You know I really do not know how to start this, so I am just going to speak freely. THIS IS TO ALL YOU PEOPLE WHO IS SUFFERING FROM THIS AND ARE DESPERATE! I had tinnitus for a very long time. It all started with me actually blowing my nose really hard in the shower, crazy crazy hard and I felt that it immidietly damaged my ear. Even though I was in the shower and it can get pretty loud, I felt that something was wrong. I came out of the shower and I could hear a loud beep in my left ear. And I immidietly start panicking. I was reminded of all the times in high school they would show us videos on tinnitus about people attending concerts without earplugs and getting this horrible disease. It was absolutely horrible! I could not sleep that night because it was honestly a 10 out of 10 sound. It was loud, man! I could not sleep but I almost half fell a sleep for a couple of minutes. But when I woke up it was still there. I was freaking the fuck out and I was so sad. I was so sad and all I was thinking was how I wish I could turn back time. And everything in y life changed. How I ate, how I slept, how I watched movies, listened to music, drank coffee or alcohol or enjoyed sugary treats, my relationship with my wife and friends. It was horrible. I got really depressed. I went online and read about it, I talked to doctors (several different ones), and they all told me to learn how to deal with it and that it would get better with time, in the sense that I would get used to it. I would learn how to live with it. This bothered me. You see, I have always been a person with great faith in God. I suddenly, very spoiled, but felt betrayed. Eventually BOTH my ears started ringing. It just got worse and worse I became a very bitter person and I just focused on the tinnitus and allowed it to take control over me. I remember my wife promising me that this would not last. She is no doctor and no expert, but hearing that promise from her, gave me faith and comfort. I found two people on youtube that did NOT cure me, but most definitely helped me. Liam and Julian were those two people. After 10 months of constant battle, I finally beat and cured my tinnitus. I went from 10 to a 0. I honestly hear silence again now. These are my biggest advices: 1. Have faith and be sure that you WILL beat this if you absolutely believe that you can. If you listen to the negative people or read negative comments and doubt that you will be cured, than I promise you that you will not be cured. This may upset people, but I am sorry. This is what I can say based on experience and this is what I believe. Total faith in yourself! 2. Do not go on the internet and read horror comments or negative shit about this condition! 3. Do not constantly check on your ear and see if it has become worse or better! Ignore it and breathe, stay calm. Relax! Even if it is a slow road, staying calm and having faith will allow you to get there quicker! 4. Focus on what you want to hear and your brain will slowly adapt and listen. 5. Live and behave as if your tinnitus is gone. Now, I do not mean listen to loud music....but trick yourself and your brain into believing that it has vanished or that it is going to vanish. 6. Do not focus on the amount of time you have had your tinnitus. Remember, STRESS MAKES TINNITUS WORSE! 7. Do NOT listen to people who say that there is no cure! There are no miracle pills, but with work and discipline you can beat this. I PROMISE you! I am living proof, and so are many more! Remember, people have beat cancer, learned to walk again and etc 8. Do not feel sorry for yourself or have regret about how you got tinnitus. 9. Remember to feel grateful! I know that this may sound strange. But it could be a lot worse. You could be blind, you could lose the ability to walk, you could have your face ripped off in an accident. (God bless all people who deal with these things) Stay grateful!! 10. If there are nights when you have a spike, or if there are days when you hear a new sort of sound....CALM THE FUCK DOWN! It will pass! Try fasting (I fasted for 18 hours every day), do not be afraid to eat meat (especially liver), meditate, drink less caffeine and alcohol, eat less sugar, exercise whenever you can. I had to come back and write this down, because I was depressed and desperate. Now get your life back! You can do it, I promise you that you can. Save this and read it again when you feel despair. Be a good person and be kind to people. It is ok to take the high road but at the same time do not let people disrespect you. I am sending love to you CAN beat tinnitus, and you WILL if you want to and believe you can!
@@YanYon_2024 I avoided coffee, energy drinks, alcohol, sugary treats and chocolate for a very very long time. It took a while for my body and mind to adjust to this change. But every week I allowed myself ONE cheat meal, whether it be a cup of coffee or a drink or some cake or whatever. I ate a clean diet, many vegetables and I was not afraid of eating clean meat.
@@YanYon_2024 all I can say is what worked for me! And my opinion is that dairy and oil is fine! As long as it is in moderation you should be absolutely fine
Julian, I totally agree with you. I absolutely hate it when an ENT or other physician tells a tinnitus patient "Hey, there's no cure, so go home and deal with it." What kind of doctor can sleep at night knowing they left their patient feeling hopeless, lost, and distraught? There ARE treatment options out there. There's probably cures, as well! Unfortunately some doctors are too oblivious and negligent to thoroughly go over these treatments and cures with their patients. My dad had an injury to the head which caused his tinnitus - and it was loud and severe - and after 4 years it suddenly went away. So don't lose hope, people :) Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end!
Exactly. I think it is really important to educate our doctors and ENTs when we do get better so they stop tipping people over the edge. The sad thing is that they are probably completely unaware of the damage they are doing by traumatising people in this way. The more they hear what helps people the more they can educate others. Best wishes Julian
There is no cure it’s damage to the little hairs in your ear can’t fix that sorry your ears are trying to heal themselves and they can’t do that so they ring or do any noise that comes from the damage
To Rated M: Try to think of tinnitus as not not being your worst enemy but rather as an unwanted stranger who has taken up residence in your life. You need to realize that this malady will not disappear overnight ( if ever at all), and how you can understand what your tinnitus is all about, and what you can do to relieve the symptoms and make your life much more tolerable. Doctors are matter- of -fact in their treatment for patients, so you will have to make the journey to relieving the severe symptoms of tinnitus on your own. Read everything you can, and begin to experiment with diet, vitamin supplements, and stress reducing techniques: The more frustrated and anxious you become, the stronger the symptoms will be. i wish you luck!!
Doctors have the worst sense of empathy of anyone which is just frigging strange. Aren’t they taught this in school? Like you even need school for this..
You're telling my story Julian. It wasn't till I saw an audiologist that tinnitus was 'explained' to me . I am paraphrasing but I was told that it's only in relatively recent years that it was considered an actual HEARING problem. I got mine through years of electric guitar playing in bands etc. I got hearing aids, and he told me that they would basically educate my brain about the noise in my ears. I wore them for about three months and after that my tinnitus was gone. I think it was more the understanding and the letting go that you've mentioned here that helped me as much as the aids. I get little burst of it occasionally now, but I've gone from a radio on my pillow to sleep at night to sleeping in a silent room. Sometimes the labels for certain illnesses and ailments are not helpful. Julian's correct and it can be cured, he and I are living proof of this. I urge anyone who suffers from tinnitus to seek help. Go to your GP. they don't know so much about tinnitus, but insist they give you an appointment with a specialist/audiologist. You'll get some ear tests then you'll be on your way to be rid of it. What have you got to lose? And if GP's can be brought up to speed that would help, I think that many of them think it's incurable too.
Please contact me on if you have any questions or call me on 00 44 7910315167. This is not a scam and I am happy to talk to anybody about my work. There is a lot of information that you may find useful on or on my app
I've suffered tinnitus all my life due to congenital nerve damage. I am deaf to high tones and I used to pick up low tones easily. I've read lips for as long as I can remember. Now at age 57 both the tinnitus and hearing are much worse. The ringing, roaring, crackling, crickets and screeching are so loud I'm always in tears. When I was younger hearing aids were effective now they're useless. I saw my ear Dr. About a year ago and I can only understand 17 percent of what I can hear. I qualify for a cochlea transplant but, she said she can't help the tinnitus without cutting the nerve. I don't know what that means for me. I want the surgery but, coming up with 20 percent of the surgical Bill is impossible. Right now trying to write this to you is very difficult due to the loud noise in my head and ears. The thought of suicide is constant. I am home bound 90 percent of the time, I feel like my life is nonexistent and even visiting my grand children is a horrible experience. I now have panic attacks because it won't stop. I'm on disability so I have no spare monies. Have you been able to help others that have similar problems and if you have, please I'm desperate, I need help. I'm tired of crying myself to sleep and to wake. I almost think I may be going crazily insane. I can't say anymore but, thank you for taking the time to read my long letter. Michelle
Dear Michelle, sorry to hear you are having such a struggle. Have you tried to get help settling your system? It may be very helpful to see your doctor and take some medication to take the edge off until you are feeling more settled. Also I recommend finding a local craniosacral therapist or a good body-based practitioner who can also help your nervous system switch off and feel more manageable. Please contact me on and tell me where you are based and I can help you find someone. I think it would be a good idea to try settling your system first before having invasive surgery. Go and see someone near you and get support in letting go. This is bound to help you. The more your let go, the more symptoms back off and the more manageable everything becomes again. Getting help with this is crucial if you are feeling close to the edge. Wishing you all the best Julian Cowan Hill
Hi, Julian I'm so sorry for the delay to your response, you're very kind. My Dr. started me on xanax for the panic mode and it does calm me down some. I just don't like feeling drowsy all day. Julian I live in Conroe Tx. USA 30 miles north of Houston. I've researched and so far I've had no luck at finding anything. Perhaps I'm searching wrong. I'm going to attempt to email because I'd prefer your method over surgery. I pray this will end soon , I'm so tired. Michelle
+Michelle Peterson I had tinnitus for about 10 years now, 5 years ago I had acupuncture around my ear and the noise was somewhat reduced. Even though its only on my left ear the reduce of the noise helps a lot.
Tinnitus may absolutely go away! When I started believeing it actually can - my nervous system started to calm down, my anxiety is almost vanished and my T is now very low. I only hear it when it is very quiet, and I actually expect it to totally go away. I also realized that all the calminh techniques are very good - as long as you don't view them as techniques, you need to not put words to it but rather allow yourself to look for a calmer feeling. This calmer feeling is what tells you your nervous system is regulating itself. And after a while you can accomplish this feeling without any techniques at all! Just by knowing this calmer place is within you, you can go there more easily and more often, because you have felt it. My 10 months nightmare of anxiety, panic, insomnia, depression, suicidal thoughts are almost vanished. And the T is much better too 🥰
But dont disappear all right? I have a ear infection 2 months ago and them is went start it is quiet in the day but in the night is hard too sleep, i dont wanna be pessimistic, i think they complete go away in a couple of weeks
Watching this video for thirty seconds something very odd happened: after at least two decades, as far as I can remember, I found a tear evading my eyes. Julian, I don't know you, but I doubt you ever heard a most sincere thank you as this. Thank you. I'll keep up with your videos.
Thanks Julian for giving people hope..The Bible says hope deferred makes the heart sick. Dealing with a condition like Tinnitus where some people are really struggling and are desperate and in deep despair and then having a Dr tell them that there is nothing they can do to help them just puts people in a hopeless place...There is always hope and we don't know what could happen tomorrow ...Hope gives people the strength to persevere through rough battles ,trials tests tribulations and sufferings that we all face in this world and the ability to press forward ..Never lose hope!!! God knows exactly what we are going through and his grace and power are made perfect in our human weakness ..
I know that people experience tinnitus at varying degrees but I agree with this guy. I started hearing a whooshing sound in my left ear 5 weeks tomorrow. Yes, I did what most people with this debilitating condition first do: scan the Internet. And I wish I hadn't. Most people online assert that in most cases once you have tinnitus you are likely to have it for life...& it freaked me out. There is hope as I no longer hear my tinnitus. It went away about a week ago.
@@deku3i you're right. I've been experiencing intermittent spikes in the past 2 months. So it's on and off instead of constant ringing 24x7 a day in a week and it's just hissing now. so i am hoping that this will completely go away in the next few months (at least i am hoping it's not permanent). How about you? how's your T?
I've had it for about 2 months now. It's weird, because it tends to be worst when I first wake up, even from a short nap. There are even times when I don't notice it at all, like when carrying on a conversation. Sometimes, for short periods of time, I even forget that it's there. I have a feeling you're on to something, because even when I forget about it, inevitably I think to myself "wow, I'm not hearing the ringing anymore", and then it immediately comes back. I personally know several people who also suffer from it. I sleep with the TV on and other background noises. I will admit, my tinnitus is probably minimal compared to a lot of others who suffer from it, but it still sucks. I hope to be able to get past it some day. Thanks for giving me some hope, good sir!
Tinnitus will be cured by your own body guys , just takes time Your ears are ringing because your nervous system is ramped up and this is natural, when you begin to calm your nerves down,( this takes time !) Your ear ringing will go away
Not true. I've had it die almost 10 years due to acoustic trauma. Had to do a shooting test a few days ago at a indoor shooting range, my ears are killing me now, yes I had hearing protection on.
Hi Julian! Thanks so much for posting this as it is a great inspiration! I have had tinnitus for 25 years, causing varying degrees of discomfort from temporarliy forgetting it to it almost "driving me insane". I too, have been told by medical professionals including specialists that there is nothing that can be done to relieve tinnitus and that the only relief is to "just learn to live with it". I just now stumbled upon this video and will have a look at your website and other information now. Once again, thanks! Dave
this is really helpful, I have been suffering from tinnitus for about 3 years now, I went to the doctors and they said exactly the same about how there is no cure for it, yet you watch the news and see people who also have tinnitus talking about the therapies available, apparently there are about four therapies that you can receive in this country and for any of them to take the best effect you have to do all of them. but guess what you can only receive all four therapies in certain parts of the country, most regions only do one or the other. having said all that I have learnt how to deal with tinnitus and the only real way to move on and live with tinnitus is to forget about it and take yourself out of situations where its going to get worse or when your going to hear it the most, sleep with a radio on, keep calm in quiet environments and most importantly go to bed in a good and positive mood, in other words go to sleep smiling and let your mind do the rest.
Dear Julian, have received more reassurance watching your videos in the last few minutes than the hours I've spent in GP and other so-called practitioner rooms over the last 3 months. I've had T constantly for this period, intermittently for about 6 months before that, and can only after seeing your careful and thoughtful approach actually admit it is T, and thus can get on with the life-improving adventure of properly dealing with it. And that there are some who would hide this adventure from me for the continuance of a profit line is quite simply unethical, to which your holistic approach is, quite literally, a life-saver. Many and sincere thanks Julian, and truly, well done, CM Jones.
i use to play loud music blasting through my headphones when i was around 14 i noticed a high pitched sound in my head when it was quiet around me and at night it was torture trying to get to sleep as it was constantly high pitched i cried all the time because of this i had it until around 18 years old now im 21 and i havent got tinnitus anymore not sure if it suppose to be permanent but thankfully i dont have high end noise anymore i dont play loud music in my headphones anymore and avoid loud speaker music hope people can cure their tinnitus
+MissMuggleHD Glad to see you've recovered,perhaps your youth had something to do with this.May I ask how long you were listening to the loud music ? Was it years or months ? I've been listening to music a lot for four months on my ipod and only today have I noticed a problem.I was generally guilty of putting up the volume too high,if I liked the tune.I know many musicians have this problem,though it generally takes years to develop..
I'm 16 and my hearing keeps getting worsed. I found about the disease 1 year ago and was very nervous and worried I had it. I actually have it for real since some months ago and hoping it goes away :/
Thanks for the video Mr. Hill! Very helpful. It's totally nuts that most doctors say there is no cure when you go see them, which just makes things worse.
Absolutely. My wish is to change the way negative messaging is put you there. A health practitioner can literally lead someone to suicide by telling them there is nothing they can do about it. This is not true. Every week I pick up the pieces from appallingly negative and destructive mindsets.
Thank you for this! It helps to know that eventually it could go away! I’ve had this for 3 months now and it’s extremely frustrating waking up every morning and being reminded of this.
Hi! I feel you! I got tinnitus after recovering from the covid virus, along with a bunch of other weird symtoms (I sometimes smell gas and smoke, my head feels numb sometimes, my hands are often shaking.) I got everything checked out at the hospital and they told me I don't have a tumor (which was my main concern) and I am quite healthy! Tinnitus has been one of the most annoying symptoms- especially in the night. However, I always try to remind myself: it's just a sound. I hear sounds all day long! I am certain i will recover and so will you! May you heal soon!
This is a great message, thank you Julian. All doctors need to listen to it!I have mild-mod tinnitus. I was on a blog where one person wrote about his expierience curing his 20+ years of tinnitus. It really spoke to me, so I took his advice.This might sound silly, or like it was psychological, but I needed to speak to my central nervous system, my brain. I would sit in a quiet room, or have a TV on softly in the background. I would tell my brain: "It's ok, it's ok, yes I acknowledge there's a ringing sound, it's not important, it's ok, it's ok, we're ok". Then I'd try and focus on quiet sounds in the room, making those sounds MORE important than the ringing. I'd also breathe deeply and calmly. I was telling my brain that the ringing is nothing to be worried about - it's ok. Here, these quiet sounds in my environment are what's important, these are sounds that are created in the physical world.This calming of my CNS really worked, and it worked quickly. I would found an improvement doing just one of these 2-3min sessions. The first day or two the ringing would come back multiple times through the day, each time I'd address it and use the same dialogue with my brain. As the week went on I was hardly noticing the ringing at all, maybe just at night. Again, any time I'd notice it I'd address it and reassure my nervous system that everything was ok. I went for few weeks where I didn't notice ONCE. This is after nearly 18mo of very noticeable and aggravating tinnitus. (I've had tinnitus for 10yrs total) Recently I've experienced a lot of stress, and depression (not due to tinnitus) so it began to return to noticeable levels. So I'm back to doing my routine, and even amongst all the continue stress it is helping it calm down. It might be a lifetime of waxing and waning but I know now I have some tools to help me cope and move past the intrusive ringing! There is hope for everyone I believe. Try the technique I've suggested, it's not going to hurt. You've got to BELIEVE you can instruct your brain and redirect it to auditory stimulus that is real. If you believe it, your brain will believe you and will stop sending these DANGER SIGNALS, it will stop acknowledging your tinnitus! Good luck, and best wishes to everyone through their healing.
