Gore is the monster that really made me love this series. 4U was my first MH game, and the first Gore key quest was so difficult for me that I took a few months off. I came back to the game, beat Gore, and that was it. I was hooked.
I do think that the old version of Shagaru Magala deserves more credit. Maybe it's just cause I sucked back then being my first monster hunter, but I took a lot longer trying to beat Shagaru than Gore my first time. Yeah sure his moveset was more limited, but the fact that he was permanently enraged made his fight feel a lot more tense than most. With the random explosions and especially that one frenzy attack that would independently target you, you were forced to constantly be on the move in a way that few other monsters could manage. Both those things might've been annoying, but they were a part of the fight's identity like bazel's random pinecone explosions.
Agreed from me. I loved fighting shaggy as a CB main and still do, because it’s mechanics forces you to be mobile and utilize what you learned from the base gore fight to take advantage of aiming at his head for knockouts, or at times in his arena you might be able to manage going for a mount if you’re on the right terrain.
I only fought 4u Shagaru very recently, and he's currently my favorite monster to fight, so I'm not speaking out of nostalgia here. The best thing about Shagaru is that all of his attacks, even the random explosions, gives you fair warning and always feel like it's your fault when you get hit. He doesn't rely on any cheap gimmick like roar and wind stun combos, and if you fail, the camp is right next to his arena, so there's little downtime before you get to fight him again.
yes but having all of those is just in that set or severely cripples your ability to do much else. it's almost an all or nothing set. hopefully chaotic will give us bloodlust decoes so we have more options.
@@jockpackage1770 tossing on either just the helm or the chestplate gives a substantial attack/crit bonus, more than running the Lunagaron helm or Archfiend chest.
@@jockpackage1770 Okay so you can either go Lunagaron for crit and wirebug, Archfiend for easy Wex, Malzeno for easy Wirebug, or Arc for easy damage and crit *and* synergy options at the cost of health drain. It offers build diversity.
A very interesting thing is that chaotic in Sunbreak really seems in constant pain, both in his intro which is very sad and makes you feel sorry for him, and in his special attack that after it makes him writhe in pain. And chaotic before it was just a stronger gore lol
This is my first time fighting the Magalas and they have both been an incredible blast. Shagaru specifically has the presence of being a true final boss. His appearance, moveset, theme and native locale of the citadel all work together to create a memorable hunting experience. I’m bring up the citadel as a contributor because how fitting was this to be map Shagaru calls home? This is a monster you look at and can fully believe that he single-handedly brought a civilization to ruin.
Since I am new to the series (started with World) I never got to experience the Magalas in their “prime.” Regardless, I was extremely excited to fight both Gore and Shagaru and I was not disappointed with either fight, especially Shagaru. Valstrax in base Rise was my favorite fight in the game but now I think Shagaru takes the cake for Sunbreak as of right now. Such a fun and challenging fight, the Magalas definitely didn’t disappoint and I hope we get to see them again in future games.
Considering Shagaru is to this day my favorite elder dragon, I'm so glad with how they handled him in Sunbreak. Bloodlust is one of my favorite new skills in the game and I love mixing resentment (as well as resuscitate) with it for an insane amount of buffs.
I was one of the few theorycrafters who utilized the Frenzy Virus Hunter Art in conjunction with Chaotic Gore Magala weapons & gain the benefits of the compounded affinity buffs from the weapons on top of Antivirus as a skill. You'd be aurprised how effective it is maxing out your affinity with Critboost added into the mix. It's a conditional buff but you can also run Crisis as well to gain +20 raw without needing to invest 20 points into the attack skill while Frenzied. Lots of options for how to use Frenzy as a tool to gain added damage buffs.
The random explosions in 4 and Gen/GU aren't random at all. Well... there ARE random explosions. But at fixed intervals, an explosion will happen directly beneath your hunter, forcing you to always be on the move as well as limiting your window to use items. I haven't fought Shagaru in Sunbreak yet, but I'll miss those explosions. Though I'm sure it's still going to be a thrilling fight.
Great video, 1 slight error was Shagaru's armor skill, it gives frenzy when u engage in combat with a large monster or when the notice you and as soon as the buff for overcoming it wares off u get it again and while buffed it no longer drains hp.
I love Shagaru in rise, i do however, feel like some of his attacks were slighty nerfed on the transition from "being an arena fight" over to a "open map fight" as in some areas his attacks arent as opressing as they were back in 4U, of course that is just a minor problem and that doesnt make his fight any less fun
My only issue with new shaggy is how much it relies on ranged attacks. If it had more focus on the melee kit I'd absolutely love it but rn the thing just runs away and acts like a frenzy cannon
I never played 4U, or have fought Shagaru in GU, but I did fight it in Sunbreak, and while I was expecting it to be good, great even, I was not expecting it to be this good, and is what caused it to shoot up to my top five favorite elder dragons in the franchise, and it's also my favorite returning monster in Sunbreak.
You may enjoy 4U or GU if you ever get the chance! Myself, I haven’t played GU much yet. But 4U being my entry point made me a life long fan of the series.
All 3 of them i loved when i 1st seen them in 4U, i'm glad they were brought back later on because the armor designs, the weapon designs, Capcom really gave me monsters to enjoy
I like the idea of an update series on how some monsters are improved game to game, or even just between expansions. Not you Lavasioth, I will never care for you.
A slight irksome issue I have with Shagaru in Sunbreak is that the Citadel map itself adds an minor annoying factor to it's fight. The pathways between zones in the Citadel map are on average narrower than the other maps. Shagaru with its frequent leaping and repositioning somehow nearly always ends in up in these passage ways. With it being a wide monster thanks to its wing arms always on the ground and with its notable attacks in its moveset consisting of sweeps and Frenzy mines makes it then really dangerous and annoying to fight it then. Personally when Shagaru is in an undesirable zone I like to open the fight by Wyvern Riding it to either zones 2, 4, 7, 11, 13 or 14 since they are the largest areas on the map. This makes its fight easier in a way or at least more tolerable. While playing online I have seen most people faint to it when fighting it in zones 5, 6, 8 and 10 because of it going into passage ways
Well it fits the whole Hunter style does it not? You seem like a skilled hunter that takes no chances. So you ride him over to open space so you have more room to fight.
“Shagaru adds a lot of new elements to his fight. That makes it fundamentally less interesting.” I’ll be honest the premise of this video that old Shagaru is somehow lacking and didn’t live up to Gore and needed to be improved just doesn’t reach me at all.
You must have misunderstood then. The premise was that Shagaru felt like a permanently frenzied Gore with random frenzy explosions all over the field. Which they improved upon in Sunbreak.
@@niklasmitfussl2639 Personally, it didn’t feel like an improvement. The fight lost a lot of what made it special, like being locked to an arena without breaks and the consistent intensity-that’s completely butchered by making him leave the zone constantly and by making half the fight easy-it’s just Gore again but slightly harder. Old Shaggy was the hardest part of Gore, the enemy you know well already, but more, and without hand holding breaks or reprieves-imagine chasing Alatreon across a normal map and calling it improved. Sure, Shagaru would move in guild quests… where the maps were very linear, but those still aren’t the base experience of the fight, and they aren’t for a reason. The random explosions and tracking bombs adding multiple attack vectors etc… also things like the star pose and the hand slams just don’t feel as impactful, and I *completely* disagree that the random explosions, which also no longer exist, don’t make the fight harder-most of my hard fights with Shaggy in the past were down to the wire on healing, or even failing for being forced to use them, and generally making openings less safe and forcing perfect positioning at the best of times (like punishing the double hand slam) obviously makes a fight harder-this is a weird anecdotal point that doesn’t make sense and is empirically wrong. Finally, Gore was easier because you could bully it out of the intense part of the fight, which you couldn’t do to Shagaru. But now you can? And this isn’t considered a significant difference between the two, and is somehow praised? It was a part of the fight dynamic-you were pressured into aggression because you needed to end the fight before getting worn down by attrition, but you weren’t gifted free knockdowns or able to use it as “please stop kicking my ass” button. Ultimately the new Shagaru encounter is way more basic, and just generally easier, and in my opinion has not managed to differentiate itself from Gore but done the *complete opposite*. The first thing my friend said to me when we ran it together was “that was just Gore again, and we just fought Gore.” Also they ruined the star pose. Its wings are all floppy and loose now. >.> And yes, it roaring on the ground for most of the fight is a damage window compared to doing the star pose more than once. They even seemed to screw up its lore. When you talked to Chichae for the urgent quest she says “many kingdoms have been destroyed by Shagaru Magala”. Really? Why didn’t anyone know what it was in 4? And why weren’t they familiar with the Frenzy virus? It feels weird to say something like that.
