It turns out a character that requires you to be somewhat selfless just so happens to be unpopular in a game with arguably one of the most toxic communities on the internet. How strange....
@@VarsVerum there it's also the problem of how the game mechanics, 1: you can go past Braum with your flash or dodge and quickly try to kill his adc. 2: unlike other game, thanking isn a thing here, you can select the adc behind him and make all your attack hit only the adc.
It's depressing... if you die, you're inting. If you don't die, you didn't go all in hard enough and left your ADC to die. No matter what, it's your fault. And, I mean, I suck, so a lot of the time it *is* my fault. And I can handle that. But being blamed on the few occasions when it's not my fault... yeah, that's depressing.
@@DodderingOldMan Happens a lot, I can endure when it's my fault since I can accept when I fail as a support, but in those times when the things are just out of my control it hurts because everybody just blame you regarding of the outcome.
I started because I opened his shard and the sugar rush skin on the same day. I thought it was a sign. I've never played him before that, but now he is one of my favorites.
When I was still new 4 years ago when the newest champion was Kindred, I saw him at the shop and treated him like a new candy at Willy Wonka's. I know main him as a reminder that putting time, effort, and love into something will make it bloom. Even when I lose, I still do a my job well even when my teammates laughed at me at first for picking a "crap" champion.
To all Braum mains, just want to say I love you all. Playing with a Braum as an adc is always a good time. Edit: I am blown away by the positivity, I love logging in and seeing y'all posting your messages so I just wanted to let anyone paying attention know. Anyway have a great day y'all, see you on the rift!
As a braum main that has quit i just wanna say, our shields are not a reason you should stop trying to dodge skillshots. Screw the adc that think like that.
The solution is simple: MAKE BRAUM TANKIER! Way tankier. If you're playing Braum correctly, you should be eating a lot of damage. And I mean a LOT of damage. Even with reduced damage from his E, the amount of projectiles you eat in a teamfight is still too much for Braum. Think about it... Warwick's E at rank 1 reduces damage taken from ALL sources, by 35%. Braum's E at rank 5 reduces damage - only from PROJECTILES - by 40%, and only from the direction the shield is in. That's stupid. Really, really stupid. A warden whose entire kit revolves around absorbing damage should not be squishier than vangaurds, and definitely not squisher than a brawler.
Wholeheartedly agree! Braum is by far the most enjoyable support for me to play (along with Bard), but I would never pick him in ranked since Leona, Nautilus, Alistar and even Thresh always outlive me and peel for their team longer.
Neighbor dog is barking at 3am , tell your neighbor to make it quiet , but another way to do that is to play Leona, Nautilus or Thresh and smash the dog to pieces with stuns and knock ups
As someone with a lot of time in braum, i'd say he's actually got a similar situation to a lot of enchanter supports. He's only as good as how aggressive you're willing to be with him. W in front of an entire lane, q the enemy adc at level 3, and you can snowball the entire game from there. The issue being, why not just play leona if you want to be aggressive.
Those who play Braum must be worthy of wielding him. Some infidels might try to pick him up after his buff, but they will be cast away by his muscles and purity. All hail Braum.
I love playing Braum People don't play him enough to realise how much outplay potential he has Blocking a Yasuo Q to prevent a 5 man R and wasting it on only 1 person Using W on a minion to jump right next to the enemy and immediately knocking them up and slowing them with your R and using your E to block all projectiles from going to your team while doing a ton of damage reduction is actually game-changing Either they try to walk out and heavily slowed Or they use it on the braum with reduced effectiveness Two people who MIGHT be able to do something would have a passive applied on them so they can't respond Just make sure you get Bramble vest to get assists for blocking since your E doesn't count LOL
E stops Katarina´s R, Ornn R, Taliyah´s R, Darius or Garen R (it has to count as first hit), and it gives you 10% movement speed, so you can use it to chase someone or to leave base faster. The more I play him the more I discover new things and I love him for that.
Thank you so much for shedding light on Braum's problems. As a Braum main, over the years my frustration has gotten so bad. I can't help but to hate anyone who plays leona, lux, or Seraphine lol. No matter how good I am, more damage or crowd control thrown at my team is just better. Braum is SLIGHTLY better now that he can use his shield more. But I realized a long time ago that you don't win games unless you max your...Q first.......=/. I think the best thing they can do with Braum is to make it so when his shield is up, he takes no damage. He is the SHIELD GUY!! But he can still die while using his...SHIELD. Pantheon isn't the shield guy, but his shield is still better, and he has been known to be a better support then braum. Also, make braum even tankier and let his W give higher MR and defense. His W used to be better but people thought it was OP. I don't even want more damage to throw out as Riot has given Braum more. I just want to do the job that Braum was made for. Protecting his allies.
Doesn't Pantheon nullify only crap that actually strikes him tho? Like, Braum can potentially block point and click directed at someone else like Syndra's balls, not sure Pantheon can
Pantheon doesn't nullify projectiles, he just nullifies any damage he would've taken from a specific direction. He doesn't do a damn thing to protect allies other than bodyblocking skillshots.
bruh i love playing Braum as a brawler. Try building bruiser items and maxing your Q, playing aggressive as hell. I picked up kraken on him with lethal tempo and its the most fun ive had with braum.
I honestly think he is amongst the champs that you really need to invest time into before he can be effective (more effective than the enemy support). Also he works much better with premades or competitive play than in solo queue. His E is very hard to use in the right time, his R is very easily dodgable and most people expect you to use it aggressively which is the wrong way to use it. Overall, I think the main reason is that he's kinda hard to play even if he doesn't seem so. You really need experience to make him shine. Also he has the least synergy with non adc champ than any other support (mainly cus most other champs have a hard time utilizing his passive). This is my opinion as a 3 million Braum player, as to no one plays Braum, in short he's weak unless you are really experienced with him.
How is his R easily dodgable if you can't walk out of it unless you have tier 2 boots, and even then you need to react to his animation and not the actual ult.
For people who want a tip or two on how to play him a bit better: - on laning phase look for minions you can jump to. In lower elos it's so easy to catch people like that. After you dash, either go for a short trade or bit of extended trade and start with Q in a real majority of the time (depends how strong and fast can your adc can proc the passive, procing passive with only 1 auto from your adc is also rather easy, so don't worry about that, just start exchange with Q). - Just think of your jump as a reposition skill and not armor. Most of the time, if you want to protect someone you either peel for him, so you stay on the enemy and not him or if you jump to someone of your team it's for escape, chase or immediate shield, so that armor buff is not something you should really think of when thinking about the jump. - your ult is perfect for cutting people's escape routes. Ideally, aim for them and for their escape route. Sometimes you can just cut their escape route and they are not going to escape. - Your Q lvl 1 is dogshit, don't use it for harras, waste of mana - as Braum your usefulness drops real quick after you use your skills in engage, so yeah, keep that in mind. - use E to get to your destination faster from base or while chasing people down - use E when you are tanking a melee who is attacking you or/and a ranged champ as a way to cut their dmg off. If you want to save it for a specific moment such as Twitch R or Brand R, just save it as you see fit. - just look at your teammates and synergize with them. I think it's rather easy and an ideal playstyle for Braum most of the time. - remember your ult is also cast around you, so if you are hugging someone, you don't even need to aim, but try cutting off their escape route or their teammates.
It’s true premises make him much better, I duo with my friend and they know when they can get a free stun off one of my qs, but sometimes randos over commit Bc they see a stun, with braum you can just take the free like quarter health trade
As a tank support main (mainly Rell and Nautilus) I still love this guy, every time I play Aram I try to play as Braum because he is so fun to play there. And he is such a wholesome dude I just want to give him a hug.
One change they could make that would make him stronger but not broken is, When he W a target that champion's next basic attack applies one stack of his passive This would increase the use of his w and make his stun faster since every new champion had 5 dashes and blinks
The R should apply a stack of his passive and hitting his Q should give him bonus Attack Speed kinda like Taric Passive, for a few aa's your w idea is also good
I was a support main once and Braum was my main. I've always though that Braum's kit was the best kit compared to other supports and when I'm playing with someone I know he feels so rewarding but somehow I've always struggled to climb with him when I play solo. Eventually transitioned to jungling. Watching this made me realize why.
