@@cnw3903It might sound dumb to you, but have you ever considered that it could actually be true? Of course not. Because you would be the ignorant one. Gotta protect your ego at all costs. Yet it will be your downfall. Embrace humility for once.
I really agree with the boldness of Mel while answering "I don't know": most of this questions have not a clear answer for a reason...But he stated his opinion, by the way!
He rushed off to the toilet whilst clearly getting agitated. Then when the camera started rolling again he and joe were off screen talking. Then they totally changed the subject. He obviously wanted off screen to tell joe to stop talking about it 😂
@@billdoor3140 he literally got a text during the broadcast telling him that his house was being burnt down back home. I think that had something to do with it. 😂
Sir Isaac Newton was the greatest scientist of all time. He wrote this, "This most beautiful system of sun, planets, and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being".
Just because we evolved into being doesn't mean a higher creative intelligence didn't plan the whole deal. You can believe in evolution AND divine providence and intelligent design.
But in science, the assertion with the least amount of assumptions is accepted, and your belief contains a huge assumption about the existence of an intelligence force behind creation. Evolution can be explained without any supernatural interference and it'll explain it just as well, if not with less assumptions
Not if you believe in modern neo-darwinian evolution. By definition it is opposed to teleology. The "natural selection" is a purposely phrased to oppose any "design, purpose, goal." How could God guide an unguided process? If you believe God guided evolution, then technically you fall into the "Intelligent Design" camp.
Man if you don't want to believe in God then don't believe in God. Leave the other MF alone who wants to believe in God. No bodys try to force you to do anything.
The unwillingness to say, "I don't know." Sometimes it's perfectly obvious when someone doesn't know. It shouldn't be painful for anyone to admit if they don't know something. To have Faith means you believe something, but you can't prove it. If you could prove it, you wouldn't call it Faith. Since it can't be proven, it's strange being unable to say "I don't know."
Valid point; but God does prove himself in various ways. Also in experiences as real and more powerful than what can be explained. Visions while awake, knowledge shared which is not known to you, love powerful and pure enough to overcome a strong man and put him to the ground in tears. The proof is out there but many do not look or do not want to look for various reasons. In my case it took 49 years of not really looking; though I thought to myself that I had. Jesus is real. Alive and well and he does speak to people in various ways. If you ever get the call; then New Testament and speak to him in earnest and ask him to show you that he is real. He did this when I went to him in pure desperation and when I was willing to ask in earnest and to try things his way. He helped me and he gave me faith as a gift. I could never muscle it up or believe what I could not see and touch. It didn't matter. He is God and he can reveal the truth and he changes hearts and minds. This is my long way of trying to say that you can know.
@ 3:25 Why do you want him to specifically say "I don't know" You can read between the lines that he is saying he doesn't fully know, but he doesn't buy into the evolution theory because he believes in God and the word of God which is the Bible, and it pretty much explains generally what we are as Humans and is not favorable to this "something comes from nothing". The Bible also doesn't really delve into the origin of satan or the whole backstory between God and his fallen angles in detail, but gives us enough to know. Same thing with creation, God gives us enough to know.
You're fundamentally flawed and hence in life as well. Christian faith is different in the fact that it has to bear evidences and there are if you seek them with honesty and not with that stupid and lofty attitude. Second, I've learnt of evolution with the best papers out there combined with linguistics, guess what, EVOLUTION IS THE FAIRY TALE, NOT FAITH IN BIBLICAL JESUS.
I love that he says i dont know and even aaks Joe to explain then still admits he doesnt get it then leans back into his faith . I love that integrity so much
That’s the easy route of being a christian, you just admit you don’t believe in anything that reality shows us, and lean back ‘cause the most important thing is your claims based in faith.
@@samgradyfilm Well, he is being consistent in his beliefs. Integrity definition: Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. I don't agree at all, and I actually got a laugh out of your comment. But I think OP is correct in his assessment.
It does make a difference. Because are ancestors didn't start out 8000 years ago, and also not 4000 years ago. On the coast of Spain, naming just one place, humans lived 100.000 years ago. They survived (some of them) ice ages and everything you can imagine, Rhino's crocodiles Sabertooth Cats. Mammoths. Bears. Wolves. Those people were giants (not literally) but it's very impressive what they did.
Yacub story says the white race was created and put in those caves. You better be careful buddy and do your homework. Some white peoples know that history. Ben Franklin knew and wrote a book on it in 1700s. Hitler knew and copied it to make his own aryan race. I'm a historian and egypt was black ethiopian. A city of medical colleges that ran for 100k years was in Kemet, Egypt. Kush. Chemistry and astronomy and the letters I'm using now invented there. Surgery. Grafting. ALL INSECTS NAMED THERE. No white race was walking planet then. It gets very very very very extremely interesting. Extremely. Unreal. The Sahara desert was an ocean then. That fact alone gives you another planet itself. Sahara is as big as america. It's sand now. At one time it was tropical. That history takes your mind into the cynecinophili black people,nephiliam and every being that was described by herodotus and Pliny the elder in bc times. St.christopher was a cynecinophili. That race of people existed. Described in detail by Columbus,Marco polo,asian kings.etc. Carthage was ethiopian black also. Etruscans also. Andromeda. Medusa was a naga tribe woman with braids not snakes. She was a TITAN. All titans were the ethiopians. Do your homework.
I find it so sad that so many religious people see animals as far beneath humans, I think it explains a lot with how we generally treat them, like we're so superior and special and they are just things without souls.
So let me get this right: you're upset religious people follow teachings, then? Genesis 1:26 Let's us make man in our image after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens and the livestock. I guess if you're a religious person, you just can ignore that entire chapter.
@ You don't say! That doesn't mean that humans aren't also animals though. We never stopped being animals at any point in the evolutionary process, and this is why we should much more respect for our animal kin.
@@Johnsmith-j5upossibly that NASA is literally specialists in a type of science and somebody who doesn’t believe in evolution certainly doesn’t think science is important 🤣😂
@@Johnsmith-j5u NASA specifically ties into carbon dating as well. They use chemistry in multiple different ways and probably helped invent carbon dating with that knowledge
From reading the comments, people don’t listen to learn anymore. They listen to judge. He has a interesting point of view & he’s having a open conversation with Joe. People should learn how to do that again.
@cthulhucrews6602 A soul is literally a being; or you're being. A d we were all created and made in the image of God for a purpose; not to say that we're better than anyone else because we're all sinners. That isn't pride, friend.
There is something wrong with alot of these people they have been poisoned physically and mentally most of these adults have the thought process of a normal child it's very odd to see.
@jademonolith like your "no duh" statement, really cooked on that one kang... Your simple Simon self is missing the forest for the trees & must not understand neaunce nor metaphor...but you is right "water don't thank" thanks for the carefully clearly clarifying clarification scooter wink 😉
I like how Joe does not make it a strong argument to convince Mel, like he would or has with other people he has interviewed before. We've seen Joe really push what he believes is real to other people.
Joe doesn't have strong arguments. Only 0.01% of people even come close to understanding the science of evolution. The rest of us just go with it because Mr Science says so. If tomorrow a report came out saying the opposite and the 10 leading scientists in the field all agreed and said there was a new found factor they hadn't accounted for, all Joe would say would be OK. I love how Joe has no problem believing in robot elfs and 911 inside job cover ups but no way could we fake dinosaurs.
@@totalsceptici don't get that vibe from Mel either. And trust me,Joe would effortlessly handle Mel in a physical altercation. The reason he isnt pushing him is his character and simplicity
Humans experience time linearly, God does not. It doesn't really matter how much time it took to create the universe, develop life and eventually humans. Whatever humans discover about that process doesn't disprove God, it only reveals a glimpse of his work. These 2 ideas: evolution and intelligent design don't need to be in tension.
God told us He created the world in 6 days and the genealogies in Genesis prove that the earth is merely a few thousand years old. He also told us that organisms being forth after their own kind. So, no, there is tension between Intelligent design, if the God of Abraham is the designer, and evolution.
@@AP-di6guyou can't say that a day was a 24 hour period back then it's all interpretation from old writings so a day could be 10,000 years we have no clue
@user-eg6nq7qt8c no, people can have opinions on whatever they want. The difference is people who have no expertise in an area now have social media platforms to give these opinions and large portions of society have proven they are unable to wade through what is fact and fiction. Why on earth does Mel Gibson's view on evolution hold any weight whatsoever?
@@user-eg6nq7qt8c No, they should restrict themselves. If you know fuck all about something don't go on about it like you're an expert. Leave that to actual experts. Don't pretend to know things that you don't.
Evolution explains the diversity of life all the way back to the simplest single-celled organisms, but it doesn’t even attempt to explain the origin of life. That’s a different question.
At 3:33 listen to how he pronounces "evolution" and I think that is a subtle jab he gives to it and reveals who he thinks is truly behind the concept. It really sounds like he says "evil-ution"
I like when someone can say I don’t know. It’s a sign of humility and intellect. I’d like to know if there are better methods to measure age of materials. Mr. Gibson may be right, without quantum sensing we are a bit in the dark. Let’s just admit that now!
You like it because the truth bothers you. Saying you dont know is marketing for new friends. Its for ppl with no balls.. u like no balls..U dont need friends. You need the truth.
@@nr1NPCEvolution occurs in living life forms. You can only have adaptation in life after there is life. If you are curious about the origin of life from non life look up abiogenesis.
