孩子不爱说话怎么办?语言是一种可以提升的能力,家长要这样做!What to Do When Your Child Doesn't Like to Talk? Language is a Skill

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • 暑假到了,你们家的孩子都放假了吗?有没有发现他们的语言能力不太行?最近,我一个小学同学从美国回来聚会,他说我的语言能力提升了很多。其实,我在小学三年级时转学到沙头角小学,因为环境变化和自卑,不怎么爱说话。
    The summer vacation has started. Are your children on vacation? Have you noticed their language skills aren't great? Recently, a primary school classmate who returned from the US said my language skills have improved a lot. In third grade, I transferred from the countryside to Shatoujiao Primary School. Due to the change in environment and my low self-esteem, I didn’t talk much and left a quiet impression on others.
    I shared how I improved my language skills over the years. In primary school, my father, who was in business, needed me to order goods in Zhongying Street, which helped me build confidence. In middle and high school, I actively participated in class presentations and dialogues. Working in sales at Airbnb required frequent communication with customers, gradually improving my language skills.
    Language skills are like muscles; they can be strengthened through long-term practice. As parents, if you find your child doesn’t talk much, don’t be discouraged. Encourage them and create opportunities for them to practice their language skills. Through encouragement and practice, your child’s language abilities, communication skills, and confidence will gradually improve. I hope my experience can help others.