. Other than that, Luke's response to Vader is anger, a lot more believeable than his response to Kylo Ren's "darkness". Someone threatening a family member is a lot more relateable to us than Luke staring with a Vietnam flashback face while he's narrating it with "I saw a darkness". Audience: Yeah but em... what *did* you actually see?
Hey fella. Great to have geekyglassestv back. (The august club was mint) I get your critisms of Rose but the reason I liked her was at least she had agency. Finn becomes conscious and she's already dragging him to safety rather than waiting around going 'what do we do now?' which is rare in a female support character. Granted she didn't have much else going for her but I'll take that over damsel in distress. The film itself was really strong from that point of view. Female leadership where they led in a feminine way, they weren't just men with tits as female leaders are often portrayed. Also high ranked female leaders who were supportive of one another rather than 'catty' or 'bitchy' or some other shit. Progress!
I get how you were bored by the Canto Bight plotline, but I actually believe it was there to be the "kid" version of the overall theme of the movie: how our perceptions can be false, and how failure can be a learning opportunity. I think with Star Wars, some themes are too mature/sophisticated for younger audiences. They can visually understand what is happening, but they miss the nuance of character dialogue and tone. I think the Rose and Finn plotline was fun, and obviously served a purpose in the end. They showed the slave kids that the spirit of Rebellion is real, and that maybe the future isn't so bad. They were reminded of the heroes of the past...specifically Luke Skywalker. But, just my thoughts and opinions. Great video!
FYI the fandom menace isn't done yet kids we still have a streaming service to not purchase and Ep9 to subvert and toys and things to still not buy and collect
So I'm making this the pinned comment since I know more of you read these than the description.
Firstly before anyone points it out 'Defence' is spelled correctly, that's the British spelling and last I checked I am British.
Secondly I'm a little rusty at doing these so when you watch this one you might notice it's a bit more stream-of-consciousnessy and less structured than usual (or maybe that's just me) and that there's actually a fair bit I didn't cover such as Rey's parentage reveal (which I loved), the scene with a certain old character with lightning hitting a tree (which I liked, but have some issues with) and I barely touch on fanboy culture anywhere near as much as I wanted to. This is because I was writing this one it just kept going and going and going and I realised if I didn't just cap it off at some point then I would never finish the thing.
Having said that I feel like the stuff I did manage to cover is the more often discussed stuff and I feel like I make some valid points so I hope you enjoy it all the same. I'm glad to finally be back and I hope you're all looking forward to more videos. Thanks for sticking with me this long. Love you fam.
this comment isnt pinned
TheLonelyGoomba Woops! Thanks dude. I've been pretty tired lately my bad. Sidenote: Love your channel!
Hay GGTV glad to see your back. Glad you liked the movie. I really liked your video. I do have one criticism though. The canto bight seen wasn't a wast of time. It served as character development for Finn. Think about it. In TFA Finn Just wants to escape The First Order. Then he meets Rey who he comes to care for. But he still wants to escape The First Order.Then Rey gets taken by Kylo to Death Star mark 3. Finn goes with Han to Death Star 3 under the pretence that he can shut down the shield but it was a lie He only went to save Rey. Now in TLJ after leia is taken to the infirmary, Finn having picked up the homing beacon to Rey. He proceeds to leave the Resistance because he doesn't want it to be found by the First Order. He doesn't care about The Resistance that much at all. Then at the casino he sees the gluttony and greed of the elite and this motivates him to stop running and fight for something bigger than himself. I suppose it could have been done beater. The binocular moment was a bit silly.
GeekyGlassesTV Late, but loved this video and the movie. Sucks that some fans have gone totally toxic (even in this comments section) but thank you for standing your ground, I promise lots of us out here share your love.
Also, welcome back! I missed your videos, and can't wait to see more 😄
Y i moosh kak.... Great video dude I haven't had the chance to see star wars yet so I haven't watch your video yet.. But I believe you have kept me waiting long enough for the justice league review as I feel your opinion and video's are fucking fun and helps me get past another bag of shit movie that I can't my head around... Anyway fella keep up the good work and stop pissing off to America haha 😂
I actually thought Rose was cool after watching the film several times. She had just lost her sister so she was crying in that room of the ship when Finn came in who was trying to run away to rescue Rey. Finn who still had the eyes of a man who wanted to run, as maz had put it. She then stopped him from running away even though she had a fan girl moment over him. She helped look past the surface of the bright and shiny casino and ultimately showed him what was being fought for. She also ultimately helped him finally develop into a person who could claim that he was rebel scum. I thought that was pretty cool. She did it in her own way though. She did it in a very humble way. The look past the surface level stuff was a little on the nose with her but the rest of what she did was really cool. She also stopped him from killing himself at the end of the movie which I really appreciate because he’s a great and compelling character. I never understood why people thought he had no development in the movie.
My man Geeky: “Isn’t it great that now we have Kylo as a trilogy villain instead of a boring one like Palpatine?”
Abrams: *brings back Palpatine in Episode IX”
Me: *facepalm*
I really like the last Jedi, so did my whole family. I don't actually know anyone who didn't like the movie.
Christobanistan Stupidity is not something that can be judged by liking one movie, regardless of how bad you think that movie is.
@Christobanistan you have to be looking at the mirror for that statement to be true, and before you say it I'm exaggerating to show you how far low you've gone.
I only met 3 people who disliked the film.... and _all_ of them were assholes. (No Joke)
@@cdagyekybcrpaa IKR?
I don't want to judge no one who disliked the movie, because is perfectly valid to dislike whatever you want, but it seems that most of the people (not everyone) who disliked the movie are just, assholes! They are adsholes not only with the people who made the movie, but also with normal people!
@@cdagyekybcrpaa really? Why are they assholes?
I'm sure the comments section of this video will be full of civil, respectful people with well-reasoned arguments, and will not be toxic in any way at all!
Darn tootin'. I just can't wait to have lively and healthy debate!
Wait until the """intellectuals""" aka gamergate crowd arrives.
Welcome to -Hell- ...I mean... The Internet.
Sooo if they agree with you they're good right? lolol. The toxicity starts with the video condescending to people who don't agree with him. You can't expect a civil discourse when the tone has already been set. You are being disingenuous and backing the toxic conversations with this bullshit. Kinda stupid to think you can be a dick head to people and if they react, they are the problem lol. Just look at these replies, they're bitter and defensive. You like a bad movie, that's ok. Next time try and add to the conversation and not just posture so you can feel "above it all" ya dork. lol.
Yup. Only nice, calm people who accept each other's opinions.
Not sure if you read comments here after so long, but hey... just thought to point out Rose stops Finn from his sacrifice, because it would not help anyone. The movie vaguely hints at it, with people telling Finn to stop, not because they'd hate to see him go in flames, but because it would do no good. It's another way the movie subverts acts of heroism.
I mean, they're also _directly above a planet_ at approximately the same height as the ISS. Where you still have ~0.9g. The astronauts aboard the ISS just don't feel that because it's orbiting the Earth at some ridiculous speed to keep the whole thing from crashing down within a week or so. So even if the bombers don't have gravity generators, the planet's gravity is still more than enough for a traditional drop bomber to work.
With more rewatches of TLJ Canto Bight actually has a real purpose and flows nicely with the themes of the movie. On first watch it seems really random, but it actually is really important to the story and not random at all
I totally agree with every point, TLJ is a great SW movie and I really enjoyed every screening. It did feel strange to see Luke's character act the way he does, but ultimately it is coherent with the story and characters should evolve, always. His conclusion is satisfying and brings his character full circle. If only the fans could see the OT as the middle of a bigger tale - of which the first 2 episodes are admittedly less impressive to most of us - in which the characters evolve. It is no big deal, we're not kids any more, no toy was broken, in my opinion R. Johnson sincerely tried to imagine a faithful continuation to our belived saga, and in my opinion he succeeded in most areas. Thanks for the review, it is great and articulate.