The reason I’m skeptical about evolution is that first single called organism had to both become life and reproduce in that first lifespan. Plus we’ve never observed something go from no life to life.
there is a massive difference between macroevolution (change of kind which has never been observed), and microevolution, where the same species changed to fit its changing environment better, (which has been observed)
@steveb6718 Where do you draw the line between macro and micro-evolution? Does micro-evolution over an extended period of time not produce large results in the long run? Humans have only attempted to observe evolution in living species for the last couple centuries, which makes it difficult to observe large changes in speciation, which can take thousands to millions of years.
There is no distinction between macroevolution vs microevolution. Macroevolution is just the result of multiple microevolutions, nor does either disprove God, quite the contrary in my opinion.
@ That's the funny thing. Not sure why fundamentalists insist on arguing futilely against evolution. There's no reason God couldn't still exist even in a world with evolution (such as this world)
Adaptation can happen within kinds (i.e. Darwin’s Finches) but adaptation does not happen across different kinds. Adaptation creates different breeds of dogs, but they are still all dogs.
I've never found that to be a convincing or necessary argument. God exists outside time, a 14 billion year processes is just a blink of an eye to a being like that. Whatever we humans discover about the development of life or the origin of the universe is to get a glimpse of God's work.
@@user-eg6nq7qt8c a day doesn't exist outside of time. so even if 7 days is a blink of an eye to god it's still 7 days and not 14 Billion. Photons exist "outside of time" but photons don't have time or length they are essentially where they are going as soon as they are created(in their reference frame) to us though it can take billions of years for light to get here but to the photon when we see it. it took no time at all "In the context of a day, the "reference frame" typically refers to the Earth itself, meaning that all time measurements within a day are considered relative to the Earth's rotation, with the position of the sun serving as a key indicator for time progression throughout the day; essentially, the Earth's surface acts as a fixed point to measure the passage of time within a 24-hour cycle."
6:40, I don’t have a stance on the age of the earth, but when it comes to radiometric/carbon dating, people need to remember it barely became a system in science during the 1900s. It’s still fairly new and I’m sure will the method will change in the future, since science is not absolute and is always changing. I believe there is a counter argument to carbon dating when it comes to diamonds, but I don’t care that much to look that much into it. Joe just makes it seem like it’s an absolute truth and will not change
Joe's opinion is the official opinion = which is sometimes very dogmatic and infuriated when faced with religious doubts. Science can only give a working understanding (rational belief) because the one thing we do know is that major scientific paradigms are subject to revolutions.
Just because you don't have the knowledge, doesn't mean the knowledge doesn't exist or no one has it. Radiometric dating is very effective. It's not perfect; no tool is. But to use it as some kind of gotcha against evolution is just comically misinformed and frankly daft. Genetics alone is enough to show that evolution is factual. Everything else simply buttresses that fact. And don't be fooled; every single field that's even tangentially related to evolution supports its validity. Every single one. That's why it's the theory of evolution by natural selection, not the guess of evolution or the hypothesis of evolution
I honestly cannot fathom how seemingly intelligent people can still believe that we were "created". Despite science all but proving we, along with every other living thing evolved, people still hang on to a belief in a "higher power" because ultimately they need an explanation of our existence and are afraid of death. It's quite sad
@colleenshea2293 that is true, but it makes a hell of a lot more sense than some bearded man in the sky creating everything. If he/it was so benevolent, then why all the violence/war/famine in the world? Oh sorry, free will is that right?
@mattt21 I can't "blaspheme" anything if I'm not dumb enough to believe in it. So god let's people commit horrific atrocities to completely innocent people, just so they can redeem themselves? You sound completely nuts!!!
Monty, nothing is sad about that but you. It's enough to draw breath to witness creation and the source of it but instead you completely dismiss all that is for a belief called science. By the way, Science and God are One.
"It doesn't really matter" Correct. Regardless of the process that brought us to the point we are today, the questions of life (Origin, Meaning, Morality, and Destiny) still need to be answered, and the mechanisms don't really address them so why focus on them when they are largely speculative at best.
The problem rn is that a lot of people think we NEED to prove these things. Why? What good does that even bring us? It’s just an egoic pursuit, the ego trying to figure out where itself came from
I think if Steven Meyer had been sitting at Mel’s side, every position he holds would’ve been validated to wet credible degree. Unless I’ve been misinformed, there are actually numerous issues with carbon dating. And I wish he’d been able to articulate those. But like he said, he doesn’t need to.
The question is, does evolution disprove an intelligent creator? A computer program can also learn, create and evolve into a new form, but it was still created and didn`t evolve naturally, it behaves just the way it was programmed. Same goes for DNA, it`s a code, that re-combines the same program over and over in various different forms based on the conditions and the habitat. That does NOT prove it is a process that wasn`t designed.
@user-d8r9v I think evolution is the closest thing to the truth that we have. I think it is much more accurate than any religious story. We can see clear evidence of the evolutionary process at work in the universe, on our planet, and in ourselves. What's the alternative theory? Every species just popped into existence?
If your car technician said you needed a new engine but you didn't, you'd just believe him because he's known as the "expert". Just because they're an expert in something doesn't mean they're right all the time or that they're honest. Hence why every single topic of discussion has more than 1 opinion. There isn't a topic on earth that has 100% of people in agreement with each other.
Even Joe listens. It's surprising to see that Joe Rogan, who has mocked Christianity listens to Mel without any sarcasm or arrogance. Why, because Mel Gibson knows his stuff, is a director and actor. A successful one at that too.
Dr. Cecil Wakeley, leading British surgeon and the late president of the Royal College of Surgeons, said this, "When I was a medical student, I was taught the theory of evolution, but I never believed it".
I've been in a few comment sections that debate this and they believe that a detail IN creation disbelieves creation itself. That's what I don't understand.
Mel simply stated his beliefs. You are choosing to ridicule and diminish others just for the sake of your belief. Mel's attitude is more sensible than yours and more conducive to our well being. And yes, I do see that he seems limited as well, but he attacks no one while you attack him and anyone you think is related to his ideas.
There's an old story about God and an atheist having a contest The Atheist said, “I can make man just like you can”, and God said, “go for it”, so he said, “we'll each take some dirt, and we'll make man”, and he started…and God said, “get your own dirt”! Isn't that really the issue atheistic evolutionists can reason for all they want to, except when they get to the beginning. If it is all and where it started, they come up with some big bang and that still doesn't answer the question where all the elements came from that the Big Bang expressed, and they have no way of knowing. Everybody says that evolution is a scientific theory. Evolution is the most unscientific thing you will ever read, not one of their theories can be proven and most of them have been disproven yet we carry it on in our schools and in our culture as if it were in stone how did the world come into being.
I like your joke, but whether or not evolution is real, and is the origin of the diversity of life on earth, is a seperate question than what caused the big bang, or is there a god. If someone is arguing evolution is real, and you ask what caused the big bang, and he/she doesnt have an answer, that doesn't then discredit evolution. The theory of natural selection aims to explain the origin of species. How all this diversity on earth emerged, what natural laws affect living things, it doesn't answer questions like why does anything exist? Was there a big bang? What/who created the universe? Is there a god? These are seperate questions. Not knowing the answer to a different question doesnt discredit answers given to others.
@@Michael-io6db The bible is the only concrete information that gives us answers. It's more than saying something came from nothing. It would seem that you need more faith to be Atheist and faith of the bible.
@robg_ as i said, an advocate of the theory of evolution would argue natural selection is the answer to the question: what is the origin of the diversity of life. Evolution doesnt strive to answer any other question, just as germ theory doesnt strive to answer anything other than why do we get sick. Christian fundamentalism has the answer for the origin of species, for the question what came before life, for the question why are we here. It's just the same answer to each and every question, and it rymes with cod.
@@robg_ No, the bible is not the only concrete information given to us. It's a book with claims and assertions. Science is what gives us concrete information
Why? Mel Gibson was being interviewed, and Rogan wanted his views on a range of subjects, including carbon dating & evolution. The whole podcast wasn't about the origin of life and the age of the universe. It was about Mel Gibson.
Just because you don't have degree on something dosen't mean you don't have basic knowledge on topic and that you can't form your own opinion. Besides, carbon dating is not accurate. Atmospheric carbon varies with the climate. And besides God is God, He could easily speed up process of creation same way we speed up videos...
His views on evolution are stupid, but cheers to him on believing whatever he wants. Also, there are lots of animals close to as smart as us. Whales, Dolphins, Seals, Apes. In regard to Whales they use sonar to communicate over miles with each other. That's a pretty advanced attribute in my opinion. But if you want to believe in a sky fairy go for it. Also, humans are animals. Good job for Joe calling him out a bit. Mel Gibson doesn't understand the issue with ice melting. It's not sea ice that's the big issue but ice that are part of glaciers on land. Once they melt they are not on land anymore and add to sea water.
There is an interesting mathematical critique of natural selection that is based on how long - how many generations - it takes a particular mutation to be "fixed" in a population. They determined that there was not enough time or generations to account for the number of aggregated genetic differences between man and apes. I don't know if it's valid, but it has some support from a few mathematicians and biologists. Apparently, NS can't yet explain why no remains of any intermediate life forms between species have been discovered. I'm relaying this, I haven't yet formed an opinion on the matter.
@@Powerhaus88 From the people I have read, one is, and one (a professional mathematician.) isn't. Is it worth considering this new critique on its own merits? If it helps, this doesn't entail believing it is the hand of God.
