Yeah and the old fart likely buffed up (modded) the gun to oneshot an enchanced soldier since they are half warframes not as easy to kłll them as a normal human....
@@Darthmufinknowing DE they'll probably fix it if enough people complain. Wouldn't be the first time they went back to change quest details, see: Awakening. Also the Star Chart. And obviously they had to change War Within (and the Kuva Guardians) to account for the removal of Void Blast. And they allegedly redid Wally's eye effect across the board to match some of the dialogue in Duviri describing Wally's avatars/puppets as having black eyes (excluding the Wall of Lohk which has no eyes)... As opposed to the cloudy, glowing (and visibly not black) eyes Wally was shown with before Duviri came out.
The Operator upon dying: I'm not dead! (Returns to life) The Drifter upon dying: i will not accept this! BEGIN. AGAIN! (Time loops until the Drifter reaches an outcome they want)
Operator: "I made a deal with a malevolent extradimensional deity without knowing the terms and got immortality and super powers" Drifter: "What if I hit myself with Golden Wind Requiem?" Also Drifter: "Wow I barely escaped that death loop . . . . What if I did it again?"
There was an Easter egg when we first went to the mall for the event around when ember got her new skins, if you walked thru the hallways you could find your troublesome half standing near the shadows laughing at you
The music was there to try to hint at getting to know them to save them (when Onlyne asked if you have ever been in love, when Entrati said love was the Indifference's "poison to his plan"), but to remind you that this cycle you cannot, they are doomed to die, and the music is supposed to cut you because you don't want to lose them.
Gotta cut amir some slack, man. Remember when you met Rell and he weirded you out? Well Amir's on the spectrum too. He's high energy, low-self esteem. guys got demons that he tries to mask with being the class clown. You can't tell me you've never felt that way before--laugh aaway the pain, am i right? Don't be so hard on him.
Plus I think it's an homage to 90s movies where the big theme plays during the climactic moment, in this case a fight. I know I've seen that trope before even if I can't describe it well
You don't need to use the dating system on Pom-2 (but it makes it a bit faster, made them like me after 3 days and giving a few gifts) Just do bounties related to them and You'll gain their friendship
26:28 yea, it was a bit overdone. if he said the "marty's legit" with a bit more seriousness, then it would've been fine imo 35:50 i think it was a bittersweet moment. They are fighting an unwinnable war while the citizens are unaware of anything that's happening. The music shows what life could they have if not for the cruel fate
the music in the background in the finale is the On-lyne group performing a music concert for the end of the year while the nuke goes off. The citizen of Hollvania are unaware of the events next regarding the planned "nuke". The Hex Group are framed by Scaldra faction to be the terroirs but its actually the reverse.
You need now to boots the relationships with the Hex characters to level “Liked” and reach lvl 3 the hex syndicate. Don’t forget to gift presents to each member of the Hex. Once you “unlocked” a character, you get a short cutscene as a confirmation. Once you got close with all the Hex members, you can retry the Y2K eve and try save them.
You're totally right about the jade light thing, maybe entrati gave some version of it to the techrot or something but I don't understand how there could be any scaldra eximus.
@@warchildsilver his heart exploded originally, which is why in the first loop that we are in Entrati shoots him saying he wouldn't make it anyways. So he was shot, but originally yes his heart exploded
The music was great for the scene what are you talking about. It really had a whole “they’re reaching the end of the road, one last stand with death around the corner” with us even knowing that it’s true due to the scene on the Zariman where we see how they all die and in what order
You can actually get the Gemini skins without paying real money. You just need to farm something like Rivens or Prime Parts and Trade them for the Platinum.
Jade Eximus units in general really shouldn't be in 1999, Parvos Granum invents them during Operation Belly of the Beast, which was a canon lore event that happens immediately after Jade Shadows. But then again, we can probably blame the Eximus units being there on tbe fa t thqt Wally got to 1999 before we did, canonically speaking (as shown in Whispers in the Wall). After all, if we, Albrecht and Wally can time travel, and if we can send our equipment back in time to be picked up atbthe Backrooms area, then Wally could easily bring such concepts back with him to get in our way.