Did you like that rey didn't train anything and still know how to use the force?
@@tremon3688 sort of like how Anakin did in the Prequels, Luke was instinctively using it in The OT, or if you want deep cuts, like Darth Bane in his trilogy of novels?
@@daleludtke7803 its not the same. Look struggled to rise a x-wing, rey makes a ton of rocks levitate effortless... And look never beated Darth Vader the same way rey did with kylo
@@tremon3688 the fact you cannot even spend the time to spell Luke right speaks heavily on your actual investment in his character.
As for the scale of the Move Object Power. "Size Matters not." Yoda said that clear as day to Luke in Empire Strikes back. His character was conflicted and unfocused. Rey was not, in that part of her story she had already had her moment to decide "who" she was. Luke had not yet.
As for the fight against Vader. Luke never stood a chance, and normally Rey would never either.
Apparently you missed all the shots showing what happens to people when a Bowcaster hit them when they were being launched dozens of feet through the air, and Ben had taken one of those to the stomach not long before.
Ben was physically and emotionally compromised (from killing his father, something that was heavily implied in the movie, and directly laid out in the novelization).
Basically a crippled Kylo Ren was beat up by someone who was not crippled.
@@daleludtke7803 we need more people like you
TLJ did have its problems, but I did enjoy it overall.
A fight scene doesn't make a movie.
All movies have its flaws but in the end they’re very enjoyable
Even TROS had some head-scratching threads that I, a supporter of the sequel trilogy, had noticed. These are very good films, and I think the legacy of the sequels will soon rival the legacy of the originals and prequels in the eyes of many more. It just takes time.
You're wrong about Rose, Finn will not blow up the cannon but will be destroyed by it, so it is a pointless sacrifice. What guarantee the cannon will be destroyed by a junk?
Rose also bring Finn into reality, Finn was a soldier of the First Order who never know what real life means, Rose who show him that
Thank you for that
Technically, when you think about it, because of how divisive the film has been, you could say it was balancing.
"Powerful light, powerful darkness"
I agree. It's fans that ruin Star Wars, not the movies. They complain when it's too similar to the old films, and they complain when it's too different.
I really like the last jedi personally, especially cause it put to rest my fears the sequel trilogy would just be a retread of the original trilogy. I liked TFA but if I wanted to watch a new hope I would just watch a new hope.
There are just as many callbacks, and it's not an awful sinful thing, Star Wars has been rhyming with itself and has not been wholy original since Empire.
It's not a big fucking deal. TFA is still great and TLJ is brilliant, despite flaws in both.
Jake Skywalker thank you you fucking legend atleast im not the only one who saw empire and return in this unoriginal unsipired parody shit garbage that’s empire vs rebels 2.0 and makes the ot seen pointless and shits all over it at the same Time especially the ot characters the last Jedi was he only movie of Star Wars I’ve ever hated
Nd4spd I disagree I thought both movies were unoriginal unsipired parody garbage shit that copied the ot ripped off the Eu and added fuck all to the amazing Star Wars universe whilst shitting on the ot and it’s characters at the same time. The prequels whilst many flaws added new stuff new story respected the ot and added slot as whole to the Star Wars universe
@Jake Rivers you re wrong
Look, it’s as simple as this.
Star Wars is a HUGE franchise. It’s been a major part of people’s lives for over THIRTY YEARS. Hell, I wouldn’t be the same person without Star Wars. I’ve had my Star Wars themed birthdays, written my own Star Wars books, etc. People have grown up with this series, so the next Star Wars is more than just the next big action blockbuster. If the next big action blockbuster has some faults, the faults won’t be absolutely blown out of proportion. So blown out that it doesn’t seem like there are any pros. That’s because there’s not a fan base that has been accumulated for thirty plus years on the next big action blockbuster. Star Wars: The Last Jedi is not a perfect film, but to say it’s an awful film is just ignorant. To say Rian Johnson is a terrible director doesn’t make sense. What that shows is obvious bias because the film didn’t live up to a fan’s expectations. If we had a film from a different franchise that was just as high quality as this film, it wouldn’t be getting such an outstanding ratio of hate among the fans. It’s because it’s Star Wars. The fans expect more, therefore they blow this shit all out of proportion and deem the movie awful because it has flaws just like many other movies do.
I also believe that most people did enjoy this film. Cinemascore, which takes into account even the casual audiences, gives it an A. As for longtime fans of the series, I think it’s much more split. But still, anyone saying most people hated the movie don’t know what they’re talking about.
The cinemascore rating was something I wanted to cover but I didn't want the video to get bloated so thanks for bringing that up. It's important to know that cinemascore actually verifies if the viewer has seen the film with their polls too.
GeekyGlassesTV The second reason for luke to force project himself was to give Kylo an outlet for his rage and feelings of betrayal.
He ends the movie, in the last shot, by what is called the ‘Penitent Position’. This position is used to express not only regret, but acceptance.
Luke gave Kylo, with his actions and the dice; a sense of freedom from
His heavy burdens, and essentially gave him permission to accept his ‘fathers heart’.
Kylo, as the last skywalker, is going to surprise you all: he will be a benevolent leader. And as Anakin gave up love for power, Ben will give up power for love. It’s poetry. And star wars always rhymes.
I would love to know your thoughts on this. Also, lucasfilm has came out with the fact that Rey’s force powers come from Kylo- they are stuck. It’s like Neo from the matrix- she downloads his mind. In return, he receives her memories (not sure it’s an even trade This will be important.
And no Luke cannot save him- but he can put him on a path towards someone who can...himself. And then a path towards balance- he and Rey.
I 1000% agree. THANK YOU!!!! I think after a while of trying to defend or even say you like TLJ on some sites, it can actually be bad for your mental health. While always remaining polite, I have been called every name in the book and received actual threats. It's insane.
Over 40 years...
I enjoy the video mostly but I'm dick of people legit lying about Rey in TFA especially in her battle with Kylo. She largely gets schooled and only gets a good hit in when he's distracted and more hurt than when they started. Even if she DID match or even best him, HE TOOK A BOECASTER SHOT TO THE STOMACH that we saw LAUNCH and kill s heavily-armored trooper earlier in the movie, AND is super fucking emptional
For me it's one of the best star wars movies ever made. In my eyes star wars is fun, exciting and unexpected again. And I'm totally on board, and superexcited about both episode 9 and rians new trilogy. Though I'm not excited for the solo story nor was I impressed by rogue one. But episodes 7 & 8 have been mostly stellar in my opinion
I agree with you sir. I know I’m late to the party here, but thought I’d say it anyway
@chaoszieg Ok so it's dead to you?
It was supposed to be a one-sided relationship. When they kissed, Finn didn’t kiss her back. It goes with the theme of heroes not being who you want them to be.
Oh you loved The Last Jedi? That means you're an SJW who hates White men!
That's the simplistic viewpoint of 50% of TLJ Haters...oh who am I kidding, 70%!
I liked the movie but Love the outrage of angry fans whining about it even more lol!
Not to mention the very overt criticism of the Bush era in the prequels, and their continuous emphasis on diplomacy over violence.