As a proud Mastery 7 Braum, I'm both saddened and happy to see this. I find he pairs very well with certain champions, like Aphelios and Vayne, and I just love how much peel he provides. I feel like a savior whenever I play him, it always feels good to block an entire Miss Fortune R or Jhin R.
I just played Braum on Aram and he is enjoyable to say the least. Nearly impossible to defeat if played right but needs teammates to truly be the best.
Braum is the reason I even started playing league. Out of all the stuff I knew about the champs in league Braum was the only one where I said "I want to play that guy" and I got him to m6 in the first 4 months of playing league.
You perfectly explained why I hardly see Braum (and Taric) played. I earnestly wanted to try out and be able to play Braum for a 2 days but I found that playing as him is so frustrating because he is so frustrating because he is so team-reliant and purely defensive. Braum is such an appealing champ, I just wish I could play him as well in solo queue as other supports like Morgana and Rell. Great video as always!
Season 11 is more like Whatever-gets-stronger-faster-snowballs-hard-and-wins meta. Season 11 made everyone a snowballing Riven. Tanks get unkillable, Assassins oneshot even tanks, mage burn you to death from afar and ADCs crit for 2k and this all is possible with just a bit of a lead.
The old ultimate that Vars talked about is my wet dream , I miss this ultimate a lot, seems like it doesn't do much as the old one did in the past , kinda feel weak. Besides that's coming huge buffs to him and I'm happy with it kk. Huge hug to u all from an braum main!
What if his shield didn't just serve as an anti projectile shield, but a literal wall. Shoving enemies on contact like Snorlax's block in Unite, but not as far & without the stun. If it could cut off dashes and flashes too, it could be an interesting way to physically separate and defend your squishy ranged teammates during a fight or dashing in to stop an enemy from collapsing on an ally
and falls off horribly, gets kited to hell, has mainly single target damage so useless in a teamfight. I say this as a TK top player - no matter how much I can bully a riven or irelia in lane they will 1v4 my team while I get 4v1ed trying to stop the rest of their team
Either lower the stacks for the stun to proc at 3 instead of 4 or allow his ult to add 1 stack. Make his shield block dashes and blinks and ground them to give him more depth and utility.
I personally think they should revert his ultimate as I'm pretty sure the point of it functioning the way it originally did was to give him an option to deal with an assassin diving his carry. Now it just feels bad to use imo.
Before watching the vid I'll say my piece: I play braum when I want to be the hero my ADC needs, but unlike some enchanters I have no way to give them sustain in lane. I love hopping into the heat of things and taking the blows to save my ADC, but when they still get hit once or twice and have to back its all for naught. After watching the vid here is what I think I'd do to make braum more relevant: honestly just make his enchanter side more relevant, give his w healing or a shield. I'd maybe even make his w and e one ability, which can be cast on a teammate to make him both hop to them and lift his shield, then give him another ability that can be some kind of sustain or buff.
SUGGESTION: Make concussive blows apply an exhaust debuff, reducing the damage of the affected champion by a percentage for a small period of time, that way Braum can give immediate protection to his allies and giving them time to proc the proper crowd control (I think about 20-25% damage reduction for 1 second on the first proc should do it, just enough to give his adc a chance to escape from an assasin or diver)
They could definitely do something to buff his effectiveness against other types of champs, like let Unbreakable knock down enemy dashes and deal dmg. If it blocks skillshots why not also enemies trying to dive ur backline?
I've dabbled in the occasional "bruiser Braum" in the top lane, since he can be a fairly potent duelist if you build him like one, but his utter lack of waveclear makes it hard to pull off.
Good ol Braum. My first champ ever when I started back at the end of S5. Nothing like the feeling of blocking a long range Ez ult last sec before it hits your low health ally.
You're making me play Braum again.. and I'm not complaining, going to try that gold hearted bastard again and have fun inting. I pray to the riot gods that the next buff will make him viable, I love his character.
Really great video! You've summed up a lot of Braum's issues in the current meta, However I do have one minor point to add, you mentioned how he is weaker into heavy melee comps because of his shield not blocking anything however I personally find these matchups to work really well for Braum because of his inherit want to disengage enemies rather than engage a fight, his passive, while not as fast as a Leona Q, has the advantage of being always available and not on a cooldown or silenced. The fact that it's linked to auto attacks is incredibly useful when dealing with high mobility champions because you are not relying on trying to land a nautilus hook on a zed for example. Also the fact that it can affect multiple people at a time can be the difference in a teamfight environment if your backline is being for example getting dove by both a Malphite and yasuo combo. Also in melee comps it makes your W really valuable since it lets you address backline divers quickly which is something you might lack in for example a Leona Nautilus who are usually frontlining and using their mobility to ENGAGE. Thank you for coming to my TED talk as to why Braum is really good into melee comps, there was a lot more to unpack then I thought.
Because Leona, Alistar, Rell, and Thresh are somehow better than Braum. I mean aren't ADC weak right now? Jhin has 2 skillshots in his kit and Braum can just block it. Braum can interrupt Samira from dashing. Aphelios also has skillshots and Braum can also just block it. I think he's an underrated support. He can play aggressive and punish engages.
Thats the point tho nat leone rell can punish engages almost if not just as well while being able to engage fights and having a decent amout of damage to at least thereten adcs braum can only defend adc so you just have to pray you get a good adc
Obviously Braum is really really good at those things you listed, but the other champs have similar levels of lockdown while also being great at engaging. The idea of supports sitting around and just peeling is a bit outdated nowadays, even Sorakas and Jannas are expected to be a bit of an early bully nowadays.
@@magicalmage85 nowdays almost everything is sup diff, if you can't roam and engage properly ur performance is going to suffer! Mid diff? Nah sup diff! Jgl diff?! Nah sup diff if u ward the enemy jgler and never let them get a gank of at any lane! Even toplane can be impacted by a good roam! Roaming supports are just broken! Look top challanger euw it's either tf galio mid or bard Leona Allister sup mains
I’ve got a fix for this problem of Braum not being played. New ult: STAND BEHIND BRAUM! Braum raises his shield and teleports his entire team behind him. Rito hire me pls
His weakness is also one of his strengths. Imagine an enemy just charging in and that delay on the stun makes the enemy offguard of what's possible to happen. Opening for plays where the ADR is on low health but the stun suddenly kicks in. It's like one of those saved by the bell situation as long as they attack the one with the passive stack.
i remember wanting to main braum back in the day becouse he seemed so cool. until i realized i actually needed a competent enough adc that would follow up on my q and stand behind my shield instead of dashing in front of it and dying (looking at you lucian players)
damn, that was such a comprehensive analysis, thank you! I only recently started playing normal games (I mostly played arams) and tbh I'm pretty new to League in general, so that was super helpful to someone who naturally gravitates towards characters like him. Thanks, keepp up the awesome work
12:20 Can relate, when I play Alistar any assassin that dares coming near my precious little ADC gets knocked into the Shadow Realm, and in general it just feels good to be the leader of the fight: other champions have to position themselves so they don't die, they often have to find a way in by waiting for a lapse in the enemy's formation, Vanguards just don't have this problem: they decide where, when and in what conditions the teamfight happens, they're the win condition by virtue of their stupidly excessive CC and of their sheer tankiness: if teamfights were orchestras, Vanguards would be the directors.
@@catrielmarignaclionti4518 im just interested as a xerath main, why no one plays him for my he is quite fun aside from when any assasin appears right behind you
@@rath4848 simple cuz ALL of his skills are skillshits which are dodgeable compared to auto attacks PAC skills and undodgeable skills such as zed shadow slash or ezreal arcane shift
Rath i'm not sure why exactly but as a velkoz main i dislike xerath far more since i dont feel like he has a bread and butter combo and is more like ziggs with just a few skillshots that don't really interact with each other
Not really, I had a duo who mains Jhin while I was Braum. Must've given the enemy ADC and Jungle nightmares since our skills basically force him into quicksand since he can barely move, much less defend himself.
for Braum to come back just give him some quality of life changes. Have his be more effective at all rages and not just have the harder cc at the end of the fissure. Buck up the base damage a bit and have his shield also work on melee.
