TRUE these Items are used by everyone when the ladder start wtf are you saying xtimus? after a time these items haven't mf that's why they are not viable.
Yep another dumb video by the worst diablo 2 UA-camr out there. It's like he watches other streamers videos and then makes videos on what he learned in there videos. He's clueless.
Yep another dumb video by the worst diablo 2 UA-camr out there. It's like he watches other streamers videos and then makes videos on what he learned in there videos. He's clueless.
Yep another dumb video by the worst diablo 2 UA-camr out there. It's like he watches other streamers videos and then makes videos on what he learned in there videos. He's clueless.
So I’m gonna be honest here and say that most of these items are used, by a lot of people. Vipermagi can be used by endgame sorcs, or any caster for that matter, Tal rashas mask is used a lot by either melee characters or mercs, and especially treachery, sooo many people use treachery for themselves or their merc
Yep another dumb video by the worst diablo 2 UA-camr out there. It's like he watches other streamers videos and then makes videos on what he learned in there videos. He's clueless.
angelic ring and ammy are one of my favorite examples of what D2 did well with set and unique items. even though they are really low level items i always kept them on my pvp barb for certain matchups. in d3 any item below level cap is 100% useless
Thank you. I never seen someone so wrong about stuff. Characters progression?? I found that shield twice, above level 50, since the game was released!! He also said the max magic find was 1700 I made a video that's 20 seconds long PROVING HIM WRONG AGAIN!!!
@@aliencatcrew3336 The title is: "Most Powerful Diablo 2 Items You Never Use" .... You never use that shield, because its droprate is quite low!! I saw your video, and then I read this here (search for "magic find" and then have a look on the max suffix) How did you get your charms?
Treachery is possibly the best/most common merc armor out there. Better items for the list would be like Naj puzzler (tele staff) or maybe ondals,Death runeword, shaft stop, poison. (Need my plugy infront of me)
Yeah treachery is the best in slot armor for Merc even over fort dps wise and even defense wise. Reason being is the increased attack speed allows the Merc to reach a super high atk speed BP as long as you have a fast attackspeed weapon like thresher with an andies helm with 15ias jewel in it. Also more atk speed =more life leech and fade gives massive damage reduction ontop of all res.
Viper is probably one of the most used items in D2 LoD. Tal Rasha mask is HIGHLY used on Mercs until you get Andy's. Same goes to Prudence. Highly used on mercs. Angelic Ring+Amu is one of the most commonly used by every melee class when you do not have 100% ignore armor. Lower resist wand used by every single Uber farmer who does not use Dracs gloves. Lawbringer is the only decent weapon choice for A3 merc, and even sometimes used for A5 merc. Treachery is the 2nd most popular armor used in the Diablo 2 without nay doubts. (ESPECIALLY by Uber runners). It also very widely used on mercs. Obedience is GREAT weapon for every A2 merc whos class is not a spell caster. So, overall, half the items on this list are MOST used items in the game.
True that! Tal Rasha is standard for "Hell" Act 2 Merces, if you are lucky. Finding a perfect Viper, to upgrade it in Ladder, is propably one of the standard tasks, next to rolling for a perfect "Spirit" runeword. The "Angelic Set" is just an overkill of AR, until you can sacrifice it for better items or magic find.
Dang I've used all of these. Though I'll say cresent moons best use might actually its -35% lightning resist for any light char. And I agree with lawbringer at #1 but it's best use is on a merc to bypass physical immunes and increase phys damage especially for wind druid. I also agree with other posters this is more of a best budget list not a best but least used list. The best but least used items are probably an assortment of high end runewords that are great but extremely expensive and slightly edged out by items like grief botd faith and hoto. An actual list of least used powerful items would probably be more like this: Delerium Phoenix Stormlash Mang songs lesson Brand Ice Silence
Yep, crescent moon in Eth sword is excellent for light sorc. People were always asking me wtf is that in my hand when I was staying in town. -35% light makes a massive difference paired with Infinity on merc.
When I was playing D2, I used a lot of those. This brought back good memories. I ended up giving law bringer and obedience to my mercs. Treachery was like one of the first descent runewords I made. I was building a hf bow paladin and the ias, fade and venom in that armor made my ranger shine... Until I swapped to a dragon armor, brand bow and dream helm 😁 haaa good times.
Reminds me of my fire sorc back in the day. Used a Leaf Staff from act 1, all the way into hell. Unsure how the community thinks of it, but worked out pretty well.
As you might to know, for finding unique items need 100-250 mf, not more. In another case all rates of drop will be magic/rare because it is overwrite unique. In this case you can feel free to use other items with mf bonus, and get your ~170mf for farming uniqs. Also for farming runes mf is not working, so it is one more case for choise viper. MDR + fcr + res + def(upped 1k+) + 1sock - perfect choise, in case if you sorceress, because all other clasess need enigma :)
ya i find the MF isnt as important as having say 4+ players in the match and killing a boss, the more players the harder the enemies are which drops are way better, only way to find something like Tyraels Might is to have a full game of 8 and everyones MF, if you join some of the Baal run games going on now a days you will see ppl set up 3 or 4 bots all in the 1 game that are their chars so the drops are way better, random Jahs and Bers dropping in Chaos Sanctuary lol so over 100% MF isnt bad for your char to run for some small stuff in NM bosses, and public hell MF games are coming around more and everyone just competes for clicking the good drops
Why no mf? It is more efficient just to have alot of MF and collect whites/grey while you mf/level or during LK runs. The only time I have farmed whites was to get my eth thresher base for infinity and it took damm near as long as it did get 2 the 2 ber runes for it on my plugy. Was a huge waste of time doing that type of farming should have just done my regular runs in item appropriate areas.
