孩子沉迷手机游戏怎么办?我的父母这样做,家庭教育的全新视角/How to Turn Vacation Time into a Learning Adventure for Children

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • 这一条视频主要讨论了现代家庭在寒暑假期间如何有效管理和教育孩子的问题。作者回忆了自己在1980年代的童年经历,在当时,家庭教育十分严格,父亲要求他在假期用毛笔抄写课文,并通过生火做饭等家务活培养了他的自律和责任感。
    This video primarily discusses how modern families can effectively manage and educate their children during winter and summer vacations. The author recalls his childhood in the 1980s, when family education was very strict. His father required him to copy texts with a brush during the holidays, and through chores such as starting fires and cooking, he developed self-discipline and a sense of responsibility.
    In contrast, today's families often face issues like lack of supervision during vacations and children becoming addicted to electronic devices. The author suggests that modern families can learn from traditional educational methods by training children in practical life skills and setting strict learning requirements to cultivate self-discipline and responsibility, rather than relying solely on electronic devices and entertainment to pass the time. Family education should find a balance between relaxation and strictness, allowing children to not only have fun during the holidays but also learn valuable skills and qualities.