My old kittie was diagnosed with kidney failure years ago. I found from researching that l arginine can benefit kidney issues, so I gave it to him daily. It worked. It at least stopped his kidney failure and possibly reversed it. When he finally died at 21 yrs old, it was not from his kidneys.
@@dominodarwin There is another product that my holistic vet recommended and I also gave this to him as well. It's by Standard Process and it's called feline renal support. It's a little expensive. Once my kitties get close to middle age, I give them this daily. I believe that it helps also.
@@deereverywhere There is another product that my holistic vet recommended and I also gave this to him as well. It's by Standard Process and it's called feline renal support. It's a little expensive. Once my kitties get close to middle age, I give them this daily. I believe that it helps also.
My brother-in-law was diagnosed with grade 3 congestive heart failure... L arginine helped him massively. Together with excercise, healthy diet certain lifestyle changes other supplements like coq10 and hawthorn berry 👍😊 After 6 to 7 months his cardiologist tapered his meds gradually one by one until hes off of it now. His heart regained its strength
My Mum is 82. V healthy. But got sick after we lost my sibling n her heart failed. She's on meds n doing OK that way. She's strong in spirit but she seems to have shrunk. She's all I have left n means everything to me. Do you think she's too old? I have serious health issues, one being hypothyroidism. Bed bound...its nasty. I am so happy for your brother. Thank God, make sure he gets regular checks. Thanks for sharing. All the best xxxxx
I take L-arginine with great faith because of how it has helped me. 13 years ago, I had AFib, high cholesterol, low energy, and low drive all at the same time. I researched and and consulted with my doctor because I did not want to go on medications just yet. After about 4 weeks, I felt an incredible difference. After 3 months, I had blood work done and my total cholesterol had dropped from 287 to 191. Not the best, but it was a big difference.
@@paulbirkbeck1790 it has definitely helped reduce the number of episodes, but I'm also making sure to stay away from my triggers: •Eating a heavy meal after 6pm •Staying away from red wines with high sulfates. •Stress I swear by this and it has worked for many as well. If you are taking HBP medications, speak with your doctor as the combination will drop your pressure too much so your medicine dosage might have to be reduced(Which is a good thing). •Not allowing myself to get dehydrated. • Easy on red meat. I would never say that you should not eat it, but don't down a 16 oz steak in one sitting. Break it up throughout the day or 2. Making your heart work extra hard to break down excessive red meat will trigger an AFib episode. I've never had an issue eating lots of fish, chicken or lean pork. I'm terms of diet in general, don't eat until your stuffed. Drink a glass of water before your meal and you'll eat less, but with more frequency throughout the day.
DR.BERG, What I love about your videos is your honesty and willingness to call it like it is. You are one of few doctors who will address fasting in the proper manner. Thank you for you honest and positive approach to medicine 💊 its like a breath of fresh air ! ! !
Great video. I'm glad to see you mention beets. Before, you've spoken of them as too high in carbs. But, they are so good for us. Especially men. I'm 60. My life changed when I improved my nitric oxide function. There is organic fermented beet with 1 carb and 200% nitrate level. I use your electrolyte powder with it and maybe add other things, also. Such as, curcummin, etc game changer. Thankful for your videos
I take L arginine, COQ10, fish oil and Hawthorne berry for high blood pressure. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and didn’t like the side effects of the medication. So I did research on natural things I could take. It works, at least for me. Blood pressure dropped.
I stopped taking the blood pressure medication 💊 because I don't like how it makes me feel....very tired 😴 but if I don't take them... my blood pressure can go up
@@IbelieveinJesusAmen Jesus is disappointed with that foul comment. Masturbation/pornography is condemned and will lead you to hell. Matthew 5:28 "Whosoever looks at a woman with lust has committed adultery in his heart" Corinthians 6:9-10 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, shall inherit the kingdom of God" Only saying this because I got love for you and as a fellow Christian, I struggled with the same sins for years. Only Jesus can save us from our sins. I'm at 1 year 7 months of no pornagraphy and no fap all thanks to Christ.
I can personally attest to the cons of taking L-Arginine. Back in 2008, I had read about all the benefits of it, and there really weren't any cons listed, so I took it. I did not overdose, but I took it consistently. I can't say I noticed any good benefits, but within a month of starting to take it, I got a horrific case of shingles. The doctor I spoke to at the time said L-Arginine had nothing to do with it, that I got shingles due to stress. I was pretty certain that wasn't the cause, but what could I do at that point? I did read about L-Lysine, so I started on it within a month of the shingles outbreak, but by then, the damage was done. It took a whole year for the pain to go away. By the way, doc, you are the first physician I have heard that admitted this supplement could cause shingles. Good job.
@@DRAWDAILYchannel - Yes, that's what I said. Shingles is a reactivated chickenpox virus that usually hibernates in your body if you've caught it earlier in life. Weakened immune systems can allow it to awaken, but I think taking L-Arginine caused it for me.
