"I need a reason to keep playing" Then stop treating games like it's FOMO trying to get everything before anyone as if your life depends on it. There's a reason why all the "content" are not time limited, it lets you play at your own pace without the fear of missing any content. It ain't forcing you to play. The enemy difficulty being unfair? That's on you(and the team) for not using your brain how to tackle the situation. Too difficult? Just play Trivial. It's there for reason. The game is not the problem, it's the "players".
The enemy difficulty isn't unfair I was still completing missions and extracting I just meant that I could feel cheated sometimes while playing on Helldive.
@@TopicalHourand that’s the dice roll you have when playing a difficult level. It’s part of the fun. If you won every time then where’s the drive to be channeled and get better. If you’re only using meta loadouts switch it up and try something new. Sure you might get your face kicked in but you’ll have at least tried outside the box and can work to develop new fun starts that people haven’t thought of yet. There’s so much good left in this game to mine.
@@thatorangeguy3646 yes because it’s meant to be done with a team not solod so of course the difficult will increase with the fewer people you have. That’s how the game was designed.
Fail is the wrong view, its in a lull because its holiday season in sweden and inbetween major content updates, people need to get this fear out of their heads that the games failing, give it a rest the game will be here tomorrow and the list of planned content is massive, good things take time, if you want rushed force fed content you end up with COD and Ubisoft...
How stupid a video can be? YES. Helldivers budget aimed for a 1k steady playerbase. The game sold over millon copies and has a steady average of 14k players every single day. The game is faaaar from dying. Even today gamers still play Helldivers 1 as it is a great game. Great games dont die. The game is very very far from dead. It was developed by a small studio and they already have content for over 1 year of updates. Illuminate faction was already tested in technical betas BEFORE launch. Whoever think its dead, has absolutely no clue about business model or the gaming industry. Possibly a gen z who barely studied at school.
The way to survive a active-player drought is to have good pve and a decent singleplayer experience. If a game has these things then players will eventually come back because helldivers 2 is a familiar home to them and then they get bored again and the cycle repeats itself. Unfortunately corporations often panic when the see the drought because they need to be always expanding which too often leads to bad decisions
unless its for a very big patch or an expansion people rarely just come back after a lot of time has passed, at that point the interest is mostly gone ... I dont think this game will ever have anything like that I dont even think they are capable of doing it based on the last patch that was quite overhyped and sold to people as something big they needed a lot of time to work at when in reality it was a small to medium sized patch that barely did anything substantial to the game
helldivers 2 is pretty terrible singleplayer though. especially the higher difficulties you see the game is designed around having 4 players worth of firepower, stratagems and respawns
@@gpheonix1 it did not match anything, that patch with those changes could have been cooked in like two weeks, there were only a handful of small things that actually made a difference with weapon balancing ... not something you would think when told huge more than 100 changes patch that we took extra time to work on ... the only expectation they hit was that it was finally a good patch that went in the right direction
@@613Nightmare 2 weeks? you severely underestimate how hard it is to make a game and make it match the expectations of fans. didn't read anything further. that was just plain asinine.
You’re forgetting this is a sequel with roughly the same sized dev team as the first game and without the bloated overblown budgets that most live service games have. Helldivers 1 survived for years without you knowing it even existed because arrowhead is good at fostering a core community of dedicated players and steadily making positive adjustments to the game so casual players have something new to try out every time they dip back in. The game will survive because unlike most live services it was built with a realistic scale, dev team, and budget that can last for years and years to come off of the initial wave of sales.
I saw a good comment saying “The game isn’t dead, the tourists just left”. And I totally agree, having a smaller, yet more dedicated fan base is still healthy for a game.
Pretty sure the whole point is that you're supposed to play until you get bored, stop for a bit, and when you feel the itch to play again and come back, there will be some new warbonds to work towards.
