A HFY Story : The Human Disease | 2175 ~Deathworld, War, Terran and Humans

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024


  • @n7honeybadger103
    @n7honeybadger103 Рік тому +187

    As an admittedly fair weather catholic, it's nice to see a HFY story that doesn't treat religion as an obstacle that humanity overcame on its way to the stars. Having worked with a number of Christian aid groups, this absolutely fits into something the church would do in space.

    • @MichaelDeHaven
      @MichaelDeHaven Рік тому +21

      I've often been impressed by the Sikhs and how they come together to prepare meals for large groups. Behaviors like that(feeding, caring, helping the poor, etc) are some of the beautiful things about religion, IMO.
      Just don't be too fair weather. Those nuns will get ya.

    • @n7honeybadger103
      @n7honeybadger103 Рік тому +4

      @MichaelDeHaven I still have flashbacks to sister Willamina when it rains and my knuckles ache.

    • @noppornwongrassamee8941
      @noppornwongrassamee8941 Рік тому +17

      Yeah, I've long come to the conclusion that religion has very little to do with whether a person is a hypocritical asshole or not. And an atheist can be as close minded and murderous a fanatic for their cause as any crusader or jihadist.

    • @markuhler2664
      @markuhler2664 Рік тому +11

      ​@@noppornwongrassamee8941Or as charitable and warm. People are people regardless of belief system.
      This is an unusual treatment unfortunately for the religious in a sci fi story. I do like the fact that in the story, the Church only cares about a person willing to lay down his life for another, not requiring a particular belief un God. I think it's realistic and in line with present day charities and such of the Church.

    • @The_Viscount
      @The_Viscount Рік тому +4

      Absolutely. Every religion has members and adherents who just want their fellows to be happy and healthy. I think most people, regardless of faith, desire just that. In every faith, you will find heroic individuals, some pious, some not, who exemplify the highest virtues that many faiths have in common: comradery, charity, compassion, love, selflessness.
      You will also find people who use their faith to alienate others as different and inhuman without trying to understand them. In any group or society, you can find people who will use systems as a way to sieze power and become drunk on it. These people will use their status as a member of a group to punish non-conformers and non-members. They do this because they feel better about themselves when they can say "at least I'm not one of them."
      I my experience, good people vastly outweigh the bad, although great people are rare. Unfortunately, most good people shun power while the selfish covet it. As a result, the higher you go in any organization, the more likely you are to find people who would abuse that power.
      We see this in any human organization, and it becomes increasingly common in larger organizations. Given the sheer scale of the Catholic Church, it isn't surprising that there exist numerous examples of distasteful people throughout history. The Borgia in particular come to mind historically, but there are plenty of contemporary examples of abuses. However, many of the local Catholic churches I've interacted with are full of good, honest, decent people.
      Let me make this clear: I have no objections to religions or religious people. My objection is with those who weaponize faith to hurt those they deem "other." And I'm skeptical of entrenched power structures within religious organizations. Faith can be a beautiful thing, but abuse of faith can create zealotry. Zealots can be easily manipulated by bad actors to commit atrocity. This goes for any type of zealotry, religious, political, ethnic or nationalist.

  • @austinpoor5217
    @austinpoor5217 Рік тому +34

    As a lifelong Christian, with ups and downs in the faith, I'm so glad to see a nuanced and kind story about real religion and faith. I've lived the experience of being despised because the famous stories of faith are either disbelieved for being too good to be true, or are of the wolves who wear our skins from time to time. After all, it's the exceptions that are noticed, not the norm.

  • @wildwikedwanderer1208
    @wildwikedwanderer1208 Рік тому +60

    This makes me think of the pizza guy that ran into a burning house cause he heard kids. He had no responsibility or duty to do it. There was no reassurance that he would come out alive but he did it. Hell I think he ran back in to double check for anyone and ended up coming out of a second story window.
    Double checked the story. Did not come out the window but did save a six year old.

    • @thayguy14234
      @thayguy14234 Рік тому +4

      There goes my hero, he's just a normal man.