@@muddyblunts7187 - It took about a year for me to not notice the pain in the scab area, but you can still see remnants of scars 14 years later. Also, L-arginine will not give you shingles or chicken pox, it may only awaken it if you have already had it. If you have never had chicken pox, L-arginine should be safe for you as long as you take it as directed.
Lost 16 lbs on the apple cider vinegar in 2 weeks. Eating clean and cut sugar drinks completely out. Who knew a tea would make a difference. Lemon/ ginger/ cinnamon.
Read the book ‘Dirty Genes’ by Dr Ben Lynch. Arginine & nitric oxide are not that simple. There is another thing (i forgot what it is, it’s in the book) that is needed together with arginine to make nitric oxide. & if one has certain illnesses, taking more arginine won’t be helpful as instead of producing nitric oxide, the body produced superoxide which is harmful to health.
I used to do arginine in my heavy bodybuilding days but read yrs ago that l-citrulline malate is better and switched to it. I've lost my bodybuilding mojo yrs back, as well (no correlation, just got older and it didn't appeL to me as much), but the times I've been sparked to lift again, the pumps are insane. I generally use l citrulline malate just for general health these days, tho. It's apart of my regimen.
@@Lolipop59 Depends. Each scoop is a gram and I hear that at least 3 per day should be had to really dilate the arteries well, if I remember correctly.
I see that L-arginine's absorption is not to good. I am currently creating my own homemade pre workout drink wich includes citrulline and several other ingredients. I would just like your honest opinion, if a man wanted to add only one more ingredient to his already well developed pre workout, what would actually make the pre workout more effective if he had to chose one between a great dose of Bcaas or a great dose of arginine ? Thank you
Always great content. Thank you. I eat a lot of watermelon, because it's loaded with citrulline. I'm 61, still go to the gym. And arginine has helped me a bunch.
For someone that has metabolic diseases it is not recommended to take l arginine. Because instead of improving nitric oxide production, the body will produce superoxide. Nitric oxide & l arginine are not that simple. The book Dirty Genes by Dr Ben Lynch explains about this in the chapter where he talks about the ‘NOSE gene’.
My husband and I have been taking L-arginine for couple of years now. Definitely life changing experience! If you want your blood pressure normal, energy, sex drive, happiness, yes it’s responsible for your happy hormone as well! Get your self L-arginine supplements. I taking little bit more than recommended but didn’t have any side effects. Also started taking it two times a day instead of once. Good luck🙂!
L Citruline is much more effective. Since it is better absorbed and utilized. You definitely need to do a video on it. I used to take them both and switched to L citruline alone since you can use less to get the same effect.
Beets are great...highly recommended for cycling for increasing stamina and breathing- they also contribute to nitric oxide- and let me tell you after a beet a day for 30 days, the effect is enormous.
Benefits of L-arginine 👍 growth hormone reserve test. reducing high blood pressure. correcting inborn errors of urea synthesis. treating heart disease. treating erectile dysfunction (ED) easing inflammation of the digestive tract in premature infants. controlling blood sugar in people with diabetes.
What he forgot to mention was the need to balance Argenine, Lysine & Ornithine. In my supplementation the ratio I aim for is 2 : 1.5 : 1 (argenine:lysine:ornithine). I also have glutamine:glycine in the ratio 1:2. Balancing amino acids is the key - herpes or no herpes.
Wish my doctor's recommended suppiments rather than giving out prescription that have several side effects and don't actually benefit . Eg I suffer with stress just prescribed depressants . Horrible side effect to point had to come off. Gonna try this one as family history in high blood pressure which stress plays a factor.
If you take 5g of citrulline per day day your body will make all of the arginine it needs in a dose dependent manner without risk of overdose or liver damage, plus it’s allows your body to make nitric oxide as well.
@Peter P. I understand that L-arginine's absorption is not good. I am currently creating my own homemade pre workout drink wich includes citrulline and several other ingredients. I would just like your honest opinion, if a man wanted to add only one more ingredient to his already well developed pre workout, what would actually make the pre workout more effective if he had to choose only ONE between a great dose of Bcaas or a great dose of arginine ? Thank you
Hi ! I have seen a loot about danger taking l arginin when over 50 years of age. Scared me since the motivation was well grounded. What’s your thoughts about that ? (Don’t remember exactly why…but something with its build up in the body … recommends to take l-citrulline instead , (which produces l-arginin by the body itself)
Isn't l-citrulline the better supplement ! Its been a long time since I studied these but I think l-citrulline is what your body needs to create L-Arginine, rather than putting in the final piece of the jigsaw put in the building blocks to make it naturally, believe me it definitely works..
After 30 years of suffering with cold sores, I finally tried Lysine, and wow does it work great. Taking it right away really works. Gave me my life back.