Short answer……..it’s not. More concurrent players on steam then a lot of the looter shooters and no ones saying they’re failing. 50K was the sweet spot number the devs were anticipating, the 400K surge was lightning in a bottle and not a sustainable model.
😂😂😂😂😂 when 93% of the player base left and most people have negative experiences because of how awfully they broke the game with each new update isn’t the game dying, then what is? It’s “lightning in a bottle” and “wasn’t expected” but isn’t that the point? That’s like saying a business is dying because they have too many customers. Is it possible? Sure, but isn’t it also inherently the point of the business to expand? So if they cant handle that expansion due to their own stupidity, how is it not ruining the game? Stg y’all glaze anything you like so hard, they’re going to be shutting down the servers and you smooth brains will STILL be screeching about “tHe GaMe IsNt DyInG”. As someone with 400+ hours that still loves playing: YES IT IS DYING. It’s a hard pill to swallow but if you’re boofing copious that dam hard, there WILL NEVER be any changes for the better.
@@NthnLikeCodeine continuing to post numbers higher than most live service games even after all the controversy and glitches is not a dying game. 30-50k (depending on weekend versus weekday and time of day) players is nothing to write off as “dying” 1pm on a Tuesday afternoon has 32k players
One of the only reasons i think that AAA live service games have player counts consistently in the 100,000s is that they use stupid daily chores and FOMO. So a game like this that has none of that could still have just as many people that love it, but only play it when there's new stuff. Edit: Also a new faction is an enormous amount of work, terrain generation has to take the faction into account, they have to balance gameplay, hell, even model the sample types. And the reason bugs sometimes one shot you is that even with melee, they can headshot you, and crit you, as two separate mechanics, apparently. Great video though, good points made.
@@Random-ei2uo yes and no, usually those objective get done by the last 10 percent of loyal players who enjoy the game to this day even if you didnt participate. Fomo doesnt really apply here because even if you didnt help out at all, you still get major order completion medals and unlock the new weapon to buy it in the upgrade store.
@@Mosherkopter I beleive calling thing good or bad FOMO is muddying the water just because your favorite game does FOMO you should't be ok with it you're setting a precendent for shady pratices to be used against you
@@Random-ei2uo but its ... not though? You dont miss out on anything, you even get rewards for past major orders if you didnt play for weeks like ... what? I honestly dont feel like FOMO applies here because its never you alone who has to play to unlock a new gun (which doesnt happen frequently enough to make it viable point on its own imo) its a joined effort. So if anything you would be inclined to join and help out your fellow players. Or are you really telling me you want that new Strategem so badly that you absolutely feel the need to play 24/7 until its unlocked?
@@Mosherkopter "do the event or your don't get the new gun" WHAT DO YOU MEAN "you don't miss on anything" we literally are missing on the eagle air to air strike dumbass
But why would you thrive to ride the high horse that it was at launch and not just please the loyal side of the fanbase? Adding all Warbonds for free when you reach level 150 is mental my guy, theyd essentially cripple their only source of income which is already not that "great" from a corporate perspective. Why ask for the arm if they already gave us their hand and show this non predatory bullshit can work? I get people are scared but you said it yourself the average playercount is still relatively higher than most recent games have this many months after launch. And honestly looking back at helldivers 1 im not worried, they still supported that game when it only had like 2k active players which returned here and there. I think wanting to please all the crybabys who overstimulate themselves by only ever playing one game would be a bad decision because its simply a battle you cannot win. People who only come back for new content instead of the gameplay loop will never not stay longer than they "need" to, those people just wanna unlock stuff and once they cant anymore they stop enjoying the game. I myself have everything unlocked, only lacking a few ship upgrades. But i come back for the gameplay almost every day. I dont play much 1 or 2 rounds maybe 3 with some friends and then call it a day but that way it always remains fun and i play other things.
