We continue where we left off? WHERE WE LEFT OFF? Jesus Christ i forgot everything...does it mean i have to start with Part 1 again? WHAT KIND OF DIABOLIC PLAN TO GET VIEWS IS THIS???
@managarm1349 indeed he does...and because i saw that dumpsterfire of a movie TFA is last time in preparation for Part 1 i´m afraid i have to start with this crappy movie again...jeeez, i need a drink...
Exactly.... it makes zero sense that anyone would know Han solo as a smuggler at this point, much less a "famous smuggler" smh. He would be incapable of even getting back into that type of work.. after being such a famous and important figure in the rebellion against the empire
Yes, because the very occupation of smuggler demands you to work in secrecy, to be anonymous, not to mention that they very backstory that Disney later invented for him implies that he became a smuggler out of necessity, not because he liked to do that. The original trilogy and the Extended Universe suggested the interesting storyline of a man of integrity who had started training as an Imperial soldier in training who quit said training because they asked him to do things he did not feel comfortable doing, and from there worked himself to be an important leader figure in the Rebellion and later the New Republic.
Jar Jar Abrams technique: Take something that exists, misunderstand it completely, play off emotions over substance, lay a minefield's worth of mystery boxes, have an answer for none of them, profit despite incompetence, leave town before anyone discovers you're a fraud.
He is intellectual cancer incarnate. And I mean it: he h been party to the Passive Progressive, Leftist Regressive, bad story writing, emphasis on skin and junk rather than *character,* etc. etc. He has been behind the slow rot and death of not one, but TWO franchises with Star in the name... and too much radiation from stars gives you cancer. My brain hurts!,
The Star Wars sequel trilogy really are amazing films. You can learn all that there is to know about their dogshit bastard contrivances in a month, and yet after a hundred years you can still find more.
@@CalebHimself Greatest comment ever. It's only 2 years, but it's a lifetime during that specific period of life. OK, maybe not the greatest comment, but I sure had a laugh.
MauLer’s ‘tangent’ on Rey’s character and character construction in general, showed me again, how well spoken MauLer is and how well thought out his positions are. Writing articulate scripts this long are one thing, but writing them with provable positions, intelligent conclusions, and relevant sources is a whole other thing. I don’t know if MauLer has any professional or university education, but it doesn’t matter. He clearly loves the craft, understands it, and studies it; all to a far greater extent then many others and even ‘professional’ critics. I love when I find someone skilled in a creative art or ‘non-creative’ skill that (presumably), the person doesn’t have big time professional education on. They have passion, discipline and a will to learn. Excellent job MauLer. This series is genuinely incredible.
He's one of the best at this kind of thing. I know I've found something important when I hear a guy being critical of a film who can seamlessly change tone and start complimenting some part of the movie for some redeemable quality right in the middle of tearing it apart. That displays integrity and simple logic. It also adds weight to everything else he says by proving that he can be trusted to be honest, even when it requires him to spend time researching evidence "against" the main hypothesis that he has been formulating in the rest of his discussion.
Yup I am downloading it now and could watch it this evening. And it's not even my Brithday!! Now if Redlettermedia would finish the Plinkett ROSW review i'd be set!!
4h? Shit, i not only forgot what happened in Part 1 and 2 ... i also forgot about that garbage movie because i saw it last time in "preparation" for Part 1 and 2 ... so i have to wath that Dumpsterfire of a movie again AND Part 1 and 2 ... Hello Weekend!
The whole story was awful and the characters don't work. I wanted to see Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin Solo (or name him Ben) and have the Skywalker saga become the Solo saga. Oh and no Daisy Ridley, she just doesn't work. I'd have cast Lilly Collins.
@@DBWave94 plus the way they treated his Indiana Jones character in the most recent movie. I dont understand who this kinda of stuff is supposed to be catered to. Clearly not true fans
@@DarthImagnus0790 It's Disney's way of saying, "Out with the old, in with the new." The characters we once loved are either killed off unceremoniously or reduced to shadows of their former selves. And it'll keep happening as long as the cash flow keeps up.
Whenever I hear the term “Mary Sue,” I can’t help but hear E;R’s “Maray SuuUUuuUUUuuuUUUUUUEE!” in my head, so I almost thought I was having an auditory hallucination at 1:09:54
I feel like Disney wrote this movie as if it was supposed to be a theme park ride. See your favorite character Han Solo, and get behind the wheel of the Millennium Falcon! etc. It plays out more like a theme park ride nostalgia trip than an actual story.
God you're right. Like T2:3D Battle Across Time. Fun ride, total bollocks derivative fanservice plot that undermines the prior movies if you take it as canon.
TFA was such a bizarre movie for me. Having seen A New Hope so many times over the years, The Force Awakens was such an empty experience for me. I all times I no idea what I was suppose to be feeling because it was a total rip off of a movie I already knew by heart. I left the theater feeling drained when it was over. If they wanted a theme park ride, they should have called Star Tours: The Force Awakens, expectation would have matched what they were trying to do then. If your going to make a Star Wars movie, it better be a Star Wars movie and not Turkish Star Wars.
When Maz Kanata said that she was busy with "union disputes" in The Last Jedi, I honestly didn't know if she was fighting for or against the unions. *That's* how little character development she has.
I couldn't even tell if the joke was being legitimate (since the Cantina was destroyed and thus several people there would be out of work) or an obvious euphemism for criminal dealings (since it was violent and she had obvious unlawful connections based on dealing with Han).
This is an autopsy he is performing in front us. He is showing us all how each beating this series has taken, then cutting it open and teaching us about the rotten core of this monstrosity.
I'm starting to realize just how many Star Wars interviews in where the actors involved are brutally honest about the reality Disney's Star Wars & then awkwardly laugh through it.
I wonder at those clips, particularly the fans. Why do they laugh when Harrison Ford says he's not looking forward to watching Solo? Or all of those times Mark Hamill lays it out? How is any of that funny? What weird ass people those fans are.
Kathleen Kennedy has the loudest and most incriminating fake laughs of all during the press conferences when Hamill and others give it away that they screwed things up. Hinting that she knows the movies are shit and destroy the franchise.
OG Leia for me. I would have loved to see what she was capable of in a new trilogy, pity, messily ripped off New Hope and Spaceballs, never saw the third movie. Hollywood really needs fresh blood. I'm reminded of The Majestic, too many years of the script guys from that movie.
Watch those wrist rockets! Real talk, though. For all my respect for Luke, he is not who I wanna be in the story, and Rey is just a very bad and bland R63 of Luke done wrong.
I love the "not a scratch" scene in eoisode 6. I didnt catch it as a kid, but his words imply he's only worried about his belived spaceship being damaged, but his expressions and his little salute at the end make it clear that hes concerned about lando. Hes basically saying "dont you dare die on me". And you can see how lando understanda that and with his "good luck" line he implies "dont you worry about me, just make sure you get back home safe too" Great writing, great acting. So many things said both in text and subtext.
Well, at least MauLer as the creator of this saga is young enough to live long enough to actually finish it and give his current and future audience a completed saga. That is more than can be said about a certain famous fantasy author who is over 70, doesn't look particularly healthy and hasn't delivered the sixth installment of his (supposedly) seven-book series in 10 effing years.
@@thinkingdevil What's up with those fantasy writers that never finish their work? I know GRRM is the infamous example, but another big one is Patrick Rothfuss, the author of Kingkiller Chronicle, who hasn't released the finale to a series for nearly ten years after the previous book was released. What's worse is that he has made it known that he already had a working rough draft by the time he published the first book in the series, The Name of the Wind, because he wrote the rough draft of the entire series before starting to publish books.
1:05:14 So she knows about the kessel run, but considers Luke and the force to be myth despite Han pulling that feat off far before the empire was defeated? Yeah, makes sense, JJ
It might. I mean, she grew up with smugglers and scavengers? So to them, maybe the Kessel Run is a big-deal. However, a rebellion defeating an army and armies fighting rebellions is common place and just an opportunity to sell weapons for profit? So they talk about the former a lot b/c it's "smuggler culture" but the later is just "day to day business" and gets skipped over?
@@MathTutorVideos That's a bit like saying WWII was a myth today. You're going to be hard-pressed to find people who have never heard of it, in any corner of the english-speaking world. Now, if I asked you who Audie Murphy was, and you didn't know, I wouldn't be surprised. If the movie had treated Luke as 'some old soldier for the Rebellion, then went on to form a cult/religion/martial arts school' that's at least acknowledging that Luke was a person, and did some stuff, but has lost relevance in the galaxy at large.
Also, where was she educated? Was there a STEAM academy on Jakku where she learned the math, physics, and reading comprehension skills to fly anything and read ancient Jedi texts?
@@matohibiki I disagree. We all learned about WWII in school, heard family stories, seen newsreels etc. and have seen or heard of dozens of movies about it. (Some people deny the Holocaust, tho). Luke's rebellion and Jedi exploits are far more fantastic and would sound like BS to people picking sand out of their teeth on an outer rim planet. The smuggler culture on Jakku could have been established with simple overheard conversations about routes, ships, patrols, etc. which would beg for a story like Solo's smuggling career. It wouldn't have been hard to make Rey's worldview make sense, but they failed to do it.
You can't just start a mutiny with a handful of people, you need a strong majority of the crew behind you, if not the entire crew, else you end up with loyalists defending their captain from mutineers. So the fact that Poe was able to successfully mutiny and take command without any sort of fire fight, shows right there that nobody but the people around Holdo (like, more than likely literally the people standing around her when Poe relieves her of command) believed in her having a plan at all.
Crimson Tide with Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman comes to mind as an example of a far more well-written command dispute/mutiny. Its treatment of the realities of command and plain old human behavior are well done, and come from very believable characters and circumstances. A good example of how much better Holdo's subplot could have been.
When I hear soldiers have been "trained from birth", I expect total badasses like Halo's Spartans or Clan Warrior Caste members from BattleTech. Not cannon fodder.
Disney Star Wars is quite literally THE only group of writers who somehow botched the concept of "soldiers trained from birth", by not making said soldiers badasses in any way (hell, even the prequels did it right with clone troopers). You'd expect birth-trained soldiers to be some hardcore omega badasses like Warhammer Astartes marines, Halo Spartans and Elites, Lord of the Rings Uruk-Hai orcs, Gears of War COG soldiers, or 300 ancient Greek Spartans, not a bunch of useless clumsy cannon fodder. Usually, antagonist super soldiers have an introduction where said super soldier(s) absolutely destroy the protagonists (remember Ugluk in LOTR and how he beat the shit out of the fellowship?), then later when the characters grow stronger as fighters and people, can they fight these monsters. It makes the antagonists threatening while displaying character growth; it's an extremely simple, extremely old, extremely effective storytelling tool that's still to this way a treat to see...yet millionaire salary writers apparently aren't aware of this.
JJ: Well I did say they were trained at birth, but by birth I meant... Rebirth... as Stormtroopers, and they were trained to obey their commanding officers and when we see them fighting Phasma's not there to order them as a force multiplier... Fan's who've twigged JJ is a salesmen: Uh huh... But shouldn't they still be good at their job because they... 'TRAINED?!?' JJ: Well as we see training isn't the focus as much as it's who you are... Fan's: ... ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!
2:45:21 when that music begins I know I’m in for a treat and by god MauLer you do not disappoint. This segment gives me chills every time. The “That’s not how space works” segment is among the most well put, impactful, and impassioned dialogues I’ve ever had the privilege of listening to. The way you formulate your thoughts into a drill with which you perforate your opposition’s paper thin points is not just impressive, it’s inspiring. “It’s what separates the great.” Truly incredible. Bravo.
Incredibly lazy. There are reasons people can suspend disbelief, and have that broken. It may not always be obvious but it's there. The Death Star needing to clear the planet in ANH is in reality silly but we accept it because it doesn't violate anything fundamental and it creates suspense.
Does it mean that star wars sucks in general? With sound in space, with jets flying in space like they would do in atmosphere, with explosions in space, with always missing stormtroopers, light sabres that stop each other for some reason etc. There's a lot of fundamental logical and physical mistakes in all SW movies. In one of the ep of critic of last jedy Mauler said that lack of fuel doesn't matter, cos it's space and rebels would just continue moving with same speed. Yes, but enemies would gain a speed, rebels would have frozen to death or died because of lack of oxygen, because no system in real life can work without a fuel. Mauler isn't a scientist, same as most of his or movie's audience, people don't care about stuff like this while watching movies. Mauler didn't even think about it, tho he rewrote his script multiple times. So if mistakes do not bother you while you watching film - they don't matter in general Of course i would love movies to be correct, but if movie managed to fool me without me noticing - I don't care. Like honestly, who gives a shit how long Denethor in lotr run while he was on fire, it was a cool shot and despite me watching it countless of times - i still don't care about it. Tho i was thinking about hyper drive ram at last jedy and about this retardation, possible black holes, biggest explosions in history etc. Some movies just failing in fooling you. That's why not a lot of people care about Denethor running like 600 meters while he was on fire, but why a lot of people care about that light speed ram
@@yellowtunes2756 MauLer went on to explain why, unlike the scientific errors in the original 6, those in TFA actively damage the script. On its own, a scientific error in Star Wars is nothing new, but the execution and context of it is something else entirely.
Disney and the Cast: “Maz and Phasma are such... deep and complex characters who really have a impact on the story and who were sure fans will come to love after seeing them in action” *finally sees the characters in actions* Disney shills: “I love them! Such depth!” Everyone else: “they.... they didn’t do anything... Phasma literally didn’t do anything and Maz is a orange downgraded copy of Yoda.”
1:54 Swap their reactions and it makes more sense. Rey: You're Han Solo! Finn: The smuggler? The terrorist? (because he's been first order his whole life) Rey: The rebellion general! The war hero! (because she only knows the rebels through stories)
You're right. That would have worked a lot better. Why is it that everyone else seems to be better at writing new Star Wars movies than the people who wrote the new Star Wars movies?
@@KageMinowara Two big reasons. 1) It's easier to polish something rough into something decent than to create something good from scratch. 2) The new writers didn't give a fuck.
As much as I prefer it, the problem with that line is that if Finn called Han a smuggler and a terrorist, he'd immediatelly give himself out to both Ray and Han. By that point, Ray believes Finn is from the Resistance, and if he'd say something as blatantly ridiculous as calling Han a terrorist, it'd lit a big red light that something's not right. I mean, why would you call a war hero of your faction a terrorist?
Remembering Han Solo as the smuggler, it's just so absurd and shits on the OT so hard. Imagine it in other contexts! "Frodo Baggins! The hero from the War of the Ring?" "Huh, no, the heir to the Baggins estate."
