Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny reviews were already luke warm, but the box office numbers aren't. It's not enough for movies to rely on pre-release hype unless they have a past reputation for consistent quality. Tom Cruise might be able to pull off that marketing hype, but Disney can't. Indiana Jones the Dial of Destiny is doomed to loose money, even with a 4-5 day weekend domestically it still can't pull the numbers it needs for breakeven. But as James Mangold the director comes out and keeps talking about his reasons for various choices, the movie gets WORSE not better. He couldn't even IMAGINE Indiana Jones being happy. Despite Harrison Ford himself saying he loves being older, James Mangold sees age as something that destroys you, and seemingly feels heros have to be annihilated by it at every opportunity. Combine that with his statement that morality doesn't exist, and the medias bizarre excuses as to why this has failed (because even they can't spin this as a success). And we end up with a weird post rationalisation of everything except, we can't write, and the customers don't share our "values" anymore. Anything, except their need to change themselves. But what did you think of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. Let me know your thoughts down below and as always, thanks for watching :)
Isn't it terrible how bad the audiences have become? Don't they realise all these movies are golden? Racist, sexists, bigots... you name it, they've called us all of them. Then they expect us to forget when the next movie arrives...
They believe there's a certain amount of revenue to be gained by those who still pay to watch new movies, and they believe that minority of people is easily predictable when it comes to doing what they're told. They're not completely wrong, but they overestimate the amount of revenue those people produce. A majority of fans of a franchise hasn't paid to see a reboot or remake since about the time of Crystal Skull. That movie kind of launched the era of reboots and remakes, and sadly also seems to have set the bar for effort for most studios as well. On top of that, over the last decade many producers have decided progressive social and political stuff in movies to gain appeal. Once every few years a decent movie shows up that's a sequel, remake, or reboot. They're still weaker than the older films, but as good as gets today.
boycott is an interesting word, by calling it boycott they think is people not going to watch the movie as some sort of protest, but that would mean that people actually want to see the movie, and suffer to send a message, that is not the case, people simply dont want to watch the movie.
Right. Boycotts are typically organized and have a specific goal. What’s happening now is spontaneous and organic. It’s brand abandonment which is much harder to reverse.
I agree with your explanations. I abandoned everything Disney when they fired Gina Carano from the Mandalorian. I was so angry that they fired her for posting something very similar to something Pedro Pascal had posted barely a year before. They allowed his post because they agreed with his politics. I sent them an email and told them why I was cancelling. I explained that I had be a huge fan of many of their franchises and that I had bought a lot of merch over the years. I also said “I realize right now I am just one person, so you probably are not going to pay attention to me, but what happens when it is thousands of us? My family and friends are dropping the app too. Right now your parks are closed (this was still during the pandemic) and people are dropping your app and not watching your properties. How much money will you lose before you have to start paying attention to us”? Well they are now reaping what they have sown.
That's by design. Wokies LOVE attempting metaphors, but it's always sloppy and they fuck it up. Take 10 cloverfield Lane. Crazy guy has woman trapped in a bunker claiming aliens have taken over the earth and he needs to protect her. The whole film is an allegory about escaping an abusive, controlling relationship as she tries to escape the "crazy guy", killing him and his son.....and then it turns out aliens DID destroy the planet. So in their metaphor for domestic abuse where the brave heroin escapes the abuser... he WAS just trying to protect her and she murdered him and his son because she was paranoid and it no doubt led to her death right after the credits rolled. They like the IDEA of metaphors, but don't really understand them.
13:24 "...explore what it meant for Indy to look back on a lifetime of regret and loss". He was a tenured Archaeology Professor at a (fictional) Ivy League University, he defeated the Nazis twice, he liberated enslaved children, travelled the world (when that wasn't a thing), became immortal and apparently had friends wherever he went who were so fond of him they were willing to die for him. He basically lived multiple very adventurous and successful people's lives in one lifetime. What exactly does he have to regret? Did he miss out on the tombola at the school fete one time or something?
@@KilliK69 Then what was the point of it? That's a pretty limiting version of immortality. Seems like kind of a waste of effort searching for it if all you could do with the immortality was hang around in that cave waiting to test people for ever. Didn't the knight's two brothers have extended lives though?
Disney literally fired people who were low on the totem pole who were just doing what they were told but kept Kathleen Kennedy who is responsible for killing two beloved franchises. Amazing 👏.
Let’s not forget that they didn’t actually resolve the whole “framed for murder” thing so he’s back in the present and is going to immediately be arrested.
Why was the CIA helping an ex Nazi go around finding ancient artifacts? He helped put men on the moon, great, give him some money and let him be (with on and off surveillance ofc). How the CIA don't immediately know who Indy was is beyond me. The man is practically a superhero in this universe at least to the intelligence community. Such a disrespectful movie
Its crazy how unsubtle the last scene is, Phleabag punching out Indie and dragging him into the future is so on the nose and yet ill bet the writers patted themselves on the back for how clever it was
Funny how it's okay to take away a man's agency, but heaven forbid you dare tell a woman what to do. He wanted to stay there and he should have been allowed to.
Good job none of his previous adversaries ever hit him. If a scrawny insufferable witch can KO him for a week all the previous films would have had him in a coma suite for the entire film .
Three things I know with complete certainty about the character of Indiana Jones: he loves archeology, he always tries to do the right thing, and he never, ever gives up. He jumped into the Mediterranean and swam after a sub to save his girl… and the ark. When he thought Marion had been killed in an explosion, what was his response to loosing the love of his life? He got sad, he got drunk, he offered to shoot a Frenchman, and he got back in the game. The world and everything in it changes but “Indy” keeps going. Indiana Jones will always be the boy on the train, battling to protect artifacts from thieves. He inspires us because after everything he’s gone through and everything he’s seen, he still views the world as an idealistic boy. It’s a dirty shame how he’s treated in “The Dial of Destiny.”
actually, if you go read Smith's original announcement for the tv show, in it he clearly states that He-Man will go missing, and Teela with her band will go in a search quest to find him. Some of us had already warned then, that this was an obvious bait-n-switch, with Teela being the real protagonist of the show, not He-Man. Later, when more info came out and solidified that fact, and youtubers like Clownfish started pointing it out, it was then when Smith went full damage control and started lying to the fans and attacking Clownfish. His behavior wasn't a surprise, he had already shown his true colors when he "cried" after watching TFA. he is one of HW's worst shills.
I love Clownfish TV so for Kevin Smith to go insane at them - especially since his past advises he has no love for He Man or the Masters of the Universe - about their comment made me doubt Kevin Smith more. Sad how the great go crazy for the love of the crazies.
@lewispooper3138 Why wouldn't they? I've never seen a "differential" number between tickets sold and tickets redeemed. How WOULD they count them when you redeem them? They were free to you...what amount of money do they report when you redeem free tickets? If it's a negotiated rate between the studio and theater, how could the studio hope to make money and why are they given away at a third party vendor like Applebee's...a vendor who has no reason to encourage you to use them?
this is already happening with the Tomb Raider tv show. Fleabag is writing it and maybe also playing Lara Croft. Nerdrotic and co will have content for their channel for months, when that atrocity comes out.
Hopefully this movie being a flop will be the necessary push to finally fire Kennedy, because from what I’ve heard, they’ve essentially stripped her of power, but they haven’t fired her completely
My wife went and saw this with free Applebees tickets. Apparently no one in the theater could follow what was happening and they were all confused. Then one drunk guy stood up and tried to start a slow clap and people told him to sit down because he was blocking the screen
It was actually a good movie, but It was made about a mostly forgotten hero from the very early twentieth century and was not promoted well. Indiana Fake is going to deserve it's crash and burn.
As I watch Disparu, I being an older man in the mist of a mid-life reckoning, all I can think is, this young man and people like him, be it man or woman, but of this generation and with the same morality. They are the hope for a better future. Yes, the video is about a movie, but media reflects the current culture and vice a versa. Good show young man!
@@redneckroy8947 I'm old enough to assure you, the current political and economic and cultural pyramids will collapse, and be replaced by those with the energy to destroy them and climb their wreckage. Take heart.
The issue is not online "trolls"; the simple fact is that every movie that expects to make money depends absolutely on word of mouth. The industry calls that "having legs." I'm sure that there are many here who don't remember the start of Star Wars. I was living in New York at the time it was released, and critics said that sciene fiction was moribund, but that the movie had its good qualities but would need to "get legs." I went to see it on its first weekend, and the theater was about 1/3 full. In Times Square. But I told friends that it was a fun watch and we went back the next weekend. The dinner-time showing was sold out, so we got tickets for the next show and wasted a couple of hours waiting. That's "having legs." No matter how many negative criticisms there may be, if those who watch it early spread the news by word of mouth, the movie will rise above. This movie will just sink like a stone.
They call the "trolls" a small minority but then place blame on them, which surprise surprise, paints their usual picture that everyone else are dumb rubes who can be dissuaded by that small minority. "Misinformation". Wrong group of people, that's them, and it's that same bizarre projection that makes your head almost explode.
First of all "Online Trolls" are kind of a thing of the past, aren't they?Not to say there aren't any out there, but not like years ago. At least in my estimation. They're all too busy screwing around in online gaming. I don't think most could be bothered with bombing films that are perfectly capable of destroying themselves.