@@Johnsmith-j5u There are a couple - again, I'm relaying what I read, not confidently claiming this is correct - Frank J. Tipler, Stanislaw Ulam and Marcel-Paul " Schützenberger. There have been some Chinese evolutionary scientists who have followed this heterodox angle focusing on a "molecular theory of evolution". Their publications are not well-regarded.
@@Johnsmith-j5u You said intermediate species have been found? Do you have a quick rundown on this? I'm not a scientist, I'm just interested in paleo-genetics, and I found these ideas intriguing. I don't have a dog in the fight between Christians and hard evolution scientists. My son has degrees in biology and maths, and he's wedded to evolution. Thinks I'm a nut for giving any alternatives or modifications a hearing. :)
Mel is such a perfect example of someone who has preconceived notions based on nothing and refutes science by claiming its lies. Scary stuff. Nothing you could say to him would change his mind.
@@coolslimm5105 What reason does he have to have a stubborn faith in religion? Science isn't about faith anyway, that's just what those con-artist preachers tell babybrains like yourself. There's no faith in science, just proven vs unproven, likely vs. unlikely. Billions of years of the universe evolving to end up where we are, theories based on observable evidence, or God waved a magic wand and there were people, based on no evidence at all? I can guess which you would choose.
Modern day "science" has convinced people there are more than two genders. It's a lot more dangerous than you think it is, and it's hardly the objective truth. You seem to be every bit as rigid as you think Mel is.
Did you ever have a glass of water with ice in it. As the ice melted, did you ever see that glass overflow? Nicely said Mel…👏 Proverbs 8:29 when he gave the sea its boundary so the waters would not overstep his command, and when he marked out the foundations of the earth.
Ice is less dense than liquid water, that’s why it floats. Being less dense means it takes up less space in a container when it melts meaning it won’t overflow. And God designed it that way. God and science are not necessarily separate things.
I believe that evolution alone can't account for the complexity of the brain, eyes, and skeleton. The intricacy of design is truly awe-inspiring, and it points to a Creator worthy of all praise. ❤️
I believe that evolution can't fully explain the complexity of the brain, eyes, and skeleton due to their intricate design and interdependent systems. The human brain, with around 86 billion neurons and trillions of synapses, is responsible for thought, memory, and consciousness. Evolutionary theory struggles to explain how such complexity could emerge, especially when considering the precise interconnections required. Similarly, the eye, with its retina, lens, cornea, and optic nerve all working together for vision, seems impossible to explain through gradual evolution since a partially developed eye wouldn't provide any survival advantage. The human skeleton, which is finely tuned for support, protection, and movement, also presents a challenge for evolutionary theory due to the precision required in structures like the spine, joints, and bones. These systems demonstrate fine-tuning, where each part depends on the others to function, making it difficult to explain how they could emerge through undirected processes. While evolution is well-supported in many areas, the complexity and coordination required for these biological systems suggest that a Creator or intelligent design may be a plausible explanation.
@@supernaturalsongsfromGod You say the complexity must come from design, yet these things have taken millions of years to develop to the stage they’re at now. There wasn’t “half developed eyes” and one day a distant relative plopped out a baby with 20/20 vision. It’s a constant improvement through generations that survive. Evolution is like a filtering system, if you don’t have the beneficial mutations filtering through, then you don’t adapt an advantage to your environment, and die out. Imagine this filtering system happening repeatedly for millions of years. The top 0.0001 % of life that made it through these adaptations would look “designed” wouldn’t they.
I appreciate your perspective on how evolution works as a filtering system, gradually improving traits over time to adapt to the environment. However, as a Christian who doesn’t believe in evolution, I see the complexity of life as evidence of intentional design rather than random, gradual improvement. The idea that complexity can arise from a filtering system over millions of years is an interesting concept, but I believe the intricacy and coordination we observe in biological systems, like the human eye or brain, point to something beyond just time and random mutations. Even though evolutionary theory suggests that traits improve over time, the idea of a "half-developed eye" or an incomplete system doesn't quite hold up-because, for something as complex as the eye to be useful, all parts need to function properly from the start. Evolution doesn’t seem to explain how such systems could evolve in a way that they would offer a survival advantage at each stage. Instead, I believe these systems reflect the work of a Creator who designed them with purpose and precision. Just as a watchmaker carefully designs a watch, I believe God created life with all the complexity and interdependence we see in the natural world. To me, the idea that life and its systems were designed by God makes more sense than the randomness of evolution leading to such perfect complexity. Thanks for the thoughtful discussion-it's always great to share different perspectives!
@@supernaturalsongsfromGod Yeah no worries. Always interesting to hear other views. I don’t think the eye is a complex part of us though. Look how often it goes wrong. How many people do you know that wear glasses for example. And the human eye isn’t some big mystery in regards to evolution. It’s not like parts developed, layed dormant, and finally synced to create this perfect tool for vision. One thing to consider, if we were designed, why is the human body not perfect?? Why do we have genetic disorders, hereditary diseases?? Why are we susceptible to nasty things like viruses?? Or why do we develop cancers?? It’s because we are far from some perfect design.
It's funny how Mel doesn't believe in radiocarbon dating but elsewhere in the very same podcast proudly claims the shroud of Turin has been validated (by radiocarbon dating) 😂 You're picking and choosing the science you like because it validates your faith Mel 🤣
I will spel it out to you since you don't seem very bright, when he says he doesn't trust carbon dating what he really means is he doesn't trust the people doing the caron dating, not that he doesn't trust the scientific principle.
Yes, and it's called nature. We have looked at life and seen how it is clearly based on an evolution of the species. There is so many stuff in our bodies, and in the bodies of animals, that are pointing to the fact that we once had tails etc. Our entire spine is one of an organism that walked on all fours, which is why you get backpains when you get older: it's literally not made for creatures who walk upright. Now who's to say that god didnt create life trough evolution? We as a species tend to put our own face on thing we don't easily comprehend. Nature somehow isn't good enough - it needs to have the face of a man with a beard sitting on a cloud in the sky.
@@raiderdefendant2225 .. He is a loving God. Who let's thousands of little children die every year from hunger and from diseases. Some English guy explained why he doesn't believe in your God. There is a fly in Africa that lays it's eggs in the eyes of animals, and sometimes young children. So the eggs grow and the victim turns blind. Why did God created those flies? Why did he create mosquitos, that give people malaria? Millions have died from that. Is or was he stupid at the time? Or did he do it intentional?
Creationist viewpoints can indeed be scientifically proven. Joe needs to interview people who are creationist scientists to get more scientific explanations. I've watched lectures on carbon dating and other such things from a creationist viewpoint and in debates and it's very easy to argue against by someone who is educated in this area. Some of us believe God's word by faith because, well , He's "God", He is the Creator. I totally understand looking for answers to our questions so we can believe and God provides answers for us as we search with all our heart. "Search for Me and you will find Me when you search for Me with all your heart". God is the Creator, true science comes through this knowledge. Having heard Joe ask questions about God and Christian beliefs, I truly believe he is searching for more and wants to believe. Praying for Joe to find the Way, the Truth, and the Life 🙏
The problem with these creationist "scientists" is, they all operate opposite to how science is supposed to work. They start with a conclusion, which is that their dogma is true, and then try to reason their way backwards. Being attached to a religious dogma makes the brain do all kinds of irrational loops.
Basically he denies all the scientific explanations with solid proof but has no argument to back It up because he didn't even spend one second actually reading something about this explanations. But the religious explanation with 0 proof based on magic and things written by people centuries ago that have modified in time seems much more logical to him.
The Lord is working in Joes life the only thing holding him back isn’t his sinful nature it’s that he doesn’t want to accept that he’s not related to chimpanzees.
It is at this time, sure. But you can see the evidence of evolution all throughout time without knowing exactly how abiogenesis occurred. They’re two separate issues. Maybe abiogenesis was biblical creation, maybe it was all through chemistry and physics. Doesn’t take anything away from the theory of evolution either way.
I came here to suggest that too. His iceberg/ice cube in a glass of water example sounded alot like a flat earther's explanation for things they don't fully understand. He's not understanding that it's not the icebergs melting, it's the glaciers on land they're worried about.
@@Geronimo_Jehoshaphat Well, last time i checked, experts of science were making medicine and technology through the materialism surrounding us, and not through the bible nor faith, i prefer to stick with whoever is dealing with the materialism and naturalism that surrounds our reality.
@joeygrace2464 You didn't check very deeply then. Since it was entirely religious people who notioned to study creation and the ruling structural designs of our creator. I mean entirely. As in the church made every advancement while you heathens sat on your thumb and slobbered.
Props to Joe for inviting an eclectic group Of guests … rational intellects like Brian Cox to hucksters like Trump and everything in between. He’s giving different opinions voice …fair play that’s what we need more out ..
Whether it's natural selection, random selection, whatever both of those phrases still point to a "Something" doing the selecting. Whether it random or precise.
Yes, it absolutely is. Evolution is population mechanics and population genetics over time. It is not one species magically transforming into another species within a single generation as you have been taught from the pulpit.