@@Goji-Moji Yoo the Instant essay response, jk here I go aswell. First of all, Preach. While I still stand by the point I made, I do agree that making him a regular monster roaming the citadel makes him a worse fight. They could have easily kept him in the top-most area of the map. The lore screw up was sadly pretty much predetermined aswell with how intricate Gore and him are to 4Us story. I can't comment on his looks or the difference in the star pose much, but they tried too hard to make him realistic, I miss his pristine golden shine. Oh well, that's why I'm on PC. To touch again on the lore, Sunbreaks story is basically nonexistant and boils down to several fetch quests without ANY purpose outside of the Malzeno quest, the zero endemic life quest, and final Boss quest. The visuals and cutscenes help elevate it a bit but I feel like it deceives alot of players into the impression that the story can even be called that - a story. Admiral Arekz Gaming just tells you and Firoayne to kill this and that without much context or reason. It's nonexistant and that does ofc not help Gore and Shagaru appearing randomly without even the slightest bit of connection to each other. They couldve even pulled a sneaky on us and initially lead us to think that it was Gore's meddling with monsters again but nah he's just there chilling. Anyways here's a quest to kill it. I will have to disagree on them feeling similar. The fights feel vastly different to me but that could come down to weapon choice. I recently got into Hammer and had a hard time keeping up with Shagaru so he was in his true rage state pretty much constantly. Maybe 2 Hunters was enough to knock him out of it more often? It would also highlight how easy he is compared to when he could not get knocked out of it in 4U and GU. Highlights one of Sunbreaks/Rises general problems aswell, almost every monster has one or more monster specific knockdowns in addidtion to trips, stuns, Wyvern Riding and affliction trips. I do agree with you there as that makes the fight less hard and takes away from Shaggys identity as he is streamlined more to have the knockdowns but IMO it is still very dynamic, fluid, and fun as his fight still manages to feel stressful, harder than most pre MR6 monsters, and rewarding to me. I think both versions of Shaggy do some things better than the other one and a mixture, like giving 4Us the undeniably sick laser moves and the telegraphed frenzy spots after attacks, would satisfy everyone. There's also no shame in him being harder then the other Elders Dragons in the game so he'd be justified to have his own arena again or to be unlockable after the "story" similar to Furious Goku. I'm grateful that you elaborated and explained your frustration thoroughly, I gained new insights on some aspects of the fight thanks to you. Cheers!
I personaly really liked lvl140 Shagaru back in MH4U, leveled up the fight imo, it made the monster really menacing with a huge hp pool and you were always on your guard for those heavy hitting attacks, one of the best 140 experience for me
I can barely handle 140 Teostra, provided I’m playing in a team that can survive…I haven’t gotten Shagaru up to 140 yet; playing 4U on and off and all.
i think frenzy ties in perfectly be because monsters are much more aggressive when infected, but if you get infected you are heavily encouraged to play more aggressive. making you have to play as if you are in a frenzied state
I played GU during the wait for rise, and even thou I loved both magala hunts, I preferred to fight Gore over Shagaru. In sunbreak they gave him just what he needed to stand out more to make me prefer the latter better especially the changes to the theme you highlighted in the video. I still miss the sanctuary map for the setting and one on one feeling it gives. Great video overall.
the main reason that made gore and shagaru my favorite monster across all games is that 4u was my first mh game and going though the story made gore feel like a rival to me there was always a moment every time we fought that felt like a dance between us and eventually at the end of the story we meet again at our strongest for one last fight
I don’t how to feel about this. As someone who just began playing MH4U after beating Scorned Magnamalo, Shagaru Magala left much more of an impression on me in MH4U and I know that it has a lot to do with the story but I still think the fight is better than you make it sound. The random explosions everywhere, the passive darkened sky and the unique area you fight him in really made me feel how powerful and dangerous he is. To me, a monster that is so strong it activates things passively gives me an impression of his destructive abilities. Also, the fact that he is always “enraged” doesn’t delete the urge to attack him because you still need to heal from the Frenzy Virus and because you are literally stuck in the area with Shagaru Magala. It is just my opinion and you are free to disagree.
Yeah, i agree. The video includes a lot of good observations concerning his changes and how he was previously, but wether you interpret these as good or bad really comes down each Hunter themself. I enjoyed Shagaru in both generations, and i do prefer his 4U Version quite a lot more, for the Story and the atmossphere of the fight. Using only frenzied attacks, made him feel a lot more aggressive as well, in my opinion. I think his Sunbreak Version is about equal to his Version in GenU. I have never seen someone not love Shagaru, so i suppose we aren't the only one with this opinion, but it's also just an opinion in the end
I find interesting that most of the amazing fights in rise where from returning monsters, not the new ones In regard to shagaru's theme, I very much prefer the original, just like astalos, they turned down the intonation, making it not feel as impacting
I wish they'd release his area too and to fight him there on modern platforms would be cool. If they made like afflicted elders or super elders it'd be neat.
Yellow is the complimentary to purple, btw, it would be cool if the adult form loses the frenzy since it doesn’t need it to see, tho I guess it suppresses others and is cool to darken the sky
i feel like the intro for Shagaru could have been a bit more interesting, like besides the slam downa nd the star pose i feel like he is just sort of there, PERSONALLY i would have had him be obscured by darkness while he did those so new players would think "when did Gore get so tough?" then when he does the pose the shine he gives off reveals he's Shagaru, it's a small tweak, i think it would have been a fun way to reveal him rather than just having him show up
I actually miss some aspects of old Shagaru, it's such a shame he lost the homing frenzy bombs, that added such a cool pressure to the fight, and the frenzy explosions on Sunbreak feel like an afterthought, they barely do damage and don't have an impact in the fight in my opinion, it's neat they're added to some of his regular moves during his extra rage mode, but they really don't do much, his aerial lunge had its range severely nerfed, and he doesn't combo his slams much anymore. The one addition I really love is the frenzy beam sweep, that move is a menace, but besides the visual and musical glow up I was a little underwhelmed with his Sunbreak iteration, just a little mind you, just being able to fight him in this engine is a treat enough.
I never experienced the previous magalas, but I died more to shagaru than gore. That itself explains he is harder than his emo form. In fact, his size difference from gore is huge, making hitbox check more of a reaction exercise...
Yeah he's definitely harder than gore, just less interesting. It takes away the dynamic-ness of the fight with the different forms and pretty much is just a frenzied gore with bigger attacks.
I think it should have no eyes when he changes. Then since hes blind the whole time, he never turns to face you. Just knows where u are. Thatd be the right amount of fear.
Shagaru, Chaotic and Gore were absolutely improved in Sunbreak. They swiftly became some of my favorite Monsters. But I can't say the same about Risen Shagaru Magala. He is one of the most coked-out monsters I've ever fought. Risen Shagaru gives you almost no room to breathe, he has rare openings, even with rainbow spiribird, he hits for 90% of my health, in Risen Mode, every attack is a two-shot, his frenzy laser is a one shot, he moves way too fast, even after I get a stun on him he gets right back up and don't get me started on his health.
One of my issues with starting as a Fiver, my build theory is very archaic so stuff like the Frenzy Virus set and even Bloodlust etc with Sunbreak, it's all so foreign to me. I need to widen my horizon on it so I can enjoy the game a bit more.
I hope they make an elder dragon with gore magala's skeleton again, a hexapod fully using it's six limbs I had an idea for an elder dragon that has a body structure similar to Gore Magala's but it's wings are not developed, instead being used for walking like Tigrex. So it has 6 legs. That would be very interesting
eh i disagree i miss the old bullet hell shaggy had. Old shaggy whole gimmick was if you fuck up once your in the pain train as finding a moment to heal would be very hard.This rewarded players learning his moveset and knowing his tells so you would have to panic heal less. But in order to mix up the hunt as the fight progressed he would use the homing split ball more often then when enraged he would spawn ground bombs. You then had to focus on the projectiles while having a frenzy gore magala on roids after you. New shaggy is just gore magala but new moves. Gore acted as the hard to predict faster monster that has a super rage state that allowed you to break the feelers, and the hunt revolved around breaking the feelers while living past the arm slams and super blasts. Shaggy was so much more predicated and readable you no longer needed to focus one body part but now focus on the map and shaggy in relation to his projeciles. however thats my dumb opinion so take it with a grain of salt
I actually agree a little with missing some aspects of old Shagaru, it's such a shame he lost the homing frenzy bombs, that added such a cool pressure to the fight, and the frenzy explosions on Sunbreak feel like an afterthought, they barely do damage and don't have an impact in the fight in my opinion, it's neat they're added to some of his regular moves during his extra rage mode, but they really don't do much, his aerial lunge had its range severely nerfed, and he doesn't combo his slams much anymore. The one addition I really love is the frenzy beam sweep, that move is a menace, but besides the visual and musical glow up I was a little underwhelmed with his Sunbreak iteration, just a little mind you, just being able to fight him in this engine is a treat enough.