My wife's dad was traveling and caught an early showing of Star Wars. When he got back he took all of them to see it. A great movie doesn't need advertising.
i'm 40. The last movie I felt like schlepping to the theater and paying money for was a special screening of LOTR: TROTK. That's right, a 20 year old movie that I already own at home. Seeing the Rohirrim charge on the big screen with the great sound again was a stark reminder of how good movies use to be.
just watching those movies at home in blu ray quality with a decent amp and speakers is miles better than whatever crap they put into theaters nowadays. i think its been at least 10 years since ive set foot in a movie theater. there are maybe 2 films that come out each year on average that i actually like. im not paying to go see 20 of them to figure out which 2 i like. i just wait for youtube reviewers to tell me, and then download those movies.
I watched more re-released films from the 80s-90s last year in the cinema, than new movie releases, strangely they seem to have stopped all those this year, Ive not been to see a new release yet this year and we are already 7 months in.
When you feature an element like time travel, and you get an actress as repulsive as Phoebe Waller Bridge, that’s code, for somebody is getting replaced
@selfless727 what don't you get? It's the same message everytime. SWM are a relic from a bygone age. The force is female. All strong male icons are destroyed, not too dissimilar to them pulling down statues of our historical figures. It's rewriting and revisioning culture. Subversion. Marxism.
Paraphrase of Mangold: “Killing his son off was a way to give us a plot point to force into this movie about Indy being sad.” So . . . you’re saying you FRIDGED him?
As a man in his twenties, I have over the last few years, become a lot more discerning about what I watch. Because the quality of movies in general has steadily gone down. Of course you can still find a gem here and there, but this sure isn't one of them. And then they blame people, for expecting, what they have been taught, by the studios, to expect.
@Some_Really_Random_Dude. Have to encourage you to check out foreign films, and film noir from the 1940s and 1950s. The latter in particular are written by adults, for adults; the writers grew up in an era without television, actually read books, and aren't writing scripts that recycle the weak tv they grew up on. So refreshing. The Third Man (1949), The Narrow Margin (1952), Odd Man Out (1947), Touch of Evil (1958)... or look at what Orson Welles did in his film versions of Shakespeare..., or at the Italian Realist movement after World War 2... Don't miss some of the greatest films ever made!
Yes, "Dial of Destiny" is the #1 movie, right now, but the #2 movie has been out for an entire month already. And the fact of the matter is that "Mission Impossible" is probably going to humiliate "Dial" even more than "Spider-Verse" embarrassed "Mermaid". The latest Indiana Jones and the press surrounding it has been like an airplane in dramatic descent with smoke trailing from its fuselage and the pilot yelling "Yeah, it's supposed to do that!" over the sound of a choking engine.
Indiana Jones and the Wheel of Fortune is either going to be a signal for the downward spiral of Hollywood until it dies a sad death or the turning point when Hollywood wakes up to their horrible blunders. I'm not betting on them surviving.
George lucas summed up kathleen like this: she was not very good at taking notes (which was her job) she was very good at interrupting people mid sentence however to insert her point of view
I believe George Lucas accurately summed her up as a 'white slaver.' KK is like an old whorehouse madam, prostituting his old productions and corrupting his innocent creations, so that they all end up having the same dried-up, past-their-prime, dead-behind-the-eyes look that she herself sees in the mirror every day.
When the original Star Wars was released, I remember sitting around with my friends trying to figure out what to do, I think, on a Friday afternoon. We had not been exposed to any ads on TV, radio, newspaper, billboards, etc. Only looking at the movie section of the paper did we decide to see this new Sci Fi movie. We arrived, walked right up to the ticket vendor, bough our tickets and sat in a half empty theater. So basically by work -of-mouth, the movie took off. The next time we went, there was literally a line over 100m long. So there was a several hour wait after buying a ticket to be able to wait for the next show.
Yes....Star Wars also invented and created the totally new thing at the time, of coming out a showing and then going to join the queue to see it again straight away....I saw that happen many times. Saw it four times back in 77, first with just my Father, then we took my brother and finally my mum as well so it was the whole family. Last time was me going with a group of other kids and their parents....I would have gone to see it again as well, but it got so popular you could not get in easily....
They missed a chance to bring back Short Round, now a respected archeologist, to take the torch from Indy. I would have watched the hell out of that movie.
Here in the US, the majority culture HATES getting old. You see it in our commercials, our anti-aging products, our obsession with youth, the ridiculous depictions of older people in our movies, etc. You hit the nail on the head when you said that the 59-year-old director hates aging than the 80-year-old actor.
Phoebe Waller-Bridge is the UK's sweetheart, in much the same way that Brie Larson is America's sweetheart. 🧡🧡 If we could just get them in a movie together, the box office would EXPLODE, and all other movies released that year would be ANNIHILATED. 💥💯👍💲💲
I have a British Friend who is just like you. I am autistic and it takes a real odd duck to make me laugh hysterically. I'm here to tell you. You are the Bomb Biggity My Dude! You make me laugh my fool head off thanks. I subscribed to your channel because of this video. You had me laughing so hard I had to pause the video to catch my breath. THANK YOU SIR! VERY MUCH INDEED!
"Fifth biggest opening weekend of 2023" lmaoooo, such stiff competion like The Little Mermaid we are only halfway through the year anyway. Oh my God that's got to be the most hilarious and desperate cope I've ever heard.
I know its comical...Its like saying your house burnt to the ground, but they managed to save a fifth of it....part of the bathroom is untouched and some of one of the spare rooms...the rest is smouldering blackened mess utterly destroyed....They are total idiots. Do they really think the fifth biggest opening is something to be proud of? Especially when you look at all the other flops and drek that has been released. Hey everyone!!!! I fell in a huge pile of sh*t today! But it was only the fifth biggest out of a whole row of manure piles! So I only got mostly covered in crap! The top of my head is still clean!!!! Like I said...Idiots. And that is an insult to other idiots.....
I've said this elsewhere: In my mind, Mutt isn't dead but just a POW and Short Round goes and helps him escape. Mutt also has children (at least 2 -- twin son and daughter, one lovingly named Indy) and the grandson of OG Indy (along with his sister) goes on to have many adventures in the spirit of their grandfather including finding Atlantis!
The next time era will be the early 70s, and with Phoebe Waller-Bridge's character as the lead, we're looking at INDIANA JONES'S GODDAUGHTER AND THE RISE OF PORN
I think you misheard, they were saying A nobody will replace Indy. P.S. Supposedly this is SO bad, that there's an emergency meeting which people are being forced to attend tomorrow, to *explain the failure*
What? I thought they were just intentionally slaughtering franchises. Maybe the meeting is a party. Im still so incredibly angry about what Disney did to avatar 2. It got formularized strait into the gutter. The beautiful gutter.
The way I hear it, it's more like they fear it will be those words every corporate exec fears hearing from someone with power over them. "What *exactly* is it you would say you do here?" Basically? You got five seconds to convince us not to fire you...
@@Elemblue2 can we stop pretending the first avatar was any good? it was a nice tech demo for new CGI software. in 3D. it didnt have a plot or any artistic merit. just meaningless eye candy.
And how the Hell did Fleabag transport an unconscious Indy back through time to the present and then get him all the way back to his apartment in New York? Ruby Slippers?
I cant see it ever getting out of development hell, and wheres the audience for it anyway, the increasingly dumb games have killed the game franchise, the movies had their moments, but never really understood the character. Wheres the fanbase ?
This is good. I've always felt John Carter didn't deserve to flop the way it did. I thought it was a great movie and deserved sequels. If this flops worse than that, it's all I can ask for.
Eh, I like Taylor Kitsch, but the movie definitely wasn't great. I was bored and lost for most of the movie. I honestly can't remember much about it other than the eye candy for us Taylor fans. 😂
Disney were about to buy Marvel and Lucas films, why have a non-owned IP? Load debt and blame marketing! All I saw in the UK for marketing was some small cards. No big display units to say JC was on its way.
I seen John Carter in theatres. It wasn't bad but I can tell ya it sure would have been better if they dressed up Dejah Thoris like she was in the comics.
@@Shifft-This If they had followed the books alot better, then it could have been more interesting for sure. Still, the movie is a guilty pleasure for me xD
That's exactly the thing, she seems so happy about every character she destroys. Either she really does revel in it, or she has some sort of dementia and has no idea what misery she is causing.
@@Blodhelmshe has the eyes of rejected woman. She is trying to destroy everything now. Guess she just did not get the D and angry about it. Knowing how wild Hollywood always was. Why not xd
Are there any resources that comprehensively explain how the American Writer's Guild works? Because I don't get it. Today's Hollywood writers produce one bomb after the other, but they are still able to make insane demands and bring the entertainment industry to a standstill. What's their leverage? Why don't the studios hire a bunch of freelancers off the streets? Is "writing" really that hard, that you can't find any replacement of at least the same "quality"? It can't get much worse anyway, why don't take a shot and gamble on independent talent?
I believe it's because they're part of a union. Hard to fire somebody in a union. They tend to cause a LOT of drama and negatively, drawing things out ion court, even if it's a reasonable termination.
There's also the fact they are a mafia. Must I bring up they will infiltrate sets just to picket there. One of their core tactics are throwing tantrums in the most inconvenient places possible with the hope that you will cave to shut them up.
