People keep saying "where is the test?" PLEASE READ THIS - Yes, these are a list of symptoms, BUT this is how they test you in clinics. To 'pass the test' as likely ADHD positive (NOT an official diagnosis) you need to display at least 6 traits (or 5 for adolescents) since before the age of 12 'very often'. I hope this clears things up. For further support, see links and resources in the video description.
Hey dude the other medical thing is Graves’ disease otherwise known as Hyperthyroidism which is what I have. Iodine rich food can make it worse like oyster: fish sauce spirilrulina kelp
My parents are the kind of people to say that I'm just labelling myself because I can, they cannot accept that some people are not 100% what they call 'normal'
Limited working memory: you can only keep a small amount of information in your head at one time, which is why you write everything down. Thumbs up if you agree.
i've been mocked for post-its at work. HOWEVER, couldn't be faulted for not having an instant answer on something. post-it command center lol. (surround)
I learned to listen carefully, then when a person is finished talking, I take a moment to think (3 seconds while making eye contact) then explain what best I’ve came up with. Eye contact is important to get your thoughts out. And yes, writing down is very important to speaking, doesn’t necessarily have to be sticky notes but can be anything like writing an organized essay. Practice on a subject is great for getting yourself to talking about it knowledgeably and respectfully. And yes I am a human being and yes I have ADHD. The only reason I could write this is my 70 mg of adderal (max dosage) and passion on my intellect. I am a pretty big failure in school and am trying my best but man I can surprise people. Try your best, be yourself, and practice your mental ability/limit on anything important or not important then try applying yourself. Remember: you *have* to do things you don’t want to do with some kind of clear future whether it be a calendar, planner, whatever or else you aren’t getting anywhere.
Sometimes, I focus on listening so much that I forget what I am listening to. I also realised that when I tried to listen and make eye contact to "connect" more, I ended up zoning out and filtering their words. It's a daily struggle fr
Diagnosed with ADHD. I feel I interrupt people for two reasons (neither are good ones). I either believe I understand their point and finish their sentence to get them to stop rambling, or I urgently want to contribute something but see no opportunity to speak up and need to interrupt before the topic changes. Even talking to someone one hour a week significantly helps to both understand my emotions and how to handle them appropriately and effectively. I wish I was diagnosed and had counceling/therapy over twenty years ago.
Though to be fair, even twenty years ago, ADHD was primarily seen as hyper-activity in boys exclusively, many people who have inattentive ADHD were misdiagnosed with depression.
@Bendilin Your EXACTLY RIGHT 💯💯, bc I was misdiagnosed with depression for a couple years to be honest but while being diagnosed and treat with depression I refused to accept that diagnosis and knew I wasnt depressed or even battling depression at all...Thank God I didnt give in or up on my mental health and got the right diagnosis
I can add a third one to that. I interrupt because I have something to say, and I'm afraid if the person talks too long I'll forget what it was. Not sure if this is ADHD or age.
This is definitely a thing! I find it excruciating to listen to someone ramble on and on without getting to the point. I'm also aware that I sometimes do it, too. It's difficult to pinpoint what details are most important because the brain is flinging all of this information to the front of the mind all at once.
I relate idk if I have ADHD or not just watching informative videos lol but that's something that messes with me a lot is a if a conversation is going I get terrified it will end before I get a turn to talk, so I either blurt it out and talk over someone and look like an a hole or I just don't talk at all then get fixated on if I seemed weird, then run through a bunch of scenarios on how it could have gone real quick
The talking excessively and blurting out things is so embarrassing. I’m 48 now and still think ‘why did I say that?!’ and ‘I shouldn’t have talked so much’ every time I had contact with other people.
This is why I hv locked myself inside my house. I don't want to talk to ppl. Thank you for sharing this ..made me feel normal or the fact that I'm not the only one.
@@srichirpsyep…. Don’t go out. When I HAVE to, I grab my thumb with my other fingers on the same hand. I don’t know why, but I do. I speed walk to wherever it is I need to go, I get what I need, and I get home.
I just thought everyone was like this 😂 Damn... I can't imagine how peaceful life would be without any of these things... I'm 38, I've developed systems and coping mechanisms for things I didn't even know were not what everyone else experiences...
Same! Just diagnosed at 44! Sure it would have been nice to have known earlier but, damn,it’s such a relief. And mind-boggling. I’d always just thought I wasn’t good enough /smart enough to cope like everyone else.
Have you ever been with a person with a "normal" brain? BOOOORING!!!! SO, SO boring. I would never trade a brain that is snap-crackle-and-pop for mushy oatmeal. Yes, ours are high maintenance and require some helpers like post its and writing notes on our hands.😅 But we are usually the ones in the writers' rooms, the cartoonists, the singers and musicians. We are the ones who bring color to the world with our odd takes on reality. autistics bring the math and sciences..... we bring the literature , music and paintings. What do the normies bring? They are the audience, the critics, the sports players. I suppose their brains are more peaceful.....but that comes at a price I do not want to pay. My brain can be a pain in the ass sometimes....but I would never trade it.
I often interrupt people, but only because I know I’ll forget my point if I don’t say it quickly. I try hard to follow a conversation, but concentrate so much that I zone out, and just nod my head, absolutely clueless! I also feel hated, even though I’m not horrible to anyone, but feel misunderstood. I only have 2 close friends who I contact about once a month, more than that is too demanding and draining for me.
It's worth mentioning that Dr Barkley criticises the DSM for missing a key symptom, emotional dysregulation. According to him impulsive behaviour is inextricably tied to impulsive emotions, emotional dysregulation. This was a symptom in medical descriptions of ADHD for the longest time, but was taken out and isn't covered by the DSM, even though it can explain many aspects of ADHD.
Yes definitely, i believe that is also a key factor that leads to more psychological problems and maybe the cause for misdiagnosis. I personally am almost completely isolated except for walking the dog, and barely able to do anything. Hope it gets better with medication, they were so kind that i could try them out before my diagnosis and tomorrow i can go on higher dosage because 10mg of methylphenidate doesn't do anything for me. Just sad it takes so long before i can get diagnosed have to wait all the way til March, but I'm certain i will get diagnosed with ADHD 100%.
That difficulty controlling emotions could be such an eye opening detail for people with undiagnosed ADHD. So many people who struggle with their jobs because their emotions could be properly seeking help for it if they knew.
@@hope-cat4894 yes, and in my case i wasn't even aware of the typical adhd symptoms. It was when i started reading about rejection sensitive dysphoria and executive dysfunction that i had a moment of revelation.
It never crossed my mind that I might have ADHD until my youngest child was diagnosed last year and I started researching it. It was like a light bulb went off and I realized what’s been wrong with me my whole life. From my kindergarten teacher telling my mom that I lacked organizational skills to my boss giving me a jokingly slow clap because I actually made it to work on time. From my habit of over sharing inappropriate things because I just blurt them out without thinking to my tendency to find topics or fandoms and learn every single detail like an obsession. I keep pointing out every instance that justifies my ADHD and gotten to the point that I think I’m annoying my husband and kids. I’m not trying to make excuses for my actions. I’m just happy that I finally have a reason that I do the things I do 😂
As I read your comment, I started to cry. Most days I'm late to work AT LEAST 5 mins but sometimes more 😬 I got to work not only ON TIME but EARLY one day last week and my associates were acting like I saved a life 😭
My daughter is 15 and has been researching (obsessing) about ADHD. We think she has it and made apt with dr. As I research for her, I realize I have pretty much all the signs of it too and it explains so much of my life! Crazy…
As a kid I kept getting passed over for the gifted program because "I didn't follow directions" even though I was reading college level books in the third grade. Finally, I have an explanation. Now if only I can get rid of this seething bitterness.
Because if you didn’t learn the way they thought you should, you couldn’t be smart no matter how well you could do things like read, right? I too read at college level in third grade but I wasn’t “smart” because I didn’t pay attention and follow through the way I was supposed to. Even in elementary school, I thought the reason I wasn’t paying attention was because the teachers were boring. Turns out I had inattentive ADHD but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t also bored. I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 60, but I’m so happy to see that now different learning styles are being recognized. The push to conform was strong and if a student didn’t fit the profile of a “good” student, they were labeled almost as a bad person, like they were being defiant or they were stupid. Thank God now they realize kids learn in different ways and there isn’t just one path to academic success.
Interesting. From the age of 6 yo my daughter made it very clear she would cheat and lie if I let it be known that she was more than elegible for gifted , talented or accelerated classes or benifits. I respected her request. Later I contemplated about her Adhd being the reason for her request.I still do not know. It may have been the fear of added pressure to perform in light of her ADHD symptoms. Respect =❤.
@@karen.weinert7775 I'm 73 yrs old and suffered greatly as a child in grammar school with ADHD . I had the inattentive one also . Back in the 1950's they had no idea what ADHD was, let alone how to diagnose it. I was even labeled , on a report card , as retarded and was left back and made fun of because of ADHD . This happened when I was 8 years old . I lived with that stigma most of my life until I was given an I.Q. test and scored 130 . My mother and teachers were so exasperated with me . They couldn't understand how in class I would daydream , not listen , but could memorize so quickly when tasked to do so and recite everything I memorized . Till this day I can still recite the rather long poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe from memory or I can still say the prayers of the Catholic Mass in Latin but I can't sit through an educational lecture without fidgeting or yawning or drifting off in a daydream ! I'm in deep gratitude that there is finally a name for what I suffered through as a child but living with the stigma and cruelty of others who were so quick to wrongly judge was a nightmare . To this day I still feel the emotional pain of being labeled and I still need some sort of vindication that I was NOT a stupid child , only wired differently !
@@jaisinghkrishania9951 the pinned comment might have answers for you. “People keep saying "where is the test?" PLEASE READ THIS - Yes, these are a list of symptoms, BUT this is how they test you in clinics. To 'pass the test' as likely ADHD positive (NOT an official diagnosis) you need to display at least 6 traits (or 5 for adolescents) since before the age of 12 'very often'. I hope this clears things up.” It’s not a specialised test, they just list a bunch of symptoms and if you display enough of these you have been diagnosed
I had to have a neuropsychiatric evaluation. I was 56 when I took it. A bunch of questions that assumed that I was a school age child, that I lived with my parents and siblings. It felt like putting on a shoe that’s way too small. Then there were more tangible test, requiring me to memorize words or shapes and remember them later. Shit like that. After all that, the doc (who kept man-splaining irrelevant things), his conclusion was “I dunno, give her some meds and see how she responds.” A couple of years of jumping through hoops, and my prescriber finally diagnosed me. I’m 58 and trying to figure myself out. It’s pretty challenging, but it has definitely helped me to get the formal diagnosis and treatment. 🩵
I find myself saying "OMG that's so me! But isn't everyone else experiencing that?" I am 30, and realizing I might have ADHD. Going through the test I answered "Very often or often" to almost all questions (a couple of sometimes). Some of the symptoms are less strong and I control myself now because I did therapy.
My daughter is 15 and has been researching (obsessing) about ADHD. We think she has it and made apt with dr. As I research for her, I realize I have pretty much all the signs of it too and it explains so much of my life! Crazy…
Dang for all the adults in these comments saying you were never diagnosed as a child and have had struggles because of it, my heart goes out to you. At the same time you must be incredibly strong to have made it to where you are now. I feel like without the intense intervention i had around the age of 7 (im 34 now) id have never held a job, passed any classes, or completed ANYTHING. I still struggle quite a bit though, i feel like i need a new kind of approach to address my symptoms as i answered often or all the time to every single question 😬
Welp here I am . I was 30 years old when I was diagnosed. Im now 33. my parents thought Jesus would fix me that's why I never got treatment I have a very low reading lvl. haven't Been able to keep a job longer than a year or two( when i was in my early 20s i couldn't keep a job due to everysymptom given in this video. I'm now dealing with 5 panic attacks a day. It's absolutely miserable . I should have help soon but getting insurance is difficult and so is finding a Dr. I've been looking for over a year
My parents decided to not believe the possibility of adhd/hyperactivity for me. I always knew there was something wrong or different about me. Many clues. Now I am almost 50 and looking into salvaging what’s left of my life by going through diagnosis. I’ve struggled for my entire life. I’m not looking for an excuse to achieve less. I’m looking for a way to do what other normal people are able to do. I was a very gifted musician who has given up. I ended up working warehouse jobs, and now am going back to school for IT work. Hoping to salvage the last 25 or so years of my life. But how irresponsible it is as a parent to ignore/avoid/deny your kids possible learning disabilities … both of my parents were teachers. It’s really upsetting.
Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.
Can you help with the reliable source I would really appreciate it. Many people talk about mushrooms and psychedelics but nobody talks about where to get them. Very hard to get a reliable source here in Australia. Really need!
I wish they were readily available in my place. Microdosing was my next plan of care for my husband. He is 59 & has so many mental health issues plus probable CTE & a TBI that left him in a coma 8 days. It's too late now I had to get a TPO as he's 6'6 300+ pound homicidal maniac. He's constantly talking about killing someone. He's violent. Anyone reading this Familiar w/ BPD know if it is common for an obsession with violence.
I am always obsessed with figuring out whether I have inattentive adhd or low self esteem and anxiety. It’s really hard to figure it out. There is so much overlap. Im quiet and don’t really talk over people or interrupt like the adhd stereotype but im constantly taking nothing in in lectures, leaving things until last minute and generally feeling the stress of trying to juggle social life, hobbies, work, relationships. Vyvanse made me way more socially anxious and im about to try Ritalin
You might have the combo presentation of ADHD, or you might have a comorbidity of ADHD and something like GAD (generalized anxiety disorder.) It's pretty common to have comorbidities. If Ritalin also doesn't work for you, you should perhaps consider a non-stimulant ADHD medication. It will take longer to start working effectively - about 6 weeks - but the ramped up anxiety should be far diminished and the available non-stimulants medications have a similar success rate as stimulant medications.
I can truly relate. I am 65 and never knew I had this. I am reading just now the book untethered soul, and I am learning to have peace in my thoughts. Highly recommend it to you. Best wishes.
I have never been diagnosed but my co-workers and supervisor suggested I get tested. After listening to this, I am convinced I need to get tested to help me at work and life.
I'm not officially diagnosed ADHD but my psychiatrist suspects I am. I've always struggled from hormonal migraines and even with my medicine, it's hard for me to focus at work if I start getting blind spots and the dull ache is still there. I always feel terrible because when I have a flare up, I have to leave work early, and I start to feel like I'm slacking and get anxious that I'II lose my job.
I'm wondering if your Psych has suggested Microdosing Medicinal mushroom, I've had great success with it, saved me from years of depression, adhd and aspergers(autism). Imagine dealing with these for over a decade and then all of a sudden that burden is being lifted . I have never felt more relieved in a couple years.
Autism is often marked by co-occurring ADHD. Got my ADHD diagnosis at 29 and at 31 1 notice the autism, lots of pills with side effects,..still didn't get the help i need no matter how hard i try , it’s very frustrating.
@@edbrook1188 I will recommend an expert mycologist who helped me. however, it's very inspirational that you proved to yourself and have been pushing through. I'm Sending lots of love and positive energy. Look up albovegateway
thank you so much for this! i had alot of these symptoms but my parents just wouldnt believe me. i showed them this and they took me to the doctor! finally got diagnosed :D
I am scared to get tested, but the more I see this videos, the more I see all the symptoms. I am lazy, disorganized, not punctual, hyper fix it on things, shop involuntary to a point of hoarding, and I have been called bipolar. I am also afraid of rejection and feel depressed when rejected. Covid made all the symptoms worse, the fatigue and exhaustion were real, now migraines. Wow.
Dude, you sound like me, except I had the migraines BEFORE Covid and yeah, covid made it worse. I was able to function and keep up a nice facade for work, and was trying to get my home and personal life in order, but I had a friend betray me, financial issues rained down, and Burn out from work and Migraines. The Pandemic allowed me to work from home which gave me a lot of freedom to rest when I needed and work when I could , and I even got a promotion, which was not so good because it put extra work and pressure on me and my brain. Then when I caught covid, my mental capacity just took a dive. I had suspected that I had this issue, but I kept it to myself because no one likes a person who has "mental illness" and then during the pandemic it became "trendy" to brag about how ADHD one was, and it felt like people were using it as an "excuse" for behavior rather than an explanation. I felt like I'd been robbed of the opportunity to have my struggle for normalcy recognized only becuase I was so good at hiding it from everybody, and now that covid took away my ability to keep it hidden, I'm being accused of "jumping on the bandwagon" when I was pulling the dang wagon from the start. My Nurse is pushing me to go back to my neurologist and said that the diagnosis doesn't have to start with mental help therapy, it can come from the medical side. If you are getting migraines, and you can trust the neurologist, then maybe you should mention it. I myself also am scared because I've been burned by doctors in the past for sharing what I thought was important only to have them ridicule and turn on me from their own ignorance. That's why I tend to do everything on my own. Study, read medical research and journals, calculate my own health markers from tests, I know it as well as they do and what it means. I won't go in ignorant and that is often seen as hubris. But I've often ended up correctly diagnosing myself and having doctors confirm, so ... Anyway, if you decide to go for it, good luck.
ADHD and BPD(bipolar not borderline) do overlap alot of symptoms but if you were bi polar you would have periods of extreme lows (deppresion) and almost like a switch go into mania or hypomania and these mood shifts can be weekly/daily/monthly all depends on the severity of symptoms and also 50% of people with bipolar have psychotic episodes(psychosis).
Don't be afraid of getting tested. If you've got adhd and get a diagnose you are able to get tools how to organise your life better and ease your life. Adhd symptoms don't go away but you can improve the quality of life and learn how to live with the symptoms. Autism spectrum and some mental disorders have got many similar symptoms with adhd/add. Sometimes you might even have got both of them or all of them. Sometimes people haven't got any neurological disfunction or mental disorders caused by that disfunction but can have a medical problem with thyroid gland or other hormones which also may cause similar sympthoms. So it's super important you get tested by a PROFESSIONAL and get a right diagnose if you suspect there is something wrong with you which ruins your life!
Thank you so very much for this. It is one of the best talks about ADHD I have seen. It is helping convince me as a 78 year old female that I really do have ADHD and RSD as I had begun to suspect. I'll be very surprised if my official test coming up disagrees with that. I can finally understand what so much of my life has been about.
You telling me not everyone has these traits, and I've been living on hard mode. It all kind of makes sense now. It's like when I found out in high school that not everybody saw blurry and I needed glasses.
Thank you very much for making this video. I was just diagnosed with ADHD at 21 and has actually helped me understand my character and how to control my emotions. Understanding that I had a disorder this whole time has actually relieved a lot of the inferiority I feel towards myself (due to treatment at school etc). I take after my mum in literally every aspect of my life, and have been trying to convince her to get ADHD tested for ages (as you can imagine, two people with ADHD under the same roof can be extremely intense). When I showed her this video, it finally clicked and we now have open dialogue about it and are learning to handle the condition both individually and together (along with the rest of my family). So yeah, massive thank you, our family has been much more serene since (and my dad and sister finally get it!!!)
Thank you for sharing this! I'm fairly certain at this point that I, my brother, and my dad all have ADHD. That's 3 people and 50% of the population of my house growing up. I'm starting to deeply understand why our household was so insane back then.
Crazy how I saw the woman closing the laptop on the guy and I instantly went down a rabbit hole about that not being healthy for a relationship. Then I noticed I spaced out and went back in the vid to see what the next point was and it was hyper fixation 💀
I have very intense ADHS. I am not going to a doctor. I know it. I am not taking any stimulants. I am training my brain to have better impulse controll. I am very much into training controll my impulses with CBT and being in the moment and more in my body and how I FEEL at that moment. I train in the gym since 8 years. I am eating very healthy. I need to cut more coffein out especially after school. I am now in a job where I can be way more creative (If I am able to make my skills to a job as a freelancer of course). I work constantly on my Selfe esteam. I have no addiction only to coffein and to youtube. I quit smoking, psychodelic substances and weed many years ago and I am going to never touch that stuff again. I am taking a lot of good supps. I have a more and more stable morning routine. I love to shower as cold as I can 2 minutes like Wim Hoff directly after I woke up at 5 am. I go to bed early and stay up early and take melatonin. I keep my home very clean and simple and very routined so I know were I put my wallet and so on.
As soon as you started you your comment I was thinking to myself. “I sure hope you’re exercising” and I agree. When I workout my adhd is under control. Anyone reading this or the comment above you may want to write on your sticky note. 😆 I know you have one near by. I have on e on my phone right now. It says “get off the phone” so now I’m watching this video with a sticky not lifted part way so I can see, while trying to remind myself to stay off. And where did I put my meds. And where is my phone!? 😅
Cold showers are very empowering. Ancient Japanese ritual called "misogi" in rivers, the ocean or under waterfalls as cold as available. I generally take two or three minutes, but joined one official misogi at Kashima Jingu shrine in mid-winter 2023. That was about 10 minutes in the water and over 30 minutes in total. Great for self-esteem too. You've identified lots of ways to make the best of the hand that's been dealt us. For me, freelancing has really been the only way to go. I am very lucky finally to find out just what I've been up against all my life. I've never really had enough cash to support a serious addiction, spending it all on travel. My husband's also a clutterbug. We'll never have a neat house, but hey, at least we can stand each other! I can recommend hiking and/or biking too.
Psychedelics definitely have potential to deal with mental health symptoms like anxiety and depression, I would like to try them again but it's just so hard to source out here
I’ve been researching on psychedelics and it’s benefits to individuals dealing with Anxiety, Depression, ADHD and from my findings, they really work and I’ve been eager to get some for a while but its been difficult to get my hands on them.
The Trips I've been having really helped me a lot. I’m now able to meditate and I finally feel in control of my emotions and my future and things that used to be mundane to me now seem incredible and full of nuance on top of that I'm way less driven by my ego and I have alot more empathy as well
@@RicardoSilva12299 I feel the same way too. I put too much on my plate and it definitely affects my stress and anxiety levels. I am also glad to be a part of this community.
You can't do that at the same time. I make paus or cloth the sound after a while I have start reading comment. But you get a lot of information of others comment.
How have you been looking into my brain my whole life? This exactly describes me. I had a positive diagnosis, at age 50, but have never heard such a concise, accurate description of me...I mean of ADHD.
Really good 'in a nutshell' delivery with no added naffness! Perfect :) I'm AuDHD and still watch these kind of videos because they can be useful to share with others, either for understanding others or maybe even themselves 👌
I am currently trying to get a formal diagnosis for adhd. Unfortunately in Ireland getting diagnosed as an adult can only be done privately which costs a lot of money. The public healthcare team are not permitted to diagnose adults with adhd. It’s incredibly frustrating! I answered yes to all of the things you brought up and have always been this way, so are many members of my family which is why my behaviours were considered ‘normal’ growing up 🙈 thank you for spreading continued awareness around adhd. Love your videos ❤
The emotional traits actually got to me.. never seen them mentioned before and I’ve struggled with each one for as long as i can remember.. I always thought they were all just part of my weak personality
I love the video. Being diagnosed with ADHD in my 40s was a real eye opener. It explains a lot. Quick observation - in Hyperactive Traits - trait #6 appears twice. I had to rewind a few times to confirm, but my mind was not playing tricks on me. Unsure if it was purposeful.
Thank you so much for clear info, relayed in a simple manner. Thank you for caring and understanding that people feeling these things need a quiet, simple, honest presentation.