Julian is right. I am experiencing it myself. I have had bad tinnitus and hyperacusis for around a year and last 2 months or so it has been getting better and better. My hyperacusis subsided already before that, but I can honestly say that my tinnitus is almost gone. It is no coincidence that this happens, since I am feeling better and better on the inside every day, which I had not been for a long time. Tinnitus and Hyperacusis are SYMPTOMS of over-exhaustion. I now know that I got it because of a very long time dealing with stress and anxiety from a lot of factors and living unhealthy. I always thought it was because of hearing damage or something (since I had been a DJ for several years), but nothing is more from the truth. All the problems in my life are clearing up and so is my tinnitus. Julian and other writers of other books (in Dutch) really helped me through this period. What truly helps is getting your problems of your shoulders, getting rest, living more healthy, stop constantly worrying, breathing right etc etc. Tinnitus and Hyperacusis are symptoms of enormous mental over-exhaustion. It takes time and effort to make it go away, but I am sure everyone can accomplish it. Julian, thank you for helping me and others.
This is so true. When I first got the T I had to use ansiolitics all the time. When i found Julian’s videos gave me so much hope that I could quit this pills for good. He is right. Your mental system run you whole being. One gets much better not listening to negativity or false doctors .
Thank you, this is what I have thinking and the 'fight or flight' idea really made sense to me. I had tinnitus at 18 and it was awful but eventually settled - lately (30 years later) it returned in a major way and my anxiety went through the roof but videos such as yours have really calmed the situation and it was what I have been wanting to hear. Thanks again.
Thanks for posting this video. It's reassuring to know that the Tinnitus suffering community is so supportive. I've been suffering for about a year, my Doctor prescribed Lisinopril 5mg tablets to treat my hypertension high blood pressure.... guess what?? the Tinnitus has all but gone in under 2 weeks!!!!! It still rises up if I get stressed, and of course the "dawn chorus" is still there, but reduced to manageable and almost disappears by 10am. This might not work for all people, as I feel my T is because of high BP, not hearing damage. But hope this info is useful to someone. Peace to you all.
25 years ago I had a hearing test, they said yes you have mid range hearing loss causing your tinnitus . "Nothing can be done, live with it" . Her exact quote . it Crushed me. Thank you for your help.
Just discovered your website and excellent videos. Your message of not terrifying people by telling them their tinnitus is hopeless is so needed - and already has helped relieve my stress and fear - and no doubt that of many others. Bless you. A famous self-help author said that "Incurable simply means that the medical profession has not yet figured out a way to cure something."
I am feeling very suicidal because of my tinnitus. I have had it for 4 years and I have always managed to keep control over it. But these past two days have just driven me crazy. I really don't know what to do. My main problem is my anxiety and it is the anxiety over my tinnitus that has made it really bad. I have various anxiety disorders and DDPD. I just can't stop focusing on my tinnitus. Even when I am occupied with something else, my attention switches back to the ringing every 2 minutes. As soon as I wake up, the first thing I do is listen to my tinnitus. And it seems impossible to get out of this cycle. I have really tried to keep myself occupied and tried not to stress over the ringing when my focus switches to it. But as time passes, I am getting more and more stressed over it. I have many problems at the moment. I am 22 and still living with my Dad and I am unemployed. I lost my Job in February this year. I have been on JSA and my anxiety makes it really difficult for me to look for work and get my life on track. I have social anxiety which cripples me already. Never mind the tinnitus. But now the tinnitus, on top of my mental state, is driving me crazy. I am really struggling. I don't know what to do. I have been pacing around my house and in my back garden pulling my hair out. I am smoking every 5 minutes. No matter what I listen to and how loud it is, my tinnitus always gets louder and overpowers it. Again, I am aware that the problem is the fact that I am getting so worked up over it. But I have tried listening to relaxing music and tried relaxation techniques. But because I keep listening to my tinnitus every few minutes, my anxiety just builds and builds. I can't sleep. I can't sit still. I can't watch anything. I can't do anything without my attention focusing on my ringing all the time and making me more and more anxious. There have been a few moments when I have thought "just deal with it" knowing that as soon as I get over the anxiety, and as soon as I start to sleep properly without waking up feeling anxious because of my tinnitus, I know it will back off. It has happened before. But I have never reacted the way I am reacting now over it. And I don't know how to get out of this cycle.
Descartes Rene I'm 20 and I face the same problems as well. I'm really depressed, I have social anxiety and tinnitus is annoying me for about 1 year. This last week was hard. The only thing I thought was the best way to kill myself and stop this noise. The only moment I feel ok is when I take a shower and I can't listen the buzz inside my mind or when I ride my bike without a destine, just trying to occupy my mind with different views and thoughts. Sorry my bad english, I'm not a native speaker
This is exactly how I feel. Before I could mask it out over sounds like the tv, music, and etc. But for the past 3 days it got louder and now I can hear it over everything. I'm only 14 and I do have anxiety.
September 26th, 2014 sitting at my desk at work (quiet calm work, not a loud environment) when I had bilateral whooshing and roaring sounds in both ears. It hasn't stopped. It changes from day to day. Blessed that it isn't as bad now as it was when it first started or I would have thrown myself under a bus a long time ago. I wear hearing aids now and this condition is one reason I now am reluctant to see a doctor about anything. When you are having screeching, screaming, roaring, ringing, blasting, mind-splitting noise in your ears and every doctor you see says there is nothing you can do about it you lose any confidence in the "medical" profession. I haven't read this man's book, but his video is encouraging at least. Thank you sir.
I literally just started to have a bleeping in my ear. Like an alarm. I had heard about tinitus years ago and just got in a panic so looked up how to get rid of it. As soon as you said there was a cure it stopped. It's like coming and going but calming down has actually worked.
I never tire of your video suggestions showing up in my feed. I’ve left a comment some time ago about my developing tinnitus, and has been under control for some time (a few month). Recently I started a new job, some stressors developed, and the ringing became louder than had been for some months. It’s time for another shift in work life. Thank you once again for your helpful information.
+Julian Cowan Hill I've had it for about 5 weeks, started with ringing in one ear, now it's windy sounds in both ears. Going to get my mom to take me to the doctor, if it's to late, I'll do practices to stop the tinnitus. I think I got it because I'm irritable to loud noises, I've been exposed to it many times, I think that's why. Thank god I found you.
This was great, I've been looking for "how does lipoflavonoid help ringing in the ears?" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across - Meniley Deyilliam Method - (just google it )? It is a smashing exclusive product for discovering the real root cause of Tinnitus without the headache. Ive heard some awesome things about it and my best friend Jordan at very last got amazing success with it.
Thanks for your video. After a loud night out in October 2015 I started for the first time to suffer from Tinnitus. I went to a Doctor that told me just to learn to live with it... after 18 months the tinnitus went.... but then, 2 months ago, I went to a Pub and forgetting that I have weak ears I came out with again a strong Tinnitus. After a month of total panic I started a program of different approaches, from self calming techniques, to Omeopathy, and Osteopathy. I can hear it now, but I am confident that if I also address some personal issues (work, stress etc etc) He will go again... It is true STOP TELLING PEOPLE THERE IS NO CURE. When worst comes to worst there are also a lot of hearing aids which can support....
So, even though I still have tinnitus after nearly 3 months, I think I've gotten it under control. Either it's slowly getting better, or I've been able to mostly tune it out, I have no idea. Either way, I feel confident that so long as I continue to take preventative measures, I should be able to overcome it. If anybody else out there is experiencing a less severe case of tinnitus, you just need to give it time. In my case, it seems to have gotten better, or easier to work with. There has also been studies done on mice that has been able to repair hearing loss (the root cause of tinnitus), and should be in the human testing phases soon. There is hope. Just hold on!!
4 months on... how long do I have to wait to have my life back? Also I have no hearing loss ( from 20 up to 20000hz is all good ), so mine is very unique, it seems.
Two friends of mine have had tinnitus too, and they have had it for about 8 months to a year and the ringing went away. Also no hearing loss. Usually it goes away after a long time, especially when there is no hearing loss
Ivano Mercuri It's been nearly 7 months now for me. It's gotten to where I only hear it if I listen for it. I couldn't tell you if it actually got better or if I'm just able to tune it out better. I'm constantly surrounded by some kind of noise, which I think helps tremendously. I went to sleep with a TV on since I was a kid, so that's what I'm use to. I'm thankful for that, because I'm sure that if I wasn't able to sleep with a TV going, I'd probably hear it a lot more often. To be honest, though... I think mine did somewhat get better on it's own over time. It's not completely gone, and some days are worse than others, but for the most part it's not bothersome anymore like it was when it first started. I thought I was going to go crazy, but it's gotten much easier.
***** I haven't gotten my hearing tested. I'm positive that I have hearing loss though. I've played drums in a death metal band for the last 12 years, and never protected my ears. I started to after the tinnitus started. Now I use in ear monitors, which are basically ear plugs, but headphones at the same time. They tune everything out so well that you don't have to have the volume very loud at all. Plus, when my band is practicing, the volume of their amplifiers is no longer a problem. I just want to make sure not to make the tinnitus worse, or stop it from potentially getting better on it's own. I'm very protecting of my hearing now. I was naive to think that my ears wouldn't hate me after abusing them for so long.
I have tinnitus too, in both ears. At the beginning I was extremely anxious and depressed, but after a few months I started 'Tinnitus retraining therapy' and it helped a lot. My life is almost the same as it was before, but I do avoid silence. And I use earplugs when I play the violin or go to a concert. My tinnitus also got better over time and I got used to the sound. When you look on the internet you read all those horrible stories about people with tinnitus but it DEFINITLY does NOT have to be that way. :-)
Thanks for the information I am suffering from tinnitus and found that it is good news that there is a correlation between your nerves and the increase of the tinnitus i know that when I get upset I have higher loudness of the ringing in the ears thank you for being there for the people who suffer from this.
For me the culprit was tmj and severe jaw misalignment diagnosed by my orthodontist. A night guard helped about 75% of tinnitus issue now Invisalign has reduced it by about 98% (18 weeks in with 34 weeks left). Diet and exercise helps too! Pay attention to triggers and keep a journal. For me it’s dairy, hydrogenated oils and sodium. And hydration plays a major role too! Hope this helps someone find hope ❤️
I've learned to run a fan or window a/c unit when I go to sleep. It helps exponentially. I also have to agree that when you don't focus on it, it's not quite as bad.
Greetings Julian , I Have Been Watching Your Videos ,You Are Most Helpful , And Caring For All Of Us Tinnitus Sufferers ! My Tinnitus Gets So loud , left Ear 85% High Pitch Hearing loss, It Interferes With My Everyday Tasks. I Also Have Hyperacusis, And Pulsating Tinnitus . Thank You So Much Always ! Pete .
Dear EvilKris Thanks for your on-going interest. So what about three people who were severely affected by tinnitus this last year that I have worked with, who are now experiencing longer and longer periods of no tinnitus in silent rooms? This means they have no tinnitus for 3 weeks at a time. When it comes back it is very mild. That is much more than a placebo effect, surely... One person's tinnitus stopped after a couple of sessions last winter. That is not apricot seed eating. Please call me and lets talk about this. I can back up everything I say with endless experience of working with over 600+ people now. Of course there are people who do not get better. Some people are very stuck and resistant. I am not a miracle worker. I am just a human being trying to do my best. If you would like to talk this through please can you first send an email to saying your name is EvilKris from You Tube and tell me your name, your address, what you do for a living. Once I have your details, I will speak to you. I am prepared to offer a 15 minutes skype session to help you understand that cranial work or psychotherapy are more effective vanilla scented candles. For my own protection I will not deal with you until I know who you are and have your details. My tinnitus stopped after 20 years. When I decided to do my best to help other people I never expected to come up against so much negativity and resistance. Sure the placebo effect is helpful, but therapy and coming out of fight or flight is much more than mere placebo. If you tried craniosacral therapy, or psychotherapy you would find out for yourself how therapy works. I am totally behind the medical model and hope a cure can be found in a easy, quick fix pill. Even though tinnitus people may be living in a way that has put their nervous system into overwhelm, popping a pill is great if it takes tinnitus away. Some people like to look at the deeper issues and work through them, instead of popping a pill. The alarm bells are ringing for a reason. There are loads of doctors, researchers, audiologists, and ENT consultants doing excellent work out there helping people find a way out of tinnitus. We are all doing our best. However, please note that some doctors and ENT consultants say there is nothing that can be done about tinnitus which is the NOCEBO effect at work and causes no end of damage. This negative message can drive people to suicide in some cases. I know tinnitus can back off having worked with many people and I want to help change the negative messaging put our there as it is clearly unhelpful. You can find my details on the UKCP website for Professional Psychotherapists in the UK and the Craniosacral Therapy Association of the UK. Yours sincerely Julian Cowan Hill
Dear JC Rojas Of course. Can you call me on 00 44 7910 315167 or email me on and I can explain how it works. In short getting help to settle the nervous system, learning how to take the attention off the ringing, and grounding yourself in body-based awareness helps symptoms back off. Craniosacral therapy tunes in to the buzz itself and helps it dissipate via direct hands-on contact. Best wishes Julian
***** I like your comments which is best advice to everyone to develop their confidence to cure tinnitus. and evertybody should take precautions to treat tinnitus.
Thankyou. You are an honest individual that has delivered to the public a portion of very logical, common sensed and down to earth piece of information.
I will say this not to promote any narcotic use and please don't take this the wrong way, but I had to point out that this makes complete sense to me because the only thing that is helping me to get rid of the ringing sound in my ears is when I'm under the influence of cannabis and in that relaxed state I can finally have complete absence of any sounds in my head. I will also add that my stress urticaria (hives) is GONE thanks to cannabis, which was the main reason I started experimenting with it, after the Sinequan (antidepressant) and Atarax (antihistamine) treatment failed me. Thank You sir for this video!!!
Dude canabis actually treats and cures a lot of things. Why do you think the pharmaceutical companies do NOT want it legalized? They would Lois tons of money. They don't make cures, they make treatments. That way you have to PAY for them the rest of your life!
Cannabis does exactly the opposite for me (and I have been an avid advocate and user (for recreational purposes, I should add) since I first tried it in 1967. It has always focused me (in a good way) and allowed me to more completely understand and enjoy whatever I was focusing on. Unfortunately now it seem to unfailingly focus me on the incessant, varied, and high-pitched tones that never stop, consequently increasing my attention to them and anxiety (even paranoia) about them. And yes, I've tried many ways to overcome the effect. The herb -- just another joy that the beast has robbed from me.
how do you take the cannabis? usually i found smoking a blend of tobacco and weed did not help. tinnitus has been the biggest thing thats ever happened to me and its destroying my life so any help or advice would be amazing:)
Thanks Julian. I am 2 weeks into this horrible condition and am pursuing Tinnitus Retraining Therapy. As you say and as I'm hoping the brain can be trained to stop focusing on this noise and put it into the background. I am very grateful for your posting. Cheers
I wish the noise will go away. I started to have it since 3 years ago with no reason. I just woke up and had the nonstop noise. I wish everyone will have happy new year 2017 😃😃😃
Happy Man I have had it from birth and had it ever since, I am 28 now. It actually drives people insane. I have thought at 30 different parts in my life of killing myself because it causes so many problems over all. It hurts social life and education and having a stable life. If you have tinnitus from birth, you have high blood pressure and have a high temper and get angry really easily. There is Objective(I have Objective) which is rare and it's where if someone comes near you, they can hear the ringing too. Then Subjective which is the common case and it's where only you can have it. It drives my friends insane too
Thank you for your sound advice. It corresponds with my thoughts. I caused it to start in the first place. Now I have to undo it. I have had it for 10yrs and looking forward to the journey back to silence. It's not going to be easy.