This, right here. Arrowhead knew the big uptick at the start wasn’t sustainable that’s why they didn’t higher new devs but worked to expand their servers. This game was never meant to have 100s of thousands playing concurrently and it meant to be a fun grindy shooting fest. This idea that things should be given away at max is just crazy, if someone gets to max level they’ll have everything. Like idk what the dude wants from this dev 😂
On the point of them not adding many big changes since launch, it is a team of about a hundred or so people working on the game. We've been kind of spoiled by these big studios that dish out updates daily in some cases. The game will expand over time and many things will most likely be fixed. On the point of game being unfair, they did kind of meant the game to be played coop. Have you noticed those moments when all 4 of you move together, clearing the map, busting each breach/drop and dealing with whatever the game throws at you, but whenever that one guy goes off to do his thing, it usually start being harder on everyone. You made great points though.
They need cosmetic unlocks tied to leveling for sure, but probably not warbonds. Fact is, if you're playing enough to get 150 you're probably getting enough super credits WHILE playing to pay for a warbond anyways without spending real money. I been 150 for a while now, hit it April 30th, and I've not had to spend real money on this game for a warbond OR store cosmetic since... before April probably. And I'm already over 1800 super credits, waiting for the next warbond and/or cosmetic to drop in the store. But yeah, people love cosmetics and will go well above and beyond for some cool looking armor/capes.
I think releasing the Illuminate race to try and boost player count is a bad idea. Many players hate fighting the bots, I really doubt they will feel better about fighting an advanced physic alien race. Game needs more progression, more social systems like them fixing their friend system and adding in clans/platoons. Maybe we will see this, and maybe that will be with "Battle Stations". Hoping it gives players more reason to grind. Also the war system needs better leaders and other rewards besides "Medals". I max out of medals after a day of a warbond release, so its a slap in the face when I see "0 Medals Earned" after a MO is completed. XP for killing mobs be nice. I also wish we could see more stats after a match. I normally focus on killing big stuff, and would love to see how many I killed vs team at the end of a match. Not game breaking or making people stay of course. Need bosses, new stratagems, new maps(like cities), more progression. I think adding these things + more stuff and then releasing a race would do much better in terms of getting more users. Even more so when they allow xbox users to join the fight. Of course it means NOTHING if they don't have testers and release a bunch of broken content. Would also love to see some tweaks to existing things like the jetpack. It sucks compared to the first game. Allowing us to use 2 mechs(They were quick to nerf the fun in that), and buff after buff after buff. Even if slight buffs. No more nerfs :)
Honestly the main issue I find with bugs is the fact they can headshot you, it sucks being one shot from full HP by a bug that isn't a charger or a titan since at least the latter are usually easier to dodge and don't spawn as much, hell, honestly the bugs I hate most are the hunters, they're so plentiful and have a tendency to headshot you, while they don't insta kill you I'd say it's bullshit gameplay losing 3/4 of my HP to a single hit because one of the most common and supposedly weaker enemies has a tendency to jump and hit headshots
I feel like the only reason this game is failing is because a PC players are a bunch of crybabies, and even after the PlayStation account requirement was lifted most of them still didn’t come back because they were acting like children .. but on top of that, I think the reason the numbers on this game have gone down because we as a community have been screaming at the top of our lungs what we want and not getting it
I’m a PC player, I love the game, but what I’m pissed about is the nProtect and Game Guard anti cheat fucking the game up and not allowing me to play the game
It's not gonna die. People still play the original Helldivers to by this day along with many other older gaming titles still having plenty enough player base.
@@supermarinespitfire3760 Not entirely true and very misleading... Might wanna get your facts straight before posting. If you respect yourself and your opinion, that is.
sadly this game was made by a small team, and they just don't have the ability to churn out the amount of content and fixes to keep people playing for a long time. Plus there isn't much variety in the gameplay. As well made as a lot of the gameplay is, the missions are just very similar and lack any real variety. Plus a few of them are just outright terribly designed, like sitting and waiting for 20 minutes against hordes of enemies, or simply killing a bunch of enemies in a tiny area. So it gets boring after a while, and no new warbond is going to alleviate that issue.
