More car care ideas, please! I live in the New York metropolitan area and we use a lot of road salt in the winter, creating problems with oxidation and rust.
I was looking for a way to make cardboard more sustainable to rain for an outdoor project made of cardboard. It really does not need to be real long term 3-4 months during the rain season would be adequate. I think I will give this a test and mix at different ratios
Chłopie, spryskiwanie tym płytek lub reflektora jest totalnie bez sensu bo ta mikstura nie ma zupełnie odporności mechanicznej. W przypadku butów zadziała rzeczywiście b dobrze. Podpowiem ci że jak wexźmiesz kawałek tkaniny i namoczysz w takiej miksturze (musi być rozcieńczona w stosunku1/3 albo nawet 1/4 silikon/rozpuszczalnik) to uzyskasz własnej producji brezent... taka porada "preperska" 😊
Why didn't you mention the chemical name of Solvent?
Cuál solvente?
En español
Isopropyl alcohol or acetone
Silicone solvent - Butyl Acetate
What is solvent? What kind of solvent
what type of solvent
Why do you hide name of solvent
Sounds very effective. I would like to the composion of the solver if possible. Thank you
Ahoj, co je to za rozpouštědlo k tomu silikonu, díky za tip
And then not mentioning which solvent, so complete waste of my time 😠
More car care ideas, please! I live in the New York metropolitan area and we use a lot of road salt in the winter, creating problems with oxidation and rust.
I was looking for a way to make cardboard more sustainable to rain for an outdoor project made of cardboard. It really does not need to be real long term 3-4 months during the rain season would be adequate. I think I will give this a test and mix at different ratios
This is an amazing idea Using liquid silicone is such a clever and effective solution Thank you for sharing this brilliant tip
Acetone dussolves silicone. But may harm the plastic headlight
It evaporates completely
What type of solvent is that ???
Probably acetone
Написано же, сольвент...
How long does the effect last?
После высыхания вся пыль будет на поверхности. И вытереть ее не удастся.
Diluted silicone, won't it just be sticky?
Gave you a thumbs cause you didn't tell the solvent .
In this video I use white spirit
More car care. Faded headlight as example
05:16 Cemil cümlenin beklediği an 🤠
Solvent kha milega
What us sikvebt? What kin of. Thank´s
Chłopie, spryskiwanie tym płytek lub reflektora jest totalnie bez sensu bo ta mikstura nie ma zupełnie odporności mechanicznej. W przypadku butów zadziała rzeczywiście b dobrze. Podpowiem ci że jak wexźmiesz kawałek tkaniny i namoczysz w takiej miksturze (musi być rozcieńczona w stosunku1/3 albo nawet 1/4 silikon/rozpuszczalnik) to uzyskasz własnej producji brezent... taka porada "preperska" 😊
definitely thumbs down because you didn't mention the magic solvent
Solvent please
Ich hätte angst, dass der Verdünner das gesamte Rücklicht auflösen könnte! Bei Stein und Holz, kein Problem.
Wouldn't using that mixture without a mask be harmful to health? If it is harmful to health, I prefer to apply it with a brush.
Why did you bother to call it "Solvent"? "Some Liquid" would have been almost just as explicit.
What kind of solvent did you use,? People want to know,was it isopropyl alcohol, polish remover, WHAT?????
solvent = Butyl acetate
CACARAU se pliaza bine la ROMANICA prim ministru un cacarau de buzau treaba buna
Flusssilikon gibt es fertig zu kaufen😂 nennt sich Silikonspray 😂😂😂😂😂