I panicked when I got tinnitus. I played three loud rock gigs in a weekend, losing my ear plugs halfway through so made do without. I'd always been fairly sensible with loud music and my hearing, always using quality earplugs on stage, rehearsal or at gigs, occasionally using a bit of tissue on the inevitable times I'd forget my plugs. But aside from the slight, 'I've gone deaf' feeling after a show I'd never had ringing before. Thing is, it did get better. I was panicked for 2 to 3 weeks but then started to chill slightly as it wasn't quite as bad - thinner, quieter-sounding, could sleep in spite of it without quiet music playing. Of course I didn't expose myself to loud music, got even tougher earplugs and, maybe after 2-3 months is was pretty much gone. I think if you're tinnitus is 'loud music' related treat the first signs as a wake up call. No reason to freak out or obsess over the tinnitus, especially if mild. Even when mine was bad the slightly background noises would mask it.
@@kunedo9347 Dw im sure u will be fine just do some meditating i find that helps, having a bath relaxing ur body and try not to hear loud sounds if possible.
I’ve had ongoing tinnitus since since 2001 due to listening to loud music and a jaw injury I had when I was 7 years old, which later caused me to have an out of control TMJ problem where at times it felt like my left eardrum was going to burst, and the ringing got worse and worse every year. I finally found a sympathetic and caring audiologist who recommended very expensive but state of the art hearing aids. Ever since I started wearing them over a month ago, the pain, fullness and ringing in my left ear has been reduced significantly. You’re right in that some doctors really have a bad bedside manner. The last audiologist I saw 10 years ago told me regarding the tinnitus and pain I had in my left ear, “Oh, by the way, that pain will just get worse.” Because tinnitus is phantom ringing in the ears, it’s important to find someone who knows how to treat tinnitus. In addition to the hearing test I had, I also had to fill out a questionnaire on how bad when when my tinnitus affected me, which was important. It has made all the difference in the world for me.
Unfortunately this is common. You may find my app helpful here: There is a lot of support, advice, explanation and practical technique teaching there that you may find helpful. Wishing you well, Julian
I recommend craniosacral therapy to help settle the system. Watch some of these videos for further advice. Please be careful not to expose yourself to loud music. Normal levels are fine but if you are going to work with your ears you need to look after them. The tinnitus will back off when you settle, relax and take the focus off the noise. So good not to make too much of a song and dance about it, and focus on getting help letting go with cranial work. Good luck. Cheers Julian
Thank you so much. You helping so many kids find hope that they probably couldn't find if you didn't speak out. You may have actually saved some life's.
Thank you Julian. I have severe tinnitus, and my experience has been, after two years now that there is so much we can do to mitigate or reduce tinnitus. I managed to come to a point where I had zero tinnitus, but it difficult to get there.
i have always had tinnitus . i thought this was normal !! until i talk with people and they said to me that normality is hearing nothing at all in your ears !!! i don't know what it is to hear nothing . i have always had sounds in my ears
eric gerard me too and it's irritating :( I can't enjoy listening to music specially when using earphones. I don't remember what quiet sounds really :(
@@TotsugekiKun there is a point when it becomes irritatitng. for example when i am tired after a long day, then it can be irritating. but yes you are right, since i have never experienced "silence" then i have no point of reference to say this is a problem. i can't compared with other people since i am used to that. i think this is horrible for people who never had this before.
thank you. I have had it on and off for as long as I can remember. within a few seconds of your video I was able to put two and two together. I is directly to my stress levels... thank you again.
Thanks for you tube. I have suffered with chronic tinnitus for three years but through getting healthy with good food (mainly vegetables) and no wheat, I have reduced my tinnitus by 80%. When he says getting your body out of fight or flight scenario that is true but mainly has to do with your adrenal gland. Medical doctors don't understand the adrenal gland so I only learned and got better through herbs. It ultimately needs to be healing yourself from the stomach up to your head. Hope
Hi Kathy, would you please provide some info or resources related adrenal gland vs tinnitus and herbs you are taking that helped you. I got tinnitus and tried many way to fix it ... but hopeless... Thanks in advance!
Oh my god the people here sharing encouraging stories are saints and angels! And the author too! Is there any research to also support potential for psilocybin helping? Either in macro or micro doses? Of course there’s always the potential that could make it worse as it interacts directly with synapses but I’d be curious to see if anyone is formally conducting research and if not it could be a good suggestion…psilocybin has the power to put people at ease about their own deaths and it’s been researched in end of life care protocols so who knows…could be a good research move for the right teams
This is really true. I think I had T for many years now but never really focused my conciousness on it or payed any attention and I never dedicated any time thinking about it. Today I really payed attention to it and it got much, much, worse.
Wow, same thing happened to me, I'm pretty sure I've had it for a few years now but one night I was sleeping at a friends house and I started focusing on it and it started bothering me. I decided to look up "ringing in ears when in silence" and and it came up with Tinnitus. Since then it has gotten worse and has been bothering me a lot, it had never bothered me previously.
Not that I am immune to the problems T has brought me, and what you said is also the case for me. But something that may help you is this: If your life was fine before you found it you had it then it will be fine. T only kills you if you let it.
I feel anxious, scared, and helpless. I hate this noise. If it is caused by stress and whatever what about loud noises? I have listened to my music loudly since I was 11. I am 16 now and about 2 months ago somewhere in September I took a nap and woke up with that strange ringing in my right ear. I thought I was going nuts. I wanna end this once and for all and move on. My doctor figured it was uneven pressure between my ears and my nose (can be and cause of ringing) and gave me two prescriptions to take and nothing has happened. I'm afraid to ask my mom to take me back for further evaluations and a more effective treatment but we're on a budget.
+Romeo Rodriguez Same as me.I've been listening to music intensively for four months now .When I woke up this morning ,I noticed some ringing in my right ear, which incidentally is prone to earwax.Hopefully we'll find an answer
@clarissasmith6767 unfortunately no. I've gone on to live a normal life, and learned to live with it. It hasn't gotten worse, but I still ponder the idea for a cure.
I know myself that it is the nervous system. I had horrendous panic attacks for 8 months straight, then mnnaged to come out of them, but then came buzzing in my brain (not really ears). More I pay attention to it, worse it is. I know it is nerves. The problem is therapists in this country are so expensive,that just thinking about them increases stress....
Julian hi I've been watching you for a couple years. Just wanted to tell you that my hell ended about 2 months ago. Either my brain registered to sound and ignored it or it went away I've been treating my tinnitus with vitamins.
Julian Cowan Hill - I wanted to sincerely tell you "thank you" for posting this video and all the others. What you describe happening in the video with doctors and how they make patients feel is EXACTLY what happened to me about 6 weeks ago. I experience Sudden Hearing Loss in my left ear. The doctor sent me home with prednisone (aka crazy pills) and told me 50/50 chance the hearing loss and ringing were permanent. I experienced my first panic attack that night. I have 2 small children and felt like my life had just been stolen from me with no hope. The next 2 weeks my anxiety was off the charts and in my incessant research, I came across this video. This was literally the first time I felt like someone understood me and offered some hope for what I was dealing with. My hearing did recover (thank God), but the ringing persisted, so I continued poking around for "cures" and going in and out of anxiety/depression all while not sleeping. I eventually came back to your videos and this is where I've landed as the path forward for me. I've begun yoga and am really enjoying it and have scheduled a massage and a couple cranial sacral sessions. What you say makes complete sense to me. I admittedly am a "high strung" person, and when I listen to your videos, it's like you are in my head reading my thoughts or thoughts I've been struggling with. I appreciate all the time you've taken to upload this library of resources. I feel like I'm done "troubleshooting" as you say, and feel much more hopeful moving forward towards settling down in the long run and taking better care of myself. When a thought does pop into my head (i.e. what about flying? what about loud music? etc), I come here and you've already answered it. I'm certain as well that you've saved me and my family a ton of money trying endless random things to "fix" it. Thank you from across the pond!
A pleasure. Thanks for your positive feedback. Please have a look at my focussing techinques which might help you. You can find them here: If you need any support and would like to organise a skype session please contact me on or have a look at my website: Best wishes Julian
Then why wouldn't people who are "angry" all the time have tinnitus. I AM....the most laid back calm person I know....ALLLLLL of my friends tell me that i do not let anything bother why did I obtain this "death sentenced"
Anger is definitely a fuel for many people with tinnitus. But other nervous systems will tend towards migraines or stomach ulcers etc depending on genetics and behavioural patterns. I have treated a lot of laid back calm people who have a lot of repressed rage or anger inside. Not saying that is you, but I presented myself like this when I had a lot of bottled up anger years ago. Being in touch and aware of one's feelings means that things do bother us. We get affected by situations. This is a normal healthy way of being that protects us from danger. Being shut down, numb and out of touch means that traumatic situations happen to us without us feeling the impact. Tinnitus is not a death sentence. If you learn to open up, process and let go with a therapist or craniosacral therapist and learn to ground yourself with yoga or tai chi etc. you are going to create the conditions that make it very hard for tinnitus to keep going. For most people tinnitus is a sign that you are temporarily stuck in a state of fight or flight. This is very changeable. Please look at my website for more info Best wishes, good luck to you and know that tinnitus CAN be let go of. Beware of all the negative info out there on tinnitus. Julian Cowan Hill
***** You are amazing bro ! I wish I knew about you when I had a work Visa in the UK. Seriously given me some hope. Today is just one of those days where its getting the best of me. I feel anxious and stuck in that fight or flight mode, like when is it going to end... Thank you for being so positive and down to earth, thanks for giving your valuable time to all those with tinnitus just for the love of it. Seriously big ups. I need to reset mu brain, let go and move on. Love from New Zealand and Australia. Keep doing what you're doing , Bless
***** Julian, this is Kelly14UK. I never thought the mild tinnitus would ever be a real issue. Underline " real" for effect. I'd rather be sociable ( for laziness' sake ) and not do the internet trawling, so I'll ask you personally, what craniosacral therapy entails, is it painful, Is it NHS? Yes, we have to tap into suppressed human energies in the western world. The East know more than a few tricks. Deep breathing on my back certainly helps me sleep and dream better. John, Ayrshire
Craniosacral therapy is not on the NHS. See this website for more My tinnitus is mostly non-existent these days and was extremely bad for years. I couldn't work or hear the phone ring at its worst. I agree we can win by getting help and letting go. Best wishes Julian
***** Okay thanks. It was bad today, alcahol and late rising is a major trigger. It was great yesterday as I was out cycling the night before, watching the sunset. Hope my post here gives folk hope.
Last spring, without any kind of warning I suddenly started experiencing an extremely loud sound in one ear. It was lower in pitch than what you usually think of as "ear-ringing" and varied in intensity over time, but at its loudest it was like having an alarm clock constantly going off inside my head. I went to several doctors over the course of that summer and they all told me that it was untreatable tinnitus without doing anything beyond the most basic tests (they'd look inside my ear with one of those cone-shaped things and eventually I had a simple hearing test done but that was it.) Eventually I noticed that the problem seemed to be linked to humidity, with the noise being especially bad on rainy or humid days. That autumn I bought myself a dehumidifier for my apartment and used it to keep the relative humidity below ~60%, and I experienced significant improvement within a few days. It's now several months later and the ringing has almost completely disappeared (I occasionally get a very quiet, almost imperceptible hum or a low rumble, both of which can be drowned out by a basic electric fan on low settings.) I still, however, have no idea what caused the ringing in the first place (I don't regularly expose myself to loud noises and was definitely not exposed to any when the ringing started) because every doctor I've been to has adopted the policy of "Ringing means you have tinnitus, tinnitus is untreatable in most cases so we're not even going to try with you. Go home and suffer."
I had it for 1 and a half years, but a few months ago it became 10 times worse. I was going from doctor to doctor, everyone telling me they can't help and there is no cure and there is nothing I can do. And of course I panicked and became 10 times more anxious than I was already. I was having anxiety attacks almost every day. Thankfully I stumbled at your youtube videos and later on your book and I feel saved. Thank you for being the first person on the tinnitus community who actually managed to understand tinnitus to its core and as a result we might be able to escape this nightmare. UPDATE: It's crazy, but I rarely hear it these last few days. I haven't concerned myself with tinnitus for over 3 weeks now and when I hear it it's only a very soft sound. Tinnitus was my main focus and my main problem in life the last couple of months and now I haven't thought about it for more than a few minutes every now and then. Once you realize that helping yourself essentially means helping your tinnitus, you start focusing on yourself. The body exercises on Julian's book have been great. I also meditate and do some yoga every day. Craniosacral therapy was also very special and helpful. It's only been 3 weeks since I read Julian's book and understood his reasoning and perception about tinnitus, and I already feel WAY better. I think tinnitus, is there to remind us to pay attention to ourselves like an alarm clock, you hear and know that something needs to happen maybe simply to wake up from the circle each of us trap ourselves in. Day after day being concerned about things out of our control. My advice to anyone having tinnitus as their number one focus right now: focus on yourselves instead, see what stresses you and simply start doing things to help yourself and focus on your mental and physical health and even if tinnitus doesn't disappear it will definitely stop bothering you. Never lose hope, tinnitus is not forever, I know that now.
@@JulianCowanHill It's only a few days since I started working on it the way you describe in your book. I would say for the past month I was between the lvl3 and lvl4, coming up and down. I was unsure what was causing it and I really really wanted to find out and when nothing really was working I would despair again. I think the last few days were great for my tinnitus. I noticed it only for a few minutes each day, it's still there and sometimes loud but I do not have an emotional response to it. I have been meditating again like I used to and now I also scheduled a craniosacral therapy session and I do acupuncture every week. I will keep working on it but I already feel like tinnitus is secondary in my life, now I want to have a better quality of life and understand what is going wrong inside me, I used to have understanding of my body back when I meditated every day, I want to recapture that understanding of myself. The moment I read your definition of tinnitus and what it really means, I became emotional, it really clicked for me. I read so many things about tinnitus the last few months an endless amount of information and that was the first moment I finally found relief about my condition. Thank you for sharing your understanding.
Thanks for your feedback. I'm glad the information is helping. I recommend finding a good body-based practitioner to help settle your nervous system and doing the practices and techniques on my app on a regular basis to help distract attention away from your ears and to calm your system down. You can find a lot of help and support here: I wish you a steady recovery. Julian
I've always had tinnitus since I was born so I've typically always been good with coping with the sounds. However, it was never really an issue until today. Everything was fine when I woke up until about 2 hours later when my right ear started ringing much louder than usual. Alongside this, I started feeling as if the hearing in my right ear was severely impaired. I'm not sure if this is something that will just pass on its own or if I should seek medical attention. Anyone else ever experience this?
Also had it since birth or soon after, also doesn't really bother me but I experience worsening under 3 circumstances. 1. After exposure to loud sounds. 2. After taking opiod medications. 3. After two days or more without proper exercise.
Thank you for your wise words. I agree. My tinnitus comes and goes. Deep slow humming is great for the nervous system as i believe we all have the power to heal ourselves.
Hi Julian, I recently had my hearing affected. I was rehearsing with a loud band in a small room (bad combination) and forgot my earplugs that day. Suddenly, my ears actually HURT like someone pushed an icepick inside them. I immediately left the room - but unfortunately, I've been "buzzing" ever since (for about a month.) It's only a low grade buzz and I get an OCCASIONAL high pitch ring of tinnitus which last for just a minute and then goes away. I also find myself very sensitive to sound now (mild hyperacusis?) and have a slight earache/headache that accompanies this sound sensitivity. Oddly enough, my ENT performed a hearing test and said I had EXCELLENT hearing! He said I had a "cochlear concussion" from the sound pressure and that it may hopefully go away with rest / less exposure to volume. Any thoughts on this diagnosis? Does your technique work for noise induced tinnitus / sound sensitivity as well?
Yes. Good that your hearing is excellent. Please try these focussing techniques (see below) and I would have some craniosacral therapy to help release the symptoms and if you are not already doing it, practice some tai chi or yoga to help release and let go, and shift the focus away from your hearing. What you are experiencing is just temporary. Aim for well-being, taking the focus off the sensitivity and hearing and you should do well. Don't cement it in with anxiety or fear. Good luck with it all.
@@chabisharma9312 Hi Chabi - I am MUCH better thank you. No more buzzing in ears, it took a few months to subside and then I suddenly noticed it was gone, or markedly reduced. I am more cautious and proactive around loud noise and musical rehearsals now.
Don't worry you wiil get used to the sound and eventually it will faint away, it will only get better and not worse. But make sure you don't listen to loud music and avoid any kind of loud sounds, don't wear earplugs etc
@@karlhans6678 well for me personally I had it a couple years ago. I only heard it when i was in a silent room and i kept focusing so much on it to a point where i would constantly go to a silent place to check how bad it was. I thought to myself, i should not focus on it too much and eventually I didn't even realise it was there. Obviously it will depend from person to person on how bad it it but if you make sure you watch out (dont listen to loud music, make sure you put those earplugs as silent as you can while still being enjoyable) dont go to concerts cuz that shit will really make it worse. If you watch out you shouldn't worry about it getting worse. You'll see after a while not focusing on it you won't notice its there
@@karlhans6678 well first you need to understand that the damage in your ear is giving a signal to your brain, that signal is the sound you hear. As your brain gets used to it over time the sound will be less loud. But i promise you that if you watch out from now on, no loud music or loud sounds, etc it wont get worse. So nothing to worry about.