Bots are fair? I literally had six of those striders and two tanks dropped on me. Mainly the reason I only go to bot planets when there's an objective.😅
its not starting to fail, its failing slowly since the launch with all the back to back to back terrible patches, completely mishandled ... it was just a matter of time how long people are going to take it and slowly get annoyed out of the game ... its very normal for most gamers to play a game and then move on but they sped up the process quite a lot
This video is just brain dead. The game is dying BECAUSE OF SMOOTH BRAIN DEVELOPERS. Horrible decisions at every single turn, there has yet to be a single update that doesn’t break the game in more ways than I can understand. I have 400+ hours and still love playing but every time I load in just to get caught in the loading screen for the next 4 games, have every one of my teammates lag out, just to get into a helldive and complete it within 15 minutes because the only time I ever die or have trouble finishing the mission is due to bugs or bs crashes.
They neglected the game for over 2 months. The abundance of issues and lack of meaningful content for 2 months and counting is the final nail in the coffin they won't recover from their negligence especially with all of the amazing games coming after August. Their next Update needs to bring a lot of content and fixes to have a chance at recovering it's player base.
Dude.. starting to fail? The game has already fail in april just a month before the psn drama. We just didnt knew it yet. We didn't knew that there will be no new content We had a guess that they dont really understand how game works but they just proved it with balance additions We had a hope that they know all the issues and are going to fix them. We gave them a credit because of their transparancy and weekly update Just april revialed that all this isn't true and they are not actually doing much. The may was just a confusion is it even for real and the "balancing patch" that took about month, worthless warbond and the further statments in june has finally confirmed that actually they are working they way they like. They confirmed that burnout and mental health of the development team is their highest priority. Making the great game isn't And now its clear that it was their course through all those monthes. All those monthes of hype, players activity and false development transparancy. Just from the beggining they were not goingto the game worthy of its success. While every youtuber was hyping about the true next generation live service that destroyed all the AAA-games industry the AH in fact as were not targeting such success as were not going to keep it. They understood the luck of their success and didnt took it seriously. Millions of people who player should feel betrayed by their behaviour but honestly its not exactly right. They were not giving a shit about all their huge playerbase just from begging. Its so clear as not much content was provided even in first monthes despite the game is quite small. The highlight of the way how serious they are taking their community based half-rp game was when the arc glitch that was crashing the server has appeared... after their improvments to arc weapons calculation. The fix was deployed only in about week upon weekly release. No hotfix rollback or at least rp excuse was provided. Just people were not cautious enough. --- so this video has appeared just in the middle of july and still braindead living things are defending the AH while over 90% of active playerbase has left it forver.
@@tyleroutland435 I don't make the rules but you should try learning something before speaking about it. You are wrong. I am right. Get over it. Move on. 👍
"I need a reason to keep playing"
Then stop treating games like it's FOMO trying to get everything before anyone as if your life depends on it.
There's a reason why all the "content" are not time limited, it lets you play at your own pace without the fear of missing any content. It ain't forcing you to play.
The enemy difficulty being unfair? That's on you(and the team) for not using your brain how to tackle the situation.
Too difficult? Just play Trivial. It's there for reason.
The game is not the problem, it's the "players".
The enemy difficulty isn't unfair I was still completing missions and extracting I just meant that I could feel cheated sometimes while playing on Helldive.
@@TopicalHourand that’s the dice roll you have when playing a difficult level. It’s part of the fun. If you won every time then where’s the drive to be channeled and get better. If you’re only using meta loadouts switch it up and try something new. Sure you might get your face kicked in but you’ll have at least tried outside the box and can work to develop new fun starts that people haven’t thought of yet.
There’s so much good left in this game to mine.
