New in 2007, I leveled a hunter in 9 months from 1 to 70. Just questing, I knew nothing about the game. But I liked the hunter with the pet, you were never alone. 😊
My favorite thing about Hunter is that it is one of the only classes that actually has a dynamic rotation of sorts. You have to weave in your abilities/movement in between your auto shots. Every time you get a new weapon that window changes. It gets even more interesting when you get aimed shot since it has a cast time and cooldown.
Priest has slow fall, mind soothe and mind control. Great healing best absorb in the game super early on, a rez and good damage at 40, and possibly the best efficient with spirit tap. The priest hate is unreal
Torn between warlock and mage. I mean, free mount at 40 is insanely good, but everytime I teleport/portal in classic I just feel like a god for not having to actually walk or wait hearthstone
Honestly, if you sell teleports(easy since its early in the server's life) and stacks of food, the cost of a 40 mount is fairly easy to come by. Mage(and arguably Hunter for different reasons) are one of the few classes where not having a free mount isn't actually a big deal. You can pretty easily farm too, but the food/drink and portals are nice because you can just sit in major cities, especially out of the way ones like Darnassus, and just sell the portals, or offer to sell stacks of meals for less than the vendor price in general chat as you level. I'm waiting for TBC to roll a mage(I want a Draenei mage) myself.
Nice list. Mine would be similar except if swap warrior and hunter. Warrior has natural weapon progression and every 10 levels they feel stronger and stronger. Sunder and overpower at 10/12, dual wield and cleave at 20, sweeping strikes at 30, ww axe/whirlwind/mortal strike all between 30 and 40. I usually dual wield at 20 and run that until I get ww axe, unless I get lucky with corpsemaker drop in RFK. So many fun things you can do with warrior, too. Heroic strike queuing makes leveling more engaging once you get dual wield. Tons of macros for stances and stance abilities. And one of my favorites, travelling quickly by charging a mob then intercept a mob shortly after allowing you to travel quicker before you get a mount.
My choice is probably warlock. I always overthink about class choices but this time I decided faster. :p I think its comfort class, not very popular but very usefull in groups, pretty ez to gear up, and have spells for every situation + pets.
First 60 Mages can make good raw gold to have buying power on early AH. Same can be said for rogues to some degree with pickpocketing, but mages are much more impressive. Hunter DM farms will get good fast when the closer to the median players reach 60, as will Enchanters, Blacksmiths, Alchemists, and Tailors with rare recipe luck. I leveled Warlock in ‘19 classic and spent my 100g mount money + more I got on the way to 60 on various investments, some of which failed but many others of which payed 4-500%. Don’t underestimate the free mount at 40
If you want to have expendable gold without having 6-9 cooldown based passive gold alts you have to level to 35 and invest into for their professions making some wise investments early and having a crafting profession can make you rich. I got very lucky in phase 4 of ‘19 classic and found a recipe: greater arcane elixir. Already was alchemy, so I trained it, turned every single dreamfoil I found into 1-3g per unit through AQ and Naxx. Went into tbc with 6k gold, which for a casual smallbrain like me was quite nice. I raided through AQ but never did Naxx, guild split up when P6 kicked in.
torn between going balance druid or warlock.... ive played boomie in classic for like 5 years and im tired of just handicapping myself so i can get a few laughs in SW when people see me with amazing gear. I love the druid and everything about it but i want to experience real power and theres too many mages so im thinking i play warlock
Warrior leveling was the most I ever tryharded leveling. I used a spreadsheet that compared the best DPS rotation to do on which type of mob (comparing rend - HS - Sunder and all other skills). Was it fun in a min/max sweaty way? Kinda. Would I recommend it? Absolutely not. Before level 30 you're by far the weakest leveling class in the game by a long shot as you have 0 utility, movement skills or anything useful at all. If you pull 2 enemies, you die pre-30. If you miss too many times, you either hamstring and run, but if you miss that, too, you once again: die, no way to recover. No heals, nothing. The only upside is no mana costs, which IS nice but man, leveling a Shaman after my warrior was SO fun compared to the warrior. Easy C tier for me for the first 30 levels. Then it becomes ok-ish, but still C-Tier and at 36 when you get whirlwind and at 40 when you get MS or BT it becomes *really* nice and a solid B tier. Still pure melee from the front is suffering thanks to parry, dodge, block and miss chance while leveling, but if you get whirlwind axe, 40-60 is quite fun and the struggle at first makes the comparison to the smoothness later VERY satisfying. I'd highly advise every person who's never played classic to steer clear from Warrior leveling unless they REALLY wanna be the BiS DPS or Tank class at endgame, REALLY love the class fantasy or enjoy a slow, but satisfying journey. Shaman on the other hand was the most fun I've had leveling in classic. Deleting mobs and drinking a bit made leveling as ele SO fun. Enhance is also dope, windfury is so damn satisfying altho no stormstrike prior to 40 makes it slow, too so I'd advise to go Ele. With some nature dmg spell pieces it goes from fun af to crazy strong burst, too and you're really neat in dungeons, providing tons of utility and offhealing :) Just my 2cents from 2019 classic. Gonna watch the rest now!
