Conspiracy Theories Gaining Traction Among Young-Age Creationist' Audience

  • Опубліковано 27 жов 2024


  • @DrJoelDuff
    @DrJoelDuff  2 місяці тому +7

    Apologies for the low volume. Tried different editing software and didn't realize the difference.

  • @jamesdownard1510
    @jamesdownard1510 2 місяці тому +5

    Carter & Sarfati's article was 2017, which was reposted in July. CMI does that a LOT.

    • @diemwing
      @diemwing 2 місяці тому

      Why write new content when people have already forgotten your old content?

  • @tamjammy4461
    @tamjammy4461 2 місяці тому +1

    Ta Joel ....and ,unbelievably for me....ta also to AIG and CMI for publishing these articles. I doubt they'll have any effect on the more committed conspiracy theorists out there, but hopefully may help prevent these viruses from spreading.

  • @jamesdownard1510
    @jamesdownard1510 2 місяці тому +3

    One Bad Method To Rule Them All

  • @nebulan
    @nebulan 2 місяці тому +2

    36:07 It's more than "the government". Tons of civilians companies are contracted because the missions have so many intricate parts. There's boosters, hardware, software, ground transport, manufacturers, etc. And they are just as proud to be apart of the final space missions. And I'm sure this is true for every other country's space agencies.

  • @mjacton
    @mjacton 2 місяці тому +4

    They don't want to use something like Q-Anon because that would be too controversial for their audience.

    • @DoctorX101
      @DoctorX101 2 місяці тому

      Or . . . you know . . . too stupid?

    • @kyleepratt
      @kyleepratt 2 місяці тому +1

      Ooph, harsh but true

  • @DoctorX101
    @DoctorX101 2 місяці тому +3

    A seller of lies is afraid their marks will believe more lies that come from the same source?
    Heavens to Betsy. . . .

  • @ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095
    @ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 2 місяці тому +6

    The irony is that Young Earth is a bigger "conspiracy" than the Moon landings and almost as big as Flat Earth.
    While I applaud AIG and CMI trying to inform their flock, they really oight to look at themselves when they talk about people bearing false witness.

    • @Charlie94781
      @Charlie94781 2 місяці тому +1

      AIG doesn’t deserve to be praised

  • @hansweichselbaum2534
    @hansweichselbaum2534 2 місяці тому +15

    Admitting that you have been wrong comes very natural to scientists. It is a consequence of wanting to learn new things and getting closer to the truth. I think it is insecurity and the fear that all their knowledge and beliefs are going to crumble, which makes it difficult for people to change their mind. Then you have the follow-the-cult-leader effect, which we clearly see in American politics, and also in creationism.

    • @adamredwine774
      @adamredwine774 2 місяці тому +3

      I don’t think that admitting that you are wrong comes any more naturally to scientists than to anyone else. However, spending years being a student in which your homework and test responses are demonstrated to you to be wrong day after day after day trains you to be skeptical of your own conclusions.

    • @steveg1961
      @steveg1961 2 місяці тому +1

      ​@adamredwine774 I think it does - because of the nature of the scientific process itself - which is what anyone who ends up becoming a professional scientist has by that time had several years of education and training in.
      Meanwhile, in the fundamentalist/evangelical Christian culture, in regard to religious belief, they're taught the exact opposite, all the time - and even taught that the revisionary nature of the scientific process proves how science is inferior to their religious doctrines, which is exactly backwards since the revisionary nature of the scientific process is exactly what proves why it is fundamentally superior to religious dogma.

    • @hansweichselbaum2534
      @hansweichselbaum2534 2 місяці тому +3

      @@steveg1961 I can confirm what you are saying.
      My wife comes from a fairly fundamentalist Christian denomination (that happens when you fall in love). I was perplexed when for the first time she told me "you scientists know it all!". I told her that no, we scientists strive on NOT knowing. That makes science so exciting, learning new things, correcting ourselves all the time, and slowly getting closer to the truth. This relationship between science and religion is a big struggle for fundamental Christians. I have seen this first-hand.

    • @steveg1961
      @steveg1961 2 місяці тому +2

      @hansweichselbaum2534 I engage in discussions with young earth creationists a lot, and this argument - that their religious beliefs don't change and that this very thing makes their religious belief superior to science, because science changes all the time - is literally one of their standard arguments.
      Of course, since the argument is fundamentally wrong (and has it exactly backwards), is what makes it an example of numerous ironic arguments that young earth creationists use. By "ironic arguments," I mean arguments that they themselves advocate, and the fallacious nature of the arguments actually prove the false nature of the particular religious ideology that young earth creationism is built on.

    • @dentontxflatearthguy2903
      @dentontxflatearthguy2903 2 місяці тому

      @@steveg1961 The Peer Review process is the most unscientific thing ever foisted upon science. Everyone is capable of doing science.