The criticisms one might have of his fight is exactly why I like it a lot myself. The only other elder dragon that I feel put me more on edge was rusted Kushala Daora in 4U with a similar dynamic to his hunt. Man hunting him several times with repel after repel until actually taking him out was intense. More so than the likes of say Apex Rajang I feel.
They absolutely nailed the fight and the visuals for me my only complaint about their implementation is that they wherent a title update, if they where the first title update and got giving a small frenzy virus story arc that would have been perfect especially if we got to fight a couple frenzy monsters And imagine having to fight a monster that's gone both apex with the frenzy and blooded up with the qurios
Frenzied/Apex Rajang in Sunbreak 🙂. To be honest, having frenzied monsters side by side with Anomaly monsters in the endgame would be really cool, provided the frenzy whetstone mechanic would have to be reworked or removed entirely.
The only problem is shagaru doesn't have the entire game building up to him that's the only thing that isn't as good as the original. Oh and the fact it uh looked at you for a while when you first meet it showing it's intellect though seeing it bash another monster in with another monster also shows. another thing the gore magala's broken parts do not have the golden glow of shagaru underneath them. Also shagaru and chaotic's eyes glow when enraged.
@@lonewolfnergiganos4000 really? Scorned Magnamalo, Furious Rajang AND Crimson Glow Valstrax can be in expeditions... heck they can ALL be in the same expedition (I've seen it before) seems strange that Shaggy can't
I agree that Shagaru is MUCH more interesting in Sunbreak than he was in 4U but I do find him to be much easier than he was back then. I think one of the main reasons is the fact that he had both a High and G rank version whereas in Sunbreak he is only Master Rank. You were actually able to see a progression of difficulty as you switch between ranks. Also the Guild Quest system amped the difficulty with Shagaru being able to guarantee a OHKO with several attacks. I'm split on how I feel about Shagaru's Frenzied State being a separate thing from his Rage State as it was in 4U. I LOVE how the Elder Dragons in the 5th generation, and other special monsters, have a special state that ends with a "Nova", but I felt that adding this the Shagaru downplayed the difficulty of his fight is Sunbreak. Honestly, I find myself carting to Gore more often the Shagaru in Sunbreak whereas it was the opposite in 4U. I think the random explosions should have still been a thing, but Lore-wise we can go by what the description in the Hunter's Notes and just say that the Gore/Shagaru in the 4U regions was a special individual in particular.
For me it's the opposite, I found Shagaru really easy in 4U and meanwhile he kicked my ass in Sunbreak. Not to mention 4u was like a bajillion years ago so I (alongside pretty much every other hunter that played 4u when it was the newest game) was far worse at the game. Realistically he should be easier because we have many, many more years of experience. Despite this, I nearly triple carted my first time fighting him.
Don't know if it's a rise problem for being too easy or because there was no build up in the history, but I didn't feel like shagaru was threatening, he was just another monster i had to fight to progress
I didn't play the old games so I don't know the "bad" version of him but when I encountered him in Sunbreak he very much just felt like Gore but a bit more difficult. While that's pretty much the point of him it still didn't feel as special as it should be. Going from normal monster to elder dragon status should come with more drastic changes in his moveset imo. He feels like a variant and not a higher tier, ascended form of Gore like he is always portrayed.
My monster hunter addiction is getting crazy 😂 I can't help but actually watch these like I'm studying ecology for real 😂 damn these games are fun I've dragged my friend into it good times 😂
Ngl, I've always found Gore a fairly annoying fight with Shagaru being an improvement and I don't know why, in Sunbreak I can at least pin it down to Shagaru having a distinct moveset but in GU I felt the exact same way. Great video nonetheless though!!
tbh i felt it was better in mhgu but i might be biased as it was my first time fighing it so it felt like an epic fight vs sunreak being me fainting once
for me, gore is really fun but didn't live up to his potential. what i mean is that they should have had a frenzy mechanic with otehr monsters, still make blood blight/afflicted the focus with the endgame system but imagine if say gore/shagaru being on the map means that zones they've visited recently can have trace amounts of the frenzy virus so othere monsters small or large can get infected. this would make hunts much more dynamic in this situation if quests had this interaction or if in expeditions it happened when either was on the map. no need for unique rewards, just see it as a hazard mid hunt that can happen like the ambush kind of is when cromson glow valstrax is on the map. i'd ahve also loved if those were more frequent in master rank for him to be more impactful. the frenzy mines shagaru has are iconic, many of them appearing in his intro so them being just follow up explosions to some attacks really messes with his identity, trading it for just another generic kaiju beam but i gues being able to prevent that is kind of cool. i still enjoy the fight a lot but this choice with the mines is just weird. they could have easily updated his AI along with the mines so he makes better use of them for landing them, limiting your movement as they surround you, and comboing them with his attacks. i hope we get chatic gore in an update, variants are interesting, he's a great excuse to give us blood lust in a decoration, and his weapons with their cursed affinity are really interesting. for those not familiar with how that works, his weapons have 2 affinity values 1 positive/one negative that trigger every other hit and affinity skills only buff the positive so you can never get rid of the cursed/negative affinity but otherwise their stats are fairly good. having him change stances often would also make his fight really stand out from the other 2.
I love Chaotic Magalas blursed affinity mechanic. A very real possibility that could be put in again in his inclusion, since the rampage decoration for negative crits exist.
@@Hibernial it would be a lot of fun and, as i said, an excuse for bloodlust decos so that skill isn't as restrictive. not sure he's update 1 but i'd guess he'll show up. only 2 more days till the live stream.
Honestly I find him a little bit too easy in Sunbreak, Gore I think they got completely right, but Shiggy here just doesn't feel as menacing as I feel he should. Keeping underneath him or towards his tail is pretty foolproof as a way to dodge almost all of his attacks, and since he is so hyper focused on those frontal explosions and frenzy, he doesn't quite have the melee tools to punish the hunter. In 4u he fell like an actual boss to fight, sometimes moreso than Dalamadur or Gog, but here I don't think he commands nearly as much respect.
Can't say the notion of Shagaru being lacking in 4U ever occurred to me, aside from being relatively on the easy side for an Elder Dragon. Honestly doesn't register for me.
as a MHW starter, i definitely find gore to be more annoying/harder than shagru simply cuz the physical movesets both have fit a much smaller body aka gore's body. my first impression was shagaru is still the more easier/disappointing fight, but what would make it way better is if his low HP enrage state was at 50% instead of blue icon state. a song is better when it builds up, drops a epic climax melody, then finishes with a quiet conclusion and i feel shagaru in sunbreak would benefit more if he was like this but no quiet conclusion unless u kill it or break the face out of it
Shagaru Magala in MH4 was the Most awesome fight. It was so freaking chaotic people died everywhere. Sunbreaks magala is very cool but a bit of a let down in my opinion. He is just to easy. There is no panic in the fight. He got the new laser attack like every monster ever... and his unfair seeking frenz blasts are gone. I don't know I find him far to weak in sunbreak. I would love an apex version. And make it more like the old one but even more insane cause we as hunters are like Million times more powerful in sunbreak.
Sunbreak still gives me “anime protag power fantasy vibes,” as in the general changes seem to be more surface level rather than developing the fights over the course of progression. Don’t get me wrong they definitely improved Shaggy, but in terms of balance I can’t help but feel it wasn’t nearly enough. Don’t even get me started on Gore and how he’s feeling the power creep. First update rolled around and I can’t help but be cynical. I hope people understand the idea of “balancing” rather than “improving” and how it relates to the new tools we were given, which are still purely optional.
@@cynicalgold9992 positioning matters significantly less in the modern entries of Monster Hunter, since the introduction of many avenues to cover mistakes and answer attacks directly. Counters (adept style counts too), easy access to armor skills (evasion in particular), and even the nerfing of some monsters. Actually knowing the monster’s moveset has never mattered less. Magnamalo being the epitome of this change. Gore Magala heavily punished positioning, and was capable of cornering hunters easily if you fought him like any other. But as I said before, positioning doesn’t matter anymore. So its greatest strength and therefore its “lesson” is lost. And there were some heavy nerfs too. Lemme list some of em: -Long pause after the ground slam -New projectile explosion makes its head more vulnerable. Literally just dodge in. -redid the fight to double check, but they made it slower -they gave its short dash forward a preemptive sidestep -overall less aggressive while enraged, uses mobility options less frequently in that state -knockdown after hitting feelers to disengage enraged state (they’re not horns I thought they were too at one point lol) -hip check makes the fight easier due to the opening afterwards -environments are overall more forgiving And thank you for attending my Ted Talk. Edit: Think of it like using summons/heavily over-leveling on Margit. Since the player never learns how to properly deal with his moveset, they subsequently have issues with Radahn and Maliketh and proceed to cry on the internet.
