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什么茶适合女性朋友喝?老白茶!What tea is suitable for female friends? Aged white tea!
A Perfect Tea for Female Friends
If you're looking to recommend a tea to female friends who are new to tea drinking, my top recommendation would be aged white tea. Here are three reasons why:
Neutrality: White tea is relatively neutral-it isn't too warming or too cooling. You can pair it with dried tangerine peel, goji berries, and red dates. Plus, it's versatile and easy to prepare; you can steep it, simmer it, or boil it.
High Flavonoid Content: White tea is rich in flavonoids, a compound often added to high-end cosmetic products. These substances are highly beneficial for women. There's a saying about aged white tea: "It's not that your beauty fades, it's that you haven't had enough aged white tea."
Digestive Benefits: Aged white tea helps with digestion. After brewing a pot of aged white tea, you'll feel light and comfortable.
Переглядів: 9


How to make a milk tea by ourselves? Making milk tea at home is quite simple!
Переглядів 13День тому
Hello everyone, today I want to share with you a very special tea set called a "紫砂壶" (Zisha teapot). But it’s not just any pot, it’s very unique. Let me show you what makes it special. First, it can be separated into three parts. This is the cup, this is the filter where we put the tea leaves, and this is the cover. When assembled, it becomes a single cup with a cover and an internal filter. Th...
为什么好茶口感淡?Why High-Quality Tea Tastes Mild?
Переглядів 1День тому
为什么好茶口感淡? 为什么越贵的茶叶,它的口感反而越淡呢? 我只说一点你就会明白的。因为贵的茶叶往往就是那些春茶, 春茶你越早去采摘, 它的叶子就越嫩。 这个时候它的越嫩的叶子,它的内质就会越丰富,它里面含的氨基酸就会更多,所以我们喝起来会更加的甜、鲜、爽。 那么那些比较便宜的茶叶,往往就是一些台地茶、夏茶、秋茶。 它的内质是比较缺乏的, 它的氨基酸的含量也是比较低的, 但是它的茶多酚咖啡因优惠相对比较高,所以喝起来就比较苦涩。 Why High-Quality Tea Tastes Mild Why does more expensive tea often have a milder taste? The answer is simple: high-quality tea is usually made from spring leaves. The earlier you p...
什么事情最值得做?得闲饮茶! What is the most important thing to do? Drink more tea!
Переглядів 414 днів тому