KNDAWG74 they really make my faith in humanity drop
But I hate the last Jedi and I’m a racist sexist fanboy who can’t handle an apparent different film even though I know how copied unrogibal it was it goes both ways you dumb cunts you pricks probably have Jake Lloyd and Hayden the same shit that Kelly Marie has been getting and I’ve given her nothing because the actress has no part on the character when it’s written so badly just thrown in their for the sake of getting a female Asian in rather than writing a good chcrater for her. You guys are just as bad as the pole you’re talking sbout you delusional social media sheep fanboy cretins
Never understood the political criticism against TLJ
Apart from your assessment of Canto Bight, I 100% agree with you. To be fair my first go around I didn't really enjoy the Canto Bight subplot, but after a few viewings I came to realize how it is rather integral to the film, and also appreciate how it brings a bit of fun action adventure element at a place in the story where there is a chasm of non-action in the other two main plots. Think about it, it's sort of necessary to escape the Raddus and Ach-To Island for a while and I think Canto Bight breaks up the monotony, and I simply applaud the design, direction, and practical effects feats achieved in the casino. Cheers!
The scene where Rose stops Finn from committing suicide for no reason is great. The idea that Finn should have killed himself is weird. Lots of people seem to think Finn should have died here. Sure they could have written it that way, but it wouldn't work. Why would Luke show up if Finn sacrifices himself. And, would he even have made it. The movie shows that his ship would disintegrate and he would have sacrificed himself for nothing. The movie did it right here. It was a surprising moment that works because you are kind of wanting Finn to sacrifice himself as it's happening. But think about, do you really?? He's going to be crucial for next episode. Genius writing that people don't get.
I felt like I was the only one who loved Luke’s character until I watched this I agree with everything you said
There's a playlist with a lot of positive reviews on the movie:
hey, someone who agrees with me on this movie. I thought it was really good.
Sigurd Stapnes trust me it wasn't really good but I'm sure you liked it just because it says Star Wars on it.
- rey is just as op as Anakin and luke, luke used the force in empire way before meeting Yoda
- luke is much older, and feels responsible for Kylo ren, if you think him having a passing thought to kill his nephew is out of character, he almost killed his father with anger before stopping, realising what he was doing
Christobanistan as this video explains nicely, there was no inconsistency with Luke’s character from the OT. None. It was a completely reasonable character arc. Watch the video, I’m not typing it all out for you. Also, with regard to Rey, one could argue that the Jedi’s hidebound traditions had slowed Force training to the point that Anakin’s years of training was unnatural and part of the frustration he felt was being “pushed” by the Force while being simultaneously held back by Jedi tradition. Being caught between a rock and a hard place. The conditions of Luke’s training would then be naturally explained as the middle ground where Jedi tradition is still being implemented, but has been broken to allow a more free flow of the Force. The natural progression then is what seems like accelerated training, but is in fact a natural effect of the Balance Anakin achieved.
@@corrollasful Yeah ok bud
@@corrollasful no one cares, go watch MauLer
Sorry, not getting the Rose hate, especially when Finn's death would have been pointless and Rose stopping him is the best thing she could have done for both story and the character. So... yeah, not getting why Rose saving someone is from a meaningless death is a bad thing. But I forgot Star Wars fans are weird.
That last 20 seconds was so on point it’s ridiculous. 👏🏼 bravo mate
I have to disagree, somewhat, with the Rose/Cansino hate from everyone. I agree that narratively, those scenes bungle up the pacing but on the whole I don't think she nor the subplot are nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I enjoyed the world building of Canto Bight. That's a major reason people love SW - the world building. Canto Bight showed a side of the Galaxy Far, Far Away that was previously unexplored - the elite. We've seen the poor farmers boys and scavengers, the military, the politics, the city life and now we have a look at the rich and untouchable. This was something TFA lacked - a new peak at the galaxy.
Rose as a character is a little boring and goody-goody (but I DO think her and Finn share chemistry) but as a plot device to further Finn's character, I feel she works. Finn, like everyone else, is grappling with his nature and how it effects him and others. Rose was there to guide him and to show that he can matter and find a purpose. One could argue that the script didn't need Rose to get this across and that it could have been accomplished differently and I can't argue that. But the end result is satisfying enough, imo. I liked that see knocked Finn out of the way at the last minute. Sure, you could make the argument that she theoretically fucked everyone over by stopping him. But whose to say that him ramming the ultra death laser machine would have stopped anything or matter in the end? The entire First Order was breaking down their proverbial door. The whole point was, I felt, that his sacrifice would have been fruitless and ill thought out due to his anger.
We'd already seen the elites in the prequels.
The casino fits the universe about as well as the 50's diner from Ep2, the pop act Lucas added to Jabba's Palace, or your momma jokes.
Mr Maws So a casino is world building in a Galaxy far far away. Waaht? We have seen casinos before in the SW universe. Anyway, instead of this casino scene, they could have used the time to show something about Rey's past, how the Jedi Academy got destroyed? Kylo Ren's training, which doesn't sound more interesting? That way you can also incorporate world building of planets and cities.
First, learn how to spell "casino". Second, Rey's past isn't the story. Kylo Ren's training isn't the story. Star Wars has never been about excessive exposition and over-explaining (well, the prequels are a different tale). It tells its story and informs its characters in the present, through action (not just pow-pow action but character's actions) and propelling the plot forward. I don't need to see Rey's parent's being shits to her or Luke training Ben as a child. I already know this is what happened. It's what they do in the present that informs the past. I don't need shit spelled out for me.
Mr Maws. I guess you have low expectations, and "keep it simple". There is nothing wrong with that. "It tells its story and informs its characters in the present, through action" This is what it should do, the issue is that the actions they are committing are weird, make no basic sense in terms of the universe of star wars. Yes it doesn't have to be over explained (No complicated plot was asked at all), but some basic information has to be given so that you can build the action on. The originals did explain things. e.g You got to know what the Force is.
Dude, Maws, you wrote "Cansino" in your first post.
Totally subbing, not just because I’m a dumb American who finds accents from Scotland, Ireland, and the UK entirely intoxicating (I know, it’s like finding a Brit who thinks the same about accents not his own, but I digress...) but also because I enjoy how you expressed your opinions on the flaws of TLJ without devolving into straight up bashing. You made it clear that you enjoyed the film while expressing where you thought it could do better, kinda like how we expect film critics to do instead of how they typically act.
I loved TLJ when I watched it for the first time. After THE RISE OF SKYWALKER, I love it even more.
Rian Johnson did the ultimate STAR WARS movie.
I enjoyed the Finn and Rose story and I'm happy Miss Tran will return for 9.
Oh me too
I loved the Last Jedi :) Seen it around 7 times now, lol. I'm 40 years old, I remember watching Return of the Jedi in the theater when it came out, and this one was very special. Let the past die... kill it, if you have to.
It was one of my favorite SW movies...but somehow throughout the movie I knew that it's going to be divisive. Well whatever, I loved the F out of it, glad you did too. And hell, I missed you man.
It’s two and a half fucking hours!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, so I'm not one of those people that will unsubscribe for a disagreeable opinion of one movie (I stuck with you after your Colossal review after all), but I definitely feel the need to rebut a lot of this. Feel free to ignore it and sorry if it gets long, but I'm compelled to speak.
Firstly, let me address the only thing I was actually personally insulted by. This idea that the fans don't own star wars. Well, I don't think anyone is suggesting that SW nerds have ownership rights over the IP. But if someone is passionate enough to loyaly see all the movies, read the books, buy the games, fanatically argue over the minutiae of the lore with friends, it's that passion that drove Star Wars to be the cultural icon it is today. I'd say that the creaters behind the movie do actually have a vested interest in AT LEAST crafting a story that runs parallel to the established lore and characterisation these fans expected to see. I'd never suggest pandering to fans, that's one of the many reasons why I didn't like Rogue One, but in the face of what we got and the reaction of the progressive press calling half the fans toxic, I'd say a lot of the reactions were understandable. We have every right to tweet at the director with criticism or express our feelings about how he ravaged SW cannon for us. But of coarse I think threats and personal insults are beyond the pale.