So great to hear someone talking like this, I'm a sufferer myself, and I rarely have spikes anymore, before I was freaking out and I was so broken from hearing 'it can't be cured' but later on I just realised screw Tinnitus :) still have troubles daily but I am no where near as bad! and completely true they only make it worse when they scare us
Well yea i went went to the my ENT doctor and they said basically my hearing is perfect ,your got tinnitus and your just gotta learn to deal with it iv only just had it for about 5 months ,and i don`t even remember what silence feels like any more ... all i can say is if your feeling down or depressed ,just do the things you like and love and passionate about don`t let this ruin your life but don`t do it to desecrate you from do it because you love it and are passionate about it.. Btw im only 15 and from my experience from this so far has really made me appreciate things in life.. well this was my story...
Zesbii I'm 26 and got constant tinnitus after my cockatiel screamed in my ear. The only thing that makes it go away is being outside, the rustling leaves and other sounds mask it completely. When inside, not even tv or music can mask it completely.
I love you man. There is power we could harness from our brain. Power to self heal conditions like anxiety, addictions like porn and masterbation and now tinnitus. Thank you for your help, you gave me hope and being a conquer of many conditions, tinnitus will soon be behind most of us because of you..
Hi Julian. How brilliant to hear you saying this. I'm sure I know you from singing in a choir, and one of the reasons I have problems in singing in choirs is that I do not hear as well as I know I should be able to.
Bryan, my T started when I was your age. It was caused by listening to music on headphones way too loud. Damaged my ears. Started same as you are experiencing now. Do not, DO NOT use headphones to listen to music. My granddaughter says she and her friends play a game In which one mouths a word and the other puts on headphones and turns up music loud. so they can guess what is being said. Just asking for tinnitus.
I used to be a 4 to 5 espresso drinker per day,and even having one around 9 pm at times,very bad,I have cut back dramaticly to only one in the morning,and hopefully cut it out all together,caffein is no good.
This reminds me of how doctor told me I had vitiligo. Not only told no cure but HOW they tell you is horrible. Some people have no business being doctors. Zero bedside manner.
I'm 15 and I got tinnitus from loud music through headphones .. And I have it very very bad I can hear it in my head most of the time it puts me of during class and I would list to music to over come it but where not aloud to listing to to music during class,And I get very anxious and knowing that I'll probably have to have my hole life ... Please help !!😣😔
CyberPark Anime Manga & Gaming FUCK YES DUDE! nice m8. Just like you Imma go check a doctor. I was on holiday for a few days in guam and its been a month since a concert that was 3 hrs long (shitty 2 hr opening act fucking stupid gig planner) in a tiny room. The day after I had ringing but eventually it went away. the day before i left however i was in tokyo just noticing the ringing when i put on earphones to go to bed (nothing was playing and they block sound so i could hear it). Went to sleep fine. I went to guam and each day it proceedingly got worse. I am finally back and gonna check an ENT monday morning with my mom cuz my japanese sucks and im 15 (im half american). During the break I couldn't do shit about the ringing (we had no time to check) and felt very depressed whenever it was nighttime and I would notice it again. Each day I spent so much time trying to notice it and I also could make it super loud by clenching my jaw and i kept doing that. Im hoping it's an ear infection or caused by ear wax or my jaw because my ear is actualy in quite pain, and i got slight hyperacusis (sensitive to some sounds). I will update you, hoping it's not something bad and it is temporary. If it's permanent well fuck, but I am way less depressed now.
Sky D The ENT iw ent to did a basic checkup, doubt he really believed the ringing. All he said after though was that he agreed there was def a pulse and pull in my eardrums, which may be causing the ringing. I thought the pressure was from swimmers ear, but he said was from growing and said it's common. Tbh i dont really believe it was a great diagnosis
The hardest part about tinnitus is when you put earplugs in to protect your hearing and the ringing is louder and everything else is harder to hear. I have had tinnitus with medium range hearing loss (I need at least 50 decibels for me to hear sounds in the 5-20k hertz range)for five months and I've been slowly getting used to it and accepting it. I play drums in a band and also do construction so I have to wear plugs but when they're in, god damn the ringing is loud and I can't hear very well! but on the plus side I can still hear some stuff besides the ringing! I have tons of wicked shit going on in my life as I have had bad luck since I was a young child so the ringing isn't nearly as bad as the rest of the stuff I deal with. An annoying ringing is the least of my problems. Bob Marley helps me to relax. Really any music with multiple layers of instruments helps me get my mind off of the ringing. I've accepted it. it's tough but definitely manageable. If I can do it, you can do it.
If people really want to know if Craniosacral Therapy can cure tinnitus all this guy has to do is present an MRI scan of a patients brain with tinnitus, than do his magic touching stuff for awhile, then scan the brain for a new image. Today's technology can measure hyperactive neurons in the audiotory cortex, meaning you can actually see the tinnitus on the screen. If it works, this guy's instantly rich. If it doesn't, oh well at least he helped people feel better through a placebo effect!
Luke Bandy Where do you have this info. .I made recently one last week with contrast liquid ,in Munich by top Doctors ..They told me everything is fine in my head. .I asked him if you can see the tinitus his answer was " you are asking me if we can see your dreams in MRI".. No way. . Stop telling people wrong information
Luke Bandy By the way had another one MRI 2013 for onether,reason at that point had no tinitus got after 2 years comparing the 2 MRI he told me nothing changed. ...2013 MRI without tinitus was exactly the same with 2017 MRI with Tinitus
Stanford University did a study where they scanned the brains of people suffering from tinnitus, just search the web to see the images. Whether or not this is available to anyone I don't know, I do know you are wasting your money by flying to Germany and looking for a cure. If you really think they have a cure for tinnitus I have some beachfront property in Wyoming I'll sell you real cheap.
Luke Bandy I live in Germany and there is no proof you can find out in your brain if you got tinitus...It is a symptom not a brain damage. .About the cure I don't know. .You sound negative, and provocativ person. .You are not helping . The doctors saw the MRI from me from 2013,and now from 2017.. NO DIFFERENCE BUDDY.. So stop telling people crap. . 2013 I had Migraine and insomnia couse I have had an anxious disorder.. I heard the same crap "There is nothing we can do etc ".. After 2 years I can normally sleep and migraine is gone until today. .. I know there are severely reasons for tinitus my tinitus is coming from anxious disorder ..And I need to settle my nerve system once more back with therapy. .I had to find the way only. .
Luke Bandy I don't take benzos,diet and exercise ok..Maybe it will help you a little bit that this tinitus,condition it is only brain games. .If you see success stories people have been cured after several years of tinitus also by strange conditions like meditation,pregnancy, religion, happiness ,and million reasons we don't understand. So the brain can fix it once more just like that not at once but slowly. . I heard the same stuff from doctors as I had Migraine and insomnia. .For insomnia they told me I had to take pills and for migraine the standard opinion from doctors was "There is nothing we can do about it"..Now imagine a guy like me between 2013-2015 sleepless and migraine the whole day..But my cure was to find a very good psychotherapist who really made it to take my focus away from my fear from sleeping. .After I managed my sleep and fixed after couple of months my migraine get away ,until today. .The problem was, I stressed my body a lot and I get 2014 tinitus. My tinitus was very "still", but few weeks ago I did a terrible thing ..I was reading in Google horrible stories about guys they were suffering years of tinitus etc and I get so scared that after 2 days after reading this stories my tinitus became extrem loud. .Now tell me if all this are not "games ",of our brain and nerve system. . And i understand you are from the states probably. . I don't pay any doctors I live and working in Germany.. The health system in Europe is different as in the states. .In Germany doesn't matter if you earn 1000 euros in month or 10 000..You have a health social card and you can go to any doctor you want as much as you want and you don't pay a thing. .Same also if you need surgery or something like that. ..It is all for free..So I don't pay nothing ..
Thank you Julian your videos are a great comfort and helpful. Doctors should watch all your videos that would certainly educate them to understanding the seriousness of what tinnitus does to a person to person. There’s hope if your tinnitus went after all those years.
Julian, all your words are very positive. I live in Poland, having a tinnitus in this country is like a grave, no one can cope with this problem or even try to. I've been in many hospitals, and then one doctor from the military institute gave me some advices and researches. My hearing is very well, the only problem is this annoying sound in my head or ear. This day the sound started in right ear, but we have to cope with this and find some help. Please remeber that tinnitus, expect acustic problem, is always a reason of an illness in our body. The main thing is spine, blood and heart. Please people, before you stop searching, you should visit a several doctors, maybe your problem is something inside your body, and tinnitus is just a bad signal.
There's a reason for the alarm bell ringing. That's why I recommend people to get help in processing what is held in the body with cranial work. This can open things up and help shift them too.
Good advice, thank you. I'll consume less news and get back to meditating more often to see how it goes. It's funny because I've only just started to really notice my tinnitus and now I can't remember how long I've had it chronically. A stressed nervous system would make sense so I'll get to work de-stressing myself.
I got tinnitus after having covid and was told the same by my doctor . It was horrendous, I had 1hrs sleep for a month while working my job . I listened to Julian and got some acupuncture sessions. After a few sessions It started to relax me , and the tinnitus started to get lower . If you're having a bad time it may get louder , but after a few days it will go back down. Find something to relax you like acupuncture or you're other half massaging you really helps calm you down. This man literally saved my life. I promise you it will eventually get quiet enough that you don't notice it , even though at the time you may not believe it. It takes a few months, but it will get better
Really glad to hear the work has helped you. Thanks for sharing your positive feedback. It helps others! Wishing you a steady on-going recovery. Warm regards Julian
Glad to hear it. You may find more help, support and practical techniques that can help on my app here: Hope can turn into improvement with practice! Best wishes Julian
Julian ı’ve found your page today and you cant believe how amazşng person youre. Youre an amazşng person. After ı watched your videos ı went to my room full of silence and meditated for 15 minutea. And ı say that my tinnitus just went lower to a bearable state. I was feeling sooo anxious at the start but when ıt finished ı was so calm and happy. I will watch your videos everyday! Thank you
I'm really glad to hear it. I hope the information here helps you. If you want to get away from negative messages and videos on UA-cam you can find a safe haven on my app here: Hope it helps. Best wishes Julian
Just watched another "talk" about what tinnitus is and that there is no cure for it, and as you said I noticed a significant spike in the tone I hear once the guy said "no cure." As a massage therapist and natural healer I definitely believe in the power of energy work and CST, so will do some digging to see who among my colleagues might be able to work on me. Thank you for this spring of hope.
Brilliant, brilliant. I remember when seeing the doctor the first time about my tinnitus the doctor declared that there was no cure and that I was was depressed. I could have dropped on the floor. When I went to see him, I was definitely not depressed, but when I came out I was majorly depressed. I came out with a prescription of antidepressants. Which needless to say made me feel like a zoombi. After 6 months of drugs, not helping I abondoned them, which instantly made me feel more like myself again. I still have tinnitus but at a far more excepting frame of mind. I had it now for 12 years, but other things keep me busy and focused , so I try not to twell on it. I believe that one day, it will just disappear. I am impressed with the fight or flight quotation and I think that’s the key to it all. I shall start practising it, by just getting on with life and ignoring the flight response I had for such a long time. Fight is so much more noble. Thank you for your words, very uplifting.
I'm only in my early teens and I've heard ringing in my ears for as long as I can remember. I thought everyone had it until I got curious about it and looked it up online. I learned that it isn't as normal as I thought it was. After that it feels to have gotten worse. I stay up late most of the time and because everyone else is asleep I can't play my music to take my mind off of it. It distracts when I take tests in school. I really wish it would go away.
Same situation. My entire family says they hear it too. Just try to ignore it. It’s only worse because you’re anxious about it. If you’ve had it your entire life, it’s likely nothing serious.
Thankyou! Currently experiencing a nasty spike, and with it comes 1) the despair, and 2) the increased desire to fight it and once and for all cure myself of T. When it's not bothering me so much, i'm not as inclined to worry about it, but you've helped to remind me that my T is symptomatic of a wide variety of issues - Physical, psychological, emotional etc.
You know I really do not know how to start this, so I am just going to speak freely. THIS IS TO ALL YOU PEOPLE WHO IS SUFFERING FROM THIS AND ARE DESPERATE!
I had tinnitus for a very long time. It all started with me actually blowing my nose really hard in the shower, crazy crazy hard and I felt that it immidietly damaged my ear.
Even though I was in the shower and it can get pretty loud, I felt that something was wrong. I came out of the shower and I could hear a loud beep in my left ear. And I immidietly start panicking.
I was reminded of all the times in high school they would show us videos on tinnitus about people attending concerts without earplugs and getting this horrible disease.
It was absolutely horrible! I could not sleep that night because it was honestly a 10 out of 10 sound. It was loud, man! I could not sleep but I almost half fell a sleep for a couple of minutes.
But when I woke up it was still there. I was freaking the fuck out and I was so sad. I was so sad and all I was thinking was how I wish I could turn back time. And everything in y life changed.
How I ate, how I slept, how I watched movies, listened to music, drank coffee or alcohol or enjoyed sugary treats, my relationship with my wife and friends. It was horrible. I got really depressed.
I went online and read about it, I talked to doctors (several different ones), and they all told me to learn how to deal with it and that it would get better with time, in the sense that I would get used to it.
I would learn how to live with it. This bothered me. You see, I have always been a person with great faith in God. I suddenly, very spoiled, but felt betrayed. Eventually BOTH my ears started ringing.
It just got worse and worse
I became a very bitter person and I just focused on the tinnitus and allowed it to take control over me.
I remember my wife promising me that this would not last. She is no doctor and no expert, but hearing that promise from her, gave me faith and comfort. I found two people on youtube that did NOT cure me, but most definitely helped me.
Liam and Julian were those two people. After 10 months of constant battle, I finally beat and cured my tinnitus. I went from 10 to a 0. I honestly hear silence again now.
These are my biggest advices:
1. Have faith and be sure that you WILL beat this if you absolutely believe that you can. If you listen to the negative people or read negative comments and doubt that you will be cured, than I promise you that you will not be cured.
This may upset people, but I am sorry. This is what I can say based on experience and this is what I believe. Total faith in yourself!
2. Do not go on the internet and read horror comments or negative shit about this condition!
3. Do not constantly check on your ear and see if it has become worse or better! Ignore it and breathe, stay calm. Relax! Even if it is a slow road, staying calm and having faith will allow you to get there quicker!
4. Focus on what you want to hear and your brain will slowly adapt and listen.
5. Live and behave as if your tinnitus is gone. Now, I do not mean listen to loud music....but trick yourself and your brain into believing that it has vanished or that it is going to vanish.
6. Do not focus on the amount of time you have had your tinnitus. Remember, STRESS MAKES TINNITUS WORSE!
7. Do NOT listen to people who say that there is no cure! There are no miracle pills, but with work and discipline you can beat this. I PROMISE you! I am living proof, and so are many more! Remember, people have beat cancer, learned to walk again and etc
8. Do not feel sorry for yourself or have regret about how you got tinnitus.
9. Remember to feel grateful! I know that this may sound strange. But it could be a lot worse. You could be blind, you could lose the ability to walk, you could have your face ripped off in an accident. (God bless all people who deal with these things)
Stay grateful!!
10. If there are nights when you have a spike, or if there are days when you hear a new sort of sound....CALM THE FUCK DOWN! It will pass!
Try fasting (I fasted for 18 hours every day), do not be afraid to eat meat (especially liver), meditate, drink less caffeine and alcohol, eat less sugar, exercise whenever you can.
I had to come back and write this down, because I was depressed and desperate. Now get your life back! You can do it, I promise you that you can. Save this and read it again when you feel despair.
Be a good person and be kind to people. It is ok to take the high road but at the same time do not let people disrespect you.
I am sending love to you CAN beat tinnitus, and you WILL if you want to and believe you can!
I needed that
Nice to hear from you. Can you tell me what do you eat and what to avoid foods? Thank you
@@YanYon_2024 I avoided coffee, energy drinks, alcohol, sugary treats and chocolate for a very very long time. It took a while for my body and mind to adjust to this change. But every week I allowed myself ONE cheat meal, whether it be a cup of coffee or a drink or some cake or whatever. I ate a clean diet, many vegetables and I was not afraid of eating clean meat.
@@banebasara53 Thank you for the answer 🙏can I eat dairy product or Drink milk? Can I eat food with oil? 😇
@@YanYon_2024 all I can say is what worked for me! And my opinion is that dairy and oil is fine! As long as it is in moderation you should be absolutely fine
Julian, I totally agree with you. I absolutely hate it when an ENT or other physician tells a tinnitus patient "Hey, there's no cure, so go home and deal with it." What kind of doctor can sleep at night knowing they left their patient feeling hopeless, lost, and distraught? There ARE treatment options out there. There's probably cures, as well! Unfortunately some doctors are too oblivious and negligent to thoroughly go over these treatments and cures with their patients. My dad had an injury to the head which caused his tinnitus - and it was loud and severe - and after 4 years it suddenly went away. So don't lose hope, people :) Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end!