A thought, but one without much concern: 1. Make Braum's Q worth 2 stacks of his passive, or make it so that *his* next auto against an enemy champ procks 2 stacks of his passive after hitting them with a Q. This will give Braum a chance to better apply his stun. 2. Increase the range of Braum's E just a little further so you're not always too far away from your teammate or a minion wave to use the ability. 3. Enemies around Braum when he lands from his R are knocked backed a very small distance a la Xin zhao.
I think adding the ability to do alt + right click to change the direction his E is facing mid use would bring him up a little. Kinda like how Annie can control Tibbers but instead it's his shield.
I stopped playing him when his ult got nerfed. Used to be a 1.5 second knockup on ppl around him, like malphite. 1 second to all other enemies. Now it is 0.3 to 1.0 to the first target and 0.3 to the rest...
Too much reliance on auto attackers, not good in soloq(low-mid elo at least) cuz of proplay nerfs. I really like him as a character but other champs are just better and easier
"Braum's projectile nullification is the best" Nah mah dude. Its not even nullification, simply dmg nullification but still projectile absorbsion. If a Morgana tries to Q Yasuo or Samira, it wont hit. If a Morgana tries to Q a Braum, the dmg wont hit, but the projectile will, meaning he will be rooted. Its THE worst projectile wall in the game, worse than Pantheons since he actually annuls dmg for the entire duration.
Nah man. Being able to sheild the ENTIRE team from projectiles AND be able to move up in a team fight makes it the best. Sure you can get hit by morg Q but you have W to dodge it. Or you can R when you get rooted to prevent them from killing your team while you are rooted. Pantheon shield is useless for the team. Doesn't matter if he doesn't take ANY damage if your carry gets one shot.
@@orangutan151 Get morg q'ed, now you arent in the front to protect team. Yas windwall gets morg q'ed, nothing happens. Samira gets morg q'ed, nothing happens. You cant dodge with W you because your entire argument relies on being IN FRONT of your allies and W only allows you to jump back behind them. And yes you can Ult to knock someone up and slow the rest rest, except most champs now have a dash or something like that to entirely negate your slow AND they too can just dodge your R. Pantheon IS the shield, he gets morg q'ed, no one else does, same for Braum. Only difference is that Braum is stopped, Pan isnt, so Braum is infinitely worse. In every single scenario, it would be preferable to have a Yas wind wall or Samira on your team rather than a Braum.
@@DeaminZaints Firstly, while braum is rooted your carry is not meaning they are free for dps. Pantheon is a dps and is not free to deal damage if he is rooted because his E doesn't make him unstoppable so therefore its worse. Yas using his W implies he is using it for himself which means that its more selfish than useful, also because Morg Q has a much lower cooldown than wind wall. Samira doesn't need her W to doge morgs Q, so when in the absolute hell is she gonna use it to keep your team safe? For all intensive purposes for a support this type of ability is better, also because Braums cd on it is much lower than the alternatives. Meaning he has more projectile blocking uptime. So in fact its the best not the worst, and it has a pretty good duration too in comparison to them. And he can block projectiles meant for a target behind him, and move with them as they retreat. Which means in terms of disengage and engage Braum is an absolute king at keeping allies alive.
@@yammoto148 Absolutely not. Scenario 1A: Your team is retreating. Enemy morg throws out a Q. Braum intercepts. Braum is now rooted and your team has to decide whether to turn or leave him, probably leave him. Scenario 1B: Your team is retreating. Enemy morg throws out a Q. Yas sets his windwall and negates it, allowing all to run. Scenario 2A: Your team is engaging. Enemy morg throws out a Q. Braum intercepts, rooting him and putting him in the very back of the team, completely negating his entire purpose of being there in the first place. Scenario 2B: Your team is engaging. Enemy morg throws out a Q. Yas sets a windwall and your team continues. In all of these scenarios, you can freely exchange (Yas wind wall) with (Samira W) and (Morg Q) with (Any cc projectile in the entire game). Your implication is that Samira and Yas will NEVER be usefull to the team because their playstyles are inherently selfish, but guess what, they dont need to actively be trying to play support, if your entire team is behind Yas, sure he wind walls to keep himself safe but it also helps the entire team. So that argument is moot. As for duration and cd on Braum, yes it has a lower cd and a higher duration, however it also does NOT negate dmg except from the first shot, meaning if a jinx is trying to tear up your ass, you can prevent 1 hit and then get killed immediately by the rest. "BUT HIS WALL REDUCES THE DMG!" i hear you say... Yes, but you are tank SUPPORT. You dont have the gold to build Thornmail or Randuins, a full tank top laner with shields and sustain can barely survive a couple seconds with jinx, you as a SUPPORT cant survive more than 2-3. But guess who can? YASUO WITH HIS WINDWALL even when he build no sustain items because there is no better dmg mitigation than NEGATION.
@@DeaminZaints You assume disengaging is a passive thing where people are just running from the enemy team, no disengaging means kiting, throwing abilities at the enemy to slow them down, in every disengage the people who will be at the assult of the enemy team will be the tanks, so in other words Yasuo will not be there to go and sheild your team from the morg Q. Secondly your scenario is locked to the idea that the enemy team can't rengage, say a Zac creeps up on the side as your team is doing its fighting retreat and launches in, Yasuo can't do anything in this situation but the braum can get between the Zac and the team and defend his adc from getting bursted. Also if the braum is rooted when the enemy seeks to engage again there is always an off tank to buy time so Braum can get back and keep people alive. Also if a Yas uses his windwall at the beginning of an engage it means he will be dead soon afterward and so will his team, because again, longer cooldown and less duration. Also if Morganna is gonna Q someone when being engaged on, its not gonna be the braum or the adc its gonne be the one that has the most impact on the teamfight and that is usually up to the strongest engage character which isn't Braum as stated by the video, he is there to follow up, to top up on whats been established. You are severly underestimating his E, its percentage damage reduction. Which means even if you are fed to hell, you are not going to kill braum quickly while its up. He also has his W which gives armour and magic resistance.
The best way to play Braum is with a friend who plays a champ that synergies well with him. You’ll better understand each other, know your strengths, and can cover for each other. It’s what me and my brother did, and those were my favorite league matches
I’d play Braum more is his Q was more satisfying and his ult knock up was longer than 0.3 seconds. Seriously though the ult is terrible unless you hit at max range, but using it at max range doesn’t make any sense for his style. Braum is the selfless peel guy, not a catcher, so his ult should help against people right on top of you and your adc. Braum ult either needs a better knock up, a push, or to apply a stack of your passive. Also Braum Q should be completely different, right now it just helps you get your passive rolling at range but doesn’t do any real damage, makes for pretty terrible poke, and once again, doesn’t help peel your adc except for a pretty meh slow. I think this ability needs a mini rework and to be turned into something like a grab that throws the target behind you. He could use this to throw people of his adc or to grab escaping enemies and throw them closer. It would be way more useful against melee attackers than his current q. If you couldn’t tell I don’t like Braum being the ranged counterpick that much, so another option is leave his q as is, give his shield a larger burst of decaying movespeed, and replace his dash with the grab and throw. I think the key with wardens isn’t to give them alternative cc, it’s to give them different ways to apply it. Braum has no offensive gap closer and one mediocre skill shot, giving him powerful melee range cc (like my grab and throw idea) but making him wait for the enemy to engage makes him more peel focused than vanguards. Leona’s got a dash on zenith blade, nautilus has that massive hook, Thresh has his hook and dash, blitz can hook people and pull them all the way to him, they’ve all got offensive cc, so Braum needs more defensive cc. Another idea I’ve just had is a sort of cc trap, an ability that takes a second to get ready, so you have to use it at least a bit proactively, but has powerful cc if an enemy enters its range, like a stun that activates immediately but only if an enemy walks into you. To certainly more of an anti-melee ability, but by having a stun that just doesn’t work if the enemy tries to run away, you’ve ensured the warden has to remain defensive but given him the cc he needs to compete with tanks. I just kinda vomited out my thoughts here, it’s a bit of a mess but we should think about making wardens better somehow, then maybe one day riot will listen.
Funny braum tech: in lane if you manage to get a cannon wave under your opponents turret, w to the cannon as it gets aggro and the cannon will take 2-3 extra tower shots.