This brings me to the next bit where I applaud you for bringing up a fair argument. That is, Luke not being a perfect paragon. Yes he was tempted to kill his father and I respect you for using lore to support your opinion. But Vader was the second most evil man in the galaxy who verbally threatened his friends and sister, and whom he was currently in a life and death battle with. I don't know how that's really comparable to his, innocent sleeping teenage nephew and just a vision driving him to hold a weapon in over him in the middle of the night. I agree people who criticized this scene over exaggerated and even lied about what happened in it, with Luke not actually going through with the assassination. But the mere implication that he even considered it is a total regression of Luke's character that seemed to be written into the script only to have Rey, YET AGAIN, save another established male character. We have three films that establish Luke as a good but naive boy that had to progress to become a hero and was, at the end, finally tempted to join the dark side and resisted. This goes back on all that... because he had a vision.
Rey, do you honestly believe she had great characterisation? Again, she defeated Luke, she defeated Snoke's elite guard, she lifted the avalanche all without training and even knew who her parents were without having to be told. How did she grow in this film? What has been added to her character? The fact that she couldn't defeat the most powerful sith in the galaxy? Well we don't have to worry about that now.
Which brings us to Snoke and another thing we have some agreement on. Knowing his back story would have changed nothing. I think what most people who are mad about this development mean to say, but can't quite articulate, is that it was red hearing that made no sense. It was almost laughable how he died. Don't get me wrong, I'm okay with his death and Kylo is definitely a great villain, but the setup to his death, with him bragging how powerful he was and how he could sense everything, it was like an actual comedy skit. This sith Lord, who could create force portals across the galaxy, who easily overpowered Rey (the character that overpowered Kylo), and was at that very moment reading Kylo's feelings, couldn't see what was coming? Yes, it's reminiscent of Vader's betrayal of the emporer, except Vader didn't have a history of being conflicted and wasn't having his thoughts read at the moment of betrayal.
Which brings me to my last major objection to your review. You seem to regard subversion in of itself quite highly. Subversion, when used properly, is the backbone of comedy and great plot twists. But if the twist comes and it's totally out of sync with the parameters the film/lore had established then it feels like a cheap and lazy plot device. I would assert that many of the important developments in this film fall into that cheap category. Snoke's death, Luke's hologram, Yoda burning the books, Leia's flight, etc.
Other minor disagreements:
-The resistance isn't a formal military organization. I mean Leia slapped Po. Why not just tell your most talented, heroic pilot the plan when he seems that desperate and in need of hope?
-The titty juice itself was fine but that scene was pointless. If he were milking it while delivering exposition that'd be fine, but it was pointless and weird.
Anyway, that's it. If you read through, I really appreciate it and still love you. If not, I understand.
heavydny86 Hey dude! Some great points. I don't have time right now to reply to you properly but one thing I will comment on (and wish I'd made way clearer in my review now sorry about that) is when I said "Star Wars is not yours" I meant specifically that it was no one individual fanboys.
I think in retrospect what I had wished I had written would have been "Star Wars is not yours, it's everybodies."
I agree that the world has some ownership of Star Wars, it's part of pop culture in a way I feel like no other thing is, what I take issue with is this kind of individual ownership. This whole "I didn't like this and only my opinion matters. Everyone else is an idiot and the director ruined Star Wars." Rubs me the wrong way. I just want to be clear that the "You" in that line is referring specifically to this kind of mental ownership.
As for your other criticisms of I had more time I could argue some disagreements but they really do just boil down to subjective tastes (e.g. the subversions feeling cheap, you think they do, I think they don't, I can go more in depth with reasons as to why but ultimately it just boils to taste at that point)
Thanks for taking the time to write up such an in-depth comment though, more importantly thanks for being the kind of person who doesn't unsubscribe when someone doesn't share your opinion.
I can respect that. Looking forward to your next review.
heavydny86 Wait, why are you people acting like Luke went into that shack to kill Ben? That wasn't his intention, he wanted to see what's going on, when he pulls lightsaber it was irrational reflex. He just saw terrible things, and for a moment he thought that - "Damn, I built so much, it can all go down in a minute", but once he had realization of what he's doing (you can see that he looks at lightsaber in a subtle and starts contemplating), it was too late. Hell, Luke even says that it was "moment of weakness". Seriously, how the is it so hard to understand? He didn't want to kill Ben, it was just a reflex, a quick thought. That happens to anyone.
Rey defeated Luke? I'm sorry, but this point is the dumbest I've seen in years. Fucking when? When did she defeat Luke? Luke was obliterating her throughout the entire fight, he disarms her, she pulls a lightsaber, he didn't expect that and trips, but catches himself with the force and lets himself fall. Wtf kind of "defeat" you are talking about? Seriously, did you people even watch the movie? She was barely handling Snoke's guards one by one, while Kylo was freaking fighting 5 at once. She learned what Force is, how it moves along, how it connects with her, that's how she lifted all those rocks. Her growth was about her letting past finally go. She was obsessed with her parents, she couldn't leave her planet because of it. During the training, she goes right into the Dark, and even when Luke warns her, she still goes in. Her obsession with the past makes her more and more vulnerable, she goes to save Ben because she believes that she can fix him just like Luke helped Vader. When Ben tells her about her parents, she actually starts contemplating about joining him. You can see that she is actually thinking about it, there's a moment of silence there. She has to choose, and in the end she chooses a Rebellion. Her middle arc is done, now she has to live with the consequences of her choice.
The problem with these 2 points is that you are looking only at the surface, and criticizing thing that are actually presented without exposition, in a lot more subtle way. Movie doesn't need to explain how characters feel, you have to analyze it. That's the best part about movies.
The Jedi aren't just "anyone", they're warrior monks that learn to hone their senses and control their emotions. That's kind of their thing, they don't have moments of weakness where they HOLD AN EXTREMELY DANGEROUS WEAPON OVER A DEFENSELESS CHILD!
Oh, okay... Rey didn't "defeat" Luke... she was just able to get the best of him in a fight where he was eventually cornered and then tripped like a punk and was pinned with no defense. Totally different from being defeated. There's certainly no consistent pattern of her being over powered. I mean, yeah... she was only a day 2 trainee... but to be fair she had kind of a rough time defeating 20 of Snoke's ELITE GUARD. And she "learned what the force is" so OF COARSE after that one lesson she could move a whole landslide with ease. It's not because she's an over powered mary sue.
Thanks for clearing that up.
heavydny86 where the hell does that come from lol? Jedi, despite their trainings still have emotions and feelings. You are acting like Jedi are some kind of robots who are so well trained that they never get emotionally compromised, which is not true at all. Almost every Jedi master had that moment. . That was reflex, it's something you have little control over. Aren't you people love criticising Mary Sue thing, but when they humanize a character, show that he has flaws and can fall into MOMENTARY emotional trap, it's bad? What's so bad about making character complex and relatable? Luke lost a lot, and I mean a lot. His family, his friends, Yoda, Obi Wan, his father. After so many goddamn losses he managed to build something good, and all of it was compromised because of Ben. He had one spontaneous moment where he let his feelings get better of him, just one moment, and he lost everything again. Luke was never perfect, and I mean fucking never. Since the start he joins the fight because of revenge. When Yoda tells him to leave lightsaber during the training, he doesn't listen. His first instinct after Emperor taunts him about his friends? He pulls a lightsaber. Once his father threatens his sister - he lashes on to him like maniac. Luke always had a dark side in him, he always had a conflict in him. And considering that after so many losses he faced, after years of war, just a thought of it happening again made him pull a lightsaber without thinking, just showcases that he is still flawed person. And that is much better than goody goody two shoes, who is the nicest guy in the universe, that's just not Luke.