@@highpriestofgavinalmightyh1304 There is an interesting mathematical critique of natural selection that is based on how long - how many generations - it takes a particular mutation to be "fixed" in a population. They determined that there was not enough time or generations to account for all the aggregated mutations that make up the significant genetic differences between man and ape ancestors I don't know if it's valid, but it has some support from mathematicians and biologists. Apparently, NS can't yet explain why no remains of any intermediate life forms between species have been discovered. I'm relaying this, I haven't yet formed an opinion on the matter. My son's a biologist with a maths degree and he's pretty wedded to NS.
@@highpriestofgavinalmightyh1304 Some genes seem to mutate faster than others. Others, such as haplogroups mutate very slowly. There was a study that described a very quick change in beak-types in a population of birds that were fed by feeder boxes - the birds started to have very different beaks that fitted the feeders better. The environment did it's work and the change took about 20 years.
Who would he ask, a scientist? So the scientist answers that evolution is a fact when is not but a total farce, a scam And you gave yourself a like Nice
If you look at most of these “missing links” the majority of the skull is missing and filled in by clay or mold. Just facts. And there’s big money and prestige in finding these remains
Did the animals tell you that? Do you hear voices? Do you feel constantly paranoid? You might be schizo homie. Don’t speak of your make believe fantasies as if they are set in stone fact.
When you don't know how something happened you don't make up a God to fill in the blank answer. Instead you say "we don't know what caused the singularity yet" and continue investigating.
Carbon dating is NOT rock solid, pun intended. Rock formations formed after Mt St Helens are dated to be 350,000 years old when in reality they are dozens.
I love how Joe picks and chooses who he wants to call bullshit on like why he lets Mel ramble on nonsense and others he immediately shuts down is so interesting
Carbon dating is definitely not solid evidence Its been known to get accurate dates wrong It also doesn't take into account if water affected the material being tested
@youyou3671 I forgot all of the sources I've watched a lot of interviews on different things like diamonds and people that speak about carbon dating and stuff like that What I'm saying is that I went from believing in carbon dating to beginning to doubt carbon dating
No he was saying order can't come from chaos (creation) and that we are at fault for chaos (after creation). You know part from Genesis: "God saw everything He has made and saw it was good" and then people sinned? So he didn't contradict himself in this.
The humility to just say "I don’t know" is beautiful.
he literally says humans have souls and animals don't. he was sure about that
He said a lot of dumb shit with so much confidence
@@cnw3903It might sound dumb to you, but have you ever considered that it could actually be true? Of course not. Because you would be the ignorant one. Gotta protect your ego at all costs. Yet it will be your downfall. Embrace humility for once.
Do you think gravity is real...... i don't know.... 😂😂😂😂
God knows, I do not
Joe was fighting everything from saying we’re monkeys on a rock shooting thru space
Joe will be a Christian by three years from now
I don't why this say 41 likes. It should 4.1k likes.
Joe shot reality and common sense into Mel the wife beater
@gps9715 because its probably mostly christians right now for this episode.
The way how Mel Gibson talks and acts, reminds me a little bit of Jack Nicholson.
So you could end the scene there…but if you leave the tape rolling…
I really agree with the boldness of Mel while answering "I don't know": most of this questions have not a clear answer for a reason...But he stated his opinion, by the way!
Evolution aside. I like the way Mel discusses it. He says 'sure' at the same time not capitulating.
Mel cannot be outsmarted by Joe, sorry.
He rushed off to the toilet whilst clearly getting agitated. Then when the camera started rolling again he and joe were off screen talking. Then they totally changed the subject. He obviously wanted off screen to tell joe to stop talking about it 😂
@ Also, his house was burning down.
@@billdoor3140 he literally got a text during the broadcast telling him that his house was being burnt down back home. I think that had something to do with it. 😂
Right? It's not cool to agree with something that's been disproven for almost 2 centuries now
Sir Isaac Newton was the greatest scientist of all time. He wrote this, "This most beautiful system of sun, planets, and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being".
There's been some 300 years of science since his death. This weird appeal to authority you're doing is rather silly.
@brainworm666 "Life can only be understood backwards but it must be lived forwards"
-Soren Keirkegaard
@ Nice quote. What does that have to do with anything?
@ what are they right about?
He also lived in a time where denial of God was illegal and could result in corporal punishment
Just because we evolved into being doesn't mean a higher creative intelligence didn't plan the whole deal. You can believe in evolution AND divine providence and intelligent design.
This is the only intelligent take. There's no other way that makes sense.
No you can't, according to my Professor, Christian , sister.
But in science, the assertion with the least amount of assumptions is accepted, and your belief contains a huge assumption about the existence of an intelligence force behind creation. Evolution can be explained without any supernatural interference and it'll explain it just as well, if not with less assumptions
@@krezleon942your belief contains an assumption that universe was created spontaneously from absolutely nothing
Not if you believe in modern neo-darwinian evolution. By definition it is opposed to teleology. The "natural selection" is a purposely phrased to oppose any "design, purpose, goal."
How could God guide an unguided process?
If you believe God guided evolution, then technically you fall into the "Intelligent Design" camp.
I like the bit where he doesn't want to be in Scorsese's movie.
Because he wants to direct the movie. Compare passion to the last temptation. Very different portrayals of christ and how his final months went down.
@ and then he returns to finding Keith Richards nuttin in his hotel room
That’s why actors should be acting,scientists should answer this type of questions.
- "Do you believe in evolution ?"
- "So yesterday we had dinner..."
A Jedi tried that trick on me a long time ago. It didn't work back then neither.
Him talking about steak happened before Joe asked that question
Man if you don't want to believe in God then don't believe in God. Leave the other MF alone who wants to believe in God. No bodys try to force you to do anything.
The unwillingness to say, "I don't know." Sometimes it's perfectly obvious when someone doesn't know. It shouldn't be painful for anyone to admit if they don't know something. To have Faith means you believe something, but you can't prove it. If you could prove it, you wouldn't call it Faith. Since it can't be proven, it's strange being unable to say "I don't know."
Intuition is its own type of knowing.
He said “I don’t know” SEVERAL times
Valid point; but God does prove himself in various ways. Also in experiences as real and more powerful than what can be explained. Visions while awake, knowledge shared which is not known to you, love powerful and pure enough to overcome a strong man and put him to the ground in tears. The proof is out there but many do not look or do not want to look for various reasons. In my case it took 49 years of not really looking; though I thought to myself that I had. Jesus is real. Alive and well and he does speak to people in various ways. If you ever get the call; then New Testament and speak to him in earnest and ask him to show you that he is real. He did this when I went to him in pure desperation and when I was willing to ask in earnest and to try things his way. He helped me and he gave me faith as a gift. I could never muscle it up or believe what I could not see and touch. It didn't matter. He is God and he can reveal the truth and he changes hearts and minds. This is my long way of trying to say that you can know.
@ 3:25 Why do you want him to specifically say "I don't know" You can read between the lines that he is saying he doesn't fully know, but he doesn't buy into the evolution theory because he believes in God and the word of God which is the Bible, and it pretty much explains generally what we are as Humans and is not favorable to this "something comes from nothing". The Bible also doesn't really delve into the origin of satan or the whole backstory between God and his fallen angles in detail, but gives us enough to know. Same thing with creation, God gives us enough to know.
You're fundamentally flawed and hence in life as well. Christian faith is different in the fact that it has to bear evidences and there are if you seek them with honesty and not with that stupid and lofty attitude. Second, I've learnt of evolution with the best papers out there combined with linguistics, guess what, EVOLUTION IS THE FAIRY TALE, NOT FAITH IN BIBLICAL JESUS.
I love that he says i dont know and even aaks Joe to explain then still admits he doesnt get it then leans back into his faith . I love that integrity so much
That’s the easy route of being a christian, you just admit you don’t believe in anything that reality shows us, and lean back ‘cause the most important thing is your claims based in faith.
how tf is that integrity?
@@samgradyfilm I was wondering the exact same thing
@@samgradyfilm Well, he is being consistent in his beliefs. Integrity definition: Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.
I don't agree at all, and I actually got a laugh out of your comment. But I think OP is correct in his assessment.
It does make a difference. Because are ancestors didn't start out 8000 years ago, and also not 4000 years ago.
On the coast of Spain, naming just one place, humans lived 100.000 years ago.
They survived (some of them) ice ages and everything you can imagine, Rhino's crocodiles Sabertooth Cats.
Mammoths. Bears. Wolves. Those people were giants (not literally) but it's very impressive what they did.
That's what they say, but the problem is, there's been cases where radio carbon dating has been unreliable.
@@jmz2144no, nephilim.
Yacub story says the white race was created and put in those caves. You better be careful buddy and do your homework. Some white peoples know that history. Ben Franklin knew and wrote a book on it in 1700s. Hitler knew and copied it to make his own aryan race. I'm a historian and egypt was black ethiopian. A city of medical colleges that ran for 100k years was in Kemet, Egypt. Kush. Chemistry and astronomy and the letters I'm using now invented there. Surgery. Grafting. ALL INSECTS NAMED THERE. No white race was walking planet then. It gets very very very very extremely interesting. Extremely. Unreal. The Sahara desert was an ocean then. That fact alone gives you another planet itself. Sahara is as big as america. It's sand now. At one time it was tropical. That history takes your mind into the cynecinophili black people,nephiliam and every being that was described by herodotus and Pliny the elder in bc times. St.christopher was a cynecinophili. That race of people existed. Described in detail by Columbus,Marco polo,asian kings.etc. Carthage was ethiopian black also. Etruscans also. Andromeda. Medusa was a naga tribe woman with braids not snakes. She was a TITAN. All titans were the ethiopians. Do your homework.