@@thatzachguy76 except helldive with 4 players is honestly easy while helldivers solo is absolutely unfair
That doesn't bother me, but maybe there should be a solo mode balanced for solo play.
@@thatorangeguy3646 yes because it’s meant to be done with a team not solod so of course the difficult will increase with the fewer people you have. That’s how the game was designed.
Fail is the wrong view, its in a lull because its holiday season in sweden and inbetween major content updates, people need to get this fear out of their heads that the games failing, give it a rest the game will be here tomorrow and the list of planned content is massive, good things take time, if you want rushed force fed content you end up with COD and Ubisoft...
How stupid a video can be? YES.
Helldivers budget aimed for a 1k steady playerbase. The game sold over millon copies and has a steady average of 14k players every single day. The game is faaaar from dying. Even today gamers still play Helldivers 1 as it is a great game. Great games dont die.
The game is very very far from dead. It was developed by a small studio and they already have content for over 1 year of updates. Illuminate faction was already tested in technical betas BEFORE launch.
Whoever think its dead, has absolutely no clue about business model or the gaming industry. Possibly a gen z who barely studied at school.
The way to survive a active-player drought is to have good pve and a decent singleplayer experience. If a game has these things then players will eventually come back because helldivers 2 is a familiar home to them and then they get bored again and the cycle repeats itself. Unfortunately corporations often panic when the see the drought because they need to be always expanding which too often leads to bad decisions
unless its for a very big patch or an expansion people rarely just come back after a lot of time has passed, at that point the interest is mostly gone ... I dont think this game will ever have anything like that I dont even think they are capable of doing it based on the last patch that was quite overhyped and sold to people as something big they needed a lot of time to work at when in reality it was a small to medium sized patch that barely did anything substantial to the game
helldivers 2 is pretty terrible singleplayer though. especially the higher difficulties you see the game is designed around having 4 players worth of firepower, stratagems and respawns
@@613Nightmare but the patch did match that hype. it did everything people hoped it would.
@@gpheonix1 it did not match anything, that patch with those changes could have been cooked in like two weeks, there were only a handful of small things that actually made a difference with weapon balancing ... not something you would think when told huge more than 100 changes patch that we took extra time to work on ... the only expectation they hit was that it was finally a good patch that went in the right direction
@@613Nightmare 2 weeks? you severely underestimate how hard it is to make a game and make it match the expectations of fans. didn't read anything further. that was just plain asinine.
You’re forgetting this is a sequel with roughly the same sized dev team as the first game and without the bloated overblown budgets that most live service games have. Helldivers 1 survived for years without you knowing it even existed because arrowhead is good at fostering a core community of dedicated players and steadily making positive adjustments to the game so casual players have something new to try out every time they dip back in. The game will survive because unlike most live services it was built with a realistic scale, dev team, and budget that can last for years and years to come off of the initial wave of sales.
I saw a good comment saying “The game isn’t dead, the tourists just left”. And I totally agree, having a smaller, yet more dedicated fan base is still healthy for a game.
Pretty sure the whole point is that you're supposed to play until you get bored, stop for a bit, and when you feel the itch to play again and come back, there will be some new warbonds to work towards.
Having no fomo is so good on helldivers 2
Because all games have a shelf life. 11 mins saved.
Ah yes, the 3 month shelf life.
Short answer……..it’s not. More concurrent players on steam then a lot of the looter shooters and no ones saying they’re failing. 50K was the sweet spot number the devs were anticipating, the 400K surge was lightning in a bottle and not a sustainable model.
😂😂😂😂😂 when 93% of the player base left and most people have negative experiences because of how awfully they broke the game with each new update isn’t the game dying, then what is? It’s “lightning in a bottle” and “wasn’t expected” but isn’t that the point? That’s like saying a business is dying because they have too many customers. Is it possible? Sure, but isn’t it also inherently the point of the business to expand? So if they cant handle that expansion due to their own stupidity, how is it not ruining the game? Stg y’all glaze anything you like so hard, they’re going to be shutting down the servers and you smooth brains will STILL be screeching about “tHe GaMe IsNt DyInG”. As someone with 400+ hours that still loves playing: YES IT IS DYING. It’s a hard pill to swallow but if you’re boofing copious that dam hard, there WILL NEVER be any changes for the better.