@@DarknessFamiliar Here's some more actually but about Shagaru, He used to do the left, and then right arm slams, into the big downward slam, as a triple hit combo, but now he NEVER does it, I've hunted him 126 times in sunbreak because I got him in a anomaly investigation, and he doesn't do that pattern anymore, and they also nerfed the flying downward dive he does, since in old games if he was enraged, he would 100% rush after doing it and I know this is a pattern because I hunted 1000 shagarus in MH4U chasing relic weapons, now he doesn't full body rush after the downward dive anymore whether he is enraged or not, in fact he barely uses the rush anymore.
Personally I think all fights are intended to be afflicted. Unless you are a speed runner, very few afflicted monsters feel like mere punching bags anymore
Honestly probably the most fun monster in Sunbreak, at least until we get Stygian. I honestly think its new theme sucks, though. I feel the same way about most of the elder dragons starting in World. The soulful, moving part of each theme has been forced to the back behind obnoxiously-loud generic fight music, and they all sound discordant and messy with uniform volume instead of the grand swells and interludes of the older themes. I really want Amatsu back but I hate to think what they'll do to its theme.
Honestly, I actually kinda think Sumbreak Shagaru is a bit worse. I never played 4u but fought him in GU, and at first I actually didn't like his fight all that much. It felt really hard to get close to his head since it felt like he spammed his charged frenzy explosions a lot. But as I fought him a few more times, it got a bit easier. I noticed more openings to hit his head, and learned to better deal with the random frenzy explosions. And recently, I've really got him down. I learned his second charged frenzy explosions go in a line instead of side to side providing a good opening, and in general learned his openings and timings. Sunbreak though has a few things I really dislike. One, I kinda don't like him as a standard, roaming monster. The whole atmosphere of fighting him in GU made the fight feel epic and important, like the stakes were high. But now he just runs away from time to time. And even worse, you can wyvern ride him. Not a huge fan of the mechanic in general, since it makes the monsters feel like less of a threat and more like you have power over them, instead of them over you. He just feels less epic as a standard monster fight. Second, he's too easy to hit in the head now. This is less of an issue of his fight itself, but more of an issue of Rise that affects the fight. In GU, if you try to stick to Shagaru too much, he's going to blast you away. Like the video said, his head is the weakest part of him, but also the most dangerous. Since his hitzones aren't all that great, it's necessary to focus on the head to kill him. So the fight is about figuring out how to dodge and weave between his attacks to access his weak point. With Sunbreak though, it's easier than ever to be ultra aggressive, because of wirebugs and counters. He doesn't really punish you for staying too close to him anymore, because he'll try to attack and you just counter. It's just too easy to hit his head now, in my opinion. My first encounter with him I was kinda waiting for him to do something actually threatening. His laser came, but I just kinda sidestepped it and kept attacking. Then he finally did his iconic flying roar, and things actually got exciting. Here we go, here come the ground explosions and stuff. And then it was a pretty good fight. But then he ran away again, interrupting the "good part." And here's my biggest complaint. I track him down, fight him for a little bit, and then he dies! He just died too fast for me. I didn't spend much time in the most exciting part of his fight since I just killed him too fast! Idk, maybe I was just too familiar with his moveset from GU, but he felt too easy to me. He really could've used more health in my opinion.
The fight is alright, though I thought it could be pretty enjoyable in 4th gen as well, but am I the only one who thinks those massive lasers look very out of place? They don't seem to fit it at all and feel weirdly slapped on
Shagaru magala was oddly easy to me in rise and I killed him first try and did not faint once he was a chalange but gore was harder. It might be since I knew gore's attacks and how similar they are to shagarus but shagarus fight was not that hard dor me.
Man I don’t know about you guys but shagaru felt like a disappointment to me, I don’t why but there was nothing fun or challenging of him and just no excitement fighting him I literally only got hit twice during my fight with him but I really can’t criticize him to much since I only fought him once might need to go back and study him again and see if I get lucky again
I've always disliked gore magala because even though it has a large move set due to its two forms, I find its default state extremely boring, and it doesn't power up enough to make up for that. Because of this, I always preferred shagaru since his move set is less boring, even if disappointingly limited (although random explosions severely lower my opinion of it). Chaotic is the only magala who is actually fun for me. Sunbreak Gore is still really boring for me, but the change to shagaru's explosions as well as other move set tweaks made him one of the better monsters in sunbreak
I started in gen5 and I'm not seeing the appeal. Theyre cool, but not ones im the most fond of. Those cape wings make everything look like one single blob to me
Hard disagree on the premises. Shaguru was extremely fun for me. For the longest time, he was the bar I was comparing flag ship monsters to. It's why I don't Negigante and Magnamolo. They just don't compare to Shaguru.
With 4U as my first game and Gore/Shagura one of my all time favorite monsters I have to say Sunbreak actually did them wrong. Gore is fine but feels noticably weaker and easier to topple(this may just be because I've gotten vastly better at the game in the many years I've been playing it). However Shagura got done dirty. They removed his random spawning explosions which completely collapsed the dynamic of the fight. **All** of Shagura's moves are dodged by rolling in. I no longer even look at what move Shagura is doing. I simply see a animation start, walk up a bit, and then roll forward. This was my entire issue with Worlds/Icebourne. That all monster attacks were dodged by rolling left. I thought Rise/Sunbreak had fixed this and for the most part they had. Shagura will continue to be one of my favorite monsters but that's despite how Sunbreak handled him, not because. Also and this is just personal taste. The beam doesn't fit it and makes the fight feel dumb. It doesn't feel synergist with the rest of his kit or theme at all.
Knowing they added the Magalas makes me so conflicted since I always loved fighting them, but I'm boycotting the game due to the removal of Hunting Horn
Gore and Shaggy are so fun in Sunbreak I can definitely see Chaotic being one of the best fights in the game when he inevitably drops
Like Zoinks scoob
Yeah we might get that I instead of his inflicted version since that wouldn’t make sense lore wise
Like Monoblos, Gravios, Gold and Silver Rath, Espinas variations and etc
@@moniessuwu836 I could see that happen, like the Qurio's mess with his molting which ends up triggering the Chaotic form.
oh man i hope so, i rly ant to fight that thing again, also that armor and weapos are cool af
I just realized, when you break Gores parts, you can see gold scales underneath
Gore is the monster that really made me love this series. 4U was my first MH game, and the first Gore key quest was so difficult for me that I took a few months off. I came back to the game, beat Gore, and that was it. I was hooked.
remember the crimson fatalis
I do think that the old version of Shagaru Magala deserves more credit. Maybe it's just cause I sucked back then being my first monster hunter, but I took a lot longer trying to beat Shagaru than Gore my first time. Yeah sure his moveset was more limited, but the fact that he was permanently enraged made his fight feel a lot more tense than most. With the random explosions and especially that one frenzy attack that would independently target you, you were forced to constantly be on the move in a way that few other monsters could manage. Both those things might've been annoying, but they were a part of the fight's identity like bazel's random pinecone explosions.
Agreed from me. I loved fighting shaggy as a CB main and still do, because it’s mechanics forces you to be mobile and utilize what you learned from the base gore fight to take advantage of aiming at his head for knockouts, or at times in his arena you might be able to manage going for a mount if you’re on the right terrain.
I only fought 4u Shagaru very recently, and he's currently my favorite monster to fight, so I'm not speaking out of nostalgia here. The best thing about Shagaru is that all of his attacks, even the random explosions, gives you fair warning and always feel like it's your fault when you get hit. He doesn't rely on any cheap gimmick like roar and wind stun combos, and if you fail, the camp is right next to his arena, so there's little downtime before you get to fight him again.
Nevermind, I fought the g rank version. It's ass.
Bloodlust in sunbreak also gives you attack up when infected along with the other skills resuscitate and coalescence.
yes but having all of those is just in that set or severely cripples your ability to do much else. it's almost an all or nothing set. hopefully chaotic will give us bloodlust decoes so we have more options.
@@jockpackage1770 tossing on either just the helm or the chestplate gives a substantial attack/crit bonus, more than running the Lunagaron helm or Archfiend chest.
@@maxieprimo2758 yes but for non monkeys, camage skills aren't everything. the fun of the games comes from build diversity, not just cloning meta shit
@@jockpackage1770 Okay so you can either go Lunagaron for crit and wirebug, Archfiend for easy Wex, Malzeno for easy Wirebug, or Arc for easy damage and crit *and* synergy options at the cost of health drain. It offers build diversity.