I never really thought that the drifter never lost the power he had over duviri. Usually things like that are a one-off in most games. But this isn't most games!
Whispers in the Wall previewing 1999: You are late. Arrive on time next time. Warframe 1999 during the Hex Quest: you arrive on time but it's not ENOUGH time Warframe 1999 when the quest is over: BEGIN AGAIN! ...Now we're super early, that should give us enough time.
I guess whether you like a character/character quirks really depends on your preference. I personally like Amir, I think he is endearing. Seeing how you don't like him instead is interesting.
You should probably listen to the lyrics of both songs. We learned before the quest came out that Onlyne were saying some f'd things every time they sing. The songs make sense if you go to Aoi's room and find the secret emails.
I saw someone in region chat say what I hope more people adopt...that Warframe 1999 is like Destiny Lightfall but good. Amir does give off some Nimbus vibes, but from what I saw of Nimbus, they didn't have nearly the range Amir does. Like, Amir is nerdy and goofy, but in his defense, he at least balances it with serious, somber moments, which given the circumstances, is NEEDED to add gravity. Nimbus ruined basically every critical moment they were a part of, and for a final chapter before the ending of the Light and Dark Saga, that was something Bungie could NOT afford to have happen.
I also thought of Indifference Entrati when he said “we end as we began” which perfectly fits Drifter. One of the first things we see with Drifter is a time loop and now we end the quest as we began Drifter’s story, by reversing and controlling the loops
lol well the part where the music was playing was actually very deep. It’s like having your last moments with people you care about and everything is drowning out around you. It basically just built up the sentimental sadness of it all. Amazing job in my opinion
Yeah, the ending of Duviri is basically what happened here. I feel like that could've been emphasized a bit more to make it clearer. I followed most of what happened, but when I reappeared back in the mall, it took me a second to realize what took place, and piecing it together with the calendar system and everything. But yeah, check in with the Hex, do a few bounties, it's super easy to raise your chemistry with each (you don't need to be in love with them all, just "Liked" status) and then visit the cat in the backroom for the "finale." I won't spoil it, but it definitely made THIS "ending" feel a lot more purposeful.
The duviri time reset spiral at the end wasn’t clear enough😂 drifter whole thing is that they are able to create and control time loops as shown at the end of the duviri quest line, lotta people just forget that somehow
@@SovereignRaven I mean...I not only acknowledged that...I admitted that I forgot. 😂 I defend this game's story all the time as extremely dense and efficiently told, which is a good thing for brevity, but also, larger concepts like "Drifter can now literally rewind time" can sometimes get lost when people play through them. I can't tell you how many rewatches of Chains of Harrow I did before I caught that Palladino calls Lotus "Sentient Queen" BEFORE we find out she's a spy...and how many times I played those quests before I caught that she literally tells Lotus "you're not Margulis," and how many people continue asking if Lotus and Margulis are the same person several quests later. I'm taking the L that I forgot. I'm not even saying DE should change it. Just stating that I think it could've been a tad clearer that it's now a permanent ability, as opposed to "this is how Duviri got resolved."
Finished finale today before work, come back to it being Spring season now Shit’s so good I can’t believe instead of day/night they did seasons, I’m so excited to get deeper into this timeline
@@sharkgirling wait again, so my language is just fiction? but i am real? or am i like Dominus? wait,wait,wait, who of you is it, who is thinking me? which kind of projection am i? Whose weird dream???Ahhhhh!
@@sharkgirling haha i did a short recherche. Höll (or Hölle) is clear, thats german for Hell. But! Vania is a genus of benthic forams from the upper Paleocene. Forams are a marine microorganism having a calcareous shell with openings where pseudopods protrude. Reminds me of the aesthetic part of the Helminth. Also vania: This suffix is derived from the Latin word vania, meaning "land" or "place." It indicates a region or territory. For example: - Transylvania: Literally means "beyond the forest" (trans meaning "across" or "beyond" and silva meaning "forest"). I think DE did a great job choosing this name.