Just a quick note on "defense" that many, many people don't understand well. That stat ONLY increases or decreases the chance to hit the enemy, it doesn't allow you to make more amount of damage per hit or anything. So basically items with "ignore enemy defense" it is just a way of saying "you will always hit the enemy". Your attacks won't deal more damage at all. That being said, if you character has plenty of Dex (such as an amazon) these items are useless, at least that "ignore target defense" stat is useless, won't help you achieve anything extra. It is far more beneficial to use an item with +dex that with ignore defense.
2:48 I had a level 98 or 99 frenzy barb build based solely on dual-wielding lightsabers. Getting lightning absorb 25% on each lightsaber totals to absorbs 50% lightning. In other words, I'd take x lightning damage and then regain the same x damage back. I got to run really fast and do boss runs really very well. For the heck of it, I added enigma to help teleport to bosses quicker. I was thrilled when I came across someone trying to trade a ring that had high dual leech and faster cast rate, which they thought was a bad roll for barbs that don't have much use for faster cast rate. I loved this mod since it meant I could teleport faster in runs like baal. But yeah, I actually PREFERRED lightsabers over grandfather on the build I used to use. Although, if I remember correctly, my switch was a grandfather, or possibly something to help with more edge cases.
Basically all these items are used by many (except whistan's, because it's a total shit compared to moser), yet you call them "never-used" items? Really? Why not mention Duriel's Shell? It's awesome for it's resists, life bonus and CBF, but it's rarely used in endgame. Why not mention Nokazan's Relic amulet? It has awesome fire resist and increase max fire res pool, but no one uses it. Why not mention Duress runeword? It has good bonuses for attacker, such as CB, OW, FHR and decent defence bonus, and it's fairly cheap, but it's very rarely used in endgame. Why not mention staff with teleport charges (not Naj's one) that you can buy in shops? Why not mention "Bone" runeword? I rarely seen somebody using it. Most bonemancers tend to use HoTo, while Bone rw may provide more damage if made in good wand. Why not mention Smoke runeword? It has better resists than this shitty Prudence and significantly cheaper. Why not mention Naj's plate? It has a +1 all skills, 25 all res, + 65 life, decent defence and restores 45% (!) mana if someone hits you. Why not mention Stone runeword? It gives a tons of defence bonus. More than any other item in the game. These items are underestimated, not that all that you've listed.
Yeah, right. White is for wands. But anyway, bone should be included too, since it's a great option for it's all res, 2 necro skills and +100-150 mana pool.
While your correct, his list is dumb because all the items he lists are commonly used. Ironically the majority of items you listed are also quite commonly used, Stone being one of the more common merc armours before u get a fort.
Tried lawbringer phase blade on a kicker assa, it's was a blast. Or a frenzy barb on mace mastery ( 'shael' shaefers hammer and 'eth' stone crusher, wearing Leviathan with -15req rare jool to make enough str). Worked as a charm with zero points invested into dexterity or expensive gear.
The angelic halo and wings was a standard used set for years for low lv pkrs/ duelers on HC not unknown at all. My lv 30-40 pallys always ran these with charge and cleglaws.
you need to make a good PVP BEARDIN LIKE THIS!!!!!! Andy helm 15/40 Jewel anglic ammy and ring Raven ring Crafted Gloves CB10% Str and Dex Nos coil belt Fort armor gore rider boots heavens light 2 socketed with 2 shael runes + exile (Swap) lawbringer PB for decrypt + Dragon shield for venom and of course Beast for werebear use CTA with spirit for BOs and Demon limb for enchant no skillers just SC with FRW/PSN 313 /AR/RES + torch and anni THE REVENANT!
Fanta aura on with heavens light as main attack convic aura with lawbringer swap set to get buff and debuff max holy shield-Convic-Fanta (and vigor if u want to) since only auras will be used stats are basicly zealer stats The SC are mostly FRW based with AR and RES with around 12 psn
Wut ? I recall Oath, Crescent Moon and Treachery being super used for mid level or season characters. Even as a kid, I wear treachery then I will stand in a fire, after it procs I would then toss it back into the cube and use my regular armor for the extra pre buff before tackling harder content. Obedience is legit least used though since most people prefer dual aura mercs (insight / infinity / pride etc).
I loved diablo 2 out of all diablos made it has a more deep system it rains enemies respawn after just walking into a town places were put together like morrowind instead of loading every time you entered town you can go loot your own body after being killed to pick up your loot gold can be stolen if you carry it on you night and day this game has it all I hope diablo 4 takes notes of what made the diablo series so good because this is a gem demons run away zombies are creepy and they actually say brains some times so cool
nice vid, thanks. and btw, one of the dopest rune words (way before hell and nightmare) i think would be 'black', with its 40% crushing blow chance. if you're a barbarian with a weapon in each hand, you already got 80% crushing blow, which is simply ridiculous. nothing can stand a chance before you :)
1. As Jim pointed out, when it comes to weapons, it doesn't stack. 2. You can have 100% Crushing Blow, but it's no good if you aren't also doing decent damage to finish off the last 5-15% health quickly. That said, you have to make Black in a Mace/Scepter/Flail, which means garbage damage. The only real use for Black is Uber Smiter, since weapon damage is irrelevant.
Treachery is pretty heavily used. I think the Angelics ring and Ammy combo also gets quite a bit of use for certain characters (zealers, frenzy barbs ect.) Great video man!
@@Neithan02 Agreed, those Angelic pieces are LLD and Normal stuff. High lvl melee chars already have better (cheap) ways to get their AR. Better +skills and +stats (and +resists, and many other mods, even +MF%) from other ammy and rings. Pretty sad if Angelic is the best you've got vs endgame, lol.