I'm really glad you mentioned that your not a dr. I have a lot of this and lately. But my Dr has put it down to PTSD being retriggered. Apparently I have the complex ptsd and it gets frustrating. good vid.
@@ADHDMastery thank YOU for your true kindness for all your research, analysis and bringing this valuable information, which I believe is not easy at all, and sharing your personal experience, you are truly a man with a capital M❤️ i truly admire you
Great video, I’ve got my adhd consultation this weekend. I’ve always thought it was a misspent youth having partied in the 90’s that effects my everyday life but now realise it’s probably adhd. I was certainly hyperactive however now im 40 I’ve slowed down considerably. Regarding the inattentive and emotional test, that pretty much describes me to a t. My only concern regarding medication is the long term effects, I’ve got this far in life and am very happy most of the time, I just don’t want that happiness to be taken away.
@adhdmastery, thank you so much for posting this. You’ve explained all the traits in such a clear way, with the perfect pace(hate slow talkers) and without unnecessary details. Was actually able to listen to the whole video without zooming out too much. 😊
I have all the problems mentioned above, in addition to those, being unable to see bigger picture is one of the major issues I face everyday. Lack of clarity in thoughts, messing up each time while speaking, saying random things etc, getting obsessed with irrelevant things and overthinking on them are the ones too
HI Stuart I just want to say thank you for making this content. I am now currently waiting to be assessed for ADHD which I thought I was suffering with my mental health. I feel it's more clear that I have this condition. Cheers buddy 👍🏼
Very helpful video, thanks bud! I found your channel months ago but fell off the tracks in really understanding all this. I’ve struggled with these issues my entire life and I’m sick of everyone just expecting me to be normal. I have no real friends but a few good acquaintances so that helps. But when I do tests like this it’s hard to ignore: I definitely have adhd. Thanks again
Thank you for this amazing video. I have nearly all of the symptoms, and after procrastinating for nearly 20 years I was diagnosed with ADHD yesterday. Your video really made all the difference and gave me the push. It's so clear, so easy to understand, and at a speed and intensity perfect for me to easily absorb. Thank you again.
Eventho you say that ADHD must be recognized and an early age, I only got this diagnosis at the age of 57. At first I was diagnosed with ASD: active but odd, but I did not agree with that diagnosis. It felt as if the psychologist had been listening with their ears shut, and she had no sense of humor: while testing if there were any compulsive traits, she asked me if I felt forced to do things in a certain order, I answered: I put on my socks before I put on my shoes. I wasn't at a funeral or something. A few years later I got a second opinion from some autism specialized psychiatrists, and they ruled out ASD within as little as 3 sessions, and re-diagnosed me with minor ADHD and serious low self-esteem. Going through you video I do recognize things in 13 points. However, as far as the inattentive traits go, I think they can all be related to the same issue: and overwhelming amount of thought associations in my head. Still, maybe there still is a little autist inside of me: am I the only one noticing you used #6 twice in the row of Hyperactive Traits? ;-)
I was diagnosed at 55 now I'm on medication but it only mildly helps. I don't have a structured working life anymore which I prefer yet I have difficulties making myself do things because I don't really have too, I procrastinate all the time, I feel very lazy & at times bored with life yet I find it very hard to make myself do things even enjoyable things because I just can't be bothered. I often feel guilty that I'm wasting my life but just don't have any motivation. I thought medication would help but not so much 😔
something i found that helps: make yourself do a walk in the morning. before thought, just go out the door. or go to gym of whatever. the physical activity does a lot of diff things. helps sleep, for one. but for me, i found that accomplishing something early in the day somehow makes it easier to access motivation afterwards. another thing that helps is food: high protein, limit bread and carbs. i know all of those are annoying, but if you try it, and see a surge in difference, that can keep you at it. shitty sleep can steal motivation and make it hard to focus. so can carb-heavy way of eating.
I sometimes feel like you. I have not been diagnosed nor I am on mediccation but I agree with @lurklingX on food. I haven't gotten to exercise yet but yesterday I was just like you described until half an hour after having breakfast. I was amazed! The Change between not having eaten and eating! I had and egg, rosted vegetables and soup from dinner of the night before, I think it helped. I mean, no bread, sugar nor processed food. But the thing is, food really makes a difference in mood. Pay attention to it and slowly increase food you know are good for the brain. I hope you are feeling better. No life is wasted, we are all doing the best be it big or small.
You might not have found the right medication or the correct dose to feel the improvements in your life so don't be afraid to ask your Dr to try a different dose or type of medication until you feel better, that being said, it's not a magic pill that solves all problems. But once you're on the right medication and dose, you'll start finally being able and motivated to accomplish the things you want withought as much of a struggle. Structure is an important part, but so hard to enforce on yourself, especially with ADHD!
You need therapy. Medication alone can't do miracles. Also, it might be changing and adjusting, so check that with your doc, but I can tell you with certainty that therapy is where you discover yourself, your patterns and where you develop mechanisms that will allow you to be more functional and enjoy life more.
Regarding your age you should ask your doctor to check up your hormone levels too. If there is some lack in those your doctor could help you get yourself pumped up again with energy.
This video nails it!! Lot's of rubbish online, with videos and "tests", but this one sums up extremely well, what it's like to be an adult with ADHD. Subscribed.
For note, because no one told me (and maybe they didn't know until recently?) but some of the emotional symptoms will get worse, or have a sudden recurrence later on in life as you age. You get a bit more sensitive to certain stimuli that you may not have been before, as you continue to change internally and experience more things. Everyone has a different array and rate, some don't see it much and some are consistently high rate all the way through, but for most of us as you hit your mid-30s and up, you'll find certain symptoms seem to start suddenly appearing or re-appearing. In my case, I didn't really have much of the emotional dysregulation (among a couple of other things) and had no issues with this through my later teens and into my early 30s. However, now that both I and my sister are into our mid-to-late 30's, we're BOTH seeing this crop up more often, as if it's suddenly appearing with a vengeance for the time it missed when we were growing up. :'D Not sure if this is actually studied anywhere, but my grandmother (who also has ADHD, as does our mother) mentioned something just recently about how brains, as they age, shift in some areas or degrade in others. *_Just something for you younguns coming around and learning about your minds - I wish someone had warned me to watch out for this, it would have saved me some trouble in recent years! Here's hoping you get the warning I did not._*
As a 38 yo woman who definitely must have ADHD, I can say this hits too close. I get overstimulated so easily now. It makes work and living life difficult.
Gratitude!! I believe this is what my husband is suffering with.. The same order! Just recently did an initial intake for our 7 yo Babygirl to be evaluated, I recall noticing something different in her development kindergarten,All her previous years at daycare were EXCELLENT! She’s 2nd grade now and wayyyy below the Level her older siblings was at her age. I have been wanting to dig a little deeper to Address it PROPERLY with MY husband regards. WE been Married for 7 years 12/22(our 40’s)! We met 02/10 (My late 20’s his early 30’s)HE has BEEN A GOT DAMN Diabolical, Absent, severe denial, ADHD with EVERY other diagnose that’s attached with it! I believe he been Fully AWARE! I prayed on MY knees with MY HANDS open, and surrendered HIM/the marriage back to “GOD” later that evening he texted “OUR 7yo needs Therapy, he was in denial, and didn’t want to except” HE is A TERRIBLE male at EVERYTHING in life. And I believe HE knows and understands why. He even called me a witch Dr. after he agreed to move forward to get OUR babygirl help last week! I am disgruntled yet FINALLY relieved OUR divorce makes PERFECT sense!
Wow. I was diagnosed as having adhd in the 7th or 8th grade, but I never acknowledged the truth of my diagnosis. I told my Mom that the doctors were wrong. I told myself it was a misdiagnosis. Watching this, I see that I have literally most of the inattentive traits, all of the hyperactive traits and all of the emotional traits. I can’t believe I fought this truth about myself for so many years (I am 45 now). This explains SO much for me. Thank you
Suggest getting tested for IQ as well. Didn't learn I am high IQ until over 40 and because of ADHD symptoms thought I wasn't very bright despite some evidence to the contrary. Not good for self-esteem. Still have all the ADHD symptoms but at least don't assume I'm stupid!
@@papaspaulding I still don't understand how I passed the "STEM" parts. And that's what much of the assumption of intelligence is based on in our culture.
Thanks for the content! I am 37, struggled for my whole life in so many areas and have an initial assessment coming up. This video came me clarity of thought and reassured me that I'm on the right journey for my health, wellbeing and my sanity!
I have the Combined type, but I also have OCD for things needing to be in specific organizations in my space. So procrastinating is a Huge part of my life. I seriously hate it, but here we are. Plus, I was agreeing with everything he said in the video. I just wish more people were more understanding about us with ADHD.
Ocd or just ocd tendency? Because my uncle has ocd its it not good to joke about. Actual ocd is really bad. I like things today and strait and in order. That's not ocd
Thank you very much. This is been very helpful to me. I have been suffering from ADHD for a very long time Probably since I was in grade school I’ve been hiding it for almost 60 years. And say the least it’s been very hard. Your video has been very helpful in bless you for putting the information out there
i hope someone can read this. I have been searching videos like this, im from Argentina currently 18yrs old and finishing my last high school year. I have been dealing with rejection since im 10-12 from my classmates. I use to spend all my free time at home in front of my pc playing games or watching twitch/youtube videos. I use to chat with people on discord and that's it. I have been going to a lot of sports since my childhood (Swimming, Tennis and gym) but i didn't really find any relationship to start bc noone actually talks if they don't know each other. I used to be extrovert but after years of bullying i became really shy of people.. it might be anxiety. I hope i will get a job and restart a healthy life
Jeepers creepers, I have every single one of these symptoms/traits, and looking back, I’ve had them for a very long time! I could write a long list of anecdotes, but I’d definitely lose focus before reaching the end and I’m not even kidding! Thanks for the video, and for confirming this whole thing for me. Now I just need to figure out what to do about it.
Good hell. This diagnosis (I got mine finally at age 40) has allowed me to give myself some grace. Something I never experienced before. I was so hard on myself and others were so hard on me too. As long as I can remember I felt different. And these traits were something I was so self conscious about. As a girl growing up in the 80’s and 90’s, no one would have diagnosed me. I’m so grateful they realize girls have it too now. I highly recommend taking care of yourself and getting tested. I am combined type and I tested almost always or always on every single question of this video. It is exhausting living with this brain but a little easier to forgive myself now, knowing why.
Around 2 years ago when I was 20 I started realizing something wasn't quite right in the way I thought, I felt very different to others but had no idea why- so naturally I started exploring possibilities and when I got to the emotional side of things I started to pick out a lot of similarities in myself to BPD because I've noticed emotional dysregulation (among the other symptoms he mentioned) be a part of my life as long as I can remember. Of course, after suddenly "deciding" I had BPD because the symptoms sort of aligned, I started living and functioning around that being the key issue- which did help a small bit, but over time I started to see that wasn't the end of the story. Only now and in the last month or so I'm seeing that my symptoms (especially emotional and inattentive) line up much more accurately with ADHD. I really am not surprised, my mom had mentioned she thought I had it for a long time but never got me a diagnosis- but it goes to show to NEVER self-diagnose because you'll never know what you'll end up discovering somewhere further down the line. Now waiting for an official diagnoses in a few weeks! Thank you so much for your videos, this really helps me more than you can imagine :)
I am about 10 years old right now. I have been doing reaserch about adhd since i have seen some symptoms in my daily life, and this video really helped. Thank you!