大家好,我是心上田。在滚滚的红尘俗世当中,我是一名普普通通的中年油腻男。我曾经在香港从事家庭旅馆的行业,没错,就是你们所熟悉的包租公。现在我想借用互联网和你一起,来帮助那些受到病痛折磨的人们。 曾经我是一个对生活无所追求,对社会无所贡献,时刻想着躺平的男人。然而有一件事情却彻底地改变了我。那是一年炎热的夏天,我带着6岁的儿子在布吉海关的公交站台上等待着公交车。这时有一个母亲带着两个孩子显得格外的显眼。这个母亲30多岁,皮肤黝黑,大热天却穿着长袖长裤。她一手拉着一个4岁左右的小女孩,另一只手提着一个沾满灰尘的旅行包,背上还背着一个用背带勒住的1岁左右的小男孩。 这个母亲的眼光呆滞,看上去似乎有点精神不太正常。她带着小孩越走越靠近马路的中间,小汽车、中巴车、大货车从三条脆弱的生命旁边飞驰而过。4岁左右的小女孩似乎已经懂事了,她意识到了危险。她用稚嫩的小手拉着母亲的衣角,尝试着引导母亲走到...
喝茶有三种境界,不知道你到达了哪一种境界?There are three realms of tea drinking. Which realm have you reached?
Переглядів 914 днів тому
喝茶有三种境界,不知道你到达了哪一种境界? 第一种境界是“喝” 这更多的是我们身体生理的一种需要。你把茶叶放在大茶缸里泡,然后大口大口地喝。这是一种纯粹的喝,主要是为了解渴和消除身体的油腻。这就是我们日常生活中的“柴米油盐酱醋茶”的“茶”,它作为生活必需品的一个原因。 第二种境界是“品” 当你了解茶叶的好处,你看到茶水会感到非常开心和满足。你会更多地关注茶叶的产地、年份、茶色、茶汤。喝茶时,你会从精神上感到愉悦,并经常邀请三五好友一起品尝。这就是所谓的“琴棋书画诗酒茶”。 第三种境界是“灵性” 这一境界我是达不到的。佛经里记载,一些高僧大德通过品饮一杯茶,能够突然悟道(顿悟)。这是一种更高的心灵层次上的体验,我反正没有做到。不知你做到了没有? Drinking tea has three realms. Which realm have you reached? The first ...
买什么价位的茶叶比较合适?What Price Range of Tea is Suitable?
Переглядів 114 днів тому
买什么价位的茶叶比较合适 其实茶叶买什么价位的茶叶比较合适 其实茶叶的品质并不是总是和它的价格成正比关系的,这就是所谓的边际递减效应。 例如,你买的是100-1,000元之间的茶叶,这时候你会发现它的品质确实与价格有很大关系,也就是说一分钱一分货。 但是当你购买1,000到10,000元之间的茶叶时,你会发现它们之间的品质差异并不大,这就是边际递减效应的体现。 不过,如果你到了那个阶段,你喝的更多的不是茶叶本身,而是它所体现的社会地位、人情世故和面子。的品质并不是总是和它的价格成正比关系的,这就是所谓的边际递减效应。 例如,你买的是100-1,000元之间的茶叶,这时候你会发现它的品质确实与价格有很大关系,也就是说一分钱一分货。 但是当你购买1,000到10,000元之间的茶叶时,你会发现它们之间的品质差异并不大,这就是边际递减效应的体现。 不过,如果你到了那个阶段,你喝的更多的不是...
怎样判断你买的茶叶好坏?How to Judge the Quality of Tea?
Переглядів 121 день тому
怎样判断你买的茶叶好坏 教你一个方法,只用一招就可以判断。是一位老师傅告诉我的,大部分喝茶的人都不会: 喝一口茶:把茶水含在嘴里大概30秒,然后咽下去。 闭嘴:咽下去后闭上嘴,用鼻子来呼吸。 当你呼吸时,气流会经过你的口腔。 如果你感觉口腔有一股香气,并且唾液分泌更多,这就是所谓的“生津回甘”。那么这样的茶叶就是好茶叶。 如果茶叶的味道非常寡淡,就像平常喝白开水一样,那么这种茶叶的品质就是一般的。 How to Judge the Quality of Tea Here’s a simple method to judge the quality of tea, taught to me by an experienced tea master. Most tea drinkers don't know this trick: Take a sip of tea: Hold the ...
如何判断隔夜茶能不能喝?How to Determine if Overnight Tea is Drinkable
Переглядів 5021 день тому