@@Neithan02 lol I'd start running Trav Council a lot... good drops are upgrades, bad drops are a gold machine for gambling upgrades. Cubing and crafting is good but always so long time to collect all the little pieces.
P Preety sad,but that's reality for a normal person with life! Not everyone can grind 40-100 hours a weak.You'd have to go with what you had... and have fun ; )
I like more lawbringer in scepters if you are playing like paladin, Oath is like a grief budget version very very nice for a zeal paladin, frenzy barb or fury druid
I would add the class specific runeword armours to the list (Rain, Peace etc). For two low runes and a highish mid rune you can get a chunk of resistance and +2 to class skills, along with other minor benefits. They make a great stop gap until you can find something better.
Regarding Tal Rasha: Back in the day you couldn't buy mana pots, so mana leech was very nice to have and with some life leech you could potentially tank your mana up. Maybe that was the thought process, and then they released mana pots in the shop and it was redundant. That's my guess to why it has those stats.
Sorc has enchant spell. IMO, they wanted to make melee or at least hybrid sorc an option but didn't know how to make it viable. Since life and mana leech require you to use physical damage attacks, it makes sense.
yea well... if they call it "reforged", i can only assume they'll mess it up in the worst way possible. random hc-char-killing disconnects even in singleplayer, no mods, no ladder, a huge nerf on muling because of 1 acc per key...
Hey Xtimus, how could you forget about the passion runeword? I use it on my assassin and since it gives +1 to zeal combined with the burst of speed skill it is prob the fastest attacking char.
Hello ! Maybe someone already said it but the lower resist wand is affected by a malus in hell. So you don't get -37% on monsters (which could be awesome) but only -37%/5 = -7,4%. So it's not that OP and it's less effective than 7 Rbfs like you explain in your video. However, it can help to break immunity for monsters which have less than 107 resistance in one element where Rbfs can't break immunity at all. I would say that lower resist wand works well with some Rbf's.
Jiggerjaw I'm finishing Hell mode with my first ever character in Diablo II, a zealer. He has Oath Cryptic Sword with Sanctuary Sacred Targe and Crescent Moon Mythical Sword with Rhyme Vortex Shield on switch. The merc is using Treachery+Obedience. Wish I could upvote your comment 100 times
Great, that lawbring you choisen for #1. Because many players never use it, and dont understand his power, even on hardcore. For being honest you might add some info for slots and useibility characters: 1) Paladin hammerdin, lawbringer in scepter 3bh/3conc/1+zeal || 1+holy balt - for hardcore, very safety vz dooms, souls, dolls, pindle. 2) Paladin hammerdin, lawbringer in a3 cold merc - for hardcore. (in this case you can use hoto + zaka, or forty scepter + zaka/spirit st) 3) Any class, in merc or on urself hero when you are poor, and wanna survive in hell. (you also can use it on swap hand, if you havent cta, for tele or vz specifyc location mobs)
Lower resist wands can be up to lvl 3 and it also spawns on daggers. It's a great item for an early ladder lite sorc before the bots find enough bers to make infinities cheap.
Well, how to say this, i play hardcore and many items on this list i love to use, even as endgame gear. Sanctuary pala shield is great, though it it NOT the maximum resistances you can get (45 + 4*22=133), until i can find a Lo rune for grief, i certainly will use lightsaber on my uber killing conviction zealot, along with that shield and treachery armor, and merc wearing obediance + ebugged treachery (+kira) I also love having an oath sword on my berserk barb. Tal mask is a great choice too until i can find areat. I will certainly use viper + whitstan shield on a mid level sorc The only one i would not use is prudence, i will usually got for more resistances (smoke, gloom) , or more physical resistance (shaftstop, treachery)
All those "tips" are ancient common knowledge and many of the items and mods are totally useless hence why they aren´t being used. Viper - sanctuary - whistans - angelics etc. are still used and are classics when starting out ladder/hc or even for duels (200fcr/stack res/max block/max ar).
One of the most powerful items for light soso is Crescent Moon. Cheap as f... and gives -35% to enemies light resistance. Paired with Infi on merc is the best soso weapon as -35% gives a lot more dmg than +dmg on Eschuta. And nobody uses it.
@@hazardeur not true. Most PvP barbs use Highlords, Ravenfrost, SoJ instead. Then, if they encounter a Din or BvB with stupid-high defense, they might have Angelics stashed.
@@jeremyburr8507 Well, I was talking rather about HC but didn't make that clear. But yeah, for HC the gear you listed would be very expensive hence why many barbs still use angelics most of the time, especially for pve which is more prominent in HC naturally. For PvP and SC, I ofc agree to what you listed
Obedience is one of the best items for a gold barb horker (on merc) early on in the ladder. You are viewing it on a merc, so maybe you could have mentioned/showcased that aspect since mercs are more commonly used for utility auras unless you are running a merc-specific build.
Also good for pushing merc into hell since resist are low cb helps a lot with a new ladder slow killing Necro once you get to boss descrepify tp out then back in and minion stack if you don’t have enigma yet. Fun but slow till merc gets cb.
I know on sc ladder nearly everyone doesn't use the items that they should they just follow bots around till they get some stuff to sell then get one item at a time. One of the worst things they did in my opinion was to add in reset tokens. And reset quests. Cause people used to get to max lvl and be like oh my char not as strong as his what did he do differently. Then decide whether or not to remake to become stronger. It Made the early and mid parts of the game feel alot fuller. And people traded allot more mid teir items to be strong at all parts of the game just incase they had to run their own ball or chaos run.