I got diagnosed with ADHD at 28 early this year and honestly it was a hard pill to swallow and at the same it was such a relief. On the other hand, I found so many coping mechanists throughout my life and I’ve come to love a lot of these ADHD traits, I love my querky likes, my random curiosity, people like me for being funny always remixing out a song that fits the situation, quite spontaneous, and when I care and focus I am fenomenal, at work or even studying I can finish things quicker than most even if it’s always at the deadline, I can be really creative and brainstorming ideas at work comes easy. Of course, I still need medication for several things BUT I just hope every one of you out there diagnosed or not, find compassion for yourself and learn to love yourself, this world is not designed for us neurodivergent folks and it’s hard, however you are not alone, there’s plenty of us out there going through the same, we can find ways to work through this, it doesn’t have to hold you back from anything. You’re freaking amazing, you have positive skills, you got this :)
Im not sure why I clicked on this or what I thought I was going to gain other than me currently avoiding work tasks. Meanwhile fidgeting while reading comments as I am watching video. Seriously.. so I was diagnosed several years ago in my early 20s but had symptoms my whole life. Recently returned to medication which helps me function and communicate more effectively and get a handle on ‘adulting’ post trauma. Lately Ive been experiencing doubts and overwhelm leading to increased use of coping mechanisms. Have been influenced to believe I should have no trouble handling life on my own, keeping life in order and persuaded to believe everyone struggles so buck up! Thank you for the video reminder that Im not a failure rather my mind does operate differently. Side note: I hit about every marker you talked about. The one where you explained you turn things in incomplete or with mistakes, I have an opposite but just as interfering trait that knows this so I fail to turn things in at all so piles of unfinished tasks clutter my working memory and often so late to getting it completed that the consequences further perpetuate the identity that Im not capable, I don’t get to enjoy the reward of completing task, and a buttload of shame surrounding all thats involved, then rush to the next late thing I missed in the long list of old and new to-dos . Adhd is a real thing. I think sometimes we are the smartest most innovative and creative people who simply get trapped in the normy expectations of the day to day. We are fierce and we are brave. Fellow adhders Lets all just give ourselves some grace.
Thanks for your videos. I'm in a really bad place at the moment. Undiagnosed but waiting. I always thought it was sdd, being creative, wild imagination, hyper, eccentric, vampire sleeping hrs, talking way to fast, playing d&b with my toes, can't stop bloody thinking, getting moody and sounding like a drunk bum swearing at everything around me, feeling so down and unmotivated and guilt ridden knowing that there are people worse off but doing better, Being aware that I get so wrapped up in interests that I have to make myself think about other things, not recognizing depression because I'd never top myself, I love life, just not mine. I love being me but everything seems harder knowing what I know. I can't even be bothered to finish this text. Sorry.
Oh hi ME! That's literally -down to every single word- how I'd describe myself at the moment. I hope you're doing well :) I've spent the last 8 months in therapy exploring myself and these patterns that make me non-functional and I still can't crack it. My therapist doesn't think an ADHD diagnosis can be helpful because she thinks all of my symptoms have other underlying causes (childhood experiences, phobias and anxieties), but what if it's a matter of neurodiversity and me having spent my life so far just coping and masking? What if I'm just exhausted from having coped with that all my life and that's why I'm so burnt out in my mid-30s?
I love this. One more thing that can mimic ADHD that is very little talked about is an eye disorder called Binocular Vision Dysfunction. The eyes play a massive role in how our brain takes in information, as we know and one slight misalignment, even one not obvious, can come with a whole host of problems from physical to mental. 50% of people diagnosed with ADHD have been diagnosed with BVD. It's not a very big group of people so take that for what it is. Regardless, it is one more thing to consider especially if you have ADHD, dyslexia, and physical problems like headaches, eye strain, dizziness, difficulty driving, and nausea.
I'm beyond shagged as I suffer all of these although I am really confident socially, it's an absolute blight on my life. Finally coming up to my assessment after waiting two years!
Because of your video, I just made an appointment with a psychiatrist for the first time in my life. I'm in my 20's and have had symptoms for like ever and never connected it to ADHD. I know the symptoms can bleed into anxiety and depression but I have other symptoms that I believe are more ADHD related, like overstimulation makes me have dissociation episodes, emotional withdrawal, emotional dysregulation and RSD. Also have sleep problems, eating problems. I'll see what happens in the coming months. Thank you 😊
it's finals week for me, i am just finishing the inattentive traits section. literally every single question i answered most of the time/all the time to. and i've been this way my whole life. in fact, im currently watching this instead of doing an essay that was assigned 3 weeks ago; i haven't even started it, and it's due in 3 hours. i'm going to fail the class now, i've been avoiding this diagnosis for a while now because i've been scared and the adhd has also made me procrastinate on fixing the adhd. i've bottled this stuff up all my life, and everyone sees me as the golden child now because of it. right after finals i'm going to vent this to my parents and try to start fixing this. thank you for this, i'll update
All these apply to me to a high degree. And I just checked my school reports and they are basically a list of all these traits with an indication at the end that this is not okay, if I want to get anywhere in life. Well, 20 years later and I'm still struggling with the same stuff lol. Guess I'll go talk to my doctor then
I seen one psychologist on paper, but trust me in comparison I definitely would have chosen you, think about getting the paper, if this woman did, you definitely could, I've since been diagnosed in Tasmania Australia by a Canadian psychologist and a neuropsychologist and this test is 💯 accurate, great job, sadly I didn't get diagnosed until I was 49, thinking back over my childhood I'm lucky to still be here, I had 0 fear as a little girl, but I also had a built in empath ability when it came to what was safe and what was not, I thought everyone did 😃👍 spot on my friend, sorry this is a year late 🤦♀️😃.
I'm undiagnosed, but very much fall into the category of inattentive ADHD. The only trait that I can't check the 'often' or 'very often' box for is the attention to detail. I am perfectionistic and have a great ability to hyper-focus, so details are paralyzing. I can't fill out a form until I've made sure of every piece of information it is asking for, and am laborious about answering the questions. One difficulty is leaving out any information that could possibly be considered relevant -- or anything that occurs to me while composing an answer. My husband has said if the building is on fire and I'm stuck into my historical research, I'm likely to burn to death. I won't even hear the alarm or notice the heat. (Actually, I'd be the first to notice indications of a fire, but the last to physically react.) All of those traits have been life-long. I don't know how to measure the physical hyperactivity before age 12, because I grew up in a family in which I was the least physically ADHD. I was the one of us most able to sit still and pay attention. Except I could only pay attention if I was doodling or making lists or reading something else under my desk. I didn't get thrown out of class like one brother, I wasn't in the ER every six weeks like the other, I didn't walk off in the middle of sentences like one parent, or do everything on fast-forward like the other. I didn't realize that I had never sat still in my life until I was 30 and had a job that required me to sit for 6 hours a day like a veal calf in a box. I live in a very small state, so I didn't know until I started traveling as an adult that I couldn't handle more than an hour in a car. Now that I'm in my fifth decade, I am displaying a lot more physical traits. Some of that is due to medications. Cymbalta increases my tendency to interrupt and blurt out whatever I'm thinking, and has increased my need to fidget.
Every single one a mix of often and very often apart from the emotional Dysregulation, rejection and criticism, low stress tolerance and self doubt and impatience which are Never and sometimes... and affecting me across education at uni, work and home life, all experience from nursery to present... well i got an appointment with the GP about a possible diagnosis analysis and got an appointment with an educational psychologist who diagnosed me with ADHD C and moderate dysgraphia
All the above every day, plus have dyslexia, what fun. Was diagnosed with dyslexia at 4 but the adhd was missed because I didn't thow chairs at teachers.
The water is running down my legs. My girlfriend suggested I might be. After a conversation with another learning disability nurse. That was going to get assessed. And when she told her her symptoms she thought of me. 4 test later. This one being the 5 all way above 60% I might be I'm 68 so it's not going to alter anything. But now explains a lot.
@steventostevin3085 I really hope you pull through. I guess accepting neurodivergence is a whole other journey on its own. Coming to terms with my ADHD was one of the most profound experiences of my life. My whole world suddenly flipped upside down - I was finally able to forgive myself for things I don't have any control over. Eerily, now when I have a conversation with someone new, I always have the urge to explain this to them. I just feel more comfortable knowing I don't have mask, and people will understand my peculiar nature for its inherent worth, without being a freakshow :').
It's a good thing that I can easily move the progress bar back on UA-cam, since I have to do that about 10 times per video. Your content is fascinating, yet I've got two other screens open and keep getting completely distracted and off track while trying to watch. ADHD much? And no, I don't want to close the other screens. I LIKE my distractions. Unfortunately been doing that my whole life and almost can't function any other way.
People keep saying "where is the test?" PLEASE READ THIS -
Yes, these are a list of symptoms, BUT this is how they test you in clinics.
To 'pass the test' as likely ADHD positive (NOT an official diagnosis) you need to display at least 6 traits (or 5 for adolescents) since before the age of 12 'very often'. I hope this clears things up.
For further support, see links and resources in the video description.
Everything in this video is spot on but one of the most annoying traits i have is my gold fish memory :D
Hey dude the other medical thing is Graves’ disease otherwise known as Hyperthyroidism which is what I have. Iodine rich food can make it worse like oyster: fish sauce spirilrulina kelp
@@jamesworrall3113 I don't get the relevance to the video?
My parents are the kind of people to say that I'm just labelling myself because I can, they cannot accept that some people are not 100% what they call 'normal'
"Procrastinates frequently" me watching this video instead of studying and reading.
Limited working memory: you can only keep a small amount of information in your head at one time, which is why you write everything down. Thumbs up if you agree.
i've been mocked for post-its at work. HOWEVER, couldn't be faulted for not having an instant answer on something. post-it command center lol. (surround)
I think that's why we interrupt people, because we know we are going to forget what we were about to say
I learned to listen carefully, then when a person is finished talking, I take a moment to think (3 seconds while making eye contact) then explain what best I’ve came up with. Eye contact is important to get your thoughts out. And yes, writing down is very important to speaking, doesn’t necessarily have to be sticky notes but can be anything like writing an organized essay. Practice on a subject is great for getting yourself to talking about it knowledgeably and respectfully.
And yes I am a human being and yes I have ADHD. The only reason I could write this is my 70 mg of adderal (max dosage) and passion on my intellect. I am a pretty big failure in school and am trying my best but man I can surprise people. Try your best, be yourself, and practice your mental ability/limit on anything important or not important then try applying yourself. Remember: you *have* to do things you don’t want to do with some kind of clear future whether it be a calendar, planner, whatever or else you aren’t getting anywhere.
i cant even remember to write things down T-T
Sometimes, I focus on listening so much that I forget what I am listening to. I also realised that when I tried to listen and make eye contact to "connect" more, I ended up zoning out and filtering their words. It's a daily struggle fr
Exactly this!
That's fairly normal or may be something else. You need almost ALL of the conditions to qualify as ADHD.
That's exactly what my daughter tells me she does. I'm a mom who's still learning about this.
Is it stupid that I close my eyes sometimes to put one stimuli out?
I can listen better this way
I fully relate, I thought it was just me.
Diagnosed with ADHD.
I feel I interrupt people for two reasons (neither are good ones). I either believe I understand their point and finish their sentence to get them to stop rambling, or I urgently want to contribute something but see no opportunity to speak up and need to interrupt before the topic changes.
Even talking to someone one hour a week significantly helps to both understand my emotions and how to handle them appropriately and effectively. I wish I was diagnosed and had counceling/therapy over twenty years ago.
Though to be fair, even twenty years ago, ADHD was primarily seen as hyper-activity in boys exclusively, many people who have inattentive ADHD were misdiagnosed with depression.
@Bendilin Your EXACTLY RIGHT 💯💯, bc I was misdiagnosed with depression for a couple years to be honest but while being diagnosed and treat with depression I refused to accept that diagnosis and knew I wasnt depressed or even battling depression at all...Thank God I didnt give in or up on my mental health and got the right diagnosis
I can add a third one to that. I interrupt because I have something to say, and I'm afraid if the person talks too long I'll forget what it was. Not sure if this is ADHD or age.
This is definitely a thing! I find it excruciating to listen to someone ramble on and on without getting to the point. I'm also aware that I sometimes do it, too. It's difficult to pinpoint what details are most important because the brain is flinging all of this information to the front of the mind all at once.
