A HFY Story : Why the Galaxy Fled | 2141 ~Deathworld, War, Terran and Humans

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024


  • @kenridlycan6790
    @kenridlycan6790 Рік тому +107

    I feel like humanity would notice all organic life on a planet turning to dust the moment we land. The idea that we had to transport entire ecosystems to every planet we colonized (because every tree, bug, plant, and animal turned to dust the moment we were within the atmosphere) is kind of a big event that someone should have noticed to be unusual.

    • @artyd42
      @artyd42 Рік тому

      Probably not. If their super virus can ride shuttles on the exterior thru space and reaching air is enough for it to super-propagate (or worse, being in the solar radius of the star) then not even light moves fast enough thru the surface of a planet with an atmosphere to catch it in action. In effect their own caution killed them. No communication with something intelligent that can detect you results in that thing wondering what you are even more and wanting to ask questions in person if need be.

    • @earmunchermuncher7639
      @earmunchermuncher7639 Рік тому +4

      Agreed, the virus story a lil dumb

    • @TheStartrek99
      @TheStartrek99 6 місяців тому

      Maybe the virus smart-targets sapient life?

  • @noppornwongrassamee8941
    @noppornwongrassamee8941 Рік тому +239

    This story has a big plot hole. If Earth life is really so toxic to alien life, humanity should have already seen its effects on the biosphere of every alien world that they colonized. Every alien biosphere should have been wiped out by the bioweapon lingering in Earth microbes.
    Oh, and also humanity should have guessed the possibility that the Dyson Sphere was where the aliens have fled too.

    • @taitano12
      @taitano12 Рік тому +30

      Not necessarily, on either account. Plot holes, yes. But perhaps not as big as it seems. 🤔
      With your first point, the virus could have mutated to be more or less harmless. A point that may not occur to anyone involved until the dust settles from the heightened state of alert on Humanity's side and panic on the ET's side. I can see this short being a preamble for an intellectual thriller. Or even a video game where you seek out the remains of the creators of the virus to see if you can find or figure out a cure.
      On your second point, a hostile fleet met us in battle. Even if we realized who was manning that fleet, if ET, in their panic, opened fire without responding to any attempts at communication, Humanity's reaction is inappropriate, but understandable. For all we know, the fleet that came to fight us was what they were fleeing from.

    • @Ryu_D
      @Ryu_D Рік тому +21

      There's one more plot hole in the lack of information that humanity had about this. There's no way entire planets were evacuated without some information as to why, and while it's possible that the information was wiped from their systems, the same question applies. Why? This misunderstanding could have been resolved a heck of a long time before humanity unknowingly pushed the other species to the edge of the galaxy.

    • @carljacobs1837
      @carljacobs1837 Рік тому

      @@Ryu_D or the aliens could have just replied right off and explained why humans are deadly. We could have still explored and migrated out. Just avoid the other aliens.

    • @Sanquinity
      @Sanquinity Рік тому +14

      @@Ryu_D If they had simply explained what was going on when humanity first attempted contact, long before even going to the aliens' planets, all of this could have been avoided...

    • @Soloong_Gaybowzer
      @Soloong_Gaybowzer Рік тому

      @@taitano12 Speaking of dust, didn't he say that everything that earthlings came into contact immediately dissolved into dust? The moment they entered atmosphere, even 1 surviving virus from the outside hull would have immediately gone to work turning all life on that planet to dust. But the time they landed, the world would be lifeless. A defense of this seeming "plot hole" is that the text describes these worlds as being "abandoned" and suffering a "great extinction". It never actually says there is life on the world, nor does it say the world is completely dead.

  • @metaempiricist
    @metaempiricist Рік тому +43

    That alien had quite the attitude for someone that was fleeing his own bioweapon.

    • @alfredsutton4412
      @alfredsutton4412 Рік тому

      Not his own bioweapon. An unknown predecessor created the bioweapon. His race only tried to destroy it.

    • @Marcus_Postma
      @Marcus_Postma Рік тому +10

      They said that the ones who created the bioweapon had already perished long ago.