I'm curious about that too. Problem is, these clowns have been churning out crap for YEARS now. Completely devoid of creativity and style. There should be a massive purge of the incompetent.
Tom Cruise and the team behind Maverick, even Denis Villeneuve and his projects seem to understand that a great movie that's going to bring in a boatload of money is about the wonder of a world where the impossible can happen, sometimes tragically, and people still build families and lives in the midst of it. You can portray that comedically, dramatically, suspensefully, and even horrifyingly, and do it successfully if the end game of you project is that, first and foremost. Lucasfilms, DC, and Marvel/Disney, are losing sight of that, and I can't understand how you can't see that's your cash cow, not the disappointments they have been serving up. Instead, they (Disney, DC, Lucasfilms, most other big labels) are marketing to nostalgic parents seeking to find new content to connect with their kids over what they love, while somehow trying to appeal to the younger gen by being outspoken about ideals they care about while the characters themselves are actively undermining they thing they're trying to soapbox. A24 is the only major studio right now that when I see they have a project coming up, I know it's going to be wild if nothing else.
The simple answer is that they just hate the audience, and want to soapbox using the platform of nostalgia to send that message. By kicking down things people enjoyed.
Waller Bridge has already left Disney - She jumped ship over to Amazon Studios to write / lead a new Tomb Raider live action series, I think she saw far to much of herself on the cutting room floor while editing IJ5, releasing early on the gig was up, & that she would unlikely be the person to take over the Indiana Jones franchise be it movies or Tv series even under KK.
Wait. Does she even have a British accent or are they just going to I gore that part. One of the first characters who actually had a voice from that era of games.
Excellent! I canceled my Prime Video subscription after Amazon censored opinions and lied about their numbers for Rings of Power, I hope she gets contained there. I am sure, seeing how much she contributes ideologically to her characters, that she will in fact give to Amazon more series to lie about.
I mean, who was the target audience? If I want a bank loan my bank manager asks me what I want the money for to see if it's a risky business venture or stupid purchase, why does this not apply in Hollywood!?
No, Disparu. Those last thoughts are the thoughts of every SANE person out there, excluding KK, HF, PWB and all these despicable shills, so well done and well said 👏
I really don’t like it when writers feel the need to throw in a “divorce side story” for so many movies. I get it, it happens in real life but for crying out loud stop overusing it. They did it to Han Solo/Leia and now Indiana/Marion. Just let these classic characters stay married. Also I think it’s really lazy writing that they killed off Mutt in Vietnam. I know Shia LaBeouf went crazy but they could’ve easily recast him. It would’ve been cool if Indiana, Mutt, & Short Round teamed up for one final adventure. Then Mutt gets the Fedora.
If people wanted 100% realism you could just stick a camera out a window and record the real world and it would be a hit. At some point we want stories to be better than our world. That’s where the escapism comes in.
Disney needs to fire just about everyone who has a say on content creation and editorial line. Here's a crazy idea, if want to sell your products to the masses, you might want to appeal to the masses instead of the minorities. Just a wild thought.
And she literally tried to killIndiana THREE times in the movie, her own relative, so she could steal the artifact and sell it - I'm sure whamenists loved that aspect, the thought of destroying/deleting men gets them wet. Which is why KK has destroyed so many men, at her age it takes a miracle to get wet, or by doing ever increasing evil.
Sadly, the destroyers of Disney will walk away with their fortunes in tack! However, the poorly paid employees and the small stock investors may lose everything!
I'd be willing to bet a year of my salary that PWB was replacing Indy until the talk of time travel and etcetera began, Mangold started gaslighting fans online... then removed in the reshoots.
Indy was to die from the GSW to his chest in the past and fauxbe would Don the hat and whip and do all of the stuff Indy did in the other movies... that's why she's "punches him" into the future suddenly with no GSW.
There were stories of PWB being inserted into scenes of the previous film, replacing Indy. I can 100% see that happening until they realised just how badly that'd go down.
Literally sat through this film on Friday evening with my father thinking? I’d honestly rather be at home watching the original trilogy on Blu Ray instead. Lmao
FeeBee Post-Waller Feminist Bridge, like the Feminist Bridge that collapsed in Florida in less than a week, deleting several people. They tried to memory hole that it was all designed and built by whamenists after that happened. Same thing a few weeks ago I'm Canada: they were SUPER happy and promoted that an all fefail firefighter team was doing controlled burns...until it turned into the wildfire it is now, then MEN had to come in and try to stop it, but it was too far gone by then, and all of a sudden there's no mention of that fact.
I went to see the first, Raiders of the Lost Ark, as a teenager. I've gone to see all the others and was disappointed in the Cyrstal Skull. I am over 50, and the only reason I didn't go to see Dial of Destiny is because I saw this coming. I'm so tired of the lying spins on the fake success and the corruption of IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes as of late. We need a review site that maintains some integrity and is not bought by Hollyweird. And independent that isn't owned by Amazon or Comcast. Thanks for the commentary! Always fun and informative.
Interesting that Mangold mentions Logan because nobody really complained that he died in that movie, it was a fitting send off to the character and he had a heroic ending.
Who wants to bet that Hugh Jackman took the reins with Logan? Unlike most Hollywood actors, Jackman's not a shallow idiot. He wanted to go out on a high note and was very careful about ensuring that Wolverine's swan song would be a fitting finale that delivered maximum impact. Mangold was probably just director for hire, much like how Irvin Kershner was director for hire for The Empire Strikes Back but George Lucas had to save the movie from Kershner and Gary Kurtz's fuck ups.
I don't know if they know what they're doing, but I know they think they know what they're doing. I'm sure there's some kind of scheme up their sleeves, but I doubt it's actually a good scheme. They think it is, but it probably ultimately won't be.
For nigh on six years ive not paid for a film ticket or any streaming service, but now that the iteration of my favorite films has finally appeared to die, I can go back to enjoying them again.
I bet the director had to fight Kathleen to not kill off another one of Harrison Ford's well liked Characters. She's like a jealous child trying to destroy the thing that someone else made but other people liked.
From rumors and somehow supported by the strange third act, it looks like they killed the Indy dies ending only after test screenings showed disastrous results.
I dont know if he fought her that much, he signed on with that premise to begin with, its only when the story leaks came out and he lost it on twitter, where you could see the tensions were ramping up on set, and then we had this shoot enough stuff and try and bring together a version of a film that works for the audience best, and then probably pushed to say he prefererred the versions where Ford doesnt get killed off, but as I say that was the original premise and was well publicised as to why Fleabag was brought into continue the franchise, they didnt switch tack halfway through shooting to introduce that element.
I like the part where Phoebe Waller-Bridge as Helena Shaw sings the new song ''I Squeezed Out the Baby, Yet I Have No Idea Who the Father Is.'', it is such an epic masterpiece!! That original song gets five stars from me!!: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
They most certainly could if they'd hire back the actual talent they fired once this new regime took over, but then how could they attempt to groom & influence our children?
They believe the fans are evil, and need to be taught the correct way to live. They genuinely think they are doing their duty to society. They are mental.
"This will be Harrison Ford's last outing as Indy." "Indy is NOT being replaced." "Helena Shaw will be the star in future Indy movies." Has about as much continuation as a typical Disney Lucasfilm movie.
I watched as Luke was destroyed because he had been transformed into a miserable lonely man, and pretty much just made a mental note of it. I then saw how Arnold--as a CYBORG--was reduced to a miserable, and purposeless OLD CYBORG. I watched as Han Solo went from a snarky post-married man living alone (but for Chewie) while his son ran amok and his wife toiled endlessly to re-establish the Galactic Republic (taking no time for her family even as her son began to stray toward the Dark Side, and her husband began to grow tired of being 2nd to her career). Then we saw the same thing with James Bond, and now Indy. You asked WHY would they write these men like this for film. Well, the answer is clear. Women are (on the whole) lonely--having sacrificed their productive years toward career building--and miserable because when they are at home all they have is a cat or two. They look at those cats knowing that if their dead body is not found for four days those very cats will eat their eyes, but they can't do anything about this fear because they have no children to surround them with loving grand children. Today's writers are either writers or supervised by women, and this basic truth shows in their writing of men. They are INCAPIBLE of writing a story wherein either the women or the men live happily ever after.
I agree. More that they have a sense of horror for letting their work be a substitute for a normal life. They don't want to be REMINDED of what they gave up, so they take some comfort about saving the business from tired old men. Hence we see that theme over and over and they can't see it themselves.
@@nosuchthing8 The chief problem--as I see it--is that they are so hard pressed to PREACH to the People (read--INDOCTRINATE) that they have failed basic math. You can preach to more people IF you tell a story that gets people to flock to see it. If, as they do today, they are only preaching to the echo chamber, that audience is small and they are not really indoctrinating the audience.
its not just that they are incapable. they are vindictive towards men, especially goodlooking, confident, hwite men, and also jealous of any women that do have a family and a marriage that stays together. so they have to destroy every instance of both of those things in fiction. they also do the same to their friends. any woman that gets a divorce has been encouraged by all their single cat lady girlfriends. theres a reason that people that have a succesful relationship, generally dont have friends that are single.
Thanks for collecting all this information. The more I learn about the thought processes of the makers of this film, the more I understand that none of them had a clue about the Indiana Jones that Spielberg and Lucas created. This isn't an Indiana Jones film, it is some weird acid trip from the Bizarro universe whose only link to the original films are the name of a US state and a quite common surname. A more honest title would be something like California Smith and A Bunch of Crap that We Pulled Out of Our Arse.