  • @adamredwine774
    @adamredwine774 2 місяці тому +1

    Ironically, the advertisement that UA-cam is serving me below this video is for an “energy worker” who wants to sell me classes to learn about the ancient secrets of spiritual healing.

    • @12pentaborane
      @12pentaborane 2 місяці тому +1

      Energy worker can mean 2 things: someone who believes genuinely or otherwise(grift) that they can influence "spiritual energy", or someone on their 2-off from the rig looking to make money from a grift. I know it's a useless distinction but I think it's funny.

    • @steveg1961
      @steveg1961 2 місяці тому +1

      @adamredwine774 Be sure to pick up some of the important knowledge about different types of crystal energies for that course.
      In physics I learned about studying crystal lattices using magnetic resonance imaging, but that's a very different thing from the spiritual energies of crystals. 😉

  • @PaulMDavidson
    @PaulMDavidson 2 місяці тому +1

    Speaking of conspiracies, wasn't Ken Ham encouraging doubt about vaccines?

    • @Charlie94781
      @Charlie94781 2 місяці тому +1

      Ken Sham and other creationists spread lies about science and reject anything that contradicts their silly claims

  • @Charlie94781
    @Charlie94781 2 місяці тому +1

    Creationists get offended at Flat-Earth groups and fail to notice the irony

  • @miscamisca6775
    @miscamisca6775 2 місяці тому +4

    If you tell people from young age to not trust science and blindly listen to your cleric , it is not a strange thing that conspiracy can easily be spread.

  • @Prometheus_Bound
    @Prometheus_Bound 2 місяці тому +1

    I am surprised you give them a pass on the flat earth...

  • @katielewis6083
    @katielewis6083 2 місяці тому +5

    People who preach that the Sinner's Prayer is a magic spell to get into heaven are shocked their followers are attracted to gnosticism.

  • @Prometheus_Bound
    @Prometheus_Bound 2 місяці тому

    CMI's article is pretty good!

  • @boatcaptain6288
    @boatcaptain6288 2 місяці тому +6

    It's a slippery slope from doubting science (because of evolution) to doubting everything you're taught.
    Pretty sad.

    • @vestafreyja
      @vestafreyja 2 місяці тому +1

      It's pretty much a slippery slope. When they reject evolution as a YEC they are going to have to reject a considerable amount of conventional science which primes one to entertain any number of conspiracies.

    • @onceamusician5408
      @onceamusician5408 2 місяці тому +1

      you need to define science. properly understood doubt is the VERY CORE of science, and science is NOT "what scientists do"
      and besides the slippery slope is one of the logical fallacies.
      did you not know this?

    • @boatcaptain6288
      @boatcaptain6288 2 місяці тому

      @@onceamusician5408 Science is not what scientists do? 🤨

    • @boatcaptain6288
      @boatcaptain6288 2 місяці тому

      @@onceamusician5408 also slippery slope is only a fallacy when used improperly; if there is evidence to show a precedent, then it's valid.
      Did you not know this?

  • @helenaconstantine
    @helenaconstantine 2 місяці тому

    Lactantius was a very prominent Christian scholar, the author of the Divine Institutes and many other works and tutor to the emperor Constantine's son. He believed the earth was flat.

  • @jamesdownard1510
    @jamesdownard1510 2 місяці тому +2

    It's interesting that while there's quite a science lit on the cognitive mode and psychology of conspiracy thinking, Webb cited none of it.

  • @JonathanGrandt
    @JonathanGrandt 2 місяці тому

    Fantasy is always more interesting than reality. That’s why we like dinosaurs.

  • @George89999
    @George89999 2 місяці тому +4

    The interesting thing is that while most Young Earth Creationists are probably not flat-earthers, most flat-earthers are Young Earth Creationists. This is because most flat-earthers seem to see believing the Earth is young but round is falling to take the Bible litterally enough.

    • @DoctorX101
      @DoctorX101 2 місяці тому +1

      Exactly. Impossible to believe in a "round Earth" if you take ALL biblical references to its shape literally.

    • @jamesnewman8011
      @jamesnewman8011 2 місяці тому

      Couldn't say it better myself. It is sad to see this. I can understand how a person can fall for a conspiracy theory like Moon Landing Hoax or even Flat Earth, but I will never understand the intellectual dishonesty of denying overwhelming evidence that absolute destroys Moon Hoax, FE and YEC.

    • @nebulan
      @nebulan 2 місяці тому

      Tectonics can't work on a flat earth, so flerfs basically have to be yecs.

  • @katielewis6083
    @katielewis6083 2 місяці тому +13

    The Bible very clearly describes a flat Earth under an atmospheric dome. This is yet another reason to reject the heretical idea that Scripture should be read literally.

    • @DoctorX101
      @DoctorX101 2 місяці тому +4

      What I find interesting is some FLERF debunkers try to deny those passages exist since they do not want to alienate the religious.

    • @johnrap7203
      @johnrap7203 2 місяці тому +2

      To be fair, taking flowery, poetic, descriptions of the world as literal is the problem.
      All the descriptors and references of the Earth as a celestial body are NOT given as facts, but are story aids to other points and intents.