如何判断隔夜茶能不能喝 其实隔夜茶能不能喝,我们主要从两个方面来判断: 第一,隔夜茶第二天会不会变馊。 第二,它的亚硝酸盐含量会不会增高。 关于第一点,我们现在泡茶一般都是用100度的沸水来冲泡的。茶叶中含有茶多酚和咖啡碱,这些成分都有消毒杀菌的作用。所以,第二天茶水的味道基本不会发生变化。 关于第二点,现在有科学证据和充分的研究表明,亚硝酸盐的含量并不会显著升高。因此,隔夜茶第二天是可以喝的。 无非是茶泡了一夜,时间太久,可能会影响口感而已。 How to Determine if Overnight Tea is Drinkable To determine if overnight tea is safe to drink, we mainly consider two aspects: First, whether the tea will spoil by the next...
为什么人们喜欢喝茶?喝茶有三个境界,高人会喝到第三个境界/Why do people like to drink tea? There are three stages of drinking tea
Переглядів 6721 день тому
茶,不只是味道,更是心境。正如佛祖所言:“一切唯心造。”我们所见所感,皆是内心的投影。喝茶的过程,亦是观照自心的过程。以淡然之心品味茶香,才能真正体会到“缘起性空,道法自然”的境界。 Tea is not just about the taste; it's about the state of mind. As Buddha said, "All that we are is the result of what we have thought." Everything we see and feel is a projection of our inner self. The process of drinking tea is also a process of self-reflection. Only with a serene mind can one truly app...
茶叶为什么那么香?必须知道的窨制工艺/ Why tea leaves smells so good? Essential Knowledge About the Scenting Process
Переглядів 421 день тому
今天我们来聊一聊茶叶,探讨一下它为什么那么香。前段时间,我拍了一个视频,教大家如何避免买到加香精和色素的茶叶。很多朋友都给我发来私信,说很担心买到所谓的香精茶。其实,我们不必太过担心,现在加香精的茶叶已经非常少见了,因为茶叶本身就自带香气,根本不需要添加香精。那么,茶叶为什么会那么香呢? 首先,是因为窨制工艺。茶叶具有很强的吸附性,窨制工艺正是利用了这一特点。我们可以将茶叶和许多鲜花一起窨制,比如我们常喝的茉莉花茶和柚花乌龙茶,都是通过这种方法制作的。 第二,是品种香、地域香和工艺香。品种香是指茶叶品种本身带有的独特香气,比如蜜桃味的红茶,它是金牡丹的品种。工艺香则是茶叶在制作过程中产生的香气,比如高温炒制的绿茶,常常带有板栗的香味。地域香是指茶叶生长的地域带来的独特香气,比如云南的普洱茶,总是有特别独特的花香和蜜甜香味,不同山头的茶叶香气也会有所不同。 这就是为什么我们的茶叶会那么...
孩子是父母的希望/父母是孩子的希望?不是,你自己才是希望! Children & Parents who are the hope? Neither-You Are Your Own Hope!
Переглядів 721 день тому
今天,我想和大家分享一个关于父母和孩子的责 与期望的话题。我们常听到一句话:“孩子是父母的希望。”但我要说,其实,父母也是孩子的希望。 我的孩子今年刚刚参加完2024年的高考。考试结束后已经一个星期了,这段时间里,他一直在家自己照顾自己的生活。对此,有人批评我,认为作为一个自由职业者,我的时间比较自由,应该多花时间照顾孩子的起居饮食。 面对这些批评,我想表达一些不同的观点。虽然说“孩子是父母的希望”这句话流传甚广,但我更想强调,“父母也是孩子的希望”。如果父母自身不努力、不上进,只是躺平,把所有的希望寄托在孩子身上,那么这样的父母是不可靠的。平庸本身就是一种罪恶。我们作为父母,必须以身作则,努力工作,树立榜样,同时也要照顾好自己的子女。 在现代社会,竞争越来越激烈。过去的农业社会里,只要有几亩田地,就能解决一家人的温饱问题。而在近二十多年,如果有房产出租,生活也还过得去。但是如今,...
怎么样买绿茶?这样买绿茶不会再被骗,骗子哭晕在厕所!How to Buy Green Tea? Follow These Tips and Never Get Scammed Again !
Переглядів 421 день тому