"Top Gun *did* pander to Top Gun fans." That's the Overton Window. When "pandering" means "didn't emasculate the protagonist," you're already behind the 8-ball.
See a few people saying they wanted a more gruesome comeuppance from our villains, and while I agree with the plane crash, I feel like we can’t ignore the kid handcuffing the big Nazi to a grate and letting him drown, that shit was cold.
its insane how quickly that dude fell off. went from making great, original, funny movies on a shoestring budget to the biggest shilling manbaby in hollywood in like 2 years.
I'm still so surprised how many casual viewers liked it especially older ones you would think they would know better and see something that they grew up with being ruined infront of them
Older casual viewers only care about movies superficially and they don't actually give a shit about things like character integrity or good storylines...and they are mostly totally blind to wokeism in movies.
Its not lack of talent. Its lack of humility. They cant help but project themselves onto these characters. And since we hate these characters I guess we know how they fell about themselves.
They could have made something good. Keep his Family with him and make him not want to go look for the Dial because he knows where it is and so he doesn't Break a Promise that was made between Movies to Marion of not going on another Adventure because of how Dangerous it is. And because of how old Indy is. Make him actually Respected by his Students and other Teachers. Make some Students who want to Confess to him. Do almost the same scene from the Last Crusade to the beginning of the Dial of Destiny. Except Indy is planning to Retire. So much Potential. But I guess that's all Disney has. Potential but not Creativity
though the one plus point is he might have gone for a cut of the movie profits deal instead of wholly a flat fee, and consequently even before Hollyweirds infamous accounting tricks, might find he wasnt paid nearly as much as he thought he would be, which warms the heart.
I'm over 60. My parents are well over 80. I can assure everyone that no one loves being old. Everyone would rather go back to 22 or some such. Trust me.
There are still tons of awesome classics out there we haven't seen. I just watched 70s vigilante cop/car chase movie The Seven Ups, with Roy Scheider, for the first time. Awesome. Grab your popcorn & Sour Patch Kids.
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny reviews were already luke warm, but the box office numbers aren't. It's not enough for movies to rely on pre-release hype unless they have a past reputation for consistent quality. Tom Cruise might be able to pull off that marketing hype, but Disney can't. Indiana Jones the Dial of Destiny is doomed to loose money, even with a 4-5 day weekend domestically it still can't pull the numbers it needs for breakeven. But as James Mangold the director comes out and keeps talking about his reasons for various choices, the movie gets WORSE not better. He couldn't even IMAGINE Indiana Jones being happy.
Despite Harrison Ford himself saying he loves being older, James Mangold sees age as something that destroys you, and seemingly feels heros have to be annihilated by it at every opportunity. Combine that with his statement that morality doesn't exist, and the medias bizarre excuses as to why this has failed (because even they can't spin this as a success). And we end up with a weird post rationalisation of everything except, we can't write, and the customers don't share our "values" anymore. Anything, except their need to change themselves. But what did you think of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. Let me know your thoughts down below and as always, thanks for watching :)
I liked the Crystal Skull
Good video young man!
Delusional, leftist "journalists" (activists) are coping real hard and making the dumbest excuses for this gutter trash of a "movie."
@@Gambit166 I almost cried when I left the cinema my whole outlook on society and Hollywood has changed
Yes its realy a great movie,i will watch it again this week!
It’s always someone else’s fault when a movie sucks nowadays. Hollywood can never take responsibility for their own failures smh
Right? They're like a sociopath that kills then beheads hitchhikers and blames it on the weather.
Isn't it terrible how bad the audiences have become? Don't they realise all these movies are golden?
Racist, sexists, bigots... you name it, they've called us all of them. Then they expect us to forget when the next movie arrives...
Feminism 101.
They believe there's a certain amount of revenue to be gained by those who still pay to watch new movies, and they believe that minority of people is easily predictable when it comes to doing what they're told. They're not completely wrong, but they overestimate the amount of revenue those people produce.
A majority of fans of a franchise hasn't paid to see a reboot or remake since about the time of Crystal Skull. That movie kind of launched the era of reboots and remakes, and sadly also seems to have set the bar for effort for most studios as well. On top of that, over the last decade many producers have decided progressive social and political stuff in movies to gain appeal. Once every few years a decent movie shows up that's a sequel, remake, or reboot. They're still weaker than the older films, but as good as gets today.
Its run by pedos. What do you honestly expect better of them?
This isn't a boycott, it's a total abandonment of everything Disney.
boycott is an interesting word, by calling it boycott they think is people not going to watch the movie as some sort of protest, but that would mean that people actually want to see the movie, and suffer to send a message, that is not the case, people simply dont want to watch the movie.
Right. Boycotts are typically organized and have a specific goal. What’s happening now is spontaneous and organic. It’s brand abandonment which is much harder to reverse.
To quote Lord Humungus....Just walk away.
I stopped supporting ANYTHING Disney after Last Jedi and I see no reason to ever return.
What's happening to both IJ5 and Bud Light are not boycotts, they are cancellations. Big difference.
I agree with your explanations. I abandoned everything Disney when they fired Gina Carano from the Mandalorian. I was so angry that they fired her for posting something very similar to something Pedro Pascal had posted barely a year before. They allowed his post because they agreed with his politics. I sent them an email and told them why I was cancelling. I explained that I had be a huge fan of many of their franchises and that I had bought a lot of merch over the years. I also said “I realize right now I am just one person, so you probably are not going to pay attention to me, but what happens when it is thousands of us? My family and friends are dropping the app too. Right now your parks are closed (this was still during the pandemic) and people are dropping your app and not watching your properties. How much money will you lose before you have to start paying attention to us”? Well they are now reaping what they have sown.
PW-B punching Indy and dragging him into the present when he just wanted to be left alone is an allegory for all of us
So much so that it seems deliberate. They presumably think it's what we need and deserve and ought to accept, like our hero, Indy. They're saving us!
That's by design. Wokies LOVE attempting metaphors, but it's always sloppy and they fuck it up.
Take 10 cloverfield Lane. Crazy guy has woman trapped in a bunker claiming aliens have taken over the earth and he needs to protect her. The whole film is an allegory about escaping an abusive, controlling relationship as she tries to escape the "crazy guy", killing him and his son.....and then it turns out aliens DID destroy the planet. So in their metaphor for domestic abuse where the brave heroin escapes the abuser... he WAS just trying to protect her and she murdered him and his son because she was paranoid and it no doubt led to her death right after the credits rolled. They like the IDEA of metaphors, but don't really understand them.
@@TheScience69 Exactly. Although Emmett and Howard are not related.
Wow must have had a great bonus this month at work !? 👏
I bet they think they're subtle and clever
13:24 "...explore what it meant for Indy to look back on a lifetime of regret and loss". He was a tenured Archaeology Professor at a (fictional) Ivy League University, he defeated the Nazis twice, he liberated enslaved children, travelled the world (when that wasn't a thing), became immortal and apparently had friends wherever he went who were so fond of him they were willing to die for him. He basically lived multiple very adventurous and successful people's lives in one lifetime. What exactly does he have to regret? Did he miss out on the tombola at the school fete one time or something?
he didn't become immortal.. the holy grail worked only while you kept it inside the cave and out of the floor sign limit.
Not to mention cheated death and got lucky more than any version of probability allows….
@@KilliK69 so technically he did become immortal for like 2 minutes
i mean, they killed his only son and made his wife divorce him off screen. lol
@@KilliK69 Then what was the point of it? That's a pretty limiting version of immortality. Seems like kind of a waste of effort searching for it if all you could do with the immortality was hang around in that cave waiting to test people for ever. Didn't the knight's two brothers have extended lives though?
Disney literally fired people who were low on the totem pole who were just doing what they were told but kept Kathleen Kennedy who is responsible for killing two beloved franchises. Amazing 👏.
3, don't forget Willow. A show so bad they took it off Disney+
The force is female, what can I say
It always works that way. They let me go because I was doing what I was told once.
@@itsmejinxfromleagueolegendsreaThis is another time I have seen this phrase. Did someone at Disney actually said this?
Execs never get sacked unless they do something catastrophic in office politics.
Let’s not forget that they didn’t actually resolve the whole “framed for murder” thing so he’s back in the present and is going to immediately be arrested.
"Indiana Jones and the Geriatric Prison Ward of Evil"
@@2st_duallist "Indiana Jones and the soap on a rope"
Why was the CIA helping an ex Nazi go around finding ancient artifacts? He helped put men on the moon, great, give him some money and let him be (with on and off surveillance ofc). How the CIA don't immediately know who Indy was is beyond me. The man is practically a superhero in this universe at least to the intelligence community. Such a disrespectful movie
Its crazy how unsubtle the last scene is, Phleabag punching out Indie and dragging him into the future is so on the nose and yet ill bet the writers patted themselves on the back for how clever it was
And that's why the fans are disgusted
"How clever it was.". Need air quotes, don't give them the wrong idea.
Funny how it's okay to take away a man's agency, but heaven forbid you dare tell a woman what to do. He wanted to stay there and he should have been allowed to.
Because the "message" of men are the past, women are the future wasn't done blatantly enough in Star Wars.