I agree with what someone else said every item in this video is used regularly except maybe whistans and prudence and I guess doombringer...especially treachery and lawbringer, 2 of the best rws in the game lol
Crescent moon is goto weapon for anyone with holy shock aura, due to the -enemy resist Didn't see the set winged helm mentioned, it too can rock pretty hard, especially when starting fresh.
He was saying the stuff you'd never use even though they are good. G-Face helm from the Orphan Set it widely used and popular for Mercs and melee builds overall due to it's Crushing Blow, Deadly Strike and Strength bonus. Pairs nicely with Angelic Ring/Ammy for late build for accuracy.
*The items you listed are basically "out-meta" builds people tend to use them for or on Hardcore. Runewords etc. are so much easier to obtain in most cases aswell.* EDIT: Also a lot of merc items included.
I’ve used every item on here lol even on ladder because I don’t often grind or play enough to get endgame items but I used a sanctuary sword for a kicksin and it worked REALLY well for some reason lol the aura is cool and rare so I liked it, as as for obedience I built a pole arm barb and got to lv84 and had all the best pole arms and even compared to Pride, Infinity, and all the others Obedience did the most damage and best for landing hits with that lv21 enchant and the 40% CB well... it crushes lol 😂
Half of these were so commonly used in my group of friends that I still remember the stats more than a decade later
Lol, right.
Fuggun milk tooth chirren dunno bout dat
And ive gotta say. God damn the ZOD rune
Manos Kon we all do.... We all do.... *sigh*
3part angelic was my go-to lvling set
>Vipermagi, tals mask, 2pc angelic
>items no one uses
pick one
Name should have been "best budget items literally everyone uses"
TRUE these Items are used by everyone when the ladder start wtf are you saying xtimus? after a time these items haven't mf that's why they are not viable.
the only one that eluded me was the Lower Resist wand. Back when i was playing no one used them and i never figured it out on my own...
Lol man i use MOST of these on my Zealot. Angelics, Lightsabre, Sanctuary, Tal helm...
All good choices if u dont have godly gear
Yep another dumb video by the worst diablo 2 UA-camr out there. It's like he watches other streamers videos and then makes videos on what he learned in there videos. He's clueless.
I even use them on my golem necromancer best class for trash mobs
Vipermaji is EXTENSIVELY used by sorcs and even hammerdins prior to getting Enigma.
And bonemancers too ;-)
Yep another dumb video by the worst diablo 2 UA-camr out there. It's like he watches other streamers videos and then makes videos on what he learned in there videos. He's clueless.
Yeah, I like how he explicitly says the angelics ring and amulets are commonly used by pvpers…duhhhh.
Every d2 player triggered by this lol.... im triggered
"prior to getting enigma"... sorcs dont need enigma dude
Alt.title: Items everyone uses until they get stacked.
Yep another dumb video by the worst diablo 2 UA-camr out there. It's like he watches other streamers videos and then makes videos on what he learned in there videos. He's clueless.
All single player players know about these
I played this so many times but i was never able to acquire these good items. Help me ty
@@AnimeMusicHolic try to farm mephisto..
So true ngl
Anybody that played the game before the runeword meta knows about these.
75% of these are used by most people. And you actually include 3 tune words that are in the meta for like every build....
So I’m gonna be honest here and say that most of these items are used, by a lot of people. Vipermagi can be used by endgame sorcs, or any caster for that matter, Tal rashas mask is used a lot by either melee characters or mercs, and especially treachery, sooo many people use treachery for themselves or their merc
It's a Retardimus video, what did you expect?
My sorc is using vipermagi at lv90, merc is wearing Tal's helm and treachery on occasion . All popular choices. This video is a joke
Its only this year when im stuck at home with nothing to do, that i truly realize just how important this game is
Pretty much every non-runeword item here was a huge part of the pre-runeword (1.09) game.
Yep another dumb video by the worst diablo 2 UA-camr out there. It's like he watches other streamers videos and then makes videos on what he learned in there videos. He's clueless.
angelic ring and ammy are one of my favorite examples of what D2 did well with set and unique items. even though they are really low level items i always kept them on my pvp barb for certain matchups. in d3 any item below level cap is 100% useless
i would add to life tap wand, is useful vs bosses if you need sustain and don't have high life leech or draculs.
Do you even have a phone?
Most Powerful Diablo 2 Clickbait You Never See
Adam Stock You clicked it :)
@@Xtimus Just to help you achieve some self awareness.
@@Xtimus I am a d2 fan since 2005 I was wondering you ever run a zeal fanaticism pally with act 2 might aura merc
Thank you. I never seen someone so wrong about stuff. Characters progression?? I found that shield twice, above level 50, since the game was released!! He also said the max magic find was 1700 I made a video that's 20 seconds long PROVING HIM WRONG AGAIN!!!
@@aliencatcrew3336 The title is: "Most Powerful Diablo 2 Items You Never Use" .... You never use that shield, because its droprate is quite low!! I saw your video, and then I read this here (search for "magic find" and then have a look on the max suffix)
How did you get your charms?
Treachery is possibly the best/most common merc armor out there. Better items for the list would be like Naj puzzler (tele staff) or maybe ondals,Death runeword, shaft stop, poison. (Need my plugy infront of me)
I remember always having a Shaft Stop on my barbs... Was like, the thing to have lol
Yeah treachery is the best in slot armor for Merc even over fort dps wise and even defense wise. Reason being is the increased attack speed allows the Merc to reach a super high atk speed BP as long as you have a fast attackspeed weapon like thresher with an andies helm with 15ias jewel in it. Also more atk speed =more life leech and fade gives massive damage reduction ontop of all res.
jokes on you, Skin of the vipermagi is my favorite gear in the game
Yeah.. A lot of these items are used...
The funny thing is that viper is one of the most used armor for casters.