@@maxieprimo2758 yes or do other sets with more work/creative thinking for a good middle ground
Literally couldn't wait for this video to drop!
A very interesting thing is that chaotic in Sunbreak really seems in constant pain, both in his intro which is very sad and makes you feel sorry for him, and in his special attack that after it makes him writhe in pain. And chaotic before it was just a stronger gore lol
This is my first time fighting the Magalas and they have both been an incredible blast. Shagaru specifically has the presence of being a true final boss. His appearance, moveset, theme and native locale of the citadel all work together to create a memorable hunting experience. I’m bring up the citadel as a contributor because how fitting was this to be map Shagaru calls home? This is a monster you look at and can fully believe that he single-handedly brought a civilization to ruin.
@@RustyhairedLamialp9575 I mean the dude has a virus that kills most wildlife.
Since I am new to the series (started with World) I never got to experience the Magalas in their “prime.” Regardless, I was extremely excited to fight both Gore and Shagaru and I was not disappointed with either fight, especially Shagaru. Valstrax in base Rise was my favorite fight in the game but now I think Shagaru takes the cake for Sunbreak as of right now. Such a fun and challenging fight, the Magalas definitely didn’t disappoint and I hope we get to see them again in future games.
Considering Shagaru is to this day my favorite elder dragon, I'm so glad with how they handled him in Sunbreak. Bloodlust is one of my favorite new skills in the game and I love mixing resentment (as well as resuscitate) with it for an insane amount of buffs.
time for some awesome content to return
I was one of the few theorycrafters who utilized the Frenzy Virus Hunter Art in conjunction with Chaotic Gore Magala weapons & gain the benefits of the compounded affinity buffs from the weapons on top of Antivirus as a skill. You'd be aurprised how effective it is maxing out your affinity with Critboost added into the mix. It's a conditional buff but you can also run Crisis as well to gain +20 raw without needing to invest 20 points into the attack skill while Frenzied. Lots of options for how to use Frenzy as a tool to gain added damage buffs.
Yes Heavy! Glad you're back!
I always appreciate how in depth your videos are. Do you think you will have a video covering Sunbreak Furious Rajang?
Yes, but in a few months once some title updates have dropped.
The random explosions in 4 and Gen/GU aren't random at all. Well... there ARE random explosions. But at fixed intervals, an explosion will happen directly beneath your hunter, forcing you to always be on the move as well as limiting your window to use items. I haven't fought Shagaru in Sunbreak yet, but I'll miss those explosions. Though I'm sure it's still going to be a thrilling fight.
Great video, 1 slight error was Shagaru's armor skill, it gives frenzy when u engage in combat with a large monster or when the notice you and as soon as the buff for overcoming it wares off u get it again and while buffed it no longer drains hp.
number one improvement:
he's not in a small circle full of ledges anymore
yes, this alone was enough to vastly improve the experience
LITERALLY. Ledges in MH make me want to scream
@@beansfebreeze i feel you man
ledges killed me more times that actual attacks in fourth gen, literally
I lowkey miss the Sanctuary but it's nicer to fight him elsewhere.
Most of all though, I miss safety rock.
@@HeavyWings you could technically fight him outside of the sanctuary. You could fight him in the Everwood through his guild quests in 4u
@@WisdomAkpan211 oh yeah, that was totally a thing in 4u
I love Shagaru in rise, i do however, feel like some of his attacks were slighty nerfed on the transition from "being an arena fight" over to a "open map fight" as in some areas his attacks arent as opressing as they were back in 4U, of course that is just a minor problem and that doesnt make his fight any less fun
This video is way better than i expected. Love your content!
So glad you acknowledged the banger theme for its fight
My only issue with new shaggy is how much it relies on ranged attacks. If it had more focus on the melee kit I'd absolutely love it but rn the thing just runs away and acts like a frenzy cannon
I never played 4U, or have fought Shagaru in GU, but I did fight it in Sunbreak, and while I was expecting it to be good, great even, I was not expecting it to be this good, and is what caused it to shoot up to my top five favorite elder dragons in the franchise, and it's also my favorite returning monster in Sunbreak.
You may enjoy 4U or GU if you ever get the chance! Myself, I haven’t played GU much yet. But 4U being my entry point made me a life long fan of the series.
All 3 of them i loved when i 1st seen them in 4U, i'm glad they were brought back later on because the armor designs, the weapon designs, Capcom really gave me monsters to enjoy
I like the idea of an update series on how some monsters are improved game to game, or even just between expansions.
Not you Lavasioth, I will never care for you.
Great content as always!
A slight irksome issue I have with Shagaru in Sunbreak is that the Citadel map itself adds an minor annoying factor to it's fight.
The pathways between zones in the Citadel map are on average narrower than the other maps. Shagaru with its frequent leaping and repositioning somehow nearly always ends in up in these passage ways. With it being a wide monster thanks to its wing arms always on the ground and with its notable attacks in its moveset consisting of sweeps and Frenzy mines makes it then really dangerous and annoying to fight it then.
Personally when Shagaru is in an undesirable zone I like to open the fight by Wyvern Riding it to either zones 2, 4, 7, 11, 13 or 14 since they are the largest areas on the map. This makes its fight easier in a way or at least more tolerable.
While playing online I have seen most people faint to it when fighting it in zones 5, 6, 8 and 10 because of it going into passage ways
Use dung bombs then
Well it fits the whole Hunter style does it not? You seem like a skilled hunter that takes no chances. So you ride him over to open space so you have more room to fight.
“Shagaru adds a lot of new elements to his fight. That makes it fundamentally less interesting.”
I’ll be honest the premise of this video that old Shagaru is somehow lacking and didn’t live up to Gore and needed to be improved just doesn’t reach me at all.
You must have misunderstood then.
The premise was that Shagaru felt like a permanently frenzied Gore with random frenzy explosions all over the field.
Which they improved upon in Sunbreak.
@@niklasmitfussl2639 Personally, it didn’t feel like an improvement. The fight lost a lot of what made it special, like being locked to an arena without breaks and the consistent intensity-that’s completely butchered by making him leave the zone constantly and by making half the fight easy-it’s just Gore again but slightly harder. Old Shaggy was the hardest part of Gore, the enemy you know well already, but more, and without hand holding breaks or reprieves-imagine chasing Alatreon across a normal map and calling it improved. Sure, Shagaru would move in guild quests… where the maps were very linear, but those still aren’t the base experience of the fight, and they aren’t for a reason. The random explosions and tracking bombs adding multiple attack vectors etc… also things like the star pose and the hand slams just don’t feel as impactful, and I *completely* disagree that the random explosions, which also no longer exist, don’t make the fight harder-most of my hard fights with Shaggy in the past were down to the wire on healing, or even failing for being forced to use them, and generally making openings less safe and forcing perfect positioning at the best of times (like punishing the double hand slam) obviously makes a fight harder-this is a weird anecdotal point that doesn’t make sense and is empirically wrong.
Finally, Gore was easier because you could bully it out of the intense part of the fight, which you couldn’t do to Shagaru. But now you can? And this isn’t considered a significant difference between the two, and is somehow praised? It was a part of the fight dynamic-you were pressured into aggression because you needed to end the fight before getting worn down by attrition, but you weren’t gifted free knockdowns or able to use it as “please stop kicking my ass” button.
Ultimately the new Shagaru encounter is way more basic, and just generally easier, and in my opinion has not managed to differentiate itself from Gore but done the *complete opposite*. The first thing my friend said to me when we ran it together was “that was just Gore again, and we just fought Gore.”
Also they ruined the star pose. Its wings are all floppy and loose now. >.>
And yes, it roaring on the ground for most of the fight is a damage window compared to doing the star pose more than once.
They even seemed to screw up its lore. When you talked to Chichae for the urgent quest she says “many kingdoms have been destroyed by Shagaru Magala”. Really? Why didn’t anyone know what it was in 4? And why weren’t they familiar with the Frenzy virus? It feels weird to say something like that.
@@Goji-Moji Yoo the Instant essay response, jk here I go aswell.
First of all, Preach.
While I still stand by the point I made, I do agree that making him a regular monster roaming the citadel makes him a worse fight. They could have easily kept him in the top-most area of the map. The lore screw up was sadly pretty much predetermined aswell with how intricate Gore and him are to 4Us story.
I can't comment on his looks or the difference in the star pose much, but they tried too hard to make him realistic, I miss his pristine golden shine.
Oh well, that's why I'm on PC.