购买绿茶时,选择小众且质优价廉的绿茶是个明智的选择。以下是一些建议: 避免选择名优绿茶:像西湖龙井、碧螺春这样的名优绿茶产量小,需求大,价格高,而且假冒产品多,不易买到正品。 选择本地绿茶:本地绿茶往往品质好,价格相对合理。例如: 广东的紫金蝉茶 惠州博罗的柏塘山茶 南雄的龙凤舞绿茶 了解绿茶产区:每个地方都有一些小众而且品质很好的绿茶。了解当地的茶叶产区和特色茶种,可以找到性价比高的绿茶。 购买渠道:选择可信赖的购买渠道,最好是直接从茶农或当地的茶叶合作社购买,能确保茶叶的新鲜和品质。 品尝和比较:可以多尝试几种不同的小众绿茶,找到自己最喜欢的口感和香气。 向茶友请教:多向有经验的茶友请教,了解他们的推荐和购买经验。 每个地方都有自己独特的绿茶品种,分享和交流这些小众绿茶,可以帮助更多人找到适合自己的优质绿茶。你家乡有哪些小众且质优价廉的绿茶呢?一起分享吧! How to Buy ...
喝茶有什么禁忌?茶有8不喝,喝错进医院!What are the taboos of drinking tea? 8 Types of Tea You Shouldn't Drink!
Переглядів 821 день тому
10个喝茶人有9个都中招了。茶叶有8不喝,你知道吗? 冷不喝: 俗语说冷茶勿饮,冷茶不宜饮用。 烫茶伤人,太热的茶也不宜饮用。 饱不喝: 吃饱饭后喝茶会影响消化。 空腹喝茶会刺激肠胃。 浓不喝: 茶叶过淡,没有茶味,无法满足喝茶人的口感。 但茶叶过浓会对身体产生负担。 晚不喝: 早上空腹喝茶不宜。 晚上喝茶会影响睡眠。 9 out of 10 tea drinkers fall into these traps. There are 8 types of tea you shouldn't drink. Did you know? Don't drink cold tea: As the saying goes, don't drink cold tea. Cold tea is not suitable for consumption. Don't drink hot tea: H...
怎么样夸奖茶好喝?喝茶专业术语!How to praise tea for being delicious? Professional tea-drinking terminology
21 день тому
当喝茶时,有几个专业术语你应该学习一下: 回甘:喝茶后,先感到苦涩,然后感到甘甜的过程。 生津:喝茶后口中或喉咙会分泌唾液的现象。 锁喉:喝茶后喉咙感觉干燥的情况。 喉韵:喝茶后喉咙感觉滋润的状态。 体感:喝完茶后背部微微发热的感觉。 挂杯:喝完茶后杯子仍然有余香的现象。 How to praise tea for being delicious? Professional tea-drinking terminology: 回甘 (Huí Gān): The lingering sweetness that comes after the initial bitterness of the tea. 生津 (Shēng Jīn): The mouthwatering effect that tea has, stimulating saliva production. 锁喉 (Su...
拼配茶好不好?一句话说明白:它的目的是扬长避短,高低平衡,显优隐次/Is blended tea good?
21 день тому
拼配茶好不好?一句话说明白:它的目的是扬长避短,高低平衡,显优隐次/Is blended tea good?
怎么样买红茶?买红茶不踩坑,避免卖到香精茶、色素茶。How to Buy Black Tea? Avoid the Flavored or Colored Tea.
Переглядів 728 днів тому
怎么样买红茶?买红茶不踩坑,避免卖到香精茶、色素茶。How to Buy Black Tea? Avoid the Flavored or Colored Tea.
为什么中国人到了一定年纪都会爱上喝茶?这背后的原因你知道吗?Why Do We Chinese Fall in Love with Drinking Tea?
Переглядів 22Місяць тому
为什么中国人到了一定年纪都会爱上喝茶?这背后的原因你知道吗?Why Do We Chinese Fall in Love with Drinking Tea?
容易闹笑话的茶叶知识,搞不懂就容易尴尬了!Knowledge about Tea That Can Easily Cause Embarrassment if Misunderstood
Переглядів 2Місяць тому
容易闹笑话的茶叶知识,搞不懂就容易尴尬了!Knowledge about Tea That Can Easily Cause Embarrassment if Misunderstood
什么是绿茶怎么喝?怎么样喝?What is green tea? How to drink it?