    • @austinpoor5217
      @austinpoor5217 Рік тому

      Duty calls

    • @lloydkeith3061
      @lloydkeith3061 Рік тому

      Hahaha,... as opposed to what? Listening to kids be burned alive? I really don't see the choice here. The man does have to live with himself afterwards, after all. I know that I couldn't do that. No, there was no choice. Either I die in the attempt or i save the kids. I would be satisfied with that and could rest easy. That doesn't take away from his actions though. It was an incredibly brave thing to do.

  • @jamiemezs9891
    @jamiemezs9891 Рік тому +26

    One of the best Christian Science fiction stories I've ever heard

  • @benjamintherogue2421
    @benjamintherogue2421 11 місяців тому +6

    It's as refreshing to cone across a HFY story that doesn't crap on Christians as it is to come across a sci-fi story that doesn't crap on humans.

  • @jeanannd
    @jeanannd Рік тому +119

    What a wonderful story! Kind Christian monks and nuns in space, helping those in need.

    • @Amoth_oth_ras_shash
      @Amoth_oth_ras_shash Рік тому +1

      ehh.. its cute , but i honestly dont like these they are to often like some trek episodes 'to shiny' ..and side steps one major thing , even if 99% of your social circle is secular ...having religiously commanded organisation will limit what you can request funds for.
      unlike say 'none affiliated humanitarian with open books'' groups..
      prefer it more when like having religiously devoted ones or ''me do good in religious organisation' being part of a story reflect the more nuanced partly blood soaked ''we have absolute truth!'' reality ..sepcially considering the abrahamic cults.. but , ye i understand its ,more a pet pewe of mine due to how the abrahamic religions behaved in real life when ever a secular state or other religion not reigned them in.
      think i recall hearing something like this though ,just with buddist or 'old god' acolyte hmm , to be honest a acolyte of bastet or ein'r be closer to the 'do no harm/protect/heal' doctrine the abrahamic acolytes.

    • @liwojenkins
      @liwojenkins Рік тому

      @@Amoth_oth_ras_shash You seem to know very little about the Abrahamic religions and their contributions to society except the bad things. If you were to put the same focus on any form of government or organization of people , you would see the same ting, but you forgive all but religion and even glorify government (the biggest killer the world has ever seen, bar none). This says more about your troubled spirit than those religions. I hope you find peace one day and stop licking boots.

    • @thehatter9400
      @thehatter9400 Рік тому +12

      Its nice to have positive religious sci-fi stories even if you aren't a believer.
      Too much stuff shits all over Christianity

    • @Amoth_oth_ras_shash
      @Amoth_oth_ras_shash Рік тому +1

      @@thehatter9400 mm its nice to have positive stuff of anything ,though i wouldet say 'to much' craps over the abrahamic religions , now fair at times people are shat at more then deserved etc buuut.. nha , when it comes to that balance game the abrahamic religions not only have a backlog of shating on others that is waaaaay more crappy then anything they get atm but also... since they cant agree to in unison declare all the crappy stuff their source of asserted 'authority' mandates...
      well ,tit for that as they say you reap what you inspire and considering what 90% of the abrahamic religions dogma inspires.. well.. there is a reason when ever they not control the army society starts to crap on them so to speak.
      still though its a sweet story of a very social species thing aka , taking the positives and doing the best of it where you are in life.

    • @vinnyganzano1930
      @vinnyganzano1930 Рік тому

      How unusual.

  • @TheKrenk999
    @TheKrenk999 Рік тому +10

    Nobody objects to religion. People object to having religion forced upon them. Love a story that finally embraces followers of a faith as both good people at heart, and people whose faith is not so shallow that they need to force it upon everyone around them.

    • @jayeisenhardt1337
      @jayeisenhardt1337 Рік тому

      "Nobody objects to religion" I mean, plenty of court cases won against those very people. Happens so often that I don't even know how people miss it. Especially the lockdown cases won. Places of worship were explicitly and illegally targeted. 5 people praying in their own home too much but 5000 gambling called essential, even the whore houses open. NY synagogues with them fines the same I bet. Must force that non-faith on you like an 'object to religion' religion. People are the same be it militant atheist, religion, or vegan.
      Constant purges of religion because it interferes with control. There is always an objection unless somebody controls it. When they do they object to other religions. Religion as an excuse to bring more 'peace' just like bringing democracy means bombing kids back into the stone age.