To touch again on the lore, Sunbreaks story is basically nonexistant and boils down to several fetch quests without ANY purpose outside of the Malzeno quest, the zero endemic life quest, and final Boss quest. The visuals and cutscenes help elevate it a bit but I feel like it deceives alot of players into the impression that the story can even be called that - a story. Admiral Arekz Gaming just tells you and Firoayne to kill this and that without much context or reason. It's nonexistant and that does ofc not help Gore and Shagaru appearing randomly without even the slightest bit of connection to each other. They couldve even pulled a sneaky on us and initially lead us to think that it was Gore's meddling with monsters again but nah he's just there chilling. Anyways here's a quest to kill it.
I will have to disagree on them feeling similar. The fights feel vastly different to me but that could come down to weapon choice. I recently got into Hammer and had a hard time keeping up with Shagaru so he was in his true rage state pretty much constantly. Maybe 2 Hunters was enough to knock him out of it more often? It would also highlight how easy he is compared to when he could not get knocked out of it in 4U and GU.
Highlights one of Sunbreaks/Rises general problems aswell, almost every monster has one or more monster specific knockdowns in addidtion to trips, stuns, Wyvern Riding and affliction trips.
I do agree with you there as that makes the fight less hard and takes away from Shaggys identity as he is streamlined more to have the knockdowns but IMO it is still very dynamic, fluid, and fun as his fight still manages to feel stressful, harder than most pre MR6 monsters, and rewarding to me.
I think both versions of Shaggy do some things better than the other one and a mixture, like giving 4Us the undeniably sick laser moves and the telegraphed frenzy spots after attacks, would satisfy everyone.
There's also no shame in him being harder then the other Elders Dragons in the game so he'd be justified to have his own arena again or to be unlockable after the "story" similar to Furious Goku.
I'm grateful that you elaborated and explained your frustration thoroughly, I gained new insights on some aspects of the fight thanks to you. Cheers!
Both kushala, gore and shagaru are improving and fixed that make it better
Patreon: www.patreon.com/HeavyWings
Thank you
Bit of an odd question, but what was the music at the beginning of the Patreon Announcement segment? At 15:51 - 15:56
@@skrilllfury2120 ua-cam.com/video/qsRxkqRzWP0/v-deo.html
oh my god, darquesse? valkyrie? is that a skulduggery pleasant fan i see? great video by the way!
I named my Cohoot Stephanie.
@@HeavyWings i was wondering if you had her there too to cap off the trio haha
I personaly really liked lvl140 Shagaru back in MH4U, leveled up the fight imo, it made the monster really menacing with a huge hp pool and you were always on your guard for those heavy hitting attacks, one of the best 140 experience for me
I can barely handle 140 Teostra, provided I’m playing in a team that can survive…I haven’t gotten Shagaru up to 140 yet; playing 4U on and off and all.
i think frenzy ties in perfectly be because monsters are much more aggressive when infected, but if you get infected you are heavily encouraged to play more aggressive. making you have to play as if you are in a frenzied state
Actually in rise when overcoming frenzy restores red health, meaning you gamble hard, if you get tapped you lose a lot of that.
I played GU during the wait for rise, and even thou I loved both magala hunts, I preferred to fight Gore over Shagaru.
In sunbreak they gave him just what he needed to stand out more to make me prefer the latter better especially the changes to the theme you highlighted in the video. I still miss the sanctuary map for the setting and one on one feeling it gives.
Great video overall.
the main reason that made gore and shagaru my favorite monster across all games is that 4u was my first mh game and going though the story made gore feel like a rival to me there was always a moment every time we fought that felt like a dance between us and eventually at the end of the story we meet again at our strongest for one last fight
That deep voice reference for Jyratodus lol
I don’t how to feel about this. As someone who just began playing MH4U after beating Scorned Magnamalo, Shagaru Magala left much more of an impression on me in MH4U and I know that it has a lot to do with the story but I still think the fight is better than you make it sound. The random explosions everywhere, the passive darkened sky and the unique area you fight him in really made me feel how powerful and dangerous he is. To me, a monster that is so strong it activates things passively gives me an impression of his destructive abilities. Also, the fact that he is always “enraged” doesn’t delete the urge to attack him because you still need to heal from the Frenzy Virus and because you are literally stuck in the area with Shagaru Magala. It is just my opinion and you are free to disagree.
Yeah, i agree. The video includes a lot of good observations concerning his changes and how he was previously, but wether you interpret these as good or bad really comes down each Hunter themself. I enjoyed Shagaru in both generations, and i do prefer his 4U Version quite a lot more, for the Story and the atmossphere of the fight. Using only frenzied attacks, made him feel a lot more aggressive as well, in my opinion. I think his Sunbreak Version is about equal to his Version in GenU. I have never seen someone not love Shagaru, so i suppose we aren't the only one with this opinion, but it's also just an opinion in the end
same, old shaggy is one of my favorite Hunts. Sometimes more isnt better.
I find interesting that most of the amazing fights in rise where from returning monsters, not the new ones
In regard to shagaru's theme, I very much prefer the original, just like astalos, they turned down the intonation, making it not feel as impacting
My only complaints for shagaru in sunbreak are how they removed Shagarus homing projectile attack and how his tails physics seem off at time.
I wish they'd release his area too and to fight him there on modern platforms would be cool. If they made like afflicted elders or super elders it'd be neat.
Yellow is the complimentary to purple, btw, it would be cool if the adult form loses the frenzy since it doesn’t need it to see, tho I guess it suppresses others and is cool to darken the sky
I'm so glad they got rid of the RNG explosion. My only gripe with him was randomly being combo by those explosions
i feel like the intro for Shagaru could have been a bit more interesting, like besides the slam downa nd the star pose i feel like he is just sort of there, PERSONALLY i would have had him be obscured by darkness while he did those so new players would think "when did Gore get so tough?" then when he does the pose the shine he gives off reveals he's Shagaru, it's a small tweak, i think it would have been a fun way to reveal him rather than just having him show up
Literally the 🐐
I actually miss some aspects of old Shagaru, it's such a shame he lost the homing frenzy bombs, that added such a cool pressure to the fight, and the frenzy explosions on Sunbreak feel like an afterthought, they barely do damage and don't have an impact in the fight in my opinion, it's neat they're added to some of his regular moves during his extra rage mode, but they really don't do much, his aerial lunge had its range severely nerfed, and he doesn't combo his slams much anymore.
The one addition I really love is the frenzy beam sweep, that move is a menace, but besides the visual and musical glow up I was a little underwhelmed with his Sunbreak iteration, just a little mind you, just being able to fight him in this engine is a treat enough.
I agree.
@@wiiu-theunderratedconsole7569 That WiiU definitely be underrated though.
I never experienced the previous magalas, but I died more to shagaru than gore. That itself explains he is harder than his emo form. In fact, his size difference from gore is huge, making hitbox check more of a reaction exercise...
Yeah he's definitely harder than gore, just less interesting. It takes away the dynamic-ness of the fight with the different forms and pretty much is just a frenzied gore with bigger attacks.
I think it should have no eyes when he changes. Then since hes blind the whole time, he never turns to face you. Just knows where u are. Thatd be the right amount of fear.
Oh, I feel silly now. I was calling him the Heavenly Pillar Dragon. Why does his explosions look like that.
Worth noting, the tokyo drift (new hip check) is from frontier
Shagaru, Chaotic and Gore were absolutely improved in Sunbreak. They swiftly became some of my favorite Monsters. But I can't say the same about Risen Shagaru Magala. He is one of the most coked-out monsters I've ever fought.
Risen Shagaru gives you almost no room to breathe, he has rare openings, even with rainbow spiribird, he hits for 90% of my health, in Risen Mode, every attack is a two-shot, his frenzy laser is a one shot, he moves way too fast, even after I get a stun on him he gets right back up and don't get me started on his health.
One of my issues with starting as a Fiver, my build theory is very archaic so stuff like the Frenzy Virus set and even Bloodlust etc with Sunbreak, it's all so foreign to me. I need to widen my horizon on it so I can enjoy the game a bit more.
I hope they make an elder dragon with gore magala's skeleton again, a hexapod fully using it's six limbs
I had an idea for an elder dragon that has a body structure similar to Gore Magala's but it's wings are not developed, instead being used for walking like Tigrex. So it has 6 legs. That would be very interesting
We need frenzy afflicted monsters in coming updates
The goat is back
eh i disagree i miss the old bullet hell shaggy had. Old shaggy whole gimmick was if you fuck up once your in the pain train as finding a moment to heal would be very hard.This rewarded players learning his moveset and knowing his tells so you would have to panic heal less. But in order to mix up the hunt as the fight progressed he would use the homing split ball more often then when enraged he would spawn ground bombs. You then had to focus on the projectiles while having a frenzy gore magala on roids after you. New shaggy is just gore magala but new moves.