    • @elduquecaradura1468
      @elduquecaradura1468 Рік тому +1

      @@Marcus_Postma I mean, billions of years ago, and even the last records of proto-humans were from hundreds of thousands of years ago

  • @deussalt4479
    @deussalt4479 Рік тому +24

    The idea of finding only the remnants but never finding actual living aliens is more terrifying that finding hostile aliens or no aliens at all.

  • @jukkiivi4282
    @jukkiivi4282 Рік тому +62

    Hmm... In this story Humanity is more infectious than usually. For the Algorithm! For the Author! For the Narrator! For the Beard! May it grow back swiftly!

    • @wolfgangkranek376
      @wolfgangkranek376 Рік тому +1

      For the Galactic Empire and the virus, may humans rule 4ever! 🙃

    • @theblueslimeboi
      @theblueslimeboi Рік тому

      Holup, is the human race just... the game?

    • @rustedpine4146
      @rustedpine4146 Рік тому

      @@theblueslimeboi Great, I had a new highscore in The Game and you've set me back to start.

  • @EarwaxDeserved
    @EarwaxDeserved Рік тому +76

    “The people of the galaxy were such cowards, when facing the human spirit. Can’t blame them, as that is the most powerful thing a human can use, and if the entire human population uses it..”

    • @jazzydino3159
      @jazzydino3159 Рік тому +1

      For the Algorithm

    • @mythicrazor
      @mythicrazor Рік тому

      ​@@jazzydino3159.what 😊.

    • @citizen_grub4171
      @citizen_grub4171 Рік тому

      This would be poignant, if that were why they were running.
      Instead it's because humanity carries a virus that's instant death for all non-Terran life.

    • @robinruppert1554
      @robinruppert1554 Рік тому

      Then our enemies will Burn with fire and blood

  • @MrGoesBoom
    @MrGoesBoom Рік тому +58

    And not a single one of these had anything thought of communication and contact BEFORE the situation got out of hand? Or just leaving messages behind explaining how/why they things were left like that? Neat story with some really stupid aliens

    • @LegendStormcrow
      @LegendStormcrow Рік тому +11

      Probably the stupidest aliens. Though the theory about Humanity being the great enemy had been floated, and may have actually been due to messages left.

    • @Marcus_Postma
      @Marcus_Postma Рік тому +2

      Yeah a lot of these stories are great fun, but the aliens typically aren't smart enough to be as advanced as they're depicted.

    • @truekurayami
      @truekurayami Рік тому +1

      @@Marcus_Postma Inovators and Inventors are normally a rarity amongst a population of any species. Now take how dumb you think the average person is, and then realize there are people only half as smart of that in high percentages. A lot of developments never really need people to be smart to keep them in use, the wheel is a good example of an "idiots' " invention, but still used to this day. People to day are less informed about a lot of things every day, inspite how "smart" we are compared to our more less developed past.

    • @Marcus_Postma
      @Marcus_Postma Рік тому

      @Akuma Imayaruk yes, but you still need innovators to come up with new ideas. If you don't have these, then you fall under the utopia scenario where everyone thinks things are fine the way they are, and nothing else needs to be done. Consequentially the utopia scenario is one of the Fermi paradox scenarios that make sense. In this story they were obviously beyond that scenario, and thus should've been able to contemplate this.

    • @truekurayami
      @truekurayami Рік тому

      @@Marcus_Postma My point was even with the innovators needed to get to that level the people themselves can be extremely stupid about something like this.

  • @Fuxy22
    @Fuxy22 Рік тому +63

    Once it's a coincidence, twice it's a weird chance but so many times it's is almost clear they are fleeing from humanity... time to invest into kloacking tech so these skittish creatures don't run before we get to at least have a chat...
    Then again it was foolish of them to not attempt to even chat before it got to this state...