35:50 WHY the hate with the music so much ?! wtf. It does add a lot. It's a last fight against the fate. It's fitting to have that music running in the background. Pretty obvious honestly. I still think the quest needed a few dialogues with them using the computer. Ppl like you shows it best. The only character you were interested were Arthur (because He's excal and Aoi. You learn more about them after the quest. So if you not a little empathic in general. It will not work well.
Why didn't Quincy move out of the way before his death? Because his only redeeming quality his character has (in terms of writing) is that he "doesn't seem to mind being turned down" when he flirts with the Drifter in the Instant Messenger, and he knows it. The ARG dialogue alone shows us that the other Hex members don't like him and actually have a good reason for not liking him. He's a hypocrite, saying Amir is weak when Quincy is the only one that actively hangs back and avoids direct combat (see: the ARG dialogue) He is a coward (see the above, plus the fact that he straight up abandons the Hex and only tried to fix things when itbwas already too late for him to even make a difference). He is a gaslighter. He projects his weakness onto Amir, he projects his instability onto Eleanor (who is admittedly the only case where Quincy has a point) and he claims Arthur is the one that's a problem when we ask why Quincy likes to start so much crap between himself and the other Hex Members. He not only had toxic influences growing up but is wholeheartedly proud of those toxic influences, using a direct quote from one of them to justify his behavior (the exact quote being "a bully knows what he can get away with" but in French, which in short is basically him saying he unironically, wholeheartedly and proudly believes in Might Makes Right which is inherently a red flag), see the ARG Doalogue. -When the Drifter asks Quincy what the latter's problem is with Arthur, Quincy immediately resorts to gaslighting saying that Arthur isnthe one that's gor a problem with him when clearly we can see that Quincy is lying through his teeth about why he seens to gate Arthur. And out of story, Quincy is an afterthought, he's only there to advertise Cyte-09 since that frane debuts in that update.
It felt too fast and did not explain a lot like how dose drifter know the hex howed he got there also is this the past or a alter time line . maybe i just missed alot of lore idk.
I don't know if you have anything going on in your life right now but you seemed uncharacteristically and overly aggressive in this video, as well as missing a lot more things than you normally do even when characters are blatantly saying things out loud. If you got something bothering you in your life right now then it's totally okay to take a break from UA-cam man. Sometimes it be like that.
Overall this quest was super great, i don´t get your hate on the briísh but i agree Amir just was the "comedic relief" aka "the annoying guy". Really unhappy, like he had 0 redeeming moments in the quest, i don´t really get how anyone else can see him as more. That and the Infestation, like how exactly did a modenn Excalibur spawn out of the Helminth? with us in there? And that Techrot Legacyte whatever, also pretty weak part in my opinion. Mainly the voicing was just... Cliché to put it like that. I like my Lephantis thank you. also some scenes Seemed a bit cut in certain parts but well... Loved the way the Quest led into the new update though. That they managed SO WELL this time. Oh btw; jade light eximus; the story lore for all eximus pretty much is that they are empowered by Void energy. So really a chain of events has no effect, it just exists.
@scary1407 He isn´t the worst but... He felt Very disconnected and almost exclusively for the joke-lines. That + the voice, and he leaves his trash around. I wanted my boy volt to be shown the badass he is, but he just get´s reduced to the fast nerd. I just can´t forgive that unfortunately.
After the Whispers in the Wall quest, Loid sends you a mail saying he’s the one who will be sending us to 1999 and he’s making sure we’re not going in unprepared or underpowered, hence the Warframe. Yes this could’ve been touched on and explained a bit better like if we saw Loid send Drifter to 1999 but it was at least told to us even if not in the best way or a way we all wanted
@@ssgtanman That´s like The whole plot of terminator but John conner wasn´t a thing. Like this pretty big challange, getting us back into 1999. Also how did albrecht get back? was it void energy? only possible thing, but that makes the "escape wally" objective pretty silly. us Getting in through transference? totally valid. But why the F did the random excal spat out with us inside? The quest was great but damn the way we got there is just convinience and plot hole.