Gore acted as the hard to predict faster monster that has a super rage state that allowed you to break the feelers, and the hunt revolved around breaking the feelers while living past the arm slams and super blasts. Shaggy was so much more predicated and readable you no longer needed to focus one body part but now focus on the map and shaggy in relation to his projeciles.
however thats my dumb opinion so take it with a grain of salt
I actually agree a little with missing some aspects of old Shagaru, it's such a shame he lost the homing frenzy bombs, that added such a cool pressure to the fight, and the frenzy explosions on Sunbreak feel like an afterthought, they barely do damage and don't have an impact in the fight in my opinion, it's neat they're added to some of his regular moves during his extra rage mode, but they really don't do much, his aerial lunge had its range severely nerfed, and he doesn't combo his slams much anymore.
The one addition I really love is the frenzy beam sweep, that move is a menace, but besides the visual and musical glow up I was a little underwhelmed with his Sunbreak iteration, just a little mind you, just being able to fight him in this engine is a treat enough.
I 100% agree.
The criticisms one might have of his fight is exactly why I like it a lot myself. The only other elder dragon that I feel put me more on edge was rusted Kushala Daora in 4U with a similar dynamic to his hunt.
Man hunting him several times with repel after repel until actually taking him out was intense. More so than the likes of say Apex Rajang I feel.
He even got a risen form.
They absolutely nailed the fight and the visuals for me my only complaint about their implementation is that they wherent a title update, if they where the first title update and got giving a small frenzy virus story arc that would have been perfect especially if we got to fight a couple frenzy monsters
And imagine having to fight a monster that's gone both apex with the frenzy and blooded up with the qurios
Frenzied/Apex Rajang in Sunbreak 🙂.
To be honest, having frenzied monsters side by side with Anomaly monsters in the endgame would be really cool, provided the frenzy whetstone mechanic would have to be reworked or removed entirely.
And then risen was released.
why does your channel name have to be in the title?
Chaotic Gore did return to Sunbreak, later on.
But chaotic gore magala is a MR10 urgent quest?? It definitely did return alongside gore magala & shagaru magala In the sunbreak expansion?? 😭
The only problem is shagaru doesn't have the entire game building up to him that's the only thing that isn't as good as the original. Oh and the fact it uh looked at you for a while when you first meet it showing it's intellect though seeing it bash another monster in with another monster also shows.
another thing the gore magala's broken parts do not have the golden glow of shagaru underneath them.
Also shagaru and chaotic's eyes glow when enraged.
I really wish they would put Shagaru Magala in expeditions though, but his fight is cool nonetheless 💙😁
He's not in expeditions?
@@HeavyWings unfortunately no
@@lonewolfnergiganos4000that's odd lol. He must be the only monster who can't show up then? Aside from Narwa, Ibushi and the apexes.
@@lonewolfnergiganos4000 really? Scorned Magnamalo, Furious Rajang AND Crimson Glow Valstrax can be in expeditions... heck they can ALL be in the same expedition (I've seen it before)
seems strange that Shaggy can't
@@deinonychus1948 yeah, hopefully that'll change in the first title update ☺️
I agree that Shagaru is MUCH more interesting in Sunbreak than he was in 4U but I do find him to be much easier than he was back then. I think one of the main reasons is the fact that he had both a High and G rank version whereas in Sunbreak he is only Master Rank. You were actually able to see a progression of difficulty as you switch between ranks. Also the Guild Quest system amped the difficulty with Shagaru being able to guarantee a OHKO with several attacks. I'm split on how I feel about Shagaru's Frenzied State being a separate thing from his Rage State as it was in 4U. I LOVE how the Elder Dragons in the 5th generation, and other special monsters, have a special state that ends with a "Nova", but I felt that adding this the Shagaru downplayed the difficulty of his fight is Sunbreak. Honestly, I find myself carting to Gore more often the Shagaru in Sunbreak whereas it was the opposite in 4U. I think the random explosions should have still been a thing, but Lore-wise we can go by what the description in the Hunter's Notes and just say that the Gore/Shagaru in the 4U regions was a special individual in particular.
For me it's the opposite, I found Shagaru really easy in 4U and meanwhile he kicked my ass in Sunbreak. Not to mention 4u was like a bajillion years ago so I (alongside pretty much every other hunter that played 4u when it was the newest game) was far worse at the game. Realistically he should be easier because we have many, many more years of experience. Despite this, I nearly triple carted my first time fighting him.
Don't know if it's a rise problem for being too easy or because there was no build up in the history, but I didn't feel like shagaru was threatening, he was just another monster i had to fight to progress
i always struggled more with gore than shaggy, dunno why
maybe its a chaotic vibes thing lmfao
How are you playing mh4u so crystal clear, this on an emulator?
Eh Shagaru still feels the same as in 4u just no landmines.
I didn't play the old games so I don't know the "bad" version of him but when I encountered him in Sunbreak he very much just felt like Gore but a bit more difficult. While that's pretty much the point of him it still didn't feel as special as it should be. Going from normal monster to elder dragon status should come with more drastic changes in his moveset imo. He feels like a variant and not a higher tier, ascended form of Gore like he is always portrayed.
You are probably not gonna like shagaru in the older games.
Old Shagaru isn't bad imo, just not as good as he could be.
@@marcusaaronliaogo9158 definitely*
My monster hunter addiction is getting crazy 😂 I can't help but actually watch these like I'm studying ecology for real 😂 damn these games are fun I've dragged my friend into it good times 😂
Ngl, I've always found Gore a fairly annoying fight with Shagaru being an improvement and I don't know why, in Sunbreak I can at least pin it down to Shagaru having a distinct moveset but in GU I felt the exact same way.
Great video nonetheless though!!
tbh i felt it was better in mhgu but i might be biased as it was my first time fighing it so it felt like an epic fight vs sunreak being me fainting once
Idk man the clips of you fighting them in the older game look way more badass
for me, gore is really fun but didn't live up to his potential. what i mean is that they should have had a frenzy mechanic with otehr monsters, still make blood blight/afflicted the focus with the endgame system but imagine if say gore/shagaru being on the map means that zones they've visited recently can have trace amounts of the frenzy virus so othere monsters small or large can get infected. this would make hunts much more dynamic in this situation if quests had this interaction or if in expeditions it happened when either was on the map. no need for unique rewards, just see it as a hazard mid hunt that can happen like the ambush kind of is when cromson glow valstrax is on the map. i'd ahve also loved if those were more frequent in master rank for him to be more impactful.
the frenzy mines shagaru has are iconic, many of them appearing in his intro so them being just follow up explosions to some attacks really messes with his identity, trading it for just another generic kaiju beam but i gues being able to prevent that is kind of cool. i still enjoy the fight a lot but this choice with the mines is just weird. they could have easily updated his AI along with the mines so he makes better use of them for landing them, limiting your movement as they surround you, and comboing them with his attacks.
i hope we get chatic gore in an update, variants are interesting, he's a great excuse to give us blood lust in a decoration, and his weapons with their cursed affinity are really interesting. for those not familiar with how that works, his weapons have 2 affinity values 1 positive/one negative that trigger every other hit and affinity skills only buff the positive so you can never get rid of the cursed/negative affinity but otherwise their stats are fairly good. having him change stances often would also make his fight really stand out from the other 2.
I love Chaotic Magalas blursed affinity mechanic. A very real possibility that could be put in again in his inclusion, since the rampage decoration for negative crits exist.
@@Hibernial it would be a lot of fun and, as i said, an excuse for bloodlust decos so that skill isn't as restrictive. not sure he's update 1 but i'd guess he'll show up. only 2 more days till the live stream.
Honestly I find him a little bit too easy in Sunbreak, Gore I think they got completely right, but Shiggy here just doesn't feel as menacing as I feel he should. Keeping underneath him or towards his tail is pretty foolproof as a way to dodge almost all of his attacks, and since he is so hyper focused on those frontal explosions and frenzy, he doesn't quite have the melee tools to punish the hunter.
In 4u he fell like an actual boss to fight, sometimes moreso than Dalamadur or Gog, but here I don't think he commands nearly as much respect.
Can't say the notion of Shagaru being lacking in 4U ever occurred to me, aside from being relatively on the easy side for an Elder Dragon. Honestly doesn't register for me.
as a MHW starter, i definitely find gore to be more annoying/harder than shagru simply cuz the physical movesets both have fit a much smaller body aka gore's body. my first impression was shagaru is still the more easier/disappointing fight, but what would make it way better is if his low HP enrage state was at 50% instead of blue icon state. a song is better when it builds up, drops a epic climax melody, then finishes with a quiet conclusion and i feel shagaru in sunbreak would benefit more if he was like this but no quiet conclusion unless u kill it or break the face out of it
Trickquestion, you cant improof upon Perfection.