@Foster Deming You make a good point. That's incredible. I try to think of the most ridiculous example I can, and I fail. It is literally worse than my example because more oblivious hobbits might still know him as the guy who inherited the Baggins estate, since it's a sizeable one
I love when Mauler asks people why they have no problems with certain choices in the movies and they absolutely cannot explain why they have no issue with what happens.
It's because the marketing for these films convinced a lot of people that anyone who disliked them did so because of political agendas. They used the EA defence to great effect for all three of these films.
interviewer: how does it feel to be part of the most anticipated movie of the year *uncomfortable silence realizing this man doesnt know whats about to go down* Sméagol: They cursed us, and drove us away. And we wept, Precious, we wept to be so alone. And we only wish to catch fish so juicy sweet. And we forgot the taste of bread... the sound of trees... the softness of the wind. We even forgot our own name. My Precious.
*The Star Wars Original Trilogy:* When you have a vision, but barely the resources and leeway to bring it to life. *The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy:* When you have a vision, but too much leeway and resources to do what you want. *The Sequel Star Wars Trilogy:* When you have no vision, no plan, but unlimited resources, and decide to play mad libs with it.
Also applicable: The Original Trilogy: When talented artists can collaborate The Prequel Trilogy: When talented artists cannot collaborate The Sequel Trilogy: ....don't know
Well, experience says i would. Dont get me wrong. It is a superficial point that i agree with. . Mauler destroyed this movie with fast attacks and strong attacks. Parry. Block. Dodge. All have a place.
I'm just utterly baffled by the sheer lack of world building and universe. It's like a teenager wrote it. "Who cares about politics or factions or things, those are boring, let's just have our characters shoot the bad guys and blow stuff up" The fact they reduced the New Galactic Republic into ash with a single shot is just mind numbing to me. I can't get past that. I simply can't rectify that with what I know about Star Wars. It won't fit. It's not a nitpick, it's a blindingly glaring issue. It was legitimately frustrating to not know the state of the galaxy and to never be given answers. Seriously, who controls a planet like Tatooine now? Who controls Coruscant and governs the galaxy? What became of a planet like Naboo, or Endor? There's no answers that could be given or inferred from the movies now. In the prequels, the Republic was subverted from within, after facing and defeating a corporate backed seperatist movement (whose goals were to create a plutocracy and break from the republic and its bureaucratic red tape and regulations), and it stands to reason every world the Republic controlled, which was nearly all of them, now found itself under the thumb of the Empire. That tyranny leads an organized force of rebels to form from various star systems under the banner of the Rebel Alliance. At the end of the OT, the Empire was dethroned and destroyed, leaving the implication that the Rebel Alliance would form a provisional government and restore their own republic in the Empire's place. In the new trilogy there's this idea that that never took place, or at least not effectively, and the New Republic gets destroyed by the First Order which then gets destroyed by the Resistance, which just exists for some reason, and now the galaxy has no government? You'd think the Resistance would form a provisional government, but they obviously failed before. So what now?
And that's one of the building blocks by which this whole trilogy sinks: NO WORLD BUILDING. Nothing is explained why things are the way they are, they just simply are. EVERYTHING showing that progression happens in books, comics, and guide books/visual dictionaries. I'm not saying I want a paragraph-long of exposition but a few small thowaway lines of dialogue would help tremendously with getting people invested because as it stands we have no way to anchor ourselves in this struggle because we have no clue what the hell is happening or HAS happened in the 30 years prior. TFA really went out to replicate the original Star Wars down to the lack of lore that existed then but the thing with the original Star Wars and why it worked there but not here is the fact of it's simplistic premise. There is an empire, our heroes are fighting against oppression and are trying to deliver plans to allow a chance for victory against overwhelming odds. Classic underdog story. HERE though? There's been 40 years of lore and continuity built up and that HAS to be addressed because where we last chronologically saw our heroes they were victorious and were going on to reestablish the Republic and the Jedi so what happened? I know WHY they did it because "PREQUELS BAD" but the fact of the matter is, if we the audience have no frame of reference then there's nothing for us to get invested in. It's just stuff happening.
No major government ever controlled Tatooine. It's always been an outlier planet, which is why crime lords like Jabba and lesser criminal scum could set up shop there. "The Republic doesn't exist out here; we must survive on our own." . ... A nitpick that still supports your point, since there's nothing even that small to establish scope and stakes in the sequels.
The OT ended with at least the implication that the Republic would be restored and Yoda explicitly told Luke to remake the Jedi. The ST has no such ideas, at all. Maybe Rey will restart the Jedi...again...but maybe not. We don't know what she's thinking. And unlike having political characters like Leia and Mon Motha around, the PT doesn't having anyone that seems like they'd be good at running a govt...Perhaps the galaxy will decide that "big govt" simply doesn't work, and it will balkanize? That would finally be something different, and maybe a justification for doing all this in the first place. Not that we're likely to see any of it anytime soon...
@@Webshooters1 Honestly, yeah there probably is the backstory filled in by a bunch of third party writers, that's always happened with Star Wars. Still, at least the Prequel Trilogy and the Clone Wars give enough for one to be interested in investigating more. The main complaint people even had with the prequels is that pretty much all of the effort went into the world building and the characters suffered horribly because of it. The issue is with the acting and writing of the main plot itself, not with the world, for the most part (there were complaints about details here and there, midichlorians and lightsabers blocking force lightning come to mind, as well as clone trooper logistics, but the world itself made some amount of sense) In the Sequels there's just nothing. It went back to being focused on the characters but the characters suck and are just absolutely confusing, self contradictory messes. The world just isn't realistically functioning according to logic on its own accord. The entire faction that the heroes work for has no logical reason to exist. The third party writers basically have to come up with everything from scratch, and bend the reality of the universe itself to try and attempt to explain the essential plot of the story. The prequels tried to do their own thing and mostly failed at it, but the sequels are just a shameless rip on the original trilogy and it makes no sense. I am terrified if they pull this same amount of nonsense about the Old Republic era and call it canon. That would just be awful.
@@Flight_of_Icarus Well, we can agree to disagree about the prequels. I think they're good movies for the most part. The plot works but I guess to some the execution of it was lacking apart from Revenge Of The Sith. But yeah, the prequels did alot of world and lore building that at least got us interested in exploring this pre-Empire era and the Jedi at the peak of their power. In the Disney Trilogy there's just nothing and the laws of the universe appear to change with each movie and that's not even getting into Kylo Ren's motivations and how it's as Mauler put it: "The equivalent of tangled up Christmas tree light drenched in yogurt and acid." It's just a fact everyone in those movies were done dirty. Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Issac, etc. They're just given NOTHING to work with but Finn I feel got the rawest deal of all. In the EU they tackled the idea of a defecting Stormtrooper and it has good story potential like Finn could be hesitant to shoot them because they're brainwashed preferring to help break their programming as he did and rescue as many as possible. Just an idea. Much like Rian in TLJ, the writers wanted to have Rebels Vs Empire again but the groundwork didn't allow for it since that's not where we left our heroes at the end of ROTJ so they decided to sacrifice the rich story potential of even just using the skeletal framework of the EU in favor of something that's not new and we've seen before and was done better in the OT. If what Doomcock says is true then the Old Republic will be safe for now. Their so-called "High Republic" series is already DOA and I think Disney's money people are starting to take note of just how thoroughly KK has shat the bed and turning a literal license to print money into a black hole where money goes in and never comes out.
Personally, as someone who is naturally good at everything, has never failed at anything that was actually important, and has never let any of my friends down, I connected deeply to Rey. I really related to someone who is also basically flawless, and therefore, also has no goals and nothing to strive for.... But all joking aside, your critiques have become the only positive aspect of my experiences viewing these new Star Wars films. Thanks for the thoughtful content!
Sean G’Dovič as someone who always seems to makes mistakes in absolutely everything, including things I am good at, it is nice to see someone who is so effortlessly good at everything, can pick up complicated skills the first time of doing something, and has a winning personality where everyone likes her. She is so inspiring to someone like me. Does anyone know where the statue of her appears, so I can go worship it?
Your experiences resonate with me. Incidentally, my own experiences as a round, pale, annoying little shit who pisses what feel like casino chips were also well represented in these movies.
I remember driving all my friends to see this on opening day. We were all super excited and in great spirits. Then about halfway to the theater I turned to them and said "What if there is a super death star". They all said that would be ridiculous...when starkiller was introduced they all just stared at me
1:10:27 if you turn on captions you see he mistyped "Leia" with "layer" therefore this whole nearly 4 hours argument is invalid 0/10 would never watch it again
Never mind that I don't think he's actually tasked with typing in all the CC content, I still have to unsub from the guy. I mean, if some hearing-impaired person is watching and runs into "layer" instead of "Leia"...why, they're going to be completely baffled!! They're going to be sputtering and gasping and they'll never catch up. It's literally murder!!!
This channel was the chosen one. They were supossed to point out mistakes not to make them. Well at least they like the growth opportunity when their mistakes are pointed out.
Rey can't walk through town without someone trying to rob her. The town is full of thieves and criminals. Yet the Millenium Falcon has been parked there for 20 years unlocked, door open, tank full of gas, and they keys in the ignotion. Nobody stole it. The second it left the planets atmosphere Han picked it up with his tracker, so we know it hasn't been flying for decades or his tracker would have picked it up earlier. All Rey had to do was get in and take off, so we know it was ready to go. Yet nobody stole it. A city full of thieves, a dealer buying scavenged parts, so there had to be multiple people who scavenged parts from ships way out in the desert to sell to him for a few dollars so they could buy food, drink, drugs, or whatever, yet their is a fully functional ship ready to go parked there 20 years and nobody took it. If the part dealer owned it, this would explain it not being stripped and sitting on concrete blocks, but it seems like the parts dealer would have either used it or sold it after 20 years. Also if someone else wanted to steal it, there isn't much the parts dealer could do. He didn't stop Rey when she stole it. Any one of these beggers or thieves could have taken it, flew to another planet, sold it, and retired or at least been drunk or high for a couple years.
They should have had Han say "I installed a tracking program (Like find your phone app) in the Falcon's computer decades ago. As soon as you took off in the Millenium Falcon, it sent a signal to my tracker." Not that he was scanning for it. Was he scanning the entire galaxy? Or did he just happen to be in the same system where the Falcon was when it took off.
@@BrettonFerguson they should have just had her trying to steal the falcon that was still owned by Han. He could have been there buying parts and sees the first order running around looking for someone (we know its Finn and Rey) Han and Chewie however think they're there for them. So back to Rey being on the falcon, we could have them running for the ship that's destroyed, she then jumps into the falcon and they rush to the cockpit only to see Han and Chewie already going through lift off procedures. They give a oh shit, back up get off moment, only to rush to the exit to find it shutting. They now have to stowaway under the floor. Meanwhile Han and Chewie see first order troops rushing towards the falcons and still believing they're the target blast off under a barrage of fire. In the air we get the two tie fighters give chase, they're relaying info about the falcon while giving chase. We now get the chase that Finn and Rey did but with Han and Chewie. This would be our reintroduction of the classic characters doing what they do best. They escape of course and discover Finn and Rey under the floor and boom we're back on track without the bloody nonsense we had to endure.
JJ Abams is a master at completely misunderstanding the IP and the characters he's working with, normalizing everything into flashy, normie blockbuster. Squishing what made it unique and amplifying its boring trope. The perfect man for Hollywood, dare I say!
And basing an entire character' developments off a quick Wikipedia search or what he misremembered from assumptions. "Kirk is a loose Canon rule breaker who bangs aliens, right? That's all he'll be, then."
On the subject of throwaway lines, if I may point out one classic example: "I used to nail wamprats back home, they're not much bigger than 3 meters." In one simple line we establish Luke has experience flying and shooting in a low-flying small craft, and is capable of hitting small targets reliably. Quick, elegant, and believable given what we know already. By this point we've seen him shooting and established that he's at least good enough at being in a gunner's seat, we know he likes piloting and works on ships for fun given that all the way back at the start of the movie he was planning on shopping for parts, we know he has friends who are pilots and thus we can assume they did these things together, and given his country bumpkin background it's easy to believe that using wild rodents as target practice is the sort of thing a young guy like him would be doing in his spare time. Just one little line connects everything together than we have already picked up on, setting it into our minds that he is going to blow up the Death Star not just because he's the hero, but because he's qualified for this kind of task. He didn't magically manifest these skills when the script demanded it, he always had them and just never mentioned them until now when it would be relevant, but it doesn't feel out of place when he does. From a writing perspective, I always hold up that line as the sort of thing modern Star Wars fails to do with Rey. If she had said something like "I've scrapped enough Corellian YT's to know what I'm doing," then we could make the logical connection as to how she knows so much about the Millennium Falcon.
Eh, the fact she knows her way around machinedy is pretty.much self evident from her background. I dont think it requires explanation. Its her miraculous marcsmanship, piloting an sword(?!) skills that require explanation. Or rather, they shouldnt be there. You have Poe and Finn to be the hotshot ace and no nonsemse grunt, you dont need to give these qualities to rey too, you have the aspects covered when your story demands them. And her aptitude with the force and a lightsaber are rather baffling to say the least. The first time we see luke attempting to use aither is in the second movie, after training from yoda and he fails miserably. In fact he would have died if not for the other half of the cast. But jj cant write worth shit, so we get this instead.
If I could add to Rey's line there: Have her flabbergasted when she reaches the cockpit -- something like "Ah. That's... That's a lot of upgrades." The Millenium Falcon has been so heavily modified under Han Solo that I doubt that there is not a single bolt that wasn't replaced to improve its performance or intentionally left to keep its disguise as a hunk of junk. This way it keeps the mistique of the Falcon and reinforce the idea that she somewhat knows what she's doing, seeing anything Han added as "upgrades" and not just a modification.
@@toddmerlon5846 Did you read the original comment? Luke was a pilot. He piloted ships with his friends and worked on them. He shot tiny rats in a canyon with his ship. Given that his friends were also pilots, they probably competed with each other and worked to one-up each other. Certainly flying in open space is different than flying in atmosphere, but he has, at the very least, a foundation for his skills. It would be like moving from driving a car on the backroads to driving a car on the highway, something that thousands of teenagers do every day. This is a bit of a stretch, but it is far less of a stretch than Rey magically knowing how to shoot a gun with pinpoint accuracy after only touching the blaster a few times. It is far less of a stretch than Rey piloting the Falcon, which is supposed to have 2 pilots, expertly and by herself. Luke is a teen driver who moved to driving on the highway, Rey is someone who just learned that cars exist and is now a NASCAR driver.