I find it so sad that so many religious people see animals as far beneath humans, I think it explains a lot with how we generally treat them, like we're so superior and special and they are just things without souls.
Animals and humans are different in case you don't know
@@realityhittingmeHumans are animals.
@@realityhittingme Really. Humans are animals. St Francis worshipped animals.
So let me get this right: you're upset religious people follow teachings, then? Genesis 1:26 Let's us make man in our image after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens and the livestock. I guess if you're a religious person, you just can ignore that entire chapter.
@ You don't say! That doesn't mean that humans aren't also animals though. We never stopped being animals at any point in the evolutionary process, and this is why we should much more respect for our animal kin.
Joe asking these questions while wearing a NASA t-shirt is awesome.
What does Nasa have to do with this discussion?
@@Johnsmith-j5upossibly that NASA is literally specialists in a type of science and somebody who doesn’t believe in evolution certainly doesn’t think science is important 🤣😂
Werner Bon Braun likes people like Joe wearing NASA shirt
@@Johnsmith-j5u NASA specifically ties into carbon dating as well. They use chemistry in multiple different ways and probably helped invent carbon dating with that knowledge
@@MrWizardGGNASA lies about moon landings and Mars landings with flies included 😂
From reading the comments, people don’t listen to learn anymore. They listen to judge. He has a interesting point of view & he’s having a open conversation with Joe. People should learn how to do that again.
It's the pride of people...
Nice shirt Joe! Lmao! 🤣
@cthulhucrews6602 A soul is literally a being; or you're being. A d we were all created and made in the image of God for a purpose; not to say that we're better than anyone else because we're all sinners. That isn't pride, friend.
There is something wrong with alot of these people they have been poisoned physically and mentally most of these adults have the thought process of a normal child it's very odd to see.
These podcasts are brilliant great interaction 👍👏
Absolutely EPIC 😅
1:03... When water thinks the pot hole was made specifically for its existence because it fits in it perfectly.
The reverse logic would say the water is made for the pot hole, which isn't true either.
@ryotron8936 this is true
water does not think. Personification is cringe
@jademonolith like your "no duh" statement, really cooked on that one kang... Your simple Simon self is missing the forest for the trees & must not understand neaunce nor metaphor...but you is right "water don't thank" thanks for the carefully clearly clarifying clarification scooter wink 😉
There’s a guy on youtube named Testify apologetics. He debunks this and explains how it does not debunk the cosmological argument
I like how Joe does not make it a strong argument to convince Mel, like he would or has with other people he has interviewed before. We've seen Joe really push what he believes is real to other people.
Those other people weren't giving off a vibe that they would jump across the desk and bite his face off!!🤣
Joe doesn't have strong arguments. Only 0.01% of people even come close to understanding the science of evolution. The rest of us just go with it because Mr Science says so. If tomorrow a report came out saying the opposite and the 10 leading scientists in the field all agreed and said there was a new found factor they hadn't accounted for, all Joe would say would be OK.
I love how Joe has no problem believing in robot elfs and 911 inside job cover ups but no way could we fake dinosaurs.
@@totalsceptici don't get that vibe from Mel either.
And trust me,Joe would effortlessly handle Mel in a physical altercation.
The reason he isnt pushing him is his character and simplicity
its cause he respects his beliefs and doesnt want to try to convince him.
Nice shirt Joe! Lmao! 😂
Humans experience time linearly, God does not. It doesn't really matter how much time it took to create the universe, develop life and eventually humans. Whatever humans discover about that process doesn't disprove God, it only reveals a glimpse of his work. These 2 ideas: evolution and intelligent design don't need to be in tension.
God told us He created the world in 6 days and the genealogies in Genesis prove that the earth is merely a few thousand years old. He also told us that organisms being forth after their own kind.
So, no, there is tension between Intelligent design, if the God of Abraham is the designer, and evolution.
@@AP-di6guyou can't say that a day was a 24 hour period back then it's all interpretation from old writings so a day could be 10,000 years we have no clue
@@CadillacJak a day isn't defined as 24 hour and they used to be shorter
U would know right
'I don't think' and people providing opinions on topics they have little to no idea about has really wrecked our society.
So in order to have a functioning society people must be restricted in what opinions they can have and share?
@user-eg6nq7qt8c no, people can have opinions on whatever they want. The difference is people who have no expertise in an area now have social media platforms to give these opinions and large portions of society have proven they are unable to wade through what is fact and fiction. Why on earth does Mel Gibson's view on evolution hold any weight whatsoever?
Agree 💯
@@user-eg6nq7qt8c No, they should restrict themselves. If you know fuck all about something don't go on about it like you're an expert. Leave that to actual experts. Don't pretend to know things that you don't.
I promise you disbelief in the idiocy of darwinism hasnt wrecked our society
Evolution explains the diversity of life all the way back to the simplest single-celled organisms, but it doesn’t even attempt to explain the origin of life. That’s a different question.
Do you know that before oxygen on earth their was life.
At 3:33 listen to how he pronounces "evolution" and I think that is a subtle jab he gives to it and reveals who he thinks is truly behind the concept. It really sounds like he says "evil-ution"
It's how they pronounce it in the UK I believe, doesn't mean much.
Absolutely. That's Mel's humor.
scopes trial reference
Sounds like a CONSPIRACY THEORY to me
oh ok cool u guys
How people can take these two seriously is quite frankly, hilarious. 😂😂
I like when someone can say I don’t know. It’s a sign of humility and intellect. I’d like to know if there are better methods to measure age of materials. Mr. Gibson may be right, without quantum sensing we are a bit in the dark. Let’s just admit that now!
Nothing about this clip showed intellect. He showed a tremendous amount of faith. But there was no intellect involved.
You like it because the truth bothers you. Saying you dont know is marketing for new friends. Its for ppl with no balls.. u like no balls..U dont need friends. You need the truth.
Only humans were created in the image of God (and with a soul as Mel mentioned). That's really what sets us apart.
No it's people totally buying in to a made up story.
simple as this. Evolution as a process✅, Evolution as an origin❌
Why not as an origin?
Allah is our origin. Bow to Allah .
@@nr1NPCEvolution occurs in living life forms. You can only have adaptation in life after there is life. If you are curious about the origin of life from non life look up abiogenesis.
@@tobin8585 Allah isn't real
Nobody presents evolution as an explanation for the initial origin of life.
Now have Aaron Ra as a follow up guest 😂
Birds. Jurassic Park taught me that when I was 6😂
The reason I’m skeptical about evolution is that first single called organism had to both become life and reproduce in that first lifespan. Plus we’ve never observed something go from no life to life.
You’ve never observed pregnancy then??
@ all the cells involved in reproduction are alive. Good try though.
there is a massive difference between macroevolution (change of kind which has never been observed), and microevolution, where the same species changed to fit its changing environment better, (which has been observed)
@steveb6718 Where do you draw the line between macro and micro-evolution? Does micro-evolution over an extended period of time not produce large results in the long run? Humans have only attempted to observe evolution in living species for the last couple centuries, which makes it difficult to observe large changes in speciation, which can take thousands to millions of years.
Adaptation IS evolution
What is a kind? You literally have no idea what you're talking about
There is no distinction between macroevolution vs microevolution. Macroevolution is just the result of multiple microevolutions, nor does either disprove God, quite the contrary in my opinion.
@ That's the funny thing. Not sure why fundamentalists insist on arguing futilely against evolution. There's no reason God couldn't still exist even in a world with evolution (such as this world)
Adaptation can happen within kinds (i.e. Darwin’s Finches) but adaptation does not happen across different kinds. Adaptation creates different breeds of dogs, but they are still all dogs.
I've never found that to be a convincing or necessary argument. God exists outside time, a 14 billion year processes is just a blink of an eye to a being like that. Whatever we humans discover about the development of life or the origin of the universe is to get a glimpse of God's work.
Dogs, which used to be wolves, which are a different species, which directly conflicts with your weird made up belief.
@@user-eg6nq7qt8c a day doesn't exist outside of time. so even if 7 days is a blink of an eye to god it's still 7 days and not 14 Billion. Photons exist "outside of time" but photons don't have time or length they are essentially where they are going as soon as they are created(in their reference frame) to us though it can take billions of years for light to get here but to the photon when we see it. it took no time at all
"In the context of a day, the "reference frame" typically refers to the Earth itself, meaning that all time measurements within a day are considered relative to the Earth's rotation, with the position of the sun serving as a key indicator for time progression throughout the day; essentially, the Earth's surface acts as a fixed point to measure the passage of time within a 24-hour cycle."
@@KrikZ32 they are same, a simple google search before you commented would’ve saved you looking like a 🤡
@@KrikZ32 he is repeating Ray Comfort's bullshit.
Evolution doesn't debunk a creator. Both can be.
Clearly a very intelligent man. It'd be such a greater interview if he was sober.
6:40, I don’t have a stance on the age of the earth, but when it comes to radiometric/carbon dating, people need to remember it barely became a system in science during the 1900s. It’s still fairly new and I’m sure will the method will change in the future, since science is not absolute and is always changing. I believe there is a counter argument to carbon dating when it comes to diamonds, but I don’t care that much to look that much into it. Joe just makes it seem like it’s an absolute truth and will not change
Joe's opinion is the official opinion = which is sometimes very dogmatic and infuriated when faced with religious doubts. Science can only give a working understanding (rational belief) because the one thing we do know is that major scientific paradigms are subject to revolutions.