Thanks for sharing! I think I’ll go with Warrior this time. I’ve never tried it before, but the whole “getting strong after level 40” thing sounds really appealing. That slow grind with a big payoff is exactly what I’m looking for this time.
Warriors make great alts. Farming the materials for the Whirlwind Axe early and sending them to the warrior and then getting help to get the axe at around 30 feels great.
Hard disagree on pally. It can be fun if you tryhard. Very similar to hunter melee weaving, you have seal twisting, and then past 40 you can do some serious prot aoe grinding
This is all personal opinion in which Seal twisting is more annoying than fun, and like I mentioned Prot aoe is a lot of FUN but unfortunalty You have to wait for it a long time.
Obviously this is an opinion tier list with some valid points. Mage is a king. They are great. Shine at all times of every phase. extremely useful lots of gold. My god are they boring though. Warlock/mage are the only two classes I dont like. Had a 60 lock twice and 60 mage once. If I had to pick one, I’d go with warlock. Aoe farming is horrible. Great gold, but hate it. Mages are fun at first. Maybe one play through lots of fun. Get so old FOR ME. When I think of mage I think of useful, not fun. I agree with every other class choice though. Not a fan of warlock as S tier but I get. Mage should at least be B tier. You cast, aoe, and run. The only argument that wins with a mage is… well I like it because I like it, that’s my class. Can’t argue that. Anything else though…. Don’t have much to stand on.
You're so off about priests it's crazy. Pre 40, priest already uses a mixture of abilities in combat including: power word: shield, shadow word: pain, mind blast, holy fire, fear, etc. after 40, priest uses mainly spells in combat, with minimal wand usage compared to before. The mana issues you mentioned do not exist to the level that you imply. Not to mention in dungeons you can hybrid heal/DPS with how powerful the priest toolkit is. This is coming from someone who has leveled 3 priests in classic servers. To compare priest with paladin who literally just uses seals, judgement and autos is hilarious.
I don't get your logic. If you're saying hunters have loads of abilities they can use but end up only ss and aa, what's stopping you from playing mages as a frostbolt bot? 😂 And you cn use traps BEFORE the fight starts. Cc, taunt, debuff, multiple simul fights. Why do people shit on hunters just because their AA is high and you can cruise.. I don't get that. Just don't cruise. Perfect hunter play is sooo goddamn hard and extremely rewarding
Most are fun. Mage, Druid, and warlock are probably the most fun. Shaman and paladin are both awful with paladin being much worse. Even aoe farming is just torture
It depends on your gear, warlock if you go all blue shadow+ gear, at lvl 60 then you will out dps mages warriors and rogues in anything up to bwl, with either spec, you will shock your raid group in dps charts. I was the new lock in the guild, and became the most revered. Had top dps in raids in shadow+ blue gear. (Situationally switch to fire res) Other locks thought I was insane consistently out dpsing our top warrior and mage. I used to tank Ony, by threat production, and there were points when my MT would bitch at me for pulling his aggro so I had to cool it. I would play warlock again and again, leveling was fun, cool class quests. Free mount, demon/sacrifice great playstyles all around! Having access to pets that cc, tank, cast, buff, really make the class versatile when leveling pre 40 soul link Dps best candidates are warlock, warrior, rogue, mage.
Saying that a paladin is only autoattacking is a little misleading. First of all, most classes are very simple, for example mage is much more boring and simple than a paladin because all they do is cast frostbolt and are out of mana after every 2 fights. As pala you switch between seals, you cast judgement, you can heal, you have a very good stun and you have additional on-hit effects. You have something for every occasion, lots of armor, a dispell. As a warrior when you pull one additional mob you have to pray that you won't miss a hit and that your HP pool will be enough for the fight. My favourite though is still the hunter but pala is not as boring as many people think. To me personally mage is the most boring, even more so than the priest. (not counting aoe farms which paladins can also do by the way, sort of).