@@OneTrueVikingbard Mark? No, it hasn't been that long since he's done highlights. He recently released part 2 of his Let's Play, part 1 was one of his first videos
I get that vibe with everyone during the interview clips. I figured there was some embellishment during interview for films but it was very apparent here that the actors had to really reach to make things sound convincing.
@@PaceBreaker The vibe I get is that everybody is on the verge of a nervous breakdown trying to make good on a $4 billion investment. As soon as people on social media complained there weren't enough women in the table read, they hurriedly stuffed Captain Phasma into some reshoots on Starkiller Base and Disney PR forced Christie to waffle about what a confident and powerful woman her one-scene, masked cameo was. That's how desperate they were to make everybody like this movie. The greasy fingerprints of studio interference are smeared all over this film, pushing all involved to both maximize nostalgia and be as forward-thinking as possible so it doesn't bomb and make the shareholders shit themselves. Though Abrams deserves some blame, he already proved he can do serialized storytelling 20 years ago, on Alias. And then Disney, the parent company of ABC, started to give him "notes", telling him to do away with the unique structure of the first season and slashing the episode count of the final season whilst telling him he couldn't mention the *main*mytharc* because it would be too confusing for new viewers. In the FINAL SEASON. There's a definite bitterness to the way Abrams describes how "we" cut the story of Luke's hand making its way across the galaxy. I'm willing to bet money that was a "note" from the studio.
han was just stabbed with a light saber and fell down a bottomless pit which means he alive no body who falls down a bottomless pit actually dies they just go away until the plot needs them again
Came here expecting 4 hours of brutal sarcastic putdown, left with a greater understanding of intelligent storytelling and what makes a movie a good movie. Great video!
I've watched this video a few times and when Mauler gets to the part where he notes how Finn was handled versus how we could've gotten the incredibly competent and hard bitten former soldier who finds his humanity and becomes a Jedi just makes me angry how viewers were robbed of amazing storytelling.
Haven't got there yet, but in the previous video, MauLer covered his escape with Poe and how he effortlessly kills other stormtroopers. It made me realize, how interesting would it have been if they escaped without killing anyone, got along well like they do in the film but then they get tracked on Jakku and Poe nonchalantly kills the troopers following them to Finn's dismay? Then Finn would look at this guy he likes and reasonably fear for his life since Poe just killed some people who he worked with. The more I think about it, the more it makes me angry that they did NOTHING with this premise.
Nope. Finn was to much under Mary Sue yoke to make any meaningful character. People do not understand about Mary Sue is she needs lackeys to clap even she farts, hence Poo and Finn.
Y'know, there's so much DNA of that idea at play in this movie that I really have to wonder if that wasn't the original idea in some draft of the script at the very start of preproduction, but the more Kathleen Kennedy got involved, the more prevalent Rey became and the more of a Mary Sue she became as a result. That's sort of a longshot theory, I know, but like, Rey becomes such a big pillar of this movie despite having ABSOLUTELY NOTHING going on in the character department that I really have to wonder what the ORIGINAL idea behind this film was before Disney started sticking its fingers in the pie.
@@sivad1025 imagine if Finn managed to convince the Rebellion to spare Stormtroopers, in turn making them realize that the First Order doesn't have their best interest at heart and eventually turning on them, joining the Rebellion for the final battle instead of randos from across the galaxy.
@@highdefinition450 Oh wow, that's a great idea. Then you could also introduce some stormtroopers who refuse to defect and you have a conflict over whether or not assimilation was the right decision
The "I will finish what you started" line would have been good setup for Ben being a double agent. It would also explain his "pull to the light" and that he uses the helmet as a conduit to commune with Anakin's spirit. If they absolutely had to have Luke in exile the only way it could really make sense in my mind would be to have him forced into exile after it was revealed that Darth Vader was his father, or have him in "exile" as a means of faking his death and maintaining Ben's cover as a double agent.
This is similar to what I was thinking: Have Anakin show up repeatedly as a force ghost to Ren because he sees the light in him (like Luke did for Anakin) and he doesn't want him to follow his path. That way we could finish Hayden Christenson's redemption arc, as well as add to Vader's. Then, in Episode VIII, the reveal could be that REN betrayed LUKE with his knights of Ren but couldn't bring himself to kill his uncle, but slaughtered the other Jedi nonetheless. Thus, he forces Luke to retreat into hiding to try to covertly rebuild the Jedi without alerting the Empire (cough) First Order. And seeing how everything in these movies seems to take place in a couple of weeks, it'd make sense that Luke hadn't made any progress yet when Rey finds him. He could be nervous about training her because he (like us) can't seem to get an accurate read on her motivations but will of course want to teach her how to control her power before she does anything dangerous (like accidentally blowing up a ship with a series favorite on it). I should probably stop before I rewrite both of these movies lol.
Sam Witwer, in a mere few moments, completely dealt a death blow to the mischaracterization of Luke and expressed why OT fans felt so betrayed by it. He IS the real Starkiller. But I also enjoy several hours long critiques on why these films aren't good movies. Grade A work, Mauler 'ol boy.
Honestly, finn going through training only to be assigned janitorial duties is - from military experience - the most realistic thing in the entire sequel trilogy.
Morty Diamond I was part of an AT fire squad and took part of missions, mopped the floors as well. Everyone does everything in the infantry. If your gunner gets shot you aren’t going to cancel the battle because you don’t have training to use the gun.
@@zarlei6048 Combat off duties is one thing, but writer explicitly point out (by said character) that his specialty is sanitation. What leads me to closest thing on Earth - "UNIT FIELD SANITATION TEAM DUTIES. Role in military: is to aid the unit commander inprotecting the health of the command. This is accomplished by advising and assisting the commander in themany duties essential to reducing DNBI. By providing instruction and supervision, and assisting, inspecting, and reporting, the FST ensures that appropriate field sanitation facilities are established and maintained; thateffective sanitary and control measures are applied; and that effective PMM are practiced." And I don't see special training, diversion or recon, any sort of assault role in military ranks. What makes think, that director or writer made stupid joke in sake of doing it without reason for cheap laughts from degenerates who will find it funny. Disney - we avoid logic, reason or good writing like a plague for almost 20 years.
It’s so baffling how this dude managed to make a review this long and have it be the third part. How much did he write??? How long did this take to edit? Damn bro... dedication. You have my respect.
Fin, soldier of the First Order, which is basically new Empire, talks about Han Solo, who destroyed the Empire, as about hero of the war?! And Rey, who looks to Han as to icon, corrects him "no, he is smuggler"?! Chewbacca: I don't know wtf is going on...
@@cocharles563 I think Chewy would be Snowman. He's just in the background driving the big rig. In my analogy Luke would be the Coors (precious cargo), I guess.
@@TheSlammurai I think I will be able to provide you the details for your reference in a couple more tests as well in current status for the house anyway as they are shite and I have been unable and unable and I have not been paid for the lockdown Halloumi and my my I have son who is in the office today for my medical insurance and my wife will not have any of the following items as I have a genuine query to help out as they are a very large number of her friends with they all over their house a lot in whom she will have to stay at home for the day but she is very busy at work and she is away from home until after Easter and will be back next Tuesday night for a few days so hopefully will get get the rest in a couple of weeks for her if she's OK though so if we could arrange for the house to stay for the night and then come down and pick up your dog from work then just come down with a few favourite people from here in a row though so we can have a nice lunch with your family and 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I was watching the part of this video where he discusses Rey having immediately recognized Han as a Smuggler but not as a rebellion General and it appears to me that the entire issue presented could be solved and the scene would work significantly better if instead of the dialogue used, it were replaced with Finn saying "Han Solo, the rebellion general?", and Rey responding "He was a smuggler first you know.". This would not only make sure they DOES know who he actually was aside from her one character trait, but also that she most likely knows MORE about him than he does, knowing the parts of his past he wasn't famous for but that relate to her own life. Fixes a story issue while connecting them together AND gives you insight into where her head is at.
That requires more effort than stringing together scenes that are a combination of "Wouldn't it be cool if--?!" and "Does this mimic the original trilogy to get nostalgia feels?!"
The fact that these movies treat Chewbacca like a prop is pretty disgusting, he's supposed to be a real person, Han's best friend and by the end of the trilogy, ALL his friends are dead. Poor guy.
I mean, he grieves them. Chewbacca was always a bit of a prop in the original trilogy to be honest. He was more Han Solo's faithful dog than a fully fleshed out character. For all its flaws I don't think the sequel trilogy's treatment of Chewbacca is up there at all.
@@mrboost4186 In the OT Chewbacca had his own opinions. He was loyal to Han, but he argued when he thought Han was wrong. He acted on his own initiative . He wasn't a full character( I would say more Han's sidekick than " faithful dog"). The Sequels , following The Force Awakens, make Chewie into Rey's driver and yes man, having no opinion, ideas, or initiative of his own.
Yep, just looking at the length of the video you know that it won't be able to fill the time without going off-topic or repeating its points over and over again.
@@mrboost4186 providing multiple examples and pulling at threads is not repitition or going off topic. Although I look forward to your critique of this critique.
@@gmonkman This is supposedly a critique of The Force Awakens yet he is criticizing The Last Jedi for substantial amounts of this video. Talking about a different film is as off-topic as you can get. This whole video is a drawn-out waffle designed to preach to the converted.
In a way, this isn't just a discussion about the flaws of the Force Awakens exclusively. It is also a discussion about the declining quality of the mainline Star Wars franchise as a whole.
Or just storytelling as a whole in Hollywood. The gatekeeping has stifled creativity. Because of old white people who will only greenlight projects that they can see themselves in they can't get new shit
I love watching your essays, I've been writing for a long time but haven't wanted to put anything out in so long until I found your channel. You've relit the fire in my heart to create for a more scrupulous audience. I had been worried for years we had entered into an artistic era of surface level content. Finding your channel led me down a rabbit hole of youtube essayists, leading me to realize that I can still find the audiences I'm seeking. So thank you, Mauler. I hope your success continues.
Rey is super powerful, Finn is really clumsy, Han is inconsistent, Maz is confusing, Poe is alive, Kylo kidnaps Rey, and Luke is missing... FOR NOUGH REASON!!!!
@Lol Umadbro The "Lord of the Ring s is bad" video. The commentary is great! The video being analysed is the worst kind of ignorant trash. It's where "For No Reason!" is coming from.
This is really late but I'm genuinely glad you called out Cosmonaut Variety. I used to be a big fan but he really is so inconsistent with his reviews it's insane
I was mad about it too but didn’t want to think or even acknowledge how they messed up some thing I loved so much they pretty much killed Star Wars. I find it easier to pretend that most of the new Star Wars movie don’t even exist
2:49:58 is one of the best and most well put points I’ve ever heard for the defense of rational and objective thought in writing. MauLer, you are brilliant. Thank you.
It makes me legitimately angry how JJ can talk about all these high-minded, cinematically impressive concepts and techniques, and then seemingly goes out of his way to ignore all of those concepts in an effort to actively destroy every film franchise he touches. Abrams is quite literally a blight on the film making landscape.
I think he's a very talented visual filmmaker. But he's not a writer. Every time someone lets him write a movie it falls to pieces. It's not his area of expertise and he needs to learn that. But I don't think that makes him a blight. He's just been poorly utilised lately.
@@goddepersonno3782 If He was just a badly-used filmmaker than somebody would have taken away his pen by now; but somehow JarJar keep getting write the screeplays for movies.i personally blame how much a runaway success 'Lost' was; even though we all know by season three it was all falling apart and we were assembling with pitchforks to make Fuckface Abrams explain what the Hell was going on.
@@chesterstevens8870 he's constantly shoved into the writer's chair because he's a shill by nature. Because he's so obedient to the upper brass of whatever franchise he's working on he is constantly sent in to defile a show in ways that other writers would never dare to try. And let's be honest, Into Darkness and RoS were the only films that even a producer could look at and go "that was a failure never to be replicated again". Because you gotta remember that the people hiring writers are not writers themselves. JJ draws in money and so he would keep being hired until he stops drawing in money. That's how the industry works. If you want to point fingers, it's almost always in some way the producer's fault. Kathleen Kennedy deserves just as much hate for putting JJ back into the writer's spot as JJ does for agreeing to do something he clearly isn't capable of doing
I would argue the franchise was destroyed at the Battle of Endor... how many Ewoks died in that battle, like two? (by accident no less) impossible to take the empire seriously after that. The First Order and Snoke were just props for Kylo Ren's emo tantrums.
@@thomaspierce8029 if they had replaced the ewoks with wookies that would have been awesome. Would have possibly given chewie a nice subplot of leading the wookies in a revolt against the empire. My understanding is lucas wanted to sell toys hence the ewoks
It’s heart breaking to see Han Solo, Luke skywalker and Leia Organa as old, senile, defeated, bitter pessimists who seemed to forget all they went through and experienced. This is the last memory we have of our old hero’s, this is how they’ll be remembered in recent history, and that hurts my soul.
55:10 "They treat the story as law...and they are forced to justify nonsensical writing" This is an excellent point. Really well expressed, and it applies to so many other films and games where people refuse to acknowledge storytelling weaknesses. Great video overall too!
This is an urgent PSA. Eight minutes of the critique have been removed. Evidence is present in the Wayback Machine, where the original comes out to a runtime of 3:52:44. The most egregious example is present at 2:42:00, where his speech on JJ's 'Science experiment' comments have been removed in their entirety. The best few minutes of this video have been erased, and that is a crime against art. Edit: WE'RE BACK BABY!!! LET'S F***ING GO :D
@@balthier1706 conspiracy theory part of my brain says youtube is splicing bits of it out, maybe for 'content breaches' or somebody asking to have them removed in order to destroy it for future viewings. I really have no idea, and it drives me nuts.
The line about Hot Fuzz really hit home. That would've been a great character arc, seeing a competent and fully in-control, elite stormtrooper grow a conscience and trying to reconcile everything he's ever been taught with everything he knows is true and right. Can we go to the alternate universe where they made that movie, instead of TFA?
You can start by reading the leaked older script for Star Wars 9, which is actually pretty neat. And in that, our dear ex-trooper actually has flashes of PTSD from his training, drills, propaganda, being kidnapped, etc. And he is confronted with other troopers and comes to _talk_ to them about that shit. And his experience as a trained trooper comes to practical use.
Why couldn't they have taken a cue from the Expanded Universe but go their own way? Why not have the Solo children (adults in their own right), perhaps twins Jacen and Jaina, and Anakin or perhaps a Ben Solo. Perhaps Jaina can be a great jedi, Jacen can fall to the dark side, perhaps Ben is like his father. The Skywalker saga has become the Solo saga. Someone like Lilly Collins should have been cast as Jaina.