I think it is really important to educate our doctors and ENTs when we do get better so they stop tipping people over the edge. The sad thing is that they are probably completely unaware of the damage they are doing by traumatising people in this way. The more they hear what helps people the more they can educate others.
Best wishes
@@JulianCowanHill do you have informatión in Spanish?. I couldn't find your website
@@JulianCowanHill I have tinnitus for 7 months after rinsing my ears, will I be fine?
@@ahmed8672 how are you now
There is no cure it’s damage to the little hairs in your ear can’t fix that sorry your ears are trying to heal themselves and they can’t do that so they ring or do any noise that comes from the damage
When I was told "there's no cure for it" I it was the worst feeling ever, my heart just dropped - i felt i was going to pass out
There is a cure for everything.
yes me too! Doctors can be very ignorant
To Rated M: Try to think of tinnitus as not not being your worst enemy but rather as an unwanted stranger who has taken up residence in your life. You need to realize that this malady will not disappear overnight ( if ever at all), and how you can understand what your tinnitus is all about, and what you can do to relieve the symptoms and make your life much more tolerable. Doctors are matter- of -fact in their treatment for patients, so you will have to make the journey to relieving the severe symptoms of tinnitus on your own. Read everything you can, and begin to experiment with diet, vitamin supplements, and stress reducing techniques: The more frustrated and anxious you become, the stronger the symptoms will be. i wish you luck!!
igi except death
Like me
Doctors have the worst sense of empathy of anyone which is just frigging strange. Aren’t they taught this in school? Like you even need school for this..
All for money
Doctors don't care because they do not know how stressful tinnitus can be.
Are you surfing tinnitus or hearing loss
The Hippocratic Oath is in the run for the most common lie ever.
@TraversyMedia you also have tinnitus?
You're telling my story Julian. It wasn't till I saw an audiologist that tinnitus was 'explained' to me . I am paraphrasing but I was told that it's only in relatively recent years that it was considered an actual HEARING problem. I got mine through years of electric guitar playing in bands etc. I got hearing aids, and he told me that they would basically educate my brain about the noise in my ears. I wore them for about three months and after that my tinnitus was gone. I think it was more the understanding and the letting go that you've mentioned here that helped me as much as the aids. I get little burst of it occasionally now, but I've gone from a radio on my pillow to sleep at night to sleeping in a silent room. Sometimes the labels for certain illnesses and ailments are not helpful. Julian's correct and it can be cured, he and I are living proof of this. I urge anyone who suffers from tinnitus to seek help. Go to your GP. they don't know so much about tinnitus, but insist they give you an appointment with a specialist/audiologist. You'll get some ear tests then you'll be on your way to be rid of it. What have you got to lose? And if GP's can be brought up to speed that would help, I think that many of them think it's incurable too.
+Sandross Alba Yes,I've heard training the brain to perceive differently is a big part of the healing process.
Sandross, what type of hearing aid did you get?
Amazşng comment amazşng inspiration!
Please contact me on if you have any questions or call me on 00 44 7910315167. This is not a scam and I am happy to talk to anybody about my work. There is a lot of information that you may find useful on or on my app
I've suffered tinnitus all my life due to congenital nerve damage. I am deaf to high tones and I used to pick up low tones easily. I've read lips for as long as I can remember. Now at age 57 both the tinnitus and hearing are much worse. The ringing, roaring, crackling, crickets and screeching are so loud I'm always in tears. When I was younger hearing aids were effective now they're useless. I saw my ear Dr. About a year ago and I can only understand 17 percent of what I can hear. I qualify for a cochlea transplant but, she said she can't help the tinnitus without cutting the nerve. I don't know what that means for me. I want the surgery but, coming up with 20 percent of the surgical Bill is impossible. Right now trying to write this to you is very difficult due to the loud noise in my head and ears. The thought of suicide is constant. I am home bound 90 percent of the time, I feel like my life is nonexistent and even visiting my grand children is a horrible experience. I now have panic attacks because it won't stop. I'm on disability so I have no spare monies. Have you been able to help others that have similar problems and if you have, please I'm desperate, I need help. I'm tired of crying myself to sleep and to wake. I almost think I may be going crazily insane. I can't say anymore but, thank you for taking the time to read my long letter. Michelle
Dear Michelle, sorry to hear you are having such a struggle. Have you tried to get help settling your system? It may be very helpful to see your doctor and take some medication to take the edge off until you are feeling more settled. Also I recommend finding a local craniosacral therapist or a good body-based practitioner who can also help your nervous system switch off and feel more manageable. Please contact me on and tell me where you are based and I can help you find someone. I think it would be a good idea to try settling your system first before having invasive surgery. Go and see someone near you and get support in letting go. This is bound to help you. The more your let go, the more symptoms back off and the more manageable everything becomes again. Getting help with this is crucial if you are feeling close to the edge. Wishing you all the best Julian Cowan Hill
Hi, Julian I'm so sorry for the delay to your response, you're very kind. My Dr. started me on xanax for the panic mode and it does calm me down some. I just don't like feeling drowsy all day. Julian I live in Conroe Tx. USA 30 miles north of Houston. I've researched and so far I've had no luck at finding anything. Perhaps I'm searching wrong. I'm going to attempt to email because I'd prefer your method over surgery. I pray this will end soon , I'm so tired. Michelle
+Michelle Peterson I had tinnitus for about 10 years now, 5 years ago I had acupuncture around my ear and the noise was somewhat reduced. Even though its only on my left ear the reduce of the noise helps a lot.
Julian Cowan Hill
Tinnitus may absolutely go away! When I started believeing it actually can - my nervous system started to calm down, my anxiety is almost vanished and my T is now very low. I only hear it when it is very quiet, and I actually expect it to totally go away.
I also realized that all the calminh techniques are very good - as long as you don't view them as techniques, you need to not put words to it but rather allow yourself to look for a calmer feeling. This calmer feeling is what tells you your nervous system is regulating itself. And after a while you can accomplish this feeling without any techniques at all! Just by knowing this calmer place is within you, you can go there more easily and more often, because you have felt it.
My 10 months nightmare of anxiety, panic, insomnia, depression, suicidal thoughts are almost vanished. And the T is much better too 🥰
But dont disappear all right? I have a ear infection 2 months ago and them is went start it is quiet in the day but in the night is hard too sleep, i dont wanna be pessimistic, i think they complete go away in a couple of weeks
How long have you been suffering from Tinnitus?
And the doctors said no cure am here to tell you there is a cure?
1 year ago I was diagnosed of Tinnitus disease and doctor told me there is no cure and I was in pain
All Thanks to GOD I came across meek herbal home who told me there is a cure to Tinnitus
Very true. The more stressed I am, the worst it gets.Thanks
How dear
How long have you been suffering from Tinnitus?
And the doctors said no cure am here to tell you there is a cure?
1 year ago I was diagnosed of Tinnitus disease and doctor told me there is no cure and I was in pain
All Thanks to GOD I came across meek herbal home who told me there is a cure to Tinnitus
Watching this video for thirty seconds something very odd happened: after at least two decades, as far as I can remember, I found a tear evading my eyes.
Julian, I don't know you, but I doubt you ever heard a most sincere thank you as this. Thank you.
I'll keep up with your videos.
There is no cure
Higurashi No Naku Koro ni Kai the world sucks because of people like you. People with a lack of empathy and hope
@@dilanlol6046 stfu
@@dilanlol6046 no cure with medication but with natural methods, there is.
Thanks Julian for giving people hope..The Bible says hope deferred makes the heart sick. Dealing with a condition like Tinnitus where some people are really struggling and are desperate and in deep despair and then having a Dr tell them that there is nothing they can do to help them just puts people in a hopeless place...There is always hope and we don't know what could happen tomorrow ...Hope gives people the strength to persevere through rough battles ,trials tests tribulations and sufferings that we all face in this world and the ability to press forward ..Never lose hope!!! God knows exactly what we are going through and his grace and power are made perfect in our human weakness ..
The Lord cured me of neuropathy in feet which “they” say is no cure for. With God all things are possible.✝️🦋😊
I know that people experience tinnitus at varying degrees but I agree with this guy. I started hearing a whooshing sound in my left ear 5 weeks tomorrow. Yes, I did what most people with this debilitating condition first do: scan the Internet. And I wish I hadn't. Most people online assert that in most cases once you have tinnitus you are likely to have it for life...& it freaked me out. There is hope as I no longer hear my tinnitus. It went away about a week ago.
How did you fix your tinnitus ?
how did you fix it?
how did you fix yours? i had it for about 2 weeks now and i am super anxious and depressed....
@@yafet021Only time will tell if yours will go away
@@deku3i you're right. I've been experiencing intermittent spikes in the past 2 months. So it's on and off instead of constant ringing 24x7 a day in a week and it's just hissing now. so i am hoping that this will completely go away in the next few months (at least i am hoping it's not permanent). How about you? how's your T?
I've had it for about 2 months now. It's weird, because it tends to be worst when I first wake up, even from a short nap. There are even times when I don't notice it at all, like when carrying on a conversation. Sometimes, for short periods of time, I even forget that it's there. I have a feeling you're on to something, because even when I forget about it, inevitably I think to myself "wow, I'm not hearing the ringing anymore", and then it immediately comes back. I personally know several people who also suffer from it. I sleep with the TV on and other background noises. I will admit, my tinnitus is probably minimal compared to a lot of others who suffer from it, but it still sucks. I hope to be able to get past it some day. Thanks for giving me some hope, good sir!
The Clint Commander what happened to your tinnitus
Hiw are you now pliiiz answer ????
Tinnitus will be cured by your own body guys , just takes time
Your ears are ringing because your nervous system is ramped up and this is natural, when you begin to calm your nerves down,( this takes time !)
Your ear ringing will go away
Dj D how does it calm down
My tinnitus came from stress which was causing ear pain
Not true. I've had it die almost 10 years due to acoustic trauma. Had to do a shooting test a few days ago at a indoor shooting range, my ears are killing me now, yes I had hearing protection on.
@@BloodBoughtMinistries you're saying there's no cure?
It depends on how you got it. Mine is from a loud gunshot I don't think calming my nerve will ever get rid of it.
Hi Julian!
Thanks so much for posting this as it is a great inspiration!
I have had tinnitus for 25 years, causing varying degrees of discomfort from temporarliy forgetting it to it almost "driving me insane". I too, have been told by medical professionals including specialists that there is nothing that can be done to relieve tinnitus and that the only relief is to "just learn to live with it".
I just now stumbled upon this video and will have a look at your website and other information now.
Once again, thanks!
this is really helpful, I have been suffering from tinnitus for about 3 years now, I went to the doctors and they said exactly the same about how there is no cure for it, yet you watch the news and see people who also have tinnitus talking about the therapies available, apparently there are about four therapies that you can receive in this country and for any of them to take the best effect you have to do all of them. but guess what you can only receive all four therapies in certain parts of the country, most regions only do one or the other. having said all that I have learnt how to deal with tinnitus and the only real way to move on and live with tinnitus is to forget about it and take yourself out of situations where its going to get worse or when your going to hear it the most, sleep with a radio on, keep calm in quiet environments and most importantly go to bed in a good and positive mood, in other words go to sleep smiling and let your mind do the rest.
Hey Jonny.. how are you? Is your Tinnitus cured now?
Dear Julian, have received more reassurance watching your videos in the last few minutes than the hours I've spent in GP and other so-called practitioner rooms over the last 3 months. I've had T constantly for this period, intermittently for about 6 months before that, and can only after seeing your careful and thoughtful approach actually admit it is T, and thus can get on with the life-improving adventure of properly dealing with it. And that there are some who would hide this adventure from me for the continuance of a profit line is quite simply unethical, to which your holistic approach is, quite literally, a life-saver. Many and sincere thanks Julian, and truly, well done, CM Jones.
Thanks for your feedback. Hope you can now get things on track.
i use to play loud music blasting through my headphones when i was around 14 i noticed a high pitched sound in my head when it was quiet around me and at night it was torture trying to get to sleep as it was constantly high pitched i cried all the time because of this i had it until around 18 years old now im 21 and i havent got tinnitus anymore not sure if it suppose to be permanent but thankfully i dont have high end noise anymore i dont play loud music in my headphones anymore and avoid loud speaker music hope people can cure their tinnitus
+MissMuggleHD Glad to see you've recovered,perhaps your youth had something to do with this.May I ask how long you were listening to the loud music ? Was it years or months ?
I've been listening to music a lot for four months on my ipod and only today have I noticed a problem.I was generally guilty of putting up the volume too high,if I liked the tune.I know many musicians have this problem,though it generally takes years to develop..
Jasmine kittykat Hi I was listening to the loud music for around 4 years when I got my first iPod. my tinnitus lasted for about 4 or 5
MissMuggleHD Thanks,that was interesting.
It's sounds like some kind of spontaneous remission.I've heard this can happen with tinnitus sometimes.
+MissMuggleHD Hi did you do any remedies?(:
I'm 16 and my hearing keeps getting worsed. I found about the disease 1 year ago and was very nervous and worried I had it. I actually have it for real since some months ago and hoping it goes away :/
Thanks for the video Mr. Hill! Very helpful. It's totally nuts that most doctors say there is no cure when you go see them, which just makes things worse.
Absolutely. My wish is to change the way negative messaging is put you there. A health practitioner can literally lead someone to suicide by telling them there is nothing they can do about it. This is not true. Every week I pick up the pieces from appallingly negative and destructive mindsets.
Thank you for this! It helps to know that eventually it could go away! I’ve had this for 3 months now and it’s extremely frustrating waking up every morning and being reminded of this.
Hi! I feel you! I got tinnitus after recovering from the covid virus, along with a bunch of other weird symtoms (I sometimes smell gas and smoke, my head feels numb sometimes, my hands are often shaking.) I got everything checked out at the hospital and they told me I don't have a tumor (which was my main concern) and I am quite healthy! Tinnitus has been one of the most annoying symptoms- especially in the night. However, I always try to remind myself: it's just a sound. I hear sounds all day long! I am certain i will recover and so will you! May you heal soon!
How long have you been suffering from Tinnitus?
And the doctors said no cure am here to tell you there is a cure?
1 year ago I was diagnosed of Tinnitus disease and the doctor told me there was no cure I was in pain
All Thanks to GOD I came across meek herbal home who told me there is a cure to Tinnitus
This is a great message, thank you Julian. All doctors need to listen to it!I have mild-mod tinnitus. I was on a blog where one person wrote about his expierience curing his 20+ years of tinnitus. It really spoke to me, so I took his advice.This might sound silly, or like it was psychological, but I needed to speak to my central nervous system, my brain. I would sit in a quiet room, or have a TV on softly in the background. I would tell my brain: "It's ok, it's ok, yes I acknowledge there's a ringing sound, it's not important, it's ok, it's ok, we're ok". Then I'd try and focus on quiet sounds in the room, making those sounds MORE important than the ringing. I'd also breathe deeply and calmly. I was telling my brain that the ringing is nothing to be worried about - it's ok. Here, these quiet sounds in my environment are what's important, these are sounds that are created in the physical world.This calming of my CNS really worked, and it worked quickly. I would found an improvement doing just one of these 2-3min sessions. The first day or two the ringing would come back multiple times through the day, each time I'd address it and use the same dialogue with my brain. As the week went on I was hardly noticing the ringing at all, maybe just at night. Again, any time I'd notice it I'd address it and reassure my nervous system that everything was ok. I went for few weeks where I didn't notice ONCE. This is after nearly 18mo of very noticeable and aggravating tinnitus. (I've had tinnitus for 10yrs total) Recently I've experienced a lot of stress, and depression (not due to tinnitus) so it began to return to noticeable levels. So I'm back to doing my routine, and even amongst all the continue stress it is helping it calm down. It might be a lifetime of waxing and waning but I know now I have some tools to help me cope and move past the intrusive ringing! There is hope for everyone I believe. Try the technique I've suggested, it's not going to hurt. You've got to BELIEVE you can instruct your brain and redirect it to auditory stimulus that is real. If you believe it, your brain will believe you and will stop sending these DANGER SIGNALS, it will stop acknowledging your tinnitus! Good luck, and best wishes to everyone through their healing.
I have been trying thos and I feel like it has started to help even if just a tiny bit. 🤗
In the first minute of this i was already saying Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes. Thank you - i needed this validation so much. Thank you.
Julian is right. I am experiencing it myself. I have had bad tinnitus and hyperacusis for around a year and last 2 months or so it has been getting better and better. My hyperacusis subsided already before that, but I can honestly say that my tinnitus is almost gone. It is no coincidence that this happens, since I am feeling better and better on the inside every day, which I had not been for a long time. Tinnitus and Hyperacusis are SYMPTOMS of over-exhaustion. I now know that I got it because of a very long time dealing with stress and anxiety from a lot of factors and living unhealthy. I always thought it was because of hearing damage or something (since I had been a DJ for several years), but nothing is more from the truth. All the problems in my life are clearing up and so is my tinnitus. Julian and other writers of other books (in Dutch) really helped me through this period. What truly helps is getting your problems of your shoulders, getting rest, living more healthy, stop constantly worrying, breathing right etc etc. Tinnitus and Hyperacusis are symptoms of enormous mental over-exhaustion. It takes time and effort to make it go away, but I am sure everyone can accomplish it. Julian, thank you for helping me and others.