Everyone's a gangster till Entrati pulls out the Lex Prime
Yeah and the old fart likely buffed up (modded) the gun to oneshot an enchanced soldier since they are half warframes not as easy to kłll them as a normal human....
Blast the whole Hex gang 😂
Which doesn't sound like a lex prime. idk how they fucked that up.
@@Darthmufinknowing DE they'll probably fix it if enough people complain. Wouldn't be the first time they went back to change quest details, see: Awakening. Also the Star Chart. And obviously they had to change War Within (and the Kuva Guardians) to account for the removal of Void Blast.
And they allegedly redid Wally's eye effect across the board to match some of the dialogue in Duviri describing Wally's avatars/puppets as having black eyes (excluding the Wall of Lohk which has no eyes)... As opposed to the cloudy, glowing (and visibly not black) eyes Wally was shown with before Duviri came out.
@maszkalman3676 the model has more details
The Operator upon dying: I'm not dead! (Returns to life)
The Drifter upon dying: i will not accept this! BEGIN. AGAIN! (Time loops until the Drifter reaches an outcome they want)
It's the only thing that the Drifter know of😅
Operator: "I made a deal with a malevolent extradimensional deity without knowing the terms and got immortality and super powers"
Drifter: "What if I hit myself with Golden Wind Requiem?"
Also Drifter: "Wow I barely escaped that death loop
What if I did it again?"
@@connorboyle2585I know Golden wind is the localization name but it's actually Golden experience
Operator: cannot die
Drifter: rewind time
@Null-iq5rj begin again!
In this house we will NOT tolerate Amir hate
I feel he's the closest to cracking that's why he is the way he is just holding on to his last bit of sanity
Yeah, I found that out after the quest. I ask him something and he just....stopped talking like he broke. It was a normal question too.
@@MelvinBattlewas it about cephalons?
I think amir truly embodies "Volt"
You suck for hating on amir doosh
I was a day or so late!
Im sorry!!!🥺
Aoi dying from an Annyurism got me real bad somehow. Everyone's death was sad to me, but Aoi's hit me extra hard.
Yeah I gasped, I wasn’t expecting it. Uncomfy, makes the players want to change the outcome. 😖
I think it’s cuz hers was so realistic, like, pushing yourself to the point of death. Also cuz she’s the best character
I thought the same that shit was brutal
Fun fact: you can hear "rap tap tap" very faintly in the hex hub sometimes
It was also on the radio.
Its in my dreams
@@miltonamilcar5298ngl i think he might be in mine, a lot of them had very, indifference looking surroundings
There was an Easter egg when we first went to the mall for the event around when ember got her new skins, if you walked thru the hallways you could find your troublesome half standing near the shadows laughing at you
The music was there to try to hint at getting to know them to save them (when Onlyne asked if you have ever been in love, when Entrati said love was the Indifference's "poison to his plan"), but to remind you that this cycle you cannot, they are doomed to die, and the music is supposed to cut you because you don't want to lose them.
I legit didn't notice at first. But we try to use Transference on Arthur during that cutscene.
I didn't notice it either. Did you raise your chemistry with the Hex and do the quest finale yet?
@RedShadowOfSaturn working on it, got em all to friendly so far. And up to 2 for 1 in the hex rep grind.
@@lelouche25 I'll keep quiet then. You're almost there. 🤭
"She's giving me a Borderlands vibe" is the most validating thing I've ever heard lmao, I had the exact same thought.
Aoi (Mag) and Amir (Volt) where annoying when I first saw them but after talking to them (chemistry system) I felt a bit bad for assuming things.
