Can you get into the flow in one step in six minutes?

  • Опубліковано 20 жов 2024
  • Not a 90. minute video, I go from stopping the regrets of your Chinese Menu life to living in the flow in one quick step. Granted it took me years to get here, but I explain it in mere minutes. You might have to listen to this many times to understand what I am saying, Forget the past either imagine your future or be fully present in the present. Thats all Folks! If you could do just that you would be so happy. You dont have to get up in the wee hours if you can train your brain to stay in the presnt during the day. In fact what good is it to be present at 5am when no one else is up. Life happens for all of us later in the day you need the skills to stay present in your life vs your problems. Otherwise what is the point of even being alive? You can be happy or you can be miserable. You dont need a neuropsychologis explaining weird names to different parts of the brain or even a best selling book guru. How do they know if its in your profontal cortex or is there really a place called the psyche? Do you really care? Were they miniturazied and did fantastic voyage in your brain. I get it you can do an MRI or something and see certain parts in your brain light up. Does that make it any easier for you/ And by the way I just read in Popular Mechanics not in a woo woo book that they are seeing certain things in your brain that might support communicating outside of your brain, So there for all your woo woo and scientific stuff. You literally know nothing. Just do what works. You have all been in the flow. You have all had the best conversation in your life when you were "Present" with a capital P and shut up for a little or long while. You have all imagined something you wanted to be see or do and manifested it. For most of you it was merely an ice cream soda or a ciggarette. Why not apply that skill to positive things? You all know how to listen with 100% presence you do it every day for the boob tube. why not do it lovingly for another human being you claim to love? The basics are easy. It doesnt have to be hard. You can get this and then get it more and more often til "it" becomes how you live your life. You dont need any fancy words for parts of your brain or thinking processes. You actually need to stop listening to the voice in your head that is talking and dont argue with it as another million book best seller suggests. If you merely listen to when you are being creative and stop listening to the chatter you are done. Let me say that again the chatter box in your head is doing the 90,000 useless thoughts you did yesterday about your past and your problems. Then there is this small voice that needs to be amplified that is shouting what your soul wants. I dont care if that is coming from your gut, your stomach or whatever you want to call it, that is the only "voice" you should listen to. That is where all the magic comes from that is the tiny voice that is trying to get you to listen to the greatest life you could imagine. If you simply listen to that voice all the time and ignore the chatterbox that is trying to keep you in the quick sand of problems and the past you will confidently move in the direction of your dreams and goals. Whether you get there, surpass them or not you will be happy all the way because you will be focused on happy things, Of course you have a choice you can simply sit around and continue to focus on your problems I dont care if they are coming to turn your lights off., Guess what they will call you, email you certified mail you and all of the above before they actually do it. Sitting home worrying about it vs working or brain storming solutions. One will get you there happily the other will make you sick and more likely to fail. Its that simple on the extrame worse and as well as the extreme positive end. Take it from one who was so consumed with drugs that was all I could think about to imagining going from $200 a week to $900,000 a year without having a clue how it would happen. In fact at that moment in my life I was scared shitless to just make it through the day without using drugs. But I filled my mind with positive books, cassette tapes on visualization. It was a lot harder back then. Today you just go to UA-cam, its all there for free. Wow! I wish I had that decades ago, But I have it today and I will let you know when I reach my next milestone. Its going to be monumental.