You doing okay now days?
Hi @johnatsma4773 , can you share your tips about cure from tinnitus ?
After 20 years of tinnitus, finally some great advice! Thank you sir, thank you thank you!
How long have you been suffering from Tinnitus?
And the doctors said no cure am here to tell you there is a cure?
1 year ago I was diagnosed of Tinnitus disease and the doctor told me there was no cure I was in pain
All Thanks to GOD I came across meek herbal home who told me there is a cure to Tinnitus
I ordered a herbal medicine which I use to cure my Tinnitus disease
This is so true. When I first got the T I had to use ansiolitics all the time. When i found Julian’s videos gave me so much hope that I could quit this pills for good. He is right. Your mental system run you whole being. One gets much better not listening to negativity or false doctors .
Are you surfing tinnitus or hearing loss
Thank you, this is what I have thinking and the 'fight or flight' idea really made sense to me. I had tinnitus at 18 and it was awful but eventually settled - lately (30 years later) it returned in a major way and my anxiety went through the roof but videos such as yours have really calmed the situation and it was what I have been wanting to hear. Thanks again.
So, did your T totally disappear for 30 years?
Thanks for posting this video. It's reassuring to know that the Tinnitus suffering community is so supportive.
I've been suffering for about a year, my Doctor prescribed Lisinopril 5mg tablets to treat my hypertension high blood pressure....
guess what?? the Tinnitus has all but gone in under 2 weeks!!!!!
It still rises up if I get stressed, and of course the "dawn chorus" is still there, but reduced to manageable and almost disappears by 10am.
This might not work for all people, as I feel my T is because of high BP, not hearing damage. But hope this info is useful to someone.
Peace to you all.
25 years ago I had a hearing test, they said yes you have mid range hearing loss causing your tinnitus . "Nothing can be done, live with it" . Her exact quote . it Crushed me. Thank you for your help.
Please try magnesium tablets. It’s just a day but I feel better so try it and get back to me.
Just discovered your website and excellent videos. Your message of not terrifying people by telling them their tinnitus is hopeless is so needed - and already has helped relieve my stress and fear - and no doubt that of many others. Bless you.
A famous self-help author said that "Incurable simply means that the medical profession has not yet figured out a way to cure something."
I am feeling very suicidal because of my tinnitus. I have had it for 4 years and I have always managed to keep control over it. But these past two days have just driven me crazy. I really don't know what to do.
My main problem is my anxiety and it is the anxiety over my tinnitus that has made it really bad. I have various anxiety disorders and DDPD. I just can't stop focusing on my tinnitus. Even when I am occupied with something else, my attention switches back to the ringing every 2 minutes. As soon as I wake up, the first thing I do is listen to my tinnitus. And it seems impossible to get out of this cycle. I have really tried to keep myself occupied and tried not to stress over the ringing when my focus switches to it. But as time passes, I am getting more and more stressed over it.
I have many problems at the moment. I am 22 and still living with my Dad and I am unemployed. I lost my Job in February this year. I have been on JSA and my anxiety makes it really difficult for me to look for work and get my life on track. I have social anxiety which cripples me already. Never mind the tinnitus. But now the tinnitus, on top of my mental state, is driving me crazy.
I am really struggling. I don't know what to do. I have been pacing around my house and in my back garden pulling my hair out. I am smoking every 5 minutes. No matter what I listen to and how loud it is, my tinnitus always gets louder and overpowers it.
Again, I am aware that the problem is the fact that I am getting so worked up over it. But I have tried listening to relaxing music and tried relaxation techniques. But because I keep listening to my tinnitus every few minutes, my anxiety just builds and builds. I can't sleep. I can't sit still. I can't watch anything. I can't do anything without my attention focusing on my ringing all the time and making me more and more anxious. There have been a few moments when I have thought "just deal with it" knowing that as soon as I get over the anxiety, and as soon as I start to sleep properly without waking up feeling anxious because of my tinnitus, I know it will back off. It has happened before. But I have never reacted the way I am reacting now over it. And I don't know how to get out of this cycle.
Descartes Rene I'm 20 and I face the same problems as well. I'm really depressed, I have social anxiety and tinnitus is annoying me for about 1 year. This last week was hard. The only thing I thought was the best way to kill myself and stop this noise.
The only moment I feel ok is when I take a shower and I can't listen the buzz inside my mind or when I ride my bike without a destine, just trying to occupy my mind with different views and thoughts.
Sorry my bad english, I'm not a native speaker
Gabriel Lopes Sarxkyn Ketosis cures every disease
This is exactly how I feel. Before I could mask it out over sounds like the tv, music, and etc. But for the past 3 days it got louder and now I can hear it over everything. I'm only 14 and I do have anxiety.
We share the same problem down to anxiety order .ringing drives me insane then I panic .
Random Username
And how are you feeling today?
September 26th, 2014 sitting at my desk at work (quiet calm work, not a loud environment) when I had bilateral whooshing and roaring sounds in both ears. It hasn't stopped. It changes from day to day. Blessed that it isn't as bad now as it was when it first started or I would have thrown myself under a bus a long time ago. I wear hearing aids now and this condition is one reason I now am reluctant to see a doctor about anything. When you are having screeching, screaming, roaring, ringing, blasting, mind-splitting noise in your ears and every doctor you see says there is nothing you can do about it you lose any confidence in the "medical" profession. I haven't read this man's book, but his video is encouraging at least. Thank you sir.
I literally just started to have a bleeping in my ear. Like an alarm. I had heard about tinitus years ago and just got in a panic so looked up how to get rid of it. As soon as you said there was a cure it stopped. It's like coming and going but calming down has actually worked.
I never tire of your video suggestions showing up in my feed. I’ve left a comment some time ago about my developing tinnitus, and has been under control for some time (a few month). Recently I started a new job, some stressors developed, and the ringing became louder than had been for some months. It’s time for another shift in work life. Thank you once again for your helpful information.
Are you surfing tinnitus or hearing loss
Thank you for making this video.
I hope it helps. Good luck with it all. Best wishes Julian
+Julian Cowan Hill I've had it for about 5 weeks, started with ringing in one ear, now it's windy sounds in both ears. Going to get my mom to take me to the doctor, if it's to late, I'll do practices to stop the tinnitus. I think I got it because I'm irritable to loud noises, I've been exposed to it many times, I think that's why. Thank god I found you.
@@JulianCowanHill please email me I would like to talk to you.
God bless you
This was great, I've been looking for "how does lipoflavonoid help ringing in the ears?" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across - Meniley Deyilliam Method - (just google it )? It is a smashing exclusive product for discovering the real root cause of Tinnitus without the headache. Ive heard some awesome things about it and my best friend Jordan at very last got amazing success with it.
Thanks for your video. After a loud night out in October 2015 I started for the first time to suffer from Tinnitus. I went to a Doctor that told me just to learn to live with it... after 18 months the tinnitus went.... but then, 2 months ago, I went to a Pub and forgetting that I have weak ears I came out with again a strong Tinnitus. After a month of total panic I started a program of different approaches, from self calming techniques, to Omeopathy, and Osteopathy. I can hear it now, but I am confident that if I also address some personal issues (work, stress etc etc) He will go again...
It is true STOP TELLING PEOPLE THERE IS NO CURE. When worst comes to worst there are also a lot of hearing aids which can support....
So, even though I still have tinnitus after nearly 3 months, I think I've gotten it under control. Either it's slowly getting better, or I've been able to mostly tune it out, I have no idea. Either way, I feel confident that so long as I continue to take preventative measures, I should be able to overcome it. If anybody else out there is experiencing a less severe case of tinnitus, you just need to give it time. In my case, it seems to have gotten better, or easier to work with. There has also been studies done on mice that has been able to repair hearing loss (the root cause of tinnitus), and should be in the human testing phases soon. There is hope. Just hold on!!
4 months on... how long do I have to wait to have my life back? Also I have no hearing loss ( from 20 up to 20000hz is all good ), so mine is very unique, it seems.
Two friends of mine have had tinnitus too, and they have had it for about 8 months to a year and the ringing went away. Also no hearing loss. Usually it goes away after a long time, especially when there is no hearing loss
Ivano Mercuri It's been nearly 7 months now for me. It's gotten to where I only hear it if I listen for it. I couldn't tell you if it actually got better or if I'm just able to tune it out better. I'm constantly surrounded by some kind of noise, which I think helps tremendously. I went to sleep with a TV on since I was a kid, so that's what I'm use to. I'm thankful for that, because I'm sure that if I wasn't able to sleep with a TV going, I'd probably hear it a lot more often. To be honest, though... I think mine did somewhat get better on it's own over time. It's not completely gone, and some days are worse than others, but for the most part it's not bothersome anymore like it was when it first started. I thought I was going to go crazy, but it's gotten much easier.
***** I haven't gotten my hearing tested. I'm positive that I have hearing loss though. I've played drums in a death metal band for the last 12 years, and never protected my ears. I started to after the tinnitus started. Now I use in ear monitors, which are basically ear plugs, but headphones at the same time. They tune everything out so well that you don't have to have the volume very loud at all. Plus, when my band is practicing, the volume of their amplifiers is no longer a problem. I just want to make sure not to make the tinnitus worse, or stop it from potentially getting better on it's own. I'm very protecting of my hearing now. I was naive to think that my ears wouldn't hate me after abusing them for so long.
I have tinnitus too, in both ears. At the beginning I was extremely
anxious and depressed, but after a few months I started 'Tinnitus
retraining therapy' and it helped a lot. My life is almost the same as
it was before, but I do avoid silence. And I use earplugs when I play
the violin or go to a concert. My tinnitus also got better over time
and I got used to the sound. When you look on the internet you read all
those horrible stories about people with tinnitus but it DEFINITLY does
NOT have to be that way. :-)
Thanks for the information I am suffering from tinnitus and found that it is good news that there is a correlation between your nerves and the increase of the tinnitus i know that when I get upset I have higher loudness of the ringing in the ears thank you for being there for the people who suffer from this.
For me the culprit was tmj and severe jaw misalignment diagnosed by my orthodontist. A night guard helped about 75% of tinnitus issue now Invisalign has reduced it by about 98% (18 weeks in with 34 weeks left). Diet and exercise helps too! Pay attention to triggers and keep a journal. For me it’s dairy, hydrogenated oils and sodium. And hydration plays a major role too! Hope this helps someone find hope ❤️
Just got this Tinnitus and it's hell I think Julian is the real deal. I will get help from Julian today.. I am from Sydney Australia.
I've learned to run a fan or window a/c unit when I go to sleep. It helps exponentially.
I also have to agree that when you don't focus on it, it's not quite as bad.
What about tinnitus now u sleepe without sonund
Greetings Julian , I Have Been Watching Your Videos ,You Are Most Helpful , And Caring For All Of Us Tinnitus Sufferers ! My Tinnitus Gets So loud , left Ear 85% High Pitch Hearing loss, It Interferes With My Everyday Tasks. I Also Have Hyperacusis, And Pulsating Tinnitus . Thank You So Much Always ! Pete .
Glad to hear you find it helpful. You can find on-line support and more information here on my app:
Dear EvilKris
Thanks for your on-going interest.
So what about three people who were severely affected by tinnitus this last year that I have worked with, who are now experiencing longer and longer periods of no tinnitus in silent rooms? This means they have no tinnitus for 3 weeks at a time. When it comes back it is very mild. That is much more than a placebo effect, surely...
One person's tinnitus stopped after a couple of sessions last winter. That is not apricot seed eating. Please call me and lets talk about this. I can back up everything I say with endless experience of working with over 600+ people now. Of course there are people who do not get better. Some people are very stuck and resistant. I am not a miracle worker. I am just a human being trying to do my best.
If you would like to talk this through please can you first send an email to saying your name is EvilKris from You Tube and tell me your name, your address, what you do for a living. Once I have your details, I will speak to you. I am prepared to offer a 15 minutes skype session to help you understand that cranial work or psychotherapy are more effective vanilla scented candles. For my own protection I will not deal with you until I know who you are and have your details.
My tinnitus stopped after 20 years. When I decided to do my best to help other people I never expected to come up against so much negativity and resistance. Sure the placebo effect is helpful, but therapy and coming out of fight or flight is much more than mere placebo. If you tried craniosacral therapy, or psychotherapy you would find out for yourself how therapy works.
I am totally behind the medical model and hope a cure can be found in a easy, quick fix pill. Even though tinnitus people may be living in a way that has put their nervous system into overwhelm, popping a pill is great if it takes tinnitus away. Some people like to look at the deeper issues and work through them, instead of popping a pill. The alarm bells are ringing for a reason. There are loads of doctors, researchers, audiologists, and ENT consultants doing excellent work out there helping people find a way out of tinnitus. We are all doing our best.
However, please note that some doctors and ENT consultants say there is nothing that can be done about tinnitus which is the NOCEBO effect at work and causes no end of damage. This negative message can drive people to suicide in some cases. I know tinnitus can back off having worked with many people and I want to help change the negative messaging put our there as it is clearly unhelpful.
You can find my details on the UKCP website for Professional Psychotherapists in the UK and the Craniosacral Therapy Association of the UK.
Yours sincerely
Julian Cowan Hill
***** its really helful video
Would you be kind enough to speak with me and guide me through the treatment? Thank you
Dear JC Rojas
Of course. Can you call me on 00 44 7910 315167 or email me on and I can explain how it works.
In short getting help to settle the nervous system, learning how to take the attention off the ringing, and grounding yourself in body-based awareness helps symptoms back off. Craniosacral therapy tunes in to the buzz itself and helps it dissipate via direct hands-on contact.
Best wishes
***** I like your comments which is best advice to everyone to develop their confidence to cure tinnitus. and evertybody should take precautions to treat tinnitus.
+Julian Cowan Hill Yes but, How could I contact you? The problem is I live out of UK (Italy) and I'm very curious about your method.
Thankyou. You are an honest individual that has delivered to the public a portion of very logical, common sensed and down to earth piece of information.
I will say this not to promote any narcotic use and please don't take this the wrong way, but I had to point out that this makes complete sense to me because the only thing that is helping me to get rid of the ringing sound in my ears is when I'm under the influence of cannabis and in that relaxed state I can finally have complete absence of any sounds in my head. I will also add that my stress urticaria (hives) is GONE thanks to cannabis, which was the main reason I started experimenting with it, after the Sinequan (antidepressant) and Atarax (antihistamine) treatment failed me. Thank You sir for this video!!!
Dude canabis actually treats and cures a lot of things. Why do you think the pharmaceutical companies do NOT want it legalized? They would Lois tons of money. They don't make cures, they make treatments. That way you have to PAY for them the rest of your life!
Cannabis does exactly the opposite for me (and I have been an avid advocate and user (for recreational purposes, I should add) since I first tried it in 1967. It has always focused me (in a good way) and allowed me to more completely understand and enjoy whatever I was focusing on. Unfortunately now it seem to unfailingly focus me on the incessant, varied, and high-pitched tones that never stop, consequently increasing my attention to them and anxiety (even paranoia) about them. And yes, I've tried many ways to overcome the effect. The herb -- just another joy that the beast has robbed from me.
same here dude
how do you take the cannabis? usually i found smoking a blend of tobacco and weed did not help. tinnitus has been the biggest thing thats ever happened to me and its destroying my life so any help or advice would be amazing:)
Thanks Julian. I am 2 weeks into this horrible condition and am pursuing Tinnitus Retraining Therapy. As you say and as I'm hoping the brain can be trained to stop focusing on this noise and put it into the background. I am very grateful for your posting. Cheers
Howis your tinnitus
I wish the noise will go away. I started to have it since 3 years ago with no reason. I just woke up and had the nonstop noise. I wish everyone will have happy new year 2017 😃😃😃
Happy Man I have had it from birth and had it ever since, I am 28 now. It actually drives people insane. I have thought at 30 different parts in my life of killing myself because it causes so many problems over all. It hurts social life and education and having a stable life. If you have tinnitus from birth, you have high blood pressure and have a high temper and get angry really easily. There is Objective(I have Objective) which is rare and it's where if someone comes near you, they can hear the ringing too. Then Subjective which is the common case and it's where only you can have it. It drives my friends insane too
How are you today?
How long have you been suffering from Tinnitus?
And the doctors said no cure am here to tell you there is a cure?
1 year ago I was diagnosed of Tinnitus disease and the doctor told me there was no cure I was in pain
Thank you for your sound advice. It corresponds with my thoughts. I caused it to start in the first place. Now I have to undo it. I have had it for 10yrs and looking forward to the journey back to silence. It's not going to be easy.