Did you even read what I wrote? She didn't "best" him, she was getting her ass kicked lol. She just pulled lightsaber and Luke just tripped backwards because he didn't expect that she would freaking do that, but ONCE AGAIN, he catches himself with the force and lets himself fall. Seriously, wtf kind of besting is this? Is it me or it seems like you just nitpicking now and seeing things that just aren't there? Luke wasn't trying to hurt her, he was trying to calm her down. Still, there are freaking videos on UA-cam that leaked this scene, go and rewatch it cause your memory seems shit. During their fight, Rey wasn't even able to hit him once, Luke was beating her throughout the fight, he freaking disarms her for a God's sake, she only managed to hit him before the fight started from behind. You're just interpreting scene in a way to fit your hate of the movie. You should learn what Mary Sue means mate:
Mary Sue is character who has abilities that can't be explained whatsoever, who doesn't have a flaw, who never makes a mistake.
Now does Rey fit in this bullcrap? I would say no, not at all. Her skills were all explained multiple times, she lived in the dangerous desert planet with different alien species for years and absolutely by herself, she would be retarded if she couldn't learn some stuff along the way in that kind of situation. From her flaws, she nearly crashes Millenium Falcon first time she flies it and gets surprised by tricks she pulls out, which were clearly guided by the force. Plus she explains her ability to fly right after saying that she flew ships before, but she was never able to pull that off. Some say that she understands Millennium Falcon better than Han does. No, she only knows it because of modifications that were installed, which Han wasn't aware of. Plus Han was pretty ignorant in understanding Falcon's mechanics to begin with, watch Empire Strikes Back when C3PO schools him about how to fix the ship. She is very much obsessed with the past and can't accept the fact that her parents won't come back, which in TFA makes her run away and get captured. People say that she defeated Ben and all that, but TLJ pretty much explained how. Ben was wounded and unbalanced after killing his father, and during praetorian guards battle you can easily see how she is barely handling them one by one, while Ben is taking down like 5 at once. And No, there weren't 20 guards. There were like 8-10, and most of them were killed by Ben. Gets her ass beat easily by Luke, and yeah, that's a fact. Has a really huge temptation to the dark side, as she goes straight in to that hole even after Luke's warnings, and she actually thinks about joining Kylo Ren after learning about her parents, but decides not to. The only problem I have is her learning mind melting thing pretty quickly, but to be honest I have no idea how hard learning this ability is. Considering that no one taught Luke how to do it, and he was able to pull it off in Return of the Jedi. And Luke also talked about raw power thing, which I'm sure would be explored in Episode 9.
The only fitting category for her in being Mary Sue is learning force quickly, and that's fucking it. We saw Luke fighting Vader and even managing to slash his arm a bit, with what? Two-three days of training with Yoda?
I find it hilarious that this fandom can get so worked up over a family-oriented sci-fi series that they will said some truly unhinged shit about it. XD
And Really? Complaining about SJWs in Star Wars? I've seen people complain about Star Wars being "feminist" now simply because Rey is the main protagonist of the sequel trilogy who is exceptional with the Force. Under the very same logic, the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy are officially Pro-Male Propaganda because of their strong male characters.
Rey gets saved by Kylo Ren who last time I checked was a white man
Yes! Exactly how I felt about it. The best part of your review: It's flaws don't spoil the good parts. This has been my way of watching Star Wars since the prequels, and the flaws of the new movies aren't nearly as bad as those of the prequels. With such a big franchise, these films can never be everything you always wanted them to be, so you might as well take the bad with the good and enjoy it.
I don’t mind this movie, but it does feel like a bunch of side quests held together by rubber bands
Love it! I agree with every single point, especially the end. The toxic fans spouting recycled vitriolic criticisms they read on someone’s blog post and sending death threats to people need to shut up. If you’re done with Star Wars, fine, go away. More room for me on opening night
This video was awesome. You earned yourself a new subscriber.
This is probably the best review of the Last Jedi on UA-cam (I type this with full knowledge many will disagree because you don't complain about how "terrible" it is)
personally I liked it alot and hope Disney takes more chances.
And we're wondering why don't ghost Yoda go around and fight stuff if he can bend lightning on the tree.
@@bouteilledeau1463 for all we know he could have cieced to exist if he constantly used it so I didn't find it off.
MinecraftandMore That comment of yours brings me more questions than answers and definitely doesn't help the matter at hand. "Could have" is not a satisfactory answer.
Your last comment about insufferable bellends ruining Star Wars just got you a subscriber
The reason the bombs at the start we ale to hit the dreadnought was that they had magnets pulling them to their magnets.
Rose helped finn to became a rebel for real and despite all the suffering she had to pass through she wasn't consumed by hate and loss she overcame it and despite not being someone "awesome" or powerful she has the heart of a rebel. And the tiny ass ship finn was gonna trough out to that gigantic cannon oh god that was the most stupid idea ever not even poe wanted to go do it so Rose saved Fin there. The saving animals was lame but it's a kids and adults movie so what do you expect?, lamer things were in the original trilogy honestly. But for real, Fin is the naive one here thinking he can get away from the war and nobody thinks he's annoying because he is the "hero" istg
This is easily my favorite Star Wars movie. I don’t even have a problem with the Casino stuff. And Rose is the best, you shush.
Rose is the worst. But the movie is wargasmic.
I agree. After multiple watches now, and a lot of analysis, I've finally been able to love a Star Wars film more than ESB and ANH.
ed1rko17 wow those are big words. I'm glad you love it tho.
The Ponderer It was garbage
SolarDragon007 you was garbage.
Thank you thank you thank you 👏👏👏👏👏👏💗💗💗💗
Why, yes, I am. :) Oh. You meant Paige. :(
Daniel, I have desperately missed your reviews and take on film. I also loved Last Jedi, while accepting the flaws in it (that giant McGuffin of a same-speed chase made absolutely no sense, but if you went with it, the movie was way better than if you pushed back). I especially appreciate your exploration of fandom in videos, both the good and the (very) bad. Keep it up, and can't wait to see The August Club!
"Sorry to the fifty percent of you I disappointed with that statement." LOL
25:31 "Nerd stiffy", I'm stealing that one!
I like Finn & Rose....
Me too much better than Rey
verne davis Rose is adorable af
Glad to have you back, mate.
I have a lot of problems with this movie, and I'm not even a Star Wars fan.
Most of it comes from the way the writer/director blatantly didn't care about anything that was set up in TFA. For all of its faults, TFA sets up mysteries, dramatic situations, character arcs... all of which are dropped in TLJ. It retroactively makes TFA worse, proving the dumbest complaints against it right.
The whole "Rey is a Mary Sue" thing from TFA? I never read it like that back then. To me it was clear that her force skills were a hint at her past, possibly having been trained as a child before being abandoned. She didn't need to be anyone's daughter, just a former student of Luke that was left behind for some reason, possibly in relation to whatever happened at the Jedi Temple. Characters discussed her identity secretly offscreen, Kylo seemed affected at the mention of "a girl" in Jakku, Leia seemed to feel very strongly for her the very first time she saw her, as if she knew her from before. All of these hints, dropped.
So if Rey is no one daughter of no one, and has no background to speak of, then yeah, she's a Mary Sue after all.
Similarly, Finn gets injured into a coma in a dramatic scene, leaving him with an uncertain fate, and wide possible ramifications for his relationship with Rey. Will he recover? To what extent? Will Rey be there? If not, will she feel guilty for abandoning her friend? Will Finn resent her for it? Nah, he wakes up in a comical scene, then goes off with his new GF he just met on the shitty subplot you yourself described to a T.