W is also used to initiate, especially of the enemy is nearby an allied wave, you dash to a minion, hit q and stun the target, it's almost always a guaranteed kill on an unsuspecting target (if any ally is nearby and follows up on your play that is)
I think if they doubled down on the shielding and soaking dmg aspect on Braum he'd be a popular tanky support. For instance instead a stun for a passive he passively shares a percentage of the dmg that allied champions near him take. Also instead of dashing to an ally you can do a shield charge that knocks back enemies kinda like azirs ult.
Bryan and yuumi are similar in that they’re both champions that jump to allies and focus on supporting them by being on them. I’d like to hear about why one is more popular compared to the other when they are similar?
Yuumi out damages braum hard, as well as providing better instant cc post-6 with a larger ultimate with higher chance of hitting because of duration, and q poke and heals in lane are far better than a little resists every now and then and some tickling with q. Not to mention the move speed interactions with certain champions (singed) and buffed damage with passive.
Might be cool for unbreakable to have a second cast which sends out a projectile that deals a low percentage of the damage prevented and slows the target. That gives him some sort of soft cc. Also bring back joss old ult which dealt more damage to closer targets (along with a longer knock to for close targets)
He is really good in aram where his Shields size is more important and where poke champions are always high priority picks. His ultimate is also more useful as a zoning tool because of the close proximity of the fighting. He is a team fighter and aram is a team game
It definitely wouldn't fix the warden problem entirely but I think making it so Braum's ult does more dmg and cc when furthest *and* directly around him (as in *directly* directly) + making his Q have a slightly lower cooldown or less mana cost while doing a little more dmg would help
I’ve recently been spamming Braum and finding a lot of success because of the current meta just seems to work with him. Also I love to see that braum is getting a buff next patch, much needed love!
I love the champions. That throw themselves into the fray. Just to protect their team. Which is why I love playing Tank characters that can hard cc. Just to buy time for my team to reposition or get out if it seems like a losing battle. I always keep saying”run you fools” when such a thing happens.
I remember the first time I played braum way back when he first got released. our jinx got caught out farming near enemy towers, she got mf ulted and was ignited and was about to die. I flashed in, leaped to jinx and positioned my e mid air while simultaneously giving my adc the face of the mountain shield back when it was a thing. I never felt so cool blocking the mf ult as Braun's shield lights up as I protect the jinx with only a sliver of her hp. Sadly braum got so many nerfs to his e, it isn't the same anymore. But I'll never forget just how good he was.
I think it would be fun to let him cast his e on allies as well, let him cast his w on enemies (which would reduce their resistances), and give him more base as to proc his passive easier by himself. This would promote a more agressive playstyle and be more fun to play with imo
The problem is that you have yasuo and samira having an anti projectile without any downsides. While being on a meta of damage. Then there's the Urgot ult interaction that if an ally gets ulted and braum blocks the chains not the missile, braum is the one gets executed regardless of his hp.
I do think there are a few small ways to help bump Braum up some. Though some might be too much Concussive Blows: Take a cue from Tahm - make his passive 3 hits instead of 4. Maybe have it's damage scale with armor Winter's Bite: Like above, add damage that scales with armor or mr. Or maybe base increase and increase how much it does with health Stand Behind: Make this a general dash that can go over walls (A man who can break mountains should be able to jump walls XD). However, when he targets ally or minion, the distance travel increases and the usual defensive boosts are there. Unbreakable: More or less keep it the same. However (this may be op) for the duration you can press W again to change which way the wall is facing. Additional if you use Stand behind, the wall will reposition itself according to how stand behind works Glacial Fissure: The initial damage and strength of knock-up should be where the knock-up originates, decreasing as it gets father away. Instead of AP scaling it should have defensive scaling, health scaling or AD scaling even if small.
As a former Braum main, the biggest thing to increase how much I would play him is slow down games so I can somewhat outscale the hard engage of a Leona or Alistar, and/or bring back on-hit focused ADCs who like to build Runaans.
It turns out a character that requires you to be somewhat selfless just so happens to be unpopular in a game with arguably one of the most toxic communities on the internet. How strange....
What a interesting coincidence!
@@VarsVerum there it's also the problem of how the game mechanics,
1: you can go past Braum with your flash or dodge and quickly try to kill his adc.
2: unlike other game, thanking isn a thing here, you can select the adc behind him and make all your attack hit only the adc.
In a game like Smite he would have been the strongest.
Because very few have the heart of gold required to play him.
You can't play Braum if you're an asshole... which eliminates 99.99% of players :3
@@VarsVerum TRUE
@@VarsVerum oh, so that s why i m bad at playing him!
Maybe we can use Braum as a way to see if our friends are toxic or not!
braum main here, wish this was true
@@VarsVerum lmfao that is so true
Braum: Literally sacrificed his life to save the adc
ADC: GG Braum inting
Its what got me banned on my main account with over $1300 spent on it. =( I miss my Braum skins
@@steveatari481 idk if you're joking but, contact league, it shouldn't be bannable if the character is made that way.
_"wHy DiD yOu EnGagE"_
~The lone ADC in the enemy jungle after your tank dies to peel the entire enemy team chasing them
It's depressing... if you die, you're inting. If you don't die, you didn't go all in hard enough and left your ADC to die. No matter what, it's your fault.
And, I mean, I suck, so a lot of the time it *is* my fault. And I can handle that. But being blamed on the few occasions when it's not my fault... yeah, that's depressing.
@@DodderingOldMan Happens a lot, I can endure when it's my fault since I can accept when I fail as a support, but in those times when the things are just out of my control it hurts because everybody just blame you regarding of the outcome.
All I'm asking for is that his Ultimate also applies 1 stack of his passive please.
-Braum Main
Or better yet instantly triggering his passive after the knockup
@@narey8229 That would be strong. How about 2-3 stacks of his passive would be applied instead?
It’s so sad that one of the (if not THE) manliest AND kindest men of league is not played that often.
So strong he got illaoi mirin
You must have very massive heart to play the gentle giants
I personally blame senna lmao
Manliest is probably pantheon, but kindest most likely braum
the new champs basic skills feel more "ultimate" than the braum actual ultimate
Soo braum needs a rework
his ult is litterally cho q which is fcking stupid
Yone Q is this with a dash
I think maybe they can give his ult the thing that prevent dash
@@nopputhihk848 KnockUps already stop Dashes, but maybe you meant the effect that impedes people from using them while under the effect of it.
I start playing him because of his muscles...
Stayed because of his heart ^_^
The heart is the strongest muscle.
"The **** is the strongest muscle".
- Daddy, Braum.
Mother always said: STAY BEHIND BRAUM!
@@amateurishauthor2202 when going gets tough, you call Braum!
Saaame :3
I starting playing him because of his cool mustache, and how if you give a poro a snack as him the poro gets a mustache
Stayed for his heart of gold
I did the Poro thing just the other day. He was the coolest Poro in all of Freljord running around with his tiny mustache 😍
I started because I opened his shard and the sugar rush skin on the same day. I thought it was a sign. I've never played him before that, but now he is one of my favorites.
Cool Odd Taxi PFP.
When I was still new 4 years ago when the newest champion was Kindred, I saw him at the shop and treated him like a new candy at Willy Wonka's.
I know main him as a reminder that putting time, effort, and love into something will make it bloom. Even when I lose, I still do a my job well even when my teammates laughed at me at first for picking a "crap" champion.
To all Braum mains, just want to say I love you all. Playing with a Braum as an adc is always a good time.
Edit: I am blown away by the positivity, I love logging in and seeing y'all posting your messages so I just wanted to let anyone paying attention know.
Anyway have a great day y'all, see you on the rift!
As a braum main that has quit i just wanna say, our shields are not a reason you should stop trying to dodge skillshots. Screw the adc that think like that.
@@randomguyltu8208 100% agree, braum seems to be more passive so in a weird way he excels at playing from behind
I just played Braum today first time. And i played 2 matches and I got 2 S.
Braum feels so relaxing to play tho.
The solution is simple: MAKE BRAUM TANKIER! Way tankier.
If you're playing Braum correctly, you should be eating a lot of damage. And I mean a LOT of damage. Even with reduced damage from his E, the amount of projectiles you eat in a teamfight is still too much for Braum. Think about it...
Warwick's E at rank 1 reduces damage taken from ALL sources, by 35%. Braum's E at rank 5 reduces damage - only from PROJECTILES - by 40%, and only from the direction the shield is in. That's stupid. Really, really stupid.