Yeah Joe loves coming to a conclusion even if it's conjecture. I think he finds enormous comfort in his perceived truths.
Just because you don't have the knowledge, doesn't mean the knowledge doesn't exist or no one has it. Radiometric dating is very effective. It's not perfect; no tool is. But to use it as some kind of gotcha against evolution is just comically misinformed and frankly daft. Genetics alone is enough to show that evolution is factual. Everything else simply buttresses that fact. And don't be fooled; every single field that's even tangentially related to evolution supports its validity. Every single one. That's why it's the theory of evolution by natural selection, not the guess of evolution or the hypothesis of evolution
@@MitchMunchies15 You may be right about Joe in general, but in this case he's right, even if it's more by luck than judgement
Jo also thinks 1 x 1 is 2
I honestly cannot fathom how seemingly intelligent people can still believe that we were "created". Despite science all but proving we, along with every other living thing evolved, people still hang on to a belief in a "higher power" because ultimately they need an explanation of our existence and are afraid of death. It's quite sad
Science is unable to explain everything and or even that much.
@colleenshea2293 that is true, but it makes a hell of a lot more sense than some bearded man in the sky creating everything. If he/it was so benevolent, then why all the violence/war/famine in the world? Oh sorry, free will is that right?
@@monty0289 Why blaspheme God? Read the Bible if things were just fine there’d be no need for redemption.
@mattt21 I can't "blaspheme" anything if I'm not dumb enough to believe in it. So god let's people commit horrific atrocities to completely innocent people, just so they can redeem themselves? You sound completely nuts!!!
Monty, nothing is sad about that but you. It's enough to draw breath to witness creation and the source of it but instead you completely dismiss all that is for a belief called science.
By the way, Science and God are One.
"It doesn't really matter" Correct. Regardless of the process that brought us to the point we are today, the questions of life (Origin, Meaning, Morality, and Destiny) still need to be answered, and the mechanisms don't really address them so why focus on them when they are largely speculative at best.
The problem rn is that a lot of people think we NEED to prove these things. Why? What good does that even bring us? It’s just an egoic pursuit, the ego trying to figure out where itself came from
I misread your comment, I totally agree with u
Not a problem.
Beautiful framing of Truth my friend
Heresy. Convert to Orthodoxy
Did the episode just come out or I’m tripping balls because I swear I’ve watched this before. Major Deja vu
Btw I don’t drink or do no drugs. I clearly remember the part where he said he was in a restaurant n talking about souls
I think the last person to ask him that question worked for LAPD .
I think if Steven Meyer had been sitting at Mel’s side, every position he holds would’ve been validated to wet credible degree. Unless I’ve been misinformed, there are actually numerous issues with carbon dating. And I wish he’d been able to articulate those. But like he said, he doesn’t need to.
You've been misinformed
@@getasimbeYou're uneducated
Steven Meyer is a joke
@ lol I’m sure you’re much more intelligent. Why don’t you take a second, and tell us exactly why he’s a joke.
@@getasimbe he isn't
The question is, does evolution disprove an intelligent creator? A computer program can also learn, create and evolve into a new form, but it was still created and didn`t evolve naturally, it behaves just the way it was programmed. Same goes for DNA, it`s a code, that re-combines the same program over and over in various different forms based on the conditions and the habitat. That does NOT prove it is a process that wasn`t designed.
It doesn't disprove an intelligent creator but it does disprove that humans were created 8000 years ago
@@DC07007 Yes that is quite obvious that it`s bs :D
Evolution has never been proven. Even science, Biogenetics, has determined evolution is impossible. Care to debate?
@@user-d8r9v Evolution is probably the greatest deception the devil has ever fooled humanity with.
@user-d8r9v I think evolution is the closest thing to the truth that we have. I think it is much more accurate than any religious story. We can see clear evidence of the evolutionary process at work in the universe, on our planet, and in ourselves. What's the alternative theory? Every species just popped into existence?
Mel is an actor so we should all listen to him!
Only when they political speech for democrates :)
If your car technician said you needed a new engine but you didn't, you'd just believe him because he's known as the "expert". Just because they're an expert in something doesn't mean they're right all the time or that they're honest. Hence why every single topic of discussion has more than 1 opinion. There isn't a topic on earth that has 100% of people in agreement with each other.
Even Joe listens. It's surprising to see that Joe Rogan, who has mocked Christianity listens to Mel without any sarcasm or arrogance. Why, because Mel Gibson knows his stuff, is a director and actor. A successful one at that too.
And you are what Don?
@ Do you get sarcasm?
Dr. Cecil Wakeley, leading British surgeon and the late president of the Royal College of Surgeons, said this, "When I was a medical student, I was taught the theory of evolution, but I never believed it".
So what?
@brainworm666 “Reality can be beaten with enough imagination.”
- Mark Twain
@ Cool story.
I never ask anyone about evolution without asking for their definition of it first.
Mel has got it spot on.
Good for Mel, i have the same thoughts exactly.
He is just plain ol Nuts. Like come on!
Just as dumb as him then, shocker
God bless mel gibson 🙏
Don’t forget to zip it up when you’re down there. Wipe your mouth too
@@JohnJohn-cu7nki don't agree with everything he says but he seems like a good and honest man.
Why not bless him?
@newhybrid101 I like him , he's a really colourful interesting person.
LIKE the saying goes, dont bring up politics or religion 🙄
It's hard not to bring up religion when he literally directed PASSION OF THE CHRIST!
Need to have Gregg Braden on his podcast to talk about evolution
My ice thawed out and my water overflowed. Haha
Never ask a creationist about evolution. Not uness you want to lose a few million brain cells listening to their answers.
I've been in a few comment sections that debate this and they believe that a detail IN creation disbelieves creation itself. That's what I don't understand.
Okay you geniuses, what created the primordial broth involved in the Big Bang?
@@terike9738 i have no idea. But im confident evolution is real. Arguing it is in no way equates to saying i know every answer to everything
Mel simply stated his beliefs. You are choosing to ridicule and diminish others just for the sake of your belief. Mel's attitude is more sensible than yours and more conducive to our well being. And yes, I do see that he seems limited as well, but he attacks no one while you attack him and anyone you think is related to his ideas.
@@Gaiasloveryes, silly ideas and beliefs should be ridiculed and pointed out, that’s how we learn.
There's an old story about God and an atheist having a contest The Atheist said, “I can make man just like you can”, and God said, “go for it”, so he said, “we'll each take some dirt, and we'll make man”, and he started…and God said, “get your own dirt”!
Isn't that really the issue atheistic evolutionists can reason for all they want to, except when they get to the beginning. If it is all and where it started, they come up with some big bang and that still doesn't answer the question where all the elements came from that the Big Bang expressed, and they have no way of knowing. Everybody says that evolution is a scientific theory. Evolution is the most unscientific thing you will ever read, not one of their theories can be proven and most of them have been disproven yet we carry it on in our schools and in our culture as if it were in stone how did the world come into being.
I like your joke, but whether or not evolution is real, and is the origin of the diversity of life on earth, is a seperate question than what caused the big bang, or is there a god. If someone is arguing evolution is real, and you ask what caused the big bang, and he/she doesnt have an answer, that doesn't then discredit evolution. The theory of natural selection aims to explain the origin of species. How all this diversity on earth emerged, what natural laws affect living things, it doesn't answer questions like why does anything exist? Was there a big bang? What/who created the universe? Is there a god? These are seperate questions. Not knowing the answer to a different question doesnt discredit answers given to others.
@@Michael-io6db The bible is the only concrete information that gives us answers. It's more than saying something came from nothing. It would seem that you need more faith to be Atheist and faith of the bible.
@robg_ as i said, an advocate of the theory of evolution would argue natural selection is the answer to the question: what is the origin of the diversity of life. Evolution doesnt strive to answer any other question, just as germ theory doesnt strive to answer anything other than why do we get sick. Christian fundamentalism has the answer for the origin of species, for the question what came before life, for the question why are we here. It's just the same answer to each and every question, and it rymes with cod.
@@robg_ No, the bible is not the only concrete information given to us. It's a book with claims and assertions. Science is what gives us concrete information
The best way i've heard a scientist describe it: "I can explain the entire universe... just give me 1 free miracle."
He's like Heath Ledger's Joker 10 minutes before he became Heath Ledger's Joker
No work without any Coffee! Law!
Talk to someone who can counter carbon dating analysis. Not a Movie star.
Mel Gibson was being interviewed, and Rogan wanted his views on a range of subjects, including carbon dating & evolution.
The whole podcast wasn't about the origin of life and the age of the universe. It was about Mel Gibson.
Just because you don't have degree on something dosen't mean you don't have basic knowledge on topic and that you can't form your own opinion. Besides, carbon dating is not accurate. Atmospheric carbon varies with the climate. And besides God is God, He could easily speed up process of creation same way we speed up videos...
@@AP-di6gu He doesn't even give his view, just refuses to say evolution is a fact and said he didn't know instead - cop out.
@@TheOneAndOnlyZelenkaGuru That is a view, and if you don't like what he has to say, don't watch.
@ Not a view, a cop out.