If we ignore the quality of the video makin, its content is an offensive joke to any average Diablo2 player.
Exactly. Stopped at first 2 items ... Everyone knew those items 10 years ago.
aldur's advance for 40-50% fire resist, 50 life and 40 rw. thats pretty huge, and definitely one of those items a lot of people pass over.
I never understood why aldur boots are always on the ground!? Easily the best set item boots straight up.
Viper is probably one of the most used items in D2 LoD.
Tal Rasha mask is HIGHLY used on Mercs until you get Andy's. Same goes to Prudence. Highly used on mercs.
Angelic Ring+Amu is one of the most commonly used by every melee class when you do not have 100% ignore armor.
Lower resist wand used by every single Uber farmer who does not use Dracs gloves.
Lawbringer is the only decent weapon choice for A3 merc, and even sometimes used for A5 merc.
Treachery is the 2nd most popular armor used in the Diablo 2 without nay doubts. (ESPECIALLY by Uber runners).
It also very widely used on mercs. Obedience is GREAT weapon for every A2 merc whos class is not a spell caster.
So, overall, half the items on this list are MOST used items in the game.
True that! Tal Rasha is standard for "Hell" Act 2 Merces, if you are lucky. Finding a perfect Viper, to upgrade it in Ladder, is propably one of the standard tasks, next to rolling for a perfect "Spirit" runeword. The "Angelic Set" is just an overkill of AR, until you can sacrifice it for better items or magic find.
I think you're confusing Lower Res wand with Lifetap wand.
These are common items not barely used
I love this game . From diablo to Diablo 2 expansion. I remember my childhood days. I still have the CD and the box of Diablo 2 expansion .
Vídeo editing: 9
Voice soothness: 8
Actual knowledge about these items being used or not: 0.01
Dang I've used all of these. Though I'll say cresent moons best use might actually its -35% lightning resist for any light char. And I agree with lawbringer at #1 but it's best use is on a merc to bypass physical immunes and increase phys damage especially for wind druid.
I also agree with other posters this is more of a best budget list not a best but least used list. The best but least used items are probably an assortment of high end runewords that are great but extremely expensive and slightly edged out by items like grief botd faith and hoto. An actual list of least used powerful items would probably be more like this:
Mang songs lesson
Yep, crescent moon in Eth sword is excellent for light sorc. People were always asking me wtf is that in my hand when I was staying in town. -35% light makes a massive difference paired with Infinity on merc.
When I was playing D2, I used a lot of those. This brought back good memories. I ended up giving law bringer and obedience to my mercs. Treachery was like one of the first descent runewords I made. I was building a hf bow paladin and the ias, fade and venom in that armor made my ranger shine... Until I swapped to a dragon armor, brand bow and dream helm 😁 haaa good times.
Talks about life and mana leech with Tal's Mask. Only hits undead skeletons and souls that you can't leech from.
Reminds me of my fire sorc back in the day. Used a Leaf Staff from act 1, all the way into hell. Unsure how the community thinks of it, but worked out pretty well.
Did the same thing. The +9 warmth (when made correctly!) was like having an insight, damn near right off the bat!
I love those items. Thank you for the validation and extra ideas
Stone armor it's dirt cheep and turns your merc into a tank and a half (High Def)
Perfect upped Vipermagi is super solid! Using it a lot! And you have 0%! MF. Perfect to farm whites/greys.
As you might to know, for finding unique items need 100-250 mf, not more. In another case all rates of drop will be magic/rare because it is overwrite unique. In this case you can feel free to use other items with mf bonus, and get your ~170mf for farming uniqs.
Also for farming runes mf is not working, so it is one more case for choise viper.
MDR + fcr + res + def(upped 1k+) + 1sock - perfect choise, in case if you sorceress, because all other clasess need enigma :)
ya i find the MF isnt as important as having say 4+ players in the match and killing a boss, the more players the harder the enemies are which drops are way better, only way to find something like Tyraels Might is to have a full game of 8 and everyones MF, if you join some of the Baal run games going on now a days you will see ppl set up 3 or 4 bots all in the 1 game that are their chars so the drops are way better, random Jahs and Bers dropping in Chaos Sanctuary lol so over 100% MF isnt bad for your char to run for some small stuff in NM bosses, and public hell MF games are coming around more and everyone just competes for clicking the good drops
@@TLC420 tyreals might cab be found with one player i have done it the odds are just stupidly low
Why no mf? It is more efficient just to have alot of MF and collect whites/grey while you mf/level or during LK runs. The only time I have farmed whites was to get my eth thresher base for infinity and it took damm near as long as it did get 2 the 2 ber runes for it on my plugy. Was a huge waste of time doing that type of farming should have just done my regular runs in item appropriate areas.
Slap an Um in it and it will take you to lvl 99.
1:37 actually never thought about upgrading my Vipermagi before. Great suggestion Xtimus!
Just a quick note on "defense" that many, many people don't understand well. That stat ONLY increases or decreases the chance to hit the enemy, it doesn't allow you to make more amount of damage per hit or anything. So basically items with "ignore enemy defense" it is just a way of saying "you will always hit the enemy". Your attacks won't deal more damage at all.
That being said, if you character has plenty of Dex (such as an amazon) these items are useless, at least that "ignore target defense" stat is useless, won't help you achieve anything extra. It is far more beneficial to use an item with +dex that with ignore defense.
Returning after 18 years, new sub as well. Big fan of these unused but still good items. Thnks bro
2:48 I had a level 98 or 99 frenzy barb build based solely on dual-wielding lightsabers. Getting lightning absorb 25% on each lightsaber totals to absorbs 50% lightning.