Booth are interesting. Also dwarf hunter destroys rogue xd hunters also have one of the highest dodge parry chance of any class which is great against melees
I love paladin, but it really does feel like a combination of priest and warrior, with none of the offensive abilities. If paladin had taunt, charge, or prayer of healing, it could have felt better to play. Paladin feels great when fighting undead, but everything else feels like a struggle.
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New in 2007, I leveled a hunter in 9 months from 1 to 70. Just questing, I knew nothing about the game. But I liked the hunter with the pet, you were never alone. 😊
My favorite thing about Hunter is that it is one of the only classes that actually has a dynamic rotation of sorts. You have to weave in your abilities/movement in between your auto shots. Every time you get a new weapon that window changes. It gets even more interesting when you get aimed shot since it has a cast time and cooldown.
Heroic strike cancelling for warriors to get more Auto attack damage.
Priest has slow fall, mind soothe and mind control. Great healing best absorb in the game super early on, a rez and good damage at 40, and possibly the best efficient with spirit tap. The priest hate is unreal
Torn between warlock and mage. I mean, free mount at 40 is insanely good, but everytime I teleport/portal in classic I just feel like a god for not having to actually walk or wait hearthstone
Honestly, if you sell teleports(easy since its early in the server's life) and stacks of food, the cost of a 40 mount is fairly easy to come by. Mage(and arguably Hunter for different reasons) are one of the few classes where not having a free mount isn't actually a big deal. You can pretty easily farm too, but the food/drink and portals are nice because you can just sit in major cities, especially out of the way ones like Darnassus, and just sell the portals, or offer to sell stacks of meals for less than the vendor price in general chat as you level.
I'm waiting for TBC to roll a mage(I want a Draenei mage) myself.
Nice list. Mine would be similar except if swap warrior and hunter. Warrior has natural weapon progression and every 10 levels they feel stronger and stronger. Sunder and overpower at 10/12, dual wield and cleave at 20, sweeping strikes at 30, ww axe/whirlwind/mortal strike all between 30 and 40.
I usually dual wield at 20 and run that until I get ww axe, unless I get lucky with corpsemaker drop in RFK. So many fun things you can do with warrior, too. Heroic strike queuing makes leveling more engaging once you get dual wield. Tons of macros for stances and stance abilities. And one of my favorites, travelling quickly by charging a mob then intercept a mob shortly after allowing you to travel quicker before you get a mount.
I am so disconnected from actual Blizz news this is the first I am hearing of classic fresh
haha, im a classic andy kinda so I would never miss such info xD
Wow cool dude thanks
My choice is probably warlock. I always overthink about class choices but this time I decided faster. :p I think its comfort class, not very popular but very usefull in groups, pretty ez to gear up, and have spells for every situation + pets.
Yeah this is going to my choice as well :D
The setup im thinking is
Warrior PVE realm (main), rogue PVP and druid hardcore
Priest might be boring, but it's one of the fastest levelers. So do not think it's "quite slow" even for a moment.
So many people seem to think it's slow. I take engineering, throw bombs and holy nova it's actually pretty decent aoe grinding
It’s a natural partner for mage aoe grinding in dungeons.
Priest are fast as hell , almost never rest as long as you keep a good wand
Lol u dont pick priest for fast leveling. U pick it for support, dots, shield etc.
@@tedrion6420 they are not that much faster then most other classes tbh. and u never pick priest because u wanna level up fast
First 60 Mages can make good raw gold to have buying power on early AH. Same can be said for rogues to some degree with pickpocketing, but mages are much more impressive. Hunter DM farms will get good fast when the closer to the median players reach 60, as will Enchanters, Blacksmiths, Alchemists, and Tailors with rare recipe luck. I leveled Warlock in ‘19 classic and spent my 100g mount money + more I got on the way to 60 on various investments, some of which failed but many others of which payed 4-500%. Don’t underestimate the free mount at 40
If you want to have expendable gold without having 6-9 cooldown based passive gold alts you have to level to 35 and invest into for their professions making some wise investments early and having a crafting profession can make you rich. I got very lucky in phase 4 of ‘19 classic and found a recipe: greater arcane elixir. Already was alchemy, so I trained it, turned every single dreamfoil I found into 1-3g per unit through AQ and Naxx. Went into tbc with 6k gold, which for a casual smallbrain like me was quite nice. I raided through AQ but never did Naxx, guild split up when P6 kicked in.
torn between going balance druid or warlock.... ive played boomie in classic for like 5 years and im tired of just handicapping myself so i can get a few laughs in SW when people see me with amazing gear. I love the druid and everything about it but i want to experience real power and theres too many mages so im thinking i play warlock
You will be pumping with a warlock in TBC.