There's tons of other things like that, as well as problems with the movie's own internal consistency. Is heroic sacrifice right or wrong? Because it's apparently right when Purple Hair Lady does it, but wrong when Finn tries to do it, and then right again when Luke does it.
This is just scratching the surface. I mean, it's not the prequels, but it's still just bad writing.
Didn't even notice the heroic sacrifice issue myself. Good catch! Political message vs good story. Political message was chosen all the time.
Thanks mate, your conjectures about Rey just made the whole thing worse.
Maybe heroic sacrifice is not a black and white thing?
Maybe, but the issue is that Rose stops Finn's sacrifice (nearly killing both in the process; and everyone else would have died as well, were it not for the Luke Ex Machina) simply because her sister also self-sacrificed and she didn't want her new crush to die. It's completely selfish and stupid, and yet we're supposed to agree with her.
Not to mention that, when Holdo sacrifices herself for the Resistance is "good", but when Finn attempt to do it is "bad"
Great commentary. However, in defense of Rose, her only purpose in this film is to further Finn's character arc, which is why I don't mind so much that she's a goody-two-shoes. And I actually agree with the decision of her saving Finn; because if Finn had died in that run, it would've been a futile death, as it wouldn't have destroyed the drill (his vehicle would've burned off right as he reached it), and for me that would've been one tragedy too many after all the Resistance had lost throughout the film.
Overall though, great video, good job 👍👍
everything you said about luke, is exactly what ive been trying to tell people! great video! love the accent!
Luke even considering killing Kylo is what people are taking issue with. It doesn't matter if he doesn't do it in the end, he had that intention within him and THAT is what ruins the character. He goes to Kylo, in the night when he's sleeping, and stands over him with an ignited lightsaber. We see him do this before seeing him even try to bring Kylo back to the light.
This also opens up more plot holes. Luke says "Snoke got to him first" which makes no sense because how did Snoke get to Ben while he was still with Luke at the temple? If he knows Snoke was manipulating Ben, why didn't he try to stop it or why did he do nothing until Ben was too far gone? Why was hiding away on an island better than doing ANYTHING helpful?
Vader was an already established evil villainous monster, who was outright threatening his sister. Luke's reaction to that is not akin to killing your padawan/nephew in his sleep because of a force vision. Luke also was under a lot of pressure in that moment as well because he had seen the rebels getting killed and was told by the emperor that the plan with Leia was found out and hopeless. Fast forward to peacetimes at his Jedi Temple and his very first reaction to encountering the dark side is EXACTLY THE SAME as in ESB, further establishing that his character in this movie is weak and doesn't learn from past mistakes.
And Luke acting heroic would not be fan service, it would ACTUALLY be within his character to do so because Luke Skywalker is a hero. Doing nothing on an island when you've set the events of the galaxy's ruin into motion is the most cowardly thing that I can think of. He doesn't face his friend and sister to rightfully accept responsibility. He doesn't try to help or repair any damage that he caused. And even when someone follows the map he left to his location and BEGS him to help he still does nothing
Is that why this movie is genius? Because nothing happens at all? Nothing gets built, nothing gets expanded on, nothing even remotely resembling and idea for a story get presented? Yeah, it's real easy to (((((SUBVERT.....EXPECTATIONS!!!!!!)))))) when you do nothing at all.
"Snoke's backstory does not matter. He has nothing to do with the main story" Well I'm done then. When you tell me that the man isn't important, then you might as well state these movies don't matter. If this man, the man who corrupted Ben solo, who created the First Order that has all but expunged the Resistance and New Republic, who is the sole reason why there was any conflict in this or the previous movie, DOESN'T MATTER, then nothing does.
17:18-17:42 Oh yeah, I'm done here.
Your explanation of Luke was amazing. Bravo. Stop trying to argue it haters...Luke was great.
One of the greatest things of the original trilogy was Luke's growth and his balls to refuse to give in to the emperor even though it meant death. It was that transition from small time boy on Tatooine to an actual Jedi. The arc was complete after he attacked Vader and yielded to harm him any further. The problem is this movie just backtracks Luke's development without any real reason. I mean if you want to deconstruct characters like Zack Snyder did that's fine, but you need to make it work. Don't just go 0 to 100. All the subversions in the movie kind of just felt cheap. I get what Johnson was going for but it felt like all the deconstruction was there for the sake of shock value. I think the Ultimate Edition of Batman v Superman [OHHHHH YES I'm going there ;) ] actually succeeds in breaking down the characters and make them advance into something more.
It is my favourite of all of the Star Wars films.
To me rey wasnt shown as perfect in the force awakens she was able to pilot the falcon yes but she crashed it into things alot she was able to fix the falcon because there was a problem with a modification to it installed after han lost the falcon so he didnt know about it. Finally during the lightsaber fight she was swinging wildly almost flailing and kylo was both injured and was not trying to kill her
Luke Teasdale isn’t it interesting and humorous that when people say she is a Mary Sue and over powered they leave these parts of the movie out.
Honestly the Holdo & Po subplot doesn't work imo for the same reason Rose's subplot didn't work: the solution didn't work. Po's whole reasoning for calling the plan cowardly turned out to be right, so that whole subplot leading to the mutiny feels pointless.
Rose and Finn’s subplot ain’t pointless tho. They get the Resistance transport ships revealed, leading to many deaths and the battle on Crait. Far from a pointless subplot. Holdo and Poe’s plot leads to crucial character development for Poe, which we see at the end when he calls off the attack.
What Canto Bight / DJ achieved could have done if one of the the First Order's officers looked through a window.
And Holdo and Poe's major problem is that Poe was right all along while Holdo was wrong all along, and yet the movie doesn't seem to notice: Just ask yourself what would have happened if the dreadnought Poe destroyed in the beginning of the movie would have followed the resistance through light speed? Boom, everyone dead. Plus, if General Leia would have wanted the bombers back, why wouldn't she make the call to the bomberes herself instead of letting Poe do whatever he considered right?
This movie is so bad done that it falls to pieces if you stare too hard at it. Litteraly.
Looking out the window would defeat a major theme of failure throughout this film. The ships were far enough away that it would’ve taken more than just looking out the window.
As for Finn and Holdo, I guess he was right about taking out the dreadnought bc it would’ve bit them in the ass later on (or maybe not they maybe still could’ve kept out of range), but he wouldn’t have been if it wasn’t for hyperspace tracking. He still deserved that demotion bc he disobeyed orders and while he may have been right in the end, he wasn’t right at the time bc he couldn’t possibly know about the hyperspace technology. He’s reckless. That’s that. As for Leia calling off the others, sure that’s a flaw. I can say that it’s bc she only has a direct com to Poe, but that’d be half assed. The thing is, many movies that are considered amazing have plot holes. Citizen Kane, the film that is considered the greatest of all time? It has a HUGE plot hole that kinda breaks the story. Who heard the guy say rosebud before he died? No one. Yet the whole movie is dedicated to finding out why he said rosebud. Why then is the movie praised? Because the positives outweigh the negatives. The overall product is of quality.
I swear to god, y’all The Last Jedi haters are the most glass half empty people.
"Looking out the window would defeat a major theme of failure throughout this film."
So, you are saying that if the characters involved act logically, then the movie doesn't work? Can't they rather write the movie better so the characters can act logically and yet deliver the message?
"(Poe) He still deserved that demotion"
I agree on that. But I also think that Holdo deserved a scold for how her secrecy ended up. That scld doesn't happen, the movie keeps on holding her as a heroine, when her stubborness caused the death of a lot of people for no reason (at least Poe took a ship down, what did Holdo achieved with her silence?)
"The thing is, many movies that are considered amazing have plot holes"
Nobody is saying that TLJ is the only movie with plot holes.
" Because the positives outweigh the negatives. " "The overall product is of quality"
Isn't that just, you know, your opinion?