Mel Gibson is an American icon a true legend
Except that he is Australian
@@GW2Vids1 He was born in America moved to Australia when he was young
@GW2Vids1 hes American he was born in New York his parents moved to Australia when he was 12 he's not Australian he's American
His views on evolution are stupid, but cheers to him on believing whatever he wants. Also, there are lots of animals close to as smart as us. Whales, Dolphins, Seals, Apes. In regard to Whales they use sonar to communicate over miles with each other. That's a pretty advanced attribute in my opinion. But if you want to believe in a sky fairy go for it. Also, humans are animals. Good job for Joe calling him out a bit. Mel Gibson doesn't understand the issue with ice melting. It's not sea ice that's the big issue but ice that are part of glaciers on land. Once they melt they are not on land anymore and add to sea water.
Australian icon
There is an interesting mathematical critique of natural selection that is based on how long - how many generations - it takes a particular mutation to be "fixed" in a population. They determined that there was not enough time or generations to account for the number of aggregated genetic differences between man and apes.
I don't know if it's valid, but it has some support from a few mathematicians and biologists.
Apparently, NS can't yet explain why no remains of any intermediate life forms between species have been discovered. I'm relaying this, I haven't yet formed an opinion on the matter.
And these "they" being whom? Creationists? :))))))
@@Powerhaus88 From the people I have read, one is, and one (a professional mathematician.) isn't.
Is it worth considering this new critique on its own merits? If it helps, this doesn't entail believing it is the hand of God.
they have found "intermediate life forms" what was the name of this mathematician
@@Johnsmith-j5u There are a couple - again, I'm relaying what I read, not confidently claiming this is correct -
Frank J. Tipler, Stanislaw Ulam and Marcel-Paul " Schützenberger. There have been some Chinese evolutionary scientists who have followed this heterodox angle focusing on a "molecular theory of evolution". Their publications are not well-regarded.
@@Johnsmith-j5u You said intermediate species have been found? Do you have a quick rundown on this?
I'm not a scientist, I'm just interested in paleo-genetics, and I found these ideas intriguing. I don't have a dog in the fight between Christians and hard evolution scientists. My son has degrees in biology and maths, and he's wedded to evolution. Thinks I'm a nut for giving any alternatives or modifications a hearing. :)
And that's why you don't ever overestimate a Hollywood star, because they seem smart. Then they say things like this.
Mel is such a perfect example of someone who has preconceived notions based on nothing and refutes science by claiming its lies. Scary stuff. Nothing you could say to him would change his mind.
Same as all religious nuts... and flat earthers :)
What reason does he have to have a stubborn faith in science
@@coolslimm5105 What reason does he have to have a stubborn faith in religion? Science isn't about faith anyway, that's just what those con-artist preachers tell babybrains like yourself. There's no faith in science, just proven vs unproven, likely vs. unlikely. Billions of years of the universe evolving to end up where we are, theories based on observable evidence, or God waved a magic wand and there were people, based on no evidence at all? I can guess which you would choose.
@@coolslimm5105 What?
Modern day "science" has convinced people there are more than two genders. It's a lot more dangerous than you think it is, and it's hardly the objective truth. You seem to be every bit as rigid as you think Mel is.
Did you ever have a glass of water with ice in it. As the ice melted, did you ever see that glass overflow?
Nicely said Mel…👏
Proverbs 8:29
when he gave the sea its boundary so the waters would not overstep his command, and when he marked out the foundations of the earth.
Ice is less dense than liquid water, that’s why it floats. Being less dense means it takes up less space in a container when it melts meaning it won’t overflow. And God designed it that way. God and science are not necessarily separate things.
Imagine spitting out some made up sentences trying to explain science when it clearly show you have no clue how science works
@@fun2badult neither do you, One day you'll know the truth when you're in his presence.
Do you speak english - motherfu-?
I believe that evolution alone can't account for the complexity of the brain, eyes, and skeleton. The intricacy of design is truly awe-inspiring, and it points to a Creator worthy of all praise. ❤️
Why do you believe that??
I believe that evolution can't fully explain the complexity of the brain, eyes, and skeleton due to their intricate design and interdependent systems. The human brain, with around 86 billion neurons and trillions of synapses, is responsible for thought, memory, and consciousness. Evolutionary theory struggles to explain how such complexity could emerge, especially when considering the precise interconnections required. Similarly, the eye, with its retina, lens, cornea, and optic nerve all working together for vision, seems impossible to explain through gradual evolution since a partially developed eye wouldn't provide any survival advantage. The human skeleton, which is finely tuned for support, protection, and movement, also presents a challenge for evolutionary theory due to the precision required in structures like the spine, joints, and bones. These systems demonstrate fine-tuning, where each part depends on the others to function, making it difficult to explain how they could emerge through undirected processes. While evolution is well-supported in many areas, the complexity and coordination required for these biological systems suggest that a Creator or intelligent design may be a plausible explanation.
@@supernaturalsongsfromGod You say the complexity must come from design, yet these things have taken millions of years to develop to the stage they’re at now. There wasn’t “half developed eyes” and one day a distant relative plopped out a baby with 20/20 vision. It’s a constant improvement through generations that survive. Evolution is like a filtering system, if you don’t have the beneficial mutations filtering through, then you don’t adapt an advantage to your environment, and die out. Imagine this filtering system happening repeatedly for millions of years. The top 0.0001 % of life that made it through these adaptations would look “designed” wouldn’t they.
I appreciate your perspective on how evolution works as a filtering system, gradually improving traits over time to adapt to the environment. However, as a Christian who doesn’t believe in evolution, I see the complexity of life as evidence of intentional design rather than random, gradual improvement.
The idea that complexity can arise from a filtering system over millions of years is an interesting concept, but I believe the intricacy and coordination we observe in biological systems, like the human eye or brain, point to something beyond just time and random mutations. Even though evolutionary theory suggests that traits improve over time, the idea of a "half-developed eye" or an incomplete system doesn't quite hold up-because, for something as complex as the eye to be useful, all parts need to function properly from the start. Evolution doesn’t seem to explain how such systems could evolve in a way that they would offer a survival advantage at each stage.
Instead, I believe these systems reflect the work of a Creator who designed them with purpose and precision. Just as a watchmaker carefully designs a watch, I believe God created life with all the complexity and interdependence we see in the natural world. To me, the idea that life and its systems were designed by God makes more sense than the randomness of evolution leading to such perfect complexity.
Thanks for the thoughtful discussion-it's always great to share different perspectives!
@@supernaturalsongsfromGod Yeah no worries. Always interesting to hear other views. I don’t think the eye is a complex part of us though. Look how often it goes wrong. How many people do you know that wear glasses for example. And the human eye isn’t some big mystery in regards to evolution. It’s not like parts developed, layed dormant, and finally synced to create this perfect tool for vision. One thing to consider, if we were designed, why is the human body not perfect?? Why do we have genetic disorders, hereditary diseases?? Why are we susceptible to nasty things like viruses?? Or why do we develop cancers?? It’s because we are far from some perfect design.
If I want to know about evolution, I ask an actor!!!
It's funny how Mel doesn't believe in radiocarbon dating but elsewhere in the very same podcast proudly claims the shroud of Turin has been validated (by radiocarbon dating) 😂
You're picking and choosing the science you like because it validates your faith Mel 🤣
I will spel it out to you since you don't seem very bright, when he says he doesn't trust carbon dating what he really means is he doesn't trust the people doing the caron dating, not that he doesn't trust the scientific principle.
Well spotted 😂
Look at all of life clearly there is a creator. a designer
Yes. The Bible you know says this very thing. That no one is without excuse for not believing in God, because creation itself makes obvious He exists.
@ yes, indeed, and he is a loving God that doesn’t want anyone to be destroyed. I’m trying to change my ways and choose his ways.
Yes, and it's called nature. We have looked at life and seen how it is clearly based on an evolution of the species. There is so many stuff in our bodies, and in the bodies of animals, that are pointing to the fact that we once had tails etc. Our entire spine is one of an organism that walked on all fours, which is why you get backpains when you get older: it's literally not made for creatures who walk upright. Now who's to say that god didnt create life trough evolution?
We as a species tend to put our own face on thing we don't easily comprehend. Nature somehow isn't good enough - it needs to have the face of a man with a beard sitting on a cloud in the sky.
Islam is the truth. Read the Qur'an
@@raiderdefendant2225 .. He is a loving God. Who let's thousands of little children die every year from hunger and from diseases.
Some English guy explained why he doesn't believe in your God. There is a fly in Africa that lays it's eggs in the eyes of animals, and sometimes young children. So the eggs grow and the victim turns blind.
Why did God created those flies? Why did he create mosquitos, that give people malaria? Millions have died from that. Is or was he stupid at the time? Or did he do it intentional?
Creationist viewpoints can indeed be scientifically proven. Joe needs to interview people who are creationist scientists to get more scientific explanations. I've watched lectures on carbon dating and other such things from a creationist viewpoint and in debates and it's very easy to argue against by someone who is educated in this area.
Some of us believe God's word by faith because, well , He's "God", He is the Creator. I totally understand looking for answers to our questions so we can believe and God provides answers for us as we search with all our heart. "Search for Me and you will find Me when you search for Me with all your heart".
God is the Creator, true science comes through this knowledge. Having heard Joe ask questions about God and Christian beliefs, I truly believe he is searching for more and wants to believe. Praying for Joe to find the Way, the Truth, and the Life 🙏
The problem with these creationist "scientists" is, they all operate opposite to how science is supposed to work. They start with a conclusion, which is that their dogma is true, and then try to reason their way backwards. Being attached to a religious dogma makes the brain do all kinds of irrational loops.