I just purchase this from GNC and I was told it would help me with fertility but I didn’t see you list that so is that true I’m considering taking this product back
I learned that the hard way. I've had herpes simplex before and took L-Arginine. It brought back Herpes simple and zoster at the same time. I had blamed stress, but really was this.
Ok so' I've been on an Arginine diet for about 6 + years but before I came across Arginine I came across a specific mix of acidic acid,,& Turmeric in juice and I noticed that the reaction within are similar.i later switched to Arginine only @ 1 pill 3 times a day.what I've learned was this: in order to reach those hemmorhoids/piles you have to learn your body while dealing with those involuntary reactions of the vascular system.if one look at the bigger picture you'd be actually reversing the entire vascular system @ nothing easy about it!those vasculars have abilities you wouldn't believe. I'm still on an Arginine diet today as I'm approaching the twist that caused it all which more than likely starts at the toilet or impact.helpful hint in regards to a visual aid~ the 🐍's in the medical symbol. That's the reactions of the vascular system in reverse mode. You'll be re'experiencing everything the body has experienced but the difference is this! You'll have the pleasure of feeling it out. Learn the rhythm while disturbing the grip of gravity.
I could quite easily eat 39 million Beets per year, hot with butter on, but their Carb count won't let me. 😏 Thank you muchly for sharing this very important information with us all. Take care & stay safe everybody. ❤🙂🐶
I use this and have good resaults and at 74 I'm really impressed BUT i was hoping my brain would function better, Gingko biloba has helped in the past but I'm really worried about my concentration. Low carb has been good in many areas but my concentration.
L Arginine for ED, Pre Workout, Blood Pressure -------------- Pumpkin seeds have one of the highest concentrations of arginine. One cup of dried pumpkin seeds contains 6.905 grams of the amino acid. Other seeds with a high amount of arginine include watermelon, sesame, and sunflower seeds. Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese are all sources of arginine.
Wait wait.... Dr. Berg! Don't leave us on a cliff hanger! Why does L-Arginine allow the herpes virus to activate? And as a commenter said: does L-Lysin take care of the herpes? Thank you so very much Dr. Berg for sharing your knowledge and experience with us.
Pronunciation: L-Argineen. Also, I heard that taking L-Arginine is not as effective as taking its precursor, L-Citruline (L-Citruleen). L-Arginine, as you pointed out has a very short half-life whereas L-Citruline tends to stay active longer. I'm not a chemist but that's the word I get from Thomas Laurer and guys like that... maybe Dr. Axe too but I don't remember a specific video.
where does this Chiropractic Doctor discuss the very short life of L-Arginine. And you're right about L-Citrullin by the way. Approximately 60% of L-Arginine also gets wiped out in the liver during 'first-pass' before it even enters the bloodstream. L-Cit doesn't have this first-pass filtration problem. Are you sure you heard about the half life bit from THIS video? He just seems to (re)touch upon facts that is already quite well known all over the internet. Good comment tho'
I've been taking collagen in my coffee everyday for 3 years since finding out I have a grade 3 brain tumor. I've just read that Arginine helps cancer grow and survive. Dr Berg, what should I do? X
Perhaps you could do a segment sometime about healthy bacteria of the mouth related to nitric acid production, hypertension and ED. Should we be using antibacterial mouthwash at all or can this interfere with nitric oxide production?
What about a video comparing l-citrulline vs arginine? I heard that l-citrulline does a better job at cardiovasculation, but maybe there are pros and cons to both? Not sure about the Chicken Pocks with the l-citrulline?
young man suffering from genital warts, (HPV virus). I'm not sure if anyone here knows about it, but I'm afraid if it's considered shingles. I'm asking because I don't speak English well and the terminology is important. I want to take arginine, but I'm worried it might complicate my HPV infection
Why does it possibly activate dormant Herpes viruses? Please tell us more about Herpes function, dormancy, and activation triggers, and interactions with L-Arginine or it's effects. Good info, thanks for sharing.
I took Lysine with Arginine. They work well together. Just a tip if you take it with Vit C or orange juice it's more efficient. All three work together.
If you have cancer cells can you use essential and non-essential amino acids? I read that L Arginine feeds the bad cells in the body? Thank you very much.🙏
Hi Doctor, thanks for your videos. I have a question, can chronic kidney disease take L-arginine supplementation? I confused because some articles said it accelerates kidneys failure, other articles said it baneficial and improved kidney function increase GFR.
My old kittie was diagnosed with kidney failure years ago. I found from researching that l arginine can benefit kidney issues, so I gave it to him daily. It worked. It at least stopped his kidney failure and possibly reversed it. When he finally died at 21 yrs old, it was not from his kidneys.
How much did you give him per day? I have an aging kittie also. Thank you!
Anna thank you so much!