I panicked when I got tinnitus. I played three loud rock gigs in a weekend, losing my ear plugs halfway through so made do without.
I'd always been fairly sensible with loud music and my hearing, always using quality earplugs on stage, rehearsal or at gigs, occasionally using a bit of tissue on the inevitable times I'd forget my plugs. But aside from the slight, 'I've gone deaf' feeling after a show I'd never had ringing before.
Thing is, it did get better. I was panicked for 2 to 3 weeks but then started to chill slightly as it wasn't quite as bad - thinner, quieter-sounding, could sleep in spite of it without quiet music playing. Of course I didn't expose myself to loud music, got even tougher earplugs and, maybe after 2-3 months is was pretty much gone.
I think if you're tinnitus is 'loud music' related treat the first signs as a wake up call. No reason to freak out or obsess over the tinnitus, especially if mild. Even when mine was bad the slightly background noises would mask it.
i got it a few days ago and i can relate .im just wondering how long it will take bc its worrying me rn
@@leyiwang6028 do you have it still?
@@kunedo9347 its not as bad now i can barely hear it when im sleeping its feint, in the day time i cant hear it at all.
@@leyiwang6028 that gives me hope... I hear it all the time and the night time is the worst... Thanks for replying
@@kunedo9347 Dw im sure u will be fine just do some meditating i find that helps, having a bath relaxing ur body and try not to hear loud sounds if possible.
I’ve had ongoing tinnitus since since 2001 due to listening to loud music and a jaw injury I had when I was 7 years old, which later caused me to have an out of control TMJ problem where at times it felt like my left eardrum was going to burst, and the ringing got worse and worse every year. I finally found a sympathetic and caring audiologist who recommended very expensive but state of the art hearing aids. Ever since I started wearing them over a month ago, the pain, fullness and ringing in my left ear has been reduced significantly. You’re right in that some doctors really have a bad bedside manner. The last audiologist I saw 10 years ago told me regarding the tinnitus and pain I had in my left ear, “Oh, by the way, that pain will just get worse.” Because tinnitus is phantom ringing in the ears, it’s important to find someone who knows how to treat tinnitus. In addition to the hearing test I had, I also had to fill out a questionnaire on how bad when when my tinnitus affected me, which was important. It has made all the difference in the world for me.
thank you i have found this to be true! blessings to you friend.
Thank you for posting. I have horrible tinnitus from my time I served in the USMC. It's great to know there is hope. Thx
Unfortunately this is common. You may find my app helpful here:
There is a lot of support, advice, explanation and practical technique teaching there that you may find helpful. Wishing you well, Julian
tinnitus is literally killing me.
+Donovan Chilton I am so scared , I have been suffering from this for 2 months
Please dont be. I know its hard. Trust me, i do.
I know u can understand me , thank you . Let' s hope things will be OK in time :).
I recommend craniosacral therapy to help settle the system. Watch some of these videos for further advice.
Please be careful not to expose yourself to loud music. Normal levels are fine but if you are going to work with your ears you need to look after them. The tinnitus will back off when you settle, relax and take the focus off the noise. So good not to make too much of a song and dance about it, and focus on getting help letting go with cranial work. Good luck.
We are all live the hell just feel that you are not alone
Thank you so much. You helping so many kids find hope that they probably couldn't find if you didn't speak out. You may have actually saved some life's.
Thank you SO MUCH for this. Definitely will be looking at your book and your other videos.
Thank you Julian. I have severe tinnitus, and my experience has been, after two years now that there is so much we can do to mitigate or reduce tinnitus. I managed to come to a point where I had zero tinnitus, but it difficult to get there.
Hi Halvdan. How did you manage? Do you have any tips?
i have always had tinnitus . i thought this was normal !! until i talk with people and they said to me that normality is hearing nothing at all in your ears !!!
i don't know what it is to hear nothing . i have always had sounds in my ears
eric gerard me too and it's irritating :( I can't enjoy listening to music specially when using earphones. I don't remember what quiet sounds really :(
ikr same
You are fortunate to have never known silence then , because it is horrible to have T
Yeah me too i never no silence
@@TotsugekiKun there is a point when it becomes irritatitng. for example when i am tired after a long day, then it can be irritating. but yes you are right, since i have never experienced "silence" then i have no point of reference to say this is a problem. i can't compared with other people since i am used to that. i think this is horrible for people who never had this before.
thank you. I have had it on and off for as long as I can remember. within a few seconds of your video I was able to put two and two together. I is directly to my stress levels... thank you again.
Thanks for you tube. I have suffered with chronic tinnitus for three years but through getting healthy with good food (mainly vegetables) and no wheat, I have reduced my tinnitus by 80%. When he says getting your body out of fight or flight scenario that is true but mainly has to do with your adrenal gland. Medical doctors don't understand the adrenal gland so I only learned and got better through herbs. It ultimately needs to be healing yourself from the stomach up to your head. Hope
Kathy soccermom what does he mean by flight or fight mode....? I don't understand
Hi Kathy, would you please provide some info or resources related adrenal gland vs tinnitus and herbs you are taking that helped you. I got tinnitus and tried many way to fix it ... but hopeless... Thanks in advance!
Hey Kathy.. great to hear your success story! Could you pls provide an update? How's it now?
Oh my god the people here sharing encouraging stories are saints and angels! And the author too! Is there any research to also support potential for psilocybin helping? Either in macro or micro doses? Of course there’s always the potential that could make it worse as it interacts directly with synapses but I’d be curious to see if anyone is formally conducting research and if not it could be a good suggestion…psilocybin has the power to put people at ease about their own deaths and it’s been researched in end of life care protocols so who knows…could be a good research move for the right teams
OMG help me get rid of my tinnitus! Ive had it for 15 years and this week it has been bothering me every single day... it is really bothering me
Dear Nicky
Please get in touch if you want help.
My email is
Best wishes
Join the club mine is driving me crazy right now 😞
@@Markboyy1984 How long have you been suffering from Tinnitus?
@@Markboyy1984 And the doctors said no cure am here to tell you there is a cure?
@@Markboyy1984 1 year ago I was diagnosed of Tinnitus disease and the doctor told me there was no cure I was in pain
This is really true. I think I had T for many years now but never really focused my conciousness on it or payed any attention and I never dedicated any time thinking about it. Today I really payed attention to it and it got much, much, worse.
Wow, same thing happened to me, I'm pretty sure I've had it for a few years now but one night I was sleeping at a friends house and I started focusing on it and it started bothering me. I decided to look up "ringing in ears when in silence" and and it came up with Tinnitus. Since then it has gotten worse and has been bothering me a lot, it had never bothered me previously.
Not that I am immune to the problems T has brought me, and what you said is also the case for me.
But something that may help you is this: If your life was fine before you found it you had it then it will be fine. T only kills you if you let it.
I feel anxious, scared, and helpless. I hate this noise. If it is caused by stress and whatever what about loud noises? I have listened to my music loudly since I was 11. I am 16 now and about 2 months ago somewhere in September I took a nap and woke up with that strange ringing in my right ear. I thought I was going nuts. I wanna end this once and for all and move on. My doctor figured it was uneven pressure between my ears and my nose (can be and cause of ringing) and gave me two prescriptions to take and nothing has happened. I'm afraid to ask my mom to take me back for further evaluations and a more effective treatment but we're on a budget.
+Romeo Rodriguez Same as me.I've been listening to music intensively for four months now .When I woke up this morning ,I noticed some ringing in my right ear, which incidentally is prone to earwax.Hopefully we'll find an answer
Icon Of Sin How are u currently doing today? Has it disappeared
@clarissasmith6767 unfortunately no. I've gone on to live a normal life, and learned to live with it. It hasn't gotten worse, but I still ponder the idea for a cure.
I know myself that it is the nervous system. I had horrendous panic attacks for 8 months straight, then mnnaged to come out of them, but then came buzzing in my brain (not really ears). More I pay attention to it, worse it is. I know it is nerves. The problem is therapists in this country are so expensive,that just thinking about them increases stress....
Julian hi I've been watching you for a couple years. Just wanted to tell you that my hell ended about 2 months ago. Either my brain registered to sound and ignored it or it went away I've been treating my tinnitus with vitamins.
D Garcia which vitamins @d Garcia
which vitamins have u taken for tinnitus
Which vitamin
Julian Cowan Hill - I wanted to sincerely tell you "thank you" for posting this video and all the others. What you describe happening in the video with doctors and how they make patients feel is EXACTLY what happened to me about 6 weeks ago. I experience Sudden Hearing Loss in my left ear. The doctor sent me home with prednisone (aka crazy pills) and told me 50/50 chance the hearing loss and ringing were permanent. I experienced my first panic attack that night. I have 2 small children and felt like my life had just been stolen from me with no hope. The next 2 weeks my anxiety was off the charts and in my incessant research, I came across this video. This was literally the first time I felt like someone understood me and offered some hope for what I was dealing with. My hearing did recover (thank God), but the ringing persisted, so I continued poking around for "cures" and going in and out of anxiety/depression all while not sleeping. I eventually came back to your videos and this is where I've landed as the path forward for me. I've begun yoga and am really enjoying it and have scheduled a massage and a couple cranial sacral sessions. What you say makes complete sense to me. I admittedly am a "high strung" person, and when I listen to your videos, it's like you are in my head reading my thoughts or thoughts I've been struggling with. I appreciate all the time you've taken to upload this library of resources. I feel like I'm done "troubleshooting" as you say, and feel much more hopeful moving forward towards settling down in the long run and taking better care of myself. When a thought does pop into my head (i.e. what about flying? what about loud music? etc), I come here and you've already answered it. I'm certain as well that you've saved me and my family a ton of money trying endless random things to "fix" it. Thank you from across the pond!
A pleasure. Thanks for your positive feedback. Please have a look at my focussing techinques which might help you. You can find them here:
If you need any support and would like to organise a skype session please contact me on or have a look at my website: Best wishes Julian
Then why wouldn't people who are "angry" all the time have tinnitus. I AM....the most laid back calm person I know....ALLLLLL of my friends tell me that i do not let anything bother why did I obtain this "death sentenced"
Anger is definitely a fuel for many people with tinnitus. But other nervous systems will tend towards migraines or stomach ulcers etc depending on genetics and behavioural patterns. I have treated a lot of laid back calm people who have a lot of repressed rage or anger inside. Not saying that is you, but I presented myself like this when I had a lot of bottled up anger years ago.
Being in touch and aware of one's feelings means that things do bother us. We get affected by situations. This is a normal healthy way of being that protects us from danger. Being shut down, numb and out of touch means that traumatic situations happen to us without us feeling the impact.
Tinnitus is not a death sentence. If you learn to open up, process and let go with a therapist or craniosacral therapist and learn to ground yourself with yoga or tai chi etc. you are going to create the conditions that make it very hard for tinnitus to keep going.
For most people tinnitus is a sign that you are temporarily stuck in a state of fight or flight. This is very changeable. Please look at my website for more info
Best wishes, good luck to you and know that tinnitus CAN be let go of. Beware of all the negative info out there on tinnitus.
Julian Cowan Hill
***** You are amazing bro ! I wish I knew about you when I had a work Visa in the UK. Seriously given me some hope. Today is just one of those days where its getting the best of me. I feel anxious and stuck in that fight or flight mode, like when is it going to end... Thank you for being so positive and down to earth, thanks for giving your valuable time to all those with tinnitus just for the love of it. Seriously big ups. I need to reset mu brain, let go and move on. Love from New Zealand and Australia. Keep doing what you're doing , Bless
***** Julian, this is Kelly14UK.
I never thought the mild tinnitus would ever be a real issue. Underline " real" for effect.
I'd rather be sociable ( for laziness' sake ) and not do the internet trawling, so I'll ask you personally, what craniosacral therapy entails, is it painful, Is it NHS?
Yes, we have to tap into suppressed human energies in the western world. The East know more than a few tricks. Deep breathing on my back certainly helps me sleep and dream better.
John, Ayrshire
Craniosacral therapy is not on the NHS. See this website for more
My tinnitus is mostly non-existent these days and was extremely bad for years. I couldn't work or hear the phone ring at its worst. I agree we can win by getting help and letting go.
Best wishes
***** Okay thanks. It was bad today, alcahol and late rising is a major trigger. It was great yesterday as I was out cycling the night before, watching the sunset. Hope my post here gives folk hope.
Thank you, Julian Cowan Hill, for posting this. Your words have brought comfort to my heart today. I have hope that I can get better. hugs.
How long have you been suffering from Tinnitus?
And the doctors said no cure am here to tell you there is a cure?
1 year ago I was diagnosed of Tinnitus disease and the doctor told me there was no cure I was in pain
All Thanks to GOD I came across meek herbal home who told me there is a cure to Tinnitus
I ordered a herbal medicine which I use to cure my Tinnitus disease
Last spring, without any kind of warning I suddenly started experiencing an extremely loud sound in one ear. It was lower in pitch than what you usually think of as "ear-ringing" and varied in intensity over time, but at its loudest it was like having an alarm clock constantly going off inside my head. I went to several doctors over the course of that summer and they all told me that it was untreatable tinnitus without doing anything beyond the most basic tests (they'd look inside my ear with one of those cone-shaped things and eventually I had a simple hearing test done but that was it.)
Eventually I noticed that the problem seemed to be linked to humidity, with the noise being especially bad on rainy or humid days. That autumn I bought myself a dehumidifier for my apartment and used it to keep the relative humidity below ~60%, and I experienced significant improvement within a few days. It's now several months later and the ringing has almost completely disappeared (I occasionally get a very quiet, almost imperceptible hum or a low rumble, both of which can be drowned out by a basic electric fan on low settings.) I still, however, have no idea what caused the ringing in the first place (I don't regularly expose myself to loud noises and was definitely not exposed to any when the ringing started) because every doctor I've been to has adopted the policy of "Ringing means you have tinnitus, tinnitus is untreatable in most cases so we're not even going to try with you. Go home and suffer."
They're absolutely useless! I'm sorry they didn't care about you either. The f****rs! They chose the wrong profession!
I had it for 1 and a half years, but a few months ago it became 10 times worse. I was going from doctor to doctor, everyone telling me they can't help and there is no cure and there is nothing I can do. And of course I panicked and became 10 times more anxious than I was already. I was having anxiety attacks almost every day. Thankfully I stumbled at your youtube videos and later on your book and I feel saved. Thank you for being the first person on the tinnitus community who actually managed to understand tinnitus to its core and as a result we might be able to escape this nightmare.
UPDATE: It's crazy, but I rarely hear it these last few days. I haven't concerned myself with tinnitus for over 3 weeks now and when I hear it it's only a very soft sound. Tinnitus was my main focus and my main problem in life the last couple of months and now I haven't thought about it for more than a few minutes every now and then. Once you realize that helping yourself essentially means helping your tinnitus, you start focusing on yourself.
The body exercises on Julian's book have been great. I also meditate and do some yoga every day. Craniosacral therapy was also very special and helpful. It's only been 3 weeks since I read Julian's book and understood his reasoning and perception about tinnitus, and I already feel WAY better. I think tinnitus, is there to remind us to pay attention to ourselves like an alarm clock, you hear and know that something needs to happen maybe simply to wake up from the circle each of us trap ourselves in. Day after day being concerned about things out of our control.
My advice to anyone having tinnitus as their number one focus right now: focus on yourselves instead, see what stresses you and simply start doing things to help yourself and focus on your mental and physical health and even if tinnitus doesn't disappear it will definitely stop bothering you. Never lose hope, tinnitus is not forever, I know that now.
Thanks for your feedback. How is your tinnitus now? Are you almost out of it yet? Best wishes Julian
@@JulianCowanHill It's only a few days since I started working on it the way you describe in your book. I would say for the past month I was between the lvl3 and lvl4, coming up and down. I was unsure what was causing it and I really really wanted to find out and when nothing really was working I would despair again.
I think the last few days were great for my tinnitus. I noticed it only for a few minutes each day, it's still there and sometimes loud but I do not have an emotional response to it. I have been meditating again like I used to and now I also scheduled a craniosacral therapy session and I do acupuncture every week. I will keep working on it but I already feel like tinnitus is secondary in my life, now I want to have a better quality of life and understand what is going wrong inside me, I used to have understanding of my body back when I meditated every day, I want to recapture that understanding of myself.
The moment I read your definition of tinnitus and what it really means, I became emotional, it really clicked for me. I read so many things about tinnitus the last few months an endless amount of information and that was the first moment I finally found relief about my condition. Thank you for sharing your understanding.
Thanks for your feedback. I'm glad the information is helping. I recommend finding a good body-based practitioner to help settle your nervous system and doing the practices and techniques on my app on a regular basis to help distract attention away from your ears and to calm your system down. You can find a lot of help and support here:
I wish you a steady recovery. Julian
@@JulianCowanHill thanks a lot for the extra info, I will have all the help I can get.
I've always had tinnitus since I was born so I've typically always been good with coping with the sounds. However, it was never really an issue until today. Everything was fine when I woke up until about 2 hours later when my right ear started ringing much louder than usual. Alongside this, I started feeling as if the hearing in my right ear was severely impaired. I'm not sure if this is something that will just pass on its own or if I should seek medical attention. Anyone else ever experience this?