    • @MiishaKorvian
      @MiishaKorvian Рік тому +2

      There are some of us out there that object to religion as a rule, myself included. But so long as they do good and do not attempt to force their rules onto non-members I leave them be. As is their right under Article 18 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
      Article 18
      Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

  • @jacksonbedard2018
    @jacksonbedard2018 Рік тому +22

    Catholic man here! This is my favorite story yet! Billy Bob Space Trucker narrated by AgroSquirrel is now my second favorite HFY. This is something like how I am trying to build the Church for the future.

    • @sdeawsa
      @sdeawsa Рік тому +3

      Disdain for the current administration of the church aside. The church has a lot of these sorts of programs already that you can link into.

    • @RJStockton
      @RJStockton Рік тому +1

      @@sdeawsa The Franciscans are doing space rescue? Not going to lie, that's pretty cool.

  • @RevDrGrifter
    @RevDrGrifter Рік тому +5

    As an atheistic Jew (they are not mutually exclusive), the idea of good religious people doing good because it’s good is very refreshing. So few religious folks I meet have that spark of true inspiration. It speaks to my heart. That, something I disagree with so deeply can make beautiful good in the universe, is a wonderful reminder.

    • @johnfillmore8121
      @johnfillmore8121 7 місяців тому

      It is expected from one who loves and worships the Jewish God

  • @morescodesup2087
    @morescodesup2087 Рік тому +213

    A syfi story that doesn’t view religious people as idiots. So Refreshing :)

    • @89Keith
      @89Keith Рік тому +24

      Well it is fiction, have to expect outlandish things now and then

    • @anathardayaldar
      @anathardayaldar Рік тому +9

      Some people refuse to live in a world without art. Some people think its all a waste of time. Both sides are convinced the other are idiots. Most people don't care that much and just want to be left alone.
      The same for religions.
      Different people's brains are wired differently. They just feel what they need.

    • @nomohakon6257
      @nomohakon6257 Рік тому

      @@anathardayaldar That is why religious people should just leave and go to their heaven.

    • @ando5563
      @ando5563 Рік тому +2

      i have a feeling youll love war hammer 40k

    • @89Keith
      @89Keith Рік тому

      @@ando5563 F*** Erebus

  • @rupertmiller9690
    @rupertmiller9690 Рік тому +23

    Like a passage from the book of Algorithms, chapter 4, verse 20, 'And the works were done, regardless of faith or folly.'

  • @Kualinar
    @Kualinar Рік тому +30

    Those are selflessly using the very best parts of their religion to help. They are what religious peoples should be : Showing their beliefs by example, not imposing them.

  • @Mr.Grinns
    @Mr.Grinns 10 місяців тому +3

    Definitely one of my favorite depictions of the faith in scifi. Usually its some cultish dogmatic representation written by bitter people. So refreshing to see a more realistic outlook

  • @mariest147
    @mariest147 Рік тому +10

    So refreshing to see a story that doesn't poke fun at faith. Thank you.

  • @noahkleugh9323
    @noahkleugh9323 Рік тому +35

    A very interesting tale that follows a thread or theme that is not often followed in these stories. I would like to see more and possibly a novel or a series that follows the same line. Thank you for providing a wonderful parable.

  • @ThePheonixSoldier
    @ThePheonixSoldier Рік тому +18

    You did an excellent job (as always) conveying a sense of Serenity and Wisdom from Sister Anna. Always enjoy the selections.

  • @alexisgrunden1556
    @alexisgrunden1556 Рік тому +4

    Interstellar S&R nuns. That's a new one to hear~

  • @maelglorious
    @maelglorious Рік тому +22

    Missionaries doing "God's work" helping people because no one else does, yet being called a plague and disease by those so petty to only see what they stand to gain by such effort rather then what such effort gains...
    Yep, I can easily see humans doing stuff like this.