I am coming from that alternate universe. And let me tell you, that version of TFA was just awesome! The only problem is that three years later my world got nuked. So I came to this one. But still, sometimes I feel it had been better if I had stayed. Just for that movie. Needless to mention, you can’t bring stuff with you from alternate Universes. Only memories. Oh so sweet memories...
The nitpick that always bothered me was with Han and the bowcaster. You're right that it makes no sense that Han would have never even tried to use it in all of their many years spent together. I had always assumed that while it's a strong weapon, the recoil from using it (or something similar) made it such that it's really only useful in a wookie's hands, or someone equally sturdy. I figured it would have been better if Han had taken and fired it, and suffered some kind of negative blowback in doing so. Then he could have commented 'I don't know _how_ you handle this thing, Chewie'. There you go, you can have your scene of Han firing the bowcaster _without_ it making no sense given their history.
I'm recalling in distant memory that somewhere in either the EU or the games, it is mentioned that humans are literally not strong enough to even cock the bowcaster. But anyway, like Jar Jar even gives a crap about being true to source material.
@@awereal "humans are literally not strong enough to even cock the bowcaster." There, perfect! Good enough reason right there for them to not trade weapons casually.
@@nickelakon5369 And in the rest of the Jedi Knight games, yes. I just took a look at wookieepedia on the bowcaster and they pretty much say the same thing, though they focus on the weight and recoil. So I guess an explanation cam be that Kyle used the force to assist with handling the weapon, and I think we only see alien enemies wielding it in the games. I think it's a reasonable nitpick that Han should probably not have been able to use the weapon effectively, instead of the Hollywood-esque scene we got.
2:42:41 Mauler's rant right here, about modern screen writing and the slow decay of Hollywood blockbusters, was something that used to give me life. As a writer myself, I would regularly listen to this on repeat if I got stuck with a script or felt unworthy to keep going with a problem within the story. Please for Don's sake tell me someone has a copy of it somewhere, or can provide a link to a clip. I know he must have taken it down due to copyright from the Westworld soundtrack that he used but there must be a copy of it somewhere. I need it! EDIT: Nevermind, it's back! 😁
Good scenes cut, while absolute nonsense kept in. Rian Johnson failed on so many levels with his film. I don't care how good any of his other films are, I will never see him as anything more than a twisted, egotistical man-child.
Not really. It would be more of a crime to have a scene portraying Luke and Leia as something resembling their actual characters (not to mention real humans with feelings and motivations etc) in such a travesty of a movie/trilogy.
Holy shit, that cut scene of Luke mourning is unbelievably good. I hate this modern concept of everything being bigger, flashier, louder, when the reality is that just having a highly skilled actor sit down and silently emote for a few seconds can say so much more.
ADHD filmmaking. Resulting in kids having No attention span whatsoever. Show them an older, slower and smarter film and they'll Just shout: "It's boring! Get to the good bits!" Because they won't watch anything that isn't mindless, non stop action.
no country for old men, an amazing movie, barely flashy, just look at the coin flip scene no flashy fx no overdramatization everything is implied by good directing and good acting
Mauler talks 7 minutes and 21 seconds about few seconds of the movie He explains how nostalgia can work and how it effects the audience going through examples so that anyone interested can understand it when they encounter it, to appreciate the effort some put into it or detest the lack of effort. This is bad because he does this FOR NOUGH REASON
I didn’t understand your last sentence but I’ll gladly copy the first two paragraphs and use them, whilst adding how he emphasizes the importance of themes in the « efforts » being referred to, to silence the next mo... person who tells me that Mauler doesn’t care about themes.
Nathan Jora it’s from the last EFAP, the video they covered had a lot of the guy saying “for no reason!” when talking about the story and characters of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
@@nathanjora7627 MauLer CARES? Must be gay. For clarity: It's a reference to the most recent EFAP. Guy they were criticizing said half of LotR happens 'For no reason', while 'Nough' is the onomatopoeic spelling of how Brits and Aussies say 'no'. Me saying MauLer must be gay for caring about something is because this same person they criticized kept implying that every character in LotR that showed any emotion, or cared for another character, was just gay. He particularly railed on Sam and Frodo's friendship for being gay. It was very weird and uncomfortable, and the whole panel was getting increasingly creeped out and defensive of gay people - I know, kinda weird coming from a bunch of homophobic alt-right nazis, huh?
You know, sometimes I come back just to hear Mauler break down all the reasons why Aragorn accepting Anduril is such a significant and meaningful moment in Lord of the Rings
This pleases me greatly.
I agree, good drinker sir
It will be fine
Go away now
Collab with Brie Larson, when? ;)
Brie Larson wants your location.
We continue where we left off? WHERE WE LEFT OFF? Jesus Christ i forgot everything...does it mean i have to start with Part 1 again?
@managarm1349 indeed he does...and because i saw that dumpsterfire of a movie TFA is last time in preparation for Part 1 i´m afraid i have to start with this crappy movie again...jeeez, i need a drink...
Bruh I watched part 1 and 2 the last two days again just to make sure 😂😂
Yes. Watch parts 1 and 2 again. And the RoS rage. I've seen the entire TLJ series at least 10 times. I wish that one had 6 parts like this one.
@managarm1349 Longame bad
Beating a dead horse has never been so entertaining before.
In the words of a wise man:
"Sometimes the horse needs to be nuked from orbit"
- Weekend Warrior
Disney and KK are still in charge of Star Wars.That horse ain't dead yet!
@@janbosch5951 "It's the only way to be sure."
throwaway line: *exists*
MauLer: I'm bouta objectively assess this man's whole career
Its justified because there are still some people who pretend these 3+ horses arent dead and are in fact totally fine and dandy.
“If you’re a famous smuggler, you’re not doing it right.”
That was one hell of a dagger
damn no comments? tragic fr.
Exactly.... it makes zero sense that anyone would know Han solo as a smuggler at this point, much less a "famous smuggler" smh. He would be incapable of even getting back into that type of work.. after being such a famous and important figure in the rebellion against the empire
Yes, because the very occupation of smuggler demands you to work in secrecy, to be anonymous, not to mention that they very backstory that Disney later invented for him implies that he became a smuggler out of necessity, not because he liked to do that. The original trilogy and the Extended Universe suggested the interesting storyline of a man of integrity who had started training as an Imperial soldier in training who quit said training because they asked him to do things he did not feel comfortable doing, and from there worked himself to be an important leader figure in the Rebellion and later the New Republic.
James Bond, the world famous spy.
(And yes, I'm talking in-universe)
Jar Jar Abrams technique:
Take something that exists, misunderstand it completely,
play off emotions over substance,
lay a minefield's worth of mystery boxes,
have an answer for none of them,
profit despite incompetence,
leave town before anyone discovers you're a fraud.
You've got it.
He's like the monorail man from the Simpsons.
@@DonVigaDeFierro Well, sir, there's nothing on earth like a genuine, bona fide electrified, six-car monorail. What'd I say?
He is intellectual cancer incarnate. And I mean it: he h been party to the Passive Progressive, Leftist Regressive, bad story writing, emphasis on skin and junk rather than *character,* etc. etc. He has been behind the slow rot and death of not one, but TWO franchises with Star in the name... and too much radiation from stars gives you cancer.
My brain hurts!,
Except he didn’t leave town before being discovered he’s a fraud thanks to TROS.
Me: TFA Part 3 is so late
TFA Part 3: A space wizard for children is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.
This made me laugh more than it should have.
Leben Heisst Leben. MauLer is MauLer.
This post contains a suspicious amount of good rat with women. FOR NO REASON.
I'm enticed to give you a like...
*For no reason!*
The Star Wars sequel trilogy really are amazing films. You can learn all that there is to know about their dogshit bastard contrivances in a month, and yet after a hundred years you can still find more.
Finally getting TFA Part 3 after almost 2 years
*This is where the fun begins*
Has it really been that long, man?
It's *arrived* !!!!!!
I was still in high school when TFA Part 2 came out and now I'm in college. Crazy to think about.
@@CalebHimself Greatest comment ever. It's only 2 years, but it's a lifetime during that specific period of life. OK, maybe not the greatest comment, but I sure had a laugh.
I've been looking forward to this
MauLer’s ‘tangent’ on Rey’s character and character construction in general, showed me again, how well spoken MauLer is and how well thought out his positions are. Writing articulate scripts this long are one thing, but writing them with provable positions, intelligent conclusions, and relevant sources is a whole other thing.
I don’t know if MauLer has any professional or university education, but it doesn’t matter. He clearly loves the craft, understands it, and studies it; all to a far greater extent then many others and even ‘professional’ critics. I love when I find someone skilled in a creative art or ‘non-creative’ skill that (presumably), the person doesn’t have big time professional education on.
They have passion, discipline and a will to learn.
Excellent job MauLer. This series is genuinely incredible.
Could not have said it better myself.
He's one of the best at this kind of thing. I know I've found something important when I hear a guy being critical of a film who can seamlessly change tone and start complimenting some part of the movie for some redeemable quality right in the middle of tearing it apart.
That displays integrity and simple logic.
It also adds weight to everything else he says by proving that he can be trusted to be honest, even when it requires him to spend time researching evidence "against" the main hypothesis that he has been formulating in the rest of his discussion.
Well said
He really makes you realize Rey is a plot device, not a character.
Me: It's my day off but I don't know what to do for the next 4 hours
MauLer: "Hello there"
"... ladies and gentlemen."
I've been out of work since April and I need stuff to watch for the next 4 hours.
Loooooooongman Good! This is perfect. I've got a long boring shift at work tonight and this is just what I needed. Totally worth the wait,!
Yup I am downloading it now and could watch it this evening. And it's not even my Brithday!!
Now if Redlettermedia would finish the Plinkett ROSW review i'd be set!!
4h? Shit, i not only forgot what happened in Part 1 and 2 ... i also forgot about that garbage movie because i saw it last time in "preparation" for Part 1 and 2 ... so i have to wath that Dumpsterfire of a movie again AND Part 1 and 2 ... Hello Weekend!
>says it'll be released in August
>released in July
"A surprised to be sure, but a welcomed one." -Senator Bilbeev Palpaggins.
Creamy Bilbo himself
I don't even remember the others anymore.
Intentionally manipulating us to watch the old videos again confirmed
>says it'll be released in August
>released in July (2020)
@@mariusvanc tbf I only remember them saying August of this year from this year's EFAPs
Remember when MauLer said the script for the entire series was finished before he even dropped the first video?
MauLer doesn't.
US: "Why is Han poorly handled?"
MauLer: "A good question... for another four hour video."
With part 2 to follow.
I didn't even look at the time until this comment. Four hours? Guess I'm not sleeping tonight.
At least he answers the damn question :P
And this is why the longman is bad, too short.
The whole story was awful and the characters don't work. I wanted to see Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin Solo (or name him Ben) and have the Skywalker saga become the Solo saga. Oh and no Daisy Ridley, she just doesn't work. I'd have cast Lilly Collins.
In Legends Han was a hero, good husband, and a good father. These sequels were so disrespectful.
Yes! And he had to deal with the loss of two sons, and sure it broke him, but not to this kinda level of pathetic. Kylo Ren is discount Darth Caedus
Sorry man your comment hit hard. Hard truth, but damn are you spot on
Stabbed and tossed down an endless chasm...a death usually reserved for villainous characters. Disney's way of bitch-slapping him out of existence.
@@DBWave94 plus the way they treated his Indiana Jones character in the most recent movie. I dont understand who this kinda of stuff is supposed to be catered to. Clearly not true fans
@@DarthImagnus0790 It's Disney's way of saying, "Out with the old, in with the new." The characters we once loved are either killed off unceremoniously or reduced to shadows of their former selves. And it'll keep happening as long as the cash flow keeps up.
Whenever I hear the term “Mary Sue,” I can’t help but hear E;R’s “Maray SuuUUuuUUUuuuUUUUUUEE!” in my head, so I almost thought I was having an auditory hallucination at 1:09:54
It's just beautiful tbh
The word that fits here is "iconic".
haha.. same xD. E;R hit the nail on its head there.
dude same ! absolute
Princess Rainbovvs X Musashi this isn’t halo, you silly sausage, this is Star Wars!
too short
where is part 4?
That's just because you got kicked 4 minutes in
Nah, he just needed more rhino milk
You’re too short Jay
Waaaay too short... Step up yer game "Longmanbad".
shut up
"your nothing, you have no place in this story. you come from nothing."
"your palpatines daughter, you're a palpatine."
"Im rey, rey skywalker."
"You come from nothing; you are nothing."
what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
@@insulttothehumanrace3807 "they sold you for drinking money"
"Oh, so we're using made up names? I'm Spiderman."
Does it hurt?
Still one of the best things MauLer has ever done is the in-depth look at throwaway lines. Poignant, informative, and funny
I feel like Disney wrote this movie as if it was supposed to be a theme park ride. See your favorite character Han Solo, and get behind the wheel of the Millennium Falcon! etc. It plays out more like a theme park ride nostalgia trip than an actual story.
I like this comparison.
Yes. This is true.
God you're right. Like T2:3D Battle Across Time. Fun ride, total bollocks derivative fanservice plot that undermines the prior movies if you take it as canon.
Makes sense.
TFA was such a bizarre movie for me. Having seen A New Hope so many times over the years, The Force Awakens was such an empty experience for me. I all times I no idea what I was suppose to be feeling because it was a total rip off of a movie I already knew by heart. I left the theater feeling drained when it was over. If they wanted a theme park ride, they should have called Star Tours: The Force Awakens, expectation would have matched what they were trying to do then. If your going to make a Star Wars movie, it better be a Star Wars movie and not Turkish Star Wars.
When Maz Kanata said that she was busy with "union disputes" in The Last Jedi, I honestly didn't know if she was fighting for or against the unions. *That's* how little character development she has.
For all we know she was in the bathroom, trying to shit.
Taco Bell will do that to you.
@@notacompleteidiot...1285 A union dispute with her digestive system then?
Maz's Third Cantina will last for a thousand years.
But she's a strong character! A female even!
I couldn't even tell if the joke was being legitimate (since the Cantina was destroyed and thus several people there would be out of work) or an obvious euphemism for criminal dealings (since it was violent and she had obvious unlawful connections based on dealing with Han).
Commoner: "MauLer, stop, it's already dead!"
Toxic Brood: "DEW IT"
I approve of this message
He does like beating a dead shit horse.
@@jakesnow5728 this horse is a zombie horse.