    • @sbritton1313
      @sbritton1313 Рік тому +2

      They vaporized when humans stepped in their planets

    • @Fuxy22
      @Fuxy22 Рік тому +10

      @@sbritton1313 No they didn't... they ran away before that happened... and nothing stopped then from just explaining everything way earlier...

    • @iaaf_nw2367
      @iaaf_nw2367 Рік тому

      @@sbritton1313 that was during early man. Im betting the virus is no longer harmful because if it was, the biosphere of the planets they colonized would all die the moment the humans stepped on them.

    • @TheMonkey747
      @TheMonkey747 Рік тому +3

      Didn't the humans transmit for around 400 years, trying to find someone?
      That’s a lot of ignored calls...

    • @Sheldezare
      @Sheldezare Рік тому

      Everyone in the story has to act like an idiot for the story to work. Classic horror movie logic.

  • @rikospostmodernlife
    @rikospostmodernlife Рік тому +27

    Fun fact: the process that fuels a fusion bomb is more similar to a supernova than it is to the normal working of a star. This might mean that with enough fuel or with an efficient enough design, humans could make actual (mini)supernovas easier than stars

  • @Sycon-hf7zi
    @Sycon-hf7zi Рік тому +10

    The biggest plot hole here is that I doubt the aliens would remove all the creatures from planets. So humans would quickly have understood that space deer suddenly explode into dust when we get anywhere near them. Someone would have seen something. Humans are pretty smart and would figure it out and fix it I'm sure. We want to rule (34) the galaxy after all.

    • @braddl9442
      @braddl9442 Рік тому


    • @brentmartin6833
      @brentmartin6833 Рік тому

      Ever since the planet was colonized and the first kid said. "Mommy! The cute little space deer 🦌 went poof! 💥 "
      Biologists have been trying to figure out their life cycle and why this evolution took hold.

  • @flakcannon722
    @flakcannon722 Рік тому +6

    The end was a bit rushed and swatting the fleet without checking didn't match the storyline, but the overall concept was great

    • @SerunaXI
      @SerunaXI 10 місяців тому

      Does seem odd that humanity at least didn't try to make contact first just that one time.

  • @alfredsutton4412
    @alfredsutton4412 Рік тому +5

    So we are the scourge of the dark forest? Oh, my! Don’t know that I want that as our epitaph.

    • @TheAroVII
      @TheAroVII Рік тому

      there's a thought experiment, I believe, about a False Dark Forest. It assumes that every sentient species has thought of and taken to heart the Dark Forest Theory, acting in accordance with it before confirming the scourge even exists. The false Dark Forest posits that the scourge doesn't exist at all, leading to anyone (humans, perhaps) that broadcasts themselves to be thought of as the scourge by those that hide themselves, no matter how peaceful they may claim to be in those broadcasts. Because who would reveal themselves unless they have nothing to fear?
      Incidentally, this is where I thought this story was going. Nothing is wrong with humanity, our presence isn't lethal and we're perfectly peaceful, but the aliens can't stand the chance of revealing themselves lest they perhaps be destroyed by something far more deadly than it seems.

    • @mergixedef3723
      @mergixedef3723 Рік тому

      Who said we need an epitaph? We are the scourge they hide from, they are the prey we evolve with. Why would we ever die?

    • @giin97
      @giin97 Рік тому

      Better to be that scourge than a victim of it :P

  • @braddl9442
    @braddl9442 Рік тому +3

    Yeah this story has so many holes in it. The records left on planets should have mentioned this virus etc.

  • @l0rdD00rkn3ss
    @l0rdD00rkn3ss Рік тому +3

    I knew where this was going and still enjoyed the ride

  • @yomogami4561
    @yomogami4561 Рік тому +5

    entertaining story that i realized would end sadly in a similiar situation
    thanks for the narration and i hope to hear more of this story

  • @chrissoto7187
    @chrissoto7187 Рік тому +11

    You know they could’ve just told us like seriously.

    • @davidhenderson3400
      @davidhenderson3400 Рік тому +1

      I guess they though we already knew. They assumed we knew when we did not. Remember NEVER assume any thing.

