面对同事的竞争,怎么样升职加薪?Facing competition from colleagues, how can you get promoted and a raise?

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • 最近,美国总统大选正如火如荼地进行,拜登和特朗普这两位年长候选人的辩论让人敬佩,展示了强大的语言能力。借此,我分享一次在德国公司竞选首席设计师的经历,展示了语言的重要性。通过诚实和勇于表达,我最终赢得了职位。这次经历让我深刻体会到,语言能力不仅是沟通工具,更是展示自我的关键。希望我的故事能激励更多人提升语言能力,赢得更多机会。
    Here's my story: During a recent U.S. presidential election debate, I realized the importance of language skills. I once competed for the position of chief designer at a German company. Despite strong competition, I stood out by bravely expressing myself and maintaining honesty. As a result, I was promoted and received a raise. This experience taught me that language is not just a communication tool but also a key to career advancement. I hope my story inspires others to improve their language skills and seize more opportunities.