Also had it since birth or soon after, also doesn't really bother me but I experience worsening under 3 circumstances.
1. After exposure to loud sounds.
2. After taking opiod medications.
3. After two days or more without proper exercise.
+Julia Deans *opioid
+Nick Drago How long did you have that for?
Thank you for your wise words. I agree. My tinnitus comes and goes. Deep slow humming is great for the nervous system as i believe we all have the power to heal ourselves.
Hi Julian, I recently had my hearing affected. I was rehearsing with a loud band in a small room (bad combination) and forgot my earplugs that day. Suddenly, my ears actually HURT like someone pushed an icepick inside them. I immediately left the room - but unfortunately, I've been "buzzing" ever since (for about a month.) It's only a low grade buzz and I get an OCCASIONAL high pitch ring of tinnitus which last for just a minute and then goes away. I also find myself very sensitive to sound now (mild hyperacusis?) and have a slight earache/headache that accompanies this sound sensitivity.
Oddly enough, my ENT performed a hearing test and said I had EXCELLENT hearing! He said I had a "cochlear concussion" from the sound pressure and that it may hopefully go away with rest / less exposure to volume. Any thoughts on this diagnosis? Does your technique work for noise induced tinnitus / sound sensitivity as well?
Yes. Good that your hearing is excellent. Please try these focussing techniques (see below) and I would have some craniosacral therapy to help release the symptoms and if you are not already doing it, practice some tai chi or yoga to help release and let go, and shift the focus away from your hearing. What you are experiencing is just temporary. Aim for well-being, taking the focus off the sensitivity and hearing and you should do well. Don't cement it in with anxiety or fear. Good luck with it all.
How are you now??
@@chabisharma9312 Hi Chabi - I am MUCH better thank you. No more buzzing in ears, it took a few months to subside and then I suddenly noticed it was gone, or markedly reduced. I am more cautious and proactive around loud noise and musical rehearsals now.
@@utube9000I'm so happy to hear that it's gone!Did you do anything or it just went away on it's own?
Thank god I found this. I have had it for a couple of months now and I just want to cry. It came on after a long period of stress.
I have this and im only 15 it's really bad when im trying to get to sleep it is the worst thing ever
Don't worry you wiil get used to the sound and eventually it will faint away, it will only get better and not worse. But make sure you don't listen to loud music and avoid any kind of loud sounds, don't wear earplugs etc
@@Avm371998 it will fade away as i will hear silence again?
@@karlhans6678 well for me personally I had it a couple years ago. I only heard it when i was in a silent room and i kept focusing so much on it to a point where i would constantly go to a silent place to check how bad it was. I thought to myself, i should not focus on it too much and eventually I didn't even realise it was there. Obviously it will depend from person to person on how bad it it but if you make sure you watch out (dont listen to loud music, make sure you put those earplugs as silent as you can while still being enjoyable) dont go to concerts cuz that shit will really make it worse. If you watch out you shouldn't worry about it getting worse. You'll see after a while not focusing on it you won't notice its there
@@Avm371998 so it wont repair itself? i just wont notice it? my ear ringing is mostly at a 1/10 or 2/10. I rarely get complete silence.
@@karlhans6678 well first you need to understand that the damage in your ear is giving a signal to your brain, that signal is the sound you hear. As your brain gets used to it over time the sound will be less loud. But i promise you that if you watch out from now on, no loud music or loud sounds, etc it wont get worse. So nothing to worry about.
So great to hear someone talking like this, I'm a sufferer myself, and I rarely have spikes anymore, before I was freaking out and I was so broken from hearing 'it can't be cured' but later on I just realised screw Tinnitus :) still have troubles daily but I am no where near as bad! and completely true they only make it worse when they scare us
Well yea i went went to the my ENT doctor and they said basically my hearing is perfect ,your got tinnitus and your just gotta learn to deal with it iv only just had it for about 5 months ,and i don`t even remember what silence feels like any more ... all i can say is if your feeling down or depressed ,just do the things you like and love and passionate about don`t let this ruin your life but don`t do it to desecrate you from do it because you love it and are passionate about it.. Btw im only 15 and from my experience from this so far has really made me appreciate things in life.. well this was my story...
Zesbii I'm 26 and got constant tinnitus after my cockatiel screamed in my ear. The only thing that makes it go away is being outside, the rustling leaves and other sounds mask it completely. When inside, not even tv or music can mask it completely.
I love you man. There is power we could harness from our brain. Power to self heal conditions like anxiety, addictions like porn and masterbation and now tinnitus. Thank you for your help, you gave me hope and being a conquer of many conditions, tinnitus will soon be behind most of us because of you..
I have it but I don't really care lol. The screeching in my ear doesn't bother me at all. It goes away if I don't think about it anyways.
+Leon Sugioka same here :D
is now completly gone?
Why not ?.
Why, I have it also and I don't even think about it, well most of the time.
same happened to me but now its getting louder :(
Hi Julian. How brilliant to hear you saying this. I'm sure I know you from singing in a choir, and one of the reasons I have problems in singing in choirs is that I do not hear as well as I know I should be able to.
I'm 17, i get a loud high pitch ringing noise for about 30 secs and then it's gone. i'm worried that it will go constant.
Not sure what to do.
Bryan G dont listen to any loud sounds or music. buy earplugs in case you go to a party or somewhere noisy
Bryan, my T started when I was your age. It was caused by listening to music on headphones way too loud. Damaged my ears. Started same as you are experiencing now. Do not, DO NOT use headphones to listen to music. My granddaughter says she and her friends play a game In which one mouths a word and the other puts on headphones and turns up music loud. so they can guess what is being said. Just asking for tinnitus.
Avoid noisy environment, don't listen to music with high volume in your headphones, do sport, eat well, avoid caffeine
I used to be a 4 to 5 espresso drinker per day,and even having one around 9 pm at times,very bad,I have cut back dramaticly to only one in the morning,and hopefully cut it out all together,caffein is no good.
This reminds me of how doctor told me I had vitiligo. Not only told no cure but HOW they tell you is horrible. Some people have no business being doctors. Zero bedside manner.
I'm 15 and I got tinnitus from loud music through headphones .. And I have it very very bad I can hear it in my head most of the time it puts me of during class and I would list to music to over come it but where not aloud to listing to to music during class,And I get very anxious and knowing that I'll probably have to have my hole life ... Please help !!😣😔
How old are you and did you get tested to find out your deafness? Obv I can't help you but I do sympathize with you. Keep being strong.
CyberPark Anime Manga & Gaming Very happy for you! Goodluck
CyberPark Anime Manga & Gaming FUCK YES DUDE! nice m8. Just like you Imma go check a doctor. I was on holiday for a few days in guam and its been a month since a concert that was 3 hrs long (shitty 2 hr opening act fucking stupid gig planner) in a tiny room. The day after I had ringing but eventually it went away. the day before i left however i was in tokyo just noticing the ringing when i put on earphones to go to bed (nothing was playing and they block sound so i could hear it). Went to sleep fine. I went to guam and each day it proceedingly got worse. I am finally back and gonna check an ENT monday morning with my mom cuz my japanese sucks and im 15 (im half american).
During the break I couldn't do shit about the ringing (we had no time to check) and felt very depressed whenever it was nighttime and I would notice it again. Each day I spent so much time trying to notice it and I also could make it super loud by clenching my jaw and i kept doing that. Im hoping it's an ear infection or caused by ear wax or my jaw because my ear is actualy in quite pain, and i got slight hyperacusis (sensitive to some sounds).
I will update you, hoping it's not something bad and it is temporary. If it's permanent well fuck, but I am way less depressed now.
+Woojoo333 how did it went ?
Sky D The ENT iw ent to did a basic checkup, doubt he really believed the ringing. All he said after though was that he agreed there was def a pulse and pull in my eardrums, which may be causing the ringing.
I thought the pressure was from swimmers ear, but he said was from growing and said it's common.
Tbh i dont really believe it was a great diagnosis
The hardest part about tinnitus is when you put earplugs in to protect your hearing and the ringing is louder and everything else is harder to hear. I have had tinnitus with medium range hearing loss (I need at least 50 decibels for me to hear sounds in the 5-20k hertz range)for five months and I've been slowly getting used to it and accepting it. I play drums in a band and also do construction so I have to wear plugs but when they're in, god damn the ringing is loud and I can't hear very well! but on the plus side I can still hear some stuff besides the ringing! I have tons of wicked shit going on in my life as I have had bad luck since I was a young child so the ringing isn't nearly as bad as the rest of the stuff I deal with. An annoying ringing is the least of my problems. Bob Marley helps me to relax. Really any music with multiple layers of instruments helps me get my mind off of the ringing. I've accepted it. it's tough but definitely manageable. If I can do it, you can do it.
If people really want to know if Craniosacral Therapy can cure tinnitus all this guy has to do is present an MRI scan of a patients brain with tinnitus, than do his magic touching stuff for awhile, then scan the brain for a new image. Today's technology can measure hyperactive neurons in the audiotory cortex, meaning you can actually see the tinnitus on the screen. If it works, this guy's instantly rich. If it doesn't, oh well at least he helped people feel better through a placebo effect!
Luke Bandy
Where do you have this info. .I made recently one last week with contrast liquid ,in Munich by top Doctors ..They told me everything is fine in my head. .I asked him if you can see the tinitus his answer was " you are asking me if we can see your dreams in MRI"..
No way. .
Stop telling people wrong information
Luke Bandy
By the way had another one MRI 2013 for onether,reason at that point had no tinitus got after 2 years comparing the 2 MRI he told me nothing changed. ...2013 MRI without tinitus was exactly the same with 2017 MRI with Tinitus
Stanford University did a study where they scanned the brains of people suffering from tinnitus, just search the web to see the images. Whether or not this is available to anyone I don't know, I do know you are wasting your money by flying to Germany and looking for a cure. If you really think they have a cure for tinnitus I have some beachfront property in Wyoming I'll sell you real cheap.
Luke Bandy I live in Germany and there is no proof you can find out in your brain if you got tinitus...It is a symptom not a brain damage. .About the cure I don't know. .You sound negative, and provocativ person. .You are not helping .
The doctors saw the MRI from me from 2013,and now from 2017..
So stop telling people crap. .
2013 I had Migraine and insomnia couse I have had an anxious disorder..
I heard the same crap "There is nothing we can do etc "..
After 2 years I can normally sleep and migraine is gone until today. ..
I know there are severely reasons for tinitus my tinitus is coming from anxious disorder ..And I need to settle my nerve system once more back with therapy. .I had to find the way only. .
Luke Bandy
I don't take benzos,diet and exercise ok..Maybe it will help you a little bit that this tinitus,condition it is only brain games. .If you see success stories people have been cured after several years of tinitus also by strange conditions like meditation,pregnancy, religion, happiness ,and million reasons we don't understand.
So the brain can fix it once more just like that not at once but slowly. .
I heard the same stuff from doctors as I had Migraine and insomnia. .For insomnia they told me I had to take pills and for migraine the standard opinion from doctors was "There is nothing we can do about it"..Now imagine a guy like me between 2013-2015 sleepless and migraine the whole day..But my cure was to find a very good psychotherapist who really made it to take my focus away from my fear from sleeping. .After I managed my sleep and fixed after couple of months my migraine get away ,until today. .The problem was, I stressed my body a lot and I get 2014 tinitus. My tinitus was very "still", but few weeks ago I did a terrible thing ..I was reading in Google horrible stories about guys they were suffering years of tinitus etc and I get so scared that after 2 days after reading this stories my tinitus became extrem loud. .Now tell me if all this are not "games ",of our brain and nerve system. .
And i understand you are from the states probably. .
I don't pay any doctors I live and working in Germany..
The health system in Europe is different as in the states. .In Germany doesn't matter if you earn 1000 euros in month or 10 000..You have a health social card and you can go to any doctor you want as much as you want and you don't pay a thing. .Same also if you need surgery or something like that. ..It is all for free..So I don't pay nothing ..
Thank you Julian your videos are a great comfort and helpful. Doctors should watch all your videos that would certainly educate them to understanding the seriousness of what tinnitus does to a person to person. There’s hope if your tinnitus went after all those years.
Thanks for the info may ALLAH reward you
Spot on. Get calm. Then it is not a problem. Just a little friend that sometimes wants to talk❤❤
I couldn't agree more, being told there is no cure makes you feel hopeless. It's horrible.
Julian, all your words are very positive. I live in Poland, having a tinnitus in this country is like a grave, no one can cope with this problem or even try to. I've been in many hospitals, and then one doctor from the military institute gave me some advices and researches. My hearing is very well, the only problem is this annoying sound in my head or ear. This day the sound started in right ear, but we have to cope with this and find some help. Please remeber that tinnitus, expect acustic problem, is always a reason of an illness in our body. The main thing is spine, blood and heart. Please people, before you stop searching, you should visit a several doctors, maybe your problem is something inside your body, and tinnitus is just a bad signal.
There's a reason for the alarm bell ringing. That's why I recommend people to get help in processing what is held in the body with cranial work. This can open things up and help shift them too.
An audiologist told me that there's nothing that I could do. This is a huge relief
Good advice, thank you. I'll consume less news and get back to meditating more often to see how it goes. It's funny because I've only just started to really notice my tinnitus and now I can't remember how long I've had it chronically. A stressed nervous system would make sense so I'll get to work de-stressing myself.
I got tinnitus after having covid and was told the same by my doctor . It was horrendous, I had 1hrs sleep for a month while working my job . I listened to Julian and got some acupuncture sessions. After a few sessions It started to relax me , and the tinnitus started to get lower . If you're having a bad time it may get louder , but after a few days it will go back down. Find something to relax you like acupuncture or you're other half massaging you really helps calm you down. This man literally saved my life.
I promise you it will eventually get quiet enough that you don't notice it , even though at the time you may not believe it. It takes a few months, but it will get better
Really glad to hear the work has helped you. Thanks for sharing your positive feedback. It helps others! Wishing you a steady on-going recovery. Warm regards Julian
I’m so grateful for all of your videos. Do you know what a relief it is to know there is hope.
Glad to hear it. You may find more help, support and practical techniques that can help on my app here: Hope can turn into improvement with practice! Best wishes Julian
Thank you Julia!!😊
Got it
thanks 😊
Julian ı’ve found your page today and you cant believe how amazşng person youre. Youre an amazşng person. After ı watched your videos ı went to my room full of silence and meditated for 15 minutea. And ı say that my tinnitus just went lower to a bearable state. I was feeling sooo anxious at the start but when ıt finished ı was so calm and happy. I will watch your videos everyday! Thank you
I'm really glad to hear it. I hope the information here helps you. If you want to get away from negative messages and videos on UA-cam you can find a safe haven on my app here:
Hope it helps. Best wishes Julian
Yessss you are sooooo AMAZING!!!! Thank you for everything
Just watched another "talk" about what tinnitus is and that there is no cure for it, and as you said I noticed a significant spike in the tone I hear once the guy said "no cure."
As a massage therapist and natural healer I definitely believe in the power of energy work and CST, so will do some digging to see who among my colleagues might be able to work on me. Thank you for this spring of hope.
Brilliant, brilliant. I remember when seeing the doctor the first time about my tinnitus the doctor declared that there was no cure and that I was was depressed. I could have dropped on the floor. When I went to see him, I was definitely not depressed, but when I came out I was majorly depressed. I came out with a prescription of antidepressants. Which needless to say made me feel like a zoombi. After 6 months of drugs, not helping I abondoned them, which instantly made me feel more like myself again. I still have tinnitus but at a far more excepting frame of mind. I had it now for 12 years, but other things keep me busy and focused , so I try not to twell on it. I believe that one day, it will just disappear. I am impressed with the fight or flight quotation and I think that’s the key to it all. I shall start practising it, by just getting on with life and ignoring the flight response I had for such a long time. Fight is so much more noble. Thank you for your words, very uplifting.
I'm only in my early teens and I've heard ringing in my ears for as long as I can remember. I thought everyone had it until I got curious about it and looked it up online. I learned that it isn't as normal as I thought it was. After that it feels to have gotten worse. I stay up late most of the time and because everyone else is asleep I can't play my music to take my mind off of it. It distracts when I take tests in school. I really wish it would go away.
Same situation. My entire family says they hear it too. Just try to ignore it. It’s only worse because you’re anxious about it. If you’ve had it your entire life, it’s likely nothing serious.
Hey, Julian. It's not tennisus it's tinnitus. Awesome video. Thanks a lot.
I am suffering from this and i am glad that i found your video and now learning from you how to cure this disease...
Thankyou! Currently experiencing a nasty spike, and with it comes 1) the despair, and 2) the increased desire to fight it and once and for all cure myself of T. When it's not bothering me so much, i'm not as inclined to worry about it, but you've helped to remind me that my T is symptomatic of a wide variety of issues - Physical, psychological, emotional etc.