Good job none of his previous adversaries ever hit him. If a scrawny insufferable witch can KO him for a week all the previous films would have had him in a coma suite for the entire film .
"Indiana Jones deserved every penny it didn't get at the cinema" 👏👏👏
*KK deserves every penny this movie didn't get
Really? did you actually see the film?
Three things I know with complete certainty about the character of Indiana Jones: he loves archeology, he always tries to do the right thing, and he never, ever gives up. He jumped into the Mediterranean and swam after a sub to save his girl… and the ark. When he thought Marion had been killed in an explosion, what was his response to loosing the love of his life? He got sad, he got drunk, he offered to shoot a Frenchman, and he got back in the game. The world and everything in it changes but “Indy” keeps going. Indiana Jones will always be the boy on the train, battling to protect artifacts from thieves. He inspires us because after everything he’s gone through and everything he’s seen, he still views the world as an idealistic boy. It’s a dirty shame how he’s treated in “The Dial of Destiny.”
He got the Luke Skywalker treatment.
Beautifully said! ❤️
And at the end of this one he keeps the artifact, doesn't put it in a museum, betraying the character/audience yet again.
Expertly said my friend! 🍻 Too bad Disney is more concerned with hating men.
@@nilesn9787 He did....he really did.
0:27 “He-Man is not stepping aside for Teela. That’s absurd!” - Kevin Smith (when slandering Clownfish TV for exposing his plans for the series)
What was left of his credibility just imploded
And he still hasn't apologized. Dude is such a weak sellout. I'll bet he lets his wife get smashed by other dudes while he holds her hand.
actually, if you go read Smith's original announcement for the tv show, in it he clearly states that He-Man will go missing, and Teela with her band will go in a search quest to find him.
Some of us had already warned then, that this was an obvious bait-n-switch, with Teela being the real protagonist of the show, not He-Man.
Later, when more info came out and solidified that fact, and youtubers like Clownfish started pointing it out, it was then when Smith went full damage control and started lying to the fans and attacking Clownfish.
His behavior wasn't a surprise, he had already shown his true colors when he "cried" after watching TFA. he is one of HW's worst shills.
@@KilliK69 Yeah, I saw that video of him crying - that was … impressive, even for Hollywood! 😂
I love Clownfish TV so for Kevin Smith to go insane at them - especially since his past advises he has no love for He Man or the Masters of the Universe - about their comment made me doubt Kevin Smith more. Sad how the great go crazy for the love of the crazies.
Yes. People across the pond DO love Indiana Jones. That’s why Dial of Destiny didn’t just crash, it cratered.
They inflated the numbers, too. Applebee's and ghost seats.
You gotta redeem those free tickets. Doubt they count to the overall total
I don't think the free tickets count at all against the gross, somebody has to pay for them and I doubt it was Applebee's
@lewispooper3138 Why wouldn't they?
I've never seen a "differential" number between tickets sold and tickets redeemed.
How WOULD they count them when you redeem them? They were free to you...what amount of money do they report when you redeem free tickets? If it's a negotiated rate between the studio and theater, how could the studio hope to make money and why are they given away at a third party vendor like Applebee's...a vendor who has no reason to encourage you to use them?
I've never eaten there.
@DeadlyPlatypus yeah makes zero sense to do this to boost ticket sales then not claim them as ticket "sales"
They absolutely MUST make a Helena Shaw spin off series! It'd be hilarious when literally no one watches it.
They've already proven themselves plenty stubborn enough. I wouldn't put anything past them
Oh, some people would watch it, because there will always be dumbasses who support and shill out for anything Disney vomits up.
this is already happening with the Tomb Raider tv show. Fleabag is writing it and maybe also playing Lara Croft.
Nerdrotic and co will have content for their channel for months, when that atrocity comes out.
they will make a d+ show with memberberries that will flopp anyways
It would be freaking 18+ because - based on her interactions - she gets "around" and "through" a lot of men on her travels...
Hopefully this movie being a flop will be the necessary push to finally fire Kennedy, because from what I’ve heard, they’ve essentially stripped her of power, but they haven’t fired her completely
She already killed all the big franchises. What's firing her going to do?
Source? Trust me, bro.
Doomcock was right.
@@randomperson-up5vtgive a chance to not kill the rest?
My wife went and saw this with free Applebees tickets.
Apparently no one in the theater could follow what was happening and they were all confused. Then one drunk guy stood up and tried to start a slow clap and people told him to sit down because he was blocking the screen
All of that is perfect for this movie.
ew, you actually went to see it?
You misread. My wife went to see it. I stayed home and did laundry. Much more productive
@@blackchibisan8116 ah sorry
Disney’s John Cater currently has the biggest “reported” film loss of all time ($255m). I’m rooting for Disney to beat their own record. Go Disney 🤡🤡🤡
Why?Its a realy good movie!
@@brunoheggli2888 only if you're gay
@@brunoheggli2888 very bad advertising & bad release timing with it released during other major movie releases.
And John Carter is immeasurably superior to the Dreck of Dysentery
It was actually a good movie, but It was made about a mostly forgotten hero from the very early twentieth century and was not promoted well. Indiana Fake is going to deserve it's crash and burn.
As I watch Disparu, I being an older man in the mist of a mid-life reckoning, all I can think is, this young man and people like him, be it man or woman, but of this generation and with the same morality. They are the hope for a better future. Yes, the video is about a movie, but media reflects the current culture and vice a versa. Good show young man!
Yes this new Indy movie is just amazing and so much fun!
Great comment Batman, cheers.
Yeah, makes me a little less of a doomer
@@redneckroy8947 I'm old enough to assure you, the current political and economic and cultural pyramids will collapse, and be replaced by those with the energy to destroy them and climb their wreckage. Take heart.
Good Form, Old Boy
I’m convinced there was a “Live, Laugh, Love” sign on the wall behind the interviewer when Ford said that about Phoebe’s character. 🤔
Oh, so Ford Keyser Soze'd the interview? Makes sense...
The issue is not online "trolls"; the simple fact is that every movie that expects to make money depends absolutely on word of mouth. The industry calls that "having legs." I'm sure that there are many here who don't remember the start of Star Wars. I was living in New York at the time it was released, and critics said that sciene fiction was moribund, but that the movie had its good qualities but would need to "get legs." I went to see it on its first weekend, and the theater was about 1/3 full. In Times Square. But I told friends that it was a fun watch and we went back the next weekend. The dinner-time showing was sold out, so we got tickets for the next show and wasted a couple of hours waiting. That's "having legs." No matter how many negative criticisms there may be, if those who watch it early spread the news by word of mouth, the movie will rise above. This movie will just sink like a stone.
They call the "trolls" a small minority but then place blame on them, which surprise surprise, paints their usual picture that everyone else are dumb rubes who can be dissuaded by that small minority. "Misinformation". Wrong group of people, that's them, and it's that same bizarre projection that makes your head almost explode.
First of all "Online Trolls" are kind of a thing of the past, aren't they?Not to say there aren't any out there, but not like years ago. At least in my estimation. They're all too busy screwing around in online gaming. I don't think most could be bothered with bombing films that are perfectly capable of destroying themselves.
My wife's dad was traveling and caught an early showing of Star Wars.
When he got back he took all of them to see it.
A great movie doesn't need advertising.
🙄 Men are just intimidated by Phoebe and Kennedy. /s
yeah, same thing happened with Avatar. it didn't have a record breaking opening, but thanks to its strong legs, it became the biggest movie ever.
i'm 40. The last movie I felt like schlepping to the theater and paying money for was a special screening of LOTR: TROTK. That's right, a 20 year old movie that I already own at home. Seeing the Rohirrim charge on the big screen with the great sound again was a stark reminder of how good movies use to be.
just watching those movies at home in blu ray quality with a decent amp and speakers is miles better than whatever crap they put into theaters nowadays. i think its been at least 10 years since ive set foot in a movie theater. there are maybe 2 films that come out each year on average that i actually like. im not paying to go see 20 of them to figure out which 2 i like. i just wait for youtube reviewers to tell me, and then download those movies.
I watched more re-released films from the 80s-90s last year in the cinema, than new movie releases, strangely they seem to have stopped all those this year, Ive not been to see a new release yet this year and we are already 7 months in.
When you feature an element like time travel, and you get an actress as repulsive as Phoebe Waller Bridge, that’s code, for somebody is getting replaced
I have no idea why they picked her for this role.....just terrible casting.
@@FellowOfHammer She's in the cult.
It was all by design.
A diabolical design.
@selfless727 what don't you get? It's the same message everytime. SWM are a relic from a bygone age. The force is female. All strong male icons are destroyed, not too dissimilar to them pulling down statues of our historical figures. It's rewriting and revisioning culture. Subversion. Marxism.
Agreed. Time travel ruined the Marvel movies for me.
Paraphrase of Mangold: “Killing his son off was a way to give us a plot point to force into this movie about Indy being sad.”
So . . . you’re saying you FRIDGED him?
Nah, they dropped a Phoebe-Waller-BRIDGE on him. (It's even worse than Nuking a Fridge)
As a man in his twenties, I have over the last few years, become a lot more discerning about what I watch. Because the quality of movies in general has steadily gone down. Of course you can still find a gem here and there, but this sure isn't one of them. And then they blame people, for expecting, what they have been taught, by the studios, to expect.