Thank you for this information. ❤
@@dominodarwin There is another product that my holistic vet recommended and I also gave this to him as well. It's by Standard Process and it's called feline renal support.
It's a little expensive. Once my kitties get close to middle age, I give them this daily. I believe that it helps also.
@@deereverywhere There is another product that my holistic vet recommended and I also gave this to him as well. It's by Standard Process and it's called feline renal support.
It's a little expensive. Once my kitties get close to middle age, I give them this daily. I believe that it helps also.
My brother-in-law was diagnosed with grade 3 congestive heart failure... L arginine helped him massively. Together with excercise, healthy diet certain lifestyle changes other supplements like coq10 and hawthorn berry
👍😊 After 6 to 7 months his cardiologist tapered his meds gradually one by one until hes off of it now.
His heart regained its strength
So happy to hear that! Thanks for sharing!!
My Mum is 82. V healthy. But got sick after we lost my sibling n her heart failed. She's on meds n doing OK that way. She's strong in spirit but she seems to have shrunk. She's all I have left n means everything to me. Do you think she's too old?
I have serious health issues, one being hypothyroidism. Bed bound...its nasty.
I am so happy for your brother. Thank God, make sure he gets regular checks. Thanks for sharing.
All the best xxxxx
What source did he use for L Arginine? Was it "Free Form"? Did he just buy it from the supplement store? Generic Brand Name?
Great testimonial
I take L-arginine with great faith because of how it has helped me. 13 years ago, I had AFib, high cholesterol, low energy, and low drive all at the same time. I researched and and consulted with my doctor because I did not want to go on medications just yet. After about 4 weeks, I felt an incredible difference. After 3 months, I had blood work done and my total cholesterol had dropped from 287 to 191. Not the best, but it was a big difference.
do you recommend me take it with l citrulline everyday ?
How much did u take for the day please rrply
Did it cure the afib
@@Unknowns-unk I have taken both but then I take a breaker for about 2 weeks every 2 months.
@@paulbirkbeck1790 it has definitely helped reduce the number of episodes, but I'm also making sure to stay away from my triggers:
•Eating a heavy meal after 6pm
•Staying away from red wines with high sulfates.
I swear by this and it has worked for many as well. If you are taking HBP medications, speak with your doctor as the combination will drop your pressure too much so your medicine dosage might have to be reduced(Which is a good thing).
•Not allowing myself to get dehydrated.
• Easy on red meat. I would never say that you should not eat it, but don't down a 16 oz steak in one sitting. Break it up throughout the day or 2. Making your heart work extra hard to break down excessive red meat will trigger an AFib episode. I've never had an issue eating lots of fish, chicken or lean pork.
I'm terms of diet in general, don't eat until your stuffed. Drink a glass of water before your meal and you'll eat less, but with more frequency throughout the day.
DR.BERG, What I love about your videos is your honesty and willingness to call it like it is. You are one of few doctors who will address fasting in the proper manner. Thank you for you honest and positive approach to medicine 💊 its like a breath of fresh air ! ! !
Great video. I'm glad to see you mention beets. Before, you've spoken of them as too high in carbs. But, they are so good for us. Especially men. I'm 60. My life changed when I improved my nitric oxide function. There is organic fermented beet with 1 carb and 200% nitrate level. I use your electrolyte powder with it and maybe add other things, also.
Such as, curcummin, etc game changer. Thankful for your videos
do you buy this or ferment the beet yourself?
Fermented beets by mercola??
We all.want to k ow where we can by this fermented beet
I take L arginine, COQ10, fish oil and Hawthorne berry for high blood pressure. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and didn’t like the side effects of the medication. So I did research on natural things I could take. It works, at least for me. Blood pressure dropped.
Magnesium and potassium are also good for lowering blood pressure.
Beetroot juice
I stopped taking the blood pressure medication 💊 because I don't like how it makes me feel....very tired 😴 but if I don't take them... my blood pressure can go up
@@IbelieveinJesusAmen Jesus is disappointed with that foul comment. Masturbation/pornography is condemned and will lead you to hell.
Matthew 5:28
"Whosoever looks at a woman with lust has committed adultery in his heart"
Corinthians 6:9-10
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, shall inherit the kingdom of God"
Only saying this because I got love for you and as a fellow Christian, I struggled with the same sins for years. Only Jesus can save us from our sins. I'm at 1 year 7 months of no pornagraphy and no fap all thanks to Christ.
@eriklarson4082 I deleted the post and praise God for sending this message. Amen and thank you. Also, praise God for your deliverance!
I can personally attest to the cons of taking L-Arginine. Back in 2008, I had read about all the benefits of it, and there really weren't any cons listed, so I took it. I did not overdose, but I took it consistently. I can't say I noticed any good benefits, but within a month of starting to take it, I got a horrific case of shingles. The doctor I spoke to at the time said L-Arginine had nothing to do with it, that I got shingles due to stress. I was pretty certain that wasn't the cause, but what could I do at that point? I did read about L-Lysine, so I started on it within a month of the shingles outbreak, but by then, the damage was done. It took a whole year for the pain to go away.