A warden whose entire kit revolves around absorbing damage should not be squishier than vangaurds, and definitely not squisher than a brawler.
As a Braum main i agree u are so right! I think the duration of his e should be increased also i LOVE playing him with my premade feels so good man
@@XDave05X need a passive buff on his w to get permanent damage reduction
And unstoppable when he is casting e
Wholeheartedly agree! Braum is by far the most enjoyable support for me to play (along with Bard), but I would never pick him in ranked since Leona, Nautilus, Alistar and even Thresh always outlive me and peel for their team longer.
@@toonlinkssbb515 maybe too strong i think a buff
to his e and w will be enough
Neighbor dog is barking at 3am , tell your neighbor to make it quiet , but another way to do that is to play Leona, Nautilus or Thresh and smash the dog to pieces with stuns and knock ups
I should ask my boss for a raise but another way to do that is to play Leona, Nautilus or Thresh and smash him with stuns and knock ups.
@@jan-timolobner boss is olaf
"The champion everyone loves"
Yeah, mistime one shield or ult too early and see how much your team is going to love you
R u ok? Lol
Pretty universal rule
They love Braum, not the person playing Braum.
*Question Mark Ping*
*Question Mark Ping*
*Question Mark Ping*
Literally never turn your back on the enemy team and you'll never misplace an Unbreakable.
As someone with a lot of time in braum, i'd say he's actually got a similar situation to a lot of enchanter supports. He's only as good as how aggressive you're willing to be with him. W in front of an entire lane, q the enemy adc at level 3, and you can snowball the entire game from there. The issue being, why not just play leona if you want to be aggressive.
Mobility. Leona feels clunky to me anywhere besides ARAM.
Leona is boring af
because leona only provides a lot of cc. braum provides decent cc but also protects and gives armor/mr to allies
@@welp.9792 i'd say his e is a form of cc by denial but thats a very weird path to walk down, and yea, it doesnt really lock ppl down
I was waiting for this one! (I am a 3 million braum player, sad I know)
How sad
damn being a support main looks depressing.
as a jungle main i keep seeing the botlane filled with stupid adc
Definitely not sad. Takes balls to play that much Braum
Braum 😎🤙
Those who play Braum must be worthy of wielding him. Some infidels might try to pick him up after his buff, but they will be cast away by his muscles and purity. All hail Braum.
I love playing Braum
People don't play him enough to realise how much outplay potential he has
Blocking a Yasuo Q to prevent a 5 man R and wasting it on only 1 person
Using W on a minion to jump right next to the enemy and immediately knocking them up and slowing them with your R and using your E to block all projectiles from going to your team while doing a ton of damage reduction is actually game-changing
Either they try to walk out and heavily slowed
Or they use it on the braum with reduced effectiveness
Two people who MIGHT be able to do something would have a passive applied on them so they can't respond
Just make sure you get Bramble vest to get assists for blocking since your E doesn't count LOL
E stops Katarina´s R, Ornn R, Taliyah´s R, Darius or Garen R (it has to count as first hit), and it gives you 10% movement speed, so you can use it to chase someone or to leave base faster. The more I play him the more I discover new things and I love him for that.
Braum is like that one character in a fighting game that everybody loves that nobody plays but in moba form
So.. Baiken
Thank you so much for shedding light on Braum's problems. As a Braum main, over the years my frustration has gotten so bad. I can't help but to hate anyone who plays leona, lux, or Seraphine lol. No matter how good I am, more damage or crowd control thrown at my team is just better. Braum is SLIGHTLY better now that he can use his shield more. But I realized a long time ago that you don't win games unless you max your...Q first.......=/.
I think the best thing they can do with Braum is to make it so when his shield is up, he takes no damage. He is the SHIELD GUY!! But he can still die while using his...SHIELD. Pantheon isn't the shield guy, but his shield is still better, and he has been known to be a better support then braum. Also, make braum even tankier and let his W give higher MR and defense. His W used to be better but people thought it was OP. I don't even want more damage to throw out as Riot has given Braum more. I just want to do the job that Braum was made for. Protecting his allies.
"while two other champions have projectile nullification"
Pantheon wants your location
Doesn't Pantheon nullify only crap that actually strikes him tho? Like, Braum can potentially block point and click directed at someone else like Syndra's balls, not sure Pantheon can
@@tehrik0020 I think it blocks everything from one direction
Pantheon's is just invincibility. He can't block point and click projectiles on other champions.
Pant can still be CCed but with zero damage taken so long as his shield is facing it
Pantheon doesn't nullify projectiles, he just nullifies any damage he would've taken from a specific direction. He doesn't do a damn thing to protect allies other than bodyblocking skillshots.
Me a Braum main that has an in-game name of "LeBraum James"
Me, a braum top main whose summoner name is "No One":
Funny I'm also a brain main just support instead but my name is very close to yours, it's "Nonbody"
I’m trying to get to gold with hail of blades braum mid, real fun
What runes do you run/items do you build?
No one gets to help you
bruh i love playing Braum as a brawler. Try building bruiser items and maxing your Q, playing aggressive as hell. I picked up kraken on him with lethal tempo and its the most fun ive had with braum.
I honestly think he is amongst the champs that you really need to invest time into before he can be effective (more effective than the enemy support). Also he works much better with premades or competitive play than in solo queue. His E is very hard to use in the right time, his R is very easily dodgable and most people expect you to use it aggressively which is the wrong way to use it. Overall, I think the main reason is that he's kinda hard to play even if he doesn't seem so. You really need experience to make him shine. Also he has the least synergy with non adc champ than any other support (mainly cus most other champs have a hard time utilizing his passive).
This is my opinion as a 3 million Braum player, as to no one plays Braum, in short he's weak unless you are really experienced with him.
How is his R easily dodgable if you can't walk out of it unless you have tier 2 boots, and even then you need to react to his animation and not the actual ult.
For people who want a tip or two on how to play him a bit better:
- on laning phase look for minions you can jump to. In lower elos it's so easy to catch people like that. After you dash, either go for a short trade or bit of extended trade and start with Q in a real majority of the time (depends how strong and fast can your adc can proc the passive, procing passive with only 1 auto from your adc is also rather easy, so don't worry about that, just start exchange with Q).
- Just think of your jump as a reposition skill and not armor. Most of the time, if you want to protect someone you either peel for him, so you stay on the enemy and not him or if you jump to someone of your team it's for escape, chase or immediate shield, so that armor buff is not something you should really think of when thinking about the jump.
- your ult is perfect for cutting people's escape routes. Ideally, aim for them and for their escape route. Sometimes you can just cut their escape route and they are not going to escape.
- Your Q lvl 1 is dogshit, don't use it for harras, waste of mana
- as Braum your usefulness drops real quick after you use your skills in engage, so yeah, keep that in mind.
- use E to get to your destination faster from base or while chasing people down
- use E when you are tanking a melee who is attacking you or/and a ranged champ as a way to cut their dmg off. If you want to save it for a specific moment such as Twitch R or Brand R, just save it as you see fit.
- just look at your teammates and synergize with them. I think it's rather easy and an ideal playstyle for Braum most of the time.
- remember your ult is also cast around you, so if you are hugging someone, you don't even need to aim, but try cutting off their escape route or their teammates.
It’s true premises make him much better, I duo with my friend and they know when they can get a free stun off one of my qs, but sometimes randos over commit Bc they see a stun, with braum you can just take the free like quarter health trade
He's like a spear for grunts. Easy to pick-up, but VERY HARD to master
@@helgenlane Actually Braum's R is easy to dodge and it is easier to dodge than Malphite's R.
Why no one plays braum
Me: because you can play leona nautilus or thresh and smsh your enemis with stuns and knockups
braum has stuns and knockups
also because the adc almost always needs to be lucian
@@luk4s195 from what i know ith the b3st synergy for braum but others like ashe are also good
@@tolis19 def not
@@theucheao and half the damage. Plus the stun is not instant
Braum's the only champion who can provide post-mortem stuns for his teammates.
That moment when you play: Tahm Kench, Braum and Taric...
U must have a really good patience man every time i tried played these was so not worth it
@@lastwhisper1425 Braum and Tham are beast on aram xD
What a shame, I like all the support Wardens.
Good man.