@@NthnLikeCodeine continuing to post numbers higher than most live service games even after all the controversy and glitches is not a dying game. 30-50k (depending on weekend versus weekday and time of day) players is nothing to write off as “dying”
1pm on a Tuesday afternoon has 32k players
One of the only reasons i think that AAA live service games have player counts consistently in the 100,000s is that they use stupid daily chores and FOMO. So a game like this that has none of that could still have just as many people that love it, but only play it when there's new stuff.
Edit: Also a new faction is an enormous amount of work, terrain generation has to take the faction into account, they have to balance gameplay, hell, even model the sample types. And the reason bugs sometimes one shot you is that even with melee, they can headshot you, and crit you, as two separate mechanics, apparently. Great video though, good points made.
the "do the mission or you don't get the weapon" is triple A Fomo
@@Random-ei2uo yes and no, usually those objective get done by the last 10 percent of loyal players who enjoy the game to this day even if you didnt participate.
Fomo doesnt really apply here because even if you didnt help out at all, you still get major order completion medals and unlock the new weapon to buy it in the upgrade store.
@@Mosherkopter I beleive calling thing good or bad FOMO is muddying the water
just because your favorite game does FOMO you should't be ok with it you're setting a precendent for shady pratices to be used against you
@@Random-ei2uo but its ... not though? You dont miss out on anything, you even get rewards for past major orders if you didnt play for weeks like ... what?
I honestly dont feel like FOMO applies here because its never you alone who has to play to unlock a new gun (which doesnt happen frequently enough to make it viable point on its own imo) its a joined effort. So if anything you would be inclined to join and help out your fellow players. Or are you really telling me you want that new Strategem so badly that you absolutely feel the need to play 24/7 until its unlocked?
@@Mosherkopter "do the event or your don't get the new gun"
WHAT DO YOU MEAN "you don't miss on anything"
we literally are missing on the eagle air to air strike dumbass
The mod management team is what made me leave. Lol
But why would you thrive to ride the high horse that it was at launch and not just please the loyal side of the fanbase?
Adding all Warbonds for free when you reach level 150 is mental my guy, theyd essentially cripple their only source of income which is already not that "great" from a corporate perspective.
Why ask for the arm if they already gave us their hand and show this non predatory bullshit can work?
I get people are scared but you said it yourself the average playercount is still relatively higher than most recent games have this many months after launch.
And honestly looking back at helldivers 1 im not worried, they still supported that game when it only had like 2k active players which returned here and there.
I think wanting to please all the crybabys who overstimulate themselves by only ever playing one game would be a bad decision because its simply a battle you cannot win. People who only come back for new content instead of the gameplay loop will never not stay longer than they "need" to, those people just wanna unlock stuff and once they cant anymore they stop enjoying the game.
I myself have everything unlocked, only lacking a few ship upgrades. But i come back for the gameplay almost every day. I dont play much 1 or 2 rounds maybe 3 with some friends and then call it a day but that way it always remains fun and i play other things.
This, right here. Arrowhead knew the big uptick at the start wasn’t sustainable that’s why they didn’t higher new devs but worked to expand their servers.
This game was never meant to have 100s of thousands playing concurrently and it meant to be a fun grindy shooting fest. This idea that things should be given away at max is just crazy, if someone gets to max level they’ll have everything. Like idk what the dude wants from this dev 😂
Patience is a virtue for a reason...