I was neutral to Aoi at first but now she's my BFFL
i didn't like amir and after talking to them i realized he's just another nerd like me XD
and i like him
@@Asterionfunerd + ADHD
Please dont hate on amir, hes a good nerdy boy :(
Idk he's my favorite because Volt was the frame I chose at the beginning. I'm probably just biased
I’m absolutely in love with Quincy. Both with the character and the frame.
@@84m30 yah
im loving Aoi just being well lovable
3:29 Excuuuuuse me?!, how dare you shit on the GOAT?
Gotta cut amir some slack, man. Remember when you met Rell and he weirded you out? Well Amir's on the spectrum too. He's high energy, low-self esteem. guys got demons that he tries to mask with being the class clown. You can't tell me you've never felt that way before--laugh aaway the pain, am i right?
Don't be so hard on him.
Fr. When I first him, my immediate thought was: “ADHD”
After I started talking to him abt robots I realised he’s likely also autistic
35:33 Amir listens to music while he's fighting stuff apparently, so its not really out of place.
Plus I think it's an homage to 90s movies where the big theme plays during the climactic moment, in this case a fight. I know I've seen that trope before even if I can't describe it well
To get the true ending you need to play the dating sim and get all of them to like you. That and Reach rank 3 with the hex standing
Rank 3 is enough
you just need to become friends with them. no need for dating. also, rank 3 was enough
you need to be liked by them. Being friendly enough ain't enough.
You don't need to use the dating system on Pom-2 (but it makes it a bit faster, made them like me after 3 days and giving a few gifts)
Just do bounties related to them and You'll gain their friendship
26:28 yea, it was a bit overdone. if he said the "marty's legit" with a bit more seriousness, then it would've been fine imo
35:50 i think it was a bittersweet moment. They are fighting an unwinnable war while the citizens are unaware of anything that's happening. The music shows what life could they have if not for the cruel fate
the music in the background in the finale is the On-lyne group performing a music concert for the end of the year while the nuke goes off. The citizen of Hollvania are unaware of the events next regarding the planned "nuke". The Hex Group are framed by Scaldra faction to be the terroirs but its actually the reverse.
Gotta hand it to Viktor. His punches are so precise that Albrecht's hat didn't even move.
“Erm guys I think I’m sensing a bit of tension here” worst way of telling a story and I know de knows that.
We will not tolerate Amir hate, lol. He's best boy.
You need now to boots the relationships with the Hex characters to level “Liked” and reach lvl 3 the hex syndicate. Don’t forget to gift presents to each member of the Hex. Once you “unlocked” a character, you get a short cutscene as a confirmation. Once you got close with all the Hex members, you can retry the Y2K eve and try save them.
You're totally right about the jade light thing, maybe entrati gave some version of it to the techrot or something but I don't understand how there could be any scaldra eximus.
it's just for gameplay reasons
Or probably because of the Major? You know since she's the Indifference
Hex deaths be like:
Eleanor: 😷🧟♀
Lettie: 👅🧟♀
Quincy: 🚛🚀
Aoi: 🤯🧠
Amir: 🔫
Arthur: ☢👴
Amir's heart exploded - he wasn't shot (confirmed via true ending)
@@warchildsilver his heart exploded originally, which is why in the first loop that we are in Entrati shoots him saying he wouldn't make it anyways. So he was shot, but originally yes his heart exploded
The music was great for the scene what are you talking about. It really had a whole “they’re reaching the end of the road, one last stand with death around the corner” with us even knowing that it’s true due to the scene on the Zariman where we see how they all die and in what order
You can actually get the Gemini skins without paying real money. You just need to farm something like Rivens or Prime Parts and Trade them for the Platinum.
Aoi is basically the Karlach of the group, and I love it.
the music was perfect for the scene. gives it that irreverent energy that contrasts the situation. like music playing at the end of the world
Jade Eximus units in general really shouldn't be in 1999, Parvos Granum invents them during Operation Belly of the Beast, which was a canon lore event that happens immediately after Jade Shadows.