As a man in his fifties... (fist bump)
I agree, movies are something that i now pirate… Hollywood is an evil empire
@Some_Really_Random_Dude. Have to encourage you to check out foreign films, and film noir from the 1940s and 1950s. The latter in particular are written by adults, for adults; the writers grew up in an era without television, actually read books, and aren't writing scripts that recycle the weak tv they grew up on. So refreshing. The Third Man (1949), The Narrow Margin (1952), Odd Man Out (1947), Touch of Evil (1958)... or look at what Orson Welles did in his film versions of Shakespeare..., or at the Italian Realist movement after World War 2... Don't miss some of the greatest films ever made!
Sisu is a good movie. Def recommend it
Sounds like you might be one of those horrible "older adults".
Yes, "Dial of Destiny" is the #1 movie, right now, but the #2 movie has been out for an entire month already. And the fact of the matter is that "Mission Impossible" is probably going to humiliate "Dial" even more than "Spider-Verse" embarrassed "Mermaid". The latest Indiana Jones and the press surrounding it has been like an airplane in dramatic descent with smoke trailing from its fuselage and the pilot yelling "Yeah, it's supposed to do that!" over the sound of a choking engine.
You need to work for disney
Everybody knew this was going to fail six weeks ago when it premiered at Cannes.
Everyone knew it was going to fail once it was announced by Kathleen Kennedy.
I knew it was gonna flop when it was announced 😂
@@benstanfill363 when I knew who was gonna be the director I knew it was gonna be terrible and decided to never watch it
To think this turd played Cannes
churns the stomach.
@@benstanfill363 I knew it was gonna flop when crystal skull was announced
Indiana Jones and the Wheel of Fortune is either going to be a signal for the downward spiral of Hollywood until it dies a sad death or the turning point when Hollywood wakes up to their horrible blunders. I'm not betting on them surviving.
They did the same stuff with James Bond...emasculated him, and brought him to "give up." Guess who was behind that too?
What are you talking about?The new Bond Films are pure Gold!
Phoebe Waller-Bridge😡
@@brunoheggli2888There's two good ones, Casino Royale overwhelming the best, and Skyfall being pretty good, and the rest are utter trash.
@@brunoheggli2888SPECTRE is the movie OP is talking about. Because in that, James Bond is a washed up has been who has given up.
@@TheOriginal_Unaleska No, it's "No Time To Die" (2021)
Keep up the good work dispy wispy.
George lucas summed up kathleen like this: she was not very good at taking notes (which was her job) she was very good at interrupting people mid sentence however to insert her point of view
That was actually Spielberg, not Lucas. She got her start as an assistant to Spielberg
I bet taking dictation under the desk was the only thing she was actually good at.
...No, she probably wasn't good at that either.
I believe George Lucas accurately summed her up as a 'white slaver.'
KK is like an old whorehouse madam, prostituting his old productions and corrupting his innocent creations, so that they all end up having the same dried-up, past-their-prime, dead-behind-the-eyes look that she herself sees in the mirror every day.
@@iamthewizardwhoknocks2845Sometimes you just need to feed the ducks, in that capacity, if happening out of sight.
@@control_the_pet_population you're right my bad
When the original Star Wars was released, I remember sitting around with my friends trying to figure out what to do, I think, on a Friday afternoon. We had not been exposed to any ads on TV, radio, newspaper, billboards, etc. Only looking at the movie section of the paper did we decide to see this new Sci Fi movie. We arrived, walked right up to the ticket vendor, bough our tickets and sat in a half empty theater.
So basically by work -of-mouth, the movie took off. The next time we went, there was literally a line over 100m long. So there was a several hour wait after buying a ticket to be able to wait for the next show.
Yes....Star Wars also invented and created the totally new thing at the time, of coming out a showing and then going to join the queue to see it again straight away....I saw that happen many times. Saw it four times back in 77, first with just my Father, then we took my brother and finally my mum as well so it was the whole family. Last time was me going with a group of other kids and their parents....I would have gone to see it again as well, but it got so popular you could not get in easily....
"teaches me how to live, and laugh, and love again."
Harrison Ford to the publicist (mumbling): "You can write this @#$@% but you sure can't say it."
Recently came across this channel and I just have to say, I can’t get enough.
They missed a chance to bring back Short Round, now a respected archeologist, to take the torch from Indy. I would have watched the hell out of that movie.
True. True.
It still would have sucked if these people were behind it. The best cast in the world can't save shitty movies.
short round is the owner of a shady bar/casino. he was a street kid, not an intellectual.
You are 100% not wrong.
Here in the US, the majority culture HATES getting old. You see it in our commercials, our anti-aging products, our obsession with youth, the ridiculous depictions of older people in our movies, etc. You hit the nail on the head when you said that the 59-year-old director hates aging than the 80-year-old actor.
Phoebe Waller-Bridge can be Rey's super padawan in the next Star Wars movie, it'll print money.
She's going to be too busy being the new lara croft. Not a joke. It's really odd, but they're not gender swapping that established character.
Phoebe Waller-Bridge is the UK's sweetheart, in much the same way that Brie Larson is America's sweetheart. 🧡🧡
If we could just get them in a movie together, the box office would EXPLODE, and all other movies released that year would be ANNIHILATED. 💥💯👍💲💲
Charlie's angels with phoebe, brie and daisy ridley... Box office gold
@@TheScience69 Oh gods..."Larry Croft, Tomb Raider". I really need to see that movie, now.
@@c99kfm I mean....just watch national treasure. Garantueed to be better because it actually STARS a national treasure.
I have a British Friend who is just like you. I am autistic and it takes a real odd duck to make me laugh hysterically. I'm here to tell you. You are the Bomb Biggity My Dude! You make me laugh my fool head off thanks. I subscribed to your channel because of this video. You had me laughing so hard I had to pause the video to catch my breath. THANK YOU SIR! VERY MUCH INDEED!
"Fifth biggest opening weekend of 2023" lmaoooo, such stiff competion like The Little Mermaid we are only halfway through the year anyway. Oh my God that's got to be the most hilarious and desperate cope I've ever heard.
biggest opening weekend of - checks calender - week 26 of the year 2023
I know its comical...Its like saying your house burnt to the ground, but they managed to save a fifth of it....part of the bathroom is untouched and some of one of the spare rooms...the rest is smouldering blackened mess utterly destroyed....They are total idiots. Do they really think the fifth biggest opening is something to be proud of? Especially when you look at all the other flops and drek that has been released.
Hey everyone!!!! I fell in a huge pile of sh*t today! But it was only the fifth biggest out of a whole row of manure piles! So I only got mostly covered in crap! The top of my head is still clean!!!!
Like I said...Idiots. And that is an insult to other idiots.....
I'm waiting for Oppenheimer to blow it out of the water.
I've said this elsewhere: In my mind, Mutt isn't dead but just a POW and Short Round goes and helps him escape. Mutt also has children (at least 2 -- twin son and daughter, one lovingly named Indy) and the grandson of OG Indy (along with his sister) goes on to have many adventures in the spirit of their grandfather including finding Atlantis!
Hopefully if Disney decide to sell Lucasfilm and if KK steps down or is fired they could make something like this
The next time era will be the early 70s, and with Phoebe Waller-Bridge's character as the lead, we're looking at
I think you misheard, they were saying A nobody will replace Indy.
P.S. Supposedly this is SO bad, that there's an emergency meeting which people are being forced to attend tomorrow, to *explain the failure*
The fact that they can't work it out tells you all you need to know...
It's amazing that their bubble is so impenetrable, they don't even allow past success to show them how to do it.
What? I thought they were just intentionally slaughtering franchises.
Maybe the meeting is a party. Im still so incredibly angry about what Disney did to avatar 2. It got formularized strait into the gutter. The beautiful gutter.
The way I hear it, it's more like they fear it will be those words every corporate exec fears hearing from someone with power over them. "What *exactly* is it you would say you do here?"
Basically? You got five seconds to convince us not to fire you...
@@Elemblue2 can we stop pretending the first avatar was any good? it was a nice tech demo for new CGI software. in 3D. it didnt have a plot or any artistic merit. just meaningless eye candy.
And how the Hell did Fleabag transport an unconscious Indy back through time to the present and then get him all the way back to his apartment in New York? Ruby Slippers?
And now Fleabag is ready to ruin Tomb Raider too, guess she really hates cool archeologists.
She wouldn't know cool if it hit her in the ass.
More like she hates everyone besides herself become cool arceologist
I cant see it ever getting out of development hell, and wheres the audience for it anyway, the increasingly dumb games have killed the game franchise, the movies had their moments, but never really understood the character. Wheres the fanbase ?
This is good. I've always felt John Carter didn't deserve to flop the way it did. I thought it was a great movie and deserved sequels. If this flops worse than that, it's all I can ask for.
Now we know why. The hero wasn't a tired old powerless man.
Eh, I like Taylor Kitsch, but the movie definitely wasn't great. I was bored and lost for most of the movie. I honestly can't remember much about it other than the eye candy for us Taylor fans. 😂
Disney were about to buy Marvel and Lucas films, why have a non-owned IP?
Load debt and blame marketing! All I saw in the UK for marketing was some small cards. No big display units to say JC was on its way.
I seen John Carter in theatres. It wasn't bad but I can tell ya it sure would have been better if they dressed up Dejah Thoris like she was in the comics.