    • @SerunaXI
      @SerunaXI 10 місяців тому

      It's possible they didn't want to tell us in case we'd use that against them.

  • @mnspstudioful
    @mnspstudioful 10 місяців тому

    Midway through your Stellaris gameplay when you are looking at an entire fleet of Dreadnoughts and going... "Huh. Maybe I'm the Calamity."

  • @merlinathrawes746
    @merlinathrawes746 11 місяців тому +3

    I wonder if any of the aliens have ever heard of a self-fulfilling prophesy?

  • @Semi-loyal_Guardsman
    @Semi-loyal_Guardsman Рік тому +2

    Humans be like

  • @Fr33k0ur
    @Fr33k0ur Рік тому +3

    "Hey humans so like your world used to be a prison planet and it evolved with this virus on it and it instakills us so like please stay away"
    Too hard? 😂😂

    • @warlockghovat5745
      @warlockghovat5745 11 місяців тому

      Xeno minds work in alien ways. They may have been too smart to think of such a simple solution.

  • @renaissancepress247
    @renaissancepress247 Рік тому +4

    I gave major deja vu. I was sure I had heard this just a couple of days ago 😆. For our narrator! For the author! For the algorithm!

    • @truekurayami
      @truekurayami Рік тому

      Curious where you found it before, was it Netnarrator or someone else. He seems to find these gems just as easily as Argo and I've noticed the switch on who gets the story first multiple times.

    • @renaissancepress247
      @renaissancepress247 Рік тому

      @@truekurayami It was Amie's Literary Empire, 5 days ago. It took a bit to find 😆. She's good but I enjoy Agro the best 😊

  • @elfeater1760
    @elfeater1760 Рік тому +15

    For the Algorithm11!

  •  Рік тому +2

    I could swear i already have heard this story yesterday

    • @inso80
      @inso80 Рік тому

      Another channel did this same story a week or 2 ago.

  • @Bannedchan
    @Bannedchan Рік тому +2

    Moral of the story
    Pick up the damn phone
    If the aliens had of responded and explained things early 😅

  • @davidhenderson3400
    @davidhenderson3400 Рік тому +1

    I knew that Earth was an experiment that went honorably honorably wrong.

  • @wolfgangkranek376
    @wolfgangkranek376 Рік тому +5

    Fecking Gain of Function Research again!

  • @cfrick8556
    @cfrick8556 5 місяців тому

    "What we have here Is a failure to communicate."

  • @victortahlor4038
    @victortahlor4038 Рік тому

    Thank you for the reading

  • @kurt8127
    @kurt8127 Рік тому

    Oh by the way that tear jerker you did a Lil bit ago wish I could of got a vid of the whole rig crew pausing work to shed a tear, lol masterfully work my friend

  • @RealArcalian
    @RealArcalian Рік тому

    Greetings Mentlegent
    For the Rhyhtm that is Algo
    I knew they were running from us, but had no idea on the why.

  • @PoweredbyApathy
    @PoweredbyApathy Рік тому

    That was sad , poor aliens and poor humans

  • @Southern_Crusader
    @Southern_Crusader Рік тому +2

    Maybe the rest of the galaxy is made up of introverts and humanity being eager for interaction scared them off?

  • @MidnightSmoke
    @MidnightSmoke Рік тому

    thank you for the entertaining story. Here is a like and comment to help your channel grow and get you the recognition you deserve.

  • @oakenshadow6763
    @oakenshadow6763 Рік тому +1

    This is why communication is key.
    Also, why asume the Dison Sphite held an ememy? Why not try to contact them again?

    • @lupaswolfshead9971
      @lupaswolfshead9971 4 місяці тому

      Maybe that huge fleet of ships that attacked the human fleet before getting nova bombed . hmm Nova bombed is that a narcissist moving up their love bombing game to the next level.

    • @lupaswolfshead9971
      @lupaswolfshead9971 4 місяці тому

      Oh wow I did not see that soo many correlations of the story and a female narcissists poor male victim trauma bonded to her.