Took a break
But I can see myself returning to it
Just like Minecraft
Game will not die
The current player count is still pretty good, most games drop off in count at around the time HD2's count did
On the point of them not adding many big changes since launch, it is a team of about a hundred or so people working on the game. We've been kind of spoiled by these big studios that dish out updates daily in some cases. The game will expand over time and many things will most likely be fixed. On the point of game being unfair, they did kind of meant the game to be played coop. Have you noticed those moments when all 4 of you move together, clearing the map, busting each breach/drop and dealing with whatever the game throws at you, but whenever that one guy goes off to do his thing, it usually start being harder on everyone. You made great points though.
They need to add the illuminate sooner than later
I'm reporting you to my onboard democracy officer
huh? i play at all hours and never have a problem.... maybe its a regional problem?
They need cosmetic unlocks tied to leveling for sure, but probably not warbonds. Fact is, if you're playing enough to get 150 you're probably getting enough super credits WHILE playing to pay for a warbond anyways without spending real money. I been 150 for a while now, hit it April 30th, and I've not had to spend real money on this game for a warbond OR store cosmetic since... before April probably. And I'm already over 1800 super credits, waiting for the next warbond and/or cosmetic to drop in the store.
But yeah, people love cosmetics and will go well above and beyond for some cool looking armor/capes.
I think releasing the Illuminate race to try and boost player count is a bad idea. Many players hate fighting the bots, I really doubt they will feel better about fighting an advanced physic alien race. Game needs more progression, more social systems like them fixing their friend system and adding in clans/platoons. Maybe we will see this, and maybe that will be with "Battle Stations". Hoping it gives players more reason to grind. Also the war system needs better leaders and other rewards besides "Medals". I max out of medals after a day of a warbond release, so its a slap in the face when I see "0 Medals Earned" after a MO is completed.
XP for killing mobs be nice. I also wish we could see more stats after a match. I normally focus on killing big stuff, and would love to see how many I killed vs team at the end of a match. Not game breaking or making people stay of course. Need bosses, new stratagems, new maps(like cities), more progression. I think adding these things + more stuff and then releasing a race would do much better in terms of getting more users. Even more so when they allow xbox users to join the fight. Of course it means NOTHING if they don't have testers and release a bunch of broken content. Would also love to see some tweaks to existing things like the jetpack. It sucks compared to the first game. Allowing us to use 2 mechs(They were quick to nerf the fun in that), and buff after buff after buff. Even if slight buffs. No more nerfs :)
You're right I would get the level 150 so quick if that was an option
I still think its a good game, I just got bored of fighting bugs and bots. Whenever that add in the squids, Ill be back.
“Oh no the game that had 1 gazillion players now has only 1 million players, the game is dead guys. It’s joeover”
Just need more content, and I'd return.
Honestly the main issue I find with bugs is the fact they can headshot you, it sucks being one shot from full HP by a bug that isn't a charger or a titan since at least the latter are usually easier to dodge and don't spawn as much, hell, honestly the bugs I hate most are the hunters, they're so plentiful and have a tendency to headshot you, while they don't insta kill you I'd say it's bullshit gameplay losing 3/4 of my HP to a single hit because one of the most common and supposedly weaker enemies has a tendency to jump and hit headshots
I feel like the only reason this game is failing is because a PC players are a bunch of crybabies, and even after the PlayStation account requirement was lifted most of them still didn’t come back because they were acting like children .. but on top of that, I think the reason the numbers on this game have gone down because we as a community have been screaming at the top of our lungs what we want and not getting it
I’m a PC player, I love the game, but what I’m pissed about is the nProtect and Game Guard anti cheat fucking the game up and not allowing me to play the game
Shut the fuck up and look at the SteamDatabase detailing how many players and COUNTRIES were deprived of access to the game
It's not gonna die.
People still play the original Helldivers to by this day along with many other older gaming titles still having plenty enough player base.
Ohh please its obvious why most people didnt come back its cause they removed the game from practically every part of the fucking world
@@supermarinespitfire3760 Not entirely true and very misleading...