Переглядів 7Місяць тому
什么是绿茶怎么喝?怎么样喝?What is green tea? How to drink it?
怎么样选绿茶?买自己家乡的绿茶,好喝又实惠!Choosing green tea, buying from your hometown is a great idea !
Переглядів 2Місяць тому
怎么样选绿茶?买自己家乡的绿茶,好喝又实惠!Choosing green tea, buying from your hometown is a great idea !
怎么样判断茶叶的品质? 顶级、特级和口粮茶!How to Judge the Tea is Good? Premium Tea, Top-Grade Tea, and Ration Tea
Переглядів 4Місяць тому
怎么样判断茶叶的品质? 顶级、特级和口粮茶!How to Judge the Tea is Good? Premium Tea, Top-Grade Tea, and Ration Tea
喝茶的坏习惯,这样喝茶你会喝坏身体/The bad habit of drinking tea, drinking tea like this will harm your health
Переглядів 31Місяць тому
喝茶的坏习惯,这样喝茶你会喝坏身体/The bad habit of drinking tea, drinking tea like this will harm your health
你喝过香气独特的俄罗斯花茶吗?Have you ever tasted the uniquely fragrant Russian flower tea?
Переглядів 8Місяць тому
你喝过香气独特的俄罗斯花茶吗?Have you ever tasted the uniquely fragrant Russian flower tea?
爱情和事业哪个重要? 通过了解《喜欢你》的创作背景,喝茶聊聊黄家驹的爱情与事业/Which is More Important: Love or Career? Beyond‘s "Like you"
Переглядів 110Місяць тому
爱情和事业哪个重要? 通过了解《喜欢你》的创作背景,喝茶聊聊黄家驹的爱情与事业/Which is More Important: Love or Career? Beyond‘s "Like you"
拼配茶好不好?Is blended tea good or not?
Переглядів 4Місяць тому
拼配茶好不好?Is blended tea good or not?
如何成为茶行业的领袖?曼德拉黄家驹如是说!How to Become a Leader in the Tea Industry?Mandela and Wong Ka Kui, as they say
Переглядів 35Місяць тому
如何成为茶行业的领袖?曼德拉黄家驹如是说!How to Become a Leader in the Tea Industry?Mandela and Wong Ka Kui, as they say
中国茶叶怎么样参与国际竞争?/How can Chinese tea participate in international competition?
Переглядів 40Місяць тому
中国茶叶怎么样参与国际竞争?/How can Chinese tea participate in international competition?
6大茶类怎么区分?绿茶/黄茶/白茶/乌龙茶/黑茶/红茶,一分钟讲清楚/the classification of the 6 major tea categories is very simple
Переглядів 18Місяць тому
6大茶类怎么区分?绿茶/黄茶/白茶/乌龙茶/黑茶/红茶,一分钟讲清楚/the classification of the 6 major tea categories is very simple
6大茶类是怎么做出来的?How our 6 major teas made?
Переглядів 6Місяць тому
6大茶类是怎么做出来的?How our 6 major teas made?
怎么样判断茶叶的好坏?/How can you judge the quality of tea leaves?
Переглядів 8Місяць тому
怎么样判断茶叶的好坏?/How can you judge the quality of tea leaves?