I relate idk if I have ADHD or not just watching informative videos lol but that's something that messes with me a lot is a if a conversation is going I get terrified it will end before I get a turn to talk, so I either blurt it out and talk over someone and look like an a hole or I just don't talk at all then get fixated on if I seemed weird, then run through a bunch of scenarios on how it could have gone real quick
The talking excessively and blurting out things is so embarrassing. I’m 48 now and still think ‘why did I say that?!’ and ‘I shouldn’t have talked so much’ every time I had contact with other people.
This is why I hv locked myself inside my house. I don't want to talk to ppl. Thank you for sharing this ..made me feel normal or the fact that I'm not the only one.
Yep! That’s me. 😕
@@srichirpsyep…. Don’t go out. When I HAVE to, I grab my thumb with my other fingers on the same hand. I don’t know why, but I do. I speed walk to wherever it is I need to go, I get what I need, and I get home.
My best friend and I going up both had adhd so talking over each other was normal for us. I didnt get why other people got so annoyed.
I'm 48 now and do this also.
I just thought everyone was like this 😂 Damn...
I can't imagine how peaceful life would be without any of these things...
I'm 38, I've developed systems and coping mechanisms for things I didn't even know were not what everyone else experiences...
Feeling the same here, also 38.
Same! Just diagnosed at 44! Sure it would have been nice to have known earlier but, damn,it’s such a relief. And mind-boggling. I’d always just thought I wasn’t good enough /smart enough to cope like everyone else.
@@japaneseslipperifyI wholeheartedly agree! Just recently diagnosed at age 54!
@@kirstenweyter4431 Congratulations! 🥳
Have you ever been with a person with a "normal" brain? BOOOORING!!!! SO, SO boring. I would never trade a brain that is snap-crackle-and-pop for mushy oatmeal.
Yes, ours are high maintenance and require some helpers like post its and writing notes on our hands.😅 But we are usually the ones in the writers' rooms, the cartoonists, the singers and musicians. We are the ones who bring color to the world with our odd takes on reality. autistics bring the math and sciences..... we bring the literature , music and paintings. What do the normies bring? They are the audience, the critics, the sports players.
I suppose their brains are more peaceful.....but that comes at a price I do not want to pay. My brain can be a pain in the ass sometimes....but I would never trade it.
I often interrupt people, but only because I know I’ll forget my point if I don’t say it quickly. I try hard to follow a conversation, but concentrate so much that I zone out, and just nod my head, absolutely clueless! I also feel hated, even though I’m not horrible to anyone, but feel misunderstood. I only have 2 close friends who I contact about once a month, more than that is too demanding and draining for me.
It's worth mentioning that Dr Barkley criticises the DSM for missing a key symptom, emotional dysregulation. According to him impulsive behaviour is inextricably tied to impulsive emotions, emotional dysregulation. This was a symptom in medical descriptions of ADHD for the longest time, but was taken out and isn't covered by the DSM, even though it can explain many aspects of ADHD.
Yes definitely, i believe that is also a key factor that leads to more psychological problems and maybe the cause for misdiagnosis. I personally am almost completely isolated except for walking the dog, and barely able to do anything. Hope it gets better with medication, they were so kind that i could try them out before my diagnosis and tomorrow i can go on higher dosage because 10mg of methylphenidate doesn't do anything for me. Just sad it takes so long before i can get diagnosed have to wait all the way til March, but I'm certain i will get diagnosed with ADHD 100%.
That difficulty controlling emotions could be such an eye opening detail for people with undiagnosed ADHD. So many people who struggle with their jobs because their emotions could be properly seeking help for it if they knew.
@@hope-cat4894 yes, and in my case i wasn't even aware of the typical adhd symptoms. It was when i started reading about rejection sensitive dysphoria and executive dysfunction that i had a moment of revelation.
And rejection sensitivity
He mentions this in the test
It never crossed my mind that I might have ADHD until my youngest child was diagnosed last year and I started researching it. It was like a light bulb went off and I realized what’s been wrong with me my whole life. From my kindergarten teacher telling my mom that I lacked organizational skills to my boss giving me a jokingly slow clap because I actually made it to work on time. From my habit of over sharing inappropriate things because I just blurt them out without thinking to my tendency to find topics or fandoms and learn every single detail like an obsession. I keep pointing out every instance that justifies my ADHD and gotten to the point that I think I’m annoying my husband and kids. I’m not trying to make excuses for my actions. I’m just happy that I finally have a reason that I do the things I do 😂
And understanding the reason helps us understand ourselves and try to do better for ourselves, I find.
As I read your comment, I started to cry. Most days I'm late to work AT LEAST 5 mins but sometimes more 😬 I got to work not only ON TIME but EARLY one day last week and my associates were acting like I saved a life 😭
That is how it went down in my life! And my kid was 16, so we were a bit late to the Big Revelation to begin with (I am in my 50's)
My daughter is 15 and has been researching (obsessing) about ADHD. We think she has it and made apt with dr. As I research for her, I realize I have pretty much all the signs of it too and it explains so much of my life! Crazy…
Fck me, it has to be something like this because I tick lot of boxes from hyperactive part and the emotional traits.
As a kid I kept getting passed over for the gifted program because "I didn't follow directions" even though I was reading college level books in the third grade. Finally, I have an explanation. Now if only I can get rid of this seething bitterness.
Because if you didn’t learn the way they thought you should, you couldn’t be smart no matter how well you could do things like read, right? I too read at college level in third grade but I wasn’t “smart” because I didn’t pay attention and follow through the way I was supposed to. Even in elementary school, I thought the reason I wasn’t paying attention was because the teachers were boring. Turns out I had inattentive ADHD but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t also bored. I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 60, but I’m so happy to see that now different learning styles are being recognized. The push to conform was strong and if a student didn’t fit the profile of a “good” student, they were labeled almost as a bad person, like they were being defiant or they were stupid. Thank God now they realize kids learn in different ways and there isn’t just one path to academic success.
Interesting. From the age of 6 yo my daughter made it very clear she would cheat and lie if I let it be known that she was more than elegible for gifted , talented or accelerated classes or benifits. I respected her request. Later I contemplated about her Adhd being the reason for her request.I still do not know. It may have been the fear of added pressure to perform in light of her ADHD symptoms. Respect =❤.
@@karen.weinert7775 I'm 73 yrs old and suffered greatly as a child in grammar school with ADHD . I had the inattentive one also . Back in the 1950's they had no idea what ADHD was, let alone how to diagnose it. I was even labeled , on a report card , as retarded and was left back and made fun of because of ADHD . This happened when I was 8 years old . I lived with that stigma most of my life until I was given an I.Q. test and scored 130 . My mother and teachers were so exasperated with me . They couldn't understand how in class I would daydream , not listen , but could memorize so quickly when tasked to do so and recite everything I memorized . Till this day I can still recite the rather long poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe from memory or I can still say the prayers of the Catholic Mass in Latin but I can't sit through an educational lecture without fidgeting or yawning or drifting off in a daydream ! I'm in deep gratitude that there is finally a name for what I suffered through as a child but living with the stigma and cruelty of others who were so quick to wrongly judge was a nightmare . To this day I still feel the emotional pain of being labeled and I still need some sort of vindication that I was NOT a stupid child , only wired differently !
At 68 years of ADHD/bipolar and epilepsy I find being /living alone is the only way I can cope.
Diagnosed recently inattentive type. I been grieving for my younger self that struggled so hard. Thanks for your videos. new sub 😊
How do you guys recognise that you have adhd is doctor do any specific test?
If so plz tell me whenever you read this.
@@jaisinghkrishania9951Hey broh even I too wanna know that🥺...
@@jaisinghkrishania9951 the pinned comment might have answers for you.
“People keep saying "where is the test?" PLEASE READ THIS -
Yes, these are a list of symptoms, BUT this is how they test you in clinics.
To 'pass the test' as likely ADHD positive (NOT an official diagnosis) you need to display at least 6 traits (or 5 for adolescents) since before the age of 12 'very often'. I hope this clears things up.”
It’s not a specialised test, they just list a bunch of symptoms and if you display enough of these you have been diagnosed
I had to have a neuropsychiatric evaluation. I was 56 when I took it.
A bunch of questions that assumed that I was a school age child, that I lived with my parents and siblings. It felt like putting on a shoe that’s way too small.
Then there were more tangible test, requiring me to memorize words or shapes and remember them later. Shit like that.
After all that, the doc (who kept man-splaining irrelevant things), his conclusion was “I dunno, give her some meds and see how she responds.”
A couple of years of jumping through hoops, and my prescriber finally diagnosed me.
I’m 58 and trying to figure myself out. It’s pretty challenging, but it has definitely helped me to get the formal diagnosis and treatment.
I find myself saying "OMG that's so me! But isn't everyone else experiencing that?" I am 30, and realizing I might have ADHD. Going through the test I answered "Very often or often" to almost all questions (a couple of sometimes). Some of the symptoms are less strong and I control myself now because I did therapy.
@@angepartitroptot335?!?!?! Are you fucking serious
My daughter is 15 and has been researching (obsessing) about ADHD. We think she has it and made apt with dr. As I research for her, I realize I have pretty much all the signs of it too and it explains so much of my life! Crazy…
@@angepartitroptot335why are you here then?
@@AllThingsConsidered333It runs in families!
Dang for all the adults in these comments saying you were never diagnosed as a child and have had struggles because of it, my heart goes out to you. At the same time you must be incredibly strong to have made it to where you are now. I feel like without the intense intervention i had around the age of 7 (im 34 now) id have never held a job, passed any classes, or completed ANYTHING. I still struggle quite a bit though, i feel like i need a new kind of approach to address my symptoms as i answered often or all the time to every single question 😬
Welp here I am . I was 30 years old when I was diagnosed. Im now 33. my parents thought Jesus would fix me that's why I never got treatment
I have a very low reading lvl. haven't Been able to keep a job longer than a year or two( when i was in my early 20s i couldn't keep a job due to everysymptom given in this video. I'm now dealing with 5 panic attacks a day. It's absolutely miserable . I should have help soon but getting insurance is difficult and so is finding a Dr. I've been looking for over a year
I got diagnosed at the age of 30 after my third DUI.
I'm just figuring it out, I'm 54. It all makes so much sense now.
It took me 14 years to get my 4 year degree! lol
My parents decided to not believe the possibility of adhd/hyperactivity for me. I always knew there was something wrong or different about me. Many clues. Now I am almost 50 and looking into salvaging what’s left of my life by going through diagnosis. I’ve struggled for my entire life. I’m not looking for an excuse to achieve less. I’m looking for a way to do what other normal people are able to do. I was a very gifted musician who has given up. I ended up working warehouse jobs, and now am going back to school for IT work. Hoping to salvage the last 25 or so years of my life. But how irresponsible it is as a parent to ignore/avoid/deny your kids possible learning disabilities … both of my parents were teachers. It’s really upsetting.
Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.
Can you help with the reliable source I would really appreciate it. Many people talk about mushrooms and psychedelics but nobody talks about where to get them. Very hard to get a reliable source here in Australia. Really need!
I wish they were readily available in my place.
Microdosing was my next plan of care for my husband. He is 59 & has so many mental health issues plus probable CTE & a TBI that left him in a coma 8 days. It's too late now I had to get a TPO as he's 6'6 300+ pound homicidal maniac.
He's constantly talking about killing someone.
He's violent. Anyone reading this Familiar w/ BPD know if it is common for an obsession with violence.
Is he on instagram?
Can Dr.sporesss send to me in UK?