    • @alexisgrunden1556
      @alexisgrunden1556 Рік тому +6

      This is the bright, hope-filled side of religion~

    • @mcarrowtime7095
      @mcarrowtime7095 Рік тому

      @@alexisgrunden1556 as opposed to the side where the choir boys are.

  • @carminedesanto6746
    @carminedesanto6746 Рік тому +11

    Just doing the right thing ..for it’s own sake .

  • @ameliarosealdridge6468
    @ameliarosealdridge6468 Рік тому +11

    I love the concept for this one!

  • @hilmarheathkliff9511
    @hilmarheathkliff9511 Рік тому +7

    8 minutes in and im picking up on some big Hospitaller knight vibes from these protagonists

  • @GreatGreenGoo
    @GreatGreenGoo Рік тому +11

    As an agnostic I do like to see Religion brought up in stories not as rhetoric but as a philosophy to live by. Its those who treat and live by such rhetoric that give it a bad name.

    • @jayeisenhardt1337
      @jayeisenhardt1337 Рік тому +3

      It's also people looking for an excuse to do wrong giving it a bad name as a reason for their actions.
      If the standard is "everyone must be more perfect than Jesus or religion is a fraud" therefore I can do any evil I wish.
      Well. So many live by that these days. Then they are shocked that law would stop them when God didn't. lol
      People hate to be responsible for anything. To blame the people they wronged as the reason they are doing wrong is second nature.

  • @chrisweiss6363
    @chrisweiss6363 Рік тому +4

    Nice to have a lil reminder every once and a while

  • @yomogami4561
    @yomogami4561 Рік тому +11

    rather interesting and unique story. it's vaguely reminiscent of 'cestus dei' by john maddox roberts, 1983.
    thanks for the story and narration

  • @timobrien2813
    @timobrien2813 10 місяців тому

    I have learnt something here. If you look at things in the right way you can always find beauty. Thank you. UKUK

  • @davidwillis5044
    @davidwillis5044 Рік тому +1

    as someone raised Christian but no longer is, this is what i always thought the religion should be. a helping hand and kindness to those in need.

  • @mackenziedrake
    @mackenziedrake Місяць тому

    The best of religion, the active understanding of what humanity means. Many thanks.

  • @halslusher6030
    @halslusher6030 8 місяців тому

    Excellent radio voice and love your story telling

  • @Shadow.Dragon
    @Shadow.Dragon Рік тому +4

    Great story and great narration!

  • @apollothundersol8852
    @apollothundersol8852 Рік тому

    This sounds like more chill version of 40k Sisters of Battle and I’m here for it

  • @MidnightSmoke
    @MidnightSmoke Рік тому +2

    great story, thank you for bring it to us. Here is a like and comment to help your channel grow and get you the recognition you deserve.

  • @whgordon6109
    @whgordon6109 Рік тому +1

    Excelent Presentation..
    Many Thanks Agro!

  • @Garret-cain
    @Garret-cain Рік тому +4

    Love this channel thank you ❤

  • @halslusher6030
    @halslusher6030 8 місяців тому

    Thanks! Love your voice and story telling

    • @AgroSquerril
      @AgroSquerril  7 місяців тому

      My pleasure , thank you for the dono

  • @Sujad
    @Sujad Рік тому +15

    Considering the cringe atheism of Reddit (assuming that's where it's from) I'm quite surprised. The Fedora crowd has done more to damage atheism than anything else in the last several years.

    • @MichaelDeHaven
      @MichaelDeHaven Рік тому +7

      Lord, isn't that the truth. lol All too many can come across like they are the arbiters of science and reason. But social media often just amplifies and centers the loudest. Not necessarily the norm or average. Most people of all types are good people at heart.

    • @giin97
      @giin97 Рік тому +2

      ​@@MichaelDeHaveneh, I wouldn't go so far as to say most are good. At best, most are neutral. I can only think of a few individuals I know that I would classify as truly "good," while you see on the news and billboards all the time alerts to beware of the truly evil.
      But yes, social media's main success is elevating the smallest to the point they are mistaken for the largest, massively disproportionate representation and amplification.