@@jakesnow5728 To be fair, the dead horse keeps making funny fart noises.
@@joandreintong1928 And that's enough reason to beat anything.
This is not a roast, this is a slow cook barbecue. Love it.
This is an autopsy he is performing in front us. He is showing us all how each beating this series has taken, then cutting it open and teaching us about the rotten core of this monstrosity.
I'm starting to realize just how many Star Wars interviews in where the actors involved are brutally honest about the reality Disney's Star Wars & then awkwardly laugh through it.
Khalil Hines tryttt
Khalil Hines then
The number of times the old guard desperately try to stay politic by playing old and senile is telling.
I wonder at those clips, particularly the fans. Why do they laugh when Harrison Ford says he's not looking forward to watching Solo? Or all of those times Mark Hamill lays it out? How is any of that funny? What weird ass people those fans are.
Kathleen Kennedy has the loudest and most incriminating fake laughs of all during the press conferences when Hamill and others give it away that they screwed things up. Hinting that she knows the movies are shit and destroy the franchise.
"Rey is what the audience wants to be."
Me and the boys just wanting to be Clone Troopers: It's time for you to leave, sir.
Clone troopers? It's team Dark Trooper all the way!
OG Leia for me. I would have loved to see what she was capable of in a new trilogy, pity, messily ripped off New Hope and Spaceballs, never saw the third movie. Hollywood really needs fresh blood. I'm reminded of The Majestic, too many years of the script guys from that movie.
Watch those wrist rockets!
Real talk, though. For all my respect for Luke, he is not who I wanna be in the story, and Rey is just a very bad and bland R63 of Luke done wrong.
the real question is, WHY RUIN JOHNSON didin't BOICOT Rey but the resto of the saga ?!
I want to be an imperial pilot, for the stability it bring to the galaxy.
Mauler: For 1,000s of Year i lay dormant, who has disturbed my-
J.J: Hey best buddy.
Mauler: Oh it's you idiot
"Do you really believe your own hype?" Mauler: "I AM the hype!"
Never have I come across a more perfect comment.
J.J.: Kinda
is this a dba reference
Damn I miss DBZA
I love the "not a scratch" scene in eoisode 6. I didnt catch it as a kid, but his words imply he's only worried about his belived spaceship being damaged, but his expressions and his little salute at the end make it clear that hes concerned about lando. Hes basically saying "dont you dare die on me". And you can see how lando understanda that and with his "good luck" line he implies "dont you worry about me, just make sure you get back home safe too"
Great writing, great acting. So many things said both in text and subtext.
Part 3 *of 6*
I fear I shan't live long enough to see the end of this saga...
Well, at least MauLer as the creator of this saga is young enough to live long enough to actually finish it and give his current and future audience a completed saga. That is more than can be said about a certain famous fantasy author who is over 70, doesn't look particularly healthy and hasn't delivered the sixth installment of his (supposedly) seven-book series in 10 effing years.
@@thinkingdevil George is working on it! Just be patient...and ignore the fact that he's infamous for never finishing anything
Heard his going to sell the rights to the last 3 parts to disney
"I'm Rey."
"Rey Who?"
*Sees a Long, Welsh Force ghost in the distance.*
"Rey Longman"
@@thinkingdevil What's up with those fantasy writers that never finish their work? I know GRRM is the infamous example, but another big one is Patrick Rothfuss, the author of Kingkiller Chronicle, who hasn't released the finale to a series for nearly ten years after the previous book was released. What's worse is that he has made it known that he already had a working rough draft by the time he published the first book in the series, The Name of the Wind, because he wrote the rough draft of the entire series before starting to publish books.
1:05:14 So she knows about the kessel run, but considers Luke and the force to be myth despite Han pulling that feat off far before the empire was defeated? Yeah, makes sense, JJ
It might. I mean, she grew up with smugglers and scavengers? So to them, maybe the Kessel Run is a big-deal. However, a rebellion defeating an army and armies fighting rebellions is common place and just an opportunity to sell weapons for profit? So they talk about the former a lot b/c it's "smuggler culture" but the later is just "day to day business" and gets skipped over?
@@MathTutorVideos That's a bit like saying WWII was a myth today. You're going to be hard-pressed to find people who have never heard of it, in any corner of the english-speaking world.
Now, if I asked you who Audie Murphy was, and you didn't know, I wouldn't be surprised. If the movie had treated Luke as 'some old soldier for the Rebellion, then went on to form a cult/religion/martial arts school' that's at least acknowledging that Luke was a person, and did some stuff, but has lost relevance in the galaxy at large.
I believe the mention of the Kessel run was put in to have a link to Solo. Same with those dice.
Also, where was she educated? Was there a STEAM academy on Jakku where she learned the math, physics, and reading comprehension skills to fly anything and read ancient Jedi texts?
@@matohibiki I disagree. We all learned about WWII in school, heard family stories, seen newsreels etc. and have seen or heard of dozens of movies about it. (Some people deny the Holocaust, tho). Luke's rebellion and Jedi exploits are far more fantastic and would sound like BS to people picking sand out of their teeth on an outer rim planet. The smuggler culture on Jakku could have been established with simple overheard conversations about routes, ships, patrols, etc. which would beg for a story like Solo's smuggling career. It wouldn't have been hard to make Rey's worldview make sense, but they failed to do it.
I love how the Last Jedi is so bad, its flaws that never made it into its own Critique are now seeping into this one!
Ugh I HATED that film. I promise it will not age well....
@@nathanharris6450 "You don't something you something hate, you something something you love."
It makes an excellent point of contrast and comparison as both films fail horribly, about half the same reasons and half wholely distinct.
Thee are too many for just the 4.5 hours...
I did briefly forget that this was supposed to be about TFA when he was digging into Rian Johnson again.
You can't just start a mutiny with a handful of people, you need a strong majority of the crew behind you, if not the entire crew, else you end up with loyalists defending their captain from mutineers.
So the fact that Poe was able to successfully mutiny and take command without any sort of fire fight, shows right there that nobody but the people around Holdo (like, more than likely literally the people standing around her when Poe relieves her of command) believed in her having a plan at all.
Crimson Tide with Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman comes to mind as an example of a far more well-written command dispute/mutiny. Its treatment of the realities of command and plain old human behavior are well done, and come from very believable characters and circumstances. A good example of how much better Holdo's subplot could have been.
"Admiral Holdo and General Hux are not Homer Simpson."
I'm glad I needed MauLer to tell me that.
Some people unironically do.
JJ and Ruin did try to conflate them...
@@aitchisondaniel TRY ? nah they did it
@@aitchisondaniel Do you mean Rian, as in Rian Johnson?
@@TheSaiyanPrincess89 no he meant Ruin, as in Ruin Johnson, as in he ruined star wars
This little maneuver is gonna cost us 3 hours, 52 minutes, and 44 seconds
-Bilbess Bungelton
When I hear soldiers have been "trained from birth", I expect total badasses like Halo's Spartans or Clan Warrior Caste members from BattleTech. Not cannon fodder.
They were all trained wrong as a joke.
@@EatWave If you got an ass, I'll kick it!
Disney Star Wars is quite literally THE only group of writers who somehow botched the concept of "soldiers trained from birth", by not making said soldiers badasses in any way (hell, even the prequels did it right with clone troopers). You'd expect birth-trained soldiers to be some hardcore omega badasses like Warhammer Astartes marines, Halo Spartans and Elites, Lord of the Rings Uruk-Hai orcs, Gears of War COG soldiers, or 300 ancient Greek Spartans, not a bunch of useless clumsy cannon fodder.
Usually, antagonist super soldiers have an introduction where said super soldier(s) absolutely destroy the protagonists (remember Ugluk in LOTR and how he beat the shit out of the fellowship?), then later when the characters grow stronger as fighters and people, can they fight these monsters. It makes the antagonists threatening while displaying character growth; it's an extremely simple, extremely old, extremely effective storytelling tool that's still to this way a treat to see...yet millionaire salary writers apparently aren't aware of this.
They should have been Smoke Jaguar with elemental suits.
JJ: Well I did say they were trained at birth, but by birth I meant... Rebirth... as Stormtroopers, and they were trained to obey their commanding officers and when we see them fighting Phasma's not there to order them as a force multiplier...
Fan's who've twigged JJ is a salesmen: Uh huh... But shouldn't they still be good at their job because they... 'TRAINED?!?'
JJ: Well as we see training isn't the focus as much as it's who you are...
2:45:21 when that music begins I know I’m in for a treat and by god MauLer you do not disappoint. This segment gives me chills every time. The “That’s not how space works” segment is among the most well put, impactful, and impassioned dialogues I’ve ever had the privilege of listening to. The way you formulate your thoughts into a drill with which you perforate your opposition’s paper thin points is not just impressive, it’s inspiring.
“It’s what separates the great.”
Truly incredible. Bravo.
Rag'sssssss prediction - August 2020
Mauler's video - July 2020
Long Man 1, Doggo 0
I guess that makes two things Rag's was wrong about: TFA3 and ATLA.
@Frieza1500 Oh man wouldn't that be great! 😃
@@OutsideTheTargetDemographic And anime. And politics. And his taste in holidays.
He 100% just posted it to proof him wrong.
@@Guzzist11 I'm OK with this.
"The Force Awakens is not a science lesson."
This is really such a sad justification to hear said out loud.
Incredibly lazy. There are reasons people can suspend disbelief, and have that broken. It may not always be obvious but it's there. The Death Star needing to clear the planet in ANH is in reality silly but we accept it because it doesn't violate anything fundamental and it creates suspense.
He might as well have admitted "The Force Awakens is not a writing lesson."
Good example of anti-intellectualism too.
Does it mean that star wars sucks in general? With sound in space, with jets flying in space like they would do in atmosphere, with explosions in space, with always missing stormtroopers, light sabres that stop each other for some reason etc. There's a lot of fundamental logical and physical mistakes in all SW movies.
In one of the ep of critic of last jedy Mauler said that lack of fuel doesn't matter, cos it's space and rebels would just continue moving with same speed. Yes, but enemies would gain a speed, rebels would have frozen to death or died because of lack of oxygen, because no system in real life can work without a fuel. Mauler isn't a scientist, same as most of his or movie's audience, people don't care about stuff like this while watching movies. Mauler didn't even think about it, tho he rewrote his script multiple times.
So if mistakes do not bother you while you watching film - they don't matter in general
Of course i would love movies to be correct, but if movie managed to fool me without me noticing - I don't care. Like honestly, who gives a shit how long Denethor in lotr run while he was on fire, it was a cool shot and despite me watching it countless of times - i still don't care about it.
Tho i was thinking about hyper drive ram at last jedy and about this retardation, possible black holes, biggest explosions in history etc.
Some movies just failing in fooling you. That's why not a lot of people care about Denethor running like 600 meters while he was on fire, but why a lot of people care about that light speed ram
@@yellowtunes2756 MauLer went on to explain why, unlike the scientific errors in the original 6, those in TFA actively damage the script. On its own, a scientific error in Star Wars is nothing new, but the execution and context of it is something else entirely.
Disney and the Cast: “Maz and Phasma are such... deep and complex characters who really have a impact on the story and who were sure fans will come to love after seeing them in action”
*finally sees the characters in actions*
Disney shills: “I love them! Such depth!”
Everyone else: “they.... they didn’t do anything... Phasma literally didn’t do anything and Maz is a orange downgraded copy of Yoda.”
Phasma disabled an entire planet's shield. A planet full of troopers and allegedly high security measures. That's something, right?
@@LordEvrey Did it accomplish anything though?
Me cat just left a deeper and more complex entity in its litter box.
@@jwjakloaaj7942 yeah destruction of starkiller base and her death oh wait
Only to learn in TLJ that her armor is blaster proof.
So why did she cooperate with them if she is immune to blasters?
This has been my favourite video of this series. I hope anyone who watches this series gets this far.
1:54 Swap their reactions and it makes more sense.
Rey: You're Han Solo!
Finn: The smuggler? The terrorist? (because he's been first order his whole life)
Rey: The rebellion general! The war hero! (because she only knows the rebels through stories)
You're right. That would have worked a lot better.
Why is it that everyone else seems to be better at writing new Star Wars movies than the people who wrote the new Star Wars movies?
@@KageMinowara Two big reasons.
1) It's easier to polish something rough into something decent than to create something good from scratch.
2) The new writers didn't give a fuck.
As much as I prefer it, the problem with that line is that if Finn called Han a smuggler and a terrorist, he'd immediatelly give himself out to both Ray and Han. By that point, Ray believes Finn is from the Resistance, and if he'd say something as blatantly ridiculous as calling Han a terrorist, it'd lit a big red light that something's not right. I mean, why would you call a war hero of your faction a terrorist?
@@bliczb8772 ...That's a fair point. Though moments like that are what an editor is for.
That would require JJ to watch Star Wars and use his brain
It's fine, I didn't want to do ANYTHING this weekend anyway.
EFAP Snacks when?
Hi Mr Pizza :D
Implying watching this couple of times + part 1 and 2 again
Well hello there cynic
Remembering Han Solo as the smuggler, it's just so absurd and shits on the OT so hard. Imagine it in other contexts!
"Frodo Baggins! The hero from the War of the Ring?" "Huh, no, the heir to the Baggins estate."
@Foster Deming You make a good point. That's incredible. I try to think of the most ridiculous example I can, and I fail. It is literally worse than my example because more oblivious hobbits might still know him as the guy who inherited the Baggins estate, since it's a sizeable one
So JJ and Rian are Sackville-Bagginses?
@@critterray6742 I wouldn't put the Sackville-Bagginses down like that...
“Aragorn! The king of Gondor?”
“Uh, no, the ranger from the north.”
Frodo baggins? The former 2nd best potato farmer in the shire? What an honor!
I love when Mauler asks people why they have no problems with certain choices in the movies and they absolutely cannot explain why they have no issue with what happens.
It's because the marketing for these films convinced a lot of people that anyone who disliked them did so because of political agendas. They used the EA defence to great effect for all three of these films.
interviewer: how does it feel to be part of the most anticipated movie of the year
*uncomfortable silence realizing this man doesnt know whats about to go down*
Sméagol: They cursed us, and drove us away. And we wept, Precious, we wept to be so alone. And we only wish to catch fish so juicy sweet. And we forgot the taste of bread... the sound of trees... the softness of the wind. We even forgot our own name. My Precious.
*The Star Wars Original Trilogy:* When you have a vision, but barely the resources and leeway to bring it to life.
*The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy:* When you have a vision, but too much leeway and resources to do what you want.