    • @DoctorX101
      @DoctorX101 2 місяці тому

      @@johnrap7203 Yes and no.
      "Yes," as in if you could go back in time and inform both the various Hebrew and Greek text authors that, "hey, you know, the Earth is not flat!" they would probably shrug and either ignore your or rewrite the passage.
      "No," in that some, like the P Writer @katielewise6083 alludes to, are making a very specific statement about hierarchy in his view of how reality works. He is also basing it on an earlier psalm which is also based on the Egyptian "Hymn to the Sun." Still, if you told P that the Earth is round, it is not floating on a flat surface of water with a hard dome over it that prevents the water from above just covering it again . . . and . . . like . . . plants did not exist before the Sun, he may have also altered it.
      The thing is Creaky knows this. I suspect, because he is friends with another debunker who is a devote Christian, he is just listening to him and does not want to offend him. That one made a very bad video trying to debunk the passages, but he cannot read Greek nor Hebrew, could not cite the actual texts, and he thus got buried in his own commentary. His response to that should have been, "oh . . . okay . . . thanks! I learned something!" Instead, he had a tantrum over it.
      Critical thinking works both ways.

    • @steveg1961
      @steveg1961 2 місяці тому +3

      Genesis 1 also states explicitly that God created the sun, the moon, and the stars and placed them in the dome - but creationists don't believe that either.

    • @johnrap7203
      @johnrap7203 2 місяці тому +3

      A dome? That's crazy talk!
      Not a Dr Kent Bovined told me it was an ice canopy.

  • @hobonickel840
    @hobonickel840 2 місяці тому

    When you step way back you might find a more empirical reason most step into these traps ... trepidation brings about change. Doubt and fear are both trepidations and God's laws of dynamics show things need to vibrate. In chemistry heat or the syntax Q stimulate these vibrations or changes

  • @marjae2767
    @marjae2767 2 місяці тому +1

    28:00: Practically no atmosphere, not no gravity. As much as people ask how the flag could look somewhat rumpled with no wind, people also ask how the astronauts could walk with no gravity.
    1:01:00: Kosmas Indikopleustes, but I can't think of any others.

  • @VincentNoot
    @VincentNoot 2 місяці тому

    Did my comment get deleted?

  • @evilgingerminiatures5820
    @evilgingerminiatures5820 2 місяці тому +2

    Critical thinking is vital for the use of the divine gift of reason

    • @OceanusHelios
      @OceanusHelios 2 місяці тому

      Divine? AS in divining rods? Those y shaped branches that point to where the water is? Spoiler alert, reason is what some folks have and use and some refuse to use. Reasoning is a developed skill and not a gift, and definitely not of divine origin.

    • @evilgingerminiatures5820
      @evilgingerminiatures5820 2 місяці тому

      @@OceanusHelios no untrue but I am crafting an argument which would appeal to to some one with a theistic world view

  • @GoldenLakeSelfStorage
    @GoldenLakeSelfStorage 2 місяці тому

    You don't have to be a "creationist", nor do you have to go all the way to the moon to see that something is amuck. All that is necessary is some common sense, and to go to the original video, taken from inside the capsule, and ask yourself, if this is the whole earth that can be seen half way to the moon, why am I not able to make out a single continent, and secondly, those clouds seen on the earth are huge. Then, if you are lucky enough (see - A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon) you will see that instead of what should have been the "whole earth" as seen half way to the moon, was instead an image of a section of the earth through a circular template, while still in earth's orbit. After learning that Apollo 11 never left earth's orbit, it doesn't take much to realize that everything else was just a Disney fabrication (yes, Disney was hired for the Apollo mission, as if he knew anything about space travel ).

  • @wesstubbs3472
    @wesstubbs3472 2 місяці тому +3

    It's called faith because it's believing in something without any evidence.

    • @adamredwine774
      @adamredwine774 2 місяці тому +3

      But they don’t just have no evidence, they have evidence to the contrary.

    • @wesstubbs3472
      @wesstubbs3472 2 місяці тому +1


    • @adamredwine774
      @adamredwine774 2 місяці тому

      @@wesstubbs3472 yes, exactly

    • @OceanusHelios
      @OceanusHelios 2 місяці тому +1

      Also known as wishful thinking and "I'm special in the universe" and therefore "the universe owes me" kind of thinking.

    • @wesstubbs3472
      @wesstubbs3472 2 місяці тому +1

      @@OceanusHelios There are a trillion galaxies, each containing a trillion stars. But I'm special, he has his eye on me.

  • @hobonickel840
    @hobonickel840 2 місяці тому

    When you step way back you might find a more empirical reason most step into these traps ... trepidation brings about change. Doubt and fear are both trepidations and God's laws of dynamics show things need to vibrate. In chemistry heat or the syntax Q stimulate these vibrations or changes