As a tank support main (mainly Rell and Nautilus) I still love this guy, every time I play Aram I try to play as Braum because he is so fun to play there. And he is such a wholesome dude I just want to give him a hug.
I literally got a pringles ad the moment i clicked the thumbnail
I don't want to have a beer with Braum, I want a glass of milk just like him
One change they could make that would make him stronger but not broken is,
When he W a target that champion's next basic attack applies one stack of his passive
This would increase the use of his w and make his stun faster since every new champion had 5 dashes and blinks
That sounds like too much IMO, a better buff would be if he actually gave a shield to his allies
The R should apply a stack of his passive and hitting his Q should give him bonus Attack Speed kinda like Taric Passive, for a few aa's your w idea is also good
I was a support main once and Braum was my main. I've always though that Braum's kit was the best kit compared to other supports and when I'm playing with someone I know he feels so rewarding but somehow I've always struggled to climb with him when I play solo. Eventually transitioned to jungling. Watching this made me realize why.
As a proud Mastery 7 Braum, I'm both saddened and happy to see this. I find he pairs very well with certain champions, like Aphelios and Vayne, and I just love how much peel he provides. I feel like a savior whenever I play him, it always feels good to block an entire Miss Fortune R or Jhin R.
I just played Braum on Aram and he is enjoyable to say the least.
Nearly impossible to defeat if played right but needs teammates to truly be the best.
Thats what i was gonna say Brawm can't be strong if adc is 1/3
He is so good tho I just love playing Braum so much. It's sad to see that such an all-round designed champ has no playrate.
Braum is the reason I even started playing league. Out of all the stuff I knew about the champs in league Braum was the only one where I said "I want to play that guy" and I got him to m6 in the first 4 months of playing league.
You perfectly explained why I hardly see Braum (and Taric) played. I earnestly wanted to try out and be able to play Braum for a 2 days but I found that playing as him is so frustrating because he is so frustrating because he is so team-reliant and purely defensive. Braum is such an appealing champ, I just wish I could play him as well in solo queue as other supports like Morgana and Rell. Great video as always!
"end of the tank meta"
Season 11 :
*Let me introduce myself*
Season 11 is more like
Whatever-gets-stronger-faster-snowballs-hard-and-wins meta.
Season 11 made everyone a snowballing Riven. Tanks get unkillable, Assassins oneshot even tanks, mage burn you to death from afar and ADCs crit for 2k and this all is possible with just a bit of a lead.
The only problem with Braum now is that his R doesn't proc his PASSIVE as 'IT USED TO DO'
his ult, never procked his pasive, i agree it should, but it has never ben like that
@@Axryuu maybe it was in pbe?
@@joekenwood4956 never bro, wish it was true
The old ultimate that Vars talked about is my wet dream , I miss this ultimate a lot, seems like it doesn't do much as the old one did in the past , kinda feel weak. Besides that's coming huge buffs to him and I'm happy with it kk. Huge hug to u all from an braum main!
The ult never proc passive
I feel really nice playing with braum.
Its a very well made character that makes me feel better with how wholesome he is
What if his shield didn't just serve as an anti projectile shield, but a literal wall. Shoving enemies on contact like Snorlax's block in Unite, but not as far & without the stun. If it could cut off dashes and flashes too, it could be an interesting way to physically separate and defend your squishy ranged teammates during a fight or dashing in to stop an enemy from collapsing on an ally
make his shield block dashes like poppy
That would be cool if braum's shield worked like snorlax block and I did try Braum for a few matches and yeah I kept dying
1:55 I'm sorry, have you ever had to deal with Tahm top? He hurts like hell
and falls off horribly, gets kited to hell, has mainly single target damage so useless in a teamfight. I say this as a TK top player - no matter how much I can bully a riven or irelia in lane they will 1v4 my team while I get 4v1ed trying to stop the rest of their team
@@TristanDecker2017 what about after rework
Either lower the stacks for the stun to proc at 3 instead of 4 or allow his ult to add 1 stack. Make his shield block dashes and blinks and ground them to give him more depth and utility.
But then the ahri and akali mains would literally shit themselves on Twitter the moment they have to use their brain
Every one of these "Why no one plays" videos can be summed up in one sentence.
"It's not a weeb champ."
I personally think they should revert his ultimate as I'm pretty sure the point of it functioning the way it originally did was to give him an option to deal with an assassin diving his carry. Now it just feels bad to use imo.
That stormy sax in the background tho, good tastes
Terry is such an amazing character! I love watching Riddles XD
its iori yagami theme from kof , look it up
@@ahmedhussan9210 oh I only know this from smash bros LOL never played KoF or Fatal fury
@@VarsVerum good sir , hit me on discord if u want a small lesson in fgs history :DD more then honored to show u some stuff
Before watching the vid I'll say my piece: I play braum when I want to be the hero my ADC needs, but unlike some enchanters I have no way to give them sustain in lane. I love hopping into the heat of things and taking the blows to save my ADC, but when they still get hit once or twice and have to back its all for naught.
After watching the vid here is what I think I'd do to make braum more relevant: honestly just make his enchanter side more relevant, give his w healing or a shield. I'd maybe even make his w and e one ability, which can be cast on a teammate to make him both hop to them and lift his shield, then give him another ability that can be some kind of sustain or buff.
SUGGESTION: Make concussive blows apply an exhaust debuff, reducing the damage of the affected champion by a percentage for a small period of time, that way Braum can give immediate protection to his allies and giving them time to proc the proper crowd control (I think about 20-25% damage reduction for 1 second on the first proc should do it, just enough to give his adc a chance to escape from an assasin or diver)
another suggestion: make R apply a stack of concussive blows to those hit immediately around you
They could definitely do something to buff his effectiveness against other types of champs, like let Unbreakable knock down enemy dashes and deal dmg. If it blocks skillshots why not also enemies trying to dive ur backline?
I swear, all of my favorite champions have videos online titled “Why nobody plays this champion”
That's literally me too. Azir, Aurelion, Anivia, Braum, Taric, Lissandra.
I've dabbled in the occasional "bruiser Braum" in the top lane, since he can be a fairly potent duelist if you build him like one, but his utter lack of waveclear makes it hard to pull off.
Good ol Braum. My first champ ever when I started back at the end of S5. Nothing like the feeling of blocking a long range Ez ult last sec before it hits your low health ally.
You're making me play Braum again.. and I'm not complaining, going to try that gold hearted bastard again and have fun inting. I pray to the riot gods that the next buff will make him viable, I love his character.
Really great video! You've summed up a lot of Braum's issues in the current meta, However I do have one minor point to add, you mentioned how he is weaker into heavy melee comps because of his shield not blocking anything however I personally find these matchups to work really well for Braum because of his inherit want to disengage enemies rather than engage a fight, his passive, while not as fast as a Leona Q, has the advantage of being always available and not on a cooldown or silenced. The fact that it's linked to auto attacks is incredibly useful when dealing with high mobility champions because you are not relying on trying to land a nautilus hook on a zed for example. Also the fact that it can affect multiple people at a time can be the difference in a teamfight environment if your backline is being for example getting dove by both a Malphite and yasuo combo. Also in melee comps it makes your W really valuable since it lets you address backline divers quickly which is something you might lack in for example a Leona Nautilus who are usually frontlining and using their mobility to ENGAGE. Thank you for coming to my TED talk as to why Braum is really good into melee comps, there was a lot more to unpack then I thought.
Because Leona, Alistar, Rell, and Thresh are somehow better than Braum. I mean aren't ADC weak right now? Jhin has 2 skillshots in his kit and Braum can just block it. Braum can interrupt Samira from dashing. Aphelios also has skillshots and Braum can also just block it. I think he's an underrated support. He can play aggressive and punish engages.
True and he is getting buffed next patch so he can be one of the better supports if people play him more.
Thats the point tho nat leone rell can punish engages almost if not just as well while being able to engage fights and having a decent amout of damage to at least thereten adcs braum can only defend adc so you just have to pray you get a good adc
Obviously Braum is really really good at those things you listed, but the other champs have similar levels of lockdown while also being great at engaging.
The idea of supports sitting around and just peeling is a bit outdated nowadays, even Sorakas and Jannas are expected to be a bit of an early bully nowadays.
I play him in duo-q with a friend who mains adc. It really is fun and effective!