*The Sequel Star Wars Trilogy:* When you have no vision, no plan, but unlimited resources, and decide to play mad libs with it.
Gooood comment
Also applicable:
The Original Trilogy: When talented artists can collaborate
The Prequel Trilogy: When talented artists cannot collaborate
The Sequel Trilogy: ....don't know
Perfect assessment.
@@jackgrimshaw5030 Sequel: When (mostly) untalented artists collaborate
"Who would have hired an elderly man & his dog to capture enormous man eating meatballs".... instant classic in my opinion.
It took me a moment but I got it!!
@@MikePado I don't get it.
Well, experience says i would. Dont get me wrong. It is a superficial point that i agree with. . Mauler destroyed this movie with fast attacks and strong attacks. Parry. Block. Dodge. All have a place.
Sound alike Finn and Jake: The Elder Years.
Funny how Mauler used "Fly" from Breaking Bad as an example of a bottle episode, as it was actually directed by our old friend Rian Johnson.
Did he write it though?
"If you're a famous smuggler, you're not doing it right."
Such a fantastic line, used so perfectly in this critique
@@C1umsyJester llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Davos Chadsworth
Rag should've consulted the spiders before giving his "august 2020" deadline, for it was objectively wrong. IGN 10/10 didn't get bored
I know, I wasn't expecting this.
I’ve already watched it three times.
@@zarlei6048 were you bored though?
Consulting the spiders lmao
Rag is objectively the worst EFAP. In my opinion.
I'm just utterly baffled by the sheer lack of world building and universe. It's like a teenager wrote it. "Who cares about politics or factions or things, those are boring, let's just have our characters shoot the bad guys and blow stuff up"
The fact they reduced the New Galactic Republic into ash with a single shot is just mind numbing to me. I can't get past that. I simply can't rectify that with what I know about Star Wars. It won't fit. It's not a nitpick, it's a blindingly glaring issue. It was legitimately frustrating to not know the state of the galaxy and to never be given answers.
Seriously, who controls a planet like Tatooine now? Who controls Coruscant and governs the galaxy? What became of a planet like Naboo, or Endor? There's no answers that could be given or inferred from the movies now.
In the prequels, the Republic was subverted from within, after facing and defeating a corporate backed seperatist movement (whose goals were to create a plutocracy and break from the republic and its bureaucratic red tape and regulations), and it stands to reason every world the Republic controlled, which was nearly all of them, now found itself under the thumb of the Empire. That tyranny leads an organized force of rebels to form from various star systems under the banner of the Rebel Alliance. At the end of the OT, the Empire was dethroned and destroyed, leaving the implication that the Rebel Alliance would form a provisional government and restore their own republic in the Empire's place. In the new trilogy there's this idea that that never took place, or at least not effectively, and the New Republic gets destroyed by the First Order which then gets destroyed by the Resistance, which just exists for some reason, and now the galaxy has no government? You'd think the Resistance would form a provisional government, but they obviously failed before. So what now?
And that's one of the building blocks by which this whole trilogy sinks: NO WORLD BUILDING. Nothing is explained why things are the way they are, they just simply are. EVERYTHING showing that progression happens in books, comics, and guide books/visual dictionaries.
I'm not saying I want a paragraph-long of exposition but a few small thowaway lines of dialogue would help tremendously with getting people invested because as it stands we have no way to anchor ourselves in this struggle because we have no clue what the hell is happening or HAS happened in the 30 years prior.
TFA really went out to replicate the original Star Wars down to the lack of lore that existed then but the thing with the original Star Wars and why it worked there but not here is the fact of it's simplistic premise. There is an empire, our heroes are fighting against oppression and are trying to deliver plans to allow a chance for victory against overwhelming odds. Classic underdog story. HERE though? There's been 40 years of lore and continuity built up and that HAS to be addressed because where we last chronologically saw our heroes they were victorious and were going on to reestablish the Republic and the Jedi so what happened? I know WHY they did it because "PREQUELS BAD" but the fact of the matter is, if we the audience have no frame of reference then there's nothing for us to get invested in. It's just stuff happening.
No major government ever controlled Tatooine. It's always been an outlier planet, which is why crime lords like Jabba and lesser criminal scum could set up shop there. "The Republic doesn't exist out here; we must survive on our own."
... A nitpick that still supports your point, since there's nothing even that small to establish scope and stakes in the sequels.
The OT ended with at least the implication that the Republic would be restored and Yoda explicitly told Luke to remake the Jedi. The ST has no such ideas, at all. Maybe Rey will restart the Jedi...again...but maybe not. We don't know what she's thinking. And unlike having political characters like Leia and Mon Motha around, the PT doesn't having anyone that seems like they'd be good at running a govt...Perhaps the galaxy will decide that "big govt" simply doesn't work, and it will balkanize? That would finally be something different, and maybe a justification for doing all this in the first place. Not that we're likely to see any of it anytime soon...
@@Webshooters1 Honestly, yeah there probably is the backstory filled in by a bunch of third party writers, that's always happened with Star Wars. Still, at least the Prequel Trilogy and the Clone Wars give enough for one to be interested in investigating more. The main complaint people even had with the prequels is that pretty much all of the effort went into the world building and the characters suffered horribly because of it. The issue is with the acting and writing of the main plot itself, not with the world, for the most part (there were complaints about details here and there, midichlorians and lightsabers blocking force lightning come to mind, as well as clone trooper logistics, but the world itself made some amount of sense)
In the Sequels there's just nothing. It went back to being focused on the characters but the characters suck and are just absolutely confusing, self contradictory messes. The world just isn't realistically functioning according to logic on its own accord. The entire faction that the heroes work for has no logical reason to exist. The third party writers basically have to come up with everything from scratch, and bend the reality of the universe itself to try and attempt to explain the essential plot of the story. The prequels tried to do their own thing and mostly failed at it, but the sequels are just a shameless rip on the original trilogy and it makes no sense.
I am terrified if they pull this same amount of nonsense about the Old Republic era and call it canon. That would just be awful.
@@Flight_of_Icarus Well, we can agree to disagree about the prequels. I think they're good movies for the most part. The plot works but I guess to some the execution of it was lacking apart from Revenge Of The Sith. But yeah, the prequels did alot of world and lore building that at least got us interested in exploring this pre-Empire era and the Jedi at the peak of their power. In the Disney Trilogy there's just nothing and the laws of the universe appear to change with each movie and that's not even getting into Kylo Ren's motivations and how it's as Mauler put it: "The equivalent of tangled up Christmas tree light drenched in yogurt and acid."
It's just a fact everyone in those movies were done dirty. Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Issac, etc. They're just given NOTHING to work with but Finn I feel got the rawest deal of all. In the EU they tackled the idea of a defecting Stormtrooper and it has good story potential like Finn could be hesitant to shoot them because they're brainwashed preferring to help break their programming as he did and rescue as many as possible. Just an idea.
Much like Rian in TLJ, the writers wanted to have Rebels Vs Empire again but the groundwork didn't allow for it since that's not where we left our heroes at the end of ROTJ so they decided to sacrifice the rich story potential of even just using the skeletal framework of the EU in favor of something that's not new and we've seen before and was done better in the OT.
If what Doomcock says is true then the Old Republic will be safe for now. Their so-called "High Republic" series is already DOA and I think Disney's money people are starting to take note of just how thoroughly KK has shat the bed and turning a literal license to print money into a black hole where money goes in and never comes out.
"If you're a famous smuggler, you're not doin' it ryte."
He's definitely not wrong.
*sees MauLer’s newest video*
*slams laptop closed*
*opens laptop again*
Quick, play Batwamen's theme!
*I'mma wamaaaaaannnn...*
@@amanibob1416 Dun dun dun dun dundundundundun
@@VerilyViscous Bwa bwa bwaaa, bwa bwa bWAAA, bwa bwa BWAAAAA-BWAAAAAAAAAA
I love his fandom more than anyone else I watch on UA-cam.
*“Why bother putting a Janitor in combat”*
Hey man, don’t give the Government ideas.
There are no janitors in a military. Yiu gotta keep your grunts occupied with swabbing toilets, otherwise they might grow bored, and thats dangerous.
What's funny is I'm a janitor on the civilian side and am in the military. That part hurt lmao.
Why not give citizenship to millions of illegals so we can send them to war against china.
@@cmreel Skeletor: WAT?
To be fair In real life every Marine and Soldier is a janitor. We didn't have people cleaning up for us when I was in.
Personally, as someone who is naturally good at everything, has never failed at anything that was actually important, and has never let any of my friends down, I connected deeply to Rey. I really related to someone who is also basically flawless, and therefore, also has no goals and nothing to strive for....
But all joking aside, your critiques have become the only positive aspect of my experiences viewing these new Star Wars films. Thanks for the thoughtful content!
Sean G’Dovič as someone who always seems to makes mistakes in absolutely everything, including things I am good at, it is nice to see someone who is so effortlessly good at everything, can pick up complicated skills the first time of doing something, and has a winning personality where everyone likes her. She is so inspiring to someone like me.
Does anyone know where the statue of her appears, so I can go worship it?
Steve S you would like rose
Your experiences resonate with me. Incidentally, my own experiences as a round, pale, annoying little shit who pisses what feel like casino chips were also well represented in these movies.
As a worthless case study in fetal alcohol syndrome, I relate to Rian Johnson's handling of the script.
@@magamexican6302 He handled it? I always had the impression he farted it.
I remember driving all my friends to see this on opening day. We were all super excited and in great spirits. Then about halfway to the theater I turned to them and said "What if there is a super death star". They all said that would be ridiculous...when starkiller was introduced they all just stared at me
I thought so well then
Unironically being more excited for this video than TRoS... wow what has the world come to.
That's where we're at folks
Yup. Living in a world where I'm excited to hate the things I love.
so true
plus, this is actually worth the money i give in ad revenue
Literally 😂
It's not the world, it's your preference to hear negative criticism over positive criticism.
1:10:27 if you turn on captions you see he mistyped "Leia" with "layer" therefore this whole nearly 4 hours argument is invalid
0/10 would never watch it again
Oh, GOD, you're a life saver. I'm subbed to too many channels and need to clean it up a little. That's all the excuse I need.
How could he I loved his channel so much 😭😭😭
Clearly... 😏😏
Thats why it wasn't a 5 hour video 🤔🤔
Never mind that I don't think he's actually tasked with typing in all the CC content, I still have to unsub from the guy. I mean, if some hearing-impaired person is watching and runs into "layer" instead of "Leia"...why, they're going to be completely baffled!! They're going to be sputtering and gasping and they'll never catch up.
It's literally murder!!!
This channel was the chosen one. They were supossed to point out mistakes not to make them.
Well at least they like the growth opportunity when their mistakes are pointed out.
Rey can't walk through town without someone trying to rob her. The town is full of thieves and criminals. Yet the Millenium Falcon has been parked there for 20 years unlocked, door open, tank full of gas, and they keys in the ignotion. Nobody stole it. The second it left the planets atmosphere Han picked it up with his tracker, so we know it hasn't been flying for decades or his tracker would have picked it up earlier. All Rey had to do was get in and take off, so we know it was ready to go. Yet nobody stole it. A city full of thieves, a dealer buying scavenged parts, so there had to be multiple people who scavenged parts from ships way out in the desert to sell to him for a few dollars so they could buy food, drink, drugs, or whatever, yet their is a fully functional ship ready to go parked there 20 years and nobody took it. If the part dealer owned it, this would explain it not being stripped and sitting on concrete blocks, but it seems like the parts dealer would have either used it or sold it after 20 years. Also if someone else wanted to steal it, there isn't much the parts dealer could do. He didn't stop Rey when she stole it. Any one of these beggers or thieves could have taken it, flew to another planet, sold it, and retired or at least been drunk or high for a couple years.
They should have had Han say "I installed a tracking program (Like find your phone app) in the Falcon's computer decades ago. As soon as you took off in the Millenium Falcon, it sent a signal to my tracker." Not that he was scanning for it. Was he scanning the entire galaxy? Or did he just happen to be in the same system where the Falcon was when it took off.
@@BrettonFerguson they should have just had her trying to steal the falcon that was still owned by Han.
He could have been there buying parts and sees the first order running around looking for someone (we know its Finn and Rey) Han and Chewie however think they're there for them.
So back to Rey being on the falcon, we could have them running for the ship that's destroyed, she then jumps into the falcon and they rush to the cockpit only to see Han and Chewie already going through lift off procedures.
They give a oh shit, back up get off moment, only to rush to the exit to find it shutting. They now have to stowaway under the floor.
Meanwhile Han and Chewie see first order troops rushing towards the falcons and still believing they're the target blast off under a barrage of fire.
In the air we get the two tie fighters give chase, they're relaying info about the falcon while giving chase.
We now get the chase that Finn and Rey did but with Han and Chewie.
This would be our reintroduction of the classic characters doing what they do best.
They escape of course and discover Finn and Rey under the floor and boom we're back on track without the bloody nonsense we had to endure.
*JJ Abrams doesn't fucking think about the implications.*
Thats actually a great freaking point.
@@garethbattersby 👏🏾👏🏾
JJ Abams is a master at completely misunderstanding the IP and the characters he's working with, normalizing everything into flashy, normie blockbuster. Squishing what made it unique and amplifying its boring trope. The perfect man for Hollywood, dare I say!
Mystery boxes and flashing lights.
And basing an entire character' developments off a quick Wikipedia search or what he misremembered from assumptions.
"Kirk is a loose Canon rule breaker who bangs aliens, right? That's all he'll be, then."
That makes sense exactly what are we going to do then
Bloody cool stuff man
On the subject of throwaway lines, if I may point out one classic example: "I used to nail wamprats back home, they're not much bigger than 3 meters." In one simple line we establish Luke has experience flying and shooting in a low-flying small craft, and is capable of hitting small targets reliably. Quick, elegant, and believable given what we know already. By this point we've seen him shooting and established that he's at least good enough at being in a gunner's seat, we know he likes piloting and works on ships for fun given that all the way back at the start of the movie he was planning on shopping for parts, we know he has friends who are pilots and thus we can assume they did these things together, and given his country bumpkin background it's easy to believe that using wild rodents as target practice is the sort of thing a young guy like him would be doing in his spare time. Just one little line connects everything together than we have already picked up on, setting it into our minds that he is going to blow up the Death Star not just because he's the hero, but because he's qualified for this kind of task. He didn't magically manifest these skills when the script demanded it, he always had them and just never mentioned them until now when it would be relevant, but it doesn't feel out of place when he does.