But then again, we can probably blame the Eximus units being there on tbe fa t thqt Wally got to 1999 before we did, canonically speaking (as shown in Whispers in the Wall). After all, if we, Albrecht and Wally can time travel, and if we can send our equipment back in time to be picked up atbthe Backrooms area, then Wally could easily bring such concepts back with him to get in our way.
"1999 is a masterpiece."
Could've fooled me with the way you were commenting on things throughout the playthrough
18:20 the way you describe it instead reminds me of G-Force, the hamster spy movie
The sheer validation I just got from knowing someone else has seen that movie
You getting angry at Quincy's dialect was honestly hilarious. Like no one hate Bri'ish dialects more than other Brits lmao
Amir is my man, stop making fun of him!
Lloydy finds out black people exist, est. 2024, colorized.
I never really thought that the drifter never lost the power he had over duviri. Usually things like that are a one-off in most games.
But this isn't most games!
Whispers in the Wall previewing 1999: You are late. Arrive on time next time.
Warframe 1999 during the Hex Quest: you arrive on time but it's not ENOUGH time
Warframe 1999 when the quest is over: BEGIN AGAIN! ...Now we're super early, that should give us enough time.
Also dont worry, the 2 on-lyne tracks are produced by DE, so you dont gotta worry about copyright
I guess whether you like a character/character quirks really depends on your preference. I personally like Amir, I think he is endearing. Seeing how you don't like him instead is interesting.
Best Update Ever.
You should probably listen to the lyrics of both songs. We learned before the quest came out that Onlyne were saying some f'd things every time they sing. The songs make sense if you go to Aoi's room and find the secret emails.
I saw someone in region chat say what I hope more people adopt...that Warframe 1999 is like Destiny Lightfall but good. Amir does give off some Nimbus vibes, but from what I saw of Nimbus, they didn't have nearly the range Amir does. Like, Amir is nerdy and goofy, but in his defense, he at least balances it with serious, somber moments, which given the circumstances, is NEEDED to add gravity. Nimbus ruined basically every critical moment they were a part of, and for a final chapter before the ending of the Light and Dark Saga, that was something Bungie could NOT afford to have happen.
I also thought of Indifference Entrati when he said “we end as we began” which perfectly fits Drifter. One of the first things we see with Drifter is a time loop and now we end the quest as we began Drifter’s story, by reversing and controlling the loops
chat is this cinema?
17:35 opps? What is that?
28:56 britannic?! Are you calling me a Britannia?! You twit!
37:49 Parker get out!!!
Quincy: "The Opps"
lol well the part where the music was playing was actually very deep. It’s like having your last moments with people you care about and everything is drowning out around you. It basically just built up the sentimental sadness of it all. Amazing job in my opinion
Yeah, the ending of Duviri is basically what happened here. I feel like that could've been emphasized a bit more to make it clearer. I followed most of what happened, but when I reappeared back in the mall, it took me a second to realize what took place, and piecing it together with the calendar system and everything. But yeah, check in with the Hex, do a few bounties, it's super easy to raise your chemistry with each (you don't need to be in love with them all, just "Liked" status) and then visit the cat in the backroom for the "finale." I won't spoil it, but it definitely made THIS "ending" feel a lot more purposeful.
The duviri time reset spiral at the end wasn’t clear enough😂 drifter whole thing is that they are able to create and control time loops as shown at the end of the duviri quest line, lotta people just forget that somehow
@@SovereignRaven I mean...I not only acknowledged that...I admitted that I forgot. 😂 I defend this game's story all the time as extremely dense and efficiently told, which is a good thing for brevity, but also, larger concepts like "Drifter can now literally rewind time" can sometimes get lost when people play through them.
I can't tell you how many rewatches of Chains of Harrow I did before I caught that Palladino calls Lotus "Sentient Queen" BEFORE we find out she's a spy...and how many times I played those quests before I caught that she literally tells Lotus "you're not Margulis," and how many people continue asking if Lotus and Margulis are the same person several quests later.