@@Shifft-This If they had followed the books alot better, then it could have been more interesting for sure.
Still, the movie is a guilty pleasure for me xD
They established Indie learning to love and laugh again at the end of the fourth movie when he marries his love interest from Lost Ark
And none of this factors in Disney giving out free tickets for people eating at Appleby's
Sounds like they tore Indy down and curb stomped his character while KK claps gleefully as her abomination 'dominates' the box office.
That's exactly the thing, she seems so happy about every character she destroys. Either she really does revel in it, or she has some sort of dementia and has no idea what misery she is causing.
@@paulmurgatroyd6372 Pretty sure she always secretly hated Lucas and Spielberg, what she does to all of their main characters has to be intentional.
@@Blodhelmshe has the eyes of rejected woman. She is trying to destroy everything now. Guess she just did not get the D and angry about it. Knowing how wild Hollywood always was. Why not xd
Love how much you research articles and highlight their ridiculousness in your videos. Your points of view are hilarious to me. Good stuff!
Are there any resources that comprehensively explain how the American Writer's Guild works?
Because I don't get it. Today's Hollywood writers produce one bomb after the other, but they are still able to make insane demands and bring the entertainment industry to a standstill. What's their leverage? Why don't the studios hire a bunch of freelancers off the streets? Is "writing" really that hard, that you can't find any replacement of at least the same "quality"? It can't get much worse anyway, why don't take a shot and gamble on independent talent?
I wish I had that kind of job security. Putting out subpar work and keeping my job. It must be so good.😏
I believe it's because they're part of a union. Hard to fire somebody in a union. They tend to cause a LOT of drama and negatively, drawing things out ion court, even if it's a reasonable termination.
There's also the fact they are a mafia. Must I bring up they will infiltrate sets just to picket there. One of their core tactics are throwing tantrums in the most inconvenient places possible with the hope that you will cave to shut them up.
I'm curious about that too. Problem is, these clowns have been churning out crap for YEARS now.
Completely devoid of creativity and style. There should be a massive purge of the incompetent.
@@LucLightWolf121subpar? You really think that highly of their work?
I saw "Sound of Freedom" today. It's about a man who is really a hero. And he exists in real life too.
Tom Cruise and the team behind Maverick, even Denis Villeneuve and his projects seem to understand that a great movie that's going to bring in a boatload of money is about the wonder of a world where the impossible can happen, sometimes tragically, and people still build families and lives in the midst of it. You can portray that comedically, dramatically, suspensefully, and even horrifyingly, and do it successfully if the end game of you project is that, first and foremost. Lucasfilms, DC, and Marvel/Disney, are losing sight of that, and I can't understand how you can't see that's your cash cow, not the disappointments they have been serving up.
Instead, they (Disney, DC, Lucasfilms, most other big labels) are marketing to nostalgic parents seeking to find new content to connect with their kids over what they love, while somehow trying to appeal to the younger gen by being outspoken about ideals they care about while the characters themselves are actively undermining they thing they're trying to soapbox.
A24 is the only major studio right now that when I see they have a project coming up, I know it's going to be wild if nothing else.
That next Dune movie is just about the only one I'm tempted to see in the theater.
that was also the theme of Avatar: The Way of Water, which is why it also became the biggest movie of 2022.
@@Blodhelm Same. The trailer looks good. The story is flowing as it should. I look forward to it.
The simple answer is that they just hate the audience, and want to soapbox using the platform of nostalgia to send that message. By kicking down things people enjoyed.
They are willfully ignorant of the problem. They will blame anything except themselves.
The best quote regarding Kathleen Kennedy.
"Kathleen Kennedy has turned castration into a multimillion dollar money sink" -Deep Focus Lens
I think the quote/story from Spielberg about her time on Raiders is pretty awesome.
Phoebe has the acting range of A Comatose Person, looks like a foot, and has the personality of said foot. What's not to like?
Someone commented that she looks like a substitute drama teacher
She looks like a foot 😆
Oh, I'll be passing that one along.
Waller Bridge has already left Disney - She jumped ship over to Amazon Studios to write / lead a new Tomb Raider live action series, I think she saw far to much of herself on the cutting room floor while editing IJ5, releasing early on the gig was up, & that she would unlikely be the person to take over the Indiana Jones franchise be it movies or Tv series even under KK.
She's going to screw up Lara Croft too!
As usual, you wonder what the mix of delusion vs lying is. Can they not objectively view their generation's work, or can they.
Wait. Does she even have a British accent or are they just going to I gore that part.
One of the first characters who actually had a voice from that era of games.
That unimpressive looking, horrible acting woman is going to play Laura Croft?!?
All of Hollywood is juiced to high heaven on fentanyl
Excellent! I canceled my Prime Video subscription after Amazon censored opinions and lied about their numbers for Rings of Power, I hope she gets contained there. I am sure, seeing how much she contributes ideologically to her characters, that she will in fact give to Amazon more series to lie about.
I mean, who was the target audience? If I want a bank loan my bank manager asks me what I want the money for to see if it's a risky business venture or stupid purchase, why does this not apply in Hollywood!?
They think they can brainwash the world before the billions run out?
Idk. You got me 😆
There are only three IndianaJonesMovies. And this ain’t one of ‘em. 😬
Correct! 🤝
I liked Crystal Skull 😬
@@Howarth78 Boo!
I remember watching Crystal skull. I don't remember anything about it except there were Crystal skulls.
No, Disparu. Those last thoughts are the thoughts of every SANE person out there, excluding KK, HF, PWB and all these despicable shills, so well done and well said 👏
I love the intelligent way you cross reference articles to expose their gaslighting. Thank you!
“I’ve had to buy extra red pens”. Lol
I really don’t like it when writers feel the need to throw in a “divorce side story” for so many movies. I get it, it happens in real life but for crying out loud stop overusing it. They did it to Han Solo/Leia and now Indiana/Marion. Just let these classic characters stay married. Also I think it’s really lazy writing that they killed off Mutt in Vietnam. I know Shia LaBeouf went crazy but they could’ve easily recast him. It would’ve been cool if Indiana, Mutt, & Short Round teamed up for one final adventure. Then Mutt gets the Fedora.
It's the Wine Aunt She-Hulk writer demographic that revels in male characters going through divorce arcs.
Thr6 CAN'T, the nuclear family unit is a threat to socialism.
They couldn't recast him, too many male leads on screen for them
sounds way way better than this!
If people wanted 100% realism you could just stick a camera out a window and record the real world and it would be a hit. At some point we want stories to be better than our world. That’s where the escapism comes in.
I love how they lie blatantly and think we wont notice.
Dude over 50 here. This movie was not made for me.
It was made for Kathleen Kennedy
Not made for people who like movies
@SpareSomeChange8080 you stole my comment
This movie is there to give you hope again, if your hope is to get punched by a shrew.
yep, nailed it! This movie was made for an audience of one!
Disney needs to fire just about everyone who has a say on content creation and editorial line.
Here's a crazy idea, if want to sell your products to the masses, you might want to appeal to the masses instead of the minorities. Just a wild thought.
2:41 I’m sure men (and women) 18-24 find PWB truly irresistible! If only they had given her a more prominent role…
And she literally tried to killIndiana THREE times in the movie, her own relative, so she could steal the artifact and sell it - I'm sure whamenists loved that aspect, the thought of destroying/deleting men gets them wet. Which is why KK has destroyed so many men, at her age it takes a miracle to get wet, or by doing ever increasing evil.
"Indiana Jones deserved every penny it didn't get." Classic! Thanks for all the fun that I obviously wouldn't get in the theatre.
Sadly, the destroyers of Disney will walk away with their fortunes in tack! However, the poorly paid employees and the small stock investors may lose everything!
They will find other jobs.
Did the Indiana Jones Twitter accidentally post the wrong pre-planned tweet?
I'd be willing to bet a year of my salary that PWB was replacing Indy until the talk of time travel and etcetera began, Mangold started gaslighting fans online... then removed in the reshoots.
And you’d win.. Doomcock all but confirmed that with all the leaks he made videos about
Indy was to die from the GSW to his chest in the past and fauxbe would Don the hat and whip and do all of the stuff Indy did in the other movies... that's why she's "punches him" into the future suddenly with no GSW.
There were stories of PWB being inserted into scenes of the previous film, replacing Indy.
I can 100% see that happening until they realised just how badly that'd go down.
With that budget, they could have reshot the entire movie from scratch for all we know.
@@SolidGoldCEO but they didn't
82 million minus all those tickets they gave away to Applebee's customers 😂
It takes an elephant-thick skin not to be embarrassed by this, but by golly Disney did it
Been doing it.
Keep up the amazing work . It’s wonderful to watch your channel blow up like it’s doing ..🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Literally sat through this film on Friday evening with my father thinking? I’d honestly rather be at home watching the original trilogy on Blu Ray instead. Lmao
As an Englishmen i can announce your candour is apreciated young man. Great job
We should all congratulate Kathy on a record Phoebe Waller Bridge opening!
FeeBee Post-Waller Feminist Bridge, like the Feminist Bridge that collapsed in Florida in less than a week, deleting several people. They tried to memory hole that it was all designed and built by whamenists after that happened.
Same thing a few weeks ago I'm Canada: they were SUPER happy and promoted that an all fefail firefighter team was doing controlled burns...until it turned into the wildfire it is now, then MEN had to come in and try to stop it, but it was too far gone by then, and all of a sudden there's no mention of that fact.