By the way, doc, you are the first physician I have heard that admitted this supplement could cause shingles. Good job.
@@scottrcall - Yes. 5,000 IU's a day.
He said that it will reactivate the virus if you've already contracted it being that you are infected before you start taking it
@@DRAWDAILYchannel - Yes, that's what I said. Shingles is a reactivated chickenpox virus that usually hibernates in your body if you've caught it earlier in life. Weakened immune systems can allow it to awaken, but I think taking L-Arginine caused it for me.
@@Nick23at63 how bad was it did the shingles leave any permanent effects on you?idk if I should take it I never had the chicken pox
@@muddyblunts7187 - It took about a year for me to not notice the pain in the scab area, but you can still see remnants of scars 14 years later. Also, L-arginine will not give you shingles or chicken pox, it may only awaken it if you have already had it. If you have never had chicken pox, L-arginine should be safe for you as long as you take it as directed.
I take L-Argine and L-Lysine on an empty stomach and it’s amazing for stress relief.
All amino acids are good for that - the BEST one is Glutamine, My holistic doctor calls it "the happy pill".
@@LannieLordglutamine induces anxiety, I don't know where you heard it's good for stress
Finally! L Arganine explained. Thanks
Thank you for all your videos Dr. Berg, I have learned so much, they are very informative! You rock!
Lost 16 lbs on the apple cider vinegar in 2 weeks. Eating clean and cut sugar drinks completely out. Who knew a tea would make a difference. Lemon/ ginger/ cinnamon.
My L-Arginine is 1000mg suggested to take one daily... Just started on this to help blood flow increase to my slight numbness on the tops of my feet..
Read the book ‘Dirty Genes’ by Dr Ben Lynch. Arginine & nitric oxide are not that simple. There is another thing (i forgot what it is, it’s in the book) that is needed together with arginine to make nitric oxide. & if one has certain illnesses, taking more arginine won’t be helpful as instead of producing nitric oxide, the body produced superoxide which is harmful to health.
I don’t know how much arginine is present, but beets and beet greens are great for getting my BP way down.
@@davidjordan2011 what has more nitric oxide though. L arginine or beets
Only ur shop is worth busting.. the only who don’t say .. go to my shop… such gentleman!!🙏🙏🙇
I used to do arginine in my heavy bodybuilding days but read yrs ago that l-citrulline malate is better and switched to it. I've lost my bodybuilding mojo yrs back, as well (no correlation, just got older and it didn't appeL to me as much), but the times I've been sparked to lift again, the pumps are insane.
I generally use l citrulline malate just for general health these days, tho. It's apart of my regimen.
How much are you taking ? Ty
@@Lolipop59 Depends. Each scoop is a gram and I hear that at least 3 per day should be had to really dilate the arteries well, if I remember correctly.
I see that L-arginine's absorption is not to good. I am currently creating my own homemade pre workout drink wich includes citrulline and several other ingredients. I would just like your honest opinion, if a man wanted to add only one more ingredient to his already well developed pre workout, what would actually make the pre workout more effective if he had to chose one between a great dose of Bcaas or a great dose of arginine ? Thank you
citrulline and arginine work good together. take both.
Always great content. Thank you. I eat a lot of watermelon, because it's loaded with citrulline. I'm 61, still go to the gym. And arginine has helped me a bunch.
For someone that has metabolic diseases it is not recommended to take l arginine. Because instead of improving nitric oxide production, the body will produce superoxide. Nitric oxide & l arginine are not that simple. The book Dirty Genes by Dr Ben Lynch explains about this in the chapter where he talks about the ‘NOSE gene’.
God I fucking love this guy.
So many bullshitters posting Guru videos and this mad lad just drop the info and leaves. 10/10
Thanks've reminded that I need to take my L-arginine..I have been slacking.
My husband and I have been taking L-arginine for couple of years now. Definitely life changing experience! If you want your blood pressure normal, energy, sex drive, happiness, yes it’s responsible for your happy hormone as well! Get your self L-arginine supplements. I taking little bit more than recommended but didn’t have any side effects. Also started taking it two times a day instead of once. Good luck🙂!
What brand do you take?
So many out there so could you enlighten us with the brand please
L Citruline is much more effective. Since it is better absorbed and utilized. You definitely need to do a video on it. I used to take them both and switched to L citruline alone since you can use less to get the same effect.
Which brand did you buy?
Thank you. So great to have an archive of all your videos.
I appreciate your comment and I'm glad you're enjoying my content!