    • @jayeisenhardt1337
      @jayeisenhardt1337 Рік тому

      Just be glad they are on reddit. I remember when they were roaming the internet.
      They'd be fighting everyone they could trying to convert people like atheism was their religion
      Go back to when the concept of the internet was invented. Humor to mock Christianity, others willing to kill to destroy all religions.
      All depending on what part of the world you lived in at the time. No matter how belief changes 'people' are the same.

  • @victortahlor4038
    @victortahlor4038 Рік тому

    Thank you for the reading

  • @Zael_Moonblade
    @Zael_Moonblade Рік тому +6

    I find it kind of funny how in scifi stories they go oh, we don't have any way to block plasma wespons even though moderns ceramic balistic plates can stop a few hits dur to material make up and corresponding meltingpoints.

    • @giin97
      @giin97 Рік тому +3

      Well, to put it into sci-fi perspective using Star Trek as a reference cuz that's what I'm familiar with, the Romulan plasma torpedo is more powerful than the Federation photon torpedo, which is literally an antimatter bomb.
      So yeah, now that the idea and understanding of modern plasmas are more widespread it sounds silly, but story-wise I'd guess it's more like they're basically getting slapped by a solar flare. Same goes for the handheld weapons, tiny ball of material hot enough to melt a full meter of anything on contact.

    • @Zael_Moonblade
      @Zael_Moonblade Рік тому +2

      @@giin97 Aye.
      Though the Romulan Plasma Torpedo is a phased plasma similar to the phased partical beams used by the Federation.

  • @Sheluvyoshi
    @Sheluvyoshi Рік тому +1

    You make the best videos I watch them all day

  • @boracykmando1642
    @boracykmando1642 7 місяців тому

    Great story

  • @Inufan2005
    @Inufan2005 Рік тому +3

    Unbeknownst to the Xeno, that is EXACTLY how that works.

    • @Bananabanana347
      @Bananabanana347 Рік тому

      No, the religions grew in blood and have more of a believe my way or die vibe. Hopefully the church in future is less corrupt than the land theft, pillaging, child r***, murderers that the “most zealous” are. This doesn’t mean I don’t recognize the good a church does, but I’m not going to ignore the bad either.

  • @blueeyeswhitedragon9839
    @blueeyeswhitedragon9839 6 місяців тому

    I always thought of St. Jude as the patron saint of "lost causes".
    "Desperate causes" does sound better. 😊

  • @RealArcalian
    @RealArcalian Рік тому +1

    Greetings, Mentlegent!
    For the Rhyhtm that is Algo
    Well, this will generate some controversy, but I must definitely approve! Even though I'm not Catholic, heh.

  • @bobdrooples
    @bobdrooples Рік тому

    I want Muslim ”Space Prayer Mat™" It's a kneel in gyroscope type deal that accounts for galactic orbital movement and spins like a funfair ride to make sure it always points to the Haj Shopping Mall!

  • @flaxtube322
    @flaxtube322 Рік тому

    Bravo, Agro.

  • @AaronPLehmann
    @AaronPLehmann Рік тому

    I find it interesting that the nun is holding Mass, not the priest. I know in the Orthodox church, there are finicky details allowing abbesses to celebrate the Eucharist in special circumstances.

  • @satibel
    @satibel Рік тому +1

    In french "let's pray" is "prions" so this is prions disease.

  • @allenmorgan1007
    @allenmorgan1007 Рік тому +1

    For the Algorithm, for the Author(s), for the Holographic Voice!

  • @leonievanheerden7090
    @leonievanheerden7090 Рік тому +4

    Doing and being good aren't the exclusive domain of the religious... same for humanity and love

    • @gregoryhickok6300
      @gregoryhickok6300 Рік тому +3

      No one said it was. It's just a story with a different point of view.

  • @michaelyoung7261
    @michaelyoung7261 Рік тому +1

    The “disease of kindness and pure love” is one that I can confidently say that I am infected by. God and gods above strive for this kind of story to become the norm, where boundaries and expectations are thrown out because it is better to love, and help.
    To have Courage, and to be Kind, especially when it is inconvenient, is when true Christians are seen, irregardless of their religion. Christ is the Light, the Example; and any who follow the teachings receive the blessings.