  • @thedevilsworkshop7720
    @thedevilsworkshop7720 Рік тому +1

    I just imagine a human so toxic, with an arsehole so foul, that a single arse blast can decimate every living thing on an entire planet . 😂

  • @luukvanderberg4998
    @luukvanderberg4998 Рік тому +1

    best HFY Narrator!

  • @TechnoMageB5
    @TechnoMageB5 Рік тому +1

    Reminds me of Rogue from the X-Men series, except the entire species is cursed, not just one individual.

  • @Alwaysasherlok
    @Alwaysasherlok Рік тому +1

    Mitochondria is the powerhouse... of death.

  • @christopherg2347
    @christopherg2347 6 місяців тому

    "Why is everyone avoiding me?" - humanity

  • @lovejoy550
    @lovejoy550 Рік тому +2

    All of this could have been prevented if they had answered the phone

    • @brentmartin6833
      @brentmartin6833 Рік тому +1

      And then they called back, " We want to tell you that your car warranty is about to expire"
      That should keep the humans away for a few centuries at least.

  • @TS-bj8my
    @TS-bj8my Рік тому

    This story brings a whole new meaning to the term deathworld!

  • @joseas1518
    @joseas1518 Рік тому

    What is worse? Not knowing if we are alone? Or knowing we are not but will never be able to meet others? Rough and deep. For the algorithm.

  • @lrl2394
    @lrl2394 Рік тому

    “New British Museum”: Laughs in British

  • @transitive6261
    @transitive6261 Рік тому

    Solid fit 🔥🔥🔥

  • @kurt8127
    @kurt8127 Рік тому

    For the voice of my entertainment and the voice I adore

  • @SerunaXI
    @SerunaXI 10 місяців тому

    For a moment I started to wonder if Humanity was just arriving after whatever threat was taking everything else out.
    Also, upon warping in, why didn't the fleet at least try contact first to make sure that wasn't some bastion for the races they were trying to find.

  • @allenmorgan1007
    @allenmorgan1007 Рік тому +1

    For the Algorithm, for the Author(s), for the Holographic Voice!

  • @ne0fenris
    @ne0fenris Рік тому

    What we have here is a failure to communicate.

  • @random3x70
    @random3x70 Рік тому

    looking forward to your narration

  • @klappstock943
    @klappstock943 Рік тому +2

    For the Algorithm the story and the voice

  • @fabianwood9457
    @fabianwood9457 Рік тому

    So sad to hunt for life and it all runs away

    • @brentmartin6833
      @brentmartin6833 Рік тому

      Instead of "hunt" maybe call it "search" or you might scare them away. 😉

  • @logangraham2956
    @logangraham2956 Рік тому +1

    all of that could have been avoided if they replied over the radio waves the first time.
    they could have explained the sitaution and then we would have avoided making physical contact or perhaps done research into this virus and attempted to eliminate it ourselves.

  • @Soloong_Gaybowzer
    @Soloong_Gaybowzer Рік тому

    Agro trying his best to look like a Red Shirt from a Star Trek knockoff. lol

  • @SeedlingNL
    @SeedlingNL Рік тому

    This could have been one of Meteion's reports...

  • @lupenngrimpaw936
    @lupenngrimpaw936 Рік тому

    Well. That was depressing.

  • @kurtismiller9544
    @kurtismiller9544 Рік тому

    May da Skwerl 's nuts always be well stored..... LoL 😆

  • @GyorBox
    @GyorBox Рік тому

    So space Coronavirus is what the Xeno fears.. lol

  • @Lucian00311
    @Lucian00311 Рік тому

    In this story humanity is seen like a zombie virus, lol.

  • @rusted-iron4360
    @rusted-iron4360 Рік тому +1

    "we are the one who knocks"

  • @MarijnvdSterre
    @MarijnvdSterre Рік тому

    If the aliens where capable of creating a Dyson sphere, they should have build one around Earth. Starving it from all sunlight. Bye bye life.