Not a single creationist belief has been proven lol
This is moronic hogwash, every sentence you typed.
@@za-ir5ni nor has an evolution one - mathematically or chemically; evolution is not possible. 😊 nothing dead can produce Life.
Dumbest internet comment of 2025 goes to... Creationist Number 666!!
Martin Riggs is probably one of the best action characters in all of cinema
“Carbon dated”😂😂😂😂😂
Basically he denies all the scientific explanations with solid proof but has no argument to back It up because he didn't even spend one second actually reading something about this explanations.
But the religious explanation with 0 proof based on magic and things written by people centuries ago that have modified in time seems much more logical to him.
You're not really smart, aren't you
You are the special one here man if the bullshit Mel is saying make sense to you , sorry to tell you that @@owlNolan
Mel Gibson is a national treasure
The only evolution I ever believed in is Ric Flair, HHH, Batista and Randy Orton! 🔥💪
Evolution is a mystery...
@@jademonolith Full of change that *no one* sees!
The Lord is working in Joes life the only thing holding him back isn’t his sinful nature it’s that he doesn’t want to accept that he’s not related to chimpanzees.
Mel Gibson and Roseanne should start a podcast. That would be hilarious.
Evolutionists act like abiogenesis isn't a belief based on faith.
It is at this time, sure. But you can see the evidence of evolution all throughout time without knowing exactly how abiogenesis occurred. They’re two separate issues. Maybe abiogenesis was biblical creation, maybe it was all through chemistry and physics. Doesn’t take anything away from the theory of evolution either way.
Faith is not the same thing as a reasonable inference.
lol. Mel Gibson might as well believe in flat earth at this point
Nice shirt Joe! Lmao!😂
I came here to suggest that too. His iceberg/ice cube in a glass of water example sounded alot like a flat earther's explanation for things they don't fully understand. He's not understanding that it's not the icebergs melting, it's the glaciers on land they're worried about.
What a weird comment conflating faith with ignorance.
@ that’s not just faith. He’s literally ignorant about the topic he’s discussing. Not stupid but ignorant... and he admitted it.
The Title is perfect, Joe asked mel what he feels, not what he knows, ‘cause clearly he doesn’t know anything at all.
Neither do presumed experts of science.
Include yourself as well. We all fall short and we all eat dinner and sleep. Chill.
That's what faith is 😂
@@Geronimo_Jehoshaphat Well, last time i checked, experts of science were making medicine and technology through the materialism surrounding us, and not through the bible nor faith, i prefer to stick with whoever is dealing with the materialism and naturalism that surrounds our reality.
You didn't check very deeply then. Since it was entirely religious people who notioned to study creation and the ruling structural designs of our creator. I mean entirely. As in the church made every advancement while you heathens sat on your thumb and slobbered.
You can have faith, but facts are facts. To deny them, or to say "i don't know" is just lunacy.
Props to Joe for inviting an eclectic group
Of guests … rational intellects like Brian Cox to hucksters like Trump and everything in between. He’s giving different opinions voice …fair play that’s what we need more out ..
Whether it's natural selection, random selection, whatever both of those phrases still point to a "Something" doing the selecting. Whether it random or precise.
You don't know, neither did Darwin, stop teaching people guess work then in a 100 years we find out a new theory.
I just realized this channel is called “UNIVERSITY” of JRE.
One of the top universities! On par with the university of Andrew Tate! 😮
@ Andrew Tate 🤣 Muslims had high hopes for him being their Tom Cruise but boy that dream is over. Hahahaha
God? Evolution? Naah buddy.
Accredited by Trump "University" 😂
Really not a worse level of shit than what's being dished out at any other university, just tends to lean towards a different wing!🤗
It’s a testament to how fantastic his movies are that I can listen to his BS and still enjoy them.
He basically said, "I don't know. Here's my faith, here's what I believe." If that upset you? You're not okay. You.
@@troymash8109 I’m not the one who thinks the world is 8000 years old 😂😂😂
@AnthonyWhitewwfilms you have no clue what's the truth either wtf do you know. You couldn't say how old the earth is
@AnthonyWhitewwfilms humans maybe? Not the world?
@@AnthonyWhitewwfilmsdoes he think that? No one actually thinks that
Question carbon dating is actually spot on.
Adaptation IS NOT Evolution
Yes, it absolutely is. Evolution is population mechanics and population genetics over time. It is not one species magically transforming into another species within a single generation as you have been taught from the pulpit.
@@highpriestofgavinalmightyh1304 There is an interesting mathematical critique of natural selection that is based on how long - how many generations - it takes a particular mutation to be "fixed" in a population. They determined that there was not enough time or generations to account for all the aggregated mutations that make up the significant genetic differences between man and ape ancestors
I don't know if it's valid, but it has some support from mathematicians and biologists. Apparently, NS can't yet explain why no remains of any intermediate life forms between species have been discovered. I'm relaying this, I haven't yet formed an opinion on the matter.
My son's a biologist with a maths degree and he's pretty wedded to NS.
@@highpriestofgavinalmightyh1304 Some genes seem to mutate faster than others. Others, such as haplogroups mutate very slowly.
There was a study that described a very quick change in beak-types in a population of birds that were fed by feeder boxes - the birds started to have very different beaks that fitted the feeders better. The environment did it's work and the change took about 20 years.
@@damaristighe3227 yeah, that’s population genetics over time.
Really scares fundamentalists for some reason. 🤷♂️
My man, just say you're stupid, and spare us the drama.
Why would you ask Mel Gibson about evolution?? He is completely unqualified. He is an actor. What we believe has nothing to do with fact.
Who would he ask, a scientist?
So the scientist answers that evolution is a fact when is not but a total farce, a scam
And you gave yourself a like
Joe knows his religion and just wanted to know what his opinion is on the topic.
@@Scottieguru theyre having a casual conversation. Nothing more to it
Evolution doesn't require the approval of Mel Gibson, nor does it care about his feelings.
If you look at most of these “missing links” the majority of the skull is missing and filled in by clay or mold. Just facts. And there’s big money and prestige in finding these remains
He lost all credibility when he said animals don't have souls and this helps him not be guilty when eating them.
Thanks fellow human who neither has nor doesn't have any advantages over what is truth and what is not truth.
@ the key point is that Mel was using a contorted version of logic and faith to justify his own actions and remove moral considerations.
@@umwha cool story bro
Did the animals tell you that? Do you hear voices? Do you feel constantly paranoid? You might be schizo homie. Don’t speak of your make believe fantasies as if they are set in stone fact.
the universe had to be created, only explanation for the singularity of the big bang appearing
@@robocop4209 yeah good counter argument lmao
When you don't know how something happened you don't make up a God to fill in the blank answer. Instead you say "we don't know what caused the singularity yet" and continue investigating.
@@timbeech2056 I know it was god or a creator, its the only possible explanation
Their was no big bang
Carbon dating is beyond rock solid. Flawed is an understatement
Interesting how people pick and choose who to push back on
Hey guys, IRL engineer with decades of experience.
He's right.
Yep. Old man in the sky, watching me touch myself
@Moe_Lester_fromUptwn narcissistic abuse and manipulation doesn't work on adults tbh
@Moe_Lester_fromUptwn what?
No one cares
Joes like; you believer over there; give me a reason to get off the fence and hold myself accountable
Carbon dating is NOT rock solid, pun intended. Rock formations formed after Mt St Helens are dated to be 350,000 years old when in reality they are dozens.
But how old are the rocks themselves?
How is carbon dating related to rocks? Carbon dating is not applicable to rocks.
Very true. This aligns with accounts of dinosaurs in the Bible. They were alive before the Flood.
@@neo-didact9285 Prove it.... lets hear the facts and evidence for your extraordinary claim.
I love how Joe picks and chooses who he wants to call bullshit on like why he lets Mel ramble on nonsense and others he immediately shuts down is so interesting
He’s an angel in an earth suit! Lol😅
Mel is one hundred percent correct
REALLY!? It sounds to me like he never made it past 7th grade science.
Carbon dating is definitely not solid evidence
Its been known to get accurate dates wrong
It also doesn't take into account if water affected the material being tested
@@Maicon-b1b examples and sources please
@youyou3671 I forgot all of the sources
I've watched a lot of interviews on different things like diamonds and people that speak about carbon dating and stuff like that
What I'm saying is that I went from believing in carbon dating to beginning to doubt carbon dating
Carbon dating might not be completely accurate... but it at least can probably prove the earth is more than 5000 years old.
It depends on the material. Carbon dating gives you a rough estimate.
@@LambertBowden56 that is something that I think is true
The carbon dating even if it's adjusted still stretches beyond 5 k years
Darwin didn’t even believe In his own theory when he was passing away.
Look it up!
No evidence or source for that
What mel says from 1:06 to 1:22 legit disproves everything hes saying and you can tell he realizes it😂
No he was saying order can't come from chaos (creation) and that we are at fault for chaos (after creation). You know part from Genesis: "God saw everything He has made and saw it was good" and then people sinned? So he didn't contradict himself in this.
I would love to see Eddie and Mel do a long chat without Joe.Mels hesitants is for great reason.The message never gets through to society.
You'll have a hard time convincing me he's sober here.
Haha for real though!! Ice example was so dumb
@@cnw3903 It's not his convictions, but his mannerisms and speech.
@@cnw3903 Gibson is dumb