In other words, I'd take x lightning damage and then regain the same x damage back. I got to run really fast and do boss runs really very well. For the heck of it, I added enigma to help teleport to bosses quicker. I was thrilled when I came across someone trying to trade a ring that had high dual leech and faster cast rate, which they thought was a bad roll for barbs that don't have much use for faster cast rate. I loved this mod since it meant I could teleport faster in runs like baal.
But yeah, I actually PREFERRED lightsabers over grandfather on the build I used to use. Although, if I remember correctly, my switch was a grandfather, or possibly something to help with more edge cases.
I'm a Zealot, I know all about LightSaber and Sanctuary my man
This guy is good at posting videos no one will ever need.
it will be now... the rework to DII has been announced.
Personally, I think an eth up’d woestave is very nice and greatly ignored.
yaa, if you upgrade it to exceptional you have all nightmare and some part of hell resolved, very nice polearm
You should put Enigma in this list
Don’t forget Fortitude and Grief. No one uses those amazing items!
Prudence was one not too many knew about. Sanctuary as well. Angelic rings were dope also. Great list of items keep em coming man
Basically all these items are used by many (except whistan's, because it's a total shit compared to moser), yet you call them "never-used" items? Really?
Why not mention Duriel's Shell? It's awesome for it's resists, life bonus and CBF, but it's rarely used in endgame.
Why not mention Nokazan's Relic amulet? It has awesome fire resist and increase max fire res pool, but no one uses it.
Why not mention Duress runeword? It has good bonuses for attacker, such as CB, OW, FHR and decent defence bonus, and it's fairly cheap, but it's very rarely used in endgame.
Why not mention staff with teleport charges (not Naj's one) that you can buy in shops?
Why not mention "Bone" runeword? I rarely seen somebody using it. Most bonemancers tend to use HoTo, while Bone rw may provide more damage if made in good wand.
Why not mention Smoke runeword? It has better resists than this shitty Prudence and significantly cheaper.
Why not mention Naj's plate? It has a +1 all skills, 25 all res, + 65 life, decent defence and restores 45% (!) mana if someone hits you.
Why not mention Stone runeword? It gives a tons of defence bonus. More than any other item in the game.
These items are underestimated, not that all that you've listed.
This guy Diablos
Bone is a Armor runeword, White is the runeword ur talking about i think..
Yeah, right. White is for wands. But anyway, bone should be included too, since it's a great option for it's all res, 2 necro skills and +100-150 mana pool.
While your correct, his list is dumb because all the items he lists are commonly used. Ironically the majority of items you listed are also quite commonly used, Stone being one of the more common merc armours before u get a fort.
Durry's is great for cheap geared smiters, I ran Uber Trist with it and it performed well.
Good item list here, thanks. started an adventure with friends recently. Gonna get Lawbringer
Tried lawbringer phase blade on a kicker assa, it's was a blast. Or a frenzy barb on mace mastery ( 'shael' shaefers hammer and 'eth' stone crusher, wearing Leviathan with -15req rare jool to make enough str). Worked as a charm with zero points invested into dexterity or expensive gear.
The angelic halo and wings was a standard used set for years for low lv pkrs/ duelers on HC not unknown at all. My lv 30-40 pallys always ran these with charge and cleglaws.
What about Goblin Toe? I think it had a ton of Crushing Blow on it.
yup 25 percent cb, i use it on my uber smiter , best smiter boots
you need to make a good PVP BEARDIN LIKE THIS!!!!!!
Andy helm 15/40 Jewel
anglic ammy and ring
Raven ring
Crafted Gloves CB10% Str and Dex
Nos coil belt
Fort armor
gore rider boots
heavens light 2 socketed with 2 shael runes
(Swap) lawbringer PB for decrypt + Dragon shield for venom
and of course Beast for werebear
use CTA with spirit for BOs and Demon limb for enchant
no skillers just SC with FRW/PSN 313 /AR/RES + torch and anni
Fanta aura on with heavens light as main attack
convic aura with lawbringer swap set to get buff and debuff
max holy shield-Convic-Fanta (and vigor if u want to) since only auras will be used
stats are basicly zealer stats
The SC are mostly FRW based with AR and RES with around 12 psn
could do a fade boost as well lol WHY NOT?!
i thought this video was a fail, it is actualy a very good one , thanq Xtimus
Oldschool upped magi was used heavily by sorcys for many many years. Angelic ring and ammy has always been used together with a rspiral or rfrost too.
still used alot to this day even in the end game, for example if you want to hit 200fcr on a sorc its pretty much impossible with eni or coh.
Prudence is Toad
So are you!
I like your channel better than all other d2 UA-camrs
Wut ? I recall Oath, Crescent Moon and Treachery being super used for mid level or season characters.
Even as a kid, I wear treachery then I will stand in a fire, after it procs I would then toss it back into the cube and use my regular armor for the extra pre buff before tackling harder content.
Obedience is legit least used though since most people prefer dual aura mercs (insight / infinity / pride etc).
I loved diablo 2 out of all diablos made it has a more deep system it rains enemies respawn after just walking into a town places were put together like morrowind instead of loading every time you entered town you can go loot your own body after being killed to pick up your loot gold can be stolen if you carry it on you night and day this game has it all I hope diablo 4 takes notes of what made the diablo series so good because this is a gem demons run away zombies are creepy and they actually say brains some times so cool
nice vid, thanks. and btw, one of the dopest rune words (way before hell and nightmare) i think would be 'black', with its 40% crushing blow chance. if you're a barbarian with a weapon in each hand, you already got 80% crushing blow, which is simply ridiculous. nothing can stand a chance before you :)
Crushing blow and deadly strike on weapons on apply to that weapon
1. As Jim pointed out, when it comes to weapons, it doesn't stack.
2. You can have 100% Crushing Blow, but it's no good if you aren't also doing decent damage to finish off the last 5-15% health quickly.