" I swear to god, y’all The Last Jedi haters are the most glass half empty people. "
So, for you, everyone who doesn't agree with your opinion is a half empty hater, and your opinion is universal rule about quality?
I think I'm giving arguments about why I think the movie is not tha good. You are just saying is good because you liked it, dismissing any mistakes because everyone makes them, and pretty much insulting me for not agreeing with you. Is not very constructive, you know? Perhaps you'd want to review that attitude?
It’s just that you said the movie is “so bad done that it literally falls to pieces.” I take that as meaning the movie is awful, which is isn’t. Disliking the movie is fine, I’ve told that to multiple people (not you, sorry for not clarifying), and even having a terrible time when watching the movie is okay, but that doesn’t make it an objectively terrible movie. I hate Furious 7. Like, REALLY hate it. I think it’s terrible. However, is it a terrible movie, a terrible blockbuster? Nope. It ain’t. So when I say TLJ haters, I mean people who think TLJ is AWFUL and TRULY awful. Objectively awful.
As for the logic on the transports. I already said it. The naked eye couldn’t have seen it. Snoke used his magnifier, which is how we were able to.
As for Holdo, I don’t really know when and how she would’ve been scolded. It really wouldn’t have made any sense for Poe or anyone really to pull her aside and say, “Her Holdo, why in the hell did you...?” It would’ve been very needless to the overall plot, especially since everyone was trying to escape.
Then we have Citizen Kane. I know that you said that you weren’t denying other movies having plot holes, but you still kind of ignored my point. My example is used because even when a movie has breaks in logic, it doesn’t mean the whole movie is broken. That’s because of the positives outweighing the negatives.
My final sentence in that last paragraph is when you point out something that I hadn’t really thought of. The positives outweighing the negatives is my opinion. I feel like TLJ is better than the average blockbuster, but then again, my opinion.
However, I still want to turn this all back around to one point that I want to get out to a lot of people. You may not think it, but your one statement made it seem like you did. The Last Jedi is not an objectively awful film. One can hate the film (like how I despise the Scarlet Johansson film, Lucy), but it’s not awful. Awful is Razzie level. Awful is Jack and Jill, Bucky Larson, etc. People are way too harsh on this movie because it’s Star Wars. If it was San Andreas level of quality, the hate would be even more insane. But it’s not, so many fans go batshit. I’ve said to a lot of people (and one friend who hates so much of this movie), thinking this movie is bad is okay, that’s your opinion, but objectively awful makes no sense.
I Think you missed the Rose story completely. She was the Angel on Finns' shoulder. Remember Finn has been brainwashed by The First Order since a child. His worldview is childlike. What child wouldn't get a kick out of Canto Bight. She lost her sister to a mission a day earlier so when the skimmers were called off by Poe she wasn't about to loose him. Especially since the film goes out of its way to show that his suicide would have been in vain. The skimmer was falling apart etc. Especially since it was her who gave him a cause worth fighting for (On Canto Bight) rather than running off to the Outer Rim. She also inspired the next generation of Rebels, during that waste of time scene on Canto Bight. Her arc took her from someone staring at pipes all day to a leader of the resistance. And she did it with heart, loyalty and dare I say compassion. A great new and inspiring character. Such a shame that the writers of TROS listened to the crying 'Fans' who think they know better. And look how that turned out.
it's one of my fave SW movies
the reason luke died after force projecting himself over light years is actually explained by kylo when he talked to rey the first time. he was all, "how are you doing this? it's not you, the effort would kill you" and that's why luke died.
Let's save and release the cruelly treated space horses and not the slave kids hahaha
Let's say it was worth coming to save the space horses, when as far as you know the mission is failed and the Resistance is doomed.
and where would they take them? back to the resistance ship? releasing the dog horses was the escape plan
Having watched the movie twice, the Finn/Rose Canto Bight sequence actually worked for me. Mostly because I was ready for it. Initially, and came and went so fast and I was like wth was that? I loved the film.
Why is Rose even serving in a guerrilla force? It's clear the Resistance only recruited the most able-bodied persons, as you literally never see anyone as pudgy and non-athletic as Rose. It's as if Ho Chi Minh had recruited pudgy, unfit Vietnamese men to fight the French and Americans. Also, the way Paige was discarded like if she was just a piece of trash was obscene to me, and being replaced by Rose just hits the obscenity nail even harder.
Also, I can't be the only one who thought Holdo seems like a character straight out of Hunger Games and similar YA novels.
I think it makes sense for the resistance to accept as many people as possible. It doesn't seem like they have an infinite supply of people to choose from, much less an infinite supply of able-bodied persons. Also I got a similar vibe from Holdo as well.
Isn't Rose a mechanic? Not a frontline soldier, but someone who fixes the equipment of the soldiers?
You compared Luke's fleeting thought of murdering his nephew while he slept with attacking Darth Vader. Darth Vader was actively trying to kill Luke and threatened his sister. That is such an immature equilvalence.
The fact that Luke considered assassinating his nephew is what has people upset. It doesn't matter how "fleeting" the thought was. If you fleetingly consider killing someone in their sleep and draw a weapon to do so, you are evil.
Your point that Luke could see the future and knew that Ben had already been turned to the Dark Side is wrong also. Did you miss Luke's conversion with Rey? She said that Luke was mistaken, and Ben's choice hadn't been made yet. If anything, Luke completed Ben's turn to the Dark Side and created Kylo Ren.
He saw a vision of Kylo killing Han and Leia did he not? Seems like a real enough threat to me.
Yeah, that's a good point. But it's out of character for a guy that we watched throw his lightsaber down at the Emperor's feet in RotJ. That's the heartburn that folks like me have with Luke's character in this movie. The way he dealt with Kylo ignores his entire character arc that we sat through for 3 movies and takes him right back to where he was in TESB. And, again, Rey has to tell Luke that his vision was completely wrong, and Kylo hadn't made his choice yet when Luke entered his bedroom that night. TLJ rewinds Luke's character back to 3 movies ago and makes him that dumb, impulsive kid from TESB (in mine and a lot of other fans' view anyway).
Just a quick comment on the bombs at the beginning. The bombing run actually is very accurate. There is artificial gravity on the ship pulling everything down. So when they are released they continue to move in that direction. Almost like being shot from a gun. An object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.
I don't really understand peoples problem with the bomber ships in the beginning of The Last Jedi. As far as I have understood and read, most spaceships in the Star Wars universe has some type of artificial gravity generators to make space travel as comfortable as being on a planet.
When the bombs are released in the bomber the artificial gravity makes them accelerate downwards out of the bomber. According to Newton's first law, an object that is not affected by any external forces will move in a straight line with a constant velocity. This means that the moment the bombs have left the ship and the artificial gravity field, they will keep moving in the direction the gravity field pulled them towards.
In the movie, however, there was an external force as the battle happened near a planet that was kind of below and a bit to the right (direction seen from the eyes of a pilot in the bombers). If you look very closely closely at the scene, you can see that the bombs actually start turning towards the direction of the planet before hitting the dreadnought, exactly as you would expect under the present physical conditions. Here is the scene in a UA-cam video (the link is set to skip to the moment I am talking about.
If I have forgotten some fact that makes this entire argument wrong, please tell me. I'm not perfect. I am neither an expert on Star Wars lore or physics.
Also, sorry for the "wall of text" comment.
nice to see ya back man.
The Last Jedi : Is a Movie where a woman expresses her shock and grief at the death of Han Solo and struggles to understand how this Man in a vision before her could murder his own father.
Then she see's he doesn't have his shirt on and blushes and forgets all about it.