    • @AlicentaurBrony
      @AlicentaurBrony Рік тому

      As the song goes, "they will know that we are Christians by our love." I suppose that other religions can, at times, be substituted in.

  • @Foenix1420
    @Foenix1420 Рік тому

    Hello thx for the video 😊

  • @frocurl
    @frocurl 11 місяців тому

    Nice there is a place for the church no matter humanities future! The Bible does tell us the end. Still I like the story.

  • @skepticalmagos_101
    @skepticalmagos_101 Рік тому

    Noice !

  • @kaliban4758
    @kaliban4758 Рік тому +1

    Never thought of religion as a disease, now i do😅😅😅

    • @lloydkeith3061
      @lloydkeith3061 Рік тому

      Not so much religion or religious people are a disease or diseased. But I'd definitely call organized religion that. The bigger it is, the more corrupt it is

  • @grogvaughan5649
    @grogvaughan5649 Рік тому

    After 30yrs of marriage to a rough an tumble country girl.. this was really cute

  • @toddl001001
    @toddl001001 Рік тому +1

    Space bodhisattvas.

  • @olebloom1641
    @olebloom1641 2 місяці тому

    I find the idea of religion appealing for comfort in trying times. Unfortunately being empirically minded I find it falls short of logic and reason. Great story.

  • @JRRodriguez-nu7po
    @JRRodriguez-nu7po 8 місяців тому

    Reminds me of Babylon 5.

  • @genericuser984
    @genericuser984 Рік тому


  • @cameltanker1286
    @cameltanker1286 Рік тому +1

    Couldn't we all.

  • @Myrddraalfade
    @Myrddraalfade 6 місяців тому


  • @imoneoldfart6804
    @imoneoldfart6804 Рік тому +1

    cant believe i side with the xenos on this one.

    • @lloydkeith3061
      @lloydkeith3061 Рік тому


  • @gregwunderlich4253
    @gregwunderlich4253 Рік тому +3

    I'd advise the aliens to keep their children away from the priests.
    Just saying.
    Sorry, not sorry.
    Fight me.

    • @elriccrim
      @elriccrim Рік тому +1

      No reason to fight. The Priesthood absolutely had and still does have issues with sick bastards abusing the cloth to abuse kids. I would also tell the Alien to stay away from Public schools as well given that 10% of all students will face sexual misconduct from school staff by the time they graduate HS. Again, sick bastards abusing power to abuse kids and the institution (Public schools) moving around those bastards to avoid being the building holding the creep. It is sad.

    • @RJStockton
      @RJStockton Рік тому

      Reddit is that way, weirdo.

  • @ernestmac13
    @ernestmac13 Рік тому +4

    Given the history of organized religion in human history, of countless cultures diluted by other empires or nations, to outright murder and genocide often seen in religious text justified by it being the will of their Gods.
    I experienced the "compassion of the religious", after donating a kidney to a relative in 2000; when returning to college after a semester off for the donation and recovery, and upon informing coworkers at the college and students I had become aquaitances with where I had been, was informed how I was a "good Christian". Upon hearing I wasn't a person of faith; I was both informed I was a good Christian even if I didn't believe it, and angrily asked by some why I didn't believe.
    Given the silence of the religious majority; as an extremist minority pushes our country towards Athoritarianism and fascism, I suspect as humanity makes the move off into space, far to many of the faithful will take with them the xenophobia, I tolerance, and hate, that is driving many of the faithful out of organized religion.
    The book bannings, anti Trans, anti LGBT, and embracing of authoritarianism and fascism have been embraced despite doing so under the observation of the media, public eye, and scrutiny by many; because a small vocal extreme has decided they are justified in such actions.
    Once we do begin interacting with other intelligent species; I see nothing holding back the extreme minority from encouraging such hate beyond the confines of our planet.
    I can also see conflicts started when a species rejects human religions; and defends their right to protect their culture and religion if they have them, and or their right to have no faith.
    It is rare to see authorities stand up for the religious freedoms of other faiths; such as when a sheriff in California arrested a group of Christians who deliberately tried to force their faith on attendies and organizers of a Hindu religious festival who had voiced their objections to the Christians refusing to leave the entrance of the festival and continually forcing religious material towards those who said "no thank you".
    I think humanity has a long way to go before we are ready to interact with alien civilizations.