That said, you have to make Black in a Mace/Scepter/Flail, which means garbage damage.
The only real use for Black is Uber Smiter, since weapon damage is irrelevant.
Treachery is pretty heavily used. I think the Angelics ring and Ammy combo also gets quite a bit of use for certain characters (zealers, frenzy barbs ect.)
Great video man!
asngelics is levelling gear, or pvp suff for those that have no autohit otherwise yer far better off midgame onwards with other options
@@Neithan02 Agreed, those Angelic pieces are LLD and Normal stuff.
High lvl melee chars already have better (cheap) ways to get their AR. Better +skills and +stats (and +resists, and many other mods, even +MF%) from other ammy and rings. Pretty sad if Angelic is the best you've got vs endgame, lol.
@@pwnmeisterage i'd start ruby crafting
@@Neithan02 lol I'd start running Trav Council a lot... good drops are upgrades, bad drops are a gold machine for gambling upgrades. Cubing and crafting is good but always so long time to collect all the little pieces.
P Preety sad,but that's reality for a normal person with life!
Not everyone can grind 40-100 hours a weak.You'd have to go with what you had... and have fun ; )
Hasaans, 2 item set bonus, giving massive attack rating
I still use lightsaber on my late game zealer (mostly because I'm very unlucky with rune drops).
I like more lawbringer in scepters if you are playing like paladin, Oath is like a grief budget version very very nice for a zeal paladin, frenzy barb or fury druid
Xtimus is the OG d2 youtuber
219ED 10 Magic Absorb Crescent Moon Phase Blade used since the beggining of Act 1 Hell and it still works great in Act 5
I would add the class specific runeword armours to the list (Rain, Peace etc). For two low runes and a highish mid rune you can get a chunk of resistance and +2 to class skills, along with other minor benefits. They make a great stop gap until you can find something better.
Thanks for the very informative video. But the title should be "Most powerful Diablo 2 items you use ALL THE TIME" =))
Regarding Tal Rasha: Back in the day you couldn't buy mana pots, so mana leech was very nice to have and with some life leech you could potentially tank your mana up. Maybe that was the thought process, and then they released mana pots in the shop and it was redundant. That's my guess to why it has those stats.
Sorc has enchant spell. IMO, they wanted to make melee or at least hybrid sorc an option but didn't know how to make it viable. Since life and mana leech require you to use physical damage attacks, it makes sense.
These are all used frequently by most players. I'm pretty sure Viper is also BIS for UBer-Hammerdin to reach the FCR breakpoint.
Feels good when u progess enough to see some of ur gear in the vid
I used viper on every sorc i created and angelic set on every mele char.
I always use vmage on my sorcs gotta have fcr and resistance, put a p topaz or ist in that good to go, I always use wizzes so resist is capped.
I think Viper's might be the most sought after item for Sorc's at the start of the season because it's so good.
WE need D2 Lod Reforged !!! it will be Awesome.
maybe not eh? haha
nah actiblizz will fuck it up
yea well... if they call it "reforged", i can only assume they'll mess it up in the worst way possible. random hc-char-killing disconnects even in singleplayer, no mods, no ladder, a huge nerf on muling because of 1 acc per key...
@@chezeus1672 yeah D2 is still The top even after 20 years no better game ....
Hey Xtimus, how could you forget about the passion runeword? I use it on my assassin and since it gives +1 to zeal combined with the burst of speed skill it is prob the fastest attacking char.
I believe it is a close second behind a frenzy barb in bear form through the beast runeword now.
Hello ! Maybe someone already said it but the lower resist wand is affected by a malus in hell. So you don't get -37% on monsters (which could be awesome) but only -37%/5 = -7,4%. So it's not that OP and it's less effective than 7 Rbfs like you explain in your video. However, it can help to break immunity for monsters which have less than 107 resistance in one element where Rbfs can't break immunity at all. I would say that lower resist wand works well with some Rbf's.
If you play solo self found, yeah bud, you use all these all the time.
Jiggerjaw I'm finishing Hell mode with my first ever character in Diablo II, a zealer. He has Oath Cryptic Sword with Sanctuary Sacred Targe and Crescent Moon Mythical Sword with Rhyme Vortex Shield on switch. The merc is using Treachery+Obedience. Wish I could upvote your comment 100 times
Great, that lawbring you choisen for #1. Because many players never use it, and dont understand his power, even on hardcore.
For being honest you might add some info for slots and useibility characters:
1) Paladin hammerdin, lawbringer in scepter 3bh/3conc/1+zeal || 1+holy balt - for hardcore, very safety vz dooms, souls, dolls, pindle.
2) Paladin hammerdin, lawbringer in a3 cold merc - for hardcore. (in this case you can use hoto + zaka, or forty scepter + zaka/spirit st)
3) Any class, in merc or on urself hero when you are poor, and wanna survive in hell. (you also can use it on swap hand, if you havent cta, for tele or vz specifyc location mobs)
2:30 when i was child, i accidentally sell that weapon 😂
Worth mentioning that Crescent Moon is also best-in-slot for properly built lightning Sorcs.
I randomly exclaim, "Dino Spumoni!" Throughout life, them smash my sandwich.
Lower resist wands can be up to lvl 3 and it also spawns on daggers. It's a great item for an early ladder lite sorc before the bots find enough bers to make infinities cheap.