@AnjeloValeriano I have sent prayers your way, may your husband find the help he so desperately needs, as it's very hard in this world. 🙏
I am always obsessed with figuring out whether I have inattentive adhd or low self esteem and anxiety. It’s really hard to figure it out. There is so much overlap. Im quiet and don’t really talk over people or interrupt like the adhd stereotype but im constantly taking nothing in in lectures, leaving things until last minute and generally feeling the stress of trying to juggle social life, hobbies, work, relationships. Vyvanse made me way more socially anxious and im about to try Ritalin
Thank you u just described me. You said the things I wanted to say all the time
You might have the combo presentation of ADHD, or you might have a comorbidity of ADHD and something like GAD (generalized anxiety disorder.) It's pretty common to have comorbidities.
If Ritalin also doesn't work for you, you should perhaps consider a non-stimulant ADHD medication. It will take longer to start working effectively - about 6 weeks - but the ramped up anxiety should be far diminished and the available non-stimulants medications have a similar success rate as stimulant medications.
AD(H)D: Weakness of stimulus filter -> exhaustion/lack of energy -> thoughts of failure/sadness -> inner paralysis/sulcildal thoughts
I can truly relate. I am 65 and never knew I had this. I am reading just now the book untethered soul, and I am learning to have peace in my thoughts. Highly recommend it to you. Best wishes.
Any updates?
I have never been diagnosed but my co-workers and supervisor suggested I get tested. After listening to this, I am convinced I need to get tested to help me at work and life.
The fact that i couldn't focus on what he was saying and i was playing with my phone's cover while watching definitely proves i have ADHD
Trying to watch the video but scrolling through comments 🤦🏻♀️😆
I'm not officially diagnosed ADHD but my psychiatrist suspects I am. I've always struggled from hormonal migraines and even with my medicine, it's hard for me to focus at work if I start getting blind spots and the dull ache is still there. I always feel terrible because when I have a flare up, I have to leave work early, and I start to feel like I'm slacking and get anxious that I'II lose my job.
I suggest you get proper diagnosis. It will help you determine the next course of action to take .
I'm wondering if your Psych has suggested Microdosing Medicinal mushroom, I've had great success with it, saved me from years of depression, adhd and aspergers(autism). Imagine dealing with these for over a decade and then all of a sudden that burden is being lifted . I have never felt more relieved in a couple years.
@@steadfast5093 No, he never recommended that. I live in the UK, anyway I can get the specified mushroom locally or at an online store?
Autism is often marked by co-occurring ADHD. Got my ADHD diagnosis at 29 and at 31 1 notice the autism, lots of pills with side effects,..still didn't get the help i need no matter how hard i try , it’s very frustrating.
@@edbrook1188 I will recommend an expert mycologist who helped me. however, it's very inspirational that you proved to yourself and have been pushing through. I'm Sending lots of love and positive energy. Look up albovegateway
thank you so much for this! i had alot of these symptoms but my parents just wouldnt believe me. i showed them this and they took me to the doctor! finally got diagnosed :D
So glad to hear it! Good luck
I am scared to get tested, but the more I see this videos, the more I see all the symptoms. I am lazy, disorganized, not punctual, hyper fix it on things, shop involuntary to a point of hoarding, and I have been called bipolar. I am also afraid of rejection and feel depressed when rejected. Covid made all the symptoms worse, the fatigue and exhaustion were real, now migraines. Wow.
Dude, you sound like me, except I had the migraines BEFORE Covid and yeah, covid made it worse. I was able to function and keep up a nice facade for work, and was trying to get my home and personal life in order, but I had a friend betray me, financial issues rained down, and Burn out from work and Migraines. The Pandemic allowed me to work from home which gave me a lot of freedom to rest when I needed and work when I could , and I even got a promotion, which was not so good because it put extra work and pressure on me and my brain. Then when I caught covid, my mental capacity just took a dive. I had suspected that I had this issue, but I kept it to myself because no one likes a person who has "mental illness" and then during the pandemic it became "trendy" to brag about how ADHD one was, and it felt like people were using it as an "excuse" for behavior rather than an explanation. I felt like I'd been robbed of the opportunity to have my struggle for normalcy recognized only becuase I was so good at hiding it from everybody, and now that covid took away my ability to keep it hidden, I'm being accused of "jumping on the bandwagon" when I was pulling the dang wagon from the start.
My Nurse is pushing me to go back to my neurologist and said that the diagnosis doesn't have to start with mental help therapy, it can come from the medical side. If you are getting migraines, and you can trust the neurologist, then maybe you should mention it. I myself also am scared because I've been burned by doctors in the past for sharing what I thought was important only to have them ridicule and turn on me from their own ignorance. That's why I tend to do everything on my own. Study, read medical research and journals, calculate my own health markers from tests, I know it as well as they do and what it means. I won't go in ignorant and that is often seen as hubris. But I've often ended up correctly diagnosing myself and having doctors confirm, so ... Anyway, if you decide to go for it, good luck.
ADHD and BPD(bipolar not borderline) do overlap alot of symptoms but if you were bi polar you would have periods of extreme lows (deppresion) and almost like a switch go into mania or hypomania and these mood shifts can be weekly/daily/monthly all depends on the severity of symptoms and also 50% of people with bipolar have psychotic episodes(psychosis).
Covid made my ocd get out of hand i hyperfocused on my hair till i basically cut it all off like Sibead
@@MetqaI’ll never trust the medical community after what happened with regard to COVID.
Don't be afraid of getting tested.
If you've got adhd and get a diagnose you are able to get tools how to organise your life better and ease your life. Adhd symptoms don't go away but you can improve the quality of life and learn how to live with the symptoms.
Autism spectrum and some mental disorders have got many similar symptoms with adhd/add. Sometimes you might even have got both of them or all of them.
Sometimes people haven't got any neurological disfunction or mental disorders caused by that disfunction but can have a medical problem with thyroid gland or other hormones which also may cause similar sympthoms.
So it's super important you get tested by a PROFESSIONAL and get a right diagnose if you suspect there is something wrong with you which ruins your life!
Thank you so very much for this. It is one of the best talks about ADHD I have seen. It is helping convince me as a 78 year old female that I really do have ADHD and RSD as I had begun to suspect. I'll be very surprised if my official test coming up disagrees with that. I can finally understand what so much of my life has been about.
I hope it worked out
You telling me not everyone has these traits, and I've been living on hard mode. It all kind of makes sense now. It's like when I found out in high school that not everybody saw blurry and I needed glasses.
Apparently. Seems I’m learning the same things.
All of us with ADHD loved watching your video at least 20 times!🤣
Thank you very much for making this video. I was just diagnosed with ADHD at 21 and has actually helped me understand my character and how to control my emotions. Understanding that I had a disorder this whole time has actually relieved a lot of the inferiority I feel towards myself (due to treatment at school etc). I take after my mum in literally every aspect of my life, and have been trying to convince her to get ADHD tested for ages (as you can imagine, two people with ADHD under the same roof can be extremely intense). When I showed her this video, it finally clicked and we now have open dialogue about it and are learning to handle the condition both individually and together (along with the rest of my family). So yeah, massive thank you, our family has been much more serene since (and my dad and sister finally get it!!!)
Thank you for sharing this! I'm fairly certain at this point that I, my brother, and my dad all have ADHD. That's 3 people and 50% of the population of my house growing up. I'm starting to deeply understand why our household was so insane back then.
The fact that I spaced out twice during this video, might be a sign.😐
Twice? At point 3 I have no idea what the first 2 were.
What video
Me too 🙃
Crazy how I saw the woman closing the laptop on the guy and I instantly went down a rabbit hole about that not being healthy for a relationship. Then I noticed I spaced out and went back in the vid to see what the next point was and it was hyper fixation 💀
I think I had to rewind to the beginning four times before the first minute was up before I could better focus
I was diagnosed at 7yrs I'm now 49, made me chuckle watching this.. Quite accurate, great video.
I have very intense ADHS.
I am not going to a doctor.
I know it.
I am not taking any stimulants.
I am training my brain to have better impulse controll.
I am very much into training controll my impulses with CBT and being in the moment and more in my body and how I FEEL at that moment.
I train in the gym since 8 years.
I am eating very healthy.
I need to cut more coffein out especially after school.
I am now in a job where I can be way more creative (If I am able to make my skills to a job as a freelancer of course).
I work constantly on my Selfe esteam.
I have no addiction only to coffein and to youtube. I quit smoking, psychodelic substances and weed many years ago and I am going to never touch that stuff again.
I am taking a lot of good supps.
I have a more and more stable morning routine.
I love to shower as cold as I can 2 minutes like Wim Hoff directly after I woke up at 5 am.
I go to bed early and stay up early and take melatonin.
I keep my home very clean and simple and very routined so I know were I put my wallet and so on.
Man you got it bad!! 😯
As soon as you started you your comment I was thinking to myself. “I sure hope you’re exercising” and I agree. When I workout my adhd is under control.
Anyone reading this or the comment above you may want to write on your sticky note. 😆 I know you have one near by. I have on e on my phone right now. It says “get off the phone” so now I’m watching this video with a sticky not lifted part way so I can see, while trying to remind myself to stay off.
And where did I put my meds. And where is my phone!? 😅
Cold showers are very empowering. Ancient Japanese ritual called "misogi" in rivers, the ocean or under waterfalls as cold as available. I generally take two or three minutes, but joined one official misogi at Kashima Jingu shrine in mid-winter 2023. That was about 10 minutes in the water and over 30 minutes in total. Great for self-esteem too.
You've identified lots of ways to make the best of the hand that's been dealt us. For me, freelancing has really been the only way to go. I am very lucky finally to find out just what I've been up against all my life. I've never really had enough cash to support a serious addiction, spending it all on travel.
My husband's also a clutterbug. We'll never have a neat house, but hey, at least we can stand each other!
I can recommend hiking and/or biking too.
Psychedelics definitely have potential to deal with mental health symptoms like anxiety and depression, I would like to try them again but it's just so hard to source out here
I’ve been researching on psychedelics and it’s benefits to individuals dealing with Anxiety, Depression, ADHD and from my findings, they really work and I’ve been eager to get some for a while but its been difficult to get my hands on them.
The Trips I've been having really helped me a lot. I’m now able to meditate and I finally feel in control of my emotions and my future and things that used to be mundane to me now seem incredible and full of nuance on top of that I'm way less driven by my ego and I have alot more empathy as well
I was having this constant, unbearable anxiety due to work stress. Not until I came across a very intelligent mycologist. He saved my life honestly
I feel the same way too. I put too much on my plate and it definitely affects my stress and anxiety levels. I am also glad to be a part of this community.
@@CarmenOrtiz440Does he deliver to various locations?
Thx man. I'm 40 and I struggled my whole life. Everything you said is me. I gonna be test in 10 days.
Who else here is reading the comments to stay focused on the video? 😂
You can't do that at the same time. I make paus or cloth the sound after a while I have start reading comment. But you get a lot of information of others comment.
Always plus 1.5 speed.... and not English speaking myself... (processing speed measured by WAIS to 142 😂)
Nah I scroll through the comments get distracted and have to rewind 😭
@@XxCabin7 Me too
How have you been looking into my brain my whole life? This exactly describes me.
I had a positive diagnosis, at age 50, but have never heard such a concise, accurate description of me...I mean of ADHD.
Really good 'in a nutshell' delivery with no added naffness! Perfect :) I'm AuDHD and still watch these kind of videos because they can be useful to share with others, either for understanding others or maybe even themselves 👌
Thanks for sharing! I was just diagnosed at 47. 😊
Welcome to the tribe 😀
I am currently trying to get a formal diagnosis for adhd. Unfortunately in Ireland getting diagnosed as an adult can only be done privately which costs a lot of money. The public healthcare team are not permitted to diagnose adults with adhd. It’s incredibly frustrating! I answered yes to all of the things you brought up and have always been this way, so are many members of my family which is why my behaviours were considered ‘normal’ growing up 🙈 thank you for spreading continued awareness around adhd. Love your videos ❤
The emotional traits actually got to me.. never seen them mentioned before and I’ve struggled with each one for as long as i can remember.. I always thought they were all just part of my weak personality
I have the feelings that this illness was created just to sell pharma drugs to anyone
7 of the inattentive, 3 of the hyperactive, 2 emotional. Thanks for the video, it is very concise and helpful!