Might wanna get your facts straight before posting.
If you respect yourself and your opinion, that is.
sadly this game was made by a small team, and they just don't have the ability to churn out the amount of content and fixes to keep people playing for a long time. Plus there isn't much variety in the gameplay. As well made as a lot of the gameplay is, the missions are just very similar and lack any real variety. Plus a few of them are just outright terribly designed, like sitting and waiting for 20 minutes against hordes of enemies, or simply killing a bunch of enemies in a tiny area. So it gets boring after a while, and no new warbond is going to alleviate that issue.
Bots are fair? I literally had six of those striders and two tanks dropped on me. Mainly the reason I only go to bot planets when there's an objective.😅
its not starting to fail, its failing slowly since the launch with all the back to back to back terrible patches, completely mishandled ... it was just a matter of time how long people are going to take it and slowly get annoyed out of the game ... its very normal for most gamers to play a game and then move on but they sped up the process quite a lot
This video is just brain dead. The game is dying BECAUSE OF SMOOTH BRAIN DEVELOPERS. Horrible decisions at every single turn, there has yet to be a single update that doesn’t break the game in more ways than I can understand. I have 400+ hours and still love playing but every time I load in just to get caught in the loading screen for the next 4 games, have every one of my teammates lag out, just to get into a helldive and complete it within 15 minutes because the only time I ever die or have trouble finishing the mission is due to bugs or bs crashes.
They neglected the game for over 2 months. The abundance of issues and lack of meaningful content for 2 months and counting is the final nail in the coffin they won't recover from their negligence especially with all of the amazing games coming after August. Their next Update needs to bring a lot of content and fixes to have a chance at recovering it's player base.
Dude.. starting to fail?
The game has already fail in april just a month before the psn drama. We just didnt knew it yet.
We didn't knew that there will be no new content
We had a guess that they dont really understand how game works but they just proved it with balance additions
We had a hope that they know all the issues and are going to fix them. We gave them a credit because of their transparancy and weekly update
Just april revialed that all this isn't true and they are not actually doing much.
The may was just a confusion is it even for real and the "balancing patch" that took about month, worthless warbond and the further statments in june has finally confirmed that actually they are working they way they like.
They confirmed that burnout and mental health of the development team is their highest priority. Making the great game isn't
And now its clear that it was their course through all those monthes.
All those monthes of hype, players activity and false development transparancy. Just from the beggining they were not goingto the game worthy of its success.
While every youtuber was hyping about the true next generation live service that destroyed all the AAA-games industry the AH in fact as were not targeting such success as were not going to keep it.
They understood the luck of their success and didnt took it seriously.
Millions of people who player should feel betrayed by their behaviour but honestly its not exactly right.
They were not giving a shit about all their huge playerbase just from begging. Its so clear as not much content was provided even in first monthes despite the game is quite small.
The highlight of the way how serious they are taking their community based half-rp game was when the arc glitch that was crashing the server has appeared... after their improvments to arc weapons calculation.
The fix was deployed only in about week upon weekly release. No hotfix rollback or at least rp excuse was provided.
Just people were not cautious enough.
so this video has appeared just in the middle of july and still braindead living things are defending the AH while over 90% of active playerbase has left it forver.
I honestly really didn’t like helldivers. Probably because people hyped it up like it was the second coming of Christ, and it was just a Okay game.
tl;dr runs like absolute shit, sharp LOD pop-in, some bugs
with every update comes new game crashes and bugs.
I'm not left out lol I had zero interest in this game before it launched, and I have no interest in buying the game ever 😂
yet you're here (zero interest indeed) 🤣😂
@@azewrath I just wanted to put how I felt
Talking about something is showing interest....
Mission failed.
@@GamerSingularity not really 😂
@@tyleroutland435 I don't make the rules but you should try learning something before speaking about it.
You are wrong.
I am right.
Get over it.
Move on. 👍