The Last Jedi : I a Movie where a woman falls down a deep hole and into a bottomless pit and then it cuts away and we have no idea how she got out of there - despite being shown that it is a big Hole in the ground where the only way in is a hole in the ceiling - I guess she just force jumped 60 foot up in the air to escape then ?
The Last Jedi is a Movie about a woman who has never flow a real space ship and at best might have been allowed to be on one were one was moved to another birth (if even that) and yet she can fly a freighter after only ever playing with a simulator she found on a wreck. Perhaps this is why Chewie does most of the flying now like a furry Uber driver. As Rey stops flying Finn suddenly starts flying things when a few days ago he was incapable of it.
The last Jedi is a Movie where A woman raised on a desert planet knows how to swim.
I could go on like that indefinitely. (But I really should be able to find so many things like that - that I can go one about).
Well said man.
I actually liked the Canto Bight scene and Rose. But I am a fan of the prequels and it was very prequelesque. The rest I agree with.
Very good review. I struggled with some parts but overall I think it was a good movie. Can't wait for episode 9.
I didn't get why Rose stopped Finn either until I saw a video that pointed out that there are multiple clues put in that his suicide mission isn't going to work (eg. the visible disintegration of his ship, & explicit warnings from Poe). That said, the clunky dialog and the kiss distract from what was otherwise a clear link to Poe's arc: learning that impulsive, blind heroism isn't always the right move.
In theory, Rose is rather an interesting character. She fills a different social role than other Star Wars main characters (not a fighter - at least until there are almost no fighters left- but a mechanic) and, perhaps as a result, clearly thinks more about the economic/class dynamics of this world than others. Which is something I'd be down to see more of. Moreover, Rose's sister died very recently sacrificing herself in an attack that probably wasn't worth it, so it is reasonable that she wouldn't want to see that happen to Finn. But something about the execution doesn't quite work - that is, it doesn't make those interesting aspects apparent on a first casual viewing - and I'm not sure what it is.
Right on! I'm about 99% with ya!!!
My problems are: is it possible to breath is space as in the start or not as with Leia? Do bombs actully drop in space? And why doesn't some imp ships jump ahead and corner the rebels?
Aw,so I’m a bellend. Whatever shall I do?My life is over.Despair awaits me.How can I go on?I’m a bellend.I can’t bear it .
What is there to do?I have brought shame and disgrace down upon myself and my parents,for I am but a mere bellend.My parents told me”Son,whatever you do don,t ever become a bellend,yet here I am doing just that.Truly shameful
Completely agree man. This movie is far from perfect, but most of this movie is really amazing.
It's nice visually it's the script that is messed up.
Agreed if you don't consider the story, the movie is decent.
Thank you sir. Nice video and I agree with most points. Now, for all those thinking that fans have some right to determine that story progression: where were you in 1997 when Lucas vandalized the Original Trilogy? Where was your rage when Lucas ignored every single speck of lore set up in the OT and created midichlorians, changed the entire plot of the clone wars from what he’d approved for the Thrawn trilogy, ignored Obiwans description of Anakins personality and events of that time, and so on.
I liked the Rose character. Maybe people are mad because as an Asian woman she didn't fall in love with the first white boy she saw.
Disney: Here is a new Star Wars
Disney: Here is a Star Wars spin-off
Disney: Here is yet another Star Wars
Wow. I saw the notification of this review and quickly clicked to watch. GGTV, I...I don't know who you are anymore...your Last Jedi review has just torn me apart!
Ps- Welcome back!
Oh yeah I'm a big fan of The Last Jedi too and I am a firm believer in the chemistry between Finn and Rose. Not a believer in the chemistry between Anakin and Padme.
Newcomer to the channel - thanks for the honest thoughts in this video. I liked TLJ a lot too.
Also, love the unapologetic Geordie-ness. Good on you, fella (from way down South in Derby) 😎
Wait..... Rose did the most naive and stupid thing you've ever seen in a block buster by stopping Finn from killing himself for no reason???? Wtf..... if Finn sacrificed himself right there for no reason THAT would have been naive and stupid. Her saving him wad literally the EXACT opposite... do you know what naive means??? Him being overly confident and thinking he'd somehow make a difference even though that thing was tearing his ship apart is the very definition of naive. Her saving him from his own stupidity and naive need to prove his new found rebellious ways to be real.....was the OPPOSITE of naive...
It never was meant to be part of the film. The original script had Finn and Poe traveling to Canto Bight instead of Rose.
I loved it too!
+5:48 Nah Fella "Space Furngully" is already taken by 'Avatar' Along with 'Space Pocahontas' & "Dances with Smurfs" .
Huzzah!! Looks like those innocent people who just wanted to see a film won’t have to have their ashes covered in flaming rubble and piss. If you know you know. Thanks for posting again ggtv , love it
Thank you.
Finn's sacrifice would have saved everyone?? You sure? They don't have a spare ram for the door to call in? Like the dreadnought, good job Poe. Got so many bombers killed but can you replace those pilots? The crews? The bombers themselves?
What are you people talking about??
I don't hate you Geeky. I just completely disagree with you on this flick. Glad you're back regardless.
I like Rose.
She's a mechanic, not a soldier. She's completely dedicated to the resistance but is naive to the reality of front-line fighting. She's a great catalyst for Finn's arc from trying to run away to becoming a true believer. And she goes from idolizing the "heros of the resistance" to realizing that you don't have to be on the front lines to fight for what you believe in (she totally recruited the force sensitive slave boy) I admit that the execution was kinda clanky at times, but that subplot was far from irrelevant.
And she stopped Finn because everyone was screeming that there was no point, ramming that thing couldn't have stopped it, his death would've been for nothing. He thought all was lost and she wasn't willing to lose someone else. The line after was super cheesy though...
20:14 is that Will from the Windsor’s in the background?
There's quite a difference between Luke trying to kill Vader and Luke trying to kill Ben. He met and got to know Vader as an enemy and a dangerous villain, only learning later that he's his father and could possibly be turned. With Kylo it is exactly the opposite. Other than that, Luke's response to Vader is anger, a lot more believeable than his response to Kylo Ren's "darkness". Someone threatening a family member is a lot more relateable to us than Luke staring with a Vietnam flashback face while he's narrating it with "I saw a darkness". Audience: Yeah but em... what *did* you actually see?
It's funny to see fans who know fuck all about storytelling suddenly use words like "not written well" to describe this movie.
Hey fella. Great to have geekyglassestv back. (The august club was mint)
I get your critisms of Rose but the reason I liked her was at least she had agency.
Finn becomes conscious and she's already dragging him to safety rather than waiting around going 'what do we do now?' which is rare in a female support character. Granted she didn't have much else going for her but I'll take that over damsel in distress.
The film itself was really strong from that point of view. Female leadership where they led in a feminine way, they weren't just men with tits as female leaders are often portrayed. Also high ranked female leaders who were supportive of one another rather than 'catty' or 'bitchy' or some other shit.
Noh. I don't believe you. The real geekyglasses is dead. Your an alien imposter. I know. You'll never fool me
I get how you were bored by the Canto Bight plotline, but I actually believe it was there to be the "kid" version of the overall theme of the movie: how our perceptions can be false, and how failure can be a learning opportunity. I think with Star Wars, some themes are too mature/sophisticated for younger audiences. They can visually understand what is happening, but they miss the nuance of character dialogue and tone. I think the Rose and Finn plotline was fun, and obviously served a purpose in the end. They showed the slave kids that the spirit of Rebellion is real, and that maybe the future isn't so bad. They were reminded of the heroes of the past...specifically Luke Skywalker. But, just my thoughts and opinions. Great video!
FYI the fandom menace isn't done yet kids we still have a streaming service to not purchase and Ep9 to subvert and toys and things to still not buy and collect