I love the video. Being diagnosed with ADHD in my 40s was a real eye opener. It explains a lot. Quick observation - in Hyperactive Traits - trait #6 appears twice. I had to rewind a few times to confirm, but my mind was not playing tricks on me. Unsure if it was purposeful.
Yeah, prime example of my ADHD showing through 😅
Thank you so much for clear info, relayed in a simple manner. Thank you for caring and understanding that people feeling these things need a quiet, simple, honest presentation.
Thank you for this! It finally convinced my friend who is very clearly ADHD that she most likely has it
I'm really glad you mentioned that your not a dr. I have a lot of this and lately. But my Dr has put it down to PTSD being retriggered. Apparently I have the complex ptsd and it gets frustrating. good vid.
I love your pleasant voice. One of the most beautiful and pleasant and kind voices I have ever heard
Very kind! Thanks :)
@@ADHDMastery thank YOU for your true kindness for all your research, analysis and bringing this valuable information, which I believe is not easy at all, and sharing your personal experience, you are truly a man with a capital M❤️ i truly admire you
I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2020 but these videos are so fun.
Great video, I’ve got my adhd consultation this weekend.
I’ve always thought it was a misspent youth having partied in the 90’s that effects my everyday life but now realise it’s probably adhd.
I was certainly hyperactive however now im 40 I’ve slowed down considerably.
Regarding the inattentive and emotional test, that pretty much describes me to a t.
My only concern regarding medication is the long term effects, I’ve got this far in life and am very happy most of the time, I just don’t want that happiness to be taken away.
Yep! I just finally got diagnosed and my medication is making a real difference right now!
Thanks partly due to your channel I have a ADHD assessment next week.
The BEST explanation of adhd traits i have ever heard or read! Exactly .. now i know i do have adhd
@adhdmastery, thank you so much for posting this. You’ve explained all the traits in such a clear way, with the perfect pace(hate slow talkers) and without unnecessary details. Was actually able to listen to the whole video without zooming out too much. 😊
I have all the problems mentioned above, in addition to those, being unable to see bigger picture is one of the major issues I face everyday. Lack of clarity in thoughts, messing up each time while speaking, saying random things etc, getting obsessed with irrelevant things and overthinking on them are the ones too
HI Stuart I just want to say thank you for making this content. I am now currently waiting to be assessed for ADHD which I thought I was suffering with my mental health. I feel it's more clear that I have this condition.
Cheers buddy 👍🏼
I answered hell yes to every single one. That’s insane. Definitely gonna be seeing a doctor soon
Very helpful video, thanks bud! I found your channel months ago but fell off the tracks in really understanding all this. I’ve struggled with these issues my entire life and I’m sick of everyone just expecting me to be normal. I have no real friends but a few good acquaintances so that helps. But when I do tests like this it’s hard to ignore: I definitely have adhd. Thanks again
Thank you for this amazing video. I have nearly all of the symptoms, and after procrastinating for nearly 20 years I was diagnosed with ADHD yesterday. Your video really made all the difference and gave me the push. It's so clear, so easy to understand, and at a speed and intensity perfect for me to easily absorb. Thank you again.
This is a tough thing to have. I imagine people misunderstand it often
Eventho you say that ADHD must be recognized and an early age, I only got this diagnosis at the age of 57. At first I was diagnosed with ASD: active but odd, but I did not agree with that diagnosis. It felt as if the psychologist had been listening with their ears shut, and she had no sense of humor: while testing if there were any compulsive traits, she asked me if I felt forced to do things in a certain order, I answered: I put on my socks before I put on my shoes. I wasn't at a funeral or something.
A few years later I got a second opinion from some autism specialized psychiatrists, and they ruled out ASD within as little as 3 sessions, and re-diagnosed me with minor ADHD and serious low self-esteem. Going through you video I do recognize things in 13 points. However, as far as the inattentive traits go, I think they can all be related to the same issue: and overwhelming amount of thought associations in my head.
Still, maybe there still is a little autist inside of me: am I the only one noticing you used #6 twice in the row of Hyperactive Traits? ;-)
I was diagnosed at 55 now I'm on medication but it only mildly helps. I don't have a structured working life anymore which I prefer yet I have difficulties making myself do things because I don't really have too, I procrastinate all the time, I feel very lazy & at times bored with life yet I find it very hard to make myself do things even enjoyable things because I just can't be bothered. I often feel guilty that I'm wasting my life but just don't have any motivation. I thought medication would help but not so much 😔
something i found that helps: make yourself do a walk in the morning. before thought, just go out the door. or go to gym of whatever. the physical activity does a lot of diff things. helps sleep, for one. but for me, i found that accomplishing something early in the day somehow makes it easier to access motivation afterwards.
another thing that helps is food: high protein, limit bread and carbs.
i know all of those are annoying, but if you try it, and see a surge in difference, that can keep you at it. shitty sleep can steal motivation and make it hard to focus. so can carb-heavy way of eating.
I sometimes feel like you. I have not been diagnosed nor I am on mediccation but I agree with @lurklingX on food.
I haven't gotten to exercise yet but yesterday I was just like you described until half an hour after having breakfast.
I was amazed!
The Change between not having eaten and eating!
I had and egg, rosted vegetables and soup from dinner of the night before, I think it helped.
I mean, no bread, sugar nor processed food.
But the thing is, food really makes a difference in mood. Pay attention to it and slowly increase food you know are good for the brain.
I hope you are feeling better.
No life is wasted, we are all doing the best be it big or small.
You might not have found the right medication or the correct dose to feel the improvements in your life so don't be afraid to ask your Dr to try a different dose or type of medication until you feel better, that being said, it's not a magic pill that solves all problems. But once you're on the right medication and dose, you'll start finally being able and motivated to accomplish the things you want withought as much of a struggle. Structure is an important part, but so hard to enforce on yourself, especially with ADHD!
You need therapy. Medication alone can't do miracles. Also, it might be changing and adjusting, so check that with your doc, but I can tell you with certainty that therapy is where you discover yourself, your patterns and where you develop mechanisms that will allow you to be more functional and enjoy life more.
Regarding your age you should ask your doctor to check up your hormone levels too. If there is some lack in those your doctor could help you get yourself pumped up again with energy.
WOW this video nailed just what I've gone through since my childhood !
Love your videos mate from a fellow Welshman. Keep the videos up!
This video nails it!! Lot's of rubbish online, with videos and "tests", but this one sums up extremely well, what it's like to be an adult with ADHD. Subscribed.
For note, because no one told me (and maybe they didn't know until recently?) but some of the emotional symptoms will get worse, or have a sudden recurrence later on in life as you age. You get a bit more sensitive to certain stimuli that you may not have been before, as you continue to change internally and experience more things. Everyone has a different array and rate, some don't see it much and some are consistently high rate all the way through, but for most of us as you hit your mid-30s and up, you'll find certain symptoms seem to start suddenly appearing or re-appearing.
In my case, I didn't really have much of the emotional dysregulation (among a couple of other things) and had no issues with this through my later teens and into my early 30s. However, now that both I and my sister are into our mid-to-late 30's, we're BOTH seeing this crop up more often, as if it's suddenly appearing with a vengeance for the time it missed when we were growing up. :'D
Not sure if this is actually studied anywhere, but my grandmother (who also has ADHD, as does our mother) mentioned something just recently about how brains, as they age, shift in some areas or degrade in others.
*_Just something for you younguns coming around and learning about your minds - I wish someone had warned me to watch out for this, it would have saved me some trouble in recent years! Here's hoping you get the warning I did not._*
As a 38 yo woman who definitely must have ADHD, I can say this hits too close. I get overstimulated so easily now. It makes work and living life difficult.
Important to eat well, exercise and supplement with Omega 3, Vit D3, *methylated* B vitamins, etc. Dr Eric Berg on YT has excellent advice.
Gratitude!! I believe this is what my husband is suffering with.. The same order! Just recently did an initial intake for our 7 yo Babygirl to be evaluated, I recall noticing something different in her development kindergarten,All her previous years at daycare were EXCELLENT! She’s 2nd grade now and wayyyy below the Level her older siblings was at her age. I have been wanting to dig a little deeper to Address it PROPERLY with MY husband regards. WE been Married for 7 years 12/22(our 40’s)! We met 02/10 (My late 20’s his early 30’s)HE has BEEN A GOT DAMN Diabolical, Absent, severe denial, ADHD with EVERY other diagnose that’s attached with it! I believe he been Fully AWARE! I prayed on MY knees with MY HANDS open, and surrendered HIM/the marriage back to “GOD” later that evening he texted “OUR 7yo needs Therapy, he was in denial, and didn’t want to except” HE is A TERRIBLE male at EVERYTHING in life. And I believe HE knows and understands why. He even called me a witch Dr. after he agreed to move forward to get OUR babygirl help last week! I am disgruntled yet FINALLY relieved OUR divorce makes PERFECT sense!
Menopause definitely increased many of my symptoms.
Very detailed, organized video; thank you so much for putting all these together
Wow. I was diagnosed as having adhd in the 7th or 8th grade, but I never acknowledged the truth of my diagnosis. I told my Mom that the doctors were wrong. I told myself it was a misdiagnosis. Watching this, I see that I have literally most of the inattentive traits, all of the hyperactive traits and all of the emotional traits. I can’t believe I fought this truth about myself for so many years (I am 45 now). This explains SO much for me. Thank you
I can’t even watch this video without looking at the next one I’m going to watch or getting lost in the comments section :/
I'm reading ur comment while watching the video, literally 🤣🤣🤣
@@srichirps 😂😂
This is by far the most accurate ADHD video I've seen, and I've seen hundreds.
Suggest getting tested for IQ as well. Didn't learn I am high IQ until over 40 and because of ADHD symptoms thought I wasn't very bright despite some evidence to the contrary. Not good for self-esteem. Still have all the ADHD symptoms but at least don't assume I'm stupid!
I have a high IQ but then I think IQ tests are stupid and outdated. so either way I cant win lol
@@papaspaulding I still don't understand how I passed the "STEM" parts. And that's what much of the assumption of intelligence is based on in our culture.
Thanks for the content! I am 37, struggled for my whole life in so many areas and have an initial assessment coming up. This video came me clarity of thought and reassured me that I'm on the right journey for my health, wellbeing and my sanity!
I have the Combined type, but I also have OCD for things needing to be in specific organizations in my space. So procrastinating is a Huge part of my life. I seriously hate it, but here we are. Plus, I was agreeing with everything he said in the video. I just wish more people were more understanding about us with ADHD.
Ocd or just ocd tendency? Because my uncle has ocd its it not good to joke about. Actual ocd is really bad. I like things today and strait and in order. That's not ocd
Thank you very much. This is been very helpful to me.
I have been suffering from ADHD for a very long time
Probably since I was in grade school
I’ve been hiding it for almost 60 years. And say the least it’s been very hard.
Your video has been very helpful in bless you for putting the information out there
i hope someone can read this. I have been searching videos like this, im from Argentina currently 18yrs old and finishing my last high school year. I have been dealing with rejection since im 10-12 from my classmates. I use to spend all my free time at home in front of my pc playing games or watching twitch/youtube videos. I use to chat with people on discord and that's it. I have been going to a lot of sports since my childhood (Swimming, Tennis and gym) but i didn't really find any relationship to start bc noone actually talks if they don't know each other. I used to be extrovert but after years of bullying i became really shy of people.. it might be anxiety. I hope i will get a job and restart a healthy life
Jeepers creepers, I have every single one of these symptoms/traits, and looking back, I’ve had them for a very long time! I could write a long list of anecdotes, but I’d definitely lose focus before reaching the end and I’m not even kidding! Thanks for the video, and for confirming this whole thing for me. Now I just need to figure out what to do about it.