I'm taking the L that I forgot. I'm not even saying DE should change it. Just stating that I think it could've been a tad clearer that it's now a permanent ability, as opposed to "this is how Duviri got resolved."
👍 (peak quest btw wish i could replay it)
Daamn bro bought the Dark Sector loadout
Finished finale today before work, come back to it being Spring season now
Shit’s so good I can’t believe instead of day/night they did seasons, I’m so excited to get deeper into this timeline
About not being able to get skins in game: they are sold for plat, you can farm plat
correction farm items to sell for plat to other players. very clear distinction
goated vid loyd, haven't seen it yet but i know it'll be good.
come on man she's the man in the wall 😭
7:26 bro i always say "brainrot" instead of "techrot" 😂
They are made of TVs, so you're not wrong, lol.
Was waiting on this, ur playthroughs are the best
Yeah Aoi trapped under a truck is ridiculous.
The way Quincy says "hero boy" at the beginning of the quest is what sold me on romancing him first😶
ey I was just looking for this upload a bit ago, sick!
When it comes to Aoi, we all simp together
13:10 as a fellow Aoi enjoyer….yeh XD. She’s my fav of the Hex and the only one I wanna romance (maybe Eleanor as a second but Aoi first)
I love your pfp :))
How someone can simp for Aoi but hate on Amir's sillyness this hard is beyond me
Wait its Höllvania in english too? i thought that is my german translation 😂😂😅
it's original to warframe, probably makes it easier when it's a proper noun from fiction
@@sharkgirling wait again, so my language is just fiction? but i am real? or am i like Dominus? wait,wait,wait, who of you is it, who is thinking me? which kind of projection am i? Whose weird dream???Ahhhhh!
@@cAT_W4LKER oh i meant the word itself isn't a real city, even though it is germanic
@@sharkgirling haha i did a short recherche. Höll (or Hölle) is clear, thats german for Hell. But! Vania is a genus of benthic forams from the upper Paleocene. Forams are a marine microorganism having a calcareous shell with openings where pseudopods protrude. Reminds me of the aesthetic part of the Helminth. Also vania: This suffix is derived from the Latin word vania, meaning "land" or "place." It indicates a region or territory. For example:
- Transylvania: Literally means "beyond the forest" (trans meaning "across" or "beyond" and silva meaning "forest").
I think DE did a great job choosing this name.
You definitely were born after 1999 lol, i mean, the song was on point for us slightly older people
"why would i bail on u aoi" "i dont rlly like volt" i feel u bro.. on both of em XD
I LOVE YOU. I mean your videos 😅
I havent played it yet just to see you play it
yeah huge fan of him raging at quincy for no reason 😭
He’s regularly hating on the dialogue of the guy characters while letting it slide for Aoi, who is sometimes just as annoying as Amir
It's always a shame when the music is off or low.
35:50 WHY the hate with the music so much ?! wtf. It does add a lot. It's a last fight against the fate. It's fitting to have that music running in the background. Pretty obvious honestly. I still think the quest needed a few dialogues with them using the computer. Ppl like you shows it best. The only character you were interested were Arthur (because He's excal and Aoi.
You learn more about them after the quest. So if you not a little empathic in general. It will not work well.
Why are your videos so quiet?
I gotta turn everything to 100% to get them to normal volume.
who you romancing? m going for amir
also, heresy, amir is bestest boi
Imagine if The Drifter ever meet Ekko from Arcane. 😜
12:45 sprint key wasn't working?
Boom there goes the lex prime
Why didn't Quincy move out of the way before his death? Because his only redeeming quality his character has (in terms of writing) is that he "doesn't seem to mind being turned down" when he flirts with the Drifter in the Instant Messenger, and he knows it. The ARG dialogue alone shows us that the other Hex members don't like him and actually have a good reason for not liking him.
He's a hypocrite, saying Amir is weak when Quincy is the only one that actively hangs back and avoids direct combat (see: the ARG dialogue)
He is a coward (see the above, plus the fact that he straight up abandons the Hex and only tried to fix things when itbwas already too late for him to even make a difference).