Beets are great...highly recommended for cycling for increasing stamina and breathing- they also contribute to nitric oxide- and let me tell you after a beet a day for 30 days, the effect is enormous.
I need to get back to my beets!
@@starrjohnson1327 what is beets?
@@BbBb-hw5pq its a deep red colored root vegetable
@@starrjohnson1327 thank you I will go buy it I think it's Beetroot. When everyone one is saying beets I was wondering what that it .
@@starrjohnson1327 you beet me to it ! XD
Very much appreciated you put the cons as well!!
Very glad to be of help.
That sounds like some good stuff! I'm gonna have to get me some!
Be careful if you have heart issues it can kill you
Hello Dr,
Recent research shows L Arginine deprivation kills certain tumor cells.
Can you please advise. Thanks.
Dr Erick Berg, what about L-Citrulline, would it help ?
I'll tell everyone about you *MR OBALAR* coming across your UA-cam channel was a blessing, I'm free from hpv, victory at last..💓 💗💖..
Benefits of L-arginine
growth hormone reserve test.
reducing high blood pressure.
correcting inborn errors of urea synthesis.
treating heart disease.
treating erectile dysfunction (ED)
easing inflammation of the digestive tract in premature infants.
controlling blood sugar in people with diabetes.
And, It helps the hair on your back grow thicker & faster...
NOO ...arginine as a supplement is a trash. use citrulline
@@fiftycent889 L-citrulline? what about haritaki? increases oxygen
@@johnganshow5536 😂😂🤣ahahah))
@@leonardodavinci4902 Seriously, I had to cut back to a capsule every other day, I was becoming Sasquatch...
What he forgot to mention was the need to balance Argenine, Lysine & Ornithine. In my supplementation the ratio I aim for is 2 : 1.5 : 1 (argenine:lysine:ornithine). I also have glutamine:glycine in the ratio 1:2.
Balancing amino acids is the key - herpes or no herpes.
Thanks Doctor for your time sharing valuable information.
You're very welcome! It's my pleasure.
Wish my doctor's recommended suppiments rather than giving out prescription that have several side effects and don't actually benefit . Eg I suffer with stress just prescribed depressants . Horrible side effect to point had to come off. Gonna try this one as family history in high blood pressure which stress plays a factor.
If you take 5g of citrulline per day day your body will make all of the arginine it needs in a dose dependent manner without risk of overdose or liver damage, plus it’s allows your body to make nitric oxide as well.
@Peter P. I understand that L-arginine's absorption is not good. I am currently creating my own homemade pre workout drink wich includes citrulline and several other ingredients. I would just like your honest opinion, if a man wanted to add only one more ingredient to his already well developed pre workout, what would actually make the pre workout more effective if he had to choose only ONE between a great dose of Bcaas or a great dose of arginine ? Thank you
My doctor prescribed me Myo inositol with L arginine and Coenzyme Q10 for PCOS. It is really working.
One great doctor u have!
How is it helping you? I also have pcos
Me gustó mucho este tema , from Dominican Republic. I did like this theme very much.👍
Klk tu dice menol.
Excellent. Well demo, , multiple action hope it will help thousands of people from high Cholesterol
Thankyou for practical advice Dr Berg.Much respect.Taking LArgnine.Very beneficial
Hi ! I have seen a loot about danger taking l arginin when over 50 years of age.
Scared me since the motivation was well grounded.
What’s your thoughts about that ? (Don’t remember exactly why…but something with its build up in the body … recommends to take l-citrulline instead , (which produces l-arginin by the body itself)
Isn't l-citrulline the better supplement !
Its been a long time since I studied these but I think l-citrulline is what your body needs to create L-Arginine, rather than putting in the final piece of the jigsaw put in the building blocks to make it naturally, believe me it definitely works..
V8 has a new juice, it's Beet Root, Ginger, and Lemon ... and it is Really tasty! Can this juice help?
Careful! I don't want a cold sore
After 30 years of suffering with cold sores, I finally tried Lysine, and wow does it work great. Taking it right away really works. Gave me my life back.
@@nancyvogelman PLEASE can you tell me the name of the product or remedy that you use for the cold sores…thank you
I take ,L arginine & l citrulline together, beet root powder , potassium and magnesium supplement to keep my hypertension bp normal.
Omgggg this is Amazing and Wonderful !!! Thank you Dr. Berg
My boyfriend needs this .
Me too . 😃👍
Maybe this explains while out of the blue i developed shingles.
I just purchase this from GNC and I was told it would help me with fertility but I didn’t see you list that so is that true I’m considering taking this product back
I learned that the hard way. I've had herpes simplex before and took L-Arginine. It brought back Herpes simple and zoster at the same time.
I had blamed stress, but really was this.