@@magicalmage85 nowdays almost everything is sup diff, if you can't roam and engage properly ur performance is going to suffer! Mid diff? Nah sup diff! Jgl diff?! Nah sup diff if u ward the enemy jgler and never let them get a gank of at any lane! Even toplane can be impacted by a good roam! Roaming supports are just broken! Look top challanger euw it's either tf galio mid or bard Leona Allister sup mains
the video has inspired me to play braum. its been a few weeks and I am in love with braum tysm
I’ve got a fix for this problem of Braum not being played.
Braum raises his shield and teleports his entire team behind him.
Rito hire me pls
His weakness is also one of his strengths.
Imagine an enemy just charging in and that delay on the stun makes the enemy offguard of what's possible to happen. Opening for plays where the ADR is on low health but the stun suddenly kicks in. It's like one of those saved by the bell situation as long as they attack the one with the passive stack.
So for all the summoners out there please attack enemies with passive stacks
i remember wanting to main braum back in the day becouse he seemed so cool. until i realized i actually needed a competent enough adc that would follow up on my q and stand behind my shield instead of dashing in front of it and dying (looking at you lucian players)
damn, that was such a comprehensive analysis, thank you!
I only recently started playing normal games (I mostly played arams) and tbh I'm pretty new to League in general, so that was super helpful to someone who naturally gravitates towards characters like him. Thanks, keepp up the awesome work
I remember the early days when I could take him Top with the damage from his Q.
12:20 Can relate, when I play Alistar any assassin that dares coming near my precious little ADC gets knocked into the Shadow Realm, and in general it just feels good to be the leader of the fight: other champions have to position themselves so they don't die, they often have to find a way in by waiting for a lapse in the enemy's formation, Vanguards just don't have this problem: they decide where, when and in what conditions the teamfight happens, they're the win condition by virtue of their stupidly excessive CC and of their sheer tankiness: if teamfights were orchestras, Vanguards would be the directors.
Day 3 of asking Vars to make a video about Xerath.
its like playing a shooter, but there is a guy who can just appear behind you with a knife.
@@catrielmarignaclionti4518 im just interested as a xerath main, why no one plays him for my he is quite fun aside from when any assasin appears right behind you
@@rath4848 simple cuz ALL of his skills are skillshits which are dodgeable compared to auto attacks PAC skills and undodgeable skills such as zed shadow slash or ezreal arcane shift
@@joekenwood4956 Its pretty easy to his skillshots. The real problem is that he lacks any sort of self peel.
Rath i'm not sure why exactly but as a velkoz main i dislike xerath far more since i dont feel like he has a bread and butter combo and is more like ziggs with just a few skillshots that don't really interact with each other
As a Braum main all I can say that heart is the strongest muscle. And my shield will protect you!
I remeber picking Braum and then having my ADC pick Jhin. Ahhh, bad times...
Not really, I had a duo who mains Jhin while I was Braum.
Must've given the enemy ADC and Jungle nightmares since our skills basically force him into quicksand since he can barely move, much less defend himself.
I play braum everytime I can. The main reason I'm against playing him is that no one wants to actually proc his passive.
100% the truth...then they ask what's Braum's passive anyway...
Relatable as a Braum and Tahm Kench player
Braum is one of my favorite characters as a support main, I love him.
for Braum to come back just give him some quality of life changes. Have his be more effective at all rages and not just have the harder cc at the end of the fissure. Buck up the base damage a bit and have his shield also work on melee.
A thought, but one without much concern:
1. Make Braum's Q worth 2 stacks of his passive, or make it so that *his* next auto against an enemy champ procks 2 stacks of his passive after hitting them with a Q. This will give Braum a chance to better apply his stun.
2. Increase the range of Braum's E just a little further so you're not always too far away from your teammate or a minion wave to use the ability.
3. Enemies around Braum when he lands from his R are knocked backed a very small distance a la Xin zhao.
Because adc-s wont "get behind me" and the shoes are too tight
I think adding the ability to do alt + right click to change the direction his E is facing mid use would bring him up a little. Kinda like how Annie can control Tibbers but instead it's his shield.
Is it just me or the videos keep getting better?
I stopped playing him when his ult got nerfed. Used to be a 1.5 second knockup on ppl around him, like malphite. 1 second to all other enemies. Now it is 0.3 to 1.0 to the first target and 0.3 to the rest...
Too much reliance on auto attackers, not good in soloq(low-mid elo at least) cuz of proplay nerfs. I really like him as a character but other champs are just better and easier
I love playing Braum, soaking damage with his shield is very satisfying in my opinion.
"Braum's projectile nullification is the best" Nah mah dude.
Its not even nullification, simply dmg nullification but still projectile absorbsion. If a Morgana tries to Q Yasuo or Samira, it wont hit. If a Morgana tries to Q a Braum, the dmg wont hit, but the projectile will, meaning he will be rooted. Its THE worst projectile wall in the game, worse than Pantheons since he actually annuls dmg for the entire duration.
Nah man. Being able to sheild the ENTIRE team from projectiles AND be able to move up in a team fight makes it the best. Sure you can get hit by morg Q but you have W to dodge it. Or you can R when you get rooted to prevent them from killing your team while you are rooted. Pantheon shield is useless for the team. Doesn't matter if he doesn't take ANY damage if your carry gets one shot.
@@orangutan151 Get morg q'ed, now you arent in the front to protect team.
Yas windwall gets morg q'ed, nothing happens.
Samira gets morg q'ed, nothing happens.
You cant dodge with W you because your entire argument relies on being IN FRONT of your allies and W only allows you to jump back behind them.
And yes you can Ult to knock someone up and slow the rest rest, except most champs now have a dash or something like that to entirely negate your slow AND they too can just dodge your R.
Pantheon IS the shield, he gets morg q'ed, no one else does, same for Braum. Only difference is that Braum is stopped, Pan isnt, so Braum is infinitely worse.
In every single scenario, it would be preferable to have a Yas wind wall or Samira on your team rather than a Braum.
@@DeaminZaints Firstly, while braum is rooted your carry is not meaning they are free for dps.
Pantheon is a dps and is not free to deal damage if he is rooted because his E doesn't make him unstoppable so therefore its worse. Yas using his W implies he is using it for himself which means that its more selfish than useful, also because Morg Q has a much lower cooldown than wind wall. Samira doesn't need her W to doge morgs Q, so when in the absolute hell is she gonna use it to keep your team safe? For all intensive purposes for a support this type of ability is better, also because Braums cd on it is much lower than the alternatives.
Meaning he has more projectile blocking uptime. So in fact its the best not the worst, and it has a pretty good duration too in comparison to them. And he can block projectiles meant for a target behind him, and move with them as they retreat. Which means in terms of disengage and engage Braum is an absolute king at keeping allies alive.
@@yammoto148 Absolutely not.
Scenario 1A: Your team is retreating. Enemy morg throws out a Q. Braum intercepts. Braum is now rooted and your team has to decide whether to turn or leave him, probably leave him.
Scenario 1B: Your team is retreating. Enemy morg throws out a Q. Yas sets his windwall and negates it, allowing all to run.
Scenario 2A: Your team is engaging. Enemy morg throws out a Q. Braum intercepts, rooting him and putting him in the very back of the team, completely negating his entire purpose of being there in the first place.
Scenario 2B: Your team is engaging. Enemy morg throws out a Q. Yas sets a windwall and your team continues.
In all of these scenarios, you can freely exchange (Yas wind wall) with (Samira W) and (Morg Q) with (Any cc projectile in the entire game).
Your implication is that Samira and Yas will NEVER be usefull to the team because their playstyles are inherently selfish, but guess what, they dont need to actively be trying to play support, if your entire team is behind Yas, sure he wind walls to keep himself safe but it also helps the entire team. So that argument is moot.
As for duration and cd on Braum, yes it has a lower cd and a higher duration, however it also does NOT negate dmg except from the first shot, meaning if a jinx is trying to tear up your ass, you can prevent 1 hit and then get killed immediately by the rest. "BUT HIS WALL REDUCES THE DMG!" i hear you say... Yes, but you are tank SUPPORT. You dont have the gold to build Thornmail or Randuins, a full tank top laner with shields and sustain can barely survive a couple seconds with jinx, you as a SUPPORT cant survive more than 2-3.