Warrior leveling was the most I ever tryharded leveling. I used a spreadsheet that compared the best DPS rotation to do on which type of mob (comparing rend - HS - Sunder and all other skills). Was it fun in a min/max sweaty way? Kinda. Would I recommend it? Absolutely not. Before level 30 you're by far the weakest leveling class in the game by a long shot as you have 0 utility, movement skills or anything useful at all. If you pull 2 enemies, you die pre-30. If you miss too many times, you either hamstring and run, but if you miss that, too, you once again: die, no way to recover. No heals, nothing. The only upside is no mana costs, which IS nice but man, leveling a Shaman after my warrior was SO fun compared to the warrior.
Easy C tier for me for the first 30 levels. Then it becomes ok-ish, but still C-Tier and at 36 when you get whirlwind and at 40 when you get MS or BT it becomes *really* nice and a solid B tier. Still pure melee from the front is suffering thanks to parry, dodge, block and miss chance while leveling, but if you get whirlwind axe, 40-60 is quite fun and the struggle at first makes the comparison to the smoothness later VERY satisfying.
I'd highly advise every person who's never played classic to steer clear from Warrior leveling unless they REALLY wanna be the BiS DPS or Tank class at endgame, REALLY love the class fantasy or enjoy a slow, but satisfying journey.
Shaman on the other hand was the most fun I've had leveling in classic. Deleting mobs and drinking a bit made leveling as ele SO fun. Enhance is also dope, windfury is so damn satisfying altho no stormstrike prior to 40 makes it slow, too so I'd advise to go Ele. With some nature dmg spell pieces it goes from fun af to crazy strong burst, too and you're really neat in dungeons, providing tons of utility and offhealing :)
Just my 2cents from 2019 classic. Gonna watch the rest now!
Very nice insight, thanks for the Input Bro. Its 100% correct.
Thanks for sharing!
I think I’ll go with Warrior this time. I’ve never tried it before, but the whole “getting strong after level 40” thing sounds really appealing.
That slow grind with a big payoff is exactly what I’m looking for this time.
Warriors make great alts. Farming the materials for the Whirlwind Axe early and sending them to the warrior and then getting help to get the axe at around 30 feels great.
Make Warrior on PvE server is good way :-)
U say dont lvl warrior but if u wanna be op (literally everybody wants to be) you say roll it xd
I didn't find priest slow at all on my last HC SF run, there's 0 downtime if you get a good rotation going
Hard disagree on pally. It can be fun if you tryhard. Very similar to hunter melee weaving, you have seal twisting, and then past 40 you can do some serious prot aoe grinding
This is all personal opinion in which Seal twisting is more annoying than fun, and like I mentioned Prot aoe is a lot of FUN but unfortunalty You have to wait for it a long time.
Obviously this is an opinion tier list with some valid points.
Mage is a king. They are great. Shine at all times of every phase. extremely useful lots of gold. My god are they boring though. Warlock/mage are the only two classes I dont like. Had a 60 lock twice and 60 mage once. If I had to pick one, I’d go with warlock. Aoe farming is horrible. Great gold, but hate it. Mages are fun at first. Maybe one play through lots of fun. Get so old FOR ME. When I think of mage I think of useful, not fun. I agree with every other class choice though. Not a fan of warlock as S tier but I get. Mage should at least be B tier. You cast, aoe, and run. The only argument that wins with a mage is… well I like it because I like it, that’s my class. Can’t argue that. Anything else though…. Don’t have much to stand on.
same bro, shit is boring to me...its probably bc im not a fan of casters
You're so off about priests it's crazy. Pre 40, priest already uses a mixture of abilities in combat including: power word: shield, shadow word: pain, mind blast, holy fire, fear, etc. after 40, priest uses mainly spells in combat, with minimal wand usage compared to before. The mana issues you mentioned do not exist to the level that you imply. Not to mention in dungeons you can hybrid heal/DPS with how powerful the priest toolkit is. This is coming from someone who has leveled 3 priests in classic servers. To compare priest with paladin who literally just uses seals, judgement and autos is hilarious.