I've seen up to level 5 now! So strongk
4:21 I guess a 4 socket pala shield with base 45 plus um runes adds up to 133...still great shield though
8/10 of these items are used... and a 4 socketed paly shield with 45 rez base with 4x Um runes get u the most all rez in a single item (with +133)
whats wrong with perfect diamonds
almost 2022 and it's still an amazing video.
me with a 900ish armor vipermagi in my frost druid: am i a joke to you?
Well, how to say this, i play hardcore and many items on this list i love to use, even as endgame gear.
Sanctuary pala shield is great, though it it NOT the maximum resistances you can get (45 + 4*22=133), until i can find a Lo rune for grief, i certainly will use lightsaber on my uber killing conviction zealot, along with that shield and treachery armor, and merc wearing obediance + ebugged treachery (+kira)
I also love having an oath sword on my berserk barb. Tal mask is a great choice too until i can find areat.
I will certainly use viper + whitstan shield on a mid level sorc
The only one i would not use is prudence, i will usually got for more resistances (smoke, gloom) , or more physical resistance (shaftstop, treachery)
I rock a sanctuary troll nest and a moser circle as secondary. My merc had tals helm and crescent moon for a while too.
1:28 "Vipermagi is comparable to Chains of Honor." --> lol
All those "tips" are ancient common knowledge and many of the items and mods are totally useless hence why they aren´t being used. Viper - sanctuary - whistans - angelics etc. are still used and are classics when starting out ladder/hc or even for duels (200fcr/stack res/max block/max ar).
I play Perfect Drop Mod and Obedience on my now Nightmare ACT 2 Merc is useful. I used it on my Normal one too.
You forgot the -fire res on obedience as it helps fire druids and meteor sorcs a lot.
One of the most powerful items for light soso is Crescent Moon. Cheap as f... and gives -35% to enemies light resistance. Paired with Infi on merc is the best soso weapon as -35% gives a lot more dmg than +dmg on Eschuta. And nobody uses it.
After he said viper I stopped the video and went straight to the comments, thank you all! You didn't disappoint me unlike this video.
Yeah! Angelics not a commonly used item? This guy has no clue what's going on. There literally is NO Whirlwind Barb worth is salt WITHOUT it.
@@hazardeur not true.
Most PvP barbs use Highlords, Ravenfrost, SoJ instead. Then, if they encounter a Din or BvB with stupid-high defense, they might have Angelics stashed.
@@jeremyburr8507 Well, I was talking rather about HC but didn't make that clear. But yeah, for HC the gear you listed would be very expensive hence why many barbs still use angelics most of the time, especially for pve which is more prominent in HC naturally. For PvP and SC, I ofc agree to what you listed
Obedience is one of the best items for a gold barb horker (on merc) early on in the ladder. You are viewing it on a merc, so maybe you could have mentioned/showcased that aspect since mercs are more commonly used for utility auras unless you are running a merc-specific build.
Also good for pushing merc into hell since resist are low cb helps a lot with a new ladder slow killing Necro once you get to boss descrepify tp out then back in and minion stack if you don’t have enigma yet. Fun but slow till merc gets cb.
What about Goldstrike Arch, Mavina's True Sight, Riphook and Kelpie Snare?
surprised he didnt have wizard spike in there
I use all of these pretty consistently in single player or when i played non rush/jsp bnet
I know on sc ladder nearly everyone doesn't use the items that they should they just follow bots around till they get some stuff to sell then get one item at a time. One of the worst things they did in my opinion was to add in reset tokens. And reset quests. Cause people used to get to max lvl and be like oh my char not as strong as his what did he do differently. Then decide whether or not to remake to become stronger. It Made the early and mid parts of the game feel alot fuller. And people traded allot more mid teir items to be strong at all parts of the game just incase they had to run their own ball or chaos run.
I agree with what someone else said every item in this video is used regularly except maybe whistans and prudence and I guess doombringer...especially treachery and lawbringer, 2 of the best rws in the game lol
Crescent moon is goto weapon for anyone with holy shock aura, due to the -enemy resist
Didn't see the set winged helm mentioned, it too can rock pretty hard, especially when starting fresh.
He was saying the stuff you'd never use even though they are good.
G-Face helm from the Orphan Set it widely used and popular for Mercs and melee builds overall due to it's Crushing Blow, Deadly Strike and Strength bonus. Pairs nicely with Angelic Ring/Ammy for late build for accuracy.
i played d2 for years during 1.08-1.10 and have always heard people pronounce Tir as tear, sounds so odd otherwize.
most europeans would pronounce it "tear", must be because of the latin pronunciation
Yeah, for me Tir is "Teer" and Um "Oom"
Hearing it pronounced "Uhm" just bothers me lol
full trang set on a poision nec with frw skillers and max block its fun in pvp vs melee chars
Great vid, initially liked it just because it was on D2, but your content turned out to be excellent. Keep up the good work.
I remember abusing Angelics for low level pvps. Op set for melee chars and great stats
3:20 -- "one of the only" or "THE only" ? :P
Writing an essay vs writing a 5000 word essay :)
*The items you listed are basically "out-meta" builds people tend to use them for or on Hardcore. Runewords etc. are so much easier to obtain in most cases aswell.*
Also a lot of merc items included.
I’ve used every item on here lol even on ladder because I don’t often grind or play enough to get endgame items but I used a sanctuary sword for a kicksin and it worked REALLY well for some reason lol the aura is cool and rare so I liked it, as as for obedience I built a pole arm barb and got to lv84 and had all the best pole arms and even compared to Pride, Infinity, and all the others Obedience did the most damage and best for landing hits with that lv21 enchant and the 40% CB well... it crushes lol 😂
angelic set! love that AR
nice info thanks alot
Tal mask has life and mana steal due to Melee fire sorcs lol it’s a rare build but fun one
I love lightsabre. Not much damage, but so fast.