    • @lloydkeith3061
      @lloydkeith3061 Рік тому

      We as a race have far to many people more worried about what someone else thinks than engaging in thinking for themselves. I'm also not religious either. I went through bootcamp never attending religious services at all. I both suffered for that choice and became more determined because of it. ALL pushy people are wrong and need to mind their own business.

    • @AlicentaurBrony
      @AlicentaurBrony Рік тому

      While it sounds like the Christians at the entrance to the festival technically did have the right to be there and do what they did and should NOT have been arrested, that was also NOT the time and place to try to spread the faith.
      There's a difference between expressing and trying to share ones faith, and being pushy. Unfortunately, the line can be hard to see on both sides. People who behave like this don't seem to get that they're actively undermining their own efforts. Trying to convert people from a religion at an event for that religion just makes the people at that event further close their minds to ANY possible good points of what the outsiders are trying to push.
      They had the right to do what they did, but they should not have exercised that right.
      There's a time, a place, and a method for trying to sway hearts and minds. These people get all three wrong.
      Great story and narration by the way.

  • @TheJeikou
    @TheJeikou Рік тому


  • @darbysmall337
    @darbysmall337 Рік тому +1

    OMG I'm first

    • @TJCID22
      @TJCID22 Рік тому +1

      But at what cost?

  • @TheGrinningViking
    @TheGrinningViking Рік тому

    The church in space? That's genocide brewin' every time, historically.

  • @elfeater1760
    @elfeater1760 Рік тому

    For the Algorithm11!

  • @MyrdinAnnoth
    @MyrdinAnnoth Рік тому +1

    Well... this was a boring story, despite Agros best effort.

  • @deussalt4479
    @deussalt4479 Рік тому +1

    Ehh not really a fan of this one.

  • @Amoth_oth_ras_shash
    @Amoth_oth_ras_shash Рік тому +1

    ehh.. its cute , but i honestly dont like these they are to often like some trek episodes 'to shiny' ..and side steps one major thing , even if 99% of your social circle is secular ...having religiously commanded organisation will limit what you can request funds for.
    unlike say 'none affiliated humanitarian with open books'' groups..
    prefer it more when like having religiously devoted ones or ''me do good in religious organisation' being part of a story reflect the more nuanced partly blood soaked ''we have absolute truth!'' reality ..sepcially considering the abrahamic cults.. but , ye i understand its ,more a pet pewe of mine due to how the abrahamic religions behaved in real life when ever a secular state or other religion not reigned them in.
    think i recall hearing something like this though ,just with buddist or 'old god' acolyte hmm , to be honest a acolyte of bastet or ein'r be closer to the 'do no harm/protect/heal' doctrine the abrahamic acolytes.

  • @aleksszukovskis2074
    @aleksszukovskis2074 Рік тому +1

    didnt like it :(

  • @nomohakon6257
    @nomohakon6257 Рік тому

    No. Any story making religion a good thing will always be worthless,.

  • @dark_wolf1092
    @dark_wolf1092 Рік тому +1

    That was a disgusting and nauseating story.

    • @larrythompson8630
      @larrythompson8630 Рік тому

      Why? Things can only get to you if part of you knows it’s true…

    • @lucidlythinking857
      @lucidlythinking857 Рік тому +1

      I don’t agree with either statement. It’s just a story read well.

    • @mcarrowtime7095
      @mcarrowtime7095 Рік тому

      @@larrythompson8630 that must be why Christians get so pissy when people prove the Abrahamic god can't exist as described.

    • @mcarrowtime7095
      @mcarrowtime7095 Рік тому

      @@lucidlythinking857 well-read yes, but it's still equally as annoying as it would be if it was fedora-tier religion bashing.

    • @larrythompson8630
      @larrythompson8630 Рік тому +1

      @@mcarrowtime7095 really? Ok

  • @klappstock943
    @klappstock943 Рік тому

    For the Algorithm the story and the voice

  • @darrylmarbut47
    @darrylmarbut47 Рік тому

    Great story