  • @kanhakhieu8897
    @kanhakhieu8897 16 днів тому

    Do they have some fake in this market?

    • @artmakervideo
      @artmakervideo 15 днів тому

      yes, for sure, there have some fake in this market.

  • @natalia952
    @natalia952 Місяць тому

    Thank you!

  • @dzonnyblue3065
    @dzonnyblue3065 2 місяці тому

    china lose every single war they fought!!!

  • @taroupriapus9760
    @taroupriapus9760 2 місяці тому

    Never use fire or heat to test crystals. Even an authentic stone can be damaged, faded or made brittle by excess heat. The best way is to let a certified gemologist test it,.or buy crystals only from a reputable crystal shop with at least five years of operation, with positive reviews and giving certification of authenticity

  • @malounavarro3499
    @malounavarro3499 3 місяці тому

    How can I get there from Shajing, Shenzhen?

  • @Tankpacqikcao
    @Tankpacqikcao 3 місяці тому

    This is modern era, i have seen fake tiger eye withstand a windproof lighter but fail the hardness test by hammer, when you see a bracelet sold on china platform for 4 dollars only, something is awfully off. A genuine bracelet is 15 dollars or more depend on grade, hammer test is the only way.

  • @thelastchapterxx7175
    @thelastchapterxx7175 3 місяці тому

    The title of the video also forgot to mention fake jade

  • @temuulent
    @temuulent 3 місяці тому

    Hi,plz give me your wechat address?

  • @blackstone8837
    @blackstone8837 3 місяці тому


    • @artmakervideo
      @artmakervideo 3 місяці тому


  • @vishnuvinod5615
    @vishnuvinod5615 3 місяці тому

    Hi is this in Guangzhou canton?

  • @LoneWalker1102
    @LoneWalker1102 4 місяці тому

    I like some jade bangle too, can you help?

  • @jamilazerrouki4255
    @jamilazerrouki4255 4 місяці тому


  • @poetryclub5802
    @poetryclub5802 5 місяців тому

    If it is glass 😂 there will be no smoke no fire as well 😂

  • @BIGGBULLxxx
    @BIGGBULLxxx 5 місяців тому

    Should a magnet be able to stick to a tigers eye stones or tigers eye bead bracelet or necklace? So can you do the magnet test on the tigers eye stone necklace and bracelet thanks. 🙏😇🙏

  • @tracey2910
    @tracey2910 7 місяців тому

    I thought you couldn't and shouldn't heat up or burn Opals

  • @nailily
    @nailily 7 місяців тому

    I love jade but am always scared to buy it. I can't tell real from fake and if its been chemically or heat treated vs natural...

  • @dianamsw245
    @dianamsw245 7 місяців тому

    What city and street is this located?

  • @kennethbutzer4467
    @kennethbutzer4467 8 місяців тому

    That’s it!? Glass doesn’t melt either!!

    • @teyoskky5895
      @teyoskky5895 7 місяців тому

      But if fell it will break easily.

  • @shinthanyar2138
    @shinthanyar2138 8 місяців тому

    Where is it ?

  • @aliciajones0404
    @aliciajones0404 8 місяців тому

    Doesn’t real Tigers Eye turn red once it's heated?

  • @jeffreywu2758
    @jeffreywu2758 9 місяців тому


  • @zibadana9599
    @zibadana9599 10 місяців тому

    Thank you so much. 🙏❤️🌹

  • @hkaa2374
    @hkaa2374 11 місяців тому


  • @user-rn3ev3oo2n
    @user-rn3ev3oo2n 11 місяців тому

    What's the prceis for the loose beads

    • @artmakervideo
      @artmakervideo 11 місяців тому

    • @artmakervideo
      @artmakervideo 11 місяців тому

      0.75 USD for one bead.

  • @user-rn3ev3oo2n
    @user-rn3ev3oo2n 11 місяців тому

    Do you have real tiger eye beads

    • @artmakervideo
      @artmakervideo 11 місяців тому

      In our jade market, it's easy to find tiger eye beads.

    • @artmakervideo
      @artmakervideo 11 місяців тому

      whole selling market

    • @user-rn3ev3oo2n
      @user-rn3ev3oo2n 11 місяців тому

      What's the web sight

  • @persiagil1488
    @persiagil1488 11 місяців тому

    But hpw can you tell if it's real or just glass?

    • @artmakervideo
      @artmakervideo 11 місяців тому

      Glass and Stone are quite different.

  • @artmakervideo
    @artmakervideo 11 місяців тому

    nice video

  • @travelasalocal6721
    @travelasalocal6721 11 місяців тому

    Nice ancient town!