I’m having a hard time even paying attention to this test. 😭🤣
Good hell. This diagnosis (I got mine finally at age 40) has allowed me to give myself some grace. Something I never experienced before. I was so hard on myself and others were so hard on me too. As long as I can remember I felt different. And these traits were something I was so self conscious about. As a girl growing up in the 80’s and 90’s, no one would have diagnosed me. I’m so grateful they realize girls have it too now. I highly recommend taking care of yourself and getting tested. I am combined type and I tested almost always or always on every single question of this video. It is exhausting living with this brain but a little easier to forgive myself now, knowing why.
Around 2 years ago when I was 20 I started realizing something wasn't quite right in the way I thought, I felt very different to others but had no idea why- so naturally I started exploring possibilities and when I got to the emotional side of things I started to pick out a lot of similarities in myself to BPD because I've noticed emotional dysregulation (among the other symptoms he mentioned) be a part of my life as long as I can remember. Of course, after suddenly "deciding" I had BPD because the symptoms sort of aligned, I started living and functioning around that being the key issue- which did help a small bit, but over time I started to see that wasn't the end of the story. Only now and in the last month or so I'm seeing that my symptoms (especially emotional and inattentive) line up much more accurately with ADHD. I really am not surprised, my mom had mentioned she thought I had it for a long time but never got me a diagnosis- but it goes to show to NEVER self-diagnose because you'll never know what you'll end up discovering somewhere further down the line. Now waiting for an official diagnoses in a few weeks! Thank you so much for your videos, this really helps me more than you can imagine :)
This is literally my story too
This is the best video about the symptoms I’ve ever watched❤thank you😊
I am about 10 years old right now. I have been doing reaserch about adhd since i have seen some symptoms in my daily life, and this video really helped. Thank you!
This is me. I took the first step today to working towards getting treatment. Wish me luck!
Thank you for a very enlightening video. ;) Keep 'em coming...
I have been diagnosed and I know that this video is hard to sit through for people like me
I got diagnosed with ADHD at 28 early this year and honestly it was a hard pill to swallow and at the same it was such a relief. On the other hand, I found so many coping mechanists throughout my life and I’ve come to love a lot of these ADHD traits, I love my querky likes, my random curiosity, people like me for being funny always remixing out a song that fits the situation, quite spontaneous, and when I care and focus I am fenomenal, at work or even studying I can finish things quicker than most even if it’s always at the deadline, I can be really creative and brainstorming ideas at work comes easy. Of course, I still need medication for several things BUT I just hope every one of you out there diagnosed or not, find compassion for yourself and learn to love yourself, this world is not designed for us neurodivergent folks and it’s hard, however you are not alone, there’s plenty of us out there going through the same, we can find ways to work through this, it doesn’t have to hold you back from anything. You’re freaking amazing, you have positive skills, you got this :)
Im not sure why I clicked on this or what I thought I was going to gain other than me currently avoiding work tasks. Meanwhile fidgeting while reading comments as I am watching video. Seriously.. so I was diagnosed several years ago in my early 20s but had symptoms my whole life. Recently returned to medication which helps me function and communicate more effectively and get a handle on ‘adulting’ post trauma.
Lately Ive been experiencing doubts and overwhelm leading to increased use of coping mechanisms. Have been influenced to believe I should have no trouble handling life on my own, keeping life in order and persuaded to believe everyone struggles so buck up! Thank you for the video reminder that Im not a failure rather my mind does operate differently. Side note: I hit about every marker you talked about. The one where you explained you turn things in incomplete or with mistakes, I have an opposite but just as interfering trait that knows this so I fail to turn things in at all so piles of unfinished tasks clutter my working memory and often so late to getting it completed that the consequences further perpetuate the identity that Im not capable, I don’t get to enjoy the reward of completing task, and a buttload of shame surrounding all thats involved, then rush to the next late thing I missed in the long list of old and new to-dos .
Adhd is a real thing. I think sometimes we are the smartest most innovative and creative people who simply get trapped in the normy expectations of the day to day. We are fierce and we are brave. Fellow adhders Lets all just give ourselves some grace.
Thanks for your videos. I'm in a really bad place at the moment. Undiagnosed but waiting. I always thought it was sdd, being creative, wild imagination, hyper, eccentric, vampire sleeping hrs, talking way to fast, playing d&b with my toes, can't stop bloody thinking, getting moody and sounding like a drunk bum swearing at everything around me, feeling so down and unmotivated and guilt ridden knowing that there are people worse off but doing better, Being aware that I get so wrapped up in interests that I have to make myself think about other things, not recognizing depression because I'd never top myself, I love life, just not mine. I love being me but everything seems harder knowing what I know. I can't even be bothered to finish this text. Sorry.
U have just described me LITERALLY, my every day presses I’m currently lost in all these messages and haven’t seen the video yet . Running to it 😂
Oh hi ME! That's literally -down to every single word- how I'd describe myself at the moment. I hope you're doing well :)
I've spent the last 8 months in therapy exploring myself and these patterns that make me non-functional and I still can't crack it. My therapist doesn't think an ADHD diagnosis can be helpful because she thinks all of my symptoms have other underlying causes (childhood experiences, phobias and anxieties), but what if it's a matter of neurodiversity and me having spent my life so far just coping and masking? What if I'm just exhausted from having coped with that all my life and that's why I'm so burnt out in my mid-30s?
I love this. One more thing that can mimic ADHD that is very little talked about is an eye disorder called Binocular Vision Dysfunction. The eyes play a massive role in how our brain takes in information, as we know and one slight misalignment, even one not obvious, can come with a whole host of problems from physical to mental. 50% of people diagnosed with ADHD have been diagnosed with BVD. It's not a very big group of people so take that for what it is. Regardless, it is one more thing to consider especially if you have ADHD, dyslexia, and physical problems like headaches, eye strain, dizziness, difficulty driving, and nausea.
Bro describing my life in 8 minutes 💀✨ (not something I'm very happy to listen after )
So far my favorite video on the this. Very quick and to the point. I couldn’t focus on most of the other videos. And also you covered more. Very good.
I literally couldn’t get through this video without getting distracted in thought
The biggest symptom of all 😂
I'm beyond shagged as I suffer all of these although I am really confident socially, it's an absolute blight on my life. Finally coming up to my assessment after waiting two years!
Because of your video, I just made an appointment with a psychiatrist for the first time in my life. I'm in my 20's and have had symptoms for like ever and never connected it to ADHD. I know the symptoms can bleed into anxiety and depression but I have other symptoms that I believe are more ADHD related, like overstimulation makes me have dissociation episodes, emotional withdrawal, emotional dysregulation and RSD. Also have sleep problems, eating problems. I'll see what happens in the coming months. Thank you 😊
Good luck!
it's finals week for me, i am just finishing the inattentive traits section. literally every single question i answered most of the time/all the time to. and i've been this way my whole life. in fact, im currently watching this instead of doing an essay that was assigned 3 weeks ago; i haven't even started it, and it's due in 3 hours. i'm going to fail the class now, i've been avoiding this diagnosis for a while now because i've been scared and the adhd has also made me procrastinate on fixing the adhd. i've bottled this stuff up all my life, and everyone sees me as the golden child now because of it. right after finals i'm going to vent this to my parents and try to start fixing this. thank you for this, i'll update
All these apply to me to a high degree. And I just checked my school reports and they are basically a list of all these traits with an indication at the end that this is not okay, if I want to get anywhere in life. Well, 20 years later and I'm still struggling with the same stuff lol. Guess I'll go talk to my doctor then
Trying my hardest to find focus music for ADHD for my late night late project for work, and i saw this awesome video!
I seen one psychologist on paper, but trust me in comparison I definitely would have chosen you, think about getting the paper, if this woman did, you definitely could, I've since been diagnosed in Tasmania Australia by a Canadian psychologist and a neuropsychologist and this test is 💯 accurate, great job, sadly I didn't get diagnosed until I was 49, thinking back over my childhood I'm lucky to still be here, I had 0 fear as a little girl, but I also had a built in empath ability when it came to what was safe and what was not, I thought everyone did 😃👍 spot on my friend, sorry this is a year late 🤦♀️😃.
I'm undiagnosed, but very much fall into the category of inattentive ADHD. The only trait that I can't check the 'often' or 'very often' box for is the attention to detail. I am perfectionistic and have a great ability to hyper-focus, so details are paralyzing. I can't fill out a form until I've made sure of every piece of information it is asking for, and am laborious about answering the questions. One difficulty is leaving out any information that could possibly be considered relevant -- or anything that occurs to me while composing an answer.
My husband has said if the building is on fire and I'm stuck into my historical research, I'm likely to burn to death. I won't even hear the alarm or notice the heat. (Actually, I'd be the first to notice indications of a fire, but the last to physically react.)
All of those traits have been life-long. I don't know how to measure the physical hyperactivity before age 12, because I grew up in a family in which I was the least physically ADHD. I was the one of us most able to sit still and pay attention. Except I could only pay attention if I was doodling or making lists or reading something else under my desk.
I didn't get thrown out of class like one brother, I wasn't in the ER every six weeks like the other, I didn't walk off in the middle of sentences like one parent, or do everything on fast-forward like the other.
I didn't realize that I had never sat still in my life until I was 30 and had a job that required me to sit for 6 hours a day like a veal calf in a box. I live in a very small state, so I didn't know until I started traveling as an adult that I couldn't handle more than an hour in a car.
Now that I'm in my fifth decade, I am displaying a lot more physical traits. Some of that is due to medications. Cymbalta increases my tendency to interrupt and blurt out whatever I'm thinking, and has increased my need to fidget.
Your perfectionist, ultra focus IS a trait of ADHD, i have it the same, and Im clinically diagnosed
Every single one a mix of often and very often apart from the emotional Dysregulation, rejection and criticism, low stress tolerance and self doubt and impatience which are Never and sometimes... and affecting me across education at uni, work and home life, all experience from nursery to present... well i got an appointment with the GP about a possible diagnosis analysis and got an appointment with an educational psychologist who diagnosed me with ADHD C and moderate dysgraphia
All the above every day, plus have dyslexia, what fun. Was diagnosed with dyslexia at 4 but the adhd was missed because I didn't thow chairs at teachers.
😂😂😂 (are you serious with the chairs tho?)
Ive started a diagnosis. Just early stages. But this vid kinda was spot on at alot of stuff. So hopefully it gets sorted and it gets me on track
Here because 3 diagnoses from 3 seperate psychiatrists isn't adequate for killing doubt
Thats literally me, i won't stop doubting until someone scan my brain and show it to me
The water is running down my legs. My girlfriend suggested I might be. After a conversation with another learning disability nurse. That was going to get assessed. And when she told her her symptoms she thought of me. 4 test later. This one being the 5 all way above 60% I might be I'm 68 so it's not going to alter anything. But now explains a lot.
@steventostevin3085 I really hope you pull through. I guess accepting neurodivergence is a whole other journey on its own. Coming to terms with my ADHD was one of the most profound experiences of my life.
My whole world suddenly flipped upside down - I was finally able to forgive myself for things I don't have any control over.
Eerily, now when I have a conversation with someone new, I always have the urge to explain this to them. I just feel more comfortable knowing I don't have mask, and people will understand my peculiar nature for its inherent worth, without being a freakshow :').
I never knew that I was ADHD. Thanks! This helps a lot!
No joke while watching this video I lost focus from point 3 to 5 thinking about some conversation I had with someone😂
It's a good thing that I can easily move the progress bar back on UA-cam, since I have to do that about 10 times per video. Your content is fascinating, yet I've got two other screens open and keep getting completely distracted and off track while trying to watch. ADHD much? And no, I don't want to close the other screens. I LIKE my distractions. Unfortunately been doing that my whole life and almost can't function any other way.