Why the narcissist always returns after leaving you

  • Опубліковано 2 січ 2024


  • @witchywoman737

    We're out of sight, out of mind until they run out of the good supply...then they return to refuel. Always remember...IT'S ALWAYS ONLY ABOUT THEM, ALL THE TIME

  • @usaironpatriot181

    She’d always say to me: “they always come back” about exes in her past, implying that she was so sought after. I swore to myself I’d never let her say this about me, so when I was discarded/ghosted/ignored without initial explanation and finally had my first moment of clarity with regards to who/what she is, I went no contact and stayed it. Never would I have imagined that her ego would allow her to text me 6 months and 5 days post-discard (this was only 8 days ago!), asking me if I’d left flowers/gifts at her front door while simultaneously “hoping” I was well and had spent a nice Christmas. That was my reminder that her number needed to be blocked asap, which has now been done. Absolutely pathetic.

  • @scottoz7891

    I have just been following out of sight. Out of mind. TY.. ❤. Radical Acceptance .. 💪👏.. there concept of time is ludicrous...sleeping habits are utterly ridiculous.....amazing when you ARE out of the Fog they PLACE you in. That HEAVINESS is lifted. These creatures ARE unique for lack of a better word. . ...so damn confusing. NPD/BPD......oh boy you hit the nail on the head with that ending. There is absolutely no middle ground with these people. ..0. None.....

  • @bennycb6256

    If they are young and have a lot of options, they will likely not return and just forget you. You’ll be better of this way…live your best life and forget them too.

  • @yvonnendanga995

    Joe this video just empowered me more than ever not to EVER break the No contact. I had never thought giving a helping hand to someone in distress will throw me into this toxic mess. I reached the point of losing my identity and doubting my sanity. I never knew there were people like this out there. USERS AND ABUSERS they are. I am building the most ever strong boundaries to protect myself from now on. Thanks for leading our path in this emotionally devastating journey!

  • @reneejkd

    With each Hoover attempt, you'll see an increasingly degraded version of the person you were with. You will come to wonder what you ever saw in them. Any longing you ever had for the narc and your old relationship will be replaced with the appropriate disgust and disinterest. So is the nature of healing from Narcissistic abuse. Never, ever, ever give in to a Hoover. Get free and stay free. ❤

  • @jmarietv
    @jmarietv  +38

    when things start going south for them is usually when things start going well for you......brilliant