@theelder4797 yes, certainly
@@theelder4797 lmao post-waller, good one
@@TheSuperappelflap 👍
I went to see the first, Raiders of the Lost Ark, as a teenager. I've gone to see all the others and was disappointed in the Cyrstal Skull.
I am over 50, and the only reason I didn't go to see Dial of Destiny is because I saw this coming.
I'm so tired of the lying spins on the fake success and the corruption of IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes as of late. We need a review site that maintains some integrity and is not bought by Hollyweird. And independent that isn't owned by Amazon or Comcast.
Thanks for the commentary! Always fun and informative.
Interesting that Mangold mentions Logan because nobody really complained that he died in that movie, it was a fitting send off to the character and he had a heroic ending.
Who wants to bet that Hugh Jackman took the reins with Logan? Unlike most Hollywood actors, Jackman's not a shallow idiot. He wanted to go out on a high note and was very careful about ensuring that Wolverine's swan song would be a fitting finale that delivered maximum impact. Mangold was probably just director for hire, much like how Irvin Kershner was director for hire for The Empire Strikes Back but George Lucas had to save the movie from Kershner and Gary Kurtz's fuck ups.
I don't know if they know what they're doing, but I know they think they know what they're doing. I'm sure there's some kind of scheme up their sleeves, but I doubt it's actually a good scheme. They think it is, but it probably ultimately won't be.
For nigh on six years ive not paid for a film ticket or any streaming service, but now that the iteration of my favorite films has finally appeared to die, I can go back to enjoying them again.
I bet the director had to fight Kathleen to not kill off another one of Harrison Ford's well liked Characters. She's like a jealous child trying to destroy the thing that someone else made but other people liked.
Ford wanted Han killed off. He's just as much to blame as anyone. All he's ever cared about is $$, & has never given a rat's ass about the audience.
shes that kid at the beach who doesnt play, sits around being bored, and then tramples the other kids sand castles just to make them cry
From rumors and somehow supported by the strange third act, it looks like they killed the Indy dies ending only after test screenings showed disastrous results.
I dont know if he fought her that much, he signed on with that premise to begin with, its only when the story leaks came out and he lost it on twitter, where you could see the tensions were ramping up on set, and then we had this shoot enough stuff and try and bring together a version of a film that works for the audience best, and then probably pushed to say he prefererred the versions where Ford doesnt get killed off, but as I say that was the original premise and was well publicised as to why Fleabag was brought into continue the franchise, they didnt switch tack halfway through shooting to introduce that element.
5:43 Okay, the "Live, Laugh, Love" is the nail in the coffin for me deciding on whether or not to see the movie.
I like the part where Phoebe Waller-Bridge as Helena Shaw sings the new song ''I Squeezed Out the Baby, Yet I Have No Idea Who the Father Is.'', it is such an epic masterpiece!! That original song gets five stars from me!!: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Yeah - I’m in my 50s - grew up with Indy - I didn’t even bother with this latest one. Wasn’t made for me -
Can they not just make THE movie the fans ask for and see how well/bad that does?!?
No. They have “the message” to push
They most certainly could if they'd hire back the actual talent they fired once this new regime took over, but then how could they attempt to groom & influence our children?
They believe the fans are evil, and need to be taught the correct way to live. They genuinely think they are doing their duty to society. They are mental.
If the lead character is a straight white male, they have to tear him down. If the audience doesn't like that, then they're bad too.
"This will be Harrison Ford's last outing as Indy."
"Indy is NOT being replaced."
"Helena Shaw will be the star in future Indy movies."
Has about as much continuation as a typical Disney Lucasfilm movie.
I watched as Luke was destroyed because he had been transformed into a miserable lonely man, and pretty much just made a mental note of it. I then saw how Arnold--as a CYBORG--was reduced to a miserable, and purposeless OLD CYBORG. I watched as Han Solo went from a snarky post-married man living alone (but for Chewie) while his son ran amok and his wife toiled endlessly to re-establish the Galactic Republic (taking no time for her family even as her son began to stray toward the Dark Side, and her husband began to grow tired of being 2nd to her career). Then we saw the same thing with James Bond, and now Indy. You asked WHY would they write these men like this for film. Well, the answer is clear. Women are (on the whole) lonely--having sacrificed their productive years toward career building--and miserable because when they are at home all they have is a cat or two. They look at those cats knowing that if their dead body is not found for four days those very cats will eat their eyes, but they can't do anything about this fear because they have no children to surround them with loving grand children. Today's writers are either writers or supervised by women, and this basic truth shows in their writing of men. They are INCAPIBLE of writing a story wherein either the women or the men live happily ever after.
More leftist destruction of the family and your friends and everyone and everything you love.
I enjoyed this perspective. There is certainly some validity to it.
The narrative with the cats was a fun touch.
I agree. More that they have a sense of horror for letting their work be a substitute for a normal life.
They don't want to be REMINDED of what they gave up, so they take some comfort about saving the business from tired old men. Hence we see that theme over and over and they can't see it themselves.
@@nosuchthing8 The chief problem--as I see it--is that they are so hard pressed to PREACH to the People (read--INDOCTRINATE) that they have failed basic math. You can preach to more people IF you tell a story that gets people to flock to see it. If, as they do today, they are only preaching to the echo chamber, that audience is small and they are not really indoctrinating the audience.
its not just that they are incapable. they are vindictive towards men, especially goodlooking, confident, hwite men, and also jealous of any women that do have a family and a marriage that stays together. so they have to destroy every instance of both of those things in fiction. they also do the same to their friends. any woman that gets a divorce has been encouraged by all their single cat lady girlfriends.
theres a reason that people that have a succesful relationship, generally dont have friends that are single.
Thanks for collecting all this information. The more I learn about the thought processes of the makers of this film, the more I understand that none of them had a clue about the Indiana Jones that Spielberg and Lucas created. This isn't an Indiana Jones film, it is some weird acid trip from the Bizarro universe whose only link to the original films are the name of a US state and a quite common surname. A more honest title would be something like California Smith and A Bunch of Crap that We Pulled Out of Our Arse.
Brilliant! Here, have an Oscar!
Smith isnt diverse enough of a last name, I think we can do better
"Top Gun *did* pander to Top Gun fans."
That's the Overton Window. When "pandering" means "didn't emasculate the protagonist," you're already behind the 8-ball.
(4:55) If you notice, both "thrilling" and "rip-roaring adventure" are attributed to the same review: "Maureen Lee Lenker/Entertainment Weekly".
See a few people saying they wanted a more gruesome comeuppance from our villains, and while I agree with the plane crash, I feel like we can’t ignore the kid handcuffing the big Nazi to a grate and letting him drown, that shit was cold.
That's what we need!
More Nazi grate handcuff drownings 😁
I just watched Kevin Smith blame covid for indiana Jones failing lol 😅
Your first mistake was watching Kevin Smith 😊
Kevin Smith is the biggest poser in entertainment history.
its insane how quickly that dude fell off. went from making great, original, funny movies on a shoestring budget to the biggest shilling manbaby in hollywood in like 2 years.
5:00 ahahaha! Those two quotes are from the same person/article.
I'm still so surprised how many casual viewers liked it especially older ones you would think they would know better and see something that they grew up with being ruined infront of them
It's because this has become the standard for big budget movies, people just don't expect much better now.
They're just virtue signaling.
Older casual viewers only care about movies superficially and they don't actually give a shit about things like character integrity or good storylines...and they are mostly totally blind to wokeism in movies.
As the old saying goes: there's no accounting for taste.
@@mikavirtanen7029 a lot are right?
Its not lack of talent. Its lack of humility. They cant help but project themselves onto these characters. And since we hate these characters I guess we know how they fell about themselves.
They could have made something good. Keep his Family with him and make him not want to go look for the Dial because he knows where it is and so he doesn't Break a Promise that was made between Movies to Marion of not going on another Adventure because of how Dangerous it is. And because of how old Indy is. Make him actually Respected by his Students and other Teachers. Make some Students who want to Confess to him. Do almost the same scene from the Last Crusade to the beginning of the Dial of Destiny. Except Indy is planning to Retire. So much Potential. But I guess that's all Disney has. Potential but not Creativity
or just dont make this movie? nobody wanted to see harrison fords corpse wheeled out on stage again.
Do you think that "thrilling" quote was cut from the article that said "not as thrilling as other Indiana Jones movies"
Harrison Ford is the one that is laughing though. He still got paid. Barely had to act.
though the one plus point is he might have gone for a cut of the movie profits deal instead of wholly a flat fee, and consequently even before Hollyweirds infamous accounting tricks, might find he wasnt paid nearly as much as he thought he would be, which warms the heart.
Rotten Tomatoes where a bad movie score is based on how much was paid to delete honest reviews
Indy was like a single mum, a bit of love laugh live on the walls and he’s a whole new person
gross but true.
I'm over 60. My parents are well over 80. I can assure everyone that no one loves being old. Everyone would rather go back to 22 or some such. Trust me.
there are so many bad woke movies out you can no longer react to them all 💀
There are still tons of awesome classics out there we haven't seen. I just watched 70s vigilante cop/car chase movie The Seven Ups, with Roy Scheider, for the first time. Awesome. Grab your popcorn & Sour Patch Kids.