He is a gaslighter. He projects his weakness onto Amir, he projects his instability onto Eleanor (who is admittedly the only case where Quincy has a point) and he claims Arthur is the one that's a problem when we ask why Quincy likes to start so much crap between himself and the other Hex Members.
He not only had toxic influences growing up but is wholeheartedly proud of those toxic influences, using a direct quote from one of them to justify his behavior (the exact quote being "a bully knows what he can get away with" but in French, which in short is basically him saying he unironically, wholeheartedly and proudly believes in Might Makes Right which is inherently a red flag), see the ARG Doalogue.
-When the Drifter asks Quincy what the latter's problem is with Arthur, Quincy immediately resorts to gaslighting saying that Arthur isnthe one that's gor a problem with him when clearly we can see that Quincy is lying through his teeth about why he seens to gate Arthur.
And out of story, Quincy is an afterthought, he's only there to advertise Cyte-09 since that frane debuts in that update.
Ignoring larger context leaves you confused yeah. Can't just expect to have everything explained to you with hand puppets, kiddo.
*Begin. Again.*
It felt too fast and did not explain a lot like how dose drifter know the hex howed he got there also is this the past or a alter time line . maybe i just missed alot of lore idk.
Zombies tv man brinerot 💀👽
amir was annoying but i was quite sad with his death
I don't know if you have anything going on in your life right now but you seemed uncharacteristically and overly aggressive in this video, as well as missing a lot more things than you normally do even when characters are blatantly saying things out loud. If you got something bothering you in your life right now then it's totally okay to take a break from UA-cam man. Sometimes it be like that.
19:02 It literally isn't possible
Dont know what his slamming the grounds with fist resetting it means? Play Duviri Paradox xD
Bro, how late can you be
Aweful vid
please play marvel rivals
Overall this quest was super great, i don´t get your hate on the briísh but i agree Amir just was the "comedic relief" aka "the annoying guy".
Really unhappy, like he had 0 redeeming moments in the quest, i don´t really get how anyone else can see him as more.
That and the Infestation, like how exactly did a modenn Excalibur spawn out of the Helminth? with us in there? And that Techrot Legacyte whatever, also pretty weak part in my opinion.
Mainly the voicing was just... Cliché to put it like that. I like my Lephantis thank you.
also some scenes Seemed a bit cut in certain parts but well...
Loved the way the Quest led into the new update though. That they managed SO WELL this time.
Oh btw; jade light eximus; the story lore for all eximus pretty much is that they are empowered by Void energy. So really a chain of events has no effect, it just exists.
I dont think he is that bad but i get why you dont like him
@scary1407 He isn´t the worst but... He felt Very disconnected and almost exclusively for the joke-lines.
That + the voice, and he leaves his trash around.
I wanted my boy volt to be shown the badass he is, but he just get´s reduced to the fast nerd. I just can´t forgive that unfortunately.
After the Whispers in the Wall quest, Loid sends you a mail saying he’s the one who will be sending us to 1999 and he’s making sure we’re not going in unprepared or underpowered, hence the Warframe. Yes this could’ve been touched on and explained a bit better like if we saw Loid send Drifter to 1999 but it was at least told to us even if not in the best way or a way we all wanted
@@ssgtanman That´s like The whole plot of terminator but John conner wasn´t a thing.
Like this pretty big challange, getting us back into 1999. Also how did albrecht get back? was it void energy? only possible thing, but that makes the "escape wally" objective pretty silly.
us Getting in through transference? totally valid. But why the F did the random excal spat out with us inside?
The quest was great but damn the way we got there is just convinience and plot hole.
Considering that excal was spat out by a helminth variant i assume entrati set it up for us, to use until we get the temporal Arsenal.
Personally this has been one of my least favourite warframe updates. I hate all the protoframes and find this just kinda pointless story.
Masterpeice? Yeah, no. Member berries? Yes.
Not really but it’s very fun