From a writing perspective, I always hold up that line as the sort of thing modern Star Wars fails to do with Rey. If she had said something like "I've scrapped enough Corellian YT's to know what I'm doing," then we could make the logical connection as to how she knows so much about the Millennium Falcon.
Eh, the fact she knows her way around machinedy is pretty.much self evident from her background. I dont think it requires explanation.
Its her miraculous marcsmanship, piloting an sword(?!) skills that require explanation. Or rather, they shouldnt be there.
You have Poe and Finn to be the hotshot ace and no nonsemse grunt, you dont need to give these qualities to rey too, you have the aspects covered when your story demands them.
And her aptitude with the force and a lightsaber are rather baffling to say the least.
The first time we see luke attempting to use aither is in the second movie, after training from yoda and he fails miserably. In fact he would have died if not for the other half of the cast.
But jj cant write worth shit, so we get this instead.
If I could add to Rey's line there:
Have her flabbergasted when she reaches the cockpit -- something like "Ah. That's... That's a lot of upgrades."
The Millenium Falcon has been so heavily modified under Han Solo that I doubt that there is not a single bolt that wasn't replaced to improve its performance or intentionally left to keep its disguise as a hunk of junk. This way it keeps the mistique of the Falcon and reinforce the idea that she somewhat knows what she's doing, seeing anything Han added as "upgrades" and not just a modification.
@@patrickfrost9405 That would in fact have been a brilliant line.
And it was a kinda hail mary moment too. Luke himself was holding his breath.
@@toddmerlon5846 Did you read the original comment? Luke was a pilot. He piloted ships with his friends and worked on them. He shot tiny rats in a canyon with his ship. Given that his friends were also pilots, they probably competed with each other and worked to one-up each other. Certainly flying in open space is different than flying in atmosphere, but he has, at the very least, a foundation for his skills. It would be like moving from driving a car on the backroads to driving a car on the highway, something that thousands of teenagers do every day.
This is a bit of a stretch, but it is far less of a stretch than Rey magically knowing how to shoot a gun with pinpoint accuracy after only touching the blaster a few times. It is far less of a stretch than Rey piloting the Falcon, which is supposed to have 2 pilots, expertly and by herself. Luke is a teen driver who moved to driving on the highway, Rey is someone who just learned that cars exist and is now a NASCAR driver.
Releasing part 3 two years after part 2:
He's a man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will
Like Markiplier releasing Happy Wheels part 2 6 years later (although Mark did lots of highlights in between)
One year*
He's been distracted keeping Rags relevent
Has it really been that long?
@@OneTrueVikingbard Mark? No, it hasn't been that long since he's done highlights. He recently released part 2 of his Let's Play, part 1 was one of his first videos
I am highly confident that EVERY time J.J. Abrams says, “we had a whole backstory for...”, he is 100% lying.
I get that vibe with everyone during the interview clips. I figured there was some embellishment during interview for films but it was very apparent here that the actors had to really reach to make things sound convincing.
*Sometimes I wonder if he actually believes that. I just don't understand what goes on in his head.*
I'm beginning to think J J Abrams might not even be his real name.
@@PaceBreaker The vibe I get is that everybody is on the verge of a nervous breakdown trying to make good on a $4 billion investment.
As soon as people on social media complained there weren't enough women in the table read, they hurriedly stuffed Captain Phasma into some reshoots on Starkiller Base and Disney PR forced Christie to waffle about what a confident and powerful woman her one-scene, masked cameo was. That's how desperate they were to make everybody like this movie. The greasy fingerprints of studio interference are smeared all over this film, pushing all involved to both maximize nostalgia and be as forward-thinking as possible so it doesn't bomb and make the shareholders shit themselves.
Though Abrams deserves some blame, he already proved he can do serialized storytelling 20 years ago, on Alias. And then Disney, the parent company of ABC, started to give him "notes", telling him to do away with the unique structure of the first season and slashing the episode count of the final season whilst telling him he couldn't mention the *main*mytharc* because it would be too confusing for new viewers. In the FINAL SEASON.
There's a definite bitterness to the way Abrams describes how "we" cut the story of Luke's hand making its way across the galaxy. I'm willing to bet money that was a "note" from the studio.
he uses the word ''backstory'' as an euphemism for hardcore anal. now you can see him talk and make sense of it. you are welcome
han was just stabbed with a light saber and fell down a bottomless pit which means he alive no body who falls down a bottomless pit actually dies they just go away until the plot needs them again
Came here expecting 4 hours of brutal sarcastic putdown, left with a greater understanding of intelligent storytelling and what makes a movie a good movie.
Great video!
I've watched this video a few times and when Mauler gets to the part where he notes how Finn was handled versus how we could've gotten the incredibly competent and hard bitten former soldier who finds his humanity and becomes a Jedi just makes me angry how viewers were robbed of amazing storytelling.
Haven't got there yet, but in the previous video, MauLer covered his escape with Poe and how he effortlessly kills other stormtroopers. It made me realize, how interesting would it have been if they escaped without killing anyone, got along well like they do in the film but then they get tracked on Jakku and Poe nonchalantly kills the troopers following them to Finn's dismay? Then Finn would look at this guy he likes and reasonably fear for his life since Poe just killed some people who he worked with.
The more I think about it, the more it makes me angry that they did NOTHING with this premise.
Nope. Finn was to much under Mary Sue yoke to make any meaningful character. People do not understand about Mary Sue is she needs lackeys to clap even she farts, hence Poo and Finn.
Y'know, there's so much DNA of that idea at play in this movie that I really have to wonder if that wasn't the original idea in some draft of the script at the very start of preproduction, but the more Kathleen Kennedy got involved, the more prevalent Rey became and the more of a Mary Sue she became as a result. That's sort of a longshot theory, I know, but like, Rey becomes such a big pillar of this movie despite having ABSOLUTELY NOTHING going on in the character department that I really have to wonder what the ORIGINAL idea behind this film was before Disney started sticking its fingers in the pie.
@@sivad1025 imagine if Finn managed to convince the Rebellion to spare Stormtroopers, in turn making them realize that the First Order doesn't have their best interest at heart and eventually turning on them, joining the Rebellion for the final battle instead of randos from across the galaxy.
@@highdefinition450 Oh wow, that's a great idea. Then you could also introduce some stormtroopers who refuse to defect and you have a conflict over whether or not assimilation was the right decision
4 hours for only part 3? Long man delivers!
Maybe you should take a crack at these sort of things, Sargon.
@@JamesiaInc kinda has.
@Diabetic_T-Rex Is this a joke I have not understood? He is from Swindon.
@@horseradishpower9947 because of the 3 legged flag they have, it came up in efap and broke maulers funny fuse, and thus became memes
If you say this like the Sean Connery impression from SNL Jeopardy, it works perfectly.
The "I will finish what you started" line would have been good setup for Ben being a double agent. It would also explain his "pull to the light" and that he uses the helmet as a conduit to commune with Anakin's spirit.
If they absolutely had to have Luke in exile the only way it could really make sense in my mind would be to have him forced into exile after it was revealed that Darth Vader was his father, or have him in "exile" as a means of faking his death and maintaining Ben's cover as a double agent.
This is similar to what I was thinking: Have Anakin show up repeatedly as a force ghost to Ren because he sees the light in him (like Luke did for Anakin) and he doesn't want him to follow his path. That way we could finish Hayden Christenson's redemption arc, as well as add to Vader's. Then, in Episode VIII, the reveal could be that REN betrayed LUKE with his knights of Ren but couldn't bring himself to kill his uncle, but slaughtered the other Jedi nonetheless. Thus, he forces Luke to retreat into hiding to try to covertly rebuild the Jedi without alerting the Empire (cough) First Order. And seeing how everything in these movies seems to take place in a couple of weeks, it'd make sense that Luke hadn't made any progress yet when Rey finds him. He could be nervous about training her because he (like us) can't seem to get an accurate read on her motivations but will of course want to teach her how to control her power before she does anything dangerous (like accidentally blowing up a ship with a series favorite on it).
I should probably stop before I rewrite both of these movies lol.
Sam Witwer, in a mere few moments, completely dealt a death blow to the mischaracterization of Luke and expressed why OT fans felt so betrayed by it.
He IS the real Starkiller.
But I also enjoy several hours long critiques on why these films aren't good movies. Grade A work, Mauler 'ol boy.
Honestly, finn going through training only to be assigned janitorial duties is - from military experience - the most realistic thing in the entire sequel trilogy.
Not very realistic when said space janitor starts to wipe the floor with assault squad members of First Order.
The famed Austrian botanist himself!
Not that it helps
Morty Diamond I was part of an AT fire squad and took part of missions, mopped the floors as well. Everyone does everything in the infantry. If your gunner gets shot you aren’t going to cancel the battle because you don’t have training to use the gun.
@@zarlei6048 Combat off duties is one thing, but writer explicitly point out (by said character) that his specialty is sanitation. What leads me to closest thing on Earth - "UNIT FIELD SANITATION TEAM DUTIES. Role in military: is to aid the unit commander inprotecting the health of the command. This is accomplished by advising and assisting the commander in themany duties essential to reducing DNBI. By providing instruction and supervision, and assisting, inspecting, and reporting, the FST ensures that appropriate field sanitation facilities are established and maintained; thateffective sanitary and control measures are applied; and that effective PMM are practiced." And I don't see special training, diversion or recon, any sort of assault role in military ranks. What makes think, that director or writer made stupid joke in sake of doing it without reason for cheap laughts from degenerates who will find it funny. Disney - we avoid logic, reason or good writing like a plague for almost 20 years.
It’s so baffling how this dude managed to make a review this long and have it be the third part. How much did he write??? How long did this take to edit? Damn bro... dedication. You have my respect.
The Long Man does not sleep. He only critiques.
Part 3 of 6
@Nonya Biizwacs I've been a viewer since his first Last Jedi videos, just never seen him critique anything as much as the force awakens.
Takes him forever as he spends all day living-streaming complaining about other people's videos, then starts fights with certain people on twitter.
It took so long, Tool put out an album between the previous video and this one.
Got this on autoplay while I was sleeping and it woke me up during a nightmare after I focused on it. Thanks bro 🙏
Rey: You’re Han Solo!
Han: Part time.
zizoumonk10 underrated comment
Fin, soldier of the First Order, which is basically new Empire, talks about Han Solo, who destroyed the Empire, as about hero of the war?! And Rey, who looks to Han as to icon, corrects him "no, he is smuggler"?!
Chewbacca: I don't know wtf is going on...
Thomas Adamson it works on so many levels
1:42 Davos: _"If you're a famous smuggler, then you're not doing it right."_
I always thought of solo as the bandit from Smokey and the Bandit. Coded the n that makes chewy the run-away Bride
Dragonage2ftw aNd&🥴
@@Dragonage2ftw I think the point of posting it was to bring awareness of how awesome that line is in conjunction with this video /shrug
@@cocharles563 I think Chewy would be Snowman. He's just in the background driving the big rig. In my analogy Luke would be the Coors (precious cargo), I guess.
The Man of Length has blessed us this day... FOR NOUGH REASON.
He's finally done having sex with Rags. Since they're both gay. FOR NO REASON.
TheSlammurai nough it’s spelt nough
@@Oi-fo1wt nouh
Mauler left Rags's to rot in Mordor
@@TheSlammurai I think I will be able to provide you the details for your reference in a couple more tests as well in current status for the house anyway as they are shite and I have been unable and unable and I have not been paid for the lockdown Halloumi and my my I have son who is in the office today for my medical insurance and my wife will not have any of the following items as I have a genuine query to help out as they are a very large number of her friends with they all over their house a lot in whom she will have to stay at home for the day but she is very busy at work and she is away from home until after Easter and will be back next Tuesday night for a few days so hopefully will get get the rest in a couple of weeks for her if she's OK though so if we could arrange for the house to stay for the night and then come down and pick up your dog from work then just come down with a few favourite people from here in a row though so we can have a nice lunch with your family and friends for a pint in the evening and evening for lunch or something else in the morning or evening Sunday afternoon or Thursday evening if you want me to pop round else or something like a coffee or coffee evening lunch at the moment and aim at a bit more of a shit year lunch time or old time off then please don't forget your birthday wishes on your Sunday evening or evening when you want the money in the morning and the money is available at your convenience so that we could have the money to focus the night at your convenience to make your trip back home for your message and then slander the day off the weekend before we lunch out at your hotel for the night as we will probably be going down a lot and we have some free time in a few days and I hope that you will be OK for the rest of the day as well as well just a few weeds and you will have a nice sunny weather too but I on Thursday for the lockdown food day so no worries about the snow at home by her home next week's time to come home with the girls and her baby and her baby wife who is the best thoughts ever for the night though and she will be at home and a family home now so I'll have her on the bus at the end of the month and then I'll come back to her with the other day but no worries at home now and the rest of the week and the rest are OK now so I'll probably come tomorrow morning and I'll pop round for the lockdown Hthe way off then as I will be back from the evening of the morning and will be back in the morning anof the evening of the season bragjob and the rest of us will be back from Sunday night and Sunday night at a pub in the evening and a few beers in the evening and a few ging is there for the rest are a few days away from the airport and the flight is just for an airline to be with the fliin advance in the morning and we will be able to cos we will be able to provide a taxi service to your hotel for a day and two weeks of notice of the flight and we will gflying and bable to visit our family 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I was watching the part of this video where he discusses Rey having immediately recognized Han as a Smuggler but not as a rebellion General and it appears to me that the entire issue presented could be solved and the scene would work significantly better if instead of the dialogue used, it were replaced with Finn saying "Han Solo, the rebellion general?", and Rey responding "He was a smuggler first you know.". This would not only make sure they DOES know who he actually was aside from her one character trait, but also that she most likely knows MORE about him than he does, knowing the parts of his past he wasn't famous for but that relate to her own life. Fixes a story issue while connecting them together AND gives you insight into where her head is at.
That requires more effort than stringing together scenes that are a combination of "Wouldn't it be cool if--?!" and "Does this mimic the original trilogy to get nostalgia feels?!"
"Hux and Holdo are not Homer Simpson. I'm glad we had this conversation."
Perfectly delivered by your default, deadpan voice.
"and Rey opens her mouth far wider than usual"
Ok, E;R.
"Does it hurt?"
"I will finish what you started"
*flushes toilet*
Wait. Don't flush it yet
"We need the turd for the dyad!"
Bilbo Schmellinn
nooooooo, it went to the poop dimension
@@amanibob1416 call amber, we need more turds.
"Damn it, it just keeps bobbing up!"
Rey in the next stall: "HHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAARGH!"
'This was a throwaway line but shocking I have a lot to say about it.'
Lines like that is exactly why I enjoy watching your videos.