This and one of its consequences
Ok so' I've been on an Arginine diet for about 6 + years but before I came across Arginine I came across a specific mix of acidic acid,,& Turmeric in juice and I noticed that the reaction within are similar.i later switched to Arginine only @ 1 pill 3 times a day.what I've learned was this: in order to reach those hemmorhoids/piles you have to learn your body while dealing with those involuntary reactions of the vascular system.if one look at the bigger picture you'd be actually reversing the entire vascular system @ nothing easy about it!those vasculars have abilities you wouldn't believe. I'm still on an Arginine diet today as I'm approaching the twist that caused it all which more than likely starts at the toilet or impact.helpful hint in regards to a visual aid~ the 🐍's in the medical symbol. That's the reactions of the vascular system in reverse mode. You'll be re'experiencing everything the body has experienced but the difference is this! You'll have the pleasure of feeling it out. Learn the rhythm while disturbing the grip of gravity.
I could quite easily eat 39 million Beets per year, hot with butter on, but their Carb count won't let me. 😏
Thank you muchly for sharing this very important information with us all. Take care & stay safe everybody. ❤🙂🐶
@@johnbech6154 I do use the leaves in Salad, but have never tried Fermenting it. I do make Saeurkraut though. Stay safe and healthy John. 🎅❤🙂🐶
Great info!! L Arginine is Amazing!! Lowers BP and Increases My Stamina( Breathing) TY I'll Try beets with it!!!!
Thumbs up for dr berg 💯
ive experienced that it also numbs Knee pain and boosts energy with appetite surpressant benefit before gym.3-6 grams powder
Tried it (just 1000 mg) 2x day and my bp went down to normal levels. Amazing.
That's great! Thank you for sharing!
Dr. Berg's Support Team.
@@Drberg What is the best safe format to use this supplement? Name them please
I use this and have good resaults and at 74 I'm really impressed BUT i was hoping my brain would function better, Gingko biloba has helped in the past but I'm really worried about my concentration. Low carb has been good in many areas but my concentration.
I think i once read L-lysine helps to reduce flare from herpes simplex. Could that be used to counteract the cons of L-arginine?
I’ve read that they compete. So you may be right.
L Arginine for ED, Pre Workout, Blood Pressure --------------
Pumpkin seeds have one of the highest concentrations of arginine. One cup of dried pumpkin seeds contains 6.905 grams of the amino acid. Other seeds with a high amount of arginine include watermelon, sesame, and sunflower seeds. Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese are all sources of arginine.
This was my favourite supplement when I did bodybuilding. Use to get a wicked pump.
What about L-methionine ?
What is a pump
I used to take L-Arginine but L- Citrulline does a better job for every reason Dr Berg listed.
@@dertythegrower L Citrulline is much better for all the above reasons Dr Berg mentioned.
L argine oral is POOR. use L-CITRULINE instead.
Hi doctor could diabetic take this as well L-Arginine 500 mg
Wait wait.... Dr. Berg! Don't leave us on a cliff hanger! Why does L-Arginine allow the herpes virus to activate? And as a commenter said: does L-Lysin take care of the herpes? Thank you so very much Dr. Berg for sharing your knowledge and experience with us.
the virus sits in our CNS and the virus uses Larginine as its primary food so it may activate things
L Arginine depletes L Lysine. L Lysine will stop herpes. Actual experience.
@@TheLeoEmpire bro i will throw this shyt to garbage can
Is l, lysin over counter?
This video minimizes the issue and extra l arginine is inadvisable for some people.
There are only trade off in our health. So much to consider and balance. Thank you🤯😎😎😎
Dr. Berg thanks for another great video, what about l-citruline vs l-arginine
can you make video on l-citruline?
Thank you for your video!
Most welcome!
Pronunciation: L-Argineen. Also, I heard that taking L-Arginine is not as effective as taking its precursor, L-Citruline (L-Citruleen). L-Arginine, as you pointed out has a very short half-life whereas L-Citruline tends to stay active longer. I'm not a chemist but that's the word I get from Thomas Laurer and guys like that... maybe Dr. Axe too but I don't remember a specific video.
Thomas and doctor Berg work together on various projects
where does this Chiropractic Doctor discuss the very short life of L-Arginine. And you're right about L-Citrullin by the way. Approximately 60% of L-Arginine also gets wiped out in the liver during 'first-pass' before it even enters the bloodstream. L-Cit doesn't have this first-pass filtration problem. Are you sure you heard about the half life bit from THIS video? He just seems to (re)touch upon facts that is already quite well known all over the internet. Good comment tho'
I've been taking collagen in my coffee everyday for 3 years since finding out I have a grade 3 brain tumor. I've just read that Arginine helps cancer grow and survive. Dr Berg, what should I do? X
been supplementing with this for years 👍
How many grams do you take? I just started taking 1 gram Tablets as recommended on the bottle. Is that enough?
Dr Berg says 3 grams 2 times a day.