I don't get your logic. If you're saying hunters have loads of abilities they can use but end up only ss and aa, what's stopping you from playing mages as a frostbolt bot? 😂
And you cn use traps BEFORE the fight starts. Cc, taunt, debuff, multiple simul fights. Why do people shit on hunters just because their AA is high and you can cruise.. I don't get that. Just don't cruise. Perfect hunter play is sooo goddamn hard and extremely rewarding
im trying to get into mage but the cast times are soooooo slow
Most are fun. Mage, Druid, and warlock are probably the most fun. Shaman and paladin are both awful with paladin being much worse. Even aoe farming is just torture
Do you think warlocks will be more relevant in raid dps now that the debuff limit will be removed?
No because you are still shadowbolting. You lose DPS putting up your dots once you get hit and crit.
We will see, but i think it may be worth keeping corruption even just for nightfall procs.
It depends on your gear, warlock if you go all blue shadow+ gear, at lvl 60 then you will out dps mages warriors and rogues in anything up to bwl, with either spec, you will shock your raid group in dps charts.
I was the new lock in the guild, and became the most revered. Had top dps in raids in shadow+ blue gear. (Situationally switch to fire res)
Other locks thought I was insane consistently out dpsing our top warrior and mage.
I used to tank Ony, by threat production, and there were points when my MT would bitch at me for pulling his aggro so I had to cool it.
I would play warlock again and again, leveling was fun, cool class quests. Free mount, demon/sacrifice great playstyles all around! Having access to pets that cc, tank, cast, buff, really make the class versatile when leveling pre 40 soul link
Dps best candidates are warlock, warrior, rogue, mage.
Dammit. I’m torn between warlock and mage. I want portals, but I want warlock for everything else. Fuck it p, I’m going warlock
Haha thats what I did as well :)
Saying that a paladin is only autoattacking is a little misleading. First of all, most classes are very simple, for example mage is much more boring and simple than a paladin because all they do is cast frostbolt and are out of mana after every 2 fights. As pala you switch between seals, you cast judgement, you can heal, you have a very good stun and you have additional on-hit effects. You have something for every occasion, lots of armor, a dispell. As a warrior when you pull one additional mob you have to pray that you won't miss a hit and that your HP pool will be enough for the fight. My favourite though is still the hunter but pala is not as boring as many people think. To me personally mage is the most boring, even more so than the priest. (not counting aoe farms which paladins can also do by the way, sort of).
Seeing a mage frost bolt leveling makes me sad. That’s not how you level a mage at all
Paladin for me. Love mindless rotations.
I chose paladin for My Hardcore Zonelocked challenge and it turned out great :D Love it so far tbh
@venarioo oh hell yeah!
Mans never levelled a holy priest 😊
I did, thats why i think its boring. Maybe not that slow, but still boring :)
priest cranks with a good wand
I loved aoe farming with my pally
Yeah its great. Shame its so late, then pally would be so much fun in classic.
Paladin is not really that bad at all if you know how to AoE grind especially doing ZF which most classes can do
Putting hunter on the same tier with rouge's show me that this tier list is biased.
I think you need to remove the “i” in that last word.
Booth are interesting. Also dwarf hunter destroys rogue xd hunters also have one of the highest dodge parry chance of any class which is great against melees
To bad druid feral sux at 60 both pve and PvP. but yeah super fast lvling 😅
Cant use Charge in combat btw
I love paladin, but it really does feel like a combination of priest and warrior, with none of the offensive abilities.
If paladin had taunt, charge, or prayer of healing, it could have felt better to play.
Paladin feels great when fighting undead, but everything else feels like a struggle.
I gave one a go once again and tbh in hardcore I'm having a blast. Especially if You keep the weapon up to date.
So subjective !!
There is literally no classes that are fun to level in classic wow lmao
I am torn between Hunter and mage
mage, so much fun :)
I get this is a tier list but it's brutal to look at only a tier list for TWENTY THREE minutes. I hope this helped people but I can't watch.
Are you ok?
Warrior is fun.. aoe paladin is fun too