The fact that these movies treat Chewbacca like a prop is pretty disgusting, he's supposed to be a real person, Han's best friend and by the end of the trilogy, ALL his friends are dead. Poor guy.
yeah and that is not only that, Yoda knew and fought for them but di$ney did that and now they look like EMPIRE... oh.
I mean, he grieves them. Chewbacca was always a bit of a prop in the original trilogy to be honest. He was more Han Solo's faithful dog than a fully fleshed out character. For all its flaws I don't think the sequel trilogy's treatment of Chewbacca is up there at all.
@@mrboost4186 In the OT Chewbacca had his own opinions. He was loyal to Han, but he argued when he thought Han was wrong. He acted on his own initiative . He wasn't a full character( I would say more Han's sidekick than " faithful dog"). The Sequels , following The Force Awakens, make Chewie into Rey's driver and yes man, having no opinion, ideas, or initiative of his own.
But... he got a hug and a medal, so it's all good now, right??
*JJ Abrams thinks he's a fan of true Star Wars but he had Leia and Chewbacca ignore and not hug each other. He never saw Chewbacca as a character.*
I love how even a critique of the Force Awakens turns into a demolishing of the Last Jedi. That movie fucked up so much of the trilogy's writing.
It adds helpful content.
Yep, just looking at the length of the video you know that it won't be able to fill the time without going off-topic or repeating its points over and over again.
Because TFA is the original sin and TLJ just adding fuel to the fire.
TLJ is not great but when TFA was received well, well, sheeps.
@@mrboost4186 providing multiple examples and pulling at threads is not repitition or going off topic. Although I look forward to your critique of this critique.
@@gmonkman This is supposedly a critique of The Force Awakens yet he is criticizing The Last Jedi for substantial amounts of this video. Talking about a different film is as off-topic as you can get.
This whole video is a drawn-out waffle designed to preach to the converted.
In a way, this isn't just a discussion about the flaws of the Force Awakens exclusively. It is also a discussion about the declining quality of the mainline Star Wars franchise as a whole.
*mainline hollywood
Yeah because most of the spin off that came from disney stat wars were pretty good
@@Fan-do8xy Only Rogue One.
Or just storytelling as a whole in Hollywood. The gatekeeping has stifled creativity. Because of old white people who will only greenlight projects that they can see themselves in they can't get new shit
and the downfall of western culture at that.
I love watching your essays, I've been writing for a long time but haven't wanted to put anything out in so long until I found your channel. You've relit the fire in my heart to create for a more scrupulous audience. I had been worried for years we had entered into an artistic era of surface level content.
Finding your channel led me down a rabbit hole of youtube essayists, leading me to realize that I can still find the audiences I'm seeking. So thank you, Mauler. I hope your success continues.
"The horny elderly orange Hobbit"
Mauler, why must you say such things while i'm drinking!
At least she's not a gay Hobbit. For no reason.
fOr NoAu RaIsEn!
I didn't even know that she sniffed on Chewie's fur. D:
@@TheSlammurai Did you just assumed its gender?
From my point of view it is you who should not be drinking while he says such things!
Rey is super powerful,
Finn is really clumsy,
Han is inconsistent,
Maz is confusing,
Poe is alive,
Kylo kidnaps Rey,
and Luke is missing...
Rey is flat. Poorly casted and written.
God, I got flashbacks to that damn video. That was agony.
"And I've got blue hair!"
@Winston Smith Nough!
@Lol Umadbro The "Lord of the Ring s is bad" video. The commentary is great! The video being analysed is the worst kind of ignorant trash. It's where "For No Reason!" is coming from.
Mauler's Han Solo impression sounds like he's drunk and half asleep, meaning that he basically nailed Harrison Ford's effort in TFA.
Dude couldn't even bother to shave in Rise of Skywalker. Fucking legend.
This is really late but I'm genuinely glad you called out Cosmonaut Variety. I used to be a big fan but he really is so inconsistent with his reviews it's insane
I am honestly impressed with the length of this
That’s what she said.
Thats what she said
I disagree, too short
That’s whats she said
Size does matter.
Movie: "makes a throw away line"
MauLer: "Let me talk 2 hours about it"
He talked about the line for longer than the line itself was. So its subjectively objective. In my opinion, any way.
Not long enough
@@TheSlammurai but long rhino man bad
Hearing Sam Witwer, being as confused and annoyed as the rest of us, gave me strength.
He and Henry Cavill are pretty great
It hurt me
I was mad about it too but didn’t want to think or even acknowledge how they messed up some thing I loved so much they pretty much killed Star Wars. I find it easier to pretend that most of the new Star Wars movie don’t even exist
2:49:58 is one of the best and most well put points I’ve ever heard for the defense of rational and objective thought in writing. MauLer, you are brilliant. Thank you.
It makes me legitimately angry how JJ can talk about all these high-minded, cinematically impressive concepts and techniques, and then seemingly goes out of his way to ignore all of those concepts in an effort to actively destroy every film franchise he touches. Abrams is quite literally a blight on the film making landscape.
I think he's a very talented visual filmmaker. But he's not a writer. Every time someone lets him write a movie it falls to pieces. It's not his area of expertise and he needs to learn that.
But I don't think that makes him a blight. He's just been poorly utilised lately.
If He was just a badly-used filmmaker than somebody would have taken away his pen by now; but somehow JarJar keep getting write the screeplays for movies.i personally blame how much a runaway success 'Lost' was; even though we all know by season three it was all falling apart and we were assembling with pitchforks to make Fuckface Abrams explain what the Hell was going on.
@@chesterstevens8870 he's constantly shoved into the writer's chair because he's a shill by nature. Because he's so obedient to the upper brass of whatever franchise he's working on he is constantly sent in to defile a show in ways that other writers would never dare to try.
And let's be honest, Into Darkness and RoS were the only films that even a producer could look at and go "that was a failure never to be replicated again". Because you gotta remember that the people hiring writers are not writers themselves. JJ draws in money and so he would keep being hired until he stops drawing in money. That's how the industry works.
If you want to point fingers, it's almost always in some way the producer's fault. Kathleen Kennedy deserves just as much hate for putting JJ back into the writer's spot as JJ does for agreeing to do something he clearly isn't capable of doing
I would argue the franchise was destroyed at the Battle of Endor... how many Ewoks died in that battle, like two? (by accident no less) impossible to take the empire seriously after that. The First Order and Snoke were just props for Kylo Ren's emo tantrums.
@@thomaspierce8029 if they had replaced the ewoks with wookies that would have been awesome. Would have possibly given chewie a nice subplot of leading the wookies in a revolt against the empire. My understanding is lucas wanted to sell toys hence the ewoks
It’s heart breaking to see Han Solo, Luke skywalker and Leia Organa as old, senile, defeated, bitter pessimists who seemed to forget all they went through and experienced.
This is the last memory we have of our old hero’s, this is how they’ll be remembered in recent history, and that hurts my soul.
It's only canon if you allow it to be. The "rules" were hijacked.
Leia isn't, though I agree about Luke and Han
Nah, we'll pretend it didn't happen.
@@leroyrodgers6089 it’s what I’ve been doing so far
@@undulycriticalobserver2510 Disney Star Wars is pure fanfiction for the OT. It is non-canon to the real story.
55:10 "They treat the story as law...and they are forced to justify nonsensical writing" This is an excellent point. Really well expressed, and it applies to so many other films and games where people refuse to acknowledge storytelling weaknesses. Great video overall too!
Exactly, but how many fighting styles does the story know in The Force Awakens?
@@SauloPMB not as many as jared
This is an urgent PSA.
Eight minutes of the critique have been removed. Evidence is present in the Wayback Machine, where the original comes out to a runtime of 3:52:44. The most egregious example is present at 2:42:00, where his speech on JJ's 'Science experiment' comments have been removed in their entirety.
The best few minutes of this video have been erased, and that is a crime against art.
Oh thank fuck i thought I was going crazy!! Why was it erased?
@@balthier1706 conspiracy theory part of my brain says youtube is splicing bits of it out, maybe for 'content breaches' or somebody asking to have them removed in order to destroy it for future viewings. I really have no idea, and it drives me nuts.
@@hugomungus7306, well, it looks like it's back, sooo... crisis averted.
The line about Hot Fuzz really hit home. That would've been a great character arc, seeing a competent and fully in-control, elite stormtrooper grow a conscience and trying to reconcile everything he's ever been taught with everything he knows is true and right.
Can we go to the alternate universe where they made that movie, instead of TFA?
You could read the Hand of Judgement or Republic Commando series for a similar story.
You can start by reading the leaked older script for Star Wars 9, which is actually pretty neat. And in that, our dear ex-trooper actually has flashes of PTSD from his training, drills, propaganda, being kidnapped, etc. And he is confronted with other troopers and comes to _talk_ to them about that shit. And his experience as a trained trooper comes to practical use.
Finn/ Nicolas Angel is a great combination I never knew I wanted until I see the similarities
Why couldn't they have taken a cue from the Expanded Universe but go their own way? Why not have the Solo children (adults in their own right), perhaps twins Jacen and Jaina, and Anakin or perhaps a Ben Solo. Perhaps Jaina can be a great jedi, Jacen can fall to the dark side, perhaps Ben is like his father. The Skywalker saga has become the Solo saga. Someone like Lilly Collins should have been cast as Jaina.
I am coming from that alternate universe. And let me tell you, that version of TFA was just awesome! The only problem is that three years later my world got nuked. So I came to this one. But still, sometimes I feel it had been better if I had stayed. Just for that movie. Needless to mention, you can’t bring stuff with you from alternate Universes. Only memories. Oh so sweet memories...
The nitpick that always bothered me was with Han and the bowcaster. You're right that it makes no sense that Han would have never even tried to use it in all of their many years spent together. I had always assumed that while it's a strong weapon, the recoil from using it (or something similar) made it such that it's really only useful in a wookie's hands, or someone equally sturdy. I figured it would have been better if Han had taken and fired it, and suffered some kind of negative blowback in doing so. Then he could have commented 'I don't know _how_ you handle this thing, Chewie'. There you go, you can have your scene of Han firing the bowcaster _without_ it making no sense given their history.
I'm recalling in distant memory that somewhere in either the EU or the games, it is mentioned that humans are literally not strong enough to even cock the bowcaster. But anyway, like Jar Jar even gives a crap about being true to source material.
@@awereal "humans are literally not strong enough to even cock the bowcaster." There, perfect! Good enough reason right there for them to not trade weapons casually.
@@awereal isn't the bowcaster used by Kyle Katarn in Dark Forces?
@@nickelakon5369 And in the rest of the Jedi Knight games, yes. I just took a look at wookieepedia on the bowcaster and they pretty much say the same thing, though they focus on the weight and recoil. So I guess an explanation cam be that Kyle used the force to assist with handling the weapon, and I think we only see alien enemies wielding it in the games.
I think it's a reasonable nitpick that Han should probably not have been able to use the weapon effectively, instead of the Hollywood-esque scene we got.
@@awereal kyle didn't know he was a jedi yet though.
Mauler feeding us 4 hours of completely edited high quality movie critique, and it's only 1/6 parts. That's some serious dedication to your trade
2:42:41 Mauler's rant right here, about modern screen writing and the slow decay of Hollywood blockbusters, was something that used to give me life. As a writer myself, I would regularly listen to this on repeat if I got stuck with a script or felt unworthy to keep going with a problem within the story.
Please for Don's sake tell me someone has a copy of it somewhere, or can provide a link to a clip.
I know he must have taken it down due to copyright from the Westworld soundtrack that he used but there must be a copy of it somewhere.
I need it!
EDIT: Nevermind, it's back! 😁
he mentioned in a comment he will try to post it on the second channel, probably will take a while
God, the fact that that Carrie and Luke scene was cut is a goddamn crime.
Expectations subverted
Good scenes cut, while absolute nonsense kept in. Rian Johnson failed on so many levels with his film. I don't care how good any of his other films are, I will never see him as anything more than a twisted, egotistical man-child.
@@aivb81588 An apt critque of the movie & film maker. A+
@@aivb81588 the rot of media spreads
Not really. It would be more of a crime to have a scene portraying Luke and Leia as something resembling their actual characters (not to mention real humans with feelings and motivations etc) in such a travesty of a movie/trilogy.
Holy shit, that cut scene of Luke mourning is unbelievably good. I hate this modern concept of everything being bigger, flashier, louder, when the reality is that just having a highly skilled actor sit down and silently emote for a few seconds can say so much more.
ADHD filmmaking.
Resulting in kids having No attention span whatsoever. Show them an older, slower and smarter film and they'll Just shout:
"It's boring! Get to the good bits!"
Because they won't watch anything that isn't mindless, non stop action.
ST: Deep Space 9 did this very well IMO. New trek is dogshit-ADHD too.
@@ruinenlust_ two words: Fuller and Kurtzman.
@@1000000man1 poppo
no country for old men, an amazing movie, barely flashy, just look at the coin flip scene no flashy fx no overdramatization everything is implied by good directing and good acting
Mauler talks 7 minutes and 21 seconds about few seconds of the movie
He explains how nostalgia can work and how it effects the audience going through examples so that anyone interested can understand it when they encounter it, to appreciate the effort some put into it or detest the lack of effort.
This is bad because he does this FOR NOUGH REASON
I didn’t understand your last sentence but I’ll gladly copy the first two paragraphs and use them, whilst adding how he emphasizes the importance of themes in the « efforts » being referred to, to silence the next mo... person who tells me that Mauler doesn’t care about themes.
Nathan Jora it’s from the last EFAP, the video they covered had a lot of the guy saying “for no reason!” when talking about the story and characters of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
@@nathanjora7627 MauLer CARES? Must be gay.
For clarity: It's a reference to the most recent EFAP. Guy they were criticizing said half of LotR happens 'For no reason', while 'Nough' is the onomatopoeic spelling of how Brits and Aussies say 'no'. Me saying MauLer must be gay for caring about something is because this same person they criticized kept implying that every character in LotR that showed any emotion, or cared for another character, was just gay. He particularly railed on Sam and Frodo's friendship for being gay. It was very weird and uncomfortable, and the whole panel was getting increasingly creeped out and defensive of gay people - I know, kinda weird coming from a bunch of homophobic alt-right nazis, huh?
@LeadFaun @Chase Moore @BigBroLittleSis1 @Spooplegeist
You people are such massives
Convergence of the memes. Perhaps the spiders foretold of this power....
You know, sometimes I come back just to hear Mauler break down all the reasons why Aragorn accepting Anduril is such a significant and meaningful moment in Lord of the Rings