@@jasoncora1 I take 1000 mg 3 times a day ( for blood pressure)
@@mikedicecco5812 Thank you!
Dr. Berg's Support Team
WOW Was about to order however I'm on blood thinners😘😘
If I had shingles in the past, what dosage would you recommend Dr. Berg
Thank you doctor for valuable information 👍
You're most welcome!
Dr.. plz show us the recipe as you promised, 🥰of your daughters keto vanilla icecream..
Good information Thank you
You're welcome! Glad you found it useful!
Good Morning Dr.Berg
Thank you so very much for sharing this very interesting information with us 🌞 Have a great day, God bless you all !
My pleasure! You as well!
Well done, your one of the bests!!!
Perhaps you could do a segment sometime about healthy bacteria of the mouth related to nitric acid production, hypertension and ED. Should we be using antibacterial mouthwash at all or can this interfere with nitric oxide production?
Should we use mouthwash? I have the same question
Won´t the raise in GH increase DHT? So hair loss?
I'll tell everyone about you *MR OBALAR* coming across your UA-cam channel was a blessing, I'm free from hpv, victory at last..💓 💗💖..
What about a video comparing l-citrulline vs arginine? I heard that l-citrulline does a better job at cardiovasculation, but maybe there are pros and cons to both? Not sure about the Chicken Pocks with the l-citrulline?
Informative video as well as comments for real reviews not like those paid reviews on e commerce websites
Awesome Dr. Berg. Thank you for sharing this wonderful information 🙏
young man suffering from genital warts, (HPV virus). I'm not sure if anyone here knows about it, but I'm afraid if it's considered shingles. I'm asking because I don't speak English well and the terminology is important. I want to take arginine, but I'm worried it might complicate my HPV infection
Used to increase wound healing, as in surgical wounds and pressure sores in hospitals & LTC facilities. Arginaid pwdr mixed into a drink
I just started taking it.
Why does it possibly activate dormant Herpes viruses? Please tell us more about Herpes function, dormancy, and activation triggers, and interactions with L-Arginine or it's effects. Good info, thanks for sharing.
If I want to take the supplement do you recommend me Adding lysine to my diet in order for my cold sores to not get activated?
I took Lysine with Arginine. They work well together.
Just a tip if you take it with Vit C or orange juice it's more efficient. All three work together.
Lysine saved me from bird flu in 2013
If you have cancer cells can you use essential and non-essential amino acids?
I read that L Arginine feeds the bad cells in the body?
Thank you very much.🙏
Questions? Is it good for heartbeat rhythm too?
Thank you
Can you do a video on l lysine
I had Shingles once. That’s a HUGE drawback!😬😳
Me too
My mum had
Hello! Dr. I was wondering if you can touch on what’s gud for Multiple Sclerosis??? Also known as MS. Greatly appreciated.
check out his other videos, he's produced one or two already explaining what is good for ms.
Also check the work of Terry walsh who cured herself and many others from MS. Also look up "LDN".
So does that mean you don’t consume it when you have a cold sore outbreak because I do get cold sores only twice a year
Can it increase height
That’s my question. I seen a video saying it does. We will see
If you stand on the bottle, yes.
@@nobodynever7884 😂
It’s so sad people want to be tall.. The taller you are, the younger you die.. I don't get the hype
For how long I have to take it to see results
Great, L- Arginine, great L- Tyrosine, L- Citrulline, Acetyl L- Carnitine and N- Acetyl Cysteine.
Doctor's best, High Absorption, CoQ10.
Nice video sir
finally What u want to suggest ? shuld we take it or not ?
overall ?
Dr is L-Arginine the same thing as arginex or arginine that Stardard Process offers?
Is it allowed in keto and intermediate fasting
@@MuhammadWali-ik9vi yes
Perhaps Nattokinase maybe better to clean arteries.
Hi Doctor, thanks for your videos. I have a question, can chronic kidney disease take L-arginine supplementation? I confused because some articles said it accelerates kidneys failure, other articles said it baneficial and improved kidney function increase GFR.
Did you find out
Good presentation about the product 👍
Glad you found it informative!
The visuals are fire
We deeply appreciate your feedback!
Dr. Berg's Support Team
I love fresh beets .thin slice red onions garlic extra virgin olive oil and apple cider vinegar . Will this hurt my keto journey.
dr berg which brand do u recommend for muscle relax
Why this supplement causes me headache , is it just me or you also experience
Was asked by another, but not answered, so I'll ask again - does taking L-arginine (& L-carnitine) on an empty stomach, as directed, break a fast?
yes , ALL amino acids break a fast. though the dosage does vary from person to person.
the liver and kidneys process the vitamins or supplement you take, but i wouldn't say it 'breaks' the fast.
Very informative! Love it
Glad you found it informative!
Lütfen bu videonun Türkçe'sini yap @@Drberg
Thanks for sharing another gift of a gem.