    • @catprog
      @catprog 10 місяців тому

      I think by the time they could create one Dyson sphere the humans had aleady colonised another system.

    • @MarijnvdSterre
      @MarijnvdSterre 10 місяців тому

      They where attempting to wipe us out since the first great extinction, even if you count from the time of the dinosaurs it would be around 65 million years. They had time plenty if capable. And they where clearly capable, since making one for a planet is far easier as one around a sun and it's system. Yes if they waited till we went to the moon it might be to late (though they could still just blow every spaceship into dust until ready) @@catprog

  • @WingManFang1
    @WingManFang1 Рік тому

    This is actually a creepily possible reality.

  • @Wastelandman7000
    @Wastelandman7000 Рік тому

    For the Narrator! For the Author! For the Algorithm gods!

  • @SoMuchFacepalm
    @SoMuchFacepalm Рік тому

    TL;DR bio weapons cleanup is not a suggestion.

  • @doomedfromthesmart
    @doomedfromthesmart Рік тому

    I miss first contact....

  • @SupCom78
    @SupCom78 Рік тому +2

    damn this was epic humans are toxic even far technological superior aliens flee from us. but still strange that many primitive life forms are not so effected from humans and the animals of earth itself and can coexist just all the advanced aliens not ? but damn it was a good story thx for uploading and i hope for another part.

    • @SerunaXI
      @SerunaXI 10 місяців тому

      All that technology and they could never design a countermeasure, vaccine or treatment.

  • @dkbros1592
    @dkbros1592 Рік тому

    British museum means stolen thiefs bazar lol 😂🤣🤣

  • @TheRealBlackNet
    @TheRealBlackNet Рік тому +1

    wasn't it the common cold in a other story alien feared?

    • @alfredsutton4412
      @alfredsutton4412 Рік тому

      Yes. Since the virus is unidentified in this story, maybe it’s still the common cold?

    • @Marcus_Postma
      @Marcus_Postma Рік тому

      War of the worlds

  • @merlinathrawes746
    @merlinathrawes746 3 місяці тому

    And had they only communicated the facts that they told the admiral, how much different things would have been.

  • @xxXXRAPXXxx
    @xxXXRAPXXxx Рік тому

    Wait...... So no alien babes in my area?!

  • @orlandobritt1460
    @orlandobritt1460 Рік тому

    They made us the biggest thing to fear

  • @kicktheball9893
    @kicktheball9893 Рік тому

    This sounds a lot like it did the first time it was released

  • @alistairwolfe6644
    @alistairwolfe6644 Рік тому


  • @skepticalmagos_101
    @skepticalmagos_101 Рік тому

    looks like we got Orked?

  • @lazrustosadow5880
    @lazrustosadow5880 Рік тому

    For the algorithm

  • @Maddog3060
    @Maddog3060 Рік тому

    So the entire galaxy decided to just run instead of explaining things? Talk about handing someone the idiot ball.

  • @Jesusprayerwarriorbw
    @Jesusprayerwarriorbw Рік тому

    For Argo Squirrel & the Algorithm!

  • @SLEPhoto
    @SLEPhoto Рік тому

    It never occurred to anyone to just send a message? Not that advanced.

  • @jazzydino3159
    @jazzydino3159 Рік тому


  • @merlinwizard1000
    @merlinwizard1000 Рік тому

    149th, 28 June 2023

  • @TheJeikou
    @TheJeikou Рік тому


  • @earmunchermuncher7639
    @earmunchermuncher7639 Рік тому

    The premise kinda dumb, but whatever lul.

  • @TB-fb1sq
    @TB-fb1sq Рік тому


  • @andrewstrongman305
    @andrewstrongman305 Рік тому

    I hate it when authors include meaningless dating systems.

  • @FedralBI
    @FedralBI Рік тому


  • @dmaxcustom
    @dmaxcustom Рік тому

    Fun by plothole.
    I enjoyed it, but come on.

  • @mfine6726
    @mfine6726 Рік тому

    The premise of this story is awful