  • @masonnmillion6656
    @masonnmillion6656 11 місяців тому

    I love jade and watching such videos. ❤ keep up the content

  • @yukiozou
    @yukiozou 11 місяців тому


  • @rickoleary9975
    @rickoleary9975 Рік тому

    Thanks for a great video. I have not visited this place yet. On my next visit to Shenzhen I will plan to do this. Thanks for your coaching about getting out from behind the camera. Most frequently I am traveling with with another individual. My objective is to enjoy the travel experience and not to make a video. I will record the trip anyway and we talk and chat about the scenery or city like we normally do. When I get home I will look at the video file. If I can edit it and create some interesting content I will do so. This editing includes eliminating all of the audio track in which conversation occurred. If I should be testing a product in the future such as a fake product from LuoHu Commercial City, I will follow your lead and go in front of the camera. Your fake test was excellent. Now I want to test everything I own. There may be other circumstances in which I may do it too. Thanks for your guidance and willingness to help me. BTW, I watched a few of your videos. I like them. Keep being informative and kind.

    • @artmakervideo
      @artmakervideo Рік тому

      If you came to Shenzhen to make a video in future, please also let me know. By the way, I have upload a new video about the Dapeng fortress--"the battle of Kowloon"

    • @rickoleary9975
      @rickoleary9975 Рік тому

      @@artmakervideo I watched it today. Most people in the West don't know much about the Opium wars and the nuances and details of the conflicts. Keep up your great work. You are very personable on camera and have a sincere authenticity. I look forward to learning more.

  • @yasyajewelry
    @yasyajewelry Рік тому

    Great knowledge thank you. Can you recommend trustworthy supplier of gwmstones? I keep ordering fake sadly :-(

    • @artmakervideo
      @artmakervideo 11 місяців тому

      Where did you buy the gemstones?

  • @lihongzi9139
    @lihongzi9139 Рік тому

    옥은 금과달라 일단 조각하면 다른모양으로 만들수없는 독특하면서도 아름다움을 상징하는 보물이죠!옥을 지니고 다니면 운이상승 한다네요!

    • @artmakervideo
      @artmakervideo Рік тому

      hi. I can not see your comment. I guess your are not chinese.

  • @user-wn5zr1qz4k
    @user-wn5zr1qz4k Рік тому


  • @user-wn5zr1qz4k
    @user-wn5zr1qz4k Рік тому


    • @artmakervideo
      @artmakervideo Рік тому


    • @user-wn5zr1qz4k
      @user-wn5zr1qz4k Рік тому

      @@artmakervideo 整个大鹏所城,校埸尾比较热闹点

    • @user-wn5zr1qz4k
      @user-wn5zr1qz4k Рік тому

      @@artmakervideo 饶平大城所城也值得逛逛

    • @artmakervideo
      @artmakervideo Рік тому

      @@user-wn5zr1qz4k 大鹏,上星期去过,可惜天气不太好,阴天。不过也出了视频。名称:大鹏湾之美

  • @user-wn5zr1qz4k
    @user-wn5zr1qz4k Рік тому


    • @artmakervideo
      @artmakervideo Рік тому


  • @user-wn5zr1qz4k
    @user-wn5zr1qz4k Рік тому


  • @user-wn5zr1qz4k
    @user-wn5zr1qz4k Рік тому


  • @paquitapahuiri8105
    @paquitapahuiri8105 Рік тому

    Elles sont à combien les bracelet en cfp merci

  • @paquitapahuiri8105
    @paquitapahuiri8105 Рік тому

    Traduction en français svp merci

  • @artmakervideo
    @artmakervideo Рік тому


  • @artmakervideo
    @artmakervideo Рік тому


  • @artmakervideo
    @artmakervideo Рік тому


  • @travelasalocal6721
    @travelasalocal6721 Рік тому

    I Like this plum bossoms bracelet!

  • @artmakervideo
    @artmakervideo Рік тому

    This is a nice design of Jade and plum blossoms!

  • @hkaa2374
    @hkaa2374 Рік тому


  • @hkaa2374
    @hkaa2374 Рік тому


  • @artmakervideo
    @artmakervideo Рік тому


  • @travelasalocal6721
    @travelasalocal6721 Рік тому

    Beautiful plum bossoms!

  • @hkaa2374
    @hkaa2374 Рік тому