Shagaru Magala in MH4 was the Most awesome fight. It was so freaking chaotic people died everywhere. Sunbreaks magala is very cool but a bit of a let down in my opinion. He is just to easy. There is no panic in the fight. He got the new laser attack like every monster ever... and his unfair seeking frenz blasts are gone. I don't know I find him far to weak in sunbreak. I would love an apex version. And make it more like the old one but even more insane cause we as hunters are like Million times more powerful in sunbreak.
I honestly felt like shagaru magala was fun, but not really difficult which left a off sense after beating him first try in Rise
Let's support him further guys
Gomna be honest im not a fan of sunbreak magalas they way too easy and different
They dont have any oomph even their theemes feel off
Don't mess with us 4U fans
We still workship the game for stuff we don't even like
Sunbreak still gives me “anime protag power fantasy vibes,” as in the general changes seem to be more surface level rather than developing the fights over the course of progression. Don’t get me wrong they definitely improved Shaggy, but in terms of balance I can’t help but feel it wasn’t nearly enough. Don’t even get me started on Gore and how he’s feeling the power creep.
First update rolled around and I can’t help but be cynical. I hope people understand the idea of “balancing” rather than “improving” and how it relates to the new tools we were given, which are still purely optional.
can you get started on gore and power creep? im genuinely curious lol
@@cynicalgold9992 positioning matters significantly less in the modern entries of Monster Hunter, since the introduction of many avenues to cover mistakes and answer attacks directly. Counters (adept style counts too), easy access to armor skills (evasion in particular), and even the nerfing of some monsters. Actually knowing the monster’s moveset has never mattered less. Magnamalo being the epitome of this change.
Gore Magala heavily punished positioning, and was capable of cornering hunters easily if you fought him like any other. But as I said before, positioning doesn’t matter anymore. So its greatest strength and therefore its “lesson” is lost.
And there were some heavy nerfs too. Lemme list some of em:
-Long pause after the ground slam
-New projectile explosion makes its head more vulnerable. Literally just dodge in.
-redid the fight to double check, but they made it slower
-they gave its short dash forward a preemptive sidestep
-overall less aggressive while enraged, uses mobility options less frequently in that state
-knockdown after hitting feelers to disengage enraged state (they’re not horns I thought they were too at one point lol)
-hip check makes the fight easier due to the opening afterwards
-environments are overall more forgiving
And thank you for attending my Ted Talk.
Edit: Think of it like using summons/heavily over-leveling on Margit. Since the player never learns how to properly deal with his moveset, they subsequently have issues with Radahn and Maliketh and proceed to cry on the internet.
@@DarknessFamiliar Here's some more actually but about Shagaru, He used to do the left, and then right arm slams, into the big downward slam, as a triple hit combo, but now he NEVER does it, I've hunted him 126 times in sunbreak because I got him in a anomaly investigation, and he doesn't do that pattern anymore, and they also nerfed the flying downward dive he does, since in old games if he was enraged, he would 100% rush after doing it and I know this is a pattern because I hunted 1000 shagarus in MH4U chasing relic weapons, now he doesn't full body rush after the downward dive anymore whether he is enraged or not, in fact he barely uses the rush anymore.
Personally I think all fights are intended to be afflicted. Unless you are a speed runner, very few afflicted monsters feel like mere punching bags anymore
Honestly probably the most fun monster in Sunbreak, at least until we get Stygian.
I honestly think its new theme sucks, though. I feel the same way about most of the elder dragons starting in World. The soulful, moving part of each theme has been forced to the back behind obnoxiously-loud generic fight music, and they all sound discordant and messy with uniform volume instead of the grand swells and interludes of the older themes. I really want Amatsu back but I hate to think what they'll do to its theme.
Honestly, I actually kinda think Sumbreak Shagaru is a bit worse. I never played 4u but fought him in GU, and at first I actually didn't like his fight all that much. It felt really hard to get close to his head since it felt like he spammed his charged frenzy explosions a lot. But as I fought him a few more times, it got a bit easier. I noticed more openings to hit his head, and learned to better deal with the random frenzy explosions. And recently, I've really got him down. I learned his second charged frenzy explosions go in a line instead of side to side providing a good opening, and in general learned his openings and timings.
Sunbreak though has a few things I really dislike. One, I kinda don't like him as a standard, roaming monster. The whole atmosphere of fighting him in GU made the fight feel epic and important, like the stakes were high. But now he just runs away from time to time. And even worse, you can wyvern ride him. Not a huge fan of the mechanic in general, since it makes the monsters feel like less of a threat and more like you have power over them, instead of them over you. He just feels less epic as a standard monster fight.
Second, he's too easy to hit in the head now. This is less of an issue of his fight itself, but more of an issue of Rise that affects the fight. In GU, if you try to stick to Shagaru too much, he's going to blast you away. Like the video said, his head is the weakest part of him, but also the most dangerous. Since his hitzones aren't all that great, it's necessary to focus on the head to kill him. So the fight is about figuring out how to dodge and weave between his attacks to access his weak point. With Sunbreak though, it's easier than ever to be ultra aggressive, because of wirebugs and counters. He doesn't really punish you for staying too close to him anymore, because he'll try to attack and you just counter. It's just too easy to hit his head now, in my opinion. My first encounter with him I was kinda waiting for him to do something actually threatening. His laser came, but I just kinda sidestepped it and kept attacking. Then he finally did his iconic flying roar, and things actually got exciting. Here we go, here come the ground explosions and stuff. And then it was a pretty good fight. But then he ran away again, interrupting the "good part." And here's my biggest complaint. I track him down, fight him for a little bit, and then he dies! He just died too fast for me. I didn't spend much time in the most exciting part of his fight since I just killed him too fast! Idk, maybe I was just too familiar with his moveset from GU, but he felt too easy to me. He really could've used more health in my opinion.
The fight is alright, though I thought it could be pretty enjoyable in 4th gen as well, but am I the only one who thinks those massive lasers look very out of place? They don't seem to fit it at all and feel weirdly slapped on
Shagaru magala was oddly easy to me in rise and I killed him first try and did not faint once he was a chalange but gore was harder. It might be since I knew gore's attacks and how similar they are to shagarus but shagarus fight was not that hard dor me.
i wouldnt say 'improved'. it got nerfed, no more random explosions and the frenzy balls dont target you after shagaru lobs it.
Man I don’t know about you guys but shagaru felt like a disappointment to me, I don’t why but there was nothing fun or challenging of him and just no excitement fighting him I literally only got hit twice during my fight with him but I really can’t criticize him to much since I only fought him once might need to go back and study him again and see if I get lucky again
The same phrases were repeated quite a few times. No variations which actually seems fitting considering the whole video.
Now they needto Bring Dalamadur and Gogmazios back so we have the angy edgy bois back hahaha
I've always disliked gore magala because even though it has a large move set due to its two forms, I find its default state extremely boring, and it doesn't power up enough to make up for that. Because of this, I always preferred shagaru since his move set is less boring, even if disappointingly limited (although random explosions severely lower my opinion of it). Chaotic is the only magala who is actually fun for me.
Sunbreak Gore is still really boring for me, but the change to shagaru's explosions as well as other move set tweaks made him one of the better monsters in sunbreak
I started in gen5 and I'm not seeing the appeal. Theyre cool, but not ones im the most fond of. Those cape wings make everything look like one single blob to me
Hard disagree on the premises. Shaguru was extremely fun for me. For the longest time, he was the bar I was comparing flag ship monsters to.
It's why I don't Negigante and Magnamolo. They just don't compare to Shaguru.
But do you think Malzeno does?
@@wiiu-theunderratedconsole7569 No. I like Malzeno. Both Malzeno and Valkana was really fun.
Rajang is the strongest fanged beast and now he’s in the game
With 4U as my first game and Gore/Shagura one of my all time favorite monsters I have to say Sunbreak actually did them wrong. Gore is fine but feels noticably weaker and easier to topple(this may just be because I've gotten vastly better at the game in the many years I've been playing it).
However Shagura got done dirty. They removed his random spawning explosions which completely collapsed the dynamic of the fight. **All** of Shagura's moves are dodged by rolling in. I no longer even look at what move Shagura is doing. I simply see a animation start, walk up a bit, and then roll forward. This was my entire issue with Worlds/Icebourne. That all monster attacks were dodged by rolling left. I thought Rise/Sunbreak had fixed this and for the most part they had. Shagura will continue to be one of my favorite monsters but that's despite how Sunbreak handled him, not because.
Also and this is just personal taste. The beam doesn't fit it and makes the fight feel dumb. It doesn't feel synergist with the rest of his kit or theme at all.
Knowing they added the Magalas makes me so conflicted since I always loved fighting them, but I'm boycotting the game due to the removal of Hunting Horn
Improved?? Felt easier than Gore..