  • @gangGreenthumb

    I loved her, I adored her, I worshiped her.... Over time she began to push me away, and push me away. Eventually, I ended the relationship.. maybe it was a reverse discard. Before she left, she knew she went too far and she tried to give me a love bomb... I rejected the love bomb which sent her into a rage unlike any I'd seen before.. It sounded like she was tearing the house apart, but I did not react. I sat stoically knowing she'd be gone in a day, and I would fix whatever damage she was doing to my home. MY home- she had no job, no income. Turned out she did no damage she merely wanted me to think she was breaking stuff so I would come running to stop her. That's what she wanted me to do, but I sat quietly downstairs... no reaction at all. She came stomping downstairs and said "I want to leave!" She went outside to have a cigarette (I hated that she smoked) before she could finish her smoke she had a text message with a ticket for the first train out the next morning- destination to where her daughter lives. I was the best supply she ever had and the best she'll ever have. She blocked me before I knew about the blocking/unblock game. She focused on getting new supply because if she did have supply lined up, he backed out.... probably married future-faking her about leaving his wife until that day came and he backed out. So she was left alone- even her daughter wouldn't take her in. She dropped her mom off at an extended stay motel. She finally got new supply, but he is weak-sauce. He doesn't make enough money to provide the lifestyle she is accustomed to... but he is safe mediocre supply, she probably thought he'd never leave her like she thought I'd never leave. (I hung in for 11 years until the abuse came daily with few love bombs nearly no affection in between.) I didn't come chasing her- I let her go. At some point 8 months later she liked a couple posts I wrote on mutual friends walls... that was how I learned she unblocked me. I ignored it. A couple weeks later (when I didn't respond.. when I didn't block her, I guess she thought the coast was clear and I would be receptive.) she tried to video call me in the middle of a week night. Maybe that was an accident. I was asleep and didn't answer. She messaged me immediately after the unanswered call asking to see the dogs- I imaging her current supply was sleeping soundly right next to her as she was trying to reconnect with me, perhaps she was in another room. I did not reply. Later that day she asked again to send pictures of the dogs. I replied, "You have photos of the dogs. Look at the photos you already have." And then I blocked her. That must have caused a narcissistic injury that sent her reeling to the mat. I have not unblocked her since that day. A few months later, a mutual friend contacted me with some nonsensical horse crap.. "havent talked to you in a while.." and after a few lines of idle chit-chat she made her intention clear.. she asked how the narc is doing, and if I still talk to her. I simply replied "I haven't spoken with her in more than a year. I wish her the best from afar." So once again, her hoover attempt was swatted down. I don't want to know anything about her, but I heard that she's moving somewhere. I guess that means things didn't work out with the current supply, so I expect she might soon try to reach out to me again. I almost want her to try again so I can reject her again. I want her to feel rejected like the way she rejected me, over and over and over for the course of those 11 wasted years. She deserves that pain, she earned it. I ain't ever taking her back, not in a million years! I didn't know at the time of the breakup what a narcissist is... I thought it was a person who liked to admire themselves in the mirror (which she does... and posting 10 selfies to social media per day, desperate for people to like her photos.) Only since I started healing did I see how she abused me... flirting with guys right in front of my face... probably cheated on me, if not physically she was not emotionally faithful, triangulation, gaslighting, silent treatment, manipulation, provoking arguments out of nowhere... I ignored those provocations for 45 minutes- she was incessant.. when I couldn't bear it any more I raised my voice.. not yell... just raised my voice. She accused me of yelling at her and call me monster- this happened often. That's what she needed to regulate her emotions. Total projection... she is the monster. She destroys relationships with everyone misfortunate to fall in love with her, or even care for her, including her daughter. She is an empty vessel, she has no heart, no empathy, no compassion, and no love. She is intensely cruel. I hope she gets what she deserves.

  • @the6.23enigma

    I’ve been experiencing the holiday hoovers from him, texts and phone calls from other numbers, leaving messages. Wondering why I won’t take his calls or return his texts because he knows the holidays are my favorite and he’s just calling to wish me well…SAY WHAT? He made every holiday I spent with him a living hell! Good thing I could give two beeps🤣 at this point, I have no idea how I stayed with that man and I am so grateful to be rid of him!

  • @face2799
    @face2799  +10

    I was discarded for the 3rd and final time almost a year ago by a covert narcissist. it still hurts to think about it from time to time but I am doing much better. I wish I hadn't fallen for their lies and manipulations

  • @scottwwsi

    5 hoovers in one year. I had the wherewithal to snap her picture twice, standing right at my door.

  • @Cassie-em5kp

    These people are completely insane. I was married to a covert malignant narcissist for 23 years before I woke up and realised what I was dealing with and had been through this cycle constantly.

  • @Ikecantstop1

    I was discarded a month ago today. She didn't block me anywhere. She usually Hoovers on day 10. Very cyclical - not this time.

  • @sillyconenavia

    It is as real as real , can be Ladies & Gentlemen. I was 26yrs with a toxic woman. I saw 2 psychiatrists and 1 psychologist they were 2 ladies and a guy. If you need therapy, find it. It will help. Educate yourselves and grab the horns of wisdom and don't let go. God be with everyone.

  • @itisfinished137

    "...but God,"

  • @jmarietv

    fantastic...came at a weird time cuz a friend who lived by my ex who he does not know contacted me out of the blue...does your ex live at blank blank street...i said yes why she said i just walked past him and he looks like shit....i started laughing because that day i said im pretty much healed and feeling happy again and now i am going to start getting little breadcrumbs of vindication....and there it was

  • @ladyvirgo9514

    With social media,i feel their supply is endless

  • @ainahaga

    I dont think mine will ever return cause I told him I do not have contact with exes. So when he discarded me I blocked him. They can even be dangerous! Im staying away! I told him no to both marry him and said no to not move with him

  • @joebhouse

    I am starting to post more on my other channel -

  • @lioubovgrant1935

    Love that you made two videos for us today ! 👍👍👍 and they both just prefect as always, beautiful images of the nature. Thank you Joe ! ❤🤗 logically next one should be called '' Why the narcissist never returns😊'' 15.9K 😯👋👋👋