But guess who can? YASUO WITH HIS WINDWALL even when he build no sustain items because there is no better dmg mitigation than NEGATION.
@@DeaminZaints You assume disengaging is a passive thing where people are just running from the enemy team, no disengaging means kiting, throwing abilities at the enemy to slow them down, in every disengage the people who will be at the assult of the enemy team will be the tanks, so in other words Yasuo will not be there to go and sheild your team from the morg Q.
Secondly your scenario is locked to the idea that the enemy team can't rengage, say a Zac creeps up on the side as your team is doing its fighting retreat and launches in, Yasuo can't do anything in this situation but the braum can get between the Zac and the team and defend his adc from getting bursted. Also if the braum is rooted when the enemy seeks to engage again there is always an off tank to buy time so Braum can get back and keep people alive.
Also if a Yas uses his windwall at the beginning of an engage it means he will be dead soon afterward and so will his team, because again, longer cooldown and less duration. Also if Morganna is gonna Q someone when being engaged on, its not gonna be the braum or the adc its gonne be the one that has the most impact on the teamfight and that is usually up to the strongest engage character which isn't Braum as stated by the video, he is there to follow up, to top up on whats been established.
You are severly underestimating his E, its percentage damage reduction. Which means even if you are fed to hell, you are not going to kill braum quickly while its up. He also has his W which gives armour and magic resistance.
The best way to play Braum is with a friend who plays a champ that synergies well with him. You’ll better understand each other, know your strengths, and can cover for each other. It’s what me and my brother did, and those were my favorite league matches
I’d play Braum more is his Q was more satisfying and his ult knock up was longer than 0.3 seconds. Seriously though the ult is terrible unless you hit at max range, but using it at max range doesn’t make any sense for his style. Braum is the selfless peel guy, not a catcher, so his ult should help against people right on top of you and your adc. Braum ult either needs a better knock up, a push, or to apply a stack of your passive.
Also Braum Q should be completely different, right now it just helps you get your passive rolling at range but doesn’t do any real damage, makes for pretty terrible poke, and once again, doesn’t help peel your adc except for a pretty meh slow. I think this ability needs a mini rework and to be turned into something like a grab that throws the target behind you. He could use this to throw people of his adc or to grab escaping enemies and throw them closer. It would be way more useful against melee attackers than his current q.
If you couldn’t tell I don’t like Braum being the ranged counterpick that much, so another option is leave his q as is, give his shield a larger burst of decaying movespeed, and replace his dash with the grab and throw.
I think the key with wardens isn’t to give them alternative cc, it’s to give them different ways to apply it. Braum has no offensive gap closer and one mediocre skill shot, giving him powerful melee range cc (like my grab and throw idea) but making him wait for the enemy to engage makes him more peel focused than vanguards. Leona’s got a dash on zenith blade, nautilus has that massive hook, Thresh has his hook and dash, blitz can hook people and pull them all the way to him, they’ve all got offensive cc, so Braum needs more defensive cc. Another idea I’ve just had is a sort of cc trap, an ability that takes a second to get ready, so you have to use it at least a bit proactively, but has powerful cc if an enemy enters its range, like a stun that activates immediately but only if an enemy walks into you. To certainly more of an anti-melee ability, but by having a stun that just doesn’t work if the enemy tries to run away, you’ve ensured the warden has to remain defensive but given him the cc he needs to compete with tanks.
I just kinda vomited out my thoughts here, it’s a bit of a mess but we should think about making wardens better somehow, then maybe one day riot will listen.
Funny braum tech: in lane if you manage to get a cannon wave under your opponents turret, w to the cannon as it gets aggro and the cannon will take 2-3 extra tower shots.
can u make for varus
W is also used to initiate, especially of the enemy is nearby an allied wave, you dash to a minion, hit q and stun the target, it's almost always a guaranteed kill on an unsuspecting target (if any ally is nearby and follows up on your play that is)
,,we'v got 30 champs wich no one playes AWESOME"
everytime I play ADC I’m always happy to see a braum as support, you guys are amazing
I think if they doubled down on the shielding and soaking dmg aspect on Braum he'd be a popular tanky support. For instance instead a stun for a passive he passively shares a percentage of the dmg that allied champions near him take. Also instead of dashing to an ally you can do a shield charge that knocks back enemies kinda like azirs ult.
Bryan and yuumi are similar in that they’re both champions that jump to allies and focus on supporting them by being on them. I’d like to hear about why one is more popular compared to the other when they are similar?
Yuumi out damages braum hard, as well as providing better instant cc post-6 with a larger ultimate with higher chance of hitting because of duration, and q poke and heals in lane are far better than a little resists every now and then and some tickling with q. Not to mention the move speed interactions with certain champions (singed) and buffed damage with passive.
Might be cool for unbreakable to have a second cast which sends out a projectile that deals a low percentage of the damage prevented and slows the target. That gives him some sort of soft cc. Also bring back joss old ult which dealt more damage to closer targets (along with a longer knock to for close targets)
3:00 it feels so good to play braum
He is really good in aram where his Shields size is more important and where poke champions are always high priority picks. His ultimate is also more useful as a zoning tool because of the close proximity of the fighting. He is a team fighter and aram is a team game
Meanwhile in wild rift, he stands hand in hand with Alistar as the best supports in game. At least he gets love there.
Can agree, Braum main here in wild rift. 61%win rate
It definitely wouldn't fix the warden problem entirely but I think making it so Braum's ult does more dmg and cc when furthest *and* directly around him (as in *directly* directly) + making his Q have a slightly lower cooldown or less mana cost while doing a little more dmg would help
I’ve recently been spamming Braum and finding a lot of success because of the current meta just seems to work with him. Also I love to see that braum is getting a buff next patch, much needed love!
As a Vayne ADC main, I love this guy every time. His passive is so nice to work with.
I love the champions. That throw themselves into the fray. Just to protect their team. Which is why I love playing Tank characters that can hard cc. Just to buy time for my team to reposition or get out if it seems like a losing battle. I always keep saying”run you fools” when such a thing happens.
I remember the first time I played braum way back when he first got released. our jinx got caught out farming near enemy towers, she got mf ulted and was ignited and was about to die. I flashed in, leaped to jinx and positioned my e mid air while simultaneously giving my adc the face of the mountain shield back when it was a thing. I never felt so cool blocking the mf ult as Braun's shield lights up as I protect the jinx with only a sliver of her hp.
Sadly braum got so many nerfs to his e, it isn't the same anymore. But I'll never forget just how good he was.
I think it would be fun to let him cast his e on allies as well, let him cast his w on enemies (which would reduce their resistances), and give him more base as to proc his passive easier by himself. This would promote a more agressive playstyle and be more fun to play with imo
I freaking Love Braum. Because whenever I play this man his voice lines just cheers me up.
Or I'm having daddy issues
The problem is that you have yasuo and samira having an anti projectile without any downsides. While being on a meta of damage.
Then there's the Urgot ult interaction that if an ally gets ulted and braum blocks the chains not the missile, braum is the one gets executed regardless of his hp.
I do think there are a few small ways to help bump Braum up some. Though some might be too much
Concussive Blows: Take a cue from Tahm - make his passive 3 hits instead of 4. Maybe have it's damage scale with armor
Winter's Bite: Like above, add damage that scales with armor or mr. Or maybe base increase and increase how much it does with health
Stand Behind: Make this a general dash that can go over walls (A man who can break mountains should be able to jump walls XD). However, when he targets ally or minion, the distance travel increases and the usual defensive boosts are there.
Unbreakable: More or less keep it the same. However (this may be op) for the duration you can press W again to change which way the wall is facing. Additional if you use Stand behind, the wall will reposition itself according to how stand behind works
Glacial Fissure: The initial damage and strength of knock-up should be where the knock-up originates, decreasing as it gets father away. Instead of AP scaling it should have defensive scaling, health scaling or AD scaling even if small.
I remeber when he was one of the new characters. He was also the first one I bought a skin for. he's just so iconic i love him.
Great job as always man. I just recently found your channel and literally speeran all your Why no one plays videos. Keep up the amazing work!
Thank you Mr Wick! :D
As a former Braum main, the biggest thing to increase how much I would play him is slow down games so I can somewhat outscale the hard engage of a Leona or Alistar, and/or bring back on-hit focused ADCs who like to build Runaans.